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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 26th August 2020, 6:03 am

    Littered all around the headquarters were malnourished and petrified slaves, quivering with fright just at the sight of the weapon wielding woman. It was hard to count just how many there were but judging from the sight, as well as smell, they’d clearly been treated horribly. Jaesa had seen her fair share of horrible sights in her time but this one was right up there and her trigger finger twitched in anger at the thought of just how horrible those bandits must have truly been to have done such a thing to these people. She had no idea what to say or so at first but after a moment of clarity, she’d allow her mini gun to disappear and instead summon her healing staff to her hands. The use of her magic didn’t seem to help ease the fear of the slaves and they began to shriek.

    “Relax, I’m not here to harm you,” the blonde hunter said, having to raise her voice over the shrieks, “I’ve got rid of the people who were keeping you here and they’re not going to trouble you again. In fact, if you’d all just just get together in a group for a moment or two, I can use my magic in order to help heal your wounds. I know you’ve got no reason to trust me but I honestly don’t mean to cause you any more pain. If you don’t believe me, just look outside and see what’s left of your captors. I despise bandits and slavers more than anyone and I consider it one of my goals to get rid of them. I’ll do whatever is necessary in order to help you rebuild.”

    The slaves seemed to ponder her words for quite some time, exchanging glances with one another. They didn’t utter a word to her but began to converse with one another, in a language that the hunter didn’t understand. Glances would continue to come her way from time to time though and at least seemed to be giving her a fair hearing. Some of the looks she received were filled with distrust, others with terror but there were a few that appeared to be genuine relief of her rescuing them and it was the latter that started to appear on more and more faces as time passed.

    To her surprise, a small child would be the first to actually approach her, aged around four or five. A young brunette who shyly walked up to her and gestured towards Jaesa’s staff. A soft smile crossing the hunter’s face, she’d crouch down and offer the lit tip of her staff out, which the girl eventually touched. The girl’s eyes lit up with joy as the warmth sent a wave of magical power through her and with a giggle, she ran off back to her mother, showing the effects of the mage’s spell.

    The reaction was swift and all of a sudden the whole group would move towards her, sitting in a large circle in front of Jaesa, trying to fit everyone in as tight a space as possible, in order to make it easier for the mage to heal them all. It was quite a moving sight and Jaesa felt a little touched at just how they’d come to trust her so soon. Taking a breath, the hunter would raise her staff to the air and cause a bright light to surround the group of slaves, pouring her magical power into her weapon. At first, a few of the captives were a little on edge but the relaxing looks on their faces as the spell took effect soon broke through, wide smiles appearing instead. Her spell wouldn’t be able to solve their malnutrition but she could at least bring a little comfort to them all. She made a vow to herself then that she’d hang around for as long as necessary, in order to make sure they all remained safe. She’d already spoken it aloud of course but saying it inwardly seemed to make it concrete.

    (675 Words)

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 26th August 2020, 6:38 am

    Oh, it was a glorious display of violence from the vampire as she tore through the mermen. Each swipe of her claws or cast of a spell fuelled by her lust and desire for carnage. Her foes didn’t truly understand just what they had done by getting in her way but they soon learned, as they were annihilated by her savage combat spell. Their water attacks were ineffective against her and as she either froze their bodies or just beat them to death, they all eventually realised their mistake in trying to fight her. As usual with her fights, the redhead didn’t quite know how many she killed, having lost track rather swiftly, lost in the thrill of it all. The blood that was turning the river red though was a testament to the number though and to be swimming in the crimson liquid only pushed Lena further. Her movements became even more fluidic, yet vicious at the same time.

    Pushing herself through the water, the redhead would collide with another merman, wrapping around his form and biting him on the neck with her powerful teeth. His pained screams were music to her ears and as she struggled to fight her off, she’d deliver a powerful blow to his stomach, followed by another. It was an awkward position and her attacks were a bit clumsy but they did plenty of damage, causing him to shriek as she got to work. Her eyes blazed with blood lust as she literally tore him apart and the animalistic display was more than enough to send a message towards any remaining mermen. As her victim went limp, she’d drop what was left of his body and then swiftly look around for her next foe. However, there were none and all she saw of them were their tails as they ran for home, clearly not wishing for any more of her punishment.

    “Fucking cowards,” she cackled, her laughter sounding rather odd in the water. Clearly they didn’t have the stomach for a real fight, a trait that she’d discovered in quite a lot of creatures lately. Sometimes she wondered if perhaps she was in the wrong world, an anomaly in this world of magic. Where was the passion? The hatred? The lust? It was rather frustrating to say the least and that in part was the reason why she’d rebelled so strongly against her former guild. They’d lacked all three of those traits which had turned Lena’s stomach. If they truly desired change then they’d have to grow a fucking spine, grab the world by the balls and make it change, not sit there like pussies, hiding from the world. Meh, she’d grown tired of trying to explain that philosophy and she’d felt a great sense of freedom ever since she’d left. Now she could do whatever she wished. It was pure and unadulterated bliss. She could be herself without having her name stained by the weak.

    As she raged internally, a large shadow would emerge out of the water, heading straight towards her. The slayer’s keen sense alerted her to it and with a smile, she’d dart out of the way of the beast, causing it to charge below her. Turning to meet it, she’d unleash a cyclone of water that would rise up from the depths, releasing a torrent of scalding water that burnt the creature’s body. It appeared to be a shark of some kind and as it tore towards her a second time, Lena would create a pair of ice blades on her feet and deliver a powerful kick to the creature, causing blood to burst from the shark’s face and sending it into a frenzy. Smirking, she’d willingly engage the monster in combat, her ice blades easily as strong as the shark’s teeth and as the pair fought beneath the depths, Lena wouldn’t have been happier really. Combat was where she wanted to be, either that, or rolling around with someone gorgeous and as she fought to the death with the creature, her mind reverted back to its most primal stage.

    (682 Words)


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 26th August 2020, 7:20 am

    “Did you honestly think that we would adhere to your father’s wishes?” The blonde haired angel replied, gazing up at Medeia, “The fact that he even made that pact with you is insulting and we are more than prepared to deal with you. We felt his death and in that moment, everything he stood for was destroyed and we will not forgive you for killing him, your own kin. Your hounding has only just begun, Priya and I swear to God that we will not stop until you are locked away once more or dragged back to the heavens to meet him yourself.”

    “Are you truly that foolish?”
    Medeia replied, arching an eyebrow, “The reason that my father made that deal was to save you from my wrath, no more, no less. The fact that you break it so willingly will only result in the rest of you being wiped out as well. All you have done is given me all the more reason to tear the wings from every single angel that I come across, whether they be hostile or not. My father says hello, by the way, I encountered his soul in Hell, where it belongs.”

    “As does yours although you will not be granted that pleasure. You will be returned to your prison and left there to rot for eternity.” Medeia’s attacker replied, rising from the ground and flying up so that the two angels were on the same level. “We are aware of your allegiance to Lucifer and believe me, we know that sending you down to reunite with him is pointless. I mean, you are entangled with his…”

    “Do not mention that name in my presence,”
    the witch interrupted, “She means nothing to me and never did. Since you insist on continuing to try and rile me, at least allow me to learn your name, before I teach you how idiotic that is.”

    “Aria, bodyguard of the new king of our sect,”
    the green eyed angel replied, raising her bow, “I suppose I should at least inform you of who now sits on the throne. Your brother, Argyle, now leads us in our workshop of God. He is not as blinded by fear and paranoia as Mathias was and is truly loyal, unlike your father, who was obsessed with keeping his position and his lustful pursuits.”

    “My brother is a mirror image of my father,” the dual slayer retorted, her anger now beginning to build, “Just as paranoid and warped. Are you aware of what he and his friends did to Armina? They chained her to a bed and forced her to suffer...indignities. Hardly the actions of a king and if he truly does sit on the throne then you have made yet another error, Aria. He will not remain on the throne because I will rip him from it. No one who harms my most loyal companion will be allowed to live and I will destroy all those who do so. You have just placed a target on his back. I was content with my father’s death to be the end of my quest for vengeance but you have just foolishly restarted it. The sect will be annihilated. It is just that simple.”

    There were no further words from either angel and as the pair drew their bows, a momentary silence would fall, before both unleashed their arrows. They would soar towards each other and collide with each other but to the shock of Aria, Medeia’s arrow would cause it to disintegrate on impact, such was the difference in strength. The witch’s projectile would continue on its course, striking Aria in the chest and knocking her to the ground again.

    Softly, Medeia would drop to the ground beside the fallen blonde, nocking another arrow and approaching slowly. When she reached her foe, she would simply gaze down and sigh slightly, “It is a shame that you were not more friendly with your approach, as you are quite my beautiful, my dear.” With that, she would release her arrow, stopping the green eyed angel from replying, her last breath leaving her.

    (687 Words)

    Last edited by Medeia on 23rd September 2020, 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mura Kensho 26th August 2020, 12:33 pm

    “Hey, Mura, we should gather all our guildmates here. Have them all gathered together-“

    “… Wouldn’t that be inconvenient? We’re exploring the land, not trying to settle in it.”

    “No, no, you see, we could always make a base here. A sort of extra settlement or a new guild hall here. Oi, it doesn’t even have to be a guild hall - just like the one at Tetsukazu, we could have a sister location here. Be the first mage guild with a base here, in case people begin inhabiting the flora.”

    “… You know, that might just be the best idea you’ve ever come up with. But we don’t really need a new base anywhere… I’m content with just one guild hall.”

    “I mean, our guild hall is a glorified cube at the moment - no offense, Mura - so it could also stimulate our creativity. I always wondered how it would be to live in an underground gu- WHAT IN ALL THE SHINTO’S NAMES IS GOING ON?!”

    During Kyuken’s blabber, the earth had enough and decided to split up beneath Mura’s feet. A cataclysmic surge of magic violated the land, originating from a certain book that Mura had no knowledge of, and clearly with no regard or concern for those caught in the chaos. Thankfully, before the toxic fumes from the underground magma enveloped him, Mura simply closed the crack to the depth with his magic that seized control of the very same earth that tried to attack him - his trusty Onmyōdō would surely solve such a problem with ease…

    It turned out that it wasn’t quite the case, for the more he tried to simply reverse the events around him, the more the forest just burned down. Rocks stabbed up in the air, boulders turned to dust, heat waved around the field and magma floated across the grassy bed. By pushing the magma down to the ravines that were spawned, Mura tried to lessen the damage done to the forest’s green life. At the drier fields, he summoned water to quickly dampen the heat and turn the magma into solid rock.

    A lot of the grassy fields were burned away. Watching this, Mura’s face contorted into a sad one; he had less than no idea why and how this happened, but in his moment of compassion for the vegetation, he used his magic to regrow most of it. All of this would tax on his mana, so he had to be careful… or some other ogre would catch him unguarded.

    After a good while, most of the damage seemed to be under his control. But the surge of magic… it wasn’t familiar at all. It felt eldritch, old and ancient… untouched by ages. Rusty, perhaps, but intensely concentrated. It was probably concentrated somewhere, but its outburst had left its shackles of Ethernano spread everywhere, making it a little difficult for Mura to track the source down. He would have to gain a better view from above.

    Now, up in the air, however…

    “… Hey, that’s Mythica!” the shaman revealed to his two ghost pals while his face brightened up and his body dashed forward through the air like a jet, “I hope she wasn’t caught in all of this too…”

    His figure would be seen approaching them, while his arm waved in a joyous greeting… only to be met by another familiar signature. One he had almost forgotten about, but whom he could never really forget…

    Someone who had hidden in the shadows of Mura’s mind for a while…


    What the hell was Ahote doing here? He hadn’t met that previous Guildmaster of Basilisk Fang since… well, since they poofed out of the map. Ahote had proven himself quite an infamous enemy to Fairy Tail, and albeit the circumstances of the past, Mura would never let him plot whatever he wanted in this land… which begged the question again; what the hell was Ahote doing here?

    And why was Mythica with him?

    EG4 WC: 666

    @Ahote & @Mythica

    Last edited by Mura Kensho on 30th August 2020, 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 26th August 2020, 12:34 pm

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 EagzbKx


    It was all that Johann would see when he opened his eyes, all he could feel around him when he awoke. The scorching desert heat had vanished entirely. There was no trace of sun-bleached rocks or fine sand that piled up in large dunes, or indeed, the beast he had just fought. Within a moment it had been over. He recalled unleashing a good portion of the mana that his runes used, transforming it into force that normally should've crumbled any living thing it encountered like naught more than a piece of paper, but ... it hadn't, and in a moment of genuine honesty with himself, it had shocked the Ambassador, so much so that he had frozen. The next thing he remembered was a lightning-fast shadow that rushed towards him, a dull, heavy impact, and then silence. Johann would've sighed if his lungs had filled with air, but no matter how much he would try, he knew that he wouldn't be able to draw but a single breath. He wouldn't hear the Fairy Tail mage, nor would he be able to acknowledge the arrival of the Rune Knight bunny girl. The wounds he had sustained in this one defining moment weren't simply just scratches and bruises, too severe to be healed by magic earth, too severe for arcane barriers to make any difference. It was a familiar sensation, a familiar sight, and he knew that death had taken him once more.

    "Got a little ahead of yourself, didn't you, vessel?". Of course, the Second Seal was here, too. Two souls inseparably linked together meant that if one would transition to limbo, so would the other. He knew that they wouldn't be here for long, though this was one of the rare few times when Johann could physically interact with the Nephilim, its pale and distinct form approaching the other from behind as if walking across a flat of ink-black water. The Ambassador sat up, his gaze staring off into the darkness. "I underestimated the thing, yes", the silver-haired man replied without looking at the Seal, instead closing his eyes. "Is that all? Weren't you a little bit ... reluctant there, hm?", the deep voice would ask, a snicker accompanying the question, the Nephilim already knowing the answer. Mars, of course, could feel what Johann felt, see what the other saw, and vice versa, and so had sensed the moment of hesitation when the man could've fallen back on the Seal's power. "You will die, over and over and over, if you choose to ignore the gifts that have been bestowed upon you, Johann. Use my powers. Free me, if you must". Johann scoffed. He recalled with perfect clarity the last time he had listened to Mars' words on Kenrojima. The Nephilim had said similar things, and in the end, all that it had brought him and the others there was suffering. Even though he had stopped his onslaught just before losing control entirely, it had still been a massacre. "I refuse. I am not a beast like you, and I will not become one".

    The Nephilim chuckled, his arms wrapping around the Ambassador from behind, though the man remained unmoving. "You already are, my dear vessel. We are one and the same, or have you forgotten our little agreement?". Johann's mind would involuntarily evoke images of the Cursed Lands on a day that had passed a several years ago, his brows brows inching closer together as he opened his eyes once more. He would repeat his refusal once more, his tone growing more insistent. "I will not become like you". "Fine with me ...", the Seal would reply with a wide grin, the embrace of his arms loosening as Mars stood up, "... but while you lie here, reveling in your own suffering, the Fairy Tail mage is still fighting the beast. Will he have a chance without your help? Tssehehe". Johann's eyes widened. Mars ... the Nephelim was right. If Johann was having trouble with the beast, what would that mean for Aven Alveron? Or any other mage who wasn't as strong as either one of them? Johann felt anger well up from within him, confronted with the fact that, from a realistic standpoint, he had no choice in this matter, and he had been too naive to realize it sooner. He stood up, red eyes, dominated by the same anger, falling upon the Nephilim as the Ambassador turned around. "Fine. Open the Seal and take care of the thing, but I want you to hand control back to me as soon as it's done. No adventures, no risks, or I will personally rip your soul from this vessel. Do you understand me?". The man's expression remained stern, though he would stretch out his hand. The Nephilim grinned broadly, flashing his sharp teeth. "But of course, oh my dear vessel ...". Mars would stretch out his own arm, his pale hand wrapping around that of the Ambassador tightly.

    At once, the seemingly unconsciouss Johann would rip open his eyes with a gargled breath, revealing that the white in his sclerae had been replaced by a sanguine red, the formerly normal, red irises twisted into reptile-like slits suspended within his oculars. The vessel's lungs were filled with blood, a cough expelling most of the red fluid from his mouth as he raised himself up. Of course, it was now no longer Johann who was in control of this body, Mars firmly taking the reigns as the consciousness that guided the vessel's actions, a broad, toothy grin spreading across the Ambassador's face. Raising a hand to his head, he would, with some force, snap his neck back into place with a sickening crack, all othe injuries he had incurred healing within a matter of moments. Deep gashes in his skin and flesh closed instantly, broke bones snapped back into place, damaged tissue and organs would restore themselves back to a perfect condition as if he had not suffered damage in the first place. Simultaneously, a profoundly unsettling aura would begin to permeate from the possessed vessel, spreading out for hundreds, thousands of meters around him, steeped in a feeling of deep rage and killing intent. Slowly, the man would rise until he stood back at his full height, though he had lost his coat and hat somewhere along the way with the last attack, his face and remaining clothing smeared with blood, the demonic eyes falling onto the creature once more and paying the other two mages only little mind. A deep, almost distorted voice would echo forth from the man with an amused cackle.

    "Looks like it's time for us to play ...".

    Word Count: 1,116
    Personal Word Count Total: 1,116


    Aliarey Casady
    Aliarey Casady

    Alt Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Tertiary Magic- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Aliarey Casady 26th August 2020, 2:54 pm

    The first growl had been ignored for the most part. The blonde had heard it, stopped what she was doing, and looked around her surroundings cautiously, eyes having widened from the unexpected sound and the fear building up. Nothing was there, however. "Damn, I'm imagining things. I really do hate this place the longer I'm here." Yeah, that had to be the explanation. It was all in her head. Brought on by the fear of being alone in a land of who knew what. As long as she didn't start shooting at random bushes, rocks, and the air itself, she supposed she was still fine and sane. It wasn't as if she were surrounded by giant monster bees. Yet. The woman shuddered at the thought of that possible nightmare that had better stay in the realm of evil imagination.

    Since she figured it was just her nerves getting to her, Alia went back to work on messing around with her eye visor settings. That didn't last too much longer. While switching from the various settings, it had landed on one that apparently allowed her to see things that weren't there previously. That was the most she could figure out as somehow a figure appeared out of no where behind a group of trees a bit ahead from where she was currently standing. The shape was that of a wolf that was way larger than it should have been. Sort of. There was more off about it than just its size, but she couldn't tell what the full details were to make an accurate guess. The figure just showed up in her eye visor vision as a glowing green shape and nothing more. That was enough for her though. That thing was way too big, way too wolfish, and way too close. The creature moved a bit, likely taken notice that it had been seen or was being looked at. Then it vanished instantly. Not even the magic of the visor picked up on it. Unless... it wasn't just plan invisible anymore and had in actuality switched locations entirely in the blink of an eye.

    A deep frown appeared on Alia's face. Perhaps her skin had become a bit more pale as well. She didn't like her new situation. None at all. She could consider herself blessed that the thing hadn't jumped out and tried to eat her yet, so maybe it lost interest and was gone. That was a good thing and completely possible, right? Right! Totally! She was back to fooling herself and remaining stupidly optimistic so as to not completely freak out and run in some random direction, looking like a fool outfitted with a lunch label she didn't even know existed in her wardrobe. The thought of the creature was forced to the very back of her mind. A new plan had come into motion, which was the same plan as before. Get the hell out of there and find somewhere that was actually safe. If such a thing even existed anymore with all the other people on the lands making a mess of things. She began to whistle and clasped her hands together behind her back, still pretending nothing was wrong. Her intent was to twirl around and go back the way she had come, but as she took a step backwards she realized that her hopes for that were dashed.

    Instead of stepping into only air and having the freedom to make the spin, Aliarey bumped into something that sure as hell wasn't there before. Not unless the trees in the Unknown Lands grew from seed to full towering tree in the span of only a few minutes. Oh, how she wished that was the case. What she ran into didn't feel like a tree. She had run into quite a few to know the difference. That same growl was heard again, but closer, coming from directly behind her. Yeah, she was pretty sure, that for the most part, trees didn't growl either.

    (Word Count: 668)


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 26th August 2020, 8:20 pm

    784/784 WORDS || @Serilda Sinclair @Theo @Aspen Azarov || Job Info/Sign Up || short note here
    Man, this was the weirdest day. First they get a job for the Unknown Lands, then arrive to find a ton of people on the same job. As if that wasn’t odd enough, the whole event went into the left field of strange as a man in jello burst forth from the ground with screams and sandworm in tow. And now the mother or father of that same sandworm was before them, the titan of a creature clearly distressed and displeased at the mistreatment of its child. The sound of its agitation was enough to rumble the ground, as well as dash huge gobs of spittle across the golden sands before them.

    Mythal sighed softly, even as Curse was released from its resting place and brought before him. He supposed facing down this behemoth was better than dealing with any suspicious activity around the darkness portal. Then again, it was also doing a fantastic job of keeping them from going to investigate it. The Darkness King pulled the trigger on his weapon, causing the gears to whir and the blade to stiffen and fall down forty five degrees, bringing the muzzle of the firearm beneath into the light. He was just about to rifle off a few shots to test the monster when Theo, of all people, protested the idea of running away. In fact, he made it quite clear that he never ran away from any kind of encounter. Mythal’s brow furrowed a bit in surprise, though no less impressed with his… guts, he supposed.

    The younger man took a step forward and let out a… howl? A roar? It was some kind of noise in between those two without truly dedicating itself to one or the other. Was he trying to intimidate the sandworm or imitate it’s language? As he wondered over the possibilities, the sharp scent of fruit punch lifted to his nostrils, further confusing him. As he watched Theo do… whatever it was he was doing, a light formed on the sand beside him. From it came a small pod of jello, smaller than a hand at birth but rapidly growing. Soon it began to morph and elongate and then, standing beside Theo, was a jello dragon.

    Yes. A dragon made of jello.

    It roared alongside its master and lunged at the mother worm, taking after its feral, less fruity inspiration. As Mythal stood, with a hanging jaw and wide eyes, something else came down to join the fray. Something made of silver or iron or metal flew down from the sky and swooped overhead, a young woman leaping off from its back and landing on the ground beside them. As she summoned the creature back to her, she remarked to Theo about his making friends before introducing herself to the couple. “Uh… Mythal. Ragnos,” he said haltingly, still trying to get his head around literally everything that was happening. Aspen, as she claimed to be, asked if she could accompany them into battle, with Seri giving her permission to do as she pleased. “Well between the badass dragon Theo brought and whatever yer gonna bring to the table, safe to say this worm’s picked a fight with the wrong people,” Mythal said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

    Serilda dashed in with her swords, ready to aid the dragon in cutting up the mother sandworm into pieces. Mythal’s own magic wrapped around him and outlined his entire body, embellishing him with its unique strength. He lifted from the ground and launched into the air, taking a different angle to approach. He lifted Curse and let off a few rounds at the creature from afar, watching as the blasts smashed against the armored torso of the creature and sear the covering. He swung high before quickly descending down until he landed on top of the sandworm’s head, right beside the smaller sandworm he had so easily knocked away before. The child sandworm squealed and slithered back as it realized that the man who had attacked him had returned. Mythal cast it an idle look before he swung his leg into its side and sent it flying out into the open air, the worm squirming frantically as it flew away from the battle. “Kid’s gone, big girl. How ‘bout you scamper on outta here before we all get serious?” Mythal asked as he reloaded his weapon and fired off a few more blasts onto the large sandworm’s head.

    Its answer was to roar furiously, still fighting off the several parties as much as it could. But it was clear to everyone but it that the poor large beast was severely outmatched.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Amalie 27th August 2020, 7:36 am

    I will never ask for nothing that I won't give in return
    You will never have to question the value of my words

    Quite some time she would continue to venture away from the nudist colony, contemplating her own frustrations over the matter. Just why the hell had a nudist colony decided to venture into the wildly dangerous unknown lands, was it just because of the magic councils request? Or did they come here often? Such strange questions that pondered her mind, ones that didn't contribute to her efforts in attempting to rid the thought of the Cringe's bade body from her mind. Try as she might, boredom kept bringing memories of his disgusting outline to mind, a repulsive view that would undoubtedly haunt her for quite some time.

    At this point Amalie was full of regret over her decision to wander out on her own, why hadn't she waited by the train station for someone she knew. Knowing her luck, Sivvy or Johann had probably arrived immediately after her and her lack of patience had caused her to miss them. It was strange. Amalie had never had a probably being on her own before, in fact for the entirety of her life she had rather preferred it. In the first twenty-six years of her life, there were barely a handful of moments where the woman could say she enjoyed the company of another in preference to being alone. And the majority of them had been the initial days of her and Wyatt, memories spoiled when the tables had turned during their marriage.

    The articulation mage come to a stop, releasing a deep sigh as she did so. She turned her body and dropped back to lean against a nearby tree, sliding down the length of its bark until she was seated on the ground, deciding to take a moment of rest. Just when had she become so fed up of her own company, it couldn't have been something she always had. The only change she could really pinpoint in her life was the day she joined the West Fiore Trading Company. The day she had met Johann and the series of events that had occurred since. The awakening of the Fifth Seal of the apocalypse that had resided in her, and the miraculous connection that she chaired with the ex-vice president of the WFTC. The training he had to point her through when she had come into a position of the magical rapier in her home. The time he had sent her to meet Sivvy and welcome her to Tolgalen, and the strange yet wonderful friendship that had bloomed between herself and the pinkette haired artificial human. Then there was the fake marriage, and the incident that one Christmas. The night he came to her apartment and... well that incident too.

    And then all the incidents after...

    She chuckled softly, turning her head to the right. Her eyes fell on a beautiful flower, like a lily in full bloom, except with rainbow coloured petals. A flower she had never seen before, she reached over, her fingers tugging the flower towards her so she could get a closer look. All the while allowing her thoughts to ponder of the change she had undergone in the past year, truthfully she knew exactly what it was. Although it was rather strange to admit it, it wasn't so much that she had got tired of her own company. But more so that, she had finally found people, who's company she preferred to her own.

    She glided her hand up the flowers stem, fingers the petals delicately, she would pry it open the head of the flower ever so slightly. And it was at that point, the bud of the flower erupted in mist. The fumes would hit her directly in the face, causing her to reel back suddenly. Rubbing the moisture from her cheeks, she coughed profusely from the intensity of the scents that now burned the inside of her nostrils. Raising her arms, she would use the fabric of her sleeve to wipe the fluids from her now stinging eyes. However, after a brief moment, the stinging would subside and the pain from the initial burst of mist would fade away.

    Leaving her feeling... rather strange.

    WC: 691



    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 27th August 2020, 8:04 am


    After finishing his transformation, Faustein lifted both Luna and Neptuna onto his shoulders and then marched into water effortlessly, thanks to the significant strength boost this mode gave him due to its hydraulic power lift module. Needless to say, as this transformation was equipped with an advanced re-breather unit which allowed him to filter out oxygen from the water and thus keep himself alive, he did not need to worry about operating underwater for an extended period of time. Finally, the transformation was equipped with hydro-jet propulsion system which drew in water and expelled it under high pressure and another module which was a super-cavitation device which greatly reduced drag and thus, he was able to move along almost as easily underwater as he would on dry land.

    "Well, here we are then. Shall we commence the exploration and creature encounter expedition which you have mentioned as being your objective?"

    He asked Luna and Neptuna as he released them from the holding units on his shoulders which kept them securely fastened to him till then. Then, he fell silent and waited for their reactions, wondering what manner of events they had in mind now that they were underwater. While waiting, he looked about at his new surroundings and recorded everything coming in through his sensor systems in the LacrimaTek database installed in the cybernetic brain of this transformation.

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech

    Regular Appearance:

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Senkuishigamiwork

    Current Appearance:

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Guncannon-Aqua-ONA-Front


    1. Faustein is hired to go to the Unknown Lands, so he travels there, sees a man and a girl in the distance. He then engaged them in conversation regarding the job at hand.

    2. Faustein is about to respond to the man, but then gets attacked by monsters and thus, slaughters them, captures them in his specimen storage device, and then resumes conversation with the man and the girl (Doppo and Mythica)

    3. Faustein wanders off to explore Unknown Lands and comes across Luna and Neptuna who are in mermaid form, and engages them in conversation

    4. Faustein receives no answer from them, so he proceeds to teleport them to a nearby rock and then starts examining them, but is interrupted by a sea serpent monster, so he kills it and gets back to his study.

    5. Faustein is engaged in conversation by Luna and learns about them from her narrative and proposes that he accompany them on their underwater exploration.

    6. Faustein is advised to find his own means of underwater operation by Luna and so, he activates his cyborg body’s underwater operations mode

    7. Faustein picks up Luna and Neptuna and takes them and himself underwater and then releases them to begin their underwater exploration.




    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Faustein's Battle Stats

    Active Stats

    HP: 1260/1260
    MP: 708/1015
    Melee Damage: 70 HP
    Speed: 140 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 350 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 700/700 (+80% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    MP: 700/700 (+45% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    Melee Damage: 70 HP
    Speed: 140 MPS
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: +30% (ANCIENT MAGIC PERK)
    Healing Buffs: +50% (DUE TO UA)
    MP Costs: -10% (CASTER MAGIC PERK)
    MP Regeneration: +10% once/5 posts
    HP Regeneration:
    Damage Reduction:
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 350 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains

    POST WC: 229 // TOTAL WC: 229 of 666 (FOR FAUSTEIN/KUROFAUSTΩ only)


    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 1st October 2020, 8:11 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Luceam 27th August 2020, 11:41 pm

    Luna was slightly surprised and yet at the same time relieved that Faustein's main skill set appeared to be focused towards cybernetics and robotics as he transformed. However solely Luna heard a screeching sound as the transformation, something that she only heard in few times before as they were rare examples. As a Nature Fae she was intricately connected with the essence of life, and when something tried to tamper with it in certain ways, Nature fae can hear the life force bleed as it resists. "He doesn't even realize... he's dying. One day his life is going to kill him." Luna thought to herself as not even a curse from a god produced the same effect generated by the man's fading life force. However she assumed that a man as smart as him would know the defects or at the very least feel the effects later into his life. Neptuna was nervous but she found the man's current form less scary then his default form. Not being able to see the piercing, cold, indifference in his almost blood red eyes made everything a lot better.

    Neptuna soon began to reconsider as Faust lifted the two mermaids up and put them on his shoulders, and Luna was slightly disappointed as she was expecting to be tossed into the water, hoping to potentially get distance from the man as she was feeling Neptuna's unease. However as the two were released underwater Neptuna seemed to forget Faust and swim around giddily excited at fast speeds, even quickly rising to jump above water flipping into the air. Luna swam around to stretch her tail and muscles as she was in the last few stages of adapting to mermaid biology. Luna noticed that the water felt different, it felt almost like a more soothing air as she quickly adjusted to the new condtions.

    Neptuna slowed down her rapid swimmingly before she approached and circled Luna excitedly, nuzzling against her arm. "So happy to be swimming! So glad to swim with momma!" Luna giggled slightly as she was glad to see Neptuna enjoy herself. Luna took a deep breath blinking, noting how interesting the clarity of her sight was. Normally she was able to see underwater but as a mermaid her sight was as refined as it would be if she was outside of water. She analyzed the terrain and what's around, paying attention to Faust's words but was more focused on sensing what was around. However she was suddenly laser focused in a certain direction before waving. "Hey! Over here! I want to ask a few questions..." She called out before something started to swim over, a small fish. Luna smiled as she stroked it's scales. "Hey there! We're just exploring, traveling, is there any good places or local wildlife to check out?" She asked the fish in a gentle tone before listening to the mind of the fish through her innate connection to nature.

    Luna listened carefully nodding, seemingly holding a one sided conversation with the fish. "Sure, yeah, mhmm, yes, oh really? What type? Oh sure do tell, don't worry I think he disconnected his libido... How far down? Yeah We're not going that far down... Oh I'm sorry, I can't see that you're downright charming. Oh really, do you think you could describe the markings? Oh it's okay don't worry. Thanks Gary!" As the fish started to swim off Luna turned around as she composed the information she just obtained from the fish.

    However she started to get the feeling that Faust would prefer a brief summary of the conversation then a play by play and Neptuna would just want to get around to exploring. "Alright, that was Gary, a recent divorcee, father of none but a slightly cheesy comedian but in a good way. I asked for any potential places of interest. North of here further into the ocean there is a colony of rare sirens that don't really kill so much as eradicate masculinity. Not as far off from here North north west is a cluster of rare clams known as the philosophers clam that seems to be able to create orbs of any metallic or crystal substance that hits it. On the other side of the land is a rare type of sand that can induce pleasurable sensations when in contact with the skin, but it can only be found deap under water. However east of our current position there appears to be a giant ship in one piece deep under water, but it's a pure black ship. Lastly west of here there is an unusual concentration of a rare form of kept that can has renowned medical and nutritional potential but it often attracts predators that feel threatened when someone gets close." Luna explained in a brief manner. She considered the options herself knowing which she'd prefer to go first, the ship seeemd to be an interesting choice to start with. "So... Faust is there anything that peaks your interest?" Luna askeed politely but she prayed that he would not go for the kelp.

    WC 847 
    Luceam WC for EG 4 Complete


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 28th August 2020, 7:23 am


    Faustein had been watching silently in amusement as Neptuna, the younger and smaller of the two female members of their three unit cell, was practically giddy with excitement, judging from how she was darting about and even jumping above the water before from plunging back down towards Luna, the older and bigger female member of the three unit cell. Of course, thanks to his robot transformation, this amusement did not show on his face.

    She seems like...what was the vernacular description again? Ah yes, a kid in a candy store, if memory serves me. How very amusing, indeed.

    Faustein mused aloud, though more to himself than to Luna before continuing to look about when he noticed Luna apparently having a one-sided conversation with a fish she had called over. So, while she was doing that, he busied himself with testing the water's characteristics like salinity, pH, ions, microscopic life, and so on. After that, he was catching the sea life swimming nearby with his net gun, analyzing them, and then releasing them out again. Naturally, throughout all of this, he was recording this information in LacrimaTek database installed in the cybernetic brain of this transformation. This continued for a while until finally, Luna had finished her conversation and provided him with a summary of it. So, he listened and then fell silent for several moments while pondering the issue. Then he spoke up with a question before anything else

    "We will address that in a few minutes, but what manner of predators does this kelp attract exactly?"

    His voice which was normally rich, resonant, baritone, and melodious came out hollow, metallic, and completely devoid of emotion due to the robotic nature of his current transformation, and was interspersed with constant and low hissing sounds which were the signs of the advanced re-breather unit installed in this transformation working to collect oxygen and keep his supply going strong which in turn was what was allowing him to operate underwater without restraint. Then, he paused for a few moments before responding to her query

    "Well, as intriguing as those sirens sound in the way of research specimens, currently they do not pique my curiosity because there are already sirens of a different sort in my collection at present. The ship, followed by the clams, and lastly the sand are the top three in my list currently. However, that may change depending on the sort of predators that maybe lurking around the kelp. If there are any intriguing and potential test subjects among them, perhaps it would be useful to harvest them for my future research and experimentation."

    Text Legend:

    • Italics: Faustein’s silent thoughts

    • Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein’s speech out loud

    • Non-Italics, Non-Bold: Faustein’s action text

    • Bold w/ Italics (No quotes): Faustein's whispered, covert speech

    Regular Appearance:

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Senkuishigamiwork

    Current Appearance:

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Guncannon-Aqua-ONA-Front


    1. Faustein is hired to go to the Unknown Lands, so he travels there, sees a man and a girl in the distance. He then engaged them in conversation regarding the job at hand.

    2. Faustein is about to respond to the man, but then gets attacked by monsters and thus, slaughters them, captures them in his specimen storage device, and then resumes conversation with the man and the girl (Doppo and Mythica)

    3. Faustein wanders off to explore Unknown Lands and comes across Luna and Neptuna who are in mermaid form, and engages them in conversation

    4. Faustein receives no answer from them, so he proceeds to teleport them to a nearby rock and then starts examining them, but is interrupted by a sea serpent monster, so he kills it and gets back to his study.

    5. Faustein is engaged in conversation by Luna and learns about them from her narrative and proposes that he accompany them on their underwater exploration.

    6. Faustein is advised to find his own means of underwater operation by Luna and so, he activates his cyborg body’s underwater operations mode

    7. Faustein picks up Luna and Neptuna and takes them and himself underwater and then releases them to begin their underwater exploration.

    8. Faustein tests the water while also observing Luna and Neptuna and then is informed by Luna about the various areas of interest in their new surroundings.



    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Descriptions:

    Spell Description:

    Faustein's Battle Stats

    Active Stats

    HP: 1260/1260
    MP: 708/1015
    Melee Damage: 70 HP
    Speed: 140 MPS
    Shields: 000/000 HP
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 350 m

    Base Stats & Buffs

    HP: 700/700 (+80% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    MP: 700/700 (+45% FROM EQUIPMENT)
    Melee Damage: 70 HP
    Speed: 140 MPS
    Shields: 000/000
    Spell Damage Buffs: +30% (ANCIENT MAGIC PERK)
    Healing Buffs: +50% (DUE TO UA)
    MP Costs: -10% (CASTER MAGIC PERK)
    MP Regeneration: +10% once/5 posts
    HP Regeneration:
    Damage Reduction:
    Armor: 210/210 HP
    Magic Sensory: 350 m

    Equipment & Passive Gains



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ahote 28th August 2020, 8:03 am

    When Mythica vanished to gain higher ground, Ahote was quick to follow, making his way up the hills and plateaus that littered the area with ease. In the distance, he could see what exactly he had just accomplished. An entire mountain had just exploded! In a range of those same features, there was a missing space in between them, full of dust and dirt in clouds so large that it didn't really feel like those mountains were really so far away after all. Awestricken with the destruction he had caused, Ahote's stern expression lit up with wonder. It was Mythica's turn, after that. After what they both had just witnessed, it felt like they were going to continue snatching the book away from each other and continue to take turns with such destructive spells. After all, it was equally entertaining and astonishing for them both.

    When she found a spell that caught her eye, she wasted no time in casting it, and just like before, her hands lit up as she did. The ground shook violently the second she finished the final phrase. The ground split open in random directions, plumes of smoke and ash bursting out from the crust of Earthland, magma splashing out of the cracks. The forest around began to fall apart as they were set aflame by the very heat of the destruction. If this had continued for any longer, Ahote knew that they wouldn't be able to rely on the thick groves of vegetation to veil them from sight. And still... why did he have this wide-eyed smile on his face? Seeing the land come apart by saying no more than two words... Ahote couldn't care less about the consequences now.

    "Hand it over," Ahote plucked the book from her hands, flipping through its pages to find yet another terrible spell to cast, "you're absolutely right, Mythica. We do need to study it, but let's see just how much we can do before this expedition ends. Now then..." Ahote swiped from one page to the next until he finally found something of interest. He wasn't trying to one-up Mythica's choice, but this spell certainly seemed a lot more... fatal than this one. But before he could cast it, someone familiar had interrupted them.

    Mura Kensho—Fairy Tail's current Guildmaster and a man Ahote had disliked quite a bit. Even after moving on from the troubles of his past, it was harder to forget hatred and betrayal. So seeing that man wave his arm, flying towards them... it was like he was looking at some disgusting thing. But, interestingly enough, he didn't come here for him. No, the name he had called out was...

    "Mythica..." Ahote glared at the book, promptly closing it as to not reveal what exactly they were doing when Mura would arrive, and then turned his attention to Mythica with that same suspicious look, "what's the meaning of this? You two know each other?" he held the book tightly, unsure of how this would unfold.

    Was this a set-up? Another part of one of Mythica's wicked plans? He was the one with the book now, and he didn't have any intention of letting her swipe it this time. He was an idiot to let his guard down for even a second, especially with Mythica of all people.

    Post Word Count: 554 | Total Word Count: 554 | Needed Word Count: 666
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    Infectorum Mundi = World Killer

    @Mythica @Mura Kensho



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by DOPPO 28th August 2020, 9:04 am


    When Doppo continued to pursue this weird flower demon thing, he was beginning to realize how much of a scaredy-cat it actually was. Like, what sort of monster from the Unknown Lands tried this hard not to fight back? Was it one of the docile types? Well, it was completely possible and was more than likely the case seeing as it seemed to try it's hardest to avoid him. That was the case, wasn't it? Well, despite this realization, the flower demon wouldn't have noticed that his intentions had changed since he continued to sprint at it like some ravenous beast. He wasn't going to kill her anymore, but it sure didn't look like it judging by that infuriated look on his face... it seemed that no matter what Doppo decided to say or do, he'd do it with the intensity of a rhino on crack lined with heroin.

    He could see her in his grasp now! If he had reached out just a little bit more, Doppo was certain he could just grab her! Or, well, he was certain. A few developments were made in just a short period of time. The flower demon was no longer a vanilla flower demon anymore, but the pixie edition of it. It was only to avoid the barrage of... stuff he had thrown at her just seconds before, and then she returned to her original size. But as if something had awoken within it, it turned around with enormous hands and began to... slap Doppo. Frantically.

    The flailing attack was so exotic and ridiculous that Doppo had just taken all of the hits with this unbelievable look on his face. He was so shocked by their choice of attack that he just stood there, letting his jaw snap any which way with this frozen look of disbelief on his expression. Was this docile flower demon really just... slapping him around like a schoolgirl? Was this real? Not only that, but when they got a really good hit on his face again, the flower demon wasn't even a flower demon anymore! She was just a girl!

    Suddenly, Doppo's face just went white. In a fraction of a second, all the color drained from his face as he made the instant realization that the flower demon was nothing of the sort, but just some terrified girl wandering in the middle of the Unknown Lands. He had made a terrible mistake! He could feel his heart sink into the pits of his stomach, and tears begin to well up in his eyes, although he never started crying. Doppo felt himself descend into a chasm of regret and guilt.

    "I'm... so sorry..." Doppo grabbed both of her wrists with his hands, pausing the onslaught of slaps with deceptive precision, "I thought... well, it doesn't matter what I thought... I'm really, really sorry, miss... I won't attack you anymore... I...' he paused again, his baby blue eyes falling to his feet as she felt the weight of his mistake fall upon his chest. What could've caused this? It was clear that he was under some sort of spell, and he didn't break from it until now. Still...

    "Hey, do you wanna hit me again? Are you hungry? I'm sorry." Doppo began again, although he was far less intense this time. Just moments before, he had deactivated his Anger Management magic, returning his expressiveness back to "normal." His physical body needed more time to return back to its lanky figure, but the voice and demeanor of a man who sounded dead inside still remained, and as remorseful as he was, the tone of his weary voice was about as unemotional as ever. "You probably don't want to talk to me, do you...? I'm Chiyuki Suzuki... I'm with the Rune Knights. Let me make it up to you for doing something... like that... okay?"

    He really was trying his best to not only make amends with this girl, but to figure out what exactly happened for this to unfold in the way that it had. It was a lot.

    WC: 680 | Total WC: 680 | WC Needed: 666 @Trinity ""
    Template by ivyleaf33



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Jester 28th August 2020, 4:57 pm

    I torture you, I'm a slave to your games, I'm just a sucker for pain.
    I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain.

    Jester was feeling particularly resourceful today, often when he made a kill what happened to the body depending on his intentions. Sometimes he left it alone, allowing the body to be discovered by a random. Allowing fate to decipher the result of his kill. Sometimes if he was feeling a little fruitier he would set the body up to be discovered in a specific way, whether it is pinner up onto a cross or sitting the armchair of a loved one. It would all depend on the point of the play and how he wanted the game to pan out, just who and how those who were leftover would suffer from it.

    But today was different, perhaps because it was a werewolf and not a regular human. It was also very much to do with the fact that Jester knew so little about his kill. No history, no relationship. It was like a lucky dip, the fun was circumstantial and open to variation. So on that note, it was really down to what the most beneficial way to approach the situation was. And from what he could discern, he had two choices. He could either leave the kill and return to his original objective. Or he could make use of the actions he had taken, after all it wasn't every day that one came face to face with a werewolf. A curious and mysterious beast. Jester loved learning what made things ticked, and whenever he came across something knew he felt compelled to learn what made it tick.

    So that's what he did. He would have some of his dolls head back to his pocket dimension, grabbing his tools. If he was going to study the beast, he needed to prepare it properly. He hardly wanted to return to his realm later to a pile of furry riddled flesh, rotting away on his floor. No, this needed preparation. Iceboxes and hack saws. It was gnarly unpleasant work, the type of sight that would make the stomachs of those not used to such action turn violently. But not Jester, he had never had an issue with gore in addition to his meticulous planning. He foresaw every action he made in his mind's eye, working out just how to deconstruct the beast for the most convenient means of transport and later study. Why would he do such a thing, however, well the answer was simple.

    The myths that circled lycanthropy were laced with the sinister tales of man turned beast, riddled with bloodlust and madness. A biological ailment riddled within their fangs that would turn any human they sank their teeth until dealing a curse that would not awaken until the next full moon. Jester found himself fascinated by the mechanics of such a system and wanted to know just how much of that could be certified from examining the beasts remains. Would there be a way to withdraw the poison and manipulate it in various manners? Was it possible to weaponise it somehow, or at least would there be any other useful properties one could discover from the study of such a powerful creature?

    Normally Jester would not have done this, had this been a regular animal he would have left well alone. A bear or racoon would not have received the same fate as the lycan. Because there was nothing interesting about those creatures, racoons are particularly docile at night, werewolves were not. The stories of campers and travellers torn apart by the claws and jaws of a man turned monster was something that had to be explored. And if he found nothing then, at least he could make use of the remains in other ways. Make pelts from the coat and art from its bones. There was a use for everything, it was just about being resourceful.

    And Jester was very resourceful.

    WC: 644



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mythica 29th August 2020, 10:02 am

    Mythica could not get over the excitement she felt in her heart as she witnessed the grand destruction of the spell book, and much to her glee Ahote seemed equally as enthralled by it as well! His response didn't prove to quell Mythica's spirits, even as he forcefully plucked the book from her hands. She just kept staring at the burning forest with a rather proud grin on her face as Ahote remarked that they should continue testing it. When she heard this Mythica finally snapped out of her trance and turned back to the wizard, a dark smirk on her lip. "OHohoh, you're absolutely right! We can't rightly study it without knowing exactly what it's capable of! And these unknown lands seem to be the perfect testing grounds!" She exclaimed with a sense of child like excitement! It was always so entertaining to come across a piece of forgotten magic. That's the main reason why Mythica used to spend much of her time in Earthland hunting down different magical artifacts! They all had their own stories to tell, and Mythica loved stories. Not to mention their destructive potential. The more she learned the stronger she became and Mythica knew that finding out what sort of effects these artifacts had was half the fun. This ancient book proved to be no exception. It reinvigorated a sense Mythica had almost forgotten about inside her. Maybe she was just a treasure hunter at heart... A very dark and twisted treasure hunter, but one nonetheless. Of course many of the objects in question the girl hunted down often proved to be far too dangerous to be considered worth the risk by most treasure hunters, but Mythica loved to take risks! Just look at what you could accomplish if you did! The time wizard was staring at the proof of her and Ahote's success! A forest set ablaze! A mountain top obliterated! If she and Ahote could study the book more carefully, uncover all its secrets, who knew WHAT they'd find and accomplish? Although Mythica did have a sneaking suspicion that Ahote would feel the book would be more useful earning coin for him and his club rather than actually abusing its knowledge for himself. If this turned out to be true, the girl would need to devise a plan to get the book out of his hands and permanently into hers.

    The smile did not leave Mythica's face as she continued to be entranced by the wondrous site set in front of the duo! However, that sense in her eyes quickly vanished as Mythica saw some of the destruction begin to subside. The earth began to heal itself... And then the girl felt a very familiar presence approaching. Mythica's golden clock eye begun to spin at a quickened pace and she turned around to face the horizon to see none other than her one true love, Mura Kensho! Her heartbeat quickened and a whole new sense of excitement washed over her... But then she remembered Ahote was with her. She spun around quickly to face Ahote and then turned her head back to Mura multiple times, a nervous smile on her face. "Eheheh.. Y- yeah! Mura!" She said somewhat awkwardly, hugging the wizard just as he landed with her back to Ahote. This just got very complicated... There was no way Mythica could hide her relationship with the wizard saint from Ahote now, and knowing how much he distrusted her, Mythica knew Ahote would save this bit of knowledge for future use.

    "We're actually married! He's my husband!" Mythica would say with genuine joy as she hugged Mura's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. In her face was a sense of pure love, nothing fake or manipulating about it. It was obvious this was not some trick or plan of Mythica's, but it was a true feeling of happiness. "I- I had no idea you would be here, Mura! I would've joined you right away if I had!" She said with a blush...

    676 Words.

    Last edited by Mythica on 1st September 2020, 9:32 am; edited 1 time in total


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Myth-Sig1-1

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Louie 30th August 2020, 8:43 am

    At this point, Louie was no longer concerned with Vandrad's ladyfriend. She was a fly in his ear, but not nearly as much of a pest as Vandrad. They had unfinished business, and after what had happened to him in the last month, it felt like a good opportunity to blow off some steam.

    His twin blades lodged themselves into Vandrad's gauntlets, breaking the metal but not quite deep enough to break his skin. Both of them would skid together from the power of the attack, Louie still pushing his blades into the gauntlet, until Vandrad had done something to bring them both to a complete stop. Something was changing. Blades sprung out from the top of his gauntlets, and he took on a glowing, golden appearance. His very body reeked of power, and it was then that they were at a point of no return. The stench of bloodlust was on him, and Louie was appalled by it.

    He threw his arms out, Louie's twin blades losing their place in his gauntlets as they fell into the depths of the forest beneath them, leaving Louie more vulnerable than he'd like to be. Vandrad sprung his blades forward, going for the blow on his chest while simultaneously meaning to blast his leg. It wasn't like Louie could just teleport out of there as some people could, but he did have a means of defending himself in situations like this.

    Just fractions of a second before either of Vandrad's attacks could hit him, a thin barrier of liquid gold covered his body, taking on the damage of his power. Louie was launched backward and began making his descent again until another small pool of gold form to catch him. There were small, pink bruises on his leg and chest, and some of the skin had broken a little. Gold, magical or not, was soft and no matter what state it was in and would never be an adequate defense. As quickly as he was able to cast it, quick is all it was. Speed and power were his specialties—he could hit and dodge quickly and fuel every blow with immense power, but even one small strike could make him fold like a house of cards. He was, per se, a glass cannon at its finest.

    As soon as Louie felt his feet hit the surface of his gold pool, he was back in action almost instantly, darting linearly through the air like a bullet. Just a second before, two golden magic circles spawned on either side of Vandrad, and from the two large hands of hardened gold spew forth, attempting to grab him. Meanwhile, Louie would appear in front of Vandrad with a golden sword ready to pierce his stomach.

    Post Word Count: 459 | Total Word Count: 459 | Needed Word Count: 666
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Muse: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:

    @Mercury Arseneault @Vandrad Ragnos


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 31st August 2020, 4:34 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Well this was just going to be sad.

    It didn’t take Mercury long to suss out that this guy’s magic had something to do with materializing gold. He could have been a slayer. After all, she was perfectly capable of pulling any metal she desired out of thin air with her own abilities. But it was also possible he was one of the “maker” types of mages that she’d heard about but never met before. It would take some observation to know for sure which he was. Luckily, that’s exactly what she planned on doing.

    The man hurled a few bullets of gold her way before shooting off toward Vandrad. For her part, Mercury simply rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself at how unfortunate it was for the blonde that his magic was essentially useless against her. She could very easily catch the nuggets in her mouth and devour them, giving herself a boost in strength and power. However, that would be a sure sign that she was a slayer and that she possessed actual magic rather than just technology and magical goods. So instead, she simply lifted up her hands and caught them harmlessly, the small pellets forming a little pile in her palm and clinking lightly as they brushed against one another. “Time for a show,” she told herself merrily, plopping down onto her ass on top of her hoverdisc where she could observe the fight without getting involved directly.

    It wasn’t that she didn’t want to fight. Mercury was always down for a tussle. However, unlike Vandrad, her world did not revolve around it and she was quite proud of her place in his life as his personal pain in the ass. Anything she could do to make his life inconvenient was usually something she did without hesitation and with plenty of gusto. There was no sense of urgency upon her to help or interfere on behalf of her “boyfriend”. In fact, she was quite tickled by how set the two men were on killing each other. Plus, Mercury knew that Vandrad preferred a fair fight, and in this case both of them against this guy was a bit overkill, especially with Vandrad in his golden form.

    “You’re doing great guys,” the Silver Wolf ace called her encouragement across the air, pulling out her tablet with her free hand and seeming to idly surf the lacrinet as she continued to roll around the gold in her palm. “Oh! Hey pretty boy! Keep an eye on his left side. He has a bad habit of leaving it open from time to time.”

    WORDS: 448/448 | @Vandrad Ragnos @Louie
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 31st August 2020, 7:18 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 RJtajUnz_o

    Much like Louie, Vandrad barely noticed that Mercury was there. He knew well and good that any attacks with metal, which seemed to be the pissant’s main magic, would be futile against her Slayer abilities. Though it would have been amusing to see how she toyed with his attack, his focus was truly locked on Louie, for better or for worse. He was nothing more than a fool; a blubbering idiot who believed himself above and beyond everyone around him, despite how sickening and disgusting he truly was. Now here, far away from the eyes of Fairy Tail, of Magnolia, there would be no interrupting what was about to happen. A man brought low, humbled by one he considered himself better than. Louie held privilege and birthright above all else, gallivanting and cavorting with his wealth and influence on display. The Prince would show him what true power was; raw, savage strength honed by training and discipline.

    Truly, Vandrad hated Louie, there was simply no denying that. Guildmate or not, he wouldn’t bother sparing a single breath of pity were anything to befall the pretty boy. But despite all of that, Vandrad didn’t feel like he wanted to kill the kid. Brutalize him, sure but no less than he had any other snot-nosed brat that came into the Bellum military with an inflated opinion of himself. It could be methodically and painfully broken down before him, so that he understood how little he was in a pond of ferocious, hungry beasts. That Vandrad’s intent to be sure but something started to turn, even as his blades sliced through the air and screeched across the gold plate that Louie had summoned and the blast thummed loudly against the surface of that same barrier. Something deep in the Prince’s mind or perhaps his soul had awakened once more, in a fashion quite out of character. Were he in a better state of self, he would have recognized it and perhaps pulled back. But his drive was in full throttle and rending the sniveling buffoon from his pedestal was all he could envision.

    Louie fell towards the ground briefly before launching himself back, keeping up the offense to the greatest of his abilities. Glowing magic circles appeared on either side of Vandrad and as his eyes narrowed in suspicion, he felt the materializing hands grab him tight, keeping him in place. There was the pretty boy, dead center, with his sword dazzling as it shot forward to impale him in the stomach. The Prince was quicker, slightly -- having just enough time to twist his abdomen out of the way to prevent the blade from severing his flesh with a dire wound. But it did manage to break through the side of his armor and tear open a decent gash just above his hip, the pain electrifying his senses. But it wasn’t in agony or regret; no, he was completely and utterly incensed by it. The smell and feeling of his blood running down his side, the ache of a fresh injury and the thrill of a dire, life-threatening battle.

    "Is that the best you’ve got, pissant?!” he demanded, even as sharp, violent flashes of purple electricity crackled in the air around him. His muscles flexed tight and he released a wave of magic, vaporizing the hands holding him to dust as his aura grew even larger. He launched himself forward with a punch straight for Louie’s face, following it up with a spinning kick towards his side. He teleported to a new spot above the pretty boy, wrenching both his arms up and then throwing them in the direction of Louie, a large wave of magic erupting in a straight beam, looking to slam Louie into the sand below and bury him. A menacing stench had filled the air and Louie would be able to tell the difference between this fight and the last one. Before, Vandrad had simply been fighting.

    Now… now he was aiming to kill. Painfully.

    Words: 673 / 673 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Louie | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Louie 31st August 2020, 8:49 pm

    He really thought he had him. He saw the blood, and even when he dodged the strike to the face, he could still feel the weight of Vandrad's leg drill into his side, and without a moment to even breathe, a beam of magic crashed down upon him, sending him plummeting down into the sand as he let out a choked and agonized gasp as his back slammed into the ground. But he'd rather die than let Vandrad see him in pain! In a fraction of a second, Louie lifted his upper body up with his elbows, blood running down his nose, his lips, and then dripped from his chin. He'd slowly raise his fist and point at Vandrad, and then he'd say... and he'd say...

    He was... trembling?

    There was an ever-so-slight shake in his hand that he noticed when he raised it, and when he caught wind of that, he noticed everything else, too. His heart was racing wildly, and he couldn't feel his face. When he saw Vandrad in the sky after he plummeted to the ground, his heart sank. It sank into the depths of his very spirit. For the first time in a very long time, Louie felt... he felt...

    No, no, NO!

    Louie slowly grabbed his hand with his other trembling one, holding it close to his chest with a glare.

    I am Louie Calvin Klein! The very ground I walk on is sacred! I'm the cream of the crop, the diamond in the rough! There's no fucking way I'd let some nobody... some... ape like him... do this to me! There's nothing he has that I don't! Nothing! So why...

    Louie's eyes were wide with fear, his whole body shaking just a little as he looked up at Vandrad. And no matter what he did...

    ...Why can't I move?!!

    WC: 306 | Total WC: 765 | WC Needed: 764 @Vandrad Ragnos @Mercury Arseneault  ""  —
    Template by ivyleaf33


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 1st September 2020, 9:27 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    The fight was going about as expected, and Mercury was barely even paying attention at this point. She was fully confident in Vandrad’s ability to run this guy’s face through the mud, and at this point she knew the prince well enough to know that he wouldn’t actually kill the man. Beat him to within an inch of his life? Probably. Vandrad was capable of being about as vindictive as Mercury herself was, and they both agreed that death was too easy for some people. This blonde dude, whoever he was, didn’t strike her as someone that Vandrad wanted to kill so much as humiliate. After all, if Vandrad wanted the man dead he would have already murdered him and not wasted any time or energy on playing with him first.

    What wound up catching her attention was the change in his energy. She didn’t sense it in the same way fully organic beings did, because her magic didn’t work that way. Rather, her internal sensors started screaming at her and tossing numbers through her brain that far outweighed anything she’d seen him put out in the past. Her emerald gaze snapped up to her partner, watching him closely and observing the violet hues that danced around his body. Mercury had only seen that aura once before, and only briefly, in Bellum the week she’d crashed his fancy engagement party and won over the hearts and loins of… well, literally his entire family.

    But this was different. It was lingering this time, and whatever threshold he’d breached in his Empowerment seemed to have honed his senses to something far sharper than what he’d displayed any time before. At least, if the way he was laser focused on pretty boy meant anything. Tucking the tablet away, she sat forward on her hoverdisc, now fully engaged in viewing the battle as Vandrad slammed his prey down toward the ground, leaving the blonde man quivering and paralysed. This is it, she thought with a smirk, believing wholeheartedly for the moment that Vandrad was just going to knock the man out cold and nothing more.

    WORDS: 355/803 | @Vandrad Ragnos @Louie
    Serilda Sinclair



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Trinity 1st September 2020, 11:40 am

    670 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

    Trinity’s hands flew in quick succession with one another as she desperately smacked at the enraged man in a pathetic, but effective, attempt to protect herself. The retaliation was so untrained, so instinctive, so juvenile that the man was caught completely and utterly by surprise, able to do little more than stand there in slack jawed awe even as his face got slapped around this way and that with her cartoonishly large palms. Trinity hit him several times within the span of only two or three seconds, but it was enough to clear his mind, and he was finally able to see her for who she really was after taking the time to hold her by the wrists to stop the onslaught.

    That was all it took for her to more or less lose her will to fight again. The young woman curled in on herself where she stood, her back half turned to him as if she still couldn’t decide if she was brave enough to face him or still so terrified that she wanted to run. She was cowering in place with tears streaming down her cheeks, weeping in open fright. Her body was shaking, her shoulders jumping with each hiccupped sob. Her half brown, half pink hair was getting stuck to the moisture on her face, and her nice clothes were covered in dirt and grass stains. Altogether, she was an absolute mess.

    Despite his attack, however, the instant he began to apologize to her, Trinity’s sobbing slowly began to subside. He blubbered through his words, uncertain on what to say to her, and eventually she found the strength to open her eyes and look up at him through the tears with a hesitant expression. He’d be able to see now that her eyes were much like her hair: one brown and one pink, two mismatched orbs that were jumbled with fear and confusion as he asked if she wanted to hit him again. Trinity shook her head frantically, the tears welling up again at the mere thought of violence.

    He was being very gentle with her, though, and what wound up giving her pause was when he asked if she was hungry. His roided out form disappeared and his body devolved once more into the thinner, less scary version of himself that had first appeared, which helped her calm down a little more. She pulled her hands back, but only so she could try to wipe her face off, using her sleeves and the back of her hands to dry the tears away as much as possible. It resulted in dirt being smudged around her face, but she didn’t seem to notice that. By the time he introduced himself she had managed to collect herself to just small, mostly controlled sniffles, looking up at him with a wide, innocent gaze as he gave her his name and explained he was with the Rune Knights and that he wanted to do something to make up for what he’d done to her.

    It took her a few long seconds to finish pulling herself together enough to give him a small nod to indicate she was okay and also fine with his continued presence. After a moment of internal conflict that was visible on her face, she began to pat her pockets until she found what she was looking for: her iLac. Pulling up her texting program, she typed a message in with hands that still shook slightly, before turning the screen to him to read. “I am Trinity. Sorry to pick your flowers. I did not know they belonged to anyone.” Clearly, she still thought she had done something to provoke him, attempting to apologize for a perceived transgression that had set him off against her. So innocent was she that even with him attacking her without reason, she still put the blame on herself rather than on him, thinking she’d done something wrong.
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Sakura Kisagami
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Sakura Kisagami 1st September 2020, 1:19 pm

    Today certainly was not the day to decide it was up for playing around. Though the danger wasn’t so much in her favor going on a job like this, nor would she need to worry about being bugged if at all or one reason or another aside from her size, that mattered not to her. After dealing with the issue for so long, it wasn’t something fc that bothered her any longer aside from a minor annoyance here or there. Even then, that would rely specifically on the actions of whomever she was interacting with at the time. While some things didn’t seem entirely clear as to what was going on in the moment, she wasn’t one to really have an answer either. Being late to the party wasn’t so much something that the doll really ever had, but some things just get away from you in time. It also didn’t help that she had opted to take a ride over to the island instead of any number of other means, but no matter that reason, it seemed to prove little interference aside from being out on her own as far as people were concerned.

    ”Miss Sakura, you sure you don’t wanna call Miss Stiletto to come join you? This place looks so big and easy to get lost in.” The young fox cub spoke up, though through no vocal means. While Russet was a very unique creature, Sakura had chosen to take Russet because of his skills and any help to the wildlife that he could do. Any information about this place would help not only themselves, but even should the guild need any future necessity of this place. Who knows who could benefit from such a strange, foreign place to be known only as the Unknown Lands. ”You and I will be fine. You can hide yourself and I am in this body, so our need for nourishment is very little. I’d be more concerned for you than myself, but this is what I had hoped you would come for.” She replied, walking towards some of the strangely shaped trees and plant life a few feet away, squatting down pointing out small discrepancies. ”A lot of our goal is research, really. If we have to fight, we will. But I won’t but you or I in harms way if it’s not necessary.”

    The little orange fox scurried over to his companion, his head tilting to the side and looking at the grass being inspected by the porcelain hand, knowing that she couldn’t feel anything, but still curious as to why she was doing so. ”So, what’s this tell you? Human, animal, or other?” The doll questioned, looking toward Russet before giving him a small head patting. Leaning in closer, the fox cub would quickly look up at the surrounding trees and suddenly begin waving his tail around. ”The trees say it was human first, but something big followed!” He seemed chipper and overjoyed almost, but perhaps that was just the excitable cub in him. ”They told me they went down the way. Someone was hurt too! Well, a tree, not a person.”

    With a light sigh through a gentle smile on her face, the blonde doll stood up and began to move along in the direction of the tracks —or at least the direction she believed they were going. ”I hope we find some berries soon! I really wanna munch on some.” Pouncing ahead, the small cub popped into a brush, rustling around before his head would pop out from the top. ”Nope! None in here, but the bush said I was tickling her!” The cub began to laugh, which made Sakura even chuckle a little. It was nice to be out again with Russet. A good friend and companion.

    632 words



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Lethe 1st September 2020, 3:48 pm


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    The slayer was pumping her leg muscles hard and rushing out of the way of the goop balls. As she ran, she spotted the side of her purple cat and quickly scooped her up as she did so. She wasn't risking the cat's life, regardless of how strong she had faith in her cat and her own strength. She was a bit out of it right now. That fall was a decent bit of a doozy for the two of them! Ada was sure she might have a broken rib or so as she felt sore in her body, or she was just that rattled up from the fall at least. She felt the heat of these goop balls, then heard a sissle. Hah. HAH. HAH! Just great!!! They were acidic it seemed! Or corrosive. One of those two terms. Or both? Adalinda wasn't quite sure. Science and their words wasn't her strong suit. All she knew was that these goop balls could really hurt her if one touched her.

    First goal. Get away from this thing and keep Tammy safe. Second. Beat the crap out of it. Third. Find information on Metalicana! Perfect plans. Nothing could go wrong at all! Or, Ada hoped at least. Multiple goop balls flew in her direction and smacked into the scenery around her. "Why does it have to be me who deals with this crap?!" She cries out. 'Because you look for danger often. Don't try to make this like it's not your fault. You didn't even look before coming to land. The Unknown Lands are known for this stuff.' Veles chastised the dragon slayer while she continued to run. 'You can't keep on running. You'll have to face it eventually.' He was right. "I'm going to blow it the fuck up or stab it to hell." She simply says. That was how she did things. If she can't do that, she'll have to just punch even harder. If that didn't work, she'll have to just slam them harder with her fists.

    Adalinda quickly puts Tammy down behind a thick bush and turns herself around. Hah! Bad idea! Her turning around nearly got her hit with the balls of goop! So smart of her to do. She instantly let her skin turn grey and have scales covering every inch of her body. A little protection never hurt anyone. As much as she wished she was away from this freaking beast, she needed to get rid of it. It knocked her out of the sky. It stalked her. She needed to yeet it. Tamaria let out a groan as she was behind the bush, and the dragon slayer raced towards the creature that was now spent of its goop balls and recharging itself it seemed. This was the perfect time to try to do her thing. She summoned forth her sword and raced forward. Before the black haired slayer was able to get too close to the enchanted creature, it started shooting a bajillion of mini goop balls at her! Ah ha ha ha!

    Just great. She used her sword and attempted to slice through one of the balls that were hurling at her. It didn’t entirely work. Her sword had cut enough of the bottom of the goop that it managed to split open and miss her, but the top half stayed together. That didn’t entirely work like she hoped it would have! Now it was time to duck and weave from side to side. If she could only smack into the plant and see how slicing it would do! She wanted to annihilate it till the very existence of this species no longer existed in the Unknown Lands, let alone Earthland itself!

    Notes and Enemies:
    : @tag : 620 words : notes :
    : HP: 1155 MP: 924 :
    Job Link/Job Approval



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ran 2nd September 2020, 9:05 am

    Sometimes, Seika got so spacey that it felt like she was floating. Unless... wait, was she actually floating? Struggling to figure out which way was up or down, the girl finally managed to understand that indeed, she was flying up in the air! It was really amazing, the rush of wind across her face; after spending so much time indoors recently (Aphelia said there was some kind of virus going around) being out here, even though the area was kind of creepy and monster infested, was a nice change. The mage couldn't say that she was obsessed with the outdoors, if only because she had a strong tendency to spend the majority of her time in the city. However, forests and deserts and those kinds of less urban environments definitely were cool!

    Seika did her best to think about the different locations she had ventured to, using her memory of all of the photos she had taken. It was actually quite inconvenient to have to rifle through them in her head, having forgotten the actual physical album. Even if the girl had managed to bring it along (not a difficult feat, considering her pockets were essentially endless on this sweater) it wasn't magical or anything. The pages didn't automatically update with every new photo she took; otherwise, there would be far too many. Seika had a tendency to snap at least a dozen photos for each scene she wanted to take. Considering everything so far, the number was probably closer to thirty per vista. It would be amazing if there was some way she could rig the magic to automatically insert the final, best picture into the album. Maybe if her camera and everything was actually technology based, and a digital album, she would have an easier time. But unfortunately, that wasn't the cause.

    304 Words


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 6 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Artemis Dagger 2nd September 2020, 9:13 am

    There's a time for games and there's a time to kill,
    Make up your mind baby cause the time is here
    Artemis Dagger

    As he closed in on the space, Artemis was so focused on moving forward that he wasn't aware that Sivvy's run had been stopped by an invisible barrier. And so he had continued, slowing to a halt as he realised just what it was that he had discovered. He hadn't been fast enough, the source of the scream, it would appear would now to belong a corpse. The newly naked man tossed aside nearby a revolting beast. From the looks of it, it would seem that the recently deceased monster could very well be the cause of the man's death. But if that was the case, then what had killed the beast?

    Artemis had almost been about to turn back to speak to Sivvy when the rustling of bushes caught him attention. A strange scent coupled with the smells that were clearly protruding from the corpses. There were random smells that he didn't recognise and then a hint of something familiar, or someone rather. But that didn't make sense, she was behind him.  

    And yet, as he eyed the movement in the bushes, only to see that familiar slender physique, rose pink locks and carmine eyes in front of him. He was confused only for a moment, had Sivvy somehow teleported in front of him, and... changed clothes? Maybe it was some kind of requip? "Yeah, seems like," He answered her as she declared the state of the victim, glancing over to it once more. A solemn feeling washing over him, sure he might have run a shady business but the knowledge that he hadn't been there in time to stop just whatever the hell had just happened was knawing at him. As he contemplated this, 'Sivvy' would approach him, and it was only when he glanced back at her did he realise that something was off about the rosette.

    Now Artemis wasn't unused to the advances of a woman, in fact, he was very well versed in such behaviour, body language, tone and the like. Everything about the way 'Sivvy' was talking and acting was suggestive, it practically screamed flirtation. And how this been the earlier days of their friendship, he would've taken full advantage of it. But he knew Siv, and he knew that all things considered there was no way she would make a pass of him in this situation. There were two corpses right by them, and likely a number of dangerous monsters around. They had a job to do, and Sivvy was perhaps the most professional person he knew. Heck, the Christmas Festival had proved that, so everything about her current behaviour just didn't add up to him. He stiffened as she trailed her finger down his front, trying to not let it affect him. But it was hard because well; it was her.

    "Um, Siv, are you feeling okay?"

    WC: 476


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