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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)


    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mythica 22nd August 2020, 4:53 pm

    The pair continued to tread deeper into the woods for a while in relative silence before something finally interesting happened. Mythica was lost in her own thoughts for a while but they were quickly shattered when Ahote tripped and awkwardly tried to regain his balance. She perked up slightly, her face just as curious as Ahote while he investigated the source of his near fall. After a few moments of anticipation Ahote pulled out a leather book from the mound with rather odd markings on it. She meandered over to get a better look and the girl observed it with interest. "And at last the secrets of the unknown lands are revealed to us! How intriguing..." She said, looking deeply at the marking upon its front. It felt somewhat familiar to Mythica, but she couldn't quite place how.

    Without a word the book was suddenly ripped from Ahote's hands as it magically flew through the air and straight into Mythica's. She opened and curiously flipped through it. A look of genuine interest that quickly turned into a malicious smirk as her eyes continued to scan the pages. "I can't claim to make any sense of it... But I sense this tome has much magical potential in it." She told Ahote truthfully as her mismatched gaze continued to dart across the old parchment. "And based on that judgment... I think these may be spells of some sort." The chaos entity retorted, tossing the book back to Ahote. A soft yet somewhat chilled breeze blew through the trees at what seemed like a completely random time. Mythica could feel the foreboding sense and was certain it had something to do with that tome.

    "Shall we give some of them a try?" She asked the wizard. It was obvious she was keen to sate her curiosity. In a time past Mythica had dedicated much of her time traveling Earthland looking for ancient objects of magical power. She had explored ancient temples and ruins, broken into museums, and burned entire villages to the ground in search of these artifacts. While she could admit such a hobby wasn't exactly her primary focus any longer, the thrill of accessing unknown magic never vanished. She wondered if Ahote had the same sense of dangerous intrigue.

    382 Words.


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by 88 23rd August 2020, 1:16 am

    Theo had been about to embark on a tale of mystical treasures and shiny shinies acquired in his extensive and exciting treasure hunting adventures, looking forward to impressing the man who had no idea he was his father. In fact, he was already inhaling to do so when the sandy mound once again exploded, spraying the area in a fine mist of sand. Of course, it went right into his open mouth. "Eeep...PUAH!" he spat, glaring hatefully at the irritating granules. Theo hated sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere. However, he'd lived in it for most of his life, so he was used to it. Didn't mean he had to like it and he definitely didn't miss it.

    The tower of sandworm was concerning though. It was...so very much bigger than the already giant one he'd been trying to escape earlier. Slack-jawed and wide-eyed, the tracksuited man simply stood there and observed the worsening situation in some sort of accepting awe. Yep. This is how things usually went. For a lucky S.O.B., Theo could also have some of the most unfortunate luck. Meeting his parents just now, screaming and hysterical and confused, was one thing. At least he could justify that he'd been screaming and hysterical and confused the actual first time they would meet him someday in the future because, you know, newborn babies. What he couldn't quite get passed was that this go around he was being slung from a beast's mouth, and now that beast's mom was pissed off and looking for revenge. That was all his fault. Not that he thought them weak, but he did vaguely wonder, as he stood blinking in the shadow of the wrathful colossal worm if he would blink out of existence if they died here.

    Would...would that undo all the horrible things he'd done? Would it erase the pain? Would it undo all he'd had to endure and survive, even when he didn't want to? It was a very sudden, pitch-black thought, but Theo Silversong had a lot of those lately. His head wasn't screwed on straight anymore, if it ever had been. He physically shook his head, recoiling at the thought. Did he want his parents to die? Absolutely not! Assuming these were his parents, he wanted them to live. He loved them.

    Besides, would he want to forget Tomoe? The last few moments with her he could do without, but for the most part she'd been a bright spot in an otherwise very gray time. And what about Rin? Those had been the happiest days of his life, until they were ripped away without warning. How much more did the bad have to outweigh the good before it was okay to let the good go?

    Snapping out of his daze when Mythal told him to get running, he suddenly reanimated. "Theo Silversong never runs from a fight!" he said with confidence and a puffed chest, but it was all air. And lies. Clearly lies, since he'd just been running from that comparatively little worm they saved him from...but now was not a time for logic! He wanted to impress these two! Being a disappointment to them felt like a fate worse than death!

    Ok, that wasn't true. He was still quite terrified of death since he'd met it three times and every time was a kick in the nads from a different angle.

    Full of loud and strange noises, Theo threw his head back and released a noise somewhere between a human imitating a dragon roar and an equally as horrible howl. "ROOOOOOOAAAUUUUUUGGGOOOOAAAWWWWOOOOOO!" A battlecry? Not exactly. How the noise was linked to his summons never made sense, but the area beside him started glowing and smelled like the best of fruit punch. Bubbling out from the middle of the glow was a small jello mold no bigger than a single-size cup, but it rapidly grew like the cells of a fetus until suddenly there was a giant dragon there beside him made of deliciously scented cherry jello. It mimicked his cry much more successfully, translucent feet stomping in the sand. "Jello Smaug, Hooooooo!" he called, and the jiggly beast lunged at the momma worm. It fought just like a real dragon only stickier, so the hardened claws and teeth easily tore at the armored sides of the sandworm.

    wc: 727


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 65698_s
    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 23rd August 2020, 6:32 am

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 D9XW7rx

    Aspen didn't quite know why exactly she'd come to the Unknown Lands today. Normally, following a call to action from the Magic Council was anything the Slayer from Silver Wolf wanted to avoid, getting tangled up in Fiore's political system one way or another could have unforeseen consequences that she was accutely aware of. The girl very much wanted to stay out of sight and lay low. It hadn't been too long, relatively speaking, since she'd escaped from Pergrande, and she knew that the agents of the authoritarian nation would stay vigilant for a long, long time, keeping their eyes open for anyone who had managed to make it out of Pergrande. She'd seen the consequences of fleeing the Kingdom with her own two eyes. She didn't really want to recount her role in the purges, but the memories flashed across her inner eye for a brief second, the girl unable to hold them at bay. She grit her teeth. Maybe this was a mistake? Well, according to the Magic Council, this would be an effort to scout out the Unknown Lands, promising great reward, treasure, and adventure. Seemed very optimistic, to say the least, but the prospect of a fat pay check was enough to entice the girl. For someone who was perpetually broke, it seemed, the constant need for resources and material her studies and engineering experiments cost a lot of Jewels, after all, this was a golden opportunity to make some money.

    Well, there was only one way to find out where this would get her, huh? She figured that there were more than enough other mages here to diminish the effect her involvement greatly, and undoubtedly some of them, like all of these Gods, Warlords, Stars, Storms, and whatever else piss-fancy titles they gave themselves these days that were always horny for more fame and glory would readily accept all the responsibility for this mission's success ... though would also certainly dodge the blame and load it on everyone else if it failed. It was a gamble, really, but as long as she would be paid and simultaneously manage to stay out of any spotlight she guessed that she would be fine. Thus, she would push on towards the meeting spot, flying on the back of a metallic falcon-like bird she'd created from her magic to traverse the Unknown Lands quickly. It seemed like it wouldn't take her long to find something as well. Her pace was relatively quick, wind rushing past her face under the hood of her jacket, her amber-colored eyes ever-curiously scanning the expanse of terrain beneath her. It seemed that things were already in full swing. Maybe she was a little late? It wouldn't really matter. If she wasn't the first to the feast that just meant she'd wouldn't have to deal with the pushing and shoving of those eager to grab the first bite, right? All the more reason to lean back, take her time, and stay out of everyone's business as she'd look around for her own opportunity to grab some treasure. She was, after all, a member of Silver Wolf.

    That was, however, the moment she would spot something rather interesting in the distance, a towering beast rising from the rocky, mountainous terrain that was shaking violently from the sheer force of its movements alone. The worm would rear skywards, releasing a massive, resounding roar that caused the air for miles to vibrate with menacing resonance. That was all well and good, someone would take care of the thing and she'd move on like nothing happened if that was the only monster she'd spotted, but the gigantic dragon, seemingly made entirely out of fruit-scented jello, the smell of the air left no doubt about that, was a dead-giveaway that someone Aspen knew very well was currently fighting the beast. The metallic bird would turn suddenly, making a beeline for the hill where she expected to find her fellow Ace of Silver Wolf and Treasure Hunter. As she got close, the magical construct created from her magic would swoop down, Aspen jumping off the bird and landing near Theo, and, as she would find out, two other mages as well, stretchign her hand up as the metallic creature liquified and turned back into her Iron Key, the girl catching it out of the air with unchanging, ever-stoically expression. Her Pergrandean accent gave her monotonous voice a characteristic, distinct sound as she adressed the jello mage. "Looks like you've already made some friends, Theo", of course, refering to the white-haired woman and the other man with the black hair. Aspen had, of course, no idea who they were. "Aspen Azarov's the name. If you're getting ready for a fight ...", a small, subtle smirk would spread across her lips. A machinegun wouldn't be effective against a thing of that size, she was sure. Well, perfect time to test out the little something she had stumbled upon only recently. Arcs of blue electricity danced across one of her arms as she pointed it at the worm, "... mind if I join in? I have a few new tricks up my sleeve I would like to try out".

    Word Count: 865
    Personal Word Count Total: 865


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 23rd August 2020, 6:54 am


    Faustein smirked when he had heard her remark of him being perceptive enough to notice her subtle attempt and when she informed him that he would have to find his own way of successful underwater operation, he nodded, replying

    Duly noted, my arsenal has something for just this sort of occasion. So, no need to exert yourselves on my account.

    He said and tapped his temple once while murmuring the relevant command to transform his body into an underwater operations unit

    Aquanaut Mode, Engage.

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Guncannon-Aqua-ONA-Front

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Senkuishigamiwork


    1. Faustein is hired to go to the Unknown Lands, so he travels there, sees a man and a girl in the distance. He then engaged them in conversation regarding the job at hand.

    2. Faustein is about to respond to the man, but then gets attacked by monsters and thus, slaughters them, captures them in his specimen storage device, and then resumes conversation with the man and the girl (Doppo and Mythica)

    3. Faustein wanders off to explore Unknown Lands and comes across Luna and Neptuna who are in mermaid form, and engages them in conversation

    4. Faustein receives no answer from them, so he proceeds to teleport them to a nearby rock and then starts examining them, but is interrupted by a sea serpent monster, so he kills it and gets back to his study.

    5. Faustein is engaged in conversation by Luna and learns about them from her narrative and proposes that he accompany them on their underwater exploration.

    6. Faustein is advised to find his own means of underwater operation by Luna and so, he activates his cyborg body’s underwater operations mode





    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Faustein's Battle Stats

    Active Stats

    HP: 1260/1260
    Melee Damage: 70 HP
    Speed: 140 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 350 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 700/700 (+80% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    MP: 700/700 (+45% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    Melee Damage: 70 HP
    Speed: 140 MPS
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: +30% (ANCIENT MAGIC PERK)
    Healing Buffs: +50% (DUE TO UA)
    MP Costs: -10% (CASTER MAGIC PERK)
    MP Regeneration: +10% once/5 posts
    HP Regeneration:
    Damage Reduction:
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 350 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains



    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 1st October 2020, 8:16 am; edited 1 time in total
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 23rd August 2020, 9:16 am

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 EagzbKx

    Johann took a deep breath, his posture slumping forward somewhat, supporting himself on the hilt of the sword still in his hand. Who would've thought that his arrival in the Unknown Lands would immediately be accompanied by a vicious assault from the native fauna. Perhaps, he thought, he should invest some effort into being more covert when he travelled to avoid scenarios such as this one. The Ambassador of Dies Irae looked down at his sleeves and coat, specks of thick, dark, and viscous wyvern blood dotting the left side of his attire and, he realized, probably his face and hair, too. The silver-haired man sighed. Perhaps he should look into some kind of magic that would clean him of the sanguine life essence he would often find himself coated with. It was becoming more than a slight nuisance at this point, not to mention the sheer wear and tear that his wardrobe had to bear. Johann only now good a better chance to look at his surroundings, the dry, rocky terrain that stretched out for miles and miles around him seemingly unending, touching the horizon above the shallow, sandy dunes in the distance. Well, it seemed obvious that he was far, far away from any other mage that had been sent on this mission at current. He'd make a mental note of the presence of these creatures, looking around at the 3 wyvern corpses around him, the desert sands dotted in red liquid similar to that which stained his coat. Their capabilities, the black, exceptionally hot flame, that was, as well as their apperance, were also logged. He couldn't come back with that being the only little bit of information to report, though. He expected that someone out there had already stumbled across beasts like those before, and that they were known to the world, though the Ambassador of Dies Irae didn't know exactly, of course. Monster hunting wasn't exactly his forte ... if one excluded those humans that acted as such, that was.

    The Ambassador was about to move on to make sure that his expedition would be a little more fruitful than simply fending off a few desert monstrosities when a voice drew his attention to an approaching figure in the distance, Johann straightening his back and narrowing his eyes. He knew that voice, and the face associated with it. "Mr. Alveron. A surprise to see you here", he would greet with raised voice, lifting his free hand in a lax greeting. Truly, he hadn't expected to run into the Fairy Tail mage here out of all places, and his presence was certainly a surprise. Was this merely a coincidence, or had the other sought him out? Certainly, Joh would've loved to asked the man what he was doing here, though it seemed that, in yet another stroke of bad luck, or some might even say fate, it wasn't meant to be, at least for the time being. The dune Aven had found himself on would suddenly begin rumbling, shifting, yet another beast emerging from the sands that were scattered into all directions. A massive monstrosity, it's muscular, gigantic body covered in thick plates of bone, rose from the ground, a deafening roar shaking the earth. It seemed like the Fairy Tail wizard was caught up in the sudden movements of the beast, being thrown into the rocky terrain with considerable force. Johann's expression would shift immediately, transitioning from shock to a stern, focussed grimace.

    "Oh, another one?", the Second Seal's voice would echo through the back of his mind once more, a vicious cackle following the deep voice. "Looks like break time's over, old man, tssehehe". The magical aura around the man's form would explode once more, the runes on his body, which had not quite powered down yet, flaring up to full intensity once more. The Ambassador was sick and tired of interruptions, and, intent on ending this as quickly as possible, would let go of his sword, the weapon vanishing into thin air as soon as it had left his grasp. A blade would certainly be useless against this heavily armored foe. With a burst of insane speed, the sandy ground exploding with rippling force where he had stood only a moment before, the man would launch himself forward, coming to a stop right before the massive dragon, his open palm facing the creature.


    Through his command, the runes would release all stored magical power once more, expelling it in the form of a wave of pure, relentless kinetic energy that would rip apart everything in its way ...

    In theory, that was. The wave of kinetic force slammed into the creature, knocking it back slightly and cracking its horns, but ... that was it. For a passing second, the Ambassador stared at the beast with wide eyes, a subtle "What the-" murmured under his breath as the wyvern turned, whipping around its monstrous tail with shocking speed, precision, and momentum before slamming it into the silver-haired Rune Mage, who, unsurprisingly, was lifted off the ground and launched away at breakneck speeds. Literally. Skitting across the rocky, arid ground, launched like a ragdoll, the man would incur more than just a few bruises, bones breaking with every impact on the hard desert earth before finally, his broken, blooded, and torn form would come to a halt, the Ambassador remaining unmoving.

    Word Count: 897
    Personal Word Count Total: 897


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 23rd August 2020, 9:30 am

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 RJtajUnz_o

    Louie wouldn’t let this bring him down, not in the least bit. Pompous, insignificant and arrogant as he was, there was certainly an ego-driven durability bestowed upon him that made the pretty boy tougher than he had any right to be. Were it not for the bad first impression that Vandrad had gotten, he may even respect the rich kid’s power. But spoiled milk was still spoiled and deserved to be tossed in the trash and the Prince could see the infection was deep in Louie, practically making up his entire being at this point. Would he kill Louie? He hadn’t fully decided yet -- he imagined it would be quite the trial to explain why he’d had to. Then again, if the pretty boy survived, he would be out for blood. Once again, Vandrad’s stance of self defense was his benefit and anyone would understand why he had damaged the ship as he had. After all, Louie had attempted to skewer Mercury without so much as a second thought.

    It was very good for the rich boy that he hadn’t -- Vandrad would completely stop holding back otherwise.

    Mercury was quite entertained as the ship started to list downwards, accusing him of being bad. He shot her smirk, even as she brandished the spear that had unfortunately hurt her abducted drake and decided to join in on the fun. She affixed something to its tip, another piece of her technology that she’d taken from her pouch, and started to corrupt the metal. Once its effect began to take hold, she reared back and sent the weapon back to its owner, piercing the deck right by the steering wheel. From the instant it made the connection, it was clear she was aiming to further throw Louie in peril, going so far as to leap from her steed and land on the deck by the wheel. She grabbed hold and spun it, sending the ship’s direction straight down towards the earth below. She celebrated her own actions before leaping off the vessel, her disc picking her up easily and pulling her into prime position to watch.

    It was moments like this that he understood just how much he cared for her. They weren’t good people -- at least, not by the extent that heroes and villains were portrayed in society. They did tasks that leaned more on the altruistic side but their hostile, often lethal actions would surely have them frowned down on. But that didn’t matter to either of them. They were the people they were and that was fine with them. Besides, anyone with some kind of consciousness and power would surely aim to knock Louie down a peg or two. Speaking of the ill-mannered brat, he had opted to remain on the deck of his falling ship, opting to ride it down with staunch neutrality rather than panicking. And in a moment, Vandrad understood why. Just as the ship started to impact the ground, a liquid gold sprang up from the vessel, aiding Louie as he removed himself from the crash without damage.

    "He may be a pompous bastard but he is wily. And he won’t restrain himself from trying to kill us,” he advised Mercury, even as his gaze met Louie’s A second later and the pretty boy was airborne, propelled into the air by his aurum puddle and flying straight towards the Prince. As two swords materialized in Louie’s hands, he remarked on a comment he had shared privately with himself before swiping at Vandrad’s throat. But the blades would, instead, meet the hard surface of the Prince’s gauntlets, biting through the outer shell easily but managing to remain embedded without cutting Vandrad’s hands clean off. The Prince allowed himself to be pushed backward from the boy’s velocity, once again getting a feel of Louie’s strength and power. Even from the minimalist strike, it was evident Louie had gotten stronger. His strikes were refined, focused, carrying equal parts strength and speed that came from training. Louie had been bettering himself. It was impressive.

    Not that Vandrad would ever pay the bastard a compliment. Several yards from his original position, Vandrad’s magic erupted out of him, bringing them both to a complete, dead stop. His energy coursed through his veins and over his body, crafting intricate and deeply powerful shields while simultaneously granting him enhanced strength. His frown curled up into a smirk of vicious intent, his eyes seeming to glow with excitement. "Not bad,” he remarked, even as he transformed into his golden form. "I may have to use more than thirty percent of my power this time. Lucky you. Time for round goddamn two.” In an instant, blades sprang from the tops of his gauntlets, metal constructions that he’d added in part to Mercury’s instruction and mentoring. He threw his arms out to knock Louie’s weapons away and swung his arms forward in a spiral, aiming to slash the pretty boy across the chest with the energy-infused weapons.

    At the same time, he brought his leg up and shot it forward towards Louie, as if to kick him in the gut. But instead, a blast of magical energy erupted from his heel, the concentrated beam directed towards the bastard’s leg. He chuckled malevolently, empowered by the boy’s increased strength and, therefore, challenge. "Nessa won’t be here to bail you out this time, swine.”

    Words: 907 / 907 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Louie | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 23rd August 2020, 9:40 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    And then, without warning, the young man burst into a full volley of tears. Serilda’s eyes went wide, startled by this sudden development. It was like the sight of them had released some emotional dam that had been welling up inside of him for years, which didn’t make any sense to her. She’d never met this boy before in her life, so she saw no need for him to have such a visceral reaction to the two of them. It was like he was a child that had been lost and was crying for his mother. If only Serilda knew how right that analogy was. Still, his emotion moved her and for a moment her more stoic nature softened a bit.

    When he went to wipe his face and accidentally smeared jello into his eyes, Serilda winced and reached into a pocket on her uniform, withdrawing a pristine white handkerchief that bore her initials and the twisting dragon crest of the Sinclair noble family in a golden embroidery. “Here,” she said gently, offering it to the young man as a cleaner option for getting the grime and tears off his face. The jello had already gone away, which she could only assume meant that the substance was related to his magic somehow. He finally got himself together, passing the moment off as having simply been shaken by the prior encounter, introducing himself as Theo.

    She couldn’t help but smirk in response to his brave grin. After Mythal returned the greeting, she added her own. “Serilda Sinclair. I’m glad you’re okay.”

    Right when they were about to figure out what had happened to him, however, the ground began to churn. She felt it first deep within the core, her eyes going wide once more and looking down to the ground while Mythal started to ask his question, and as before barely had enough time to voice a verbal warning before another sand worm burst from the ground. This one was astronomically larger than the first, who was sitting on top of its head and screaming in some kind of worm language. Had this worm just… gone to get its mother?

    In the same moment Mythal withdrew his sword, Serilda did the same with hers, Moonlight and Malice in both of her hands, the scimitars radiating with their respective and opposite auras. Theo rebuked Mythal’s advice, boldly claiming that he never ran from a fight. An odd claim considering his emotional state and panic from before, but he followed it up with some action, summoning a giant dragon from jello after screaming like one himself. Serilda couldn’t help but blink at the monstrosity. Despite knowing that there was no end to the types of magic that people had around the globe, it seemed her mind still needed a moment to process the existence of magic involving jello summoning.

    Before she could think to join the fray, she could feel the approach of a fourth individual. Electing to stand her ground until knowing whether the oncoming person was friend or foe, Serilda looked to the sky to find a woman utilizing a bird made of metal to fly. She landed near them and spoke to Theo by name with an accent that was unmistakably Pergrandian. Serilda took note of this, as normally a resident of Pergrande would be of some concern to her given that Fiore and Pergrande were enemy nations and Serilda was a Fioren noble. But Serilda was not one to make an off the cuff judgement without more information, and for now the knowledge that she knew Theo and was clearly allied with him despite him being a mage was enough. There were more pressing problems.

    The woman greeted herself as Aspen Azarov, and inquired with a small smirk whether she could join in on the fight with this towering creature, expressing a desire to test out some new tricks of hers. “Serilda Sinclair,” she said, repeating her introduction since Aspen hadn’t been there for it previously. Her tone was about as even and stoic as it always was, but there was no hardness to it. If anything, she was smiling a little, though the expression was more present in her eyes than her lips. “Be my guest. There’s more than enough of it to go around.”

    With little more that needed to be said for the time being, Serilda launched herself from the ground and into the air, silver and black scimitars in hand, and rushed the worms headlong.

    Serilda Sinclair



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ahote 23rd August 2020, 10:13 am

    Ahote's face sort of scrunched up with irritation when Mythica handlessly plucked the book out of his hand before he had his fair share of inspection, but when she herself had finished investigating it was tossed right back into reach. The dark-haired man caught the book and immediately began to flip through its pages, looking for something that might have been a good start. Each "spell" had paragraphs upon paragraphs of words he didn't understand, but they also had step-by-step diagrams with each one. He flipped through many of the spells until he stopped onto one he thought seemed incredibly simple.

    "Oh... this is..." Ahote thought aloud before nodding and placing the open book down onto the ground so he could look at the pages while performing the procedure. He followed every step as it was drawn and tried to recreate it without flaw. He spread his legs apart, straightened his back, stiffened his shoulders, took a deep breath, and connected the tips of his fingers and thumbs so his hands made a triangle steadied at the center of his chest. Then, finally, he recited the words scribbled across the final drawing, "Inter... fectorem... mundi?"


    The second Ahote had finished reciting those words, the triangle-shaped space in between his hands glowed with a red light, and something in the distance had just exploded. It wasn't a small explosion either. It was enormous. It made his ears pop, and the ground didn't stop shaking for at least thirty seconds. Whatever just blew up, neither Mythica or him could see because of the woods that surrounded them. Ahote's face went pale and a look of shock took over his expression.

    "No... that couldn't have been me... right? Mythica?"

    Post Word Count: 287 | Total Word Count: 741 | Needed Word Count: 700
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
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    Infectorum Mundi = World Killer



    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Aven Alveron 23rd August 2020, 10:22 am

    Aven's eyes cracked open after a few labored moments, the crumbling of sediment in the crater around him trickling and bouncing off his heavily damaged shield. It was a sensation he hadn't experienced quite a while, one that sparked a surged of adrenaline in the young man. Pain...? There wasn't even a moment to spare to check his chest, before Johann surged forward to engage the enraged beast, and Aven began to relax. Johann Von Weiss was a monster of a man, albeit a bit of an enigma to the Fairy Tail wizard; with the amount of power coursing through his veins, there was little doubt their adversary would be reduced to gravel shortly.

    How wrong he was.

    Aven blinked in shock, as no more than a simple fracture of the black beast's horns resulted from the massive burst of force energy, and Johann was sent skittering across the dunes, leaving a sickeningly red trail of skid marks along his path. Johann, what... Aven's eyes grew to the size of saucers. "JOHANN!" It was then that he finally glanced down, horror plain on his face, as he took in the shattered, broken seams of his Dark energy shield, only a thin layer remaining before the blow would've tore through his chest cavity. A blow like that...

    Dark energy surged from Aven in a torrent, fracturing the stone behind him and scattering sand, as his left arm became inundated with black particles, swirling intensely around his skin as he settled to his feet. This monster was unlike anything he'd ever encountered: it's resilience and power alone defied reason! The shields on his chest quickly sealed, as dark energy pulsed out from him, seeking allies to defend. His eyes flitted from Johann, and back to the monster, which was gearing up to pursue Johann's broken form to finish the job. In an instant, Aven appeared in front of Johann, taking a defensive stance, and readying himself to create dark matter structures to slow the beast's advance, his dark energy surrounding Johann in a protective shell.

    The beast wound up to charge, but the form of a smaller, tan beast flying from behind it interrupted it's effort, staggering the creature onto it's haunches. Aven focused his perception on the source, finding the form of a Bunny girl, in a tattered and dusty Rune Knight's uniform, a massive axe hoisted onto her shoulder. "You want help with this one?" He heard her call out, as the black beast turned his attention to the new arrival. Aven took a hastened breath, and shouted back, "Be careful, this monster isn't normal! Keep it busy for a moment, if you can; we have a wounded Wizard over here!" Along with his words, the bunny girl would find herself imbued with the same shimmering protective aura as Johann, sporting a soft black tinge. It wouldn't feel like magic, however: it was something stranger, almost alive, hellbent on protecting it's charge from harm.


    [Word Count: 495.]
    [Word Count Total for EG3: 925.]


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Aven_Sig

    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by DOPPO 23rd August 2020, 11:15 am

    When Doppo pierced the ground with his deceptively dangerous swordfish arm, he was shocked to see that demon toss... flowers into the air and make a mad dash for their life. The earth making up that small forest clearing shattered into fragments when Doppo planted his blade into the ground, making it clear that the force that went into that strike was nothing to laugh at. In a way, it was probably overkill as well. But judging by how that demon evaded the attack... they were nothing to laugh at either.  

    "I missed... hm... that's..." Doppo said indifferently and softly with that same blank stare on his face. There was a small cloud of dust and dirt that was created when he landed and would settle only after a few seconds. However, when the dust had cleared and the forest clearing with its ground broken and in fragments, the redhead was no longer in his normal physique. He was notably muscular, his hair had grown out so much that he had a brand new beard and thicker hair in other places, and his face was wrinkled with a looked of absolute rage and anger painted over it. It was the polar opposite of his normal, lanky self who couldn't seem to emote if his life depended on it. But it seemed that in this form... he emoted too much. "UNACCEPTABLE!"

    The moment he realized he hadn't slain that demon or whatever it was, he knew that he'd have to chase it, and pursuits only slowed him down in his original form alone. Any sort of chase he had to do, he did with Anger Management activated. It increased his raw speed twelvefold, after all. But it seemed to exacerbate his expressiveness twelvefold as well...

    "GET BACK HERE, YOU BITCHBAGUETTE! I TRAIN EVERY DAY SO I CAN BREAK LITTLE SHITFUCKS LIKE YOU! SO DON'T MAKE THIS HARDER FOR ME!" Doppo practically screamed his battle cry, which were actually just threats that happened to be equal parts creative and terrifying. After he said that, he immediately began to give chase. It was a full sprint! If that flower-demon had looked behind itself, they'd see this buff redheaded cop who looked so angry with them that their veins began to pop out from their necks, but he was still a little ways behind. "DO YOU HEAR ME, MOTHERFUCKER? STOP!"

    After that, Doppo's other arm began to transform into a squid's tentacle, coiling around a tree as he bolted passed it, ripping it out from its roots with notable ease. When he had a firm grip, he reached back and threw the entire Great Oak at the flower-demon ahead of them. Things similar in size of the tree seemed to follow, too. Boulders, other trees... he even threw a particularly large and scaley Earth Drake at it as he ran past it.


    Needless to say, even without his magic, Doppo had both colorful language and anger issues. He had worked on getting a handle on his temper, and while it didn't really show in his original form, it definitely existed. He had found that encouraging new recruits or privates during training in this form seemed more effective than if he had said it any other way—they were more responsive, more motivated, and some of them pissed their pants for some reason. Either way, they were all improving, so there was some good that came from his unspeakably awful temper while his magic was active.

    But it was mostly just bad.

    Post Word Count: 706 | Total Word Count: 706 | Needed Word Count: 700
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Sleepiness: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
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    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mura Kensho 23rd August 2020, 12:39 pm

    Y’know, that scroll could come in handy. It clearly rendered the shaman unable to use his magic, and with so much power in such a scroll, wouldn’t that be better in his hands? Like, in the hands of a sane individual? This creature didn’t even want to greet him or get to know him, it immediately went for the throat. However, Mura was just nimble enough on his feet to make distance from it. Without magic, even the creature focused on using its limbs for weapons, but Mura had an actual weapon in his hands - the katana, or well, the ninjaken as it was re-moduled to be now, Harusame. If it tried to get any closer to him, then he could attempt to cut off the scroll from its wrist…

    When the monster tried to smash its fist down towards his person, that was the moment Mura ran under it. It was effective enough to avoid the hit and find a huge opening under the ogre’s body, where he could drill the ninjaken into its belly. Its skin was so rough that it managed to hold onto his sword for a brief moment as it was stuck to the sturdiness of the creature, while Mura shook it off with high force. Gushes of blood splattered out, but the ogre only flinched a little bit. Mura followed up with a flurry of cuts, but he soon realized that its skin was too tough for slashing damage. He would aim the edge of Harusame at it again, this time trying to get higher up in the air, so that he could take down a vital spot - its throat.

    The ogre caught on to this and slapped him away, but Mura quickly recovered and landed on his feet. Man, it didn’t even use the arm where the scroll was tied onto; maybe, he could’ve done something badass like cutting the scroll off while being slapped away, taking the huge creature by surprise. He dashed forth, hoping that it would be the case in this turn…

    Nope, it attempted to kick him away this time. However, Mura could slightly land on the tip of the ogre’s toes, but it didn’t launch him directly upwards. It launched him further back, and he couldn’t land a cut on it. This was getting difficult, now…

    … Wait, at a certain distance, he felt his magic power return. So the scroll had a limited range, huh…

    Clenching the hilt of his katana, Mura charged a chunk of his magic power from a distance to propel himself forward at a speed high enough to finish the fight. He would only propel himself, thinking that any spell he threw at the beast would be nullified. As his feet separated from the ground, the job was done; the ogre’s head was severed from its body, and Mura gained from the momentum without losing any magic.

    And now, the scroll was in his hands as he tied it onto his back. It was thin but a tad heavy, emanating a strange aura that didn’t feel like magic at all. It felt like… dry air. A lot of dry air, pressuring and void…

    “We should join up with… uh, that must be Vandrad and Louie. It’s way too far away for me to be sure, but… nah, that must be them,” he spoke to the two ghosts, Zirconis and Kyuken as they became visible for him again. The scroll’s power worked in a sort of remote control, akin to casting a spell. Sweet.

    “Uhhhh…” Kyuken moaned worryingly, “H-How about we find, uh… N-Nessa! She must be here, somewhere close.”

    “Let’s just go somewhere else, before my nose picks up the decaying flesh over there…”

    “… But Zirconis, you can’t smell.”

    “If you can touch people, then I can smell people. At least I use this unique ability for a proper cause.”

    “I think it’s more complicated than that-“

    “You sure? Seems cut-and-clear to me. Ghosts can do more than just phase through solid matter-“

    “H-Hey, that’s our most signature ability! Don’t belittle such a gift…”

    And thus, the squad were off on foot, watching the shrubbery change over time on their advance towards more barren and rocky areas…

    EG3 WC: 707



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Trinity 23rd August 2020, 2:24 pm

    544 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    Trinity stumbled as the man collided with the earth, shaking it from the sheer impact of his landing as his sword fished arm sank deep into the dirt where she’d just been standing. She went sprawling into the grass where her body slid a few feet, her limbs frantically flailing around her. When she sat up, there was dirt and grime and grass streaks all over her nice clothes and her pink and brown hair was all tossed about on her head with little bits of grass and twigs sticking out of it. Looking over her shoulder with wide fearful eyes, she watched the cloud of dust as it obscured the man beyond, frozen in terror and wondering if he was going to keep pursuing her.

    When the dust settled, he was still there but his body had grown massive and there was hair on his face now. If anything, he looked even more angry. Then, he turned and started yelling at her. Panic seeped deep into Trinity’s soul and somehow she managed to snap out of her momentary paralysis. Shrieking once more at the top of her lungs in terror, she scrambled to her feet and kept running, tears streaming down her face. Why was this guy trying to kill her? Why was he screaming at her and yelling such mean threats and insults? Had she hurt him during one of her black outs?

    Oh my gods, were those his flowers she was picking?

    Convinced that she’d done something wrong, Trinity raced into the trees. A second later she heard wood cracking and chanced a glance back to see the man now sporting tentacles which he was using to rip trees from the ground and throw them at her. Trinity ducked just in time for the great oak to fly over her head, her body a quivering huddle where she squatted on the ground with her kneed tucked desperately to her chest. Either keep running or start fighting, but don’t hold still! the bodiless voice told her in her head. Looking up again, she saw that there were more things being hurled her way, including more trees, rocks, and even a horse sized lizard with wings. And all the while, the burly redheaded man was bearing down on her like a crazed psychopath, screaming at her at the top of his lungs about all the ways he was going to hurt her.

    Instinctively reacting to the rain of projectiles, Trinity shrunk her body down to the size of a pixie, making her almost impossible to hit or aim at from how tiny she was. Then, as soon as everything stopped falling down around her ears she reverted back to her normal size. Well, almost back to her normal size. Doppo was only a couple steps behind her when her hands grew even larger than the rest of her body or even her arms, easily big enough that each of them were the size of Doppo’s entire bulked out torso. Closing her eyes with her face scrunched up and turned away from him, Trinity frantically started swatting her massive hands up and down at him over and over like a frantic schoolgirl trying to keep a bully away.
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mythica 23rd August 2020, 3:17 pm

    When Ahote spoke the words of the spell Mythica's eyes widened slightly as his hands began to shine! And before she even had the chance to say anything a sound erupted through the forest like violent thunder! Ground shook and the birds flew away from their treetop perches in terror as a shock wave ripped through the forest and caused Mythica's clothing and hair to blow back slightly. Whatever Ahote did, it was certainly some sort of explosion, Mythica had heard enough to know. Her face of shock quickly turned to amusement as she looked around them. She couldn't see anything in the immediate vicinity but Mythica's curiosity wasn't going to let her abandon the source that easily. When Ahote questioned the legitimacy of his own actions Mythica could only stare at him with an excited open mouthed look.

    When Ahote blinked Mythica had seemingly vanished from site completely, leaving him alone in the forest. She was now standing on a cliff not too far from Ahote, watching something in the distance with a wide smile on her face. "Come on! Get up here and check this out!" Far off at the other end of the valley a massive plume of smoke and ash filled the sky. At its base was nothing more than the crumbled remains of a large mountain, the top completely gone.

    "Let me see that!" She demanded again, the book flying straight into Mythica's hands once more as she peered across the old letters. She flipped across the pages quickly until finding something that sparked her interest. Memorizing the letters a few times the girl than dropped the spell tome and breathed in. "Shuula Vundis!" Just as before with Ahote, the woman's hands began to glow. Mythica peered at them with awe before a dark smirk returned and she thrust them forwards. Suddenly the entire area shook once more like an earthquake, but this time massive cracks in the ground began to form far below the cliff edge! They shot across the earth's surface at lighting speed, splitting up into random directions but kept growing wider until they were massive chasms in the crust of the planet! Without warning massive plumes of molten rock shot out and flooded the surrounding forest, lava spilling out everywhere and melting the trees. Mythica could only stare in complete wonder at the destruction.

    "I... Ahote this thing is incredible! The spells from this book seem to give ANYONE the power to destroy entire swaths of land! We need to study it!" She said excitedly as the burning landscape behind them only got more intense.

    813 Words.


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Althea 23rd August 2020, 3:35 pm


    word count: 711
    total word count: 711
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Althea’s tourism plan was absolutely flawless in every way, but there was only one problem: there really wasn’t anything nearby that seemed too interesting.  Sure, the trees were taller and thicker than average, but that was simply due to old age.  And if she centered the economy around people coming to see trees, they wouldn’t be able to expand to a certain degree!  People would be all like, ‘what will we do without our trees’ and ‘this is why humans are the worst’, right?  However, the blonde still wasn’t willing to aimlessly look around for her optimal tourist attraction.  So why not just make her own thing?  There was plenty of man-made stuff people paid to look at-- a huge ball of yarn, the Sorcerer’s Magazine-- there was no saying that the slayer couldn’t do something similar.  But to fit in with the untamed feeling of the Unknown Lands, it needed to at least look naturally generated.  And even if it’s discovered that the attraction was made recently, that could just add to the mystery of it.  People would come looking for the monstrous mystery of the town, just like Big Foot!  Or perhaps everyone would be terrified of the danger and never come… well, the confines of town were sure to keep them feeling safe!

    Well, actually, if they wanted a ‘monstrous mystery’, they needed to look no further than Althea’s fellow explorers.  The mage had no idea what they were doing, but from the magic she was picking up on seemed to be pretty crazy.  Either way, she was positive that no one would bat an eye if she made her very own tourist trap!  Looking over the forested area with a scrutinous eye, the blonde debated what exactly she should go for.  What did people even like in the first place?  No-- she should be asking what she actually had the capabilities to create.  The youth would say that she was on the stronger side of mages, but it wasn’t as if she could make a mountain from nothing.  Perhaps a funky looking body of water could work?  Althea was confident in her ability to do water-related stuff.  But the thing containing the water needed to be tourist trap-y… maybe a big ole’ hole?  But not just any hole… a funky looking hole???

    Althea really wasn’t good at brainstorming these kinds of things.  The only prerequisites she had was that it was realistic to accomplish and looked weird.  And thus, she quickly decided to forget about doing any kind of real preparation or forethought before creating her natural wonder.  After all, making a really big hole was pretty self-explanatory.  It was just a one, a two, and a bam!  Then you’re done!  However, something that the blonde needed to think about a bit was the placement of said natural wonder.  You couldn’t build the town right on top of the thing-y, then people wouldn’t need to actually pay to see it.  And yet it still needed to be easily accessed by those who wanted to drop by.  It was a good thing that Althea had no need to worry about what kind of land she was building on.  She was well experienced in oblitera-- erm, clearing an area out.  However, before bothering with that she needed to get a good look at the area.  Having an aerial view for this kind of decision making was way easier than a ground view.

    The slayer stepped into the air, lightly jumping into the sky as if she were leaping up a staircase of some sort.  And when she was high enough, she cast her gaze on the forested land below to find the optimal spot for a tourist trap.  But the more she looked around, the less she could actually distinguish anything.  There literally was nothing but trees nearby.  Sure there was a bit of a mountainous region to the east, but those already had holes!  Wait… did steep slopes count as holes?  Was the world just one big hole??  Quickly preventing herself from questioning reality any further, the blonde reoriented herself to the task at hand.  Since only the relation of distance mattered, she’d just put her tourist attraction in a place where it wouldn’t bother her fellow explorers!


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 24th August 2020, 10:56 am

    Well this was turning into quite the little conundrum here. As she'd gotten closer to the new encroaching monster, she could swear she heard a voice scream out a name. For a second, she paused and wondered what in the world she heard. Was it "Jo-hann"? No.. Maybe "my ham"? No... That couldn't be it either. Who in the world had ham out here in this area anyway. Well never could she recall someone being called "Jo-Hann" either, so did she just hear things incorrectly? Either way, someone was hurt and there was no time for the elemental to waste any time now. Once she'd gotten the corpse hurled into the live beast and looked over, she could see two men a small distance away. One of them had definitely been injured and the other covering him when she had showed up to join the fray.

    Giving a thumbs up with her new arm, the combat General took a second to look over the area and had a rather grand idea. With no hesitation or even a concern, Gisen bore a grin and began to charge towards the beast. "I'm over here!~" She shouted, trying to call the beast out. It barely seemed to work as it only had given her a little bit of a look over its shoulder and pulled its tail back in one direction before swinging it. Exactly as planned, the incoming tail served to be the start of her plan and jumped up enough to land right on the tail and riding its momentum through the swing, had jumped up like she'd just bounced off of a diving board and brought her axe up into the air. As the slayer came down, she would swing her axe down and into the skull of the monster, using her weight and gained momentum to drive its head into the ground.

    With the impact into the ground, the bunny girl and her weapon became displaced from the monsters head, dislodging from it and landing just nearby the two other mages. Meanwhile, the large creature reeled back and shook off the dazed feeling it had received. "That should buy us a moment." She would say, turning to the injured man. With one hand, she would dig her hand into the ground and it would turn a dark shade, almost black entirely. "Hold still, this may hurt a little, but it should help too." She warned, now retrieving her hand from it with a mass of seemingly soft earth and applying it to the injured areas of him. As the earth would coat the targeted areas, they would harden and soon end up falling off of his body with the area seemingly healed up.

    "The name's Gisen Ceostra, General of the Combat Corps~" She introduced to both of the gentlemen with her. Added to it, she would snap her fingers and a number of small rocks would begin to circle around Johann. "And that should dim-... uh.. crud what was that word... whatever. You won't be hurt as badly as long as these continue around you." Diminish was the word she tried to think of, however literature was not her forte. But once she had gotten things settled among them, the elemental would turn around to face the snarling beast across from the three of them and smirk.

    With the way her attack seemed to not do much at all to it, something about it was certainly different from the others she'd fought. But, it came to the idea rather quickly on how to get around that to some extent at least. Once she was more viably able to move back to her other weapons, she could do so. However, until then she'd have to help make weak points to give the others an advantage until she could determine how to coordinate better with them. It's been a while since the earth slayer had hunted anything with other people, but not a lost concept. It seems the spear she got a long time ago is gonna become a saving grace for her this time around. "And by the way. She's in heat."

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Lilith 24th August 2020, 2:21 pm

    I wear the hat and I wear the pants, I am advanced so I get advance & I do
    my dance & cancel their plans. Said, boo, don't be mad 'cause you had a chanceLilith Kadokawa

    Lilith's emerald eyes had been trained on Artemis when he began to answer her, she would watch the movement of his eyes that would glance past her. A look of apparent confusion falling across his face, followed by very particular words about her brother. Now she knew there was a chance that Artemis was screwing with her, but on the off chance that Shen was behind her with a girl in tow well... she just had to look. If it was true and Shen really was with a girl, then it would just be the perfect opportunity to flex on him. Something she certainly felt she needed, especially considering how she had felt a little bit... weird after the Urban Nights event.

    She didn't really know how to deal with Shen for a bit, fortunately, his natural avoidance of her came in handy here. They hadn't seen each other since, so there hadn't been anything that needed addressing. But eventually, she would have to talk to him again, and she didn't want to feel awkward when doing it. There had always been a specific dynamic between then, she was the big sister, the one in charge. He was the little weenie who could barely bring himself to look her in the eye. If she needed a footstep, she could step on him, that was how it worked. But not that night, watching him stand up for himself against a drunk, who the fuck was that Shen? Where had he come from? She didn't like it, not really, it unsettled her greatly. So the thought of finding a reason, any reason to tease him the way she normally did, to restore their dynamic in some way. Well, it was just a chance that couldn't be missed. So she turned, glancing around in the hopes of seeing her weasel of a brother holding hands with some thing. But alas, he wasn't there, and so there would be no ruthless teasing of Shen today. A genuine disappointment for the Ravenette.

    She turned around once more, the sight of Artemis sprinting off in the distance, causing her to roll her eyes. Sivvy bouncing on his shoulder laughing away, bidding goodbye to the Rune Knight. Lilith sighed, before releasing a soft chuckle. Well, as he said, turnabout was fair play. Although that didn't mean she wasn't going to get him back, this little game he had started. It wasn't even close to being done. But it was interesting to observe, Artemis had never been particularly phased with who Lilith chose to flirt with, frankly, their relationship had never inspired such emotions. He wasn't the type to be jealous, at least, not of Lili. In fact, she recalled in the past his rather encouraging nature when it came to Lili making moves of girls. The only thing she could think of in this case was different, was that it had to be done to the girl in question. Sivvy.

    Lilith settled on the clearest and most obvious conclusion, that it was time to pry. If Artemis Dagger had caught feelings for the Ambassador of Dies Irae, now that really would be a juicy story. It wasn't entirely difficult to believe either, not considering the whole fake marriage debacle. It was especially juicy knowing how intensely strict the Dagger clan were when it came to marriage, it was one of the many vents Artemis had made to her in the past. That whoever he ended up with properly would have to be vetted by his family, and gosh golly, were their standards high. Oh to be a fly on the wall should he ever take the Pinkette to meet his family.

    Lilith would finally glance down at the girl next to her, her amused expression mutating into a grimace. She had absolutely no intention of adhering to Art's suggestion of helping this child. "Yeah just er... walk around until you run into some people, kay? Later." She told her bluntly, turning on her heel she began to stroll across the plains, creating some distance between herself and the teen. She had no interest in babysitting today, now she was here for some real fun. The question was, now that Artemis and Sivvy were gone, just where would she find it?

    Lili's WC: 714


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Artemis Dagger 24th August 2020, 3:09 pm

    There's a time for games and there's a time to kill,
    Make up your mind baby cause the time is here
    Artemis Dagger

    Artemis kept running for a while, wanting to make sure that he created enough distance between him and Lilith that he would have a decent enough headstart in case she changed her mind. He was definitely faster than Lilith as far as he could tell, but Lili was ruthless. Once he was certain that not only was she not following, but that the prospect of her catching up to them was pretty slim. He would finally slow to a stop, adjusting his grip on Sivvy, he would lower her back onto the ground, hands on her hips making sure she found her feet okay.

    He chuckled softly at the woman's question, trying to figure out how to answer her. "Lili's a cool girl but she can be a little... much sometimes, plus I'm kind of annoyed at her right now. She pulled some stuff in Sorcerer Magazine that just wasn't okay. Anyway, I'd much rather go monster hunting just the two of us, more fun that way. But I know Lili wouldn't just let us go so, a quick escape was necessary." He told her, flashing a devilish grin, satisfied that this explanation would be enough to sate Sivvy's curiosity. His hands were very much still on her waist, at this point and with great hesitation he removed them. Taking a step back even, he cleared his throat. "So er yeah, shall we head out, you said you handled a bunch in the west right? I guess in that case we should go east." He suggested, ready to set off and get to it. At least he was; until he heard the scream.

    Bloodcurdling and desperate. It was a relative distance away, but not something that could be ignored. With a quick glance at Sivvy, he knew he didn't need to say anything, picking up his feet once more. He set off, running even faster than he had been moments ago, trying to close in on the source of the scream, adrenaline already coursing through him. Whatever it was, that scream had definitely been human and worse still, full of terror.

    WC: 352  



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Sanguine 24th August 2020, 4:12 pm

    The younger looking girl with pink hair had seemed nice enough to allow her to join their group, or at the least she invited her to join them. That enough was enough to put a smile on the actresses face. However, it seemed to be that as soon as it came, it went. The rather attractive looking male had seemed to have other plans and he took the girl up like a bride being carried through the threshold. The sight itself was a nice bit of enjoyment and it put a small smile on her face for a moments time. With that, the pair had split off rather quickly and it left the two raven haired girls to themselves, of which it seemed like there was no care in either end but for vastly different reasons. It was always a little hard for her to suddenly try and make any friends, however she tried and despite the good intentions leading into the sudden break up, it bolstered her confidence. If she could find more groups like that, she could surely try harder and with less hesitation.

    Then it hit her. Why was she being normal about this!? As an actress, she should be putting those skills to fill into what role she had to! A confident mage, a shy coward, a cocky brat. Whatever it would be she could try to get along to others she could surely do. But... maybe not the last two. They seemed to be the type that would be fed to the monsters in the area to lessen the burden on the ones who were out here to seriously handle a task. Her? She felt like the cowardly lion and this was the place to find that heart of courage in combat. This place felt like the place she could go in order to claim what she came for, however that would require two things; calm nerves, and something to fight.

    The other girl left of the two snapped Addi out of her mental snap. She seemed to be rather dismissive and albeit told her to leave before doing so herself. What should she do? Keep trailing her like a lost puppy or just take her advice and move on? As much as she felt guilt and wanted to keep to someone else less she got hurt, the blood mage nodded her head and turned her back before walking off. Letting out a long, quiet sigh, she felt herself dropping a load of guilt in leaving someone alone in a hostile environment, but she was in the same shoes and needing to focus on the surroundings like she was taught to do had been what she had to focus on. Her mind replying the maids directions in her head on how to do things and to do so began to close her eyes to begin that focus.

    That however came to an abrupt stop as she bumped into something. "Oh, pardon me." She blurted out before even opening her eyes.

    506 words


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Amalie 24th August 2020, 5:11 pm

    I will never ask for nothing that I won't give in return
    You will never have to question the value of my words


    She walked and walked, for what felt like the longest time. Continuing through the forest, growing increasingly more frustrated as she did. It occurred to her that she had underestimated just how fucking big this place was. Amalie had a lot of patience normally, but right now in all honesty; She was just incredibly bored. On and on she would continue, the sounds of the forest often misleading her. Every time she thought she heard something or someone, it turned out to be just another animal in the forest. Until finally, she would hear the rambling of voices in the distance, relief would flood the blue-haired woman. And she would soon find herself moving swiftly in that general direction, hoping that the interaction ahead would provide some kind relief for her.

    Amalie would reach up, pushing the branches that block her way to the side. Leaning down to duck under a particularly low branch, she would step through the gap and looking upon the source of the sound. First, the need to no longer be walking alone through this huge forest alone appeased and then; Shock.

    Pure, utter shock.

    There was much that could throw Amalie, but this. This was something else. In the clearing was a collective of bodies, it would seem that people had gathered here. Which was fine, it made sense, considering it had basically been requested by the magic council. But what she did not anticipate was the significant lack of clothing, and by lacking, basically none. Aside from the occasions pair of socks, sandals or perhaps both. Every man and woman wandering about here, was stark naked. It was an assembly of randoms, various shapes and sizes. Some rather pleasant figures, and some rather... unpleasant visuals.

    A particular man who was strolling past would catch sight of her, his large stomach that rolled over his pelvis like an excessive sack of undercooked dough jiggling slightly. His hairy neck wobbling in parallel as his beady eyes examined her excitedly. And the worst part was... she recognised him.

    It was none other, that the fucking Cringe.

    A disgusted sneer fell over the woman's face, and she swiftly pulled her gaze away before she saw any more than she already had. Boy, this was crappy luck. Not only had she been wandering around for hours unable to find Johann or Sivvy and the first people that she had found, with any hope of directing her was a nudist colony. And not just that, a nudist colony which included a member who was also Dies Irae's most disgusting felon. A disgusting pervert often used to initiate and train recruits by having them catch him, a feat made harder by his slimy nature.

    "Well, well, well. Good to see you M'lady. Welcome, Commander West to our humble function. Not here to..." He did an excited wiggling of his hips, "Snatch me up are you. Heh heh heh heh." She rolled her eyes, keeping her gaze high enough so that she only had to look at the top of his sweaty head. "No, not today. I'm looking for my fellow Dies Irae mages, have you seen any perchance?" She asked not even attempting to hide the vehement repugnance in her voice.

    "Oh me, oh my. Much to my dismay, I have no endured the pleasure of running into any of the lovely ladies of your faction. Perhaps you would like to wait here until one of them comes by. Maybe even, join in on the fun." He suggested huskily, in such a way that Amalie visibly retched in front of him. "No, I'm quite alright." And on that note, she would turn and walk back into the forest. Climbing back out of the clearing and continuing on once more. Sure she had been bored, but no amount of boredom could possibly convince her to go back into that hell hole of gross, weird and questionably sweaty. Not only did she STILL have to track down the others, but on top of that, she now had to find some bleach for her eyes. Or find a way to unsee all of the horrors she had somehow just stumbled upon.

    WC: 700

    Disclaimer: I would like to hereby state, that Leah is 99% responsible for this shit post.



    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 25th August 2020, 10:25 am

    The Unknown Lands were definitely plentiful when it came to enemies and the winged duo only had to travel for about ten minutes before they were attacked by a burst of water. Looking downwards, they’d see a male figure or at least he appeared male, wielding a trident which was pointed directly at them. With a grin, the vampire would dart in front of her ally and open her mouth, devouring the spell. It tasted quite nice really and with a wide grin, the dual slayer would fire a blast of water back down upon their foe, knocking the trident from his hand and causing him to quickly dive underwater to avoid it. Lena would have none of it and swiftly flew down after him, diving into the water and pursuing him. Her slayer abilities made breathing underwater child’s play and she had no issue keeping up with him.

    What did surprise her though was his fish-like tail and as the vampire moved in close to launch an attack, he would swish suddenly, causing a stream of scalding water to fly towards her. Swimming underneath it, Lena would create a javelin of ice and hurl it towards her target. Her ice was potent enough that it didn’t melt into regular water and struck its target firmly, causing him to turn into a block of ice and sink to the bottom of the river. Just as she was about to head for the surface though, she noticed a group of figures blocking her path. The merman hadn’t been alone after all and now his allies seemed to be out for blood, hers.

    A wild smile forming across her face, the vampire would dart upwards towards her foes, unafraid of the numbers against her. Maybe they’d be a bit more of a challenge.

    (302 Words)
    (EG3 WC: 819)

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 25th August 2020, 10:44 am

    “Are you stupid or what?” Medeia uttered with a roll of her eyes, having just seen her ally dive into the water without having a clue what was down there. There was no chance of the witch following suit and so she simply created a bow out of dark energy and waited. Sooner or later, either Lena or her opponents would emerge victorious and the fallen angel would be prepared for whichever scenario turned out to be the right one. She did not expect the vampire to lose though, having a fairly good idea of her power level. Lena was not quite at Medeia’s strength but with time, perhaps she would.

    Her musings were interrupted rather suddenly as her keen slayer hearing picked up on a noise from above. Eyes flicking skyward, the witch would just about be able to notice the sight of a blazing arrow flying down towards her. Dodging at the last moment, Medeia would swiftly nock an arrow and fire back, her purple coloured arrow hitting with a dull thud and knocking the assassin out of the sky. The figure crashed hard on the river bank and as she nocked another arrow. Her eyebrows raised as the figure stood up, revealing a blonde head of hair and bright green eyes.

    “You missed your shot,”
    the fallen angel said simply, amused by her new foe. She seemed to be a female and by the looks of her gold armour, it appeared that perhaps she was yet another minion of the heavens. It truly did seem that the promise her father had made to her had been either an absolute lie or whoever was in charge now had changed their minds. “Before I finish you off,” she continued, “At least tell me who sent you. I am getting a little tired of this.”

    (306 Words)
    (EG3 WC: 815)

    (Total EG3 WC: 2135
    Lena: 819
    Medeia: 815
    Jaesa: 501)
    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Sir Leonard 25th August 2020, 11:30 am

    Leo has heard various rumors, that were correlated with official reports that there is a huge expedition to the Unknown Lands. It appears they wish to no more from the place, to make the unknown known. Now, Leo has spent most of his years wandering the various lands that form part of this enigmatic region, and he was indeed interested albeit for more personal reasons. There was a reason his dark witch of a sister spent a lot of time here and he wants to know what it was. As such, he took it upon himself to go to the unknown lands himself and observe the actions of the various players who would take the quest up. Of course, he possibly can't take Lina with him, who would surely be pissed since a lot of people from Fairy Tail also left for the same thing. Now appeasing the little lord of his life was not an easy thing to do but after hours of pleading, and explaining, the little missy gave in and let her dad go.

    On his way there, he saw multiple mages from multiple faction make their way to the evil place. He had no doubt in his mind that small battle will ensue every now and then once certain people meet in battle. A concerning thought to be sure since he doesn't want a single Fairy dying to this place, something the entities lurking deep in the lands would be very much delighted with. He took it upon himself to make sure Fairies are back up as long as he is able in order to ensure their personal success along with the guild's. For in Leo's eyes, if there was any guild who would unlock this place's secrets, or get the most out of this so called expedition, it would be Fairy Tail. They deserve it.

    WC: 310
    Leo WC: 310


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 60684_s
    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ahote 25th August 2020, 12:56 pm

    This is the cut-off point and transition post from the third Endgame into the fourth. Continue with the same prompt with 666 WC. Be mindful of excess WC and try not to over exceed your dedicated amount. Sign-up and job ending information will be in this post in the near future for those who want that information.

    Final WC: 22,000 / 22,000 (188 excess)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Samira Nassar 25th August 2020, 6:27 pm

    The winged serpent's suggestion was a valid one, and one that many would likely opt to do to save some time, even for such a small distance. The spirit would be waiting though, which was sure to ruffle up some of those colored feathers. Samira didn't feel the need to resort to using Janus' power to get there. He had already used enough of his power to get her to the Unknown Lands. True, it might have been a bit trivial given that was his talent and specialty, but that didn't mean it should have been abused. Not calling on his aid that time around and saving his power for when she really required it was the wiser approach. She had working legs and patience. She could walk there just fine. "He has already done his part for now. I have no real reason to make him put in more effort than he already has."

    The spirit on the other side of the conversation snorted. That was laughable. 'Effort? HA! You know the next time you call him when he's REALLY needed he'll just use the excuse that he's too damn old for it and refuse.' The others expressed their agreement. Oddly enough the portal spirit didn't jump in to defend himself or comment otherwise. Even he likely knew it to be true and was already preparing to make his excuses for later. 'Suit yourself though. Just don't blame me if you break your neck along the way because you tripped over a rock.'

    Samira fought the urge to click her tongue and roll her eyes as a reaction to that comment. Instead she chose to say nothing and let the comment roll off her shoulders. Honestly. If there's one thing she knew how to do it was walk without tripping over things she could clearly see lying in her path.

    'So what are we supposed to do while you're all the way over there humoring Kuku? Play Solitaire?' Samira couldn't judge harshly for that question. It was a valid one. They were all waiting and, depending on what the serpent found, it could take a while. Were they really supposed to just stand there and wait on her? Well... yes. That had been her first thought until she considered how unreasonable it was for a group of spirits that would become completely bored with the task pretty quick. "Nothing is stopping you from exploring more or doing your own investigating. I suppose you could leave for now, however. I can always call you back when I am done."

    'Good point. Later.' The essence of that spirit immediately disappeared and could no longer be sensed even by his summoner. The others decided to remain for now. They were more curious than the other and opted to entertain themselves with the great outdoors of the Unknown Lands.

    With all of that taken care of, Samira was left with silence in her head. The woman was now free to travel in peace. Not that it was very difficult. There was mainly just trees, trees, and more trees. At the very least the place looked healthy and didn't have some weird supernatural or eerie feel or look to it. Not like the others she had the displeasure of traveling through previously during other missions or crises. That alone kept Samira in a pleasant and optimistic mood. Thus far, the expedition was going well! For her. Everywhere else might have had their own set of problems, but she wasn't exactly aware of any of those. No doubt her little peaceful adventure would stand out and raise a few eyebrows when compared with the other reports. The most she had to deal with so far was crossing a small creek. How horrible! If it wasn't for the very old bridge that had already been built as a way to cross it truly would have been a nightmare. Still, the existence of the bridge did mean something. Who had built the bridge?

    Word Count: 666


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ray Jyx 26th August 2020, 3:11 am

    What he saw when he got there would be a mind-bender to be certain.

    Even at his fastest, that scream had already ended and a still-warm corpse was flung face-down over a nearby bush, naked. His clothes were shredded all over the place, though it was hard to tell by what. Perhaps by the likewise deceased beast a few meters away with its throat slit. It was possible they'd done each other in at about the same time after a long battle. The beast was quite big and ugly, so seeing one would certainly inspire a scream like the one before. It was also unclear how long the mutually battle had lasted. It could have been mere seconds before one of those talons pierced the naked man's heart and whatever his ability was slit its throat. It must have convulsed and tossed him away, or maybe the mortally wounded man had made it a few steps to try for help? Either way, the scene seemed to explain itself away at a glance, and wasn't the source of the mind-bending.

    A familiar pink haired girl walked out of the bushes to the left of the naked man, from the opposite direction Arty arrived from. She paused and looked at him. Whether he'd be able to tell this wasn't Sivvy was debatable. They smelled and physically appeared identical. She was also wearing white, marred with blood and general grime. It wasn't the same outfit as Sivvy, but perhaps if someone hadn't been paying close enough attention, it would go unnoticed. Pink locks fell around her shoulders, which she was combing with her fingers while she silently observed him. With her hair down the designation on the back of her neck was obscured.

    "He's dead," she told him, voice stoic and identical to the woman that hadn't made it to the area with him. No, Sivvy had been stopped by an intangible shield a few meters behind him. As fast as they'd been going, hitting it out of nowhere actually stunned her. With the shield separating them, Artemis couldn't perceive her presence in the slightest. The trap had been laid and baited with a shield that only allowed men inside. For now, all Sivvy could do was watch until she figured out how to break it.

    The clone approached Artemis, strut not unlike a feline's. The closer she got, the more seductive she became. "This area is secluded. We're...alone," 69 said vaguely, which was on purpose. She reached out and touched his chest with a single finger, running it down his abs and halting at his waistband.

    All Sivvy could do was watch... and she was not happy.

    wc: 445


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 5 Jkp0PmI

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