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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)


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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Lilith 2nd September 2020, 4:19 pm

    I wear the hat and I wear the pants, I am advanced so I get advance & I do
    my dance & cancel their plans. Said, boo, don't be mad 'cause you had a chanceLilith Kadokawa

    Fortunately for Lilith, the small child had wandered off in search of another group. Ideal really, Lilith had no intention of playing babysitter, it was not an activity she either sought after. It wasn't that she hated children or young teens, it was more than they were fundamentally boring to the Ravenette. On her list of fun activities, the order alluded to; sex, danger, parting, alcohol and shopping. And it wasn't like she was in a shopping mall and could distract herself with a kid-friendly activity. No way in hell would she voluntarily subject herself to such a dull activity, she had endured enough of that in the Kadokawa household. The role of babysitting her little brother whilst their parents did... well anything else but the parent was a suffering she had endured for years. And yes there had been moments that had been somewhat enjoyable, but that general stemmed from the brutal teasings she had inflicted on her younger sibling.

    Lilith wandered for a time, the unknown lands sure were vast and it was quite a term of wandering for the Rune Knight. It was especially exciting, but she would pre-occupy herself by going through her iLac photos and figuring out what material she had yet to use on Lacbook. It had been a while since she had posted on Lacbook, and it was probably about time that she upload some content for her page. Although the question really was just what should that be. She had already decided on a sexy selfie of some sort, but picking one was just so hard. But she certainly wasn't basic enough to spam herself on there, she needed to remain present and yet still elusive enough to keep herself appealing. Not that it was especially hard, vain as it was, Lilith was very much aware of her own attractiveness. It was both a contributor and a direct result of her confidence and self-appreciation.

    She would decide on a photo of her in her Empress armour, she was wearing it after all. Despite the fact that the picture was taken by someone else much earlier in the day. It would still have the desired effect of presenting her how she was now. Plus in Lilith's view, she looked positively delectable in it, a treat for all those on Lacbook really. Would stop walking for a moment, her face depicting a contemplating expression, wondering what words she should use to accompany the image. She wanted to put something slightly more whimsical today, a playful note expression a positive message. She considered the sayings she knew before one popped into her head. With an audible 'ah', she began typing the saying; If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. Cheesy but effective, following which she would add a few hashtags just to flesh it out a bit. Satisfied with the status, she pressed send.

    Lilith would begin walking once more, watching the buffering symbol on her screen as she did so. The signal wasn't exactly great here, although she had a good data plan so really it should have gone through. She would lift the black and gold iLac, stretching her arm into the air above her. Despite the fact that this would probably do very little to increase the likelihood of the image going through, she figured it was worth a shot. She wasn't doing anything else anyway. Several minutes would pass before she heard the melodic whistle of the phone as the post uploaded. She lowered the phone, satisfied with her endeavour she would put the phone away. Looking around at the Unknown lands, ahh yes she was here to work. Best get on that really...

    Lili's WC: 621



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by 88 3rd September 2020, 10:48 pm

    With his Jello Smaug doing all the work, Theo scampered over to Aspen after she landed with eyes alight and watery. The becrested handkerchief was grasped tightly in his hand, unused and clean as if it was as precious as all the shinies he hunted. He couldn't exactly blab what he suspected it was aloud to the familiar Pergrandian woman, but he could flail at her in some sort of highly emotional but otherwise completely random fit. "I did make some friends," he gushed meaningfully, peering at the initials and dragon design once Serilda's back was turned. He was nearly certain he'd seen this before, but without going out and digging up one in Desierto to compare, he could only go on the very, very fuzzy memories of a four-year-old boy who had locked them away to protect himself. His back remained toward the fighting couple his gelatin dragon aided, which was for the best. Though he was remarkably less sobby than before, tears were silently gushing out of his eyes and dripping down his cheeks.

    Even though he'd been without parents for longer than with, the relief of seeing them and the craving to gush about all the good things and bad that had happened to him was overwhelming for the already easily-excitable man. His mind was spastic with random important memories. Would they love Granny Bonbon? That old woman had been his first contact when returning to Fiore, even if he was a few years in the "past". He'd nearly caused her to have a heart attack when his tanned body busted out of her coffee maker, but she took in in stride, retaught him the local language, and also passed on her magical lineage to him since she had no children of her own. She was sweet and sassy, kinda like salted caramel in a wrinkled wrapper.

    How would they react to his childhood? He'd been raised to lie, cheat, steal, and kill. The whole Desierto saga was a tragedy now that he looked back on it from a changed perspective, and the agony of causing so many deaths, especially Tomoe's, was something he wanted to be soothed by a mother and father. But what if they rejected him for it all? Perhaps, even once he sorted all this out and figured out how to not cause a time paradox, he should never tell them exactly what happened. Theo had truly been a rotten person back then, and the blood on his hands from the people he hurt would never be washed away.

    How about what had been more recent? His days from Granny Bonbon onward? Theo'd atoned a lot, even became a Rising Star for his hero work. But it wasn't an unblemished run. Though his Desierto days were some 3,000 years behind him, he'd brought a souvenir along in the form of a demonic contract, and that had caused him to slip a couple times. He'd done his best, though! There were many happy times. Crystal Swan! He wanted to tell them about his old home guild and all the joy he'd encountered there and the friends he'd made. About her. Rin.

    However, whether it was karma or no, the happy times were speckled with truly horrible times as well. A demon had tortured him, tried to turn him into a doormat, and broke him. Crystal Swan was gone. The new guild he made with Rin was gone. Rin was gone. He'd ended up alone. His new beginning in Silver Wolf and meeting Aspen was marred with panic and guilt. Could he dare try to get back all he'd lost and be happy again? He desperately wanted to ask his parents. Was it ok? Would everything be ok? Would Aspen be okay if she remained at his side, or was he a cursed threat to her? Was it possible to recover from all the loss and be happy again? And if so....how?

    In the end, he remained behind with his own thoughts, leaving Aspen to enjoy the fight with the worm while he watched, knowing all the turmoil in his mind would have to remain there, unspoken.

    wc: 692


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 65698_s

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Althea 4th September 2020, 8:49 am


    word count: 686
    total word count: 686 [WC Met]
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Seeing as Althea has already picked out the necessary requirements for her tourist attraction, all that was left was picking a random spot and making it!  But it wasn’t as if she could pick up a single hint of other mages in the area, so she’d be free to put the big ol’ hole wherever she felt like.  And from her vantage point in the sky, the youth picked out the densest part of the forest to be the site of her tourist attraction.  After all, she’d be building a town nearby!  You might as well make the least inhabitable place around to be the spot for a tourist attraction.  That way, the more difficult parts of nature would just be obliterated in the process of making her “natural wonder”.  However, seeing as Althea had already decided her course of action, that was enough for compilation.  Now came the easy part: making the big old hole in the first place.  For a moment, the blonde thought about how wide and deep it’d have to be, but soon she simply gave up.  She’d already spent way too much time thinking about where to place it in the first place, so it’d turn out how it’d turn out.

    Althea ran downwards towards the forest through the air, prepping her magic for an intense amount of destruction.  Clear chains emerged from the sleeves of her bandaged right arm, soon forming a sort of sphere as it whirled around her body.  They rotated around her at a moderate pace, and by the time the water mage stopped bringing see-through links, she was already at the ground.  However, she didn’t slow down.  In fact, she got faster, kicking off her footholds in the sky and plummeting to the earth.  What followed was the sound of dep kerning as Althea continued to fall vertically through the ground.  Of course, it wasn’t like she hadn’t left a hole behind-- that’d defeat the whole purpose of doing such a thing in the first place.  It was just that instead of a crater, she made a meter wide hole in the middle of nowhere.  Her shifting chains reduced all anything coming into contact with it into another, allowing her to plunge deeper and deeper into the rocks and dirt.

    But it wasn’t like she was done yet, a meter wide hole could only be enjoyed properly by a few people at once.  It wasn’t something thousands of people could easily pay to gather around either.  So, Althea expanded the range of her chains, the odd metal seemingly unfurling as to stretch towards areas farther away.  However, it didn't take long before Althea once again created a foothold in the air, hovering not too far from the bottom of the pitch-black hole.  It hadn’t taken long for all trances of natural light to disappear, but that hadn't really hampered her efforts.  You didn't need eyes to make a good hole!  And even if she did, her eyesight was still pretty okay despite the lack of light.  There was a similar problem with oxygen, but Althea had no problem simply not breathing for a while.  It wasn’t like she’d die or something.  And so, the young blonde began sprinting horizontally in her hole all while expanding the reach of her chains.  Dirt caved in often, but it wasn’t like they’d get past the chains in the first place so why bother.

    The only thing she had to do was focus on sprinting farther and farther into the hole until, finally, she began climbing back up.  The slayer only had to continue jumping straight up, creating footholds once each leap needed to be reset.  And finally, the youth broke out of the ground, finding herself in an unfamiliar patch of forest.  Well, the big hole she’d come out of was pretty familiar, but that was only because she’d made it herself.  It wasn’t like she was done with her expert hole creation either, she’d be going right back in!  Well, by now it actually seemed like more of a ravine than a hole, but that was just semantics.


    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 5th September 2020, 9:11 am

    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 D9XW7rx

    The two people at Theo's side were swift to introduce themselves as a certain "Serilda Sinclair" and "Mythal Ragnos", both names the Slayer from Silver Wolf had never heard before. Names were just one thing, of course, and what counted at the moment was not names, but capabilities. The massive monstrosity of a worm was still raging before them, however, the two were quick to throw themselves into the fray, and the girl was ready to do the same until Theo had noticed her presence, turning towards her for her to see his expression, tears streaming down his face as he flailed wildly. One of her eyebrows was swiftly raised, compromising the integrity of her ever-stoic expression. "Are you ... alright?". Well, the question was for naught. She knew the answer just by looking at him that something was off, what excactly, however, she obviously couldn't and wouldn't be able to tell. The girl, naturally, had no idea what topic the Treasure Hunter's thoughts revolved around, the emotions, the trauma, and the scars that all ran deep and were in this moment being brought back to the surface.

    Distracted by the beast, Aspen had little time to worry about that fact, however, the fingers hand she had stretched towards the beast swiftly being twisted into the shape of a gun. With the crackle of blue electricity, and while that was an entirely different story, it something the girl had to thank the Slayer Lacrima she had found in a temple in Desierto for, the arcs of energy would coalesce at the tip of her fingergun, the girl swiftly firing two, three, four projectiles of crackling lightning at the worm. She took care not to accidentally hit one of the other two mages, and sure enough, the projectiles would find their mark, slamming into the creature's side with explosions of electricity that left visible scorch marks on its body.

    Shooting a quick look over the ravaging monster worm, however, it seemed that the other two mages decidedly had the beast under control. Aspen knew where her immediate priorities would lie, and choosing between a continued fight with a gigantic Unknown Lands beast and her fellow Ace of Silver Wolf would be not much of a choice at all. She lowered her arm and hurriedly stepped over to Theo, placing her hand on his shoulder, though taking care to keep an eye on the beast that would shake the ground with every movement of its massive body. "Theo, what's going on? Why are you crying?".

    Word Count: 423


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 9th September 2020, 7:25 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    “I don’t think it wants to listen to you, dear,” Serilda told Mythal with a slight smirk as the creature roared in response to his suggestion that it run along. She was floating up by him with her swords drawn and ready to tussle. Mythal had kicked the larger worm’s child right off its head, where it went flying off into the distance, and the… mother? Father? Clearly wasn’t pleased about it.

    The gargantuan worm lunged forward at them, looking to swallow them both up in one bite and put an end to their existences right then and there. Unfortunately, Mythal and Serilda weren’t so easily killed off. The Voidwalker quickly avoided the attack by simply stepping into one portal and out of another at the worm’s side where she followed suit with attacks of her own, slicing this way and that down its thick hide with her scimitars. The creature growled angrily and turned to stare at her with an annoyed look. It seemed, while her swords were sharp enough to pierce through the worm’s skin and draw blood, given the creature’s mass it was probably little more than getting a particularly painful papercut.

    Well, that wasn’t going to do. It looked like Serilda was going to have to pull out some magic. Thankfully, the massive bug was immediately distracted by a series of blasts of lightning that slammed into its side, causing the creature to shriek in anger and whip its head back around at the pair that were still standing on the ground where Mythal and Serilda had been only moments before. Right when it seemed to be thinking about snapping down at them, the massive jello dragon struck again, and it didn’t take long for it to become vehemently clear that this creature was… far out of its league. Between the four mages and their various attacks, it was getting beat on all sides, and it didn’t seem to have a high enough intellect to form a strategy outside of focusing on whatever had just attacked it last.

    Time to get a little more creative.

    Taking a moment while the creature was distracted by other players, Serilda focused her magic on the worm’s body somewhere toward the center of it. She seeped her mind down into the molecules of the creature’s flesh and guts from outside in, until she had control over each and every particle at an atomic level spanning a length of a hundred meters or so on its belly. All of a sudden, a third of the worm’s body in the midsection exploded in a puff of fine blood and fleshy mist that settle on everything and everyone in a several hundred meter radius. What remained of its tail twitched violently on the ground where it leaked blood out like a pool, and its upper half where its head remained fell to the floor, shrieking in complete and utter agony.

    It was still alive, which was no surprise. Even regular ground worms didn’t usually die from being severed in half, often living on and regrowing what it had lost over time. However, the attack had robbed the worm of its stability and ability to move without hindrance. It flailed on the ground, writhing in pain. Serilda grimaced at the blood on her. It didn’t show up much, if at all, on her black uniform but she could see it on her skin and could sense it all over her through her Cruorthurgy. She took a moment to remove the substance, scooping it up through the use of her magic and depositing it to the ground until she was relatively clean once more. Typically Serilda wasn’t much of a stickler for being pristine at all times, particularly at work, but there was something about having another person’s or thing’s blood on her that just felt unhygienic.

    Thankfully, the clean up only took a couple seconds. She was far enough away from the ground that between the distance and the ear piercing screams of the enraged worm, she couldn’t hear a word of the conversation going on between Theo and Aspen, both of whom were paying more attention to each other than the creature. That was fine. Cleary they knew one another well, and it was obvious that Theo was under a bit of distress, so she could only assume that Aspen had decided it more important to check on her friend while the two of them and the jello dragon focused on the worm. They could all figure out what to do next once this was over and things calmed down.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ray Jyx 16th September 2020, 1:37 am

    A more human woman, regardless of moral alignment or intent, might have shown some sort of confusion at a name that didn't belong to her being thrown her way so familiarly. However, this was a clone trained to be as cold and unflappable as a robot, so she didn't even give it an extra blink. She was smart, though. Siv might not be a name she knew at all, but if he thought he knew her, then he knew one of the many identical clones. With her finger still lightly dancing at the waistband of his pants, her carmine eyes glanced past him in the direction he'd come from. Locking eyes with Sivvy, she considered how interesting this had just gotten.

    Like Sivvy, she was an imperfect clone that had displayed enough emotion to get rejected, but not enough to not be given magic and sold off to someone else at a discount. Dr. Raelin had to fund his experiments somehow, after all. 69 was on her own these days, and her magic wasn't unlike a succubus'. She needed to seduce men to gather energy to remain strong. She enjoyed it in a twisted way, much like she was going to enjoy tormenting her clearly dismayed sister on the other side of the barrier.

    "I'm feeling really hot, suddenly," she sighed, free hand fanning herself. As she did so, her white dress started to slip off one shoulder, giving him a peek at some black lingerie. "I know now's not the best time or place, but I don't know what to do with myself. I want you so bad right now," the imposter confessed, feigning a struggle with repressed lust. Leaning forward, 'Sivvy' pressed herself against him. Brushing her lips against the shirt hugging his chest, she then turned her face up toward his. "Please."

    Sivvy felt uneasy inside as she watched, her hand pressing hard into the invisible barrier keeping her out. Her chest felt tight, almost like it would after a run that dragged on too long, but without the labored breathing to cause the discomfort. It was one thing to be taunted by one of her many siblings, but quite another when they were messing with him. Not Artemis. He was...hers. Something hot and intense was stirring in her guts, slowly lighting her on fire the longer she watched. Despite the heat, her expression chilled and darkened. If she could just get through this barrier...

    [wc: 408 || total: 853]


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Jkp0PmI

    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Artemis Dagger 16th September 2020, 4:16 am

    There's a time for games and there's a time to kill,
    Make up your mind baby cause the time is here
    Artemis Dagger

    The fabric that would slide along the smooth skin of her shoulder would tease Artemis with the sight of her lingerie. The glimpse of the black material hugging her perky assets making it harder for him to focus his thoughts. Sivvy was incredibly sexy to him, even when she wasn't acting strangely any small act that she made would excite him slightly. But this wasn't accidental, what she was doing now was intentional, this much he could tell... but why?

    The supple form of hers would press against his front, an act that would cause him to stiffen with uncertainty. Her gestures would incite a quick arousal within, one he tried desperately to suppress, without success. He was intensely aware of how he failing to resist the urge to get lost in her, he wanted nothing more than to pull her close and let lose all his pent up wanting. But he couldn't, he had promised her. "Siv..." He began softly, "I told you, I'm not like those men. You don't owe me anything."

    He told her, meaning every word, but her soft beg would reiterate for the much just how much he wanted her. And perhaps this wasn't about financial obligation, perhaps she... wanted him too? He would pull back, confused, he needed to think and he couldn't do that with her pressed against him. Stepping back he turned from the pinkette, he would look back in the direction they had come from. And in this moment, he would see her, her mouth would fall open and realisation dawned as he addressed her; the real her.


    WC: 268



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Sanguine 17th September 2020, 2:15 pm

    Trekking her way through the forest alone was a very paranoia like feeling. If she had been able to stay with that other girl... maybe to wouldn’t be so bad, but oh well. She wasn’t going to get anywhere doing anything with this type of thought in her head with how some things could be. Monsters that preyed on the fear of others wasn’t so much something she believed existed, however it was known that animals could smell or sense it and then prey upon that. Though that applied primarily to the actions of larger, higher up on the food chain type of animals. The actress had to pull herself together and keep a front that showed she had no real fear and with any luck, she’ll follow suit and begin to believe it. It had worked well for her when it came to getting into the mind of the role she played in movies or in plays, so why shouldn’t she try to apply it to her normal life? Besides, knowing whom she worked for was nothing to try and come around acting like a frightened child, though the ploy of it seemed useful.

    Wait, why was she thinking like a villain? Oh, that was right. She sometimes did have the more antagonistic roles in her life and it did show to expand on her imagination and even to apply it to some of her future events wouldn’t be a bad idea either. But, just being associated with them didn’t mean she had to be like them, did she? Well, some of them would probably say yes, but surely there were others that would disagree with that notion. There were too many things to consider without taking opinions from others and while she was alone, treading on her thoughts was not a helpful or smart idea for the time being. Though while she wasn’t ready for this sort of thing mentally, the only way she knew to grow was to push herself to the edge and back. It was what her sensei did with her and to help honor her, she would do exactly that.

    The blood slayer paused for a moment as she heard a sound in the distance. Two deeper voices moving in towards her from what she could devise and then it paused. Looking around, the words “it’s her” got her attention followed by the sound of a pop. The pop sounding much akin to something being fired and the tree beside whe would have a net latch onto the trunk, watching it wrap around. ”What the-!” She watched as this net began to constrict around the tree trunk, cracking the very bark on the tree. “You missed!” The voice spoke out again and without thinking, the actress took off. Not wanting to give them any chance to fire again, she had tried to get into a place where she could surprise them. For now it would be the only move she had available to her until she could better plan and deal with the sudden aggressive attackers.

    Pushing through brush and trees, moving around and keeping to the line of trees to mask her being able to be netted from behind, Addilyn found herself rushing into a clearing. This didn’t really seem to be much of a normal clearing either, as it seemed just beyond this clearing led to an icy, chilled tundra. With it had been a pair of admirably sized Yeti staring down a small, blonde girl. Returning their gaze and with no twitch or hesitation in her actions, the girls arrival caught all three by surprise. And of course, the two yeti’s roared loudly and one began to charge her. The raven haired girl let out a gasp and ducked under a large fist aimed at her head, but she stopped. In the moment of her ducking, it had snatched up her hair and pulled her up into the air. Wincing and holding herself back from reaching up, a smirk would form. The hair gripped in the hand didn’t seem to move, but the girl would slowly lower to the ground and once she had, the extra grown hair would coil around the yeti’s wrist. With a tight hold, she would pull it down onto the ground and it’s grip would release.

    With hair retracting to the caster, one section would begin to form a rather realistic looking drill shape and then pierce the prone Yeti in the skull. The rest would react just as fast in another fashion as it whipped to the other yeti, a snake like mouth and fangs striking the throat of the other Yeti. Both sections began to drain the blood from their victims, giving a very mischievous smile to the raven haired girl. Once finished, she had pulled the hair back to its original state, braiding itself behind her back and letting out a sigh of relief. ”Sorry, I uh.. am not usually good at surprise combat... it’s something I’m still working on.” Rubbing the back of her neck nervously, she had hoped she wouldn’t have upset this little girl. Better yet, what was such a small girl doing out here anyway?

    866 words


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 JwEY1nx

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    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Aven Alveron 18th September 2020, 2:12 pm

    Aven let out a short breath of relief as Johann rose back up to his feet. He'd thought that, surely, the fabled wizard couldn't be brought down so easily, but only a moment passed before he was given an inkling of why. Senses snapping into focus as the wave of killing intent washed over him like a sea of callousness, Aven's intuition warned him of foul play. He hadn't felt this kind of energy from Johann before, but while some aspect of it's signature seemed familiar, he couldn't pinpoint the memory.

    Doubts aside, the only thing that mattered was Johann's condition, and with the resetting of bones and sinew, the bloodied wizard was back on his feet. This time, Johann would have Aven's Dark Energy barriers to protect him, a combination Aven himself wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of in a thousand years.

    Returning his attention to the bunny girl, Aven's brow raised in surprise. "They get like this... because of breeding season?" Hard to believe that a creature's body could push it so far just for mating purposes, but given the relative strength of the thief bird he'd come across just prior, it wasn't beyond reason. Getting into a readied stance, another veritable swarm of particles emerged and began to spiral tightly around Aven's right arm, now matching his left. "Regardless, see if you two can buy me some time. If I can reach full form, I should be able to knock it out cold!"

    This was, of course, hypothetical at best. In reality, this would be only the second time Aven had ever attempted a full Dark Matter takeover. The first had been under the tutelage of the Seraphim Aviel, his predecessor, who'd pioneered the form centuries ago: however, the attempt had ended in utter failure, on account of what Aviel had referred to as, 'purity of heart'. The core of Dark Matter's strength came from willpower, and while Aven's will to contain and control Dark Matter was incredibly strong, the full potential of Dark Matter required a tempering of that will to allow Dark Matter's corrupting property to flourish, while still keeping it under control. According to his mentor, the only time that Aven would truly be able to unlock his full potential would be under the most critical of conditions, when the line between life and death blurred.

    Aven could only hope that this was that time.


    [Word Count: 405.]


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Aven_Sig
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 18th September 2020, 2:24 pm

    It seemed like Gisen had to keep playing the role of the distraction while they got themselves together a little more. In a way, she didn’t care about doing such a thing. As something that didn’t worry about pain or even fatal looking injuries... and injuries themselves, she was the key type of person to endure a hell of a beating and not worry about what would come of it. Besides, being tossed around was kinda fun! The challenge was something a little more of a high and the more destructive and dangerous something was, the more she was willing to go fight it with little more than some oddly designed weapon and an abundance of optimism. With a wide array of ways to fight and varying designs of weapons helped keep her edge and the fun of using different styles of fighting at a pique of glee and entertainment to say the least. 

    As the silver haired male had worked on his recovering, the earth elemental took the charge back in to the large monster. With both of her weapons in hand, she had come to a couple of ideas she could go with to help stop something like this, but she had wanted to hold off on one until she didn’t have much else of a choice. When it came down to the idea of her dealing with protecting others, there were plenty of ways in which she could isolate this monster from anyone that couldn’t protect themselves at all or just a little bit even. Though in a place like this, she couldn’t imagine that she would have to worry about that as only seasoned mages came to this place to do this job. ”I got this, just take care of yourself.” She let off before taking off towards the beast. 

    A loud roar filled the air and shook the very tree branches and small wildlife around into fleeing. Completely unphased, the bunny girl pounced you and swung her axe into the skull, hearing it clash into the hard shell of skin it had. It reacted almost instantly by throwing its head upward, launching the attacking mage up into the air. Much to common reaction to being flung into the air like slingshot, childish screams of joy and amusement could be heard from her in the sky. As it made another roar, the General threw her axe straight down, missing the monster and watching as one of the axe’s blades would slice into the ground, sticking up from the ground. Using the newly gained momentum of her action, she would begin to spin her body around faster and faster as much as she could manage while taking the spear into both of her hands. Now falling from the ground, the 400+ pound rock would plummet down, gaining momentum more and more as she sped up from the gravitational force. Finally, with one swing, the blade of the spear would hit straight into the same place of the stone like skull, suddenly piercing in and then swinging through.

    Her body would collide into the head and force it into the ground head first, bouncing off of it like she’d just come off of a slide and landing right on her feet. An excited grin slathered on her face while she watched it reel in pain from the gash on the face, getting up and letting out another scream. The earth below the elemental would become black as night, cracking and then pulling its way up her legs. The animation seeming like it was swallowing the slayer whole, she had been the one manipulating the ground. As the earth continued to swallow her whole, it would grow in size and shape itself into a humanoid looking creature. A golem to some, earthen fists slammed into one another from her new size of 12 feet got her above the height of this beast. Seeing it’s new, larger target, she would charge towards the trio only to be grabbed by the Combat General, lifted up into the air as though she had just snatched up a bag flying through the air carried by the wind.

    She would slam this beast down onto the ground, her foot raising up and stomping down on the creatures back, hearing the cracking of bone and hard skin, possibly rock itself. Turning the head towards the remaining two, a nod would be aimed at them, letting them freely hit this creature with direct hits in the weakest point made while she could still hold it down for the time being. All the damage they could deal would be much higher now. The creature had begun to whine and fight to free itself from her grip, wanting to get out. Each time it tried, Gisen would push more of her weight onto the monster, further holding it down until either of the two would attack. 

    HP: x/y
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    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Ahote 18th September 2020, 6:13 pm

    This is the cut-off point and transition post from the fourth Endgame into the fifth. Continue with the same prompt with 687 WC. Be mindful of excess WC and try not to exceed your dedicated amount. Sign-up and job ending information will be in this post in the near future for those who want that information.

    Final WC: 22,000 / 22,000 (3 excess)


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 18th September 2020, 7:14 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 RJtajUnz_o

    What a pathetic waste.

    Vandrad had expected some kind of rebellion from the pretty boy. After all, that was all he was good for in the end. He was resilient; unwilling to break or show weakness in the face of someone he believed below him. An easy feat, considering that Louie seemed to think everyone was beneath him. That was one of the perhaps two qualities the Prince would give his Fairy Tail comrade in a more positive light. Louie had been knocked around and thrust to the ground below, buried amongst the golden kernels of sand by the force of Vandrad’s magic. Even through the smoke he could see Louie getting to his feet, pushing himself up, pushing himself forward. A wicked grin flashed over Vandrad’s face, the thrill of the battle continuing surging through his vein like a drug he couldn’t quite kick.

    But no comment came. No retort, not even some kind of counter spell. And even from where he was in the land, he could distinctly feel the air shift. There was true and utter dread filling Louie’s form, his resilient self cowering away at the sheer might and homicidal smog that seemed to surround the Prince. The boy’s spirit was shaken, bruised and bleeding as he came to understand that Vandrad wasn’t just fighting anymore. He was considering Louie as a true threat that needed to be silenced forever. And it terrified him. The rational side of Vandrad, was little there was left, paused in its spirited excitement to consider the boy. It didn’t seem worth it now. If anything, this sudden emergence of terror seemed to hint at something deeper, something damaged…

    Before that side could get too far in its consideration, the hatred and anger drowned it beneath an ocean of toxic emotions. Now truly and utterly silenced, the brief moment of idle thought was once more overtaken by the sickening air and twisted grin on Vandrad’s face. He plummeted to the ground so quickly, one might have thought he was falling against his own will. But as his boots slammed into the sand, the ground shuttered beneath him and a wave of golden beads spread away from him, as if they were making room for his very existence. A raw chuckle escaped from Vandrad’s twisted smile, even as a black ichor bubbled to the surface on his forehead. It swiftly took the shape of a malevolent looking ‘M’, the symbol lighting up briefly before settling into its dark hue. Vandrad’s aura exploded out once more, the crackles of electricity ripping at the very air around him. He began to walk slowly towards Louie and, as he did, the ground before and below him melted into pure glass from the intense heat ebbing of of him.

    "What happened, Louie?!” Vandrad demanded in a voice somehow as deep as a demon’s. "You were talking all that good shit a minute ago. Then I made you shit your pants. What’s wrong, rich boy? Weren’t you going to kill me?! Hit me!” His demand was answered with a roar of magical energy from his body, as if his own power was hyping him up. Vandrad’s eyes narrowed as they stared into Louie’s, the wisps of conscious consideration gone from the ocean-colored globes. "Such a pathetic letdown. A man who thinks he’s a god and yet here he is, cowering in fear. I wonder if this particular poser bleeds as good as a real deity.” Vandard came to a stop, a single arm raising up and away from his body, aimed directly towards the pretty boy. "Let’s see.”

    Suddenly, liquid gold would spring from Louie’s body, an amalgamation of his own magical property. But the Prince was already teleporting in, his hand wrapping around the liquid and causing it to form into something else -- a task that should have been impossible. It hardened enough that with a swing of his arm, Vandrad was able to carve a long, perfect slice vertically from Louie’s chin to his forehead. The wound was instantly filled by the gold as well, ensuring that it burned and sizzled both flesh and blood below. It wasn’t very deep… but it would brand the boy with a hideous, golden scar.

    "What a masterpiece!” Vandrad cackled loudly, even as the gold in his hand retreated back to its original owner. "Now you’re truly a gilded prodigy. Now…” Purple energy flowed out from Vandrad’s hand and sprang out in opposing directions, forming a polearm of pure magic. A long, sharp blade sprung from the top, completing the quick summon of a magical scythe.

    "Time to die.”

    Words: 805 / 805 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Louie | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 18th September 2020, 8:30 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.


    Everything had been quite entertaining only a minute ago but it quickly became apparent to Mercury that something was very, very wrong. Vandrad was quite passionate about fighting and certainly loved giving uppity brats a beatdown, but he was also a man that took a healthy amount of pride in his mastery of self discipline. Mercury could only watch, her phone forgotten in her hand as she narrowed her emerald eyes on him. She couldn’t sense his magic in the way that most Earthlanders would consider normal, but she didn’t need to. All she had to do was look at him to know something had changed. The aura surrounding him, the almost crazed look in his eye that she hadn’t even seen when he had tried to kill her in Desierto…

    Still, she didn’t move right away. This was Vandrad. He’d never let her down. He’d never truly pushed too far. Whatever was going on, he was surely in control of it, right? He was always in control, even when that cult had tried to over take his mind and force him to their bidding via magical influence. It hadn’t been enough. He was too stubborn for that. So, Mercury watched from her seat atop her hovering disc, her focus intent on watching the scene, doing her best to keep her faith in the man despite the pit that was very quickly developing in her stomach, even as he landed and somehow managed to conjure gold enough to scrape a gouge out of Louie’s face. Since when could Vandrad conjure gold the way Mercury could?

    No, this was wrong. She knew the look of a man about to commit murder, and while Vandrad had taken many a life, he had never done it like this. Mercury knew he would not want it to be like this. Even before Vandrad had finished cutting a deep crevasse into the blonde man’s flesh, Mercury had already slipped off of her disc and was plummeting to the ground. Since she wasn’t utilizing any magic she would be almost impossible to sense, especially as her emotions were currently wrangled up and under control to keep her head on for a fight the likes of which the two of them hadn’t experienced since Desierto. Not that she even knew Vandrad could sense her emotions in the first place.

    But still she dropped, making a bee line straight toward the prince even as he pulled back his arm and conjured an energy scythe out of nowhere. Whipping Mercy out of its holster, she pressed a button on the oversized pistol and the top of it snapped out to reveal a long blade, turning the weapon from gun to longsword. Using all her focus to aim herself precisely, she struck the tip of the weapon into the ground just beside where Vandrad stood, her palms resting on the pommel of the sword where she briefly paused in a very precarious handstand on top of the weapon. Even as Vandrad would swing the scythe, the curved handle would get hooked on Mercy’s blade, stopping it in its tracks long before it could reach his prey. Then, twisting her body, she spun herself around on the handle, building up enough torque with her entire body to swing a foot around and kick Vandrad on his side at full force, hard enough to send him flying several dozens of meters back and into the side of one of the nearby hills.

    Rounding out her twisting motion, Mercury gracefully landed on her feet, yanking her sword out of the ground and resting it casually across the back of her shoulder blades. She sighed almost wistfully. “Boy, he is gonna be pissed when he gets back up.” Turning to look at Louie over her shoulder, she told him, “If you’re gonna make a break for it, now’s the time. I can handle grumpy pants.” Despite her casual demeanor, there was kindness in the offer. But, she didn’t linger. Turning her attention toward the hillside where she’d sent Vandrad flying, Mercury began to almost strut in that same direction, radiating with almost sexual confidence despite how terrifying this whole situation was.


    WORDS: 737 | @Vandrad Ragnos @Louie
    Serilda Sinclair



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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Luceam 19th September 2020, 2:16 am

    Luna could practically feel the cold calcuation as she watched and paid careful attention to the man's words. She was feeling a sense of dread as her deductions got further and even scarier as she delved deeper into the depths from the context of this words. At first she was believing this man was just a scientist without a conscience or a more common moral compass, given that he did already technically commit several crimes which technically include abduction, torture, and the minor tort of intimidation.

    However what truly got to Luna was when the man started to speak about the various options, especially his unique choice for phrasing when he ruled out the sirens. It took a serious level of control to withhold shock, anger, or even the desire to restrain this man through any necessary means.  "This man, he is like a mad scientist subtle horror novel was wished into a person. Did he just confess to having sirens imprisoned for his personal usage?"

    The fact that they were underwater was a blessing as it hid the fact that Luna herself was sweating as she found this situation growing subtly tense as she read into him, presuming she was being read by the man. Luna found irony that his armor seemed to reflect him better then his own life force, which reeked of a death, but not solely of his body but of his soul. Luna was starting to get a picture of where he came from, someone either born without the basics of decency, joy, morality, and emotions, or the more scary someone that learned to cut those aspects. Luna had a feeling it was the latter story, something about this man screamed that is what he would do, cut out anything unnecessary from himself even if it leaves him a hollow husk with nothing but lust, a lust for knowledge.

    Luna has seen what happens when one gives in to something like lust without the full barrier of morality and ethics, it destroys the road behind leaving someone stuck in an infinite chase down a road that would eventually lead to death. At this point Luna knew she was in trouble as she managed to keep up with the conversation, her brief dallies in politics and experience as a mage prepared her with the skills needed to hold composure even when she was in the face of danger.

    For the forseaable future, Luna decided to pretend to avoid acting quite yet, all she had was a character overview and speculation based on circumstantial evidence that could just as easily be explained by a poor choice of wording. She subtly signaled to Neptuna with slight body language that was almost unrecognizable, such as subtle movements of the shoulder or hip. Neptuna saw these signs and remembered what Luna had taught her and that was to just play behind her.

    Luna kept floating and looked into the visor, there was a glare of light that made sure that the eyes of this man could not be seen. However Luna had to admit at this moment, he almost looked more decent. Luna knew she needed to choose her words more carefully. She had a feeling while this man cared little for decency, he did seem to directly avoid mentioning his cruel nature. "Well as far as the predators, Gary had little knowledge obviously, all second hand. if he saw them he'd be dead. After all why go to a place where your predators lurk?" She said pointing out the obvious concept. More importantly she wanted to rub Faust the wrong way just slightly. She wanted to test his responses without becoming overt, which seemed to be the nature of their affair.

    "But if I were to guess... probably medium scale predatory sea creatures. Like larger fish, crabs, eels, etcetera. Basically anything that can feast on lower creatures. Maybe even an alligator or bird depending on how close to land or how far in the water this kelp grows. It's not uncommon for some creatures to feast on those that eat specific items.
    She speculated on the subject of what could be there and why, curious to see how easy it is to distract this man, and further see how his mind copes with different problems. "At the same time we have zero idea of the black ship's origins or what wildlife, archeological, or magical discoveries are there, A large black ship isn't familiar to me by any common design either..."

    WC 752


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Mura Kensho 20th September 2020, 4:37 am

    Before he could even say anything to Ahote - y’know, express his surprise for the very presence of his in these lands specifically, which were presently harboring exploring wizards sent by the Council of all organizations - Mythica embraced him with quite the haste. Mura’s face showed…confusion, really. He had come to terms with the enigma that was Mythica’s daily schedules, and past enmity wouldn’t allow him to not paint Ahote as somewhat of a black sheep in this scenario.

    His wife’s embrace turned his focus to her, a faint smile rising on his face. “Didn’t know you’d explore this place yourself…” he expressed to her quietly, resting a hand on her back. Then, he glared back at Ahote, not easily forgetting the item that pieced him and the previous event together.

    The book he held in his hand… Mura recognized the eldritch nature immediately. The exact same tastes as the magic enveloping the land mere moments ago leaked out of it like a terrible odor. Ahote must’ve used this book to summon the small cataclysm earlier, which only rose the tension between them. It was easy for Mura to realize that Ahote was up to no good, but what was Mythica even doing here along with him? Had they just met? She sounded rather dumbfounded; maybe she was unaware of the danger that the book in Ahote’s hands just unleashed near the shaman. He gently returned the arm-lock.

    Ahote even mentioned her name, and he sounded just as surprised of the ordeal as Mura. He and Mythica, somehow, were acquainted in one way or another, but it mattered little as Mura trusted his love like any faithful husband would in this situation. Why Ahote even knew her name and spoke like he was familiar with her, Mura was assured that Mythica had a satisfying explanation. There was a chance that Ahote had just met her today and gotten all friendly and all - sadly, if he had any such plans with the Guildmaster of Fairy Tail, then they would fail.

    After Mythica spoke of his and her relationship, Mura’s eyes squinted towards the little shit ahead of him. “An ancient tome? And the first thing that comes to mind is burning me down with lava along with half a forest?” he almost hissed at Ahote, quickly about to grab the handle of his katana… but he stopped.

    “… I thought you wanted to stay low, lick your wounds or whatever,” he indirectly asked the ex-Guildmaster, expressing his disbelief that Ahote would have any interest in exploring new land and venture this far from… well, from wherever he stayed at for now. Not even Mura knew of his whereabouts, and even if he did, he wouldn’t assume that Ahote stayed at a single place for a long time. In all honesty, Mura’s view on Ahote was that he was like a fugitive; after the disappearance of Basilisk Fang, he just never heard anything else about him. He wished that it had stayed that way.

    Clearly, with the power of that tome, Ahote must’ve been undergoing some kind of ruse. Therefore, the solution was clear to the shaman, and easy to execute as well should Ahote not anticipate his next move. Instead of unsheathing Harusame, he ignored that muscle memory and simply flicked two fingers forward, from each a beam of raging fire surged forward. The two rays circled around each other and mimicked the image of a drill, sharpening and shrinking in size until they darted forth like roped arrows.

    However, he had no intention of harming Ahote - he merely wanted to teach the kid a lesson. The fire was aiming at the tome in his hands, the source of the destructive magic that assaulted his vicinity earlier. It was obvious to the shaman, a result of his quick judgement, that Ahote shouldn’t possess something like that. Mura held no curiosity towards the origins of the tome, for he had seen what it could unfold and wanted nothing to do with it. To him, it seemed like a mountain-blowing, devastating spell book in the wrong hands…

    EG5 WC: 687
    @Mythica & @Ahote


    Aliarey Casady
    Aliarey Casady

    Alt Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Tertiary Magic- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Aliarey Casady 21st September 2020, 11:35 am

    All of the danger alarms were going off now. Aliarey's heart began to race after hearing that loud and deep growl being so close. Too close for comfort. The source had to of been what she had backed into. Even she wasn't so dumb as to think otherwise completely. There was still some hope that it wasn't though, right? Maybe? Alia closed her eyes tightly. "Oh, please, please, please, please," the young woman whispered to herself while putting her palms together in prayer, pleading to some deity she didn't even believe in to make it so she was just having a case of insanity instead of there really being some creature of eternal nightmares behind her. Although, if she were the victim of insane imagination, delusions, and/or hallucinations, it was suspiciously very powerful. The shadow over her and on the ground clearly depicted something was towering her from behind, and the stench and warmth of the creature's breath as it hit and surrounded her was just as good an indication that she was still in the realm of reality as any. Insanity is still what she preferred.

    The blonde conjured whatever bravery was in her, which admittedly was usually very little, and slowly turned around while taking a step back. She opened her eyes and immediately regretted it. "Aw, dammit." What stood in front of her was definitely no ordinary wolf. It was huge, yes, but honestly if not for the physical shape being that of a wolf Alia wouldn't have thought it to be one of canine kind at all. The shape was pretty much the only resemblance in appearance. And the teeth, of course. The claws too. It was hard to miss those sharp natural knives that nearly every predator was equipped with. That was it though. The fur of the creature was not the soft looking sort that pictures of healthy looking wolves had. It also wasn't the dirty, matted, or less fluffy sort that she had seen on others either. The fur of the "wolf" there currently was barely even fur. It was a disgusting mix of thin filthy hair and thick green goo that Alia couldn't even begin to guess what it was. Trails of shadowy mist were along its back and continued all the way down to make up the entirety of its tail, twisting in the air like crackling fire.

    Yet, the weird goo, the shadows upon it, or the fur that looked as if it belonged more on a decaying creature than one of the living was not the strangest thing about it. It was its eyes! Not the two that a wolf typically had. No. The face of that "wolf" had much more than that. There were ten glaring down at her, five on each side of its snout. The creepiness of the creature didn't stop there though, nor did its eyes. Its body was covered in them! Closed they had looked like red gashes and infected wounds, but then they opened. They varied in sizes, and the colors were mostly the same nasty green and red, although the places of the colors changed. Some of the pupils were red with the green iris', while others were reversed. Their stare was the same. It was the threatening glare of a predator that had no fear or care for the prey or enemy they targeted. Multiplied by the fact there were way more than two of them made Aliarey believe that they were piercing her very soul. If such a thing were possible.

    "Nope!" Dealing with that creature for even one second was a hell no. That activity for the wonderful and super awesome tour of the Unknown Lands was one she would not regret skipping over. As the creature snarled and prepared to snap its jaws at her, Alia connected with the lacnites within her blood stream by using her magic. The microscopic machines activated and moved her out of that space in a quick short burst that left only a blue light for the creature to snack on when its jaws closed shut. Was it the end of that?

    (Word Count: 689)


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 22nd September 2020, 10:34 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Nessa soared above the unknown lands, a little late to the expedition. She had been having lunch at her father's house, and Richard had a strict no phones at the table policy which Nessa abided by happily. She didn't mind it, the chance to detach from everything and just spend time with her family was always welcome. Although when they had finished and she had pulled away , switching on her phone, her screen lit up with news about the expeditions going on in the unknown lands right now. And Nessa wasn't one for missing out...

    Normally she would take her usual, and much less magical means of transport. But her desire to get here as quickly as possible meant that arriving her via the portal she could summon through her Valhalla contract had been most ideal. She had appeared at the outskirts and immediately took to the skies, orbs of starlight circling her and keep her afloat - allowing her to travel much faster than she would on foot. Her violet eyes would scan the plains, in search for a group to join or a face she recognised. She really hoped she had discovered this news sooner, than at the very least she could have planned something.

    As she travelled she would see the figure of something she didn't know but did recognise. It was a rare reaction for the Starlight Maiden to have, as her being quickly became flushed with irritation. There weren't many folks who made her feel this way, but this woman in particular had become the source of great frustration for the Fairy Tail Ace. She could have let it go, there was work to be done after all, but as she glanced away and then glanced back. She found herself lowering to the ground at rapid speed, landing a few paces behind the raven-haired woman. Her feet would rush forward as soon as they touched the ground, Nessa eager to catch up to the Gossip columnist from Sorcerer Magazine.

    "Hello? Um, Excuse me. Miss Kadokawa?" She called out, polite as ever, trying to not let her irritation show as she greeted the girl.

    No reason they couldn't be civil after all...

    WC: 367


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 60582_s


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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Lilith 22nd September 2020, 10:50 am

    I wear the hat and I wear the pants, I am advanced so I get advance & I do
    my dance & cancel their plans. Said, boo, don't be mad 'cause you had a chanceLilith Kadokawa

    Lilith had certainly noticed the presence of the woman who appeared behind her, she hadn't exactly been quiet about it. But Lilith hadn't intending on acknowledging her unless she spoke to her, which she proceeded to do. The Ravenette turned her head, brow raised as she saw just who was walking up to her. She stopped walking, interest peaked she would turn on the spot, her eyes raking up and down the famous what was it... Saint of Virtue as she was known. Pretty, not much airbrushing went into those photoshoots it would seem, a nice figure too. Her outfit wasn't to Lilith tastes, too girlish and well virginal for her liking, but she could sort of see what the hype was about.

    Liltih already knew what this was about, it seemed her articles were getting her into all sorts of trouble these days. Not that she minded, after all it was attention, and magazines loved attention. She plastered on a plastic smile of her most charming proportions, turning to face the white haired woman fully. "Well, if it isn't Nessa Cordelia Lux, what a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance! Please, call me Lilith or Lili should you prefer." She stepped up to the woman, holding out her hand to shake in greeting.

    Lili's WC: 215


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Samira Nassar 22nd September 2020, 1:31 pm

    Questions kept popping up in Samira's mind. For once they were actually her own instead of the bombardment of thoughts of her mind connected spirits. The most obvious was who had built the bridge crossing the creek, yes, but there was also the question of when. Were they still around? If so, were they friendly or would they be hostile? Like those and more. Samira allowed them to continue to plague her mind as there was no clear answer to any of them thus far. She began to cross the bridge, slowly of course. It was an older structure and though it looked stable there was no guarantee that it would support her weight. Each step made the wood creak and groan as if being tortured, or perhaps, being forced to awaken after so long of being left there unused. Samira dared not touch the handholds that were a part of the bridge. At least, not to act as a way to support herself as she crossed. Vines and such had grown and coiled around them, but the parts the plant life had not covered and touched allowed the woman to catch sight of the decor and markings on them. She observed them for a few moments, noticing the similarities between those and another sort she had seen in the past. "I have seen markings like this before."

    'You do know I didn't call you over here to look at some old bridge, right? The markings are similar to those at that god forsaken temple in the middle of no where, yes, congratulations on those sharp eyes of yours. Now get over here where things matter. I'm getting hungry with all of this waiting.'

    The temple. That was it. At first Samira couldn't place where she had seen them before even if she knew that she had. Not really because there were many markings of the world that she had seen in books, ruins, and other structures, but because that temple was a place she had wanted to forget. It was a place she never intended to return to or think about again. The image of the monster that still lived in that place was conjured within her mind. Very few things brought true worry and fear to her at that point in her life. She had been through and experienced much. Everything in her more recent life was just more of the same or less. Only unfinished business and horrors of the past were truly concerning to her in a way that made her feel like she was that same inexperienced and novice mage of the past. Thankfully, she wasn't in such a state of mind that she would fool herself with ridiculous inquiries such as if that creature was somewhere there. That was impossible. It was still at the temple, on that island long forgotten. Although, technically it wasn't too far away from where the expedition was, which was probably why there were remnants of the same civilization as the one that had once inhabited that island. Still, the fact remained that she wouldn't have to worry about that creature showing up. Instead she would have to consider if another lurked around there. What the creature was and if it was one of a kind she didn't know. There wasn't exactly any time to look into it or the people that once lived there back when she was on that particular mission. Trying to survive and escape had taken over as the priority back then. Now she regretted not going further and revisiting the place in some form. "You are alone over there, correct?" Samira asked the still waiting serpent. The last thing she wanted was to get there and be ambushed by the cousin of that creature or some other monstrosity that watched over the lands.

    'If you're asking whether or not some creature from the deepest parts of monster hell is hanging around here I'm going to go with no. Haven't seen a thing or caught a whiff of them, and they are usually pretty hard to miss with both senses. Unless I'm just scary enough that they are all staying way back. I'd believe it.'

    (Word Count: 700)


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 23rd September 2020, 4:41 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Lilith Kadokawa was taller than her, and the moment the older girl turned Nessa could immediately tell she was a woman of confidence. Understandably so, beautiful, curvaceous; she reminded her a little of Cassie - Nessa's high-school best friend turned hater for lack of a better word. It was only a few inches, but as soon as Lilith addressed her, Nessa could feel that difference in how they stood. Straightening slightly, she reciprocated the smile. "Yes, I'm glad to meet you too! I've been hoping we could talk about the pieces you've written in Whispers. I tried to contact the magazine about getting a retraction but I haven't had much luck." She informed her, delving straight into the matter at hand.

    "You see there seems to be some misinformation coming from the page, probably just a misunderstanding or something but erm... the things you've written, about Fairy Tail members, in particular, the child labour and the way you portrayed my being at the Urban Nights event. Well, it was ... a little problematic, not to mention inaccurate and misleading. Louie and I are just friends, good friends, I... think. But erm, well the way you sold it was as though there was something untoward going on between us, which couldn't be further from the truth. I am devoted to Markus, completely. So I was wondering if maybe it might be possible to get some kind of clarification. Kind of like how you did for that piece on Artemis Dagger and Sivvy?" She looked at Lilith with an optimistic gaze, hoping that her words would get through to the woman and this whole mess could get cleaned up swiftly.

    WC: 279 TWC: 646


    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 60582_s


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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Lilith 23rd September 2020, 5:50 am

    I wear the hat and I wear the pants, I am advanced so I get advance & I do
    my dance & cancel their plans. Said, boo, don't be mad 'cause you had a chanceLilith Kadokawa

    The complaint came out just as Lilith had predicted it would after all the prestigious Nessa Lux hadn't exactly been quiet about her opinion on this matter on LacBook. What Lilith was surprised by was just how mildly the girl presented her argument, for someone so important shouldn't she have a little more backbone than this? Lilith had already decided how she was going to handle this, the girls request despite being completely founded meant nothing to Lilith. There was no offer, no deal being struck, it was the request for righteous action with little to no payout. In fact, it would likely do more harm than good for Lilith to correct the magazine on a second occasion. The Whispers piece was much more important to her than the liking of some Wizard Saint or whatever.

    "Oh Nessa, Can I call you Nessa?" She didn't wait for an answer, "The things I wrote, might be open to interpretation but that isn't enough for a retraction or clarification. The Arty and Sivvy wedding bit was in fact, incorrect because they didn't actually get married. Therefore the clarification was warranted plus I got to include some drama in the piece. However, Fairy Tail, as far as records show, have hired female minors. In fact, isn't one of your aces like... twelve or something. And the urban night's story, you were out drinking and dancing with Louie Calvin Klein were you not? And your ...beau, Markus Eldridge, wasn't there right? So it was just the two of you, out, alone. Correct me if I'm wrong?" Her words, albeit spoken politely enough was a direct challenge to the woman. A means to show her the faults in her request and enjoy her reaction. "How did Markus like the article by the way?"

    Lili's WC: 299 Lili's TWC: 567



    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 23rd September 2020, 5:51 am

    Well aware of what usually occurred when a member of her sect was defeated, Medeia took a step back, fully expecting the usual beam of light to burst from Aria’s body to burst forth. Yet, to her slight surprise, a large crimson red hand would instead grab it from below, pulling it beneath the ground, where the witch assumed she would instead spend her afterlife rotting away in Hell. It was an unusual process and left Medeia to ponder just what else had changed since her father’s death. Had the corruption that had caused him to lose his mind began to infect the others before he died or was it her brother’s foul influence instead? He had always been a rather foul figure and the raven haired woman would take great pleasure in removing him from his position of power when the time came. Yet, that was a task for the future as for the time being, she was uncertain as to how even to return home. It was not as if there was a portal after all to do such a thing. It was going to take research or if that failed, perhaps a statement of intent would have to be made that attracted his attention.

    “Mistress Medeia!” A voice would suddenly call out, causing the witch to turn around, her slayer enhanced senses easily picking up the direction of the sound. Flying towards her was her most loyal follower and fellow angel, dressed in her usual maid outfit, a large axe held in her hands. As Armina approached, Medeia could pick up the scent of blood and a slight smile crossed her features as she put two and two together. Clearly, her companion had already been in the wars and one look at the purple haired woman’s face as she landed all but confirmed it. The maid had that lovely look of blood-lust in her eyes which she always did after taking part in battle. “I am so glad that I found you at last. I sensed the signature of one of our sect and came straight here although I admit that I ran into a few friends along the way. The beasts around here have no manners at all and I had to decapitate a few of them in order for them to leave me alone. I guess it was kind of fun though so I did not mind that much.”

    “Considering you are grinning from ear to ear, I imagine that you had more than just a little fun,” Medeia replied with a smile, wiping a speck of blood from her maid’s face. “It seems that we are at war again, my dear, as my rat of a brother decided to send one of his minions down here to start off the festivities again. Argyle has taken the throne and we are never going to find a moment's peace unless we spray his body parts all over the heavenly kingdom. The truce that my father made with us is over.”

    The maid’s expression turned rather dark, “Argyle, that vicious and cruel bastard. I will love nothing more than to help you get rid of him, Mistress. I still owe him for the horrors that he put me through and I will not rest until this axe is embedded in his skull. You have my word on that.” Flicking a few specks of blood from her axe, she would then add, “Since we are here, how about we spend some quality time taking out some of the scum, Mistress?”

    “That sounds like a fine idea to me,” the witch chuckled, “Come then, my dearest maid, let us explore this place and see what trouble we can rustle up. I was in the process of exploring with a foul mouthed vampire but it seems like she had wandered off. Not to worry as you are certainly a far lovelier hunting partner. Let us bloody that axe of yours a little more then as I suddenly feel so invigorated all of a sudden.”

    “I love it when you talk like that, Mistress,” the purple haired woman answered, giggling as the pair went on their merry way.

    (698 Words)

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Jester 23rd September 2020, 2:53 pm

    I torture you, I'm a slave to your games, I'm just a sucker for pain.
    I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain.

    In another life, such diligence and hard work would've been an admirable feat. Jester, or Jesse as he might have been known in this other life would have been appreciated for his efforts, his endless labour and consistent attention to detail. Respected? Maybe, Maybe Not. Perhaps in another life, he would have fallen victim to a dullard existence that many suffered. Eat, work, sleep, repeat. Again and again. Endlessly. Would he have found joys in such a life? Would he have gotten to enjoy the same euphoric rush he often indulged in now whenever he found prey to toy with, the rush of adrenaline and pleasure he felt when he elicited the sweetest suffering from them. When games were played well, and watching others lose. Would he have that? It was impossible to know. But it was interesting to think about, thoughts to explore as he continued to take his newest toy apart and transport it to his pocket world.

    WC: 160 Note: The remaining 527 words are being allocated to my alts for plot purposes.



    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Guest 24th September 2020, 4:02 am

    It was miraculous to see just how quickly the former slaves managed to sort out the mess that Jaesa’s fight with the bandits had caused. They worked with relish and a newfound joy, turning the place into a home where they could now thrive. Every material was either used or preserved and the tall blonde couldn’t help but admire them for that. They were true survivors and although she was pretty useless when it came to the more menial stuff, she could at least defend them while they worked. Her well tuned senses were always on the lookout for trouble and the slightest change in the air would be enough for her to quickly arm herself with one of her requips and prepare for combat. She fully expected the bandits to return once they realised what had happened and the bounty hunter was under no illusions of what would happen then. Another battle would no doubt begin and more lives would be lost. She probably should have been concerned about that but her years on the trail had taught her that some people just could not be reasoned with and that fighting was the usual result, whether she liked it or not.

    Perched by the entrance of the camp, Jaesa would constantly be keeping an ear out, while her gaze was fondly drawn towards the women of the camp. They were incredibly thankful towards her although she unfortunately couldn’t understand the language.and so had to make do with a form of sign language that she had picked up during her hunts. It was by no means a perfect solution but it helped at least, enough for her to get by. The youngsters of the camp seemed to be the more talkative and continually approached her, curious about her clothing and gear but from what she could gather, mainly about her magic. Her staff still in hand, she would produce a few shots of magical energy from it that they would laugh at but for the most part, she’d use it to continue to heal those who appeared the most fragile. They were awfully thin in some cases and before she’d set out to find some food for them, she wanted to be sure they would be alright in the meantime. Her spells, however, were strong enough to restore enough of their vitality to carry on though.

    For a while, everything seemed rather quiet and the huntress was becoming rather content with the situation but soon enough, a large squawking noise would soon break through the quietness of the forest, as a flock of large birds started to charge down towards the camp. They were large, two legged beasts with enormous razor sharp beaks that were clearly made to tear flesh. There appeared to be at least half a dozen of them and as the newly freed woman got out of the line of fire, Jaesa would raise a hand and cause a minigun to appear, while placing her healing staff on her back for safe keeping. Taking the large weapon in both hands, she’d then step out in front of the birds and let loose with her powerful weapon. It was a nightmare for the creatures and feathers soon started to fly as they desperately tried to get out of the way of the hunters' bullets. Jaesa moved her weapon from left to right in order to try and cover all angles and the result was devastating, shredding them. Collapsing to the ground, the poor birds had little way to survive and couldn’t get out of the way in time, resulting in them simply laying motionless on the floor.

    When it was all over, the former slaves would then reappear from their places of protection and start to collect the bodies of the birds, knowing full well how to make the most of the precious bounty. There would be a feast tonight alright, with a main of course of freshly slain birds as the main course. It hadn’t been much of a fight but at least it had saved the blonde from having to hunt after all and with a shrug of her shoulders, she’d return to her vigil, ever watchful for any further problems.

    (706 Words)

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    Paid Expedition (Endgame Party) - Page 7 Empty Re: Paid Expedition (Endgame Party)

    Post by Louie 24th September 2020, 10:59 am

    What was happening? Louie had always known Vandrad for his mediocrity: his looks, his height, his intelligence, and so on. But this? This felt different. The air around Vandrad and the way he carried himself, the way everyone seemed a little off their hinges. It felt like if Louie didn't do something right now, something happen that he'd never be able to accept. Something abysmal. But even as this intuition began to dawn on him, he still couldn't move a single finger. As Vandrad walked toward him, Louie couldn't even get to his feet. Something was stopping him and he couldn't do anything about it. Nothing. When he realized that, when it all fell into place, he could feel his heart descend into the pits of his stomach.

    "What happened, Louie?!"

    No...! Nothing happened! This isn't over yet!

    "What’s wrong, rich boy? Weren’t you going to kill me?! Hit me!"

    This is a mistake. It's a fluke! There's nothing wrong with me! If I could just... get up! I'm fine...! I'm fine...

    He wasn't fine. He could feel himself slipping as Vandrad made his way closer and closer to the blonde boy. With every step, Louie's glare became more intense as a flurry of fear and resentment swirled in those lion-ruby eyes of his. It was like watching a force of nature approach you, and you couldn't help but feel captivated by the power and hate that it wasn't yours to wield. But he wasn't captivated with envy—but dread. As short as subpar as that beast was, he seemed taller and taller as he came closer to the downed blonde. He had no choice but to look up to him, and with his body in such a pathetic stillness, as it was, he wanted Vandrad to perish for that. For making him feel this way. Something he swore to never let happen to him ever again.

    "Such a pathetic letdown. A man who thinks he’s a god and yet here he is, cowering in fear."

    I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of anyone! I'm not...! That isn't me! I'm better than that... I'm better than everyone else... I am...!

    "I wonder if this particular poser bleeds as good as a real deity."

    No... you wouldn't... he wouldn't... I... no...! No, no, no. Not my face... he wouldn't dare do that... he wouldn't... he wouldn't... he CAN'T!

    "Let’s see."


    And it was done. Louie could feel the flesh split apart by his own golden doing, the cut slicing his face from his chin up to the crown of his forehead. And the moment the pain set in and the blood spilled across his face from the golden wound, Louie let out a heart-wrenching, blood-curdling shriek. It was agonized and horrific, the sound of someone who lost something precious. In a blend of horror and pain, Louie held both of his hands to his face, squeezing the wound with immense pressure. He tucked his head down into his chest, and for a moment, there was no anger or sadness. Just pain and shock.

    "haAHuUghnononono..." Louie wailed in an agonized gasp, slowly releasing his hands away from his face to see the blood that was splotched over it. It wasn't a lot, in reality. But to him, it was as if he were bleeding out. He was barely breathing at all, only taking slow, trembling breaths. "T-Th...This isn't mine... nonononono... I'll prove it... it-it's not mine... nonono... this isn't happening..."

    After that, Louie was finally able to move. He trudged over to the small lake by the sandy shore they were on, where he'd lean over to look at his reflection. There in the center of his face, in all its glory, was the cut he had been hoping wasn't there at all. He had ignored Vandrad's ladyfriend completely, even after she had knocked Vandrad away. Right now, neither of them existed. Just himself. And after a moment of silence, the look of fear that twinged his expression faded. He stared into the water with a wide-eyed glare, as his reflection suddenly began to bubble. It was boiling. In fact, the nearby vicinity for dozens of meters began to become humid and sweltering. The lake began to steam like a hot spring as fire began to cover Louie's shoulders and cackle in his clenched, trembling fists. Even closer to him, nearby trees and wildlife were caught in an unsteady balance between transforming into golden statues and charred, burnt shells of what they once were. It was his first magic, the very thing he had traded his soul for, but shunned once he picked up Goldmake. He didn't use it often and didn't like using it, to begin with, but he seemed a little unhinged right now. He took a long, deep breath, one hand hardening into gold and the other engrossed in flame. He was right. Something awful did happen.

    "Who gave you permission to do that?" said Louie, turning around to look at Vandrad's ladyfriend, who was strutting her way toward the monster she had just kicked away. When he saw her like that, as if she was doing him a favor, protecting him, Louie could feel his malice begin to boil over again as the flames and gold-hardening of the surrounding environment amplified. "Make a break for it? You got in my way, idiote! I didn't need your help! I should kill you for insulting me like this! I'll kill your both—?!!" Suddenly, a magic circle as wide as his body opened beneath him, and he began to fall into it like quicksand. Like before, if he had tried to move, it wouldn't work. He was at the mercy of this strange magic, and even though it didn't seem to be either of their doing, Louie looked at Mercury and the hill she knocked Vandrad into with a look of pure malice. "He's not to die unless it's by my hands. It can't be anyone but me, after what he did to my face. This isn't over, couchon!"

    And like quicksand, he descended into its depth, leaving the vicinity in a chaotic state of wildfires and golden statues.

    WC: 1030 | Total WC: 1030 | WC Needed: 1030 @Vandrad Ragnos @Mercury Arseneault  ""  —
    Template by ivyleaf33


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