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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Lilith 18th August 2020, 4:57 am

    I wear the hat and I wear the pants, I am advanced so I get advance & I do
    my dance & cancel their plans. Said, boo, don't be mad 'cause you had a chanceLilith Kadokawa

    Out of respect for Artemis, Lilith resisted the urge to retort at his berating. She knew she had this coming, yes she could have told him. But that would have jeopardized the likelihood of her being able to release the story, and whilst she liked the guy. The prospect of running a gossip column in Sorcerer magazine had just been too good to miss. It was crappy of her sure, but she didn't really care enough about Artemis to be particularly phased by it. Sure they had slept together a bunch of times a few years ago, they didn't really mean she owed him anything. At least that was how she saw it. She was also fairly sure that she hadn't crossed the line so much that he wouldn't be able to get over it. If it hadn't have been her that announced the news, then it would've been some other journalist. That was just how it was when you were as famous as the Daggers.

    "Alriiiight, alright. I get it. I'm a very, very bad girl who needs a big spank for my boo boo. Look my bad okay, how was I supposed to know Pandora didn't tell you." She groaned she was surprised by that bit of news. She had figured when she released the news that Pandora would have already taken the liberty of telling her family. Now it was extra crappy of her to release that story, but did she care that much? No, not really. What's done was done, nothing she could do to change that now.

    Before they could continue the conversation however, the sound of another set of footsteps approaching caught Lili's attention. Casually she would glance over in the direction of the other woman, of course it was a woman chasing Arty. What else did she expe-

    Wait a minute.

    Lilith would do a double-take, her jaw would drop suddenly and an audible gasp leaving her lips. She would stare wide-eyed and opened mouthed. Her eyes darting back and forth rapidly between the two as none other than SIVVY.  Pink-haired beauty and ultimate badass ambassador of Dies Irae would run-up to Artemis and greet him. Not just him, but Lili too who could only stare for the moment before shaking her head vigorously. Composing herself, a grin would stretch across her face and she would step up to Sivvy. "Of course! I forgot you knew each other, hi there! I'm Lilith, or Lili if you prefer." She would reach forward and scoop up Sivvy's hand, "You must hear this all the time but, I'm a huge fan of yours. Your track record is pure badass, not to mention you're even more gorgeous in person!" She gushed, giving Sivvy a once over. She really was delicious. Lilith glanced over at Artemis trying to determine the nature of he and Sivvy's relationship; Were they dating? Were they friends? Would he mind her swooping in and trying her luck with the beautiful pinkette?

    Lili's WC: 499


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Artemis Dagger 18th August 2020, 5:27 am

    There's a time for games and there's a time to kill,
    Make up your mind baby cause the time is here
    Artemis Dagger

    Artemis let out a dejected sigh at her half-assed almost apology, it wasn't much but it was probably the best she was going to get out of the woman. After all, she was a very proud individual and she did have a point. Why hadn't Pandora told them? Unfortunately for Artemis, that wasn't a fault he could blame on Lili. He could blame her for choosing to expose his families drama in the magazines, he could blame her for being entirely inappropriate with the information she got. But he couldn't blame her for his own family's screwed up dynamic and lack of trust, that blame he reserved for his parents. "Yeah well, just call me next time okay. I'm sure we can arrange a deal more appealing than whatever that trash mag gives you." He remarked, attempting to speak more to Lilith's nature. She would hopefully be more inclined to contact him if there was something in it for her.

    He scented her before she arrived, glancing in the direction to which she ran from. His eyes lit up, and he wasn't able to contain the smile that stretched across his lips. "Hey Siv! Fancy seeing you out here, here for some monster hunting?" He asked, his mood significantly lifted by her presence. At least it was. Until suddenly Lilith popped up in front of Sivvy with all the eagerness of an excited puppy. For someone who was usually so playful and collected, Artemis was taken back by how perky and friendly Lili was. He knew that she was a fan of Sivs but he never imagined she would be this starstruck by her.

    On the one hand, it was nice to see Sivvy being appreciated, on the other hand, it was Lili. And if he knew Lili, he knew immediately want her intentions would be. As the ravenette glanced his way, he would narrow his eyes at her, his smile shifting into a momentary glare that would read as; don't you fucking dare. Lili could have any friend, ex or even family member of Arty's that she wanted. But Sivvy was off-limits, and he would make sure she knew it too.

    WC: 363  


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
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    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Age : 25
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    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mura Kensho 18th August 2020, 5:56 am

    Out in the wide fields far, far away, the land itself began to lower in a sharp contour around the shaman. Then, that specific area would lower itself to expose whatever was buried deep under the dirt and grass, for Mura had felt the presence of an entire village down under. That begged the grand question; what the hell happened here? Upon exposing the old, decaying wood to the light and air, it was clear that the constructions of said houses of this village were old. This was no secret, underground village; it had been buried under the earth by something - or someone - and gotten lost to time.

    There was another gathering present in the village that intrigued Mura less than it put him on edge - bones of the dead. Bone meal, ash of marrow and solid skeletons were embedded on the dirt and rocks underground. Some were scattered in ridiculous fashions, and others were intact like whole skeletons. Most other items presumably located in the village were… gone. Strange, given that metals such as gold or silver would hold on for a long time, likely longer than bones. Books and wooden material, yes, were assumed to have decayed completely, but the beams that held the houses as well as some of the roofs were still present. One couldn’t simply go by looking at the material remaining to determine the age of an area.

    “… Hmh?” Zirconis sighed out loud, “It’s faint… when’s Mura coming back up? Y’know what, forget this stupid place-“ The dragon impatiently dove down the hill into the large excavation that Mura had created. The shaman was taking a closer look at some of the bones, but he was interrupted by Zirconis who requested: “Let me take over for a moment, I gotta smell something…”

    Intrigued, Mura allowed so, and having the soul of a dragon inside of his flesh and blood caused green scales to grow out unevenly in places on his arms, legs, face and chest. His nose twitched as it drew in air and the scent mixed with it. It smelled like… recognizable people. He could smell a few, but mostly Vandrad and Louie of Fairy Tail - two guildmates that he was closely acquainted to… yes, albeit Louie’s behavior, Mura considered any wizard in Fairy Tail a friend. Besides, Mura knew little of what had aspired between the two, ironically.

    “We should meet up with them… later,” Mura decided before splitting Zirconis’ soul out from his body. Given the distance, Mura wanted to explore a little more around these parts of the land before joining up with his fellow guildmates. The rock from earlier led him to this place, and with the clothes in the chest… maybe it belonged to a person who was aiming to move to this village along with their belongings. Said belongings were scarce for a guy who would move out, so maybe… just maybe, critical things were involved. Did the clothes belong to a fugitive? A fled prisoner of war? A criminal? Or a runaway slave? Or maybe, nothing terrible had happened, and it was just a completely ordinary event. However, that wouldn’t cast light onto the reason why the village was now several meters under the ground…

    EG 2.0 WC: 544
    EG 2.0 TWC: 52 + 544 = 596

    Last edited by Mura Kensho on 18th August 2020, 1:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th August 2020, 7:33 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It didn’t take her long at all to realize trouble was coming. Once she’d tapped into her senses, she could feel the colossal worm charging up to the surface nearby, but it was moving so quickly that she didn’t even have time to speak out a warning before it broke through the ground, catching both of the Rune Knights relatively off guard. As Mythal reached for Curse, Serilda moved to unsheathe Moonlight and Malice, ready to leap into the fray. But in the fraction of a second it took her to prepare herself, she -- like Mythal -- noticed something else. The worm’s face was covered in what was definitely some kind of jello that was plastered all over it and probably suffocating it. But also inside the gelatinous substance was a young man screaming for his life. Serilda watched in shock and horror as the worm swug its head violently to and fro, the centrifugal force launching the man from the jello and sending him careening toward the ground.

    Mythal launched itself at the worm without a word, and at the same time Serilda put her focus on the young man. Reaching out with her magic, she altered the density of the air around him until she had completely nullified the gravitational pull, causing the young man’s descent to stop and leaving him hovering in the air like he was floating in space. Then, she continued to alter the molecules of air in a channel toward where she still stood, guiding him safely and gently back onto the ground in front of her. By the time he landed, Mythal had shown the worm the error of its ways and sent it scampering back into the depths of the ground.

    “Are you alright?” Serilda asked the young man, checking him over visually for any signs of injury. He would see before him a stern looking woman with white hair and crystal blue eyes in the simple black uniform of the Rune Knights. The uniform was perfectly tailor with nary a wrinkle to its name, and while it was relatively unadorned with anything fancy or flashy, it did bear the emblem that marked her as the Field Marshal, and thus the leader of the military force. While she held herself perfectly upright and with the cool and confident demeanor of a disciplined soldier, there was kindness in her eyes as she addressed him. “You’re safe, now. Take a minute to catch your breath.”

    Now that she was able to get a closer look at him, the noblewoman noticed that he actually had the same colored eyes as her. That wasn’t necessarily suspicious. The Sinclairs hardly held the monopoly on ice colored eyes. However, it wasn’t a color she came across very often and so it did catch her attention, if briefly. He had dark hair and was completely covered in jello. The presence of the slimy gel was so ridiculously out of place that Serilda had to assume it was related to the young man’s magic as there was no other logical explanation for it. Tilting her head a bit curiously, she asked him, “So, what exactly happened just now, anyway? It’s not every day I see a worm that size surface above ground, covered with jello...”

    WORDS: 553 | @Mythal Ragnos @Theo
    Serilda Sinclair


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 18th August 2020, 7:55 am

    1337 words || ——|| job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    Taking the chance to reposition herself onto the ground, the creature reeled back from the damage to its body, shaking off the attack and dragging its foot in the ground, prepping itself to charge. Something seemed off though. As the bunny girl had readied to get herself in line, she noticed something was missing; her right arm! Everything from just a couple inches below her shoulder down was gone. Smashed into a number of pieces across the ground, she used her free and currently only hand to rub the back of her head. ”Well that sure explains how that swing didn’t kill you... fair enough! I’m a little out of practice.” A small stomp to the ground brought up a handle in a black color up to her waist. Grabbing hold and pulling on the handle, the earth would shape itself into an axe made entirely of obsidian rock.

    ”This should be fun~” Staring down their monster, the two charged towards one another. As they closed in, Gisen spotted an opening in the charging creature and dropped down, sliding underneath the monster like a baseball player stealing home base. And for the homerun swing, the axe in hand was swung upward, hitting a very vulnerable chest and sliding down the entire underside. Collapsing to the ground and sliding into a grouping of trees, the creature made one low bellow of pain before it laid down and died. ”Ohhh man this is so cool! So like, let’s go take this to Seri and Mythal!” With her one arm, she would first lodge her axe into the skull of the beast and then pick up the body, placing it over top and beginning to walk off.

    Well, that was until she stopped in front of someone. Being that she was unable to see with how she had to hold the corpse of the monster, Gisen was only only to communicate by waving the broken stump of an arm. ”Uh.. hi there. Don’t mind me, just bringing along a trophy.”

    — 337

    HP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Jester 18th August 2020, 9:14 am

    I torture you, I'm a slave to your games, I'm just a sucker for pain.
    I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain.

    "Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go..."

    The redhead sang softly, his voice pleasant and melodic. Encouraging his harlequins as they continued their tireless foraging, digging and such. They would not fatigue nor complain about their laborious task. That was the thing about toys of a robotic nature fueled by his magic. Why would they complain? They did not ache, the thorns of the plants they tore up did not sting and most importantly... they weren't even alive, to begin with. Just puppets, manipulated by their master. Bag after bag, they would continue to pile up. They were making quite good progress, and have ventured further into the depths of the foresty as this point. Their progression aided by the fact that no one had interrupted them yet.

    Or rather, nothing had interrupted them.

    Jester would stiffen suddenly, he would keep singing his merry tune, although his golden eyes which had been closed moments ago would open. Distantly he would hear the snapping of a twig, a sound not made by any of his dolls. He would know, he would have felt them break it. This sound came from elsewhere, a distance away from his doll out further to the right of him. There was another snap. Confirming the approach of something or someone. It was sneaking up on the doll, which meant its intentions were clear.  The doll would stop doing its work straightening up its arms would fold under the robes. And then suddenly, the harlequin would turn, thrusting its hands out it would launch twin machete blades into the air. The weapons would soar through the bushes, and as they struck woolly flesh, the sound of an almighty roar would echo through the forest. Through the dolls blank eyes, Jester would watch as the beast emerged from the trees.

    It would appear to be a werewolf.

    The robed harlequin would vanish suddenly, and standing in its place would be the disguised Jester. He would grin toothily at the creature that was thriving in pain from the blades buried in it's should and waist. "Hello beastie~" He purred, bringing his palms together, as he separated them playing cards would appear between his hands. Fluttering in the air, they would dance playfully ready to be used according to his will. Giant wolf beast would turn his snarly face towards the red-headed man, momentarily confused by the change in the appearance of the prey. Really Jester could have left the Harlequin to it, even if the wolf had gotten the best of the doll, it would have found no satisfying biting down on its metal body. But still, Jester was getting a little bored and seeing as this furry beastie had deciding to come to play, he would happily oblige it.

    The wolfman charged and his cards would fly, in a violent dance they would surround the creature. Tearing through fur and flesh would ease, the wolf batted away at the cards, roaring at the pain it was enduring. After a moment, it would turn on its hind legs and begin to bound away. Jester's wicked smile quickly morphed into a look of fury. Flee? Flee the great Warlord of Devastation? The Malevolent Magician? Jester, Ringmaster of Calamity. No, he would not allow it!

    And kicking off on his heel, he would chase after the beast. And in that moment transition from prey to predator...

    WC: 566



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mythica 18th August 2020, 9:19 am

    Ahote insisted he was fine, and whether that was true or not Mythica could not determine, for his expression remained pretty much the same. "Well I suppose I'll just have to take your word for it then!" She said, her smile not fading. "So tell me, how has business been? I can imagine it going quite well if you have the time to come all the way out here! As for me, business has been BOOMING! I've helped so many people see their... 'greatest desires.' Hehehehe..." She laughed somewhat with a more sinister tone. Mythica could hear the explosions of magic in the distance and she sighed. "What about you, Ahote? Any desires you have yet to attain? Maybe I can hook you up.." She said. A joke to be sure, as she knew Ahote was not foolish enough to fall for her snare, but merely entertaining the idea was enough to make the girl grin. Well, to be honest it really didn't take much it seemed.

    She shadowed Ahote for quite some time, keeping her hands behind her back as she kept pace with the wizard, humming a tune in the silence between words. If Mythica was going to be perfectly honest with herself, she wasn't entirely sure why she chose to just tail Ahote. There was probably many other things she could be doing. Well, if anything worth Mythica's interest came up she figured it'd be nice to have someone she could somewhat trust around for the discovery. After all, who knew what wonders awaited them in this forest! "You know what? I have often wondered about the many people I've met in this world. And you are no exception my friend." Mythica began, still staring ahead of them with the same satisfied look on her face. "Beyond being the guild master for Basilisk Fang and the owner of Boomslang, I can't say I know much about you Ahote. What events in your life landed you here?" She asked out of genuine curiosity, even if it didn't seem like it. Mythica was being truthful though, everyone had a story and she loved hearing them. And she knew Ahote's must've been far more interesting than the average in Earthland. Whether he was willing to divulge Mythica or not though remained to be seen...

    387 Words.


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 18th August 2020, 12:35 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Science was fucking amazing. Also terrifying. The fact that she could so easily hijack the neural impulses of an organic creature by injecting them with pinpointed electrical shocks on its brain that allowed her to move its limbs and give it direction like a puppet was one of the most exhilarating and horrifying experiments she’d ever performed. Could she do this on a person, she wondered? It was tempting. If she did it on a person that could actually communicate with her then maybe she could learn even more about this process, such as if they were actively aware of what was happening of their bodies but unable to stop it, or if their whole brain just shut down and failed to process anything at all outside of her commands? Could she trigger all biological responses and systems, or only some? Could she teach an organic being to do things otherwise outside their wheelhouse, such as teaching this drake how to speak like a human?

    The possibilities were endless, but first she had to deal with the other two drakes still flying around after her. She knew that the beast between her knees was capable of breathing fire, but unfortunately that would do little against its remaining kin that had thick copper scales resistant to the very fires they all breathed. That was fine. She didn’t need the creature’s fire for now. She could save that for other experiments later. Instead, she pulled out Mercy and snapped the weapon into sword mode, the long folded blade unfurling in the blink of an eye. With a pleased grin she kicked her captive forward and sent it hurling toward the two other drakes, both of whom were confused as to why their kin was charging them. Still, they smelled her and knew she was there so they came at her as well. Mercury instructed her mount to fly between the other drakes, turning its body sideways to squeeze between them, allowing her to dodge the claws of one of the other drakes even as she came up beneath it to slice her weapon at the base of its wing, severing it. The fire breathing lizard screeched in fury and plummeted toward the ground where it met its end with a sickening crunch.

    The other wheeled around in the air and made for another pass, but this time it paused to hover in midair, its great wing pumping the sky into submission to keep its body aloft. She could see its belly swell as it drew in a deep breath, and didn’t need her internal sensors to tell her that the temperature in the creature’s core was rising and building in pressure -- though the radars were certainly screaming that to her anyway. The drake was making to aim a wave of fire at her, an attack that wouldn’t do much to her captive but would certainly char her to a crisp. That wouldn’t do. Pointing the tip of her sword at the beast, Mercury took a split second to aim and then pulled the trigger on Mercy’s handle. Rather than shooting a bullet, the blade of the sword itself launched off the guard and streaked through the air so quick that it let out a high pitched squeal as it cut through the air. The blade embedded itself right into the drake’s throat, catching the beast’s breath before it could be released and essentially plugging the fire up. With another command on the weapon, it began to secrete oil onto the drake’s body that quickly caught fire from its own fumes.

    That would be the end of it. Fire resistant creature or no, there was no way this thing was going to survive flames it couldn’t put out. The blade retched out of the drake and soared back to Mercury, embedding itself right back into Mercy’s hilt. The final beast dropped along with the one before it, shrieking and flailing in the throes of death and agony until it hit the ground and was fully consumed by flame.

    “Now, where did Vanny-poo run off to?” she asked herself candidly, referring to him by Sabine’s awful nickname for him. Glancing up, she saw him standing on the bow of the gaudiest looking ship she’d ever seen, covered in gold and other flashy accoutrements meant to draw attention and speak of wealth. It was strange for Vandrad to approach people, let alone someone that so clearly enjoyed flaunting their wealth. Did he know them? Kicking the beast forward, she rocketed up past the ship and above it, the drake roaring in fury as it came to hover over the bow of the ship. Mercury herself leaned lazily forward over the neck of the creature to look down at Vandrad and the other man present with him -- a blond that was wearing an unnecessarily numerous assortment of jewelry and fancy garb.

    Interesting. With an impish smirk on her face, she flicked her sunglasses up on top of her head to get a better look. “Heya, Vandaddy. Who’s your shiny friend, here?”

    WORDS: 853 | @Vandrad Ragnos @Louie
    Serilda Sinclair



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Sanguine 18th August 2020, 1:02 pm

    It was a nerve wracking time making her way to the unknown Islands for many different reasons, really. Firstly, she was going on a job by herself. Added to the fact that the still novice to this lifestyle was headed into a place from which she was entirely unfamiliar was a frightening feeling. It mattered not how well she was trained or how much she could retain in her mind about what she was taught because in the end, in the moment of it all was what had been the deciding factor between life and death. Of course, none of this would fully matter in some hopes when it would come to how many people she anticipated would show up. The starlet wasn’t so much worried by the fact that she had to go out there even under her own terms, but more over that she didn’t have the nerve to think that she wasn’t capable of carrying on in her mentors honor.

    Given that Addilyn wasn’t against socializing, any new environment was a risk of being known. Being that she was in a whole different country, there was a chance that the actress could have a more fair and even meeting new people. There was always this deep seated dislike of being made friends to those who knew whom she was because there was a stereotype that they wanted her for money or for opportunity. Either way, why would she let that stop her from making a few friends? Only time could truly tell in the long run, however the raven haired teen was not willing to let her recent events hold her back much. She lost someone important to her, but perhaps some new friends would help her into a better position altogether.

    As positions luck would have it, a small congregation of people were off in the distance. Thankfully, she seemed to be able to tell by first glance they were friendly at the least with one another. With that in mind, it led her to believe that she was able to at least try and say hi and hopefully have a bit of fun conversing with others. Dressed in a marigold colored shirt, a royal blue colored cover over top that some would consider to be like a coat, though it carried no way to close it. A shorter gray colored pleated skirt with two white stripes moving horizontally along the bottom of the skirt donned her body. A casual attire to say the least and it made for better chatting in her opinion. As Addilyn approached the trio, she would shine a smile, attempting to hide her nervousness with little success. ”U-Uh, hello there. I.. May be a little lost, but is this where people are meeting for the request?” Her somewhat sheepish tone was definitely not what it normally was, however she was very much hoping that cold shoulders or vivid displays of rejection wouldn’t come.

    492 words


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
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    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mura Kensho 18th August 2020, 1:54 pm

    Climbing back up from the excavation, Mura felt that he had looked enough. This place revealed a tragic outcome to a village, but the cause and reason for it being dug deep down under the earth remained a mystery. Whoever intended to find this place via the mana-infused rock had likely failed to do so, but to Mura’s obliviousness, said person could’ve been one of the victims found in the burrow. Now, he had to return to the chest and return the rock. It served him no other purpose…

    Once after he returned the rock to the chest found in the nearby woods, Mura soared upwards to get ready for a quick flight. He had to figure out exactly where his guildmates were, so it was about time to reach his max speed in the air. Sadly, he was quickly stopped… and he fell to the ground as if he had forgotten how to fly.

    He hadn’t even taken off yet, and he was still close to the surface. His fall was a gentle one, but something was lurking nearby, and Mura was shocked to realize that he couldn’t take off. The thing lurking nearby was tall but shadowy, almost out of sight for the shaman… wait, he was more than capable of spotting some creature this close. Why was he having trouble sensing it now?!

    Upon its next steps towards him, the creature bashed in the faint sunlight and showed its colors. A hissing, blue ogre with spotty skin, long hair, large hands and legs and what looked like a small scroll strapped to its left arm. The scroll emitted magic and was the only thing in a hundred feet radius to do so, for Mura’s magic was forcefully put on standby by what appeared to be the scroll’s power.

    Mura quickly made distance between him and the ogre as it flung its arm towards him. Its move was primal, but at the moment, Mura was lacking a huge part of his arsenal - he couldn’t even see Kyuken or Zirconis by his side. Whatever that scroll did, it put him at a disadvantage.

    EG 2.0 WC: 355
    EG 2.0 TWC: 596 + 355 = 951


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Posts : 1460
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Experience : 8,311

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forgotten Legend
    Second Skill: Fantasy Requip
    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ray Jyx 18th August 2020, 2:15 pm

    "Yes, there are a lot of monsters here. They're bigger the further you get inland, though I think I've handled all the ones worth worrying about to the west," she dutifully informed him, showing him her more workaholic side. Most of their time spent together was relaxing or some sort of event unrelated to work. Aside from her being on the job when they met and a few impromptu fights at the festivals, they'd never run into each other while she was seriously on the job. However, her taking a break from her task to come see him was a testament in itself about how much she enjoyed his company.

    Sivvy'd managed to have that small conversation with Arty in the span of Lilith's awestruck pause, but her attention was pulled more toward the woman once her hand was finally gasped and shook. The fairly well-known ambassador wasn't really susceptible to being fawned over. How people acted with anything considered famous always either baffled her or flew over her head, and the latter seemed to be the case currently. To the Sivvy, Lilith was just a friendly friend of Artemis's, objectively pretty, and seemed pretty strong as well. "Thank you, Lili. You're gorgeous as well, though I'm sorry to say I'm unaware of your track record for comparison," she replied the best she could to the compliments, though she was a bit stiff and socially awkward or dense about it. Her memory pinged on the word 'fan'. She'd heard that thrown her way once before, by an ex-mentee... she shook that thought promptly from her mind. Unpacking that was not something she was ready for, nor did she want to do here. "I actually don't hear that often. I usually don't working stop long enough to chat," the stoic woman told her, and it was certainly true. This was an anomaly.

    As a person completely unknown to the slayer approached, Sivvy's attention turned once more. While there was no actual cold shoulder or vivid rejection, it couldn't be said that Sivvy was the warmest of people with strangers. The outright warmth she'd shown Artemis and had lingered for his friend Lilith promptly disappeared into sternness, with only a small smile being put on to seem polite and approachable. "Hello," she greeted in return, looking to help the girl as concisely as possible. "If you didn't have a prearranged group to meet, there is no set meeting for mages taking up this request. All are spread out to accomplish their goals at their own rate," Sivvy informed the girl, which seemed to lack the information needed to work efficiently. "Do you need assistance locating a group to work with?"

    wc: 448 || Siv's total: 812


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Jkp0PmI

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 18th August 2020, 2:22 pm

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 EZerz23

    "Looks like there won't be a chance to breathe. You better ready yourself, my little vessel, tssehe", the deep voice of Mars would echo through the back of the man's mind once again as he regained control of his body next to the slumped, limp body of the previously defeated wyvern. It seemed like the loss of the two members of their pack had only enraged the monstrous winged beasts more, their reptilian mouths opening in unison before unleashing a combo of deafening, resounding roars. "Tsk", the man would scoff in annoyance, his eyes, alight with a magical glow, centered on the two beasts which would begin to circle him from above, his head following their movements. He was outnumbered, certainly, but he very much doubted that he was outgunned. Who knew, maybe he could learn a thing or two in combat against the beasts. Taking a deep breath, the man would concentrate, the air around him beginning to flicker. He would close his eyes, a subtle wind that increased in intensity howling around him, the ground below resonating with the magical power he would accumulate in his body, beginning to shake as the aura of awe-inspiring energy around him grew and grew with every passing moment. On the man's body, the black, runic scripture would light up, one sigil after the other turning from a tattoo-like inscription on the Ambassador's skin into a glowing font of arcane power. The man would open his eyes once more, the aura around him expanding over the surrounding area, coating it in a raw, unrelenting pressure that bore down on everything within, making his intent more than clear. The wyverns, however, whether it was due to animalistic ignorance or simply confidence in their inborn abilities, did not retreat.

    "Very well. Let's finish this, then". One of the creatures would swoop down at an unexpectedly swift pace for a beast of its stature, flapping its wings just before hitting the ground to shift its momentum, barrelling towards the silver-haired Rune Mage with an open maw, black flame flickering from its throat. Johann would raise his arm, his open palm facing the draconic monster. The stream of onyx flame it spewed would follow, threatening to engulf the man for sure, or at least, it appeared to initially. The attack, however, seemed to be stopped by some kind of intangible force, as if it slammed into an invisible wall before being dispersed and scattered into all directions ineffectually. The wyvern, apparently confused and deterred by this, would flap its wings once more in order to lose its speed to avoid slamming into the barrier itself, presenting a golden opportunity for the man to take it out. "My turn". He would close his open palm into a fist. Right before the creature, a tiny, minuscule black orb would appear out thin air, suspended in the air for the blink of an eye before sending sparks flying into all directions and, with a massive shockwave, exploding into a dome of flame, heat, and pressure. Antimatter certainly had its uses, despite its ... obvious instability. Its body turned to shreds, limbs and chunks of its torso missing, the creature dropped out of the sky and hit the rocky ground with a heavy crash, leaving a trail of black smoke as it fell.

    "Ohoho, how mighty and impressive you are, my dear vessel. Only one more to go! Do you feel good about yourself? That was something, tssehe", the Seal would giggle sarcastically, as always, making no effort to hold back his biting commentary for no other reason than to ridicule his partner. Johann, as always, ignored the Nephilim. He had found that had been the best way to get him to shut it, the Seal responding to the lack of a stimulus with a snarly "Killjoy".

    Perhaps he was, but he had wasted enough time with these things. He had come here for a very specific purpose, and these creatures, however territorial they may be, were actively preventing him from fulfilling his task. He would dispatch the last one quickly. Raising the sword that he was still holding in his right hand, he would point it at the last of the black wyverns that still circled, undoubtedly waiting for its opportunity to strike, following its movements with the point of his blade before, in a sudden burst of magical force, releasing a projectile that soared upwards and struck the draconic beast in the chest, seemingly distorting space around it as it traveled. "Return to the ash you have come from". The creature's form would, at once, turn brittle, cracks forming across the surface of its reptilian scales before, in a matter of moments, its body rapidly deteriorated, chunks of its flesh scattering into grey dust before, only seconds later, it had fallen apart completely, leaving no trace of its existence behind beside a sprinkle of grey particles that would swiftly drift apart in the harsh desert winds.

    Word Count: 828
    Personal Word Count Total: 828



    Moderator- Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by 88 18th August 2020, 3:47 pm

    Theo had continued to scream uncouthly while flailing in the air, which was sadly normal for the spazzy guy. It took him a good few beats of acting like an unrestrained asylum patient to realize he was safe, weightless, and floating. Once he did he finally stopped making an even bigger fool of himself and marveled at the change and the feeling, shifting from abject fear to toddler-like awe. "Ooooh....neat." The dark-headed mage realized the worm and the danger was gone and there were two people now staring at him once he came to stand in front of the woman.

    Normally he'd shook off his shenanigans with some goofy laugh and light-hearted explanation, but the uniformed woman's voice struck a chord hard and fast, to a degree that he visibly startled. Before he could even examine himself and his superficial wounds or clean himself of his own sticky magical residue, every shred of his attention span-- no matter how short-- snapped to her. The normally highly expressive man's face went completely blank, void of any thought or emotion. His mind, however, was whirling. The voice. It sent a shockwave through him, rushing up his synapses and into the deepest parts of his memories. The dust and locked door there pulsed and quivered before unlocking and cracking open a little. The light within revealed things long forgotten. He was staring into his own eyes. Mere seconds ticked had by, but it felt like an eternity of staring into his own eyes. Her voice and those eyes and that hair. His memory of her had her wearing an older face and a much rounder belly, but the voice and the eyes and the hair were the same. It was his mother. His real one. The one from the place that didn't make sense given where he grew up.

    Widened eyes then darted to the man with her and he paled a couple of shades. His father? A flashback sent him to the moment he'd always remembered but thought he made up. A small boy falling impossibly into the cobbled sidewalk and ending up in the unforgiving sands of Desierto with nothing but the clothes on his back, a crest, a picture in his pocket, and a memory no one had believed. Now, without going to find that crest and picture, he couldn't be absolutely certain he wasn't having some sort of mental breakdown (his life had been very hard, especially lately), but for now, it felt real enough. These were the people in that weird picture he'd buried 3,000 years ago. "I...I'm okay..." the bright-eyed man in the dirty, jello smeared tracksuit finally blubbered, inexplicably bursting into unmanly tears and snot. So much snot. Now he was just entirely too moist to be acceptable, but he had no choice but to ride the intense wave of emotion and relief.

    Realizing himself, he tore his arctic hues away and to the ground and tried to wipe them and face dry. All he succeeded in doing was smearing jello from his sleeve into said eyeballs, though, which made him scream in pain until the jello on his body disappeared and left him just dirty and weird. "I'm fine!" he repeated more confidently, though he was clearly shaken. "Ah...ahaha, I thought I was gonna die down there! It was, uh, really close. Thank you! Treasure hunting is a dangerous business!" he said in an overly perky voice, trying to cover his emotional outburst. He knew he couldn't say anything to them. What if it wasn't them...and if it was them, why were they so young? Things didn't add up, and they certainly didn't recognize him, so until he could find answers and proof it was best to leave things be no matter how much he wanted to fling himself into their arms and feel validated that the memories he'd had were real after all. "I'm Theo, by the way. This was a weird way to meet you guys.." he trailed, offering a sheepish grin though he still looked between them with wistfulness, familiarity, and confusion.

    wc: 681


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 65698_s

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Louie 18th August 2020, 5:34 pm

    Staring over the deck of his private airship, Louie looked over the vast forests and plains that stretched for miles with a small smirk on his face. Looking over these uncharted lands was like looking over his very own kingdom. The germs that infested this place under the Council's call were no better than the beasts that Louie had set out to dominate. It's what they did, wasn't it? From cradle to now, all the people of this country ever got done doing was mindless busywork. None of them ever amounted to anything. Nothing they ever did was valuable, anyway. Their most notable quality was their persistence in trying things they were never meant for. They weren't cut out for anything other than cleaning up messes. Wizard Saint? Guildmaster? Warlords? Rising Stars? Coming Storms? What a load of bullshit. There wasn't any room in Earthland for the talentless. There wasn't space on this stage for anyone other than Louie—but it wasn't so surprising. He deserved it, didn't he? Not everyone is born as beautiful, as talented, as flawless as him, so it only made sense that he was destined for this. Conquering the unknown. Taking the untaken. Claiming the unclaimed.

    He knew this, and as he gazed over the horizon overcast with stormclouds, his smirk became wild and wider. Seeing the depth of the unknown laid bare before him. It was... electrifying to see what was about to happen in his head become a reality, and for the most part, it was invigorating. Well, it was.

    When someone had jumped onto his airship's dock, he recognized that grizzly voice in an instant. Vandrad Ragnos—an animalistic man who had taken it upon himself to assault Louie some time ago, despite being in the wrong. That thing was one large muscle, leaving the blonde with some broken ribs and the unnecessary visit of his private doctor. When he heard him and his ridiculous comments, Louie's eyes narrowed fractionally, his wide smirk hardening into a frown. The young multimillionaire couldn't enjoy his soon-to-be domain with Vandrad being the fly he was, buzzing in his ear instead of entertaining his simple-mind with whatever people like him found entertaining. The blonde sighed through his nose, turning to glare at the drake corpse spread out on his deck and began to walk toward it.

    In just a fraction of a second, mana began to materialize in his hand, transforming into a golden spear before the blonde stabbed it into the drake's corpse at his feet, turning it into the same aurum. In just seconds, it was a statue of its former self, like a golden doll—hard and polished.

    "Isn't it obvious? Taking what's mine, you brainless couchon. But, I know it's difficult for people like you to really understand." Louie raised his brows in a sort of judgemental way, looking at that golden shell and gently kicking it off the side of his airship. After the shiny corpse descended into the wooded abyss, Louie began to reel his arm back with the spear in hand, aiming just a little higher than Vandrad's head. He could feel someone other than this pig begin to approach, and he didn't like people getting comfortable on his priceless property. "Regardless..." Louie paused, finally throwing the spear just past Vandrad's neck, puncturing whatever mound of flesh that was ascending just as it came up. As it came into view, it turned out to be another drake—although this one was alive. The spear had pierced its stomach and stuck out the other end of his body, and hovering with it was a girl who, admittedly, had a passable sense of fashion but fell short as far as looks went. The moment she had said something resembling Vandrad's unpleasant name with that impish smirk of hers, Louie scoffed, "—you really have some nerve bringing that corpse and your girlfriend onto my ship."

    The blonde would have to admit that while he aimed to kill, he wasn't expecting it to actually happen. When he sensed some immense magical presence begin to ascend for his airship, he only responded in lieu.

    "I might forgive you if you scrub my deck." Louie's condescending look sharpened into that usual self-satisfied smile that came naturally to him.

    Post Word Count: 709 | Total Word Count: 709 | Needed Word Count: 700
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    @Mercury Arseneault @Vandrad Ragnos



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Luceam 18th August 2020, 8:10 pm

    Luna stretched as she looked over to the water before around the island. She took a moment to focus on her sixth and seventh senses, sensing the magic energy and the life force of various powerful mages across the island. However as she suspected most of them were across the land, roaming the various new discoveries of life, civilizations, artifacts that this new frontier had to offer. Luna however turned towards the water hearing the waves of water gently reach the sand, and feeling the eagerness of the currently humanoid formed Neptuna watching the water she relented and figured that the two of them should started as well. "So glad I decided to go bikini instead of sports. Anyways-"

    Luna started to get up and walk towards the water, unfastening the belt containing her tools and twin bladed weapon of Zygmunt before undoing the holster containing her fire whip strapped to her right thigh before handing it to Neptuna who dematerialized the weapon on contact, turning it into blue energy in which she absorbs. "I think it's time that we get started." Luna rested her belt over her shoulder as she undid her qipao, removing the top before taking off her shoes and shorts, handing them to Neptuna who dematerialized them so they stay dry for later. Feeling the sand in her toes she took in a deep breath preparing herself enjoying the fresh air as she got closer to the water. "Alright Neptuna, I think I'm just about read-" Luna said to her ward, however the green haired mermaid gotten to giddy and quickly patted Luna's back causing an aqua green aura to form around Luna for a moment as Luna felt a surge of energy go through her every being, sensing Neptuna going ahead with the transformation magic.

    In s moment Luna felt her heels forcefully attach to the other as her legs seemingly dislocated at the hip with her knees facing outward. Luna felt a sudden loss of feeling and control in what will formerly bee her legs. Luna started to wobble back and forth before falling onto her back as her feet became too narrow to support a humanoid body. "Owe..." Luna groaned as Neptuna soon realized her mistake of using her unique transformation magic on someone standing upright. "Sorry Momma! Are you alright Did I hurt you?" Neptuna said in a panic as she knelt down. Luna held Neptuna's hand gently giving the young mermaid a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, just remember what we talked about, no transforming until someone is either about to jump, already under water, or otherwise not standing." She said as she felt the tingling sensastion as her bones and flesh reformed as her legs fused into one mass.

    Scales started to form on the end that used to be her feet, and as her legs were fusing scales formed down as she donned the transformation from humanoid to demi-humanoid. After her lower body finished Luna seemed to gasp for air as she knew what was next, along her neck and ribs gills formed as her body shifted to be able to breathe both above and under water. Luna sighed relief as she entered the final stage of the transformation as her skin seemed to appear shinier under the light of the sun and she blinked twice as her eyes adjusted. Luna took a moment to analyze herself after the transformation, feeling the water at the tip of her tail. "Momma is always pretty but especially as a mermaid!" Neptuna said giddily, Luna chuckled as she enjoyed the praise. Luna pulled her belt off her shoulder and put it around her waist.

    Luna pulled out her Smart Holographic Lenses from a slot in her belt before putting them on. "At the very least these are waterproof." She thought as she turned it on and waited as they synced to her iLac, before posting her plan and coordinates to the other mages on the job and waited for a reply, checking her messages in the meantime. After a few minutes, Luna reflexively motioned to get onto her knees before standing up, however the decrease in lower limbs had this play out differently.

    Luna had indeed gotten onto the knee like joint halfway down her tail, but afterwards she ended up flopping and landed on her side. "Ouch... Neppy, I'm gonna need you to drag-" Luna looked over to see Neptuna already reverted to her natural mermaid form on the beach. Luna looked slightly shocked for a moment as Neptuna was slightly embarrassed. "Sorry Momma.." Luna rubbed her eyes frustrated for a moment before she started laughing. "We didn't even make it to the water before we got stuck!" The fairy mermaid said to the form altering mermaid, who joined in laughing. "Sorry momma... Next time I'll leave us stuck on a rock!"

    WC 810
    PWC for R2 810

    Round 2 WC For Luceam complete



    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 19th August 2020, 7:46 am


    Faustein had noticed the other girl called "Mythica" wander off somewhere and thus he figured that he should probably get started with the exploration aspect of this particular job he was on currently. So, he nodded a goodbye to the redheaded man named “Doppo” who was still eating while sitting on his rock and then headed off to start exploring the area. The area was quite large and the terrain quite forbidding, so it took him a considerable while to make any real progress, but ultimately, he had made it to what seemed like an island, and now he was quite a distance away from his starting point.

    What sort of specimens inhabit this locale? This is a truly exciting prospect for study.

    He mused silently as he examined the surrounding with the help of his smart holographic glasses, aka "SHG-IV" and recorded the data in his mental dossier for future reference. After that, he made his way further in and upon doing so, he spotted two strange figures which seemed to be laying on the sandy ground. Naturally, his curiosity overtook him and so, he headed over and upon arrival, he realized that the two strange figures seemed to be mermaids of some sort, one of them older and the other younger, at least if the analysis he performed on them with his smart holographic glasses, aka "SHG-IV" was any guide.

    "Mermaids, eh? And that too on terra firma instead of your usual aquatic habitat? Well now, how very curious, indeed."

    His voice was revealed to be a rich, resonant baritone but somehow melodious one and currently it was heavily laced with excitement at encountering a new study subject or a pair of them, anyway. Meanwhile, the angle at which he had his head tilted and the way he was looming over them revealed his eyes which were seen to be a hauntingly effulgent crimson red color and currently, practically blazing with the light of his insatiable curiosity about the two apparent mermaids before him.

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Senkuishigamiwork

    Faustein's Battle Stats


    1. Faustein is hired to go to the Unknown Lands, so he travels there, sees a man and a girl in the distance. He then engaged them in conversation regarding the job at hand.

    2. Faustein is about to respond to the man, but then gets attacked by monsters and thus, slaughters them, captures them in his specimen storage device, and then resumes conversation with the man and the girl (Doppo and Mythica)

    3. Faustein wanders off to explore Unknown Lands and comes across Luna and Neptuna who are in mermaid form, and engages them in conversation








    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Active Stats

    HP: 1080
    MP: 870
    Melee Damage: 60 HP
    Speed: 120 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 300 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 600/600 (+80% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    MP: 600/600 (+45% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    Melee Damage: 60 HP
    Speed: 120 MPS
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: +30% (ANCIENT MAGIC PERK)
    Healing Buffs: +50% (DUE TO UA)
    MP Costs: -10% (CASTER MAGIC PERK)
    MP Regeneration: +10% once/5 posts
    HP Regeneration:
    Damage Reduction:
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 300 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains

    POST WC:  336 / TOTAL WC: 336 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only, CURRENTLY IN ENDGAME 2.0)


    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 19th August 2020, 10:24 am; edited 2 times in total

    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
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    Cosmic Coins : 11
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    Age : 24
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ran 19th August 2020, 10:03 am

    Aha! Finally, Seika managed to pull out her first bush successfully. It had only taken a bunch of scrapes on her hands to do it! The next order of business had to be... going for another one! Beaming, the girl dashed over to the next planty looking thing she could see and tried to pull at it. However, the situation soon became clear that it would be a long time of pain and not a whole lot of success. Using the big brain of Aphelia, the pair soon came up with a better plan! "Wow, this works great!" The magicalness of rainbows was not to be doubted, when the girl ended up siccing a giant rainbow on the nearest bush, pulling it out by the roots. The procedure left a gaping hole in the ground, and the mage stared at it puzzledly. She could probably fill it in, but with what? Maybe rainbows. Yes, filling the hole with straight light and magic seemed like the perfect idea!

    Seika got to work on that right away, pumping out as many different colors of sparkles as she possibly could. Then, the girl tried to weave them into some kind of basket blanket kinda thing... not with much success, unfortunately. However, Aphelia, who had been sitting nearby, rolled her eyes and gave the mage a great idea. She could make a cat! Then, the giant cat could sit in the hole. But it would probably get lonely sitting alone... even if there were other holes somewhat nearby. For that reason, Seika decided to put two cats in each hole. Who knew! Maybe they could even get married and have babies and stuff, since that was usually what happened when she put two animals together. Honestly, she wondered where they got the third to approve the marriage from, but maybe it was just magical.

    597 Seika



    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 19th August 2020, 1:50 pm


    Faustein had been waiting for the mermaids to respond and enlighten him as to present situation, but unfortunately that did not happen for whatever reason.

    Hmm, no response, eh? Well, first perhaps it is a good idea to relocate them.

    He mused silently and then, he decided to transport the two onto a large, relatively flat rock nearby so that he could examine them properly. For this, he used his teleport spell, “Medical Art: Xénosómectomy” wherein he performed a horizontal slicing gesture followed by a lifting motion with his index finger, and ends by turning the three fingers toward himself. This caused the two mermaids to be teleported from their present location onto the rock he had chosen in an instant.

    Now that is done, perhaps it is time for me to examine them on my own and learn about them. It will be interesting to see what sort of knowledge can be gleaned from them.

    With that thought in mind, he headed over to them and then started to use the various tools in his field investigation kit to study the two of them in procedures such as recording them with different sensor devices, exposing the two to various stimuli to look for any reactions, and of course, trying to collect biological and magical samples with his sample collection implements.

    Stay still, this will not hurt, much anyway. This is merely a research study conducted to learn about you, for you are a pair of rather intriguing specimens.

    He said to them in order to get them to not interfere with his study process. It took him a couple of hours to finish his study on them, but eventually it was done.

    The older one does not seem to be a natural mermaid.

    So, he decided to inquire about this matter, but before he could, he was interrupted yet again by a monster. This time, it was some exotic sea serpent like monster. As he saw this, he grumbled under his breath

    Why must my quest for knowledge always meet with such impediments? How irksome.

    So, he destroyed it with his favorite spell sequence and then resumed his study of the two mermaids.

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Senkuishigamiwork

    Faustein's Battle Stats


    1. Faustein is hired to go to the Unknown Lands, so he travels there, sees a man and a girl in the distance. He then engaged them in conversation regarding the job at hand.

    2. Faustein is about to respond to the man, but then gets attacked by monsters and thus, slaughters them, captures them in his specimen storage device, and then resumes conversation with the man and the girl (Doppo and Mythica)

    3. Faustein wanders off to explore Unknown Lands and comes across Luna and Neptuna who are in mermaid form, and engages them in conversation

    4. Faustein receives no answer from them, so he proceeds to teleport them to a nearby rock and then starts examining them, but is interrupted by a sea serpent monster, so he kills it and gets back to his study.







    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Active Stats

    HP: 1080
    MP: 870
    Melee Damage: 60 HP
    Speed: 120 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 300 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 600/600 (+80% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    MP: 600/600 (+45% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    Melee Damage: 60 HP
    Speed: 120 MPS
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: +30% (ANCIENT MAGIC PERK)
    Healing Buffs: +50% (DUE TO UA)
    MP Costs: -10% (CASTER MAGIC PERK)
    MP Regeneration: +10% once/5 posts
    HP Regeneration:
    Damage Reduction:
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 300 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains

    POST WC:  364 / TOTAL WC: 700 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only, CURRENTLY DONE WITH ENDGAME 2.0 WC REQS)
    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Aven Alveron 19th August 2020, 2:16 pm

    The proposal for the job had been simple, but vague: a request to chart the Unknown Lands, coupled with a free summoning to the area. It hadn't been too long since Aven last took to the wilderness to find himself, and if he were honest with himself, he missed the tranquility of the wild. After contacting the Magic Council for assignment to the job, however, he'd learned that dozens of other powerful wizards from across Fiore had also accepted the invitation to the vast, unexplored territory! Aven's excitement had come to a broil, and after stocking a large pack with foodstuffs and fresh water, his journey was all but underway. In retrospect, he later realized, he should prepared a bit more.

    Since Aven was a child, lady luck had never been kind; their relationship had soured around the tender age of five, when the small toy wand he'd gotten for his birthday had immediately broken, due to a craftsmanship error. His elder twin brother, Zane, had received a perfectly functional copy, and had been kind enough to share, of course. Unfortunately, unlike his caring sibling, the massive reptilian creature that had immediately stolen his backpack wasn't so keen on sharing. Only moments after Aven had appeared in the dense brush, he felt the large pack lift off his shoulders, as a massive, chicken-like reptile leapt and bounded away, the pack of tasty morsels gripped tightly in its beak.

    Shell-shocked, it took Aven a solid moment to take in the beautiful, lush greenery of the jungle around him, while simultaneously registering Grand Theft Victual. Leaving the sightseeing for later, Aven activated his Vantablink, dissembling into particles and reappearing in front of the thief, attempting to snatch the bag back. To his surprise, not only was the monster unphased by his sudden appearance, the reptile swung the pack at him without skipping a beat, connecting with Aven's jaw and knocking him squarely into the solid trunk of a Kapok tree to the left of them. Dark energy could be seen briefly repairing his natural barrier both in the front and back, a testament to just how hard he'd been struck. The reptile, meanwhile, had taken the chance to change direction, jumping down off a ledge to a lower section of the forest floor.

    Feeling his brow furrow, Aven blinked out of existence once more, now standing on a high branch overlooking the ledge, in attempt to catch sight of his adversary: the reptile's scales were bright, a sharp contrast to the sea of greens and browns surrounding it, and Aven caught it rounding the corner of another Kapok, zig-zagging to obscure line of sight. In the heat of the moment, his thoughts were erratic and short, but it suddenly occurred to him that his Dark energy barrier was still recovering from the strike. Just how strong is that wonky creature? He pondered the thought further, as he reappeared on thick lower branch of the tree his quarry had rounded, catching a glimpse of the vibrant red plumage on top of the creature's head from under a massive fern. Fast, too... He was forced to teleport just to keep up with the thing, which, while not particularly taxing, was worrying in such a dense jungle climate. Aven needed line of sight to use his vantablink, and with the vast tangles of vines and brush scattered among the lower canopy, he never had more than fifty feet in any useful direction to go, a distance the reptile could easily cover in the time between his teleports. He could also see the latch of the pack loosening, putting him on a time constraint to catch the monster before it broke open, loosing all his food and supplies onto the loamy dirt.

    Aven needed a new strategy. Blinking forward through a crack in the brush to another branch, he still had the creature in his sights. With a quick crouch, Aven placed his hand on the branch, setting a purple Teleportation Circle on in, before winding up and launching a short barrage of dark matter spheres, two of which connected: one on the creature's back, and another, thankfully, on the back of it's head, causing a sharp SQWAAAUK! Aven's pack tumbled to the ground, as the creature got it's bearing, and a quick vantablink to the reptile's side gave Aven a chance to snatch it before it hit the ground, a few apples falling out of the top as Aven blinked back to the Circle he set, a satisfied grin playing across his face as he watched the reptile glance around in confusion, before snatching up the apples into its mouth with a crisp crunching noise, and darting off into the brush.

    This is going to be interesting.


    [Word Count: 793.]


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
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    Cosmic Coins : 11
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ran 19th August 2020, 4:35 pm

    Eventually, there it was! A whole field, cleared of bushes and replaced with holes in the ground filled with rainbow colored glitter kitties. There was now plenty of space to go ahead and draw her strawberry cartoon. The first order of business was finding an implement to work with! A stick would be ideal. Seika tapped a finger against her chin, wondering how she could have forgotten to bring a walking stick. Even if she did never really use one, preferring to run around and not have to haul anything with her, the mage really should have thought ahead. Luckily, Aphelia was always prepared for any situation. She cast the feline a hopeful glance, only to be shot down with a deadpanned stare.

    "Hey, Aphi-" "No." The cat was completely unwilling to hear what she had to say, leaving the mage to improvise. She... she could probably use her foot to draw! Obviously, the control would be a lot less, and her movements would have to be super precise, and because she would be hopping on one foot trying to move around, the lines of the strawberry would be wobbly, but... it was definitely an idea. Another light bulb went off in Seika's head as soon as she touched the tip of her sneaker to the dirt. Actually, she could float around in a bubble! By hovering just a little bit off of the ground, it would be possible to maintain a smoother stroke while using her foot. Nodding in determination, she immediately conjured a shower of sparks, her forehead scrunching up in concentration as she morphed it into a vaguely globular shape.

    870 Seika


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 19th August 2020, 4:57 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad normally wouldn’t go out of his way to spend any amount of time around Louie. The spoiled brat had already proven himself a worthless waste of ego and space the first time they had met. While he was regretful that he’d caused so much structural damage and had even struck Nessa when she intervened, it was safe to say that the Prince was far more contrite that he hadn’t had the chance to scrape the golden haired simpleton’s face off with the sidewalk. But he had adhered to his Ace’s words on keeping the peace while in Magnolia, ignoring the sack of slime everytime they came within a mile of each other. Yet out here, it was different. There were no towns, no buildings to damage, no people directly nearby to put in danger…

    Louie walked forward slowly, gliding like a fairy upon a water’s surface. Truly he must have felt picturesque with the way his physique melted into the movement, most likely imagining himself as some great and ribboned conqueror. He even summoned forth a golden spear into his hand, holding it much like a royal would even as he embedded its point into the corpse of the drake. At once the body turned to solid gold, a statue in replacement for the one proud creature.

    Vandrad scoffed loudly, a distasteful sound that carried all of his disrespect for the pretty boy as he discarded the transformed drake. "Is that so? Seems to me like it’s a rich brat showcasing his wealth from the leisurely convenience of an airship. Taking involves doing work and both of us know you’re far too privileged for that, boy,” the Prince hissed venomously, relishing in the opportunity to reopen the festering, boiling hatred that the two seemed to share. He even seemed to delight in it, smirking cruelly and meeting Louie’s gaze as he attempted to convey a dominant stance, despite looking absolutely ridiculous. The spear was pulled back, some kind of show of strength and threat and the moment it was released Vandrad… simply stood there. It whizzed by his neck by centimeters and yet he remained, unfazed by the boy’s attempts to look menacing. The pained cry of a drake caught his attention and he cocked his head around to check, finding the weapon embedded in the monster that Mercury had managed to wrangle.

    It was hurt but not lethally so, it seemed, as Mercury managed to keep it airborne and speak. Vandrad turned his attention back to Louie, his amusement muted by the attack on the drake and, by extension, Mercury. A truly dumb move. "That woman is ten thousand times more a man and warrior than you could ever amount to, you mewling quim,” the Prince said slowly and coldly, a renewed thirst for blood on the tip of his tongue. Then a thought, brought on by Louie’s suggestion. "A scrubbed deck?” he said, glancing about the floor. "Well of course. It would be my pleasure. In fact, let me do you one better.” His right hand came up, resting open and facing the sky right in front of him. Magic funneled out from his palm into an orb mere inches above his gloved hand, growing it charged. The light and shadows danced upon Vandrad’s face, painting him in an earned wicked light. "You wish to take what's yours down there? Let me help you get down there faster, so you can show just how much of a conqueror you are.” His hand snapped closed around the bulb of magic before he slammed it down onto the ship’s surface. It instantly melted through the deck and shot through to the center of the vessel before exploding, rupturing whatever mechanisms were powering it. Within moments, it would certainly begin to break apart and plummet out of the sky.

    "That is, of course, if you survive,” Vandrad remarked once more before he casually stepped off the side of the airship, dipping down and then soaring back up to Mercury’s side, arms crossed once more and an arrogant, satisfied grin of his own on his face.

    Words: 705 / 1352 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Louie | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Lilith 19th August 2020, 5:02 pm

    I wear the hat and I wear the pants, I am advanced so I get advance & I do
    my dance & cancel their plans. Said, boo, don't be mad 'cause you had a chanceLilith Kadokawa

    Lilith couldn't help but be completely enamoured by the woman she was looking at. Sivvy was just hot, she was incredibly hot. Everything from her carmine eyes, her soft skin to her lithe curves. She was part in a way that Lilith found immensely attractive, in fact, she might even say that Sivvy was her ideal prospect in female partners. Pert, slim and beautiful. A whole package.

    As she dragged her eyes over to Artemis, she found herself meeting a fascinating expression of his. Oh me oh my~ She thought as she came eye to eye with his threatening glare. So the Dagger boy was interested in Sivvy, but that didn't mean Lilith was quite ready to back off. Especially as she had no indication to just how deeply this thing went, additionally, when Lili wanted something, there wasn't much that could stop her from going for it. All par, signals of rejection from the other person but that remained to be seen. Her emerald-hued irises would return to Sivvy, a coquettish smile forming on her lips when Sivvy complimented her.

    "Mmm, thank you. Hearing that from someone as desirable as yourself, sure makes a girl feel good about herself." She remarked softly, Sivvy would go on to explain that she didn't hear the term fan very often, due to her diligent work ethic. "Yes, that I can imagine your lifestyle keeps you very busy. The work you guys do at Dies Irae is, highly impressive." She responded. Lilith didn't flatter others often, and if she did she was either trying to manipulate someone or genuinely meant it. In this case, her words pertained to the latter.

    She very much wanted to continue exchanging chit chat with the ambassador, although much to Lilith's annoyance a voice would pipe up drawing the pinkette's attention away from her. Her expression would grow irritable for a moment, glancing over at the dark-haired girl for only a moment. Before returning her attention to the other wheel in the group, Artemis. "So Arty, you never did tell me how you met Sivvy? It's a story I'm dying to here."

    Lili's WC: 354



    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 20th August 2020, 3:24 am

    The ginger haired vampire had taken her fair share of hits in her time but to be completely encased in metal was new even for her. To be completely stuck with only her thoughts for company was infuriating to say the least and rather than give in to the fear and hopelessness, she simply replaced it with frustration and anger instead. She let her darker emotions fill her to the point that she wanted to explode and as the spell came to an end and she was able to see again, her first instinct was to lash out towards her captor.

    However, that instinct was checked by the winged woman, who’d cast another spell before the redhead could actually respond, leaving her once again trapped although by some kind or rope of strap. It was at least better than the prison of gold, she mused and as she glared up at the smiling woman, her tone was anything but grateful. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, woman? Relying on cheap tricks in order to capture me like a pussy. Let me out of here and I’ll teach you a thing or two.”

    She struggled with all her might but the bindings held firm which only increased Lena’s frustration. Like it or not, she wasn’t going anywhere soon and to make matters worse, her captor took that moment to approach her form, before placing the blade of her sickle-like weapon right underneath the vampire’s chin, stopping Lena’s struggles there and then. That seemed to be the final straw for her patience and without any real thought as to what she was doing, the vampire responded by spitting at her captor.

    Unfortunately for her, she had picked the wrong woman to do that too as the purple head woman’s gaze changed from a small smile to a frown.

    (309 Words)
    (FF2 WC: 814)

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 20th August 2020, 3:47 am

    “You are quite an animal,” Medeia replied rather coldly, wiping the unpleasant liquid from her face, pressing the sickle against the redheads throat. “I suggest that you keep your foul mouth shut and listen to me before I send you back to the hole that you spawned from. I have no interest in fighting you, even if you do harbour feelings of anger towards me. You caught my interest and that is why you are currently in the position you are in. I do not care about what guild you are in or who your allies are and I acquire whoever I take an interest in. It is as simple as that.”

    Removing the blade of her woman from the woman’s throat, Medeia would take a step back, “So, here is the deal, vampire. I am going to let you out of those restraints and if you want, we can fight but I tell you now that it is simply a waste of time. I am fully aware of your species and know that killing you is a fruitless exercise. You will have just as little success against me so how about we skip that bit and go after someone else instead, hmm? There are so many mages around here and I am sure that we can come across someone who we can have a little fun with.”

    Her tone became rather light at that point, “If we cannot then perhaps we can spend a little quality time doing something else instead. I must admit that I have never been with a vampire before and you do have a sort of wild charm to you although I will tell you that if you insist on splitting then I will have to add a toy or two. I am not into that.”

    Amused, she would crouch down beside the ginger haired woman and waited for an answer.

    (317 Words)
    (FF2 WC: 832)

    (Total FF2 WC: 2153/2100
    Medeia: 832
    Lena: 814
    Jaesa: 507)
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 3 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Samira Nassar 20th August 2020, 4:23 am

    A short time had passed with Samira busying herself with writing in that journal as she walked. Even if it didn't appear so she was actually paying attention to where she was going, else there was a good chance that she would end up falling or tripping over something. Or just outright running into something that she would prefer to avoid entirely. The three spirits that reported earlier reported again, each of them having something they thought was interesting and demanded that she meet up with them. Their little debate on who had the most interesting find went ignored by the summoner, although she didn't tell them to stop regardless of her mind being blasted by the voices that got louder and argumentative as the conversation went on. She just kept doing what she was already doing and tried to focus on riding her own train of thought instead of theirs. There was the question that needed an obvious answer. Which spirit would get her attention first and therefore have their find observed and investigated? Decisions, decisions.

    (Word Count: 177
    Samira Total: 710)


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:14 pm