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    Official Action

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Official Action Empty Official Action

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th January 2021, 12:00 pm

    OOC Details:

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It seems the cold war between Bellum and Pergrande was finally starting to warm up, after all these years. Like many other politically involved nobles from Fiore, the Sinclairs had observed carefully from afar the fragile peace that had somehow managed to endure for roughly a decade, unsure for how long it would last before blood began to shed anew. In defense of both countries, it certainly lasted much longer than most people had likely expected. But now it seemed the time for action was upon them, with Bellum actively requesting the help of the Magic Council to protect their border, and thus calling upon Fiore and the Rune Knights. Serilda had wasted no time in making sure that several elite squads of Knight were dispatched to key locations along the border, sending word ahead of time to the Bellum commanders of where they could expect her troops.

    But Serilda did not intend on watching from the safety of her military office. There was a lot that could be said of the Voidwalker, who was very much the epitome of a born and bred noble woman: proper and dignified, stoic, almost so emotionless at times as to seem cold, though she had gotten a bit warmer over the years. She was certainly a strict field marshal that expected a certain level of decorum and from her soldiers. That being said, she was not the type of noble or leader that sent warriors forward in the field to fight battles without her help. While she had been working on a quick plan to get effective squads orders to proceed to the border and engage, Mythal had been busy rounding up a squad of their own, the two of them intent on being directly involved in aiding their allied nation.

    Once the deployment orders had been assigned and sent out for immediate delivery, Serilda quickly changed into her official field marshal regalia, electing to forego the basic duty uniform she typically wore on jobs in place of the formal blue, black, and white uniform that was more appropriate for the brink-of-official-war situation before them. With her trusted battle wolf Xiuhcoatl at her side, and the battle hungry nephilim Victoria absolutely buzzing in her head with anticipation, Serilda found Mythal and the group he’d gathered, which mostly consisted of individuals whom the marshal had not had the opportunity to work directly with or even formally meet yet. She knew little about Privates Xaclamir, Fulgur, or Wiggles except that Fulgur had come to the Rune Knights off a recommendation from former General Shane Stern after choosing to turn from his former life of crime. So far, his reports reflected that he was keeping up with that claim. Generals Grappa and Jellisha, however, she knew quite well, her and Mythal having quite literally raised the girls together like daughters and watched them very quickly evolve into young women and battle ready soldiers.

    Without wasting any time, the small squad utilized one of the many magical tools from the Rune Knight’s assets that allowed them to instantaneously traverse from the headquarters in Era to the exact location in Bellum that they needed to go. From there, it was only a quick chat with the local commander of Bellum’s forces in that region to organize themselves and the six Knights were off, pushing across the border into Pergrande and directly into the fray of an active battle site teeming with Pergrande soldiers and Bellum mages alike. “Engage at will, but stay close,” Serilda informed the squad, knowing that each of them would work best for now as individual forces where they could utilize their magics and abilities freely. “If an enemy flees, do not chase them. Our only priority is securing this section of the border.” WIth the single, simple command issued, Serilda drew both of her scimitars, the holy silver blade of Moonlight glowing with a bright blue aura even as the unholy black blade of Malice sought to suck the light away from its immediate space. A quick scan of the battle grounds was all she took before leading the charge, surprising Pergrande and Bellum forces alike as the small group of Rune Knights poured out of the surrounding trees to support Bellum’s forces.

    WORDS: 710/710 | @Mythal Ragnos @Nohres Xaclamir @Wiggles @Tor @"Grappa & Jellisha"
    Serilda Sinclair


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th January 2021, 12:01 pm

    OOC ACTION: Rolling for Serilda's 10 event enemies.



    Posts : 23986
    Mentor : Admin

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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by NPC 18th January 2021, 12:01 pm

    The member 'Serilda Sinclair' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action PzArA86 Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action PzArA86 Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh
    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 18th January 2021, 2:15 pm

    OOC Action: Rolling for Nohres' ten event enemies.



    Posts : 23986
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by NPC 18th January 2021, 2:15 pm

    The member 'Nohres Xaclamir' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh
    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
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    Third Skill:

    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 18th January 2021, 7:01 pm

    OOC Action: Rolling for Tor's 10 enemies.



    Posts : 23986
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by NPC 18th January 2021, 7:01 pm

    The member 'Tor' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action R2fEWNz

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,593

    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Wiggles 18th January 2021, 7:46 pm

    OOC Action: Rolling for Scully's 10 enemies.


    Official Action Vk27K5C

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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by NPC 18th January 2021, 7:46 pm

    The member 'Wiggles' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action NXDHjfc Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action NXDHjfc Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1082
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 18th January 2021, 7:49 pm

    Rolling for Mythal's enemies



    Posts : 23986
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by NPC 18th January 2021, 7:49 pm

    The member 'Mythal Ragnos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action NXDHjfc Official Action R2fEWNz Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 327
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 18th January 2021, 8:21 pm

    OOC: Rolling for G&J's Monsters


    Official Action YvWNyTL

    Posts : 23986
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by NPC 18th January 2021, 8:21 pm

    The member 'Grappa & Jellisha' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action NXDHjfc Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh Official Action OdAaNwh
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1082
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 19th January 2021, 4:29 pm

    1095/4000 words || @Serilda Sinclair @Tor @Wiggles @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Nohres Xaclamir || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal disliked the idea of taking part in another country’s war. But the fragile, hostile neutrality that had simmered between Bellum and Pergrande was quickly coming to a head. The ceasefire was over and now conflict was rising, with the two polarizing nations preparing for an all out battle that could very well spark a full inferno of war. A planet-spanning contest of strengths was the last thing Earthland needed but there was no denying or delaying what was to come. And unfortunately for the Darkness King, his position within the Rune Knights meant that his side had already been picked. Bellum called upon Fiore’s Magic Council to send aid and the Knights were at the front of the recruiting line, there to act as the vanguard. Serilda was quick to recruit some of the best soldiers they had and send them all along the border to secure tactically advantageous points but that wasn’t going to be enough. The Director sent out his personal black ops group, Reaper Squadron, to try and reclaim several pieces of land that could help aid Bellum in their resistance.

    If it even was a resistance -- it was extremely unclear who had provoked the all-out conflict. Mythal knew very little about the politics of countries but he knew enough about Bellum and Pergrande’s history to know that either side could have fired the first shot to antagonize the other. Vandrad and the du Wolffs hailed from Bellum and that put a personal stake in the matter for him but even then, they weren’t exactly tied religiously to the nation’s operational standards. Whatever the case, he and Serilda were going to Bellum as well and that meant assembling a squadron to operate with them. The truth of the matter was that Mythal hadn’t really gotten a chance to work with too many of the Rune Knights. Shane Stern had departed from the organization under confusing means and Wren was likewise engaged in the situation with her own group of Knights. So he branched out starting with Toril Fulgur, a man that Shane had recommended personally for the Rune Knights. He’d apparently been a former criminal that had turned his life around. Nohres Xaclamir had been a recruit from the days after the attack on Era, who had devoted himself to the order with… flourish. Scully Wiggles had been part of the Rune Knights even before they got reformed, one of the more veteran members who had found a place in the order and stayed there for comfortability’s sake. Though it concerned him as a father, he also enlisted Grappa and Jellisha into the group. He knew they were capable of taking care of themselves but that didn’t quell the worry and even he, perhaps, felt inclined to keep them close rather than sending them off with another squad.

    Much like Serilda, Mythal had put on his official Director outfit, as he was representing the Rune Knights in an official capacity. Gren had also come along with him, his magical collar removed so that he towered over pretty much anyone and everyone. Because of his immense size, the Star Wolf had been crafted a set of armor so he was protected from the projectiles that were certainly going to be targeting him. Utilizing the Rune Knight’s magical equipment, the group very easily traversed the many miles between Fiore and Bellum, appearing along the border. From there they caught up with the Bellum officers to get a lay of the land and then they were off, invading the land of Pergrande to join the already furious battle. Serilda dictated the orders to each of them, as each one of them would be working as an individual fighter rather than partaking in a group effort. That way they could bring down a fair number of soldiers at once rather than small clusters as a group. It also allowed them the freedom to use their magic without hindering or hurting their allies. They were here to secure the border and not to cause any more death than was needed, as Serilda put it. With the last command given, Mythal pulled out the hilt of Curse and flowed his magic into it, crafting the magical sword around the metal fragment. His new magic was still fresh and unmastered, the Darkness King learning more about it each and every day. This would be his first real test of what it was capable of.

    The group charged, splitting off to engage Pergrande’s forces and assist the Bellum soldiers that were already caught in the fray. Mythal’s first targets were a trio of Imperial soldiers, bearing the outfits of new recruits. Activating his moonlight magic, the Darkness King slipped into a bolt of light, zipping back and forth through the battlefield before he appeared between the group. He swung his sword up and diagonally at one of the soldiers, the magical blade ripping through his armor and causing him to backpedal but remain on his feet. At the same time, blood and darkness sprung out from Mythal’s back, wrapping around him in a terrifying aura of crimson black. The other two soldiers sprayed bullets at him, the tiny pieces of metal slamming into the swirling cloud of magic and vaporizing into a mist of iron flakes. More magic ripped out from Mythal’s body and entered his sword, causing it to glow even brighter as he dashed in and swung his sword twice, ripping through the soldier’s weapons and armor. Another wave of bullets from the last remaining soldier pulverized Mythal’s Nightmare Aegis, the bullets managing to sink deeper into the energy dispersal before disappearing. Mythal ran through the shower of bullets and, surprisingly, they finally managed to break through his defenses and sink into his shoulder and torso. He grit his teeth as he swung the sword once more, finishing off the final soldier and dropping him to the ground.

    He glanced down at the holes in his body, blood already starting to stream out from them. Taking a breath, he called upon the blood magic in his lacrima and sent a rejuvenating wave of magic into the injuries. The bullets rose slowly out from his flesh and fell to the ground as the holes filled in like they’d never been there. In addition to the healing magic, a thin film wrapped itself around his body, creating another defensive layer of magic over his form. Letting out a small breath of air, the Darkness King set his sights on his next targets and ran headfirst into the next group.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 20th January 2021, 11:39 pm

    Word Count: 1,281 / 4,000

    When news first broke about the conflict between Bellum and Pergrande, Nohres wasn't sure what to make of it. While the violent history between the two nations, as well as Pergrande's extreme persecution of mages, was well documented, there was a murkiness to the origins of this conflict to make many uneasy. Any time nations went to war, the resulting conflict bred chaos and uncertainty; however, there were few nations that could generate such extreme levels as Bellum and Pergrande. With the largest military body in the world and a nation almost exclusively made of mages driving headlong towards war, all of Earthland was holding its breath.

    Of course, such hesitance and neutrality was not the way things unfolded for Nohres and the rest of the Rune Knights. With Bellum calling on the Magic Council for aid, the choice of who to support, if such a thing as choosing between a nation of mages or a nation of mage-killers when one was a mage could really be called a choice, was made for them.

    When Field Marshal Sinclair and Director Ragnos indicated that they were putting together a rapid deployment squad, the call for volunteers was made on short order. With so many already deployed on missions and personal matters, there was limited availability on who could respond, as well as how long they could wait before they had to deploy. It was for that reason alone that Nohres found himself traveling with such high-ranking members of the Rune Knights through Bellum.

    In truth, he was deeply divided on the matter as he felt a strong streak of inadequacy when compared to the High Marshal and Director. However, such feelings could not stand against his overwhelming desire to help, and it did not get easier than a request for help from such a thing as a nation of mages poised on the brink of annihilation. It was for that reason, to help others, that he had first enlisted and thanks to powerful magics, they were able to respond to the emerging humanitarian conflict in hours as opposed to the weeks conventional travel would have entailed.

    Per the Field Marshal's instructions, they emerged from the treeline and immediately moved to join the conflict. For his part, Nohres deployed in a more defensive fashion, the cape of his uniform billowing as he cleared a small ledge. As this would be his first combat deployment, he opted for a slower approach to the conflict to avoid an untimely end, or worse. His eyes locked on a pair of Bellum mages that were pinned down by a trio of Pelgrande soldiers firing with their guns. Vaguely recalling that the Director's briefing had indicated that such soldiers were relatively low ranking recruits, Nohres decided that the first order of business was saving the mages.

    As the rock they were hunkered behind shattered under the unrelenting stream of gunfire, the ground erupted in flames and a halcyon barrier rose from the fires to protect the vulnerable mages. Nohres moved quickly to secure and gestured back towards safety. "Go, now!" He watched the pair scurry off, panicked thanks shouted at him in gratitude. It was disturbing to see just how young the mages were; not that he was particularly old himself, but Nohres judged the pair to more likely be the sort to still be seeking their parent's permission for matters than fighting for their lives in a war.

    The abrupt silence of gunfire refocused Nohres' attention and he turned to spot the three Pelgrande infantrymen reloading their weapons. There were visible cracks in his protective barrier, but not yet enough to give him any cause for concern as they fiddled with their weapons. He considered them for a moment, and the wider battlefield as a whole; unsurprisingly he couldn't see any quarter being given, from either side. It was disappointing to Nohres to see, but he understood why it was. Perhaps there was a way to end this without a need to take more lives.

    Reaching inward, he grasped at that kernel of magic that was ever-present against the back of his mind. It wasn't difficult for him to find it these days, it was rather like trying to ignore the sun for all the power he felt welling within him. When his magic had first manifested, it had nearly overwhelmed him with its intensity. Although it still felt as if the magic would sear his bones if he was not careful, Nohres no longer truly feared his magic.

    Nohres breathed deeply and felt the magic flow through him. Flames grew from his feet, gently lifting him off the ground and his skin began to tingle as it was rejuvenated by the wellspring of magic. As the fiery barrier grew weaker and spiderwebbed heavily under the gunfire, he took a moment to gauge the distance. With a few hundred feet between them, a lot of open ground... It would be close, but he knew he could do it.

    The barrier shattered with a sound of glass and rushing winds, and in that instant Nohres exploded forward. Propelled forward with the aid of the flames rocketing from his feet, he closed the gap almost immediately. Two of them were caught entirely off guard, while the third made a haphazard lunge with his knife. The Fiorian Rune Knight caught the other man by the wrist and turned, flinging the Pelgrande soldier into his two compatriots. "Gentlemen, I'm afraid this is where you'll be surrendering." Nohres made his voice like iron as he spoke, allowing his magic to flare in his eyes while several glowing sigils began to hover above the men. "I have standing orders to accept surrender and avoid undue bloodshed. I advise you take it."

    While the sounds of combat continued, the men were forced to consider the ultimatum. The two who had been taken entirely off-guard seemed as if they were seriously considering it, however, their vainglorious friend did not seem to share their level-headedness. "Like we'd ever surrender to a mage like you, Bellum dog!" The amount of contempt he squeezed into that one word was impressive, but Nohres did not have it in him to debate the matter with the man. As he made another lunging stab, Nohres gestured with two fingers and let one of the sigils activate, channeling a lance of holy fire as he pierced the man's chest and drove him to the ground.

    Although he knew that the Field Marshal would have no issues with him taking the life of an enemy combatant, Nohres was compelled to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. He knelt beside the now unconscious magist and placed a hand over the hole where his fire magic had pierced the armor. Letting his magic flow into the other man, Nohres stitched up the wound sufficiently to ensure it would no longer be life-threatening before he turned to the other two who were now staring nervously at the sigils above their heads. "Those will discharge if you so much as lift a hand again," he said with a flat stare. That wasn't quite how the magic functioned, but they didn't need to know that. "Someone will be along shortly to collect you and your friend. Don't resist any further, and the Rune Knights will see to it that you're treated reasonably."

    Without another word, Nohres turned and ventured deeper onto the battlefield. They were raw recruits, untested and unprepared. He knew that the rest of his fights would not be so easily won, nor was he likely to take them all alive. However, if there was even a chance he could do it, then Nohres was committed to it.
    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
    what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal

    Last edited by Nohres Xaclamir on 21st January 2021, 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 21st January 2021, 1:44 am

    As a Rune Knight in the Special Ops division, it was important for Tor to keep himself updated and well-informed about news such as the skirmishes that had erupted out of the blue at the borders between Bellum and Pergrande. However, that was it. The war between the two nations might influence the overall peace situation of the many other nations and depending on who won in the bitter end, there might a shift of power in the global stage, but at Tor’s level, it was just news. Nothing more, nothing less. His life would still go on as normal. That was a few weeks ago.

    In just a few weeks, the border clashes had already escalated to the point where Bellum and Pergrande were respectively calling in favors and confirming allegiances with their allies, putting out requests for reinforcements to participate in the frontlines in hopes of turning the tide for the betterment of their side. The orders for the Rune Knights came quickly, surging down the vertical organization structure like a waterfall from top to bottom. Sign ups had been posted for volunteers to provide aid at the frontlines. Anyone who was able and willing could form squads and get shipped out to the battlefield as vanguard forces.

    Tor’s blood had boiled at the prospect of joining the war. He had only been in turf wars when he was still in the Red Eagle organization, and from his first-hand experience, there was nothing better than knowing your life and death hung in a deadly balance to forge one’s will to fight. With this chance to join such a huge war and bask himself in even more of such situations, he had eagerly looked at the squads that were being formed up and considering which to join when he suddenly heard that the Field Marshal and Director were organizing their own squad to charge into the battle. Tor was completely fired up by then, and immediately put his name down amongst many others for a chance to be on this squad.

    On a personal and professional basis, Tor hadn’t had the chance to be acquainted with them, since by rank or by ability, he wasn’t even in the same league to work with them yet. But from what Shane had told him of their many achievements and their personal strength, Tor wanted to find out for himself if they were truly as Shane had made them out to be. He wasn’t doubting Shane’s words, since he had already confirmed that the man had really been a former General, of the Special Ops division no less. Instead, he wanted to witness it personally. Additionally, with their country’s status as Bellum’s ally, they were going to go up against Pergrande’s best.

    As a nation that condemned magic, the fact that they could rise and maintain their status as one of the superpowers in the global stage was no easy feat. The very best from Pergrande were able to go toe to toe with Fiore’s cream of the crop, proving that technology was equally as powerful as magic.

    Not much was said when the full team was assembled and with the use of a magical artifact belonging to the Rune Knights, the team was instantly brought to the battlefield, albeit behind a treeline that separated them from where the majority of the clashes were happening. Magic and bullet intertwined in the air as their representative forces clashed. Field Marshall Serilda’s orders were clear and crisp. They were to move within actionable range of each other, still staying as a unit while being allowed to act individually as they saw fit.

    Nothing more was said as weapons were summoned and magic primed before the entire squad charged out from the treeline, going in hot. A cross-spear appeared in Tor’s right hand while a light blue shield appeared on his left. The battlefield was potpourri of culture as mages of Bellum dressed in fantastical armor clashed against the soldiers of Pergrande in strict military clothing, made even messier by the addition of Rune Knights in their own distinctive uniform. As he scoured the battlefield for any opportunities to take, stopping beside a tree, the bark of the tree near his face exploded to bullet fire.

    Tor jerked his head back and held up his light shield in reflex, the shield humming repeatedly as bullets flew at it. The Rune Knight dropped into a crouch and rolled backwards as his original position was peppered by bullets.

    “Target’s moving backwards! Move in for a pincer!” the one who had shot at Tor with his automatic rifle shouted out. His rifle was still held at shoulder height, one eye tracking down the sights of his rifle while he followed his prey’s movement. Every once in a while, he would release a burst of bullets at Tor, forcing the Rune Knight to constantly move to avoid getting shot. Tor knew he was being led around by the nose, but he didn’t want to risk tanking the bullets. He had seen Director Ragnos tank the bullets and even his defense had been broken, much less his own flimsier ones.

    “I have eyes on the target!” another quiet voice whispered to the one shepherding Tor, hiding behind a tree as he waited for the inevitable arrival of the Rune Knight. The moment the Rune Knight was within range, the second soldier of the two-man team stepped out from behind the tree and whipped the butt of his rifle into Tor’s face. At least, that was his plan. Tor grinned when he saw the other soldier finally made his appearance. Tor raised up his shield hand with certainty and took the blow with the light shield. It was also the final blow that his light shield could take before shattering, needing some time before Tor could reform it again.

    “I’m engaging in close combat! I need backup fire!” the soldier confronting Tor shouted into his earpiece while he repeatedly used the rifle as a battering ram. The quick attacks in the short range prevented Tor from using his spear so he decisively dropped it before lunging forward, tackling the soldier’s abdomen with his shoulder as he put his arms around the soldier’s waist in an attempt to throw him backwards onto the ground. Before falling, the soldier had managed to ram the butt of his rifle into Tor’s back a few times, causing the latter to hiss out in pain despite activating another defensive spell tied to his lineage.

    When the two dropped onto the snowy ground, Tor moved with the agility of a snake as he sat atop the enemy, pinning down his arms to his side with his legs and relentlessly punched at the man’s helmet. Seeing that normal attacks weren’t going to do it, when Tor pulled back his fist for the fourth time, golden lightning had gathered around his fist. The soldier could tell that the next strike was going to be different and was the real deal, and managed to summon enough strength to pull his arms out from under Tor to protect his face but Tor was aiming elsewhere. The lightning-charged fist smashed squarely into the soldier’s chest, leaving him unconscious.

    A few bullets slammed into his back, the impact from the bullets enough to dislodge Tor from the unconscious soldier as he rolled to the side. Tor kept on rolling until he could reach the fallen Full Auto rifle from the unconscious soldier. Springing up into a one-legged kneel, the Rune Knight quickly brought it up to his shoulder, closing one eye while the other aimed and successfully fired off multiple shots. Tor could feel the recoil of the weapon as the weapon threatened to jerk free of his grip and dislocate his shoulder when he pressed down repeatedly on the rifle, firing more than enough shots to make up for his poor accuracy and finally bringing down the second of the pair.

    Tor finally let out a breath of relief and released his finger from the trigger when the enemy on the other end of the barrel slumped down to the ground. The soldier he had knocked unconscious suddenly let out a grunt as he recovered. Tor emptied out the rest of the magazine into the soldier, bullets piercing through the body armor he wore. The sound of battle had attracted the attention of the other Pergrande soldiers in the vicinity, forcing Tor to quickly pick up his spear and run towards a more favorable position before resuming the battle with a new group. It had been a tough battle, with the only consolation being that it was against officers instead of the recruits.

    [1451 / 4000 words]



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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Wiggles 24th January 2021, 4:49 am

    It was a hectic day to be sure at headquarters. Scully, despite his build, ran as fast as he could through the halls in an attempt to deliver reports and other various paperworks to their appropriate destinations as fast as he could. Piles of paper were held in front of him tightly and securely all thanks to his huge arms he possessed. Not a single paper flew off as would some on this run. Then again, Scully couldn’t do much running, but he digressed. Apparently, decades-long standoff between two nations have finally erupted to a full scale war. Scully had no awareness of the fragile political landscape of Earthland. Mostly because he hasn’t been anywhere else. His knowledge of the outside world was limited to the fact that they had an alliance with one of the players; Bellum, and that there was war, the news said that much.

    A few minutes passed and Scully was able to afford some reprieve from all the back and forth due to paperwork. And in the commotion of people trying to get to their assignments as quickly as possible, Scully had been pointing a finger across a paragraph in one of the documents he had. Trying to get a sense of why there was such animosity between the two nations. Pergrande persecuted magic, yes. But why? What led them to this culture and philosophy? It seemed confusing for the simple-minded Scully. Or rather he simply thought that why would a nation hate the very essence of the world they are in. Magic is in the very air, he thought. And surely there would have been some in their lands that would have been born with more sensitivity to that part of their reality. However, he could still be wrong, as they wouldn’t be on red alert trying to help their ally if that were the case. He just wished everyone could get along as it were. And he only wished that because Scully, being a ray of positivity, thought that there is nothing a few words and doughnuts can solve. Certainly helped him talk a man out of taking hostages and robbing people. Yes, Scully had more to learn, and in his little spare time, he decided to do a quick search of all recent events, history, cultures and traditions of different countries, and tribes. Knowledge will be his power as well.

    Though it would seem fate had different plans for Scully as to how he would learn of the workings of the lands beyond his home. As part of the Combat Corps, the division responsible for manning the front lines, a superior just called on Scully to be part of the vanguard that would be assisting Field Marshall Sinclair and Director Ragnos. Shocked, Scully was clearly stuttering even the mutterings he had to himself. This has to be a prank, right? Send the fat guy that’s only good for doughnuts out to die as cannon fodder. Lure the enemy out with a weak, slow and huge target? It didn’t seem likely, as this is no time for jokes and pranks. But it also seemed unwise to bring one of the weakest to a very important mission. He really had to ask why despite the constant stuttering and the only reply he had gotten was a rather annoyed officer that gave out a rather unthought of reply about Scully being used to be part of Rune Knights before it went to heck.

    True, he did serve once before. But the world has changed, he has changed and not entirely for a healthier option, he’d admit that much. But now they need him and… whatever it is he’s bringing to the table. Eventually he agreed and as the officer stood there waiting beside his deck, Scully thought of the things he might need to bring. His gun. Some rations. Oh, and they’re heading abroad so he’ll probably need his passport. The now irritated officer just grabbed the bent over Scully who was just looking for his passport in his desk from the back of his shirt and dragged him to the rest of their group who was already on their way. He was trying to explain that he doesn’t have his passport with him but before he could say anything more, and after the device had powered up, the officer shoved him towards the device and just like that, him and the rest of the members of the vanguard were in the Bellum-Pergrande border while the momentum from the shove carried over to their new location.

    Unfortunately, the location was downhill. It made Scully and his round fat body roll down the incline but not without hearing the order to engage any nearby hostiles. It was an embarrassing sight to be sure. He didn’t even have time to change as he was still in his usual blue clothes he wears for basic duty.

    The roll Scully was in continued until it was stopped by crashing on to some people. He didn’t know whose people he had crashed onto but it could not have been comfortable to bear the weight of the big fat but muscular man. He tried to get up as quickly as he could but as he placed his hands with force to what he thought was the ground, but was actually a man’s helmet. He got worried and hoped that it wasn’t one of their allies’ heads he just smashed. Luckily enough, it wasn’t but he still got one of the Bellum soldiers in his little tumble, and now Scully had to defend him from a Pergrande soldier who was also a part of the pile. He quickly called one of his friends to help him and they immediately opened fire on Scully and on the Bellum man.

    Frightful, Scully held out his hand that held a cream filled donut that with magical properties grew to a size that covered both Scully and his ally. It oozed with its cream from the bullet holes and they immediately solidified into deadly spikes that shot out at their attackers. Pergrande was known to counter magic a lot, and knowing that tiny bit of information from the quick glimpses of the paperwork he’d been hauling earlier Scully placed the giant donut on to his back and proceeded to stand the Pergrande soldiers with his knife several times on their necks while they were dizzied out by the cream spike. Though the surprise didn’t last long and Scully was only able to kill one. The soldier that now stands decided it was a good idea to challenge a large muscular man in close combat. Scully with his menacing stare had never looked so intimidating since he had helped quell a hostage situation which prompted the soldier to rethink his moves numerous times as evidenced by his flinching. The enemy tried to be smarter by doing a series of fake outs by Scully needed only to pay attention at the last movement and catch it which he did perfectly. The enemy however tried to throw one more strike but Scully caught that as well. Now locked, Scully gave the soldier a headbutt that knocked the soldier back but did a bit more damage to Scully than it did the soldier since he basically banged his head to a sturdy helmet but the opponent was groggier than he was. In this instant, Scully struck the man in the neck like he did his friend but more numerous than before.

    The entire thing was already tiring for Scully as it happened so quickly. But he would not be given a chance to take a breather as the last enemy was coming to. He had recovered from the head smash he had received from Scully earlier. And with his guard and stamina down, he would have died then and there. Fortunately, the man he had just saved finally caught on that he was part of the Rune Knights, their allies and decided to help him. He had used the same attack which was a strike to the neck with his magical sword. However, since it was magic, it didn’t do much, but just enough to stop him from getting the jump on Scully and killing him. The enemy stepped back as he clenched on his neck trying to stop the bleeding from the shallow cut, and backhanded the Bellum mage. Scully had finally got an ample amount of rest and with his huge arm, dealt the killing blow with his trusty knife once again but not before having a bullet scrape by his side as he was lucky enough to thwart the hand that held the gun away. It didn’t faze him though. He had taken a bullet straight to the arm at point blank, a little scrape wouldn’t be able to stop him. With three soldiers dead and an ally saved, Scully took him back to their forward base for him to get patched up, mostly from the wounds he got from Scully’s fall which he apologized numerous times over for on their way back.

    Once he had handed him over for treatment, Scully scanned the field for where his talents of donut support can be of most help.

    WC: 1540
    Scully: 1540

    @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos @Nohres Xaclamir @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Tor


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    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 9th February 2021, 3:45 pm

    It had been a fairly standard day, just like many others. The audible hum of the Engineering Division's workshops filling the vibrant air as the twins were working on their own various projects when a letter clad bearing a royal seal had entered their office from a courier. Four pairs of eyes read over the summons to the allies of Bellum. They had remained blissfully unaware of the nation's quickly deteriorating ceasefire with Pergrande, mostly due to their naivety in things on a wider scale than Magnolia and Era. But when the call came to the Rune Knights to support them during this time of war, the two would be signed to journey along with their superiors into assisting with the battle. During the wait for everyone to be fully read, the girls would catch up on a brief history lesson from some of the more savvy people who had been around for longer than they would have likely been. As it has turned out, Pergrande was a nation who had been infamous for its stance of mages within its borders. Few had ever lived to recount the tales of what horrific fates that befell the magically talented within those labor camps and such. So naturally, the two saw it as their mission to go and assist Bellum with the conflict arising between the two nations. The sheer size of Pergrande was an issue though this small group of soldiers that Serilda was amassing might have been quite enough to put such fears to rest. It only a short while until the call was made to make the trek over towards the grounds where the battle would take place. Grappa had taken stock of everyone that had received the call, among them were somewhat familiar faces. Much like their father, the two did not have the best track record with getting to know the majority of their guildmates, on the count of fiddling around all way with their things in their division. As such, the twins only recognized Sully Wiggles, the well built man from their holiday outing who looked like he could have even been their dad's dad in some light. He had been there since they were born, which meant he was super old! Or they were just pretty young. Then there was Toril Fulgur, who had been Shane's recommendation since leaving that they had personally granted entrance into the guild for. He would especially receive a warm welcome from the two complete with words of encouragement and if he was settling into the guild well enough. The last remaining member, Nohres, had very little interaction with them outside of things going on, so this was a perfect opportunity to see what he could do! Of course, fighting wouldn't be a great place for small talk, but it was worth a shot when they were done!

    And so it came to be the girl found themselves on the outset of battle, the group overlooking their field of conflict as the two stood alongside their beloved weapon, G.O.L.I.A.T.H. as his engines sputtered to a constant rhythm. The girls looked incredibly anxious about the upcoming fight, which likely would serve to be their first real life-or-death conflict while the two stayed close to one another, their brilliant white uniforms adorned with pins of which they likely didn't even know what they stood for. Serilda informed them of their plan, which was to carve a perimeter around the field for the main forces to move up easier than they would have without their intervention. With their orders understood, it was up to them to wait for their captain's mark. "Don't worry, we'll do this just fine." Jellisha consoled her worrisome sister, her emerald eyes filled with an unease that was beginning to affect, and likewise annoy, her sister, Yet Grappa knew that look in Jellisha's eyes all too well. The kind where she was reassuring not only her but herself as well. It honestly made her wonder if she would had preferred silence or at least some semblance of being told that she would be fine. It took all but a minute or so before Serilda would order them to charge and break through the safe haven that was the veil of trees overheard and charge forward.

    GOLIATH's engine spurred as he would race forward, his small legs carrying the upper body as quick and it could go. The two sat comfortably inside of the pilot seats while the enemy soldiers would turn to see their incoming charge. Grappa would guide their oversized metal buddy towards a small group of mages who were ducking desperately behind the last remnants of an earthen type of guards. Holes and cracks would have formed across the rocks there and it looked to be ready to fall at a moment's notice. The two curved their trail of war towards the small squad who had currently been under siege by the group. "Hold on! We're coming!" Jellisha screeched. She steadied herself and held onto the sides of her seat as GOLIATH would come to a screeching halt just near the group while Grappa would aim both arms at the firing squad across from them. "Eat bullets, you bullet eaters!" The balled joints rose up, revealing six holes under each flap as a spray of ammunition would fire from the chambers and into the targets. The group would recoil from the sudden hailstorm of bullets being fired on them. Bullet holes entered their bodies while the unfortunate ones below would desperately clinging to the bodies above before they to would be riddled with holes. After three seconds of continuous fire, Grappa would order GOLIATH to cease and stand up at the group of mages still in hiding. "Get to safety! We're here to get you guys out and secure the perimeter. Move it or lose it!" Jellisha yelled at them, pointing towards the direction of where their forces would be lying in weight, that being towards down the hill. The shuffling group would take whatever wounded they could and then scurry down the hill under the cover of suppressive fire coming from the ally side.

    Jellisha stood up in her seat to look at what the others in her group would be doing compared to them. Every appeared in good shape so far, with their pretty boy Tor being as amazing as they knew he could be and Scully just casually standing in the midst of battle around them and Mythal was untouched as usual. "That was pretty easy." Grappa worried, fussing her brows together in thought. "I was expecting something of a challenge at least." Jellisha turned back from her survey and would sit back down with a huff upon impact with the seat. "Those were recruits. The plain clothing, not even attacking us when we rolled up, it kind of makes sense. So don't let yourself think we won just yet. We've got work to do." she said, Grappa nodding her head in agreement while turning to face their next objective.

    Twin WC : 1,176 / 4,000
    @Wiggles@Serilda Sinclair@Mythal Ragnos @Tor @Nohres Xaclamir


    Official Action YvWNyTL
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 13th February 2021, 3:48 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    The small squad fanned out without hesitation to rush to Bellum’s defense. For the moment, it seemed that each of them had elected to act autonomously rather than pair up with any of their comrades. That was fine. They knew their own magics best, and most of them didn’t really seem to know one another well enough to have a rapport on the battlefield. As long as they were keeping close enough to not become isolated completely from the rest of the group, Serilda had no issues with it. All she needed was for them to be within range if the tide shifted and any of them needed back up.

    As they descended upon the battle ground, the field marshal did her best to stuff down the mild anxiety that trembled in the pit of her stomach. Despite the sheer amount of defensive magic she had at her disposal, and how difficult it was for much of anything to land a solid hit on her, she couldn’t help but feel the smallest bit of worry over getting directly involved in trying to stem this budding war. She had only found out just recently about her pregnancy, a miracle she never thought she would get, having spent the majority of her adult life believing she was barren. And to be fair, she had been, if only magically and without her knowledge. She and Mythal had thought themselves incapable of having children of their own, yet things had changed due to recent events and now she was bearing twins. She wasn’t very far along -- only about two months, not nearly enough to start showing yet. It was not an announcement that the couple had made to the vast majority of the Rune Knights yet. In fact, they hadn’t even told Grappa and Jellisha yet, though that was because they wanted to plan a special time to spend with the girls to do so.

    And of course, not even a week or two after discovering her pregnancy, here she was several countries away, putting her life on the line for Bellum, as well as those of their unborn children, her fiance and their unofficially adopted daughters. She knew that no one would have blamed her for electing to stay back in Fiore and let Mythal or one of the other generals handle the fighting, and the thought to do so had been a bit tempting… but that simply wasn’t the kind of military leader that she was. She couldn’t just sit back and send other people to face their deaths in her stead. Serilda was a soldier as much as she was a noble and a politician, and she refused to send others into the brink of war without being by their sides, pregnant or not.

    A hail of bullets sprayed in her direction as she burst from the tree line, the projectiles whizzing right through her body as though she was little more than an illusion, her Void magic naturally realigning the molecules of her body to make room enough for the bursts of gunfire to pass through her harmlessly. Turning to glare in the direction of the attack’s source, she found three Pergrande soldiers in full white and black armored body suits aiming pistols at her. With a step, Serilda assumed her alternate position as Sword of Wrath and tapped into her slayer powers. Shifting a foot along the ground, a burst of thick black ice coated the ground beneath her feet, stretching out in a two hundred meter radius around her and causing any Pergrande soldiers caught within the spell’s range to struggle with their balance on the slippery surface, though the Rune Knight and Bellum warriors would not find themselves hindered by the ice. The three Bellum soldiers that had been shooting at her, who bore the insignia of low ranking recruits, were forced to stop firing in order to focus on their footing.

    In quick succession, each of them slipped and fell on top of the ice, hitting the ground hard enough to cause injury. They groaned and twisted on the slippery floor, doing their best to fight through the pain enough to get back on their feet, finding the struggle all the more difficult due to the disorientation of having the wind knocked out of their lungs in the fall. With a small flourish, she coated the blades of both of her scimitars in black ice and swiftly bore down upon the recruits. She stabbed one of them through the chest, the layer of magic that sheathed the sword allowing her to penetrate through the thick, non-magical armor to the flesh and bone that lay beneath. Not being one to kill someone slowly, nor to leave a loose end untied, Serilda held her target steady with one sword while the blade of the other found the groove beneath the doomed man’s helmet and sliced his throat. Beside her, Xiuhcoatl had lunged at the second soldier, her sharp fangs biting down hard into their arm and causing them to drop their firearm. The man screamed in pain as the large wolf shook him to and fro like a ragdoll, ripping his flesh apart until he was laying in a pool of his own blood.

    The last recruit had managed to get onto his knees, dropping the clip from his gun and slamming a fresh one in with trembling hands as he shouted frantically for reinforcements. As he raised the reloaded weapon to start firing, he found the weapon forcibly ripped from his grasp as Serilda took hold of it with her Voidwalking powers, tossing the firearm far to the side and out of reach. Swinging Malice in a wide horizontal arc before her, a wave of black wind as sharp as the edge of the blade itself shot across the miniscule distance between her and the final recruit, rending the Pergrande man’s body in half. He fell to the ground in two large, lifeless pieces, his blood staining the black ice beneath him, but his final acts had not been in vain. Serilda could already see that a number of other nearby soldier were now bearing down on her, answering their fallen comrade’s call and recognizing the insignias of her uniform that marked her as a high priority threat and target. This fight had only just begun.

    WORDS: 1060/1770 | @Mythal Ragnos @Nohres Xaclamir @Wiggles @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Tor

    Serilda Sinclair


    Emory Aldwyn

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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 17th February 2021, 3:27 pm

    Word Count: 2,469 / 4,000

    As the rest of the Field Marshal's squad scatted to tackle their own hot spots, Nohres took a moment to scan the field. The Bellum mages had magic on their side, and they were using it to devastating effect as flashes of lightning and gouts of fire ripped across the battlefield. But even magic was not endless, and magic reserves ran dry, all the while the Pergrande numbers seemed endless and unrelenting. For every one that was put down, another three seemed to appear to take the place of the fallen. It was a fight of raw power against raw numbers, and it was not looking good for the mages.

    Spotting another group of Bellum mages that were pinned down, several of them wounded rather severely, Nohres flashed forward and gestured with one hand. As he closed it into a fist, several larges explosions ripped the ground apart in a line between the mages and their wound-be-executioners, sending dirt and smoke into the air to obscure their position. One of the ragged Bellum defenders looked up as Nohres landed in their midst and began to do a quick scan of each of them to find the most threatening wounds.

    "W-We thought we were done for." One of them spoke up and as Nohres turned to look at the speaker, he could almost feel his heart crack. The girl was just that; a young girl, barely old enough to be off her mother's apron string. She clung tightly to a staff, dirt and blood caked along her arms and face. "We tried to fight back but there's just too many." Her lip trembled as she looked down at one of her comrades, and Nohres saw that he was a boy who looked to be roughly her own age.

    "Those Pergrande dogs! They won't stop til we're all dead!" This one was an older man, a little older than Nohres was and clearly the most angry. He clutched a pair of daggers that sparked with magic as he seemed to look through the smoke at where the Pergrande soldiers were, the sounds of their gunfire still ripping through the air even through the smoke. "We should charge them now, take as many of them out as we can. That'll show them that Bellum won't go back to being their slaves. We'll die free mages."

    Nohres shook his head and put a hand on the man's shoulder, forcibly pushing him back down. "None of you are up for fighting any more, and at this point I'm in the mood to put up with your ideas of marytrdom. Better you live to tell the tales and help others avoid these mistakes than to die on a battlefield, forgotten and buried in an unmarked grave... if they even give you that dignitiy." Waving his hands across the air, Nohres projected a screen of fire and light; bullets abruptly pinged off of the defensive magic as the the smoke began to clear.

    He reached up to the tiny lacrima bud placed in one ear and gave it a tap. "Private Xaclamir here. I've got wounded Bellum mages pinned down at my location. I can triage and evacuate, but I'm gonna need some cover. Any Rune Knights hearing this, I'd appreciate some assistance." He turned and knelt beside two of the wounded mages and began to heal their wounds with golden flames. Blood and dirt evaporated and wounds began to knit themselves back together. As he turned to each of the wounded mages and healed them, a growing sense of gratitude and hope began to coalesce around the Bellum fighters. The young girl remained reserved however as the sounds of gunfire against his magical shield increased in intensity.

    "How will we get out of here?" The young girl looked up at her Fioran savior with no small amount of uncertainty and terror as several loud explosions tore into the ground around them.

    Nohres gave a broad, reassuring grin. "Don't worry. The Rune Knights are here under Field Marshal Sinclair. If I've learned anything of her, it's that she won't stop until the battle is won. And neither will the rest of us."

    As if on que, a brilliant blast of ice magic drew all manner of attention; the ebony dark of the ice was a clear indication of just who had produced such a display of raw magical power. However, for all the awe that such a display inspired in the Bellum mages, Nohres could not help but feel a great sense of gnawing trepidation. It was not the first time he had seen her utilize her ice magic, and yet even now it was something that made him uneasy. A growing part of that unease came from the fact that he could not quite explain to himself why it made him uneasy.

    Before he could get lost in that dour thought, a crack of lightning brought his attention back to his immediate surroundings with a resurgent grin. "And that'll be our signal. On the count of three, those of you who can move need to make for that treeline." He scooped the young girl and the young boy into his arms with as much confidence and reassurance as he could muster. Several fiery magical sigils appeared behind him and created a new wall of protection even as the old one began to crack and falter.

    As one, Nohres led the group of Bellum mages away from the battlefield. Using his magic to shield them from retaliatory fire was only momentarily necessary as the focus on them was taken away by other Rune Knights. Compared to the Bellum mages, the Fioran mages were on an entirely different level. Even Nohres knew that he was standing head and shoulder above those he was having to rescue, and yet such knowledge did not breed any sort of arrogance. He knew that his magic was... different, and quite rare. He felt blessed to have the ability to help others, and saw it as his duty to use it for the betterment of others rather than his own enrichment.

    Once in the treeline, the Bellum survivors began to regroup and planned their next move. The pair of young teens looked at each other with tiny smiles before looking up at Nohres with grateful wonder. "Thank you," the girl said with a small bow before the pair fled the battlefield with the other Bellum mages. It wasn't much thanks, certainly nothing material, but Nohres could not help but feel bolstered by the act nonetheless. This was why he had become a Rune Knight, this was why he fought.

    Turning back to the battlefield, Nohres turned his magic inward and removed the few scratches and bruises that he had collected from his brief sortie. That familar warmth spread from his ears to his toes, reinvigorating him and giving him a calm sense of resolve. This was righteous, what they were doing. "This is Private Xaclamir. The first group of Bellum mages are away. I'm on station to assist with any Bellum mages that need aid or evacuation. Just give the word."


    Enemies Defeated:
    1x Weak Enemy - Captured, alive.
    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
    what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal

    Last edited by Nohres Xaclamir on 9th March 2021, 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 18th February 2021, 3:02 am

    Tor’s battle against the two Imperial Officers had led him away from the group further than he should have been. While it had seem clumsy on his end dealing with the two officer-ranked Pergrande soldiers, Tor had gained some valuable insight as to how he would be approaching the upcoming battles.  His spear, which had been rendered ineffective less than a minute into the battle was already returned to his storage. A sword would replace the spear as his main weapon, currently strapped to his back. Instead of his regular Rune Knights uniform, he had equipped the Spec Ops version, customized to meet his requests. The hood and mask that had came with the uniform was pulled up, completely covering up the lower half of his face while the lip of the hood obscured the details on the upper half.

    A black gauntlet materialized over the uniform on his left hand and Tor was now much better prepared for the upcoming battles. As he trekked his way through the snow back to regroup with the rest of the squad, Tor did his best to keep a low profile, aiding only when he should. An ethereal longbow was within the grip of his left hand, while his right hand was prepped to pull back and shoot with an arrow entirely composed of red energy, like the longbow, held between the fingers. He was moving swiftly through the trees like a hunter stalking prey. His arrows would normally go unnoticed in the chaos of each battle, but still carry enough significance to affect the outcome of the small group battles.

    As he trudged through the snow, just behind the treeline, the sounds of a dull whispering could be heard. Tor slowed down further, concealing himself behind trees as he moved closer to the conversation. When he was finally near enough, Tor peeked out from his hiding spot to see Pergrande recruits, crouching on the ground.

    “We can’t leave! We will be tried as deserters if we get caught!” one of the three spoke up, his voice slightly higher this time. His submachine gun was hanging on the front of his vest, his hands gesturing agitatedly in front of him. “I don’t want to be here either, but think about our families back home!”

    “Mum… Sis…” one of the other two recruits in front of the agitated recruit called out hoarsely as Tor saw him just slacken, dropping to the ground on his behind. His leg was bent inwards, and despite the helmet covering his face, the Rune Knight could guess that he was just staring blankly into the snow between his legs. The third one had his helmet angled downwards to the ground and he kept his silence for a few minutes before looking back up at the agitated one.

    “What should we do Triever?” the third one addressed the agitated recruit. “All our lives we just wanted to sign up as a soldier to earn a decent pay, feed our families. But I never signed up to go to war!”

    “Listen to me, Weiller,” Triever began to speak again, hoping to persuade them and hopefully make them see some sense but he never got to finish what he wanted to say. A mass of shadows appeared behind Triever, and with a good, hard chop of his left hand, Tor struck the back of Triever’s neck and made him faint. What happened next was easily expected as the other recruit called Weiller scrambled for his submachine gun that he had put down on the snow beside him. By the time he had aimed the gun at Tor and pressed down on the trigger, the Rune Knight had once again disappeared from sight. Tor shifted into his new position behind Weiller, grabbing Weiller from behind and throwing him into one of the trees. The recruit collided with the tree in a horizontal position, and there were no signs of him trying to get up.

    The third recruit, who hadn’t been referred by any name, was also the cowardliest. Tor frowned as he took in this sight. He could understand the jarring break from reality by being thrown into a war and then expected to take lives. And from their voices, he could tell that they were young. Maybe his age, but his background was different. Yet, Tor would also expect some form of resistance at least instead of just crawling away in fear from him.

    He had given mercy to the other two recruits, unsure if this would be a decision that might come back to haunt him, so Tor wasn’t going to stop at the third. Taking a few large strides towards the whimpering recruit, Tor easily grabbed the recruit without any resistance and slammed him into the nearest tree.

    “Man up,” Tor growled before slamming the recruit into the tree two more times until the latter finally fainted. He could have feinted it, but Tor wouldn’t care so much. Even if he could, he wouldn’t dare to confront Tor anyway. Tor tore away the straps from their weapons and used them to tie up their hands and feet, stowing them away behind some trees, hoping they would be able stay hidden. It was the most Tor could do for them, even if they were enemies.

    Just as he was finished with them, the communication device in his right ear buzzed. The voices of one of his squad members called out through the device, requesting for backup. He had identified himself as Private Nohres, to which Tor nodded slightly to no one in particular.

    “I’m on my way!” Tor tapped on his communication device and gave his reply before bounding back into the battlefield. Tor was running around the area until he pinpointed where Nohres was and began evaluating the situation. They were being sieged by six Imperial Army Recruits. These six were very much different from the three he had just encountered. Their behavior alone showed that despite their uniform indicating them to be of a lower rank, their awareness for war was high. When Tor had gotten near enough, the six of them were already preparing to circle around the barrier of golden flames, weapons held up to shoulder height and ready to fire on the injured Bellum mages and their Rune Knight savior the moment the barrier came down.

    With a grin on his face, Tor began dashing at his targets, his body charging with lightning from bottom to top. Just before his head was completely cloaked with lightning, he tapped his communications device.

    “Your delivery has arrived!”

    As though the manifestation of lightning itself, Tor’s entire being was covered in golden lightning. Lightning cracked as the Rune Knight launched himself at the first of the six Recruits, striking them one after another with a kick or punch coupled with an intense electric shock, before dashing away like a bolt of lightning at the next one, zipping and zapping them with all of the lightning he could muster and control. The speed at which he had executed the spell, looked at though as he had appeared all six of them at the same time. And when it was over, all six of them had been knocked back or dropped to the ground, still reeling from the split second attack.

    Tor came a halt, lightning still crackling around his entire body, smirking with his hands on his waist as he looked around. Nohres had successfully gotten the group of injured mages to the sidelines. As Nohres’s message came through the communicators, Tor had returned to battle. He was standing where the survivors had originally been, in the middle of the encirclement of the six Recruits and unreservedly gathered a horrific amount of lightning around his entire body once more and releasing it with a shout. A wave of lightning surged outwards from him in 360 degrees, washing over the six Recruits, subduing them.

    The six Recruits were still smoking on the ground when Tor walked away from the scene. While exhilarating, consecutively using two spells to bring down a group of people simultaneously was taxing. He didn’t know how long they would be fighting here, so there was a certain level of prudence that he had to practice. As he walked out of the site, one of the soldiers, scorched and smoking, suddenly grabbed at Tor’s left leg. Tor swept a cold glance towards the dying soldier, who was using his last bit of strength, and swept his left arm across the soldier’s neck and sprayed blood across the ground. The red energy blade extending from the back of Tor’s left hand disappeared with a hum at the end of the swing.

    “Was everything okay?” Tor asked with concern as he walked up to Nohres. “I think it’s about time we regroup and take out the soldiers as whole.”

    As he spoke, Tor turned his eyes to was where the Field Marshal was. Every single enemy soldier now had their eyes on the big fish, the grand prize. And he was certain that they would die trying.

    [1517 words]
    [Total WC: 2968 / 4000]

    Remaining Enemies:
    Weak: 4 1 left
    Strong: 6 5 left


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 27th February 2021, 2:44 pm

    1395/2490 words || @Serilda Sinclair @Tor @Wiggles @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Nohres Xaclamir || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Apparently Mythal had found himself among the officer’s ranks of the Pergrande army; noticing several targets with rank above that of mere privates. As guns were turned to target him, he pulled darkness from the shadows all around and connected it to his personal magic core. In an instant he fell into the ground, seeming to phase through the soil as the gunfire rang out and bullets tore through the space where he had just been. He popped back up behind a rather large tree, buying himself a moment to glance around the growth and spot out his next path. The Rune Knights had split up for the most part but a few of them were starting to make their way towards one another. It wasn’t a terrible idea, sticking with allies to better assist one another. While his first instinct was to go to Serilda’s side, it was a rather silly notion. If anyone was going to have little to no problem fighting on the field, it would be his fiance. Her abilities granted her not only the benefit of tremendous fortitude but even the capabilities of avoiding damage completely.

    But his Exceed daughters were on the field and while they were proven and true soldiers, there was still a pang of concern for their safety. Despite the fact that they had brought their mechanized suit of armor, there was still the likelihood of injury and that was worrisome, especially with the officers on the field. They weren’t likely to make the same mistakes as the recruits and the grunts; they were battle tested and would certainly prove quite the nuisance. The space between him and the girls was vast; full of soldiers and enemy fire and very little in terms of shadows that he could manipulate. He could fly over the group but that would leave him at a disadvantage -- serving as an easy air-borne target. No, he would just need to carve a swath through the forces between him and Grappa and Jellisha. He took a deep breath, inhaling slowly before he fixed himself for the next melee.

    Mythal practically sprung around the tree, leaping out and then forward, his magic rocketing him back into the fray at full speed. An officer that had been busy firing at the Bellum line met an unfortunate end as the Darkness King embedded his sword into and through his armor and body, the force from the propulsion impaling him and lifting him off of the ground. Mythal landed on the man’s chest and then launched himself off, sword ripping out from the body, as Pergrande soldiers turned to fire at him. His hand stretched out to the ground, darkness swirling out from his palm as it made its connection to the soldier’s shadows. Black tendrils shot up and out from the shadowed shapes, erupting out and causing the soldiers to jump back in surprise. Their bullets sprayed into the magic limbs, several of them managing to focus fire and rip the tendrils apart at their root, nullifying them. But a group of recruits was too panicked, firing wildly as the shadow limbs shot forward and slammed into them, knocking them around even in spite of their armor.

    That was where Mythal managed to direct his landing; crashing into the ground between the three inexperienced soldiers. With an almost casual toss, he threw his sword over his shoulder, the weapon suddenly gripped by the Darkness King’s telekinetic powers and hanging in the air at the ready. Mythal shot towards the closest soldier, whose back was to him. A palm strike to the back caused the armor plating to crack and splinter, as well as make the man yelp in pain. He tried to turn, gun leading the way to let out a wild spray of bullets in revenge. The Darkness King caught his arm with one hand and grabbed the weapon with the other, knocking it free and up into the air in front of the soldier. Before the man even truly understood he’d been disarmed, Mythal’s arm snaked back and delivered a rising palm strike to his chin, dazing him. The Director’s body twisted around, grabbing the spinning rifle out of the air and swung it down hard against the man’s skull, cracking the protective helmet and even managing to dent it. The man collapsed to the ground hard but Mythal was already moving to the second soldier. Once more he attacked from behind, sweeping his leg forward to knock the Pergrande soldier’s legs out from under him. That self same leg swung up in front of Mythal and then down in a dropping heel kick, delivering it to the front of the man’s helmet, once more breaking it and rendering him instantly unconscious. The thump of his body hitting the ground was only silenced as the tendrils from Mythal’s earlier spell gave the man a few more smacks to double tap and make sure he was truly knocked out.

    The last soldier was unfortunate enough to get his gun knocked out from his hand by the tendril and started to turn and run. Abandoning one’s post on the battlefield was an irredeemable act in most countries, a few of them even going as far as to execute the deserters for their cowardice. While Mythal had no respect for those that ran from battle, he could understand it as well. Hadn’t he been avoiding Faera for years, simply ignoring her presence so as not to face the danger that she truly was? And the recruits had, most likely, been pulled into a skirmish that they didn’t even understand -- a friction that came from their ancestors and forebears. The Darkness King shot himself forward, falling just in line with the soldier attempting to flee. His leg lashed out to kick the man in his stomach, hitting him with enough force to knock him onto the ground and cause him to slide. Mythal leapt into the air after him, coming down with a knee strike to the chest to drive the wind out of the soldier. He let out one last punch to the helmet, once more rendering another soldier unconscious.

    As he got back to his feet, a half of bullets slammed into his magic armor, the metal slugs melting out of existence against the film of condensed darkness. Mythal turned to see three officers lined up, forming a line of constant fire that lay between him and Grappa and Jellisha. He circulated more magic into his shielding to layer it, increasing its durability but not indefinitely. The bullets would break through soon enough, as they already had. The Darkness King thrust his hand out towards them, darkness shrouding his fingers and palm. From beneath the firing officers, a torrent of black matter from Kingdom Darkness shot out, spiraling out like a freak of nature tornado. The officers cried out in pain and confusion, losing their guarded stances as they tried to cover their eyes. Through the storm came Mythal, sword once more in hand. The colorful blade carved through the first officer easily; tearing through armor and flesh alike. The second officer turned and fired at the Darkness King or, at least, in his general direction. Mythal’s sword sliced up through the rifle, cutting the metal frame in half. Mythal carried through the swing and turned his body, bringing the sharp point of the blade around and under his body until it impaled the stunned officer. In an instant the Darkness King ripped the blade out and telekinetically sent it flying towards the last officer, blade spinning around to lead the charge. It impaled through him as well, driving him down into the ground and ending his part in the battle. Mythal then twisted his hand and sent the tornado, still spinning wildly around him, in the direction of Grappa and Jellisha.

    He morphed it as it moved, causing it to drop down almost like a tree trunk that had just been chopped down. It slammed into the earth and formed a barricade of darkness, putting a barrier between the Pergrande soldiers and Grappa and Jellisha’s mech. Mythal leapt over to stand beside the machine, glancing at it. “You girls alright?” he asked as he field more magic into the wall of darkness, even as bullets started to slam into from the enemy soldiers.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: Two weak, two normal
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Wiggles 7th March 2021, 4:46 am

    From the view back at the forward operating base, Scully bore first hand witness to some of his team member’s abilities especially of those who lead not only their squad’s operation but the Rune Knight organization as well. He would hearken to how inadequate he felt being part of the few initially selected for the mission. They were out there coating themselves in flame, raining down an army’s worth of gunfire all by themselves, changing the landscape into a winter wonderland and forming adequate, proper shields from more suitable materials (Of course compared to a doughnut, almost any material is a step up, but he digresses). And in all that time, Scully was just up there eating a doughnut and overseeing like he was some rich man enjoying a huge action adventure set piece in a multi-dimensional viewing system. However, as unprofessional as it sounds, the reason for Scully being idle at the moment was because he was getting his head treated from the headbutt he did to one soldier earlier. He was also in the process of turning his inadequate feeling into inspiration to do better and prove himself that he did in fact belong to this group and not disappoint the Marshall and Director.

    Considering all the facts during his short reprieve of being bandage by a rather lovely and friendly lady, Scully decided that it would be best if he performed a rather logistical role, gathering intel, staying one step ahead of enemy movement, ascertaining weaknesses and taking their money because they’re gonna owe him some doughnuts. Now that he had his goal and his treatment was over, Scully decided that, after thanking the medic lady rather sincerely, genuinely and with a piece of doughnut, he would head over to one his teammate’s captives. He had left one to be awaited collection and took it upon himself to see to it personally. As Rune Knight, he is generally impartial or neutral to the conflict of Bellum and Pergrande, perhaps his fair treatment of the prisoner just might convince the soldier from Pergrande that not all magic and magic users are bad that perhaps, this man could start the idea of cooperation between the two nations. It was a huge dream to be sure, one whose fruition is close to impossible, but people are free to hope and to dream.

    As he began to stand up from the stool he was on and make his way down once more into the battlefield, he noticed another trio of soldiers sneaking up nearby. They were dressed and armed in the same manner as the first three Scully stumbled upon. Though strangely, they weren’t out to attack. No, they had a more subtle mission. One which involved trying their best to sneak past any Bellum mage. With curiosity filling his mind, which became evident in his squinted eyes, the fat man thought it best to follow them, perhaps learn of their mission and disrupt it despite not being confident about it on account of his size. Still, he did what he could. Keeping low and maintaining his distance as well as his overhead advantage.

    Then, it became clear that in the battle torn landscape, their mission was to ensure that not a single Pergrande soldier fell into enemy hands. With horror he witnessed them dispose of their comrades, people they could’ve spent time with, people they might have known. And for what? Just so equipment and intel can’t be used against them? It was horrific for Scully, he couldn’t bear to see it especially when their comrades stretched out their hand as if asking for help, a reprieve from the pain. It was a sickening thought, and knowing that Scully has a prisoner to pick up, he had to stop them, to get there before they do or they lose what little information they have.
    Unfortunately, with the pace Scully is going, the three soldiers will definitely get there before him. And it was at this moment that Scully decided to get rid of them instead, perhaps even figure out why these orders were handed out and why they are even following those orders.

    From his vantage point, Scully looked down on them with cold, dead eyes. As stepped on and picked up a few stones with hopes that one can be used as a grenade of some sort. But his indifference would turn into anger for not only does he feel negatively towards these three, he now has to sacrifice a doughnut to dispatch them. He reached out to the same bag from before and pulled out a doughnut that had white icing and sprinkles, staring at it for a bit thinking of how much of a waste it was and at the same time, channeling magic power into it until it glowed a faint blue hue. With a sigh, as he looked down in sadness, he flicked the doughnut towards the three men, making the sweet treat spin. It stopped and hovered right in the middle of the soldiers. The doughnut just being so tempting as it spun in their midst, eventually firing off its sprinkles like quills off a porcupine’s back. The sprinkles turned into huge spiky spear-like weapons in mid-air, catching the soldiers off guard.

    Scully then came down and tried to finish them off one by one as he did not believe those colorful spears imbued with magic could penetrate magic repelling armor all the way through. Still, it did a considerable amount of damage for them to stop and fall down. One was actually already up and tried to charge their ambusher with reckless abandon, sprinkles still sticking out of him. Scully slowly turned toward him. Blank eyes starring unimpressed. The blind rage was easy to read, and even with his big size, Scully was able to just step aside and let the raging man hit a boulder, plunging the sprinkle deeper into his body, ensuring his demise. The second one saw what happened to his partner and thought it better to pull the sprinkles out. Scully turned to him and witnessed how much effort he had put on it, but when he was done and was about to throw it back at Scully, he had summoned it back through the magic flowing in it only to throw it back in the man with his massive muscular arm with such precision that it struck the same area it was in. The force actually sent the man flying back a bit, as it was now embedded even deeper in him than before.

    The last man knew better than to even try and thus, pleaded for surrender. With a sigh, Scully took the still spinning doughnut off of the air and threw it at the man. The doughnut grew in size and went over the man’s head and through the hole. Now caged inside a doughnut treat, he dragged him to the man they were supposed to kill and placed him in the same doughnut cage as the other. They were warned that if they so ever try to harm each other, the survivor shall be tortured for eternity. Naturally, the fat man was bluffing. But with the way he said, cold, stern, emotionless, as if having lost all he had to live for, it can’t be helped if the soldiers felt that it was real. And since one of them saw Scully impale their squad mate in point blank, the threat was lent credence.

    With a short walk back to the forward base, the prisoners were stripped of their armor and weapons before being placed in proper cages, awaiting to be question as Scully looked ahead for wherever he may be needed.

    WC: 1,286
    Scully: 2,828
    Enemies Spawned:
    Weak - 2
    Normal - 6
    Strong - 2

    Enemies Defeated:
    Weak - 2
    Normal -0
    Strong - 0
    @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos @Nohres Xaclamir @Tor @"Grappa & Jellisha"


    Official Action Vk27K5C
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 327
    Cosmic Coins : 200
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    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 9th March 2021, 12:14 am

    The sounds of bullets reflecting off of their mechanized armor would wound off, as The girls would break through together. In an instant, their advance towards a direction near the east would make it all but apparent that the two had no intentions of being fallen so quickly in battle. GOLIATH's arms were raised to protect Grappa while she operated it at the wheel, her feet racing a mile a minute which supplied their creation with the energy needed to convert the latent magic power inside to its fullest potential. "Incoming!" Jellisha said, spinning around in her seat while hanging onto the side to be faced with a group of flankers towards the left of them. Their ride turned to face the oncoming force of soldiers while the emerald eyed twin exerted her magic forward. The GOLIATH unit raised its arms forward to the shield bearing soldiers presenting themselves for an easy target. Both arms began to circle around their respective sides in a windmill motion, as if mocking the human motion of preparing oneself for the pitching of a baseball. Grappa held down and waited for them to grow closer, the armed forces bearing to their position with shields raised and firearms at the ready. "Eyes forward. Siege these brats and get them out of that thing!" the main martial said, pointing his weapon at the two. At that instant, the right arm shot forward in a fast straight punch, its arm extended far past what most people had thought it would have due to the extensions being hidden behind its bulky frame. The sheer impact had blasted a hole in the shield wall that was the enemy forces nearby. A man was sent flying away while the others scrambled to fill the gap in their formation. Right after the first impact, the secondary first would be sent flying their way as well, piercing another layer of defense as it cut through the tower shields they had used to defense themselves. Grappa recalled both fists to her robobot's side and would stand out alongside her sibling. "Stand down and you won't get hurt. You're outmatched now." The small group stood silently by while the commanding officer pointed his blade forward. "There will be no surrender in this war! My patience with you two is at an end. Kill those two now!" The group hesitated at first but would continue their advance onto the two girls. "Well, works for me." Jellisha said, snapping her hands while a burst would winds pushed off of the ground near the group. Their shields were blown away by the sheer force, landing with a loud clatter behind them. Now vulnerable, Grappa was able to unhook a compartment near the mouth as a swift blast of wind magic shot out from GOLIATH's face. This bolt, however, was far more condensed than what her sister had once unleashed from the palm of her hand. The velocity of her attack caused a blast of magic at the location where the army had stood. The few armored units had laid scattered before them, the some lucky few landing across the battlefield in more than a few pieces. Grappa sighed in relief at their latest foe's dismissal before hearing a most familiar sound.

    Behind them, a veil of darkness surrounded a furious figure approaching them from afar. The enemies scattered around them, or at least the smart ones did. Those unfortunate enough to stick around wound by sliced in half from the attacks used against them without mercy or afterthought. Yet the girls wore an expression of elation, recognizing the familiar shape of their father while they would  watch in awe at his accomplishment. Just slicing through the army of soldiers as if they were nothing. Yet just behind them, the same officer would struggle to gain some kind of ground by his fallen equipment. His firearm lied beside him, while his remaining arm would slowly steady the weapon and feed it a blue laced covering which had a distinct hum of its own. Into his radio, her made an order. "All available units, this is now a code delta alpha bravo battlefield. Switch to Magusbane ammunition when ready. Do not let your enemies retreat."

    Just as Mythal had arrived and asked the two of their status, a bang would sound off. Grappa felt a sudden disturbance and, for whatever the reason, would look down to her body to see a growing patch of crimson by her right side. Her right hand carefully investigated the wound before her injuries had caught up with her and slumped forward. The mech whirled leftwards as Jellisha pulled her from the piloting seat before GOLIATH could capsize. The officer from behind would have a single arm aimed at the Exceed in human form, throughly weakened by their previous blast. On instinct, Jellisha forced herself into the seat and began peddling as the mechanical unit roared to life and opened both vents on each arm. With a loud charge of mana, she vented the pent up magic power as the officer would resign to his fate. "THEY'RE GOING TO STITCH YOU BACK TOGETHER NOW." The charge was full in a few short seconds, the ruby eyed girl's fury fueling her speed while a shell of window magic aimed at the attacking officer would be fired. After a brief haze of dirt and smoke, his largest remnant would be the arm blown away previously. The rest of him would be scattered about nearby into pieces around the crater.

    She turned her attention back to Grappa, worried that she had indeed perished. Her heart couldn't take much more of her sister getting hurt, but thankfully she was in good health regardless. Jellisha hurried them to a safe corner by the trees again while Grappa clutched her right side, breathing heavily while pain would take her. "Ah-Ah...I'm okay." she tried to quell their fears while Jellisha held her hands to the wound. "I can try and get the bullet out like Mom taught us. Just give me a sec." Her hands would gently massage the wound, bringing some relief to Grappa before another piercing jolt of pain brought the ground. Her legs shook with pain, kicking Jellisha's hand away while she tried to scream but no sound came out. The bullet had somehow burrowed inside of her deeper after the simple spell that Jellisha had tried to cast. Upon the discovery of this, the general cursed to themselves. "Shit. Is it going deeper because of my magic?" she asked herself, looking at Mythal with a desperate lookin her eyes. Grappa had calmed down enough to finally force herself back onto her knees again. "I can fight..." she said, shakily trying to regain her balance against the wishes of her sister. "Just gotta stop the bleeding." she said, pressing hard against her side with tears streaming down her face.

    Twin WC : 2327 / 4,000
    @Wiggles @Mythal Ragnos @Tor @Nohres Xaclamir @Serilda Sinclair


    Official Action YvWNyTL
    Emory Aldwyn

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Amos' Conciliator
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 134
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
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    Official Action Empty Re: Official Action

    Post by Emory Aldwyn 9th March 2021, 11:11 pm

    Word Count: 2,980 / 4,000

    Nohres watched the battle as it unfolded. As was expected, Pergrande's army was woefully unprepared to face off against mages of their caliber; their efforts had been focused on the comparatively weak Bellum mages and, as a result, were not prepared to fend off the likes of Field Marshal Sinclair and the other Rune Knights. It was easy to spot, from his position on the hills near the treeline, where a Rune Knight was by dint of the screams and chaos generated.

    His attention was focused on a blur of lightning nearest his position. Tor's arrival had granted him the time to break away from the battle and escort the beleaguered Bellum mages off the field and was now busy tearing through the Pergrande line. He was impressed with the electrical display of magic, though there was a part of him that wished even now, on a wretched battlefield such as it was, that the Pergrande soldiers had been spared death. Nohres understood the realities of war and certainly was not surprised that the zealots had needed to be cut down, but it was a pang of regret and sadness all the same when he watched them fall one by one to the thunderous Rune Knight and his magic.

    As Tor came up the hill, a practiced mask of calm and composure slid effortlessly over Nohres' features and he grinned at his fellow Rune Knight. "Your timing was impeccable. I got them out of the fight and took care of their wounds, thanks to you." With a congratulatory fistbump out of the way, Nohres allowed himself to become more serious once again as he surveyed the field. "More and more Bellum mages will need rescuing as this fight goes on, but that also means more and more Pergrande soldiers will be able to focus on fewer and fewer targets. I can't protect them and break Pergrande infantry at the same time."

    There was a part of him that denied such a claim, knowing just how deep the well ran for his magical power or how powerful his flames were. But Nohres was far more interested in saving people than he was killing them, and this was a golden opportunity. If you take their attention and hold onto it for a bit, I can evacuate the mages and get them somewhere safe." He glanced back down to the battlefield as the fighting seemed to be ramping up. More explosions, more gunfire, more screams. It was a little unnerving, to hear that chaos and desperation.

    But if there was one thing to drive him on, Nohres knew that he would not stop until he had saved as many as he could. Golden runes began to run along his body as sigils slowly drew them on across his body. The flames ignited under his feet once again, gently holding him aloft as he stabilized himself with his hands. His grin grew wider as he exploded forward and down the hill. "You find the Bellum mages and I'll make sure they get out of here."


    Enemies Defeated:
    1x Weak Enemy - Captured, alive.
    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
    what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal


      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 2:10 am