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    Three Means, What End?

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Three Means, What End? Empty Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 23rd April 2023, 8:09 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Three Means, What End? RJtajUnz_o

    “This fucking island just doesn’t get warm, does it?”

    Vriko had prepared for this day for some weeks, after learning it was coming. The Blessing of Love, the unlikely gift that had come from her parent’s spawning, had proven more troublesome to keep in check. Even if she barely gave it consideration in her mind during her training, it would come out in full force, filling her with the superhuman power that shook the very earth beneath her. From what little Gren had been able to transcribe from the plates, a human having any kind of Blessing was a big deal and, potentially, very dangerous for that human. That was probably why he had agreed to Victoria’s offer to help train the woman alongside Vandrad and the one called Scourge. And all it had cost him was a training session with Victoria himself, which he had come back from with a stupid, impish grin that he refused to elaborate on.

    Vandrad seemed like the kind of man Vriko could be around for long periods of time. He was focused, intense and powerful, if anyone was telling the truth about him. His one flaw -- and it was a massive one -- was his being engaged to Mercury. Even if he didn’t outright agree with the way his slutwife acted, he permitted and didn’t forbid it, though even Vriko doubted that would mean much. Then again, based on what she’d seen of the rest of his family, he was much more reigned in than the rest of them so perhaps a slutty wife was actually the least of damage he could deal with.

    Scourge was insufferably annoying. Loud, proud and painfully aware of how charming he was; it was like a male version of Mercury. Vriko may have dismissed the very notion of including him in training if Gren hadn’t already made the agreement and if Scourge didn’t seem to possess the mysterious power called the Ark. It apparently had the ability to rob eternal creatures of their power and turn it against them, which frankly sounded like a good weapon against someone like Faera. It was for that reason alone that she opted not to veto the entire charade.

    They’d agreed to meet in the training grounds of New Rhaegar’s palace. A small trail led away from the main area and down into the jagged, steep cliffs that made up the backside of the island. One such path led to an open area, with stone etchings encased in the ground. A few ancient pillars had been brought in and laid on the outside of the circular training ground, along with a few statues and torches. Just beyond was a drop into a pond, with a view of several waterfalls coming down from mountains just beyond. It was smaller than she expected but it, at least, gave them room to spread out.

    Vandrad and Scourge were already there when she arrived. Though she was already cold, Vandrad had chosen to wear even less than her. A single blue jumpsuit that covered his legs and body, coming across his shoulders in thick tank top-esque straps that showed off his massive arm muscles. He also had on a pair of white gloves and white boots. The former Dread Master was dressed in a dark gray gi bottom, tied around his waist with a red sash and a bodysuit top similar to Vandrad, though it was black and hugged his fit form even tighter than the future king’s.

    Vriko, for her part, had dressed up a bit, having once again found inspiration in Agatha’s apparel and fashion. A red, sleeveless jacket hugged her form tight, tucked into a pair of black pants that ran from her stomach all the way down to her heeled boots. Though it was a bit risque from her usual wear, it had a cleavage window in the front that put the ladies in great form. A pair of full length gauntlets covered her arms from finger to bicep, while leather straps and belts wrapped around her stomach and were ordained with metal baubles. She’d also attached her sword box to one of the straps, the case hanging against her lower back.

    The first words out of her mouth were complaining about the cold. Vandrad snorted at her comment. "The island is set in the middle of the sea. And we’re still in the heart of winter; if it wasn’t cold, that would be concerning.”

    “The heart of winter? Hardly. Spring is right around the corner,” Vriko replied dismissively as she approached the center of the training area.

    “You know, everything I’ve heard about you informs me that you were uncivilized and lacking fashion etiquette but I must say that the last two times we’ve seen one another, you have put those rumors to bed,” Scourge remarked at the woman, giving her a once over.

    “Keep it in your pants,” Vriko snapped, glaring at Scourge with pointed daggers in her eyes. “We’re here to train, not to ogle me.”

    Vandrad snorted once more but this time it was in amusement. "It is so rare to find a woman not smitten by your obnoxious charm. It basically narrows down to her and Saffron. I guess it makes sense that they wound up getting along in the end.”

    Scourge remained silent over the last part of Vandrad’s comment, opting not to tip toe around anything he possibly could have said. Sure, Vriko wasn’t warming to him but he and Saffron had spent plenty of time together over the past several months, though neither of them had told anyone about their frequent hook ups.

    Instead, he refocused. “If anything, I’m quite interested in seeing what this mysterious power of yours is like. Rare is it that a Blessing is seen used but it was thought impossible that a human could possess such a force without alternative means and methods.”

    Vriko continued to stare at him without interest, at least for a few more seconds. But after a beat, she let her glare relax slightly, even as she looked away from him. “It wasn’t something I asked for. But if it can be used to bring Faera down, then I’m all for tempering it.”

    Words: 1038 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 25th April 2023, 10:30 am

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1554 WORDS
    @Mythal Ragnos @Vandrad Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    The research into the strange energy that Maker used to craft the sword that had once robbed Vandrad of his magic was painfully slow going. Even Mercury had lost count of the number of books and files they had read into over the last few weeks. As much as she enjoyed a challenge, she did not enjoy getting no results for her work, one of the few things that could actually make her irritable. Blade wasn't faring much better, his usual stoic demeanor unable to mask his own frustrations at their lack of progress. Thankfully, the Terran had recently suggested a solution to managing their stress and keeping their spirits high, and Mercury had been more than happy to oblige.

    Especially since her flirtations with Cillian had gotten her absolutely nowhere. The man was bafflingly daft, and also the only one of the trio that didn't seem to be upset by how slow the process was taking. Not that it was surprising. He wasn't really involved in most of what was going on outside of their research, though naturally he'd been filled in with some of the details as time went on. At the very least he understood the importance of obtaining the answers they needed, and he certainly wasn't slacking, but he wasn't emotionally involved like the other two were. He also had a life outside of this work that he had to attend to, and as such he had to leave for several days at a time to handle his personal affairs. The simple truth was that he was helping and offering as much of his free time as he could, but it wasn’t really his problem, and thus not his first priority.

    At the moment, it was just Mercury and Blade in the vast library deep in the bowels of the Silver Wolf guildhall. As usual, they had set up at a table in a private study room where they were able to spread out their resources and speak freely without disturbing other members visiting the library. Cillian was due to arrive again sometime today. He’d recently purchased a building in the Old Town Market district of Crocus, and had needed some time to not only get his business up and running but also to move him and his elder roommate, Laverne, into their new flats above the restaurant.

    Mercury was in a sour mood, one that not even sex was likely to cure, unfortunately. She hated few things more than not being able to get answers when she wanted them, and despite using her alien technology and resources to scour the digital databanks of the universe – the places she had access to, at least – she’d not been able to come up with anything. There wasn’t a shred or hint of whatever this mysterious energy was, and it was driving her up a wall. She hadn’t even found anything in Maker’s systems via her clone… but that was to be expected. He knew she would start snooping from the moment hed woken her, and very likely had moved any extra sensitive data to a place where she was less likely to find it, including information about Knowhere and this otherworldly power. The Xocili’s normally carefree and relax facade was current marred by a tight scowl that was more befitting of her fiance, her finger tap tap taping against the surface of the desk as she glared at the computer monitor in front of her.

    “This is ridiculous.” Her frustrations finally coming to a head, she shoved the monitor away from her face, the device gently swiveling to the side as she rested her elbows on the desk and her head in her hands. “He had to have gone to some alternate universe. That’s the only thing I can think of. We know they exist; the Rhaegarians are proof enough of that. If this energy was a natural part of our universe, there would be a trace of it somewhere, and yet there’s just fucking nothing…!”

    With a sigh, Mercury started rubbing her temples in an attempt to fight back the headache that was starting to seep in. “I hate it, but I may have to start digging a little deeper than I have been with my clone. As long as I’m careful, he shouldn’t suspect anything except that I’m being nosy. He knows I made an incomplete replica of the sword and would be interested in finding his research on it. Even if I get caught snooping, I can probably cover myself without having to reveal that I’ve spoken with you and Genesis…”

    Unfortunately, she knew it wouldn’t be that simple. Information this coveted would be locked away in some place that Maker would have made sure she couldn’t even reach, because he would know that if she could reach it she would hack it eventually. He’d have to keep it completely off her radar, which means she’d have to find some way to get him to trust her enough to start lifting some restrictions. It was a reality she had been contemplating more and more recently, knowing that their time was already running short. Grubar had been convinced to extend his deadline several times, but she couldn’t keep holding on to his generosity in letting Genesis stay, nor would Mercury continue to ask him.

    Her radars indicated that a figure was approaching in a slight rush, and sure enough a moment later the door swung open to reveal Cillian. There was a mixed look of exasperation and excitement on his face. “I am an idiot,” he announced.

    “I agree, although my reasons for reaching that conclusion likely differ from yours.”

    Cillian held up a hand, in which he held a box shaped object that was wrapped in an old, off-white cloth that looked like it had seen better days. “I completely forgot I had this. It’s been close to four hundred years since I’ve even thought about this thing. I never even read it before now.” He crossed fully into the room, shutting the door behind him and clearing some space on the table.

    With a confused and curious glance toward Blade, Mercury stood and joined Cillian at his side as he started undoing the wrapping. The Necromancer reached inside and withdrew… a book. Aside from its obvious age it was fairly unremarkable: a leather bound tome with a leather cord wrapped around it. There was no image or writing on the front, but there were some dark crimson colored stains splotched around its weathered edges, and the pages inside had yellowed long ago. “What is it?”

    “The Book of the Damned.”

    The Xocili blinked. “Wait, as in the Necronomicon?”


    “Silver Wolf has been trying to find this thing for years. At this point, I thought it was a myth.”

    “Nope, it’s real. I’ve had it for a few centuries.”

    Mercury was just staring at him in disbelief. “You, a necromancer, have been in possession of the Necronomicon for four hundred years… and you’ve never even read it once?”

    Cillian shrugged. “I leafed through it for a couple minutes when I found it, but honestly I’m not really a book guy. I got bored.”

    “You are the worst dark mage in history, and I really wish I was more surprised by this,” Mercury groaned.

    The self-admitted idiot flipped the book open, revealing the stained pages within that were covered with writing in a strange and ancient language that not even Mercury recognized. There were also a number of hand drawn images scattered throughout the parchment, featuring grim, gruesome, and outright ominous looking symbols and diagrams. “I didn’t see anything that outright resembled or referenced this energy, but I did find this.” He finished flipping to the page he was looking for. There was an incantation written out, and depicted above it was a foreboding looking skeletal creature with glowing eyes and some kind of crown with tall sharp spikes. “This is a summoning spell. Specifically, it’s a summoning spell for the Lich King.”

    “The Lich King? I’ve never heard of him.”

    “Not surprising. Most Necromancers like to keep lore about their arts to themselves. All you need to know is that he’s a big fucking deal. Basically an undead god, on a parallel plane of power to Death herself. If anyone can confirm any connection between this energy and the necromantic arts, it has to be him, and this spell is a blueprint for how to summon him.”

    And just like that, the temperament of the room – and of Mercury, specifically – shifted to something much more energetic. “Are you strong enough to perform it? I may not be a necromancer, but I know how magic works. You’d have to be extremely powerful to pull something like this off.”

    Cillian shrugged. “Only one way to find out. I just don’t recommend doing it here, cause who knows what will happen once the ritual starts. It could be catastrophic, even if I do it correctly, so we need to find some place remote. I also couldn’t find all of the ingredients, but I’m hoping you guys might have some rare stuff tucked away that we can use..?”

    “I’m sure we do. Get me a list of what you still need.”
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 26th April 2023, 2:18 pm


    “You want me to wear what?

    Mythal hadn’t had any expectations about what it would be like to meet the so-called ‘weaponsmith’, besides what Ruzatz had told them during the dinner. He was a bit odd, scornful against the gods and protective of humanity, even against the demons he forged weapons for. The Darkness Slayer hadn’t had the ‘privilege’ of meeting Ramuh but everything he’d heard from people around him made him believe that he was a bit of an asshole. Anyone that served as his vassal had to have some kind of stick up their ass, right? Yet Ruzatz insisted that the weaponsmith was a joy… a lot of information that kept clashing.

    Nonetheless, Mythal deserved to reserve his judgment until he met the man himself. And once the Prime Sin had arranged a meeting, it seemed like things would be going fairly smoothly… until they started off with a hitch. As Mythal and Serilda emerged at Lusty Titans, Ruzatz was waiting for them in the foyer. The Sin was elegantly dressed as he usually was. One long crimson robe, ordained with golden pauldon-like baubles. Several chains hung down from his waist, with the front of the robe completely open and exposing Ruzatz’ bare chest. The robe came down in several different strands that looked like phoenix feathers, enchanted to glow with flickering light similar to flames. His long hair was down and flowing behind him, somehow always picturesque and gorgeous.

    There were moments when Mythal just hated Ruzatz. It was generally in moments when he was made, painfully aware, that he was not one hundred percent straight and had events been different, he may have let Ruzatz make a run at him. Still, he pushed those thoughts in the back of his head and gave the man a proper, warm hug alongside Serilda. “Agatha not joining us?” he asked, glancing around for the co-guildmaster.

    “Oh no, she is. She’s just waiting for Serilda to help her change. Seri love, if you wouldn’t mind heading through the door there to one of the guest rooms, thank you,” He gestured towards the closest door, smiling warmly, if not a bit hesitant.

    Mythal watched Serilda go with narrowed eyes before turning his attention back to Ruzatz. “What’s… goin’ on?” he asked carefully.

    “So I didn’t want to, you know, concern you but he has a kind of… requirement for meeting with him. A clothing requirement.”

    Mythal stared at the Prime Sin. “You’re not putting us in thongs, are you?”

    “No! No, of course not, though you may wish for one instead. Anyways, how about we walk through here and I’ll show you what I picked out and help you put it on?” With that he started to gently lead Mythal towards one of the doors.

    “What? Help me -- I think I know how to put clothin’ on Ruzatz,” Mythal protested.

    “This one’s a bit more complicated.”

    And it was. It was complicated because it almost completely lacked structure. As Mythal emerged from the room, his outfit was arguably the most daring one he’d ever worn. A blue robe, adorned with a golden fringe, that was tied with a golden band to the lower half which was, at best, a skirt. There was nothing but open air between the top and lower half, exposing Mythal’s sides, his abdomen and way too much of his thighs than he was comfortable with. Worse was that Ruzatz told him he wasn’t allowed to wear anything underneath, leaving him completely naked and almost showing it to everyone.

    “This is insane, Ruzatz. Why the hell does he require this?” Mythal asked, turning slowly to look over himself.

    “He likes people, when they meet him, to look and feel glamorous. He also appreciates the human form and generally likes to view parts of it. Trust me, I’ve worn less to meet with him.”

    Mythal scoffed and shook his head. “Yeah, I can imagine…”

    HP: x/y
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    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 27th April 2023, 10:59 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Victoria couldn’t remember the last time she’d philandered with a mortal, if she ever had. Outside of the times that she was prescient in her hosts’ bodies, of course. But just on her own with her own form, by her own choice, without just being along for the ride? It was almost unthinkable. Yet, there was something rather magnetic about Gren Ragnos, and that had only become more apparent as they had followed through with the spar that he had promised her so long ago. So she’d figured, why not? He was a worthy enough human if there ever was one, and she certainly hadn’t regretted the decision. From the wide grin he’d had on his face after they’d parted ways, neither had he.

    Today’s training, she imagined, would not wind up with any similar results however. Gren’s son Vandrad, as well as his adopted daughter Vriko and the former Dread Master Scourge each were in need of further training in their respective magics. Vandrad and Scourge with their control of the Ark, and Vriko with her Blessing that she’d inherited from Faera. She knew that the two Energy Monarch users trained together rather frequently, but at this point such training could only be so effective. They needed to practice against someone whom their magic had been crafted specifically to fight. And luckily, Victoria was the perfect starting point given her mixed angelic and demonic blood.

    Thus, a training day had been arranged on the island of New Rhaegar. Serilda used her magic to grant Victoria her own form for a time, opening a portal and depositing the Seal onto the island somewhere just outside of the palace. At this point Victoria was more than familiar with the du Wolff manor and knew her way around, so it took very little time at all for her to find the grounds that Gren had described to her on the back side of the island: a quaint little outdoor garden of sorts with a few statues and torches. It looked like her pupils for the day were already present, talking amongst themselves in the center of the space as she approached.

    While Victoria was a common sight, at least for the du Wolffs and the resident of the Sinclair-Ragnos household, she did not typically dress in her full armor as she was today. The Seal of Conquest had an imposing gravitas about her, glad in a red leather dress that was covered in silver rivets. The top of the gown had a window that exposed just enough of her cleavage to emphasize her ample bosom, with the rest reaching up her neck to just under her chin. A large array of black feathers resembled pauldrons on either side of her shoulders, and a black leather pair of pants that tied up the side of her legs kept the hip high slit in her skirt modest. Her arms and legs were clad in steel armoring, and her white, horned hair was kept swept back by a steel crown-like adornment.

    She walked with a cool, confident gait up to the trio, her hands clasped gently at the small of her back, not dissimilar to how Serilda herself often walked. “Vriko. Vandrad.” Victoria greeted the two whom she knew first, her tone polite but skipping over needless pleasantries. Vriko she saw on a daily basis, and Vandrad frequently enough. However, she had yet to meet the third, her crimson eyes panning to the other man with a neutral but studious expression. She had seen Scourge a couple of times through Serilda’s eyes but had never been directly introduced to him. “You must be the Dread Master. Scourge, was it? I am Victoria, the Seal of Conquest.”

    Victoria would give him a chance to confirm his identity, but as with the other two did not follow up with any repartee, nor even a handshake of any kind – though if he took the initiative to offer one on his own, she would accept it. “We all know why we are here, so I see no reason to lead in with any discussion. However, I do need to get an idea of your strengths and where you are in your personal training. Set yourselves over there and assume ready positions.”

    She gestured to a spot on one side of the circular courtyard, even as she walked over to a spot directly across from them. As she came to rest she summoned her weapon, the ax tipped pole-arm that Vandrad had witnessed her wielding as the ritual with Faera and Mythal had come to a close a couple years prior. “For now, do not utilize your respective Ark and Blessing magics. I want to evaluate you based on the magic and weapon techniques with which you are more comfortably trained. Begin.” And with that she waited, leaving little other instruction though the presumption seemed to be that she wanted all three of them to attack her at once.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 27th April 2023, 1:11 pm

    Three Hunters
    There truly was no answer for the frustration that both Blade and Mercury were feeling. The Terran had suggested they engage in more physical, amorous acts to help mediate their stress and that certainly helped to a degree. If anything, it was more a relief of the tension that had been strained between them since their meeting. And while the two of them were more than happy to engage in fornication after a stressful day, the frustration continued to bubble up.

    Blade was better at managing it than Mercury, if only because he’d been trained to. He internalized his stress, compiling it within his mind until he could meditate on it later and help ease the strain. But even that wasn’t completely depleting the pressure that was felt on his shoulders and it was becoming harder with each passing day to scrub through books, tomes and scrolls over and over again without answer. Their progress, any advancement they made, was so minimal that it was barely worth celebrating, let alone reporting on. The Terran was simply staring at the page in front of him, the words lost to him as his mind fled to more depressing, painful memories. Constant reminders of his failures and how, for every step forward, he was pushed back several paces. Even with Mercury within Maker’s own base, with her having ingrained herself in his operation, they’d made next to no progress.

    The faces of his family, his people… staring at him from out of the void. He hadn’t been there to protect them and now, years later, he couldn’t even find the means to undermine his brother and enact justice. It was a dark place that he generally didn’t allow his thoughts to tread, for fear of what unraveling of his character would come at its expense. It was only Mercury’s outburst that drew him away from the intrusive thoughts, slightly jerking at her sudden raise of voice and act of pushing the monitor away. Down her head went, right into her hands as she theorized that Maker must have gone to an alternate place of existence. As she saw it, they were well aware it existed, given the Rhaegarians being there, and if the energy came from there, then it was understandable that it couldn’t be found.

    He nodded softly. “It is possible, yes. And it makes the most sense. Material from another plane would be finite in our realm and lacking any natural trace.” The thought that Maker had continued to stay in their reality when a whole other universe was open to him seemed… troubling. Maybe it was his own ego; he wished to conquer his own realm before he moved onto others. But if he’d been forced to evacuate the collective energy of their people, then another realm was the best viable option to lay low and expand his influence. Instead he’d remained here. Yet more empty spots in the grand puzzle that was Maker, plots that seemed to lack any feasible, explanatory pieces to fill in.

    Mercury rubbed her head as she plotted in her head. After a moment, she revealed that the only option that seemed open for her was to dig deeper. Her clone was still within the walls of Maker’s base and she believed, so long as she was cautious, she could get what they needed without drawing attention to the particular data she was hunting. As she saw it, Maker knew about the blade and understood that she would be curious about it, giving her the ability to explain away her curious search without revealing any further information. Blade frowned, which wasn’t much of a change to his usual features. “It is still dangerous. I know that it is a clone but there’s no telling what kind of advancements he’s made or how he could lash out upon discovering you. I care not to endanger you or any of your kin.”

    But the truth was, they were out of options. They’d done all the research they could, followed every path and found nothing. He didn’t wish to put Mercury or all of her friends in peril just for the possibility of them discovering something. Yet he lacked the proof or even the resolve to tell her there was another way. Luckily for them, it seemed fate was slated to intervene before any drastic steps or choices were made. The door opened to their area and in came Cillian, looking perplexedly incensed and jubilant all at the same time. He stated he was an idiot, to which Mercury agreed with him, though her reasons for believing so were more out of regard at his obliviousness to her flirtations.

    Either ignoring the comment or not caring, the necromantic wizard raised his hand and showcased some kind of object wrapped in a cloth. He stated that he had forgotten about whatever it was that he had, having put it away for four hundred years without a second thought. Whatever it was, he was hyping it up rather curiously, even as he approached the table. Blade shared a look with Mercury before following in her stead, stepping up and rounding the table to stand beside the dark mage as he unraveled a… book. It looked like something of a journal, bound in leather and lacking any kind of decorative markings or indication to its purpose. Mercury asked the obvious question and Cillian quickly replied that it was the Book of the Damned.

    It seemed that struck a chord in Mercury as she called it by another name; Necronomicon. Apparently it was some kind of magical relic that Silver Wolf had been trying to find, to no avail. It took the Xocili a moment to process his simple responses, even as she questioned the fact that a mage, capable and practicing in the arts of necromancy, had owned such an important relic and had never bothered to give it the time of day. And Cillian, in his usual fashion, was unperturbed by her shock, admitting that he simply hadn’t been interested in it, as he wasn’t ‘a book guy’ as he put it.

    As Mercury once more took a moment to criticize just how truly terrible Cillian seemed to be at being a ‘dark mage’, he flipped the book open to some well worn and curious pages. Blade didn’t recognize any of the imagery or the language but that was unsurprising, considering his being from off planet. But even he could tell that something was off about the book; something deep in his spirit felt uneasy even being near it, let alone looking at it.

    Cillian went on to explain that he hadn’t found anything that gave them any kind of answer but he had found a spell, one of the summoning variety, for something called the Lich King. Looking at the image of said lich, it seemed to hint towards the true appearance of the creature. Mercury hadn’t heard of it and Cillian explained that it was some kind of god of undeath, on par with Death though on a separate plane. As the dark mage saw it, there was no one better that would be capable of giving them a solid answer between the connections they were seeking.

    Hope. It was a wonderful feeling that washed over all the negativity and emotions that had hampered them for so long. Blade almost felt light and giddy, as if the tension and stress had been pulled from his form via magic. He would never state that what he was feeling was better than coitus… but in that moment, it was certainly comparable. Mercury inquired to know if he was strong enough and Cillian gave about the answer he expected, unsure but willing to try. They would need to enact the ritual somewhere else and he still required a few odd bits that he hoped Mercury would be able to provide.

    Finally, some progress. And it wouldn’t be even a whole day before they had traveled to a remote cemetery, out among what was referred to as the ‘Cursed Lands’. Apparently Mercury had some history with the place called Silent Cemetery, stating it had been used for another ritual. The cemetery itself had been repaired afterwards, the damage undone by unknown people or forces. The surrounding area that had once been filled with dark, ominous trees hadn’t fully healed though; the foliage had been vaporized several dozen yards and there were still craters littering the wasteland around from the battle years ago.

    Blade knelt down as Cillian and Mercury prepared, placing his hand on the sanctified soil. “I can still feel the tremors of battle here,” he remarked softly, his eye closed. “And the presence of something truly terrible.”
    ...one galaxy
    WORDS: 1457 / 2495
    TAGS: @Mercury Arseneault, @Serilda Sinclair, @Mythal Ragnos
    NOTES: none


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 28th April 2023, 9:02 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda still wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about this weaponsmith they were intending to meet. It was clear that he was a valuable ally to have, and obviously she appreciated his stance on sticking it to the gods – and some demons – and putting his talents toward protecting humanity. She also had to admire his gumption to take the “gift” that Ramuh had given him and use it against that self same deity, sticking by his convictions even at the cost of the tortures he underwent as a result. However, Ruzatz and Agatha had described him in a way that made him sound like… well, a lot. Mythal and Serilda had certainly experienced their fair share of odd individuals over the years, especially since they became friends with the Divine of Lust and his wives, but she didn’t really know what to expect out of the meeting today.

    Her wariness was only compounded when they arrived at Lusty Titans to find Ruzatz in a garment that was both ridiculously over the top and sexy to the point that Serilda had to reign herself in for a moment. He had always been an incredibly handsome man. It was his whole schtick, after all. But something about the regality in which he was garbed had caused both her and her fiance to need a moment to recalibrate themselves, their gazes staring perhaps just a touch longer than normal.

    It was Mythal who broke first, steering them right into any conversation that would allow them a reprieve from their uncharacteristic thirstiness. He asked about the demon lord’s wife, and Ruzatz assured them that Agatha would be joining them. She was simply waiting in another room to help Serilda get ready. The Voidwalker frowned in confusion, unsure about the oddness of his request and the slight unsteadiness in which it was delivered. “Very well,” was all she managed to say, sharing Mythal’s look before following through toward the guest room that she’d been directed toward.

    Agatha was indeed in the room beyond, the redhead looking as incredible as her husband, as she always did. Luckily Serilda had managed to stuff her more human thoughts down behind her usual wall of discipline, despite how tempted she was to stare. Agatha was garbed in a red, robe-like gown that left very little to the imagination. It had a plunging neckline and slits on both legs that went well up past her hips and to just under her ribcage. It was the kind of dress that one could not wear much of anything underneath, and as far as Serilda could tell it was the only thing the Hand was wearing, outside of a golden necklace and a golden pair of heels.

    She smiled at Serilda as the noblewoman entered. “Hey there, Seri! Come on in, close the door behind you.” The Voidwalker did as she was bid, quietly shutting the door and allowing her eyes to take in the environment beyond Agatha. There were several open wardrobes with an array of gowns and robes inside that the Hand had set up on display. Agatha greeted Serilda with a hug, only to stand back with her hands still on Serilda’s arms. “I’m sure Ruzatz is already giving Mythal the speech. As we said before, the weaponsmith is a delightful man, exceptionally powerful and talented. He loves humanity and he agreed to an audience with the two of you to determine if he will upgrade your weapons for the eventual fight with Faera. But he’s a little.. Eccentric. He requires that his guests be appropriately dressed, and by that I mean he wishes for them to look glamorous.”

    Unable to help herself, Serilda turned her eyes once more to Agatha’s own attire. “I get the feeling his idea of glamorous and my own aren’t aligned.”

    The guildmistress offered up an apologetic smile. “Probably not, I’m afraid. He’s respectful and pleasant, I promise… but he does put his foot down on this particular issue. Ruzatz and I don’t mind, of course, but I know you prefer to be a little more conservative…”

    Serilda waved off the redhead’s concern. “It is what it is. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been expected to be a show piece as a noblewoman, and I’m positive it won’t be the last. Mythal on the other hand…”

    “Yes, I imagine that Mythal won’t be too pleased with what Ruzatz picked out but… he did his best to pick something that would meet the weaponsmith’s expectations without crossing too many lines that Mythal may or may not have. Here, I set aside a few options that I think will work for you – I just need you to pick one, and then we’ll touch up your makeup a bit to accommodate…”

    By the time Serilda and Agatha emerged from the room, both men were already waiting. Serilda had chosen a white dress that had a similarly plunging neckline as Agathas, though there was a stiff underbust that cupped up her breasts in glorious fashion with a blue and silver diamond shaped brooch that rested in the valley of her chest. Beneath it was a window that snowed off her sternum down to her belly button, and two slits up the side of either leg that was held in place by two brooches identical to the one between her bosom. The gown was entirely backless outside of the white and purple band around her waist, reaching all the way around to her exposed sides. Two loose sleeves were draped elegantly and seductively down her shoulders to her elbows, and she wore a glowing blue necklace that was reminiscent of a vial. Agatha had added a bit of smokiness to the makeup around Serilda’s eyes, some thickness to her lashes, and a dark shade of red to her lips. The ensemble was completed with a set of strappy purple heels that reached up to just above her knee.

    She could only stare at Mythal, who was wearing the most risque thing she could ever have imagined him in. He looked… well frankly, he looked great, despite how ridiculous the overall shape and design of the robe. And, much like Agatha – and now, Serilda – he very clearly was not wearing anything beneath the garment. “I am.. Astonished that you were able to talk him into wearing that,” the voidwalker informed Ruzatz without taking her eyes off of her fiance. Knowing that Mythal likely needed a little encouragement against the sour mood that was likely budding within him, she approached and gave him a gentle kiss. “I hate to say it, but you do look incredible. Not sure how much of a consolation that is.”

    With a wry smile, she cupped his cheek briefly before turning back toward their hosts. “Shall we get this over with, then?”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 29th April 2023, 1:16 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Three Means, What End? RJtajUnz_o

    It wouldn’t take long for Victoria to arrive, only shortly after Vriko had. The Seal was in rare form today, bearing her full armor and fully prepared for combat. As she approached, the three gathered students fell silent, turning their gazes to look towards the older woman as she entered the training grounds. Soon she stood before them, standing about as regally as Serilda was known to generally. She greeted both Vriko and Vandrad knowingly, as she had long been introduced and gotten to know the two of them. But Scourge was new and as she turned her gaze to, studying him silently for a moment before she made what could only be called an introduction.

    Former Dread Master. As of right now, I’m more of a free agent. For hire, one might even say.” Of course that wasn’t entirely the truth; he was working for and with the Rune Knights. And the former Dread Master was sure that Victoria was completely aware of that. But both Vriko and Vandrad had not been let in on the loop, if only to guarantee the safety of the agreement placed upon him by Serilda and Mythal. “I have heard a lot about you, Victoria, even before I knew that you were bonded to Serilda. I am looking forward to seeing what you can teach us.” It was a proper greeting, lacking his usual flair for flirtation and fluster. If anything, it showed just how seriously he took their meeting and the following training, understanding the vast education he could earn from the Seal.

    But he also wasn’t going to pander and act like a wanting, giddy fan. Such squabbling was beneath him, even facing down the most dangerous beings in existence. After the short interaction, Victoria spoke to the group as a whole, skipping over pleasantries and opting to prepare them all for the training ahead. What she required was an example of their abilities, a test to see how strong they were and what improvements could be made to their forms and magical control. She gestured past them, asking that they take positions across from her and prepare for combat.

    The three didn’t need further orders, each one of them turning and walking to the other side of the courtyard. Now standing three to one, Victoria summoned her pole-arm, the blade of an ax resting on its top. The only addition she made was that she didn’t want any of them utilizing their ‘divine’ magics, meaning the Ark and the Blessing was off limits. Vriko shifted slightly at that instruction, frowning a bit. The Blessing wasn’t something that she could just turn on and off. If she got too ramped up, it had the unfortunate ability to turn itself on by its own will, or so it seemed. Still, she would have to do her best. She pulled the trigger on sword case and pulled out the Tide God Slayer sword, the blade being swallowed up in rushing water the moment it was in her hand.

    “No point in holding back then,” Scourge remarked as he reached up and cracked his neck. As his arm dropped, his muscles tensed and magical energy rushed to his core and ignited. A pink glittering aura overtook him as his hair rose and sharpened into dozens of thick, pink points. His right hand extended away from his body and a blade of magical energy overtook the entirety of his hand as he took up a fighting stance.

    Vandrad went through a similar transformation, though he was overtaken in a brighter, blue color. His muscles grew in mass slightly as his irises gained a blue outlier against the black. His hair grew stiffer and also into jagged, sapphire spikes that more resembled a gemstone than actual follicles. He adjusted his gaze slightly to look towards Vriko and Scourge, if only for a second, before the future king took the initiative. His hand thrust forward and unleashed a torrential beam of magical energy towards Victoria, even as Scourge teleported and reappeared beside the Seal, swiping his blade-arm at her quickly before disappearing again.

    Vriko was… honestly shocked at how quickly the other two had moved, alongside the absolute pressure she felt from them. She couldn’t sense magical energy like other mages normally could but she felt the intensity of magic through waves in the air, as if the utilization of ethernano made the air as thick as smog. And it felt like she was standing at the bottom of an ocean. But she wouldn’t let that hinder her, bringing her katana about and in front of her and slashing, loosing a wave of deified water in the direction of the Seal.

    And they wouldn’t let up. Vandrad remained back, unleashing blasts at Victoria as she moved while Scourge and Vriko moved in close, using their weapons to try and land a hit.

    Words: 815/3310 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair  | © marzia at shine & gs.

    Last edited by Vandrad Ragnos on 30th April 2023, 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 29th April 2023, 9:54 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1816/3370 WORDS
    @Mythal Ragnos @Vandrad Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Mercury couldn’t exactly say she was thrilled to be back at the cemetery. While still collected, it wouldn’t be hard to look at her and recognize that she was a bit on edge as they stepped out of the portal and into the darkened field of death and decay. Cillian had said that such a place wasn’t necessary for the spellwork – really he just needed some place remote where he wouldn’t have to worry about collateral damage of any kind. But even he admitted that the collection of so many corpses in one place could have a strong effect on the ritual, whether for better or worse.

    Yet, the Xocili wasn’t thinking too much about that when they arrived. Her memories of this place were… not exactly her favorite. It wasn’t the worst experience she’d ever had, but it was a close second. It was also the moment where she’d finally come to understand a spiritual awakening, and to call it frightening would be the understatement of the century. There were still craters from her battle with Vandrad and Ruzatz against Faera, and nearly every tree in the area had been wiped out for hundreds of meters. Even for one such as herself that couldn’t sense energy in the traditional sense, she could still feel the lingering weight of what had taken place.

    Or maybe that was just her trauma rearing its ugly head again.

    Whatever it was, Blade sensed it too and said so out loud. Mercury nodded slowly, her emerald gaze still panning around with a somber heft that was uncharacteristic of her. “That’s because something truly terrible occurred here. A fight with a deranged goddess – one that we very nearly did not survive.”

    Cillian adjusted the sack that was slung over his shoulder. “You fought a god?”

    Mercury hadn’t mentioned that detail before now, only that she knew of a place that would be ideal for what they needed to do. She gave a slow nod. “Not by myself, but… yes. It’s a long story. I can tell you some of it later if you want, but if it’s all the same to you I’d rather not linger any longer than we have to.”

    “Right-o, let me go get things set up, then. This will take a few minutes.”

    With that he was off, finding a spot where there was a relatively large, flat space, setting down the bag and pulling things out of it. Mercury knew little of this variety of witchcraft, which was really more Agatha’s kind of thing, so she hung back and stayed out of the way, keeping an eye out for any creatures or beasts that might be roaming the area, even though her sensors confirmed that there was absolutely nothing around them.

    It took Cillian about twenty minutes or so to get everything together. Mercury watched in relative silence as he moved about the graveyard grounds, carefully digging small trenches through the dirt in the shape of a large circle with another slightly smaller one inside of it. Within the smaller circle he formed the shape of two inverted triangles overlapping one another, forming a six pointed star that he then connected with yet more lines that went from point to point, only to form more circles within and around. Normally Mercury would have been fascinated with watching such a process, and to a point she was, but her usual academic enthusiasm had been muted by the knowledge of where they were.

    When Cillian finished drawing out what he needed to draw, he then retraced his steps with a pouch that was filled with a crushed white powder of unknown origins, filling in all the trenches he’d made with the substance. When that was done, he removed a collection of black candles and set them at various points along the circle. Finally, he beckoned Mercury and Blade over to him as he pulled a few more odds and ends out of the bag, including an ornate pewter chalice, a mortar and pestle, a couple bottles of what appeared to be red wine, and a few cloth pouches of various sizes. Taking two of the smaller satchels, he offered one each to the two extraterrestrials. “Put these around your neck,” he instructed them. “They’re filled with mandrake root, rosemary, yarrow, and rue. They should offer you some protection. Hopefully.”

    “You don’t sound super confident on that.” Mercury accepted the pouch, which had a long cord and some kind of symbol burned on the front of it, tying it around her neck.

    “Never done a spell like this so…” He gave an apologetic shrug. “Alright, before I start: I’ll need you two to follow my lead and stay as quiet as possible until I indicate that it’s okay to speak or move. Anything you say or do during the ritual could affect it. Are you ready?” Presuming they were, he would direct them to stand behind and on either side of him at the center of the circle

    To start, he began to draw various herbs and substances from the pouches, pouring them into the marble mortar. Mercury wasn’t entirely sure of everything, but she was able to identify at least a few ingredients, including bay leaf, mugwort, lavender, and what she believed was belladonna. As he put everything together, Cillian chanted softly but clearly over the mixture in a language that Mercury did not recognize. He poured a small amount of some kind of oil into the mixture, taking the pestle and grinding the ingredients together until they formed a cohesive paste before mixing in a generous helping of one of the unlabeled wines. Once the mixture was complete, he poured everything into the chalice and stood at the very center of the circle, holding the cup up with both hands.

    That was when everything started changing. His chanting turned into a haunting hymn, his sickly green magic pouring off of him and spilling out into the circle around him, which suddenly filled with runes and symbols. An ominous wind picked up as the chalice was swallowed by Cillian’s magic until its contents glowed, the gust strong enough to kick up dust and tug at their clothing and hair, though not enough to truly pull them off their feet or knock them back. Mercury grimaced, squinting her eyes and holding up a hand to block her face somewhat in an effort to protect it.

    When Cillian finished his incantation, he raised the chalice to his lips and took a drink from its contents, only to then turn and wordlessly offer the cup to both Mercury and Blade to do the same. The Xocili gave Blade a wary glance before accepting the cup and taking a drink as well. It wasn’t as bad as she was expecting. Then again, the taste could have just been lost on her as a searing energy unlike anything she’d ever felt before ripped through her veins. Her throat felt like it was on fire and the edges of her vision were becoming hazy before flickering lights came in and out of sight. With much effort and focus, she realized what she was seeing was an increasing number of ghosts and spirits surrounding the exterior of their circle, watching them. It didn’t take longer than a second or two for her to realize she could also hear them shrieking and crying out in an indecipherable cacophony.

    Once Blade had taken his own sip, Cillian took possession of the chalice once more and turned to face away from them. “Rex lic, esto subjecto voluntati meae! Rex lic, esto subjecto voluntati meae! Rex lic, esto subjecto voluntati meae..!” With each repetition of the incantaion, Mercury could feel the weight of his power pressing down on them, threatening to take her to her knees, Cillian’s voice booming across the graveyard. On the final word, a great wave of his magic burst forth in a pulse from him, filling the circle with a cloud of green mist before everything – his magic and the glow of the summoning circle and chalice – went completely dark. Even the wind had stopped, the spirits were hauntingly silent as they all held still, staring at the same spot directly in front of Cillian with an expectancy that caused Mercury to wonder for the first time if this was such a great idea.

    Too late, now.

    At first nothing happened, though Mercury felt perhaps that the temperature had dropped a few degrees. The wind picked up again lightly at first, only then to whip in at near gail force, filling the air with an icy chill that froze Mercury practically to the bone. She instinctively put her arms around herself to protect her body from the chilling elements as ice and frost began to cover the entire area as far as the eye could see until it was a fully frozen wasteland, biting back her desire to cry out in surprise and fear.

    The frost coalesced before Cillian until a figure began to take shape, starting with a pair of glowing blue eyes. It continued to form until an unthinkably imposing presence stood before them. The Lich King was huge, easily towering over them by several feet. He was clad in ornate plate and chain link armor that was adorned with skulls and spikes, and covered him completely from head to toe. Long white hair whipped about him, as did a tattered and bloodied cloak. He bore an ornate sword that had several deadly looking hooks, and a guard in the shape of a horned skull. Though they could not see his eyes, there was no mistaking the daunting feeling that the figure was looking down upon them.

    Speak, mortals. For what reason have you dared to summon me from my eternal slumber? The Lich King's voice was powerful, sounding more in their minds than their ears.

    “For knowledge, Unholy One.”

    Have you an offering worthy of such a boon?

    Cillian slowly set down the chalice and collected the second bottle of wine, as well as a cloth sack, holding them up before him. “Please accept these gifts, Lord of the Undead: A bottle of aged wine, brewed from the harvest of rare Mesolonian grapes, as well as a meal of my own hand, made of the cured meat from a beast of the land that nears extinction. I am your humble subject.” He set the items down at the specter’s feet.

    There was a moment of silence as the Lich King considered Cillian, until finally the wind disappeared and things were calm – if still cold. Your offering is satisfactory, Cillian duCrosse, eternal servant of Death and Undeath alike. Make known what you seek.

    “My thanks, my lord.” The necromancer then turned to his companions, giving them a nod and stepping aside to let them take things from there.
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.

    Last edited by Cillian duCrosse on 30th April 2023, 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 30th April 2023, 2:19 pm

    1874/2529 words || @Serilda Sinclair, @Cillian duCrosse, @Vandrad Ragnos || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Ruzatz hadn’t actually pushed too hard on the outfit. Much like Agatha had done with Serilda, the Prime Sin had selected a few different garbs to try on. Unfortunately, the scandalous one that he was wearing was about the safest option that did not outline, draw attention to or outright reveal his privates. And though this one plunged awfully close to putting on a show, it was still covering enough. Honestly, he was utterly surprised by what Serilda was willing to put on, though at this point he probably shouldn’t have been. Given all the upper class galas and events he’d attended with her, he knew very well that the upper echelon both enjoyed the scandalous outfits while still putting down others for their adventurous choices.

    Agatha wore… about what he expected, based on the information he had learned about the weaponsmith. It really left absolutely nothing to the imagination and it was probably the most he had seen of Agatha throughout their time knowing one another. Unfortunately he was not as practiced as Serilda and couldn’t help but stare at her a bit, his mind wandering, unfortunately not for the first time, wondering if he and Seri should have a serious conversation about maybe just including Agatha and Ruzatz in their bed just once. But he shook those thoughts away, refusing to let the influence in and focused on Serilda remarked about Ruzatz’ ability to get Mythal into something so revealing. “This was really the best option without highlighting his, well…” he gestured to Mythal’s crotch. “Also mazel tov, Serilda. I never got to congratulate you.” The whimsical, naughty smile on his face was all the Voidwalker would need to know exactly what he was talking about. “I had to help him into bed after his bachelor party and I didn’t know he wasn’t a fan of clothing when sleeping. But I was certainly not complaining.”

    “Enough talk about my junk, Ruzatz,” Mythal said, pushing his hand against the Prime Sin’s mouth to physically silence him. “Bad enough I gotta wear this thing, we don’t gotta spend the entire trip talkin’ about my stuff.” Serilda approached him and gave him a soft kiss, letting him know that despite his misgivings, he did look good in the outfit, even if that didn’t provide much relief. “Yeah, you look beautiful too. Reminds me of when we went to Minstrel.”

    He didn’t need to go into any more detail, lest Agatha or Ruzatz demand some answers. Instead Serilda turned to the guildmasters and asked if they were ready to depart. “Absolutely. Agatha, love, if you wouldn’t mind throwing up that lovely magic sphere of yours?” The Prime Sin asked of his wife, his hand worming down to cop a fell of the redhead. Once she had summoned the protective sphere, Ruzatz clapped his hands together. “Alright! No need to hold your breath. Enjoy the view and feel free to ask the questions I know are sure to come!”

    “Hold your br-” That was about all Mythal got out before a portal of darkness opened beneath their feet and they dropped inside. When they popped out the other side, they would find themselves… floating in the vast void of space. And rotating slowly in the darkness was a structure of massive size. A round orb served as the main area of the satellite, with three towers resting equidistant from one another around it. Several hundreds yards beneath the structure was a star and the funnel of color and light that emerged from it and reached up to the satellite seemed to insist that the structure was actually absorbing the energy from the star itself.

    “Holy shit,” Mythal remarked as he took a few steps forward and stared at the intimidating sight. “What is… How…?”

    “As you can probably guess, our dear weaponsmith is a bit of a fugitive and is actively wanted and hunted. Keeping him on Earthland was, for lack of a better word, unsafe. So few of the Prime Sins suggested isolating him on his own planet. Well, that was fine for a bit but he’s a bit… restless. And the ones that put him on the planet didn’t figure into his desire to create. So he actually came up with a wild idea. A space-faring base that could draw from the awesome power of a star, which he could then use for his forging. He’d still need materials regularly supplied but the sheer mass of energy a star releases was far beyond the scope of any other forge one could create. And so the Void Forge was created,” Ruzatz explained, gesturing to the satellite. As if queued by his movement, the bubble they were in lurched forward and began to approach the structure.

    “Why did we appear on the outside then?” Mythal asked as the space forge grew closer and larger.

    “Standard protocol for meeting with him. We can’t just teleport directly inside the base; he won’t allow it. As far as I know, there’s only one person he lets come and go as she pleases and that’s Oblivion, the woman that saved Gren and Vriko.” The bubble followed a pre-planned path, sailing up towards the middle ring of the main satellite. A hatch opened and their bubble entered, soaring into a small, compact docking room. The magic orb settled onto the ground and dispersed, releasing them from the protection of it. The transition from their protective barrier and the station felt no different than stepping from one room to the other, the space-faring structure remarkably warm considering its location.

    Before they had even truly settled, a door opened in front of them. A woman of Encan descent appeared as the sliding panels fully opened, dressed in what could only be described as cloth straps. Her long black hair ran down to her lower back, resting just above her sizable posterior. Teal green earrings, crafted from some kind of stone, adorned her ears and she looked at the group with a warm, inviting smile. “My Lord Ruzatz and Lady Agatha,” she greeted them in a thick Encan accent properly, bowing her upper body to them.

    “Nuda!” Ruzatz said, a wide smile overtaking his face as he approached the woman. Once he was in front of her, he offered an equally respectful bow.

    That surprised Mythal. He expected -- well, assumed -- that most people that had some kind of relationship with Ruzatz and Agatha were somehow physically involved with them. He leaned over to Serilda. “Ya know, I was expectin’ somethin’ else entire -- oh there it is.” Before he even had time to reflect on what was looking to be a respectful show, Nuda had broken into a chuckle and thrown herself onto Ruzatz, wrapping her legs around his waist and planting a kiss on him. Ruzatz gave her a little spin before setting her down, which only resulted in her dashing to Agatha and picking her up, giving her an equally passionate kiss.

    “I have missed you both. My bed has been so lonely without you two,” she said with a pout after she had released Agatha.

    “Well, Nuda, if you came to visit us at Lusty Titans more often, you’d have a lot less lonely nights,” Ruzatz countered with a chuckle.

    “Yes but you know how he gets if I leave for even a short time,” Nuda said with a sigh, jerking a thumb behind her before she nodded to Serilda and Mythal. “Are these Serilda Sinclair and Mythal Ragnos?”

    “Oh yes, how rude of me! Mythal, Serilda; this is Nuda, the weaponsmith’s attendant. She operates kind of like a vassal as well. She’s from Enca around… two hundred years ago? Long story short, she may have made an Encan demigod pretty upset and out of spite, he cursed her with immortality and buried her deep within the mountains of Enca. She was uncovered some years ago by the weaponsmith’s suggestion; apparently during his period of absolute omnipotence, he saw her trapped. He had her rescued and asked that she operate as his guardian.”

    “Not sure why he chose me. I was nothing more than a thief before. But I saw it as a means of redemption for my previous acts. Plus I get to meet lots of beautiful men and women, such as yourselves,” she said, gesturing to Mythal and Serilda before giving them a bow of the head.

    Ah great, another raging sex fiend. “Nice to meet ya, Nuda. Sorry about… well, all of that.”

    “The past is the past. I prefer to keep moving forward. With that said, shall we?” she gestured towards the open door and then led them through, down into a wide hallway. The decor was anything but colorful; gray, metal walls and ceiling and floor parked their path and as they turned down hallways, left and right, more of the same awaited them.

    “So uh… Nuda,” Mythal spoke up as they walked. “This must be kinda weird, bein’ from so long ago and seein’ all this kind of advancement.”

    “It did take me a bit to adjust, yes. But if anything, it was more impressive to see how far our world had come! That and seeing just how impressive the immortals of the world are! One usually hears ‘tzitzimime’ and expects them to be all ugly and horrid. Oh sorry, that means demon.”

    “Yeah, few of them ain’t bad,” Mythal remarked, earning an impish grin from the Prime Sin of Lust. “So this entire thing is a forge?”

    “The forge is the larger part of it, yes. It draws from the star below and all of that energy is stored deep in the belly. From there, it powers the automated creators and can be applied to whatever he is working on. But there are dozens of bedrooms, feasting areas, cooking areas, a ball room, a sex prison and several rooms dedicated to art and sculpture.”

    “... did you say sex prison?”

    Nuda nodded. “Oh yes, it’s far bigger than a sex dungeon so it didn’t seem right to call it that. Or rather, that’s what he said.” They rounded another corner and a set of doors awaited them. As the way opened, they entered a much larger hallway heading towards a massive room. A massive holographic image of the space station was portrayed in the center of the room, with several lines of information zooming through the orbital area of the structure. And standing before the hologram was a man dressed in shimmering gold robes. As he turned to face the approaching group, they would get a full look of how stunningly pretty he was, even with gray and white hair. Blue makeup had been applied under his eyes and down from his lower lip to his chin. Blue nail polish covered his fingers to match the under shirt that poked out from the robe sleeves.

    “Honored guests,” Nuda spoke up, her voice suddenly booming. “Allow me to introduce you to the Master of the Void Forge, Algerone Farraday Terence Ashburnum the Third.”

    “Ah hah! Hmm. Yes, oh goody,” Algerone said with a chuckle. “Wonderful, Nuda, absolutely wonderful. Lovely as always. Yes, hi, hello! Welcome to my home. I am… so honored to meet with you beautiful people.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 30th April 2023, 5:57 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Scourge was quick to correct Victoria on his status – or lack thereof – with the Dread Masters, claiming to be more of a free agent than anything else. “Yes, I suppose one might say that,” was her only cryptic response to his self-labeling as being for hire. It was an innocent enough statement for the other two present with them, but it would be enough for Scourge to confirm that the Seal was well aware of his arrangement with Serilda and Mythal. He followed up with only a brief remark about his interest in the training that would be taking place today, the man being more formal and serious for once, rather than relaxed and flirtatious as he often was.

    Not one to draw things out when there was business to be done, Victoria arranged the trio across from her in the courtyard, instructing them to attack her so she might gauge their strength in the powers. The Seal watched in neutral interest as Vriko withdrew a water-based sword from her sheath, which Victoria was more than aware that this point held an array of god slaying based blades. Meanwhile, Scourge and Vandrad both assumed their highest tier empowerments, the former Dread Master’s in pink with a matching energy blade, and the former prince’s in a dark blue.

    It was Vandrad that attacked first, holding a hand out toward the Seal and unleashing a beam of potent ethernano in her direction. At the same time, Scourge disappeared from where he was standing and materialized right next to the Seal in an attempt to get in a shot with his sword while she was distracted with Vandrad’s attack. In a single swift motion, she raised her polearm to swiftly parry Scourge’s swing, even as her free hand reached out to stop the energy beam in its place, holding the power at bay with some focus but not much difficulty. For now, she made no retaliations, content to tank their efforts in order to feel them out.

    Vriko was a beat or two behind the men, which was unsurprising. While the wielder of Faera’s blessing was a force in her own right, she had quite a ways to go before she was on the level of Vandrad and Scourge. Finding her gumption, the dark haired maiden launched a wave of holy water at the Seal. While the attack itself was less potent than what the two ethernano users were capable of, its effectiveness was empowered by the fact that the energy was specifically meant to target a being such as herself. Victoria whipped her staff around and sliced through the wave, judging its strength by the effort required for her to break through it.

    From there, the spar was in full swing. Scourge and Vriko approached for close quarters combat while Vandrad continued to pepper her with blasts of energy. None of them would likely be surprised to see Victoria keeping up with the triple threat, the woman remaining on the defensive for quite some time as she continued to block each strike until she was certain she had a fair idea of what she was working with.

    It was then that she switched tactics. With a burst of her own energy, the area was filled with a blinding white light that washed well beyond the courtyard, and was very likely to push all three of her charges back if they weren’t quick enough to find a way to hold their ground. When the light faded, they would find that Victoria had changed. Gone was the elder nephilim, and in her place stood a much younger looking woman: Victoria’s angelic form. Her armor was still roughly the same as before, though it was more plate mail than leather now. Her white hair was down and sported blood red tips, and a pair of majestic white wings had sprouted from her back, the feathers soaked in bloodied stains. Even her polearm had changed, now resembling more of a spear or glaive than an ax. As she hovered in the air, a thin mist of crimson ichor clung to her form, filling the area with the active weight of the divine half of her magic.

    “Defend yourselves – by any means necessary.” She had seen what they could do on the offensive, now she wanted to see how much they could handle her own attacks, even opening the door for them to utilize Ark and Blessing magics as they saw fit.

    It was the only warning they would get. The moment her sentence ended she was gone, moving so swiftly that she may as well have teleported, appearing directly before Scourge with her weapon already mid swing. While she certainly wasn’t striking with any intention to mortally wound, if the former Dread Master didn’t find some way to counter or react sufficiently enough, there would certainly be blood drawn.  Just as quickly did Victoria disappear once more, reappearing to deliver a similar series of blows to Vandrad and then to Vriko, the Seal careful about where she aimed but otherwise pulling no punches, continuing to flit back and forth between them in an unpredictable order to keep them on their toes.

    Once she had managed to draw even a little blood from each of them, Victoria took things a step further. The Seal wanted to subject each of them directly to her divine magic, aiming to push them to the bring in order to see how much they could withstand. Tapping into her magic, she utilized the blood she had taken from each of them to form a connection with all three. Suddenly, they would all find themselves overwhelmed by the agonizing sensation of the blood in their veins feeling like it was on fire as holy energy brought the plasma to boiling temperatures.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 30th April 2023, 8:04 pm

    Three Hunters
    Blade’s gaze flicked to Mercury as she confirmed that some truly terrible things had happened in the graveyard. She confessed that there had been a fight with a mad goddess, which had surprised Cillian as much as it had Blade. Mercury waved off the question, insisting she would tell them about it later but she would rather not hang around the cemetery for as long as they needed to. With that Cillian went and prepared a place for the ritual while Blade and Mercury hung back. The Terran kept his blade in hand, having placed a few enchantments of his own in case anything decided to try their luck on the trio. But Blade kept a noteworthy attention on the preparation that Cillian was doing, studying it only out of curiosity than anything else. It was a unique design, unlike anything he’d seen from magic users up until that point. Then again, necromancy was an entirely different art form in comparison to the limited magic spells he had seen.

    Once everything was prepared, Cillian approached them and handed them satchels, explaining what was inside of them and insisting they would possibly offer protection. When Mercury questioned his confidence on it, the necromancer stated that he’d never tried a spell of the caliber they were about to undertake. He then instructed them to follow his lead and remain quiet until he gave them a signal that they could speak again. Even the slightest alteration, such as an uttered word, could affect the spell and undo everything they had worked on. Blade gave the man a nod of understanding, his hand tightening on the grip of his sword slightly before Cillian began.

    He pulled out different ingredients from the pouches and poured them into a marble bowl. The necromancer was chanting quietly in some language that Blade wouldn’t have known even on his better days. An oil joined the rest of the ingredients and then he began to mash them together with a pestle until they were nothing but mush. Wine joined the mixture and was swiftly swirled into one combined liquid. Then it was poured into a cup, one that Cillian held with both hands at the center of the circle. That’s when the pressure of the summoning spell really took form. The necromancer’s words became a cacophony of haunting sound and magic began to flow out of him and fill the trench he had dug out. Symbols of power blazed to life in the area and the air around them whipped up violently, yanking at their clothing. Blade stood tall against it, staring through the vortex as his eyes scanned the area all around them.

    Once Cillian had finished the spell he was chanting, he took a sip from the chalice and swallowed the mixture down. Then he turned and offered it to them. He shared a look with Mercury before she took the cup and drank from it and Blade followed after. Seeing what had been mixed in, he had expected a far worse taste but was surprised that it hadn’t been bad at all. But it was only a second later that the most intense sensation ripped through his form. He grimaced as his throat burned with the heat of a sun and his vision began to glaze over. No, it wasn’t getting hazy… it was something else. Things, surreal objects moving. His single free eye adjusted as best it could and after a moment, he realized that it wasn’t some side effect of the potion but rather an intended effect. He was seeing and hearing the spirits from all around them, remnants of those that had been buried in the graves that filled the plot of land.

    He passed the cup back to Cillian even as he looked around in wonder. The necromancer once more began to chant and a new pressure filled the area around them. As if gravity itself was bending to his each and every word and getting more intense. Like Mercury, Blade had to push to stay on his feet even as Cillian finished the final part of his chant and his magical energy ignited the wind, causing a shockwave of sound and fury to rip through the graveyard before they were left in quick and sudden silence.

    The spirits had stopped moving, all staring at Cillian -- or rather the place directly in front of Cillian. The air got so frigid so quickly that one would have thought they had been plunged into an arctic ocean. But worse than that were Blade’s extrasensory preceptors. Every alarm he had, every warning sensation that he’d trained over the years, was going off like mad in his mind. His entire body had tightened as literal frost began to spread over the ground beneath them. Before long, the entirety of the area around them had been frozen over, Blade breathing heavily through his nostrils and creating steam with each puff out.

    Ice came together before Cillian, taking shape into an imposing, intimidating form. He was giant in comparison to them, towering over the trio like they were nothing. His armor had been fashioned to be as terrifying as possible, hiding his body and face. Long white hair fluttered behind him, crashing gently into the damaged cloak attached to his shoulders. He held a sword in his hands calmly, without intent but merely to define its purpose. They could feel his icy gaze upon them, despite there being no sign of his eyes.

    He spoke, the impression of his voice reverberating in their minds. Cillian spoke up, stating their reason for rousing him and he asked for an offering. Luckily the necromancer was more than prepared and held out the wine and another sack, letting him know what each of them was. Once he had explained it, he placed the items on the ground before the Lich King. They were forced to wait for several, long seconds as the undead god considered the offerings, which honestly felt like decades. When finally he spoke, the Lich King deemed their offerings satisfactory and asked that they speak of what they needed to know.

    The necromancer then turned the stage to Mercury and Blade, letting them know that they could speak. Blade swallowed hard as he fought back all of the instincts telling him to flee rather than approach and took a step forward. He drew a series of symbols and then created an image of the dagger that had been used to injure Vandrad, broken down into its pieces. At its center was the mystery element and Blade took the image between his fingers and held it out for the Lich King. “Unholy One,” Blade spoke up, his voice strong and assured despite his internal misgivings. “This element was used in the creation of a weapon that destroyed a magical core. It is not of Earthland nor have I found traces of it in the stars beyond. We humbly ask if you know of what it is and where it hails from.”
    ...one galaxy
    WORDS: 1172 / 4482
    TAGS: @Mercury Arseneault, @Serilda Sinclair, @Mythal Ragnos
    NOTES: none


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 1st May 2023, 5:12 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Apparently, the outfit that they had chosen for Mythal was the most modest out of all the others, prompting Ruzatz to congratulate Serilda on her fiance’s package. The Voidwalker rolled her eyes and shook her head, but there was a wry smirk on her face that betrayed her appreciation of the Sin’s humor. Mythal, shut Ruzatz up by quite literally putting a hand over the demon’s mouth, calling a halt to all talk about his privates. A few compliments later, and the group was ready to depart, with Ruzatz requesting the assistance of his lovely wife who didn’t bat an eye at his roaming hand. “Of course, baby.”

    With a wave of her hand a protective bubble appeared around them, and with very little notice about the kind of atmosphere into which they were heading the group suddenly found themselves floating in the darkness of space. Before them was a massive station that looked like it could hold an entire race of people. But the structure itself wasn’t the wow factor, nor really was their being in space. After all, Serilda and Mythal had traveled to space before, and Serilda had even traveled through it on her own without any kind of craft to find Mercury when she had been kidnapped. No, what really drew their amazement was the fact that the station was sitting above a star, consuming it in a steady stream.

    “My word…” she breathed, even as Mythal stuttered out a broken response. Ruzatz explained that the weaponsmith was, understandably, wanted by the divines. As such, it made no sense to keep him on Earthland where the gods were more likely to find him eventually. The Sins had seen fit to provide him with his own planet at some point, but the arrangement didn’t suit the weaponsmith’s wanderlust. So he’d thrown out the idea of a space station, one big and powerful enough to draw energy from stars that would then also power his immense forge. It made supplying him with resources a bit tricky, but otherwise it had turned out well, all things considered.

    According to him, the reason they had appeared outside rather than directly in the base was because it was a security protocol for the fugitive. He didn’t allow anyone to come and go as they please, save for, oddly enough, Oblivion. Serilda frowned a bit. “Why her?”

    “He absolutely adores her. From what we understand, she was also the one who rescued him. I mean, the Sins organized it and several demons assisted to get him out safely, but she was the one that fought Ramuh to keep him from stopping them. She and Ramuh have… history. Anyway, he took a shine to her pretty quickly after that. I’ve never seen them together. We’ve only ever seen Oblivion once or twice; she likes to keep to herself. But the way he talks about her, they seem to have a somewhat familial relationship.”

    The sphere drifted closer to the space station until they were able to safely land inside a pressurized docking bay where the bubble disappeared. Despite her racy attire, Serilda’s military training was still in high gear, the noblewoman holding herself high with a calm and neutral expression, her hands clasped gently behind her back in a parade rest as she glanced around the area to take things in. It took only a few seconds for someone to greet them, a striking young Encan woman in minimal clothing with an absolutely perfect ass.

    Serilda blinked as she realized what she’d just thought to herself. She was spending too much time around Ruzatz and Agatha. Or the du Wolffs. Or both.

    The woman bowed respectfully to the Prime Sin and his wife, greeting them by name. The Lusty Titans guild masters reciprocated the gesture with their own bow, leaving Mythal momentarily perplexed about the seeming innocence of the exchange before reality crashed back in as Nuda promptly proceeded to make out with both of the redheads. Serilda patted Mythal on the shoulder, doing her best to hide her amused smile. After a quick exchange of wit and flirtation, Ruzatz turned to introduce the woman to the Rune Knight leaders, informing them that Nuda was the attendant of the weaponsmith. He also gave a brief description of her history in order to explain how she’d gotten to where she was – apparently, much like the weaponsmith himself, she’d managed to make a demigod angry enough to curse her with immortality, burying her alive until a few years ago when the weaponsmith had her rescued.

    “That’s very kind of you, Nuda,” was Serilda’s polite response to the woman’s compliments. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

    The attendant began to lead the way to their host through a series of stark, utilitarian hallways that were void of really any life or color. She had to admit that it wasn’t the atmosphere Serilda had pictured. Everything Ruzatz and Agatha had said about the man gave off the impression that he was relatively flamboyant, yet his living arrangements were almost depressing. It felt more like a prison, in a way.

    Serilda pondered that as Mythal, of all people, made small talk with the woman. Through that, they learned a bit about Nuda’s first impressions of her new life in an advanced age of technology, as well as a little about the station and the forge within it. It also, apparently, had a sex prison. “I wonder whose influence that was.” Serilda shot a smirk at Ruzatz, her tone dry but her eyes playful.

    Agatha chuckled. “Would you be surprised if I said it wasn’t ours? Ruzatz wasn’t the Prime of Lust back then, his predecessor was. The weaponsmith was already set up with his accommodations long before we met him – long before I was even born.”

    Well, that explained a lot about why they seemed to like him so much. Kindred spirits, as it were.

    Before long, they found themselves in a large chamber that boasted a massive hologram of the station in the center. It was impossible to miss the weaponsmith. Unlike the space station he called home, he was garbed in vibrant gold, red, and blue robes. He had salt and pepper hair, and wore blue makeup and nail polish. He wasn’t necessarily Serilda’s type, but objectively she had to admit that she could see how he might be popular at orgies, according to what Ruzatz had told them, if for no other reason than that he was clearly comfortable in his own skin and confident in who he was.

    Nuda introduced the weapon smith by his full name, Serilda for once finding someone with a longer name than her own. Algerone seemed a bit… well, she really wasn’t sure how she would describe him. Certainly he had an air of friendliness, and she didn’t get any suspicious vibes from him, but his manner of articulation was odd.

    Agatha spoke up first, approaching the man with a familiar smile. “Algerone, it’s so good to see you again. It’s been far, far too long.” In a fashion that Serilda had long ago come to accept of Ruzatz and his wife, the Hand slipped into the weaponsmith’s arms and gave him a passionate, drawn out kiss, doing absolutely nothing to deter any potentially wandering hands. It was only the sheer amount of exposure that Serilda had had to the Lusty Titans and du Wolff parties that she managed to keep herself from averting her gaze and blushing like a teenager.

    Once they were done, and once he presumably greeted Ruzatz in some kind of similar fashion, Agatha would direct his attention to the newcomers. “Algerone, love, these are our friends that we wanted you to meet: Lady Serilda Marianne Gwenevyr Sinclair, Goddess of Ishgar, Field Marshal of the Rune Knights, and Ozorith’s Sword; and her fiance, Master Mythal Ragnos, God of Ishgar, Director of the Rune Knights, and the Heir of Kingdom Darkness.” While Agatha knew that Mythal detested his title of Darkness King, she also knew that the weaponsmith would desire all the details about exactly who he was meeting with, particularly if he was going to be helping them with their weapons to fight against Faera and potentially other Divines.

    Serilda certainly wasn’t about to greet the stranger with the same amount of physicality that Agatha had, but she was never without her manners. With a respectful bow of her head, she offered him a handshake. “Thank you for your generosity in agreeing to meet with us, Master Ashburnum. Ruzatz and Agatha have paid you many a compliment when talking to us about you.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 1st May 2023, 5:26 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Three Means, What End? RJtajUnz_o

    It was unsurprising to see that, even standing three to one, Victoria flowed through the melee easily. She was the Seal of Conquest and it was only right that even the casual spar would lack the true ability to test her. Still, it wasn’t about defeating her as much as showing what each one of them was capable of beyond their defiant abilities. Vandrad and Scourge were on a different level from Vriko, that much was clear and obvious but what would also shine through was just how adaptable she was. She was operating on a much lower magical scale than them and yet she kept pace with Scourge, countering his attacks with ones of her own to attempt to keep Victoria off guard. Meanwhile Vandrad operated as the vanguard, utilizing long range spells when there were openings.

    It presented them exactly as was intended and no doubt Victoria had gotten a good sense of what each of them were capable of. But that was merely the offense. Once the Seal was sufficiently satisfied with what she had seen, she released a pulse of light that exploded out from her. Scourge and Vandrad stamped their feet into the ground to keep from being ripped off their feet and Vriko was forced to stab into the ground with her katana, holding onto it as all three slid back but managed not to get knocked down or out. Once the light dissipated, there was an entirely different version of Victoria standing before them. The elder visage was gone, replaced with that of much younger woman sporting bright white wings that were bloodied on their ends, not dissimilar to her flowing hair. Her armor had changed as well, with more plate adorning her coverings rather than simple leather. Her polearm had become more like a spear as well.

    “No mistaking that,” Scourge remarked softly to himself. The power of the ark made him and Vandrad very well aware of the divine tinge that filled her aura and the magical presence all around them. She spoke to them smoothly, informing them that they needed to defend themselves in whatever way they saw fit. That became the only warning they received before she disappeared, moving so swiftly that there was almost no beat between the last of her sentence and her reappearing before Scourge, her weapon already on a fast track towards him. He barely got his magic blade up in time, sparks flying off of her weapon as he just parried it in time. Unfortunately it wasn’t perfect form and the end of her spear managed to nick his forearm, tearing through his gi and his skin.

    She was gone before he even had time to counter and suddenly she was before Vandrad. Even knowing that she would be coming for either him or Vriko, he was still shocked at how quickly she appeared and how ready she was. And with his current Empowerment relying more on strength and durability rather than speed, there was no way to properly dodge… or so he thought. Something flashed through his mind and all of his thoughts came to a screeching halt and all there was, all he could feel, was pure instinct. In his mind’s eye he saw her attacks; every single one that would come at him from every angle depending on where, when and if he moved. And as her spear came in, his body smoothly stepped out of the way of it, as if she was moving in slow motion. He repeated this pattern several times and being so close to him, she would notice that his eyes had taken on a silver color rather than the blue they had before.

    But whatever had overtaken him had lasted just as long as it had when it first appeared, back on the Nazru ship. Reality returned to its usual speed and the silver in his eyes was gone and whatever supernatural speed he’d had was gone. He threw up both his arms and blocked her last swipe, the bladed edge cutting into his forearms.

    Vriko had now seen both of her companions -- fighting buddies ? -- be taken aback by Victoria’s sudden appearance but that didn’t do much to prepare her. They had enhanced reactions thanks to their magic; all she had was her natural ability. With that said, as the Seal appeared and took her shots, the newly adopted Ragnos was able to feasibly block a few of her attacks before, too, suffering cuts and a few hits. But that wasn’t the worst part of it. No, that came a moment later as Victoria connected to each of them via their blood and attacked them with their own body. At the same time, intense pain filled their bodies as she superheated their veins. Each one of them fell to their knees, writhing in pain and trying to think of some strategy through the intense agony.

    Ironically it was Vriko that managed to break herself free first. With the mind numbing pain, there was no time for her to put anything in check or concern herself about holding back. Reddish-pink flames burst from the corners of her eyes as her Blessing activated, purging the connection that she had been forcibly made partner to. Throwing her arms out, she released a divine pulse from her core, pushing herself to her feet as an unearthly glow overtook her entire frame. Scourge followed as he dipped into the Ark. Pushing himself to his feet, he tore off the top half of his shirt, even as fur began to sprout all over his torso and arms. His hair grew back and longer as a tail emerged from his lower back. A virulent purple-pink aura wrapped around him as he stood to his feet, yellow eyes staring over at Victoria as the Caliban form took hold of him fully.

    The only one that struggled was Vandrad. Even as Vriko and Scourge leapt back at Victoria and engaged her with their new forms, the future king was still attempting to connect to the Ark. But the pain seemed to be even more intensified in him, preventing his mind from being free enough to activate his magic. He ground his teeth together as he looked up at the other two fighting with the Seal once more. His entire body felt like it was going to melt away and somehow he was the only one being held back! His hands, already balled into fists, tightened more, the material of his gloves loudly pressing against itself. But how could he get out of his predicament if he couldn’t focus enough to use his magic?

    But he hadn’t always relied on the Ark or Energy Monarch to counter spells, had he? No, asserting dominance over magic had come from him, from his innate, genetic ability. His mother borrowed abilities with her Blood Marker… but Vandrad took them by force. And it was with that knowledge that he deepened the connection with Victoria, his Blood Marker taking control of their temporary blood bond. Rather than disperse it, he turned it back on her, attempting to boil whatever passed for blood in her body as he freed himself of its control. It took a remarkable amount of concentration so Vandrad couldn’t quite get to his feet yet, as he kept his gaze locked on Victoria and the connection she had made.

    Words: 1233/5715 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 3rd May 2023, 5:49 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1412/4782 WORDS
    @Mythal Ragnos @Vandrad Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Mercury was sure there would come a day when she would stop being fascinated and intimidated by the supernatural beings that existed on Earthland, but today was not that day. While the Lich King was no Faera, he was still an incomputably strong entity that existed beyond all reason and logic. He towered over them, leaving Mercury with a paper dry mouth even as she fought to ignore the cold from the ice around them. Cillian was able to negotiate for their desire for knowledge, and with the Necromancer’s silent go ahead they were invited to speak their requests.

    It was Blade that spoke up, summoning forth his image of his brother’s dagger and the element they sought to identify. He took hold of the holographic representation of the matter and held it before the undead sovereign, giving him the short and sweet of their predicament. The Lich King was silent for several long seconds. Then, oddly enough, he began to… shrink? Mercury cast a confused glance between Blade and Cillian, and in a matter of seconds the undead lord was the size of an average human. He removed his helmet as he approached, revealing his face which still sported the glowing eyes that had shown through his headgear. There was a slight frown on his face as he took the image of the energy from Blade, studying it with an intense look.

    This element does not exist.

    Mercury blinked, her intimidation and fear momentarily distracted by her confusion over what he’d said. “I’m sorry, did you just say that it doesn’t exist?”


    “That’s… impossible. It clearly does.” She gestured to the hologram before them. “This weapon removed the magic of, and nearly killed, my fiance. There’s no way it…”

    Her voice trailed off as the Lich King held up a gentle hand to silence her. He closed his eyes and seemed to focus his energy on the element for some time. This element is present. I sense its lingering presence in our universe, most notably the planet of Teras Prime where it was first birthed into our reality. But it does not, and should not, exist in the living world.

    Well that was… ominous. “Does that mean you know what it is?”

    I do not.

    One could feel the collective mood of the trio deflate and defeat settled upon them once more. Mercury’s anger was already starting to rise at her complete and total frustration with the situation. How? How in the world had Maker gotten his hands on something that supposedly didn’t exist? It wasn’t rational. It wasn’t possible. Something either existed or it didn’t, there was no inbetween. She could practically smell the smoke between her ears at trying to fathom the very concept, and the fact that even this all powerful entity had no idea what it was just made her all the more upset at how useless every shred of their efforts had been so far.

    “Soooo wait… you said it does not exist in the living world… what about the non-living world?”

    Mercury’s spiral of self-defeat paused in its tracks as she stared at Cillian like he’d grown a second head. “The non-living world? Do you mean, like… the afterlife?”

    “As an example, sure. But there are other places, too, such as the Celestial World. Places that exist within our scope of reality but like… in different planes of time or space. So is there another place that this element could have come from?” The Necromancer’s question was turned back to the Lich King.

    Very astute, Disciple of Death. Yes, I do believe there is a place where you could find the knowledge that you seek. However, I cannot advise you to take such a journey. The ritual is dangerous, far more so than the one used to summon myself. You would all be in grave danger.

    Cillian raised a hand. “I mean, I can do it. I can’t technically die so I should be fine.”



    There are worse fates than death, Disciple. The Abyss is not merely an alternate material plane. It is a mindset, a spiritual hellscape of insanity from which hysteria and madness are born, a realm of misery and darkness to which the souls of gods and demons descend upon their own deaths. The creatures that call it home are beyond your comprehension. Exposure to such a dimension would result in your inevitable deaths… or in your case, Disciple… endless madness. If you were to become trapped there, there would be no escape.

    Well, that sounded… horrific. “But… you think this Abyss will have the answers we’re looking for?

    It is possible. I cannot say for sure. But the Abyss is the only plane that contains traces of the Time Before – the former reality that ultimately crumbled and was replaced by the one you currently inhabit. These fragments of the former universe are only found in one of the deepest and most dangerous levels of the Abyss, however: Omothol. It may be enough for what you seek, but the risk is great.

    “I’ll do it.” The Lich King’s head tilted curiously at Mercury, who didn’t even hesitate to affirm her decision to make the dangerous trek. While he said nothing, she could see the questioning look in his expression. “Like it or not, this element, whatever it is, already exists in our reality. It was brought here by someone that is using it to pervert the natural laws of our universe, and I’m sure we only know a small handful of the many efforts he’s taken to do so. If we are going to protect not just ourselves, but the rest of this universe, we have to know what it is. The choice is easy… because there isn’t one.”

    The undead being considered her carefully. And you two… are you of the same determination?

    Cillian scratched the back of his head. “Yeah. I mean it’s a bad idea, sure, but… we ain’t got a whole lot of alternatives.”

    Presuming Blade voiced similar agreements, the king studied them all quietly for a long moment. Very well. I shall show you the way to Omothol. However, before I do, I must provide the following guidance… and words of caution.

    Upon entering Omothol and performing the ritual in which I will instruct you, you will be besieged by its occupants almost immediately. It is for that reason that I cannot accompany you, for my presence would only summon more and greater beasts, increasing the likeliness of your deaths. The most I can offer you is some brief protection from the madness; and it is important that you do not delve too far into the brink, lest you risk summoning the withering spirit of the Lich King from Before… or worse.

    “What could possibly be worse?” Mercury muttered.

    The undead sovereign continued. Once you arrive, you will need to perform a ritual that will, in effect, expand upon the knowledge of the Book of the Damned. If the knowledge you seek is to be found, it will be within the tome’s pages upon completion of the ritual.

    “Oh, neat. That sounds simple enough.”

    However, you will have only a limited amount of time to find the knowledge and commit it to your memory, for once the ritual’s allowance of time runs out, you will be returned to this world and all recorded copies of the information shall be lost – even those from the mind of a Xocili. He gave Mercury a poignant look, the extraterrestrial a little taken back by his knowledge of what she was and her abilities.

    “Well, that’s… less simple.”

    “Anything else?”

    I have advised you as well as one can. The rest will be up to you. Seek your knowledge, and seek it fast, for I do not know how much time you will have once the ritual is in place. I know only that it will be brief, and that it will draw the attention of nightmares beyond your understanding. Are you ready?

    Mercury looked to her two male companions. Cillian shrugged. Finally, the Xocili sighed. “Vandrad’s gonna kill me. Yes, let’s do it.”

    Then I shall transport you, and upon your arrival, Disciple, you will know the ritual which you need to cast. Prepare yourselves… and remember to keep your minds and souls vigilant against the madness. With little other warning, the Lich King raised a hand and snapped his fingers, and they were gone.
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd May 2023, 7:31 pm

    1421/3950 words || @Serilda Sinclair, @Cillian duCrosse, @Vandrad Ragnos || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Well it was strange to hear that the weaponsmith had a favorite -- and it wasn’t Agatha or Ruzatz. Based on what they had said about the man, he seemed to party a certain kind of way and basically made himself as kindred to them as anyone could be. Even as Serilda wondered where his influence for a ‘sex prison’ could have come from, Agatha spoke up to let them know that it had actually been a creation from far before their time meeting him, even before Agatha had been born. But instead it had been Oblivion, one of Ozirith’s lackeys, though perhaps Mythal should have been more respectful, considering what she had done for Gren and Vriko. Nonetheless, it seemed she had spearheaded the quest to save the weaponsmith, if only to spite Ramuh, it seems. “The more I hear about this Ramuh fellow, the less I’m sure I’d like him if I meet him.”

    “Unfortunately, Mythal, I believe that is more a matter of when than if. Serilda most definitely will encounter him at some point; acting as Ozorith’s Sword, she will have to attend any larger meetings of the pantheon and as things are going with Faera, that’s bound to happen sooner rather than later. And as you are the one that has had the most interaction with her over the years… well…” Ruzatz shot Mythal an apologetic look. “We’ll deal with that another day. In fact, do not bring Ramuh up. Don’t even say his name.”

    “Oh yes, please don’t. It would put him in quite the sour mood. And I’d rather not have to order several men and women to appease him and make you all wait for him to… ‘improve’,” Nuda added.

    With that out of the way, they had made it to the larger chamber that sported what Mythal could only assume was a status hub for the entirety of the space station. The weaponsmith was there, properly introduced by a long and outrageous name that actually made Mythal have a little more respect for all of Serilda’s names. And he started out… odd. Like majorly odd; the Darkness Slayer had met a lot of characters over the years but the way Algerone approached words sounded almost… thematic.

    “Agatha, my love, you look, hah, intoxicating as always,” Algerone purred at the approaching redhead, sweeping her up into his arms and letting his hands explore like he was trying to memorize every inch of her… in front of everyone. “Yeah, that’s the stuff,” he muttered once or twice as he essentially made out with the Hand before finally parting, looking no worse for wear and with an even brighter smile. He pointed at Ruzatz. “You handsome devil. Get on in here, c’mon!” he waved the Prime Sin over and… repeated the exact same show of physical appreciation. For a brief moment, Mythal wasn’t honestly sure if they were being pranked or not.

    Finally they parted and Agatha took the lead in introducing his two guests in proper fashion and etiquette. Mythal made a face as the Hand went through all of his titles, up to and including the Darkness King that had abhorred and refused to acknowledge. Algerone cocked his head slightly towards him even as Serilda stepped in to introduce herself offering her hand. He turned his gaze back to her and smiled as he took her hand in both of his. “Lady Serilda. Please, you can call me Al or Algy; just don’t call me the wrong name between the sheets,” he joked and then actually laughed at his own joke. “You look stunning. Truly beautiful. Why’d he make a face?” He indicated to Mythal.

    The Darkness Slayer blinked. “W-What?”

    “A minute ago -- actually about twenty seconds ago -- Agatha was introducing you and you, uh, made a face,” Algerone gestured to his own face. “Oh is this your first time? Oh, don’t worry. Nuda will go through all the safe words. Now should I start with your or this beautiful woman right here?”

    There was a very, very tense moment as all of them cooperatively shared the same concern. Did he think that Mythal and Serilda had come to sleep with him? Oh and he let that worry grow for only a few seconds before a shit-eating smile pulled at his lips. “Ohh I almost had you. I’m kidding, guys! Please, I’m just, ah, trying to lighten the mood.” He laughed once more, turning to the rest to try and encourage them to laugh. Ruzatz joined in a bit, even as Nuda groaned and rolled her eyes. “But, ah, yes, why, why did you make a face?” he asked once more, turning his attention to Mythal.

    Oh great, he wasn’t getting out of not explaining that. “I ain’t… a fan of that last title. The heir one. I ain’t aimin’ to take over Kingdom Darkness or nothin’ and I refuse to acknowledge that stupid prophecy crap that they have about me.”

    “Ohhh I see!” Algerone finally released Serilda’s hands as he walked over to Mythal. Both of the weaponsmith’s hands came up and cupped the Darkness Slayer’s face, causing his crimson eyes to bulge a bit in surprise as Algerone got uncomfortably close to him. “She hurt you, didn’t she? Faera. I can see it in your eyes -- the pain and suffering hidden just below the surface. You’ve layered anger, hatred and denial like a mask over it. But… something else is there. Worry. Worry that you’ll lose everything you’ve gained, all the love and friendships you’ve made despite the tragedies.” Algerone’s gaze lingered in Mythal’s for a moment longer before he finally released him. “Ah hah! I’m so rude, I have barely introduced myself and I’m doing a spiritual reading. It’s like, calm down, Algy, don’t scare away your new, ah, friends. Maybe we talk about this somewhere less dreary? This area is so gray. Nuda!”

    “Right behind you, Algerone,” Nuda spoke up, causing the man to spin towards her.

    “Ah yes, there you are, hi, is the sitting room clean and ready for guests?”

    “Which one? There are seventeen.”

    He made a face at her; an impish, smirking face that was rife with playfulness. “Ah, come on, my voluptuous Nuda, you know which one.”

    Nuda rolled her eyes once more and then held up a single hand and snapped. In an instant, the world around them changed. What was once the dark, mechanical hall with a simple projector had turned into a vibrantly lit box room. Blue ring lights hovered in the air above them, with several long purple lights running along the pillars that sat just beyond the seating area. There was a hot tub only feet away and beyond the pillars a balcony looking out on… what looked to be a colorful and active city. There were a few statues set up in the immediate area and palm trees just beyond the balcony.

    “Please, please, sit, sit, sit,” Algerone indicated to the love seat, waving Agatha and Ruzatz over to sit on either side of him and throwing an arm around both of them. Nuda comfortably sat on the edge of the same couch, leaving the love seat across for Mythal and Serilda.

    “Is that… a city?” Mythal asked, pointing to the obvious bustling metropolis.

    “What? Oh, that, hah, no. That is, ah, fake. Magical display. It really brings out the feng shui of the room though; I tried other projections and it just didn’t fit. Please, have a glass,” he waved to the bottle of wine and the glasses that had… somehow just appeared on the table before them. They weren’t there a moment ago.

    Mythal looked over at Serilda and gave a small shrug before taking the already open bottle and pouring them each a glass. Nuda leaned forward to do the same for herself, Ruzatz, Algerone and Agatha and handed the glasses to each person. “Now, ah, I’m told that you’re going to pick a fight with Faera and her Trumpets. I’ll tell ya, that is, ah, quite the goal,” he chuckled as he took a sip from his glass. “Luckily I’m in the business of making weapons for such delightful acts of murderisms. Lady Serilda, would you mind if I see that sword of yours? The one that is enchanted with moonlight?” Despite her not having it, he knew exactly what weapon to talk about.

    “I’ll get to you after, Mythal. First I want to look at this. Can you tell me a bit about it?”

    HP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 7th May 2023, 5:49 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    While Victoria had never directly interacted with Scourge before this moment, and had only observed him a few times, but what she’d heard from several mouths that had spent more prolonged time with him was that he was a bit on the dramatic side. Confident – perhaps even overly so – in his abilities, particularly when it came to comparing his skills against Vandrad’s. Whether his supposed charms and bravado were an attempt to lead people off guard or whether he truly believed his own hype was yet to be determined by the Seal, but the fact that he did not appear to put up too much of a fight against her own attack was… disappointing. He managed to get his energy sword up in time to parry the brunt of her attack, but his form was sloppy, and as a result the single hit was all she needed to draw the former Dread Master’s blood.

    Having gotten what she wanted, Victoria quickly moved on to Vandrad, leaving Scourge reeling without even a chance to retaliate. She expected much the same of the future king, particularly when the surprise on his face at how quickly she had appeared was both evident and genuine. And yet, in an instant something overtook him. His eyes took on an odd silver hue and he deftly dodged several of her attacks in a row, almost like he knew what she was going to do before she did it. And from the blank expression on his face, she couldn’t help but feel that there was very little thought being put into his movements. It lasted briefly, only long enough to evade a small handful of her strikes before his eyes returned to their former color and he seemed to come back to reality, his speed slowing to its usual amount as he put up his arms to block her spear, earning himself a gash of his own.

    Putting a pin in her thoughts, she moved on to her final pupil. Vriko was mostly at a disadvantage in comparison to the two Energy Monarch users, not being as powerful as either of them were. But what she lacked in strength she made up for in training and determination. It was close each time, but the newest Ragnos managed to defend herself rather admirably against several of Victoria’s blows before the Seal’s superior strength and speed overwhelmed the younger woman, putting her on the receiving end of several cuts and finally giving Victoria the last bit of blood she needed to truly test them.

    Breaking away from the group, she used her control over blood to attack them all simultaneously. In unison, all three of her students dropped to their knees in pain as their blood surged in their bodies. All the while Victoria watched and waited to see who, if any, would overcome the pain first. Surprisingly it was Vriko. Reddish flames not unlike the color of her irises burst forth from her eyes as she became enshrouded with the glow of her blessing. Victoria’s gaze narrowed ever so slightly on the woman as Vriko pushed herself shakily to her feet, the energy of the Blessing burning away the connection that Victoria had made with her blood. Scourge was not far behind her, Victoria flicking her attention to the black ops agent to observe as he disrobed the upper half of his body and took on a more bestial form, complete with striking red fur and even a tail.

    The two of them rushed her in tandem, the Seal exchanging blows with them relatively seamlessly while Vandrad continued to struggle with her blood spell in the back. Victoria kept and eye on him, expecting him to find his feet eventually, though she kept her attention primarily on the two that were actively engaging her. However, Vandrad never managed to push past the spell. Instead, something far more unexpected happened as she felt her own ability be used against her. A powerful surge of pain that she had not felt in quite some time surged through her, and while it was not enough to incapacitate her it still drew a visible reaction from her as she stumbled briefly.

    Unfortunately, it would not be enough of an opening for the other two to utilize. Or rather, she recovered quickly enough to continue her fight. Catching Scourge’s sword with her bare hand, she wrapped her fingers around it in a vice grip and pulled, lifting him off his feet and hurling him effortlessly across the training grounds. At the same time, she used one of her wings to block Vriko’s incoming strike before using the same feathered limb to knock her back in the other direction, intentionally hard enough to cause Vriko to lose her Blessed state. Then she stood for a moment longer, staring down at Vandrad with a neutral expression that was marred only by the subtle twitches of her lips and eyes which betrayed she was, indeed, still feeling the effects of his spell reversal.

    “Enough.” Her call to halt was quiet but firm as she released Vandrad and severed their connection to one another. She would give them a moment to catch their breaths and recover as she observed them quietly, collecting her thoughts.

    When she did finally speak, the Seal turned first to Vriko. “I understand that your upbringing was not ideal, but your training speaks for itself. Whatever Archimedes’ intentions for you were, it is clear that you have taken the skills that were forced upon you and made them your own. However, your Blessing is dangerous. I think that even I will only be able to train you so much in its use; the fact that you can wield it at all is, frankly, a miracle. I suspect the only reason you can use it without it killing you outright is because you, much like me, are a form of nephilim.”

    “But even with your angelic blood, the Blessing will consume you if you attempt to use it for too long. It is a powder keg, and while the divine half of your heritage has lengthened its fuse, the mortal half of your blood is the spark that ignites it. If you are not careful, it will ignite. I do not know whether or not you will ever be able to truly master its use. For now, I think our focus should be on improving your other combat skills and – carefully – exploring the limitations of your Blessing so that you do not accidentally push yourself too far.”

    Victoria turned her attention to Scourge. “I am not sure what sort of training you underwent with the Dread Masters, but your control of the Ark, while admirable, is woefully inadequate to stand up against a force such as Faera. That includes compensating for the fact that you were holding back.” She fixed him with a look that wasn’t necessarily judgemental but certainly was not impressed, either. “If you cannot put up a decent fight against me at a fraction of my own strength, then you will find yourself to be little more than a plaything for the Goddess of Darkness… and she is not even the most powerful of the gods, who will surely target you and Vandrad both with extreme prejudice once they learn about your connection with the Ark.”

    Finally, she set her gaze upon Vandrad. There was a pensive expression on her face and it took a beat or two for her to say anything. “I cannot recall a time when anyone has ever managed to use my own powers against me. I do not know what ability you used to do so, nor do I know what state you assumed that allowed you to evade my advances as if purely on instinct… but I do know that neither ability stemmed from the Ark.”

    Victoria crossed her arms over her chest, settling in a more casual stance as her wings relaxed on either side of her. “What I find more curious is that you did not utilize the Ark at all, despite the fact that I know you have in the past. It is also my understanding that Scourge has been at least attempting to train you in it for some months now. Why did you not use it to break free from my spell and attack me? Is it something where only one of you can access it at a time?”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 8th May 2023, 2:06 pm

    Three Hunters
    There was something deeply unnerving about a powerful creature such as the Lich King staring at a person. Even Blade, who had encountered dozens of beings during his travels throughout the galaxy, could feel an uneasiness in his heart, only emboldened by his desire to find answers. The Lich King stared stoically out from his helmet for several long beats before he began to shrink down and took on the height of a normal humanoid. Now meeting them on an even level, optically at least, he pulled his helmet off, revealing his frosted face and glowing eyes. And he looked… concerned.

    The uneasiness of the situation was extrapolated as the knowledgeable undead god stated that the element they were seeking, the material that had been used in a vicious attack against Vandrad, did not exist. For the first time since he’d arrived, Blade looked deeply perplexed, troubled even. Mercury spoke up, clarifying his words before he reinforced his statement. The Xocili was understandably concerned, insisting that it had been used to injure Vandrad. But before she could get too deep into her spiral, the Lich King held up a hand, asking her gently to stop. He took a moment, closing his eyes and clearly seeking something beyond their area, and stated that he could sense the presence in the universe, specifically on Teras Prime. “On… my homeworld…?” Blade spoke up softly, his brow furrowing. Still the Lich King continued, stating that the element did not and more importantly should not exist in the world they occupied.

    And worse, he had no idea what it was. It was like all the hope they had built up for themselves in that short span of time had been crushed, unintentionally, beneath his armored feet. Of course it had been a gamble; from the moment Cillian had even suggested the ritual, it was all up to chance that they would even get this far. But to have achieved so much and still come up with absolutely nothing… It begged the question in both Mercury and Blade’s minds. How had Maker not only come across this element but weaponized it? And if its presence still lingered on his long-dead home world, did it have something to do with the experiment that his brother had enacted to absorb his people? That’s the only thing that made sense.

    While he stood in place, his hand slowly dropping down in defeat, it was Cillian who spoke up next. He’d picked up on the Lich King’s verbiage and asked if possibly the element was from another world; one that wasn’t classified as living. Mercury turned to look at the necromancer, as did Blade, as she asked if he was talking about the afterlife. He clarified that while that was an example, there were several different planes of existence strewn throughout their reality and beyond. It would make sense that elements from those places wouldn’t be trackable on their own… and it seemed the Lich King agreed with the possibility. In fact, it seemed he had an idea in mind to where they would be able to acquire the knowledge they were lacking. But he could not willfully encourage their undertaking the journey, as the ritual they would need to enact was dangerous and would put them all in danger.

    Cillian waved off the caution, insisting he couldn’t die, which was still something Blade hadn’t quite come to terms with. But it seemed that the Lich King was less worried about his mortality and more for his sanity. He spoke of a place called the Abyss; a realm that was material but also something more; a plane that bordered on the edges of sanity, that was the birthplace to madness and the final resting place of gods and demons alike. Whatever lived there, hunted there, sat so far beyond their conceptualization that the Lich King seemed to refuse to elaborate further. Being exposed to the masses of mad monsters would result in their ends; mortally for Mercury and Blade and spiritually for Cillian. It sounded like the worst nightmare that anyone could have and had, seemingly, been born out of the universe’s own fears.

    But that wouldn’t stop Mercury, who asked if the Abyss could provide their answers. The Lich King surmised that there was a possibility, though he couldn’t provide a definite answer. The Abyss seemed to house fragments of something called the Time Before; the reality that had existed before and had come to an end, resulting in the one they occupied. There weren’t many traces of that time left, only stored in one of the deepest layers of the Abyss; Omothol. It could lead them in the right direction but it came with a hefty, dangerous trial to achieve it.

    A Time Before? Blade’s understanding of the world was expanding into directions he’d never even conceived of and in such a short amount of time too. He already felt like the edges of his sanity were being tested with the amount of mind-altering knowledge that was being dropped on them. But despite the heavy warning and nightmare-esque picture that the Lich King had painted, Mercury didn’t even wait a beat to affirm her desire to go. Even in the face of such peril, she was unrelenting and even the Lich King himself seemed surprised. Off his look, she explained that the element was now in their world and it had been brought into existence by someone who would use it maliciously to serve his own agenda. Any chance of stopping him and preventing any further damage to the natural law of the universe rested on their going to Omothol and finding answers.

    There was no choice, as she put it. Blade understood it just as well as she did. The Lich King’s eyes looked upon the other two, looking for confirmations that they would stand with her. “Of course. My brother has made a mockery of this world’s laws by utilizing this material. We must know what it is and how we can destroy it, to set things right.”

    With the three of them agreed, the Lich King had little choice but to provide them passage to Omothol. But before he brought them, he felt compelled to provide guidance and words to heed. The ritual they would be performing would draw attention from the denizens of the realm; if he were to accompany them, it would bring about more than they could handle and they would fail and ultimately lose their lives. All he could offer was some minor protection against the negative effects of madness and advice that they stay within the limits of the ritual space. Otherwise, the Lich King from the Time Before or worse spirits could happen upon them. Mercury, of course, asked the question they were all thinking and wondered what could be worse. The Lich King didn’t answer, which was probably more terrifying than actually explaining it.

    Once in Omothol, they would need to perform the ritual which would upgrade the Necronomicon with the knowledge they were, hopefully, seeking. But it would only contain that knowledge for a short amount of time, requiring them to memorize what they could as quickly as possible, before it was lost again -- even from someone with such powerful data banks as Mercury. That was all he could provide them in terms of advice. They were on a time table and the nightmares of Omothol would come to claim their lives for their trespassing. He asked once more if they were prepared. Blade nodded firmly, his hand tightening on his sword handle even as Mercury lamented the fact that Vandrad was going to kill her for what they were about to do. With that, the Lich King informed them that he would provide passage and the ritual would be known to him once he had arrived. With one final caution to steel themselves, he raised his hand and disappeared from view.

    The first sensation was beyond comprehension. It felt like a vice had been wrapped around their heads and tightened. Intrusive, dark thoughts that each one of them had held at bay for one reason or another suddenly rushed to the surface. The desire to laugh; to cackle like the funniest joke had been heard as images of blood and viscera and eyes in the darkness filled the mind’s eye. But before it could become too much, it was all pushed away. Blade opened his eyes with a gasp and took a step back as he took in his surroundings. As his vision cleared, he saw his arm up, sword mere inches away from the back of Cillian’s neck. He pulled it back, mumbling out a strained apology as he reached behind his back with his free hand.

    The chorus of manic thoughts and images had been pushed back, for now. But he and the rest of them would be very well aware of their existence, scratching at what seemed to be a barrier in their minds. A barrier that felt like an itch, almost begging them to poke and scratch. Though he doubted it was any more powerful than whatever the Lich King had bestowed upon them, Blade took out his ocarina and plugged away a quick tune. It would provide further relief, at least enough for them all to focus fully and clearly without the desire to see what lay in the dark of their minds.

    For a place with such a grandiose name, Omothol was not impressive by any stretch of the word. It more resembled a dark and smoky swamp, with long dead trees stretching out of the bogs towards a sky that was as pitch black as coal. The swamp was made of a murky, black sludge that bubbled and hissed with heat and steam. Bones of creatures, humanoid and not, lay at the feet of the tree trunks, scattered about the lifted roots like terrifying dioramas.

    It was the first time since he’d faced Maker that Blade felt true, unequivocal terror. His soul had been unseated and his instinct to flee was greatly overpowering his instinct to fight. And yet he held on, squashing the cowardice as his hand tightened on his blade’s handle once more in defiance. “Do what you have to, Cillian,” he said, finding his voice more firm and stronger than he thought it would be. “We’ll protect you.”

    A loud, yawning noise echoed out from the shadows of the trees around them, the Terran turning to face the source with his blade out. From the shadowy mist, a horrid creature emerged. It was made up of dysmorphic bones, as if it had attached remnants of other creatures to itself. It had no hands or feet to speak with; each limb coming to a jagged, pointed end. A circular, pointed mouth stretched slightly as empty-socketed eyes stared at it. Blade felt a scream in the back of his mind and the blood in his veins cooled as if he’d been thrown into a vat of ice. A black ichor poured out from between its teeth as the creature shambled towards him, hungry to feast upon flesh.
    ...one galaxy
    WORDS: 1859 / 7574
    TAGS: @Mercury Arseneault, @Serilda Sinclair, @Mythal Ragnos
    NOTES: none


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 9th May 2023, 3:50 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Mythal voiced Serilda’s own thoughts regarding Ramuh, the god known as the Divine of Faith. She hadn’t heard a lot about the man, but what little she had heard made him sound less than likable. And even worse, it sounded like the Rune Knight leaders were bound to meet him sooner rather than later, particularly given the path that everything with Faera was on. It was a guarantee with Serilda, as being Ozorith’s vassal she would be required to attend larger meetings, and given Mythal’s connection with Faera and Kingdom Darkness it was highly likely that he would get dragged into similar meet ups. “Lovely.”

    However, that was about as far as the conversation went, with Ruzatz and Nuda both insisting that it was better to stop the subject for now lest the weaponsmith risk hearing the god’s name and being sent into a spiral. Agatha herself was… oddly quiet, a look of uncharacteristic contemplation on her face that Serilda simply didn’t have the context to understand. Now was not the time to ask, either, and Serilda figured if the Hand wanted to talk about it she would sooner or later; Agatha was hardly shy.

    As was evidenced by her passionate reunion with Algerone.

    When the public displays of lust were over, the introductions were made. Algerone took Serilda’s hand in both of his own, inviting her to greet him less formally, alongside a comment about not calling him the wrong name in bed. Serilda was rather used to this humor after all the time she’d spent with Ruzatz and Agatha and the du Wolffs, so she was quick to react with a small smirk of humor, only for the expression to be derailed by his immediately asking why Mythal had made a face.

    She and her fiance both blinked at him, caught off guard. At Mythal’s prompting, the weaponsmith referred back to seconds before during Agatha’s introduction and the face that Mythal had made during part of it. Yet, before either of them could being to explain Algerone seemed to attempt answering his own question, asking if it was Mythal’s first time and assuring him that Nuda would have the safe words before wondering if he should start with Serilda. Normally Serilda wouldn’t have been too concerned, but the fact that even Ruzatz and Agatha seemed unsure of if their reason for coming had been mistaken had given Serilda paused, the noblewoman suddenly very aware of the fact that this strange man was still holding her hand.

    Serilda was about five seconds away from utilizing her magic to free herself when he finally cracked and started laughing at his own humor once more, earning a groan and look of exasperation from his attendant. Serilda and Agatha both managed to laugh as well, the former still with a bit more reservation though she did visibly relax. After that, Mythal finally explained about his stance regarding Kingdom Darkness and the prophecy that he refused to acknowledge.

    It was only then that Serilda was finally freed, the weaponsmith moving over to Mythal and taking the darkness slayer’s face by the hands, earning a fully shocked look from the Director and Serilda alike. Honestly, the Voidwalker was impressed that Mythal didn’t attempt to deck the guy right then and there. But Algerone was left to do his thing unimpeded, which appeared to be some kind of psychic reading on Mythal’s connection with the goddess and the deep rooted worries that stemmed from his lifelong trauma. It lasted only a moment before their host seemed to recognize he was being rude, releasing Mythal and apologizing before suggesting they move to some place on the station with a little more life to it.

    After a quick back and forth with Nuda, they found themselves in a lounge that had been spelled to look as though there was a bubbling metropolis beyond the window. It was quite modern in appearance. In fact, Serilda would go so far as to describe it as a bit on the sci-fi side, with an in ground jacuzzi , blue ring lights above, purple accent lighting around the perimeter, and a couch and loveseat. Serilda took a brief moment to quietly look around from where she stood while Mythal inquired about the fake city view. The couple shared a shrug before they sat on the loveseat. “Thank you, love.” She accepted the glass that Mythal poured for her, as did Agatha with the ones that Nuda prepared for everyone else.

    Getting down to business, Algerone recapped his understanding of their predicament with Faera and her entourage. It was certainly a hefty endeavor by his own admission, but he assured her that crafting weapons for this kind of thing was, indeed, his speciality. Serilda was surprised, however, when he asked to see Moonlight – her demon killing blade – over Malice. If he knew about one weapon he surely knew about both, either due to some prophetic knowledge or because Ruzatz and Agatha had prepared him in advance. Or both.

    Reaching into a pocket of Void, she carefully withdrew the sheathed scimitar and offered it to him. “Mythal gifted this sword to me not long after we first met. At the time, I was terrified of the supernatural and was only just starting to learn of and get exposure to the existence of gods and demons. In fact, it may have been around the same time that Ozorith had started stalking me. Mythal had acquired the blade while on a mission with an old friend of ours, and had it blessed by a monk who enchanted it with divine energy and light. Then a couple years ago, it was further enhanced by the power of Lux, the Seal of Light.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 9th May 2023, 9:27 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Three Means, What End? RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad had, apparently, created an opening -- one that was gone as quickly as it had come. Scourge was the only one that saw the slight hitch in Victoria’s movement, the momentary lapse in her defense as the future king managed to break through her defenses in some capacity. That was why he reacted quickly, bringing his sword down at her at an angle in hopes that he could, at least, pay her back for the cut she had put upon him and the other two. But just as quickly as she stumbled, she had returned to form and her hand came up to catch his sword in her bare hand. Worse than that, she took hold of it and pulled him off his feet, freeing him from the ground and then tossing him across the training grounds. Vriko was mid swing with her own blade when the Seal’s wing stretched out and blocked it easily before it extended, smashing into her and sending her flying in the opposite direction of the former Dread Master.

    The only one that hadn’t been sent back was Vandrad, standing his ground as he focused on reversing her magic back at her. Wings of flames, similar to the ones around her eyes, burst from Vriko’s back and shot her back into the fray while Scourge pressed his fingers to his forehead and disappeared, only to reappear next to Vandrad and getting ready to launch himself forward. It was then that Victoria declared the melee over with a gentle but firm word. The connection between her and Vandrad was severed and the future king’s pain was released. Both Vriko and Scourge came to a halt, waiting several moments before relaxing, with the Vriko’s Blessing dissipating off of her and Scourge letting his Empowerment melt away.

    As they all took their collective breath, Victoria stood before them, astutely watching them as she contemplated what she had observed. When she finally spoke, she turned to Vriko and spoke highly of her training, despite the background that had forged her. But, as she put it, the Blessing was dangerous and even she would only be able to provide a set amount of training to allow a finite access to the Blessing. She believed the reason that the Blessing hadn’t outright killed her was because she was half-angel on her father’s side but that only provided a partial means of protection. Using the Blessing too much would overwhelm her and if she wasn’t careful with how much of its power she used, it could destroy her entirely. There was no telling if she would ever calm true mastery over it, given the dangers it presented. But Victoria still believed that she could train her martial skills and make them sharper and they could work on slowly and protectively prodding her Blessing to see what limitations she had to put in place and expand upon.

    It wasn’t exactly the kind of news Vriko was hoping for. Of course the woman had set her sights on mastering the newfound power, just like she had with everything else thrown at her. Being told that there was a very real possibility that she never could was upsetting… but she didn’t let it hit her. She nodded softly in understanding, even if there was a slight look of disappointment in her features. It was not fully bad news; if everything she had witnessed from Victoria was only a portion of her power, then there was undoubtedly a lot she could learn beyond her Blessing. She focused on the positive, something she would never have done in the past, and honestly felt… better about it.

    Scourge had bent down to pick up the remnants of his top when Victoria turned to him. Her news was less soft to him, stating plainly that while his control of the Ark was worthy of note, it was nowhere near where they needed it to stand against Faera. She even remarked on the fact that he had been holding back. She fixed him with a stare that he met evenly as he stood back up, remaining quiet as she continued. She insisted that improvement was necessary if they wanted to fight Faera evenly, especially as the other gods and demons would undoubtedly target them both if they found out about the existence of the Ark. “Unfortunately, to reach my absolute strength requires mixing several different abilities from the Ark together, as well as portions of Energy Monarch. It requires a… finesse and portion of time that is generally not allowed in battle, plus I am not entirely sold on my own control. I felt it better to use my peak controllable strength. I meant no offense,” he said honestly, giving her a sincere bow of the head. “But I agree; you are formidable even with what little strength you have and I imagine that Faera would not hold back as kindly as you did. It’ll be nice to actually have someone pushing me to improve.”

    Finally it was Vandrad’s turn, the former king staring back at Victoria while still remaining in his Empowerment form. She spoke of his ability to turn her own magic against her, in addition to the state that he had used to evade her attacks seemingly without effort or thought but she knew that they hadn’t come from the Ark. He didn’t remark on it at first, even as Scourge turned to look at him suspiciously. The Seal continued, wondering why Vandrad hadn’t used the Ark at all when he had so easily utilized it in the past. In fact, she knew that Scourge had been training him to improve in it for some months and so she wondered why he hadn’t used it to break free, asking if only one of them can access it at one time.

    “Certainly not. We’ve both drawn from the Ark at the same time. What is she talking about turning her power against her or evading through instinct?”

    Vandrad’s gaze flicked between the two for a moment before he scoffed, his Empowerment fading off of him. "It was less turning your power back and more… taking it and using it myself. It’s my Blood Marker; some kind of evolution of my mother’s. She is able to borrow abilities and magic and I’m able to… forcibly take control of them. I’d never tried it against someone as powerful as you, so it was a test. As for the other thing…” He crossed his arms over his chest. "I don’t know what it is. This is only the second time it’s happened. It first happened when we were on the Nazru ship. It was like… I could see the attacks, every attack that could come at me. And time was moving slower around me and my body simply moved out of instinct to dodge.”

    “Nothing like that in the Ark, that’s for sure. Or else I would have used it,” Scourge remarked. “And you’ve no explanation for it?”

    Vandrad didn’t immediately answer right away, staring at Victoria. "I activated something hidden within me that dropped me on Rhaegar. I had to activate it again when I came back. It’s been well over a year since the last occurrence but I’ve never felt anything similar to it before that event. I don’t know what it is and I don’t know how to access it again, especially with my magic fully replenished now.” He waved his hand, signaling he was done talking about that specific part of the conversation. "I can only use portions of the Ark, specifically Marka’s brand and the scythe stored within it. Whatever other power is in it has been hard to draw out so I cannot use the form like Scourge has.”

    “The Caliban form; Marka’s idea of a perfect magical combination of human and demon. It’s something I’ve told him we need to build towards, especially in case other Divines or Sins find out about the Ark.”

    "Though I don’t much admire the look of it, even I can’t deny its ability to counter demonic and divine abilities,” Vandrad continued. "I was hoping with your help, I may be able to unlock it and gain some control over it.”

    Words: 1373/8947 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Mythal Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair  | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 10th May 2023, 2:25 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1130/5912 WORDS
    @Mythal Ragnos @Vandrad Ragnos @Serilda Sinclair
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    There simply weren’t words to describe the sensation of arriving in Omothol. Everything happened so quickly that Mercury almost wasn’t sure that it had been real rather than just a figment of her imagination. One second she was in the graveyard, then the next she was barely aware of her surroundings at all, more focused on the rush of thoughts that came to her mind: That she was unworthy of the love she received from those in her life. She’d killed so many people; so many. It was like she was drowning in a pool of blood, her entire body soaked from head to toe as she let out a sound that was half giggle, half whimper. They all really should just leave her after the pain she’d caused. They should have left her on that ship to die at the hands of the Nazru. She deserved to be a slave, and deserved the hurt she’d experienced from Khelben…

    When she came to a brief moment later, she found the muzzle of her gun held to her temple. In a snap panic reaction, she dropped the weapon and took a step away from it like it was possessed, if only to give her racing mind and heart a chance to calm down. A quick glance told her Blade and Cillian had been similarly effected, with the former having been holding his sword against the latter’s throat. Blade apologized even as Cillian shook his head free of whatever thoughts had ailed him, the tall man looking a little more pale and sickly than usual – and frankly, she wasn’t sure if that was an effect of the Abyss, of the spell he’d cast to summon the Lich King, or both.

    “It’s fine, bud. Not your fault.” Reaching up a hand, he gently rubbed the spot where the weapon had been as the three of them looked around. Omothol was… not what she’d expected. Granted that probably would have been the case no matter what it looked like, since she didn’t have any context to even begin to build expectations in the first place. It was a miserable looking land, dusky and shrouded in fog, with thick gnarled looking trees, bones littered out in every direction, and murky black swamp waters. Or was it more of a sludge?

    But more than anything, Mercury couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. The sensation was itching at the back of her head, making her tense and a bit twitchy. She reached down to pick Mercy off the ground, finding that the gunblade had dropped near the edge of one of the black pools, and before she finished picking it up something caught her eye. The sludge was almost weirdly iridescent – the places where what little light there was touched it had almost a subtle, glittering rainbow effect. With a frown, she craned her head toward it a bit. Was there… whispering coming from the pool?

    “Mercury..!” She jumped again to find Cillian standing next to her with a firm hand on her shoulder, pulling her back from the pool. Mercury hadn’t even realized she’d gotten so close to the edge, her eyes wide in surprise and fear as she swallowed down air. “Hey, you good?”

    “I, uh… yeah… yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for that.” With one final wary glance at the murky liquid, she quickly picked up her weapon and took a few steps away from the water. The whispering had gone away, even if the feeling of being watched had not… but she stuffed that feeling deep into the back of her mind, forcing herself to ignore it for the time being. Mercury nodded in silent agreement as Blade informed their companion that they would do their part to protect him during the ritual. None of them wanted to be here any longer than they had to be, so it was best to get things started and over with.

    “Sounds good. Luckily, this ritual isn’t too complicated. Difficult, but not complicated. I just need to stay focused so I–” The sound of a horrific moan drew all their attentions toward the treeline, where a terrifying creature had approached through the foliage. Mercury had to fight back the desire to run screaming like a terrified child, and even Cillian physically blanched despite all the undead horrors he’d seen over the last several hundred years. It was a mangled looking creature that made a skeleton look cuddly. It was covered in misshapen bones, covered in spikes with limbs that resembled something more like a preying mantis than anything humanoid. Its face was gaunt and eyeless, with a circular mouth that was ringed with sharp teeth, from which poured a disgusting black ichor that wasn’t unlike the pools in the area around them.

    Mercury used her magic and summoned her strongest light shield around them, the blue glow flickering to life as the creature made its way toward them with halting determination. “Now or never, Cillian.”

    “Right. On it.”

    The Necromancer turned his attention to his book, setting it on the ground before him while Mercury and Blade took up opposing positions on either side of him. “I have no idea how long that shield will hold,” the Xocili informed Blade as she readied her pistol. “It should self regenerate if it goes down, but it will take at least a few seconds to recharge before that happens, and I’m sure that will be more than enough time for a few things to get through – assuming this draws as much attention as the Lich King said it would.”

    Cillian, in the meantime, started speaking once more in an odd language that Mercury did not recognize. As the green glow of his magic enshrouded him, a tightness seemed to fill the area, one that seemed to tug in the dark mage’s direction. It took Mercury a moment to realize what it felt like: like he was absorbing the energy or essence of Omothol itself into his own body, his aura becoming tainted with tendrils of darkness that were being soaked from the ground and the air alike. He was grimacing in what had to be unimaginable pain from the effort but pushed stubbornly ahead, eyes closed so he could shut out the rest of the world around him and focus on his chanting.

    Keeping her peripheral vision on her side of the clearing, Mercury would start shooting at the bone creature when it got in range, her attacks easily passing through the protective shielding to strike at the beast on the other side. But it wouldn’t take long for the distant sound of shrieks and roars from whatever ungodly horrors awaited them to rise up, quickly becoming louder as other creatures drew nearer…
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 10th May 2023, 4:02 pm

    1183/5133 words || @Serilda Sinclair, @Cillian duCrosse, @Vandrad Ragnos || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Algerone actually looked quite excited all of a sudden, which was saying something considering he almost always had an excitable look on his face. With drink in hand, he was nearly falling off the couch as he sat forward on the edge of his seat. Serilda reached into her pocket and withdrew the sheathed weapon, taking it carefully and offering it just as calmly. “Ooh, look at that,” the weaponsmith replied as he dropped his glass of wine… only for the cup to catch itself mid fall and float up just over his shoulder. He pulled the blade from its sheath, gently placing the holder on the table in front of him as he held the weapon flat in his palms. “Mmm yes, uh huh…” he muttered as he took the handle in one hand and ran his fingers over the back of the sword. “Silver infused with… lycanthrope fangs? And then ritualized in full moonlight. Clever, very clever… pedestrian, of course, but man the things that humans will come up with, huh? Huh?!” he polled the room with a rhetorical question, grinning like a kid in a candy shop.

    “Decent against… yes, yes, low level demons, surely. Wouldn’t even cut a Prime Sin or any of their generals. Hm hm hm…” Algerone stood to his feet as he ran his fingers on the sharp end of the blade, a trickle of blood pouring down his fingers. “Well kept, nicely done, Lady Sinclair. Oh yes, this is a good starting point, very good, ah, foundation. Can I see the other one as well? Malice, I believe, it’s called?” With an almost dismissive motion of his hand, he tossed Moonlight up into the air above him… and the weapon froze and adjusted to hang just behind him.

    Once she had brought forth Malice as well, he would unsheath it as well. “Oh… Oh! Ozorith, you insufferable oaf.” He seemed far less pleased by the other weapon, frowning as he looked it over. “Rimeiron and frostbane lead. The man is as wrathful in his forging as he is in his decisions. No, no, no, he absolutely did you a disservice.” Sighing, he tossed Malice behind him, where it, too, floated up and took position directly parallel to Moonlight. He clapped his hands together thrice before tucking a single fist under his chin, clearly in thought. The city behind them dissolved and they found themselves facing a completely new area. It seemed they had moved outside, with several sheer rocky outcrops rising out all around them. The seats they were on had moved with them, along with the table, now set on a rounded platform with a glowing point in the center. And looming above them was a monstrous stone creature, glowing with energy, wielding a massive hammer that looked to be made of space stone. Some kind of celestial body hung in the air behind the massive creature.

    “This is the heart of the Void Forge. Algerone and the station are spiritually linked, allowing him to move us around it as he sees fit. One could say that that avatar up there is Algerone’s smithing mind.”

    “Nuda, honey, trying to think here, thanks love, kisses,” he said, kissing each of his hands and gesturing towards her before he turned to face the hovering swords and the avatar. “Let’s start with you,” the weaponsmith remarked, pointing at Malice with both hands together. When he separated them, the sword itself broke into perfectly symmetrical fragments. “Malice, Malice, Malice… a name like that, it needs to be scary. But it should be a true outlet for your magic. Something terrifying, rawr,” he playfully roared as he paced back and forth, even throwing up claws with his hands. “But still connected to frostbane and vexatious Oz. Hm… do we have…?” His hand flicked and a block of black, ice-like material appeared just past the scope of the broken weapon. “Deadice, perfect! Now we just take some starsteel from my personal inventory and… Serilda, darling, would you mind using your Void magic right there please?” He asked as he pointed at the table in front of them. Once she had performed some kind of spell, he would pinch his fingers at it and seemingly trap the spell. He would then turn and bring it up with the rest of the gathered components. “Yes!” He cheered as he looked at the pieces of material.

    “Perfect! Now…” he waved away the fragments and new pieces of Malice and they soared backwards into the glowing lightpoint fixed on the platform. Without having to gesture towards it, Moonlight fragmented as well just like the other sword had. “Take away the lycanthrope material, leave the silver; silver is a good attuning metal. But leave it as is? No, let’s transform it, add its properties to… well, of course!” He clapped his hands and then gestured in a different direction. A trail of glittering white light poured out of nowhere and swirled around the broken pieces of the sword. Then all together they soared over to the center point as well, disappearing into the light.

    “Now, we just add some fine craftsmanship…” He raised both his hands and the avatar shifted slightly. The hammer in its hands lit up with blue and white light as the avatar swung back and then brought it down towards the focal point. The gathered group, outside of Nuda, would probably go to cover their ears, being so close to the impact point. But there was no noise, just a burst of bright light that would temporarily blind them.

    But once it had settled, Algerone would have already turned around to face Serilda and there, set on the table in front of her, were two new weapons. One sword looked like it had been carved from stone and forged together hastily, with sharp points and odd lapses between the metal of the handle. There was no metal blade but rather a slightly humming ‘blade’ of void magic that came to an even stop, making the blade more like a chopping sword. The other sword lacked any solid form, seemingly completely constructed from light. A handle extended from the bottom of the glowing blade, along with an intricately designed ‘guard’ that connected the handle to the shimmering blade itself.

    “This is your new, ah, Malice, though I prefer to call it Void,” Algerone said as he gestured to the first blade. “I combined some materials from Frostbane and starsteel to make up the handle. Nearly indestructible. And the blade I forged out of your void magic, making it capable of cutting through most anything. I added some enchantments to your magic so its as good a God Slaying blade as you’ll ever get. Now Moonlight; I altered the state of the silver so that its pure energy and mixed it together with blessed, pure moonlight I had stored from some other, ah, project. It can also cut through most things and, best of all, it can destroy magical effects from Kingdom Darkness.”

    “So,” Algerone said with a smile. “What do you think?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 10th May 2023, 6:43 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    She could tell that Vriko wasn’t thrilled about what Victoria had to say regarding her use of Faera’s Blessing. The Seal knew it was disappointing. Hell, in her shoes Victoria would have been defiant against such news, refusing to accept it and doing everything in her power to prove her wrong. And perhaps Vriko would attempt something along those lines. Victoria didn’t claim to be all knowing. This was an unprecedented event, after all, so there was always the possibility that Vriko was capable of more than Victoria was giving her credit for… but she doubted it, and her doubt came not from her opinion of Vriko’s abilities but rather the weight of the power that she had inherited.

    But that didn’t mean the power couldn’t be improved to be the best that it could be – they would just have to help Vriko build it up as much as possible and learn to use it strategically, rather than relying on it to win all of her battles. The younger woman nodded her understanding, saddened by the situation but seemingly accepting of it.

    Scourge took her feedback with cool understanding. He explained to her that while he had higher tiers of strength he could reach, he could not reliably do so without losing control. Primarily because it required him mixing numerous techniques from both the Ark and his Energy Monarch magics, which took time – time that he wouldn’t typically have in a battle. The former Dread Master assured her his intention was not to offend her by not utilizing the fullness of his power, and overall he agreed with her assessment that he had a long ways to go before he could use the magic against anything stronger than a minor demon or demi-god. He was looking forward to testing his skills against someone that could actually push his limits.

    Victoria’s gaze lingered on him for a moment longer with an unreadable look before finally shifting her attention over to Vandrad. The former prince was silent for a moment after she spoke, and it was Scourge who interjected first, confirming that they could both use the Ark simultaneously and pressing for details about what Vandrad had done. A beat longer and Vandrad finally dropped his empowerment, explaining that he had not turned her power against her so much as stolen it briefly through the use of his own Blood Marker, which was similar to his mother’s except that he could take abilities by force. He claimed that he’d never attempted to use it against a being of her caliber, and as such he figured it was a good opportunity to test it. Victoria nodded her understanding and agreement.

    As for the other ability, Vandrad informed her that he didn’t know what it was. He’d only utilized it once before, on the ship when they had been rescuing Mercury and attacking the Nazru. The Seal frowned in thought as he described the sensation, like he had almost a forethought as to how his enemy would attack and could use that knowledge to react accordingly in the heat of battle like it was happening in slow motion around him. Scourge confirmed that he had never discovered anything like that in the Ark’s arsenal, otherwise he would have used it himself.

    When pressed further, the future king confirmed that he hadn’t even the slightest clue where the ability stemmed from. He explained about the ability he had accidentally unlocked, the one that had transported him to Rhaegar and back. He’d not been able to use it since. However, that topic was of less interest or concern to him, at least for the moment. So he changed gears, informing the Seal that he could only use small portions of the Ark, most notably Marka’s brand and the energy scythe. Everything else has been a struggle for him to access thus far. Scourge added that he’d been attempting to help Vandrad access the Caliban form – the one that Scourge himself had used only minutes ago – as he believed it would be the most useful against the Sins and Divines. Vandrad agreed, though he didn’t much care for the look of the form. But his hope was that training with her would help.

    “Then I think we have our path forward, at least for the moment. I suspect the issue of your inability to achieve the Caliban form, or any other additional abilities from the Ark, likely has to do with the fact that you have yet to practice regularly with an individual for whom the Ark was created to combat; such as myself. So perhaps we will have better luck with you sparring against me instead of Scourge. And if my combined divine and demonic energies are not enough, then we can consider escalating to someone with a more pure bloodline, such as Ruzatz. Either way, I think your time with me will be better spent focusing specifically on the Ark or any other as-of-yet inexplicable abilities, as I think your private training with Scourge is sufficient to continue pushing your Energy Monarch.” Vandrad had never seemed to have any issues finding ways to push his own limits with his original magic, so Victoria was less concerned about that. Making sure he could reliably access the Ark, however, was far more important.

    “Similarly for you, Scourge, I imagine that you’ve reached a plateau simply because you have lacked not just someone capable of pushing you to your limits but also someone with whom the powers of the Ark are designed to target. Our primary focus will be increasing your endurance with your higher forms and having you train out the mixtures of your Ark and Energy Monarch abilities so that they require less time to activate in battle, and so you can utilize them for as long as possible without being overwhelmed or drained too quickly.”

    Lastly, she turned to Vriko. “Your training with me will focus primarily on testing the limits of your Blessing and pushing it as feasibly as we can. I would like to help you build up a behavior of finding a way to seamlessly intertwine it with your other skills so that you can utilize it in small but effective bursts strategically in battle. In the meantime, I’d also like you to have extra training with your combat arts with your other mentors, as we should build your Blessing to be complimentary to your stronger skills. Once you have built up your strength a bit more and become more comfortable with accessing your Blessing for vital strikes, then we will pivot and focus on seeing if we can extend the amount of time you can access it. Does this sound a reasonable plan of action to all of you?”

    Presuming they had no complaints or alternate suggestions, Victoria would nod. “Very well. I think we have talked enough, then. Let us continue.”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 10th May 2023, 9:48 pm

    Three Hunters
    The truly terrifying realization that kept gnawing at Blade -- one he really should have stamped out quickly -- was the fact that they were currently protected by a superpower undead god. The Lich King had offered them some kind of protection, be it a spell or blessing, and still the dangerous thoughts almost broke through. Both Blade and Mercury had been moved to places of extreme violence and Cillian himself had been wracked with some kind of trauma as well. With their wits gathered about them, or as much as they could be, they all attempted to steady their stances. The Terran had been so caught up in looking around that he whirled in a panic as Cillian called out Mercury’s name, finding the necromancer pulling the Xocili back away from the murky pools of liquid.

    Cillian explained that the ritual to gain the knowledge was difficult but not overly complicated, meaning it wouldn’t require a lot of prep or advanced maneuvers, or so Blade surmised. All the better, considering that something had sensed them and emerged from the shadows, revealing itself as some kind of bony monstrosity. Blade felt ice water in his veins, a shrill scream rebounding in his head with such force that panic nearly overwhelmed him. Never in his life had he felt such fear and that included staring down Maker in all his power and glory, at the moment of his triumph. He’d seen creatures not dissimilar to this thing but something about the air of Omothol made it all the more terrifying. Blade only found himself when Mercury managed to summon a light shield; a thin film of magic but strong enough to break the terror that threatened him. She ordered Cillian to get to work and he didn’t need much more encouragement beyond that.

    Blade took out his ocarina once more and blew a few notes. He then hastily drew his finger in the air and then pointed towards Cillian. Several rings of glittering light swirled around the necromancer and formed an extra layer of defense for him. Mercury told him that she had no estimation to how long the shield would hold out, even as the bony creature continued its march towards them. It could recover after being destroyed but there would be a delay and there was no telling what could make it through before it was up again. “I’ve put the strongest protections I know around Cillian. They can only remain around one person at a time, so as long as he finishes the ritual quickly, it should hold against physical and mental distress.” That was, of course, counting that his prowess stood up against the insanity of the realm.

    Blade gripped his sword with both hands as Mercury began to pepper the creature with shots. The edge of his blade began to glow a bright red and symbols lit up along the flat edge of the weapon as he continued to focus. Chips of bone splintered off from Mercury’s shots as the creature groaned, unbothered as its culminated body was splintered and cracked by her firing. More shrieks and roars of other creatures filled the air as more monsters approached from beyond their sight. The bone creature made it to the pool of black ichor, stepping into it and moving unhindered… but as it moved, more whispers began to sound out all around them.

    Blade was just about to unleash his sword’s attack when a new creature emerged form the darkness. A monstrosity that seemed to be made up of veins and slimy tendrils. Two tentacle-like appendages moved where its mouth should be as it stared at the group with glowing red eyes. It brought its hand up, lining up with both Mercury and Blade… and there was a flash of light from its bloody gaze as it cast something at both of them.

    Suddenly Blade wasn’t in Omothol anymore. He was lying in a big bed, filled with naked, writhing women. Hands and legs moved over him, offering him gentle, loving caresses. Lips of women he knew, women he’d been with, pressed against his all over as he heard calming whispers fill his ears. He didn’t need to panic, there was no need to fight. He was safe and they would keep him company for as long as he wanted. The worst part was that Blade knew it was a trick, some kind of fallacy pushed upon him from that creature, but that didn’t keep his mind from wanting to listen. The protective barrier in his mind felt even more turbulence as his better self was temporarily taken in by the vision. The women offered him affection, and promised to take all of the bad thoughts away…

    The creature let a portion of its own desire infect the fantasy and Blade was suddenly met with the vision of himself, trapped by the ravenous bloody creature. The tentacles wrapped around his neck and face as an orifice latched onto the top of his head, digging through his flesh and bone, sucking up his mind even as Blade screamed at the top of his lungs. Turns out, that scream carried out into the real world as the Terran came bursting out of the nightmarish vision. With a hard jerk of his hands, he slashed his sword forward diagonally and unleashed a wave of concentrated energy. The arc of light ripped through Mercury’s shield and sliced off a portion of the bone creature’s top half, toppling it to the ground. But, more importantly, the direction of his slice ripped right through the neck of the succubus mindflayer, divorcing its head from the rest of its body and causing both to tumble to the ground.

    Blade fell to his knees as blood ran out from his nostrils, dripping onto the ground. He barely had time to collect himself before a pair of other creatures emerged from the smog. Another humanoidish nightmare, purple and pink and made of limbs and tendrils, quickly stumbled forward towards them while some kind of giant worm burst out of the ground and launched itself into the shield, slamming into the hard surface and squealing. An appendage burst from its mouth; wet, slimy and covered in talons and fangs. The appendage scratched against shield before the worm itself was forced to retreat back into the ground, even as the other creature charged into the shield and began to batter its dysmorphic arm against the light wall.
    ...one galaxy
    WORDS: 1077 / 10,024
    TAGS: @Mercury Arseneault, @Serilda Sinclair, @Mythal Ragnos
    NOTES: none


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 11th May 2023, 4:27 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    The behaviors of the weaponsmith continued to be more and more perplexing, and honestly if it weren’t for the vouching of Ruzatz and Agatha, Serilda likely would never have entrusted her weapons to the man. But Lusty Titans leaders had talked a good deal about the man, so she had to assume that whatever he had to offer was worth the oddities he came with. She gave him a bit of backstory on Moonlight, and he was able to deduce several things on his own including the lycanthrope fang that was embedded within it and the moonlight ritual that had been performed on it. He was impressed by it, or at least he was impressed at how good it was considering the “human” hands that had crafted it.

    Yet it wasn’t enough to handle a prime sin or any of their generals, which was unsurprising. Even with Lux’s added enhancements; the Seal still was missing a large piece of his power, so he had been limited in how much extra umph he could tack on. All in all, it was at least a good platform to build from. He asked to also see Malice, and so Serilda withdrew the dark blade as well from her Void pocket dimension, offering it over to him. She didn’t explain anything regarding that blade, but neither would she need to. He knew that it had come from Ozorith, and by the looks of it he was much less impressed with the unholy blade’s craftsmanship, claiming that the Sin had done her a disservice.

    Serilda really… didn’t have much to say by way of that. The weapon had been enough to help her in her fight against Archimedes at least, but Archimedes was the lowest echelon of angel in Faera’s court. Chances were, she truly did need something more potent for any other fights against the fallen goddess and her horde. Both weapons were tossed behind Algerone, where they floated patiently behind him. With a clap, he changed their atmosphere once more, Serilda’s eyes widening at the sight of a giant golem of sorts that stood over the starforge with a massive hammer. She was so distracted with her awe at the sight that it took her a second to realize that he’d broken Malice into pieces.

    The Voidwalker’s eyes went even wider, and she opened her mouth in instinct to protest. “Hey..!” She was stopped by the sensation of Agatha taking her hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. There was an apologetic smile on her face, the Hand silently assuring her that it was okay – to trust the process and accept that, while her weapons would no longer be what she had grown used to them being, they would come out better on the other side. That didn’t take away from the noblewoman’s mild grumpiness; he could have at least warned her. But such was clearly the price of letting the weaponsmith do his thing.

    Managing to keep her expression under control, she watched as he worked, pulling out various materials from his personal collections, including deadice and starsteel, whatever those were. He also requested a Void spell from her. “Of course.” With a thought, she concentrated some of her magic at the spot he’d indicated, the space filling with the golden glittering stardust of her Voidwalking abilities from which he pinched off a piece of the magic and wove it into his craft.

    Before he finished the piece, he turned his attention to Moonlight. While Serilda was prepared this time to see her more beloved weapon shattered, that didn’t make it any easier to watch. She had a lot of sentimental value in that weapon. It had been one of Mythal’s first gifts to her, and one of the first things that had shown her how much he cared and paid attention to her. Algerone removed the werewolf component, leaving the silver as the base and filtering in some other kind of light based energy.

    Finally, he wrapped up the process in the forge as each weapon was struck by the might hammer. Serilda winced in anticipation of a great ear-shattering noise, only to fight it rather silent – though the light was intense with each blow. After her vision returned, Algerone was holding two brand new weapons out for her.

    Malice looked more like it was crafted from stone, with a rustic and jagged handle that gave way to black blade that had a flat cleaver like tip to it. It reeked with extremely potent unholy energy, and a purplish glow that was reminiscent of the Void clung to its surface. Meanwhile, Moonlight was now almost fully a blade crafted of pure light, its holy energy far outshining that of what the weapon had been before. It had almost a lance-like shape to it, with a thick base that tapered straight to a fine point.

    She continued to inspect her enhanced blades as Algerone explained the changes he’d made to them. “May I?” she asked as he asked what she thought, wanting to get a feel for the blades in her hands in order to provide a fully informed answer. Presuming he would let her collect the weapons, she would put enough space between her and the others so that she could swing them around in a casual but practiced pattern dance, feeling each weapon slice through the air. When she finished, her gaze turned once more to consider them. “I’ll admit the new styles will take some getting used to. I might have to adjust my combat style a bit. However, they are remarkably light given their size, and the balance on them is… well, incredible.” Despite everything, she had to admit to herself that these were the finest crafted weapons she’d ever owned; the finest ones she probably ever would own.

    “The holy and unholy energies that are contained within easily outmatch what the weapons held before. They’re excellently crafted, Al. You have my sincerest gratitude… and I’m looking forward to seeing how much they’ll help me ruin Faera’s day, in the future… as well as Ozorith’s.” She offered a small but playful smirk, her first such expression since arriving at the starforge.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Three Means, What End? Empty Re: Three Means, What End?

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 13th May 2023, 11:39 am

    881/5133 words || @Serilda Sinclair, @Cillian duCrosse, @Vandrad Ragnos || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Algerone wore the look of a proud father, happy with what he had created for the Rune Knight Field Marshal. Extravagant, infused with overwhelming magic power and carved with the finest materials, they would surely inspire much conversation among her allies and enemies. As she asked to hold them, he gently leaned in gesture for her to take them, watching with a smile as she took them by the handles and then stepped away to give them proper swings. But that smile seemed to wane as he watched her, its brightness dimming ever so slightly as she got a feel of each weight and how they cut through the air. She remarked that the new styles they were in would take some practice to master and that she would need to adjust her style of fighting to compensate for them. But they were light and balanced in a way that impressed her and she noticed the strength of the magic within them was far greater than what had previously been contained within the two vessels. She thanked him and remarked how excited she was to use them against Faera and, eventually, Ozorith.

    But Algerone didn’t immediately go to brag or go on a self-indulgent tangent. He looked… troubled. And he was silent for a long enough time that the rest of the gathered group couldn’t help but notice his quietness with concern. “Algerone, Lady Serilda has thanked you for the weapons…” Nuda spoke up calmly. By her tone, it would seem like this kind of occurrence was common. It was, in fact; Algerone was brilliant but a lot of it was fractured thanks to the omnipotence that had been gifted him and the following punishment that came after he’d used said awareness to help humanity. Sometimes he lost focus, caught up in his own mind and one of Nuda’s responsibilities was to bring him back to the present.

    Yet this seemed different than other times. Algerone looked like he was aware but he was… disappointed. “No…” he said, frowning. “No, this isn’t right. The weapons should compliment, not hinder. If you need to adjust then I haven’t done my job right. No, no, no, I could tell by the way you used them that I had misjudged. I can’t be satisfied until I, ah, get this right. Please, please, may I see them again?” Once Serilda had handed the weapons back over, Algerone turned and tossed them towards the center of the forge once more. When they landed, a flash of light sparked out from the core as the weaponsmith began to pace back and forth once more. “Right materials but wrong shape, wrong frame. You aren’t some barbarian wielding rocks or fragments of stone that you shaped. No, you’re, ah, a regal woman, one of poise and command. A leader! A dignified soldier who leads her men with confidence. Your weapons must fit you, must be an extension of you. They are impressive, imposing and striking, capable of spectacular speed and accuracy while still looking exalted. Yes, yes, YES!” He snapped his fingers and pointed at Serilda. “I’ve got it.”

    Once more he turned and faced the avatar, spreading his arms out. The massive hammer of the giant began to glow and then down it came, striking the light source and creating the same expulsion of light that filled the room again. And when the light faded, two new weapons lay on the table before Serilda and Mythal. Gone was the primitive, overly-magical look of each weapon and in their stead were two dignified looking long swords, one of white and one of black metals. “Perfectly symmetrical blades of darkness and light. I’ve returned the silver and brightened it with the blessed, pure moonlight. I’ve combined the deadice and the starsteel to make this loathsome black metal simply oozing with energy that would make any god or goddess quake in their, ah, boots. I’ve even added some rare gold in the blade, guard and handle from the third moon of Quasari. Rich and, ah, smooth as the finest surface. Here,” he reached down and lifted them up for her to try and feel.

    “I feel the titles of Malice and Moonlight better apply, ah, to these,” he explained as she got a feeling for the two new blades. “But if you go ahead and apply some of your Void magic and bring the swords together…” Once she had done so, the two swords would seem to sink into one another and become one, filling with light and dark. After a small flash of light, a new sword would rest in her hand. “That is the, ah, Voidblade. It’s a longer, double-bladed long blade that will resonate with the energies from both swords and your Void magic. If there are instances where you, ah, need something with a bigger kick and want to field something with a bit more heft.”

    “All three are light enough that you should be able to wield them the same way you did the previous, ah, iterations. Malice and Moonlight will also fit in your previous scabbards. Oh, that feels so much better,” he said, fanning his own face with his hand. “I was worried for a moment there, I thought I was losing my touch.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:46 pm