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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)


    Moderator- Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by 88 17th August 2020, 6:19 pm

    For anyone who had observational skills or cared, there was a glorious flying pirate ship anchored off to the east all by its lonesome. The Krystal Jr. was just floating there, empty and peaceful. It's only occupant had dove off the bow ages ago, judging by the splat of jello left on the ground below and the footsteps leading into a nearby cave hidden in the side of a cliff. Could he have climbed down a ladder like a normal person? Absolutely. Did Theo Silversong do anything like a normal person? Absolutely not.

    The cave had stretched on and on with nothing interesting. When the Magic Council had mentioned potential forgotten treasure in this unexplored land, that's all it had taken to grasp his attention. He'd been here a couple times before, but he had been unsuccessful. Now that he was more sure there was actually treasure, he was darn sure gonna be the first one to find it. A slow hunter is a treasureless hunter.

    Jello magic had so many unexpected perks for treasure hunting. When he let his body slip into his magical form, he could stick, bounce, stretch, slide, flatten, and otherwise jiggle his way into inhuman places. So basically, he wouldn't encounter any competition down here unless they had a drill or some other similar magic, but that left mostly creepy cave-dwelling monsters who were hungry and mean. One such monster quickly set sights on him just as he was examining a really shiny rock, and the rest went about as anyone would expect from Theo. There was a lot of screaming, instances where he almost killed himself trying to get away, and panicked two-braincell attempts to either hit the thing or block its path, but there were no actual conscious attempts at self-defending combat. It was just...a really giant worm with like, a saw for a face. Its roar was scary and deafening, how was he supposed to actually think?! He didn't do well under this kind of pressure!

    At the rate the two chaotic beings beneath the earth were busting up the cave, some nearby might begin to feel a faint rumbling. The cave led them both under a gentle hill comparatively sized like a bra cup size that Theo would have been nervous about if it was a real boob, and of course, that's where he found an area where there was no crack to slither through. The rock there was actually too hard to even break, so within second the worm was upon him. Both were screaming at each other as the blurring teeth blades came down at him, and he suddenly formed a humongous jello mold around himself. He hovered in the middle of the green, jiggly mass just as the worm tried to eat him. The jello took up its entire mouth plus some, and soon it was evident that this black, gross worm only had one air hole and it was now clogged. It was the worm's turn to panic, jutting upward along the obsidian wall, rushing for the surface and hopefully using the earth along the way to either dislodge the jello or chunk it away to make it smaller. Neither of these scenarios happened for the aggro-earthworm, so suddenly it busted out of the side of the hill and into the overcast topside.

    So now there was a frantically wiggling worm with a large jello blob that contained a man at the center stuck in its mouth. It thrashed and thrashed, tears streaming from its eyes while Theo slowly clawed his way out of the center of the lime-flavored gelatinous dessert. A man with as much magical power as this X rank mage had should have been able to obliterate such a beast in the blink of an eye...but Theo just wasn't that type of guy. He could, but only if he actually had to focus or if someone else's life was at stake. Until then, his mind just jumped into a blender in the face of danger. Poking his head out of his jiggly shield, he inhaled sharply, then continued his screams from earlier. "HRREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" he howled as he was whipped back and forth with such force that it slung the rest of his body out of the mold entirely, rocketing him down at a small gathering of people on the hill.

    wc: 726


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 65698_s

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mythica 17th August 2020, 6:32 pm

    Ahote didn't seem the least bit surprised by Mythica's introduction, which was pretty understandable given that the two have already met before. Her initial suspicions were confirmed by Ahote's explanation and the wizard couldn't help but snicker when the wizard suggested the reasoning for her presence as well."Why of course! Exploring a brand new land by itself sounds rather dangerous and interesting... But the people a quest like this attracts, ohohohoh... That's where the REAL wealth lies." Mythica told Ahote as she walked beside him. It was no secret that Mythica was rather smug. She did think rather highly of herself after all, whether she was deserving of such praise or not. Ahote on the other hand always seemed a little glum. She couldn't really pretend to know him very well, but she wondered if he was always like this... Or maybe since the collapse of Basilisk Fang his mood had changed. She wore;uld not have been surprised if that was true. Of course the time wizard doubted he'd be in such a head space to indulge her curiosity on the matter so she didn't bother to pry.

    "Anything in particular you were searching for way out in these mysterious wilds?" She questioned, looking around with the same smug expression. "Maybe I can help!" She exclaimed with a look of sudden wonder. Mythica truly had no issues with assisting Ahote in a job like this if he so required it. After all, Mythica knew the importance of allies in their line of work. Maybe he'd be willing to return the favor one day, though she doubted it. "You really ought to smile more, Ahote! There's so many things to be happy about." She giggled, running ahead of him slightly before turning and facing the wizard, walking backwards as the two continued through the woods. "Or is someone souring your mood?"

    1015 Words.


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Aliarey Casady
    Aliarey Casady

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Aliarey Casady 17th August 2020, 6:47 pm

    "Oh, you've got to be kidding me! How did you miss that notice?! I thought you kept up with things like that?!" Alia was not happy, and the vegetation and wildlife around her could sense that clearly through all the yelling. The area was quickly abandoned by the resident animals, fleeing and hopefully finding somewhere more quiet and peaceful until that blonde human invader went elsewhere. Currently the requip mage was in the Unknown Lands, where she was meant to be looking for some ancient piece of junk that was hidden away in there somewhere. It wasn't her idea, obviously. The place was dangerous and way too quiet for her tastes. No monsters had made their appearance during her stay there, but it was only a matter of time before something lurking somewhere decided to come out and play or have some lunch. With her likely on the menu. It was a shuddering thought for someone that preferred to avoid something that was so life threatening. Yet, there she was. All because of some junk that apparently had no alternative. Or so she was told by Trey, her step brother scientist that was working on some new gear and parts for some experiment.

    Supposedly it was to upgrade parts of her own magical capabilities, but she would believe that when she saw it. It was taking ages for those lacbots to get up and running, so why would she believe that he'd get to completing them any faster if she found some mysterious hidden junk? Common sense could say it was because he didn't have that hidden piece of super mysterious ancient crap, but Aliarey tended to lack that common sense. In most cases. All she was one hundred percent certain on was that he needed to hurry with it, and she shouldn't have had to be the one out looking for the damn piece either! That's what job boards were for! For hiring stupid people that threw themselves into danger for pretty much anything and hope they actually succeed. If they don't, then move onto the next one in line! So why the hell was she there?! Just thinking about it got on her nerves.

    She had been there for days, traveling through the Unknown Lands and looking around for anything even remotely resembling what she was supposed to find. Thus far, she had a whole lot of nothing, even with the equipment she was given to help locate it. The young woman was already frustrated about the huge waste of time and effort when she contacted Trey to give him the updates via her iLac. The frustration increased when he gave her his own piece of news and updates. Apparently the Magic Council had decided to take an interest in the Unknown Lands for whatever reason. Were they looking for something too? It was kind of odd that they just now cared about the mostly uncharted lands that had been there for ages.

    Although, the two didn't particularly care about why they had an interest all too much at that point. Mostly they were just concerned about the fact that the lands were now going to have more than one adventurer. The Unknown Lands was now going to have many mages frolicking across it, getting in the way, and quite possibly finding the ancient piece of technology that was hidden away in its depths before Alia could. Now THAT was the issue that made her angry. Trey should have known about the little expedition a long time ago and told her about it. Maybe she would have wasted less time, tried harder, or... something. What a mess this now could end up being if she encountered any of them, or if they found the item and took off with it. She could end up staying in the Unknown Lands even longer for nothing if the latter came to pass without her knowledge!

    "I'm not kidding, I didn't miss it, and I did keep up. It's why I am telling you and why you now know. Amazing how that works." The voice on the other end of the call said calmly, not reacting much to the fact that he was being yelled at. It's not like she could shoot him over the phone. The other end of the call was taken over by the sounds of Trey sipping his coffee... very loudly and on purpose to annoy her. Alia's eyebrow twitched and she removed the device from her ear to avoid listening to that annoyance. Unfortunately the little speakers on the phone weren't horrible and she could still hear it even when pulled away. If only she had the power to punch him through the screen of her iLac.

    When his voice started to come through again, she put the iLac back to her ear and went back to actually listening to the moron. "I honestly don't think it'll be that much of a problem. Everyone will likely just assume you're also there for the same thing. To explore, chart, find stuff. Yada yada yada. Just keep to yourself and ignore everyone else if they show up. The possibility of them finding the thing before you do is very slim since they're not exactly looking for it. I'd be more worried about the wildlife there. It's kind of amazing that you haven't run into anything yet. Maybe you'll actually come back alive. Bummer. I might have to get back to work after all."

    "Yeah, yeah, keep sitting there while I do all the work. As always."

    "Gladly. Now hurry up, and try not to break my equipment this time. That's getting old. Expected, but old."

    Alia rolled her blue eyes and hung up. There wasn't anything left to say in that conversation. It didn't even get her anywhere since he failed to give any advice or help. Just information that annoyed her. But, at least she was aware of it now. She just needed to keep doing what she had been doing and avoid those other mages that had come to do whatever it was they planned on doing. Simple enough. Maybe they'd even clear the lands of those lurking monsters so she wouldn't have to deal with them.

    (Word Count: 1040)


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ray Jyx 17th August 2020, 6:55 pm

    OwO *dabs*

    Last edited by Sivvy on 17th August 2020, 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Jkp0PmI

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 17th August 2020, 7:02 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad wasn’t going to quite make it to Mythal and Seri’s position. He had certainly wanted to; despite his distaste for the manner of this job, he believed being curt and timely mattered as a man of the court. But alas, it wasn’t to be… yet it didn’t seem like the Prince was all that broken up about it. Mostly because he was far too busy focusing on keeping the storm drake’s mouth from closing around him.

    The Unknown Lands were quite the oddity, mostly because there were so many places in the world that shared the same title. There were even a few patches of land in Bellum that were referenced as the ‘Unknown Lands’ for the sole purpose as they lacked truly worthwhile exploration. Sure, plenty of people had dared to venture in and take a look around but none of them had even thought to craft some kind of map. Vandrad himself had never taken the opportunity to go and explore, mostly because it didn’t serve any advantageous purpose to him. And truthfully, this time wasn’t aiming to be any more prosperous. But Mercury was curious enough to want to explore and Mythal and Serilda were planning on being there so it seemed worth it, if only to see what all the fuss was about.

    The flight there wasn’t anything to write home about; it seemed to be like any other day of travel for the pair of partners. The Prince of Bellum soared through the air, arms folded over his chest, a scowl on his face while his gaze remained dead ahead. The large natural formations rose out of the ground, signaling that they had arrived on the nearby outskirts of the place called unknown by so many. He allowed himself a moment to look down and survey the scenery, looking even less impressed than he had prior. "Tsk,” he scoffed against the wind. "A wasteland of strange wilderness. I can’t believe this nation’s ‘Magic Council’ is so interested in this barren waste of space.” He was even more surprised that Mythal and Serilda had agreed to the idea; it seemed hardly worth their time. No doubt one of their Rune Knight soldiers could play the role of emissary and take on the exploration in their stead.

    He glanced over at Mercury briefly. "At least it’s better than that repugnant farce of a rave.” The night event had gifted Vandrad with a relief for his annoyance, with a gang starting trouble right from the moment he and Mercury had arrived. The resulting battle had been short but it had given him a release for his annoyance, even if he had found himself utterly drenched in different shades of paint, further marking him after Mercury’s ploy to trick him into blending in in the first place. It hadn’t been as disastrous as he had expected but pretty damn close.

    "We should be seeing them soon, I would think…” Vandrad observed, even as his gaze lifted from the skyline to several shapes in the sky. Dark, amorphous shapes that seemed to be soaring in the air above the lands below. As they got closer, Vandrad could distinctly make out the wings flapping off the sides of the creatures. "Well, well, well,” he remarked, slowing his flight speed down to a trickle as he righted himself. "There’s a sight I hadn’t expected to see. I didn’t expect to see drakes this far west.”

    Six of the draconic creatures were circling through the air, several hundred meters ahead and above them. The bronze scales reflected the sunlight as they swerved through the air, creating streams of temporarily blinding light as it came down upon them. After a moment they shifted their patterns and began to swoop downwards, directly towards Vandrad and Mercury. The Prince watched them, curious if they were approaching to examine the two of them, curious about the humanoid creatures floating in the air. But it became quickly apparent that they were diving with the full intent of attacking, their snarls and guttural groans as good as war cries. "Looks like we’ll be late again,” Vandrad remarked, though he didn’t seem truly upset. In fact, he almost looked giddy with excitement.

    A rush of air wrapped around Vandrad as he quickly transformed, easing  himself into his gold form for the sake of testing the monster’s strength. He floated away from Mercury, enough to give the creatures room. They split themselves evenly, with three of the drakes curling down towards Vandrad and the other three towards the Silver Wolf mage. "It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten drake meat,” Vandrad said with a chuckle as he punched his fist against his open palm, every fiber in his being sparking to life with excitement.

    Two of the drakes curled off their dives but one swooped down, its mouth snapping open and revealing the rows upon rows of sharp teeth, made for ripping and tearing. Vandrad’s arms moved in opposing directions as the creature came upon him, his gloved hands pressing upwards and downwards into the drake’s mouth to keep its jaw from snapping shut on him. It barreled into him, the pair soaring down towards the surface in practically a free fall. The drake snarled against the man’s hands, trying desperately to wrestle the Prince’s arms out of position and take a gnarly bite out of him.

    "Come now, I know you can do better than that,” Vandrad jeered the creature, smirking wickedly as he continued to fall towards the ground. This seemed to incense the creature, as the Prince’s face was suddenly illuminated by flames building up in the back of its throat. "That’s better.” He waited until the culmination of the fiery breath before releasing the jaws and swinging out of the way, at the same time wrapping his arms around the beast’s mouth and clamping it shut. The flames exploded within the confines of the creature’s mouth, a high pitched squeal escaping as its gums and teeth were bathed in fire. While not enough to do any real damage, it was surprising -- enough so that Vandrad could release it’s mouth, flip through the air behind it and grab it by its scaly neck. Between trying to wrestle Vandrad off and the burst of flames, the drake discovered, far too late, that the ground was rushing up to meet it.

    With a thunderous crash, the monster slammed into the ground at full speed, with Vandrad adding his strength at the last moment to drive it further into the dirt and stone. Its entire head disappeared into the surface, though enough viscera on the natural floor spoke of just how devastating the impact had been. Vandrad himself landed with such strength that he developed a crater beneath his feet, the earth trying its best to stop him from carving a new cavern in its surface. The drake flopped limply to the ground beside him as the Prince rose to his feet, chuckling to himself as he looked up at the two other drakes, now quickly approaching. "One down.”

    Words: 1213 / 1213 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by DOPPO 17th August 2020, 7:09 pm

    As Doppo overlooked the swarm of sorcerers from a rock on the plateau, he couldn't help but notice how little of the country he had seen. The Magic Council had called for only the best in their field, and seeing them show up like this was interesting even for Doppo. It was easy enough to see a face and name on a sheet of paper and the skills they had, but it was different when you got to see them in person. Everyone was as ignorant of these lands as the next guy, and there was something inherently intriguing about that. Everyone greeting one another, some saving the formalities and going off into the woods to see what they would find... it was quite professional.
    Of course, although the redhead sitting alone on a rock eating mashed potatoes could very well come off as laziness or slacking off, he was working just as hard as anyone else to properly preparing for his share of the expedition.

    Insatiable Hunger—magic that allowed Doppo to take on the physical characteristics of the foods he ate and make them battle-ready. His spells were as various as foods were and just as good. It was easy enough to sit down and eat, but it was surprisingly difficult to master. It wasn't like he could pick what characteristics he took on, and not everything he ate was always useful under any circumstances. That being said, the magic was true to its name, and Doppo was perpetually hungry. No amount of food he ate and no rate he consumed it at ever satiated his hunger, leaving him eternally... well, starved. It was a feeling everyone knew all too well, famished, and finally sinking your teeth into a hearty meal, feeling the hunger wash away into sleepy bliss. Well, for Doppo, he couldn't remember the last time he had a full belly by normal means. It was a peculiar, and yet a miserable way of life.

    And then there was his second magic. Anger Management—magic that allowed Doppo to take the energy from the food he ate and transform it into pure adrenaline, raw power, and increased hormone production. The magic gave him something like superhuman strength and speed, instantly transforming his body into a mass of muscle. The sudden increase in hormones would transform him into a brawnier, more muscular, bearded version of himself. It may not have been obvious at first, but the redhead did have mild anger issues. Well, they were supposed to be mild. One of the unfortunate but unavoidable side effects of both Anger Management and Insatiable Hunger was that one had forced the redhead to conserve his energy in both mind and matter, and other forced him to expel it. As a result, Doppo in both physical ability and expression could only ever be at one or one thousand. Everything was exacerbated twelvefold when his second magic was activated, and his first magic forced him to stay practically stagnant in emotional and physical capability. There was never a middle ground... but maybe it was possible?

    Fried chicken, clams, fried calamari, swordfish, raw eggs, bacon, crab, and much more. Doppo sat on the plateau, quietly scoffing down the food as he watched everyone mobilize. Even the man with the crazy white hair from earlier seemed to be dogged down by beasts who had found their way onto the landmark, and dealt with them with ease as Doppo watched with an unamused look on his face.

    The Council really brought the best, huh...? Wow, maybe I should've stayed home today... I don't think Sheldon or Joe came either... hm... Doppo thought to himself, though one might assume he wasn't thinking of anything of import when they saw that dopey look on his face.

    Post Word Count: 629 | Total Word Count: 1072 | Needed Word Count: 1,000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Sleepiness: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
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    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ran 17th August 2020, 7:26 pm

    As it turned out, Aphelia had smelled elk. There were a lot of them, actually. And while she had been too in a rush to properly take a closer look at some of the others who had come out to explore the Unknown Lands, she thought she might have seen Amalie! It could definitely have been a hallucination, but just thinking about the commander made Seika also think about strawberries.

    508 Seika

    Last edited by Ran on 17th August 2020, 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Amalie 17th August 2020, 7:29 pm

    uwu please ignore

    Last edited by Amalie on 17th August 2020, 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 17th August 2020, 7:40 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    While many going on this expedition today weren’t necessarily all that worked up over the nature of the job, Mercury was more than a little interested. This was just one more excuse to learn more about the world she had been sent to infiltrate, and given that all that she’d been exposed to in her short time on Earthland, she was excited to see what other kind of things they might uncover. Surely if the Magic Council was sending in an expedition party this large, there was something they knew was there and worth looking for, right? It had to be valuable, and Mercury had every intention of getting some of whatever it was for herself and Silver Wolf. She wished the council had been a little more forthcoming with the details on what they were supposed to be finding, but that was part of the fun as far as she was concerned.

    As far as she could tell, there were actually going to be a fair number of people present at the expedition that she would know. The most immediate was Mythal and Serilda, whom she and Vandrad had been doing their best to spend more time with. And to their credit, the two Rune Knights had proven themselves people of their word and had gone out of their way to create opportunities to see them as much as possible between their admittedly crazy schedules. Between running the Knights, being two of the four Gods of Ishgar, planning a wedding, and star knew what else, Mercury really wasn’t sure how either of them had any free time at all. She could only assume they were making a conscious effort to make time for them, something Mercury appreciated more than she realized.

    However, she also knew that a fair number of other Silver Wolf members would be present as well. How could they not? Practically the entire guild had jumped to its feet at the opportunity, and while not all of them had the time or leisure to go, a fair number did. It would only be a matter of time until she ran into quite a number of familiar faces. For certain Theo would be present. He left earlier than most in his ship, eager as he always was for a treasure hunt. Mercury wasn’t entirely sure it was treasure, specifically, that the council was trying to dig up here. Most likely some kind of valuable ore or maybe a wreckage or ruin with some artifacts of note and power. But far be it from her to spoil the young man’s innocent fun. Theo was one of the few people Mercury had taken a genuine liking to and actually had a modicum of real respect for, so she had no desire to be a part of putting a downer on his day.

    Would Khelben be here today, she wondered? She hadn’t seen the tall, charismatic man that day, though with how quickly the word had spread like wildfire through the guild hall she would be surprised if he didn’t make an appearance of some sort. He seemed to be very involved in guild activities, particularly stuff with the Scholar branch. She actually saw him quite often, though he had yet to put any more moves on her since their trip to Divide Island. What a job that had been. The minute the job was declared over and their portion of the work complete, he had tried to jump her right there and then in the caves, with no mind or care at all to the corpses of all the giant dead centipede beasts around them. If it weren’t for the fortuitous call from Dr. Schaefer interrupting them, she honestly wasn’t sure the two of them wouldn’t have followed through on the act. Whether Khelben intended on trying to follow through again later was anyone’s guess, but she hadn’t been alone with him since so it hadn’t come up.

    For now she flew along in the sky with Vandrad, sitting casually on the surface of her hoverdisc with one knee crossed over the other. She was dressed in her typical trendy and flashy style, with an assortment of empty pouches attached to her person that masked the use of her magic and Mercy holstered at her hip. “My money is on some kind of ore or long lost wreckage,” she mused in response to Vandrad’s grumblings about the locale. “I can’t imagine they would send in so wide an expedition party without knowing something was there. Maybe Mythal and Seri will know more, since they are pretty involved with the Council.”

    When he commented that this was at least preferable to the rave, Mercury turned a large grin at him. Even though her sunglasses shielded her eyes, he could likely still feel the impish twinkle in them. “Aw, c’mon. It wasn’t all bad. You got to beat a guy up. That’s like your favorite activity in the world. You know, outside of pounding me, of course.” Figuratively and literally. “Besides, I think all that paint and glowing clothing suited you very well. Even your mother was impressed. We should go to stuff like that more often.” She hadn’t actually told him that she’d sent pictures of him in his outfit to Themesycia, though it was possible he’d assumed she had. Ever since Bellum, Mercury had kept up quite regularly with the duchess, having given her a custom iLac much like the one she’d granted Vandrad so the two of them could keep in touch. Actually, she’d done that with most of his relatives, and many of the conversations that had ensued involved a lot of pictures and videos that the prince was probably better off not knowing about.

    Just as they were starting to get close to the rendezvous point, the two of them both sensed something at the same time, Vandrad with his eyes and Mercury with her sensors. She turned to look in the direction of the object to find the creatures he’d mentioned. “Drakes?” she asked curiously. There was some relief in him now knowing that she was an alien, as she no longer needed to pretend she knew about things that were foreign to her. Zooming in with her vision, she observed them to be large lizard-like creatures, covered in scales and boasting large wings that allowed them to fly. The inside of their bodies burned with a fiery heat that suggested some kind of molten core in their bellies, perhaps the ability to breathe fire.

    They were coming right at them, too, aimed in a direct flight of interception. Vandrad spoke up about being late again, though he didn’t appear too broken up about it. Mercury was actually a bit excited, too. She never turned down the chance to tangle with a new kind of enemy, and she wanted to learn more about these creatures. As Vandrad took on his golden aura, Mercury sped up her disc, inciting a couple of them to break away from the pack and follow her. The disc launched itself higher and higher into the air and she waited until the exact moment where one of the beasts were directly beneath her, only a few meters behind…

    Then, she grinned and directed the disc into a somersault, falling off of it and diving straight down onto the creature. Before it even had a chance to react to her completely one eighty movement, Mercury twisted her lithe form around to grab hold of the creature at the base of either side of its wings, holding on for dear life as it screeched its fury and wriggled to try and shake her off. “Whoa!” she exclaimed, tightening her grip. “It’s alright, don’t mind me. I just wanna try something if you would be so kind…”

    Since no one was around to watch her use her magic, she conjured a rope of malleable metal, the interior of which was laced with lines of copper wire. The rope was shaped much like a harness of some kind, wrapped around the drake’s mouth like a muzzle with a couple of nodes on either side of the creature’s temple. The wire suddenly surged with electricity, shocking the drake’s head and digging deep into its brain to affect its neural impulses. Immediately, the beast began to spiral down toward the ground. Fighting against the drag of gravity and centrifugal force, Mercury lurched herself onto the creature’s back with her legs just above the wings, holding tightly to the reins she had created.

    “Come on, come on,” she said more to herself than the drake, making minor adjustments to the placement of the nodes and the power of the electrical input before attempting another shock, until finally she got what she wanted: The right amount of electrical pulse to trick the drake’s body into following her commands. The great creature evened itself in the air and tore gracefully back up toward the sky at her behest, and she whooped loudly at her success. If she could keep this thing alive, maybe she could take it back to the guild for study. But first, there were four more of them to take down...

    Serilda Sinclair



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ahote 17th August 2020, 7:42 pm

    Ahote didn't like Mythica, but he didn't particularly dislike her either. She had always been a presence in his more recent life, but like so many others, Ahote had kept her at an arm's length. 'Not too close, now' he'd treat his friends and family, 'don't come any closer.' For years, this was the case. He could remember the boy he once was, where his eyes were full of light and with a belief in others. When he was an adolescent, he was delicately balanced on the fine line between a life of crime and being an ignorant bystander of that evil. Raised by one of Fiore's greatest villains, it was no surprise that he'd eventually fall off the line and descend into the abyss. The day Ahote let all of his fear and anger out onto one cruel old man's skull with a stone was the day his innocent world finally broke apart. He was never the same after that. He became more cynical of others, colder, and tolerant of the atrocious things he shied away from. Some things never changed, like his love for working, cooking, and learning. And some things he had found again within himself, like his childlike delights and attitude when comfortable, his deceptively warm-heart, and to his surprise, sexuality he never knew was within him. Still, many things didn't show any signs of changing, now how glum and pessimistic he could be, and that resting bitchface of his never seemed to wear away.

    When Mythica had taken the opportunity to walk with Ahote through the forest, Ahote didn't argue or attempt to flee. Like a fly, she buzzed in his ear, never leaving him be. He had grown somewhat used to her random appearances and had learned to even enjoy them while they lasted.

    "Smile?" Ahote looked at her, stopping as she ran ahead of him. He paused for a second, staring at her with this look of confusion. Suddenly, he began to walk ahead of her. "What a ridiculous thing to say... I'm perfectly fine. Why? Is it not obvious?" he looked at her with that hard look on his face again. Truth be told, he was somewhat content with his life at the moment, if not only a little confused. He's been indulging in more sex than he ever dreamed of, and Boomslang was doing particularly well now that he had employed others. And his job within Hidden Blades was going smoothly as well, maybe even better than that. And now this sudden expedition? He'd say his life was going somewhat well, even if he was paying for it with a lack of sleep. Even more than usual.

    Post Word Count: 446 | Total Word Count: 1237 | Needed Word Count: 1000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:



    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 17th August 2020, 7:44 pm

    694 words || —— || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    It didn’t seem like much of a choice when she was offered a chance to go to an island and hunt monsters? It was like inviting a child to go to a candy store for free! One just couldn’t say no when it came to the whole ordeal none the less. Happy to be invited even, among just having the job tossed around, she was being more or less escorted for her own safety by Serilda and Mythal. She also came with a very energetic angel whom for her own safety remained quiet from the power couple on the trip over. However, that didn’t happen. Maybe she just got it wrong in her excitement to slaughter some large monsters. Well, anything was possible to say the least. Whatever the case, the two made their own way to the island and without any issues with weight either. That was thankful since she was an easy two people.

    Once docked, the bolted off in a random direction without a second thought. Wanting to jump right into the fun that she’d been withholding on expressing much for at first. That was, until she came across her first track mark. The island held well to being as unknown as one could be. It always gave the monster hunting elemental a giddy feeling of excitement to be surprised for fights. Where was the fun if not for a bit of danger and excitement!? And being that death was not much of an option for the bunny girl, she’d take whatever she could get. Tracks went deeper and deeper into the wooded area and frankly it was beginning to seem as though there wasn’t going to be anything around. Gashes in the ground made from horns and partially dented in trees made by something win some serious force. The more evidence she passed, the more fun this was becoming. But this still left her one mystery she couldn’t solve by seeing; why was such a peppy, talkative angel being so quiet?

    Not making one word between the two was becoming a small bother in the back of her mind. However, the tracking of the monster that could have been around was something in the forefront of her mind. It always had been and there was a horrible habit she had that she would put everything aside in order to focus on that task. Something that was good, but also came at a bad price for her. Sometimes there’s a thought in her clearer moments that was probably one of the reasons she ended up in the situation that gave her amnesia to begin with. But that was neither here nor there currently. For the meantime, Gisen was focused on the task of getting to finding whatever it was she was tracking. The more she tracked, the more excited she had been to find whatever caused this damage and enjoy a nice, fun fight.

    Then a rumble shook the ground beneath her. Pausing in her steps, the ground shook again and though she could hear and feel it, the vibrations were too large and powerful to make heads or tails of. Finally... silence. The pair looked around as if wondering if they just encountered a small earthquake when the ground beneath the elemental cracked. With it, a pair of horns and then a head burst through the ground. A thundering roar came as the horns gored through her body and with the motion, she was thrown into the air like a rag doll. A large grin formed on the airborne bunny as the monster that had burst through the ground landed feet first onto the ground, seeing the target of its next meal. While the momentum died out, there was no time to debate a next move if one even needed to be thought out. A large sword made of ice and overall dangerously cold metals appeared in her hand. Beginning to spin her body in an attempt to create her own burst of momentum, Gisen’s first attack swung straight down, clashing straight into the horns and shattering both horns and the weapon of the Combat Generals in the same blow.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Althea 17th August 2020, 8:06 pm


    word count: 199
    total word count: 199 i hate everything
    tagged: @

    i'm so big pp
    Rolling hills feeding into dense forests, mountainous silhouettes looming in the distance.  Althea had visited the Unknown Lands in the past, but the actual scenery always failed to live up to her expectations.  Sure, there was the chance of finding all kinds of fun things, but that was all.  So instead of the untouched nature, the youth was much more focused on the groups hanging around in the area.  Some were situated on a plateau, some had already broken away from the main group, but all of them were here for just one thing.  Out of nowhere, the Magic Council decided to send a large expedition into some mysterious lands.  Of course, this was the very reason why Althea decided to head out to the middle of the wilderness.  But wasn’t this a bit overkill?

    The blonde was a bit worried about whether or not the government would have enough money to pay her for her efforts.  From the looks of things, the chances of one of the few individuals the blonde was acquainted with being among her fellow adventurers were pretty high.  But having to get to the Unknown Lands was much less tiresome than actually investigating them.



    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Louie 17th August 2020, 8:17 pm

    A celebrity's celebrity, so wealthy that he could wipe his wear with his jewels, and a natural beauty that seemed to have been crafted from the Goddess of Beauty's delicate hands themself. No one could mistake those gorgeous golden locks, or those stunning crimson eyes, or maybe his smooth, baby-like skin...! Without a doubt, Louie Calvin Klein's natural talents and gifts would be recognized by all. It was only inevitable, wasn't it? So, when the blonde received a direct summoning from this third world country's Council to conquer the Unknown Lands, whatever those were, Louie greeted the letter with an "it's about time!"

    On a small, private airship, bright and golden, Louie made his way into unknown territory. He could see others in the distance who had already arrived, but none of them were important. What was important was that he, Louie Calvin Klein, was here now. He would explore these lands to greater extents than everyone combined, and he would spill the most beast blood out of all the disgusting barbarians here.  

    Post Word Count: 173 | Total Word Count: 173 | Needed Word Count: 173
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:




    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Amalie 17th August 2020, 8:18 pm

    I will never ask for nothing that I won't give in return
    You will never have to question the value of my words

    Much to Amalie's annoyance she wasn't able to find Johann or Sivvy in the time she took venturing further into the cursed land. Perhaps she had taken a wrong way or journeyed a little too far in a random direction. But as of right now, she was deep in what appeared to be some forestry having just broken into a clearing of a muggy swamp. She lowered herself down onto the ground, placing her hands on hips. Just where in the hell was she?

    It occurred to her that she could fly up over the trees and take a look but something else had caught her attention. The low grumble that seemed to be echoing through the trees, she scowled as she approached. Hand rising to grip lightly on the hilt of Goldbrand ready to draw if necessary. The grumble grew louder, to the degree that Amalie was certain at this point that this was a beast of some sort. She would have turned and left it, had it not been for the whimpering. It was small, but she was sure of it, there was human hiding in the foliage.

    Suddenly, there was a great snarl, followed by a girlish scream. A woman burst out of the bushes, arms flailing she ran in Amalie's direction. Instinctively Amalie would whip the gun out of her belt, taking aim at the beast that burst out after her. It wasn't a creature that she recognised, and at first guess she might have assumed it was some sort of chimaera. But what was clearly obvious to the woman, that the beast was dangerous. It was a giant beast, equal to the size of a small car. It had a green reptilian face, surrounded by a furry brown mane. Its body was patterned with white and grey stripes, with a slightly potted belly hanging beneath it. Its feet were like a crocodile, and its sported a giant scaley grey tail as thick as a tree trunk.

    The Articulation took aim, and fired off a single shot. The bullet erupting from the gun with such force that as it struck the creature it would momentarily stun it. Amalie glanced back to check on the hunter girl, but it would seem she had already pelted into the bushes, leaving Amalie to fend against the creature alone. Amalie scoffed rolling her eyes, "Ugh, people." She grunted, before turning her attention back to the beast. Well, there was no use trying to run, the beast was deceptively fast. And even if Amalie managed to get away, there was still the possibility that it would track down the hunter girl. Even if she had abandoned the woman...

    "Shards." She would call out, the spell leaving her lips in an echo. Immediately broken shards of glass would manifest around the woman, vibrating with the vigour of a swarm of bees. Taking advantage of the beasts disorientation, she would order the shards forth. The broken pieces swarming in on the beast, carving away at its flesh, trying to dig it's way into any soft spots that it could find. The beast reared up onto its hind legs, blood streaming from its eyes and mouth as the woman's magic went to work. Enraged it would begin to pound toward her, she waited until it was closer, before kicking off of the ground. Using her residual flight spell to hoist herself up into the air spinning her body as she did so, she brought herself down upon the back of the beast. Gripping on to the creatures fur mane, she would place her palm over the back of the beast neck, a spot which had proven to have somewhat softer tissue based on the damage done by her shards.

    "Impalement." A lance would pool at her fingers, thrusting it's directly into the beast body. It would tear through flesh and push itself out from the underside of the monster's throat. The beast would begin to slow before slowly collapsing to the floor, Amalie hoped off of the back of the creature before it collapsed completely. Eying it for a moment she would allow for her shards and the amethyst lance to disappear once more. Before turning on her heel and continuing to travel through the forest, in hopes of finding either Johann or sivvy.

    WC: 722 Amalie's TWC: 1066 / 1000



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ahote 17th August 2020, 8:37 pm

    This is the cut-off point and transition post from the first Endgame into the second. Continue with the same prompt and WC goals. Be mindful of excess WC and try not to over exceed your dedicated amount. Sign-up and job ending information will be in this post in the near future for those who want that information.

    Final WC: 22,000 / 22,000 (900 excess)


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ray Jyx 17th August 2020, 8:38 pm

    Sivvy picked up speed as she approached the location of the scent she was locked onto like a bloodhound. She was actually quite swift on her feet, so the dust was kicking up behind her as she ran, drying her white, skin-tight battle dress to the point that most of what could be called her modesty was restored. Only a few smaller, dinosaur-like enemies tried to get in her way, but she wasn't having it. They had heads and necks, which meant with a fluid swing of her giant ax, the beasts were beheaded and posed no more threat. Very few things could get between her and Artemis Dagger.

    Finally, she broke through the trees and could see him. He was with another woman, and judging from her light foray into social media, it was Lilith Kadokawa. That didn't deter her from approaching in the least, though she did slow down. Running up at such a speed might be alarming to both Artemis and Lilith. For any other person, the body language they were displaying might imply an unpleasant and private discussion, but Sivvy didn't take the time to consider that. Currently, she was experiencing the same tunnel vision he got when food was near or there was a pretty dress hanging in a display window.

    Swift footsteps finally brought her close enough to the two to speak. "Artemis!" she greeted with the Arty-only smile saved just for him, though it remained in a more polite capacity as she turned her attention to his friend. "Nice to meet you, officially," the ambassador added, extending a hand toward the darker haired woman. However, after a glance at her hand, she retracted it and quickly wiped it on the edge of her short skirt, trying to remove any grime that might remain on it. It was clear that Sivvy had been very busy on the monster front, so she'd understand if Lilith didn't want to shake her hand. The rainstorm had removed most of the blood and dirt, but she was far from fresh and clean. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," she added, looking between them as she just realized a potential social snafu.

    wc: 364


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Jkp0PmI


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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ran 17th August 2020, 8:56 pm

    Now that they had gone a bit off from the big clearing type area where most people seemed to be convening, she had more space to work! And... the girl knew just what she wanted to do! It was best to explore by digging through the dirt and finding all sorts of cool specimens. She planned to dig a thin but pretty deep line of a mini trench tunnel sort of thing, and use it to draw! Then they could go floating in the sky, and she could show Aphelia. Nodding in determination, Seika pushed up the sleeves of her sweater, only to have them fall back down again. Rubbing at her eyes, she shrugged before clapping excitedly. "Time to get started! Okay, stem first. Or maybe the leaves?" Tilting her head uncertainly, Seika squinted at the land.

    Although it was... like, relatively flat, she felt like the brushes and other undergrowth were going to be a series of problems for this endeavor. The mage wanted to create a lovely picture, kind of like a cartoon and clean line art. With the speckles and little dots of different colors distracting from her outline, it might not look quite as nice. Seika scratched at her elbow absentmindedly as she tried to think of the solution. The most obvious one was just to get rid of everything here. But it was also an expedition to explore and collect stuff and... and stuff, right? So she should just collect everything here! Beaming, the girl crouched down and began to tug at the nearest bush. She had no idea where she would put everything (maybe in bags?) but it was best to just see how much she had to store, first.

    287 Words


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 17th August 2020, 9:28 pm

    “Dope-po, right,” Mythal reiterated his pronunciation of the general’s name, still seeming to give very little interested in saying it right. It was evident, given how they had basically switched demeanors, that they were both in their heads and trying to sort through their thoughts. Ironically, it seemed they were thinking the same thing -- or at least along the same line. At his comment about Vandrad, Serilda managed to give him a slight smile and mention that digging through the dirt and grime was probably preferable to a dance scene for Vandrad. “Yer pro’lly right,” he agreed, giving her an equally ironic smile.

    She agreed that keeping an eye on the path to the door to darkness was the best option, to ensure that no one happened to discover it by accident. She took a moment to take his hand and give it a gentle clutch, letting him know it would be fine. And he believed her -- despite the odds almost always seemingly stacked against them, he believed that if shit went sideways, they could handle it. Frankly with the amount of magical power in this area, it was highly unlikely anything could survive an outright battle. Seri set her attention forward, curious to what the first step was on this ludicrous journey. “Hell if I know. Grab a shovel and start diggin’? Shoot a monster here or there? Doesn’t seem to be any kind of real direction that we can--”

    KABOOM went the hillside right before them as something erupted from the dirt, coming up so fast that Mythal barely had time to sense its approach. He took a step back, his hand already reaching for Curse on his back. As the shadow of the thing came against the backdrop of the sun, details began to clear and clarify. It was… two beings, seemingly stuck together. One was some kind of sandworm, flailing and blubbering in agony. A quick look showed that its face was buried in some kind of gelatinous cube? Mold? Ball? He couldn’t even really make it out. But there was what looked like a man stuck in the gel as well, his head popping out from the side long enough to erupt in a panicked, fear-stricken scream.

    What in the space fuck?!

    Mythal leapt up towards the duo, his attention on the worm. He knew that Serilda would be moving right behind him and without even having to plan it, they would move to both objectives instinctively. The panicked creature was, unfortunately, in quite the bind but the Darkness King readily removed him from the gel… by delivering a half-hearted palm strike to its abdomen. The creature went flying out of the goo, soaring through the air before it bounced over the ground several times, each impact leaving a slimy green splat mark. Finally it came to a stop, rolling limply on the ground for a moment before it popped back up, tears still shooting from its eyes as it gargled and grumbled back at them. It was probably some kind of cursing in sandworm language, not that any of them could probably understand it. Then it quickly burrowed into the ground, disappearing from sight.

    With that out of the way, he turned back to Serilda and their new jellified friend, curious to what the hell the story was for this.

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 17th August 2020, 9:47 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 RJtajUnz_o

    "Pounding her. What a ridiculous accusation.”

    Vandrad was grumbling as the two other drakes circled him, seemingly more bothered by Mercury’s words than the presence of the two monsters. There he stood on the ground, arms crossed over his chest once more as he waited for the beasts to strike, his golden aura still ebbing off of him like a fire upon tinder. He glanced upwards at the Silver Wolf mage, who had decided to charge into the closest creature and land upon its back. She used her magic to harness it with a metal lasso. He watched as she fiddled with something, far too small for him to see from so far down. He took his eyes away for a brief moment, as he bent down just in time to dodge one of the creatures diving and trying to bite at his head.

    "Sending pictures of me in ridiculous garb,” he continued to mumble as he righted himself. Yet despite all his grumbling, only she would understand that it was all for show. His outer exterior was, in truth, very much the person inside but Vandrad had a single weakness and it had very quickly become Mercury. After everything they had gone through, after all the secrets that had broken down between them and been revealed, the hardest truth that the Prince had realized was his deeper feelings for her. It wasn’t partnership, it wasn’t camaraderie -- it was far more personal than that. He refused to put the emotions to a word, knowing that if he did that, he’d very well be done for. So instead he continued to be obstinate, despite the fact that he knew that truly just tickled her.

    The second drake dive bombed him, aiming to completely body him with its massive weight. The Prince waited until the last moment before he raised his hand and unleashed a blast of concentrated ethernano, vaporizing its torso and leaving a smoldering and scorched hole through it. He hopped over its flailing body easily, ranging an easy six foot jump casually before landing back on the ground. His eyes sought Mercury’s location in the sky once more before something else caught his attention. Something big, obtuse and shining. It was an airship, a relatively small one in comparison to the others in the area, but still large enough to notice. Even from a distance, it was clear that this vessel wasn’t painted gold -- it had most likely been plated in real aurum. Another member joining the expedition? Who the hell was that ridiculously wealthy and egotistical to show up in such lavish…?

    "Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” Vandrad hissed between clenched teeth, only one face and name coming to mind. Now more annoyed than excited, he leapt into the air, timing his jump so that he caught the last drake by the throat with his hand. Energy fueled out of his fingers gripping the scales, melting the hardened plates enough that he could damage the throat. The creature thrashed and screeched but its cries went silent a moment later as the rest of its neck burnt to ash. Still Vandrad climbed into the air, now dragging the dead beast’s corpse along with him.

    He came over the ledge of the airship and landed on its bow, eyes already narrowed as his boots met a solid surface. "Well if it isn’t the worthless pretty boy,” Vandrad remarked, snorting as he dragged the drake’s body up over the lip of the ship and dropped it in front of him. It wouldn’t cause any real damage but it would certainly crack and flake off some of the gold that had been so elegantly structured on. "What the hell are you doing here, pest? This expedition is for real wizards.”

    Words: 647 / 647 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Samira Nassar 17th August 2020, 10:28 pm

    It didn't take long before the voices of the four summoned spirits entered her mind, each one reporting what they had seen, heard, and sensed as they continued to move through the lands. For now there was no danger. The more ferocious beasts must have lived further within the the depths of the Unknown Lands. The only ones lurking and hiding in the area she was in were ones that wanted nothing to do with her. They were content in remaining as they were and allowing the wanderers to travel in their territory. For now. It would be a very simple task in changing their minds on that. Not that Samira would want to, but knowing that made her remain on the side of caution instead of going in with full confidence and a let down guard.

    "Was there anything else?" She asked of them as she made her own way through the forest. Even she had not found anything of interest. Well, not anything new really. Surely the Council already knew what sort of things grew there so samples were unnecessary. Having pictures or gathering information of the more common type animal also seemed like a waste of time. They weren't that ignorant to not know at least that much. Probably. Now that she thought about it she really should have inquired as to how much they already knew about the Unknown Lands before leaving. Too late now, she supposed. Maybe she would just chart and write a few things down just to be certain that was taken care of in case they really knew next to nothing about the area. Even if it was all basic common sense that anyone could have guessed.

    Samira took a key from her keyring and used its magic to open up, not a spirit portal, but one of similar nature. It swirled with the same sort of energy, but it was much smaller and was clearly not connected to any sort of being. Well, not in the traditional way. It was connected to a vault that belonged to her set of spirits, and it was where she stashed many of her things and supplies. Even if she didn't appear to be prepared for much of anything Samira was, in actuality, always supplied and prepared. Raising her arm to be directly in front of the portal, she reached in. Thinking of what she wanted allowed her to find what she was looking for even if she couldn't see directly into the vault itself. So long as it was in there that connection with the magic worked without error. What had been pulled out from the portal when she retracted her arm was a journal full of blank pages that were just waiting to be filled with notes and essays. All of it being about the findings from the expedition, of course.

    As for the question she had asked of her personal spirit scouters, three had answered with the reply of "no" in various reactions and tones, each unique to that spirit's personality. The fourth had not answered yet for some odd reason. Already she was being ignored. That figured. That was her assumption anyway at first.

    (Word Count: 533)


    Aliarey Casady
    Aliarey Casady

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Aliarey Casady 17th August 2020, 10:44 pm

    "Shit, shit, shit," Aliarey muttered to herself quietly. As quietly as one could while in a mood mixed with panic, anger, annoyance, and pretty much fear for one's own life. Those damn expedition mages weren't clearing those horrible and annoying deadly beasts fast enough! Granted it hadn't really been that long since she first got word of them coming to the Unknown Lands and therefore that meant there was even less time for those same mages to clear the place of human devouring monsters, but that fact was not her concern. If many of them were affiliated and chosen by the Magic Council then that meant they were probably the walking nuke sort of mages. Put them together and that should have meant the place would be void of any and all deadly predator in a split second! Along with probably the entire Unknown Lands itself but they could hold back enough for that not to happen, right? Her unrealistic expectations only infuriated her further because the fact of the matter was she was still stuck.

    Stuck where? High up in a tree where a group of freakish mutated wolves circled below. She may have gone waaayyy too close to their cave and gotten their attention before she realized where she was. Thankfully they had growled before doing anything else, which told her to instincts to get the heck out of there before she became a brand of wild canine monster food. In the end she ended up not being able to outrun them for they were just as fast as she even with her magical enhancements. Thus came the tree. Apparently, unlike her, they could not climb. They seemed pretty content to wait there though for her to come down. Like hell was she doing that. But, she couldn't very well keep cursing her predicament or the expedition mages forever. Something had to be done.

    "These things better not be bullet proof," the blonde told herself. What would she do if they were she wasn't quite sure. Maybe they wouldn't be fire proof? Electric shock proof? Something proof? She really needed better utility or escape mechanisms and strategies. For now, she'd just see if Plan A worked. Operation Howling Shooter. Aliarey summoned up one of her many turret discs in her hand and tossed it onto the ground where the circling wolves were. The disc glowed blue as it landed and then formed into one of her weapon turrets, that one being of the gatling gun variety. It began to immediately fire on the wolf pack without need for a signal or programmed target.

    The wolves were shocked at first by the presence of the disc and had turned their attention towards it. When they started to get hit and injured by its magic bullet barrage they began to quickly scatter and take off, leaving the area and the human that was hiding in the tree behind. Easy peasy. Or so she thought. That group was actually the smaller of those beastly wolves. Although it was hard to tell given the size of them already being larger than the typical wolf. There was actually something much larger in the area. A creature that was much less likely to be frightened by simple magic bullets. And the wolf-like creatures that ran away were going straight towards it, alerting it of their troubles.

    (Word Count: 562)



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Althea 18th August 2020, 12:25 am


    word count: 411
    total word count: 411
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    In stark contrast to exploring, all the Althea had to do to navigate was run in the right direction.  But an “expedition” suggested that there may be something of value within the Unknown Lands.  However, all Althea could see were trees, so what was there to discover?  Well, she could stand around staring at people, waiting for some kind of exploration party to organize, but that was kinda boring.  Sure, interacting with her fellow humans was always fun, but now wasn’t the time for leisure!  She had to poke around the area and look around for something interesting.

    However, the moment the blonde set her sights on the great unknown, wandering around aimlessly seemed extremely unappealing to her.  What did the Magic Council even expect to find for them to send such a large group?  Buried treasure?  The ruin of a lost civilization?  Most people weren’t even adventuring, instead choosing to loiter about.  No matter how Althea looked at it, the only thing of value in the Unknown Lands was the land itself.  Was Fiore planning to colonize the area or something?  If so, she was completely down to assist!  Seeing as most places already had political powers occupying them, it would only make sense to expand into “unclaimed” territories.  There was a reason why they were called the “Unknown Lands”, no one knew what was there, so there might as well be nothing there!  And if the Council had enough money to fund a huge exploration party, she was sure they’d be able to fund some kind of new settlement or whatever.

    “Okay, the first thing a new settlement needs is… a source of income!  Yeah!”  Althea nodded to herself, satisfied with the deduction.  Sure, building a new town just for the sake of getting some people living there was fine, but who would want to leave the comfort of their city and move to rural outskirts if nothing’s there?  Whether it be a nice plant or cool rock, the blonde just needed to figure some kind of natural resource that people considered valuable… or not.  If she went about things that way, wouldn’t it be the same as regular exploration?  No, there were other things for her to take advantage of here.  “Hmmm… tourism?”  She murmured, attempting to picture some sort of gimmicky village that would suck money out of people’s pockets.  People thought the Unknown Lands were super mysterious or whatever, right?  Might as well capitalize on that.



    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 18th August 2020, 3:16 am

    Why was it that no matter how far she travelled, there were always another load of bandits that were causing trouble? Today was sadly no different and the blond hunter was perched on a ledge, watching them as they scurried around through her scope. They were your standard group, drinking, fighting and having their way with a few unfortunate girls that they had managed to capture. It was an unpleasant sight but Jaesa was unable to fire just yet, waiting for that moment where the leader just might show his face. She’d been there for some time but that was no issue for a sniper. For a job like this, patience was key and although there was a part of her that was screaming to get involved now, she managed to hold herself back. There would be plenty of time to get in close and personal later but for now, it was the waiting game for her.

    A figure would finally come into sight, wearing a far more elaborate set of gear then the others. He fit the description of the leader too. Tall, red hair, blue eyes and scars all over his face. He’d certainly been in the wars although with any luck, that was all going to come to an end today. Taking a deep breath, Jaesa would become still, becoming almost like a stone. Everything around her would slow to a crawl as she targeted her enemy through the scope. She could see every scar, every bat of his eyelids, every drop of sweat that fell from his brow. All of those people that he and his had bullied and tormented would end today.

    After what seemed like an eternity, her finger would pull on the trigger and a single shot was fired, travelling down from her vantage point and soaring towards her target. The man didn’t even know what hit him and struck the bandit leader in the head with a sickening crunch. Wordlessly, his lifeless body would crash towards the ground, as dead as a doornail. The reaction was swift as the other bandits quickly surrounded the body of their lost leader but that was a mistake, as Jaesa’s second shot would be fired at that moment, catching another of the bandits and taking his life too.

    Panicking, the rest would quickly take cover behind whatever they could find, gripping their own weapons in a futile attempt to defend themselves. Turning her rifle slightly, the blonde hunter would set up her third shot, before unleashing its wrath upon a fool who was hiding behind what looked like some kind of metal barricade. It didn’t do him much good, as the blonde’s bullet began to pierce through the metal and struck him in the side. It was like shooting fish in a barrel really for the experienced hunter and as she continued to pin down the bandit forces, she pondered about just how many she could defeat before having to resort to a different weapon.but for now, she stuck with her rifle.

    (507 Words)

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 18th August 2020, 3:42 am

    After her little incident with the tribesmen, Lena hadn’t hung around too long and was soon dashing off once again. Her little skirmish had attracted her attention enough to get the blood pumping through her veins though and she had set her sights on finding a foe who was a little tougher to fight. Sure, tribesmen and monsters were great and all but they were oh so limited when push came to shove. They didn’t have the raw strength needed to push her which was such an awful shame.The ginger haired vampire did love a challenge, after all.

    Eventually, the energised dual slayer would emerge from the forest and find herself beside a beautiful river, which she swiftly saw as the perfect reason for her to leap into the air and allow her wings to spawn, granting her far greater agility. She’d never been all that fond of the sun but thankfully hadn’t inherited the inherent weakness to it and so she was able to glide and soar without any real issues. She mused that the only real threat to her in the area would be other mages and she didn’t honestly think highly enough of any of them to fully trust them. That even extended to her own guild as not only had Lena kept her fellow members at arms length but she found the group to be surprisingly lacking when it came to killing intent. For what was supposed to be a dark guild, Elysium seemed kind of meek to Lena. Where was the killing edge that surely a guild of dark mages was supposed to have. In answer to that question, the vampire could only shrug. Perhaps that was her role, to bring a little bloodshed to proceedings.

    Unfortunately, it was those few moments of thought that would cost Lena dearly as another flying figure would suddenly appear from above her. It seemed human enough but there was a purple tinge to the creatures hair and eyes that gave it a somewhat more fallen look. Moving silently, the humanoid would silently track the vampire, before unleashing an orb of golden colour energy that would fly down and strike Lena from behind, causing her to screech with anger and shock as her entire body began to glaze over. Her eyes turning skywards, she managed to unleash one power roar of water from her mouth but the creature drew a sickle like weapon and simply slashed her through her attack negating its effect.

    It was the only attack that she’d get off before the gold would work its magic, covering her from head to toe and causing her to drop like a stone, crashing hard to the ground. Paralysed and unable to do anything at all, she’d just silently scream into her golden prison, as her captor would drop down beside her, an amused look forming across it or rather her features. She’d been captured alright but not by a monster, merely a woman who enjoyed the company of other women...willing or not.

    (505 Words)

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 18th August 2020, 4:37 am

    A smile crossed Medeia’s face as she landed gently beside the imprisoned woman, amused by the fact that it had been quite so easy. She could clearly smell the scent of blood and had assumed that the ginger haired woman would have at least been prepared for her sudden attack but no, one attack had been enough. Still, the witch was not truly in the mood for a long drawn out fight anyway and a capture of another mage was a far more entertaining form of pleasure for her. Was she still seething over her break up with Jen? Well, it was difficult to say. She certainly did not see her former lovers face everywhere she went any more but she still felt a pang now and again when coming across someone who looked like her. Recovering was probably the best word to describe it.

    As she was currently in her Takeover form, her appearance was rather different from her normal attire. A gothic purple dress covering her body which only just managed to shield her ample body from the elements, as well as the wandering eyes of others. Her eyes and hair were the same colour as her dress, while her ears had become pointed. Everything always felt just a little more pleasurable when she took on her angelic form and Medeia’s only regret regarding it was that she could only keep it going for so long. Her human form was lovely but there was something special about being able to return to who she had once been, all those years ago.

    Returning to the present, Medeia would chuckle slightly as she gazed at the golden prison, her prize locked inside just waiting for her. She could have gone after almost any of the mages in the area but honestly, she was after a rather more vibrant target. Many of her targets in the past had been so quick to break but the fallen angel had a suspicion that the ginger mage in front of her would be a slightly different matter. That was assuming that breaking was even necessary of course, given the woman’s apparent desire for shedding blood. How did she know of the woman’s fondness for it? Simple, the woman’s clothes were saturated with it and the smell was rather potent, after all.

    The smile still on her face, the witch would tap the prison with her sickle, causing the gold to slowly crack and fall away, releasing her target from her cage and leaving her gasping for breath on the floor. Medeia would take no change, however and point her hand towards the redhead, causing a coil of purple coloured straps to fly from her hand, ensnaring the woman and preventing her from moving again. It was quite an enjoyable sight for the witch and as she tilted her head while watching her new spell take effect, she could help but feel slightly invigorated by the sight. Perhaps invigorated was not quite the word but the angel had always tried to refrain from using more colourful and coarse language.

    (515 Words)

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:49 pm