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    Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 30th January 2024, 3:21 pm


    After what had been an excitable few days revolving around Ozorith and all of his bullshit, Mythal had almost been looking forward to getting back to all the issues with the war. Of course, that was before he had actually come back to his office and began dealing with the reports and planning, reminding him of the shit hole that they had found themselves in. It had been over two weeks since they’d had the surprising introduction to Ryori and the revelation that the Prime of Wrath had simply chosen to ignore Mythal’s warning. The Omen had returned to her hunt, while also taking time to meet with Vandrad, Cedric, Victoria and Saffron about their whole ‘Weave’ training. The whole thing went over Mythal’s head as far as he was concerned, way above his pay grade. Though there was the slightest desire to want to be involved, especially considering it would probably aid them against Shepard and Faera.

    But he had other duties and responsibilities that came first. The Director of the Rune Knights sat in his office, making his way through field reports and looking absolutely miserable while doing it. The stacks of paperwork on his desk were tall, almost cartoonishly raised over his desk. The Darkness Slayer looked exhausted as tired, crimson eyes scoured over the page in front of him. He was taking the information in while also somehow zoning out all at the same time.

    There was the unmistakable sound of air rushing, which only meant one thing. “Back from your walk about?” he asked without looking up.

    The Lightbringer himself, Lux, hovered just a few feet away, leaning back as if he was seated on a chair. “Y’know, there are so many pretty things in this world. Landmarks, natural creations. Then you mortals go and build a hotel on it and charge exorbitant prices to even look upon it. Bunch of savages,” the Seal complained as he leaned back further, shaking his head. “Almost makes you want to cry… or jump start the apocalypse.”

    “Yeah, yeah… you’ve been spittin’ that rhetoric for years now,” Mythal waved his hand dismissively at the Seal, seemingly amused at what had become a repetitive complaint. “Anything else interestin’ out there or just the failure of mortals in your oh so holy eyes.”

    “Eh, more of the same. It’s nice to be able to roam without looking like a freaky spirit though. It was exhausting to have to listen to people scream whenever I popped up. Plus I can actually touch things now. Mythal, I tried strudel for the first time. Actually put it in my mouth and tasted it. It was absolutely awful but I still was able to eat it and then spit it back out.”

    “How did you pay for said strudel?” Mythal asked, raising his head briefly to look up at Lux.

    The Seal blinked. “I never said it was my strudel.”

    The Darkness Slayer rolled his eyes, though there was a glimmer of amusement on his face as he wrote a few notes on the file he’d been boring through and then closed it. He tossed it up onto the pile that he had lovingly nicknamed the ‘shit that’s done for now’ pile.

    Lux slid over to look at the pile, frowning as he examined it and then Mythal. “Yikes, this looks even bigger than when I left. You and Seri really got a lot of shit going on with this whole war thing then?”

    “Unfortunately. It never ends. That’s not even counting all the shit that you missed while you were touring the countryside,” Mythal said, reaching up to rub his eyes with his palms.

    “Yeah, Quentin let me know. Benefit of both being attached to the Soul Stone, he can basically just beam information to me. Sounds like Vanny really stuck his foot in it. Also this Ryori chick sounds badass, though that whole Weave business sounds like fake news. Guess we’ll see once Vicky gets a chance to learn more.” Lux floated down to another pile of paper, picking one up almost like he wanted to inspect it. “How’s, uh… Aeron? I know all that shit went down on that ominously named island. Wish I’d gotten there to throw some punches myself.”

    “She’s alright. ‘Bout as well as she can be, all things considered. But she did manage to get some variation of her magic back, though I’d wished it had come through less brutal means. And with less bullshit.” Mythal really didn’t want to revisit that memory any time soon. He reached up to the next file on his ‘shit that needs to be looked at’ pile and pulled it down, flipping it open.

    “I feel like it would be easier to have all of this shit through, like, magical equipment. Like that device thing you have that calls people. The lacrimaphone, that’s it,” Lux said.

    “Some things are but Pergrande is a nation built completely on technology. We’d rather not give them the opportunity to test our magitech defensive measures if we can, especially on… reports…” Mythal clarified as he turned his gaze to the paper in front of him but his voice trailed off. His exhaustion seemed to melt away as he read the words in front of him. “Son of a…” he started to curse as he rose quickly, taking the paper in hand as he came around the desk and headed for the door.

    “Whoa, where’s the fire?” Lux asked, materializing fully in-body and chasing after the Darkness Slayer. Mythal was moving quick, heading out the door and down the hall to find Serilda. “Heya Seri, Mythal looks like he found some hot goss!” the Seal called out from behind Mythal.

    The Darkness Slayer handed the paper over to Serilda. “One of our scouts reported in from Desierto. Apparently the slave trade is picking up again in that town again, the one we visited and helped out with years ago. That’s a whole other issue itself but they said that they spotted someone matching the description of Wayland.” Wayland had been in the wind since the last iteration of the Rune Knights had come crashing down thanks to the attack of the Crimson Fang guild.

    He pointed at another name on the paper. “Vrandi Maccoi. Report says he’s Bladdi’s brother, picking up where the fat bastard left off and trying to make a mint during the war.” Bladdi had been the slaver that Mythal and Serilda had been sent to stop nearly six years ago, one of their first missions together. They hadn’t known it at the time but Kessicia had been one of the ones they’d freed from his control. “If he’s got Wayland… he doesn’t know the kind of information Wayland has. If he gets wind, there’s no telling how long before Pergrande comes calling. We have to go get him.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 30th January 2024, 5:57 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Much like Mythal, Serilda was in her office practically buried beneath reports. The world didn’t stop turning just because Ozorith was a prick, nor because his number one Omen turned out to be entirely different from what they had expected. It had taken some time for the two Rune Knight leaders to truly come down from the anger they’d harbored at the Prime of Wrath after he’d ordered an assassination on Vandrad and Cedric, but cooler heads had interceded, which surprisingly enough was the one who had attempted to kill them in the first place. Or at least, the one who had been instructed to do so. Ryori had sought the two Ark users out more out of her own curiosity than anything else and had decided to use her own judgment, sparing the men and offering to help make them stronger.

    The Voidwalker still wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about the other woman, but there was little she could do but accept the situation for what it was. Given what Cedric and Vandrad had told them of the fight after Ryori left the island, it was highly unlikely any of them stood a chance against her if she chose to fight with everything she had. If nothing else, she didn’t seem to have a reason to lie to them, and her dislike of Ozorith was genuine enough. The lot of them had a number of questions more to ask her, but her focus on hunting Shepard and sparing what free time she had to familiarize the others with the Weave left little room for further interviews. For now, the others seemed to trust her well enough, so Serilda had elected to take a step back until there was a more appropriate time to seek more information.

    On the plus side, it was more than just doom and gloom. The couple had decided enough was enough, and had finally started putting actual work on their wedding plans, which had been pushed off by a couple years at this point. She and Mythal hadn’t been in much of a hurry, but it was long past time to make good on their engagement, and there was no point in waiting for the world to get better. So they had set a date, booked a venue, sent out the invitations, and more. Despite everything, it was a welcome change of pace to be organizing it, a silver lining amidst the hubbub, and her excitement for it had been reinvigorated after so long of it being on the backburner.

    Her attention was pulled away from the folder in front of her at the sound of Lux’s voice calling out to her from the  hallway. Serilda frowned and looked up at the threshold. When had the Seal returned? But it did seem that Mythal was approaching at a fairly hurried pace. She was already closing the report and standing to her feet when her fiance entered the room, trailed by a very human looking Lux.

    “What’s the matter?” Serilda accepted the paper Mythal held out, glancing it over as he explained its contents. A scout in Desierto had passed through a town that the two Rune Knight leaders had liberated several years ago, which apparently had picked up slaving again. That news was certainly concerning, though perhaps not enough to explain why the Director had made all haste to get to her. That was, until he explained that they may have spotted Wayland in the area.

    The Voidwalker’s eyes went wide in surprise. “Wayland? They’re sure?” Already she was scouring the document, eager for any update on their wayward contact from before she and Mythal had been chosen to take over the Knights in the wake of the prior Field Marshal’s death. Following the guidance of his finger, she read the area where there was mention of someone by the name of Vrandi Maccoi, whom Myhthal said was a sibling to the psychopath they had fought, the one that Kessicia had been enslaved to. It seemed Vrandi was trying to follow in his brother’s footsteps, and Mythal was worried that Wayland was in trouble.

    Serilda scowled. It was a troubling situation, considering everything Wayland knew, especially considering that he had gone into hiding because of the information he had gotten his hands on. “Then let’s go get him. At the very least, we can offer him more protection now than we could have back when he disappeared.” The two of them had grown much since then, not just in their magics but in their influence. Even if Wayland felt he couldn’t return to Era or to the Council, they could at least give him safe haven in New Rhaegar if necessary.

    She handed the report back to Mythal and pressed the intercom on her desk. “Val, something’s come up. Mythal and I are going to go look into a lead from a report that requires urgent attention. Please notify General Hodgins of our departure. She’s in charge until we return.”

    “Yes, ma’am. I’ll see to it right away.”

    “Thank you.”

    Quickly, she locked up her office and secured the more confidential file. When that was done, Serilda turned back to Mythal and gave him a nod. “Ready when you are. Will you be joining us, Lux?” Her gaze flicked to the Seal. It had been a while since he’d shown his face, but there was no telling if he was planning to stick around or if he’d just been passing through.

    WORDS: 918 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 31st January 2024, 12:44 pm

    1281/2427 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Luckily Serilda was of the same mind as he was, agreeing to go and rescue Wayland from his seemingly perilously predicament. It was true that bringing him back to Era may cause complications, especially given that he’d had information that could have put the Magic Council in jeopardy. That would paint a target on his back and there was no guarantee that anywhere they could stash him in the country would keep him fully safe. However, they always had New Rhaegar. If he were to be taken to the new nation, he could plead for asylum and be placed under their protection, even from an ally like Fiore. It… would probably cause some early trust issues but there were arguments to be made that Wayland’s security trumped the necessity for him to return to his homeland.

    They would worry about that when they got to that part. Firstly, they needed to actually get to Desierto and free him from his enslavement. Mythal took the folder back and walked around Serilda’s desk to store it in a safe compartment as she spoke to Val and let her know they were leaving. With that all set and done, Serilda took one last moment to seal up the documents on her desk before turning her attention to Lux and asking if he was going to join them. “Saving slaves? Not my cup of tea. Nah, I’ll go back and make sure Mythal’s office is all locked and stuff. Plenty of reports in there that shouldn’t be snatched away by anyone, right?”

    “Thanks Lux,” Mythal offered the Seal with a nod before he turned to Serilda. “Ready.”

    Once the portal was open, they’d walk through to a town not dissimilar to how it looked years prior. Nothing had changed in its structure or design, still very much a lowly desert village surrounded by sand and not much else. The heat was tremendous, even in spite of the wintry season. But there was one particular aspect that they both would notice right away that was vastly different from the first time.

    “Where the hell is everyone?” Mythal asked, looking around. Indeed, the entirety of the town looked like its denizens had got up and left. There were no footprints in the sand, though with a passing breeze that could be easily hidden. The Darkness Slayer fidgeted with the handle on his belt, pulling it loose and arming himself with it. He turned to Serilda and nodded silently to her and then to the building nearest her. He, in turn, walked over to the closest building and knocked on the door. The hinges squealed lightly as the door swung inwards, unlocked and unbarred. The Director put his hand on the wooden slab and pushed it all the way in to find… a completely abandoned home. Quite literally in its name, as there were dishes on the table that had rotten food still present.

    Had Vrandi come and snatched up everyone? Finding his trail would be difficult but not impossible thanks to both he and Serilda’s abilities to track. He walked out of the house and towards Serilda when the loud thump of a door closing drew his attention down the way. It was a larger building, most likely the town elder’s home, and though it had almost completely come to rest, the sound had undoubtedly come from its closing. He glanced at Serilda and made his way towards the door carefully but quickly, flanking the street on the opposite side of the Voidwalker…

    Miles away, Ruman’s eyes opened from his meditation. “Shepard has them,” he said as he turned to look at Izrael.

    His compatriot rolled her eyes slightly. “No duh. That was as perfect a trap as anyone could devise. And they didn’t even call for help. Not a smart move.”

    Ruman nodded. “But undoubtedly, when that battle starts, the Omen will come quickly. She’ll sense Shepard’s magical energy.”

    “Then we know what we have to do, don’t we?” Izrael replied, snapping shut the book in front of her and pulling it under her arm.

    Back in the village, Mythal and Serilda would come upon an equally quiet home. The Darkness Slayer approached one side of the door and looked at her, giving her the nod to breach. Once she had, his whip would be out and ready to strike… at nothing. Once more the house was abandoned, in the exact same state as the rest of the structures.

    “You know, I was concerned that using Wayland would be too on the nose.”

    A voice spoke loudly from outside. Mythal raced out the door and came to a hard stop, his eyes widening as he looked upon the face of Branwen, standing nearly in the same spot that they’d arrived at. The former Rune Knight major stoically stood in place, arms behind his back, dressed down into a white button up shirt and black slacks. He looked like he’d just come home from a shift with the Knights. But there was a veritable aura about him that betrayed the friendly demeanor he had worn to placate any and all suspicion for years.

    “You…” Mythal growled viciously, his hand tightening on his weapons. “This was you?”

    Branwen nodded. “Imagine my surprise when I learned that I had been discovered. For years I’ve been operating with nary a concern, working for my Dark Mistress as she saw fit. Waiting patiently for your return and gently easing you in the direction we needed you to go. Of course, Archimedes opted to go into business for himself and, as a result, cost himself his position and us our Dark Lady’s rightful victory. Still, my cover remained and I continued my work. Testifying on both you and Serilda’s behalf to lead the new generation of Rune Knights. Crafting the reunion between you and your wayward father-figure. I even used my sway to have you both promoted to Gods of Ishgar. Step by step, you followed the paved path to where I needed you to be… until variables began to stack up. Your useless sister being saved from destruction by a traitor. That pompous prince from Bellum and his whore of a woman. Actions needed to be taken and I uncovered a spell that my Dark Mistress could use to complete her merger to her vessel.”

    Branwen raised his head slightly. “Then another failure. Though she reclaimed her lost power, we lost our advantage. And I, once more, had to pick up the slack where my brethren had failed to carry their responsibilities. I’d believed removing Gren Ragnos from the board would earn me an advantage… but it, instead, revealed me. An enigma I cannot understand. How was it that you and your gang of misfits were able to deduce my true personage?”

    “Why in the hell would I tell you anything?!” Mythal roared, taking an aggressive step forward. “You lied to me for years! I… I thought you were someone I could trust, someone I…” His anger swallowed his sadness in righteous wrath. “How long? Was there ever a goddamn Branwen to start?!”

    “Hm.” The Trumpet hummed in thought, glancing askance. “So all you’ve uncovered is that I was a plant and nothing more. How interesting.” Branwen cocked his head back to look at them again. “No, vessel. There is no Branwen and there never was. I have paraded as a mortal for these near four decades for the sole purpose of securing my Dark Mistress’ victory. Everything; my life as a Rune Knight, as a husband and a friend was all a lie.” For the first time in the meeting, he cracked a small, cold smile. “It was… quite amusing.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 2nd February 2024, 10:04 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Lux expressed his disinterest in liberating slaves, opting instead to stay behind and make sure Mythal’s office was properly secured. The fact that both Rune Knights merely accepted the arrangement without argument was a testament to how far their relationship with the Seal had come, that they trusted him enough to handle something like that. She nodded her appreciation even as Mythal thanked him. Then, when her fiance was ready to go, the pair opened up a portal and stepped into Desierto.

    While the town was familiar from their last visit so many years ago, it didn’t take more than a second of looking around to realize that something was very wrong. Even as Mythal remarked about why the place was so empty, a tingle of worry began to work its way up Serilda’s neck. Something was wrong, much more wrong than some low class demon hunting for slaves. Did someone beat them here to get to Wayland, she wondered? It was possible… but something in the back of her mind knew it wasn’t right, even if she had no conceivable logic as to why. This was a set up, pure and simple. The question was: by whom? Had the council finally finished dancing around with the two of them and decided to make a move?

    As Mythal moved toward one of the buildings to knock, Serilda kept her attention toward the rest of the town, eyeing it with a suspicious frown. She couldn’t sense anyone. Her Void abilities soaked through every building, but she found nothing that matched the shape of any humanoid figures, or anything at all that was living and breathing. The whole town was completely deserted.

    And yet a door snapped shut across the way, causing both of their attentions to turn toward the source of the noise. Her senses continued to tell her that no one was there, even as she focused her Void Sense on the building in question, but Serilda held no confidence in that stance. While it was very difficult to hide a physical presence from her magic, it wasn’t impossible. Her gaze flicked to meet Mythal’s in silent agreement before they both began to cautiously make their way in that direction, taking opposing positions from one another to cover as many angles of approach as possible.

    As they encroached on either side of the door, Serilda flexed her magic and the recently upgraded Moonlight appeared in her hand. The two shared another look, with Mythal deferring the initiative to her. Focusing on the door, she wrapped the Void around it and pushed violently, causing the barrier to fly entirely off its hinges into the rest of the home, even while the two of them leapt inside, branding their weapons… only to continue to find nothing.

    She wouldn’t even have time to wrestle with her confusion before the Void twisted some ways behind her, alerting her to the arrival of a new presence even as an all-too-familiar voice began to speak. Both Knights rushed back outside to find Branwen – Shepard – standing boldly in the middle of the square. He greeted them at a parade rest, his garb casual but militarian in appearance. And yet there was no smile on his face, no shred of the humanity he’d been faking every time they’d met with him prior to this. The mask was off, and at this point she could only conclude that the gloves were as well.

    Unfortunately, this was now an extremely precarious situation. Serilda was confident enough in her and Mythal’s abilities to believe that the two of them weren’t going to be pushovers, but several players, including both Ozorith and Ruzatz, had made it clear in no uncertain terms that Shepard was not to be taken lightly. She was willing if not eager to face him, but she was not naive enough to think they could handle him without backup. The question was how to go about getting it. If she openly attempted to reach out to anyone, Shepard was likely to stop her before she got very far.

    Indirectly it was, then.

    As Shepard took the time to summarize the series of events that had led them all to this point, Serilda tapped into the Void and made the subtlest of movements with it. Even if Shepard recognized that she had briefly used her magic, he would find no obvious result from her spellwork. At most, he would likely assume she had cast some type of buffering spell upon herself. Otherwise, she continued to sit back and listen, letting Mythal make the first interjection as the Trumpet inquired to know how they had managed to root out his identity.

    Well, he didn’t know about Ryori, then. Or at least, he wasn’t crediting her with the discovery. Mythal denied the man an answer, instead taking a moment to finally confront the man that he’d seen as family for nearly the entirety of his life, demanding to know if Branwen had ever been real or if it had always been Shepard from the start. His words seemed to spark an understanding in the Trumpet, who remarked his curiosity about how little they had truly uncovered, before finally informing Mythal that Branwen had always been a cover, a lie to hide and amuse himself while he worked to aid Faera’s conquest.

    Serilda’s gaze remained steady and unreadable as a pregnant silence fell between them. She could only assume that he was expecting some kind of reaction out of one or both of them, with her presumably being offended on Aster’s behalf about being used by him. Yet as the seconds ticked by without further talk, the Voidwalker merely raised an eyebrow as though she had been expecting him to say more.

    “Well, I guess he’s done monologuing,” she said, more to Mythal than to the Trumpet. Shifting into full noblewoman mode, Serilda scrutinized their opponent with dignified indifference. “It was all a lie, was it? I’m not so sure about that, Shepard. There’s certainly an argument to be made about dedication to one’s cover, but you hardly needed to do everything you did to craft a believable character. After all, plenty of men live comfortable lives as bachelors, so I can’t help but wonder who you’re really trying to convince, here. If you ask me, all this time spent outside of the direct corruption of Kingdom Darkness may have been having more of an effect on you than you bargained for; a subconscious re-connection with the virtue of which you and Faera used to embody.”

    It was Serilda’s turn to offer a small smile, the look no warmer than Shepard’s own, and just as smug. Then, her indifference returned and she continued. “Well, you have our attention. Very clever of you to pick this particular little corner of Desierto. There’s almost a poetry to it, considering this was the location of one of Mythal’s and my first jobs together, and arguably the birthplace of our affection for one another.” The Field Marshal glanced around almost fondly, even giving Mythal a soft smile before returning her gaze to the Trumpet with a sigh. “At this point I care very little for whatever you have to say about yourself and your actions. It changes nothing. If you want to reveal yourself and bring the fight to us without us wasting time and energy trying to track you down, far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’m all too happy to put you in the ground once and for all. All I want to know is this: After all this time slinking in the shadows and hiding your tracks like a coward, why step forward now?”

    WORDS: 1289/2207 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd February 2024, 7:29 pm

    1196/3623 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Branwen’s gaze shifted to Serilda mid-conversation, focusing on her with great interest. Once he had finished speaking his truth, remarking about the fact that he had created a fully fictional person, Serilda spoke up, remarking about his sudden conclusion of thought. Still his singular gaze remained on her as she attempted to pick apart his statement, questioning the dedication and depth he had put into creating Branwen. She insisted that he could have simply remained single, apart from a marriage that seemed pointless to partake in and asserted that perhaps he was trying to cement the lie more to himself than the two of them. She believed, or tried to lead him to think as much, that being apart from Kingdom Darkness may have allowed his former self to be freed of its toxic hold, returning, if partly, to the way he and Faera used to be before they entered the realm. The undercover Trumpet chuckled. “You have a point, however misguided it may be. Unlike my brother and sister, I do not find humanity disgusting -- a ‘virtue’ from my time before Kingdom Darkness that held on. I could have remained solitary but there were benefits to having an amorous partner, especially in terms of gaining favor among your Magic Council. Besides… humans make the strangest, most ridiculous faces in the midst of lovemaking. I was quite amused seeing it up close and personal with Aster and others.”

    Serilda continued, commenting on his chosen place to ambush them and complimenting his efforts. She regaled him with partial details of how the location had been a primary starting point to their relationship. “A fact I am wholly aware of and sought to create said poetic moment. This mission proved to be the foundation of your partnership and, as such, this place has a special feeling attached to it. It is truly a shame that its beautiful irony will have to be sullied, even to me.” Once more the Field Marshall spoke, casting aside any interest in his actions and words, as they meant nothing to her. As she saw it, his unfurling himself to them was a benefit in their court and she was going to be all-too-pleased to put him in the ground. The only thing she wished to know more about was why he had waited so long to step forward, after giving them the run around for so long.

    “Precisely for that reason. I’ve been led to believe that I have provided crumbs of evidence to my actions and was curious to what they were. After all, the actions and steps I have taken have been completely hidden.”

    “Not as completely as you think,” Mythal quipped. “Plenty of times we’ve been right on your heels, following pieces of your magic in different locations.”

    Branwen lifted his head slightly in interest. “Have you now? How very interesting. Most interesting indeed, as I have been here, in this village, for quite some time now. I have been preparing for you two ever since my attempted assassination of Gren. What breadcrumbs are you talking about?”

    Mythal’s brow twitched in concerned curiosity. Was this all an attempt to unseat their confidence, to make them question their actions before he attacked? The problem was, Branwen was ‘reading’ as truthful, genuinely interested in what they had been tracking before. His eyes shifted over to Serilda briefly before returning to the ‘major’s’. “None of ya business. You didn’t answer Serilda’s question. Why now?”

    Branwen sighed. “It was simply the time. Once I’d lost my advantage of tracking your actions, it fell to me to determine how to unset the foundation you have built with one another. The issue still arose of how you were able to discern my disguise but in the end, it didn’t much matter. I never intended to stab you in the back without revealing who I was. After all, I’ve spent a large majority of years observing the two of you. It wouldn’t have felt right to end you without a grand, spectacular finale. Say what you will about me but I do have a sense of honor.”

    “Whole lot of honor tryin’ to blow up Gren,” Mythal spat.

    “An action that still sits unwell with me. But there was no easy or direct path to a confrontation with him that wouldn’t have aroused the interest of my tracker. I was forced to split their attention on a gamble, one that came out in my favor.”

    “So says you.” Of course, once again, Mythal’s ability to discern the truth was telling him that everything he’d heard so far was spoken in earnest. He wasn’t entirely certain that wasn’t making him angrier over the matter. “What the hell is this advantage you keep talking about?”

    Branwen smiled once more. Gently he reached up to the eyepatch over his eye and pulled the leather patch off, tossing it aside. Beneath the cover, his other eye was revealed; filled with darkness, a pupil made up of glowing purple light. The very sight of it would create an uneasiness in the air, as if staring into the very eyes of… Faera herself. “I found an advantage to my Supremacy Eye after some time. It could connect to the bit of Faera’s magic that you stole, that you bound to yourself and made your own. Through it, I was able to see everything you saw, watch the world through your gaze. Every action, every private moment you ever had, they were mine to observe. So you see, I have seen you at your most vulnerable. Both of you.” Both eyes flicked to Serilda. “Strange, ridiculous faces indeed. And the reason I chose this place to bring your rebellion against my Dark Mistress to an end. This place, as you found yourself in the throes of passion with Miss Sinclair, is where you began your shift away from the darkness. I have brought you here to show you the error of that choice and slay the integer that inspired the silly notion of camaraderie.”

    Mythal bared his teeth angrily. He should have known it was something like that. It also made sense to how he knew so much up until the point they’d been forced to eject the stolen magic from Mythal’s body. His magic pulsed through his body and manifested Hopebringer in his hand, wielding the blade and whip together as he set his gaze on Branwen with killing intent. “Big words, tough guy. But you might be surprised at how hard we are to kill.”

    Branwen chuckled as he manifested two regular looking swords out of the air, two similar spadroons that he took into each hand with a calm grip. “I will not. I understand how strong the two of you are, perhaps even more than either of you are aware of. My Supremacy Eye can see the peak of your individual powers and neither of you are quite there yet. Unfortunately, you will not live to see that potential achieved.” He spread his legs slightly, barely a change from his previous, militaristic stance  but enough of a difference to show that he was now on guard. “Let us begin.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 4th February 2024, 1:49 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    At this point, whether or not the theories Serilda had made about Shepard were true was neither here nor there. All the Voidwalker was doing was biding her time and laying some clues. Despite this, the Trumpet conceded that there was possibly some fact in Serilda’s logic, if not entirely to the depths that the noblewoman had conjectured. Unlike his brethren, he didn’t share an outright hatred for humanity, and so admitted that there had been some perks to settling into the life of a mortal, including the lovemaking he had done with his wife, and “others”

    Serilda’s gaze narrowed dangerously, but otherwise she said nothing to that point, knowing that he was simply trying to get under her skin. Instead, she continued with her own thoughts, remarking on his choice of location. It seemed he had chosen this place because of its significance to her and Mythal, though he expressed disappointment in having to sully it with their confrontation. He admitted his surprise once more that they had been able to suss out who he really was, despite all his efforts to keep himself hidden, even claiming that he had been here in Deserito ever since his attempted assassination of Gren and Vriko.

    Well that made a few things more complicated and confusing… but those would be matters to sort out once all of this was over, assuming they survived. Again he pressed for an answer as to how they figured him out, and again Mythal told him to eat dirt, insisting instead that Shepard tell them why he had chosen now to face them. The answer, it seemed, was because previously he’d had a means of tracking them that had since been lost. Without that advantage, and with them now knowing who he was, he saw little reason in drawing things out, claiming that he’d always intended on facing them openly anyway.

    Mythal wasted no time calling him out on his supposed sense of honor when it came to Gren, which Shepard claimed to regret, if only because he knew he was being tracked and couldn’t confront Gren more directly without drawing the attention of others. Whether or not he knew it was Ryori tracking him was left unsaid, but his gamble, as he called it, had paid off.

    The Director insisted more clarification on how Shepard had been able to spy on them. It was then that Shepard pulled off the patch that covered his other eye, revealing an orb made of an unnerving purple light. Serilda’s hackles rose, though she forced herself to stare him down evenly as he explained that his so called ‘Supremacy Eye’ was able to tap into the bit of magic that Mythal had stolen from Faera. With it, Shepard had been able to view the world through Mythal’s eyes in live time. Serilda let out a disgusted scoff as he insinuated the very private moments he’d observed between the two of them. A few years ago she may have been rendered furious over such a notion, and likely would have turned red as a beet. However, given the place that Victoria and Lux held in their lives, and the fact that the Seals had done much the same style of observation for a while, she’d long since learned to cope with having her sexual privacy violated. She certainly didn’t like it, but neither would she lose her cool over it.

    Besides, she was far too busy turning the timeline over in her mind. If it was Mythal’s possession of Faera’s magic that allowed Shepard to spy upon them, then that means he would have lost that ability after the ritual. He would be aware of their connections to the Seals, of course, and possibly Vandrad’s connection to the Ark… but that last point would depend on whether or not Faera had recognized the magic Vandrad had been using during that fight, and been able to communicate it to Shepard. From what Serilda understood from Ruzatz and Agatha, it wasn’t a simple matter for Faera to speak with her minions outside of Kingdom Darkness. But outside of that…

    Serilda gave a thoughtful hum. “I think you’ve missed more than you realize,” she informed him coolly. Extending her other hand, the Voidwalker materialized Malice into her grip, a near perfect photonegative of Moonlight. When Algerone had upgraded both swords, he’d described the refurbished Malice as a weapon whose energy would instill even a god with fear and unease. She wasn’t sure how much truth such a statement carried, but she was eager to find out.

    Shifting her own stance, Serilda squared off against the Trumpet. Then, with a boost of speed from her magic, she burst forward to engage him directly, swinging both of her swords one after the other to meet his own. While she still expected him to be significantly more powerful than her, her hope was to keep him occupied enough that Mythal could find an opening to strike.

    Meanwhile, in another place on Earthland entirely, Ryori gently closed the phone that Mercury had given her, tucking it away. From the moment she had awoken that day, the Omen had known that something was off. Ryori had not startled her way out of her slumber, but had greeted the world with sharp alertness. She could feel the pull of the Weave as it called to her, coaxed a feeling of… steadiness within her. Patience. For what, she had no idea, but as long as she listened the Weave would reveal itself in time.

    And it had come in the form of receiving a phone call from Serilda. At first she had thought it a misdial, but a moment to simply listen and pay attention was all it took to realize she was overhearing a conversation between Serilda, Mythal, and Shepard. The Trumpet had sought them out, hoping to corner them alone, and putting them both in a position where it would be difficult, if not impossible, to call for help. Even Ryori would have been hard pressed to sense Shepard’s energy immediately from so far away. As it was, she wouldn’t be able to pinpoint their exact location until he started using more of his power, but Serilda had done enough to give the Omen a head start on where to look for them.

    She would get to the couple as quickly as she could, but they would have to hold their own for a bit first, something Ryori was confident they could do. Particularly with the gifts the two had received from the Forgemaster. First, she needed to make a detour. Closing her eyes, she reached out through the Weave, and when she found what she was looking for the Omen disappeared.

    WORDS: 1123/3330 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 6th February 2024, 4:53 pm

    862/4485 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    “Perhaps,” Branwen mused aloud as his eyes flickered over to the sudden appearance of a weapon he… hadn’t expected. He’d seen her weapons through Mythal’s eyes, felt the presence of their power but this was on a whole other scale. The blades had been reforged into something more powerful, something that rightfully offended him and infuriated him. He could only assume that her other weapon had been treated the same way, perhaps for the reverse polarity of immortal defiance. One quick look over with his Supremacy Eye and he was able to confirm his suspicions. He hummed curiously. “Impressive. With weapons like that and your magical strength, you could very well push Ruman and Izrael to their absolute limits. I may even have to consider using more than I first intended.” His gaze looked over at Mythal’s whip as well. Yes, it seemed that it, too, had been crafted with the same intent. There weren’t many that existed that were capable of crafting such weapons with finesse and quality.

    In fact, he could think of only two. And one of them had been in the wind for quite some time. Someone was keeping a secret and if he were to wager a guess, it would be Ruzatz. The Prime Sin of Lust was just as wily and cunning as his brethren with the kind of ‘charming’ personality that would attract the eccentric. He remained planted even as the Field Marshall used her magic to close the distance between them in the blink of an eye. With a quickness that should have been saved for a younger man, he was able to swing one sword between her strikes, blocking them and diverting them away from his body. Mythal took initiative right after Serilda, launching himself towards the opposite side of the false Rune Knight and snapped out with his whip. The opposing blade twisted and sliced upwards, deflecting the dangerous head of the whip skyward and away from him as well.

    With both Rune Knights now engaging him, Branwen began to move. He took slow, intended steps, backing up with grace while still moving his arms to block, almost as if they were of a mind of their own. His gaze remained on Serilda for several long beats before moving over to Mythal and then repeating, keeping keen attention on the both of them as Mythal continued to try and hit him with the whip and Serilda tried to slice him with her accursed swords. He took an extra step suddenly and deflected one of Serilda’s blows, knocking her sword out of its usual trajectory and into the bulbous head of Mythal’s whip. It would send the metal top back towards the Darkness Slayer, forcing him to snap the chain of it to pull it just out of range of hitting him. Snarling, Mythal brought the weapon back around and tried to swing it down in an arc.

    Branwen simply bent backwards to avoid it, though that did take him off his hardened guard against Serilda. As such, he leapt backwards, floating into the air before settling back down on the ground a few feet away. “I would advise you to use your magic if you want this battle to last longer than five minutes. Your weapons, while impressive, will only prove difficult if you pair them with your abilities.”

    “No one goddamn asked you!” Mythal snapped as he zipped forward, holstering the whip and swiping at the false Rune Knight with Hopebringer. Branwen stepped back and twirled, using one of his blades to catch the magic weapon and boost his spin away.

    “If you are worried about the citizens of this town, don’t. Their lives came to an end long before this day,” Branwen informed them. Taking a moment to crack his neck, he resumed his stance but with more intent. In a rush of movement, he came upon the Darkness Slayer, his Supremacy Eye flaring up with darklight as he swung at Mythal. The Darkness King blocked and twisted away from the attack, finding himself moved to beside Serilda. From there, Branwen turned the tide, his blades swinging back at them with more ferocity, more speed than before and putting them on the defensive.

    It was bad; he was swinging with far more killing intent than before. The Rune Knight Director sneered as he wrapped both of his hands around the handle of Hopebringer and brought it around to block one of Branwen’s attacks. Counting that Serilda had done something similar, Mythal twisted his blade around to pull the false Rune Knight’s guard open and then stepped aside. From his own shadow emerged a long cylinder of darkness, slamming into Branwen’s chest. Streaks of darkstarlight flashed momentarily around the barrel of the column before it erupted in a beam, launching the Trumpet up into the air. “Get him,” he told Serilda, knowing full well that her ability to fly and use her magic was far greater than his.

    In the meantime, more cannons of darkness emerged from around Mythal, warping his shadow as they shot out swirling streams of dark mauve light, chasing after Branwen while Serilda charged up at him.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 6th February 2024, 8:12 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Well, their new weapons had certainly gotten his attention. He didn’t look very pleased, that much was obvious by the way he studied Malice and then Moonlight, only to then shift his gaze to the whip that Mythal carried as though Branwen were only just noticing that all the weapons were much higher quality than what they’d previously wielded. The Trumpet complimented them, with a quick remark about how the two of them were likely to give Ruman and Izrael a run for their money. With no further comments necessary, Serilda rushed the angel and began the attack. She had no way of knowing if Ryori had answered her call or if the Omen was on her way or not. With any luck they could expect backup soon, but in the meantime they would have to assume they were on their own.

    He rebuffed her attacks with seemingly little effort, requiring only one sword to deflect both of hers. Serilda’s brows narrowed in irritation, but she kept on nonetheless, hoping to get a better idea of what exactly he was capable of and hopefully giving Mythal a chance to get in some strikes of his own. Yet when Mythal moved to flank, snapping out the tip of his whip, the Trumpet knocked it away with his free sword. Thus did he engage them, calmly and steadily fighting a battle on two fronts without giving much, if any, ground to either opponent. Serilda had always known this battle would be grueling, but she was steadily understanding this was only the tip of the iceberg.

    His extra step caught her off guard and she grunted as he kicked her sword away, knocking her out of her attack flow momentarily. By the time she regained herself, Serilda was already moving in with an attempt to capitalize on Shepard’s avoidance of Mythal’s whip, but the Trumped anticipated her. Her swords sliced through the air with a sharp whoosh as he leaped backward a few feet out of the way. In a chastising tone, he suggested that they start utilizing their magics should they wish to last as long as possible against him. Serilda ignored the comment even as Mythal more or less told him to shove it up his ass, her mind fast at work in trying to come up with a strategy.

    Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to give her much time to think. Branwen pressed his advantage, going on the attack and pushing the two of them back with far more ease than Serilda would have liked. She grit her teeth in a determined grimace and focused on keeping him back, waiting for an opening. Watching as his sword came bearing down on her, Serilda crossed her own blades above her head, catching his weapon between both of hers and bringing his attack to a brief halt. It was enough of a pause for Mythal to shoot a point blank blast of his shadow magic, thrusting the Trumpet up into the sky.

    No sooner had the words left Mythal’s lips than Serilda was already streaking through the air after Shepard while Mythal continued to launch magical blasts at him. At the last second, just before she was about to re-engage him, she instead stepped through the Void to disappear. Materializing behind and above him. With a deep breath she roared, and the energy of the Void burst violently from her mouth, swallowing the area in a dark miasma that was littered with spects of bright, golden stardust.

    Once that attack was done, she was already on to the next. An explosion of black frost swallowed the sky, tainting the air around Shepard with its demonic energy. Coating both of her swords with demonic black ice, she would once more leap in to engage him. This time, when their blades clashed, shards of her god slaying ice would shatter from each blow, so even if he managed to parry and block her strikes, bits of the ice would explode toward him like shrapnel at point blank range.

    WORDS: 673/4003 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 7th February 2024, 8:36 pm

    1239/5724 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Branwen was easily knocked into the sky, his body flipping over itself limply. He came to an abrupt stop several yards up, just barely managing to bring himself back to a forward-facing position before the streaking lights crashed into him, knocking him about. Now seemingly off his guard, he had no answer for when Serilda came surging towards him, barely able to witness her disappear. She reappeared above him and let out a powerful roar, the void slamming into him and pushing him down even as the area around him became dense with glowing stars. His head lifted up to look at Serilda as once again she brought a chance to the air, filling it with accursed demonic energy. He brought his sword up to block her attacks, committing himself to the same speed as before. Vicious, tearing shards of ice exploded into his face and torso with each heavy clash, ripping into his flesh painfully. And at the same time, the beams of darkstarlight crashed into his body around Serilda, rocking him from side to side even as he kept up his defense. From the looks of things, he was seemingly overwhelmed.

    But Branwen looked calm, despite half of his face being covered in his own blood and peppered with jagged ice shards. His defense looked to break at one moment and one of Serilda’s strikes would send him sailing down towards the ground. He twisted about to land in a half-kneel, causing the sand around him to heave out in a waving ripple. Mythal was already moving, nearly upon him and Hopebringer set and began to swing forward. In one swift motion, he would aim to decapitate the Trumpet and bring his time to a swift and brutal end. But just as the weapon came within a foot of connecting, some*thing* zipped into the Darkness Slayer’s vision, its arm swinging in and landing a punch into the Director’s stomach. Its strength was incredible, enough to knock Mythal back and out of range of Branwen. He slid on the sand before coming to a stop, his eyes snapping up to look at who had just intervened.

    Another one appeared behind Serilda and swiped at her before crashing down to the ground. The monsters stood at around six feet tall, made up of some kind of black and purple miasma that shimmered with each shift of their body. Pink ribbon-like material had solidified around its wrists and off of its head in intricate patterns, as if trying to imitate a flame. Empty yellow eyes stared at the affianced pair as dripping, red fangs gnashed and snarled at them. Their legs seemed to be covered in some kind of armor plating and their two toes looked as sharp as the oversized talons on their hands.

    A quick look around would show that it wasn’t just two. No, there were nearly two dozen of them. They were crawling out from behind the buildings, from under the dunes and moving together to surround Mythal and Serilda. Branwen cleared his throat as his injuries… started to heal. The ice shrapnel popped out of the pockets they had made in his flesh and fell to the ground as the holes closed up. “You may not recognize them after I bathed them in the impurity of Kingdom Darkness but the denizens of this town are pleased to see you again. I believe they might curse your names for not helping to save their people a second time.”

    The monsters roared in tandem and charged, splitting up to attack Mythal and Serilda evenly. The Darkness Slayer brought out his whip again and snapped it at the closest charging beast in one swift motion. The metal head ripped through the torso of his target and its body quickly began to morph disgustingly. A moment later it exploded in a bright and vibrant purple light. The others didn’t seem fazed as their comrade fell, charging in all the same and forcing Mythal on the defense as he weaved around claws and talons.

    “Your weapons are impressive, your magic as well,” Branwen narrated to them both as he watched the two battles. “I was honest when I said that you would be capable of bringing down my brethren. You may even intimidate Faera, if I’m being entirely earnest. But there are things about Kingdom Darkness that I know that even my Dark Mistress does not. You see, the others are granted a portion of Faera’s own power to use and develop as they see fit. While I, too, was treated to this gift, I was also bound to Kingdom Darkness itself. As Faera’s most trusted, I believed it only right that I share a part of the responsibility of watching over that hellish realm. In doing so, I connected myself to far more knowledge that even I could have anticipated.”

    “Of course, it wasn’t enough to prevent the corruption. The difference was I understood what was happening and allowed it to happen all the same. There are things beyond your wildest comprehension locked away from wandering eyes and I was unwilling to turn away from what further exploration would do to me. Did you know the legend of the Darkness King was not started by anyone in particular? It was spread because there are doors in Kingdom Darkness that are sealed and hidden, believed to be the armories of the one destined to rule Kingdom Darkness. With no name given, rumors circulated and so the myth began. Even I lacked the ability to pierce the doors and so they remained sealed.”

    “Until one day, several months back. One buckled. As if offended by some event occurring within its confines or perhaps even in this world of yours. The barrier bent and the smallest of cracks appeared and something came through. Something I could not explain but also suddenly understood. The power that lies underneath everyone’s belief, the engine that breathes all around us…”

    “And the counterforce that stands in opposition to it. The darkness in the light in the darkness. A paradoxical enigma that provided no name beyond… destruction.” As he finished speaking, one of his sword-holding hands lifted up in front of him. Darkness rippled out from around his hand… but suddenly there was light within it, pure, bright light. Looking at it felt wrong; like staring at something that wasn’t meant to exist and lacked explanation. The monsters that had been combating Mythal and Serilda, how many were left, suddenly froze in place, twitching and shaking violently. The dull yellow light in their eyes grew bright and, for a brief moment, there was a soul in their gaze again. As if the people that they once were had been restored. And then their bodies began to break down, turning gray and breaking into ashy fragments.

    The inexplicable power faded from Branwen’s hand even as the monsters continued to evaporate. “I have not mastered it enough to simply remove you two from existence. Only these creatures that are intrinsically linked to me. But understand this; it will fall under my control and when it does, then I will realize the legend of the Darkness King myself. My Dark Mistress’ greatest weapon.” He set his gaze on Mythal and Serilda once more. “Accept your defeat and I will end you both swiftly and painfully. There is nothing you can do to pose any kind of threat to me.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 8th February 2024, 2:59 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Well, they were finally able to start landing some real hits, which was nice. Serilda wasn’t expecting him to be a push over by any stretch of the word, but at this point she’d take what she could get. Every little bit helped. Yet despite the numerous attacks that hit home, Shepard didn’t seem too bothered by his injuries, as calm and collected as ever, even to someone as unflappable as Serilda usually was.

    One of her strikes landed hard enough to send him flying back down to the ground where Mythal was. Serilda remained hovered where she was in the air, allowing Mythal to take the lead in melee while she would focus on ranged, the couple effectively switching roles in the fight. However, before she could finish casting the spell she was brewing, the Trumpet changed tactics. Several bizarre looking creatures seemed to appear out of nowhere, flooding the battlefield and preventing Mythal from divorcing Branwen’s head from his shoulders. She felt a shift behind her but wasn’t quick enough to move out of the way as one such creature swiped at her, just barely able to get a sword up in front of the hit before it could slice her in two. With a grunt, she kicked it off of her where it fell down to the ground with the others, with the noblewoman landing on her feet beside Mythal. “What the hell..?”

    It was puzzling and distracting enough that Branwen would have plenty of time to shake off what little damage they had managed to do during the last exchange. As he explained, this was the fate that had befallen the villagers who had once called this town home, claiming they likely had an opinion about the fact that she and Mythal hadn’t been there to protect them this time around. Serilda scowled, annoyed but not infuriated. The Trumpet was ultimately to blame and his attempt to “speak” for his victims was unimpressive at least, particularly when she knew they could hardly expect to be responsible for the safekeeping of people outside of Fiore.

    The fight began anew and Serilda swiftly moved to focus on beating back the handful of creatures that were coming at her. She kept an idle ear toward Shepard, who seemed more interested in talking than fighting as he claimed that he held knowledge about Kingdom Darkness that not even Faera could boast. Talk about doors and prophecies and all other manner of bullshit that at this point she simply didn’t care about. At least, until he mentioned something about a “power” that lay beneath all else. Was he… speaking about the Weave?

    In a single move, he suddenly brought the creatures around them to a halt with an unnatural energy that was somehow both darkness and light. It was unnerving to witness, let alone comprehend, but there was little time to ask questions. For a brief moment the monsters seemed to have their humanity restored, with their souls if not their bodies, before they practically began to melt before the pair. Serilda’s jaw was set tight with anger at the display, knowing there was nothing she could do and hating Branwen for the disgusting act, even as he admitted he had not mastered the power he’d uncovered yet.

    There was a long silence after he bid them to submit to their defeat. Then, Serilda… chuckled. It was a relaxed sound, one without worry as she shook her head. “I hate to break it to you, Branwen... but once again, it seems you’ve a little catching up to do. How embarrassing.” She turned her gaze up to smirk at him with a knowing expression, all but taunting him with the fact that she seemed to have valuable knowledge about his discovery that he didn’t.

    “As to your ultimatum… honestly, it’s like you don’t know us at all.” She shifted back into a readied stance beside her fiance. “There’s nothing more painful than having to deal with your ceaseless yammering. But please, if you wish to continue underestimating us, be my guest.” Taking hold of both Moonlight and Malice with her magic, the swords hovered briefly before her until, with a touch of the Void, they unified into a single weapon with a flash of starlight. The Voidsword, as Alergone had dubbed it, rippled with an impossible combination of holy and unholy energies, its blade shimmering with darkness and starlight alike. Wrapping her fingers around the hilt with one hand, she pointed it up toward him. “It won’t change the fact that you’ll perish long before you have the chance to realize any of these lofty goals that are far beyond your reach.”

    It was time to step things up a notch. While Serilda trusted that help was on its way, there was no telling how quickly Ryori would be able to get to them, and until that time the pair would have to continue operating as though they were on their own. A tricky disadvantage, since Branwen was familiar with their magics and their attacks after watching them for so long… but being backed into a corner had a habit of forcing warriors to act on their feet and try new things in the midst of battle. And Serilda would do whatever it took for her and Mythal to live past the end of this battle, refusing to leave her daughters to live as orphans without them.

    Once more Serilda charged the Trumpet, clashing her empowered sword against his with renewed vigor. However, they would exchange only a few blows before suddenly her body would blur before appearing to burst into nothingness. Normally, Serilda used her Void magic to rearrange the particles in either her own body or that of another object to cause attacks to miss her, or other such applications. This time, she used it in a way she never had done before, spreading the atoms of her body so far apart that she would seem to no longer have a corporeal form that they could see, though her presence could certainly still be felt.

    With her command over her Void magic, she continued to direct her sword against him, the blade seemingly moving of its own volition to strike at him again and again. Meanwhile she encircled Branwen with the split molecules of her body, the atoms racing around him in a sphere. A chill would quickly pick up around him, the air filling with the demonic energy of her slayer skills as a black tornado of wind threatened to suck him up. Opening several small pockets of Void space, she directed her sword through them until it was repeatedly hurling toward the Trumpet at light speeds with intent to impale, only to hit another pocket of Void where it would be teleported to a new spot within the whirlwind and sent flying toward him once more.

    WORDS: 1148/5151 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 8th February 2024, 6:34 pm

    1205/6929 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Even Mythal looked a bit… surprised as Serilda’s chuckling, turning slightly to glance at her. Of course, he understood why she was. Branwen/Shepard had gone on a long tangent about the mysteries he had faced and the few answers he had uncovered, all of which weren’t that too mind boggling to the two of them. After all, it was clear that he had come to discover the existence of the Weave, the very thing that Ryori had informed them. The powerful, living power that lay in everything, just as Branwen had figured. He probably felt that he’d made some grand discovery that would amaze and confuse them which, if he’d done so only a few weeks ago, may have been the case. But now they’d become more informed than him and it seemed Serilda wanted to mock him with that fact.

    The Trumpet fixed his gaze on her, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. It was the first time he looked as if he’d truly felt something and it seemed annoyance was his choice of emotion. Silently he made a decision then, even as he remained stoic and calm while both Serilda and Mythal resumed fighting stances. She commented about how the only pain they were experiencing was his chattering and invited him to keep underestimating their chances. The Trumpet sighed as Serilda began to forge her blades together using her magic, creating a much more dangerous weapon. “If you insist on continuing to be recalcitrant, then so be it. I can’t say I’m all that surprised but I was feeling gracious.” He tightened his grip on his weapons as Serilda proudly declared their eventual victory, earning an amused snort from the Trumpet.

    “Take your grace and shove it up your ass!” Mythal was far less interested in using pretty words like his fiance. One, because he wasn’t altogether great with them. And two, because he didn’t feel like Branwen/Shepard had earned it. The Darkness Slayer tightened his own grip on his sword and activated all of the additional damaging spells on it, causing its glow to increase with vigor. The moment Serilda moved, he was right there with her, swinging Hopebringer at the Trumpet and clashing with one sword while the Voidwalker fought the other. But just as suddenly as he was outnumbered, Serilda was suddenly gone, disappearing into nothingness… yet her blade remained. For the first time, Branwen looked… visibly surprised. Even impressed. He was forced on his backfoot, having to move back defensively while his eye searched for her.

    His answer would come in the form of an invisible orb of chilled air wrapping around him. Mythal released his sword with one of his hands after a hard swing and brought it up, unleashing a bright flash of light directly at the Trumpet. He winced and instinctively took a backstep, temporary blinding washing over his gaze as Mythal pulled back. Once more he summoned cannons from his own shadow, unleashing spinning streams of darkstarlight as the Trumpet was caught up in Serilda’s twister. His body jerked hard as her sword zipped through portals, ripping through his body and leaving precise, bloody holes in his torso. “Impressive…” Branwen muttered, thoroughly moved by the combination attack by the engaged pair.

    “But just a bit too pesky.” Once more his Supremacy Eye lit up, darklight pouring out of the iris as Branwen stood tall again. He jabbed his swords into the sand and then snapped his hand up. Once again the same enigmatic magic coursed over his hand. Serilda would suddenly feel her atoms being forced back together. He slammed his hand shut and the Voidwalker would be whole once more, just in time for Branwen to catch her sword as it came surging at him once more by the handle. With a scrutinous, almost disgusted look, he tossed the sword at her feet as Mythal looked between his fiance and the Trumpet.

    “The hell did you do?!” He demanded to know.

    “Her Voidwalking magic is a nuisance. So I sealed it off, for the moment. You’re the Sword of Wrath, the vessel for the Seal of Conquest and you opt to use your Voidwalking…” Branwen chastised her, as the last of his wounds closed up.

    “Son of a…” Mythal hissed as he summoned cannons once more.

    “And you. Are you so dense that you didn’t listen to what I said? I am connected to Kingdom Darkness and, as such…” With a wave of his free hand, the cannons the Darkness Slayer had summoned suddenly turned and released their payload into Mythal’s chest. It knocked the Rune Knight Director back, sending him sailing in the air before he landed on his back in the sand. “Using it against me is like trying to drown a fish.” Branwen reached down and plucked his swords from the sand. “You are both impressive. But I only have so much patience and it is wearing thin.”

    “Oh my Lord, you are a talker, huh?” Branwen’s brows stitched together and he turned towards the source of the voice, only to be hit by a bright beam of light. It ripped him from the ground and sent him flying into the village elder’s building, crashing through the wall and causing the sandstone to crumble in and on top of him.

    Lux materialized above Mythal, shaking his head. “You know, you led me to believe this was a smash and grab, not putting up with some asshole obsessed with his own voice. That role is already filled, a-thank you very much,” the Lightbringer remarked, holding his hand down for Mythal.

    The Darkness King took it, hoisted to his feet by the Seal. “How did you…?”

    “Quentin sent out an SOS through the Soul Stone and linked me into what was happening,” Lux replied. He lifted his hand and snapped. A wave of glittering light surrounded both Serilda and Mythal, rejuvenating their magical stores and healing what injuries they had taken, though it didn’t lift the seal on Serilda. “So, who is this assmunch again?”

    “Shepard,” Mythal informed him.

    “Ahh, the big bad Trumpet that Ryori chick was looking for. Guess he finally decided to come out and play. Come to collect Faera’s vessel, huh? Sorry, this meatsuit is already reserved!” Lux called out. The rubble of the building shifted slightly, lifting up and then dropping down. From the wrecked entryway emerged Branwen once more, walking slowly out from the rubble. “What say we make this three way dance a fourway?” Lux said with a grin as he looked at Serilda and Mythal before shimmering out of existence as he fused back with Mythal.

    “I had wondered if your Seals would arrive anytime soon,” Branwen replied coolly, brushing off some sand from his sleeves with his wrists. “Ready for the next round?”

    “Won’t you just shut up!” Mythal snapped as he shoved his hands forward. From his palms emerged ribbons of light and dark that swept up into the air before slashing down towards the building and Branwen. The Trumpet leapt up and out of the way as the ‘whips’ tore through the remainder of the structure, his gaze as calm and stoic as he awaited the next volley of attacks.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 9th February 2024, 2:43 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    “You’re sure?”


    The two women stood on either side of a table, upon which a map of Desierto had been rolled out. Aster had her finger pointed to a spot on the parchment. “Desierto doesn’t have too many real towns, not any that are large enough to list on a map, but when I started hearing about the work Serilda and Mythal were doing together when they first got started, I made sure to keep up with their jobs. I also read nearly all of her mission reports from back then. I am sure this is where Bran– Shepard has them.”

    To say that Aster’s life had been thrown into turmoil the last year was putting it mildly. What had first started as a desperate search for a husband that had gone missing overnight fourteen months prior had eventually turned into a manhunt for answers and blood upon learning the truth of who he was. Ever since then, the former Rune Knight had been ceaselessly scouring the earth for any news or sign of Faera’s wayward agent, hellbent on not just keeping Shepard from hurting more people, but also on forcing him to confront her and the life he’d lived with her for the last several decades. She was hurt and confused, fighting back fear and the lingering sense of violation…

    …but mostly, she was just fucking pissed.

    “Alright. I should at least be able to get us close enough to sense them, and then we’ll move. Are you ready?”

    “I’ve been ready.” Making sure her sword was secured to her hip, the blonde turned to face Ryori with an even, if stern, expression. With a curt nod, Aster told her, “Let’s go.”

    And just like that, they were standing in the dunes of Desierto. Both women squinted in the bright sun as it glared across the sands, raising their hands to shield their eyes as they reached out with their senses. “There,” Ryori said, turning to face toward the east. “I can’t quite sense Shepard. He is cloaking himself, I assume. But I can sense Serilda and Mythal’s energies.”

    “Then they’re still alive, at least. Good. I expect no less.” Archangel or no, Aster would have been disappointed if the woman she’d personally trained had succumbed so quickly to a foe. “Do what you need to do, Omen, and we can finally finish this.”


    Aster glanced at Ryori, who seemed distracted. The Omen was looking out in the distance with a frown as if searching for something, but not in the direction where she had indicated the battle was. “What’s wrong?”

    “Shepard’s not alone. I can sense two other angels nearby.”


    “Maybe…” It was a reasonable conclusion to make, that two other Trumpets – presumably Ruman and Izrael – were waiting on retainer nearby to step in should their companion need assistance. Afterall, Faera had been like a dog with a bone when it came to Mythal and her obsession with getting her hands on her vessel. But something was giving her pause, a feeling from the Weave that something wasn’t quite what it seemed. Unfortunately, the Weave didn’t always paint a picture that was easily interpreted, so there was no way of knowing what she needed to be on the lookout for; just that she needed to keep her eyes and mind open. “Change of plan. You go on ahead. I’m going to do a little recon and catch up to you when I’m done.” If the individuals she sensed were there to be some form of backup for Shepard, then Ryori would simply deal with them now before the Trumpet had a chance to call on them.

    “Very well. Proceed.”

    Ryori finally turned to face Aster fully, who was standing ready at a parade rest with an expectant look. “You’re sure about this?” the Omen asked with an amount of gentleness that likely would have surprised anyone else that knew her. “Once I do this, that’s it. There’s no turning back.”

    “I am aware of the consequences, and have had plenty of time to consider them. My decision is made.”

    The two women held one another’s gazes for a brief moment more, Aster’s confident and determined, Ryori’s searching and… perhaps a bit reluctant. Finally, she nodded. “It’s your call. Give it everything you have, while you still can… and good luck.”

    “Thank you, Ryori.”

    Reaching out, the Omen placed her fingers on either side of Aster’s temples. “Animum aperi. Aeternum amplectere..!” The area around them exploded, or at least in a sense. There was no sound, no destruction, no mushroom cloud or light show. It was more of a burst of pressure that caused more of a spiritual shift in the world around them than a physical one. And then, Aster was gone.

    Meanwhile, at the heart of the battle, Serilda seemed to have successfully gotten under Shepard’s skin. It probably wasn’t a wise idea to antagonize the Trumpet, but she was long since caring about such matters when it came to Shepard. He had deceived and manipulated not just Mythal, not just Gren, but also Aster, for decades. The list of Shepard’s grievances nearly outweighed Faera’s as far as the Voidwalker was concerned. Faera was a bitch, but at least she had kept her confrontations with Mythal fairly honest. Shepard was an entirely different story. So yes, Serilda was going to sink to a slightly lower level of composure than she typically held herself to, and she was not going to feel sorry about it, either.

    Mythal was right there beside her, informing Shepard where he could shove his so called grace before the couple re-engaged the Trumpet once more. But before he could get too comfortable with the pattern of attack, Serilda atomized herself, leaving Shepard to fend against Mythal and her blade while she immersed herself in the molecules around them, bleeding her god slaying magic into the air and becoming a literal funnel of unholy energy around the Trumpet. It was so out of left field from her usual methods that Shepard was visibly surprised and thrown off guard as he scrambled to try and figure out where the hell she’d gone.

    It gave Mythal an opportunity to unleash an up close blast from his light magic, swallowing Branwen in a blinding flash before following it up with more shots from his darkness cannons. Between all that and Serilda’s own efforts it felt like they were finally starting to make a little headway. Which honestly should have been a sign that a turning of the tide was due. Before either of them could have a chance to react, Shepard’s strange eye lit up and Serilda found herself being shoved back together. In a snap her body reappeared and she gasped in shock, too surprised that he had been able to control her that way to even care about him catching the Void sword and dumping it at her feet. But it was more than that. He hadn’t just forced her back together, he had… cut off her access to the Void entirely.

    He proceeded to chastise her for using the Void when she had access to powers granted to her from more divine sources. Serilda gave a low growl of annoyance, baring her teeth at him. Having her Void magic sealed was bad. She had plenty of tools in her arsenal with her god slaying and blood magic powers, sure, but she had learned to adapt both of those to her Voidwalking, using her access to the Void to heighten her other abilities. It was also her main source of defense, the skill that allowed her to fly and teleport, to control objects telekinetically. He’d dealt her a serious blow.

    Reaching down to pick up her sword by hand, she could do nothing as Branwen turned Mythal’s cannons on the Darkness King; a reminder that he held just as much, if not more, control over darkness than Mythal did. Gripping her sword with both hands, Serilda sank into a ready stance and was about to begin a new attack, when Lux suddenly appeared. With a quip about how much Branwen liked to talk, he blasted him with light and sent the Trumpet flying. Serilda hurried over to regroup with the pair as Lux helped Mythal to his feet. “Your timing could not have been more spectacular,” she informed the Seal plainly, not even bothering to care if the compliment inflated his ego further or not.

    He explained how he’d discovered what had happened and used his powers to rejuvenate and heal the couple. It wouldn’t remove the block Shepard had put on her Void abilities, but at this point she’d take what she could get. While Mythal got Lux caught up, Serilda focused her mind outward. Victoria, I need you.

    What’s wrong?


    It was all she had to say. Victoria didn’t appear out in the open like Lux had, rather choosing to merge herself back into Serilda’s subconscious where she could quickly read the Voidwalker’s memories to figure out what happened. The seal swore inside Serilda’s mind. Why didn’t you summon me sooner?

    Honestly been a little busy, Vic. You can scold me later.

    The shifting of rubble drew their attention back to where Shepard had been buried, the Trumpet calmly approaching once more, much to Lux’s excitement. “We just need to hold him back a little longer,” she told Mythal softly, and by extension Lux and Victoria. While she gave no further details, it should have been more than enough for Mythal to figure out that Serilda had something cooking.

    Her fiance barely gave Branwen the time of day, retorting to the Trumpet’s comment about starting the next round with two streaks of darkness and light that annihilated the crumbled building behind Shepard as he leapt out of the way. He wanted the Sword of Wrath, the Seal of Conquest? Then fine. That’s exactly what she would give him.

    Or at least, that’s what she would have given him. But before any of them could make a move, a sensation washed over her, and presumably everyone else, like some sort of inexplicable pressure had exploded far out in the distance, many miles off. Serilda narrowed her eyes in the direction of the disturbance, trying to figure out what exactly she had felt… and then she smirked. “I think the cavalry's here,” she told Mythal, though her voice wasn’t so quiet that Shepard wouldn’t be able to overhear her. The noblewoman turned to look back at the Trumpet once more. “I hope you don’t mind, but while you were busy talking our ears off earlier I decided to phone a friend. Someone who’s been looking for you for quite some time.”

    Serilda adjusted her grip on her sword, sinking into a renewed stance with the confident smile of someone that was about to pull the rug out from under her opponent’s feet. And yet, it would be entirely her own shock when the figure that suddenly popped into existence before them was not the one she’d been expecting. Aster appeared without warning before them, her back to the two Rune Knights as she faced off against the man that she’d married with a hard stare. She stood still as a stone, unmoving and unbending, her long blonde hair flipping this way and that in the breeze. Much like Shepard, she wore a simple attire that had a military flare to it, crisp and pressed blue pants with a plain black top, and a blue fur-lined coat. Everything about her posture suggested an easiness and calm about the situation – everything except for her eyes.

    The Voidwalker openly balked. “Aster?!” This wasn’t who she had called!

    “Pick your jaw off the floor, Sinclair. It’s unbecoming.”

    Serilda, for once, ignored the order. “How did you…” This wasn’t good. Even if Aster wasn’t in league with Shepard, which seemed likely at this point, the former Rune Knight was not prepared for this level of combat. Aster was strong, but Serilda knew for a fact that she wouldn’t stand a chance against the Trumpet, and no amount of righteous rage of a woman scorned was going to change that.

    “Your friend will be along in a minute. And if she’s very lucky, I will leave her some scraps.”

    Speechless, all Serilda could do was watch as her mentor reached up and carefully removed her jacket, allowing it to fall to the ground. “Here’s how this is going to work,” Aster informed the Trumpet. “I’m going to pick you apart piece by piece... Your body, your soul, your mind… Until I am satisfied as to whether or not I still have a husband knocking around in there somewhere. If you truly have been lying to me from the start about who and what you are, then I will simply kill you. If I find any evidence at all that the man I married is a different individual than the one standing before me, I will remove you from his body by force and tear your soul to shreds until there’s nothing left to send back to Kingdom Darkness.”

    Slowly, she withdrew her sword from its scabbard and pointed it right at Shepard with a dark and dangerous look. “And then we’ll see what kind of ‘ridiculous face’ you make.”

    A pressure built around her, not unlike the sensation from before, though none would feel it stronger than Shepard. In the blink of an eye, he would find himself under attack, but his body was not the target. It would feel like someone was clawing through his mind and spirit with a red hot poker, searching his thoughts and his memories, demanding answers.

    Several miles away, Ryori appeared in the area where she had felt the other presences. Her gaze narrowed on Ruman and Izrael in suspicion, if not necessarily surprise. “And here I thought I’d only get to break one of Faera’s toys, today.” Despite what her words would otherwise suggest, there was no taunt in her tone, nor any overt sense of pleasure for the battle to come. This was business for her – duty – and nothing more. “Whatever you two and Shepard have planned, it ends now.” Reaching up to her shoulder, she wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the blade strapped to her back.

    WORDS: 2393/7544 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 10th February 2024, 4:59 pm

    1328/8257 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    The Trumpet of Destruction still seemed to be toying with the pair, now made four. Though he couldn’t see the change in Serilda, he had assumed from the beginning that her Seal was residing within her actively. He knew enough about Lux that it seemed he only appeared sparingly and usually with great regret to his interest. Still, the Lightbringer seemed far more cozy with the Rune Knights than he had last gotten a chance to witness, a gap of knowledge that was annoying but not devastating. Unless the two of them were still holding back some deeper font of power, he was sure that he would be able to wear them down, if only for his own amusement. Yet before he could begin the next step to his counter against Mythal, a large magical reaction came into existence some distance away, though still well within a reachable distance of their battle. His head turned slightly to look in its direction, his simmering Supremacy Eye staring beyond the limits of man.

    Likewise, Mythal was also able to view far enough to sense the disturbance at far greater potency. Whatever it was, it wasn’t connected to Kingdom Darkness, which meant only one thing. His fiance’s remark about holding out had been a tip off to her true intentions; sending a signal to Ryori to bring her into the mix. What was looking like a really shitty situation was suddenly looking better. He pulled the whips of mixed elements back towards him, allowing them to hover on either side of him like floating eels as the Voidwalker openly mocked Branwen’s new situation. It seemed while he had monologued, Serilda had taken the opportunity to send out an SOS, effectively turning the battle in their favor once the Omen arrived. Branwen remained firmly stern as he hovered in the air, his gaze slowly moving back towards the pair of Rune Knights. It almost seemed like he was watching something approaching, which it seemed was exactly the case when a new figure appeared where his eyes came to rest.

    Yet it was not Ryori, that much was clear. Mythal stared with wide, shocked eyes at the back of Aster’s head. Why was she here? How was she here? Serilda voiced her surprise, which was met with cold dismissal of the shock and demand that she find her usual nature. Husband and wife found one another, as the former greeted her. “Aster…” he said slowly, a hint of surprise in his tone. She did not share the pleasantries, informing Serilda that her ‘friend’ would arrive momentarily and would most likely only find Branwen’s remains. Then her words were directed at him, letting him know exactly what she planned to do to him, providing a visceral image of what a woman scorned was wont to do. As she saw it, if Branwen was inside, she would find him and save him, punishing the Trumpet for his transgressions. If it was true that there had never been a man in the first place, then his life would be brought to a swift and brutal end.

    Branwen’s head shifted just slightly as her sword emerged from its sheath and pointed directly at him, staring down the barrel of the blade. “Make your move then,” he said coldly. Of course she did, something she would have done even if he had not invited it. But it was not in the manner that he expected. His eyes bulged open as he internally was suddenly assaulted. An invasion of his mind and, for the first time since the battle had begun, Branwen looked truly hurt and shocked. And into the depths of his mind, Aster would be able to dive in. What she would find, however, was pure darkness. A void of light that stretched beyond the scope of imagination. Yet it was not without substance, as the seconds ticked by, pathways would emerge, made up of a grayish substance not dissimilar to dirt. And there would memories appear; fully playing captures of moments in his life, assigned in descending history from the moment he’d set his eyes on her on Desierto. Many interesting moments that she would most likely find interesting but were not pertinent to her search.

    There was one path that split off from the rest and descended down. In fact, the trail seemed almost a slide and began to fray and fracture the further down it went. Somehow, the darkness it was leading to was covered in an even deeper pitch than everything else. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t get very far before a presence appeared all around her. A truly decrepit, corruptive power that surged in from all sides. It did not seek to cast her out and push her away; in fact, it tried to turn the polarity of her magic against her. It was trying to take control, to throw its presence, its influence, back into her mind.

    But before it could make any true headway in doing so, several glowing green triangles materialized around her vision, pushing back against the corruption. A glance askance would reveal a man in a suit, a long red cape attached at the shoulders and a glowing, green glass helmet upon his head. He would turn to her and nod. “It seems you’ve found something,” he said as he summoned more glowing glyphs, creating a stronger barrier. “Not a memory but… some kind of spell I’ve never seen before. No, it’s…” There was a moment of contemplative silence before he spoke again. “It’s a portal. A doorway. There’s something about it that’s troubling.” He looked around, seemingly watching the invisible force pressing in against his barrier. “You must retreat now. I cannot keep his power at bay for much longer and if he gets ahold of you, he’ll have a direct line to your soul.”

    Back in the real world, Ruman and Izrael had taken up their place and remained there, despite the battle raging close enough for them to hear. They stood beside one another in silence, staring in the direction of the fight almost as if they could observe it. Their momentary peace was shattered by the arrival of Ryori, materializing in front of them seemingly without effort of giveaway. “By the Darkness, you are remarkable,” Ruman complimented her in earnest, even as she outright threatened their lives.

    Izrael snorted in anxiousness as the Omen began to reach for her blade, her nerves lighting up like wildfire. Instinct pressed her to reach for her tome but Ruman seemed to sense her concern and looked over at her with soft, encouraging eyes. Then he turned his gaze back to her. “Would you find it impossible to believe that we have nothing planned with Shepard?” he put forth. Of course he knew simply asking the question wasn’t going to be enough to give her pause. “If we’d worked out a plan with Shepard, we would already be at his side and the battle most likely over. Yet we chose to remain here, disguised to the Trumpet of Destruction, in hopes that we would encounter you. After all, it was us that replayed the memory of our meeting with Shepard so that one of Ozorith’s spies could discover his ruse.”

    Ruman nodded in the direction of the battle. “Undoubtedly, you would turn that battle in favor of this realm and would destroy Shepard. But in that event, Branwen would be lost. Though we know it is a large, nearly impossible task, we beg that you remain here and observe the battle. You are strong but we firmly believe it falls on Lady Serilda Sinclair and the Darkness King to rescue the man hidden in the dark. Simply because it is not a matter of his body being taken over…”

    “His soul is imprisoned in Kingdom Darkness. And Mythal Ragnos is the only one that can slip through the portal and retrieve it, thereby separating the man from the monster.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 10th February 2024, 8:52 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Ruman’s compliment fell on deaf ears, the Omen unmoved by his words of praise. Her gaze flicked briefly to Izrael. Even without her fidgeting, she could feel the Trumpet’s fear as Ryori reached up to palm her weapon. Yet as she started to pull the blade free she paused as Ruman met her eyes after quietly calming his companion before. Her mismatched gaze narrowed on him sharply in disbelief... But she drew her sword out no further, at least for the moment, though it remained held in her grip. “I would find it highly unlikely,” she informed him. And yet she waited expectantly, giving him a chance to state his case.

    And what a case it was. All she could do was give him an incredulous stare as he claimed that if they had been allied with Shepard over this battle, then they would have been beside him already. Instead, they had cloaked themselves from their companion’s notice and waited, hoping to draw Ryori to them first. In fact, they were the reason she had been able to see the memory of their meeting with Shepard that had revealed his disguise to her. A bold declaration if there ever was one, but Ryori allowed him to continue.

    Ruman was sure that her presence would turn the tide of the fight and in all likelihood Shepard would be killed, but it would come at the cost of Branwen’s life. Ryori’s brow twitched. The big question from the start of all this was whether or not Branwen had been Shepard from the start, or if the archangel had inhabited and stolen the body of a mortal man that was still buried deep within the darkness. It was part of the reason that Ryori had planned to be present for the fight, so she could help Aster ferret out the truth, and here was Ruman fully confirming that there was an innocent soul at stake, one he felt would be lost if Ryori took part in the fight.

    “A grand tale,” was her only response when he finished, though the breath of silence that followed was pregnant with consideration. Her eyes continued to scrutinize them like she could see through to their souls, her expression neutral, if steely, in its study. Nostrils flaring, she released a deep sigh through her nose. “But one I find no deceit in.”

    Somewhat reluctantly, she released her grip on her sword and allowed the blade to remain at her back, her arms instead coming up to cross themselves over her chest. “You ask much of me, Trumpet. I presume you understand I am under orders by Ozorith to eliminate Shepard, which means you are asking me to defy his command.” While Serilda, Mythal, and the others were aware that Ryori didn’t have any true allegiance to Wrath, the pantheon at large was under the illusion that Ozorith pulled her strings. As such, their request for her to stay out of the fight was, as far as they were aware, asking her to be insubordinate. “Likewise, for all of this to be true, the two of you would be acting in betrayal of Faera. A dangerous decision. Explain.”

    Much like Serilda, Aster was probably one of the last people that Shepard had expecting to join the battle. Not that the woman held no stake in the fight, as she certainly did, but because her power in comparison to the other players was like the flame of a birthday candle against a raging inferno. Aster was strong for a mortal, and certainly had enough discipline and training to carry her far beyond her limits, but her limits were still numerous. Her water make magic would be all but useless in a fight of this scale, and everyone present would know that, especially the man that had been masquerading as her husband for so long. Shepard knew the ins and outs of her abilities like the back of his hand, at this point, putting her at a further disadvantage.

    And yet she stared him down all the same, declaring her intentions in no uncertain terms without a hint of apprehension or doubt. And to his credit, Shepard chose not to mock her. Whether that was because he saw her as a threat or because he had grown fond enough of her during their time together that he held no desire to belittle her was anyone’s guess, though it meant nothing to Aster either way. He merely invited her to shoot her shot.

    But he was not prepared for the shot she took. As the Trumpet writhed in agony and shock, the first such genuine display he’d shown since the start of the battle, Serilda could only watch in awe and horror, completely baffled as to what her mentor was doing. “What the..” It was so shocking that the Voidwalker simply didn’t know what to do, as if suddenly wondering if any attempts she made would only put herself in Aster’s way.

    Meanwhile, Aster dove right into the Trumpet’s mind, finding herself in an inky pit of darkness so thick that it threatened to suck her in like mud. She wrapped herself in a protective layer of energy, watching as pathways formed before her, each of them leading to memories that became older the further away from her the path lead. Knowing that the information she sought would be buried deep, the former Rune Knight ignored the distractions around her and instead fixated on the path that looked as though it had been decaying for quite some time, one that led so far down that it might threaten to drown her.

    Something within her told her it was the path she was looking for, and Ryori had told her to trust her instincts. As such, Aster didn’t hesitate to throw herself down the trail, racing as quickly into the black as she could. Before she could reach the end, however, she was brought to a halt by a perverse energy that sought to envelop itself around her. Aster could feel its intent, its desire to pull her in and take control of her, to spread its corruption beyond Branwen and into herself. It was certainly welcome to try.

    Just as she was getting ready to mount a defense, a new development put her on high alert as a number of green triangles appeared, pushing the darkness back from her. Along with the strange energy came an even more strange man whose face was shrouded by a smoke filled helmet of glass. Aster faced off against him defiantly, ready to fight, but he made no move against her. If anything, he seemed more interested in what she had discovered. After a moment of conjecture, he determined that it was some kind of doorway, one that made him uneasy.

    Despite the fact that she had no idea who this man was, and thus had no reason to trust him, once more she could feel an almost guiding hand telling her that he was not her enemy. “A portal… to Kingdom Darkness?” the blonde asked, turning her attention back to her surroundings and examining them with her unexpected companion. Aster only returned her gaze to him when he insisted that she needed to leave, claiming that he could only hold the power back for so long, and if it got to her it would seep directly into her soul. “A tougher feat than it might think,” she informed him stubbornly.

    “...But a risk that should only be taken if absolutely necessary, I suppose.” She would be no good to Branwen if she got killed – or worse – presuming that there was a Branwen to save. Aster wasn’t convinced one way or another on that just yet, equal parts unwilling to grasp in a false hope as she was to accept Shepard’s word as truth just because he said it was. “Fine. But if I cannot find what I’m looking for elsewhere, I will be back.” It was less a threat to the man and more one to the darkness surrounding her. Giving the stranger a curt nod, she withdrew herself from Shepard’s mind and retreated back into her own.

    Despite being shorter than the Trumpet, Aster practically looked down her nose at him in disgust while he recovered from her invasion. “You are a lot of things, but I hardly took you for a slob. Your mind is as well kept as a sewer… but I will have the answers I seek, even if I have to thrash them from you.” With the smallest flex of her hand to renew the grip on her sword, she lurched directly toward him in the sky, despite the fact that she had never been able to fly before now, with a speed that far surpassed anything she should have been capable of. As her sword danced and jabbed and sliced, Shepard would find that somehow, impossibly, Aster was moving with the agility and strength that was more fitting of a divine being, on par with what he would find had he been up against another Trumpet or an Omen.

    Serilda was feeling more and more useless and confused, but her frustration only served to fuel her determination. With a growl, she thrust her sword in the sky and opened up the depths of her god slaying powers as a massive rune several hundred meters wide filled the sky above the battlefield. As it began to spin, a violent snowstorm churned around them, swallowing the town and beyond in a mixture of black snow and thick black hail. The temperature plummeted to below freezing, though Mythal and Aster would be spared from its effects. If nothing else, the constant battering of unholy energy would help slow Shepard down and distract him. Refusing to be left on the sidelines, however, a great set of white feathered wings stained with blood – Victoria’s wings – burst from between her shoulder blades. With a great flap, she thrust herself into the sky after them to join the fray once more.

    WORDS: 1680/9224 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 11th February 2024, 1:49 pm

    1503/9760 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    It seemed, for the moment, Ruman had provided a stay of execution for himself and Izrael. Though Ryori was legendarily known for her staunch dislike of… well, most things, she’d never given anyone reason to believe she wasn’t reasonable or, at the very least, willing to hear out words before making a decision. She still held her blade but she did not pull it out any further, allowing the Trumpet to explain the situation, as outrageous as it was. He understood how much of a task it was to believe but spoke unburdened with concern over the matter. The truth coming out was more important than anything else, save for perhaps the battle that was raging nearby. Of course, she was quick to convey how palatial the tale was, seeming to lean towards the idea that it was just a bit too well crafted to believe. But after a tense moment, she admitted she couldn’t sense deceit and relaxed, allowing herself to let go of the sword and cross her arms in front of her chest.

    She was quick to make it known that by requesting her to hold back, they were asking her to ignore a direct order from Ozorith to take out the Trumpet. Ruman nodded softly. “Not defiance, but delay. The act of separating Branwen and Shepard is not a simple one but it is achievable and the result will be a wholly unguarded enemy that you can smote. I’ll be the first to admit that he will be far weaker than he is now and unlikely to be much of a challenge but you will still be able to complete your task.” Ruman knew little about Ryori’s dedication to OZorith and his realm but there was one thing he did know about her; she did enjoy a challenge. So he sought to warn and apologize ahead of time for the missed opportunity. With that explained, Ryori turned her attention to the rebellion that the two of them were seemingly enacting, demanding an explanation for their actions.

    Ruman glanced over at Izrael briefly before turning his gaze back to the Omen. “Our allegiance is to Faera; the one that selflessly offered herself to stand steward in Kingdom Darkness. The Absolute Divine of Love, not this twisted, mutated creature that now rages in the gloom. You know as well as we do that she is nothing even a shadow of what she once was but an abomination. An awareness that we were blind to until Mythal Ragnos embraced his connection to Kingdom Darkness and made the legend of the Darkness King fiction. In that moment, Izrael and I, along with a few others littered among the chorus, had the shade lifted from our minds, returning us to who we were before the mindless numbness of the realm had taken us. It was then we understood what we needed to do; to bring an end to the abortion of our former Mistress and serve the Darkness King to keep the corruption of that realm sealed away. We have been working towards that effort ever since we’ve been dispatched to this realm.”

    “He’s going to go nuclear soon,” Izrael spoke up, her eyes towards the battle.

    “Then it seems Mythal and Serilda have put pressure on him,” Ruman nodded.

    “No. It’s someone else,” she countered, narrowing her eyes curiously. “I think it’s… Branwen’s wife? She’s a whole lot stronger than she was when Shepard left her. Either way, she’s got the screws to him right now. He’s going to be forced to use his Risen form. And after that…” she turned her gaze to look between Ruman and Ryori. “He’ll activate his Domain Incursion.”

    Ruman nodded as he looked at Ryori. “You’re well aware of what that means, Ryori. But Shepard’s Incursion has a weakness; it can be invaded and broken by the same choir of Seraph as he is. We need for him to activate that and, once he does, Izrael and I can invade and provide Mythal and Serilda the means to escape and rescue Branwen.” His mustache twitched slightly as he sighed. “I… understand what I’m asking is dangerous. And should we fail, then there is no hope for Branwen and you have every right to step in and destroy Shepard. All we’re asking for is a chance. A chance to start making things right.”

    Shepard was freed from the domination. Or it was probably more accurate to say that his connection to Aster had been severed, disallowing him the opportunity to turn back her invasion and use his own power to reverse it back on her. Whatever that person had been that had come to her rescue, he couldn’t pinpoint him in his mind any more. Unfortunately he couldn’t focus on that at the moment, as Aster reaffirmed her desire for answers, while at the same time insulting the organization of his mind. Both man and woman stared down at one another with disgust and dismissal before she shot herself at him, soaring up with a magic unknown to her before. Shepard’s sword swung in to meet her, finding a strength and speed that she had sorely lacked during their ‘time together’. As it was, the Trumpet’s face hardened into fierce determination. There wasn’t much of a change but it was clear he was being forced to actually concentrate on his defense against her attacks.

    “Jeez, I had a feelin’ your teacher was a badass but I never imagined this,” Mythal commented to Serilda. They had a moment to collect themselves, which gave him plenty of time to activate a few more of his spells. Most importantly, he tapped into his Nocturn’s Embrace lacrima and brought forth his strongest spell. While Serilda cast her spell that created a wintery storm all around them, Mythal’s eyes were overwhelmed with a black substance, leaving only his irises within the darkened pools. His skin turned even more white as black veins extended past the point of his eyes. The air grew thick and painful for Shepard, though Aster and Serilda were spared from the toxic nature of the air. Surrounding himself in his own magical energy, he burst into the sky with Serilda, seeking to swarm the Trumpet from his open sides.

    Shepard snorted in annoyance. Aster had gained some newfound power that was surely not her’s and it was pressing him. As Serilda and Mythal joined the fray again, he found himself under pressure from three sides, his swords a blur as they did their best to keep up with the attacks. There was no opening to escape or to counter, leaving him completely on the defensive. Unacceptable. He had not come here to find himself on the losing end of a tug of war, even if he was still using a portion of his power.

    It seemed his consideration had been abused. Then he would just need to bring the farce to an end. He released his swords from his hands, the weapons continuing to swing defensively as he folded his limbs over his stomach and began to curl his body inwards slightly. Streaks of darkness began to flow off of his form in trails of sooty smoke before his entire body unfolded itself and a wave of high pressure slammed into three humans trying to fight him. It would force them down towards the ground as a massive pillar of darkness shot upwards and decimated the rune in the sky, shattering it to pieces. Branwen’s entire form was washed over in murkiness and began to take on a different shape. It grew large, easily extending its height to near fifteen or perhaps sixteen feet tall. The darkness solidified on his form and portions of it blanched into pure white as a new version of Shepard appeared. It seemed to be covered in a hardened, dark chitin, save for the portions of white around its waist and legs that looked almost like cloth. The insignia of Kingdom Darkness glowed a bright white on his chest as its soft, gray eyes stared down at the three humans. Long black and white hair whipped with the wind while a halo-like growth extended from behind his head.

    With a wave of his seemingly gauntleted hand, the sky behind him opened up into a pool of darkness. It looked liquid in nature, bubbling like a tar pit before streaks of darkness, an unfathomable amount, came soaring down towards Mythal, Serilda and Aster. They would be forced on the defensive, having to move around and cut through the beams with their weapons. They were easy to slice and do away with but any attempts to nullify the spell in total would fail. In the meantime, Shepard brought his hands close together in front of him, one on top and the other on bottom, creating a circular space between them. Magical energy began to compile in the open area between his hands, growing steadily stronger as he watched through unfeeling eyes at the battle below him.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 11th February 2024, 6:58 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    The response to her point about being asked to belay her orders was that they weren’t asking her to defy Ozorith, merely to delay her interference until they could have a chance to rescue Branwen. It would result in Shepard losing a great deal of his power, and thus not being much of a challenge to her, but ultimately she could say that she performed as instruction. In truth, Ryori didn’t care nearly as much as Ruman seemed to think about the difficulty in bringing Shepard down. There was a certain amount of catharsis in fighting a worthy opponent, true; but only because it was so rare that Ryori found anyone who could push her to her limits. Unlike many other warriors of great stature, however, she wasn’t driven by the thrill of a fight. A battle was a means to an end, not a source of entertainment.

    But there was no point in commenting on such trivialities. At least, not right now. There were far more pressing matters, such as figuring out why Ruman and Izrael were moving against their mistress. The two angels regarded one another for a moment before Ruman continued to speak for them both, claiming that they did serve Faera… but the Faera that was still the Divine of Love, not the one that had been corrupted by Kingdom Darkness. For a time they had fallen, same as her, but with Mythal’s ascension as the Darkness King it seemed that they and several others had been purified of the Kingdom’s influence. Once they realized what was going on, they had vowed to do whatever it took to make things right, even if it meant having to protect Faera from herself.

    For the first time since the conversation had started, Ryori looked interested. Or perhaps interested wasn’t a strong enough word. She looked… sympathetic. There was a softness to her expression, one that bore equal parts understanding and sorrow. “If only it were that simple.” As they were well aware, Ryori had spent quite a bit of time in Kingdom Darkness herself, having once been beholden to the realm’s original and true ruler. She understood a great deal about how things worked there, possibly more than they did.

    Before any further discussion of it could be had, however, Izrael finally spoke and drew everyone’s attention in the direction of the battle, remarking that Shepard was going to go postal sooner rather than later. She was also quick to correct Ruman’s assumption that it was Mythal and Serilda pushing him to his limits, sensing that another had joined the fight and correctly deducing their identity. “Aster,” she interjected, providing them a name to use. It seemed she wasn’t wasting the gift she had been given either, if one could truly call it a gift. The woman was sticking it to Shepard hard enough that he would be forced to activate his true form and his domain.

    Ryori’s look soured. She was certainly aware of what that meant. It was the whole reason she felt she needed to be present for the fight. Escaping a domain was impossible, at least as far as anyone knew. In truth, that was the reason why Ozorith had been so insistent that Ryori be the one to confront Shepard, and for once she had been fully in agreement with the Prime. If anyone stood a chance at finding a way out of Shepard’s trap card, it was her.

    She was about to argue as much to the Trumpets to emphasize her necessity at being present, when Ruman explained that there was a weakness they could exploit, one that not even Ryori knew: Shepard’s domain was only effective against anyone who was not of his own rank of angel. As such, they had a strong chance of not just saving Serilda, Mythal, and Aster from being imprisoned, but also give them a direct line to Branwen to pull him out as well. If worse came to and they failed, then she could step in and clean up the mess.

    Her gaze flicked between the two Trumpets in consideration, though admittedly her expression wasn’t as stern as it had been before. Then, she grunted. “Over a year hunting this asshole…” the Omen muttered, shaking her head. “Fine. I will stay back for now, but I will be monitoring the fight closely, and if anything rubs me the wrong way, I will step in… but I will give you the chance you ask for.”

    “Before you go, you should know: Aster is currently fighting Shepard with my power. It has given her a significant boost and advantage, but it is only temporary. The longer she uses it, the less safe it is for her and the more sacrifice it will require of her, and she will not stop until either she or Shepard is dead. She does this in the name of Love.” Ryori leveled the Trumpets with a knowing look. While there was certainly plenty of Wrath to be had in Aster actions, the woman’s driving force was not that of Ozorith’s domain, but that of Faera’s; of the Divine that she once was, and the virtue that Ruman and Izrael claimed to still represent. “When you see your chance, take it and make it count. Do not fail her… or she may not get the chance to reunite with the one she’s risking everything to save.”

    “That’s because she’s not capable of this.” Serilda had been utterly floored by everything that was happening, much like Mythal apparently was. “I don’t know what this is, but it’s not her magic. He should be knocking her around with even more ease than he has been with us.” Questions upon questions, but not enough time or luxury to seek out explanations. Serilda didn’t know how Aster had come upon such intense might, but she did know that she wasn’t about to let the woman take the fight on alone. So, she cast one of her highest levels of god slaying spells before sprouting Victoria’s wings and taking to the air alongside Mythal, who’d thrown in a bit of his own magic to pollute the air for Shepard further.

    This time, she felt like they were finally putting the Trumpet on his heels. He seemed to be genuinely struggling with Aster’s assault. Throwing the two Rune Knights in the mix had put him fully on the defensive while he was besieged from all sides. So far he had managed to avoid any major damage, but all of them knew that he was having to put all of his concentration into the fight to keep it that way.

    When he’d finally had enough, Shepard broke away from his weapons, which continued to fight in his stead and hold the three fighters at bay while he took himself to the next level. After fighting Archimedes and Hugo, Serilda had a suspicion of what this was: Shepard was taking on his ultimate form. A gust of power broke up the sword fighting, pushing them all back several feet where they were given a brief reprieve to watch the transformation finish. It was more demonic than divine in nature, with a set of horns and a hardened exterior that was more chitin than flesh. He was finally getting serious, which was both a good and a bad sign. Good that they were finally pushing his buttons, but bad because things were only about to get more deadly.

    He summoned a pool of darkness behind him, which broke into numerous strands before streaking out toward them. With a grunt, Serilda shifted her Void sword to one hand and summoned Victoria’s poleaxe in the other, utilizing both in a steady campaign to slice through each inky black tendril. Several of them managed to slice her, but she was able to keep herself from being impaled or grievously injured, stubbornly ignoring the pain and keeping herself focused.

    Meanwhile, Aster’s approach was far more collected… and a bit terrifying, all things considered. Though it wasn’t without noticeable effort and concentration, not only was she successfully evading each vein as it thrashed at her, but she was doing it with her eyes closed. It was like she was moving on instinct without thought, somehow avoiding the incoming blows like she was predicting their movements before snipping the threads of ichor with a swift slice of her blade. She was aware of the spell he was working to cast. What the effects of it would be, she had no idea, but she could practically hear the Weave as it screamed the danger in her ear.

    Her eyes snapped suddenly open, wide in alarm. Dropping her sword entirely, Aster extended a hand each toward Serilda and Mythal, both of whom would feel as though some kind of invisible force had taken hold of their bodies. Then they would suddenly find themself hurled across the battlefield as Aster made a desperate last ditch effort to attempt to throw them out of range of the spell, even if it came at the cost of her being swallowed up by its effects.

    WORDS: 1521/10,745 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 13th February 2024, 6:04 pm

    2084/11844 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Ruman nodded to Ryori’s considerations, understanding her fully. He was aware of the great risk she was taking in acquiescing to their request and understood that if she felt like things weren’t going the way they had presented them, she would step in and clear house. He began to move but paused as the Omen spoke once more about Aster, explaining that she was using Ryori’s power to fight. While it gave her a large advantage in strength, it came at a price and it would take from her each and every time she drew from it. She was fighting for a man she wasn’t even sure truly existed and all Ryori could make known, a request without the asking part, was that they make sure they acted before it resulted in Aster perishing before seeing the result of her actions.

    “Then we will be sure not to waste one singular moment,” Ruman said with a gentle nod. He turned to look at Izrael, who gave him an equally enforced nod before the two of them turned into wisps of shadow and shot along the sand towards the battle.

    Well, whatever Shepard was doing, it wasn’t going to be good. He’d released his swords and had begun to curl his body in on itself. Mythal sneered as he continued to try and wail his way through the Trumpet’s defenses, all for naught. He was being pushed back on his heels but not enough that they were able to break through. And as it turned out, they were about to be pushed back themselves. The wave of pressure slammed into them all equally, knocking them back several feet as Shepard became something more. Horrifying and grotesque in all manners of the word. With thought alone, he brought forth a massive pool of darkness and unleashed seemingly relentless vines made of the same substance. Mythal immediately went on the defensive, slashing his sword around him to cut and split the tendrils as they came in at him. He was so distracted on his own defense that he couldn’t possibly look over to admire Aster weaving between the attacks with precognitive precision.

    “Mythal!” he heard Quentin call from inside of his mind. “You need to move now!” His eyes flicked briefly up towards Shepard, who had been preparing some kind of spell in addition to the one he was casting already. “You three need to portal out now before-”

    The Sage’s words were cut off as the Darkness Slayer felt something take hold of him. His eyes went wide as he wiggled in the grip, only to find that he was completely immobile. But that was only for a moment before he was suddenly thrown through the air, tossed with the intent of gaining some major ground. Unfortunately, as he and Serilda flew, a deep voice rang out.

    “Domain Incursion.” Shepard’s voice echoed out among the abandoned town as the spell between his hands reached its culmination. A dope of pure darkness shot up from the sand, sealing Mythal and Serilda’s exit mere seconds before they would have escaped the threshold. The two would be bounced back violently, nearly thrown back to the spot that they had originated from. The top of the top sealed shut, immersing them in the darkness. A glowing blue symbol flared to life on the ground beneath them, quickly carving itself into the shadow until it had completed its form, the same symbol that had been upon the transformed Shepard’s chest.

    “Kingdom Darkness Dungeon.”

    “Mythal!” Quentin spoke again, though this time his voice seemed… more direct. Mythal turned about to find the Sage hovering in the air behind him, his helmet already beginning to fade away as he looked around.

    “Quentin, how…?”

    “Damnit, it’s too late…” Quentin cursed, a look of sheer panic on his face. He twisted around to look at the three of them. “I didn’t realize what he was doing until it was too late. I was so focused on trying to see where the portal in Shepard’s form went…”

    “Doing? Portal? What’s going on? Is this some kind of spell?” Mythal asked, gesturing to the darkened realm about them,

    Quentin nodded solemnly. “I’m afraid… this is a Domain Incursion. A high level spell that only the most elite of immortals can cast. It creates an unbreakable realm that is connected to their domain. They carve out an area and instill their domain’s will upon it. It is a prison, a realm that will summon forth creatures from their domain to constantly attack the trapped target. Damnit, we were so close. Shepard, he… he’s connected to Kingdom Darkness through a portal in his essence. But he’s connected to something there. I felt a ripple when this woman arrived,” he said, nodding to Aster. “I believe it’s some kind of soul connection spell.”

    Soul connection spell? “Wait, so that would mean that… Branwen is real?”

    Quentin nodded. “Yes. And imprisoned in Kingdom Darkness. A source that Shepard can maintain his facade and, most likely, siphon any injuries he receives to him.”

    Mythal bared his teeth in fury. So not only had he lied and somehow avoided making Mythal aware of it but he had been transferring his pain to the actual Branwen? Oh he was going to snap this angel in half. “How do we get out of here?”

    Quentin’s gaze fell. “We are the target of the spell. There… is no way out. He won’t drop the domain until we are all dead.”

    “What? No, there… has to be a way…” The Darkness Slayer’s eyes flicked out towards the outer edges of the realm. Yellow eyes had begun to appear and moved towards them and by the look of it, they were growing. He swallowed hard as the number of eyes continued to grow. “We fight our way through. We outlast him. This ain’t where we’re gonna end, y’hear?” he announced loudly, gripping his sword handle extra tight.

    “Mythal…” Quentin said, his voice rife with sadness.

    “We outlast him!” Mythal snapped in defiance, whirling his head around to glare at Quentin. The Sage stared at him for a few moments before nodding in understanding. Mythal turned his gaze to Serilda, fierce determination burning bright in his gaze, attempting to overwhelm the dread of what could very well be their end.

    “Do not fret!” A booming, slightly familiar voice filled the void. A bubble of magic erupted from the ground beneath and around them, crafting a protective barrier of green light. Something came flying out from the darkness, spinning rapidly as it ripped through several of the glowing eyes that had gotten close to the group, dispersing them into particles of shadow. The weapon spun in towards the shield and it was then that it would prove itself recognizable. A sword that they had not seen in years but Serilda would know quite well, having traded blows with it.

    From the area in the middle between the three of them, Ruman and Izrael manifested, taking solid form. Izrael’s book was already opening and glowing as she held her other hand out towards the shield, keeping it fueled with her magic. Ruman snatched his massive weapon from out of the air and brought it to rest down at his side as Mythal, and presumably Serilda and Aster, took a step back from the invaders.

    “You two!” Mythal hissed, Hopebringer flaring with his anger. “We shoulda known you two would show up to help your buddy.”

    “We are here to help but not the buddy you might imagine,” Ruman stated. “We’ve been waiting for this moment to show our true allegiance. That to you, Darkness King.”

    Mythal stared at the larger Trumpet. “W-What?” All he wanted to do was snap angrily at them for such a weak deception. But… everything in him told him it was the truth. It wasn’t like with Shepard, where he hadn’t felt anything. He sensed no treachery in their words, only honesty. “I… don’t…”

    “We will be happy to explain once we have resolved the matter of rescuing Branwen Frane and dispatching Shepard. Shepard has created a soul link with Branwen and trapped him in a prison in Kingdom Darkness, not unlike Gren Ragnos was. Only you, Mythal, can use your magic to enter the portal and break him free.”

    “But… we… can’t escape this place, this incursion,” Mythal said.

    “Every incursion has its weaknesses. Shepard’s is that he cannot trap or damage beings or items created from Kingdom Darkness. More than that, weapons from Kingdom Darkness can break through the barrier of the incursion.” Ruman held his weapon out horizontally to the ground and released it. It fell a few inches before stopping, hovering above the sand. “You can use this to fly out and surprise him. He will be concentrating on the incursion spell and will be unable to defend himself. Use your magic to invade the portal and rescue your friend. To better your chances, you should bring along Serilda Sinclair. Your magic is more than capable of carrying you both through the portal safely.”

    “What about Aster? And… you two?” Mythal asked, glancing between the other three.

    “We will extract Aster Frane from the incursion. Shepard will be attempting to collect you two from his essence and the portal so we shall make our escape. He will not be as strong once you are through the portal but you mustn’t remain long. The prison lies at the bottom of Faera’s mightiest fortress and her and Hugo can be there within moments. Be swift and we can remove her strongest Trumpet and one of her prized prisoners in one swift move.”

    Mythal had so many questions. It was a gamble, both invading Kingdom Darkness and trusting Ruman and Izrael. Despite his feelings telling him that they were telling the truth, his self-admitted bias wanted nothing more than to try and poke holes in what they were saying. But… even Quentin had seemed to figure that Branwen was through the portal. It was outrageously dangerous but no more than the situation they were in already. He grit his teeth in annoyance before letting out an exasperated sigh. “Alright, so we just… hop on this thing, right?” he said, nodding to the weapon.

    Ruman nodded. Mythal glanced over at Serilda and gave her a look of ‘well, we have no other option’. Casting the Trumpet one more look, he walked over and stepped up on the weapon, crouching on the front of it. He waited until Serilda had joined him before he looked back at Ruman. “Now what?”

    “Best of luck, Mythal Ragnos and Serilda Sinclair. We have the utmost faith that you will succeed. We shall be waiting for you once you return!” Ruman declared, flashing the two of them a grin that was… uncomfortable to see. But he shifted slightly in his stance, his massive hand twisting down and then slamming into the butt of the weapon. It shot upwards with such force that the two of them would have no other choice than to grab onto the weapon to keep from falling off. The keysword shot up towards the dark ceiling, the dark air ripping behind them. Looking back, they would see Ruman and Izrael move close to Aster before the three of them would turn into smoke, melting into the ground and disappearing. The last thing they would see is Izrael’s shield disappearing before they burst through the edges of the incursion.

    As they arrived back in Desierto, they were much closer to Shepard than perhaps they were expecting. Ruman had aimed it so that they would come soaring out pretty much right at the Trumpet’s face. His deadened eyes snapped to them and went wide in surprise. Mythal literally had no idea what he was supposed to do. He was used to creating portals through darkness points in the world, he’d never portaled into someone. But… then again, Shepard himself had said that he was connected to Kingdom Darkness more than most other beings. He was practically fused with it. If that were the case, then he was almost literally a walking, talking darkness point.

    Mythal held his hand out towards Shepard and drew from Kingdom Darkness like he would any other time he would create a portal. A dark passageway of rippling purple and black magic erupted into existence in front of them and swallowed them up, sending both Serilda and Mythal onto the next step of the crazy plan.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 14th February 2024, 3:37 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    “Damn it..!”

    All this phenomenal cosmic power, and she hadn’t been fast enough. Aster had done her best to get Serilda and Mythal out, but for all the reserves of strength and knowledge that Ryori had crammed into her, she still was bound by certain limitations. Namely, that she didn’t have the experience of practice to hone such a robust power. As a result, she recognized the signs too late to grant the trio escape. She had known that at the very least she would be affected, but had hoped to at least protect the other two. And it had been close, so close. A second or two more and they would have been spared.

    Instead, the dome snapped shut around them just as Serilda and Mythal were approaching the range of the spell, causing them to bounce back inside and nearly back to square one. The field marshal had been both perplexed and confused at having been snatched at all, mostly due to momentarily forgetting that she had no access to her Voidwalking for the moment… though in truth, she felt like her Voidwalking wouldn’t have been able to prevent what had just occurred. It wasn’t until she heard Aster swearing that Serilda even realized it had been the older woman’s action. It was like she had predicted what was going to take place, and had attempted to circumvent it.

    How is she doing all this?

    The question was more to herself than Victoria, but the Seal responded all the same. The Weave, she replied, if a bit hesitant. It has to be. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

    Serilda was about to argue that Aster never had that kind of power, but paused. Obviously, Aster and Ryori had come here together. Or at least, Ryori had relayed the information to Aster after Serilda’s call. The logical assumption was that Ryori had something to do with Aster’s current skill set, though there wasn’t much time to ruminate on the specifics. She had to wonder where the hell Ryori actually was, though. The Omen should have gotten there long before Aster, and should have stepped in long before now. What was taking her?

    The trio was completely surrounded by darkness, and for once Serilda was worried about the fact that she couldn’t see. With her Voidwalking sealed away, her Void sense was gone, leaving her well and truly blind outside of the minimal glow from the rune on the ground. But she could hear Quentin, who had materialized in a physical form to speak with Mythal, telling him about some kind of portal within Shepard. He explained about the nature of the Domain Incursion they were all trapped in and the fate that awaited them, while also describing the strange doorway that he and Aster had encountered inside Shepard’s mind, which he believed to be connected to a soul at the other end. Which meant…

    Serilda growled in anger. So there was a real Branwen. He was alive and likely had been imprisoned in Kingdom Darkness all this time. Shepard had lied to them, a mistake he was going to regret just as soon as they escaped this stupid bubble he had trapped them in. Unfortunately, it seemed it would not be that easy. As Mythal pressed for information on how to get out, Quentin took on a crestfallen look, explaining that there was no way to escape. Serilda’s thoughts mimicked Mythal’s words in resolution, and the look she gave to her fiance was equally as fierce. “I will not leave our daughters orphans,” she declared in agreement that they would do whatever it took to outlast the spell.

    “If there isn’t a way out then we will simply have to make one.” Aster had been quiet during the conversation, but the moment Quentin had confirmed that Branwen was real and alive, a steady broil of passion had begun to churn deep inside of her unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Serilda didn’t have to see Aster’s face to know that the older woman’s final button had been pressed, the limits of her mercy finally met. There was a tone to her voice, a coldness and determination that set even Serilda on edge, wondering what insane stunt her mentor was about to perform.

    Aster herself had lost all sense of politeness. Her husband was alive, and had been spending the last several decades in literal hell while she had carried on completely oblivious to his fate and to the stranger that had taken his place. She could have honestly been more forgiving about Shepard lying to her from the start. Using her and tricking her for so long was one thing… but taking her husband from her and abusing him? That was crossing the line, and Shepard was going to pay. If Ryori was here then surely the Omen could have found a way out, but she wasn’t yet. It was up to Aster; she was their last hope, and she’d be damned if she let Branwen down again.

    Reaching deep into the Weave, she tightened her grip on her borrowed power, filling herself to the brim until she felt like she was going to burst. A bright glow took over her body, allowing her to be seen clearly through the darkness as a luminescent pair of wings crafted from pure energy  erupted from her shoulders. She was absolutely resonating with untold power, enough to cause Serilda’s eyes to go wide in awe and fright as she took a step back. It was not unlike the experience that Grubar had described of Saffron when Cedric had nearly been killed. Aster pushed her will against the interior of the dome, clawing at it with the Weave until she could find even the smallest bit of purchase against the spell’s walls.

    Then, with a feral snarl, she started to pull, using the Weave to find the threads of the woven magic and attempting to pull it apart and unravel it. She strained from the effort, fueling her attempt with the raw energy of the Weave and pure, unadulterated spite and determination. And for the briefest of seconds, she could have sworn she felt it give just the smallest bit before the dome redoubled and resisted. Aster released the barrier, heaving in exhaustion and anger. She had already been feeling the toll of Ryori’s magic even before she had forced more of the Weave into herself. It wouldn’t be much longer before Ryori’s spell had run its course, and the consequences of borrowing a power far beyond her natural abilities would claim their payment. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do anything while that coward had them trapped.

    She was about to center herself and give it another go, determined that she could find a way through even if it meant absorbing more of the Weave, when the three of them suddenly had more company. A voice that was new to Aster but familiar to Serilda pierced the darkness. An orb of protection erected itself around the group while a figure flew through the dome, decimating a number of the glowing eyes in the process. Through the faint glow of the latter’s book, the three of them were able to see Ruman and Izrael appear between them.

    Serilda brandished her sword toward them, doing her best to fight back the pit that was forming in her stomach. Shepard alone had been more than their match through this whole fight so far. Adding these two to the mix… well, she was trying not to think about how bad the situation was. Or at least, she was up until Ruman insisted that they were there to help them fight Shepard. Serilda scoffed in disbelief, insulted by the very notion that they were supposed to believe that. However, it was Mythal’s reaction that caught her attention. Her fiance didn’t rebuke them. If anything, he sounded flabbergasted, as though they were telling the truth.

    The larger Trumpet explained the details of the situation as quickly and concisely as he could, including the weakness they’d exploited to gain entry into the domain, and the opportunity they had to help Mythal free Branwen, who likely had been taking all their punishment through Shepard’s connection to him. In the end, it was their suggestion that Mythal and Serilda use their help to get to Kingdom Darkness while the two Trumpets and Aster stayed behind to keep Shepard busy. “I don’t like this,” Serilda voiced hesitantly. “This could just as easily be an attempt to trap us in Kingdom Darkness.”

    “I don’t think so.” Aster, by comparison to the other two humans, had been more pensive than concerned by Ruman and Izrael’s arrival. Surely these were the two individuals Ryori had sensed. She knew the Omen well enough by now to know that if they had fought one another, the battle would likely still be going. Ryori wouldn’t be killed or tricked so easily. Plus, she had been looking to the Weave for guidance on the situation, and had felt no alarms of deceit or suspicion. Serilda opened her mouth to argue, but Aster cut her off gently. “There’s no time. If you can’t trust them, then trust me. Please.”

    It wasn’t often that Aster pleaded for anything. And while it had beena simple “please”, the way she said it may as well have been begging. Serilda looked at her for a moment, then at Mythal, Quentin, and the two Trumpets. Finally, she nodded. “We’ll get him. I promise.”

    “Thank you.”

    Serilda wasted no further time hopping on Ruman’s keyblade beside Mythal. Then, with an encouraging sendoff, Ruman shot the blade with such force that both Rune Knights had to grab on for dear life to keep from being unseated.

    As they popped back into Desierto, they were practically already face to face with Shepard, who was shocked by the unexpected reappearance. But before he could react, Mythal attuned to the darkness and opened a portal of darkness, the two Rune Knights disappearing inside and into Kingdom Darkness. It was time to teach Shepard the danger of underestimating them. It was time to bring Branwen home.

    Meanwhile, Ryori continued to monitor the fight from her post several miles away, as she’d said she would. She had taken a seat upon the ground with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, appearing in a deep meditative state. She was able to keep track of Aster and the others only until Shepard’s domain had been activated. After that, everything within the domain was shrouded from her. All she could sense was Shepard as he concentrated on his spell. Several long moments passed… and then two individuals broke free. The twisted corruption of Kingdom Darkness settled upon her mind briefly, as though a door had been opened, and then it and the two individuals were gone.

    She would barely have time to guess as to what had happened before three individuals appeared beside her once more, shimmering into existence out of smoky darkness. Her eyes fluttered opened to find the two Trumpets along with Aster, who was radiating with the energy of the Weave at an alarming rate. The mortal dropped to her knees and began to convulse, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

    Ryori was on her feet in milliseconds, kneeling beside Aster. She placed one hand on the blonde’s forehead and the other on her abdomen. “Demittis!” The power of the Weave pulled itself forcibly from Aster’s body, causing the transformed state to come to an end. Despite this, Aster continued to seize violently. Ryori closed her eyes and continued to search, looking for the source of the trauma and quickly deducing how much it had spread. Aster had taken on far too much, more than even Ryori had given her. No surprise, given the circumstances. Foolish, but…

    “Separari a texere..!” Aster’s body suddenly went stiff, her back arching up as the point where Ryori’s hand met the former Rune Knight’s abdomen shone brightly with a sickening light that would reek of dreadether to the two nearby Trumpets. Then the light swiftly cut off and Aster’s body went limp. Ryori carefully put her fingers to the woman’s neck to check for a pulse… and breathed a small sigh of relief. “She’ll live.”

    WORDS: 2051 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th February 2024, 1:41 pm

    1697/1697 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    The portal through to Kingdom Darkness was as loud as it was dark. It was like falling down into a void, the wind ripping at their ears as Serilda and Mythal surged through the doorway. When reality came crashing down around them, they would be deposited quite rudely onto a stone-like floor. The Darkness Slayer groaned softly as he pushed himself up from the ground and to his feet, using Hopebringer to help get himself up. Mythal had expected to find themselves deposited in some kind of intricate dungeon, something well crafted and designed. Instead, they found themselves in a dark, ominous cave. They had been dropped on one side of a moderate sized bridge. It had been crafted from some kind of wood, dark and cracked at the sight of it. It connected to a central stone stalactite, where a doorway had been ripped out and sealed with a metal, barred door. There was another bridge leading to the same spot adjacent to them, which in turn led down a different path. A stone path crossed over the hollow chamber below the stalactite, which was covered in thick webbing. Purple flames dotted the column of stone and hung in the air around the other passageway.

    A groan from the other side drew their attention to the other side of the stalactite, where another path lay. On it stood a large armored creature, seemingly one of Faera’s minions, holding a massive shield with a wolf’s face on it. The face on the shield shifted, apparently alive as its dull yellow eyes twisted in their direction. The creature shifted and began to make its way around the side towards them, shuffling slowly.

    “Would it be too much to ask that there be signs?” Mythal hissed in annoyance, as he glanced at the central stone structure and then down the path behind them.

    “There,” Quentin said, having manifested into existence once more. He pointed towards the stalactite. “That’s the connection. I can feel the spiritual merger.”

    “Good enough for me,” the Darkness Slayer said as he focused his attention on it. “Can you hold that thing off while I get to Branwen?” he asked Serilda.

    Counting that she agreed, the Darkness Slayer would leap across the gap of the bridge, not wanting to risk the rickety looking contraption. He landed on the very edge of the bridge against the rocky outcrop and stabbed Hopebringer into the stone, creating a holding point for himself. With his free hand, he grabbed the door by one of the bars and pulled on it, meeting resistance. Grimacing with effort, Mythal leaned backwards and pulled against the bar, grunting and groaning as he used all of his strength. The door whined and creaked as the Slayer’s overwhelming power began to pull at its frame. The rock around the metal began to crack and splinter, allowing the door to give even more. Finally he managed to pry it completely, tossing it into the webbed abyss and unsurprised to watch it catch and come to a stop on the silky creation.

    As he wrenched his sword free and dropped into the doorway, he was treated to the sight of a terrifyingly thin and worn man. Chains, created from pure darkness, were bound around his neck, wrists, ankles and waist, rendering him immobile and leaving him on his knee. He was withered, his skin barely clinging to his bones. His hair was long and grayed, a long beard hanging down in front of his face. His head was drooped down in front of him and still, though his chest was barely rising and falling as he drew breath.

    The Darkness Slayer raced forward and swung his sword in precise, quick arcs. The chains were easily sliced through, causing the magic to dissipate. The elderly man began to fall forward but Mythal grabbed him by the shoulder and gently leaned him back. Feeling someone holding him, the man began to lift his head upwards, revealing a worn leather patch over one of his eyes. His other eye was sunken and gray but, the moment he looked upon Mythal, a light seemingly returned. “My…thal?” a worn, cracked voice spoke.

    Mythal had no doubt that this was Branwen. He may have been suffering from malnutrition but he could feel the familiar soul inside of him. “Save your strength, old man. We’re gettin’ you out of here.”

    “N-No… I’m… that thing connected us. You need… you need to kill me. Then you can kill it,” Branwen spoke slowly but surely, weakly reaching up with his hand to grab at Mythal’s wrist. “You need to end it.”

    “I didn’t drag my ass all the way here just to kill you, Branwen. We’ll find another way to deal with Shepard. But we’re getting you out, here and now,” Mythal pushed back at the idea immediately, not even willing to consider it.

    “There’s… no other way…” The former colonel tried to protest.

    “Actually, that’s not true,” Quentin said as he materialized once more. He bent down and laid a hand on Branwen’s shoulder, staring into the old man’s bare chest with serious consideration. “Now that I’m here, I can see the full brunt of the spell that was placed on him. It’s some dark magic, unsurprising that someone from Kingdom Darkness would use it. Ruman was right that you could rescue Branwen but bringing him out wouldn’t stop or sever the connection from Shepard. We would still go back and have a fight on our hands and, I’m afraid, we’d be hard pressed to stop the Trumpet without ending your friend here.”

    “But,” he continued, despite Branwen opening his mouth to try and speak. “This kind of soul linking is nebulous, frail at best. Undoubtedly because it requires miniscule levels of magic being drawn from the benefactor. Shepard probably never figured anyone would be able to puzzle out the source of his invulnerability. And there’s a clear reason why; Shepard is sapping and exponentially increasing his own magical strength from Branwen. A leech drawing from its prey to make itself stronger.” Quentin couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh. “Ironic, isn’t it? Shepard is spoken as the strongest of the Trumpets but without something to pull from, he isn’t that strong at all.”

    “So what, we sever the connection?” Mythal asked.

    “No, Shepard would keep the strength he has, though he would lose his durability. And Branwen is nearly completely sapped of magic, only kept alive because this room is warded against him perishing. If we take him back to our world, he’ll be gone within minutes. But with the Soul Stone, we can reverse the polarity of this spell and hasten it. But casting the spell will certainly draw attention to us, most likely bringing Faera or her other Trumpet down upon us. We will have to extract ourselves quickly.”

    “Well, I ain’t lookin’ to two step with the bitch so the sooner we get out, the better,” Mythal said. It was true that the opportunity to get to Faera was right there and there was a part of him that wanted nothing more than to surprise her and take her down. But the realistic side of him understood that, even where he was at now, that was a long shot and would put them all in peril. He wasn’t going to risk that. “What’s the plan?”

    “Place your hand here,” Quentin instructed Mythal, pointing at Branwen’s chest. Once the Darkness Slayer had placed his hand there, Quentin put his own hand on top. “Now, pull energy from the stone and focus on the spell’s source. You should feel it.”

    “I do.”

    “Alright, now, focus your energy on the source. Then push it all into it while speaking the spell’s name: Soul Link Inversion and Diffuse.”

    “Soul Link Inversion and Diffuse.” All at once, a glowing purple sigil appeared on Branwen’s chest. The man gasped, his eye shooting wide as his entire torso jerked towards them. Magical energy surged into him at an astounding rate, refilling a pool that had been near-empty for however long he’d been trapped. Then, just as quickly as it had come, the sigil broke apart, cracking into smaller pieces that faded into nothing.

    The entirety of the prison shook as a malevolent aura filled the air. Mythal didn’t need any clarification to what that was, nor would any of them. It was Faera and she was coming and she was pissed. Mythal hoisted Branwen up over his shoulder and tore out from the prison cell as the prison around them began to crumble, stone fragments falling from the ceiling. “Seri!” he called out for his fiance as he made it across the bridge. Once she had come close enough to him, he would once more connect to the dark point that had brought them there and craft another portal. Just in time, as an ominous presence appeared in the shadows of the crumbling cave, two red eyes staring at them with blazing fury.

    The trip back to Desierto was far quicker than their departure, popping back into existence and landing on the sand below. The first they would hear was the pained roar of Shepard, his hands clasping at his head as he reared in agony. His spell had instantly dissipated as he raged in the air. Somehow, in his rage, he summoned yet another puddle of darkness and launched more dark tendrils towards the returned group. With Branwen over his shoulder, it was up to Serilda to protect them, which she would find was much easier as her Voidwalking abilities had been unlocked.

    His attack wouldn’t last long, the tendrils growing less in mass and number and more frail. Soon enough the pond was bubbling out of existence as Shepard’s form began to shrivel and decay. It was like watching the air leaving a balloon, his body becoming a husk as it sunk down towards the ground. His cries faded away, dwindling into that of the miniscule until they were completely gone. And all that was left in his wake was an empty husk of a body, shriveled, flat and unmoving on the sands of Desierto.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 17th February 2024, 11:53 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    And then they were back in Kingdom Darkness.

    The Rune Knights hit the floor hard, leaving Serilda in a momentary daze. With a stubborn grunt, she forced herself to sit up, somehow conscious of the fact that she had miraculously managed to keep hold of her sword. A quick glance around told her they were in some kind of dungeon, though it was decrepit and barbaric in nature. Rather than a fabricated structure, rooms had been carved out of the natural formations of the cavern walls, with ancient rope and wood bridges spanning the crevasses. There were spider webs everywhere, made from threads of sticky silk so large they suggested a monstrosity of an arachnid to go with them. Luckily the faint glow of purple lights dotting the area gave plenty of illumination to see by while Serilda was still unable to utilize her Void Senses.

    The sluggish moan of a nearby creature caused the two of them to turn to the other side of the cavern. It was oddly proportioned with an oversized upper torso and arms that reached nearly all the way down to the ground, bearing a shield with the face of a wolf that looked nearly as alive as the beast that carried it. It glanced in their direction and, after what seemed to be a moment of thought, began to make its way toward them at a lethargic pace. A concern, to be sure.. But one that gave them time to think.

    After a quick word from Quentin to point Mythal in the right direction, her fiance asked that she distract the guard so he could find their charge. “I’ll keep it busy,” Serilda assured him. As Mythal leapt across the gap, she was already turning to confront the thing, closing the distance between them so that she could keep it occupied as far away from Mythal as possible. The last thing they needed was the guard doing something that could compromise the rescue.

    Focusing on her god slaying abilities for the moment, Serilda conjured her arctic aura around her, the shrouds of black frost cold enough to chill to the bone. It clung to her in a burst that filled several meters from her, swallowing up the creature and causing it to move even more slowly. It moaned in lazy protest, still pushing toward her in singular focus as though it hadn’t really noticed it was being held back. With a flap from her wings, Serilda rushed forward, slicing a large laceration across the creature’s torso as she moved past it.

    Despite how it had been moving so far, Serilda had expected… something. Anything. Some surprise burst of power or a trick attack. Instead, it fell to a knee in protest with another groan before slowly pushing itself back up into a standing position and recentering its attention on her once more while the wound began to knit itself shut. The knight made several more such passes and each time the same result occurred until she finally cast a frown in its direction. “Well, this is… underwhelming. You’d think the security in here would be a little more aggressive.”

    I imagine Faera never expected to have to fend off intruders this far into the Kingdom.

    Serilda scoffed, unimpressed. Sloppy. No reason to look a gift horse in the mouth, she supposed. Looking to keep her magic use to a minimum in order to prevent drawing as much attention as possible, she used a small fraction of power to erect a wall of thick black ice around the beast. It bounced dumbly off the structure, if one could really call it bouncing from the low speed with which it moved, before grunting and trying again. Keeping an eye on it, Serilda took a moment to glance around and just keep up a general post watching their surroundings to make sure there was nothing more deadly sneaking up on either herself or Mythal.

    But her attention snapped to the prison when she felt an intense surge of energy that was quickly followed by a malicious presence advancing toward them from further in the kingdom. “Shit..!” Whatever Mythal had done, presuming it was Mythal, Faera had felt the intrusion and was probably making all haste to intercept them. The entire area was quaking, the prison crumbling to dust as Serilda abandoned the trapped guard entirely and raced to meet Mythal as he crossed the bridge with Branwen draped over his shoulder.

    Things were happening so quickly that frankly Serilda did even have time to stop and wonder how the hell they were going to get out, considering the last time they were here they had been reliant on Gren coming to their rescue from the mortal realm. All she could do was trust Mythal and Quentin to have a plan, and hope that Ruman and Izrael had not led them astray. But Faera was coming, and she was coming fast. In an effort to buy Mythal enough time to get them out, Serilda activated the charm on her ring and a translucent pink bubble appeared around them just as a pair of glowing red eyes materialized in the shadows; a shield to protect them, though only for a moment or two.

    Thankfully, they wouldn’t even need that long. Mythal had already formed a portal of darkness and with a final defiant glance in the goddess’ direction, Serilda threw herself into the gateway behind her fiance. They popped back into the sands of Desierto in a blink and would barely have a second to adjust before a pained roar filled the air, causing Serilda to whirl toward the source with her sword brandished and ready. Shepard was writhing in agony, and while the Field Marshal wasn’t sure what Mythal had done, she recognized death throes when she saw them. Knowing that this was the moment someone was often at their most dangerous, she jumped straight into action.

    She had felt her connection to the Void the moment they had returned to Earthland, the Seal undone by whatever had happened to their foe. Instinctively, she reached into the empty spaces between the particles in the air around them and willed them to vibrate violently. Each tendril of darkness that Shepard lanced at them would sunder upon impact with the barrier, dissolving into nothing with each strike. The assault would not last long as the Trumpet’s strength began to fade at an almost piteous rate, becoming weaker and weaker until it was gone.

    Serilda watched with a horrified look of disgust as Shepard’s body shriveled in upon itself, deflating into a grotesque and whimpering lump. Eventually, all that remained was a shell of the angel, motionless and barren of any real substance. Cautiously, she approached the decrepit husk and peered down at it like she half expected it to spring out at her while her guard was down. Serilda reached her sword toward it, using the flat of the blade to prod the body in an attempt to see if Shepard was still alive or not, ready to act at a moment’s notice in case the Trumpet had any last ditch effort attacks left in him…

    WORDS: 1196/3247 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Posts : 1085
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 18th February 2024, 2:18 pm

    973/2670 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal didn’t have words for the sight before him. With Branwen slouched over his shoulder, there was very little he could do to help Serilda against the sudden onslaught from Shepard. Luckily, the Voidwalker had gotten those specific magical powers back and erected a barrier around them, protecting them all from the assault of tendrils. But the real show was the one responsible for the attack, the Trumpet that was being wracked with pain and agony. His shrill cries filled the air with a sense of dread as the Darkness Slayer watched his gigantic form begin to shrivel up. As each moment passed on, his form got smaller and smaller, deflating right before their very eyes.

    When all was said and done, the only thing left of Shepard was a flat, flimsy husk. Mythal remained on edge as he approached the body with Serilda, holding his sword forward. The Voidwalker took her own blade and pressed against the body with the flat edge, attempting to check for any signs of life. Even the slightest pressure seeked to break and tear the flat, dried corpse, resulting in a hole tearing in the place she prodded. There were no bones or blood to speak of, just an empty husk. “Well, I dunno about you, but I ain’t takin’ any chances,” Mythal said to Serilda. He gave a small jerk of his sword handle, causing the magical blade to disperse as he hooked it back onto his belt. Then he raised the now-free hand and aimed it at the body. Once prod with the sword may not have done anything but how would he feel about a full blown assault of light magic.

    Before he’d even properly begun harvesting the magic from inside, something shot out from the former chest area of the husk. It was small and absurdly quick, though it didn’t seem to be an attack of any kind. It zipped away from them, Mythal’s eyes snapping to it and altering his hand’s position to try and hit whatever it was while it was moving. It would somehow manage to avoid several attacks from Mythal and presumingly Serilda. “Ah, shit,” Mythal hissed as he began to put down Branwen. Whatever it was, it was what remained of Shepard and they could not let it get away.

    Luckily -- or perhaps not -- for them, it didn’t. The streaking darkness came to an abrupt halt, finally revealing its full form. An insect of some kind, larger than most centipedes but resembling it in most features. But its ‘head’ was humanoid-like, lacking any other extra feature other than whitened-out eyes. It had a pair of ‘regular’ arms and hands that snapped violently in the air. Yet by the way it squirmed and shook, it didn’t look like it had come to a stop for its own purposes. If anything, it looked like it was trying to clamor out of whatever had it contained. The air behind it shifted and a dark portal opened up, matching almost equally to the kind of portals that Mythal made. A hand reached out and grabbed the struggling creature, squeezing around it tight as it turned it about. The insect twisted violently in the hardened grip before it suddenly seized and began to… fall apart. Pieces of it began to rip off and float in towards the hand.

    “I meant to get here a bit sooner to offer my aid… but it looks like you all took care of things,” a voice spoke from the portal as the insect continued to deteriorate. “Poor little Shepard. Sacrificed too much of himself to Kingdom Darkness and wagered far too much on occupying other people. I feel like there’s some kind of old tale about someone getting too close to the sun. Poor old angel got too close to the darkness.”

    “Who in the hell are you?” Mythal demanded, still fueling magical energy into his hand.

    An amused chuckle came out from the portal as the head of a man poked out. Deep, red hair hung over his shoulders from under his hat as he looked between Serilda and Mythal. “No one of import… right now. Someday, I’m sure we’ll be at odds. But for the moment, I wanted to ensure that the wayward angel that almost could didn’t make any hasty escapes. Though I’m sure that beacon of life energy over there probably would have caught him without much effort,” he said, his eyes flicking off into the distance in Ryori’s direction.

    “If you think we’re just gonna let you come in and-”

    “Don’t much matter what you want or don’t want. I’m just cleaning up a mess that Faera herself was too simple to deal with. And now that Shepard is no more…” he said, opening his hand to reveal the whole insect was gone. “I’ll be taking my leave. Keep up the good fight, you two! I’m rooting for you,” he said, reaching up with his hand to give them a two finger salute before stepping back into the portal.

    Mythal extended his control of darkness towards the portal, trying to force it to stay open. If he could stabilize it, then Serilda could make her move. But, much to his surprise, the portal refused his control. Staring wide-eyed at it, the portal sealed itself shut, leaving them standing in the sandy dunes with only questions.

    “What in the Darkness was that?” Izrael asked, her face furrowed in confusion and concern. She was staring off towards the battlefield. “Something just came in and wiped out whatever was left of Shepard.”

    “Whatever it was… it felt familiar…” Ruman mused. He turned to look at Ryori and Aster. “Mythal and Serilda have returned with Branwen. Perhaps it is best we find somewhere to allow them to rest and where we can explain ourselves in full.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th February 2024, 6:20 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.

    She should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. The corpse was all but dust, and yet a piece of Shepard remained in the form of a black centipede with a humanoid head. It zipped out from what was left of the husk and attempted to make a run for it. Already Serilda and Mythal both were launching spells to dispose of the thing, the former leaping into action to chase it while the latter hastily set Branwen down.

    But Serilda came to a screeching halt as something seemed to snatch the critter, which squirmed and struggled violently in its grip. A portal of darkness not dissimilar to Mythal’s opened, a hand reaching out to grasp the Trumpet so tightly that he started breaking into pieces. Serilda stared in shock and horror, too dumbfounded to even know how to react. When the deed was done, a voice spoke from beyond the portal, lamenting that they hadn’t managed to get there sooner to help them, and chastising Shepard’s failed, overreaching efforts.

    Mythal demanded to know who the man was, and after a moment of amusement the stranger poked his head through the portal. Serilda shifted her stance as he did, brandishing her sword at the ready without actually attempting an attack just yet. The figure had long red hair and wore a wide brimmed hat. She studied him quietly, memorizing his face while he insisted that he wasn’t important for the time being, though he seemed to think that eventually the two Knights would have an issue with him. Serilda’s gaze flicked briefly in the same direction his did, toward the “beacon of energy” as he’d called it.

    But before Mythal could get too far in laying down the rules, the figure interrupted him and advised he’d simply come to clean up Faera’s mess. Opening his hand to reveal that Shepard had basically disintegrated, he wished them farewell and a blessing before he closed the portal. Serilda was already moving trying to follow the figure through the other side for more answers, but despite even Mythal’s efforts the gateway snapped shut. Serilda growled in frustration. “Why can’t we ever just solve one problem before we get another one..?”

    The moment the portal had opened, every hackle on Ryori’s neck had risen. As Ruman had said, it felt familiar… too familiar. For the first time since meeting her, the Omen would appear spooked, if only slightly. Perhaps uneasy was the more appropriate term. “Yeah… probably a good idea,” was her distracted response to Ruman. She could get everyone out of there soon enough, but first…

    Without warning, Ruman and Izrael would simply find themselves standing in the desert sands where the battle had taken place, where Serilda and Mythal had just finished confronting the mysterious stranger. “What just happened?” she asked as she walked over toward Serilda.

    The Voidwalker spun slightly in surprise, raising her sword in defense only to realize who was approaching her. Not that the sight of Ryori made Serilda’s mood any less sour. The Omen, oblivious to the stern glare that Serilda was giving her, gently paced the spot where the portal had opened, examining it with the Weave. “You would know what happened if you had been here,” Serilda snapped. “Where the hell were you?! Shepard finally shows his face and attacks us, yet after all your talk you wait until the battle is over to show your face..?”

    “The plan changed,” Ryori informed her, her focus still more on the place the portal had been than on Serilda herself. “Trust me, I’m no more happy about it than you are. Wasted a year of my life hunting that asshole and didn’t even get to punch him…You’ll get your answers, but first Ruman suggested that we get Branwen and Aster someplace where they can recover.”

    As if only just remembering, Serilda looked over and saw Aster laying in the sand near the two remaining Trumpets. Her eyes went wide and she rushed over to her unconscious mentor, kneeling beside her. “Is she..?”

    “She’s alive and she’ll be fine. She just needs rest.” Finally accepting that she wasn’t going to get any additional information from examining the place the gateway had opened, Ryori sighed in resignation and turned back to the group. “Where to?”

    Serilda slowly stood to her feet, glancing up at Ruman and Izrael with a stern stare, clearly trying to decide what to do with them. The sight of them still made her a bit angry, considering all the events from their prior meeting, and naturally she was not ready to let go of her mistrust of them just yet… but when push came to shove, they had helped make sure Branwen was brought home. Her gaze flicked to Mythal and, presuming he didn’t voice anything against bringing them along, she’d nod. “New Rhaegar? If anyone can make sure these two are patched up properly, it’s going to be Cyrene… Though we may want to send a warning ahead, for Vriko’s sake.”

    Mythal’s sister certainly wasn’t going to be pleased to see the two people that had killed the only person she’d cared about growing up. Though Vriko still lived with Serilda and Mythal in Era, she had the means to travel back and forth to New Rhaegar as she desired, and was oftentimes there as much as in Era. The last thing she probably needed was a surprise face to face with Ruman and Izrael after everything that had happened.

    Once they were ready, Serilda used her Void powers to lift Aster and Branwen gently into the air, the pair hovering above the ground. Then, giving Ryori a nod, the sand dunes of Desierto would disappear and be instantaneously replaced by the familiar sight of New Rhaegar. Specifically, Ryori had brought them to the training grounds where Vandrad and Cedric spent most of their time with Victoria.

    They wouldn’t get very far before Mercury hurried out to greet them. The Queen Apparent cast a curious glance at the two Trumpets, but otherwise went straight to the two Rune Knights. “Cyrene is getting everything set up for them.”

    “Thanks. I suggest that she let them recuperate in the same room, otherwise Aster is just going to insist on getting up once she’s awake, and I guarantee she’s more stubborn than Cyrene is.”

    Mercury smirked. “That’s saying a lot. I’ll let her know.” With the wave of her hand, she summoned two metal gurneys that hovered in the air. Serilda gently guided both of the unconscious individuals onto them. “Vandrad’s getting everyone to the conference room. Go on ahead. I’ll take these two to Cyrene and join you once they’re settled.”

    “Thank you, Mercury.”

    WORDS: 1119/4366 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 26th February 2024, 2:50 pm

    1368/4038 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    “Pro’lly because there’s no shortage of bullshit to go around,” Mythal grumbled as his arms slumped down at his sides in defeat. Rightfully, they should have been reveling in victory, one pulled out by luck and happenstance but a victory nonetheless. Instead, all the Darkness Slayer could do was stare at the point where the portal had appeared, the stranger’s words tumbling around in his head and finding no reasonable explanation. Before he could turn to discuss the matter with Serilda, suddenly they were flanked by Ryori, Ruman, Izrael and the unconscious bodies of Branwen and Aster. The Omen seemed just as interested in the tail end of the battle, though Serilda was far more furious at Ryori’s lack of arrival and turned her focus to that. Ryori ignored the Voidwalker’s tone, instead explaining that the plan had changed and they could explain everything once they had the married couple somewhere safe and secure.

    There was, of course, the matter of Ruman and Izrael to contend with. Both Trumpets had come to their aid at the darkest point of the battle, allowing Mythal and Serilda to prevail where they might not have. That was worth noting but there was also the matter that one single act didn’t wash away their actions from before. Their last meeting hadn’t been the most friendly, spurred on by the sudden extermination of Vriko’s friends, Serethar. That made them an anomaly but, unfortunately, one didn’t resolve an anomaly by simply pushing it aside. They had questions and if Ruman and Izrael had truly turned their backs on Faera, they theoretically would have come bearing answers. Mythal glanced over at Serilda, tired crimson orbs clouded with confusion and annoyance from the interaction only moments prior. But that fog cleared up enough to give her an assured nod, if only for the sake of getting to the bottom of the conundrum.

    Mythal took a moment to send out a series of quick messages from his iLac, communicating a need for a meeting and the arrival of two patients in need of care. He also mentioned they would be bringing along two POWs, if only because he wasn’t sure what else to call them at the moment, and asked that Vriko either make herself scarce or be prepared to face the ones that had killed Serethar. Once those messages had been sent out and verified as read, Serilda used her powers to secure Branwen and Aster before they were almost instantly transported from the sandy dunes of Desierto to New Rhaegar. The brisk change of temperature was probably the most jarring, going from humid and heated to the brisk, coolness that came from ocean air. The training ground at which they’d arrived was mostly empty, save for Mercury already heading towards them.

    As Serilda and Mercury discussed Branwen and Aster’s condition and recovery plans, Mythal leveled his gaze over to Izrael and Ruman. The two Trumpets remained quiet and stoic, though Izrael looked more annoyed than her larger compatriot. With the two unconscious patients secured on two summoned gurneys, Mercury whisked them off to wherever Cyrene was, inviting the rest of them to go to the conference room for a discussion on the matter at hand. “Hope you all didn’t think this was going to be an intimate affair,” Mythal commented to the two Trumpets.

    “Not at all. Better to confront the matter all at once and deliver all the information we have to as many interested allies as possible,” Ruman agreed with a gentle nod.

    Mythal wasn’t sure why but Ruman’s agreeable attitude just annoyed him more. Nonetheless, he waited for Serilda to lead the way and fell in step in the rear, making sure to leave Ruman and Izrael in a pincer formation. It seemed silly and a bit petty, all things considered, but he wasn’t about to let his guard down yet. He followed behind the rest of the group all the way to the conference room, where most of the group had already gathered. A quick and decisive silence fell over the room as eyes were laid upon Ruman and Izrael, everyone knowing them by description alone. Mythal noticed that Vriko was notably not among the gathered party.

    “So these are the other two Trumpets, huh? Talk about a stark difference in genre,” Cedric was the first to break the silent tension because of course he was. He nodded at the two Trumpets as his gaze set on Mythal and Serilda. “Managed to capture these two during your scuffle?”

    “Not exactly,” Mythal admitted slowly. He then took the time to fully describe their day; starting from the information they had discovered at the Rune Knight headquarters all the way to the stranger that had finished off Shepard. It was a lengthy explanation and, for most, it was probably the most Mythal had talked in one singular time. By the end of it, he needed a glass of water or maybe something stronger to drink; he hadn’t really decided.

    Vandrad leaned forward in his chair, his dark eyes set upon Ruman and then flicking to Izrael. "This… allegiance you now show to Mythal was noticeably lacking the last time they encountered you two. Are you acting out of some desire for self preservation?”

    Izrael scoffed. “Self preservation? If anything, this makes us even more likely to get killed. Do you all think that you’ve put that much fear in Faera and her people that we’d swap sides just for the sake of maybe finding mercy?”

    Ruman laid a calming hand on Izrael’s shoulder, the outrageous sight of his massive mitt gently resting when it could easily hold her in a single grip. “Calm yourself, Izrael. They are right to question and be cautious.” The smaller Trumpet audibly pouted in annoyance but seemed content to let the matter go, in lieu of her compatriot talking. And Ruman did just that, circling back to the explanation he had provided Ryori that had been enough to convince her to alter her plan. Remarkably, probably only to the Omen, he explained using the exact same verbiage as when they had spoken.

    Once he had finished, the room was silent once more. And yet, unsurprisingly, when words would finally split the quiet: “Nifty story there. Sounds almost honest. But you can’t expect us to believe you just because you say so,” Cedric replied, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded in front of him.

    “They are telling the truth.” Mythal wasn’t sure what it was that urged him to speak but the words were already leaving his mouth before he had come to understand the decision. “We all know I got a knack for rootin’ out liars. And despite how outrageous it is, Ruman is… well, he’s bein’ honest.”

    “Please understand; we do not expect trust or reliance from anyone here without proof of our commitment. We are not ignorant enough to believe that single act is enough to earn a place among your ranks. All we ask is that we be given the chance to prove ourselves earnest in our goal, by helping to aid you against Faera when and where you ask it,” Ruman explained, bowing his head respectfully.

    "The plan was to deal with Shepard and then with the two of you before we even began to consider a strategy for Faera,” Vandrad replied coolly, his tone softer and more understanding than Cedric. "But with your actions, we’ve seemingly swept away those three tasks. Do you know something about her plans that we should take into immediate consideration?”

    “Not yet,” Izrael spoke up, equally as reigned in as the king, now that she’d had time to relax. “Faera can use her magic to open doors for those that serve her but only if they’re strong enough to get through. She is still tied to Kingdom Darkness, anchored to it even and she can’t bring her forces through safely. They’d basically disintegrate into nothing. Even she, as strong as she is, would be weak when she first came through. It’s why all of us needed to be sent through and had to lay low for some time. Recover our strength and all of that.”

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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1568
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 29th February 2024, 10:54 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda led the way to the conference room, wordlessly falling into step with Izrael and Ruman flanked between herself and Mythal. Ryori ambled along behind the group, though she was less worried about the two Trumpets and more exhausted by the prospect of having to cram herself in a room full of other people. While she had sort of met most of the du Wolff clan from her first encounter with Vandrad and Cedric, she really hadn’t spent any time with any of them, or even been formally introduced to most of them. For the most part, she showed up in the training grounds to work with Vandrad, Cedric, Saffron, and Victoria, and then she left as soon as training was completed. She’d never even set foot inside the manor.

    The room itself was at least spacious. The Omen stepped inside and stopped to take stock of her surroundings. A large table that could easily fit more people than were already present took up the center of the room. She eyed each individual briefly while they did the same with the Trumpets, making note of those she was familiar with and memorizing the faces of the rest. Rather than claim an empty seat or arrange herself directly in the gathered group, however, she picked a spot on the side of the room where she could see and hear everyone clearly. There, she leaned against the wall, careful to make sure she didn’t bang it with the sword on her back. From there she would observe the proceedings apart from everyone else, withdrawing her flask and drinking from it quietly as she did.

    Cedric was the first to break the silence, Saffron snorting dryly beside him at his humorous remark but otherwise making no other commentary. While the blonde was now part of the group that was fully roped in on the matters regarding the gods and demons, she still was somewhat new to the scene and still had some catching up to do. Basically, she was there just to support Vandrad and Cedric, and to keep herself fully informed in case they ever needed her help with anything. She, along with everyone else, listened in attentive quiet while Mythal gave them the skinny on what had transpired with Shepard – the most anyone, Serilda included, had ever heard him talk in one go. Mercury walked in sometime in the middle of it, quietly taking a seat beside Vandrad without interrupting the Rune Knight, trusting that someone would fill her in later on what she’d missed.

    When he was done, Vandrad turned to address the Trumpets, inquiring as to their reasons for shifting allegiances. The question was met by some reproach from Izrael, who’s attitude earned a sharp look from Serilda, and varying looks of amused bewilderment from Mercury and Saffron. Ryori didn’t even shift her gaze in their direction, listening but otherwise zoned out on a random spot across the room while she took occasional sips from her drink. It was Ruman that calmed her down, as seemed to be his repeated lot in life, before going into his explanation about their conversation with Ryori during the battle with Shepard. Serilda considered the tale with an even, if stern, expression, her eyes flicking briefly to the lone woman against the wall as if weighing the new information against her prior annoyance with the Omen. If Ryori knew she was being watched, she didn’t care enough to acknowledge the look.

    It was once again Cedric that offered the first response, not fully buying into the sell and questioning how they were supposed to believe them. Mythal insisted they were telling the truth, at least according to his supernatural ability to spot a lie. “One can tell truths and still be deceitful,” the Omen remarked from her perch in what could only be described as detached academia. “But if I had sensed any attempt to deceive me, any shred of obscurity in their story, I would not have allowed them the chance to intervene in the fight. Past that, their testimony aligns with the mythology of Kingdom Darkness. The reality of the situation is what they say it is.” She looked momentarily over at Cedric, meeting his gaze, offering him the chance to trust her if he could not trust the Trumpets…

    …but that was all she would say for now, distancing her attention once more. Ruman insisted that they understood it was going to take work on their part to prove themselves. All they wanted was the chance to do so, and to do their part to save their matron from the abomination that she had become. It certainly upheaved the path the group had been expecting to take before confronting Faera, and Vandrad admitted as much. He asked if either of them had any knowledge of the Goddess’ next steps, and Izrael expressed that they didn’t. At least, nothing concrete. Faera’s ultimate goal was to invade the mortal realm, but it wasn’t as simple as finding a way out. She could open doors, but creatures that were tied to the Kingdom would not survive if they weren’t strong enough to survive the trip. Those that did possess such strength still needed a period of time to recover, and the same would be true of Faera herself.

    Serilda had a thoughtful frown on her face as she considered Izrael’s words. “How weak?” she asked. “Say she manages to find a way out of the Kingdom. Would that be our chance to strike, if we can find a way to detect when she arrives?”

    “You’re not asking the right question.”

    “And what, pray tell, is the ‘right’ question?” the Voidwalker asked, a hint of annoyance with the Omen still present in her tone.

    “If you are given the opportunity to kill Faera, should you?” she asked simply.

    “You’re suggesting that we don’t? With the danger she poses, and after everything she’s done to us? To Mythal, Gren, and Vriko? To Branwen?”

    “You know she only became what she is because Kingdom Darkness corrupted her.”

    “Her sacrifice is noble and I can respect what she did, but it doesn’t change the situation. We can’t base our solutions on who she used to be–”

    “You’re not listening to what I’m saying,” Ryori interrupted with careful, if forced, patience. Once more, she finally turned her gaze toward the group, settling it first on the Voidwalker before shifting it to regard the group as a whole. “She became the vanguard of Kingdom Darkness out of necessity. There was no choice. And once she is gone…”

    “...Someone will have to take her place.” Mercury finished the sentence softly.

    Ryori regarded the Xocili for a moment and then nodded. “Kingdom Darkness requires someone to guard it. Without someone to keep it in check, it will do far more than destroy the realm of mortals. It will consume everything.”

    There was a pregnant pause as the Omen left them to consider that hard truth. This time, it was Saffron who broke the silence. “Okay, so… another god has to step in?”

    The Omen shook her head. “Even if one of the other gods was willing, you wouldn’t want them to. Faera was once the kindest and most compassionate of the Divines. She was…” Her voice trailed off for a moment, and there was a rare softness to her expression. “She was the best of them. The only one that exemplified what a god should be.” She looked up briefly at Ruman and Izrael with a meaningful expression, one that was perhaps a bit sad. The look melted back into neutrality as she sighed softly through her nostrils. “I’m not saying all of the other gods are dicks. There are a couple who do care about more than just themselves, but the last time there was a changing of the guard, Faera was the only one to volunteer. The rest were ready to draw straws and dump the responsibility on one of their brethren. You’ve seen what Faera has become… Do you really want to see what Kingdom Darkness does to another god that has never shared her humble disposition? Because I don’t.”

    As hard as it was to believe, Faera as she currently stood was the best case scenario. The other gods would not be able to resist the corruption as long as she had, would become something far more depraved and horrific. “There are only two that are immune to the Kingdom’s infection: Ataxia, the realm’s original ruler… and the Heir to Darkness.” She fixed her gaze directly on Mythal, unwavering. “Ruman and Izrael choose to ally themselves to you because you are the only one who can release Faera from her torment, as the rightful inheritor of the Kingdom. But from what I hear, you are staunchly against accepting your role. If that is the case, I would not be as eager as the rest of you seem to be to bring Faera’s life to an end, or the victory of the Heir will not bring peace.”

    “There aren’t any other options..?” Mercury asked, pushing back skeptically on the topic. “Out of the billions of people on Earthland and the trillions out in the rest of the universe, out of all the divine beings beyond it, you’re saying there are only two people that can do this?”

    “Only two that can do it safely. Only two that we could be sure of. I can’t say for sure that someone else, someone not a god, couldn’t do it but…” She gave it a moment of thought. “It’s never been done before, and I don’t think it’s likely to succeed. The corruption of the realm is just too strong. At the very least, they would need to have some connection to Kingdom Darkness, such as someone whose soul has already become one with the realm. You can’t just pick anyone arbitrarily, and no matter who took up the mantle, we would find ourselves back in the same situation sooner or later. They would only be a stopgap toward the inevitable.”

    “So the question that needs to be asked is: If Faera is killed, are you ready to accept the consequences?” Her mismatched eyes once more settled on Mythal, and there would be no mistaking who the inquiry was aimed at. This was not a general problem for the group to solve as a unified whole, but one being put directly on Mythal. “And if you refuse to take up the crown, who will you condemn to take your place? Will it be one of the gods, who will become something far worse than Faera? Or maybe your friend Ruzatz? He certainly has a distant connection to the Kingdom. Would you convict him to suffer, to become a thing that wants nothing more than to consume the world of man that he loves so much? To hate his human wives? Will you force some other mortal to bear the weight of your responsibilities until they ultimately fail? Or perhaps you’ll simply let the Kingdom run rampant until it bleeds through all of time and space, all of life and death, until there is nothing left but the Darkness.”

    While her words were without malice, they were intentionally harsh. Ryori was targeting Mythal because he was the only one who could decide what the future of Kingdom Darkness would be, and he had chosen to deny the reality of his situation every step of the way so far. Others may have been willing to let him entertain such petulant notions, but Ryori was not. The fate of all things rested squarely on his shoulders, and he had to confront it in one way or another. She wasn’t saying that he was without options, but the fact of the matter was that all of his options sucked, and he needed to start thinking about which outcome would be the worst for him to live with.

    WORDS: 1993/6359 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Lone Trumpet in the Sand Empty Re: Lone Trumpet in the Sand

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 7th March 2024, 6:13 pm

    2004/6042 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal’s gaze flicked to Ryori as she commented on the fundamental difference between truth and lie and how that difference could be misconstrued. It was enough to let the slightest doubt seep into him but before it could even take root, she clarified that she didn’t sense any kind of obstructive or withholding intent from Ruman and Izrael. If she had, she would have dealt with them accordingly. Plus it connected with the legends that permeated the likes of Kingdom Darkness, further cementing their honesty. Cedric caught Ryori’s gaze for the moment it was on him and he let out a small sigh, seemingly willing to accept her words in comparison to the angels.

    After that, she was silent for a long while as Ruman and Izrael spoke of their new allegiance to Mythal and his companions. With all but the one Trumpet remaining faithful to the Divine, it fell to Vandrad to ask what Faera’s next step might have been. Unfortunately, Izrael clarified that the goddess didn’t seem to have a next plan of action that they knew of. While her desire to conquer their world was her primary focus, she lacked the ability to pass over, what with her connection to Kingdom Darkness. And coming through severely weakened those that passed through the threshold, giving herself, Ruman and Shepard as examples of that.

    Serilda tacked herself onto that thought, putting forth the idea that, perhaps, they could wait for Faera to foolishly bring herself over and be rendered weak enough for them to bring her down. It was something to consider but one that Ryori felt the need to intervene in, remarking that they were all focusing on the wrong question. Instead, she turned it around and asked if killing Faera was truly the right course, with Serilda asking for clarification to why that question was even relevant. As always, the Omen was quick to provide insight, stating that Faera had only become what she currently was because of her choice to go into Kingdom Darkness. And when Serilda didn’t seem to fully understand her meaning, she interrupted her thought and pulled the wool off of their eyes. Faera had gone to Kingdom Darkness because someone had to. Mercury finished Ryori’s sentence in understanding, stating that someone would have to fill the gap if Faera was taken out.

    Mythal felt a great weight in his stomach as he listened, somehow presaging what the outcome of the current discussion was going to be. He remained quiet as Ryori countered the idea that another god could step in to hold Kingdom Darkness back. Faera had been one of, if not, the best of the divine bunch and they saw firsthand what she was like in the present. Any other god, whether caring or not, could become something far worse than the Divine of Love was. By mythology and factual evidence standards, there were only two beings capable of remaining in Kingdom Darkness, immunized to its effects; Ataxia, who had been its original ruler, and the so-called Heir to Darkness. Mythal very nearly winced in annoyance at the title, even as the attention of the room clearly shifted towards him. He didn’t even realize he was staring into the table in front of him, aware of Ryori’s gaze upon him but seemingly fixated on the smooth surface before him.

    Mercury tried to argue about other options but Ryori staunchly stood by her theory, if only due to lack of evidence to the alternative. It was possible someone that was connected to Kingdom Darkness, whose very soul had been bathed in the realm, could take up the task but there was nothing keeping them from becoming corrupted as well. No matter the case, no matter the other options, the hard truth was staring them all in the face but no one more sternly as Mythal, even as the Omen asked his willingness to accept the repercussions if Faera was slain. She painted a very grim picture, illuminating his options and the damned end that would come from all of them. It was the word responsibilities that really jabbed into him, his anger quickly boiling up and rising to the surface even before she had finished speaking.

    But his hand slammed the table hard, cracking the polished surface into intricate, random spider cracks. “Responsibility?!” he snapped back at her, his head still hanging. His fingers on the table curled in, forming a fist that held against the crater on the table. His face lifted up to look at her, ruby eyes ablaze with a twister of emotions. What responsibility? The one that you’re tryin’ to put on me? The one that fate or destiny or whatever the fuck decided I was to follow? I didn’t ask for this shit; I’m just the lucky fuckin’ swimmer that beat the rest of the flock to the goalpost. And for what? So I can waltz into that wasteland of darkness and death and stand guard over the endless hordes of souls unlucky enough to end up there?”

    “Thirty fuckin’ years. I spent over three decades dealin’ with Faera and her shit. I spent half of my life depressed, boozin’ and keepin’ away from other people because that fuckin’ place makes me hate everyone, ingraining its bullshit into my genes. She took Gren from me and I ran, removin’ myself from her gaze and from all of the idiotic bullshit. I wasn’t happy but people were safe. Then I stumbled into Fairy Tail, down on luck and out of funds and…” His voice failed him as he stood in silence for several long beats, body trembling from the rage, fear and agony. “I finally… found people I could care about. I found love… I found a family. I had reasons to give a damn. All while that bitch did everything she could to destroy my life. And now you’re tellin’ me, instructin’ me, that either I let her live or I give up everything I’ve grown to care about because of her?”

    He bared his teeth angrily. “Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck fate and destiny and anyone or anything that thinks it can paint me into an ultimatum. Mark my words; I will cut that fuckin’ woman’s head right off her neck. Then I will slam the door shut on Kingdom Darkness and seal it so fuckin’ tight, it’ll be completely forgotten. Just tell me I won’t.” With that said, Mythal angrily walked around the table and marched out of the meeting room, leaving it in silence.

    The tension was still in the room after the silent moments. Vandrad, this time, was the one to break the quiet. "Perhaps we should-”

    “You!” Yet another angry voice but definitely not Mythal. Vriko had come through the door that Mythal had just left, not thirty seconds prior. But she was no less furious, fixing a fiery gaze on Ruman and Izrael. Her hand swung down to her hip, grabbing the handle of her blade and yanked it up as she stormed towards them with clear and violent intent.

    “Whoa, whoa!” Cedric had moved with remarkable speed, quick enough to get in front of Vriko and block her way. She tried to push past him, forcing the former Dread Master to manhandle a bit more than he truly wanted to. “We already had one angry Ragnos storm out, we don’t need one coming back.”

    “Let me go NOW!” Vriko roared, still fighting around him. Despite her sword in her hand, she never motioned to swipe at him, nor did her eyes ever remove themselves from Ruman and Izrael. “I will make them pay!”

    Ruman turned to look at her, his reverie broken. He’d been deep in thought after Mythal’s words and seemingly had only just removed himself from them. His gaze settled on Vriko in surprise… and then understanding. “Vriko… you are here, with them?”

    “I never would have seen that one coming,” Izrael said with a scoff.

    "Watch your tongue,” Vandrad barked, narrowing his eyes at both Trumpets. "Vriko has proven herself a friend and ally. And as we understand it, she has every right to seek justice upon you two for your actions.”

    Ruman nodded. “Forgive our tone, it was not meant with disrespect. We were…” He glanced over at Izrael, sharing a look before he continued. “We were afraid that the trauma of her upbringing had permanently etched hostility in her towards Mythal and the rest of you.”

    “Does this look like hostility? No, we’re clearly all warm and cuddly,” Cedric managed to get out as he still fought against Vriko.

    Once more, the large Trumpet nodded before turning his eyes back to Vriko. “Vriko… we understand why you are angry with us. But before you consider violence, we wish to offer an olive branch.” Ruman held his hand out as his weapon materialized into the air, gently grabbed by the Trumpet. “As Mythal and Serilda are well aware by now, my weapon is capable of destroying darkness. Serethar, for all the care and tenderness he had for Vriko, was still under the corruption of Kingdom Darkness.”

    The keysword began to glow at its tip as Ruman brought it around front, turning it so it was pointed down. Gently he lowered it and bounced the tip of it against the ground, a wave of light emerging from the focal point. As the Trumpet pulled his weapon back up and away, a swirling twister of light rose up from the touched spot before it exploded into a dazzling display of twinkling light. And there, standing in front of Ruman, was Serethar.

    “Serethar was a creation of mine, to bring forth the triumph of the second vessel. When my mind was freed, I worried that Serethar and Vriko would continue to bring ruin to Mythal. But seeing that you have… liberated yourself of your past brings me joy. And with that joy comes elation that I can reunite you with Serethar, now free of Kingdom Darkness’ hold.”

    Vriko was staring, wide-eyed, at Serethar. He looked exactly as he had before, though perhaps a bit perplexed at his situation. His eyes scanned the room curiously before his eyes fell upon Vriko. “Vriko… you’re okay…” he said softly, letting out a small sigh of relief.

    The former bandit shoved past Cedric, who had stopped fighting her after she’d settled. Her sword clattered to the ground as she threw herself against Serethar, hugging him to her. The angel looked shocked, staring at the side of her head in complete awe for several seconds. But finally his own arms moved around her and pulled her even tighter, returning her hug and embracing her in sheer, glorious reunion.

    A reconciliation that Mythal, unfortunately, didn’t get a chance to bear witness to. He’d fully stormed out of the manor, instinctively heading back to the training area that they’d first arrived at. He was still fully brimming with emotion, a veritable bottle of competing feelings that threatened to burst once again. He came to a stop in the middle of the training circle, burning holes into the ground with his gaze. Yet tears threatened the corner of his eyes, each second willing them to fall as his thoughts swirled in a terrible tornado in his mind.

    A new sound cut through the background noise of New Rhaegar. An unmistakable crunch of someone biting into something. “Boy, that was rough,” a voice spoke to him from just beyond his peripheral.

    His body twisted towards the source, his anger leading the movement as he sought to confront the person making wise cracks. But… when his eyes fell upon him, confusion contorted his face. “Who the hell are you?” he demanded, barely suppressing his anger.

    The dark skinned man finished chewing on the bite of apple he had chomped off. “That’s a complicated question. But I’m sure Vandrad has told you of me; He Who Is?” he offered with a grin, watching the realization paint over the Darkness Slayer’s features. “We should talk.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


      Current date/time is 23rd January 2025, 1:37 am