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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!


    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Sol 9th May 2019, 3:06 pm

    As Ada asked him what had happened since he now looked different the Reaper thought for a moment before he popped open the bottle of Apple Ale and he took a drink before he then spoke.”Well I had a run in with a Reaper I was supposed to die when I got this” he said gesturing to the scar on his chest before he went on.”however something intervened with it and I was spared so I was changed from a dragon into a void dweller and I was stuck between the two realms for a while but now I am whole I am balanced and I feel at peace.” He added before he chuckled a bit.”I guess this means Im not dragon king anymore perhaps a descendent of mine could take the title” he suggested as he took another drink.”oh yeah nice Swimsuit Im surprised your Husband let you out of the house since you look great” he complimented and also teased a bit as well.

    As Leona seemed to say that things were the usual with her since she was doing paperwork and guild jobs the normally things that needed to be done for the guild. The Reaper nodded in understand since he always had to do things for the company and he worked very hard to make sure that his tasks were done correctly and quickly.”Its been the same for me though my training had me bedridden for quite some time I could hardly move. It was some of the worst pain I have felt in a long time” he explained. The training he had gone thru with Demi was intense and trumped anything he had even done before but it made him stronger and completed him so he could not complain about it.


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 1st June 2019, 1:45 pm

    The little grey exceed seemed to be on a mission, scouring the beach for the Neko girl. He would trudge along the imported sand, ignoring everyone and anything who even attempted to talk to him. And then he heard her, calling over to him. He would glance over, watching as she shifted into her Neko form; those cute fluffy ears, those big purple eyes, that neat and lithe tail. The little grey Exceed shifted onto his hind legs, striding along like a human as opposed to a cat. He puffed out his chest a little, swaying his shoulders as he swaggered over to her. She would blush at him in way that was so cute to the cat that made him freeze. His words caught in his throat as the confidence he had been attempting to portray slipped away and was replaced immediately by nerves. "Er...I..."  He began, struggling to find the words. She would apologise about the last time they met, explaining that she was drunk. Sebastian did a rather zealous gulp, shaking his head slightly. He straightened up once more, His nervous expression switching back into one of zealous  but clearly false confidence, as he attempted to 'be cool' in front of her. "It's alright cutie... I didn't mind."  He purred in a flirtatious tone, shifted his weight onto his elbow to lean casually against a table. Except... there was no table, so what the grey ended up leaning on was nothing. And as gravity would have it, it seemed to be doing its jobs today. As he lost his balance and ploughed rather awkwardly into the sand. Creating a cloud of sand dust around him.

    Nessa was pleased to see the tension quickly disappate, even she could see how many people her Grandmother had gone and upset with her actions. And whilst Ness wasn't sure what it was that her cousin had said to the woman, she doubted it was enough to warrant her choosing to hit her over it. They were family after all, and this was supposed to be a celebration. Perhaps, should she get the chance later, she could talk to her cousin about it privately. Now that they were finally reunited after so long, Nessa dearly hoped that they would have the opportunity to get to know each other as they were now.

    The girl whom Amalie had invited along, introduced in two ways, first as Seven and then went on to offer a nickname. Nessa beamed at her, "Well then, Sivvy it is. Any friend of Ama's is a friend of mine!" She would glance at Johann as he responded to her comment, mentioning that he worked with Amalie. She would nod before replying to his comment, "Yeah, our mums are sisters in fact. Speaking of which, I haven't since Auntie Lana in a while. Please let her know Nessa sends her love." She added, returning her gaze with a warm yet clearly oblivious smile. As far as the Starlight Maiden was aware, the family got on just fine. There were certain matters that just weren't shared with her.

    "Oh man, I really wanna catch up with you Ama. But I still need to make sure I've greeted everybody. If you want food or drink, my Dad is on the BBQ next to the snacks tables, and to the right of that, you will find beverages. I'll catch up with you guys later okay, enjoy the party!" She said perkily, before spinning away towards another group. Having noticed a familiar face, she made her way over. She had only met the girl once, but Samira seemed like such a nice pleasant girl that Nessa felt it would be nice to offer the girl an invite. Nessa was pleased to see she had happily accepted the invite, she noticed that Ada had also joined the greet.

    "Hey, guys! Welcome to the party," She said happily, turning to the girl with her, she couldn't help but find her eyes drawn to two things. The first, obviously, was the adorable set of bunny ears she had. So cute! She thought, and the second was the super-stylish get up. In fact, Nessa could appreciate both their swimsuits. "Loving the outfits girlies, also...please... don't tell me those are what I think they are." She pointed at the unbelievably grande stack of presents behind them. As much as she did like a good present, would it be too greedy to accept so many gifts? She wasn't entirely sure on the social protocol on what to do when getting spoiled, even if it was your birthday.  

    WC: 768 | Nessa's Total:  2989


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 60582_s

    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 4th June 2019, 9:55 pm

    Husband? Sol said something to Ada about a husband and the blonde blushed while facing away from Sol. She was worried that the newspapers/social media had picked up on the marriage job with Sol and had made them a couple. If they had, the Wizard Saint of Courage did not want her mother Sophia to find out about the temporary marriage because the call for grandchildren would be renewed with a vengeance. Leona felt silent relief that Ada was the one who had a "husband" instead of her... Leona did not want the other Wizard Saints and the Gods/Goddesses of Ishgar to draw the wrong conclusion and think that Leona and Sol were an official couple.

    Leona was not ready for a romantic relationship and was definitely not ready to have children. There was still too much of the world to explore and too many evils that needed to be vanquished before the blonde could even remotely consider settling down. She also did not want to leave her children without a mother if she were to ever lose a high-stakes battle and be killed. She had never really considered romance before, but she had plenty of reasons to not want to engage in it. There were feelings that the blonde was just not ready to handle and romance was one of them... she had never felt romantic attachment to anyone before and did not know the first thing about handling it.

    The subject of pain and Sol's distinctive scar on his torso came up. Leona turned to face him.

    "Pain? Well, there was that one time I was poisoned by bandits in Desierto, but it was nothing like what you went through. All that happened was that I got cut with a poison weapon, suffered blurry vision, and passed out. It sounds like you didn't even get the benefit of passing out." Leona recounted to Sol her own worst experience with pain to date. She had gotten knocked around by werewolves and bandits, but being poisoned by bandits was not an experience that the Wizard Saint cared to repeat. She was lucky that the worst the poison did was blur her vision and eventually cause her to pass out in front of people who turned out to be allies.

    "Oh yeah, I just remembered a time that I nearly drowned in the Cursed Lands!" Leona suddenly informed Sol. That was a deeply unpleasant experience for the blonde. She was swimming with Order knight Jessica in a cistern under the Abandoned Cabin and had nearly drowned after inhaling a lot of water just before surfacing. Only the redhead's timely intervention saved the blonde from becoming a ghost herself.

    "It was a bad experience. I breathed a lot of water and almost died from it. Let's just say that you don't learn to swim while growing up in the desert." Leona said to Sol, omitting key details of the near-drowning so that she did not ruin the party with a beach theme. Her lack of social skills would be the death of her some day. She could only hope that she did not kill the party with her story.

    [Word Count: 538]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,462]


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Amalie 7th June 2019, 7:07 am

    The interjection of her cousin threw Amalie, as the white-haired girl suddenly appeared amongst the group. The Articulation mage would say nothing, watching as the girl addressed their grandmother before raising her violet eyes to meet hers. They would stare at one another for a good moment, having not seen each other since they were children. It was quite a surreal encounter, to suddenly be looking at each other as grown women. Amalie watched as the younger girls eyes lit up, taking a half step back as she suddenly flew at her, hugging her with almost an excessive force that nearly toppled the both of them. Now if there was something that was certain about Amalie at this moment, she was not a hugger. The woman's face would appear somewhat startled, her arms raised up awkwardly and her neck angled back slightly. "Hey, brat, excitable as ever huh?"  She said in a somewhat uncomfortable tone, despite the nickname, there was no malice in her voice, the word used almost as a term of endearment for the girl. Because that was what she'd always called Nessa. Amalie was instantly relieved as Nessa leg go, moving back slightly to make some room between them.

    Nessa would immediately begin her excitable ramble, Amalie didn't really have a chance to answer as Nessa began interrogating Aurelia. Watching this caused Amalie to bite the inside of her cheek; the difference in their grandmother's treatment towards them was so clear. The warmth and care she said to show Nessa, was a grand contrast to the ice-cold harshness of her words towards Amalie. Yet, even so, Amalie was surprised by how well Nessa handled their grandmother, had she always been this direct? Amalie wasn't sure. She'd always remembered the girl being really emotionally soft as a child, boisterous and loud, she blue-haired girl had found her both annoying and kind of agreeable at the same time, a strange combination.

    Aurelia offered Nessa and apology, following which her cousin would instruct her to apologise to Amalie also. There was no real feel to the apology; it was clearly obligational. Amalie was half tempted to tell her to shove it where the sun didn't shine, but she held her tongue. It seemed saying nothing would allow this ordeal to be over sooner rather than later. The woman would leave, and Amalie let out a small sigh of relief. Nessa would also apologize, commenting about knowing how their Grandmother could be on occasion. Except, Nessa didn't even know the half of it, there was so much her cousin was oblivious too. The happy little family that was the Blossoms really had more to it than she realised, but of course, Nessa was too sweet and pure to know about such sordid things. So they kept her in the dark, that's how it had always been.

    Amalie watched as Nessa would interact with the others; it was odd seeing how familiar Johann was with her. But then, them knowing each other wasn't that farfetched, having once been a part of the West Fiore Trading Company. They did have an affiliation with Fairy Tail, after all, the guild her cousin had clearly aligned herself to according to the violet stamp on her leg. Amalie would stiffen slightly as Nessa mentioned her mother, the truth was she hadn't seen her in years. The two did not speak, not since Amalie ran away from home to elope with Wyatt. But of course, they must not have told Nessa this. "I'll let her know the next time I see her." She commented softly, If I see her. She didn't even know if her mother was still alive, Lana had never made any attempts to reached out to her estranged daughter and Amalie had reciprocated her lack of effort. Johann would turn to her, asking if she was alright, before commenting about her interesting family. Amalie sighed, interesting was a much politer word than the one she would have used. "I'm fine, I just really need that drink." She replied. It was following this that her cousin would announce her leave, moving on to greet another group. Amalie would nod at her, instantly relaxing as it was once again the three of them. Her feelings towards her cousin were ones of uncertainty, quite complex really. Her personality was... kind of annoying to Amalie, she was overzealous and perky to the point of irritation. But she was also honest, and strong-willed. They weren't close, because they hadn't been allowed to be. The family had always wanted that distance between them so that Amalie could not lead Nessa down a path not fit for the daughter of the prestigious Cordelia Blossom.

    Amalie would glance at the others, "Care to join me?"  She commented as she began to walk across the sandy beach straight towards the drinks table. Once she got them, she would grab a red cup, grabbing a bottle of rum, she would pour the equivalent of a triple. Bringing it to her lips, she would throw back and draining its contents in a matter of moments. She brought it away, bringing it down once more, she would pour herself another. Because quite frankly, taking it steady just wasn't going to cut it tonight.

    WC: 878 Amalie's Total: 2674



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Lethe 12th June 2019, 7:13 pm


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    The iron dragon slayer listened to her coworker for a moment, and blinked as he didn’t seem too bothered that he was no longer a dragon? Was that what Demi had been? A reaper? She wasn’t too familiar with that other mage, but she could only assume so with how similar the looks seemed. “That… sounds like it was a wild ride… But I’m glad you’re at peace now.” She rubs the back of her head as she chuckles slightly nervously. She didn’t really know how to respond to that situation. She only had to deal with the smack of Veles in her head and her origins. When Sol mentioned her swimsuit, Ada’s face got red in anger for a moment, but then she smirked as she put her hands on her hips while tilting her head up a little to stick her nose up. “My husband doesn’t tell me what I can, or can’t, wear out of the house, besides… this was actually Tammy’s fault. The little heathen decided it would be fun to fly off with my actual clothes after she knew I had nothing else to wear… If it were up to me, I’d have a wetsuit or whatever. Guess it’s great I still got a rockin’ body though!” She waved her hand slightly before she crossed her arms over her chest. Ada was slightly glaring at Sol though despite the smirk on her lips from the compliment. She was wanting to kick him, but she was trying to behave. She was at a party. She had to slightly behave herself… especially since she was here to ‘relax’.

    She looked over to Leona and then gave her a smile before she waved to her. “Nice to see you again Leona.” Where did she meet the guild master of Silver Wolf again? That was right! At the one beach party! For the alliance! Where she met Nessa too… probably everyone she knew outside of the West Fiore Trading Company came from the alliance they had with Fairy Tail and Silver Wolf. She had dismissed herself from the two briefly to go and attempt to talk to Johann and Amalie before she diverted herself to the two new people she hadn’t met before.

    Ada looked over to Nessa as she heard her approaching, and smiled to the girl. “Hey again!" The dragon slayer chuckles as she puts a hand on her hip and looks to the other presents when they were brought up. "O-oh?! Those aren't gifts from others in general?" Her face paled as she honestly never let herself have a birthday party, nor did she even received half as many gifts in her life in general as Nessa seem to had just then. And here these two were with a bunch together it seemed.

    Tamaria smiled wide as she saw Sebastian stand on his hind legs and walk over to her after she transformed back into an exceed. His struggle to find his words again got her to cover her mouth to stifle her giggling. She watched him after she apologized, and raised an eyebrow to his ‘confident’ expression he had on. She tries to stifle her giggle once again. Then he spoke and tried to lean against something… that wasn’t there. As soon as he hit the sand, Tamaria was giggling as she gets up off the ground and goes right towards the other exceed after the sand settled again. “While that was… cute… You don’t need to try to impress me. I don’t meet many other exceeds, so just seeing you in general is impressing to me in general!” She confesses with a giggle as she reaches her paw to help him up. She seems to bite her bottom lip a bit as she thinks of something, then shakes her head as she sighs, as if she was giving up trying to think of it. “I don’t remember what all I told you at the beach before… but lets start over. I’m Tamaria~! And I kind of follow Adalinda around. She’s a strong dragon slayer. But she’s also a really great friend too!” She muses rather happily. She looks over to where she had been sitting before, and motions over to it with her other paw. “Care to come sit with me? I stand so much at work with Ada, I just want to relax and chill for a while.” She giggles once more while lightly running her paw over her fur on her head, making sure it was still slightly fluffy.

    : @tag : (757) 2145 words : notes :


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Ray Jyx 18th June 2019, 3:55 am

    "Ama," Sivvy idly repeated the birthday girl, more to herself than purposefully aloud. Amalie didn't seem the one for nicknames, even though the clone was quite fond of the idea for both herself and others. However, she was way too polite to ever offer her own attempts at nicknames if they didn't either offer them themselves or if they didn't leave the invitation explicitly open. Watching these polar opposite interactions amongst the family was confusing, but informative and interesting. Interesting in a bothersome way. For every trait that Nessa had that Sivvy accepted, the grandmother had one that made her protective of Amalie, even if apologies were made. She was more than happy to move away from this situation. If these things were common to birthday parties, perhaps Dr. Raelin had the right idea to skip the whole ordeal.

    "I'll join," the metal dragon slayer spoke, following Amalie to the drinks table without hesitation. 7 wasn't a huge drinker, but she did find social situations much easier if she did. In almost every other aspect of her life, she'd prefer to remain clear-headed. Alcohol muddled her brain. She knew it and didn't necessarily enjoy it, but perhaps this was an unfortunate consequence of some of the less savory jobs she'd taken. It was natural to numb herself a bit when expected to interact seamlessly with the general population in ways they accepted. Time and time again she was told she was too stiff otherwise when it was time to have fun, and her inability to comply with that notion only compounded her anxiety. Being anxious was also another behavior frowned upon in a light-hearted gathering, so it was best to medicate so her company could enjoy themselves.

    Once she had a drink in her, Sivvy's countenance changed drastically. Copying Amalie perhaps hadn't been the best move, but it was what it was. Only one triple rum in and the stoic persona had melted off the girl as if the heat in her cheeks banished any icy exterior she had. "Hmm...I always thought I wanted a family, you know? I had sisters...sorta...but I didn't have a mother or father or grandparents. I always thought it'd be nice from what I read about 'em. But now, I'm not too sure!" the young woman informed Amalie and potentially anyone listening. "How dare she talk to you that way, Ama!" simmered the tipsy clone, throwing the nickname out without realizing it. As quickly as her flush of indignation had risen, it rolled out with the magical tide and she was prancing over to a table with food. There wasn't a lot. It'd be rude to eat it all, and she absolutely knew she could! Taking the meager offering of a burger and chips away from the table, everything on the plate was consumed by the time she reached an empty table. Pouting at her empty plate, she draped herself over most of the table, laying on her back with her plate resting on her stomach as if she was a starved corpse and the plate served as her deathly bouquet. "I'm gonna starve here..." she muttered.

    Once the other two entered her proximity again, though, Sivvy was all smiles. "I love you guys. Who needs family when I have great friends like you two, eh? Hee hee~"

    [WC: 553 || Total: 1907]


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Jkp0PmI

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 3rd July 2019, 9:47 am

    It was interesting. The world was a small place, after all, it seemed, though the Ambassador and God of Ishgar still wouldn't have guessed that Amalie and Nessa were related. Their behavior, their perspective, both differed wildly, but he supposed that that was a natural thing, even within a family. It wasn't like he knew what it was like to have cousins ... or siblings, for that matter. In any case, Nessa seemed like she was busy with all the other arrivals to her part, and understandable circumstance, really, and the Wizard Saint thus excused herself. It was good to see the Starlight mage again, it had been a while, after all. He would be sure to try and catch up with her later. For now, however, it seemed like Amalie, "Ama", was eager to go for a drink, Sivvy joining in without any hesitation. The man was tempted, and if the one Ambassador of Dies Irae would do it, certainly the other Ambassador of Dies Irae could allow himself to do as they did. "I'll join you as well, of course".

    It wasn't like the silver-haired Rune Mage could get drunk either way, though. He had gotten used to the fact that Mars and his "perfect" restorative capabilities would not only neutralize poisons, but alcohol also seemed to be affected by this as well, this body, this vessel treating the substance as a threat. It was somewhat tiresome, but he wouldn't miss out on joining his friends for a drink regardless. Perhaps, he thought, there was still some sense in trying? Naturally, when both Amalie and Sivvy would pour themselves a triple, so would the Ambassador in an effort to keep up with the two. He brought the cup to his lips and, much like the Articulation Mage, emptied it, the familiar burn of the liquid setting in, though fading as quickly as it had come when he swallowed it. As far as the man was concerned, this would be like drinking a glass of water. He suppressed the desire to sigh.

    It was surprising to see Sivvy match them, though. Johann had never seen her drink before, and yet, when she did, she seemed like a completely different person from one moment to the next. An amused grin would begin spreading across his face, getting wider and wider with every passing minute. That he hadn't seen her drink, of course, meant that he did not know what she was like when she was drunk either, the Ambassador finding himself pleasantly surprised that the normally so stoic and collected Sivvy seemed to come out of her shell. "Is she always like this when she drinks?", Johann asked Amalie with the same amused grin. Though the talk about family, parents, siblings ... it was a little bit strange in the sense that he didn't know exactly what the girl was saying. Did she grow up an orphan or something? Anyway, seeing Sivvy get herself something to eat reminded the man that food seemed to be readily available at this party, and Johann wouldn't be Johann if he didn't share an appetite similar to the rose-haired Slayer. And so he would make his way over to a somewhat older man who seemed busy working a grill, the smell of grilled meats attracting the hungry Ambassador. "Hey, you must be Nessa's Father then?", the man greeted somewhat informally, raising a hand. "I'm Joh, nice to meet you". Of course, aside from the greeting, the Rune Mage would also look to see what he could pilfer from the BBQ, bringing Sivvy, who seemed ... dissatisfied with her portion, another fill if he could as well.

    Word Count: 612
    Word Count Total: 2,118



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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by MarkusEldridge 12th July 2019, 2:32 pm

    Word Count: 844
    Total Word Count: 844


    Markus glanced from the edge of the window; his eyes glazed over with a spark of chaotic energy flashing darkly as he looked down at the man he was holding. He could feel the man’s heartbeat, heavy in his chest. He could hear the breathing, rapid… afraid. With a deep sigh, Markus would look the man once more in the eyes before letting go, allowing him to fall from the tower.

    The chaos mage turned around, without glancing back his eyes dark, and narrowed. “It seems he knew just as much as the last one.” The chaos mage would say, looking towards the dark form in the doorway. His voice was strange, darker, and filled with an unknown emotion.

    “Ahhhh… It matters not. We got what we needed, and your father can no longer use him…” The voice that replied was feminine, dark, and seductive. Perfectly matching the beautiful face of the demonic form of Aporia. She had a smile upon he face, her eyes like Markus was flooded with Chaos. “Besides… You can’t keep your ‘girlfriend’ waiting.” She would say with a teasing tone.

    Markus would wave his hand, and her form would vanish, she summoned avatar returning to the void until he called her once more. He could still hear her though… Laughing in the back of his mind.

    With a flash of chaotic magic, and the sound of air being pulled from a vacuum, Markus would step from the void. A box in his hand. His hair was pulled back, once more in a pony, with his bangs covering over his eyes. He was dressed very strangely from his usual. He was wearing a pair of white swimming trunks, and a red jacket. His chest would be bare, and around his neck was a simple pendant. The chaos mage looked down to check his form before he started walking towards his destination.

    As soon as Markus stepped into the stadium he paused, taking a deep breath, and getting used to the feelings that assaulted him. He could feel the power of the members within the area, many of which he knew, or at least heard of. He knew, without a doubt, this building probably held the single most concentrated source of upper level mages in Fiore at this moment. It was… strange.

    Though, that in itself was not as strange as the change that had overcome the area from when he had last seen it. Somehow, the entire location had been made into an indoor oasis and beach. The glass dome allowed light to come in, and kept the room perfect temperature for the occasion.

    Glancing about, Markus would find himself looking at the various patrons, he could make out the form of Nessa, and Aven. Other members of Fairy Tail, and another guild. In the distance he could see other people he knew, his eyes would fall upon Richard, and Johann. For a brief moment, his eyes would flash with chaotic energy, and Aporia would make a comment he didn’t hear, as she recognized the man. Markus only learned recently what the seals actually were, and learned the man ‘Mars’ that had been talking through Johann on that job was one of the 7, like Aporia.

    As Markus walked forward, he would hold out his hand, and allowing a small portal into the void to open up. Dropping into his hand, a box would appear. It was small enough to fit into his hand, and wrapped in a silky black cloth, tied with a white ribbon. Within it would be a necklace Markus had made. He did not know what the jewel was, but knew it was black in color and filled with the endless expanse of the void. All he knew, was the necklace was not of this world.

    Markus would place the package on the table with other gifts before turning and deciding where to go.

    He could see Nessa, but she seemed to be busy speaking with other guests. He had no doubt her time was full, and decided it would be best to give her a moment. His eyes would glide to Aven, who was doing his own thing, and other Fairy Tail Members. In truth, the chaos mage did not wish to speak with his old guild, not with what he was doing right now. His eyes would then turn, and he would see Johann moving towards Richard. With a coy look, Markus made his decision, and went to meet the two other men.

    “Richard, it is good to see you again.” Markus would say to Nessa’s father, though he would hold out his hand, he would as always seem cold and calculating. He would then turn towards Johann and offer a nod. “Johann, I forgot you and Nessa were close…” He would say as his eyes once more flared with chaotic energy, Aporia trying to say something that he kept bottled. “I hope all is well?... Aporia says hello.” The chaos mage would add, as he sensed the seal within him getting annoyed.

    Last edited by MarkusEldridge on 2nd September 2019, 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 3rd August 2019, 10:12 am

    Sebastian would look up the fellow neko, his feline features completely covered in sand as he stared up at her with an embarrassed grin. As she reached down her would take her paw and lift himself up onto his feet. Reaching up, he brushed the sand off of his face before returning his gaze to her once more. "Er... no I er... meant to do that. Umm yes! Testing the sand you see, make sure no one will hurt themselves if they fall, turns out it's nice and soft, shouldn't have any issues!" He said patting the sand with his hind left foot twice. When she went on to mention their last encounter, he remembered it well. The exceed had been drunk and therefore they hadn't really gotten the chance to talk. She would introduce herself as Tamaria, a pretty name Sebastian couldn't help but think. As she invited him to join her, he nodded, smirking in his cat-like manner. "Sure, guess that sounds good to me, if you want I can get us some grilled fish, or fresh fish. Richard will prepare it, however, I like...unless there's something else you want." He offered, eager to impress, "Oh... and er... I'm Sebastian,  by the way." He added hastily.


    Nessa waved at Adalinda as she joined her once more, eying the giant stack of present. She signed, resigned to the fact she was indeed being spoiled, at the very least, she decided to help move them over to the gift table. "Seriously though, thank you so much. Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoy yourself" She said to the girls as she finished, she glanced around. She had said hello to mostly everyone, so, for now, she figured she would take a wander around the beach, one more round and then maybe grab a bite to eat. "Catch you later girlies!" She said as she began to wander towards the artificial shore.


    Richard was currently flipping patties on the barbeque, a vast assortment of food next to him. He was a humble-looking man in his mid-forties, with mousy brown hair and violet eyes much like his daughter. He hummed along with the music as he cooked, bobbing his head slightly. He was quite content today, his daughter was finally taking a break, he hadn't seen much of her since she'd joined the Fairy Tail guild and whilst he'd accepted that this was part and parcel of her growing up, it didn't make him miss her any less. So of course when she'd suggested having such an event he'd happily volunteered to help out with the barbeque, it was the only thing she's permitted him to do, considering she'd insisted on hiring a catering company for the majority of the snacks and confections.

    He sensed someone approaching the grill and looked up the see a white-haired fellow, one of Nessa's invites no doubt, it didn't take long for Richard to figure out who the man was. His daughter having excitedly pointed him out to him from the pages of Sorcerer Magazine in the past. Richard would offer the man a friendly grin, reaching over his shook the man's hand, "Of course, Johann! Please call me Richard," He greeted warmly, before releasing the man's fellow, "Nessa has told me all about you, she's quite in awe of your abilities." He told the man, without even asking, he picked up a plate and began stacking it with various meats from the grill. "Are you wanting a plate for just yourself or do you want me to stack up a few for your friends over there?" He asked, nodded over in the direction of Sivvy and Amalie, having spotted the three of them together earlier. As he returned his gaze to Johann, he eyed him thoughtfully for a moment, "You know, my daughter told me about the alliance event you attended, the poor girl isn't one for handling alcohol. But she did tell me how much you were able to consume, a rather impressive amount I'd say. You see, the company I work for specialize in the creation of unique and rare elixirs, and we recently concocted a new type of elixir with the qualities of alcohol. We call it Vulcan Rum. It's rather tasty and much more potent than the stuff you'd find on the shelf of any brewery. I brought it for the purpose of enjoying it myself, but perhaps you would like to try some?" He asked, his eyes glimmering with enthusiasm, in truth, he'd wanted to found individuals with a high tolerance of alcohol to try it on. It may have been his daughter's twentieth, but this seemed like too good an opportunity to miss. Conveniently the man forgot to mention that the original purpose of the elixir was supposed to be for neutralizing aggressive behaviors in Vulcans, but that hardly seemed important enough to share.

    placing the plate of food down for a moment, he reached under the barbeque, because of course, always prepared as he was, he'd had a bottle ready just in case. It was much like a wine bottle in design, except the liquid inside was a deep purple in shade. As he unscrewed the lid, the air was filled with a soft, sweet fruity smell, much like a rum. Richard turned his gaze from Johann to the newest individual to join them, grinning as Markus greeted him, he would reach out with his free hand and shake the man's hand. "Markus, good to see you also, I was just offering Johann here a drink, would you care for some?"

    WC: 936 | Nessa's Total:  3925


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 60582_s


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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Amalie 3rd August 2019, 11:19 am

    After downing her drink, Amalie glanced over at Sivvy and watched as she copied the Articulation mage, arching a brow. Having seen Sivvy drink before, she knew full well just how little it took to affect the girl. Practically a few sips of rose wine had been enough to make her immediately merry, so Amalie could only presume how much a triple shot of rum was going to affect the girl. As the girl immediately began to talk about family, her cheeks already flushed pink with inebriation, it seemed the alcohol had once again had an immediate effect on the pink-haired girl. Amalie would listen as Sivvy angrily defended her, causing Amalie to smirk at her. "It's fine, I'm fairly used to it." She remarked, taking a hearty gulp of her drink. Unlike Sivvy, she hadn't felt inclined to eat anything, if anything she'd lost her appetite. As far as she was concerned, alcohol would do for now. Amalie watched in amusement as Sivvy rummaged the food table, polishing over her second glass of rum as she did so. After watching her drape herself over the table, declaring her fate to starve, before declaring her love for her fellow guildmates. Amalie couldn't help but feel even gladder to have brought the girl along.

    "Pretty much," Amalie replied to Johann, as he left to go get more food, she would grab two unopened bottles of rum and tuck them under her arm. "Let's go grab ourselves some good seats." She remarked to Sivvy, before moving over to a collection of lounge chairs, sitting herself down. She would pour lean back with a sigh, despite her attempts to relax. The events of the evening were still pulling on her mind, it was something she had almost forgotten, something she hadn't felt in a while, at least not since joining Dies Irae at least. This feeling of being unwelcome, yet now it was back, reminding who she was, and of the past, she just couldn't seem to escape from. She glanced over at Sivvy, "Maybe I shouldn't have come, I'm not sure what I expected." She told the girl earnestly.

    WC: 358 Amalie's Total: 3032


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 9th August 2019, 11:17 pm

    "That was real smooth, Leona." Leona thought to herself as others began to go get drinks or food. She was partially surprised that her stories of near-death experiences in distant lands had not killed the party outright, but thankfully the party was still going strong. If the Silver Wolf mage had managed to ruin the festivities Nessa would most likely murder her in return: since the party was firmly in Fairy Tail turf, the police could be easily convinced to turn a blind eye towards Leona's disappearance. Another Wizard Saint would be minted to take the blonde's place and that would be the last the world would ever hear of Leona Jarnefeldt.

    Leona stood in silence for a few moments to think over her predicament and how much worse things could have gotten if the Wizard Saint of Purity were the vengeful type. Leona started to walk over to the bar to get something to drink but paused in place after taking just five steps towards Amalie and the pink-haired mage named... Sivvy, was it? Yeah. Sivvy, that was it. The blonde Wizard Saint thought of having a social drink when an important consideration came to mind.

    Should Leona really get anywhere near alcohol?

    The blonde paused and began to think carefully. On one hand she had already had alcohol in a social setting before at Sol's home in Myazhe. On the other hand, plum sake was tame in comparison to the drinks that other mages favored. Another deterrent was that the bar where Amalie and Sivvy were sitting had some strong and expensive stuff available.

    Leona thought hard about the decision she had to make.

    Did she stay sober and stand around the party like a lost puppy or did she go have a few drinks, have a bit too much, and do something that made her end up looking dumber than she already did?

    In fear of the possibility of finding news depths of stupidity and awkwardness to drill to should she drink too much, the blonde decided to stay well away from the bar and seek entertainment elsewhere. Maybe she should go soak her feet in the water, which was something that she could not do in Desierto. However, she did not want to walk away from Sol in mid-conversation and insult him since he was part of an allied guild.

    He seemed kind of... distant. Maybe he had better things to do than to stand around and listen to Leona's awkward and overly detailed stories of her adventures. If he wanted her go away and leave him alone, all Sol had to do was tell her to get lost and Leona would go somewhere else. It was a big party area with plenty of places to disappear into.

    "Hey Sol, are you OK?" Leona asked the taller mage.

    [Word Count: 488]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,950]


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Lethe 12th August 2019, 9:52 pm


    The Iron Dragon Slayer

    Tamaria snickered to Sebastian as she watches him be rather sandy for a bit. He started to make an excuse for why he ‘meant to fall on the sand’. Rolling her eyes, the purple exceed nodded her head. She wasn’t convinced at all, but her smirk was saying she’d let him slide and have this excuse this time. His accepting joining her had her smiling as she sat back where she had been in the sand again, enjoying the softness once again. She put a paw to her chin and thinks a moment. She opens her mouth to say something, but he finally introduced himself, and she grinned. “Grilled fish sounds great right now… Sebastian.” She leans towards him as she muses happily. She couldn’t help but like his name. To her it was classy, especially for an exceed. It wasn’t every day she could hang out with other exceeds, but she believed she could see Sebastian more often since he was someone within the alliance with the West Fiore Trading Company, and Ada should have no issues finding him again. “Is there anything other than alcohol to drink too?” She asks as she tilts her head a little, letting her ears bob as she did so.

    Ada had decided she wanted to go and help Nessa move the presents and smiles to the birthday girl. “Is it bad I think it really was okay I didn’t get you a gift after seeing all this?” She snorts and puts her hands on her hips while looking up at the stack of gifts from all who had gotten her one… or ten. When Nessa started to wander away, Ada waved her hand. “Don’t have too much fun at your party.” She couldn’t help but tease out to her. She paused as she was picking up chatter not too far from her and turned her head towards the grill. She couldn’t help her heightened hearing, and makes her way towards the grill a bit. A couple others had made their way over to the area. She clears her throat softly as she approaches.

    “Pardon me, but did I hear you mention something about an elixir with alcohol in it?” She then paused and ran a hand through her hair. She would shamelessly say she was lured over here to them by the sheer mention of alcohol and her curiosity getting the best of her. The smell wasn’t half bad either to her. She was ignoring her current outfit again and holds her hand out towards the man who she heard was called Richard. “Apologies if I’m barging in. I hope it’s alright. I’m Adalinda Ortinbras. My husband also makes alcohol too, so I’m intrigued.” She glanced over to see Johann, then to Markus, and smiles to both of them as well after a moment. “It’s been some time since I’ve seen you two! Hope life is treating you both well?” She honestly was curious since she didn’t go out to meet others often with her working around the WFTC and the jobs she went on sometimes too. She couldn’t exactly pinpoint the last times she saw either of them… was it at the beach event they had for the alliance? Or was it the masquerade ball she had planned ages ago. Mentally she just rolled her eyes as she still hated that party she put on. Not because it was crashed by diseased people, but because she was forced to wear a dress.

    : @tag : (581) ‭2726 words‬ : notes: HP: 990 MP: 792 :



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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by SeaGlass 15th August 2019, 2:16 pm

    Arcadia squeaked and laughed, Mura joining her on her portal-made waterslide was shuttering, but not unwelcome. If she really hated the fun little prank, she could have and would have closed the portals that made the now twisty-turny water ride possible.  The faerie-eyed slayer grinned, "Like them? They're the bomb-diggity! Like sledding without the sleds! All the fun! With nothin' janky like seeing my breakfast again!"

    She screamed and laughed all the way through, the same anyone enjoying the the twists and loops of a rollercoaster might. It was probably the only way a slayer like her could experience the thrills of a rollercoaster without churning their stomach. After splashdown, she surfaced and threw her arms up cheering, "Woo! That was hella boss! We totes gotta do that again!"

    Swimming to the whirlpool that fed the makeshift waterslide, Arcadia went for an immediate second ride. She fell through the portal with the water back to the top, and went screaming and laughing all the way again. After a couple more turns, Arcadia graciously hugged Mura. "Thankyou, thankyou!  And that's totes awesome how you got it to spell, big sister's middle name. Maybe... I'll leave the portals open for the rest of the party as my big present to Nessa. I got an old fashioned telepathic message during one of the rides down from a mermaid friend of mine. She and her sisters can't make it after all, so I don't think my original plan is going to work out."

    She smiled to Mura, "I'm gonna be right back. Make a call and see if I can't work this out.  I'll leave these portals open until I get back." Her scissors were the only thing she had with her, since holding our wresting them was the only way to make the portals work. She had them tucked away in let bikini like a sword art her hip. She drew the scissors out and snipped open a portal back to her room.

    The slayer willed the portal to remain open so she could maintain the waterslide portals. Back at her Fairy Hills room, she would dry of and slip a blue sundress on over her bikini. Then a little call to her mermaid friend via iLac to see if she could salvage her biggest birthday surprise for Nessa.

    She was on that call longer than expected, but all her pears remained open. That meant anyone who wanted, could make use of the Cordelia waterslide. The call was ask for not though, her mermaid friend and her sisters could not come to the party even for a couple minutes. A disappointed Arcadia hung up, and nabbed the two small delicately wrapped presents off her bed.

    With her iLac and scissors safely in her dress pockets, Arcadia went back through the portal to the party. Her portal home closed behind her, but the waterslide portals remained open. Spotting Nessa coming out of the water, she went to greet Her big sister at he water's edge. "Happy Birthday, Big Sister! This is one hella sweet party you got here." Arcadia bowed her head as she apologized, "I'm sorry I can't give you the present I planned. A mermaid friend of mine and her sisters were going to do a whole big time musical number. They were grounded though, so they can't make it without sneaking out. Their guardian would def come looking for them. And... an angry alien kaiju could be a real downer on your party...  and put a sizable dent in Magnolia. So that's out. I mean I could recreate the show with my illusions, but it's just not the same without their singing."

    Arcadia smiled back up at Nessa, "But thanks to Mura, I made that super boss waterslide everyone can ride until the party lets out. Mura is the one ado put in the turns and loops so it spells out your middle name."

    The faerie-eyed slayer the small wrapped packages, giggling and not quite hiding the mischief in her smile. "This was going to be more of a joke gift before I presented what supposed to be the real one. I didn't make it myself, nor did I order it. These two gifts are actually parts of one gift. A set of ceramic salt and pepper shakers. They were made by a fan of a certain best selling short story by that mystery author.  This is actually one of the tamer fan-made merch we've been sent. Also, it may not be trending anymore, but hashtag MarVen Forever is still one of biggest lacrimanet trends in the last year."

    In one small package was a chibi ceramic figurine of Aven, the salt shaker of the set. In the other present was a chibi ceramic figurine of Markus, the pepper shaker of the set. Magnets embedded in the ceramic of each shaker held the set together, posed as if kissing.

    WC: 818
    Arcadia WC: 1137

    Last edited by SeaGlass on 8th October 2019, 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Sol 18th August 2019, 1:17 am

    Sol Smirked at Ada and what she said before his smirk grew.”If it is her plan then she clearly wants you to end up in your husbands arms and prepping another litter I gotta say your Hybrid Husband hit the jackpot” he teased the Vice President since he knew it was true, from what he knew of Yuudai the man was rather hot blooded when it came to Ada. However his attention was pulled back to Leona as she told him about how she had been poisoned in the past in desierto and while it was nothing like what he went thru she mentioned he didn’t get the benefit of passing out from pain." No I didn’t end up getting to pass out my teacher didn’t even let me do that though being tossed into a lake when you don’t know you cant drow is always a fun experienceehe said his tone near the end joking. While Leona did mention that she didn’t really learn to swim in the deseart Sol could only nod since such a body of water would be rare if not impossible to find.

    However it drew his memorys back to his training and his time spent underwater which was such an odd experience since he had to figure out how get back to the surface to continue his training, he remembered that his trainer had not helped him at all. It seemed he got so drawn into his memorys he lost track of time as he suddenly heard Leona ask him if he was ok and he blinked before nodded.”Sorry Leona I seemed to have gotten caught up in my memories of training I didn’t mean to worry you” he said and offered a small smile.I had a fear of drowning myself before my trainer decided to get rid of that by tossing my weakened body into the lake. It was rather odd to be on the bottom of a lake and not have to breath” he explained


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Sir Leonard
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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Sir Leonard 18th August 2019, 10:46 am

    Leo was but a few centimeters away from his shack, standing with his arms crossed in front of him on the sea of vibrant green grass waving to whatever direction the wind blew on this bright sunny afternoon on this day which was the 3rd of April. He and her daughter, Lina had just finished buying supplies and food from the marketplace of Magnolia which was but a 30 minute walk from where Leo's solitary structure stood. It is from here that Leo overlooks Magnolia in the distance, remembering his past there, and pondering his future since his return merely 2 days ago. He had noticed that there had been changes at a rather new structure in town which was a stadium. He deduced that magic has been used there recently, but to what end? He did not know. Deeply inhaling air and exhaling rather softly, he turned around unfurling his arms to his sides and began walking towards his home to help Lina with the unpacking of their purchases. He stepped into the shack and proceeded to the small living area where he found Lina sitting on a stool in front of a table with all their purchases in a paper bag on the right side of the table where she was taking them out and placing them in containers on the left side that labeled what they were. Fruits. Vegetables. Meat. Bathroom Stuff. etc.

    And as soon as Leo was at the door way, Lina turned her head towards her and the little ten year old girl and gave her father a big warm smile and a wave that Leo replied with a smile of his own and approached her to sit on the stool next to her, giving Lina's head a gentle pat as he passed by.

    As they were organizing the items, they were happily chatting with one another with Lina mostly reviewing what they had learned from the family manor they had left "... and the reason we are separating the foods into their types is so we can easily find what we need, right? And the meat goes into the freezer, right? Coz if we don't then they'll go bad, right? Oh but that reminds me! The other food needs to be in a cold storage too so they don't spoil! But not as cold as the freezer, right?" she continued on cheerfully, placing the fruits and vegetables into a crate that had their category labeled on its side with a big smile on her face. Leo on the other hand had simply been smiling and softly giggling whilst looking at the items he is arranging himself while still replying to the comments his daughter makes. "Hehe... Yes, you're absolutely right, Lina. Though you did almost miss a point or two, I'm glad and proud you still remembered. he replied, which was followed by wrapping his arm around her head to make her tilt close towards him to give his daughter a gentle kiss on the head that made her giggle.

    When her father had released her and she had sat straight again, Leo notice something fall off Lina's bag to the floor, a letter. Curious as to what it was written inside, Leo placed the items he had on his hand and prompted to pick it up saying "What's this, my little Light Bringer?" as he bent down. Lina looked over to her father who she saw was opening the letter to read its contents. "Oh! That's an invitation to a birthday party!" she exclaimed excitedly, while her eyes shined brighter than before. "The people back at the hall were passing those around. Said everyone from Fairy Tail was invited!" Leo was anxious. Attending a birthday party was the last thing in his mind right now he does not know if revealing himself to the general public would be such a good idea. He might be asked questions. Questions of where's he has been, what he has done. And those are memories he'd rather not relive as the darkness in him might think of speaking its voice to him once again.

    As he inspected the invitation's details, it appears to be a birthday party for a one Nessa Cordelia Lux. And though she is a prominent member of Fairy Tail, Leo had not seen much of her. This slowly made it such a good idea to attend. Primarily, for Lina's sake. But then, he saw that it was a beach themed party and there was a dress code, that made Leo shudder in nervousness. "I don't know Lina... I mean... Look... there's a dress code... and I --" he stammered as he thinks of how he's gonna get out of it. But Lina simply placed her soft left hand on his right arm, smiling "Dad... It's ok... I'm here with you. You're safe. I'm your Lightbringer, remember?" Hearing those words, Leo felt a warmth within him that made everything feel alright ,and that she was right. She is his light bringer. The hope that there is a bright future not just for the likes of Leo, but for other as well. "Alright. Let's finish this up and get us some beach clothes." he said that only made the little girl scream and unpack all the goods faster.

    Thus, later that day, Leo and Lina found themselves at a beautiful beach paradise at the heart of the city. A marvel Leo and Lina were in awe of. Real sands and water, and water slide. The whole place made Lina's eyes widen and sparkle like stars. And for the first time, Leo's face was bare to the public to see and in his beach wear no doubt which was simply white beach shorts and black flip flops, holding another barrel of Palm Wine as a gift, while Lina had picked out more grander displays of her fondness of the beach.

    Already, the venue was packed with mages, almost all of which he doesn't know. Which gave him a sigh of relief. And frankly, he didn't care, for he was here to greet the birthday girl and possibly relax someplace. "Now Lina, let---" Leo was cut short when he noticed that she was no longer by her side as she must've wondered off while Leo was still admiring the view out of relief. He scanned around for her and shortly thereafter, found Lina starring upwards to a girl with white hair and white swimwear. Seeing this, he hurried towards them.

    But it was too late. Lina had already given her a nickname. Whoaaaa. You're the birthday girl! Oneessa-chan!" Why Lina had chosen this, he did not know. But apparently that was the birthday girl. She must've picked it up by eavesdropping on the other people greeting her. Well... they had been greeting her rather loudly anyways.

    And before any further awkwardness can occur he held Lina's hand "Okaaayy. That's enough of  that. And that was rather rude, Lina. You don't just go up to people like that." to which Lina's reply was a cheerful "Sorryyyyyy." Leo only shook his head after that.

    Now that Leo is standing in front of Nessa with a one meter distance between them, he introduced himself and Lina properly, clearing his throat before saying "I'm sorry about that, young lady. You'll have to excuse my daughter. My name is Leo, I'm a member of Fairy Tail. And this little one here is, Lina. We've come to wish you a happy birthday. And although this isn't exactly the proper gift, this is the only thing we can spare. Please accept this barrel of palm wine. Made it myself." with the barrel placed properly on to the sand on his right side. Though that is the best he was able to come up with, he thought it wasn't enough. Already his forehead was sweating from embarrassment as he tried to avoid eye contact and looked at the surroundings. Apparently Mura was here too and thought maybe he should go ahead and talk to him when he gets the chance. Because really. This is embarrassing. Especially since there were other people standing near Nessa that he only greeted with with a smile, a proper greeting he thought to himself as he doesn't really know anyone, and because he assumed that everyone else in this place is far stronger than him. After all, the world did move on, change, and evolve while he was skulking in the darkness. Right now, he had only been wishing to himself that he doesn't mess up. And looking at Lina helped none as she was just being happy-go-lucky as things progressed. And when Leo looked at her, she just gave her a smile. Must be nice to be a kid right now... he thought to himself.

    WC: 1,468


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 60684_s
    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

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    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th August 2019, 5:28 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    This was a much bigger party than Serilda had been prepared for.

    She stood at the entrance of the stadium with Mythal, having been stopped by the crashing realization that this was practically more of a resort than anything else. The sheer number of people inside surprised her. She hadn’t been expecting this many people to be here, especially knowing that this space had been specially reserved for Nessa’s celebration. Serilda was more than accustomed to crowds, of course, but mostly for formal and official occasions. This was… a little different.

    “Nessa sure has a lot of friends…” the noblewoman remarked quietly to Mythal. She was dressed in a white bikini that was adorned with a couple black stripes. Her white hair was pulled back into a loose fitting bun. Blue eyes scanned the area trying to find Nessa, Markus, or really anyone that they would recognize. She knew some people from Fairy Tail of course, but not as many as Mythal would.

    As usual, the two of them were never alone. With them were their hounds. The beautiful Xiuhcoatl was looking around the place with excitement, particularly the water. She loved to swim. Her thick, bushy tail wagged eagerly as she nudged her younger brother, who looked a tad large even for a wolf. Xiuh was ready to play, but Serilda wasn’t quite ready to let them off the leash yet, so to speak.

    Also with her was Victoria. Normally Serilda kept the insufferable Seal locked inside her head where no one else would have to put up with her, but usually the woman was granted the use of a temporary body when Mythal was around. Her telepathy didn’t extend to the darkness slayer, for one, and trying to relay messages had gotten old very quickly. But there was also the matter of Lux, who had the luxury of popping in and out of existence at his own desire. It seemed easier to just let both of them carry themselves when both of the slayers were together.

    Victoria’s head panned around the room with everyone else’s, but with a bit more focus than the others. “There are more of our siblings here.”

    Serilda stared at her. “Siblings, plural?” she asked incredulously. When they had first learned about the Seals, Victoria and Lux had made it clear that it was a rather big deal to have two of them around at the same time. Then things had gotten even more complicated when Serilda had run into Johann and Mars. Now she there was more of them, and they just happened to be gathered in the same place? She shook her head. “I guess we’ll figure it out. Let’s try to find Markus or Nessa.”

    Moving with the others, she started maneuvering through the crowds trying to find those they might know.

    WORDS: 485/485 | @ I'm not tagging all you fuckers omg
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 19th August 2019, 1:08 pm

    739 WORDS || @ a lot of damn ppl || [url=Job Info[/url]/[url=Sign Up]Sign Up[/url] || short note here
    “Whoa-ho! This is some kind of party!”

    It was Lux that led the enthusiastic charge into the extravaganza that was Nessa’s birthday celebration. The Lightbringer stood dramatically at the entryway as Mythal and Serilda came in beside him. He looked every which way in amusement. “And look at all the fleshbags. My god, it’s like a veritable killing fields,” he said with a laugh, rubbing his hands together.

    “Lucky for us then that you ain’t got any powers,” Mythal remarked idly as he brushed through the incorporeal Seal. His mood was already on edge and Lux’s grating attitude was sure to wear on it more. The God Slayer had certainly adapted to being around crowds of people, as it came with being a General within the Rune Knights. But that didn’t mean he was exactly jumping for joy to be among so many different people, nearly all of them strangers. He also wasn’t expecting to be coming into such a filled resort of all things; everywhere you looked there were people talking, eating, drinking and taking in all the excitement of a pool party.

    As it was the theme of the party, Mythal had agreed to partake in a bathing suit. He was wearing a loose button down shirt as black as night. The trunks he wore were on the longer side; a deep crimson color with black lines running down the sides. Held tight against his body with his right arm was an intricately wrapped present, with the gift tag reading “For Nessa” hanging limply off its side. For anyone that knew Mythal – and some here certainly would – it was probably an extremely strange look for the Darkness Slayer, as he had been known to be more reserved.

    He felt a body nudge against him as Gren walked up beside him, his long tongue happily lolling back in forth in his mouth. The Star Wolf had begun to experience some rather alarming changes in the last couple of weeks, having gained weight and size at an increased rate. He had held onto being a pup for awhile, even after everything that had happened in Kingdom Darkness. But now he was even larger that Xiuhco, who was the bigger sister. He was probably about a size and a half bigger than most dogs, looking more like a wild wolf than a pet. But he still had a happy-go-lucky air about him, his tail wagging furiously behind him as he looked around. Like Xiuhco, Gren was more than ready to partake of the water and meet all the new people. And though he wasn’t as stoic as the other hound, he did remain at Mythal’s side until he was released from his commitments.

    Lux was a constant presence in Mythal’s world now, having unabashedly come with the ability to materialize out of thin air whenever he chose. He did very little to keep his remarks to himself and cared not about offending anyone he ran into, often taking delight in it. He may have chosen to remain tucked away were it not for Victoria getting the chance to walk around on her own. He simply couldn’t help taking the opportunity to rib her or, even possibly, take part in ribbing others with her. “No surprise, Nessa has that kind of infectious aura about her that just… makes you like her,” Mythal said, continuing to glance around.

    It was Victoria that picked up on it first, voicing the realization that there were other Seals here. Serilda looked at her, quickly followed by Mythal and Lux. “Seriously…?” The Darkness King said with a slight groan. He knew that Serilda had run into another man with a Seal, a wizard named Johann. But she had specifically said siblings – that meant it could be Johann or perhaps even other strangers they don’t know about.

    “Oh man, a birthday party and a reunion? Can you feel how excited I am, Mythal?” the Lightbringer said with a grin.

    “Yeah, yer quiverin’ like a dog about to piss,” the God Slayer said with a roll of his eyes. Serilda suggested they go try to find Nessa or Markus and he nodded along with it. “Chances are there are a lotta Fairy Tail people here. Gonna see a lot o’ faces I haven’t seen in a bit.” That was something to look forward to, at least. Seeing some of his old guildmates was sure to brighten his day.

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 19th August 2019, 10:44 pm

    Still not sure what to do to bring herself out of her melancholy, Leona faced the glistening water of the artificial beach and listened to the voices of some new arrivals to Nessa's birthday party. She also felt the magic signatures of the new arrivals, two of them being so strong that they were stronger than Leona's own signature. She turned to look at their sources and was surprised to see the leadership of the Rune Knights attending the party.

    The dark-haired man in a black shirt and deep crimson trunks with black lines running down the sides was Mythal Ragnos, a General of the Rune Knights and the Wizard Saint of Might.

    The white-haired, blue-eyed young woman in a white bikini was Serilda Sinclair, the leader of the Rune Knights and the Wizard Saint of Conviction.

    Leona had heard of them by word-of-mouth and had read about them in Sorcerer's Magazine, so she was well aware of who they were. They had propelled themselves rather far up the ladder due to constantly taking jobs and never slacking off, becoming stronger in a few months than Leona had in a year. She was slowly catching up to them, but it would be only a matter of time before they surpassed her again in their quest to reach the very top of the mage ladder.

    Another newcomer was a muscular older man with white hair that she did not recognize and with him was a daughter who was a big fan of Nessa's. Leona did not know him, but his magic signature was that of an experienced mage. She was distracted from appraising the new guests by Sol, who had spoken to her and apologized for getting distracted by memories of his training.

    "It's OK, Sol. I was kinda distracted myself, so don't feel bad." Leona told the taller mage. She had been distracted with both the new arrivals and distracted by how out of place she felt among the top-level Legal and Neutral mages of Earthland. She also felt upset over possibly looking clingy and "needing" Sol just to feel welcome at the party. She shook the negative feelings off and returned to the topic of her adversarial relationship with the water.

    "I know how drowning feels, Sol. It's not a good feeling to be choking and unable to swim to the surface on your own. That happened to me under the Abandoned Cabin in the story I told you earlier." Leona commiserated with Sol on their shared experience of not having much luck with the water. Leona did not even remember where she had learned to swim, but she clearly needed some refresher courses in swimming so that next time she did not have to rely on someone else rescuing her if she got into distress. Next time she got into trouble there might not be anyone around to rescue her.

    Leona noticed the small child with the burly white-haired man and decided to change the subject for her sake. She did not want to ruin what was supposed to be a fun day and a celebration of life by talking about death.

    "Let's change the subject, Sol. I'd rather not talk about near-death experiences around children. What else would you like to talk about?" Leona asked him.

    [Word Count: 575]
    [Leona's Word Count: 3,525]


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Ray Jyx 27th August 2019, 2:51 am

    Sivvy rose from her table coffin and obediently followed Amalie to the more comfortable loungey area, where she again draped herself sideways across a soft chair after she'd refilled her own cup with more rum. As if she needed any more! Her head hung off one arm enough for her to gaze at Amalie's now inverted form while her feet idly kicked into the hair while hanging over the opposite chair arm. "Meh..." Sivvy grumbled in response to her friend's words, a frown tugging at her otherwise very merry face. "Of course you shoulda come!" disagreed the girl with a huff. "We're gonna have some fun here, Ama. It's a party. Parties are supposed to be fun. When's the next time that we're all gonna be here with nothing to do, just to hang out? This is my first one and I wanna enjoy it with my friends!" the off-duty Ambassador insisted, her frown turning into an encouraging and drunken grin. "We won't ruin Nessa's party by being...uh...what're they called? Party poops?"

    On that note, Sivvy seemed to get some sort of epiphany. Lunging up to sit somewhat correctly in the chair, the rosette started rummaging hastily through her bag. The wooziness from drink combined with the sudden movement had her bumbling, but she was determined to find what she was seeking. With a triumphant "AHA!", she produced her iLac. With only two numbers programmed in, it was a wonder why she had the device at all, but to her, two was plenty and proof that she'd acquired relationships meaningful enough to use said device to contact them whenever she wanted. Seeing as how one of the two contacts was sitting in the chair beside her, it meant she was going to contact a certain man she'd met on accident while on a Blacklist hunt. Though all of this had taken way more time than the normally efficient Sivvy took to do anything, she went on with her verbal thought as if an awkward amount of time hadn't just passed. "Aaand for me to not be a party poop, I need more food," the young woman informed both Amalie and anyone who was listening.

    That said, she deliberately jabbed her index finger onto the name 'Artemis Dagger' within her iExceed app and thumbed out a message. "Hey. Cna you come and brign pizza to this party? Hungry." The words were clumsy, but surely clear enough. She sent it and chuckled to herself as if she'd just solved a big problem with minimal effort, but then her eyes went wide and she started typing again. "Wear swim pants," Sivvy added, then attached the location as well. That pretty well covered it all, right?

    Knocking back the rest of her second cup of rum, the clone was ready for anything. Seeing poor Ama all sad just wasn't right. Reaching out her hand, she extended an invitation. "Wanna dance with me until he arrives with all the pizza?" she asked, not clarifying who nor considering that he might not come at all. "I learned some new dances not long ago!"

    [WC: 519 || Total: 2426]


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Jkp0PmI

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 27th August 2019, 7:28 am

    Johann found himself quite surprised when the man at the grill enthusiastically sought to shake his hand, introducing himself as Richard. "I-is that so?", the man smirked awkwardly, unsure what to make of the man's excentric, though in a way charming behavior. "Ah, yes, I just wanted to get myself something to eat, and something for Sivvy over there as well. I think she could use something to, uh ... absorb the alcohol, you know?", the Ambassador would answer the man's question swiftly, pointing over to his fellow Ambassador that was in the company of the Commander. Joh glanced over briefly, returning his gaze to Nessa's dad just a second later to see his eyes fixed on Joh, a somewhat enigmatic expression on his face that the Ambassador couldn't quite make sense of before the other began to explain ... explain that Nessa had basically told him everything about the Alliance beach party that had happened a while back. Johann quietly raised an eyebrow, listening to the man's enthusiastic explanation of his own line of work and something ... special he had been working on, it seemed. "Uhm", the man attempted to reply, somewhat startled by the offer, before continuing "I don't know if I really should-".

    Before Joh could really say anything, the other had already produced a bottle of the substance he had described, offering it with one hand, Johann's brow remaining raised, questioning whether he should really accept any of this mysterious drink. "Well ... guess trying it won't hurt", the silver-haired Rune Mage sighed, accepting a glass of what Richard called "Vulcan Rum". It wouldn't affect the man's body anyway. It would tickle in the back of his throat, burn for a second, perhaps, before fading away like every other alcohol. Nessa's dad seemed rather interested in seeing the results, though, and Joh, being the man that he was, didn't want to disappoint the other who seemed to ... invested in his project. That wasn't everything, though. Johann, somewhat perplexed, let his eyes wander over to someone he had spotted approaching from the corner of his eye, turning to the familiar figure. "Markus", Johann returned the nod, greeting the Chaos Mage. The last time he had seen him had been a while ago, it must've been Shadow Island, where a little incident with Mars had gotten out of control. Something that the Ambassador felt bad about. The Seal, of course, would spring awake all of a sudden, the familiar dull writhing of the Lord of War rumbling in the back of his head with a cold, creepy sensation. Johann had trouble holding the Seal at bay, Mars taking over at Nessa's Birthday party was certainly something that was not in the least desirable. He remembered that Amalie had mentioned that Alcohol would suppress Anima, and so, without thinking much more, Johann downed the entire glass of the Vulcan Rum in one swig, coughing after he forced the substance down. "That, ahem, that is really quite strong, Richard", he addressed the man at the grill, "T-thank you for- ... for the ... drink".

    Within a second, the writhing of Mars had stopped, but ... there was something else. Johann blinked a couple of times, stumbling back a step or two, the world around him beginning to spin and blur. "Rischahd, my frend ...", he mumbled out, snickering, somehow finding this sudden change rather amusing, "Jus ... wha exactly did you p- ... put in dat drink ?". He couldn't help but be overwhelmed by not just the drink, but also the surprising effect it had, the normally flawless healing factor granted by Mars having trouble combating whatever this was, at least, for the time being. "Well, eniway, iff you woohd esscuse meeeee, I heff sum food to delivr". He wouldn't even listen to what Richard had to say, quickly grabbing two of the plates before spinning around where he stood, nearly falling over in the process, though managing to catch his balance with all of the food still on the plates, giggling non-stop, practically ignoring Adalinda, who had sometime earlier found her way over, it seemed. "Whoos, esscuse me, jus passin thru", pushing past her and towards Amalie and Sivvy. He had come here with a mission, and a mage of Dies Irae would never forget his mission, never fail his mission!

    "Sivveh!", he would shout, stumbling towards the two women, balancing a plate of grilled meats in every hand, "I broht you sum fooood". The more than drunk Ambassador extended the hand with the plate towards his colleague, seeming very insistent on the girl taking it from him while casually holding the other plate in front of his face, devouring the meats off it like a grazing cow, looking over to Amalie with a wide grin. "Oh, you twoo are gunna dens? I can doo dat! Les all dens a lil!". With the sentence done, the man placed the plate in the sand below him before he started spinning around on the spot, arms stretched out, loosing his sense of balance and falling, face first, into the sand of the artificial beach below.

    Word Count: 858
    Word Count Total: 2,976



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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by MarkusEldridge 27th August 2019, 3:14 pm

    Word Count: 815
    Total Word Count: 1649


    Having only caught the close of the conversation as he stepped up to the other two men, Markus was mostly at a loss to whatever had been discussed, so instead he would nod towards Johann. He did not really know the man well, though there is something about fighting together that leads to some amount of mutual respect an trust. At least… somewhat. Either way, Markus was glad to see some familiar faces.

    The chaos mage would shake the older mans head, and offer him a kind nod as well, listening as Richard would offer him a drink. For a brief moment, Markus had considered completely turning it down, after all. His magic always acted… strange… when alcohol was involved. That was until a little voice in his head would remind him of their deal. ‘Remember progeny. I can take your magic just as easily as I can take your emotions now. All you have to do is hand them over… Besides. If anyone here needs to loosen up, it would be you.’ The chaotic entity would say with a harsh tone to her voice. He had already been unhappy with certain… aspects… of their shared mission. However, he truly could not argue her logic, and besides it would be rude to refuse. ‘Fine. 24 hours.’ He would reply internally, sealing the agreement. ‘Enjoy Markus… Besides…. If you pass out. I will make sure you find her bed without issue… oh… and watch out for my siblings, will you?’ She would say cryptically before fading back into the darkest corners of his mind.

    Honestly, the chaos mage was unsure if the agreement was the best idea. Suddenly, he would be left without control of his magic, and of course if he was to lose conciseness, she would gain control of their shared body. Markus would accept the drink with a curious eye. Pressing the drink to his lips, having only taken so much of a sip he would watch as, suddenly, the Johann he once knew would disappear. His words would slow, and he would… quite cheerfully… walk away to complete whatever it was he was just about to do.

    Markus felt the liquid glide down his throat, already too late to stop his small drink when he would look at Richard before finishing the rest… He would watch Johann as he walked away. Suddenly very much concerned with his choice. “What did yo…” he would attempt to say as, much like the other mage, the small amount of liquid Markus had would come into effect. Suddenly, his vision would sway for a second, and his head would spin. “uhm…. Wow. Ricaird. Tha stoof is… strong.” Markus would say, suddenly not being able to come up with anything more than Johann had already said.

    The Chaos mage would sway on his feet lightly as another would join the small group f people. He recognized her. Ada… he thought. Maybe. One thing he did remember however was the dance the two shared. “YOU! Ada! It is gooood ta see you. Tings are welllll. You should try dat stuff.” He would say pointing towards the bottle Richard had produced. “ANYWAYS! Richard, Ada. Thakz again. But, I gotta find the bday girllll for herr special gift.” He would say, sudden inspiration coming to him. “We should dance again!” he would call haphazardly as he turned to find Nessa. Markus had completely forgotten the entire reason he had gone to Richard first was to actually talk about his… situation… with the mans daughter. Whatever that was.

    As he walked away he would look once more at the crowd making mental notes to those he just had to go see. He could see Mythal and Serilda as they showed up, seemingly in a group of four? For a brief moment, he thought he heard Aporia saying something. Though brushed it away. She could tell him later. He would step forward, promising himself they would be next as he turned back towards where he had seen the Starlight Maiden.

    Only to suddenly feel himself run into someone else heading towards the strange indoor beach. Looking down he realized, suddenly his goal was just… there! Like she had magically appeared. “Neeeesssssa!” He would say in a drawn out way, suddenly feeling a strange feeling about running into her in such a way. “Tis good to see you!” he would say suddenly taking her in his arms. “Happy Birthday! I ha misssd you.” He would continue. Trying to decide if he was supposed to kiss her. Surely that was logical right? After all. What was holding them back now. “I just spoke to Richherd… Do not accept tis offer.” The chaos mage would say suddenly protective as he would lean in with an attempt to give her a kiss, completely forgetting that virtually no one in the area knew about their resent events.

    Last edited by MarkusEldridge on 2nd September 2019, 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 2nd September 2019, 2:25 pm

    After his offering of food, Sebastian would beam as Tammy agreed, leading her towards the food and drinks tables where a lot of the humans were gathered. As she asked for a drink other than alcohol, he nodded. He was sure Nessa had arranged for non-alcoholic beverages, the Starlight Maiden had been determined not to get drunk at this event, something to do with not wanting to repeat the events of last time. Seb didn't fully buy it, he was sure someone would end up saying something challenging to the girl and as a result she would give in to her competitive nature. Kudos to her if she could manage it, but he had a bet with Antoinette that she wouldn't make it. Antoinette seemed to have more faith in her 'Pettle', but Sebastian had witnessed the girls nature first hand and wasn't so sure. "Sure I think there's different kind of pop up here, or juice, or even just water if you wanna keep it simple. Want me to pour you something?" He offered her before pausing, "Oh wait, I think Richard stored me something under here earlier," He moved under the drink table, moving under the tablecloth, he would rummage around for a moment, before returning from under the drinks table with a carton of milk. "Oh yeah, I knew he would hook me up!" He said excitedly, "Want some?" He offered his fellow exceed eagerly.


    Richard nodded at the silver haired man, loading up a couple plates for him to take for himself and his friend. He stacked them decently high, certain that they wouldn't mind such hearty mountains of barbequed meats. After his offer to Johann, Richard watched as the man hesitated before taking the drink. Watching keenly for the mans physiological reactions to the drink. Much to Richard's excitement, he was joined by Markus who would also in turn accept the drink. As they were joined by another, Richard smiled at her in a friendly manner following her introduction. "Why, hello Miss, yes I was just offering some to Johann and Markus here, this is my own special brand of rum. It's pretty strong stuff, would you like some?" He asked, glancing to the others to watch their reaction still. As the woman continued to explain that her husband brewed Alcohol, Richard would glance at the bottle with an amused look. "Oh well normally alcohols aren't my specialty, but when looking into the elixir I noticed that it had similar components to ethanol and that in diluted doses it had a tendency to have a intoxicating effect." He told the Adalinda, his iris's twinkling excitedly as he spoke about his product. His eyes moved back to the men and widened as they began to show signs of being affecting by the drink. "Enjoy the party fellas!" He chirped as they both left, chuckling to himself, before glancing at Adalinda, he shook the bottle at her challengingly. "So how about it, fancy trying your might against Vulcan Rum?"


    As Nessa walked along the shore, she had a content smile on her face, despite the earlier incident it seemed the party was proceeding nicely. People even seemed to be having a good time, this pleased her. To be surrounded by so many of her friends and for them to be genuinely enjoying themselves. It was a dream for the Starlight Maiden. She eyed the waterslide that Mura had made spelling out her name and smiled warmly, as she moved towards it she stepping into the water, where it was still low. Just so it waded over her feet, it was a soothing feeling, and made her feel like she really was at a beach. She noticed Arcadia's approach, grinning at her comment. "Thank Arca! I'm glad your enjoying yourself," She replied happily, before listening as her best friend went on to apologise, explaining about a rather elaborate yet thoughtful present she had in mind. As usual Arcadia would babble on in that excitable way Nessa loved, Nessa nodded along, eyes widening as the craziness of the story she was telling. "Oh it's fine, you didn't have to get me anything, but yeah that slide is awesome. Might have to have a go on that later," She said with a giggle.

    As Arcadia handed over the wrapped present, Nessa's smile would falter slightly as the girls mention the Marven fandom. That embarrassing fanfiction that was still lingering, Nessa almost regretted it, especially after meeting the girl who commissioned the fandom. She resisted the urge to scowl as she thought of Ashley Szutaris, at the very least the Lord's daughter had seemed to stay away after the backlash of the photoshoot. Nessa had actually ordered the photos of Ashley and Markus being destroyed, especially after Ashley's behaviour towards Markus was done without his consent in the first place. The Starlight Maiden, may have been a little on the venomous side when threatening the Lord, but sometimes a girl has to do what she has to do. As she opened the present, her eyes widened in shock, and her jaw dropped low. There was a long pause, before the woman began to shake, her body trembling as she burst into laughter. Trying to hold it in, her eyes watering as she let loose. "Oh man, Arcadia that's amazing, I can't wait until the boys see this!" She snickered, she just hoped they didn't try to break it when she wasn't looking. She knew full well the Marven trend wasn't exactly popular with some of the current and former Fairy Tail members.

    "I'm gonna put these on the gift table, might actually grab a bite to eat, feel free to join me if you fancy it." She offered, before moving away and heading back in the direction of the table with her newest and most hilarious present. On the way she heard footsteps running toward her and glanced over, spotting an unfamiliar ten year old running toward her. The young girls greeting was exuberant and she even referred to her by a nickname, although try as she might, Nessa couldn't quite place the girl, she leaned down slightly, offering the girl a friendly smile as she addressed her. "Hey there, I'm sorry I don't think I know you, what's your name sweetie?" She asked the young girl just as they were approached by as older man who would take the young girls hand. Nessa straightened up to look at the man, also someone she didn't recognise. Although something about him did feel familiar. He introduced himself as Leo and the little girl as Lina, she nodded happily. So they were members of Fairy Tail who'd seen her posters. Nessa looked down at the barrel palm wine as he offered it, admiring it's for a moment before looking back up at him. "Awww thank you so much, I'm Nessa, although you probably know that from the invite. Pleasure to meet you Leo, Lina, thanks so much for coming!" She summoned her starlight, using it to lift the heavy barrel of wine into the air, figuring it would be easier than attempting to carry it all with her hands. "I was just about to put some things on the gift table, then grab something to eat. Please help yourself to anything you like, or take a dip in the water, Mura and Arcadia have made an amazing water slide over there." She told the pair, in the distance she spotted a familiar pair of bodies entering the stadium, and her eyes lit up excitedly. "Sorry, a few more of my guests have arrived, I'm going to go greet them, feel free to come find me later. I'd love to get to know you both!" She told them, then with a wave, she moved in the direction of the entrance. She enchanted the salt and pepper shakers with starlight too. Sending the gifts through the air towards the gift table, where they would lower themselves down softly. She waved at the pair excitedly and was about to shout their names in greeting, that was until heard a familiar voice calling her name.

    He was suddenly next to her taking her by surprise, "M-Markus!" She stuttered in shock, she grinned at his words before noticing the strange tone in which he was talking.  Upon mention of her father, she frowned confused. "What? Dad?" She said glancing over to where her father was in confusion, before looking back to the Chaos mage. Only to find his lips pressing themselves against hers. She froze in shock, taken aback by the sudden kiss. Her hands rose to his chest to push him away, but they fell weak, because it was him. She couldn't help herself, it had been quite a while since they had seen each other and it had been what felt like far too long since he had last kissed her. She melted slightly, forgetting herself just long enough to kiss him back and notice the distinct taste of rum in the kiss. She pulled away, eyes narrowed slightly, "Markus... are you drunk?"

    WC: 1521 | Nessa's Total:  5446


    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 60582_s


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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Amalie 2nd September 2019, 2:25 pm

    Amalie huffed slightly, feeling frustrated with herself. Normally she would be enjoying herself, but the actions of her Grandmother had just set her into a bad mood. And whilst the rum was starting to create the slightest of warm sensations through her, it wasn't enough to dull her irritation. She glanced over at Sivvy with a sour almost pouty expression as the girl disagreed with her remark. Amalie eyed her as she went on to tell the older woman that they were going to have fun despite this, in a rather direct manner. Amalie sighed, feeling an inkling of guilt. Sivvy was right, she had brought the pink-haired girl here so they could have fun, it wasn't fair to allow her crappy family matters ruin it for both of them. "Alright, I'll give it a go." She said, before grabbing herself another shot of rum and knocking it back, swiping the bottle away from the pink-haired girls reach. "But no more for you, you're already three sheets to the wind," She told her firmly, despite her expression softening into a small smirk.

    The woman watched as the girl pulled out her iLac with a triumphant cry, wondering whether she should let her text in this state. After a moment of thought, she shrugged in a 'screw it' kind of manner, deciding she would rather see what happened. Leaning over, she read the message over the girls shoulder, seeing the name of who she was texting to bring pizza and wear a swimsuit. An 'Artemis Dagger', Amalie frowned, that name sounded familiar, although she couldn't understand why. She watched as Sivvy then perkily suggested that they dance, Amalie looked down awkwardly. "Ahh, I don't know Sivvy, I'm not much of a dancer..." She told her in an uncertain tone, there was only once occasion where the woman had danced, and that had been her wedding. Since then the only time she ever danced was in the confines of her kitchen, when she cooked herself dinner whilst listening to the radio. There was the sudden shout of Sivvy's name, drawing her attention away. She looked over as Johann returned rather gleefully carrying plates of food, she stared in bafflement at what happened next. The way he was shoving a plate at Sivvy, whilst grazing on his own plate like a wild animal. Amalie brought her hand over mouth first, trying to surprise her urge to laugh at the sight of his savage digestion. This wasn't where it stopped, he would go on to remark about Sivvy's suggestion they 'dens', before doing an elaborate spin and faceplanting the ground.

    It took a few moments of allowing the moment to sink in before Amalie lost it, she rolled back into her chair, holding her sides as she wheezed with laughter. Never had she ever seen the oh-so-serious Johann Von Weiss act in such a way and it was a hysterical sight. She took a moment, trying to collect herself, but losing herself once more whenever she glanced over at him. She buried her face into her hands, eventually simmering down to a snicker, before she finally was able to breathe properly again. Her eyes watering and giggles still leaving her. sporadically. She moved over to him, offering to help him off the ground. "That was some...incredible dancing." She said, snorting in the middle of her sentence. She reached over, brushing the sand off of his face. "How did you get drunk so quickly?" She asked him curiously.

    WC: 584 Amalie's Total:  3616


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Artemis Dagger 2nd September 2019, 2:26 pm

    Artemis adjusted the tie around his neck, trying to alleviate some of the discomfort he was experiencing. This fricken penguin suit Morte had him wearing was irking him, it was one of the frustrating things about this disguise, that it didn't quite fight the more casual attire. In fact, it looks rather unnatural, plus it had become regularly expected of him to look authoritative in his workplace. Especially when handling what it was he was about to handle, another meeting filled with a group of people who didn't think he was suitable for the job. Aside from the two Directors that he had chosen, the current support director would be likely challenging everything he said with as much irritating stubbornness as they could muster. Whilst his choices for Directors had suited him well, he needed to find someone suited to that role. Someone that could work with him, as Del and Esper could. Even if Esper's idea of working with was usually just making eyes at him and spouting inappropriate remarks.

    He was about to leave his office when he heard his iLac buzz, not his burner iLac that he used for work, but his actual phone. He reached over, taking a quick glance to see who it was as a familiar name popped up on his screen. His previously hardened expression softened into a grin. Of all the people who could have texted him, he couldn't hope for anyone better. The rose-haired girl had certainly left an impression on the Chairman, he picked up the phone quickly unlocking it with his thumbprint. He opened the message, his ruby eyes skimming over the words. The grin spread even further, and an eyebrow would arch as he read the jumbled letters and surprisingly relaxed grammar. This was not the kind of text he'd expected from her.  The was a second 'boop' as another message came through, he stared at it blankly for a moment, before bursting into laughter. This girl really was unbelievable. He considered it for a moment, he couldn't really leave work right now. Or at least, he shouldn't. But there were several prospects hinted in that text that Artemis really wanted to confirm, one, Sivvy was at a beach or pool party of some sort and two, she was drunk.

    He bit the inside of his cheek, debating what to do, before finally texting back a short message; 'Be there soon x' . Then turning out of his office, he left it, locking it behind him and heading downstairs. As he reached Ground Zero, he would stride past Blanche. "Blanche, something has come up and I need to head out." The brunette who normally never even glanced his way when he spoke to her, looked up sharply. "But Sir, the board of Directors are expecting you in five minutes." She remarked in a snippy tone, he didn't look at her but continued his way to the elevator. "Give Meitritrice my notes, He can run the meeting. Tell him I'm catching a big fish and I'll owe him a drink, he'll know what I mean." He said before stepping into the elevator and without another word, the doors would shut behind him as he made his way out.

    It didn't take Artemis long to get to Fiore, after heading home for a change of clothes, he'd using a teleportation item to get him there pretty quickly. As he stepping up to the front of the stadium, he glanced around. Double-checking his phone to make sure he was at the right place, turns out he was. He heard a voice calling out to him and glanced around to the sound, "Oi pretty boy, what kind of jackass orders thirty pizzas?" He grinned at the man who approached, reaching out he would take his hand and pulled into what could only be described as a 'bro' hug. "Ernie! My man, how the hell are ya?" He asked heartily, pulling away from the man. "Not bad Art, but seriously, this many pizzas in thirty minutes, you nearly killed my kitchen staff," Art laughed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the heavy sack of jewels. "Ahh it's worth if for a loyal customer like me, here there's a nice tip in there, get Robbie something pretty." He said to the fellow, Ernie grinned pocketing the jewel. He moved over to his car, unloading that massive stack of pizza boxes. Stacking them in sets of ten, Artemis would come over, stacking the boxes onto each other. He would lift them up, balancing them on one hand like a giant tower. "Whoa, you sure you don't need help bringing those in? I don't want you dropping my merchandise and wasting it." Ernie asked in an uncertain tone.

    "Nah I got this honestly, Cheers for doing this Ernie, have a great night!" He said, turning towards the building he would make his way inside. As instructed, he had brought food and turned up dressed as she request. He was currently in a black cotton shirt, and black swim trunks as she'd asked, although he wouldn't understand why he'd needed to dress this way to come to a stadium until he stepped inside. He glanced around in awe of the place, an indoor beach party! Now, this was right up the heir's street, it had been so long since he'd gone to the beach, let alone a party. This actually seemed to be a private birthday according to the letters hovering over the water for a girl named Nessa. He hoped they wouldn't mind him crashing, but seeing as Sivvy had asked him to come, he guessed it had to be okay. He could feel his excitement growing, he scanned the beach, looking for her. It wasn't long before he spotted that familiar pink hair.

    He moved along the sand towards her, he noticed a few familiar faces as he did so, his old guildmate and now guild master Leona. The guy she'd fought was hanging around too, and some others that he felt like he might have met in passing. As he made his way over to her, he noticed her sat next to a blue-haired woman who was staring at a silver-haired man who.. was lying face first in the sand. Art stared for a moment, before shrugging, this was a part after all. He turned he gaze back to Sivvy, turning in the sight of her.

    And boy, was she a sight.

    The little navy one suit, although conservative, hugged every curve and line in an appealing manner. The edges of it hemmed in such a way that would tease him with more flesh than he expected, he realized he was staring for a moment, before clearing his throat and grinning her. He lowered the pizza boxes to the ground in front of her, now that he was here, it didn't seem so strange to walk around in just swimwear. He reached from the hem of his shirt, then pulled it up over his head, dropping it onto the chair before moving to sit next to female Ambassador, "So er... you wanted food huh?" He said in a playful tone, "You look incredible by the way." He added glancing over her once more and shaking his head as though in disbelief. He had in no way expected this to be where his day would take him, but he certainly wasn't complaining.

    WC: 1204


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Empty Re: Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash!

    Post by Ray Jyx 2nd September 2019, 4:10 pm

    "But Ammaaaaa," Sivvy whined, making vague grabby hands at the bottle. She wasn't much of a drinker, but there was a drunk switch in her that once flipped, she would continue to consume it if the situation called for it. It was like she did it without thinking. Other than her rare drinking moments with Amalie, all her previous boozy experiences had been to aid certain situations and to please people, as well as numb herself to some of the nastier bits. Alas, the rum was gone and she'd just have to operate at her current intoxicated level.

    In any case, her pout over the removal of the rum was very short-lived, since a more interesting scene had unfolded. She was brought another helping of food, which of course she nearly inhaled and was once again left wanting. For once her mind didn't linger on the meager offering of grub but instead inspected the man who brought it. Her mentor was also drunk...maybe even drunker than she was. And though Amalie didn't want to dance, Johann did, and Sivvy was up for it! It was probably pretty funny to see the two most serious members of a guild like Dies Irae acting so unlike themselves, being downright foolish. Generally, no matter how drunk Sivvy got, her speech didn't slur like Johann's. If anything drink just shoved every emotion she hid due to raising or confusing bubbling to the top, where she acted extremely human for a change. It also suspended the careful consideration of her actions and words. She too laughed unabashedly with Amalie as she did a quick little dance and then found the God of Ishgar greeting the sand with his face. "What kind of dance is that?!" she asked with a giggle, possibly not realizing the funny man hadn't meant to fall. She was about to imitate it when another bout of wooziness hit her and she reclaimed the chair she'd been sitting in before.

    That's she saw it. A vision of beauty walking toward her, tall and lean, levitating across the sands toward her. The carrier, Artemis, was nice, too.

    Her eyes didn't leave him for a second as he delivered the tower of food, took off his shirt, and sat down. A smile was creeping onto her face. Sivvy was clearly glad to see him, but was it him or the food? Maybe both? Not that she had much in the way of physical boundaries to begin with, but after their dancing at Club Maria the way they had, she had no qualms about entering his personal space. With him taking the seat next to her, she bounced up and in one swift movement was sitting on his lap like it was a completely normal thing to do, beaming at him with rosy cheeks. "My hero! I was starving, Artemis," she claimed with emphasis, seeming quite comfortable in her Artemis chair, "Mmmmm, you look nice too. Less clothed suits you. Your skin is nice. Very nice skin. And warm." She patted his one of his pectorals appreciatively, then reached forward to slide one of the boxes into her lap. Flipping the top up, she lifted and consumed a slice as easy as breathing. "I hope you're in the mood to party, Arty," the rosette chattered, then snorted and started laughing again. She hadn't meant to use a nickname, but it happened somehow anyway. A happy, drunken accident. "Haha! That rhymed..."

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux's Belated Birthday Bash! - Page 2 Jkp0PmI

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