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    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 14th March 2020, 2:19 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    “Marshall Langley…” Gren mused aloud, his face written in somber trouble. He had known the man for many years, served under him essentially from the beginning of his career. Learning that his life had come to such a swift and brutal end left him unsettled but there was the caveat that Serilda herself had made sure the one that had swung the sword had met a near-same end. “He was a good man. A bit pig-headed but that was just pride from experience. He always wanted to do the right thing for the country. It’s a damn shame he’s gone. But I’m glad to hear that his killer was brought to justice not too long after.”

    Everyone seemed to take a collective breath, as the return of Gren and the constant conversation had started to weigh heavily on all of them. It was a lot to handle and Mythal was nearly in the center of it all. He kept waiting to wake up – to find that Gren was really gone and this was all just some made up dream. But every time he blinked, the old bastard was still sitting right there. It was unbelievable. Though he still harbored a great deal of anger towards the secrecy and the sneaking around, he frankly was just happy. Happy to know that Faera hadn’t won out like she originally thought she had.

    But the moment of silent peace seemed to break open again as Serilda returned to a prior subject, her attention on Branwen and Aster as she asked them if their house was secure. It was a curiously unsettling thing to ask, as the looks on the three older former Knights probably told each of them. Aster was quick to guarantee that any information passed within the walls was confidential and centralized to this home. As Serilda leaned herself forward and prepared her theory, it was clear she had the attention of the others. Mythal had already assumed this was where the night was heading and so he sat there, prepared to support Seri in anyway he could.

    She started with a warning; explaining that the information she was about to trail into was dangerous and needed to be kept completely confidential. Her words hung heavily in the air but given the looks of the former Knights, it was clear they agreed with her stipulation. With that out of the way, she continued and touched upon Gren’s mention of the possible corruption in the Rune Knights. But her focus wasn’t on the Knights themselves – it was on the people above them. A look of shock passed over Branwen’s face for a moment as the suggestion took root. His wife sought to know if she meant the Magic Council and the look she got from the Voidwalker confirmed exactly that. The tension in the air somehow grew thicker then, as if they had said some cursed name and brought its haunting aura to the very room they sat in. Before either one of them could ask, Aster asked about evidence.

    Serilda explained that they had nothing solid – merely suspicion. She covered her experience with Wayland, one of the Rune Knight clerks and how he had shown signs of utter fear beyond that of the attack on Era. With him in hiding, they had nothing solid to go on. “Until he comes back, all we can do is go about our business during the day and do our research at night, so ta’ speak,” Mythal said, scratching his chin. But the point of bringing it up wasn’t just to inform them of their suspicions but also to dig into their histories; to see if there was ever an instance that the Council had done or ordered or even hinted at that could be seen as suspicious.

    “None that I recall off the top of my head…” Branwen said with a small shrug.

    Gren didn’t answer right away. His vision was focused intently on the floor, boring holes through the wooden planks. The notion had sparked something in his memory apparently. After a brief moment, he lifted his gaze to them. “Mythal.”

    The Darkness King looked back at him, lifting a brow. “Yeah?”

    “No. Mythal, Bran,” Gren said, looking over at his former comrade. “We’d been grasping at near-empty straws with the Sons of Faera for months. All of a sudden the Council had evidence of their home location and the possibility of a planet-endangering ritual. There are other instances where they just… seemed to have the answers drop right in their laps.”

    “But why would they enact events that threatened their lives as well? That doesn’t seem very strategic. If they had retreated…”

    “They could have suspicion thrown on them. No, they had to maintain the status quo. But maybe…” The former knight rubbed his chin with his hand and looked over at Serilda. “All I have is thoughts but give me some time. I might be able to get my hands on some documents. Things that wouldn’t be in the archives. Mission files that I had personally made copies of, just in case.”

    “You copied mission files?” Branwen asked, seemingly insulted at the breaking of conduct.

    “I like to have my ass covered when I can cover it myself,” Gren shot back, shooting his old friend a brief smirk.

    “If you kept ‘em at the house, they were toast. Been gone for years,” Mythal started to explain.

    “Ah, you think your old man’s that big of on idiot? If I left them at home, that’s the first place people would look. No, I have places. Just need to make sure they’re still standin’.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 14th March 2020, 8:23 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    At first it seemed as though none of the former Knights would have much to contribute for the moment, which was what Serilda expected. News like this was certainly a shock, and it would take time for them to recollect enough of their past work and review it with a scrutinizing eye to decide if anything added up to what she suspected. But then, Gren spoke up, referencing the events the night of Mythal’s birth, with him and Branwen being sent to stop the ritual. The man commented about how there had been a number of instances where it seemed as though the Council had solutions just happen to fall into their laps. At the time, they hadn’t thought much of it, but now, with such suspicions voiced out loud to get them thinking…

    Gren asked for time to dig up some of his old files and to go over his memories of his time in the Knights. It seemed that he had made his own copies of some of his cases, which seemed to both surprise and annoy Branwen. Aster smirked. Serilda narrowed her eyes a little, but frankly it was to their benefit. “While I certainly don’t condone that… it’s probably for the best. A large majority of the archives were burned and destroyed in the attack. Another thing that I find… convenient.” Serilda often wondered these days what files had been targeted. Perhaps some of it was with what Gren had copies of. “Whatever you have left, I would appreciate you taking a look through it. If there is a way to safely get copies to me, I can help you.”

    It was about all any of them felt safe discussing for the moment. There were a lot of other things that they needed to discuss, but much had already weighed heavy on their minds that night and it would take time to digest things before they could really continue with any of it. Most everything else were things that either did not yet need to be said, or needed to be said in private. So as uneasy as it probably was to do so, eventually the lot of them elected to relax a bit and just enjoy one another’s company. Or at least, as much as they could with the mild, lingering tension from Gren’s resurfacing that wasn’t likely to go away for a time.

    Still, as the night went on it got a little easier. Serilda and Mythal talked a bit about how they met, at Gren’s request. Naturally, now that he had the chance to catch up with his son and get to know Serilda in a more open environment, he had questions. While they left out some of the more intimate details of some of the things that had happened during the rather rough start to their relationship, the two of them openly teased about how much they had disliked one another in the beginning and how much work it had taken to reach a place of understanding and affection for one another.

    That, in turn, had led into a number of similar memories of Branwen and Aster’s younger days. Serilda was shaken to the core by a number of her mentor’s stories from back when she was quite the renegade, her entire image of the stern and collected woman crashing down around her ears. The blonde had been more than a little bit of a trouble maker, wanted for crimes not just in Fiore, but also in Minstrel, Seven, Bosco, and even Ca-Elum. She was even more surprised to learn that her parents knew about Aster’s past when they elected her to train Serilda. Not just knew, but had been a part of it -- it seemed the job where Branwen had finally caught up to Aster and married her had been an attempted robbery on a caravan of Sinclair gems.

    Eventually, it was time to call it a night, however. Thanking the couple for their hospitality, Serilda bid goodnight to Aster and Branwen, letting them know that she would be in touch soon to try and set up another time and place for all of them to meet in a safe place where they could come together with their findings. Given that Gren had elected to walk outside with them, they waited to say their goodbyes to him until they were out of earshot of the Franes. He probably figured that either or both of them would want the chance to speak to him privately before they parted ways, and at least on Serilda’s end he would be correct.

    She gave appropriate time and silence for the two men to work out their farewells in whatever manner it would befall them. Most of which would depend on however Mythal was feeling about everything by this point in the night. When it was time, however, she turned to the darkness mage. “Leave the portal open, please,” Serilda asked him in a gentle but meaningful tone. “I’ll be right behind you.”

    While others might have considered her presumptuous, Serilda knew that Mythal would understand. All of this had started with Gren tricking Serilda, seeking her out in private and throwing her off her guard and into a mild state of panic. While she could easily surmise the reasons, now, that he had chosen to do so, they still needed to clear the air about that confrontation if there was going to be any trust between them in the future.

    Assuming that Mythal elected to give her that chance, which she highly doubted he wouldn’t, she would give his hand a silent squeeze of appreciation. Serilda signaled for Xiuhcoatl to follow Mythal and her brother, giving the affectionate wolf a chance to beg a few pets from Gren beforehand.

    Once they were alone, there was a long moment of silence as Serilda’s pale blue gaze simply rested on Gren with a stern and unreadable expression. Finally, she said, “I trust you understand that I am still angry with you?” Despite the words, the noblewoman did not deliver the statement harshly. It was just a chance to be openly honest, one that invited him, if he wished, to explain his actions back on that day in Ace of Spades.

    WORDS: 1060/1060 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th March 2020, 1:20 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Admitting he had taken official records and made illegal copies was probably not the best look for Gren in the face of the new Field Marshall. It was the kind of admission that caused one to look even more untrustworthy but the former Rune Knight was done with lying. Afterall, he had always been a superstitious man, even with the groups and agents that he worked closely with. A man always waiting for the other shoe to drop never truly found a means to rest but it kept him safe in times that it mattered most, usually. Luckily for him, Serilda’s anger was placed in a far more personal place than one of business and she was able to look past the supposed treasonous action for the betterment of their situation. As it seemed, the Rune Knight archives had been one of the main targets during the attack and there was no telling the amount of damage done.

    He gave her a curt nod. “Whatever I can rummage up is yours. It ain’t doin’ much good lying in piles of dust and dirt – I’d feel better about it bein’ used by you two to start building a case.” It wasn’t going to be a simple task, nor a short one. Despite his ability to travel nearly anywhere in the world through his magic, doing so also attracted a lot of attention. That meant he’d have to travel on foot. There was also the matter of explaining his reasoning for going on such a grand hunt to his current employers. But one thing at a time.

    After that, it seemed the more weighty, tense subjects had been cleared away. With so much being passed around in so little a time, it felt right to simply try and relax. It was difficult at first – Gren suddenly being there carried a tension in and of itself but one that slowly dwindled to a minor annoyance as time went on. It wasn’t going to be something easily swept to the wayside anytime soon; chances were it was going to take a lot more visits and awkward encounters for it to become truly normal in a sense. But there was no point in lingering in the friction when other, more pleasant subjects could be addressed.

    While Gren had been watching Mythal and, by extension, Serilda for some time, he didn’t know the whole story. He had come and gone so often that it almost seemed like she hadn’t been there one day and then was there the next. So he had inquired to know more and they had been more than happy to talk about something positive. Of course they skipped over the more… intimate parts of their meetings but they didn’t hide the fact that only annoyance had passed between them until they started to work more with one another. Their relationship had gone through some of the hardest tests any could and it resulted in a strong, bonded love and care.

    And of course talking about that had led to more stories from Aster and Branwen as they weaved the path their own relationship had gone. Poor Serilda looked utterly mortified upon learning that her mentor, who had been an idol of stoic control and sophistication, was a bit of a wildcard back in the day. Hearing about the crimes and her uncompromising nature even in the face of the law seemed to shake the Voidwalker’s tree, especially when she realized that her family had known about her past upon hiring her. As luck would have it, the moment that had brought all the pieces together had been an attempted robbery of her own family’s business transport. Funny how fate worked out like that.

    But before long, it had grown late enough that it was clearly time to depart. Everyone exchanged the pleasant goodbyes, with Gren offering to come by and visit more often now that he could. Little Gren seemed far less interested in leaving, wanting to stay and play with the Franes a bit longer. But begrudgingly he agreed to leave after receiving several pets and signs of affection, happily trotting out the door with his sister. As they came down to the bottom of the steps, Mythal snapped open a portal back to Serilda’s home and turned to his adoptive father.

    “I’ll admit,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “I’m kinda expectin’ to go home and wake up tomorrow to find out this was all fake.”

    The former Rune Knight chuckled. “I sure hope not. I’ve lived apart from you for long enough as it was. I don’t plan on disappearin’ anymore.”

    Mythal considered that for a moment, giving the man a soft nod. There was a moment of awkwardness as both men tried to work up the gumption to actually say goodbye. But as the Darkness King was just beginning to speak, Gren stepped in and wrapped his arms around him. The Darkness Slayer looked flummoxed, completely stunned by the action. But that didn’t stop the former Knight from tightening his hold a little. “I’ve missed you, son. More than I can put to words.” There was a hitch in his voice, enough to tell that his emotions had gotten the best of him.

    Mythal’s arms slowly came around and wrapped back around the man, patting him on the shoulder. “Yeah… me too, old man,” he said softly, smiling in spite of himself. They held the hug for a moment longer before parting, Gren reaching up to wipe moisture from his eyes. “Don’t be a stranger.” As the God Slayer turned to the portal, Serilda asked him to leave the portal open, indicating she was planning on staying behind. It made sense – she certainly had plenty of words and thoughts she wanted to share with the former Knight, considering the way they had met. He nodded and returned her gentle hand squeeze before he turned and snapped for Gren to follow him, shortly followed by Xiuhco.

    And then it was only Gren and Serilda. The former Knight stood before her, meeting her gaze evenly as she considered him and, perhaps more reasonably, her own thoughts. When she finally spoke, she asked him a fairly obvious question. He smiled slightly, if only at the idea that he may have figured otherwise. “I wouldn’t expect otherwise,” he answered quickly. He inhaled slowly, gathering air and his words before he continued. “Whether you choose to believe me or not, our original meetin’ needed to happen. I don’t condone my lyin’ to you about anythin’ and as I’ve said before, I am sorry about that. But you must understand; my son strayed away from connections for years, steered well away from making any meaningful friends. And then suddenly you appear and almost overnight, he has an ally. I was curious – both as a former Rune Knight and as a father. And it got the best of me; the organization I work for made it very clear I was to steer away from both you and Mythal. I chose to disobey that order so that I could meet with you and talk with you. I probably could have gone about it better but there’s no point in remorsin’ the past.”

    His gaze seemed to harden, into a look that only a person who had been a father could wield. “But if I may speak frankly, Lady Serilda, I still do not trust you fully. There are too many mysteries surrounding you that make for curious, suspicious questions. You dove headfirst into Kingdom Darkness and managed to fight off and nearly destroy Archimedes. That kind of power doesn’t come from normal every day mages. Ruzatz didn’t provide many details other than telling me to get to the doorway and open it. He has this personal code about not issuin’ information he doesn’t feel is his business to provide, at least in terms of personal matters. And I didn’t push it; I cared more about givin’ you guys a way out than anythin’ else. And I respect your courage and am in your debt for what you did for my boy… but I personally wouldn’t let him continue to see you if I had my way. Not until I knew more.”

    There was a tense moment as he finished that thought, stifling the air between them. But then he sighed and shrugged. “But I don’t have that right. Mythal is a grown man and he knows more about you than I do. He clearly trusts you and I have no business tellin’ him or you what to do with your lives. I was gone for most of his life and even when I was back, I couldn’t get near him. And from what I’ve seen, you’ve brought a stability to his life that he never really had. There are parts of you that don’t quite add up, Lady Sinclair… but I have no intention of stepping in. I apologize for my frankness but I would rather be upfront about my feelings than to hide them. There’s been enough deceit between the two of us.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.

    Last edited by Mythal Ragnos on 15th March 2020, 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th March 2020, 4:19 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    It was a rather awkward goodbye between the two men, in which Gren finally took the chance to pull his adoptive son into a hug. At first, Serilda wasn’t sure if Mythal was going to be open to the gesture. Father or no, Mythal wasn’t exactly the most physical of people at the best of times, and while she knew there was a willingness on his part to repair this bridge, she wasn’t sure that he was necessarily ready to embrace the man yet. The gesture seemed to break through a barrier, though, and soon the darkness mage was hugging his teary eyed father back.

    As Serilda had hoped, Mythal understood and didn’t question the purpose behind his lover’s request. Ushering the dogs through the portal, he left the two alone. She voiced her opening comment to Gren, who smiled softly before admitting that he expected nothing less. She listened intently as he explained the reasons behind why he had approached her that day. He had been monitoring his son long enough to know that it was out of place for Mythal to be spending so much time with someone, seemingly overnight. It was an encounter that he readily admitted he could have handled better, but he had deemed it important enough that he had supposedly disobeyed orders from his current superiors about staying away from them.

    Then, his gaze and his tone hardened, ready to deliver a few more truths to her. Gren opened right away with admitting that he did not trust her, at least not completely. Serilda did not make an attempt to hide her offense over the words, her gaze narrowing and her posture straightening ever so slightly as if he had just insulted her entire family name to her face. He didn’t trust her? He was the one who had been skulking in the shadows all this time, hiding from his son and his friends, putting her and Mythal in danger by ignoring orders to interact with her, lying about who he truly was. All this while Serilda had been busy bending her own life in two to keep Mythal from sinking into darkness, risking her life to protect his, facing and defeating her deepest fears and anxieties to make a life with him despite all the dangers she would expose herself to because of it. And here he was trying to tell her that he didn’t even want them dating?

    But as Gren continued to speak, her offense softened. As angry as she wanted to be about it -- and she was angry -- Serilda knew that pride was not something that was viable here. Mythal had a horrific history, one that they both had saved him from, now. Gren and Serilda both knew the terrifying truth about it, and it had made them both wary about everyone else in Mythal’s life. She couldn’t fault him for acting exactly how she would in his shoes. Or well, almost exactly. There were certainly exceptions that Serilda would never have allowed for, but generally, she understood. He knew the truth about Mythal’s origins, had been there at the beginning of it all, and then later some random woman comes into his life and manages to turn it around? Serilda probably would have been suspicious too.

    And in the end, he admitted that he didn’t have the authority to forbid their relationship. Mythal trusted her, and even Gren had to admit that she had been a positive influence on his son’s life in a way that he himself had never been given the chance to provide. Really, his biggest issue was just that he didn’t know everything about her, that there were missing pieces of the puzzle he’d crafted of her in his mind that kept him from seeing very important things about who she really was.

    It took her a while to say anything as she processed his words until finally a gentle sigh drifted from her nostrils. “I appreciate the honesty. I know you’re just trying to look out for him as best as you can, and I can’t say I wouldn’t feel the same in your shoes. I can’t…” Her voice caught in her throat as it almost always did whenever this subject was brought up. “I can’t have children… but if I could, I know that I would do everything I could to protect them, and I won’t blame you for doing the same. Especially with everything we both know about the gravity of Mythal’s very existence…”

    “And if we’re being honest, the reasons that I do not trust you are similar. Not only do I know next to nothing about you aside from what Mythal told me of his younger years, but you went out of your way to find me and to lie to me. And to top it off, you’re working with some group that seems to think they have the right to any knowledge about my life, or Mythal’s.” Her eyes hardened again, though more so at the knowledge of Gren’s benefactors than at the man himself. His words made it exceptionally clear that these people had been monitoring her without her knowledge or consent, and she was not okay with it.

    “I don’t know who these people are, but I will not tolerate them, or anyone, spying on our life. I don’t care if they think or claim that their aims are altruistic. If they cannot work with us openly, and feel the need to invade our privacy, then they will be treated with hostility. I will not stand idly by why they study him like some lab rat. He has been through enough. We have been through enough. And as long as they continue to behave in this manner, I guarantee that you will not be reassured about me because I will continue to keep my cards and my secrets closely guarded from those who insist on behaving like enemies."

    “When I defeated Archimedes, I left him with a message of open war against Faera. I know that she will make another move, and when she does I will show no quarter to her, her angels, or anyone else that appears to be in my way.” And there it was. Gren she could work with. He was Mythal’s father, for better or worse, and Serilda did not have to question how genuinely he cared for his son and what lengths he would go to in order to keep him safe. But the people he worked for were enemies as far as Serilda was concerned, and though she didn’t say as much, that was a very concerning position for them to be in. If he wanted to be assuaged of his fears and uncertainties regarding her, she needed the same from those he worked with.

    Perhaps it was all the cumulative emotions from the night, and from really all the recent events, but for once she wasn’t as great at keeping her emotions reigned in as she usually was. Or maybe, she simply didn’t care to in this instance. Her eyes were bright with a very real, very passionate hatred toward Faera, and it was not the kind of anger that blinded someone. No, it was a deep seeded rage that granted her focus and clarity on her enemy. Serilda knew what she was up against, and not only did it no longer scare her, but it made her all the more dangerous.

    Realizing that she was tight with anger, Serilda blinked and looked away momentarily, focusing on trying to calm herself. Tears started to drip from her eyes and she stubbornly wiped them away, doing her best to maintain her composure in the face of finally confronting everything that had been steadily building up for months. And there was yet more that needed to be said, thoughts that she had really only been able to speak to herself all this time.

    “When you left that day,” she started, her voice quiet, “I called Mythal in a panic because I thought you were working for Faera, someone who was trying to use me to get at him. Mythal had never told me much about you. I mean… he told me that you had saved him as an infant, that you had taken him in as a son, and that you had died in a fire that Mythal started when Faera had tried to overpower him. I knew how deeply you loved him, because I could see how greatly he missed you. He blamed himself for your death for so long, and had been carrying that weight and responsibility alone, never talking about it with anyone before me. But that was really all I knew about you. I didn’t know what you looked like, what your interests were… the type of man that you were.”

    Her eyes continued to leak, evidence of the dam that was building up behind them. She was putting so much effort in trying to keep them back so she could speak clearly that Serilda was practically trembling from it. Fixing her gaze on him once more, she went on. “When he realized who I had talked to in that park, it almost destroyed him. He had spent the better part of his life believing that he had killed the only person who had ever loved him, only to be met with the reality that you may have been alive all that time and actively avoiding him.”

    “And I felt like shit,” Serilda told him, the tears now finally pouring from her eyes in earnest as she got to the heart of what had really been bothering her all this time. “I had no idea what I was telling him when I called him. Mythal was able to put the pieces together immediately, but I didn’t know. You put me in a position of bringing his entire life to a screeching halt, of making him doubt everything he ever believed about the man that cared about him enough to call him son, of being the one to single handedly shatter his confidence and his happiness, when I didn’t even know what I was saying.”

    She was fully broken down into quiet sobs now, her face down cast as she tried to wipe her face off with trembling hands. In a broken voice, she said, “That should not have come from me. That news should have come from someone who understood the gravity of what was going on, someone who knew the truth of who you were and could reveal it to him more appropriately. Not from someone speaking in a place of ignorance and panic…”

    WORDS: 1831/2891 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
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    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th March 2020, 7:07 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    It was never easy to hear that someone couldn’t have children. It was an awkward thing to hear, as there was no word or meaning that could be spoken to make it easier. Gren’s form slouched a little from the impact of her words, its weight pressing down on his shoulders with such force that it almost took his breath away. He felt for her, of course; the ache of wanting to carry on a family name and pass on qualities to offspring was something a lot of people desired. And a person who brought it up surely felt that desire, if only a little. Even though she couldn’t bear children, she did understand the weight of being a parent. It was why she was very understanding to his position of being so protective over Mythal.

    But she didn’t quite trust him, which made sense. His attempts at trying to utilize her a connection were always going to carry the repercussions of showing himself as deceitful. It was true, after all – even if it was adjacent to the full meaning, it still was part of it. Plus the fact that he was working for the organization that kept itself in the shadows didn’t earn him, or them, very many brownie points in the Voidwalker’s book. Her reasoning was sound; she didn’t think anyone had a right to simply absorb knowledge about her or Mythal’s life without permission. He remained silent over the matter, refusing to defend them when he, himself, had stated that he only trusted them to a point. Yet she continued, quite obviously declaring that she had no intention of suffering anyone meddling where they shouldn’t. She saw no reason to hide knowledge and assistance away and if that was how they were going to operate, then she felt no need to share any deeper knowledge than what was already on the face of things. She concluded with a hardly veiled warning, stating that she had planted a threat against Faera, determined not to stay her hand against her – or anyone – that threatened her or what she cared for.

    It was fiercely motivational, if a bit dark. Yet Gren couldn’t help but be impressed. A woman from her position, from her background, would rarely be viewed as such a powerful and steadfast warrior on the field. One would think she would prefer the company of fine dining and wine parties but she had proven, time and time again, that she was just as comfortable in the battlefield as she was in a ballgown. And she was relentlessly fierce about it; unwilling to bend or break against anyone that could stand in her way. Though the Voidwalker still stood before him, objectifying the very aspect of conviction, he was reminded of another’s voice echoing out of the valleys of his memory. In spite of himself, Gren smiled a little, closing his eyes as he chuckled being the thin line of his mouth. When he realized he was laughing, he held up a hand disarmingly. “My apologies, I wasn’t laughin’ at you. It’s just… you remind me of a woman from back when I was first starting out in the Rune Knights. A duchess of Bellum; Themesycia. Back then everyone just called her Themmy, before she truly stepped into the role. Boy, she was a strong-willed woman. Passionate about her position, driven by justice and courage… And she was uncompromising to those that operated in the shadows as well. She’s the first woman I ever loved and, for a brief moment, we had something. But her business as a duchess and a leader of Bellum came first.” He paused and shook his hand once more. “My point is, her strength was inspiring and her stance against anything that could hurt her people or her loved ones was incredible. Listenin’ to you just… brought her back to the forefront of my mind. I think it’s safe to say that the Ragnos boys have a type; strong women who don’t take shit.”

    It was about the highest compliment he could pay, at the moment. Despite his hesitance to trust her outright, he’d never once said that he didn’t respect her stance or her ability. Yet as he watched, the hard exterior started to melt away and show her more compassionate side. She managed to relax herself but tears were already starting to form and run down her cheeks. She spoke of when they had met, how she had reached out to Mythal to warn him. She didn’t know any of the details about Gren other than some things that the Darkness King had mentioned in passing; nothing concrete that would have painted a picture of the man she had met. And it was because of that that when she told him, it had utterly devastated Mythal. That, in turn, had utterly destroyed her. He had unfairly put her in a position to wield the blade and deal the blow, causing her to become the one that had damaged him without he ever really knowing. It wasn’t right and she said as much, her tears flowing freely as she lamented that someone else, someone with knowledge about the situation, hadn’t been the one to tell him.

    And for the first time that night, Gren looked hurt. His eyes fell downwards slightly and his face went with it, the hints of amusement and stoic tenacity lost at her words. In truth, he had known that what he had done probably had caused something like this. “For that, my lady, I am truly and deeply sorry. I know there is nothin’ I can say or do to ever take that pain away – from either you or Mythal. Truth be told, I wish everyday I had chosen someone else to do it. It was unjust of me to do that to you – you who had cared for him and lifted him out of his own self-imposed darkness. But it’s those reasons that I knew it had to be you. Branwen is a part of Mythal’s life but there is a hesitance there. And truly, I don’t believe Bran would have told Mythal even if I demanded it. It was a deceitful action, I know… and I’ll have to live with the guilt of it for the rest of my life. If there is anythin’ you choose to believe of me, trust that I never meant to put that on your plate. I truly would have chosen anyone else if I could have.” His eyes twisted away momentarily. “If I’d had my way, it would have been me – as it rightly should have been.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 16th March 2020, 5:37 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    She must have made a face when he started chuckling, as Gren lifted a hand quickly to stay her from thinking that he was entertained by her fervor. Instead, he explained that Serilda was apparently reminding him of another noble woman he had spent some romantic time with, out of Bellum. Apparently, this Themesycia was the first woman he’d ever fallen in love with, and it seemed that Serilda shared a number of traits with her when it came to being strong willed and unwavering in her convictions. It was intended to be a compliment, obviously, as even at the end he jokingly remarked about how similar Mythal’s tastes in women appeared to be to his own.

    Serilda did smirk a bit, despite herself. Unfortunately, her mind was already preoccupied with the other thoughts she needed to get out of her head, and before she knew it she was openly, if quietly, weeping in front of the man. Ever since that meeting, no matter how much Mythal had told her not to, she had beat herself up over being the one to do that to him. For months she had felt responsible for his torment. And of course, at the time Serilda hadn’t realized what was really bothering him, about how he had realized his feelings for her and it had terrified him to his core… but without that knowledge, the only thing she’d been able to assume was that he’d been harboring resentment toward her for what had happened with Gren.

    And it seemed that Gren understood the gravity of what she was trying to tell him. He became crestfallen, his eyes and head both dropping in sorrow at her words and her tears. He apologized to her, expressing his regret over having to handle it like he did, knowing that he had put Serilda in a place of compromise when all she’d done was try to do right by his boy. That being said, however, he affirmed that there was no one better suited, including Branwen. Serilda did her best to try to stifle her tears as she listened, wiping the moisture away in an attempt to process what he could have meant by there being a “hesitancy” between Mythal and his honorary uncle.

    He ended his comments on a humble ground, admitting what even Serilda had been too worked up to say: That he should have revealed his return to life to Mythal himself. It was one of the many other things that had bothered her about their meeting. If he was going to risk disobeying his orders, why risk it to speak with her? If his goal had been to alert Mythal of his presence, why not go to him directly and bypass a helpless middlewoman who didn’t know what was going on? It was unfair, and Gren called it such.

    A long silence passed between them, but somehow, despite the lingering sorrow, the tension in the air did seem to have eased. It was good to get everything off their chests, after all this time. And in her heart, Serilda wanted to trust Gren, and to like him. In a strange way, she owed almost everything good in her recent life to this man, because he had saved Mythal as a baby and given him the chance to grow into the man she would eventually want to spend the rest of her life with. In fact, there had been a number of times during the early days of the two of them dating, back before they were willing to admit that they were doing so, where she’d greatly wished that he had family that she could meet. Now that she did have that chance, a part of her couldn’t help but be grateful for it, no matter how roughly it had started.

    But it was still a somber moment for the two of them to finally speak freely with one another. No matter how upset she was with Gren, she couldn’t stop herself from feeling compassion at the pain in his gaze over what she’d told him, and how he wished things had gone. “You know as well as I do that he has a difficult time expressing himself,” Serilda said gently, still sniffling but calmer than she was before. “He’s angry… but I know that more than anything else, he’s happy that you’re alive. All he ever wanted was the chance to go back and fix what he felt he’d been responsible for, which he could never do. But you’re here now, and in the end that’s what’s going to matter to him. He just needs time to work through it himself… and to get used to you being around again.”

    She offered him a small, but genuine smile of encouragement. Serilda could only imagine how difficult this was for Gren, who probably -- and rightfully -- felt like everyone he cared for was viewing him with wariness and suspicion. It was going to take some effort to get there, but above everything Serilda hoped that they would all reach a place where this could be far behind them, someday, for Mythal’s sake. And while Serilda was not yet willing to reveal certain things about herself that could be dangerous information to take back to this group that Gren worked for, she did want to ease his worries as a parent. How could she not?

    Her voice and tears finally under control, she softly asked him, “I’m sure you looked into me enough to know that I was married once before?” Assuming he confirmed this, she took a breath and continued. This was a very difficult story for her to tell, moreso even than admitting she couldn’t have children, but the noblewoman felt compelled to do so. She didn’t want to speak of it in front of Aster or Branwen, not before she’d gotten the chance to figure out how to tell her parents…

    ...but she could, and would, tell Mythal’s father about it, privately. “The day that Archimedes approached Mythal? When we were at my house? Mythal had been… taking care of me. We had barely talked for weeks. Maybe even a couple months. I don’t really remember, because the whole time was just… such a blur of emotion and pain. He’d been pushing me away, and I didn’t know why. At the time, I had assumed he was holding resentment toward me for telling him about you. He wasn’t, but… I didn’t know what else to think because he wasn’t talking to me.”

    Hugging herself a bit insecurely, Serilda continued. “It was during that time I started to learn some concerning things about my husband that had died a few years ago. I won’t overwhelm you with the details, but eventually I got testimony and proof that he had been cheating on me through the whole marriage, and only married me to make it easier for him to steal from my family.”

    “But even with the proof and the word of someone that I trusted implicitly, it still wasn’t enough for me. I went to Agatha, Ruzatz’s wife -- I didn’t know they were married at the time -- and, against my fears and my better judgment, asked her to summon his spirit for me to speak with.” There was a numbness as Serilda spoke, now. The words rolled off her tongue with surprising ease, but it felt like someone else was speaking them. “She warned me that the dead couldn’t hide their true natures… and he didn’t. He made it very clear that he never loved me, and mocked me for my blind devotion to him all that time.”

    “The last thing he said to me, before I ran away like a coward, was that I wasn’t worth the effort it would take for anyone to want me for anything more than entertainment.” Hopefully, her use of the word would make it clear, in less graphic terms, what Hugo had actually told her. “It hit too close to home, after the way Mythal had been acting. I went home and trashed the place before turning to a few bottles of wine for an escape.”

    There was shame on her face now, but she carried on, wanting to get to the heart of the story even if it meant humiliating herself in front of him. “When Mythal found me, he said I was face down on the ground in a puddle of wine, dangerously inebriated to the point of unconsciousness. He cleaned me up and took care of me the whole night, even fixed up what he could of the things I’d broken in my house. When I woke up, sick and hungover, he looked after me and got me to talk about what had happened. I don’t remember much from that night, but I do remember him promising that he wasn’t going to leave, that he would still be there in the morning to talk when I was more sobered up.”

    “And then when I woke, he was gone. All that was left was his note, where he told me that the reason he’d been pushing me away was because he’d realized he loved me, and that knowledge had terrified him. The way he wrote it… I knew in my heart that wherever he’d gone, he didn’t expect to come back. I knew that Faera had found a way to get to him, and that he had left because he didn’t want to risk my life.”

    Making sure to hold Gren’s gaze with a soft, but passionate, expression, Serilda told him. “I had known for a long time at that point that I loved Mythal… but I didn’t realize how much until that morning, after everything that had happened to build up to that moment. I know you have your reasons to not trust me. I know that you are wary of the things you don’t know about me. That’s fine. I want you to know me… once we can find a way to address all our concerns on a fair and even playing field.”

    “But for now, from a woman to a father… I just hope you to trust that I would never willingly do anything to jeopardize any part of Mythal’s life. I would rather die by his side in this war than spend a day without him in mine. If nothing else, I hope you understand that about me.” As she looked at him, gone was the anger and frustration, instead replaced with the look of a woman who, no matter their differences, did earnestly want the approval of the father of the man she loved. Maybe she couldn’t have that now… he had already said as much to her before, that he would have put a stop to them dating if he could. As angry as it had made her, it also hurt to hear. But when push came to shove, even in light of all this, all she wanted was for this to lead to a place where they could have understanding of one another.

    A place where maybe she could have the same kind of bond with Gren that Mythal had with her parents.

    WORDS: 1908 Total - 700/3591 for the first finished thread
    1208 applied to new WC | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 16th March 2020, 8:24 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    There was a long silence to follow, as each one of them let the true weight of all their words settle. His humbled demeanor was little in comparison to her tears and weariness but it still carried with it heavy anchors to tug at one’s heart. And yet, there was a lightness there too – the relief of speaking each other’s minds, to one another, had eased some of the guilt and pain that had encompassed them both over time. Gren for his remorse over his choices and Serilda for the grief of his actions. It was a rough path but it allowed them to escape through the dense foliage and move to something brighter and perhaps more hopeful.

    He sighed softly before she suddenly spoke up again, talking about Mythal. Compassion overcame her for a moment, as she told the man everything he already knew about his adoptive son but in such fine, caring detail. Listening to her and watching her speak, he could almost see just how much she truly cherished him and understood how he was – his quirks and the hard shell he wore on the outside to protect him. He smiled in spite of himself and shook his head softly. “When he was about eight years old is when he truly started to question things. He wanted to know where is mother was and if I was his real father. I did my best to dissuade his questions until he was old enough to truly understand them. But he was curious and he kept pushin’ and pushin’. Eventually I had to tell him at least part of the truth. I didn’t know where his mother was, which was true – she was still being hunted by the Rune Knights. She had made a choice to save herself rather than him and I had opted to adopt him as my own. It… shook him to his core. Eight year old little boy and the man he thought was his real father was just some stranger that had taken him in…” His voice broke quietly as he relived the memory, now doing his best to hold back his own tears.

    “I thought I had ruined his life. I thought he was going to hate me, push me away… I didn’t know what to do. He was quiet for hours, up in his room as he thought about the things I had told him. At some point I went to check on him and he was already in bed, asleep or at least ignoring me. I went to my room and I just… broke down. Eight years I thought I had played a decent father and I undid it all in one action. I don’t know how long I was at the foot of my bed when I felt his arms wrap around my neck. I froze in shock as he pulled me into a hug and said ‘it’s okay, dad. I’m here.” He sniffled loudly as he shook his head, laughing mirthlessly. “He came to me like I was the one that had this news given to me. This devastating realization that his mother had never truly loved him and that I had taken him in could have warped him so badly and he just… took it in stride. Like he told himself ‘fine, it doesn’t matter. I don’t need her’. I couldn’t fathom the strength he had in him until that moment. It wasn’t the raw magical strength that Faera wanted him for – it was his ability to stand strong, even against the worst of tides.”

    Tears fell slowly down his cheeks that he gently wiped away with his fingers. “Truth be told, Lady Serilda, I was terrified of comin’ here tonight. I know I attempt to put on this front of bein’ understandin’ and relaxed but I was shakin’ damn hard. All I could think about was that eight year old boy, forgivin’ me for tellin’ him the truth and now I had to come back after lyin’ for years about being dead. Lettin’ him go through his life thinkin’ that he had been the one that had killed me and not that horrendous bitch, Faera. I died a little each day, knowin’ I couldn’t be with my boy and be the one to tell him it’s okay and that I was there.” He broke a little in that moment, tears falling a bit harder as his emotions released. He let himself go for several seconds before he reigned himself in, once more cleaning his face and sighing shakily. “I don’t care how angry he is, Lady Serilda. The fact that he didn’t tell me to leave and to never show my face again is better than words can express. I’ll wait as long as he needs but knowin’ that he ain’t ready to throw me outta his life lifts all my fears.”

    He took a moment to get control of himself, even as she did the same. Finally she spoke again, her voice soft as she brought up her former marriage. He gave her a soft nod to confirm that he was aware. She took a shaky breath before she continued, weaving the tale of the day they had gone to Kingdom Darkness. She’d been at her house with Mythal, the latter taking care of her. They had gone weeks, perhaps months without talking – or rather, Mythal had pushed her away and she had chosen to give him his privacy. All the while she’d thought that her telling Mythal about Gren’s sudden reappearance had created some angry, hateful feelings in the Darkness King. The former Knight’s eyes wavered slightly in guilt as he listened to it, even if he was fully aware of it.

    But apparently during her time apart from Mythal, she had made some unsettling discoveries. He’d cheated on her during the marriage and had only married into the Sinclair family to profit from it. Though she’d gotten word of it, she hadn’t been fully convinced until she had visited Agatha, the Prime Sin of Lust’s bride and asked her to bring forth her former beau. It was there that he confirmed it fully to her and had even gone as far as to say that she was only worth being entertainment and nothing more. It didn’t need to be spelled out what the bastard had actually said and even Gren’s jaw tightened at the insinuation.

    But she had acted out after, drinking herself into a stupor. It had been Mythal that had come finally to take care of her, make sure she was recovering and even fix up the home she had inadvertently wrecked. When she had sobered up enough, she had told him what had happened and Mythal had told her he wouldn’t leave and he would explain everything when she woke up. And yet he was gone when she did finally get up, leaving a note explaining everything and bidding her goodbye. And as her gaze met his firmly, she explained that her feelings for Mythal had been apparent long before then but it was only that morning that she had truly experienced how deep. She understood that she was an enigma and she admitted there were things she was keeping close to the chest for now. But she wasn’t there as anyone beyond herself – a woman in love with his son, who would do anything to protect him and would be by his side against whatever came their way, end or not.

    It was a long beat as he took her in, truly seeing the woman for who she was then and there. She’d allowed herself to be vulnerable, she had opened up to him more than he had expected and more than he deserved. -It may not have been the details other inquiring minds needed to know but it was a huge stepping stone for the former Knight to put his foot down on proudly and see Serilda, truly see her. A soft smile came across his face as he took a few steps forward so that he could put his hands on her shoulders carefully. “Well look at that,” he said gently. “You’ve got quite the power, Lady Serilda. You can make my son turn his back against all his pain and find happiness. And you can make this stubborn old bastard realize just how far he has his head up his own ass,” he said with a chuckle. “I have no doubt in my mind now that you are the reason Mythal never truly fell into darkness. He may have teetered, he may have paddled but he was still there on the surface, waiting for your hand to pull him out. I am truly sorry I ever doubted you. I may not have all the answers about you… but I have enough to never disbelieve your commitment to Mythal ever again. Thank you.”

    After a moment, he pulled back and reached into his robe. From inside he pulled out a small, lightning bolt-shaped pendent. “I want you to have this, to share with Mythal. The other one was a temporary way of summoning me but this… this will last. If either one of you ever need me or if you simply wish to talk to me, use this. So long as I’m not actively engaged with something else, I will come. I’d very much like to get to know the woman my son loves further – as a father, not as an investigator.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 17th March 2020, 4:21 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    She had hoped her words would encourage him a bit, and it seemed to do so. Or maybe he didn’t actually need the encouragement. With a smile, Gren told her about the time that he’d had to finally reveal the truth to Mythal about his heritage, or at least parts of it that were appropriate for that age. He didn’t get into anything about Faera or Kingdom Darkness, of course, but he had wound up having to admit that he wasn’t his real father, and that his birth mother had more or less abandoned him. It had been a rough thing for a child to hear, and Gren said that Mythal had taken it so hard that he almost seemed to shut down.

    And that had been awful on Gren. He had been terrified that Mythal would reject him after that, that their relationship would change and the boy would no longer view him as a father figure. But yet, it seemed that Mythal had come back when Gren needed him most, acting for all the world like it was Gren who’d had his life turned upside down, hugging him and comforting him, and still calling him ‘dad’. That was the moment that Gren had known there was more to Mythal than just the magic and divine spark that Faera had created him for. There was also a strength in his will and spirit that was equally as desirable, one that would not blanche in the face of persecution.

    It wasn’t an easy story for him to tell, tears falling from his own eyes. Serilda watched him silently, attentively, wishing she had some tissues of some kind to offer. But frankly, she hadn’t expected this conversation to involve tears -- for either of them. She figured it would be a crisp, quick, confrontation to acknowledge certain things that needed to be said. She figured she’d be angrier than she currently was. But the walls seemed to be melting away quicker than either of them had anticipated.

    He admitted how scared he’d been to come here tonight, to finally face his son. He’d been so anxious about it that he’d been shaking, hoping and praying that he’d be given some kind of chance. Serilda said nothing as he took the time he needed to cry, getting it out of his system and taking a moment to compose himself. In the end, he said that it was enough for him that Mythal didn’t slam the proverbial door in his face, and that he would wait as long as it took for Mythal to come back around.

    They both needed a minute to get under control, it seemed. After that, Serilda had poured her more heartfelt story for him, hoping to find some ground on which they could connect to work toward a better future. Apparently, it had been more effective than either one of them had been prepared for. All she had asked for, all she had really wanted, was just a platform for them both to move forward on, a place for them to build trust on in the future.

    Instead, he smiled and closed the distance between them to gently set his hands on her shoulders. It was a bold move, given her status as a noble, but right now Serilda wasn’t acting as a noblewoman. She made no effort to stop him or distance him from her. If anything, she needed it. He commented about her ability to not just turn Mythal’s life around, but also to apparently get Gren’s head out of his ass, so to speak. Serilda chuckled weakly with him, her voice still a bit broken from all the crying and the overwhelming emotions the two of them had gone through in the last five minutes.

    As he told her that he’d been wrong, expressing his affirmation that he now truly believed that she had been the reason Mythal had never fully fallen to the darkness, Serilda couldn’t stop moisture from building in her eyes again. She didn’t break into sobs like before, but a few tears managed to leak their way out as he assured her that he would never again doubt her intentions with his son. The smile on her face was small and exhausted from the crying, but warm as she reached up one of her arms and put her hand on top of his, giving it a squeeze of assurance. “Thank you,” she whispered.

    They stood there for a moment, finally finding their place, before Gren stepped back and withdrew something from his robes. It was a pendant of sorts in the shape of a lightning bolt, which she took with a gentle hand. Its purpose, he explained, was exactly like the bauble that they had used to summon him tonight, but more permanent. It was not meant to break, and was instead for multiple uses for any time that they wanted to see him, whether for business or just socializing. As long as he wasn’t in the middle of anything else more pressing, he assured her that he would come, adding that he was greatly interested in getting to know her as Mythal’s father, and not as an agent for his organization.

    She nodded and wrapped her fingers around it, holding it tightly like she was afraid she might lose something precious. “I’d like that,” Serilda told him with a smile. “Like I said, Mythal may need time… or maybe he won’t. I don’t think he’ll know until I go back and speak with him, and let him get his thoughts out of his head. But I’ll give this to him, and I know he’ll be sure to use it. When he is ready, you can come over to either of our homes as often as you like, and make up for that lost time.”

    As if speaking about it had reminded her of how long they had been talking, her pale gaze glanced at the waiting portal. “I should probably go check on him.” She turned to look back at him. “Thank you, again. I’m glad we got the chance to talk. Openly, this time.” A small smirk tugged on her lips, her attempt at putting their first meeting behind them with a bit of humor. “Whatever documents you’re able to dig up to forward me, I trust you’ll find a way to get it to me safely. I’ll wait until I hear something from you. And… you can just call me Serilda, now.”

    It felt wrong to expect the father of the man she loved to address her by her title, not when they’d shed tears together and found a place of understanding with one another. After a moment of hesitancy, not knowing if he would be open to it, she cautiously stepped forward to offer a hug. If he accepted, she would wrap her arms around his waist and give him a firm, if somewhat trembling, embrace, holding it long enough for either of them to feel like it was enough to assuage all the emotions and tears that had just passed between them before letting go. “Have a good night,” she’d tell him with a small smile before finally stepping through the open portal, which disappeared behind her.

    When she came through the other side of the portal, Serilda found herself at Mythal’s place. Her eyes, still puffy and red from crying, found him almost immediately sitting on the couch nearby. The Voidwalker moved over and sat down next to him, taking one of his hands in hers. She didn’t say anything, knowing that he would speak his mind when he was ready. Instead, her free hand rose to slowly and gently run her nails through his hair.

    WORDS: 1311/2519 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 18th March 2020, 4:41 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Gren had meant to give the pendent to Mythal at some point – perhaps not that night but at some point in the future. He wanted to ensure that his adoptive son had a means and method of contacting him, should he ever desire to. But he had been moved by Serilda’s words so that he knew that giving it to her was the best choice. She knew Mythal more intimately Gren did and would understand when the appropriate time was to give him the charm and explain it’s meaning. It was something that was clearly a moment of immense trust for the former Knight, backing up his words about her with action. After all, he had always been a man of action.

    Serilda explained that there was a chance that Mythal would need time, which he understood. It all depended on the Darkness King and how he was feeling. But she was confident he would use the charm when he was ready and he would be welcomed into either of their homes. He smiled softly. “Thank you,” he told her with a nod. It seemed their meeting was finally coming to a close, as Serilda seemed wanting to check on Mythal. She thanked him for taking the time to talk, without the context of secrecy. She smirked at him slightly and he chuckled at what would surely become a running gag. She touched upon him searching for his documents, a curt reminder of his duty to help her out. And she concluded by offering him the opportunity and honor of addressing her by her familiar name, rather than just her title. It was a move he wasn’t expecting but by the look in his eyes, it meant a lot.

    And then she offered him a hug. He looked at her a bit strangely, the look of someone who clearly didn’t think he deserved such warmth and kindness. After a moment of consideration, he stepped in to take part. It was a gesture that swept the tension and weight away like leaves upon a river, easing them to a place of familiarity that would, hopefully, only get better. “Take care of yourself… Serilda,” he gave her a small wave before she departed through the portal. Gren then took a moment to stand there, letting himself bask in everything and allow himself to calm his still beating heart. Then satisfied, he glanced skyward and disappeared in a bolt of lightning.

    The curtains in the nearby window shifted as Branwen closed them tightly, glancing inwards for a moment before reaching into his pocket. He withdrew his iLac from the innards of his pants, his finger slowly moving over the screen until it had dialed a number. He brought it up to his ear, listening to it ring a few times before someone on the other end picked up. “Hello, it’s Branwen. Yes, I was hoping to speak with one of the representatives for the Magic Council. Tell them… I think we found them.”

    Mythal barely lifted his head when Serilda returned, enough to acknowledge her but not much more. As she slid onto the couch and took his hand, he glanced over at her to see how worn her face was. “Musta been emotional,” he said softly, his finger running gently over the top of her hand. He sighed softly as her other hand went up and ran through his hair, a gesture that was always comforting. “It’s been a hell of a night for that.”

    He let that sit in the air for several seconds as he stared at the coffee table right in front of him. “Almost twenty years since I last saw his face. I never thought I’d see it again. I wanna be angry at him – and I am – but I can’t help but just be… thankful. Even if he did actually die, the fact that he got another chance to come back… it’s more than most people ever get. I ain’t happy that he’s been lurking in the shadows and I don’t trust no organization that’s keeping tabs on us like projects. But he’s alive.” It was more than he could ask for.

    He turned his gaze back up to her. “You alright?”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th March 2020, 8:10 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    “It was,” Serilda admitted when he finally turned up to look at her and saw her face. “On both sides.” Mythal seemed to relax a bit under her touch, as he always did. Or at least, the gesture of her fingers through his hair always seemed to soothe him when his mind was racing. He stared ahead of him in silence, and she did nothing to spur him into conversation, knowing that he would talk when he was ready to. She was content to just remind him that she was there in the meantime.

    After a minute or so, he started talking about how long it had been since he’d seen Gren. Like herself, there was a lot of anger there -- probably more than she had been experiencing -- but also a lot of relief. Mythal wasn’t happy about the fact that his father had been back all this time and dealing in secret with whatever shady organization felt it was appropriate to watch them. But, he was thankful that Gren had been given a second chance at life. It was about what she’d expected from him, though sometimes saying it out loud made it easier to deal with.

    She smiled softly when he looked back at her. “Yeah, I’m okay. It was… a good talk. Better than I expected it to go. I figured I was just going to rail into him for lying to me and for hiding from you all this time, for approaching me when he did instead of you…” Mythal knew well her thoughts on all of that, and how hard she had taken it on herself that Gren had chosen to show himself to a woman who didn’t even know who he was rather than to his own son.

    “I think we both just needed to get things off our chest, and we did. More than either of us anticipated. He told me at first that, as much as he’s thankful for the stability I’ve brought you, that he didn’t even want us dating because he is essentially scared of the things he doesn’t know about me. Of course, he admitted right after that he didn’t get a say in it. He was just being honest about his thoughts and concerns.”

    Serilda leaned back against the couch and pulled him down gently so she could rest his head on her chest. Her fingers still stroked his hair slowly. She was quiet for a minute, gathering her thoughts. “He apologized for lying to me. He also told me about the night that he had told you the truth about him not being your dad… He was pretty terrified to see you tonight, cause he didn’t know if you were going to tell him to permanently shut the door in his face. Both of us were crying by the end of it. I told him you were just going to need some time to get yourself sorted out.”

    There was another pause before she continued, in a more quiet tone. “I also told him about Hugo, and everything that happened the day Archimedes found you. I don’t really know why I did. I think I just… wanted him to understand how much you mean to me. It hurt to hear that he didn’t trust me after everything we’ve been through. I guess I moved him. Or as he put it, got a ‘stubborn old bastard to realize his head was up his ass’.” She smirked a little, hoping he would find some humor in that.

    “I think he and I will be okay,” Serilda told him softly, resting her cheek on top of his head. “But that’s not as important as whether you and him will be okay. I know the whole night was… overwhelming. What are you thinking..?”

    WORDS: 660/3179 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 19th March 2020, 5:58 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    “Honestly, I was thinkin’ you were going to slug him…. did you slug him? Mythal probably shouldn’t have been entertained at the thought but there was a wry smirk on his face. He knew that Serilda had been playing that confrontation over and over in her head, planning each step meticulously. He also understood how absolutely upset she was at Gren for what he had done. A smack was probably the least of the punishments he had deserved. But then again, Serilda was always capable of bringing a cool head to a hot moment. Her more base instincts were often kept on the down low so that she could assess the situation and speak her mind.

    The Darkness Slayer was fairly surprised that Gren had said that he didn’t want the two of them to date. He guessed, considering Serilda had chosen to leave certain aspects of her life out of conversation, that he was suspicious. He shook his head softly and scoffed. “Same ol’ Gren. Jumpin’ at every shadow, lookin’ around every corner for danger. He tries to play it off all cool and collected but he has a hard time trustin’ anybody. Still, I’m glad he understood that he didn’t have a say in the matter because he doesn’t.” After all the pain they had been through, a lot of it brought on by Mythal himself, he wasn’t about to let her go easily. Even as she brought his head down to her chest and he simply rested there, he clung to her hand a bit tighter than usual.

    After a minute she spoke back up, telling him more of what had passed between them. Apparently Gren had brought up back when young Mythal had insisted on hearing about his heritage and the former Knight had to tell him the truth. That sense of near-abandonment had shown its ugly head again tonight, as Gren had been petrified that the Darkness King would tell him to take a hike for good. He scoffed softly. “If I’m bein’ honest, I thought I was gonna to… before we talked to him. If he was content on bein’ apart from me, then I was tell him to make it a good and permanent vacation.” A moment after the harsh sentiment, he sighed. “Or at least that’s what I was tellin’ myself. Chances are I would have folded anyways.”

    Serilda had also told Gren about Hugo, which was more than a little surprising. But as she explained that the reasoning behind it had been an attempt to defend her feelings for Mythal, it made more sense. That had been the day everything had changed. He’d been ignoring her and it had only been at Ruzatz’ interference that he had gone to check on her in the first place. Seeing how hurt and destroyed she was, he understood the repercussions of his actions, even without knowing what had pulled her deeper into the spiral. It had been hard to hear about Hugo’s confessions, especially as a person who was definitely in love with the Voidwalker and in denial about it. It was then that he had realized he needed to be better for her. And apparently hearing the story had changed Gren’s opinion, moving him to admit his mistake to her and thank her, in his own crass kind of way.

    It was good to hear that they would be okay. Honestly, Mythal was far more worried about that than anything else. Serilda wasn’t unmovable in terms of opinion or holding grudges but impressions made an impact and Gren had certainly done everything in his power to give off bad impressions. Yet it seemed that it had come through in the end and now she turned her attention to him, asking what his thoughts were. He sighed and lifted his head up. “Which one? I got a whole bunch’a them rollin’ around inside of here,” he said, lightly tapping his head. “I think we’ll be okay, at some point. I’m not exactly lookin’ to ask him to come by tomorrow or anythin’ but… if he’s back, I want him involved in our lives. Seein’ him standin’ there after all this time – I kept waitin’ for the dream to come to a screechin’ halt. But he was there, flesh and blood and pain in the ass and all.”

    He snorted a little at his own humor before he turned to look up at her. “Thank you… for talkin’ to him. I know you had your own reasons for doin’ it but it meant a lot to me. It always…” he started and paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “It bothered me, thinkin’ that you’d never get a chance to meet him. Or really any family – that weren’t tryin’ to kill us. Obviously my real father and mother are a piece of fuckin’ work in their own right. Vriko may be my blood sister but she’d rather see me dead. Gren was the only one, past or present, that ever really gave a damn about me. Branwen is doin’ his best to make up for how he was in the past apparently but he always kept me at arm’s length. ‘Course I learned why tonight. Somedays I just sit back and look at you and feel it’s unfair that you’ve brought me into your life, into your family home and I can’t give that back.”

    “I know it’s not much but… even if it takes some time getting’ used to him bein’ back, I can’t help but feel good knowin’ that… in our own messed up little way. We’ll actually be a family again.”

    Somewhere in a dreary place, Gren reappeared. In a flash, his form materialized, standing among the crackling flames left after his electric arrival. At his emergence, the flame sconces on the walls grew brighter and illuminated the chamber fully. It was a room made of limestone, etched with runic symbols along the ceiling and near the floor. As his gaze turned, one of the walls began to glow and dissipate, as if it were an illusion altogether. A woman emerged through the wall, sliding out of it as if she were stepping out of a shower. She was a woman of upmost beauty, her hair completely shaved but tattooed with small markings just behind her ears. Her piercing, chocolate gaze matched her flesh perfectly as she set her sights on Gren. He turquoise dressed wrapped around her neck like a bow in the form of loose ribbon, coming together with a sapphire-embedded brooch. Her dress was cut very low, giving an ample view of her bosom as it was highlighted by the gold borders that raced the edges of the dress. A thin fabric hung off of her waist all around, hiding her legs from sight. In her hand was a staff, made up of obsidian and embedded with intricate golden swirl-like designs.

    “My dear Hunter Ragnos,” she addressed the former Knight with a sultry voice as she walked towards him. “How was your evening, my friend?”

    Gren inhaled deeply and sighed. “Better… than I expected. A lot more emotional than I would have liked but… good. It was good,” he said, wiping away the dried tears still clinging to his cheeks.

    “I imagine so. You’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. I understand it’s been hard for you to keep away from your son.”

    He nodded softly before his gaze set itself upon her, a small chuckle bubbling out from his lips. “I have a message from Lady Serilda Sinclair. She has no intention of remainin’ idle while you – we – skulk around in the shadows. She will not abide you if you can’t step forward and be honest with your intentions.” He couldn’t help the small smirk. “She ain’t the only one that feels that way either.”

    The woman chuckled softly. “Perhaps we have stayed secret too long without introducing ourselves. But the Order of Souls survives because we are unknown to the greater world. If word were to spread, our enemies would seek to track us down.”

    “She’ll treat you like an enemy if you keep up the way you are. Mythal is… He’s important to her. More than I imagined. And if I’m bein’ honest, she swayed me to her side. It ain’t fair that he’s looked at through a telescope, day in and day out. If you truly want to help him, then talk with them. He’s my son, Queen Kuttuvan. And she is someone I now say I trust with his life.”

    Zifu Kuttuvan studied the former Knight for a long moment, her gaze narrowed but only in curiosity. Slowly her lips pulled back into a warm smile. “Very well. Preparations will need to be made and it will take some time. But we have no desire to make an enemy of Serilda Sinclair or your son. And the Master of the Order has desired to see Mythal again after so many years.”

    Gren’s face scrunched together in confusion. “Wait… Master of the Order? I thought you were – did you say see again?”

    Zifu chuckled as she held her hand out to him. “Come, Hunter Ragnos. It’s about time you truly learn more about who you are working with. First and foremost, I am the Grand Enchantress and act as the Master of the Order when he isn’t about. But my husband is home and he has long desired to meet you.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner (Pt2) Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner (Pt2)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 19th March 2020, 7:53 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda chuckled. “Trust me, I wanted to. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Angry as he may have made me, he’s still your dad. You deserve to punch him first.” She smirked at him teasingly.

    Mythal didn’t seem too pleased at his father’s initial desire for them to stop dating, clinging to her hand a bit more firmly. He admitted that he had given serious consideration to telling Gren to sod off if he’d felt like he could go this long without being a part of his life anyway, but even Mythal’s anger could only keep root for so long. Whether he was happy to admit it or not, Gren was still his father, and he wouldn’t have been able to turn down the opportunity to have a life with him again, no matter how angry he was about the circumstances.

    In the end, his thoughts seemed to fall about where Serilda had figured they would: That he did want to spent time with his father now that he had that chance. Not necessarily right away. It was still a process of him trying to accept that Gren truly was back, even after seeing him with his own eyes. That was understandable. It had been a fairly surreal interaction, even for her.

    When he turned to look at her, he’d find her smirking from his dry humor, as she usually was. Mythal thanked her for staying to speak with Gren, explaining that while he knew she had personal reasons for doing so it still meant a lot to him that she’d made that effort. He admitted that it had always been hard on him knowing that she would never get to meet any of his family. Or well, his real family. Serilda was intimately familiar with his father at this point, and she could only assume after everything in Kingdom Darkness and Vintermyr that she would eventually run into his mother and sister, too. And Branwen was around, of course, but he’d never been as close to Mythal -- a statement that got Serilda thinking a bit about one of the things Gren had said to her.

    Either way, he expressed his sorrow over how unfair he thought it was that he had been given so many opportunities to become a part of her family’s life, but she would never get the same experience. And now, he would have that chance to have his family back, and to fully have her be a part of it. Serilda smiled softly, overcome with emotion as she wrapped her arms around him to hold him tightly. “I’m glad you feel that way,” she told him quietly. “You know I’d support you in this situation whatever you choose, but… I think far more good will come from embracing the second chance than not. I want you to be happy, and to have a full life. Even if the circumstances surrounding it are… suspect… you do still have that chance, now. And I couldn’t be more grateful.”

    Pulling her hand away from his, she reached into a pocket and pulled out the lightning shaped pendant that Gren had given her and placed it gently into his palm. “He gave this to me, and said it was for us to use whenever we wanted to see him. As long as he’s not otherwise preoccupied, he will come. And this one doesn’t break like the last one did. I told him you would probably need some time, but that he would be welcome at either home once you were ready to let him in.”

    WORDS: 609/3788 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


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