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    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]


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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Epidemius 6th July 2018, 1:47 am

    It seemed most would ignore the epidemic waiting for happen in the room as if he did not exist, such a shame when he was likely the friendliest of the entire group that was in the office building at this current moment in time. Ah well! The man would still enjoy his time here even with there being only a singular person acknowledging his existence. A wave at the exceed that had smiled at him, the little Ambrosia that had gone on such a fun trip with him prior to this fun-filled event, would be all he could get in before the real party began!

    As Epidemius began to look for a place to seat himself, the seating would find his shins. The scrape against him would activate the automatic bacterial defenses that were upon him, the blast of disease and crud taking up a good part of the room even as he managed to fall into the chair that had caused the burst to happen in the first place. Ignoring an possible aftermath, the priest of plagues would pay attention to the confetti and music that would suddenly begin playing. "Ah! Marvelous! The festivities never cease around here it seems! What a great group for us to be trying to befriend on such a swell day!" The jovial being was simply ecstatic about the situation, even if someone might possibly be getting hurt or catching some kind of disease from him or anyone else that was here today. Nothing would be bringing his spirits down, never could and never would!


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 3RVd0fT

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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Alwe 13th July 2018, 5:26 pm

    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 SeriousInfantileCornsnake-size_restricted

    The large black snake shifted and tightened its coil as Ahote moved towards the Fairy Tail guildmaster. She listened quietly to the Basilisk Fang leader’s proposal for peace. What a dark guild, storming in and sassing out an independent guild, only to ask for peace. It seemed that this day would not feed the ravenous nightmare all that much. Nevertheless, it was at least fairly entertaining. The display of moving the furniture around by Sorano was certainly impressive, but it had little meaning to the dreamweaver

    The tango the Fairy Tail members had to offer, however, insulted the dreamweaver, who knew how to dance a much better tango with Ambrosia. These fools were not worthy of watching their own little cell block though, so the dream chose to keep her thoughts to herself. Only if the exceed brought it up, would she bother engaging the plebeians in showing them how a proper impromptu tango was done. “Snacks sound splendid!” The obsidian-scale snake lied through her fangs with a serpentine smile, coiling tighter around Ahote’s leg as she did so, and moving her way up his body to drape over his shoulders. “Epidemius, why don’t you help Fairy Tail serve them, hm?”

    Yes, the plaguebringer would contaminate the food, people would eat, and people would get sick. Then the misery and pain would bring out the absolute best in people, at least for the dreamweaver and for her own meal to come as a result of it~



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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Iris 14th July 2018, 4:59 pm

    If not for those pretty eyes of hers, Iris was convinced that he would have murdered Aeluri and had a wonderful time playing in her blood several times over by now. "I drink it how I want," he hissed, waving his knife that was rendered safe by the cork on it in her general direction, wanting to seem threatening but only half feeling it. The man quickly let it go, draining the glass she'd presented him before snatching a new bottle in defiance. Twisting the cap off, he started chugging it straight from the bottle out of spite. Snotty little gremlin.

    Being at the bar and all, Iris didn't have to worry about the runaway stools as much. He'd been standing in an open spot, so they just whooshed around him, though the music and confetti nearly gave him a heartattack. But hey! It was a sign of life in his boring as all get out guild hall. Who willingly chains their soul to an office building? What a group of people this must be. But at least one of them hadn't had the fun sucked from him yet, seeing as how he suggested a dance off. And now snacks were mentioned. This piqued his interest, edging him closer to the group, though not too close so not to be dragged into it. That, and getting too close to Epidemius was hazardous to the health. Just glancing at the man felt like getting pink eye in both eyes, which was the absolute worst. "You call that dancing?" he scoffed, already buzzed. He didn't have a lot of inhibitions as it was, but the ones he did have were dropping like flies. "This isn't a real party until someone gets out a karaoke machine. You guys have one, right?"


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 60728_s

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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by ivyleaf33 17th July 2018, 6:31 pm


    As the furniture clattered into place, finally managing to draw the attention of the dark mages, Markus brought the guildmasters drinks, keeping cool and casual as always. The letter mage would calmly accept, taking a sip of the fruity drink before looking back up at the Basilisk. She watched on dully as the man wasted the air about them with unnecessary words that served no apparent purpose to the emotionless youth. Even so, she let them run their course, before responding quietly. “A ceasefire is certainly in line with Fairy Tail’s current interests as well. However, we would have preferred such an effort have been done in a much more diplomatic manner. Your current behavior has shown itself to be crude and offensive, offering us no way to trust you on your word.”

    Opening her mouth to continue on, Sorano’s words would be interrupted by Aven and Nessa’s bold dance, swinging to a classier version of the Kahoot theme that seemed to increase in volume. It was certainly an interesting way to ease the tense atmosphere, but not one she could be distracted by at the moment. Instead, her fingers whirled through the air, a DJ table flashing into existence. It would play music based on what people requested, the disks and buttons flashing in shades of yellow and orange as it settled into the corner. However, the circle around the guildmasters and miscellaneous furniture would remain somewhat muted so anyone interested in negotiations could participate without distractions.

    …Or so she thought. Scanning around the room one last time to make sure everything was going somewhat smoothly, Sorano’s eyes narrowed at the inconspicuous figure of a darkly clad man sitting in the corner. He exuded an unusual aura of lightheartedness, but that was not what had caught the attention of the letter mage. An unusually dense patch of faint, barely-there color surrounded him – bacteria. Instantly, the letter mage stood up, calling out a phrase in a guttural tongue. A crowd of fairies, creatures that would appear as naught but blue orbs to the guests would spread instantly to each member of the guild. The auras didn’t seem to be exiting the guild hall, which was good, but there could be a great threat to any townspeople if he were to leave the premises.

    “…In fact, you’ve shown no sign at all of wanting peace or even a ceasefire. Is this not a blatant attack upon our guild? Please remove this guild member from our premises instantly, or there will be no further discussion.” Her voice grew harder with each word, eyes targeting the blissful man in the corner. “Spreading diseases around our guild is completely unacceptable. I am open to diplomatic discussions no matter the alignment, but this goes too far. Jeopardizing Fairy Tail members’ lives as well as Magnolian citizens will create no agreement.”

    Honestly, the Basilisks’ behavior was ridiculous to her. They came, and offered a ceasefire while also attacking them at the same time. Whether this was intentional or not, how could they have created such an atmosphere of tension and aggression? It would have seemed comedic had it not involved her own guild.

    \\ As I have mentioned before, FT does NOT want this to become a pvp thread, so if possible, please refrain from any physical fighting/indirect magical attacks from here onwards. Why? Mainly because we don't want to cause any drama. In addition, this was not meant to be a pvp thread in the first place, but more of a calm social. I myself was honestly surprised at some of the things that happened based on the original premise of the thread, so this is another clarification, in case people were at all uncertain or ignorant.

    Thank you, and feel free to contact me with any questions or complaints.

    0000 / 0000 WORDS


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Private Re: Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 31st July 2018, 1:17 pm

    OOC :: Posting with the permission of my fellow FT members.

    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 Seb1Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 Seb1Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 Seb1

    Nessa's body moved instinctively to the sounds around her, all those years of training actually paying off. Ballet lessons until the age of eleven, and then a modern dance afterschool club on for years after that. Despite her naturally oblivious and clumsy nature, dancing was the one of the few moments when Nessa actually looked graceful and poised, well that and when she was  fighting. Her body moving to a set of automatic commands, responding to the impressive moves Aven had provided her. Step, step, shuffle, step, step, step full change, arm out, body roll, arm in. All of the movement were articulated with precision and the pizzazz of a girl who truly loved to dance. She smiled playfully as Aven moved with her, his own dancing had surprised her, he clearly had been taught privately too. Their dancing bounced off each other with ease and delightful synchronicity.

    As the music began to change from that which would suit a tango, to a much more funkier and upbeat tune. Nessa spun, shimmying her shoulders excitedly as she began to sway her hips side to side. Running her hands back through her hair to push it out her face. It didn't matter what the Basilisk Fang lot thought at that moment, she and Aven were enjoying themselves. She genuinely could do this all night long. It was almost so much fun, that she barely noticed the sudden tension that began to fill the room once more. Her movements slowed as she eyed the serious expression on her guild masters face. Slowing to a complete stop as she listened to what she said. Her head turned to look over to the guy with the mask, it took a moment, but she sensed it to. The danger emanating from him, spreading it's way around the room. She looked back at Sorano, having grasped what she meant. She raised her hand to Aven, touching him lightly on the arm to stop, she stepped away closer to where her guild master sat.

    Nessa's mind raced as she tried to work out what was going on, the tension that had just started to slip out of the room was rebuilding once again. At risk of escalating to an even more dangerous and hostile peak. Nessa looked at her guild members, then scanned the faces of Basilisk Fang. The bar staff had walked in with trays of food, but stopped as they realised the party wasn't quite going the way they expected. Nessa felt a impulsion grow inside her, she wanted to do something, but what. She was only a novice member of Fairy Tail, she wasn't an ace. She shouldn't be stepping into such matters, and yet she couldn't help herself. She had to say something. She began to walk over to the Basilisk Fang guild master, eying him cautiously as she approached. He was admittedly quite an intimidating man, smooth as silk but clearly deadly. She offered him one of her politest smiles, before she began to talk, she didn't know if she was stepping above her place. But she wanted to help her guild master, to help her guildmates. She didn't like seeing them put in this uncomfortable situation. Even if it meant sacrificing her fun and not dancing with Aven anymore. She couldn't help the twinge of disappointment at that thought. Taking a breath, she held her hands out in a open gesture, as she began to talk softly to the guild master.

    "Honestly, I don't think anyone wants this to get out of hand. I think it's awesome that you guys wants a ceasefire, but you have to admit, trying to poison us isn't the best way to go about it." She glanced over at the masked man, "Even if it was an accident." She added, before looking back at Ahote. "You've come here to talk right, well how about this. If you can contain this disease that your guy has produced; great, we can talk, party a little, even have fun. However..." She turned away from the guild master, and began to make her way across the room.

    Her body began to glow with a bright white aura, her protega shield activated and protecting her as she stepped into the space that the plague guy was sitting in. She pulled over a chair and sat herself next to him. Raising her hand into the air, a sphere began to spreading from her palm, expanding further and further until it encased the two of them, as well as the plague that had slowly been spreading across the room in a dome of light. "If you can't, then I'll have to escort your friend here out of town. You guys may not have any loyalties here, but we really don't want to risk any of our village folk getting sick. "

    Nessa's Total Thread WC: 1679
    Submitted as solo C rank freeform


    Bad Blood! [Basilisk Fang/Fairy Tail] - Page 2 60582_s

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