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    Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 25th April 2020, 9:15 am

    Job Deets:

    When presented with the opportunity to work in the cafeteria, Tsubasa took it with gusto. The Silver Wolf cafeteria was well stocked, had impressively new equipment, and best of all the freedom to try what he wanted. So far, he had put out a strawberry chocolate cake to rave reviews, and was now working on a sourwood honey infused shortbread that had been eluding him for the past few days. He’d tried other flavors of honey, of course, and the differences were subtle to most tasters, with people generally settling on clover honey as it was the most readily available, but the cafeteria had some special stock for him to play with, provided he also helped with the more often requested foods and desserts.

    Also he had to keep Ahab in a corner after an incident with green fur being discovered in a lasagna. Currently he was working on the shortbread that had been troubling him. He had previously created a small batch, which hadn’t turned out quite right. “Make more failures,” Ahab said from his little corner. As expected, he was the disposal device for the batches that didn’t turn out quite right.

    Clearly somewhat distracted, like a parent reading the newspaper while talking to their child, Tsubasa responded, “I think you’d rather eat them when I get them right.

    How would you know? You haven’t gotten them right before.” He was laying on his stomach, with the thin wafer in front of him, casually picking pieces off then sliding them into his mouth, as though eating his own pillow.

    Tsubasa stopped and stared at the little squirrel until he sheepishly retreated into his own fur, “Sorry.” Ahab offered, “But why is it so difficult for you? What’s missing? You made that cake and it was just bam-wham-whicham cake.

    Still distracted, Tsubasa continued talking, “Well these too, normally. Bam-wham-whicham shortbread, but the goal is to infuse it with the honey, to create a more natural spring of flavor than the sugar, which you know can fall a little flat. Honey holds on a little longer, and therefore doesn’t just fade away as you eat the cookie. The danger is in a balance of the natural crumbly texture of shortbread, the viscosity of the honey which depends on how I work with it, but also on the location from which it was harvested. Sourwood trees require a little more water than some other sources, so the resulting honey is a little easier to work with. It’s actually really popular when spread over muffins and cookies, like with a cup of tea,” Finally glancing up at Ahab, he added, “I’m just trying to cut out the middle man.

    Ahab flipped over to the other side of the cookie and started eating the opposite side of his pillow. “Why is it that this is what you’re most knowledgeable about?

    Why is it that you don’t know more about shutting up.” Tsubasa turned back to his work.

    Ouch.” The squirrel said with a mouth full of shortbread.

    Tsubasa Kageyama?” A voice called from the other side of the kitchen. “Tsubasa?

    Here!” Tsubasa said, pulling his attention from the recipe and looking up.

    A short man with a mustache came into view. He was a little shorter than Tsubasa himself, and his mustache seemed to be growing so long that it covered up his top lip entirely. He wore a yellow button up shirt with white stripes that seemed to almost blend in with the yellow, making it rather difficult to see whether it was actually pure yellow until one got up close. “Ah, there you are, I was told I could find you here. My name is McKinley, I’m one of the guild staff here. I’ve got a job for you. I heard you’re interested in working with the scholars here.

    Yeah, Miss Mercury and I were talking about it and the idea of being able to mess with things and potentially blow stuff up is kinda fun for me.

    Rrright.” Whether he was caught up by Tsubasa referring to Mercury as “miss”, or mentioning that he wanted to blow stuff up, it took him a half a moment to recover. “Well I have a job request for you. Normally it would be given to one of the hunters, but strangely enough it has been sent to you specifically.

    It’s for retrieval?” Tsubasa went to wash his hands before taking the job notice and looking it over.

    In a manner of speaking. It seems that there’s a report of an extremely dangerous bloodsport arena.

    I am down so far,” His eyes squinted slightly as he continued reading the job notice.

    Yes, well, as it stands the client’s nephew seems to have been forced into this arena and, fearing for his life, the client has hired you to get in there and get him.

    Uh huh,” Tsubasa lifted a finger to the notice. It seemed he hadn’t yet gotten very far into reading it.

    Well, it has been requested that you go in there and retrieve his nephew, additionally shutting down the arena if at all possible. Here’s the part that interests the Silver Wolf guild. One of the organizers seems to have an unusual lacrima that would be very interesting for us to look over. In addition, it seems that the organizers themselves are Fiorean renegades, and therefore having one of us recover them and that lacrima is in our best interest.

    I’m down with all of this so far,” Tsubasa said. He was taking off his apron and setting the baking project in one of the cooling freezers. That way, it would get a little more shelf life as long as he could come back in time. “But why was the request for me? Is it a hazing thing? Send the new guy to a bloodsports arena?

    Well I wouldn't quite say that. You see, the request didn’t come for your real name, but rather your LacTube handle. It seems that the Desiertian plutocrat that requested you for the job is… well… a subscriber.


    Wearing his signature hoodie which was, in turn, wrapped in a brownish cloak that made it a little difficult to see the signature clothing underneath. “TsuKo on location, yo! Okay so check this out,” Tsubasa said into his camera, “I am working with the Royal Knights today. Since hopefully this’ll all be wrapped up by the time we I get to post this, I’m gonna tell you now that I am part of a special covert operation that will shut down an evil organization and rescue some diplomats. Special thanks to the subscriber that sent this job for me, I hope I can do it justice! Alright I think the RK guys that I’m working with are coming up, I can feel some wicked strong magical energy coming in fast, let’s see if I can get them on camera.

    He turned the camera in front of him, watching out for their arrival. In a moment, however, the camera dropped down as he lowered his arm and said, “The hot people!

    WC: 1183/4670


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 26th April 2020, 8:32 pm

    Desierto. This was going to be a trip down memory lane.

    Mythal honestly couldn’t put a number on the last time he had been in the sand-filled nation but he knew it had been quite awhile. It had been his second job with Serilda, making the mistake of calling her by the wrong name and looking about as impressed with her reappearance as a cat with a dog. They were to hunt down some kind of slaver and free the people that he had captured. They’d found him and Mythal had snapped, attacking the man whilst Serilda went out of her way to save the slaves. It had only been a few months ago that the Voidwalker had revealed that she had met one of the women that had been freed -- a Desierto native named Kessicia. Apparently she was working for the Dies Irae guild now.

    Whatever the case, Serilda and Mythal had engaged the man and the fat sack had opted to end his own life and summon a demon rather than to be taken in. With their combined forces, the couple had managed to destroy the demon and end the threat. But his actions had enraged her and her anger had then built the flame of his own fury. They fought like children, throwing jibes and pushing one another around. But it had very quickly devolved into a feverish, sexual fight that resulted in them sleeping with one another right there on the sand. What should have been a terrible moment became the foundation for their partnership and soon to be friendship slash budding relationship.

    It was amusing to think back on it now, how stoically he had been against her even touching him to help with his wounds. Stubborn mule that he was, he’d given into the genetic prejudice against humankind long before he had run into her. Yet it had been that interaction that had made him more accepting of her help and from then on out, they had managed to work through their differences. The only other time anything nearly as tragic had occurred was in the Oak Inn but even then, their argument had once again culminated in a session of sex and a deep, emotional talk afterwards.

    Now here they were, some amount of time after that. Both of them were in charge of the Rune Knights, they were engaged to be married and they had equally become one of the most formidable forces in all of Earthland. It was an odd journey but certainly one he didn’t regret, hiccups and all. Now on the cusp of their worlds changing again, they had settled into a comfortable routine of existence that he personally never expected for himself. Who knew he’d be considered such a responsible adult after all the shit he had gone through?

    Yet here he was again, being summoned to head back to Desierto and for the same reason as before -- though this time, it was on a much grander scale. There was supposedly a large scale slave fighting ring among the dunes that was nicknamed the ‘Ring of Blood’. Richly men and women from all across Earthland flocked to it to get their bitter, depraved amusement as captured people fought in the pits. While that was bad enough, it seemed a noble’s nephew had been the target of the slavers and had found himself captured and brought to the ring. The uncle was determined to get his family back and had requested both Serilda and Mythal to help with the operation. He also mentioned another name which was oddly familiar -- a Tsubasa Kageyama. He couldn’t honestly figure out where he had heard the man’s name before but it was definitely one he’d come upon. Whatever the case, it seemed that Silver Wolf and the Rune Knights would be running the operation cooperatively.

    A meeting place had been arranged, so the couple could meet up with Tsubasa and figure out their plan of attack. This wasn’t going to be an easy breach and grab -- apparently the ring was warded and if they were to attack outright, it would disappear to a location they wouldn’t know about. The fact that they had the destination at that point was a miracle so they had to make sure they got in easily and stayed undetected until the absolute last moment possible. With any luck, there wouldn’t be any kind of mistakes along the way.

    Mythal recognized Tsubasa almost immediately upon laying eyes on him, though he was still a bit of a distance away. Luckily with the growth of his magic, he essentially had binocular vision at that point, which gave him an advantage at spotting. The kid had been one of the passengers on the ship when they crashed on that island that one time. He honestly never thought he was going to see the skateboarder again, yet there he was. “Well, at least we know who we’re workin’ with…” he muttered to Serilda as they approached the younger man. Beside her was her ever faithful Star Wolf Xiuhco, who looked exactly the same as she did when they last saw the young man.

    But trotting right behind Mythal was a monstrous dog, taller than the man himself and ridiculously wide. Gren had grown so incredibly large that the only way anyone recognized him from the adorable pup he once was had to be the dopey, happy grin he seemed to always have on his face. His tongue bounced just outside of his mouth as he looked around the desert, more than pleased to be out and about.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much

    Last edited by Mythal Ragnos on 1st September 2020, 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 28th April 2020, 3:08 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It had certainly been quite some time since the two of them had last been in Desierto. Actually, once she started thinking about it Serilda realized that they hadn’t been back to the desert country since the first time they went, which also happened to be where their rather tumultuous relationship started. Sure they’d had one job together before the one out here, but that had hardly counted as much of anything, that delivery job being rather quick and simple all things considered. Desierto was where they’d first really gotten to put their skills to the test and been forced to get to know one another and spent much more time together than either of them had expected, or asked for.

    Serilda couldn’t help but smirk at the recollection of how that job had gone down. She’d been so furious with Mythal for leaping out of hiding to attack their quarry before the two of them could have a chance to figure out a way to protect the captives so they wouldn’t get hurt in the midst of the fighting. The Voidwalker had been trained to work as a unit with her allies, having been bred to the life of a soldier and businesswoman. Meanwhile, Mythal had always been a lone wolf having to fend for himself and never having anyone to rely on. It had very much been like mixing oil and water. While that didn’t stop them from finding a way to successfully get the slaves freed and to defeat the ugly man and his terrifying demon, once all was said and done Serilda had greatly lost her temper with the darkness mage.

    To say they had bickered like kids would have been putting it nicely. Never in her life had Serilda been so angry as to lash out at someone the way she had at Mythal that day, having been utterly terrified by the demon they’d fought to the point where she betrayed her better judgement and let loose on him when normally she would stay behind a composed mask of indignation. But no, they had argued, yelled, pushed each other, sunk down to base insults and childish remarks. How it had all wound up with the two of them in a naked heap on the desert sands was still beyond her comprehension sometimes, but despite how volatile and unhealthily their relationship had started there was no denying how happy they both were with where it led.

    “Maybe we should go find an abandoned ravine somewhere, for old time’s sake,” Serilda teased quietly as they passed through the scorching lands, her voice little more than a murmured whisper despite the fact that there was no one around them except the wolves. Well, and Victoria, but there was nothing either of them could do about her. The noblewoman had been raised with a sense of modesty that included not being overt about one’s sexual lifestyle, so even making the comment out loud in a place that was quite literally a deserted wasteland with no ears to eavesdrop on her was still a bit scandalous for Serilda.

    Not that I have any issues with being party to a sexual liaison, Victoria said, the old woman’s voice speaking up within Serilda’s mind, But if you two were going to come out here to hook up and relive your early days, you could have least left me at home. At least there are things there to keep me entertained while you two get your hormones out of your systems.

    Serilda rolled her eyes, though her slight smirk remained. “Relax, Vicky,” she said, speaking out loud for Mythal’s benefit as the man would surely know that the Seal had said something just from the look on Serilda’s face. “I wouldn’t make you wander aimlessly around the desert. I’d send you back to Fiore first.”

    The disembodied voice in her head scoffed, still greatly disliking the nickname Serilda had given her but having at least learned to tolerate it in certain situations. And the Voidwalker could sense the older woman’s mild amusement. Thanks ever so much. was Victoria’s only dry reply.

    Before long, they were coming into range of the place where they had been sent to meet a representative from the Silver Wolf guild that would be assisting them with the job. Or rather, they would be assisting the independent mage. The job to take down an arena where slaves were pent against one another in gladatorial fashion had actually been sent to the other wizard, however the nature of the job meant that he would require assistance from the Rune Knights. Since Mythal and Serilda were fairly well known amongst the council at this point for disrupting slave operations, and since the arena itself was rumored to be heavily fortified, it was only natural that they sent the two of them to lend a hand.

    Mythal would see their partner for the day sooner than Serilda could, commenting about how they at least knew who they were working with. The noblewoman raised a brow in interest. They knew someone in Silver Wolf? She had run into only one member of the guild before that she knew of, but Leila had long since been missing and was presumed dead by the council, who had stripped her of her rank as a God of Ishgar -- and, ironically, given it to Serilda. Outside of Leila, Serilda couldn’t recall having ever worked with any other members of Silver Wolf in the past.

    It was quite the surprise to her to indeed see a familiar face as they got closer, the desert winds picking up the young man’s scent and bringing it to her sensitive nose to confirm that she did know him. It wasn’t until they got close enough to see his face that a pleased smile appeared on her lips. “Well, look at that,” Serilda said, reaching out a hand for the younger wizard to shake. “It was Tsubasa, right? I didn’t realize you were a member of Silver Wolf. Glad to see you’re doing well.”

    The noblewoman was excellent with names even on her worst days, but it was difficult to forget the identity of one of the many people who had survived being stranded on a strange island after a shipwreck with them. Particularly this young and eager man who had made it a point to get himself involved with their efforts despite the risk it was to his own life. He had made a good impression on her back and the time, and Serilda was glad to see he was still trying to do good things with his life.

    Despite the fact that a lot of people these days tended to already know who the God of Ishgar power couple were, Serilda still reintroduced herself rather than presume that he remembered their names. It had been almost a year, after all, and not everyone was as good with names as she was -- especially Mythal. “Serilda. This is Mythal.” she gestured formally to the Darkness King. “And I’m sure you remember our hounds, Xiuhcoatl and Gren… though come to think of it, Gren is probably much bigger than the last time you saw him.”

    That was an understatement. Back during the shipwreck, Gren had only been an appropriately sized puppy of a couple months old. Now, he was practically a mammoth of a beast, standing taller than even Mythal’s six foot height. On the flip side, Xiuh looked about the same as before, her great bushy wagging with interest at seeing someone that was familiar to her, but not taking any steps to greet the young man despite how much she clearly wanted to. Perhaps after the job was finished Serilda would let her spend time with Tsubasa, but for now there was a job to do and business always came first. “So what do you have for us? We were only given basic details and told you’d have the rest. Something about taking out a slave pit?”

    WORDS: 1375/1375 TOTAL: 3496/14,000 | @Tsubasa Kageyama @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 29th April 2020, 9:15 pm

    1134/2317(4670)| 4630/14,000 words
    @Mythal Ragnos@Serilda Sinclair

    In what was probably the least stealthy move ever, Tsubasa waved at the two while they were still quite a little distance away. His hand dropped ever so slightly as a wave of uncharacteristic dread washed over him. These two were coming to meet him rather than him coming to meet them. It had not struck him until now that the Royal Knights were going to be working with him this time, that two people as strong as they, and their giant puppies, were going to be (under the extremely limited scope of this job and this job only) going to be taking orders, or at least suggestions for plans of actions, from him. The weight of it hit him like a stone, although his outward visage hadn’t changed in the slightest.

    Under his breath, and only to his own companion, he murmured a very quiet, “What if I can’t do it?

    The squirrel’s whole kilogram and a half pressed on his shoulder and said, “What if you can? Come on, Tsu. Nut up time.

    There was a moment of silence. A gust of wind took particles of sand across the young mage’s chest,

    Ahab nudged his friend’s cheek with his little green elbow, inadvertently tickling him with the patagium, the furry little parachute of skin connecting his arm and leg “Get it. Nut up. I’m a squirrel. Ah?

    Tsubasa snorted and side-eyed the squirrel. “It’s a horrible joke and I should pretend I don’t know you. But I’m glad you’re working on your solid fifteen.

    Ahab snapped his fingers (a stunted sound due to the nature of his little hands), and pointed with finger guns at Tsubasa, “You’re a lovely audience, tip your waitresses.

    When the two arrived he awaited their introductions then took his own turn, “Okay. Right. So first thing’s first. Hi! Great to see you again. I’m super glad you remember me. I think I briefly caught your names before but there was a lot of commotion from the giant stone dog men and the panda people.” He shook their hands, possibly forcefully and definitely for just a fraction of a second too long, “Nice to see you again, Lady Serilda. Mister Mythal. Xiuhcoatl, Gren, a pleasure as always.

    If he was fazed by the giant fucking wolf he did a wonderful job of hiding it. Despite the thing probably being capable of biting his head from his shoulders and swallowing it without chewing, he approached it without reserve (unless Mythal stopped him). He offered his hand for the giant pupper to sniff, then gave some scritches if acceptable.“Oh I’m sure you’ve just been feedin’ him right.” He looked towards his own hood, in the direction of his own partner, “You see Ahab, sometimes animals grow larger instead of just fatter.” Even as he spoke he did the same to Xiuh, hoping to show them both a greeting and a little bit of pets.

    The squirrel squinted, having retreated back into his resting spot, stuck his head out again, “I resent being called an animal. I resent being called fat. I resent bringing me to a desert. This whole situation is less than agreeable and you will be hearing from my lawyer. Introduce me to the hot people.

    Hey maybe we don’t call them that to their faces.” Tsubasa said, his visage unchanging, but tone gaining the same inflection of a parent gently correcting their child about a public faux pas. “Forgive my rudeness. This is Ahab. He is here for the food, and will not go away.” The statement was made with that special kind of love for a best friend who you could, at any moment, just snap and kill. It became clear why a giant dog wouldn’t get to him too much, because his best friend was a clearly altered green flying squirrel capable of speech and sarcasm, and what gets weird after that?

    Once the introductions were all completed, he moved on to the job. He pulled out a small notebook and opened it up to a page marked with a little yellow tab of tape. It seemed to be written in a strange language, a mix of pictures and words. He started reading from it, as though it contained real words, “Right. So yeah, as you said Lady Serilda, that’s the broad strokes of it. So basically one of my subscribers let me in on this private battle ring going on. Like an underground boxing thing, which I hear happens from time to time — not old enough to go myself —except this one’s with slaves. People are just kidnapped from the desert and sold to these slavers, and then forced to do the fighting.

    That alone is bad enough, of course, but you might notice that we are not in Fiore and so why are we here. Well, this is the sour pickle. The people running the Arena of Blood, kinda wish it didn’t have such a cool name, are Fiorean, two people wanted for murder, trafficking and something called super arson. One is… Infierny Launce, some obscure duke of something, and the other is named… Bruce Hamilson. It’s his assistant. I was told that you would know who those people are. Of course because they're Fiorean nationals, the Deser...Des... these people don't want any of it, and aren't gonna take action even if they could. Get to that in a second.

    So that’s why you’re here. To arrest those two guys and bring them in. Uh. Alive. Mostly, I guess. I’m here because my subscriber has a nephew in there that needs to be freed. Additionally, there’s a teleportation rune on this place that causes it to outright disappear if we try to seize it. Straightforwardly. And that’s a valuable piece of magic that we—I— uh… Silver Wolf, wants. So you guys get the collar. I get the freed person and copy the rune.

    So. That’s... the situation. Now for the plan,” He put away the notebook and took two collars out of his pocket, “So I thought of this myself, and so if it’s really bad don’t get mad at me too much, please. Anyway, I got these from the R&D people. They’re gonna read like they suppress magic, but they actually don’t. So I take you guys in, register you for the arena and get you set up for everything. You’ll be stripped of weapons and like… we’ll probably have to hide your puppies. And once I get in — I have a ticket here for the… the event — I’ll locate the rune and… de-rune it. Which’ll prevent the escape and keep them here. Then give ya’ll the signal and you can… pew pew pew the mercenaries and guards that are holding the place together. While I round up the people we shouldn’t kill and get them out.

    He took a deep breath, like he had just finished giving a presentation in a high school class, “What do we think?


    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 4th May 2020, 10:29 am

    Admittedly, Mythal did think that Tsubasa looked a bit young to be sent on such a perilous mission. But then again, surviving their excursion on the island like he had wasn’t exactly something to overlook either. In the face of danger, he had come to them to warn them of reinforcements, having gone through several Mogu himself to achieve the delivery. So despite his younger looks, the Darkness King had no qualms with him taking point in the mission -- after all, age was just a number. Serilda introduced themselves to him again, as it had been awhile, and then introduced their Star Wolves as well. She remarked at how Gren probably looked distinctely different from the last time they had seen one another.

    And indeed, the mutant Star Wolf had put on several hundred pounds and an unbelievable amount of height. Yet from his face, he looked very much like a puppy at heart that was still convinced he was a lap dog. He whined softly in anticipation, recognizing the face and scent of someone he had met before. Tsubasa was unfazed by the wolf’s size and walked towards the overgrown pup, Gren watching him with the same glee that any canine would when he was about to get attention. The hand came out and he sniffed it eagerly before giving it a wet lap, nearly wrapping his tongue around the teenager’s hand in excitement. It was very clear all he wanted was to leap onto Tsubasa and rain kisses upon his head but he settled for the scratches, turning his head so that the man could get the absolute best spot.

    Mythal chuckled as Tsubasa remarked about feeding the mutant wolf right. “Right’s a word. Big boy is gonna eat us out of house and home. Luckily he also is a fan of eatin’ shadows so… that helps with the feedin’ problem most of the time. Also you can call me just Mythal -- I don’t need any fancy titles or nothin’.” The God Slayer glanced at the young man’s hood, where the talkative, bright green squirrel was residing at the moment. Gren was also intrigued by the sight of him, sniffing loudly in that direction, even as the critter remarked against the insinuations against him. He also insisted that he be introduced to, as he said it, ‘the hot people’. Tsubasa quickly remarked about the titling, though in a way that was almost correctional rather than embarrassed. He then introduced the squirrel as Ahab, who apparently only stuck around to get fed and refused to leave. Sounded exactly like  how Mythal generally introduced Susano. “Nice to meet ya, Ahab. Don’t worry about Gren or Xiuhco -- they ain’t the chasin’ squirrels type.” Or at least, he didn’t think they were.

    Once all of that was out of the way, Serilda inquired to the details of the mission, as they had only received very bare, general information. All they really knew was that they were taking out a slave pit. Tsubasa opted to illuminate further, taking out a notebook and opening it up to a page that he had marked. His writing was… unusual, seemingly a mixture of images and common language. But hey, if he could read it, who was Mythal to judge? He went right into it, starting from the beginning of when he’d received the notice in the first place. Apparently one of  his ‘subscribers’ had informed him of the battle ring, which was a strange statement in and of itself. What did he mean by subscriber? He didn’t have time to ask as Tsu continued, explaining that people were kidnapped, sold to the slavers and then forced to fight for entertainment.

    A dire situation already but he continued. Apparently two of the main people in charge of the arena were Fiorean and they were well wanted within the nation’s limits. He listed off a few of their crimes before mentioning their names; Duke Infierny Launce and Bruce Hamilson. The names stuck out immediately for the Director -- ones that had passed by on his desk as reports of sightings and escapes from authorities. They had been well wanted by the Rune Knights; right up in the top five in fact. It seemed that whatever passed for a government body in Desierto had no intention of taking action against the set up. That was hardly a surprise -- Desierto was one of the few nations that still promoted and legalized slavery, even against the wishes of the world on a greater scale.

    That seemed to be what Mythal and Serilda’s main objective was; find the criminals and arrest them. Tsubasa was there because the same subscriber that had made note of the arena also had a nephew that had been captured by the slavers. That and the teleportation rune that allowed the coliseum to transport itself around the desert was of interest to Silver Wolf. A simple two pronged mission -- the Rune Knights busted the culprits and Silver Wolf saved the nephew and got the magic boon. It was fairly straight forward but to pull it off, it required a highly detailed plan. Luckily it seemed Tsubasa had come up with one already. From his pockets he produced two collars, earning a look from the Darkness King. He explained that the collars are meant to look like slave cuffs, wrapped around their necks and seemingly suppressing their magic. Tsubasa would take the two Rune Knights in as possible slaves and get them set up to take part in the pits. Doing so would take away their weapons and attire, which meant that the Star Wolves coming along would certainly complicate things.

    He’d inquire about that in a moment. Tsubasa continued, stating that he had a ticket for the event that would allow him in and he would use that to locate the rune and deactivate its ability. That would keep the arena in place and then Serilda and Mythal could act as they saw fit. Tsubasa would take care of the people that weren’t targets -- most likely the other slaves. Mythal nodded. “Seems viable to me,” he said with a small shrug. “Been some time since we slummed it in Desierto,” he said with a wry smirk, glancing at Serilda. “Unless you got another idea, Seri, I could call Susano here and have him look after Gren and Xiuhco. The desert ain’t exactly his favorite place but he’d be willin’ to help out.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much

    Last edited by Mythal Ragnos on 1st September 2020, 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Ice Queen

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     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 19th May 2020, 4:10 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Well, he was just as talkative and energetic as Serilda remembered, eagerly jumping right into the greeting and expressing how happy he was that they remembered him. He didn’t seem too unnerved by the sight of Gren, which was nice. The vast majority of people that saw the gigantic hound were immediately intimidated and terrified of him, which was always sad to the wolf who very much thought he was still a lap dog despite the fact that he was fifteen times the size of any single lap. Mythal let Gren receive some physical love, the giant wolf slobbering all over the young man’s hand and leaning into the affection. Meanwhile, Xiuh kept looking between Tsubasa and Serilda, obedient in her stance beside Serilda’s feet but pleading in her big dark eyes to receive the same attention. The Rune Knight smirked. “Alright, alright, go on,” she said, waving the hound over.

    It wasn’t any of her command words, but the wolf understood the meaning all the same and immediately leaped up to her feet and trotting happily over to Tsubasa, sniffing him eagerly and leaning against him to beg for pets, her thick bushy tail swaying back and forth. Tsubasa remarked to someone called Ahab stating Gren as an example of how sometimes animals grew appropriately when fed, rather than just gaining weight. Serilda couldn’t see the small animal inside Tsubasa’s hood, but she could sense its present through her Void Sense, which alerted her to the shape of a living creature. And sure enough, a figure with green fur very akin to a squirrel poked its head out into the light and immediately spoke up to chastise Tsubasa for referring to him as an animal, as well as for not taking the time to introduce him to the “hot people”.

    Serilda blinked, though it was more at the “hot people” comment than at the revelation of a talking green squirrel. The latter was definitely a surprise and something she wasn’t necessarily ready for, but the world of magic was a strange one and it wasn’t the first time she’d heard an animal talk. After all, Xiuhcoatl herself had been able to communicate with her in the human tongue while under Agatha’s influence in Kingdom Darkness. Granted that was through telepathy, but it still counted. Tsubasa brushed the request off with a humorously apologetic comment to perhaps not actually use the moniker of Mythal and Serilda’s physical attractiveness directly to their faces, before explaining that the squirrel’s name was Ahab and he was a mooch that the young man apparently couldn’t get rid of.

    A small, knowing smile worked its way onto Serilda’s face, the field marshal greatly amused by the comfortable way Tsubasa and his companion bantered back and forth with one another. Clearly, they had a strong bond. She nodded following Mythal’s assurance that the wolves wouldn’t chase Ahab at all. “A pleasure, Mr. Ahab. We look forward to working with you.”

    Shortly after that, the young man got to work explaining the broader details of the mission and how he’d come to receive it, despite the fact that a job like this was usually sent to the Rune Knights right away. According to him, one of his subscribers had sent him the request directly, informing him about the existence of an underground slave fighting ring consisting of people who were kidnapped in the desert and forced into the rings, presumably to their deaths. She frowned, but unfortunately wasn’t surprised. Given the type of work they’d done in Desierto before, this wasn’t exactly a new concept to them.

    But, there was more to the story. The Arena of Blood, as Tsubasa called it, was apparently run by two people from Fiore who were wanted by the Knights and the Magic Council, one of which was a Duke who’s name Serilda was very familiar with. Her white brows rose with piqued interest, and she shared a look with Mythal to silently convey how big this job had suddenly become. They’d been trying to put feelers out basically since they took over the Rune Knights to try and locate Infierny and his right hand man to no avail. The estranged Duke had been laying low, having all but abandoned his duchy in light of keeping himself out of reach of the law. And now, here was this young man seemingly dumping the criminal in their laps by pure happenstance, all because of a follower on his social media giving him a lead to this illegal tournament.

    And that, it seemed, was why the Rune Knights had been called in to assist him. There was a Fioren noble involved that needed to be arrested and brought to justice, as well as a blood sport that needed to be brought to a crumbling halt. Tsubasa, on the other hand, had his own separate objectives. The subscriber had brought this up to him because they had a nephew that had been kidnapped and was slated to fight, and subsequently be killed, in the ring. Obviously, that person needed to be liberated, along with the other slaves. Additionally, it seemed that the Arena was also in possession of an artifact of note that Silver Wolf was interested in, a device that allowed the entire building to teleport away in an instance if anyone attempted to lay siege to it outright. Meaning, of course, that the three of them were going to have to find a way to sneak inside.

    He brought out two collars. While Serilda’s face remained even, she didn’t miss the look that Mythal gave the younger man. The noblewoman herself was more than a little displeased by the notion of being turned, even temporarily, into a slave… but she quickly stamped that feeling down. There were a lot of innocent people in that arena whose lives were on the line, and she wasn’t about to risk those lives just for the sake of her pride. Besides, Tsubasa had already proven himself and his intentions with the two of them long ago, and if there was any deceit in the young man’s words Mythal would have already caught it. She could already sense Victoria’s intense ire and offense over the suggested plan, but ignored the feeling for now.

    Tsubasa rounded up the plan he’d worked on by explaining that the collars were meant to cloak one’s magical signature, rather than nullify it, so that the two of them could be snuck past the entry and into the arena disguised as slaves. Naturally, they would be stripped of their weapons and the wolves would probably have to hide out somewhere for a bit. But once he could get into the building and find the artifact and turn it off, then the building and everyone inside would be grounded to the current location and unable to simply teleport away. That would give Serilda and Mythal the chance to hunt down the wanted Fioren noble, his assistant, and the rest of those involved with the Arena while Tsubasa helped free the slaves and get them to safety.

    Mythal expressed his agreement with the proposed plan, giving Serilda a smirk as he commented on how much time had passed since the last time they’d slummed it in the open desert. The marshal side eyed him back with a slight smirk of her own, pale blue eyes twinkling with mirth. “Well, at least this time we won’t be loitering in a canyon for a week… and you won’t be wasting any water,” she remarked dryly, though not without humor. The director suggested that he could call Susano to their location to watch the dogs. The demigod wouldn’t be thrilled about the desert setting, but his desire to be of assistance would overrule his dislike of the scorching wasteland. Serilda gave it, and the rest of the plan, some thought. “I definitely don’t want to risk the wolves being harmed while we’re posing as slaves. If Susano cou--”

    You cannot seriously be considering this plan.

    Serilda’s sentence cut off mid word as Victoria’s voice interrupted her train of thought. The marshal closed her eyes suddenly and drew in a slow, deep breath, very much looking like she’d just come on with a migraine. Mythal could probably assume what had happened, though Tsubasa would surely be confused until someone explained it to him. After all, the last time they’d seen the young man had been before the Seals had manifested themselves. Yes, I am, Serilda told the other woman sternly. It’s a good plan with minimal risk on all fronts, and a sure way to get all of us inside without setting off any alarms too soon.

    Victoria scoffed in her head. I will not be bound up and collared like a slave! There is no need for this absurd and ridiculous level of covertness. You two are the two of the most powerful people on the continent, possibly in the entirety of Earthland. Between Mythal’s connection to shadows and your symbiosis with the Void, nothing could stop you two from simply entering the arena without forcing yourself to prostrate before some sniveling child barely grown into his-

    That’s enough. This time it was Serilda’s turn to cut the other woman off. While the field marshal wasn’t openly cloaked in the energy of her magic, a strong pressure had settled into the immediate air around them as Serilda pressed down on the seal in her mind, forcing her into silence with the threat of the only magic that could actually harm the nephilim. It had been quite some time since Victoria had drawn out this level of anger out of Serilda, as for the most part they had settled into a mostly civil working relationship over the last couple months. They didn’t always agree on everything, but the Seal seemed to have accepted Serilda’s authority and rarely pushed her luck these days.

    But insulting Tsubasa, a young man with a bright mind that had already shown long ago that his age wasn’t to be a factor to judge him over, was crossing the line. You will endure this because I say so, and because you are connected to me and have no choice in the matter. I will not risk the lives of innocent people trapped inside that building just to pander to your overinflated sense of worth, nor will I tolerate such comments about a man who has worked selflessly by our sides through tribulation in the past. The plan is sound and well thought out, so unless you have constructive and respectful criticisms to add, your energy would be better spent tending to your wounded pride in silence.

    There was a long pause as Serilda could feel Victoria’s ire rising, but eventually the sensation faded. Fine, she sniffed haughtily, knowing it was useless to argue with the Voidwalker over the matter. But if this plan is to work, it needs to be convincing. And I don’t mean just on his end as the one supposedly having captured you. You two aren’t exactly low profile in Ishgar. If anyone recognizes you without sufficient reason to believe you truly were overpowered, it will be suspicious.

    Serilda wanted to argue back against the Seal, but Victoria did have a point. Letting go of her anger enough to have sound judgment, the pressure of her aura faded and she opened her eyes once more to look at the two men. “I apologize. Victoria brings up a fair point about Mythal and my notoriety. There’s no telling if anyone will recognize us in there, so if we’re going to do this we need to sell it with more than just the collars. I think I can handle that in a way that will also make it harder to identify us, but it won’t feel great.” She gave Mythal a meaningful look. They needed to be roughed up, which she could do easily with her blood magic, but it wouldn’t exactly be painless.

    Presuming he was in agreement, Serilda turned to face him wholly, one hand stretched toward him with a slight grimace. In the blink of an eye a great number of cuts and bruises appeared all over his body, with his clothing ripping in the appropriate places to match it. Swelling rose quickly over the areas and blood ran down his flesh for a brief moment before she manipulated the plasma to slow to a stop and making the injuries look not quite fresh, giving him the appearance that he’d been severely beaten hours or even days prior. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do this painlessly, so he would feel it briefly before the sharpness went away. “Sorry, baby,” she told him softly, allowing herself a moment of unprofessionalism in front of Tsubasa to tend to her lover. “You okay…?”

    Once that was done she sighed and focused her magic inwardly, giving herself the same treatment and biting her lip through the pain. By the time all was said and done, they were nigh unrecognizable from the swelling and cuts on their faces. “This should do,” Serilda said, already aching from the soreness. “I can heal these marks once we’re inside and free to move freely. Go ahead and get Susano here to watch the wolves. With any luck, once we’re inside we can sneak them in too. But once Tsubasa is able to nullify the relocator artifact and we no longer have to lay low, I can summon the Bloodletters to help take down the arena officials and assist Tsubasa in freeing the slaves.”

    WORDS: 2331/3706 TOTAL: 8991/14,000 | @Tsubasa Kageyama @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

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     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 29th May 2020, 7:41 pm

    2015/4332| 11,006/10,000 words
    @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos
    What's up? (What's up?)
    Sweetcakes (Sweetcakes)
    Who's hip? (Who's hip?)
    Anyway? (Anyway?)

    As a new member of the Silver Wolf guild and a young hero setting out on his own relatively recently, it was an honor to work with two such esteemed members of the Royal Knights. However, as Tsubasa the young man it was really cool to hang out with the hot people again and this time he got to play with their dogs a little while everyone caught up, especially the big one that was, like, holy shit big. Ahab had remained hesitant but at Serilda calling him “Mr. Ahab” he seemed to ease into the group. He even looked pointedly at Tsubasa as if to say ‘See? Mister.’ And put another little punch into their ever evolving argument of… well whatever they were arguing about now. Neither of them could track it entirely.

    But of course then it was time to get to work. Upon a self review of his own explanation, he knew it was a little more ramble oriented than he had intended, but since he hadn’t had the chance to practice it in front of a mirror or anything, delivering it all in one go was definitely a good step forward for him. He didn’t have any particular anxiety issues speaking in public, but one always gets a little nervous when they’re presenting their ideas to people with more experience. It was a relief to get general approval of his idea and although Tsubasa hadn’t been expecting any particularly negative response, getting general acknowledgement that he had done his research from two people that were outstandingly more experienced than himself was more than a little encouraging. Though there was admitted curiosity at his idea initially, the two of them saw the merit in the fake slaves idea over brute force, allowing them to position themselves in the exact easiest place to get what they needed before they cleared the place of anything that needed to be cleared out. Including people.

    While the two of them discussed their own part of the little act they’d be performing, he had a quick discussion with Ahab. Although the two of them had mastered the Odd Couple type relationship quite easily, it seemed that when it came to planning things they needed very little actual dialogue between the two of them, as they seemed to instinctively understand the meaning of the other’s intent. Whether he was purposely letting them have their romantic moment or not, Tsubasa missed out on the cutesy part entirely as he and Ahab figured out their own little part together. Shortly following that, the squirrel ducked back into the hoodie and seemed to fall asleep again.

    In preparation for taking them to the arena itself, he would obviously need to have them chained up before arriving, otherwise the entire jig would be up before it even started. He had them attach the collars to themselves, from which burst forth two manacles which were connected to the collar, and a leading chain for the “slave owner” to carry. He didn’t seem eager to grab onto it, but once it seemed that they would be in the presence of others, he “lead them onwards” in a kind of destitute trudge that anyone would imagine would be acceptable of slaves and slave owners. However, as he walked with them he found no better time than to ask, “So you guys go on LacTube? I mean you’re probably busy but…

    And then he gave them the elevator pitch of his channel, leading up to a tentative asking of including them (identifying information excluded) in the video. None of the planning had really been planned, but the action would likely get a few million views if the editing was done right. He wasn’t pushy and definitely not a fanatic about it, but informing them of his secondary profession that he had planned on including in this one seemed better than trying to do it behind their backs. Before they reached earshot of anyone he finished by saying, “If you wanted to include about your particular affiliation we could do that too without adding any names. Get a little synergy going with the Knight Lives Matter movement and—”

    One of the exterior sentinels pounded the sand covered stone with his weapon, a rather plain looking halberd, and said, “Halt there!” As two others hurried to Tsu and his companions.

    As though someone had flipped a switch in Tsubasa or shouted ‘Action’ in his mind, he immediately pulled the two leading chains downward, forcing the hot people’s heads down and halting there movement, “He said halt! Did I damage your hearing too?!” His voice was more gruff, just on the precipice of unbelievable to people who knew him. Frankly, it seemed like between talking about his LacTube and taking charge of them, his balls had dropped and he’d gone through a traumatizing war campaign or two.

    Who are you? State your business! We are still in preparation for the fights today!” The guard announced. True, the number of people milling about was minimal, which likely meant there would be minimal witnesses and potential casualties. Everyone involved here was definitely doing something wrong.

    Oh are you?” Tsubasa said, “You see I’m confused because clearly I’ve brought my lovely friends here to sabotage this place and destroy everything. Yes, I’ve brought two of the strongest wizards on Earthland here, to this shit hole, for the purposes of taking down the entire organization. And what’s more, I’m going to film the whole thing!” He told the truth with such dripping sarcasm that it absolutely had to have been a lie. “Why the hell do you think I’m here? I’m delivering gladiators to Lord Launce, and then I’ve got a ticket to see the show!” He waved a small, thick piece of paper in front of the guard, “Do you think I’m just taking a stroll with two battered, chained people? Does Lord Launce pay you in coin or does he just arrange for elementary education lessons?!

    S’hurtful… Unnecessary.” The guard mumbled. He cleared his throat and regained some composure, “A-alright fine just… I’ll get these two to the pits.

    No!” Tsu said, “Did you not hear me? These two are to go to Lord Launce first. He’ll want to give them both… physicals. Take them to the pits first and it’ll be on your head! And by that I mean your head will be off. Your shoulders.” He let the words hang before he added, “He’ll kill you.

    I-I heard you!” The guard said. It was likely hearing all of this from a stick of a young man that had unsettled him enough into not taking into consideration that none of it made any sense. Talk fast and loud enough and no one will pay attention to what you're saying, after all. “G-get these two to the Lord, immediately!

    "A little advice: Put money on the girl, she's a biter." As another guard came to get the chains, Tsubasa made a point to purposely, forcefully shoulder-check Mythal, “Don’t see you fighting back now, tough guy.” Before he headed into the arena itself.


    He had no idea whether either of them had any kind of telepathic or empathic powers but the apologetic tone was radiating from him as soon as it was unnecessary for him to keep his face blank.

    Of course one of the most well known rules is that when you walk as though you belong somewhere, no one will ever stop you. Tsubasa walked calmly through the arena as though he owned it, looking around casually while secretly desperately searching for the rune. There was only a matter of time before Mister Mythal and Lady Serilda would either need to reveal themselves or really, really take one for the team. He tried to consider where something like that would need to be, which brought him down to the ground floor, and then considered that something like this would likely need to be in the very center of the arena, in order to assure that everything worked properly. Almost as though in a daze, he found himself walking out towards the center of the ring, where a massive emblem sat, advertising the name of the lord of the arena. It wasn’t Launce, of course, he was just an honored guest. No, this was an emblem he had never seen before, some obscure Desierto guy.

    But there was something strange about this emblem nonetheless. It was almost as though it was carved into itself in certain points. As though the emblem was hiding another emblem within it. Tsubasa began retracing it in the air with his fingertip when he heard a voice behind him, “It’s quite marvelous, isn’t it?

    He turned around quickly to see a slightly elderly man approaching him. At his side was a young man, emaciated and clearly traumatized, being lead by a pet leash and wearing very, very little else. Flanking the elderly creep were two muscley guys who looked as though they would need to put together their entire brain power to spell the phrase “muscley guys”.

    Yes, of course. It’s as though the transportation rune is emblazoned in the emblem itself, which is why this one looks a little different from the others on the flags. It’s not something any old person would notice unless they were up close.” Tsubasa said, “Forgive me…?

    Ah ha! Rare it is that anyone here would not know my name. A welcome surprise, as I have the opportunity to introduce myself. I am the Earl of Oaeren, this humble plot of land. Arenamaster, some call me. Others, simply Sir. My name, however, is Guan Yantin. And you have an astute eye, young one! Indeed, the rune that keeps us safe is hidden within the arena floor itself. How marvelous is that!” He laughed, which turned into a severe cough.

    The slave at his side stepped forward with some kind of bottled tincture, opening it up as he walked forward. Unfortunately, before he could take the two steps that would allow him to reach his master, the old man yanked him forward with such force that he spilled a few drops of the liquid. “Idiot!” Reverse Dumbledore said, “What if that had been the two drops to heal me?! Hurry and give me the damned tonic!” He took the bottle and downed it, wiping his mouth with a most uncouth ‘Ahhhh’ noise.

    As he performed typical asshole things, Ahab had taken flight and gotten an arial view of the rune with the video camera, before zooming off towards the covered platform at the very top of the arena. Waiting until he was done, Tsubasa said, “Alright so I’ve just identified that guy as the nephew of DukeUAll33507XxXx, which means I’ve done everything I’m supposed to except this.” He made a fist and punched into his hand, three consecutive times, which caused three massive fists to come jutting out of the arena ground, shattering and destroying the rune beyond recognition. It was only in the video recording that Tsubasa had captured that it remained now.

    And before you send those two guys to kill me, there’s one thing I’d just really like to say: You shouldn’t have let the squirrel go.

    Because as Tsubasa unleashed his weapon and got into a fight with the two muscley guys, Ahab himself had flown up towards the covered area where Mythal and Serilda had been brought in preparation for their absolutely against code of conduct physical, and landed on the head of Lord Launce as he was in the middle of some speech or something. The squirrel didn’t care. His entrance was such a shock that the guards in the room didn’t immediately move to grab him. “Hey!” He said, waving at the two Royal Knights. “I’m the signal! Tsu did the thing, let’s trash this dump.” He turned around and swished his tail tauntingly against Lord Creepzor's face and took flight again just as the guards started to move. He still had to film the hot people doing cool things, after all.


    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Spell 2:
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    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 9th June 2020, 8:58 pm

    It seemed they had a semi-reasonable idea for a plan, going on what Tsubasa had suggested. He’d clearly put some deep thought into it so there was no point in trying to move around it. After all, it was the Silver Wolf mage’s scheme in the long run. The only mitigating factor were the hounds, who would be fine on their own but he knew both he and Seri would feel more comfortable with someone to keep an eye on them. Susano was going to absolutely abhor coming to the desert but he would understand. If anything, he’d probably be thrilled over the fact that he was getting a chance to take part in an official job.

    Serilda joked about their loitering, which earned her a smirk, before she started to speak at length about the Star Wolves. Her speech came to an abrupt pause, her focus turning inward. Clearly Victoria had some kind of problem with the whole plan or else the Voidwalker wouldn’t have stopped herself so short. Serilda was still dealing with her Seal, while his had gone somewhere deep inside and locked the door. That was fine with Mythal -- he was far happier without the pestering of Lux. He looked over at Tsubasa and gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s a bit complicated to explain but there’s another woman inside her head who is kinda a stubborn piece of work. This’ll be a sec,” he explained, so that the other mage didn’t think Seri had come down with a headache all of a sudden.

    After a few minutes of internal debate, Seri’s eyes opened up and she apologized for the sudden intervention. She explained that Victoria had pointed out that both himself and Seri were notable wizards and there was always the chance that they could be recognized by wary eyes. The collars were only one part of the disguise but it seemed the Voidwalker had come up with a solution, one that wasn’t going to be pleasant. Mythal’s brow rose for a second before her statement landed flat in his psyche, a soft sigh escaping his mouth. “A’ight, yer pro’lly right anyways. Thanks a lot, Vicki,” he mumbled as he faced his fiance fully, giving her a full body canvas to manipulate.

    It certainly wasn’t the most painful sensation he had experienced but it wasn’t comfortable. It felt like his body was pulverizing itself, his flesh, blood and bones betraying one another. He stood stoic in his place, wincing every few moments a new injury was added onto the pile. After what felt like an hour of punishment, she deemed him reliably beaten for an adequate disguise before apologizing, dropping her professional demeanor for a moment. “I’ll be alright. I’ve had worse,” he reassured her, reaching up to touch a tender spot. As he considered that, Serilda turned her magic inwards and paid the same kind of punishment to herself, making herself look as abused as he. Once she had finished, she explained that she could heal them once they were inside. With Susano watching over Gren and Xiuhco, there was a good chance they could even bring the hounds in to help out. No matter that case, once the teleporter artifact was disabled, Seri would be able to bring in her Bloodletters and help even the odds.

    “Works for me,” Mythal said as he closed his eyes for a brief moment, focusing on the mental image of Susano. A moment later, a bolt of electricity came crashing down to the ground from the clear, blue sky, turning the sand in the impact zone to glass. Standing in the center of the glass plane was a short man, perhaps no taller than three feet. He was of Midian decent, a jagged sword resting on his shoulder as he glanced up from under his round hat.

    He frowned as he glanced between Mythal and Serilda and then looked at Tsubasa. “May I inquire why the two of you look like you’ve received quiet the beatdown?”

    “It’s Seri’s magic, Su. We’re goin’ undercover and needed to… not look like ourselves.”

    “Well consider your mission accomplished,” he said with a chuckle before he approached Tsubasa. “Susano, Demi-God of Thunder. A pleasure to meet you, young sir,” he said, holding out a hand for Tsu.

    “You mind trailin’ behind us with the pups? We’re about to bust up a slave ring. Once you start hearin’ shit explodin’, you can feel free to let them loose and help us out yourself.”

    “It would be a privilege. Come on, Xiuhcoatl and Gren -- let’s give Serilda and Mythal some room,” he said, giving the hounds a pleasant smile and waving for them to follow.

    Shortly after that, Mythal and Serilda found themselves in chains, intricate shackles that wrapped around their necks and wrists and then slithered out for the slave trader to hold onto. Tsubasa was hesitant at first but after taking some time to adjust, he managed to find a gait and look that presented himself appropriately. It wasn’t that hard to pretend to be a slave -- the chains were uncomfortable enough that the looks Mythal made were genuine. He cocked his head slightly as Tsubasa asked them about some kind of service called LacTube. He went into great detail explaining his secondary occupation as a popular entity on the lacnet. He apparently wanted to record some of the action from the mission for his channel, to streamline the importance of fighting slavery and whatnot. It was all… very technical and pop culture-y and things that Mythal truly didn’t know that much about. “It’s your op, Tsubasa. So long as you don’t give intimate details about the Rune Knights, you’re welcome to do what you want.” As far as Mythal was concerned, broadcasting film of the slaves being freed probably would look good on the Rune Knights but he also didn’t want finer details of the Rune Knight operations getting out. Granted, that wouldn’t be too hard since this was Tsubasa’s plan.

    He was talking about including affiliates to raise awareness when a series of guards moved towards them. Slipping into his slave master role quickly, Tsubasa yanked on their chains hard to bring their heads low, forcing them to look into the sand. He snapped at them before turning his attention to the guard, who seemed unimpressed with Tsubasa’s arrival. For a brief moment, it seemed like the plan of having the younger member of the team was going to cause an issue. But leave it to the Silver Wolf mage to blurt out the truth with such sarcasm and annoyance, it enraptured the sentinel in the younger man’s presence. The guard’s tail was between his legs, metaphorically, but Tsubasa was having none of it, demanding that Mythal and Serilda get brought directly to Launce first before going anywhere else. Once the guard was far more amenable, Tsubasa parted from them but not before giving the Darkness King a hard check and insulting dismissal.

    Personally, Mythal was impressed. Rather than giving the guards a chance to even question him, Tsubasa had stubbornly put up a front and continued to drive forward. Their chains were taken and they were led down to Launce, who looked so slimy, the Slayer wondered if they should tap him for oil. The wicked man grinned at each of them and giggled as he looked them over. “Oh yes, yes, yeeesssss, these two will be marvelous,” he cooed as he circled the two Rune Knights. He snapped and two men came to his sides. “Check them over. I want to make sure they are as good as they look.”

    The grubby hands started to work over the two of them, checking each and every part to see in what condition it was. Launce watched from feet away, standing in front of them and looking like a child getting new toys -- which, in a way, it seemed he was. “Oh this is going to be marvelous. I have high hopes for such a strapping pair. You can’t imagine the kind of jewel I will earn putting you out there to fight. Dark and dreary and pure and crisp -- it’s the perfect duality! Now, once we’ve finished this little physical, we’re going to--”

    His words were halted as something dropped down onto his head. Ahab was there, yelling out and waving to Mythal and Serilda. Apparently he had been designated as the signal to act. “Good enough for me,” Mythal said as he twisted the cuffs on his wrists, snapping the metal in twain. As the man doing the exam took a step back, the Darkness King waved his hand and several tendrils of dark matter came surging out from the shadows, snapping out and slapping around the guards nearest the doors. Three more came out to wallop the examiners and send them crashing into the walls while the last one slithered around Launce, wrapping him up tight. He squealed in agony as his arms were pressed against his sides.

    “Jeez, I was afraid they were gonna start checkin’ holes before we got some kind of signal,” Mythal said as he reached up and pried the collar from his neck, dropping it into the sand with hardly a sound. With Curse currently with Susano, the Darkness Slayer reached into the ethereal and pulled out the long odachi he’d found during his skirmish with Victoria. Black and purple flames danced over the metal as he swung it to the side, giving it ample room to move. He glanced over to Serilda and smiled before turning his attention to Launce. “Infierny Launce… we’ve been lookin’ you for for a long time,” the God Slayer said. “Director Mythal Ragnos and Field Marshall Serilda Sinclair. Consider yerself under arrest, bub.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much

    Last edited by Mythal Ragnos on 1st September 2020, 5:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 3rd July 2020, 8:02 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Once everything was settled and Susano had arrived to trail after them with the pups, Serilda dismissed her swords to the Void rather than ask the demi-god to carry them for her. That would keep Susano’s hands free and allow Serilda to access the weapons in an instant if need be. Tsubasa provided them with metal collars that were fixed with wrist shackles fixed to the neckpiece with durable chains. There was also a lead chain that the younger man would be able to use to pull them. Serilda felt a bit dirty, admitted, putting the equipment on… As humble as she tried to be in her noble lifestyle, she was still royalty, and there would always be a part of her that was indignant to the notion of being treated like a slave… but she trusted Tsubasa and knew that this job was bigger than her and her pride, and she would happily set that discomfort aside to save some of these innocent lives and arrest a wanted criminal.

    She could feel the aggravation radiating from Victoria, but ignored it. Thankfully, the woman knew better at this point then to try and press the matter any further or complain. “Thank you, Susano,” Serilda told the shorter man, giving him an appreciative smile through the cuts and bruises on her face. Shortly after, they were off, with only a minor hesitation for Tsubasa in picking up the leads. Clearly, the young man wasn’t too keen on this part of his plan but understanding like they did that it needed to be done. They walked for a bit in silence, with Mythal and Serilda both earnestly uncomfortable in the chains. While Serilda prided herself on not being afraid to get her hands dirty on the job and prided herself on being a warrior, it became clear to her very quickly that her body was still more dainty and vulnerable than she would like to admit. Given the defensive focuses of her magic, it wasn’t often that she actually had to deal with being restrained and in discomfort, and she could feel the shackles irritating her flesh.

    At some point Tsubasa brought up his side business doing LacTube videos, inquiring as to whether or not Mythal and Serilda would have a problem with the job being recorded and posted online, including that he wouldn’t give their names. Mythal spoke up to say that he didn’t really care, so long as confidential things about the Knights or their operations weren’t compromised. Serilda nodded her agreement with his opinion. Afterall, it was technically Tsubasa’s job, not theirs. They were here as support. And truthfully, Serilda wouldn’t have cared if her name was in anything anyway. She’d had to spend her whole life with the understanding that she would wind up being a hot topic with the press as she grew older and worked toward inheriting her father’s title.

    Before she could get the chance to tell him that, however, they got close enough to the arena that a couple guards approached them. With a snap, Tsubasa’s entire demeanor changed and Serilda gasped as she suddenly felt her neck get tugged down toward the ground. It was a shocking gesture, one that somehow managed to help her put on just as much of a show as the young man was. She growled under her breath, the very picture of a disgruntled and still rebellious slave, her pale blue eyes flicking upward to glare at everyone not currently bound in shackles. After that, she listened as Tsubasa impressively managed to walk all over the guard like a seasoned slaver. It didn’t show on her face, but she was impressed -- particularly with the way that he opened with the truth in such a ridiculous tone that the man wouldn’t take him seriously and it threw the guard right off his… well, guard.

    Soon enough, he had the guards stepping to his beat and reassuring Tsubasa that they would take the two “slaves” directly to Lord Launce. The younger man advised them to place their best on Serilda, labeling her a biter, and as their eyes flicked toward her warily, she narrowed her cold, confident gaze on them as if to invite them to test the claim by getting close enough for her to confirm it. Tsubasa left them there after that, his parting gift being a very convincing body check on Mythal coupled with a mocking comment that was meant to allude back to a previous fight between the two of them. When the guards weren’t looking, Tsubasa flashed Mythal a super apologetic look and then moved off into the arena while the guards dragged them in a separate direction.

    Sensing a change in Victoria, Serilda spoke up. What is it?

    It’s nothing, the Seal replied tersely, a bit too defensive. Mind your own business.

    It took everything in her to keep from smirking. You’re impressed with him. He handled himself better than you expected. Admit it.

    The silence that followed was deafening, but the increase in Victoria’s ire was more than enough of a confirmation that Serilda’s accusation had rung true. It didn’t take long before they were placed before the wayward Duke, and it seemed that her magic had worked wonders on hiding their identities. It wasn’t unreasonable to think that Launce wouldn’t necessarily recognize Mythal, since the director wasn’t a noble and had only risen to fame and prominence within the last two years. But there was no way he wouldn’t have recognized Serilda if she hadn’t actively banged up her own face to disguise it. As it was, he barely registered anything past their generic Rune Knight uniforms, vocally expressing his intense glee at having two very unexpected prizes being dumped in his lap.

    He instructed his men to check them over, which was about the point where Serilda had to really wrestle with her self control to keep from blowing their cover. Physicals were invasive enough even in acceptable instances such as working with a health care provider. With something like this, where she was being viewed as property and entertainment, she knew what was going to happen. Thankfully, Tsubasa had at least given her plenty of set up to be the rebellious slave, so even if she couldn’t use her magic quite yet she could at least protest aggressively. “Don’t you fucking touch me,” she spat, swinging her bound hands at the guard that was attempting to pat her down. He yanked the chain on her neck to pull her off balance and backhanded her across the face, causing her to stumble back again.

    Of course, this probably just made her look more appealing to Launce. Gladiator slaves were always preferred to have a bit of spirit in them, and Serilda didn’t stop trying to fight the guard the entire time he worked on frisking her, to the point where he wound up throwing her up against a wall so he could restrict her movements. She put up a convincing enough fight without actually showing her power or beating the man, determined to keep up the ruse as long as possible. Plus, as much as she didn’t want his hands anywhere on her -- and he did manage to make a couple inappropriate passes -- Serilda was more content to bide her time and tally up the sins, adding them to the increasing ledger.

    It wasn’t until Launce was in the middle of giving a small speech about his dramatic vision in placing them in the tournament when Ahab suddenly dropped into the room, landing on the man’s head and declaring himself as the signal that it was time to drop the act. “Good.” she said. With a flex of her magic, the chains dropped from her body as though she were incorporeal like a ghost, as did the guard’s hold on her. She passed through him as he fell against the wall and in the blink of an eye it was suddenly the guard that was in the chains. He had little more time than to turn and look in shock before a tendril of Mythal’s darkness rose up to slap him back hard enough that he fell unconscious to the ground.

    While Mythal focused on tying up Launce and handling the present slavers, Serilda summoned a small portion of her personal army that she’d inherited from Victoria. A squad of about thirty nephilim appeared, the half angel half demon soldiers impeccably dressed in pristine and royal looking armor of white, black, and gold. They materialised in perfectly uniform lines in rows of five, standing straight at attention, ready for their orders. “I want five of you to break off and find Tsubasa. Assist him with releasing slaves, and anything else he needs. The rest of you I want to apprehend every single lowlife that works for this shitty establishment. Kill only if forced to, but do not let anyone escape.” In unison, they affirmed their order together and then immediately broke off into two groups, with one smaller unit rushing off to join Tsubasa where he stood down in the arena and the rest fanning out and unleashing havoc within the stadium grounds.

    Around the time that Mythal was informing Launce who they were and that he was under arrest, Serilda finally turned back around to the immediate situation. A wave of her hand was all it took to reverse the damage on herself and Mythal, unobscuring their faces just in time for Launce to register the introduction and look over to Serilda with an expression of horror and panic. “P-Princess Sinclair,” he stammered, so shaken by the sudden revelation of the true nature of his company that he bypassed the less formal titles of “lady” or “marshal” and went straight for her most high ranking title, probably in an attempt to suck up and reduce any hostility toward him. She merely turned and cast the most haughty and judgemental of glares down upon him, standing straight with her arms clasped loosely behind her back.

    “Infierny,” she said by way of acknowledgement, refusing to address him as a duke after so long of having abandoned his people. “I must say, you have been quite successful at evading capture until now. I wish I could say that it was our own intelligence that managed to track you down, but it really was little more than a happy coincidence that you landed on our radar. You are in quite a bit of trouble, and not just for this awful business you’ve been running in your self exile.” Abandoning his responsibilities as a duke was punishable enough, but add to that the dark crimes that they had evidence tying him to… well, it was safe to say that the man was going to be locked up for the rest of his life. And unfortunately for him, out of all the nobles who could have been there to arrest him, Serilda was arguably the worst given that one of those crimes had been assisting Hugo behind the scenes in stealing directly from the Sinclair family. So needless to say, this was a bit personal.

    “My lady, please. I-”

    Serilda cut the man off coolly, using her magic to strip the bubble of space around his head of oxygen and causing him to choke and lose his voice. “Save your excuses for the council, Infierny. I’m not interested in hearing them.” Once she’d made her point, she allowed him to breathe again. “I presume Bruce is skulking around here somewhere? My men will find him no matter what, but if you would like to save what little face you might have left, you would do well to make our search a little easier and tell us where he is instead of making us force the information out of you.”

    Meanwhile, down in the arena, the ground around Tsubasa would suddenly rock a bit as five different figures slammed down to the floor from up above him, cloaked as formless streaks of crimson mist that smelled faintly of blood. As they touched down in an evenly spaced circle around both him and his targets, the mist spread away and revealed the five Bloodletters from Serilda’s army that had come to assist Tsubasa. In their hands were long, golden spears. In unison they slammed the butt of the spears onto the ground with a thunderous kihap before crouching down into a ready stance and pointing the spears inward toward the enemies and boxing them in with Tsubasa. There they waited for the young man’s instructions, only interfering in the fight if any of the targets attempted to flee or attack the spearmen.

    WORDS: 2166/2166 TOTAL: 3794 | @Tsubasa Kageyama @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair

    Last edited by Serilda Sinclair on 1st September 2020, 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 12th July 2020, 5:45 am

    2466/2466 words; 6240 Total
    If I'm crazy, I'm on my own
    If I'm waitin', it's on my throne
    If I sound lazy, just ignore my tone
    'Cuz I'm always gonna answer when you call my phone

    With three against one, one would think Tsubasa would be more hesitant or uncertain. Yet, something about working with two aces like Lady Serilda and Mister Mythal gave him a certain amount of confidence, but so did his own abilities. He was nowhere near as strong as they were, but having gotten to this point so smoothly clearly showed that he had the gumption to fight on this level. With his magic more improved and in tune with who he was becoming as a person, he could see the results of his growth and it spurred him on.

    So when the two giant guards came at him, he didn’t hesitate. One of them swung a massive hammer horizontally that would have likely broken all of Tsubasa’s upper body, had he not dropped backwards in anticipation like an expert limbo champion. Turning the fall into a roll, he avoided the guillotine-like axe drop of the other giant guy. “Whoa there, big fellas. I feel like two on one is a little unfair. Could we negotiate some terms or—?

    He jumped backwards to avoid an upwards swing of the axe that would have bifurcated him crotch to cowlick. “Alright so my word choice is a little difficult for you, that’s fine. Negotiate is a word that means to talk about something without violence, you know, with nice words.” He pushed forward this time, sliding between them and getting their back as they attempted to close in on him. They were very, very strong and he was certain that if they hit him once as he was, they would probably kill him. Which was fine. Because now would be a great time to premiere the magic he had been working on, he had been tinkering with for much longer than he had expected.

    Come at me, scoundrels!” He shouted, one hand up in the air and one hand out, like a clock striking three. His legs were spread into a wide stance, one bent at the knee and the other straight out. He slid to a standing position and crossed one wrist over the other, making a cross with them. “Battle Suit, activate! Drop the mic.” His arms turned reversing the cross and completing whatever strange mechanic he had built in to activate the transformation. His body began to glow as if he was the center of a momentary solar flare, and when the shine subsided, he was covered in a brand new red battle suit that vaguely looked as though someone had militarized a space buccaneer.

    Wasting no time with the two goons seemingly unimpressed by his change of form, he whipped out the Eye of Ares, the sabre at his side expanding to a large claymore modified to be swung with one hand, as it seemed to balance itself with a small amount of expounded energy near the tip. The blade glowed internally, as though it was fueled by a deep flame, and three smaller blades jutted from the side as though the claws of a beast were connected to the weapon. At the base was a round circle that gave the weapon its name, glowing especially brightly and leaving a trail of fiery light in its wake. As the axe wielder swung out wide, he caught the blade in one of the three claws, using the combined momentum of the two weapons to catch the hammer as it came towards them.

    The two of them crashed into each other as Tsubasa disengaged his weapon at the last moment. Pulling at the small firearm resting in the white holster on the opposite side of the blade’s scabbard, prepared to fire off a shot from the Bottle Rocket. The weapon, as it was removed from its holster, transformed into a red and black gun resembling a magnum, but with a rather large bayonet protruding from the underside of the barrel. As the two of them untangled from each other, he set off a series of blasts at each of them which caught their chests and lit up like little fireflies before popping off in burning explosions, miniature super novas peppering across their chests. They stumbled back and tried to put out the fires burning at their pecs. This revealed spurts of dirt rather than blood, betraying homunculus in the guise of guards. The ‘bleeding’ seemed to stop quickly with the sand being hardened into stone as the fire took hold.

    Oh good,” Tsubasa said, “I can let go,” He smacked the top of his weapon and in response it began to transform into a larger version of itself, barrel splitting in half as the bayonet retreated into the weapon. It seemed to fill with the same energy as the blade in his other hand had, although the color shifted from red to a plasmic yellow. As it continued to grow in size, Tsubasa dropped his sword to the ground in order to hold the weapon properly. “Here’s a Desperado Blaster!” He shouted, firing the weapon and sending a seemingly endless wave of white hot energy to and through the sand-comprised guards. When the blasts ended, there stood two glass statues of massive thugs holding very real weapons.

    Look,” Tsubasa said, “You have something to remember them by.” The gun dissipated into its base form and he turned around, grabbing the sword from the ground, “How about you stand down now and we can skip to the end?

    Damn wastes of energy!” Guan Yantin, the old creeper shouted. “Foolish little boy, if you think it was difficult for me to create oafs like that, you’re dumber than your outfit.” He smacked the slave at his side and gestured to the ground. The poor creature picked up a pinch of sand and held it up to his despicable master. Gross Creeper grabbed the sand from him and said, “Faster next time, cretin.” He murmured something under his breath then blew the sand back towards the battlefield. Where the sand landed, the stone began to rumble and break. It sunk into itself and liquified before reforming, bubbling into some kind of creatures that sludged their way out of the ground and into being. There were at least a dozen of them, and they were about half the size of an average person. As far as appearance went, they were more or less what one would consider a humanoid, provided one had only seen one in the darkest of nightmares. Two legs, two-ish arms, a series of small, protruding tentacles in various parts of their upper bodies. Their mouths were a bit too wide, eyes a bit too narrow and thin angled slits in place of their noses. Slithering tongues seemed incapable of staying in their mouths, with excess dribbling sand falling as saliva would in a normal creature.

    Alright,” Tsubasa said, taking a half-step back, “You got more guys. Well—“ Before he could come up with any witty retort, a small group of soldiers shining bright as the sun smashed into the ground around the young man and his enemies, with the three groups creating a sort of Venn diagram of people who wanted to kill each other. “Looks like I brought backup too.” Recalling something about Bloodletters coming to assist him, the youngest Kageyama felt a wave of relief that Lady Serilda had spared a few troops to aid him, as the tide would have turned the other way very quickly. The loud and powerful shout should have made him jump, but instead filled him with a new jolt of adrenaline. “Bloodletters,” He said, “Destroy anything made of sand. Leave the old guy and his forced employee to me. Please and thank you.

    Two miniature armies charged at each other with battle cries befitting the arena in which they fought.

    Anti-Gandalf moved fluidly through the ground, using it as transportation to carry him without having to actually move his legs. His magic had replaced his physical strength, it seemed, which wasn’t exactly surprising for someone of his age. That didn’t make him any less dangerous, and he shouldn’t be underestimated due to his age.

    Regardless, there was still a relative innocent on the field, and Tsubasa couldn’t fight freely until he was taken care of. So ignoring the old man for a moment, he threw his arms up waved them over his head in a wide circle, summoning a sphere of water. He sent it at the emaciated employee without health benefits or any kind of salary and captured him safely within it, pushing it back out of the arena and depositing him in a wet heap in the stands. If the description had been correct, that now freed young fella was the very nephew he had been sent to find. He would be fine there, hopefully, as Tsubasa finished off the gross individual who’d decided it was acceptable to run this kind of establishment.

    Unfortunately prices are often paid for good deeds committed in the middle of a battle. As Tsubasa finished his rescue maneuver and pulled his hands back down, three blades of hardened stone pierced through his suit and impaled his shoulder, shooting through until they exited his body from the back. The thin blades were connected to Guan Yantin’s fingertips and as he closed his bony hand, the sand broke apart, essentially filling the wound in Tsubasa’s body with sand. “Oh see,” the old man said, “Now that’s what you don’t want to let me do.” With another wave of his hand he took control of the sand within Tsubasa’s body which began to dig through his innards.

    Don’t like that,” Tsubasa said as a new and unsettling kind of pain filled him. He rushed at the old man with his blade drawn and swung it hard, only to have it matched by a staff that was summoned into the old man’s hand. With youth and vigor on his side, Tsubasa swung out again to strike once more, only to have his muscles contract hard as the sand dug through them. Yantin’s staff smacked him hard across the head, sending him tumbling into the arena dirt.

    Luckily the helmet had saved most of Tsubasa’s noggin, but he still found himself thrown for a loop by the sudden loss of control. Placing his palm against the open wound, he forced a magical wave of water through it expelling the sand in the process. The wound began to close very slowly, but a thin film of water protected more sand from coming in. “Ugh that was super weird. I hated that.” He kip-upped to his feet and readied another round with the old man.

    As Tsubasa had gotten to his feet, Yantin had taken the time to pull various sized chunks of stone from the arena, swirling them around the battlefield at seemingly random speeds like hellish planets circling an unforgiving sun. He sent one crashing towards Tsubasa with frightening speed. “Ah come on,” Tsu said. Pulling a small disc from his belt, he threw it in front of him as he began to run towards where it would land. As Miss Mercury’s products had done, it expanded into a large boomerang shaped device which took to the sky with Tsubasa standing atop it. He rushed to meet the makeshift meteorite, producing a whip made of lightning by putting his hands together then pulling one from the other, the whip readying itself in the middle.

    He whipped through the stone as he passed it, causing it to fall into harmless crumbled pieces on the ground. With his trademark speed, he rushed above the battlefield and attacked each and every one of these arena-bound compounds of ground grot. Causing a small rainfall of rubble, which would be harmless to the Bloodletters below, he knew that it would be best to finish this quicker than slow. Thus, he rounded on the old creeper and pulled his fist back. With too much distance to punch him straight on, he relied on the force created by his suit to magnify the power of his fist. Sending three consecutive punches into the air, they sliced through the sky like invisible missiles, smashing into the old man with less than lethal force, but no less painful. As Tsubasa fell to the ground, sliding to a stop and summoning the Mach 15 back into his hand, he looked at the crumpled pile of Creeper. He was breathing, he was alive, he was unconscious and he was gross. Pointing down at his limp form, Tsubasa said, "Don't call my outfit dumb."

    Letting that sink into whoever wasn't listening, he turned to help the Bloodletters, only to find that they had made short work of the little gremlins they had faced. Only to be expected of Lady Serilda’s army, he supposed. With the direct threat taken care of, he let his transformation lapse and his hoodie returned to its normal state. Following that, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out an energy drink which he chugged, crushed and tossed aside, “Alright, we’re not quite done yet.” He pointed to one of the soldiers under his command, “Please go get him and make sure he’s safe. Thank you.” He pointed at the emaciated pile of former slave in the stands, and the Bloodletter saluted and went in that direction. He pointed at two of the others and then to the old man, “Please transport him to Mister Mythal and Lady Serilda. He was the one running this place but I don’t think he’s under our jurisdiction. Make sure he doesn’t regain consciousness, I’m not sure of the limit of his magic while in this place. Thank you.” To the last two he gestured towards him, “Let’s go see who else we can help.” Reactivating his battle suit, he lead them into the building to help clear it out.

    At the end of the battle for the stadium, Tsubasa found himself exhausted and out of energy drinks. He had taken a seat in what was probably supposed to be Yanzin’s chair, overlooking the arena and high above the others. Rather than sitting in a regal manner, he was slouched in the chair with one leg hanging over the armrest and his head leaning against the crook of the other. At each side were the Bloodletters, no worse for wear but uniforms a little scuffed. The young man himself had sustained a few cuts and bruises but nothing that his water magic couldn’t take care of. He awaited the return of Ahab, Lady Serilda and Mister Mythal. Although he would no doubt right himself and regain his manners when they arrived, until then he was content to sit as the new ruler of this weird, terrible place.


    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP

    Last edited by Tsubasa Kageyama on 10th September 2020, 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 23rd August 2020, 8:31 pm

    Infierny Launce wasn’t going anywhere, that much was assured. Mythal had reacted quickly enough to keep him from escaping and now, bound by the Darkness Slayer’s magic, he was caught and tied up completely. As the Darkness King took to summoning his oversized sword from the other realm, Serilda wasted little time in bringing her personal magical army into the fray. A detachment was sent to go and find Tsubasa, providing him additional aid in case he found himself in a mess. The rest went about clearing the slavers out, disarming them and capturing them before they could cause more damage than they already had.

    As Serilda approached them, the captured Fioran tried to play the pity card, even going as far as to address the Field Marshall as princess. As if giving proper adoration to titles was going to give him any benefits or leniency. Mythal snorted softly even as he took a slight step to the side, his own attention focusing outward in case anyone tried to get the drop on them. Serilda chastised the man, taking a few moments to ensure he understood how utterly screwed he was. Even as he tried to plead, she continued to ignore it, instead focusing on his assistant, Bruce Hamilson. She ensured him that he would be found but any offered words or suggestions would be appreciated.

    It was interesting to note that the color had paled on his features at the mention of being handed to the council. Mythal couldn’t quite see it but he could feel the drop in emotion, the shift from scared to deep seeded fear. Was he really that concerned about his crimes? He should be but still, the way his stomach just fell out from under him was… dramatic, to say the least. Infierny swallowed hard before he spoke up, haltingly. “He’s not here.”

    A slight sensation in the back of Mythal’s head told him all he needed to know. “That’s a lie,” he said simply, almost casually.

    Infierny blinked, his eyes shifting over to Mythal. “What? No, he’s not here, I swear it.”

    “And that’s another lie -- yer not even good at this,” the Darkness King continued, turning back to the forsaken Fioran. “One last chance, bub. Where is your assistant? Lie again and I start gettin’ real annoyed.” Mythal may have been lying about getting physical with the man but his tone was solid enough. It probably helped that Launce couldn’t see through lies.

    “I-In the VIP room. He should be awaiting my return,” the man finally blubbered out.

    “Doubt that. He’s pro’lly about to see quite the show down in the arena. I’ll head up there and see if I can’t find the bastard,” Mythal said as he started walking away. Allowing his senses to expand, he ran through the hallways of the building, picking up every distinct movement among the shadows and darkened areas. There was a lot of commotion and given from the sounds echoing through the stone interior, it was getting quite hellacious. Hardly a surprise, given that Tsu was probably making quite the show at the moment.

    Mythal swung around a corner and found a long hallway, with several people running through it. The sight of a man wielding an obnoxiously long sword brought the fear of death to everyone and soon he had created a stampede of brigands, slavers and ne'er-do-wells as they fled the armed ‘slave’. Sighing softly, Mythal’s magical energy wrapped around his form, creating an outline over his entire body and lifted him from the ground. Quickly he soared above the heads of the people, their panicked cries nearly as pathetic as their attempts to dive onto the ground in self preservation. “Run all ya like, yer still gonna get arrested,” Mythal muttered as he soared around a corner and up another passageway.

    From here, he found viewing boxes that were a lot more elegant than the regular seating around the stadium. His eyes scanned the glass walls encircling the arena, eyes narrowed as he zoomed in on every face and feature. Near the center on the other side he spotted him, nervously glancing towards the door, while guards stood poised against the entry. There were at least six or seven magical men and women there, all for the purpose of protecting the insufferable little punk.

    “Well… this oughta be fun,” Mythal remarked idly as he pressed his hand against the closest wall. Darkness sprang from his wrist and overwhelmed the stone, crafting a makeshift portal upon its surface. Feeling out the shadow of the room where Bruce resided, Mythal’s body suddenly disappeared into the portal and sprang forth from the darkened area of the box, emerging suddenly. Before he’d even landed, his swung his sword twice, carving deep but not lethal slices across the backs of two of the guards, dropping them onto the ground. As his feet hit the ground, he released the sword from his hand and sent it flying forward to pin Bruce to the wall by his shirt, the large blade embedding itself into the shoulder pad of his outfit. The assistant screamed, his eyes wide and bulging as he started at the weapon that had just missed piercing through his shoulder by inches.

    More darkness erupted from Mythal, bringing forth more tendrils from the ground and ceiling. The cursed limbs swung in every direction, beating on the remaining guards as they tried to get their wits about them. Each one was hit from each side, sent flying into the wall, into the ceiling, slammed onto the ground and then was finally wrapped up by the tendrils in tight coils. The beaten goons clung to consciousness but only barely, their faces already starting to bruise. Mythal took a quick look around before he approached Bruce, hands resting easily on his hips. “Hamilson,” he said, looking the trapped man up and down. “Fiore’s been lookin’ for ya. What say you and I head on back there and see what the Magic Council’s gotta say about your crimes?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much

    Last edited by Mythal Ragnos on 1st September 2020, 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 1st September 2020, 3:30 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda rolled her eyes as Infierny lied right off the bat, the disgraced noble being entirely unaware that Mythal could quite literally see through any lies told in his presence. The darkness slayer called him on it, causing Infierny to try again only to fail once more. Mythal threatened the man with physical violence and that seemed to do the trick. Their captive gave up his associate quickly, mentioning that he was likely in the VIP room awaiting his return. Mythal advised that he’d find their quarry, Serilda nodding in acknowledgement before the slayer sank into the shadows and presumably paid Bruce a very surprising and unwanted visit. She had every confidence that Mythal would get the job done.

    Meanwhile, Serilda summoned another squad of Bloodletters and had them start gathering up the current captives. The mortals were easy for the nephilims to overwhelm as they easily dragged Infierny and his men to their feet and began to march them out of the room and toward a larger common area where other captives were being lined up in chains. Along the way, Infierny did his best to try and grovel and please with Serilda, who staunchly ignored him. Turning to one of the nearest lieutenants, she said, “Gag him, please. I have more important things to do than listen to trash attempting speech.”

    Infierny guffawed and was promptly silenced with a dirty rag shoved in his mouth by a pair of Bloodletters that were all too amused and eager to adhere to the request. From there, Serilda took her time wandering through the arena, checking in with her soldiers and their own captives, as well as the slaves they had freed. She paid special attention to the latter individuals, healing and treating them as they needed and assuring them that they were going to be taken care of. In fact, she knew exactly who she was going to contact to help ease these poor souls back into lives of freedom. Serilda explained that the Rune Knights would do everything in their power to return people to their loved ones, and that anyone who had no place to go could come back to Fiore with them where she would find them some temporary accommodations. If she could put any of those people in contact with Kessicia, Serilda knew the former Desiertan slave would be able to help them adjust to liberation.

    Before long, everyone returned back. Every slave had been freed, every arena worker arrested with little to no casualties on any side. Infierny and Bruce had both been apprehended and were sweating with their thoughts over the judgement the Magic Council would set upon them. She knew from the reports of her soldiers that Tsubasa had been successful in his endeavors, or at least had survived it, and that the young man was currently resting in the head VIP chair overlooking the arena. The Bloodletters had nothing but fine things to say of the young man and his abilities, which Victoria was suspiciously silent about, but otherwise there was little else to report on.

    Leaving Mythal in charge over organizing the trip back to Fiore, Serilda made her way up to where Tsubasa was lounging with a small smile. “You should be proud,” she told him. “You saved a lot of lives today, and helped get two of Fiore’s most wanted thugs behind bars. The Rune Knights are in your debt, and I imagine the Council will find some way to thank you.” Looking out over the balcony and into the arena, she went on. “I’m going to leave some of my soldiers here to guard this place until the Council decides what they want us to do with it. This place is evil and should not be left unattended, even if it no longer carries the transportation rune you took.”

    Turning back to Tsubasa, Serilda told him, “We’re planning on taking everyone back to Fiore so the criminals can be processed and the victims can be seen to for their immediate needs. A lot of them need more healing than I can give them, and I’m sure they haven’t had proper meals in a very long time. I suggest we bring your client’s nephew along as well, so he can be checked out. Your client is free to come to Era immediately to reunite with him and pick him up from there. Why don’t you travel back to Fiore with us to help get all this settled, and then Mythal and I will take you out to dinner? Our treat.” She smiled again. Tsubasa had done more than his fair share and helped them apprehend a couple people that had been flying under the radar for almost two years.

    A free dinner was the least they could do to repay him.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
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     Third Wheelin' It In The Desert Empty Re: Third Wheelin' It In The Desert

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 20th September 2020, 8:34 pm

    --Thread Finished--
    Total word count
    Tsu 6830
    Mythal 4660
    Serilda 6519

    So with the new word count we're gonna split this up, sorry.
    10,000 is the original job here.
    5,000 for a B Rank freeform.
    2,000 for a C Rank freeform.
    1,000 for a D Rank freeform.

    To whoever looks this over, sorry sorry sorry.


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:45 pm