Fairy Tail RP

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    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]


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    Private Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Ahote 15th June 2018, 10:26 am

    Guilds were perhaps a bigger symbol of Fiore than the Magic Council themselves. For most towns, there was always some road leading to the guild hall located there, and whether people walked upon it or not were simply tales of both good and evil to be told at other times. While many guilds had stood for, represented, and fought in the name of the Magic Council, many of them had troubling relations among themselves, and while some flourished in these troubling times, others crumbled into such fine dust that not even historians could recall them. Bad blood between wizards and their guild was perhaps thicker than the steel used in wars and ran deep within the veins of Fiore's modern society.

    The air was thin and smelled of a mild citrus scent with a bright, cerulean sky hovering over with balls of white, fluffy clouds speckled over it like dry brushstrokes. The atmosphere was bright with the hidden sun's rays and poured onto Earthland like a smooth stream of water from a faucet. It was a picture-perfect image of a beautiful day to common folk and those of the ne'er-do-well kind could not help but agree. Yet, though smelled of citrus, the impending scent of copper came near as a flock of feet marched their way to the smaller, underwhelming guild hall of Fairy Tail.

    Amongst the sea of full heads in Magnolia streets came a small wave of men and women who steadily paced themselves through the roads. Of these people was a man dressed in dark fabrics, wearing a vest-suit, dress pants, and loafers. He was perhaps the most overdressed man among them and sauntered comfortably in the tight dressings. It was almost impressively bold that the man, being who he is, would walk into public so nonchalantly. But his countenance would digress. His raven shock of hair hovered over his pale complexion, plastered with a frown, for Ahote could not muster up an honest smile for the approaching event.

    A small, unnoticeable switchblade danced restlessly about his gloved, metal fingers as he strolled along, his lips puckered as if he was whistling silently. Ahote sighed wearily, "Exciting, isn't it? This meeting." he spoke into the filled space ahead of him, though his surrounding guildmates would surely have known what he was talking about.

    The group made way closer to the Guildhall until they were only but a few paces away from its gates. Ahote had paused only an arms' length from its entrance, eyes darting up and about the building sharply. His countenance tightened and drooped into some look of disappointment, his hues flickering with a twinkle of nostalgia. It had been nothing like he remembered, Fairy Tail. The structure seemed smaller and it was far quieter than he had recalled. Perhaps everything looked grander in the eyes of children.

    Ahote grimaced, turning to face his guildmates which accompanied him, "Everyone," he started, "let us make this day a bloodless one, yes?" the man would release peals of laughter as he jested with them, although there was troubling determining the truth of his comment. Nevertheless, the gloved knuckles knocked on the large, daunting guild doors with a force that could echo through the seemingly noiseless hall.



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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by ghðst 16th June 2018, 2:35 pm


    ??? words @YOUOFCOURSE
    pls b gentle!  /SWEATS
    The time had since passed-- scarcely could he recall at what present, and for what reason he had previously been here. But, for reasons unknown, Theo hardly found the feeling comforting. Golden faced the ground, encircled by individuals of the same current grouping with the familiarity leading them all. An image that hadn't been pictured in their first encounter, however much he proceeded to disregard it, he could only do so at such a length. After all it was in his duty to protect him. No matter how bright and clear the day was, vastly different from the shade of the castle that would stand firm, this was indeed not the moment to be distracted by the idea of potentially having fun. They were all taking a great risk by being here-- it wasn't just him, although his danger was principally more vast than being in the custody of the Magic Council. Perhaps they all held an equally mortifying chance, as much as it may have seemed otherwise in the confidence or stall in each step.  

    Chocolate strands with the flare of red masked the features that kept themselves downward, hands pressed into the enclosure of his pockets. With so many days spent lacking of light, he was more bare in strength than before. It was just his luck that the season of heat was offering such a hefty force in the blinding presence of the sun. Something that felt pleasing rather than the itching presence of hunger. At least he'd be more useful if Ahote really required it-- even then he was truly hoping it would not come to that.

    Sightings shifted to the back of his friend, drawn by the lacking of genuine emotion he held in those words. It reminded him of that day. No matter how good he thought he was at masking the truth, Theo still saw the likeness of a young and stubborn boy. How much had changed? Even he wasn't certain of that. Still his lips remained sealed, glancing to the right as the group continued onward, either noticed or unnoticed. The idea of being watched was quite unsettling, enough it caused a furrow in the brows. To get this over with quickly was all which knotted and bounded such an anxious feeling into the pit of his formless stomach. A figure lacking of internal organs, even then still felt the mysterious presence of emotions. Especially that of his apparent feature to act so rashly in whatever was so abrupt in sparking anger.

    Relieving-- or unsettling, unable to take hold of what it could be, the body of dark mages halted precisely to the front of their destination. There remained a moment of hesitation, a time to observe the outside before he'd lastly seen the features of Ahote, facing the group with a seemingly forced jest. Was he more afraid of how the inside would react, or those which now stood upon the outside? In an honest thought which settled within the mind, Theo could hardly offer trust to any groupings. Human or not-- dark or not-- anything that uttered a breath was unpredictable. Although his mind was racing, the disinterest was still there in the blank stare of his captivating irises. There was no point in growing troubled over these scenarios when they hadn't even made a note of appearing.


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Ambrosia 19th June 2018, 6:40 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Appearence Reference
    The ground underfoot had been designated too harmful on her paws to walk for the journey, and thus due to that the female had happily stayed in her exceed form, fur wavering in a slight wind from the movement, tails smooth as every she could appreciate the fluffy white substance and how it truely made her seem elegant. Apparently the dog had decided that some of the guild would spend some time with the independent guild known as Fairy Tail. So the creature who had the structure of a fox with the royal qualities of a feline lay happily, lounging across the shoulders of the guild master. As an exceed she felt quite comfortable in her natural form, to help it along the method of transport she had chosen was a reasonably smooth walker, his hair and fine suit did not smell too bad. With a small yawn the exceed stretched her paws, the guild hall wasn't exactly the nicest, that being said their own mountain top retreat was hardly the most luxurious place on earth.

    She had slept most of the journey, with one eye opening every so often to check the surroundings her chin sat on her paws. Human form could wait until they had actually met with these Fairy Tail Mages. Yet sometimes Ahote would speak to them, an odd question here and there, nothing too long or complex yet most of the words he spoke were less than interesting. A slight snigger came from the creature relaxing across his shoulders.
    "Bloodless and boring, right we got it. Now will they have food?"
    That was the real question that the exceed had, with all of these livestock around and this Dog promoting a bloodless meeting surely they had some way to feed the horde of Basilisk Fang members. That being said there was a lack of Fairy Tail members, they had pushed into their guildhall and now her animal eyes flickered around in hopes of seeing some sort of living being. Or atleast something to spark her interest, otherwise the entire day would have been wasted sleeping on Ahote's shoulder and getting soft white fluff on his suit.
    ♖ social ♖


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Ambrosiasig
    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by ivyleaf33 20th June 2018, 5:16 am


    A bright afternoon, with the smell of citrus and summer in the air. As the temperature had grown warmer, Fairy Tail had begun to rise out of their own sort of “winter”, the mercenary guild gradually growing in success once more. Business grew more prosperous with every season, new mages slowly gracing the once empty halls of the guild again. Life was generally good for the young guild master as well, sitting comfortably at her now-familiar desk with a worn pen grasped between her fingers. Although papers of varying importance still took up the majority of the letter mage’s desk space, her work no longer held such a tense air of urgency, striving to prove the guild’s innocence to the Council through hastily written letters. (To be completely honest, now most of the sheets seemed to be focused around Althea’s juice purchase fees. Sorano was seriously regretting allowing the girl an unlimited lifetime supply.)

    Along with economic recovery, the independent guild’s ties with other guilds gradually began to improve as well. Having been abruptly cut off from friendly relationships with the other legal guilds after their exile, an alliance with Black Rose marked the return of that loose friendship Fairy Tail had possessed with others under the Magic Council. In fact, for once Sorano thought she might be able to take a break, perhaps. Get out there by herself, and maybe just have some time to relax. It seemed almost a preposterous train of thought, however, with stacks of various files still laying before her, and the guild master shook off the thought almost as quickly as it came. Right! Get done with work first, and then you can get out there and worry about your income before contemplating vacation. Paperwork was not something that paid well, after all.

    The guild of the Basilisks had long since left her mind.

    The girl bent down instead, eyes slipping easily over the wall of small, cramped text before starting on a response to the business inquiry, fingers pulling the pen over the page with a flowing ease rarely seen in the act of handwriting. There had been a reason why Heero had chosen her to be the guild secretary while he was in power – letter magic came with some lovely perks.

    Yet only a paragraph into the response, a sudden presence dipped into the edge of Sorano’s sensory field, pulling her eyes upwards to gaze darkly through the glass windows of her office. Something was off. Focusing in on the unnatural magical intrusion, the letter mage would be pulled towards the window, placing a small, childish hand on the magical glass pane. She could feel it. That low throbbing of magical energy – a group of mages it seemed – slowly approaching the guild. While something like this normally wouldn’t be of alarm – mages constantly went in and out of the guild, after all – it was the sudden shift in crowd emotions that reported something wrong to the guild master.

    Following along after the waves of magic that grew ever closer to the guild hall, a wave of negative, suspicious energy filled her vision in slow, brooding clouds that hung over the civilians’ heads. Could it be a less-than-legal client? If so, why were they approaching so openly and obviously? Whoever it was, the townspeople obviously thought these visitors unwelcome, and that was not good. Fairy Tail could not afford to have their reputations stained once more if this crowd were indeed to approach them.

    Sorano gestured quickly to the exceed who watched worriedly from her side, rushing quickly from the room and down the stairs to the reception area. “Come on, Hoshi. Something strange is headed for us.”

    “Wait, what? Sorano!” Hoshi’s alarmed call trailed after her partner while the youth reached the first floor just as the strange group had opened the door. Standing at their head was a tall man, looking to be in his early twenties. Well-fitted formal garb covered his slender frame, and he carried with himself a faint sense of melancholy. A quick inspection of his signature reassured her that she was by far more powerful than he was, but all the same, there was something in the stranger’s composure that told the teenager’s instincts to be wary.

    A glance at his companions – a man who emitted a rather odd aura, tinged with anxiety and an exceed with barely a care in a world didn’t seem to particularly threatening, either. Yet something – something about them told the tense thoughts that continued to linger at the back of the guild master’s mind that this was no ordinary group of clients.

    “Excuse me, but could I inquire as to who you are?”
    The question was posed in a cold, monotonous voice – the same one that the girl always verbalized with, her eyes dead and cold, directed at their apparent leader. “Perhaps you have mistaken our building for the one a few blocks down? I understand it is a common error.” The intent in their auras said otherwise. These people knew what they were here for.

    \\ For those who don't know, Sorano can sense emotions and sometimes race/species. If you have anything you'd rather hide from her, please let me know ^w^

    0000 / 0000 WORDS


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th June 2018, 10:50 am

    Haru stood near his guildmaster as she seemed to move by him without even saying hi. A look of focus, or rather a feeling of one took him over as he watched her. Sense she never truly showed emotion. Furrowing his brow and wondering where she was going on this lovely summer day, he could only wonder or follow. He chose to follow. Rose would notice him moving and look up from her chess board, playing against herself. Her white wings would appear in a small flash; as the Exceed would float onto Haru's shoulder a she walked. "Where to?" she asked as she swished her tail.

    "No idea...Sorano seems to be onto something." he said as Rose and him would both nod simultaneously like they always did. Just in the reception area, he would spot some new faces, two guys both mages since he could smell magic from them or on them, and an Exceed of some kind. Although it didn't look much like a cat, it's magic power felt a lot like Rose who had her eyes centered on the small white being.

    When Sorano greeted them, he would stand behind her with his arms crossed. Silent and proud for the most part. He was around the same height as the two guys, a good height for his age as he would only scan them for a little while. "I'm Haru, Haru Reyold." he said introducing himself with a nod. "Hello....." he said in his usual serious tone. Flicking his eyes to the Exceed again, he would smile warmly at the little white beast of legend. Grabbing a bag of beef jerky from nearby, he would extend some to the white creature then eat some himself after kneeling down and standing back up.

    "You guys here to join or what..." he said after he ate some. "Or maybe to send us on a Job...a contract?" he asked himself and them at the same time while putting a finger on his face in thought.


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    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Rose


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    Second Skill: Sinister Arsenal
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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by aeluri 20th June 2018, 12:15 pm

    Aeluri Atra

    Word Count: Social
    Tagged: Frens!
    Job: Social
    Mood: Flamingoes
    The clear skies above were surely the sign of a good day, but the sun beating down on Aeluri’s back felt quite the opposite. “The one downside of black hair,” she sighed softly as she paced forward, thinking wistfully about the cool, silent halls of the Basilisk Fang fortress. Magnolia Town most certainly had a different vibe than her guild’s home; a little too bright, warm, and cheerful for the mage’s liking.

    Red and gold eyes passed over her guildmates as the group ambled closer to their destination. The mages held a casual demeanor, talking and joking with each other along their journey. As they had reached the bustling town of Magnolia, the crowds of people had parted in awe and fear as they passed through, sensing the inherent ominousness emitted from the group of dark mages. However, unbeknownst to the commoners lining the streets, the members of the dark guild had no ill intentions, as this trip to visit the guild Fairy Tail was for mending a bond once broken. Aeluri had not been in Basilisk Fang long enough to have any history with Fairy Tail, nor been around guilds long enough to understand the relationships between them, but she had decided to tag along out of pure curiosity.

    The sound of a small yawn brought the black-haired mage’s attention to her arms, where her small feline companion had awoken from his nap. Umbra’s black fur stuck up at all different angles, which caused Aeluri to let out a small laugh. The cat had been snoozing in her arms the whole way, using her shadow to shade himself from the insufferable sun. It seemed the two black-haired beings were not well-suited for a place like Magnolia Town, yet they continued forth with a sense of purpose.

    “We’re here, Umbra,” she said with a hint of excitement in her voice. “I hope Fairy Tail has whiskey to share.”

    She stood back a bit as the dark mages were greeted at the doorway of Fairy Tail's guild hall by a few of their members. There seemed to be a tension in the air as the two sides first spoke to each other, but Aeluri felt assured that it would calm down once their intentions were revealed.

    Notes: None!
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] 60637_s

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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Musicalbunny 20th June 2018, 12:35 pm

    Rina was drinking some well deserved juice, as she rested her head onto the bar counter. She had just finished a job and a full stack of papers. It had been quite a long day for her, and she definitely didn't want to deal with what was going to happen that day, but yet it will always happen. Even if Rina didn't know about the sudden surprise of Basilisk Fang coming, she would know that she wouldn't have the free time she had now. The sudden surprise of Basilisk Fang, would forever be in her memories. It was a memorable day, and the most tiring one. It was the day that she could never lose, especially because it was attached to the record books of Fairy Tail.

    As she sipped her juice, she wondered, like always, how the juice in the guild could taste so wonderfully. It was like every single taste in the world could be found in that juice, which made Rina love it so much more. She could not believe how busy her day was, with defeating that monster as well as do some tiring paperwork. She didn't even know it was possible to do this much in one day, but yet she did. So now, she got to rest and treasure the peacefulness she had at the time. She asked for more and more juices until she tried at least 6 different kinds. It was then, that the events foretold would happen at that exact moment Rina finished that last sip of her orange juice. As she saw Haru and Sorano go towards the doors, Rina sensed powers from the group of people in front of them. Rina knew they couldn't possibly be new members. Their powers were too strong, they weren't like the regular mages that came into Fairy Tail. They had a darker presence than most would lead on. It was like their corrupted natures were even making her feel woozy. She had never sensed such devastating darkness from a group of people before. So, she stood up fiercely as she walked over to her guild master and stood behind her. Rina then crossed her arms, as she let Sorano talk to waht seemed like the leader of the group.



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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 20th June 2018, 12:55 pm


    Markus squinted, his eyes straining slightly,  the sun was bright overhead casting dark but shallow shadows upon the ground. The town of Magnolia was as cheerful as ever, the residents caring on their daily lives moving to and fro, their lives busy with everyday tasks. As Markus walked he had nods of acknowledgment, friendly greetings, and various other remarks.

    Markus as usual gave nothing more then a nod, his head looking forward, his eyes scanning from side to side. A habit he had picked up long ago out of necessity. Markus glanced at his own shadow, content once more that his constant companion was never far away.

    Markus was on his way to the guild hall, he had just finished a mission and arrived back in the city. Being quite new to the guild Markus was enjoying the perks as well as the expanded list of contracts he had available to him. Even if he did miss some of the other jobs he would perform. Sighing, he gave up the thought and continued along his way.

    Markus was walking a slow, measured pace. To a casual observer it would be such that he hadn't a care in the world. As usual his features were schooled, calm, blank… Maybe once he was more established, probably once he was a full member, he would not feel so much anxiety about the strangers he now called allies.

    As he walked, suddenly Markus saw, or more… felt. A change in his surrounding area. The once cheerful, and joyous crowd seemed to take on a more, ominous vibe. If that wasn’t suspicious enough, that was when he felt it, a pull in the back of his mind, a whisper almost like warning. Magical power.

    It did not take long for Markus to find the source, a group of newcomers, it was obvious they were not from around here, and the town could feel it. Markus was unsure what to make of them, they seemed to be following one man, and the group itself was about as diverse as any he had seen, much like Fairy Tail.

    Markus grinned, as he saw his guild master, flanked with some of his other members, show up to greet the new arrivals. Markus might be new to the guild, but even he knew today had just gotten a lot more interesting.

    Seeing as the members of his guild, and the new group were making no efforts to conceal themselves, Markus decided he would openly join the conversation. Walking through the crowd he found a spot close enough to the Fairy Tail guild members that it was obvious he was with them. With his arms over his chest he leaned over, his signature grin across his face saying nothing.

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>



    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Age : 25
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Mura Kensho 20th June 2018, 1:19 pm

    Huh… having watched Sorano’s paper work from behind her, he suddenly noticed a shift in her face. It was rare to see that given her rather… uh, introverted personality, but something got to her. It wasn’t the only thing that he noticed, though; whatever caught her attention could also be felt by him, but not nearly as precisely as she did. They were expecting guests, huh… he wondered just who would arrive at the guild today. Even from up here, behind the desk where he leant back, arms crossed and spectating his sister’s writings, he could feel the vibrations of several feet run through the grounds outside and into the structures of the guild hall.

    Walking beside her, he would throw a quick glance at Haru, his curious comment reaching his ears too. “Let’s find out,” he quickly replied to him before heading for the entrance where they were greeted by… a rather familiar figure. Yes, his soul indicated that Mura had met him before, but… no, that couldn’t be. His mind couldn’t recall the familiarity of his appearance…

    There were three others accompanying the strange man. His attire inclined that there was a certain, important purpose for their visit. Kyuken, his ghost buddy, had his eyes purely set on the black-haired lady with the black feline in her arms - at first, Mura barely eyed him from the corner of his eye, thinking that the ghost was already up to no good, but… there was a shocked and broken look on the ghost’s face.

    Did… did he know this girl, specifically? No way…

    (Note: Aeluri, ur Lineage... Musashi is Kyuken o^o This must be fate that you reunite like this)



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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Ahote 22nd June 2018, 5:40 pm

    Knuckles retreated from the door as it would slide open, and to no surprise, curious residents within the building flocked to the mysterious group of dark wizards. But the most notable of them was a petite girl with long, dark locks and an outfit Ahote assumed to be appropriate for her age. Sorano Granon, Fairy Tail Guildmaster and recently announced Wizard Saint. Anyone who picked up a newspaper every now and then would recognize her the instant their eyes laid on her sharp features. She was otherwise infamous in the criminal underworld, as would any Wizard Saint be. Following Sorano came an assortment of mages, which was here nor there. But among these full heads, one bright-haired boy had stood out almost as much as the petite guildmaster. Ahote couldn't help but smile sinisterly, folding one arm over his chest while his left's digits stroked the idle Ambrosia, "My name's Ahote Laspor, Guildmaster of Basilisk Fang. Surely you remember us?" he dipped his head down in a brief gesture of greeting, "We're here to have a. . . chat, of sorts!" his smile ascended from that of a sinister look to something softer, friendlier. Of course, his honest quirk of lips was about as deceiving as his wordplay, a small force of malice emitting from the lopsided smile.

    Without so much as a word of consent from the awaiting fairies, Ahote stepped between the petite girl and her lackeys with a mixture of carelessness and boorishness in his posture into the guild hall, his turned back beckoning his companions along with him. Ahote's arms unfolded, and fingers fell to his sides as he ambled about the space aimlessly, "So this is what has become of the famous Fairy Tail, eh?" he snickered quietly, "Fools who sought adventure and thrills to. . . an office?" Ahote's wistful and mocking spirit had flickered into something bitterer, his eyes sharpening into a glare of sorts with his lips still curved into a cheeky smirk.

    "Oh, but where are my manners?" he started, pacing towards Mura, a familiar face, and the bright-haired Reyold boy with a stale complexion, "Goodness. The Reyolds are like rabbits, they breed far too much," Ahote held out a hand to Haru, "I do hope you turn out differently from your predecessors, Haru. It would be such a disappointment for you to meet similar fates." The raven-haired man could only refer to the death of Heero, who he was certain was related to the bright-haired boy in some way. As for the foolish Hera, his topaz hues had never set on her fair complexion since she last visited the fortress, never returning. Ahote then briefly dipped his head towards the silent Mura, saying nothing under the impression that he may not have recognized him from an earlier time. The man's passiveness has always been frustrating to Ahote, who had never thought of him until this moment.

    "You see, my comrades and I are here to rekindle our. . . bitter relationship, if you will. Our past with you can only hinder our future together. So, with new leadership, perhaps, new bonds." Ahote had taken the seat nearest to him, folding his legs over one another and rest his entwined hands on his stiffened lap.


    Aven Alveron
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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Aven Alveron 23rd June 2018, 7:09 pm

    It was a strange day for Aven to be meandering around the city, with the sun so bright and cheerful. It was common occurrence for him to spend his days off studying, or better yet, basking in the soft rays of the sun under the shade of the East Forest. It was becoming more common, he'd realized recently, that he was developing some kind of foreign sense for danger: or at least, for impurity. The doubt in people's hearts, their burdens, their insecurities, these had begun to manifest themselves in small, random bursts as Aven went about his days. It was unsettling, to be honest, to be suddenly weighed down by a portion of another's pain, and he'd become a bit... secluded, as of late.

    Was he afraid? It wasn't easy to accept, the darkness that lurks within the hearts of mortals, but he could find no way around it. To be intelligent, he presumed, was to be fallible... breakable. Those who had fallen, and those who have yet to fall, retained the same capacity for evil, only differing in their willingness to embrace it. By that standard, Aven knew that even he, himself, was just as corruptible and frail. Worse yet, he knew not if the light in his heart could handle the shadows that lurked below Fairy Tail. If his guildmates... no... if Nessa was in trouble, her life in danger, how far would he go? What evils would he commit in the name of his own subjective justice? He shuddered at the thought, unable to answer, yet equally disturbed by his inability to truthfully convince himself that he would not kill to save her.

    While his mind was heavy in thought, the pang of sudden weight struck him, and darkness gripped him for a moment. It was... magic energy, a staggering collection of it, approaching Fairy Tail. His eye flickered over to a group of conspicuous travelers, drawing a sizable amount of attention from the people of Magnolia. He stood slowly, the weight gone without a trace, as he noticed something that sent chills down his spine: a guild mark. Basilisk Fang. He followed after them, the clack of his cane upon the group rhythmic and steady, giving them a wide berth as they entered Fairy Tail.

    Upon his own emergence into the hall, Aven was greeted with the sight of a confrontation, the air as tense as a battlefield. There were grudges here, Aven could feel it, though he knew not the circumstances. He'd heard from Rina once that Basilisk Fang and Fairy Tail were not on the best of terms, in any sense of the phrase, but could it really devolve into a full frontal attack? In broad daylight no less! He chastised the thought inwardly, even dark guilds were not so stupid as to declare war in such a manner. However, the most intimidating of the new arrivals began to speak, introducing himself as their Guild Master. He could feel his fist clenching, anger rising unbidden as memories of Grim Heresy rose to the back of his mind, but he quickly suppressed them. This was not Grim Heresy; still, it was a dark guild, and to treat them lightly would be a fool's gambit.

    Or... would it? Truth be told, they'd meandered straight into Fairy Tail's territory, but this Ahote was acting as though he were in complete control. His voice, his aura, his expressions, they exuded a constant stream of confidence and a hint of malice, a true testament to his character that any person could perceive. A rush of courage filled Aven's chest, as he became oddly sure of himself, as though his heart was pushing him to speak. The Astral form of the Seraphim, Aviel, smiled with pride as he hovered above Aven, his golden wings beating in rhythm, as he watched his descendant embrace the calling that had been passed down through his blood: the pursuit of goodness.

    Aven's cane made a solid noise as it announced every other step toward the gathering, approaching a the table Ahote had placed himself at. He mocked their Guild Hall, Haru's family name, and then, proposed a kind of peace talk. He assumed himself above them, trying to establish verbal control over the situation, asserting his dominance and daring Fairy Tail to match him. Perhaps Aven was weak, and could be destroyed with a flick of the man's finger, but it didn't matter. He would meet that challenge, because his heart burned with a light that would not be cowed by shadows. Aven gave the unique collection of faces his usual, gentle smile, adjusting the lapel of his pearl white suit. "So, the elder serpent has a silver tongue; yet still, he spits acid with every word." With a final tap of his cane, Aven came to a halt a few feet away from Ahote, both his hands resting loosely on the orb on the end of the metal rod. "You say you came to speak, but I hear the preliminaries to an olive branch, as though Fairy Tail could possibly need your assistance." Aven eyes swiveled to meet Ahote's, their emerald depths unbending in the face of his aura. They held resolve in their depths: one developed not by an individual, but by an entire line of unwavering, unbreakable wills. Still, Aven smiled, retaining his composure. "My name is Aven Alveron, a newer member of Fairy Tail. Perhaps I do not know the past, but I do know veiled intent when I hear it," The proverbial ball being driven back into the Basilisk's court, the same way it had been delivered, words. This was the war Fairy Tail faced in the moment: not one of strength, nor one of power. "And though I'd like to believe you have no intention of fighting today, there is indeed a battle of wits afoot: I would sincerely hope you've not come unarmed."


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Epidemius 23rd June 2018, 11:21 pm

    Today was so very interesting! The guild that had so kindly asked for him to come into their fold of friendship had gone out to meet with another guild that spoke of fairy tales! The preacher just adored such stories when they were told, which was why he was nearly there even though he was most assuredly late to the party. The sickly looking man made his happy way to where the guild he was with had wandered off to. The happy humming to himself was contrasted sharply by the death of small creatures and plants that he stepped on or near as he walked. He was a walking plague and he seemed none the wiser if one just went off of looks. Upon nearing the area that everyone was at, the jolly man would make his excited entrance. "Behold, my friends! I have arrived!" The mans face, the lower half still covered as it always was, seemed to be full of nothing but happiness as his face contorted as best it could to show it without having actual eyes. Epidemius was here, and so was every disease and plague that filled his entire body to the brink of nearly bursting.


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Ambrosia 24th June 2018, 1:41 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Appearence Reference
    So this was the Fairy Tail guildmaster, and they wanted to know why there were here. Yet honestly she found it rather boring. There was power coming from it, still boring. Withing moments more of the little Fairy stock had gathered around, one with a rather large personality who introduced himself profusely. Yet what shocked her was not the appearance of others but it was the offering. A glance of distaste was sent towards the red headed lower glass before turning her nose up at the beef jerky. There was no chance that she would eat such low class food.

    So boring powerful one, the beef jerky one, then there were a few other desserts who had shown themselves, the one who had stood beside the boring one with its arm's crossed. One had his eyes set on a fellow Basilisk Fang member, although the exceed had never met the female with black hair that human was still one of the ones whom she was supposed to bond with.
    The dog had decided to pet her, not that she didn't enjoy the light massage in the least, with Ahote stroking her fur the females tails floofed out with a stretch, really he was quite a comfortable mode of transport, perhaps it would be good to consider relaxing on his shoulders again. Yet not even the white furred creature could deny that he had a certain way of speaking that was very good at provoking. He had started to walk, slowly, casually just meandering around the area, not that it mattered for her balance as always was perfect.

    The famous Fairy Tail, a slight grin drew back her lips, fangs poking through as she snickered lightly, indeed although he was young this human was not as boring as the rest, his way of prowling towards the beef jerky boy. Oh Reynolds, so that livestock was part of a well known family. Similar fates, hinting at an unsavoury ending, A yawn stretched her face as she sat a little taller, blue eyes settling on the one who had offered her beef jerky
    "You see Ahote, him and his fellow livestock aren't like rabbits, atleast rabbits are good for eating."
    He was being quite good at this, not exactly stepping over the line but just nudging them towards it. Rekindling our relationship new leadership new bonds. With a slight glance towards their guildmaster her mouth quirked in question. Relationship. not that he specified what type of relationship. As he seated himself Ambrosia Settled onto his lap, neatly curled up, tails over paws. Rather similar to the humans typical villain in comics, sitting on a chair with a cat on his lap.

    "Honestly, you, newer member who just admitted their lack of relevance. Perhaps a slow roast for you would do well, yet I don't think all the spices in this land could disguise your fowl taste. Ahote, I don't like that one, or the beef jerky boy."
    Although just in her animalistic exceed form her nose turned up at the other well dressed male who had appeared, Aven. Pity he had a name starting with A.

    Oh Epi darling was here, now he was a fun one indeed. A glance was sent his way with a wave of her tails and a small grin.
    ♖ social ♖


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Ambrosiasig
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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Alwe 24th June 2018, 2:59 pm

    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] SeriousInfantileCornsnake-size_restricted

    Why was she here again? Frankly, the Dreamweaver did not know. She had joined the guild at Ambrosia’s offer. The nightmare certainly did like the exceed, after all, and truly enjoyed her company. How could she not, after all, considering the white-furred exceed left fear and anger in her wake. Such emotions were delicious for the ravenous dream. That was part of the reason she was here. She was the scavenger that followed the wolf pack, ready to eat what remained in their wake. Of course, in her world, the kills were left completely to her, abandoned by the hunters. All she wanted was the negative energy of the onlookers, or the fleeting emotions in the dying moments of unfortunate souls.

    The Dreamweaver was in the form of a slender black serpent with obsidian scales. Her coils were shining with a unique static, reflecting the depths of surreality within. Crimson orbs locked onto the ‘beef jerky boy’, as Ambrosia had called him. It was quite fitting, and the snake found amusement in the behavior of the Basilisk Fang guildmaster and the exceed.

    The reptile had entered the place coiled around their guildmaster’s leg. As he went to sit, however, the nightmare attempted to slither up his body to his arm, finding the new vantage point much more agreeable. For now, she had no intentions of moving or changing her form. No, she just wanted to consume as much annoyance or fear in the air as she could, given if there were any. “Now now, it’s only a battle if you choose for it to be~” Veronika hissed with a sly grin on her serpentine maw to the Fairy Tail mage. Flicking a pale tongue forward, she hoped for more than what the guild was giving her. Truly, she wanted chaos, even if that was not the reason that they were here.



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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Iris 24th June 2018, 6:46 pm

    Strutting his stuff. Now, this was more his speed. The violet haired man trailed behind the others since he was possibly the newest member, though he was sharply dressed as well and felt his position with the more attractive members was more pleasing. His tight black pants were perfectly pressed and hemmed at just the right point above his black boots. A crimson shirt with a wide neckline clung to his torso, half hidden under a slim fit blazer to match his pants. Perhaps his favorite accessory was the deep purple scarf wrapped around his neck, flapping majestically behind him with each smooth step. He'd been in such a mood that he even plucked a lovely purple bloom from a passing cart, affixing it to his scarf. Oh yes, now he felt stunning. That was the only way to feel when meeting another guild.

    Lavender eyes surveilled the put off crowds thronging the streets as they passed. Not a worthy eye among them, this lot. Mundane and ugly, squinty with suspicion as they parted like waters under an attack helicopter. So many spectacles! What were these people doing to their precious orbs to have to mask them with thick reflective lenses? Ugh.

    The town itself wasn't so bad. Magnolia. Pretty name, assumedly after the flower? The cobbled streets were clean and the shops quaint. If not for the people, this place might have been truly lovely. His eyes particularly enjoyed the sight of the cathedral in the distance, it's spire towering over the more local rooftops. He could only hope that this Fairy Tail followed the trend of the other building in the area. Iris's eyes always searched for beauty, but in this case, he wouldn't. As they approached an ugly rectanglular building that mundanely whispered its boring pleas for the death of lively souls, Iris wondered if his soul might just acquiesce and give up the ghost rather than step one foot inside the office building. Even as his posse pushed in passed the independent guild's members, he stood back, abject horror on his face.

    It had taken a few more moments than it should have for Iris to enter the building, possibly since Epidemius's ugly mug had appeared just as he'd been about to enter the first time. On the second attempt he made it in. "If you are entered into a contest for ugliest building in Fiore, I think you have it in the bag," he commented as he finally mustered the will to join his mates. A quick inventory yielded nothing of interest other than a courtyard touting the only real signs of life and a pathetic bar to his immediate left. Since Ahote and Ambrosia seemed to have command of the room full of currently uninteresting people, Iris meandered to the bar area to make himself at home. Plucking a bottle from the counter, he whipped his butterfly knife open in one slick motion to jam into the cork trapping the glorious drink inside. Pop! The cork was out, and soon he was sipping what seemed to be a very smooth whisky. At least the drink was of quality...


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by aeluri 24th June 2018, 9:34 pm

    Aeluri Atra

    Word Count: Social
    Tagged: Frens!
    Job: Social
    Mood: Sassilisk Fang!
    Aeluri found Ahote’s stinging jabs at the Fairy Tail mages quite amusing. Getting a rise out of people was indeed a fun pastime, if not an interesting introduction. It was obvious that the guildmaster had a long history with certain members of the independent guild. Perhaps through observation she would come to understand their complex relationships.

    The sudden feeling that she was being watched hit Aeluri. She whipped around, searching for the perpetrator, but was distracted by Umbra’s claws poking her arm. Deciding that someone who dared stare at her would probably approach her eventually, she focused on her friend. The cat was staring in horror as a red-haired boy tried to feed Ambrosia beef jerky. Beef jerky. The black feline quickly squirmed his way into his companion’s robes, hidden from the sight of others. “Please don’t let them feed me beef jerky,” he whispered, another shudder shaking his tiny black body. Aeluri let out a quiet laugh and patted her friend’s soft head, completely forgetting about the piercing gaze she had felt before.

    The rich, sharp smell of whiskey was caught by the mage’s sensitive nose, drawing her attention to a bar in the corner of the room. The newest guild member, Iris, had popped open a new bottle of the alluring liquid with a knife. Aeluri didn’t know much about the man, but something about him set her on edge. Perhaps it was his eyes…

    All her cautions went out the window with the scent of alcohol. With quick strides, Aeluri found herself standing at the bar next to the abandoned seat where a woman with greenish hair had been relaxing when they entered. A glance to the left revealed Iris sipping from the full bottle of whiskey. He didn’t even use a glass or ice! she thought with an appalled scoff. Long black hair swished with the movement of a quick swipe, leaving the violet-haired man empty handed. “Learn to drink whiskey properly,” came the sharp remark, red and gold eyes glaring in his direction. Aeluri grabbed two clear glasses and, after putting some ice inside each one, left her guildmate with some whiskey presented the way she saw fit. Determined steps brought her back to the center of the room, hoping to confront whoever had stared at her before, while snakes continued to provoke fairies to see if they would snap.

    Notes: None!
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


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    Nessa Cordelia Lux

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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 25th June 2018, 2:08 am

    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Av22Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Av22Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Av22

    Nessa paced the concrete, completely unaware about what was occurring in the guildhall ahead of her. Humming to herself, as she bounce along, she was in one of her best moods. She had spent a lovely morning eating breakfast with her family discussing their latest goings on. She was wearing one of her favourite white dresses today with the purple lining and pleated skirt. She had been getting on with everybody so well lately, she had not had a single bad encounter where she had failed to form some kind of friendship. The only exception being enemies on a mission, but that didn't count, they were bad people. Plus it was her job and it wasn't like she killed them, not like they wouldn't have killed her if they had the chance. 

    Sebastian hopped along beside her, she was taking him to see the guildhall today, she had felt bad for excluding him on certain missions so this was her way of making up to it. She had also promised to buy him a fish when they got there. The little grey haired exceed had been more than happy to forgive all transgressions when salmon was mentioned. As they got closer to the guild hall, Nessa felt bizarre. She felt a sense of magical energy, much more than she normally felt, maybe someone was training? She wondered not letting her step falter.

    Once she reached the door, she pushed it open, continuing to hum away as she made her way inside. Sebastian happily trotting along inside with her. Nessa had walked halfway across the guild hall, right in the middle of the Basilisk fang members before she realised something was going on. She stopped humming, pausing in her step. Then she slowly looked around the room.  She was surrounded by quite a few bodies she didn't recognise. All seemed to be surrounding a particularly intimidating gentlemen sat at a table. 

    "Umm...hi." She said her voice laced with curiosity. She shuffled between the basilisk fangs members, "Sorry, excuse me, pardon me." She said as she manoeuvred through them. She made her way to where her fellow fairies were standing. "What's going on? Is this some kind of meeting?" She looked back at the strangers and noticed the guildmark on each of its' members. "Ohh I know that mark, oh my goodness, um, what's it called, umm, Baso...Bassys erm…" She put her palm against her forehead trying to remember.

    "Bassiwisk tooth!" 

    She said dropping her hand, not realization how far off she was. "That's a unique name for a guild though isn't it?" She said looking to Aven, "So like what's this meeting for?" It was then she realised how tense the situation was. She had walked into an uncomfortable conversation and started babbling. Oopsie... She though. Sebastian on the other hand, who had followed her across the room, leaped straight onto the table. Lying on his stomach, he proceeded to stare dreamily at the white feline in front of him.

    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Seb1Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Seb1Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Seb1


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] 60582_s


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by ivyleaf33 25th June 2018, 9:44 am


    Slowly, the remainder of the Basilisks filed in after their leader, someone whose aura seemed to grow more and more strangely familiar the longer he talked. Even so, had she the capability to feel so, Sorano would have been ashamed that the memory only returned once the odd man introduced himself, the surname ‘Laspor’ bringing back the past. Ahote, huh…she hadn’t known the child very well, and it was difficult to believe the seven-year-old had become a full-grown man in so short a timespan, but the aura didn’t lie. The structure, while warped until it was nearly unrecognizable, still contained a few of the same flowing paths that the child’s had possessed the few times Sorano had encountered him. That he was the guild master of Basilisk Fang now, that was certainly very curious.

    Word after word dropped from his mouth, meaningless to Sorano whose eyes carefully drifted over the man’s motley entourage, looking more like a circus than guild – then again, was that not how most guilds of their kind operated? The guild of fairies hadn’t looked much different in exile after all. Yet the members still interested the letter mage, each aura unique and new – emotional patterns that weren’t seen often in her day to day life. All these energies, flowing around the girl through each and every person was wildly fascinating – much more so than the man whose words served no productive purpose as he meandered into the hall. Now, an emotionless child may not understand the unspoken rules of society as well as her peers, but watching the Basilisks mill around, tossing words meant to provoke over their shoulders casually did not seem to match up with the code she had managed to adapt to. Yes, Ahote’s words dripped with malice, and emotions around the guild master flared up in response to his and his feline companion’s speaking.

    Watching Aven’s fiery entrance and Nessa’s oblivious one, Sorano tilted her head to the side, pondering. Having always been a slow thinker, small events would happen around her for a minute or so before she responded to the raven-haired man’s “offer”. It was evident that he was most certainly not seeking peace. It was one of the barest basics in negotiations that demonstrating such behaviors considered to be disrespectful and even outright hostility was a definite no – whatever the guild was intending, it would not be peaceful.

    Seating herself in one of the lobby chairs opposite the other guild master, the letter mage sucked in a slow breath of air, noting everything around her carefully. This was something she would rather end sooner than later. Perhaps the only good thing that had come of that Kahoot game would be the miscellaneous markings she’d left upon near every piece of furniture in the hall, making for easier spellcasting to rearrange the items. Although the girl had stood idle for a good couple of minutes, her fingers had been a whir, slicing through the air in miniscule motions to weave a quick spell of letters together. Now, at the raise of a finger, every piece of furniture in the lobby area flew into place, gathering into a circle around the letter mage and carrying those who rested upon them along. Anyone in the way of the many tables and chairs and benches that flew, scraped, dragged themselves to their master would be ruthlessly dragged along or shoved aside, regardless of guild. (The spell had also triggered the Kahoot music and confetti that now fell limply over the strange scene, but Sorano ignored it for now).

    As the music echoed irritatingly off the now bare walls, the room void of furniture except for the cluster up front, the guild master sent a calculating eye over the mages.

    “I am afraid that this visit is not one that will be well-received, sir. Having demonstrated naught but hostile intent or simply a sheer lack of intent from this guild, there is no reason why I should not follow my duty as a Wizard Saint to work to turn you in to the Rune Knights. I will give you one last chance to explain exactly your purpose here without verbal attacks where the effort isn’t even taken to attempt and veil them before I must ask you all to leave. If you and your guild members should refuse, then I am sure no one of Fairy Tail would be afraid to take action. Please understand that Fairy Tail wishes to refrain from violence. I do not understand the purpose of this confrontation.”

    The words were coldly delivered, almost as though the youth was some sort of robotic creation with the lack of feeling in her voice. No attempt here was taken to soften the edge of the child’s sheer lack of human emotion.

    \\ I would like to thank Nessa's hairy butt for giving me muse. I expect the Hairy Butt Couple fo display an excellent performance.

    0000 / 0000 WORDS


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 28th June 2018, 9:45 am


    Markus cocked his head, Basilisk fang huh? He did not know much about the guild, other then its nature. Which made this meeting, all the more interesting.

    He glanced at the man who had introduced their group, their Guild Master. Ahote Laspor, he had said his name was. He seemed quite sure of himself, quite cocky in his position. Despite coming into another guilds home, and facing off against a Wizard Saint. It was certainly intriguing… Markus really didn't care who this man was, and had no qualms with him, or any member of his guild. In fact… he kind of admired their guts.

    Listening passively he started to walk to the bar, both sides were bickering, acting tough. The show was annoying. Though, there were a few that interested him more then others. The female with white hair, he didn’t know her name, but she liked subtle insults. As well a few others. This show of force could not be more obvious if they had come in with a cannon. Despite their talk of peace, he knew what they really wanted. They wanted Fairy Tail to snap, to react.

    Unfortunately, it was quite difficult to get Markus’ ire. He was still passively walking to the bar, when he realized some of the new group had beaten him there, and started to help themselves. Hell, why not? They were ‘guests’, is it not customary. Markus barely even flinched when his guild master spoke up, it seems she had reached the same conclusion as he, and like himself, had no plans to give them the satisfaction of watching them squirm. As she seated Markus barely had time to react, the music burst forth and all manners of furniture started moving, suddenly the room was almost bare, the black clad mage managed to dodge each of them when he finally reaches the bar.

    Markus tapped the usual bar tender on the shoulder, a young man who was very much confused, and more then a little mad about the newcomers rudeness. Markus, handing him a few jewels dismissed the man, a fight between two wizards guilds was no place for a regular person. Markus had no idea if the man was paid, or how much, he did not really care, the money was nothing to him. He was just appreciative the man had enough brains to agree.

    Finally, behind the bar Markus spoke for the first time today. His voice was neutral, passive, calculated, he did not care one way or the other how this evening went. “It seems, we have lost our manners. There is a new ‘house special’ for the evening, crafted specifically with our… guests, in mind.”

    Markus reached over to the pretty man with white hair, and grabbed the bottle. “Let me borrow this for a second.” Markus, did not wait to see if the man agreed, but gave him a wink anyways.

    “After all, what sort of host allows their guest to be thirsty when offering such a great… friendship.” The only word in the sentence with any emotion was the final, which reeked of sarcasm.

    As he spoke, anyone watching would see glasses moving, various mixers, syrups, and other items seeming to move into place on their own. Anyone watching closely however would see two dark arm like tendrils reaching from Markus’ back. These shadows were hard to see, and very much transparent, but seemed to work as an arm would, abit with greater reach, speed, and mobility. Markus crafted two drinks.

    One a red drink using a juice box and lime drink, he placed a cherry on top. The second he used the whisky taken from the man in white, muddled it with limes, and another liquid. He then dropped two drops of a thick green syrup into the second drink, they spun around one other making interesting lines and patterns looking like two drops of snake venom in muddled water. He topped this drink with a clear liquid, then used a magic lighter to catch it ablaze, the fire was green and sparked fiercely. Markus knew the drink, it would taste like a lime mixed whisky, and have a hint of apple.

    The arms Markus had summoned worked very fast, far faster than normal arms, and by the time he had finished talking, both drinks were made. Markus had already handed the bottle of whisky back to the man in white, and had retrieved another from behind the bar. He was glad at least one member of Basilisk Fang had taste, Markus thought, looking at the woman who had helped herself to an actual glass, rather then the whole bottle.

    Markus looked specifically at the man who had addressed himself as Ahote, his darkness tendrils, easily reached him. Markus placed the fiery drink with the two venom like droplets in front of the man. The green liquid drops were still swirling around one another, it would be many minutes before they hit the bottom of the glass. The red drink, which was nothing more than a fancy juice box, was placed in front of Sarano, Markus’ own guild-master. His dark tendrils busied themselves making more drinks when Markus tried to look Ahote in the eyes.

    To be certain no doubt that he was addressing Ahote, suddenly Markus’ eyes became alight with a chaotic energy, and started glowing a dark purple color. The action was not meant to be threatening, Markus knew there were obvious differences in their powers, he meant only to call attention. “If you utter that which is precious, or worthy. Rather then that which is worthless. You might just have a better ear from my comrades, and they might just turn to you rather then from.” Markus said, hoping that he got the message across. He tired of this game, and saw no reason for theatrics, and no reasons why both sides could not enjoy themselves and share a drink, actually attempting the peace the man said they were looking for.

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>



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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Mura Kensho 28th June 2018, 12:44 pm

    Uh… despite Basilisk Fang’s reputation in the guild, he expected a little more diplomacy from them. Even though Ahote reminded himself of ‘manners’ and assured that they just needed a talk - perhaps something had pushed the male to get on even terms with their long archrival - he kind of… broke his own words into pieces before and after he spouted ‘manners’. Was that really all he could expect from them? Were they here to intimidate the Fairy Tail Wizards? Or had they actually something important to announce or hope to initiate with the local mercenaries?

    Unlike most of his guildmates, Mura stayed silent. Did they want to infuriate their own sworn enemies? That was a bad idea. Were they bored? That was too childish to think of. It only made sense that they actually had something beneficial to discuss with them, and Mura - for everything in this world - wanted to get to that point now. Ah… it was softer than expected. Ahote stated that they were here to try and transform the hatred between the guilds into a more stable relationship. It was true that their previous Guildmaster wasn’t here… it made it obvious that perhaps Ahote had taken the role of their new Guildmaster upon his arrival.

    “Basilisk Fang, girl,” he corrected the white-haired starlight maiden Nessa. His words were smoothly followed by Sorano’s sudden word show. Furnitures were flung towards a center, forming a round string that made up a circle where she then warned the venomous group about their lack of manners. Did Mura even have to say anything? His guild had it all under control, and despite the Basilisks having come here under their announced reasons and what lied concealed, nothing too bad would happen. That was why Mura kept an easy head and a cool smile, instead directing his focus towards the samurai ghost.

    “… What exactly is with you and that lady?”
    “S-She… just like D’gerik, she's my daughter-“
    “… I see.”


    Aven Alveron
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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Aven Alveron 28th June 2018, 3:42 pm

    Aven nodded his head as Sorano laid down the law. She was cool headed, their Guild Master, just what the situation needed. It took a moment of thinking while she spoke, but he began to see the benefit of the meeting. Sure, it wasn't ideal for Fairy Tail to consort with such entities as dark guilds, but this was actually a golden opportunity to show Basilisk Fang that Fairy Tail would not be intimidated. So perfect, in fact, that he wondered what the best course of action was to capitalize on it. Perhaps... the best way would be to do the opposite of what the Basilisk members had done when they arrived: act aloof.

    But how? Inspiration came in the form of two opportune coincidences: at that moment, Markus arrived with drinks, and the Kahoots music that had accompanied the confetti changed track to smooth salsa music. What else could be done? He looked straight back at the snake coiled around Ahote. "As a matter of fact, I will make it a battle," He took a step back, and threw his cane dramatically to the side as the music hit a beat, a silver circle attached to the orb on the top, which triggered as it hit the wall, causing it to make no noise or hurt the wall, simply floating to the ground harmlessly. The next beat saw Aven strike a pose, his legs spread while he pointed straight at the group. "A dance battle!" With a whirl, he expertly danced his way to the beat around them, making his way next to Nessa. He'd mastered various types of dancing in his youth, his parents convinced it was part of being a gentleman. On the down beat near the chorus, Aven paused in place, his hand held out to Nessa. "May I Bassawisk you away?"


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Aven_Sig
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 28th June 2018, 4:09 pm

    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Av22Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Av22Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Av22

    Nessa hadn’t quite figured out how much tension was surrounding her right now. But as Mura corrected her, she let out a coy laugh. ”Oops, my bad.” She said with a little shrug, hand raised to her mouth. She couldn’t imagine it being a major issue forgetting their guild name, it had been an honest mistake. She assumed like her guild mates they would take it lightly. She went quiet listening as Sorano gave the Basilisk Fang members her say on whatever it was, apparently they were being hostile. She spoke with an impressive well held dialect, holding the respectful air that her guild master was known for. Nessa always found herself awed by Sorano. Nessa glanced at the Basilisk fang members, taking a good look at their expressions, now it made sense. She had walked straight into a stand off.

    But as chairs were whisked away, and Marcus began making drinks. Nessa found the air changing, the beat of the music almost loosening things up. She smiled, she could tell what was going on and she liked it. She hurried over to a bartender who was now unsure what to do seeing as Marcus had temporarily taken his jobs. ”Bring out snacks and lots of them.” She told them, the bartender nodded before disappearing into the kitchen. She returned to where the fairies stood. ”If you do decide to ditch at least try one of our fairy cakes before you go; they are to die for!” She said to the Basilisk gang members hands on her hips, her tone full of confidence and sass. She had nothing to fear, she was surrounded by the best people she knew. They were going to enjoy themselves whether the dark guild liked it or not.

    It was then that Aven began to strut his stuff, suggesting a dance. He reached out his hand to Nesaa making a pun that made her snort with laughter. ”You certainly may!” She replied, taking his hand and allowing him to whisk her onto the floor. Spinning away the two began to do a rather well skilled and yet unrehearsed tango of sorts. They were well coordinated seeing as they hadn’t practiced together a day in their life.

    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Seb1Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Seb1Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] Seb1

    Note: posting here for the new post order that Ivy gave us. ^^ ps no hairy butts were harmed in the making of this post.


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] 60582_s


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Ahote 29th June 2018, 10:58 pm

    Ahote's face stretched with a wide smile in seeing the tension break in jolly dance. Of course, it was more out of shock than joy, but it was Ahote's mistake for expecting any more of them. It was as if the group sensed that things were getting too intense and that their foolishness would be an excellent solution to that problem. The standoffish Aven who was but arms away from what could've ended up at a brawl was now inviting men and women of both groups to indulge in the tips and taps of scuttling feet and wiggling arms. Yes, it was certainly the Fairy Tail Ahote had remembered so clearly, but all but few faces blurred in his memories now replaced with new ones.

    The young master shook his head with the awestruck simper as he stepped towards Sorano with folded arms over his belly, "There would be no need for that, so allow me to keep this brief." he started wistfully, his smile only broadening in pacing toward the petite Guildmaster, "As I said earlier, we're here to rekindle our relationship with you all. Truly, with both of our agendas, neither of us can afford to have such pains in the rear meddling with each others' plans, correct?" His voice was soft and eyes droopy, as if there were no longer blades kissing his neck. But despite his confidence, the raven-haired man found no true reason to oppose his proposition. Only fools would deny such a harmless offer for pride's sake. Ahote turned to face the larger crowd of wizards, "A ceasefire, of sorts. With how the Magic Council views you, it should be in your best interest to go about your business without any involvement in our plans. So, why ally ourselves with someone who would most likely not think twice about assisting us in our mission? But, why bicker with them either? This proposal keeps both of our best interests in mind. . ." he peered over his shoulder to the robotic, monotonous Sorano, ". . .the path of least resistance."

    Ahote's cheeks would light up a pinkish-blush tint after the honeyed words rolled off his tongue. It was a good, adrenalizing feeling to release such a weight from one's chest. It was liberating. Of course, they would still have to respond to his proposition and he truly did not expect much from them. Rejection, agreeance, it all mattered naught to the cynical Ahote, for he prepared for most things beforehand. It was the guaranteed success of he and his comrades that mattered, and nothing else.

    Gleefully, Ahote shuffled his way over to the idle Theo, taking his hand in both of his, "And, of course, to apologize for my idiotic predecessor, we wish nothing but a fair time with you all. . . we are famished from our travels, aren't we?" he turned to Theo, a twinkle in his eyes. Of course, he was no liar. His stomach rumbled admist the chaos that unfolded within the last few minutes, but so quietly that none could hear his bones shiver from its screeches. With the aloof Iris drinking on, and the ornery Ambrosia and Veronika coiled around him, it seemed that a meal was not too outlandish.



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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by ghðst 1st July 2018, 3:56 am


    ??? words @YOUOFCOURSE
    pls b gentle!  /SWEATS
    From the moment the door had opened to the eventual present of those now loitering into the building, scarce restraint kept him silent in the unnerving words that roused into the space. For a moment he had wondered if the travel had caused those of bitter resolve to relieve every irritable thought, as harsh as it was to be considered an attack.

    Verbally anyway-- those of his affiliation were not that senseless. At least he was hoping so with every passing second that turned from minute into minute. Theo glanced at the snobby creature upon the shoulders of his friend, the additional hiss of some sort of reptile coming into play. Clearly a scowl had formed as the company increased itself in those that crudely made themselves at home. He decided to remain as overlooked as possible in this current scenario, supporting himself against the nearby wall with wonder to how much daylight he'd been missing from outside. Already he was hungry for the warmth of the sun.

    However-- it wasn't as if he could drown out the conversation with what he'd longed for. The feeble girl that had been apparent for being the Master of this guild spoke sharply. Her voice as colorless and stale as a rock that would not budge from its place, though still retaining something of what he'd figured as a threat.

    Troubled, the golden pools glimpsed towards Ahote, dumbfounded over the restless smile that stretched out across his features. So often was this man gloomy, yet so often could he have averted himself to the display of a child. How he had found this mood enlightening was beyond the grasp of Theo. With such confidence it was enough to reveal that his friend had only expected this, and such was amused by the simplicity of it all. Even as a child, the captivating presence of the darker grouping was ruled by an individual that had always planned ahead.

    Theo watched onward, the furrow still persistent though a scarce arch within his brows. As much as he would've liked to know what it all meant. This guild and just what had befallen on the pair. In a past at which he had not been present in, for some reason part of him wondered if it would've been better than where he'd been before. At least, it might've held more freedom.

    Then again it was not everyday that children were given such an authority to rule over a faction, especially one that meddled in the dark. He did not know-- and he would not ask. It was unlikely of him to become nosy, yet the thoughts still teased his mind. Suddenly Ahote was drawn closer, the many eyes of the surrounding wizards had befallen upon his form. Something that had been wished to remain invisible for the majority.

    Barely larger hands overlapped a singular one, the warmth comforting but still uncertain in the attention. Muddled by the approach, he listened to his friend speak, deciding there was nothing wrong with his words. Especially in contrast to how so many had chosen to make a first impression. "Yeah," he'd mumble a bit awkwardly, the other free hand scratching at the nape of his neck, "Whatever you say..." though not entirely voicing himself in a respectable manner, he was considering a nap in the sunshine with the belief the others might have viewed the situation differently.


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by aeluri 5th July 2018, 1:08 pm

    Aeluri Atra

    Word Count: Social
    Tagged: Frens!
    Job: Social
    Mood: Cinnamon!

    How strange indeed these Fairy Tail mages seemed as their standoffish demeanor was forgotten upon the instigation of dance. The fluid, swirling movements of the two dancers was mesmerizing, a tapestry of motion woven by an intricate stepping pattern. Aeluri’s eyes followed the dance with curiosity, as she had never seen anything like it before.

    With the warmth of whiskey settled in her stomach and coursing through her veins, Aeluri felt she could finally relax. Though tensions had been high when they arrived, things seemed to be simmering down. The Fairy Tail mages had reprimanded her guildmates about “manners”, but that didn’t seem to faze anyone. If anything, it had settled the score.

    Ahote’s mention of food caused a rumble in the mage’s stomach, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since the morn. The long trek to Magnolia in the harsh sun had drained her energy. She turned to a nearby mage of the other guild, a boy with dark brown hair and eyes. A figure floated next to him, but she payed it no mind, thinking it was a spell or something.

    “What kinds of food do you serve in your guild hall?” she inquired, taking a sip of the drink in her hands. “I think something with cheese or chocolate might accompany this whiskey quite nicely. If you make anything with cinnamon, though, I may eat it all,” she added, a devilish smile crossing her face.

    Notes: None!
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] 60637_s

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am