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    Invitation to Dinner

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 11th April 2019, 7:28 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal had had plenty of awkward encounters recently. But this one... would probably be one of the strangest.

    After everything that had happened in Era and with the Rune Knights, a lot of things had come at them all at once. Beyond just being promoted to high ranking positions within the newly reforming ranks, they'd been made privy to plenty of secrets and information that was known only to the highest of the Rune Knight brass. A lot of it was redacted or confidentially sealed while they waited for their clearance to go through but plenty of paperwork had started to build up on their desks. Serilda was far more forward acting in terms of clearing it away and offering insights and answers as best she could but... Mythal wasn't nearly as good as her. The idea of being stuck behind a desk was a daunting bore that he simply couldn't fathom. Everytime he tried to sit down and get to it, he found himself zoning out or finding something else to focus on. It was a challenge and a half.

    Branwen had, incredibly, survived the attack on the Rune Knights -- despite being in the thicket of the danger. Tough old bastard didn't seem to know how to die but he did know when he had gone far enough. With the sheer numbers of dead and injured, it seemed the major had finally hit his limit of the military life. He'd resigned fairly quickly, save for a short time of continuing work while Serilda and Mythal had, quite literally, gone off planet. He'd asked for there to be no celebration or commemoration for his departure, given that the impact of the attack was still weighing heavily on everyone's minds. He had only made one request -- that Mythal and Serilda join him and his wife for a nice, sit down dinner at his home in Crocus. Given that the man had never opened up to the God Slayer before, it was a bit of an odd request. But who was he to say no?

    Despite it sounded relatively casual, there was an insistence that they dress, at the very least, semi-fashionably. The Darkness King, who had only recently adjusted to wearing clean and kept-up clothing, had no other choice but to go and make some purchases. He'd done his best to find things similar to the outfit he had received for the ball, all those months ago. He got a top similar to the one he had gotten before his trip to Kingdom Darkness, just missing the tattered cape. It wasn't extravagant but it would do. He checked himself in the mirror and then headed down the stairs to the first floor. There waited Gren, his tail wagging wildly from side to side, as he looked up with a dopey grin at his master.

    “You'd think we would have to give you a bowtie or somethin' to match," he quipped at the dog, smirking down at the wolf. The pup wuffed softly and danced around in a small circle, clearly excited for their excursion. Branwen had been more than welcoming to the Star Wolves, insisting that Serilda and Mythal bring them along.

    Speaking of which, the Darkness King gestured gently to the side and snapped, releasing magic from his fingertips. The connection between his magic and the portal sparked immediately and a human-sized rift appeared in his living room, an oval-shaped portal made of an inky darkness mixed with purple light. He had already woven it together with the spot outside of Serilda's home, creating an instant passage to the woman's residence. Gren looked at it and then back at Mythal, his eyes wide with excitement as he stiffened up.

    “Yeah, yeah... go on then," Mythal said, gesturing to the portal. The Star Wolf wuffed loudly and leapt into the portal, showing no fear in immersing himself in the fairly intimidating rift. The God Slayer rolled his eyes, despite his grin, and walked through after him, easily transporting from his home to the exterior of Serilda's. Gren was already running up to the door, barking louder than his usual self as he circled around the front of the door, waiting for his master. He knew better than to just rush in the doggy door without being permitted to.

    Mythal rapped his knuckles against the door as he came up to it, glancing down at the patient wolf at his feet. “Seri, it's me," he called out to her. He wasn't sure if she was ready or not so he wasn't about to burst into the house without her inviting him in.

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 12th April 2019, 7:54 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Despite the chaos from everything that had happened over the last couple months, Serilda was actually settling in quite nicely. Since she was no longer with Sabertooth, and her new base of operation was quite a distance away from Ace of Spades, she had moved from her home there to a new one in Era. The noblewoman had debated whether or not she wanted to sell the previous home. She certainly didn’t need two homes, but she had been rather fond of the place and of the city. Ultimately, she decided to keep it and make a little money off of it, renting it out to a local family that had been looking for a new place.

    Her new home was a bit bigger than her last one, arguably rivaling Mythal’s in size and aesthetic. It was difficult to find smaller, more reasonable homes in the heart of such a big city, so she’d had to opt for something a little more expensive. Luckily, money was not an issue for her. Since she now held a position of great responsibility, essentially the face of Fiore’s military, Serilda figured it was probably best if she have something a bit nicer anyway. As the marshall of the Rune Knights and the heiress of a noble line, she was sure that she’d probably find herself in plenty of positions of needing to entertain foreign figures of note at times. Better to be prepared.

    Her new home was two floors with a finished basement, and had a more modern look to it than her last place. Inside there were four bedrooms and three bathrooms, one of which was attached to the master bedroom upstairs. The kitchen had an open concept that made it feel larger than it was, and she’d had the downstairs basement fleshed out to be a place for entertaining. Serilda had also made good on her promise to make sure her next house had a spa like Mythal’s. Just like every home Serilda had ever lived in or owned, it was kept clean and tidy, with everything in its place. Though the yard was not as naturally wild as her place in Ace of Spades, she did still have a garden in the back that she tended to during her free time.

    She had sensed Mythal as soon as she’d felt the warping of space that was his portal. Gren bounded out into the open in his typical fearless fashion, and the darkness slayer was only a step behind the ever growing star wolf. Serilda could sense Xiuh’s excitement as she sensed the approach of her brother and her second favorite human after her mistress. By the time the noblewoman got downstairs, her companion’s fluffy tail was going a mile a minute, and the wolf was practically bouncing behind the door and expressing her delight with soft, but enthusiastic yips. “Alright, alright, calm down,” she said with a smirk.

    Unlocking the door, she let Mythal in. Or rather, removed the barrier that kept the two animals from practically running right into each other. Xiuh would make time to force Mythal to give her some attention before trying to lure Gren to chase her into the living room where they could rough house a bit. Serilda rolled her eyes and shook her head lightly, chuckling. “Pretty sure they’re always going to be puppies.”

    Wrapping her arms around Mythal’s waist, she leaned herself against him and turned her head up for a kiss. Things had been a lot easier for them since everything at Kingdom Darkness. Now that there was nothing being hidden between the both of them, particularly their feelings toward one another, they were a little bit more generous about displays of affection. At least in private. There was a little more openness in public as well, though nothing overt or obnoxious. Her parents were more than well aware that the two of them were officially dating now, and they seemed to be supportive of the relationship. Mythal wasn’t a noble, but he was a good man with a great reputation among the wizarding world, and he seemed to make their daughter happy which was the most important thing to them.

    “Hey,” she said softly, giving him a smile before stealing another kiss from him. Only once she was satisfied on that front did she shut the door behind him and head back toward the stairs. “I’m almost done. Just finishing my makeup.” Serilda had opted to go for a dressy pair of dark slacks for tonight’s dinner rather than a skirt of some kind. Her blouse had a camel colored material around her waist and midsection with boning in the sides like a corset, but the top of it on her shoulders and over her chest was a white, soft looking cotton with sleeves down to her elbows and a small collar. The shirt itself was long enough to reach down snug past her ass, making her upper torso appear a bit more elongated.

    It only took her about five minutes to finish her make up and to put on appropriate jewelry. Serilda wanted to give a good impression tonight. Though she had heard of Branwen several times both through Mythal and through the Knights and the Magic Council, she had yet to actually be formally introduced to the man that Mythal considered his adoptive uncle. The man had invited the two of them to dinner at his place with his wife, whom Mythal didn’t seem to know. It was pretty much the closest thing to being introduced to his family that Serilda was going to experience.

    At least, until they figured out where the hell his dad had run off to, seeing as how Gren was apparently still alive.

    Shaking those kind of thoughts away, Serilda pulled on a pair of camel colored boots with a bit of heel to them and headed back downstairs. Her hair was pulled back in its usual bun, but unlike normal it wasn’t as tight and flawless as usual. Instead, she had gone for a more loose, casual look that kept the locks mostly out of her face but had a more dressy appeal to it than stern business woman. “I’m ready when you are,” she said, grabbing her clutch and clicking her tongue to Xiuh. “Oh, before I forget. Here, I finally found time to get an extra one made for you.” Serilda picked up a key that was on her kitchen table and handed it to Mythal. He’d had a copy of the key to her last place, but she hadn’t managed to get him one for the new house yet.

    Words: 1130/1130


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th April 2019, 7:40 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Serilda had made the smart choice and upgraded her living arrangements after her appointment to marshall of the Rune Knights. It made sense -- she needed a place near the headquarters and Ace of Spades wasn’t close to Era in the least bit. It also gave her the opportunity to invest in a home that was a bit more modernized rather than the quaint, cottage-like home she had back when she was in Sabertooth. The Darkness King had enjoyed her other home but arguably, this was better for the Voidwalker. Mythal, on the other hand, had decided to stick to his Oshibana home as traveling to Era wasn’t exactly a problem for him anymore. Now that he could morph darkness to creature near-instant traveling portals, getting from one place to another was near effortless. He could have lived on the other side of the world and still gotten to the Rune Knight headquarters far before some of the newest recruits dragged themselves out of bed.

    He hadn’t gotten the key to Serilda’s new home yet, nor was he assuming she kept the door unlocked. Given everything that had happened to them lately, the last thing either one of them should be doing was keeping their guards down. Sure, a flimsy piece of wood wasn’t going to do much against the supernatural forces they had gone up against but any means of security was better than none. Gren was already pacing back and forth by the door, hearing Xiuhco on the other side just as excited as he was. When the door cracked open, the not-so-small pup pushed his way in enough to whack his tail against Serilda’s leg in greeting before charging into the house. Mythal chuckled, reaching down to scratch Xiuhco around the ear to greet her, before she was rushing off to play with her brother in the other room. “As long as his dumb ass doesn’t keep chargin’ into danger, they can do whatever they want. But I already know better than that,” he said with a sigh. Gren had not shirked away from danger once yet; in fact, he seemed fairly compelled to prove himself by going right at enemies.

    He may have said more but her arms were around his waist and her lips were up on his before he could manage a thought. More than happy with that kind of welcome, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight, deepening the kiss a bit. He’d gone weeks without showing her any affection several months ago, as he struggled to get his emotions in check and figure out what it was he was feeling. He’d come to find out that he had been practically cursed by birth to hate humanity and the ‘light’ that they possessed so any loving feelings that he had started to feel had created an internal conflict within him. Eventually his spirit had won out over his genetics, through the trials for it had been hard and arduous. Despite all the time they had already passed to make up for it, that didn’t stop him from continuously trying to make reparations for his distance.

    As they parted, he smiled back down at her. “Keep greetin’ me like that and we’ll be late for dinner,” he said mischievously, smirking. He took a moment to step back and look her over as she walked towards the stairs, explaining she would be done momentarily. “No rush; we’re already gonna be early as it is,” he called up to her as he walked into the other room and watched the two Star Wolves play. A double date dinner with his father’s friend hadn’t exactly been the evening he would normally partake in but, in a way, he owed Branwen for everything that had happened. Though it was also a way of finding a means to an end…

    Gren was alive, or so all the evidence seemed to point to. He had met with Serilda under false pretenses and dropped enough hints to reveal he was, in fact, his long lost, supposedly dead father. And Branwen had always been one of Gren’s closest friends and confidantes, save for a time when they had a falling out. After that, Mythal hadn’t seen the former major around much. If that rift had been as bad as that, it was doubtful that Branwen would have known about the Gren faking his death but… he couldn’t help but wonder.

    His thoughts were interrupted by Serilda coming down the stairs, stating herself as ready. As she called for Xiuhco with a click of her tongue, Mythal whistled through his teeth to get the younger Star Wolf’s attention. Gren came bustling over, his tail wagging furiously as he stared between the two humans. “Thanks,” he said with a genuine smile as he took the key from her. Now they each had keys to one another’s houses, which he was sure made them officially a couple -- or so his skewed sense of relationships seemed to hint towards. After pocketing it, he nodded back towards the front door and Gren wuffed and led the way. “It ain’t right at their doorstep so we’ll have to do some walkin’. Gives me time to admire your ass in those pants,” he said with a grin as he headed towards the door.

    Once they were outside and the house was secured, Mythal snapped once more and reopened the portal he had used to get here. Only this time he had changed the location it would drop them off at; after passing through, they would find themselves standing just outside the main plaza of Crocus. An impressively large water fountain stood before them, with streams of the cool liquid rocketing into the sky and splashing down in the two tiered pool below. A few people looked their way at their sudden arrival but then moved on with their days, no strangers to sudden magical appearances as this. Once the four were all through, they could make their way through the crowded streets to the home of Branwen. It wasn’t a long trek, as Mythal had already mentioned, and they would probably be surprised by how quaint and quiet the home looked from the outside. It was a rather slim two level house, furnished to look far more dated than several of the other homes around the place.

    The God Slayer walked up and knocked on the door and had barely gotten three raps out before the door was opened and the humble former major was standing there, smiling at the group. “Welcome, you all are early,” he said with a warm and hearty tone.

    “How’s it goin’, Branwen? Injuries all healed up?” Mythal asked as they were waved in, the God Slayer heading in first.

    “As best as they can be. Marshall Sinclair, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance finally,” he said, turning his singular attention to the noblewoman. “And I believe you already know my wife…” He said, gesturing towards the figure coming through the door.

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th April 2019, 10:17 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    “Don’t tempt me,” Serilda told him with a smirk of her own, giving him one last kiss before heading upstairs. If this were any other engagement she wouldn’t mind calling it off or being late for the self same reasons he was implying, but this particular occasion was not one she was going to miss. It was far too important, particularly because if anyone was going to know anything about Gren it would be Branwen, or so Mythal seemed to believe.

    Once they were back downstairs, he accepted the key with a smile as the wolf happily bounded toward the door. When Mythal explained they’d have to walk a little bit and that he planned on using that time to take in a good long view of her backside, she shot him a playful glare. “Behave tonight and maybe I’ll let you get a hands on look at them later,” Serilda teased. Ever since they’d patched things up, Mythal had thrown himself into their relationship with a ferver that had caught the noblewoman by surprise. He’d been doing everything he could to make up for how he’d treated her before and the pain he’d put her through.

    A lot of that meant that he took almost every conceivable occasion to jump her, even at times and places that weren’t exactly appropriate for such things. Sometimes he’d managed to pull it off successfully, while other times her sense of modesty and paranoia at being caught had won over. Needless to say, he’d gotten more bold and frequent with his attempts and she’d taken to playfully scolding him about it. She locked up the house once they were outside, Mythal set up his portal, and within a second or two they were standing in Fiore’s capital in Crocus.

    As they walked down the street most people in the area didn’t pay them any attention; they were more than used to mages seemingly popping in and out of existence. Serilda took Mythal’s hand in hers and chuckled at the wolves as they walked slightly ahead of the two humans. Xiuh and Gren seemed practically inseparable when they were together, and that had probably helped greatly with Gren learning his hunting behaviors, being able to observe his older sister. “You know, I should have tried to plan a little time to visit Aster while we are here,” Serilda told Mythal idly. “She lives in Crocus, but I’ve never been to her house before. We’ve never been able to schedule a good time to visit one another.”

    Mythal had learned a fair bit by now about the former Rune Knight that had once been Serilda’s mentor. Aster had been a big influence on Serilda’s life, both with her fighting style and her general sense of discipline and composure. If anything, Serilda often came off as rigid and cold as she did because of behaviors she’d picked up from the tougher woman. But Aster had a kind heart and a good soul beneath all the icy layers. Still, as much as Serilda loved and respected the woman it was clear that a part of her was often still nervous around the woman. Though Aster was no longer her mentor, whenever they were together Serilda still felt that she needed to be on her best behavior to impress and avoid being reprimanded.

    It did not take them very long to reach the home in question, a quaint little place that was a bit aged in comparison to other homes in the area, but well maintained and not without character. Branwen must have practically been waiting at the door because Mythal had barely finished knocking before it swung open. Branwen was a somewhat regal looking man, despite the eyepatch on his face. He had well groomed hair and cleaned up quite well. His lone eye was bright as he smiled at the pair. Serilda returned the expression. “Major Branwen, I’m delighted to finally get to meet you officially. Please, call me Serilda. I should have made time sooner but, as I know you’re aware, things have been a bit hectic to say the least.”

    Even as she offered him a firm hand to shake, he motioned toward the approaching figure of his wife whom he claimed Serilda already knew. A part of her realized where this was going as soon as the words left his mouth, while a large part of her went into instant denial. The denial only lasted as long as it took for her blue eyes to fall upon the image of Aster, who approached as straight and confident as she ever was. Though her expression was mostly subdued there was a slight twinkle of mischief in her gaze as she recognized the very subtle signs of Serilda panicking in surprise.

    “Aster!” she said, only barely keeping her jaw from falling slack. The field marshall instantly straightened her stance and fell into an almost formal demeanor as she had to greatly resist the urge to snap to attention. It was a visible struggle.

    The blonde woman held Serilda under a scrutinizing gaze for only a second or two before smirking at her husband. “Told you so. That’ll be two hundred jewel.” She turned her quiet but genuine smile on Mythal then, extending him a hand. “General Ragnos. I have heard many good things about you. I’m Aster, Branwen’s wife. Glad you both could make it for dinner.”

    The former general looked down at the wolves, then. She already knew Xiuhcoatl of course. The older wolf had sat obediently at Serilda’s feet as soon as Branwen had opened the door, tail thwapping impatiently against the ground as she waited for permission to greet the humans. The noblewoman gave the go ahead and Xiuh trotted over to Aster, brushing against her legs long enough to receive a few welcome pats before moseying over to the woman’s husband to sniff enthusiastically at the potential new friend. Serilda introduced Branwen to the wolf, who wasted no time in her typical fashion to beg for attention and act like any common house dog.

    Then, Aster looked down to Gren. “Now, this one’s a handsome young man, isn’t he?” She knelt down -- somehow managing to keep her grace and balance in a dress and heels to do so -- and held out a hand to invite the younger wolf over. Since Serilda hadn’t known that the woman would be here, she didn’t really get the chance to tell Mythal that Aster was prone to testing people at random, particularly with their hunting companions. While Aster did genuinely wish to meet the pup, Serilda also knew that she was looking to see how far along the wolf’s training was.

    Words: 1136/2266


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 23rd April 2019, 4:58 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    “Promises, promises. Also I always behave.”

    He didn’t always behave. In fact, he had been misbehaving a lot with Serilda lately. He’d gotten bold and he had convinced her quite a few times to get intimate with him in places that… well, for lack of a better phrase, probably shouldn’t have been used in such ways. There were times he had pressed their luck and she had been quick to reel him back in but that was their relationship wasn’t it? He pushed the lines and she found the way to get them back on track. It was a beautiful and ridiculous relationship but one that he coveted a lot. Despite his teasing, there was a genuine warmth to the Darkness King that hadn’t been there before. Serilda was the reason for that.

    The walk to Branwen’s house was short but still rather sweet. Serilda’s hand inched its way into his and he gladly held it, glancing at her briefly before continuing along. Gren hopped along the side of his sister, wuffing and happily panting at all the new sights and sounds. In a way, it was a bit like they were a family off on a day trip. A thought that may have terrified the God Slayer not that long ago but one that he dove right into without pause or hesitation now. He looked over at Serilda as she mentioned that she should take some time to visit Aster while they were in town, casually mentioning that she lived here but the noblewoman hadn’t ever actually gone to her house.

    “Sure, we got lots of time. Aster was… your teacher, right? The one that taught you when you were younger…?” Serilda had mentioned the woman once or twice during their time of bonding, having brought up the older woman and her lessons. She had seemed strict but not without merit -- she was intent on making sure that Serilda grew up proper and with respect. Given how the newest God Slayer was now, it seemed that lesson had stuck -- even if a few of her modesties had been slightly corrupted by Mythal himself. But he wasn’t about to go around bragging about that. It would absolutely mortify Serilda.

    When they arrived, Branwen had let them all in practically at once. Serilda held her hand out to greet him with all the proper niceties and the major accepted the gesture in kind, giving her a firm and respectful shake before he idly mentioned their known acquaintance. And much like most of their times going… well, just about anywhere, their expectations were flipped on their heads. From the other room emerged a blonde woman who seemed to simmer with absolute power and control. To say she was a beacon of respect and dignity wasn’t giving her enough credit. And the sight of her caused Serilda to blurt out her name, giving familiarity to the face that now looked at the group.

    “Wait… Aster Aster?” Mythal questioned, blinking in confusion. The The Voidwalker had gone from a more relaxed stance to one of absolute rigidness and poise. She was the Field Marshall of the Rune Knights and here she was, falling into line before the woman like she outranked her. Branwen had… invited Aster here? Mythal’s mind tried to put two and two together before it wapped him on the head, reminding him that Branwen had said ‘wife’.

    “I don’t even know why I bother betting against you,” Branwen said with a chuckle as his wife grinned at her won bet.

    Mythal glanced at Branwen, far more confused than shocked, before his eyes set on Aster as she approached him, a calm and even smile on her face. “It’s uh… nice to meet you, Aster. Branwen never mentioned you before,” the Darkness King said pointedly at former major.

    “Well I don’t believe you’ve ever asked, Mythal. You’re the one that prefers to keep our conversations short and to the point,”[/color] Branwen threw it right back at the Darkness King, giving the tiniest of smirks. Meanwhile the older couple turned their attention to the Star Wolves sitting at the feet of their masters. If Xiuhco looked impatient, then Gren was about ready pounce out of his fur. Yet he remained in his spot, holding back whines as Xiuhco was allowed to step forward and greet the familiar woman as well as Branwen. The major chuckled and offered his hand, letting the hound get his scent before he happily pat her on the side and ran his hands through her fur.

    When Aster turned her attention to the smaller hound, it took everything in Gren’s training to remain in his spot. There was a slight quiver of excitement in his bones and yet he remained in his spot long enough to look up at Mythal, his eyes practically pleading. Mythal rolled his eyes and shook his head yet his smirk was unavoidable. “You’d think you never met another person before. Knaad,” he finally relented and gave the code word. Gren’s lips peeled back in a wide, tongue-hanging grin as he lifted himself and walked over to Aster, sniffing all over her hand before forcibly rubbing his snout and face against her fingers. “This is Gren,” he introduced the hound.

    Branwen raised an eyebrow. “Gren?” He asked, curiously.

    Mythal rolled his eyes again. “Yeah, he’s a pain in the ass, too bold for his own good and refuses to lie down and lose. Stubborn as a mule.” Despite the harsh rundown of features, it was obvious that he was saying it out of love. Gren was someone Mythal could rely on and given how easily it was for him to compliment him, albeit a bit backhandedly, it was clear enough how connected they were.

    Branwen smiled and snorted a small laugh. “Indeed. Aptly named,” the major agreed as he bent down and introduced himself to the smaller hound. After they had finished their introductions, Branwen stood up and clapped his hands together. “Now then; I hope you came hungry. We’ve got a lot to eat and, I’m sure, a lot to talk about.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.

    Last edited by Mythal Ragnos on 22nd June 2019, 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 10th June 2019, 6:47 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    “I don’t know why you do either,” Aster retorted to her husband. Her expression remained smooth and unchanging as Mythal desperately tried to catch up to what had just transpired. The darkness slayer returned her greeting but with a poignant comment toward his uncle, who merely remarked with amusement that Mythal had never really given him the chance to bring it up. As much as she wanted to, even Serilda couldn’t really defend her partner against that -- Mythal was pretty notorious for going out of his way not to talk to too many people, and that went doubly so for talking about personal lives. Pretty much the only person he had ever opened up to in his life was herself, and that had certainly been a special case that had taken some time.

    The noblewoman couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the sight of poor Gren, even more eager than his sister to meet these strange new people. It was a sight that she tried to use to help herself emotionally backpedal from the shock of running into Aster her and discovering her marriage to Branwen. Serilda managed to push past it, mostly returning to her relaxed state. She shook her head and sighed audibly, casting a subtle but playful glare toward her former mentor as the men discussed Gren and his namesake.

    When the introductions were over, Branwen wasted no time in inviting them both to the dining area. Serilda set her clutch down on a console table as they passed by it and followed the other couple into a formal dining area. There, a beautiful oak table had been set up with four place settings. A lovely candle holder served as a centerpiece, and cloth napkins were neatly folded beneath the silverware. On the table already was a bowl of salad and a platter with some rolls of bread, as well as a glass tray with butter on it. There were several trivets left out as well for hot dishes that had yet to be brought into the dining area.

    “What can I get you two to drink?” Aster asked them pleasantly. “We don’t have quite the array that the Sinclairs do, but we have a fair assortment. Whiskey, brandy, champagne… I believe we have a bottle of wine that I recall being one of your favorites, Serilda.”

    The heiress held up a hand in gentle protest. “Thank you, but no. I’m taking a break from wine.” It was a somewhat sheepish comment, one that caused Aster to raise a brow and peer at the woman curiously. The very thought of wine had been making Serilda feel nauseous ever since she drank far too much of it the night she’d learned the truth about Hugo. The hangover had been absolutely awful, and she honestly wasn’t quite sure she’d ever get over the embarrassment of Mythal having to break into her home to find her blacked out on the floor in a puddle of the spilt alcohol. It wasn’t her proudest moment, and was a night she truly wanted to forget about. “Champagne would be lovely, thank you.”

    Thankfully, Aster didn’t press the subject. At least, she didn’t for now. Likely she would try to corner her former pupil later in private. “Very well. And for you, Mythal?” She would fetch whatever piqued the general’s interest, exiting into the kitchen and returning a couple minutes later with their desired beverages. “Please, do have a seat. We’re just waiting for the chicken to finish cooking. Should be done in just a few minutes.” The plates were set at the table with both couples sitting across from one another, rather than having anyone set further away at the ends of the table.

    Serilda accepted the flute of champagne graciously, taking a small sip from it after sitting down. She took a moment to eye Xiuh, who was sniffing quietly about the room and getting to know all its various scents and crannies. She’d come across a bowl of water that had been left out for the wolves and took several sloppy gulps from it before moving back to exploring the room.

    Aster sat across from them with a glass of brandy. “So how has the transition been going?”

    “Not as smoothly as we’d prefer,” Serilda admitted, casting Mythal a weary glance. “There’s been an awful lot of paperwork that we have to sift through to even begin trying to catch up, and it’s not been easy without the former leaders here to guide us through the most important parts. It practically feels like we live at the office, these days…” She smirked a little at her dry humor, but it was sadly true. If it weren’t for Mythal having the wherewithal and the determination to get her out at a decent hour, Serilda probably would have pulled several all nighters back at headquarters over the last couple months.

    Words: 830/3096


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 22nd June 2019, 4:32 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    All the awkwardness of the introductions was over, at least for now. With that out of the way and the hounds properly acclimated to the new people, they journeyed into the dining room. It was a nice long room, set up with some showy mantlepieces on the table along with silverware, placements for the coming hot trays and a bowl of salad and bread rolls, complimented by set aside butter. Mythal very much felt like he was back at a formal dining area, his demeanor and standing putting him on the outside of comfortability. It was like being back at the Sinclair’s property, though not nearly as intimidating this time. At least, it wasn’t supposed to be until they discovered that Aster was there.

    The aforementioned wife of Branwen offered some drinks, with Serilda turning down the offer of the alcohol. Considering how her last episode of drinking had turned her on her head, he wasn’t surprised by this. She probably was going to live a very dry life for some time; at least until she felt like her and booze could be friends again. She passed on the harder drinks and accepted champagne. “Uh… whiskey will be fine, thanks” the Darkness King said a bit hesitantly.

    “Don’t let his uncertainty surprise you; Mythal there is probably the thirstiest man I’ve ever met. He could outdrink an entire bar and still have the wherewithal to fight, if needed,” Branwen said with a laugh, pouring himself a glass of brandy as well before placing it on the table.

    “Hey thanks dad, anythin’ else you wanna go dumpin’ on the floor?” the God Slayer frowned at the former major, narrowing his eyes in annoyance.

    “Oh and he’s extremely susceptive to insults about it, apparently,” Branwen went on with a smirk as he pat the younger man on the shoulder in passing. “Give me a second, just want to check on the food,” he excused himself, walking around the corner and supposedly to the kitchen. Gren, meanwhile, was moving in the opposite direction of Xiuhco, his tail a constant motion in the room as he sniffed around the outskirts. He carefully maneuvered between furniture placements, taking in all the new scents. He briefly passed by his older sister and then came upon the bowl of water too, taking a few laps at it before he continued his trek around.

    Aster sat herself down and asked about the change over for the Rune Knights, earning an exhausted explanation from the Field Marshall herself. She spoke of the sheer amount of work they had to complete, practically each day. As she joked about their living in the office, he scoffed. “It’s unfortunately not exactly a joke. Durin’ the days we’re finishin’ up paperwork that had been misplaced, destroyed, all together disappeared. Filin’ papers ain’t pretty or quick. Then we gotta’ make sure the new recruits are properly getting’ trained by our new officers. Then at night… well, the city and the base are still on high alert afta’ the attack so one of us is usually there to make sure the guards are coverin’ their bases. The Knights didn’t exactly have the largest numbers before the attack…”

    “Unfortunately a sad truth,” Branwen said as he returned, walking over and sitting down in the last remaining seat. “Wizards are less impressed with the trials, tribulations and overall professionalism of the Rune Knights. They want to go around fighting dark wizards and monsters at their leisure. They don’t want to wear uniforms and perform drills and go on scouting parties or ambassadorial missions. Protecting the innocent is second to earning some jewel and having an adventure,” the former major said with a sigh. “But, at least the numbers are increasing now, after the attack. People saw the devastation and it sort of clicked at just how much damage dark wizards can do, when brought together. Terrifying what they could do if they decided to knit themselves together in alliances. Now, more than ever, people are willing to step up and make themselves known as protectors of Fiore. It’s honorable… if a bit proudful.”

    “If people weren’t willin’ to step up,  we’d be screwed right now,” Mythal agreed as he took a sip from his drink.

    Branwen looked up, his face souring a bit in concern. “How’s Dakvid Bascom? I know he barely survived the attack…” Dakvid Bascom had been the Rune Knight Corporal that Mythal had met on his first time coming to Era. The snotty private had been one of those that had been more concerned with having an adventure but after a bit of a beating at the hands of the Darkness Slayer, his tune had changed. Mythal had run into him a few more times before the attack on the Rune Knights, having coordinated with him there to help the civilians escape. He’d faced down one of the stronger dark wizards and had managed to beat him, though he had suffered severe injuries during the battle – including losing his left arm.

    Mythal sighed but nodded gently. “Good. He’s uh… understandably angry and vengeful but he’s alive. Healers said that if they hadn’t gotten to him in time, he would have bled out so he was a little worse for wear a couple days after. The Engineering Corp is synthesizin’ a prosthetic for him so he’ll, at least, have somethin’ as a replacement. We tried to tell him to take it easy but there he was, demandin’ to be added back to the active roster. Now that I’m officially part of the Rune Knights, he wanted to join the Spec Ops. He’s not as chipper as he used to be but he’s driven. Just gotta… get him out of his funk.”

    Branwen nodded. “Give him time. Losing something like that causes extreme emotional stress, alongside the weight of all his comrades that unfortunately perished in the attack. I’m sure under your tutelage he’ll grow into a worthy Rune Knight. And with Ms. Sinclair here running the entire operation, I imagine the Knights will be even greater than they ever were before,” he said, looking over at Serilda with a smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe our dinner is ready. Darling, if you wouldn’t mind assisting me?”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 24th June 2019, 9:09 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Serilda couldn’t help but have to suppress a small giggle as Branwen mentioned how much of a lush Mythal could be. The slayer snapped back lightly in irritation, but his adoptive uncle didn’t so much as consider slowing down, coming right back to call the younger man out on the reaction. She shook her head a bit. “Believe it or not,” the noblewoman said, gently coming to his defense, “He actually doesn’t drink all that much. At least, not as much as I assumed he would back when we first met and he’d openly claimed to be a drunkard.”

    She was definitely teasing him a little with that last comment, but ultimately she was standing up for him. The truth was that Serilda had never actually ever seen Mythal drunk, or even close to it. He’d only picked up a bottle to down it once, and that night had very nearly spelled the end of their friendship. For all his talk about being an alcoholic, however, he really didn’t seem to be one.

    After they had their drinks and were sat down, Mythal added a fair few comments to the topic that Aster had brought up. He pointed out several of the sad truths about just how much work they had before them on a near twenty-four hour pace. Plus, he was right: even before the attack on Era, the Rune Knights didn’t exactly have a huge population. In a way, the attack had brought them a lot of positive attention with hundreds of able bodied warriors and mages volunteering to join their ranks and help with disaster relief and picking up slack from the loss in their numbers. Unfortunately, that hadn’t made the process any smoother.

    Branwen had returned in time to hear most of Mythal’s speech, adding a few thoughts of his own about how many people were less thrilled by the idea of being lawmen and working beat routes than the glory and glamor of being a wizard. Which was silly, really. There really wasn’t a whole lot of difference between being a Rune Knight and a guild mage, aside from the former working regular hours. But, to each their own. “At this point, I’ll take what I can get,” she informed the earth wizard. “Proudful or no, as long as they’re loyal and make the effort, that’s good enough for me. Everyone has been pulling more than their weight, at least, and that has helped tremendously.”

    The two men discussed one of their mutual acquaintances, a knight that Mythal had spoken to Serilda about a few times who had been part of the battle and taken heavy injuries. She had never met Dakvid, though only because she’d been so busy lately she hadn’t had time to do so. The man knew Mythal fairly well at this point, and certainly understood how much she had on her plate. Branwen took a moment to express his faith in her, and she returned his smile if a bit sheepishly. “One can only hope. I certainly had the best tutelage to prepare me for the role.”

    Her blue eyes glanced at Aster, who snorted into her glass. “Brown noser,” the woman muttered, though not without a glint of humor in her gaze. At Branwen’s request, she joined him in the kitchen to get the rest of the food, declining Serilda’s offer to assist. Soon everything was laid out, including bowls for the hounds, and everyone was able to start dishing things onto their plate. As Serilda cut her chicken into bite sized slices, she asked their hosts, “Well, I can say you both certainly caught us by surprise tonight. How did you two meet, anyway?”

    Aster grinned a bit as she scooped a few vegetables on her plate. “He arrested me,” she told them with a mischievous tone.

    Serilda near about choked on her first bite. “What?”

    The blonde went on. “He’d been hunting me down over a series of robberies I’d pulled. Banks, stores, trains… you name it. Took him a few months, and he managed to catch up to me a couple times but I always slipped out of his fingers. Until the one time I didn’t at least. Hauled me off to prison and somehow managed to make an honest woman out of me.” The Voidwalker was utterly speechless. All she could do was stare at Aster, the woman who had been her idol for almost the entirety of her life, now admitting to a hefty criminal history. It was like her brain had just up and decided to stop working at that point. Thankfully, Aster had a gift for snapping Serilda out of the funks she always managed to put her in. “Something the matter with your jaw, Sinclair?”

    Resisting the urge to reply with a hasty “No, ma’am,” Serilda quickly returned to eating but stayed silent as she tried to process the knowledge.

    Words: 839/3935


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 30th June 2019, 1:48 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Branwen looked a bit surprised at Serilda’s defense of Mythal’s drinking habits. Not so much that she was defending him but the simple fact that he wasn’t imbibing as much as he used to. Based on the very limited interactions the two had had in recent months, it had been easy to guess that Mythal enjoyed booze a lot. He always seemed to have some stored away, ready to be pulled out at any moment. Frustrations only seemed to egg him on further into patterns of heavy drinking, though the former major couldn’t recall a single time hearing of him being fully drunk. The truth of the matter was that Branwen understood why he took solace in it; after everything that had happened in his life, there was a safety in drowning his mind in liquor and forgetting the pain for awhile. It didn’t keep reality from coming back of course but then that was what a canteen full of whiskey was for.

    But since coming back from Kingdom Darkness, his patterns had changed. Mythal had finally clawed his way out of the cesspool of self-destruction and solitude and into the light, metaphorically. He still drank on occasion and it was rare to see him without some kind of alcohol nearby. But one glass would remain before him and/or near him for an expansive amount of time as he nursed his drink rather than rip it down and get another. In truth, Serilda had never really experienced him drinking in excess… even now, Mythal wondered if there was something to that, that even they didn’t quite understand. He smiled softly as he looked over at Serilda. “Well… I guess I just don’t… feel the need to drink myself to oblivion anymore,” he said with a shrug, casually taking the complimentary defense.

    In short time, it seemed that dinner was finally ready and both Branwen and Aster parted to go grab it, insistent that the two guests remain. Within minutes the entire meal had been brought and spread out on the table, along with two bowls for the guest hounds that had scouring the room. “Well, dig in! Family setting so grab what you want and fill up,” Branwen had insisted, waving at the multitude of plates and bowls before going in himself. Soon enough they were all scooping and plating their meals, the idea of filling their bellies weighing over their need to chat. Mythal was chewing through his first bite of steak when Serilda brought up the fact that they both had been surprised to find Aster and Branwen here. She inquired into how they had met and the answer surprised the two of them, with Serilda nearly choking and Mythal freezing, mid-moving his next forkful into his mouth.

    Branwen was smiling like a goblin with gold, clearly entertained at the sight of the two guests being absolutely floored with the news. Without missing a beat, Aster continued, outlining their beginnings and how they had been more rivals than friends. It seemed the strict woman had been far more involved in the criminal element than either one of them had been prepared for. Aster quickly righted Serilda’s surprise and Mythal instinctively shoved the food on his fork into his mouth, as to avoid such a savage comment as well thrown his way. But Branwen chuckled as he observed the rapid movement of the Darkness King. “Not quite the story you were expecting, huh Ragnos?”

    “Uh… no, not quite,” he admitted after he had thoroughly chewed and swallowed. “Given the track record Gren claimed you had by stickin’ to the law. Almost embarrassingly so.”

    Branwen smiled, though it was a bit of a sad one. “Your father had it right. I was a very ‘by the law’ kind of officer. I didn’t see any reason to bend the rules or make exceptions, for anyone. It created a lot of friction with certain people – Gren included. Maybe it was because of everything that happened with you and the Sons of Faera that I developed… a conscious, I guess. Just in time too; I wouldn’t have found a way to woo this fierce woman if I were still running one hundred percent by the book,” he explained, glancing over at Aster and smiling.

    But Mythal looked confused. “What do ya mean everythin’ that happened with me? You mean the whole conceivin’ me with an angel thing?”

    Branwen shook his head slowly. “No, that was something you couldn’t control. Truthfully, my issues were based on things you couldn’t control either but I had my nose so far into the book that I refused to see reason.” He sighed gently. “When we had taken down the Sons, there was a matter of what to do with you. A large portion of the Knights and the Magic Council wanted you taken into the care of us, so that we could keep a stricter eye on you. The Council was very interested in what your existence would result in, after all the effort of having you merged with a goddess. But Gren refused – he said that no one deserved a life of living like an animal in a zoo. As much as I hate to admit it, that is probably what your life would have been. Emotionl detachment from specialists as they tested you and observed you. You were a byproduct of an otherworldly being and they would have treated you as such. Your father refused, fought against every argument his superiors pushed against him. Eventually it resulted in his honorable discharge from the Knights with the added stipulation that he had to care for you. That wasn’t a problem; he insisted it be that way from the beginning. He had been the one to find you and from the moment he took you in his arms, I could see there was something there.”

    “But I tried to talk him out of it. Every time I would visit, I would talk a little more to convince him that the Knights and the Council having you was the best option. It eventually resulted in such an argument that he told me never to come around again. He insisted that no one would take his son away from him.” Branwen got very quiet for a moment, his smile having waned. “I was on a fast track to success within the Rune Knights. I saw nothing but the glory and responsibility of being an officer. I had never… taken time to think of a life outside of that. It was that day that it had struck me that I was trying to tear his family apart. It was a sobering experience, how blind I had been, how drunk I had been on righteousness. It was only a few months later that I finally caught up to Aster and… well, then I truly understood.” He managed another smile as he looked at his wife once more.

    It was a story that perhaps should have made Mythal angry, all things considered. But rather than giving into the rage, he simply smiled. “Well… I’m glad he won out then,” he said softly.

    Branwen returned the smile. “So am I.” And he meant it too. After a brief pause, the former major sighed and smiled a bit brighter. “Well then. That was quite intense, wasn’t it? I think that—“

    “I know Gren’s alive, Branwen,” Mythal cut in suddenly, stopping the topic change before it could even be offered. The air in the former major’s words fell flat and his smile wavered even further as he looked at the Darkness King, his own smile fading. He looked at Aster and dropped his head in sympathy. “I hate to cause an issue durin’ a lovely dinner like this but I can’t… I can’t just keep quiet about it. He’s alive… and I think you know he is too.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Posts : 1377
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 2nd July 2019, 5:07 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Serilda almost regretted asking the question. The answer was not one she had been at all prepared for. Branwen seemed quite pleased by the reaction of his guests. It seemed this particular couple were fans of getting reactions out of others, and they were certainly succeeding tonight. Even Mythal stopped eating to stare at the other couple, quickly returning to the act before Aster could call him out as well.

    As they resumed eating, Branwen continued on with quite the tale about the type of knight he used to be and how that had very nearly cost him his friendship with Gren. Thankfully, his eyes had been opened and as a result of that he’d even managed to land himself a wife in the most unlikely of places. Aster was more subdued with her little smirks and glances, but she did return them when her husband gave them. She also continued to eat solemnly as Branwen explained some of the more upsetting parts of his history with Mythal, and how he’d been one of the ones insisting on leaving the child to the Magic Council.

    A part of Serilda wanted to be angry, but she knew it wasn’t her place. It was definitely concerning to hear, but the man clearly regretted the stance he’d taken back then and by Mythal’s reaction the slayer didn’t seem too upset by the news. The past could not be changed, and everything had worked out in the end thanks to Gren’s insistence that Mythal be raised as a normal child.

    She kept her face schooled as she turned this over in her mind. Serilda still had not forgotten her meeting with Gren -- nor really forgiven him for it. She’d had quite the critical opinion of the man ever since due to the effect his appearance had had on Mythal. Granted, a lot of that at the time was actually Mythal struggling with his realized feelings for Serilda, but the knowledge that his father was alive still loomed over him. It had left so much uncertainty, brought so many questions, and all Serilda had become as a result of it was angry.

    While she wasn’t expecting the conversation to come up so quickly after dinner had started, she had known that Mythal planned on asking Branwen about Gren tonight. With the information out in the open, it was now the married couple’s turn to sit there looking floored. Though, Aster’s expression was masked a little better than her husband’s. Before either of them could get it into their heads to try and cover anything up, not that Serilda expected them to, she came forward as well in support. “He went out of his way to meet with me in Ace of Spades several months ago, when Mythal and I were partners but before we were officially dating. He didn’t tell me exactly who he was, but he left enough information for Mythal to put his identity together when I told him about it later. He even mentioned the two of you, if not by name.”

    Serilda didn’t try to hide the displeasure in her voice as she calmly continued to eat. She wasn’t upset with either of them, of course -- at least, not yet. There was always the possibility that she could become upset with them depending on how they answered and their reasons for keeping the secret all this time, but for now it was simply clear that she was harboring a grudge toward Gren for acting how he had that day.

    Aster returned Mythal’s gaze evenly for a moment before gently shifting to look at Branwen. The blonde didn’t appear to be offended by the rather sudden broaching of the topic during their nice meal. In fact, her surprise really hadn’t even lasted very long. This was a topic that all four individuals present knew was going to come up tonight, even if they weren’t all aware that the other couple was planning on broaching it. But this was Branwen’s honesty to give, not her own. Mythal deserved to hear it from someone that actually knew him.

    Words: 687/4622


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd August 2019, 11:14 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Truthfully, it was a terrible time to bring up such a… jarring subject. The dinner had been conversational, though the topics had been a bit harder to swallow than the meal. Mythal wanted to be angry with Branwen over his opinions of how he should be handled but frankly, he understood. He was a wild card, even as a child. He was a mixture of two different worlds that never should have met and because of that, his allegiance and dedication were up in the air. Plus there was no telling what kind of power would manifest in him when he got older. Would he inherit his father’s abilities or some horrid amalgamation of Faera’s blessing? Or would he gain some power that his mother had used for the good of her commitment to the Sons? In the end, he had found a sound balance between the two and utilized it for better purposes than intended.

    But there was no telling that when he was born. Branwen had every right to be worried, if a bit drastic in his beliefs. It just made the Darkness King appreciate the life he had gotten under Gren’s care, as short a time as it had been. But that thought had sparked another and soon he was speaking his mind about his pseudo-father’s sudden rebirth. The words had come out practically on their own but he didn’t regret them either. It was bound to come out at some point, even if he wished he had maintained his poise for a little bit longer. He spoke calmly and quickly, like a building trying to stay grounded during a hurricane. He wanted answers but he didn’t want to accuse the former major of hiding the information from him, even if he felt exactly that.

    Branwen was quite surprised by the sudden interjection of knowledge, though his shock was out of its swiftness and not its topic. There even seemed to be a tinge of guilt ridden in his frown as he looked solemnly at the God Slayer. Serilda spoke up, dignifying Mythal’s outburst with the events that had made him aware of Gren’s existence. The meeting between the Voidwalker and the mysterious man was read out carefully and tactfully, though Serilda didn’t attempt to hide the dissatisfaction in her tone. Rightfully, he had misled her and then surprised her with words that had put her on guard. Not only was it deceptive to her but the many years Mythal had spent roaming through life alone had made the revelation even more aggravating. The God Slayer reached over and placed his hand on Serilda’s knee, a silent gesture of solidarity and gratitude.

    Branwen looked over at Aster, quiet as he read her gaze and exchanged unspoken words. She was his ally and friend in this but they both knew any information had to come from him. He had been Gren’s friend, he had been Mythal’s uncle in his own way and that meant he was the connection. He inhaled slowly through his nose and then gently placed his fork down on his plate, opting to pause the meal here rather than finish. He may have been able to convince the two new Rune Knights to wait until their feast was over but there was no point. This conversation needed to happen now, else the rest of the evening would be filled with awkward silence.

    “You are correct, Mythal. Gren is alive,” He explained slowly and carefully, gauging the two across from him as he continued. “But I did not know that much sooner before Serilda did. And whether you believe me or not, my anger with him was just as palpable as I’m sure you two are experiencing right now.” There was a degree of sharpness to his words, clear evidence that he was speaking from a place of honesty. If anything, it seemed his ferocity over the matter had only been dulled, not quelled. He took another breath before he spoke once more. “Our reunion some months ago was mere happenstance, one that I was grateful to experience. As I’ve told you, I’ve only heard rumors and bits of information concerning your being alive but I was never able to track you down. In truth, I wasn’t sure how happy you would be to see me – finally seeing you confirmed just how upset you really were. But nonetheless, it was good to see you were doing well for yourself; you were part of a guild, you were working with people and you even managed to earn yourself an honorary title from the Magic Council.” He chuckled softly. “That day when you came stomping into Era and wound up teaching those recruits a thing or two, I almost asked you to join the order there and then. But I knew better than to push my luck; just having the opportunity to see you again was enough. You left and I went back about my business, with a brighter outlook on life.”

    “It was two nights after that. I was working late in my office, finishing up some reports, when I heard something in the training yard. It sounded like one of the training dummies being hit, repeatedly. I figured it was probably one of the recruits, trying to get some late night training in without prying eyes. You’d sparked quite a drive in several of them and I wouldn’t have been surprised to walk out and find one of them out there, especially Bascom. But when I did glance around the doorway, I found a figure covered in a cloak, using some strange looking weapon on the dummy. But he wasn’t practicing – if anything, it looked like he was striking it like one might strike a bell to sound an alarm. I quickly realized he was making the noise to get my attention. I demanded he reveal himself and explain why he was in the courtyard. I expected the worst – you’d taken care of one assassin but that didn’t mean another wouldn’t try and get to me. I was on guard right up until he spoke. ‘Always burning the midnight oil. Old habits die hard,’ he said to me with a voice so familiar, it sent a chill down my spine.”

    “I was even more ready for an attack when the hood fell back and revealed Gren. I knew the compound was guarded against illusion magic but I still felt like it was some kind of trick. Before I could even move, he blasted from where he was standing and moved several feet away, showing off the exact magic your father used. Leave it to your old man to do anything and everything to prove he was himself. I was speechless… then I was very angry. I nearly knocked his head off when I walked over to him, demanding to know where he had been. Nearly twenty years we’d thought he was dead and there he was, showing up in the middle of the night and showing off like we were recruits again. I wanted answers for myself, sure, but I needed to know why he let you believe he was dead for so long. Why had he made you go through life alone for years? I was so mad I could barely see straight.”

    He had ramped himself up a little as he told the story, his hands curled into fists as he relived the night again. He had to force himself to calm down, closing his eyes for a moment and sighing through his nostrils. “The first thing he told me was that he hadn’t tricked anyone. That night that you thought he had died… he had actually perished.”

    “What?” Mythal managed to find his voice, his words mixed in with a gasp.

    “He woke up to hear a voice speaking – your voice. But he could hear someone else there, almost like a whisper. When he went to investigate, he saw you walk outside. Before he could reach the front door, the entire house was engulfed in flames. The last thing he remembered was a fiery beam falling from the ceiling and crushing his legs. He said the pain was…” He stopped, seeing how his words were affecting Mythal. It was one thing to understand what had happened; it was entirely something else to hear the vivid details of how the man had died. The old guilt that the God Slayer had buried was flaring up and he could barely look up past his lap. “I’m sorry. That was senseless of me.”

    “It’s fine,” Mythal muttered quickly. “I just want to know what he said.”

    “When he woke up, he was informed he had died. He didn’t want to go into too much more detail because he felt any explanation he had was owed to you and you first. He said he was going to find a way to let you know he was alive without directly telling you. My guess was that he did so by going to Serilda,” he said, gently nodding to the Voidwalker.

    “But why?! Why not just come right to me?” the Darkness King demanded.

    Gren shook his head. “I don’t know, son. He told me to trust him and then gave me this.”[/color] He turned slightly in his chair to reach into his pocket and withdrew from its confines a small marble. It was a mixture of gold and silver streaks, not unlike something one might find in a store. He turned it over between his fingers. “He said the next time we saw one another to throw it on the ground. It’s one of your father’s spells – he enchants his magic inside this lacrima and essentially uses it like a homing beacon. When it breaks, it creates a pulse he can sense and can head right for it. When we ran into each other during the siege on Era, I… opted not to disclose all of this then. Considering everything else, I felt it would have been inappropriate.”

    “No, I get it,” Mythal said, nodding softly. “With all the shit hittin’ the fan that day, last thing we needed was more of it pilin’ on.” He stared at the rounded lacrima intently, like a hungry fish eyeing a waterlogged fly. “So I’m guessin’ part of invitin’ us over was…”

    “To break this and see what your father has to say. I would have slipped it to you sooner and let you handle it but frankly, I deserve some answers too. Gren and I moved up the ranks of the Rune Knights together and he was my closest friend. Call it selfish but I deserve some honesty as well,” Branwen said softly.

    Mythal snorted softly. “Nah, yer right. We both deserve to hear what he has to say.” With that conclusion made, the Darkness King sighed and collected himself. “Alright. How ‘bout we finish up eatin’ and then do what we gotta after. You guys put in a lot of work cookin’ for us and I don’t want to spoil it, anymore than I already have.”

    Branwen smiled gently before looking at Aster. “Well, you heard the man. Let’s eat up and then we’ll tackle all of this drama after. The least we’ll be able to say is we had a good meal before.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


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    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th August 2019, 9:04 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda placed her hand on top of Mythal’s when he placed it on her knee, returning his silent gesture with one of her own. Much like the two of them, Branwen and Aster also shared a moment of wordless conversation with one another before the former set down his utensil. Recognizing that it was time for a real discussion about this, Serilda and Aster both followed suit, ignoring their food for now to give the former Major their full and undivided attention.

    Branwen confirmed that Gren was alive. A fact that they already knew, but was somewhat comforting to have a trustworthy party affirm for them. And apparently, he was just as angry over it as they were. He explained that he didn’t know about it himself until a short time before Serilda found out. Apparently, before he fully retired from the Knights he had been working late one night and Gren had lured him out into the courtyard. It was there that the two men had been reunited, with Branwen having to exercise every shred of discipline he had to not beat Gren into the ground. He’d demanded answers, and rightfully so, but the truth he was given was not one that any of them could be prepared for.

    It seemed Gren had truly died on that fateful night when Faera had confronted Mythal. Somehow, that death had not stuck. Serilda was as floored as Mythal was when she heard the news, and in fact a look of disbelief crossed her face. Magic could accomplish a lot of things, but to bring someone back from the dead? She supposed it was possible, but even if it was, nothing about that would be right. The Voidwalker was highly suspicious of any creature that might see it fit to bring another back to life, but for now she kept her thoughts to herself and let the men converse about it.

    Unfortunately, that was about the extent of what Branwen knew. The former major claimed that Gren wanted Mythal to be the first to hear the full truth, which was fair but didn’t do much to soften Serilda’s opinion about the man. Mythal asked the obvious question about why Gren wouldn’t just come straight to him, why bother to go harass Serilda and skirt around confronting his son himself, and to that Branwen had no answers.

    What he did have was a tiny lacrima, almost a marble of sorts. Supposedly, if crushed it would send some kind of signal to Gren who could trace its location and that would be his cue to meet with them and finally explain everything. Serilda eyed the tiny piece of glass with a barely hidden dark expression, longing to smash it into dust and drag the man out to face them, but as much as Gren had used her it wasn’t her place to do so.

    She nodded in agreement with Mythal as he assured Branwen he’d made the right choice in not bringing all this up during the attack on Era. It would not have been the right time for it, and rightfully he also deserved some answers from the man. Eventually, Mythal suggested that they finish their meals before moving forward, acknowledging the time and effort that had gone into preparing the food and not wanting to spoil it. It was fitting. Gren had made them wait all this time -- they could wait a little longer, now that it was on their terms.

    Forcing herself to calm down a bit, Serilda managed to unclench her jaw and give Mythal a soft smile. She squeezed his hand a bit as everyone picked up their silverware and returned to eating. Somehow, it managed to be a nice meal with no further drama. If anything, the air was much lighter now that the truth had been acknowledged between them. They even waited for a time after their plates were empty before anyone suggested moving forward, spending their time chatting and laughing. The two slayers showed off the skill of their hounds and spent some time letting the retired knights play with the wolves and give them some attention.

    Eventually, however, it became increasingly clear that it was time to confront the one man that Mythal had ever considered a father. Speaking to him softly, though not so quiet that Branwen and Aster wouldn’t be able to hear, Serilda asked, “Are you sure you’re ready? I know we need answers, and there’s not much we could ever do to truly be prepared for something like this but…” Her voice trailed off as words fell short in expressing her desire to know that this wasn’t going to hurt him more than he’d already been hurt. Or perhaps it was the knowledge that it would hurt for all of them, no matter what.

    Either way, she didn’t want him to feel like it was a decision that was being forced on him. They could always make Gren keep waiting, though at this point she knew that Mythal would rather just get everything cleared up and out of the way. By this point, the four of them and the two wolves had moved into the spacious living room which had a sliding glass door showing off the beautiful backyard of their home. Serilda had positioned herself on one of the couches next to Mythal, a fresh glass of champagne in hand as she steadily tried to come to grips with the fact that she was going to be face to face once more with the man that had arguably been the greatest subject of her ire over the last several months.

    When Gren arrived, no matter how hard she might try she knew there would be no hiding the resentment in the stern, stony, silent, unwavering glare that he would receive from her. She would not say a word until given a reason to, understanding that the priorities in this confrontation were with Mythal and Branwen first and foremost. The noblewoman would not make any of this about her, because frankly it had never had anything to do with her in the first place. But from the moment he got there, Gren would know exactly where he stood with the woman, and that when the more important people had been addressed the two of them were going to have to have a talk of their own...

    WORDS: 1074/5696 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
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    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 16th August 2019, 5:22 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Despite the weighty topic that he himself had brought up, Mythal felt a lot better once it was out of the way. He’d had an inkling to what they had been invited here for so having Branwen come right out with it was beyond calming. They talked it over, they established what they were going to do and after that, they could honestly and earnestly enjoy themselves. They took their time eating their meal and discussing several other topics, finally able to focus on having a night out without anything behind it. Once every plate had been picked cleaned, they all took some time to wind down – talking and laughing amongst one another. The hounds were brought into play with the other knights, showcasing their many abilities and talents to the two parental figures.

    But all it was doing was delaying what needed to come to pass. Granted, it was a lovely distraction but they all knew that moving forward was the only way anyone was going to truly find settlement. Branwen came over to Mythal and handed him the marble-shaped lacrima, wanting the God Slayer to have the honor of breaking it. He held the odd little crystal between his thumb and his index finger, turning it over in his head as Serilda turned and asked if he was truly ready for this. She knew as well as he did that they had to but she was concerned about the pain it was going to bring him. It was clearly she didn’t want him to feel like he had no choice in the matter. He smiled softly, taking a gentle hold of her cheek and leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

    “I ain’t ever gonna be ready for this,” he said honestly, in spite of his smile. “The fact that he was dead for at least some time helps with the feelin that he abandoned me but at the same time, not really. A part of me is frozen in place, starin’ at this lacrima like it’s an anchor threatenin’ to sink me down in the dark.” He raised his gaze slightly to look over at Branwen and Aster. “For years, I wasn’t a good person. I don’t think I was bad but I definitely wasn’t goin’ out of my way to help people. I held a lotta guilt for a long time that kept burnin’ its way back to anger. If I’d gotten this chance even just a little over a year ago… I don’t know how I’d act. Bad, probably. So I am takin’ comfort in the fact that with you guys here, where my life is now… I’m as prepared as I’m ever gonna be.”

    He never claimed to be the best at motivational speaking but it was the best he could come up with in the midst of the emotional hurricane inside of him. Branwen nodded slowly, indicating that he was as ready as the younger man was. With a slow, deep breath, the Darkness King put a bit more force into his fingers and squeezed. The lacrima popped, with only the sound of breaking glass indicating it had been destroyed. There was no flash of light or spark of lightning to indicate it had even worked, as the fragments fell from his hand and fell onto the floor. A minute went by as they waited, an ominous silence settling inside the room as both men looked around for a sign of… anything, really.

    Another minute. Mythal reached up and scratched his chin. “You think it’s uh… broken?”

    Branwen wasn’t sure. All he could do was shrug softly. “Maybe it got damaged during the battle. I thought I had stowed it away but—”

    Before he could finish his thought, a bolt of lightning came crashing down into the backyard of the house. The entire building shook from the impact, glassware and other tokens quivering on their stoops. As the smoke began to clear away from the yard, a figure rose up to a standing position. A hand reached forth and waved away strands of smoke in his face, revealing the elderly face of Gren standing there. His dark eyes flickered up from the grass and towards the window, where he could see the group sitting inside – awaiting him arrival. He didn’t delay any longer than he had to, flipping the cape from his cloak behind him and walking towards the back entryway. It was unlocked luckily and as it swung open, the sound of his footfalls approaching cut through the dense air of the room.

    Mythal had been holding his breath since the bolt had hit, an invisible hand wrapped tight around his lungs. He watched in absolute shock as the man that raised him, the man that had given up his career to care for him, idly looked inside and made eye contact with him. Suddenly that anger he had talked about before came pouring through his veins, an unbridled rage simmering through his very being with such force that he was practically seeing double. He steadied his breathing as best he could, remembering everything the monks had taught him about controlling his emotions to best serve him. But it didn’t keep his hands from quivering and his heart from thumping loudly in his chest.

    As Gren entered the room, he took a moment to look about its occupants. There was Branwen, of course, sitting in the chair right next to the door, staring up at him with a studious anger. The impact of this was easily softer given their previous encounter. His eyes trailed over to Aster slowly, his face unflinching despite his want to smile. Then there was Serilda Sinclair, who was resonating with a contained and professional aversion so palpable that it even made the air chillier. She was nearly as angry as the other two and he couldn’t blame her – he had used her in a fashion to send a message. Finally his gaze fell upon Mythal, seated directly across from him. He was sitting there, trying his hardest to keep his emotions in check without exploding. His eyes lingered for a long moment, taking in the sight of his adoptive son.

    “So…” he finally said, pulling his attention away from the singular so he could scan the group once more. “Who would like the first swing?”

    Branwen barely waited for the man to finish his sentence before he was up on his feet, his left fist cocked back. The punch hit with such force that it sent Gren stumbling backwards into the room he had come from, the sound of clattering objects showcasing just how much strength had been behind the strike. Branwen hissed between clenched teeth, nursing his fist as he stalked away from the doorway and over to Mythal’s side. Gren came back in, rubbing his jaw with his hand.

    “I meant the rest of them, Bran. You already got your hits in,” the older man said, touching the side of his lip with his finger to check for blood.

    “Twenty years of being gone and now you’re back, having stalked around for who knows how long behind our backs. Two punches isn’t nearly enough to payback all of that,” the former major snapped back.

    Gren considered him for a moment and then let a small snort out. “I suppose that’s fair,” he said simply. He nodded to the small table that contained the alcohol and accompanying glasses. “Mind if I get a drink? It’s been a bit of a week.” He didn’t wait for much of an answer, already heading towards it.

    “Has it?” Mythal whispered softly, the words nearly crumbling as they came from his lips. But it was enough to stop Gren in his tracks, his back practically to the younger man as Mythal glared up at him. “Has it been a week? Tough time? Because that has been the last nineteen years for some of us!” The words brought him to his feet, his tone sharp but trembling. Tears threatened to spill out of the sides of his eyes as he stared at the back of Gren’s head. “For years I thought… The last image of I had of you in my head was that night, sayin’ goodnight to me before I went to bed. ‘Goodnight son, sleep well’. ‘Sure whatever, old man’. The last thing I said to you before all of the shit hit the fan was that. Then that genocidal bitch forced herself into my head and tried to take control of me. She pulled me out the door and set fire to the house, cacklin’ inside my head at how weak I was. She was so much stronger than you could have ever known and all I could think of was… the last thing I said to you was sure whatever, old man. Playing like a broken record in my head, remindin’ me that the man that had taken me in when he had no place stickin’ his nose in was ‘bout to die if I didn’t do somethin’. That’s why I fought and clawed and pushed her out. Because if your stubborn ass wouldn’t put up with her shit, I wouldn’t either. And I won.”

    Emotions stopped him there, his lips trembling as he fought back the levy threatening to break. He swallowed hard as he continued. “But I was too late. I got to come back and see my home, see where we lived, in flames. I tried to fight it but I was so weak and exhausted I could barely move. Everythin’ hurt but still I tried to get inside and get to you, to save you like you had saved me. But all I could do was watch as everythin’ burned to the ground. All that was left was ashes. You were gone. ‘Sure whatever, old man’. I had to live with that for years. No matter how many times I drank or fought or suffered, I could never get that out of my head. Knowin’ that I hadn’t ever given you back everythin’ you gave to me. Knowin’ that I was the one that killed you.”

    That was when Gren turned around, abruptly. His palm was up, almost as if he was going to strike the God Slayer for saying such a thing. But it instantly slowed as he came to face the younger man, pressing against Mythal’s cheek. “No. You never did that. You were never to blame for what happened that night. I would never blame you for that.”

    The tears began to fall. “A whole lot that does me now, Gren! I was sixteen and I went the next nineteen years havin’ to deal with that. You showin’ up now doesn’t just cure the guilt like it never happened. All it does is make it worse; knowin’ you came back and you never told me. You never reached out, not once, to try and assure me. To tell me you were alive. I’ve had a weight stuck to my back and you had the means to ease it and you let me suffer.” Mythal reached up and knocked the hand away on his cheek, seething through his teeth. “Go ahead and say you don’t blame me but from my place, it sure as shit looks like you wanted me to swallow that guilt down.”

    “I couldn’t!” Gren snapped, his voice rising with emotion as well. There was anger, of course but it seemed more out of frustration than insult. At a closer glance, one could make out the tears forming in his eyes as well. “Gods and demons know that I wanted nothin’ more than to go to you and tell you I was alive. I wanted to tell you everythin’, take back everythin’ that had happened to you and make it my own. I was heavily watched for three years because they knew if I had a chance, I would slip away and go to you.” Gren paused as he inhaled slowly, reaching up and rubbing a tear that had began to fall. “And even then…” He centered his gaze on Mythal as he continued. “Lavanitir.”

    The God Slayer’s brow knit in confusion. “What are you…?”

    “Two years ago. You were in Lavanitir. Do you remember?”

    It took the Darkness King a moment but he nodded softly. “I was just passin’ through. I’d done a small bounty job to get some jewel and was celebratin’.”

    “It was the first time I was let off a leash. I was supposed to be halfway across Earthland but I went right to you. Drunk as a skunk in that hole in the wall, laughin’ at your own stupid self in the corner. I bought you a drink, sent that pretty waitress over to give it to you while I worked up the courage to talk to you. I watched you for an hour before you stumbled out into the night and then I followed you.”

    “Back to my room? You watched as I drunkenly rented a room for myself?”

    Gren chuckled softly. “No, you seemed much more at home in the alleyway next to the bar. Slouched over some barrels and lyin’ in stink. By the time I got to you, you were out cold. So I picked you up and brought you to the nearest tavern. Rented out the room myself for you. As I sat there in the room, watchin’ you snore into the pillow, the realization of what you had become hit me. I saw what… my passin’ had done to you. But the things I knew then – know now – if I took you away, I’d only be puttin’ a death sentence on you. Despite everythin’ I was feelin’, I knew I couldn’t tell you. If I did… well, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say we’d all be dead right now. So I left but I came back several times, takin’ time to make sure you got to a proper bed or doin’ things like… leavin’ you food. Any small thing I thought you would just figure away as somethin’ you’d done while drunk. I would wait until I could finally have a real moment like this.” Gren sighed softly through his nostrils as he turned his gaze over to Serilda. “I’m sorry for deceivin’ you, Miss Sinclair. I wish I could say my meetin’ with you was of great importance and I guess, in a way, it was. But truly I just wished to size up the woman my boy had taken a likin’ to. I know it’s not altruistic but I never claimed to be that anyways.” He turned his gaze back to Mythal, who looked absolutely stunned at everything he had heard. “I ain’t goin’ anywhere. So if you let me get a drink, I’ll sit down and you all can ask as many questions as you want. I will answer what I can.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 16th August 2019, 7:33 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Mythal spoke up in what was arguably the closest thing to a speech she’d ever heard him make, and his points were valid. At any other time in his life before this, had this opportunity arose he may not have handled himself as well as he would now. This was saying a lot, because Serilda honestly wasn’t sure how well Mythal would handle this, even in spite of the growth he’d experienced in the recent years of his life.

    He cupped one of her cheeks and kissed the other in silent thanks for her concern, and she managed to offer him a soft smile. But then, it was time to get the party started. Branwen gave Mythal the marble and with the slight pinching of his fingers the item shattered. Nothing happened for some time, long enough that the men began to conjecture as to whether or not the device had malfunctioned. Serilda was arguably the first to notice the man’s arrival. Gren was moving so quickly through the air that his form felt like little more than a vibration through the Void, only giving her a split second’s heads up, but she could still sense him.

    The familiar crack that she’d experienced when he’d left her the first time they’d met echoed into the home from the backyard. A film of smoke wafted up from where he landed as the figure rose and gently waved the haze away from his face. As he approached, Serilda could feel Mythal tense up with anger. It was one thing to accept from trusted friends that his father was alive, but another thing entirely to finally see him with his own eyes. Serilda didn’t turn her gaze away from the older man even as she reached her free hand over and set it on top of Mythal’s, giving it a firm squeeze. It wasn’t an act to attempt to calm him down and reassure him. Whatever he felt in that moment was important, and she wouldn’t dissuade him from feeling how he had every right to feel. Rather, it was to remind him that she was there and he wasn’t alone with the anger coursing through his veins. Like all things, she was by his side in this.

    Gren stood in the doorway and turned his gaze slowly to each person in the room. Branwen was staring at his friend much like Serilda was though with decidedly more muted ire since they’d already gotten the chance to hash some things out with one another. Aster merely nodded to him casually when their eyes met, with little to no anger radiating from her. Out of everyone present, she was pretty much the only one that wasn’t directly affected by this situation and she didn’t really have any reason or desire to be cross with the man, particularly when he was already going to be getting blasted from three sides.

    He locked eyes briefly with Serilda, who continued to glower at him with an unerring, simmering passion. If it felt like the air was getting colder, then it probably was -- her anger had a way of triggering that portion of her slayer magic when was truly upset. Aster shot Serilda a glare, displeased but opting not to say anything as she understood that her former mentee had a right to be agitated, even if she wasn’t impressed with the physically chilly result. It was just as well, for though Serilda had noticed Aster turn to look at her and could feel the woman’s eyes boring into her, she had no intentions of backing down from her stance.

    Finally, father and son were face to face. Serilda could feel that Mythal was having a difficult time keeping himself in check, and she didn’t blame him. Gren was the first to break the silence, offering for those present to go ahead and take turns getting their strikes in on him. At first she thought he was saying it to try and lighten the mood, which would not have helped her opinion of him, but she soon realized he’d been quite serious. Branwen didn’t hesitate on the opportunity, up in a flash quick enough to bury his fist right into the man’s face hard enough to send Gren stumbling back through the open doorway. Though her own self discipline would never allow it, Serilda couldn’t deny how satisfying the action looked and she definitely contemplated getting a hit in herself.

    Ultimately, she managed to keep herself under control. Remarkably, Mythal didn’t take any swings. Serilda honestly thought he would, and she wouldn’t have stopped him from doing so. No one would have. He had more of a right than anyone here. Perhaps he would have, but Branwen moved to get a drink, explaining vaguely the type of week he’d had, and that was all it took to trigger Mythal’s burning emotions into speech.

    The entire room was silent as the Darkness King put the notion of Gren’s supposed bad week to shame. He rose from his feet to confront the man, doing so quickly enough that it surprised the hounds. For her part, Xiuhcoatl didn’t jump so much as she simply snapped her head to look at Mythal and make sure he was okay, but Serilda could feel the anxiety in the wolf. Xiuh knew that things were tense. Even without their bond, the anger in the room was palpable and it left her confused on what she should be doing. She recognized Gren, of course, and had at first been happy to see the man but given the way the humans were currently behaving she wasn’t sure if he was still someone to be friendly with, or if he was now a foe.

    Serilda reached her now free hand down and set it on Xiuh’s head, gently running her fingers through the wolf’s thick fur and calming her despite not feeling calm herself. Everyone listened intently as father and son engaged in a very intense verbal exchange that included the shedding of tears on both men’s parts. Serilda had only seen Mythal cry twice before this, once immediately after surviving Kingdom Darkness and the other when confronting Markus and Nessa about his disappearance. It was not a state she enjoyed seeing him in, but at the same time she understood how much he probably needed to cry.

    She listened along with everyone else as Gren detailed a night in Lavanitir Port where he’d run into Mythal was the younger man was wasted, even going so far as to take care of him during that time. A part of her wanted to be grateful to him for such actions, but the truth was that they meant little when at the time Mythal had no idea it had happened. In that way, they had been selfish gestures more meant to quell Gren’s guilt about his son’s sense of abandonment than actually working to correct the situation. He explained that he didn’t want to bring himself to Mythal’s attention while the slayer was drunk, which was fair, but given the number of time he’d had opportunities to do so and still chose not to, it meant little.

    Gren turned to her once more, addressing her with an apology and an explanation for his actions. He admitted to deceiving her, and not for any great purpose other than to meet the woman his son had fallen for. Serilda had begun to relax a little as the two men had gotten into things, able to detach herself from her own anger during that time, but it rekindled upon being spoken to. Her rage was rarely as loud and aggressive as Mythal’s was, however. Her steely gaze renewed itself, and there was a part of her that was so livid with the man that she almost spoke up to remind him that he was a commoner and would do well to address her by her proper title.

    Thankfully, she managed to squash that down. “You and I will have a discussion about that particular encounter when it is appropriate,” Serilda informed him cooly, the very picture of a sophisticated noblewoman that knew she would have her way in the end. “In the meantime, however, there are two largly more important figures in this room that have waited long enough for answers. I suggest you focus on them for the time being… and then we shall see where you and I stand.”

    It wasn’t a threat by any means. She wasn’t trying to make him feel guarded or nervous. Rather, her stance was simple: what became of her future relationship with Gren would depend almost entirely on how the cards fell with him and Mythal. If Mythal decided that Gren’s explanations weren’t good enough, she would not hesitate to stand by his side. If he wanted to make things right with her, then he first needed to focus on making things right with his son.

    As she calmly took a sip from her champagne, Aster stood to her feet like there wasn’t a high intensity confrontation bubbling in her living room. She was relaxed and collected as ever as she crossed the room, placing a gentle hand on Gren’s shoulder in greeting as she passed him, saying, “Go ahead and sit. You still have the same drink preference?” The woman of the house took it upon herself to collect the man’s drink for him so he could spend his time and efforts where they were most needed. When she returned, she’d hand him his glass and then return to her seat and continue to listen with keen, silent interest to the conversation that followed.

    WORDS: 1618/7314 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 16th August 2019, 9:08 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal didn’t know what he was feeling. It was a mixture of several different emotions at once, spinning around in a wild typhoon within his stomach and mind. The fact that Gren was standing there before him was almost an entirely different thing at this point – all the revelations that had come with his appearance had only stirred the pot worse. There had been a frame of time that Gren had desired to see him and wasn’t allowed? And then when he gained some freedom, he watched after him not only on Lavanitir but then he came back not just once but several times over the last two years. He’d been taking care of him without ever saying anything or leaving any indication that he had been alive. Why? It didn’t make sense. In a way it did but at the same time it didn’t. It was like his head was trapped in a vice and he couldn’t shake himself free.

    Gren kept his gaze steady on Serilda as she treated him to a few words, her chilling anger tempered enough to give him the most steadfast attitude a true noblelady could give. He managed to keep himself from showing any amusement at the sight because, frankly, he was impressed. Even at this pressing of a time, she was still quick to act as she was brought up. Maybe it was because she knew that lashing out would be pointless. Though he had expected something for his lack of manners – better to approach that from a better angle. “As you wish, Your Grace,” he said with a simply, respectful bow. He wasn’t about to waste any more words when clearly there would be another discussion happening sooner rather than later.

    Ironically it was Aster who brought any semblance of warmth to the room. He turned to her as she came up and passed him, smiling softly. “Scotch as always. Unless you have any Midian rice rum – I’ve gotten a fondness of that recently.” It felt odd to him to act normal, given the circumstances, but it was hard not to do it. Old habits died hard; almost as bad as old fools like himself. He found the closest chair that wasn’t directly near anybody and planted himself in it, placing him practically down the line from a shooting gallery. And bullets made of questions were surely awaiting to riddle his body more than once over. “So there is a lot to cover… where shall I start?”

    “Where you’ve been would be nice. You mentioned three years being watched then mention seeing Mythal two years ago. That makes up for a total of five out of the nineteen. What about the rest?” Branwen was quick to jump in the lead, falling into his old routine of a former major. He could easily see how shaken Mythal was and wasn’t sure if the younger man would be able to hold a line of questioning at the moment. The Darkness King took a few steps back, sliding down into the chair he had originally occupied and simply stared forward, more of a listening post for information than a person at the moment.

    Gren nodded softly as he accepted the drink from Aster, giving her a silent thanks for it. “As I told you when I came to see you. I was dead,” he said simply, taking a sip from the liquid. “At least, a version of dead.”

    “A version of dead? What does that mean?”

    Gren placed the drink down on the ground in front of him. “People like us, Bran – we get involved in a lot of things. Comes with the nature of being a Knight. Much like me, I’m sure there are several hundreds of people that have cursed your name and sworn some kind of divine punishment upon your head for your actions. Part of the job, right? Perhaps you remember our raid against the Sons, the same one where we discovered him as a newborn? Before he ran away, do you remember what he said? That masked fellow we thought was runnin’ the whole thing?”

    Branwen’s brow furrowed as he attempted to bring the memory to the front of his mind. “Uh… something about their Dark Mistress enacting vengeance. Something like that.”

    Gren snorted. “Well, when Faera unceremoniously took over Mythal’s body and burned my home to the ground, I discovered somethin’ very quickly; vengeance is best served personally.”

    It took a split second but once it clicked, it was Mythal that spoke up. “You mean…?”

    “Yup. I was dropped right into Kingdom Darkness.” He let that sink in for a moment as he reached down and took another hearty gulp from his drink. “You see, Kingdom Darkness is a place for souls that… don’t really have a place in the world. Limbo, as it were. But Faera has granted her followers the ability to mark those that they believe deserve to go there. I was unfortunate to be the first one to figure that out. I was cast into the darkness – body, mind and soul. It’s why there weren’t any remains after the house finished burnin’. She took it all – and I became her prisoner and whippin’ boy. As far as I knew, it was gonna be eternity. But it seemed destiny or whatever had different plans.”

    “Kingdom Darkness works differently though,” Mythal said, his voice raw and strained. “Seri and I were only in there for a few hours and a week had passed by here. So how long…?”

    “That’s the thing – it was only hours for you and probably only a few years for me. But once you’ve been in there for a certain amount of time, you lose track of it. There’s no days, no nights – just endless dark. Truthfully, most of my memories have been magically locked away of my time in there. What I saw and experienced would have driven me mad. I don’t know exact details of how long I was there but what I do know is I got help there.”

    “Help? From who?”

    Gren shrugged as he took another ship. “Hell if I know. I was in one of the deepest pits and I only ever heard their words in my head. Deep, resonatin’ voice. They didn’t explain much beyond that they was gonna break me free. I was needed for a higher purpose… or so they said.” He paused, as the memories played before his own eyes. “Next thing I remember, I’m back here in the livin’ world.”

    “Who brought you back? Where were you?”

    Gren paused before answering. “I don’t know.”

    “What the hell do you mean ‘you don’t know’? You were talking about them keeping an eye on you and sending you out on… what, missions? The Gren I know would never help someone or somebodies without knowing full details to what they were going into.” Branwen had gotten himself a bit heated at the answer, a bit of color flaring up in his cheeks.

    “It’s hard to explain without soundin’ like a moron,” Gren said, clearly frustrated that he couldn’t give a simple answer either. “I know certain things about what I’m s’posed to do and where I’m s’posed to go. But I don’t know who I work for… right now. They have a failsafe in case someone gets compromised; you don’t know who you work for until they want you to remember. A magical safe keeps all the info locked away in your head until they turn the key and open it up. It’s to keep them safe and to keep us that work for them protected from mind readin’ and such. It’s the reason practically no one knows they exist. I’m sorry… I wish I could tell you. But I can tell you what their mission is.”

    “And what is that?”

    “Stoppin’ gods and demons from goin’ rogue. You see Faera is just one goddess in a number of gods and demons that have been established since the beginnin’. Each one of them has a free will to decide how they feel about their own realms or how they feel about this realm.” He turned to look at Mythal and Serilda. “Ruzatz? He’s one of them on the demon side. Prime Sin of Lust. Seven of them on their side and ten on the divine side. Most of them are more than  happy just livin’ it up in their own kingdoms. But some of them get greedy and want more or get insulted and decide a country or two should burn for the act. At some point, the people I work with decided enough was enough. They formed a pact to keep the scales even and ensure that humanity continues to thrive without conflict with god or demon.” His gaze turned back to Branwen. “You remember the tip we got that led us to Mythal and the Sons in the first place? That was them.”

    The former major sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with his fingers as he processed the information. “Yes, I recall the anonymous tip. But Gren, this all sounds… very farfetched. If this group of people is fighting for that cause, why not make themselves known, at least to the Rune Knights?

    Gren shook his head. “That was my first question too. I still haven’t gotten an answer. I fear they think there’s corruption in the Knights that could lead back to the Sons or perhaps even another group of god-worshippers.”

    “If there was…” Mythal spoke up, taking a deep breath. “It would explain a lot with what happened with the attack on Era. Those dark wizards knew every nook and cranny they had to get into to try and get what they wanted. They were practically on the Council before anyone knew what was happenin’.” He hadn’t voiced it to anyone beyond Serilda but the God Slayer had always been suspicious of the attack. The coordination was one thing but their ability to traverse the headquarters and the Council building was beyond just educated guessing.

    “Let’s table that for the moment,” Branwen said, waving his hand. “Back to the point. These people brought you back from Kingdom Darkness for… what?”

    “To help them fight Faera. To keep her at bay. Of course, all I cared about was getting’ to Mythal and while they knew where he was, I couldn’t see him. They believed the Sons were tracking him just as easily as they were and if I appeared, it would throw off the ruse.”


    “That I wasn’t still locked in Kingdom Darkness.”

    “Wouldn’t your being back here be a distinct and obvious hint to just that?” Branwen asked.

    Gren frowned, his lips curling down heavily. “No. For me to come back, someone had to take my place.”

    “Someone… who?”

    Gren shook his head. “I don’t know. Someone I never met. One of them that offered to do it. I ain’t a fan of it either but I don’t got much choice. I insisted on just gettin’ to Mythal but they refused. Told me I could either help them or I could sit in a room until they needed me. When I finally agreed, they still didn’t trust me right away. Hence the whole watchin’ me for three years thing. But after three years, we made a startlin’ discovery.”

    “What’s that?”

    “The Sons had gone deep underground. We’d done more damage to them than we even understood. And their failure with Mythal drew a heavy price from Faera and her forces. One of her Trumpets came and slaughtered hundreds of them as punishment.”

    One of her Trumpets. A chill ran down Mythal’s spine. “Which Trumpet?” he asked.

    “The Trumpet of Hegemony I believe. We don’t know much about the Trumpets beyond their titles and their strengths. Victory, Hegemony, Punishment and Despair.” Gren let out another deep sigh as he took another swig of his drink. “So I worked for them for five years. And for two of them, I did my best to stay as close to you as possible, Mythal. But then I got a call from Ruzatz, tellin’ me that you and Lady Serilda had gone ahead and dove into Kingdom Darkness. The people I work with demanded that I not get involved but I ignored them, stole one of the keys they had acquired and opened the door for you. I remained at the entrance just long enough to ensure it was you two and your Star Wolves comin’ out before I left. I was sure that I was going to be punished but… apparently quite the opposite. Now I’ve been given full approval to interact with you to varying levels.” He scoffed softly. “I know how ridiculous that sounds but… such is life, apparently.”

    Sitting down had helped Mythal focus up and regain his composure. The answers that Gren was giving them was still a lot to take in and handle but… the impact of first seeing him had started to wear off, if only slightly. He let the silence sit for a moment as he breathed quietly, forming the words in his head slowly and carefully. “I… understand you’ve been through a lot. It sounds like death just… complicated life more for you. I understand the need for secrecy and the need to be careful with things that could be dangerous. And in a way, I am thankful that you did what you did to protect me and others from… whatever. But that doesn’t make up for all those years. And no explanation is going to suddenly make it okay that you were alive and didn’t find some way to let me know. I am your son… I deserved that much.” He looked up at Gren, sharing his gaze evenly. “But thank you. If it weren’t for you, Seri and I would have been stuck in Kingdom Darkness. I’m still a long way from trustin’ you but—“

    “No… no buts,” Gren said softly, a sad smile on his face. “You’re right. Words are pretty things but they don’t carry much weight – I told you that when you were a boy. It’s what we do that proves how trusthworthy we are. I didn’t come here expectin’ any forgiveness or thank you’s from anyone. I’m a fool but not that big of one. I just… wanted to finally see you with my own eyes and let you see me at the same time. I was ready for anythin’ so long as I could give you that.”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 17th August 2019, 2:52 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Gren seemed to decide on his own that it was best to defer to her nobility for now, despite the fact that she had chosen not to force the issue or even bring it up -- an act that Serilda detested doing unless absolutely necessary. Her tone and demeanor was usually enough, as it seemed to be in this case. He gave her a bow and submitted to her expectation without argument or resentment. More than likely, he had come mentally prepared for this type of interaction.

    The men all sat back down as Aster went and got Gren the drink he needed. Given that Mythal was still coming to grips with his anger, Branwen took the lead in questioning. Serilda once more placed her hand on top of Mythal’s so he could have some silent way to ground himself and come back down to earth, never taking her cold blue eyes off of his father as she did.

    Once more, she listened in studious silence as Gren began to explain in more detail what had actually happened to him. From the way he addressed Branwen, Serilda realized that Gren didn’t know his friend was retired now, which likely meant he also had no idea that Serilda and Mythal were now the ones running the show with the Rune Knights. Not that it mattered much, and there was certainly no reason at present to bring it up, so she simply noted the observation and tucked it away along with the rest of her thoughts.

    What did wind up managing to derail her anger was Gren’s explanation that he hadn’t simply died: he’d been dragged into Kingdom Darkness. Upon hearing this, Serilda’s brows furrowed heavily and she sat up a little straighter, an indication of her investment in hearing the rest of the story -- and was as a sign of her understanding of how big a deal his claim was. Her mind was already working out the logistics of the time differences and how that could have easily made up for a vast majority of the years that Gren had disappeared. After all, the two of them had been in Faera’s lair for little more than a couple hours and an entire week had passed in the mortal world.

    Everything after that part of his story, however, made less and less sense to Serilda. In fact, much of it made her quite unhappy. He had been supposedly rescued by someone who had the power to free him from Kingdom Darkness without alerting suspicion, but he had no idea who it was? And on top of that, he was now working for a group of people he could not identify? It all seemed very convenient to her. Not on Gren’s part, but on the parts of those he worked for. She was immediately suspicious of this mysterious organization of people, even as he began to explain their purpose.

    Her eyes narrowed further as he mentioned Ruzatz, the curious and odd demon that had managed to prove himself an ally to Mythal and herself -- though she could not let go of the seeming coincidence of Gren referring to the same Sin that had gotten himself quite involved in Serilda and Mythal’s life. She would have to have a talk with Ruzatz about that later. For now, she continued to listen while Gren detailed the pantheon for them. Seven demon sins, and ten divine gods were the subject of his allies’ focus, who longed to prevent these powerful being from meddling in mortal affairs.

    It was a valiant purpose, but Serilda had to agree with Branwen: It seemed more than a little farfetched, and greatly fishy. The only thing that gave her pause for consideration was Gren’s explanation that his organization suspected the Rune Knights of corruption, which was why they hadn’t tried to involve them yet. At first another wave of ire boiled quickly up inside the woman who took great offense at the comment, but she quickly squashed it back down by reminding herself that Gren clearly wasn’t up to speed on the state of the Knights. Plus with everything that had happened at Era…

    She glanced at Mythal as he briefly brought up her own line of thinking, referencing the attack and how quickly it had happened. The two of them had been building suspicions as of late, though the only one they’d shared their thoughts with as of yet was one another. Accusing the Magic Council itself of being corrupt was not a light matter, and if any word of it got back to the wrong ears it would quickly cause them a lot of problems.

    The marshal was about to make a comment on the subject, but Branwen moved the conversation along to keep them focused on Gren’s time back on Earthland. Supposedly, someone had volunteered to take Gren’s place in Kingdom Darkness -- yet another thing that seemed unlikely to her -- in order to keep the celestial beings there from realizing he’d left. Since returning to the land of the living, his rescuers had made it very clear that Gren was to have no contact with Mythal whatsoever, or else he could compromise everything they were fighting for. Since they didn’t trust him, he’d been watched for many years to ensure that he kept his distance.

    The culmination of the story ended with Ruzatz having reached out to Gren to inform him that the two of them had gone into Kingdom Darkness, and that from there Mythal’s father had disobeyed his direct orders to help make sure they got out, not caring about whatever potential consequences there might be. By the end of it, Serilda was having a difficult time bundling the information into any kind of cohesive understanding.

    Mythal spoke up, explaining his understanding of Gren’s history and actions, and his reasons for keeping his distance. However, as accepting as he was of the truth he made it clear that the truth wasn’t enough to wipe away how Gren had wronged him by not finding some indirect way to let Mythal know he’d returned. The man interrupted Mythal, but only to agree with the sentiment. Actions, and not words, needed to be the determining factor on his son’s opinions and he fully understood and supported Mythal’s stance.

    As Gren’s words fell off there was a moment of heavy silence as everyone present contemplated the things that had been discussed. There were so many thoughts floating around in Serilda’s mind that she didn’t know what to say, where to start. Surprisingly, it was Aster that broke the quiet. Turning to the two slayers, she said, “I understand this is a change of subject, but I didn’t want to interrupt before. Exactly when were the two of you planning on telling us that you had gone to Kingdom Darkness?”

    Her expression was a mixture of worry and anger. Serilda looked at Mythal before turning back to her former mentor to answer the question. “We assumed it was one of the subjects that would come up tonight.”

    “What the hell were you two thinking?!”

    “I was thinking that I needed to make every conceivable effort to keep Mythal from either dying or being used!” Serilda snapped, though not without maintaining her dignity and poise. Arguments between herself and Aster were rare, usually because Serilda was too intimidated by the retired Knight to talk back, but when the arguments they did have usually came across to others and the most polite disagreements ever witnessed between two powerful and exceptionally strong willed women. They both carried themselves with such poise and honor that those who didn’t know them well might have a difficult time gauging how angry they truly were.

    But the subject of their time in Kingdom Darkness was a touchy one for her, one that she refused to give ground on. Even Aster reconsidered chastising Serilda on the matter, keeping her gaze on the other woman cool but holding her tongue from saying anything further. After another silent look to Mythal to make sure he was okay with her detailing more, she explained the situation.

    “A few months ago, Mythal was at my home in Ace of Spades. This was back when I was still with Sabertooth, obviously. During that time he was visited by the Trumpet of Despair, Archimedes. I was… indisposed at the time, and thus unaware of the interaction.” There was obvious shame in her admittance, a vague comment that suggested something else had been going on at the time, but she continued past those details for now. “When I woke in the morning, Mythal was gone and had left a note.”

    By the softness in her tone and the delicate way she spoke, none of them would have to guess that it had been a goodbye letter. “He didn’t tell me where he’d gone because he knew I’d follow, but I managed to learn his destination anyway. I knew I couldn’t get to Kingdom Darkness, but my understanding was that Ruzatz could get me there. So, I went to his guild in Hosenka and asked for his help. He refused to do so until we could prove that Mythal was even still alive. His wife, Agatha, managed to scry into the kingdom enough to hear Mythal’s voice. Ruzatz was reluctant, but he did as I asked and dumped me inside the kingdom.”

    Serilda was leaving out a great number of details for several reasons. One, if she tried to tell them about everything from start to finish they would probably be there the rest of the night and into the morning. However, given Gren’s recent admission that he was helping a group of people essentially track and hunt the Sins and Divines… she wasn’t quite she it was in her best interest to reveal her connection to Ozorith just yet. Not until she knew it wouldn’t put them all in an even more compromising position.

    She turned her attention back to Gren. “You can tell your people, whoever they are, that the Trumpet of Despair is no longer a problem. I can’t say how much of Faera’s army we managed to wipe out while we were fighting in there, but I personally stripped that asshole of his divine power. He’s no more dangerous than any other mortal, now, assuming that Faera didn’t kill him outright for his failure.”

    “You didn’t kill him yourself?” Aster asked, surprised that Serilda had let him live.

    Serilda shrugged. “It was not my place to take the life of Mythal’s biological father. I left that decision up to Mythal, and he deemed the permanent removal of everything that made Archimedes an archangel to be a fitting punishment.” A punishment that was arguably worse than death, some would say, particularly for a being that worked for a god as cruel and unforgiving as Faera.

    Eying Gren silently for a moment, Serilda sucked up her pride and anger to say, “Regardless of my opinions on your actions thus far… you do have my sincere thanks for opening the door and allowing us to escape. Even if we had managed to hide ourselves long enough to recuperate and come up with an exit strategy, Xiuh likely would have died before then from the poison in the atmosphere.”

    The beautiful wolf flapped her tail on the ground at the mention of her name, and Serilda reached down to give the animal an affectionate scratch under her chin. Xiuh broke a fair bit of the tension in the room by leaning into Serilda’s hand and opening her mouth to pant with a big dog smile, her pink tongue lolling lazily out of the side of her mouth.

    “Your story leaves me with some concerns,” she told Gren, once more returning to the business at hand. “And with many doubts. I do not see the appeal nor the trust in you working for people that you cannot identify, people that you say have magically blocked some of your memories. How can you be certain that they are fighting for what you tell us they are? How do you know they aren’t using you for some other purpose and misleading your actions? The fact that you know nothing about them and they know so much about the Primes and the Divines is very suspicious to me. Either they trust you or they do not. To me, it seems more like they have things to hide.”

    “I am also interested in hearing how you came to be acquainted with Ruzatz, which I intend on asking him about later as well.” As much as she begrudgingly trusted that particular Sin, she was not pleased with the idea that he may have known Mythal’s father all this time and not mentioned anything to either of them. There had been plenty of time to when they were recovering at the Lusty Titan, yet he had neglected to bring it up. A part of her was willing to accept that Ruzatz likely had a good reason for it, as he ironically didn’t appear to have a malicious bone in his body, but it was still an enigma she needed an answer to.

    WORDS: 2232/9546 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 17th August 2019, 7:15 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    There were certainly more questions to come by Gren took solace in the quiet of the moment, just happy to be around a few of the people he had called family. Sure, most of them were angry or confused or not really sure what to make of him but they were still there. He had expected Branwen to continue down a different line of questioning but in fact, it was Aster that spoke up first. And her curiosity wasn’t towards him either – instead, she turned and faced Mythal and Serilda and directed her questions to them concerning Kingdom Darkness.

    Even Mythal was a bit surprised by that, his brow line a show of confusion and a bit of shock. Out of all the things that had happened thus far, all they had heard and that was the woman’s question. He looked to Branwen, as if to appeal to him but he was met with a steely gaze. Clearly the subject had not been lost on the former major, simply stowed until it was right to bring it up again. Now that Aster was, he was right beside his wife’s side in wanting to know exactly that topic was meant to be broached.

    Serilda was quick to, almost, dismiss the tone of the question with a simple answer but in fact it just caused the older woman to snap, which in turn caused the Voidwalker to snap. It was a quick tête-à-tête that carried a lot of emotion in the guise of professional courtesy. Mythal and Branwen could sense the ebbing anger from each of them but Gren simply just glanced between the two, remaining quiet for no other reason than to not get involved. Mythal met Serilda’s look and gave her a soft nod, assuring her that whatever she said was fine with him. After that, she delved into the story of how they wound up in Kingdom Darkness. It seemed the Trumpet of Despair had met with Mythal and found a way to convince him to go to the other realm, surely through some kind of ruse or threat.

    She opted away from explaining anything about Ozorith; a fact that Mythal took note of. Details concerning the Prime Sin were important but the fact of the matter was, Gren was dealing with a lot of things surrounding that pantheon of gods and demons. By his own admission, the group he was working with sought to balance out mortals against the supernatural and the Voidwalker being Ozorith’s vassal… there was no telling what that could result in. She was wise to leave the information out, at least for now. But it was certainly interesting to see the visible reactions from the group, even including Gren.

    “Why in the hell did you go there in the first place?” Branwen looked at Mythal.

    “I wasn’t given much of a choice. And the impression I got was that I didn’t have a lot of time. I did what I thought was the best option… it wasn’t but I couldn’t afford to weigh my options. So I went to get in and I was confronted by… my sister.”

    That was a bit of a shock for most in the room. Gren leaned forward slowly. “Sister? You mean… your mother had another child after you?”

    “With the same bastard that made me, yeah. Your Trumpet of Despair there.”

    Gren and Branwen looked to one another. “It was even worse than we imagined.”

    “One of Faera’s archangels conceivin’ a child with a human woman. She certainly attempted to guarantee the ritual worked,’ Gren mumbled softly, stroking his beard with his hand. That gave him a lot to think about as Serilda finished her story, explaining how she had gotten to Kingdom Darkness and what had happened with Archimedes. Hearing that the Voidwalker here was capable of stripping a divine being of that selfsame divinity gave both Gren and Branwen another moment of pause, each one of them studying her in varying degrees.

    “That is an impressive feat, even by several standards of miraculous,” Gren muttered as he nodded softly. And yet there was a sadness to his tone as he continued. “Unfortunately, the role of Trumpet of Despair is not one that can be easily extinguished. The angel behind it may be done for – and I certainly believe Faera will strike him down – but she will find another soul to fulfill the role. Though it may take some time and some searching…” He perused that thought for a moment as he turned his gaze to Mythal. “I am a bit torn. On the one hand, I’m proud of you for not strikin’ someone… or somethin’ down in anger. But another part of me believes that this Archimedes should have met his end at your hand. Call it… fatherly selfishness.”

    “He wasn’t gonna be doin’ anymore damage after Serilda got through with him. And I figured that Faera herself would have some punishment to deal out to him for failin’ to get me back and failin’ to kill her. It weren’t courtesy or generosity – I wanted him to suffer a bit more for all the lives he ruined.” It was a dark thought, even he understood that. But after everything that Faera and Archimedes had done to his life, being able to give back some true justice was more than enough for him.

    “And what of your sister?” Gren asked.

    “Gone, as far as I can tell. Archimedes seemed to hint that he had her killed to finish whatever he had planned. He’d used her right until the end,” the God Slayer said, a tinge of sadness in his voice. Despite her faults, the woman hadn’t been evil by nature. She’d been brought up by his mother and Archimedes, raised into the Sons of Faera to believe she was some kind of scion for the future. They’d led her astray and she had paid for it with her life; never getting the chance to find out if there was more to her potential.

    Serilda leveled her gaze on Gren and he with her as she fought through her emotions to properly thank him for his actions leading to their escape. It seemed by acting when he did, he had not only saved Serilda and Mythal but the two dogs that had accompanied them as well. He opted to nod respectfully, rather than to give a verbal thanks. He found in situations like that, he tended to talk a bit much and find a way to ruin the moment. But he did look over to Xiuhcoatl and give her a sincere smile.

    But just like that, the moment passed and they were back onto business. Serilda finally got to voice her opinions and thoughts on everything she heard, finding questions in the movements and actions of the mysterious group he was employed for. He listened quietly as she listed them off, mulling them and preparing answers in his head for each one. As she concluded her thoughts on the wonderment of Ruzatz getting involved, he held up a single hand. “Think what you will of me and my actions but Ruzatz has no blame in this matter. In fact, he didn’t even know of any connection between myself and you two until you came to see him, asking to go into Kingdom Darkness. Trust me, he gave me quite an earful for my lack of informational sharing. The only reason he didn’t bring it up further is because I asked him specifically to leave it to me. He simply got caught up in my mess but please, feel free to check with him.” He was quick to shoulder the blame there. He owed the Prime Sin that much.

    “As for my connection with him, his guild has a remarkable ability to gather information – as does Ruzatz and Agatha themselves. They may operate as a… love-in, kind of environment but they are a hub of knowledge that many use to learn more about the world. Admittedly, the people I work with don’t necessarily enjoy workin’ with a Prime Sin but we can’t pick and choose our allies when they offer us insight. And all Ruzatz asks in return is secrecy of his true nature. So long as he isn’t harmin’ people, we leave him be.” There were a lot of things that Ruzatz was and wasn’t but a bad person, he was not. It was still, to this day, an odd thing to think about a demon but the truth outshined opinions all the time.

    But that was it’s own consideration. He continued. “I trust they have every intention of keepin’ the mortal world protected. I’ve handled enough jobs for them to know that their intentions aligned with that. Trust is…” Gren slowly looked over to Branwen, as if to confirm his own ironic amusement in the next thing he said. “Not an easy thing for me. I can’t say I trust them fully either. There is no such thing as innocent power and when pride goes to one’s head, especially those lookin’ to dethrone gods and demons, it can be dangerous. I am within their ranks because I want to ensure that kind of corruption doesn’t occur and, if I discover it has, then I will handle it. But you are right, Lady Sinclair… I do believe they are hidin’ several things. Whether it is for the good of the world or not, there are places I have not seen and things I have not been allowed to hear. I know they harbor a great many magical artifacts that could be dangerous. They are locked up and are impossible to get to but they are still there.”

    He took a short breath, inhaling slowly through his nostrils. “I’ve made it through life semi-successfully on my gut feelin’s. I know how ridiculous that sounds but Branwen can tell you very many a time I followed my instincts and was right. That’s not a point of pride, it’s a simple fact. And right now, my gut is tellin’ me these people are reliable. Call it a… leap of faith.”

    “You’re skipping over all the times your gut nearly got us killed,” Branwen chirped up.

    “Even then, I was still right,” Gren said and, for the first time, flashed a trademark grin at the former major. “But I have a question; you speak about the situation on Era as if you were there. I had heard about it but none of us were near enough to come and give aid.” He looked between Mythal and Branwen. It had been the Darkness King that had brought it up in the first place, as he voiced his thoughts about corruptions and maliciousness in the ranks.

    It was Branwen now that smiled, if only a little. “Part of an all knowing group of people and you don’t know?” As Gren simply blinked at him in response, the former major chuckled irritably. “A dark wizard guild attacked Era. Not just the Rune Knight headquarters but the city itself and the Magic Council building. We believe they were going after the Magic Council themselves, while also freeing several imprisoned wizards from the jails. The damage was… catastrophic. We lost nearly the entirety of the Rune Knights.”

    “What?” Gren leaned forward, in utter shock. “How? What…?”

    “The guild responsible has been crushed, so far as we know. But the reason that Mythal brings it up is because he was there. So was Serilda, as was I. The fallout was unthinkable – every officer that survived was either court martialed or outright fired. Though no such punishment seemed heading my way, I decided to take the initiative and retire. Clearly it was time to bring in a new batch of wizards to head up the Rune Knights, to take the order in a different, better direction. Our Lady Sinclair here is the new Field Marshall. And your son is the General of the Special Operations.”

    It was oddly relieving to see the shock on Gren’s face for once, seeing the information floor him like he’d done to most of them all night. He was at a loss for words, looking over at Serilda and Mythal in silent wonder as he processed. Eventually he managed to find his voice, whistling softly. “Branwen… I’m sorry.”

    The former major pondered that a moment and then shrugged. “It was about time as it was. I’d hit the peak of my promotions and frankly, the job had become a chore. Now I have the opportunity to spend my twilight years enjoying myself.” He looked over at Aster and smiled softly.

    With that out of the way, Gren looked over at Serilda and Mythal. “I guess congratulations are in order. Field Marshall and General… you two deserve it.” His gaze lingered on the Darkness King for a moment longer. “You’re headin’ up my old division.”

    “Technically with you alive again, it means you’re hella late for duty rosters.” It was the first joke Mythal had managed to crack since Gren had arrived. But despite everything, he couldn’t help himself. The barest hints of a smile touched his mouth as he met Gren’s eyes. “I can think of several chores my guys would love to give up for you to make up the difference.”

    Gren snorted a low belly laugh, looking over at Branwen and waving at Mythal, as if to say ‘you hear this shit?’. “Sorry kid but the minute I went under, I was retired. Besides, this old bag of bones wouldn’t be much use in an official capacity. But I am damn proud to hear it. I just wish it came on the head of better news…”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Invitation to Dinner Empty Re: Invitation to Dinner

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 17th August 2019, 8:57 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Killing Archimedes might have been the wiser option. Particularly considering what they would come to learn in the near future. However, the two of them had been a bit more focused on assuring the suffering of their enemies that day more so than their demise. “So be it,” Serilda said calmly when Gren stated that Faera would likely just replace the former archangel with another. There was an unnerving calmness to her gaze considering the seriousness of the subject and the enemy they discussed. Faera was a god, and even a year ago the very thought of meeting one, let alone fighting them, would have shaken Serilda to her core.

    Now? Now the gloves were off. If Faera wanted to play ball, Serilda was ready to step up to bat. Perhaps she should have been, but she was not afraid of the goddess and would not hesitate to storm back into her lair to lay siege to it if need be. Perhaps it was arrogance, but primarily it was just a whole lot of anger and determination. “Either way, I don’t think Faera or her minions will be making a move any time soon. From what I have learned of her since the time I met Mythal and learned about the existence of these Sins and Divines… She is evil, but not stupid. Worse, she is patient. Archimedes was not prepared for me, which leads me to think they did not consider me a factor worth planning around in their schemes. They will take time to ensure they do not underestimate me again.”

    Of course, there was more that Serilda felt would stay the Divine’s hand for now. Mythal had transformed in their realm to a figure that Archimedes had greatly feared, dubbing the slayer with the moniker of Darkness King. The two of them had not paid much mind to it at the time as their adrenaline and survival instincts had them focusing on arguably more important things, but it was something that had come up in discussion afterward. Something had happened to Mythal during that encounter, something that his biological father had not meant to trigger, and Serilda had a feeling Faera would need to plan her next moves extremely carefully before showing her face again. However, once again given Gren’s involvement with an organization that Serilda didn’t overly like the notion of at this time, she elected that it was probably wise not to bring it up unless Mythal chose to do so himself.

    They discussed Mythal’s sister Vriko, whose existence had been quite shocking to the other three former Knights. Though Mythal and Serilda would come to learn that the woman was still alive and harboring quite the grudge toward her older brother, for the moment they could only assume that she had been killed by Archimedes long before Serilda had even managed to set foot in the kingdom.

    When the subject of Ruzatz came back up, Gren was quick to assure her that the demon of lust had not been aware of their connection to one another. The almost annoyingly friendly incubus had been just as deceived as they had, and apparently had a number of things to say to Gren on the matter when he figured out the truth. Serilda nodded as Gren explained that Ruzatz had not said anything to them because the demon agreed that it was Gren’s responsibility to address the truth. It was an answer she understood and agreed with, and clearly she would not hold it against the demon.

    It seemed the set up they had with Ruzatz and his wife was needed information in exchange for anonymity within the mortal world. This seemed a fair trade to the Voidwalker. Her own first meeting with Ruzatz had not been what one would call pleasant, despite the demon’s best efforts and intentions. Admittedly, their introduction might have been at least a little easier had Serilda not been actively stalked by Ozorith at the time. Either way, she was inclined to believe it was a fair trade, particularly as Ruzatz truly was not hurting anyone.

    Gren went on to explain that he didn’t fully trust the people he worked with either, admitting that they certainly were hiding a number of things whose nature he hadn’t quite learned enough about yet to conjecture on. At the moment it seemed the only thing he was operating with was a gut feeling that they were not the enemies. Serilda managed to keep herself from snorting, though it was a struggle. Either way, her expression betrayed that she wasn’t exactly impressed by the idea of banking opinions on instinct, particularly when instinct wasn’t always right. But, it was Gren’s life. Either he was right about it, or he was wrong. They’d all find out soon enough, she was sure.

    The topic steered back to Era, and it was Branwen who interjected to inform Gren about what happened -- as well as the fact that Serilda now ran the Rune Knights, with Mythal as one of her generals. Apparently, of the particular division that Gren used to be a member of. He congratulated them and Serilda nodded in acknowledgement, but despite how much she loved her job it was hardly a point of pride for her considering what had to happen for her to get it.

    Miraculously, Mythal managed a joke in the middle of it all. Aster wasn’t able to stop herself before the quiet but hearty chuckle bubbled from her lips. For her part, Serilda did not laugh but she did offer Mythal a wry smirk, which about as animated as she normally was in public.

    “It certainly was not the kind of circumstances one delights in earning responsibilities from,” she said, her voice somber. Considering that Gren had likely worked with the man, she felt he was due some more detailed information. “Marshal Langley was killed right in front of me, in the hall of the Magic Council. The guildmaster was the one responsible. Myself and two other civilians that are both members of the Knights now ensured that the criminal did not live long enough to face trial for his actions.”

    Gorey details were not necessary, and there was nothing to be said that could make the news of someone’s death easier to take, but the least she could do was assure them that the man responsible had paid for the crime.

    After a moment of thought she decided it was time to bring the conversation back to a prior topic. Turning to Aster and Branwen, she asked, “How certain are the two of you that no one can eavesdrop in your home?”

    Her former mentor blinked for a moment in surprise and curiosity at the question, but did not hesitate to answer. “Considering how much confidential information Branwen and I pertained from our days in the Knights, we have taken a number of active steps to ensure that the conversations we have at home stay at home.”

    It was enough reassurance for her. Leaning forward, Serilda braced her elbows on her knees and clasped her hands in front of her. Aster frowned, rarely having witnessed her former pupil seem to struggle with voicing her thoughts. “What I am about to discuss with you is something that I arguably should not be talking about… but given what Mythal and I have been going through lately, and some of the things that Gren has mentioned, I think it is important that we set the possibility in minds other than our own. I am trusting all of you to maintain confidentiality, if only because I know none of you will want to be the cause of ill befalling either of us.”

    She took the time to look each of the other three former knights in the eyes to ensure she had their word on this before continuing. “Gren, you mentioned earlier that the people you work for did not come to the Rune Knights because they suspected corruption in their ranks. I don’t believe they are wrong about the corruption… just where that corruption is.”

    Even now, she couldn’t fully bring herself to say it. It was a frightening thing to suggest, even to people she trusted to believe her. There was a long, pregnant pause before Aster spoke up, her voice quiet. “Are you saying it’s the council..?” The look she received from Serilda was enough of an answer. Aster sat up straight in her chair before leaning forward, casting a concerned look at her husband. “What evidence do you have so far?”

    “Nothing tangible yet. Just a lot of coincidences and gut feelings. We’ve been doing our research almost nonstop since taking over, and we believe that they may have been the ones to organize the attack on Era in the first place, but the tracks have been covered exceptionally well. You two knew Wayland?”

    “Name sounds familiar. Wasn’t he one of the clerks for the council? The one that typically assigned your jobs, if I recall.”

    “Yes. He was there as well, and managed to find me in the chaos of the attack. He was a bit frantic, which I’ve never seen from him before. He refused to tell me anything other than that he was going underground for a while and that he would contact one of us again when it was safe for him to resurface.”

    Everyone here would know that was the sure mark of someone who had found something he shouldn’t have. Whatever Wayland had learned, he was going to be killed for knowing. He had evidence, Serilda was sure of it. Unfortunately, she didn’t know where he was and was stuck waiting for him to find a safe way to reach out to her. “If there is anything at all that the three of you can remember during your time with the Knights that in retrospect seems suspect or convenient, I just ask that you find a way to let one of us know.”

    “Who else have to spoken to about this?”

    Serilda shook her head. “Just each other. As of right now, I trust all of my generals and the knights that I work with personally. However, I don’t want to get them involved without something solid. The Knights have already suffered enough losses, and I refuse to risk more lives without having reasonable cause to move forward.”

    WORDS: 1771/11,317 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:45 pm