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    Welcome to Pandaria

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1362
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 11th April 2019, 8:33 pm

    Job Details:

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Well, this was infuriating.

    It had been ten days since they’d arrived on this island. “Arrived” was too kind of a word. Serilda and Mythal had been taking a ship to a different island they’d visited before, hoping for a couple days away to actually enjoy the place since they hadn’t gotten the chance to last time -- mostly because Mythal had been heavily struggling with his feelings toward her at the time, and had been pushing her away because of it. This trip had been to make up for that, to give the two of them a chance to really relax and enjoy themselves.

    Unfortunately, it seemed their lives were full of one incident after another. The ship had gotten caught in a mysterious fog that had reduced visibility for the captain and crew. Serilda could still sense things around them with her magic, but her own senses were dampened and by the time she was able to sense the quickly approaching island it was far too late for the ship to turn around. They’d crashed into its shores hard, the vessel instantly splintering into large pieces. It was a miracle no one died. Some of them probably would have if it hadn’t been for two very important things.

    First was that Serilda and Mythal, along with the help of one or two more able bodied passengers, had managed to locate the others and get them out of the water and onto shore. The second reason was that not long after the crash, they were discovered by some of the island’s locals: a village of humanoid pandas that quickly broke into action and got everyone back to their village. The were very kind people that used their own resources to nurse everyone back to health, tending to the wounded and sharing their food and water with them.

    The next several days were spent recovering and trying to figure out a way off this gods forsaken island. The fog never lifted, and when asked the villagers informed them that the fog had always been there. It never went away. Day and night, it permeated the air. The worst part about it was that it dulled access to magic. It didn’t cut them off from their abilities completely, but certain skills weren’t as efficient as they usually were. It was agitating to say the least, especially since Mythal couldn’t seem to conjure one of his darkness portals to just get everyone out quickly. The two of them had even attempted flying up and around the island to get an idea of what they were working with, but the fog just never seemed to end.

    At least the wolves seemed to be enjoying themselves. Xiuhcoatl was fascinated with the natives from the island and spent as much time as possible sniffing around and making herself at home. She could sense the tension, of course, and Serilda’s empathic bond with her kept the Voidwalker informed of every time the wolf sensed or smelled anything that she wasn’t sure about, but for the most part Xiuh was just happy to be with Gren and her two favorite humans.

    Serilda sighed where she sat in the sand somewhere near the center of the village. There were several others lounging about nearby, both refugees and natives. She had just finished eating. Xiuh was gnawing happily on a bone and trying to start a tug of war match with Gren over it. Despite the dirt and blood that stained her once fine clothes, she looked as regal as ever. She had a fair complexion with pure white hair that was pulled back into a severe bun. The woman carried herself with an air of confidence that some people might initially take for being cold, but her actions the last few days and the way she interacted with everyone showed that she was actually quite kind and sociable.

    Thanks to the crew, who typically prefer to know the types of passengers they had on their ships, at this point everyone also knew that she was nobility; the heiress of the Sinclair dutchy in Clover Town. It had taken a while to convince some people that they didn’t have to keep referring to her as “Lady Serilda” all the time. She really wasn’t much for formalities and titles outside of certain circumstances, but some people were just more comfortable playing it safe with nobles. Serilda couldn’t blame them. Most people born to privilege liked to flaunt it and didn’t take kindly to anything they interpreted as disrespect.

    Idly running her fingers through Xiuh’s fur, she looked toward Mythal. Though the comment was directed toward him, it was loud enough for the others sitting with them to hear and reply to as well. “I think we need to try and investigate the source of the fog. It’s the only thing keeping us here, and clearly it’s not natural. There must be a way to cancel it somehow…”

    Words: 829/2500


    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 13th April 2019, 5:11 am

    What an adventure.

    Kameyama had discussed the potential of visiting overseas with Optix, and made a spur of the moment decision to board a ship to another island. He hadn’t even seen where. At the time, the it was fun to take a trip on the fly, living like he never had when he was a young man. Enjoying friendly games with other travelers, it seemed like the right idea for a while.

    Then, of course, everything went to shit. The fog seemed to come from nowhere. Kameyama had been hanging around on deck at the time, enjoying the sea breeze when the air seemed to grow thick and muggy, so bad at times that one could not see their hand before their face. Panic started to spread when word got around that they had gone off course, and it was all Kameyama could do to help assuage the fears of others. That amounted to very little when the ship itself actually crashed, sending people overboard and into the perilous water below.

    For his part, Kameyama developed a system wherein he placed someone on his back, sent a small shock through their system to keep their hands locked together, then creating an opposite charge along the water for himself to run against. This constant jolt of energy seemed as though he was running on water, when in actuality it was something closer to hovering over it. This allowed him to get at least ten or so people to shore before he realized that others had helped in doing so as well. Namely two younger, better looking people. For the moment he let them have the spotlight, as it seemed they’d done most of the work anyway. Thanks to them, no one had died.

    The journey had been made stranger by the introduction of… panda men. These creatures lived on this island and offered food and shelter to the stranded group, but no way for them to get off the island. They had been born on the island, they would die on the island, and without a proper way to leave, this ship’s inhabitants would now join them. Those with magical abilities, Kameyama, the two younger ones and perhaps another, had discovered that their magical abilities had been stifled by the surrounding fog. Further testing showed Kameyama that the limits of his abilities had been reduced to just beyond what he had managed with the fog. If he tried very hard he could summon enough electricity to create a weak fire but the fog quickly ate at the flames and smothered the kindling. Throughout the week he’d lost most of the coat that covered his arms, and had instead replaced it with bandaging given by the panda people. His arms were covered in scars shaped like streaks of lightning that constantly glowed a light blue, and the bandages kept them out of sight.

    The days passed in bursts, a clean mixture of frustration, sympathy, powerlessness and kindness had gotten them this far. Optix seemed fine in the fog, at least. The pendant around Kameyama’s neck had started off as a customized iLac system but being an artificial intelligence, it seemed to be in the process of becoming… more. Every once and again Optix would go to sleep or recharge, then come back happier and more energetic than ever. Kameyama didn’t fully understand how computers of this caliber worked, and was fine to let her do whatever she wanted. It never occurred to him that basic computers shouldn’t ‘want’ to do anything.

    And so it was a relief when one day, just after their midday meal, one of the mages spoke. As word had quickly spread, she was royalty of some kind, and yet didn’t seem to want to take advantage of it at the moment. For that, she had Kameyama’s respect. Royalty that wasn’t afraid to get down in the muck during times of hardship. In his mind, this made her a woman of the people and a leader to be trusted.

    “Our respected hosts say it’s been here always. That could just mean it’s been here a few generations or it could mean it’s somehow a part of the island. Fog usually moves with the wind but this stuff seems almost like a fixture. That could mean it comes from underground somehow. I say that because if it came from above us, it’d clear up every once in a while and I haven’t seen the sun since we got here. I feel like I'm going to permanently prune up…” His rudeness occurred to him, and he looked between the Lady and the other mage, “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to intrude. Was I interrupting?”

    WC: 810/2500


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1048
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 13th April 2019, 8:39 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    There was literally nothing more annoying than getting new magical abilities and then them not coming in handy at all.

    One small, measly vacation. After all the things they had gone through; after the dark dimensions and the emotional turmoil and the hopping to a different planet and everything else, Mythal was ready for a real vacation. He was looking forward to going back to Sphere Island with Serilda and actually enjoying himself there, unlike the last time they went. He had been cold, aloof and distant -- things he greatly regretted but couldn’t help but give into. Now that he was in a much better headspace, he was excited to open up and explore what these feelings meant. He was also excited to get some alone time with the woman he was dating.

    Instead, they found their ship surrounded by a dense, unnatural fog that led them to running ashore on a strange island. They had very little time to prepare, even with Serilda’s senses working in overtime. Many of the boat’s occupants had been flung overboard, into the murky and frigid waters around them. Both God Slayers and a few other volunteers had jumped in to help them out, including a man who… well, he was capable of apparently walking on water. It had been an impressive feat to behold, even given the stressful situation they were in. Once they were all on the land and safe, they had been greeted by the indigenous race of… panda-men. Panda-people. Pandanoids. Whatever they were, they were quick to offer help and help heal the injured.

    They’d learned rather quickly that the fog had always been a constant force around the island, trapping the poor panda-islanders to their bit of land. They took great interest in all of the people there, asking them questions about the outside world, inquiring about the several devices and modernized objects they had on their persons and luggage. The Darkness King had decided fairly quickly that the best means for helping their people -- and their new ursidae friends -- was to get them back to the mainland. Yet when he tried to summon a portal for them, he couldn’t manage anything larger than an inch or two. It seemed the fog dulled their magical abilities to their absolute lowest point.

    So they were stranded for the moment. Even if they would jerryrig a fixture to their boat, the injured passengers still needed to get rest. That and there was no telling if attempting to leave the fog would actually do anything. The panda-people told them that in all the years they had attempted to escape, none who ventured out into the blankness ever returned. Days ticked into nights and then circled back around ten full cycles, the stranded now having been gone for more than a week. Surely there were search parties out there looking for them but would they even have an idea of where to start their search?

    He stood near the small resting spot that Serilda occupied, having finished his meal first and opted to stand and stare up at the tall hills and mountains that he could see. He was a man on the thinner side of weight but not without some muscle; he was certainly made for swift, brutal strikes rather than absorbing lots of damage. His dark hair was plastered in a fashion that made him look like he’d just rolled out of bed, a style that looked both lazy and time-consuming all at the same time. Unlike Serilda, Mythal wasn’t as proper or polite with his words and tone -- though he was far more kind nowadays than he used to be. Though he wasn’t any kind of lord or nobility, he was rather well known in the wizarding world as a quick rising wizard. He’d been noted as a Rising Star and possible Wizarding Saint before his joining of the Rune Knights but his and Serilda’s exploits were well known far before he had become a general.

    Gren was no longer a pup, though not nearly as fully grown as his sister. The dark colored Star Wolf carried the same energy as he had when he was smaller, eager and head-headed in confrontation and far more friendly than the God Slayer would ever claim to be. He happily grabbed the other end of the bone and yanked on it, battling it out with his older sister for control over the juicy meal. Eyes as crimson as rubies glanced back as Serilda spoke up, coming up with a plan of action on the spot. He opened his mouth to speak when the water walker came over and offered his insight, breaking down the more particular details about fog and overall kind of going on a rambling speech. But it was helpful. “Nah, yer fine. Any ideas at this point are good ones,” the Darkness King said as he turned to face them but also pulled his arm up to point at the base of the mountains, the only evidence they were even there. “If I were to hide anythin’ that was messin’ with an island, it would be underground too. Pro’lly in a cave in one of these hills or mountains.” He glanced past them at the crew and civilians that intermingled with the panda-people. “We ain’t got much in terms of manpower.” He looked over at Kameyama and nodded. “How ‘bout you? You up for a little search and destroy?”

    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1362
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th April 2019, 9:30 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    The man known as Kameyama spoke up right away, offering his insight to the proposal Serilda had made. She looked at him as she listened with interest. Though the noblewoman wouldn’t go out of her way to necessarily say that she and Mythal had made any friends out of this gods forsaken nightmare of a trip, this particular man was one of the few who had stood out to the couple. He was roughly two decades older than them, but had done more than his fair share of work and had been a major contributor to making sure no one died in the original wreck. He kept a cool head in the face of trouble, and was a quick thinker -- at least from what she had seen so far -- so his word held value to her.

    Mythal was quick to assure the man that he hadn’t interrupted anything, and Serilda nodded in agreement. The darkness slayer cast his eyes to the only landscape big enough for them to make it out through the fog: the mountains. Serilda hummed in thought over both men’s words, trying to come up with a plan of action. “The three of us probably have the best chance at figuring out what’s going on,” she said, panning her gaze across the other survivors as they mingled and relaxed with the natives. “A few others have magic, but their spells are practically nonexistent thanks to this weather. We could probably investigate ourselves and just have everyone else stay here. I trust the locals; they’ve done so much to help us already, and I don’t think--”

    She cut herself off mid sentence and sat up with a frown, turning her head to look out in the distance further inland. Xiuhcoatl stopped playing with Gren, letting the bone drop to the ground as she looked off in the same direction as her mistress. “Someone’s coming,” she told them with a bit of urgency in her voice. It was annoying having her senses hindered like they were because she really should have felt them approaching sooner. Hurrying to her feet, she explained, “A group of humanoids moving this direction. Twelve of them. Armed.”

    Without waiting any further, the noblewoman switched right into action mode. Striding away and toward the rest of the masses, she began to call out instructions. “Get everyone inside, or backed up to that side of the village,” Serilda told them, pointing in the direction opposite of where the forces were coming from. Everyone looked at her with confusion and concern. For the most part they trusted her after everything that had happened, but not to the point that they would blindly listen to what she had to say. When she explained that there was an armed group approaching, however, pretty much every survivor from the ship hurried to do as she’d instructed.

    The villagers looked at one another with a knowing worry that did not escape Serilda’s attention. “What is it?”

    “Mogu,” one of them told her.

    “Go on.”

    The panda man shifted uncomfortably. “Mogu are servants of the Thunder King. They come by regularly and demand payment from us in exchange for ‘protection’...”

    Serilda held up her hand to stop him. “Say no more. We’ll handle this. Get back with the others and we’ll make this problem go away for you.” The noblewoman had zero tolerance for extortion, particularly toward people that were nothing but kind and giving. The racket ended today. As the pandas hurried off, Serilda looked down at her wolf and nodded toward the group. “Xiuhcoatl, vagt.” Xiuh wuffed quietly and trotted off toward the civilians, planting herself between them and the wizards where she would act as a guard in case any enemies managed to slip past her mistress and their allies.  

    Words: 1487/2500


    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 19th April 2019, 1:57 am

    Kameyama nodded in agreement with what the two younger mages had said. To the young man he quickly offered, “I think it sounds a good idea.” He turned his gaze to the Lady next, his eyes following hers towards the mountain in the distance. It was true that this was probably the most obvious place to begin, but if it were so obvious a solution, why hadn’t the pandmen attempted to solve the problem themselves? Could it be they didn’t mind the fog?

    The answer came quicker than he’d wanted, when Serilda’s eyes snapped in a different direction. Almost as if the two were tied together, her canine companion’s head snapped just the same. Kameyama adjusted himself to stand, but ensured that he didn’t do it too quickly so as to arouse any suspicion. The worried look of the pandafolk told him that no one would quite be paying attention to what he was doing, at least not at the moment. Slowly getting to his feet, he brushed the sand and dirt off of himself and readied for a confrontation.

    As the pandaman explained the situation with slight reluctance, Kameyama let out a low aggravated huff of air, “Racketeers,” He said, tone dripping with poison. Criminals were criminals everywhere. This reminded Kameyama of a situation that had occurred in his small village. A mobster had attempted to move into their humble town and set up a similar situation. Before he could find proper footing, he befell an accident that lit both of his cars on fire and under equally mysterious circumstances found a burning hot railroad spike imbedded in his doorstep.

    Kameyama had experience chasing away lowlifes.

    Stepping forward with likely more confidence than he should have had, he took point as twelve giant stone creatures appeared through the mist. They were larger than he had anticipated, but with all the stubbornness of someone with absolute conviction, he didn’t back down. It occurred to him however, a moment before it became too late, that he may need to have someone translate for him. Luckily he likely had such a device around his neck. “Optix,” He murmured, “What are the chances you can translate to this thing?”

    “I can certainly try,” The small AI responded in her high pitched feminine voice.

    “Great. And do us a favor, lower the voice a few octaves. Try to match my own.”

    “You got it,” Said Kameyama. Wait. Optix.

    “Get out of the way, we have business.” The Mogu said as it approached.

    “Yes, I am aware. That is why I wish to speak to you. I and my compatriots have an offer that you may be interested in.” It seemed as though he was whispering first, then repeating himself in a louder, translated voice even before the original sentence had finished being spoken.

    “An offering for the Thunder King? Hmpf. Very well. State your presence here, Squish.” The Mogu snapped as the twelve of them reached Kameyama and the others. Behind the one speaking, the others already seemed antsy. They had approached with weapons drawn, and their intentions were nothing but clear.

    “These people have provided food and shelter to we who have washed ashore. We are here to treatise for their freedom from your false protection contract.” Kameyama responded.

    “Ha! You’re here to break contract? Fine! Those who do not wish to be protected by the Thunder King will fall to his might!”

    “Perhaps you misunderstand my request. Or perhaps you misunderstand my request as a request,” Kameyama said emphatically, “We speak now peacefully. We have some small amount of jewels to seal this compromise if you would simply like to—“

    “Enough of this!” The lead Mogu swung a foot-tall fist in a backhand straight at Kameyama’s head. Likely to the surprise and shock of anyone watching, the aging warrior grabbed the fist before it could make contact with his skull (gasping it with both hands) and managing to halt the momentum of the swing after only sliding back a few inches.

    Still holding onto the fist and clearly ready to retaliate, Kameyama looked to Serilda and the young man. Speaking in his own voice now, in the common tongue, he said, “This counts as an attempt at a peaceful resolution, doesn’t it?”

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1048
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 23rd April 2019, 7:09 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Kameyama may have been older than Serilda and Mythal, but with that age came a calculated wisdom. It was prevalent in his eyes and in his voice, as if he were running calculations in his mind before he even spoke. A stark contrast to the Darkness King, who came up with strategies mid-action rather than before. Having him with them would be a great benefit to their success and the God Slayer was happy to see that he was willing to work with them. Serilda went into tactician mode, running down a verbal checklist of the other wizards and what they had to do with them. She hadn’t quite voiced all of her thoughts when she stopped, biting her tongue and stiffened, a noticeable sign that something wasn’t right. She announced that someone was approaching; a group that was more humanoid in nature than animal and they were coming with weapons.

    “Great. So the island has ears too,” Mythal grumbled, not as excited as the Voidwalker. He reached behind himself and pulled Curse free, leaving it folded in so that it looked more like a large knife than anything else. He flipped it around so that the flat edge of the blade ran adjacent to his forearm, turning his wrist just enough to block the sight of it from view. One of the Pandarens came up as Serilda ordered everyone to get back, wanting to keep the less prepared away from danger. He explained that the approaching mob were called Mogu, servants of someone -- or something -- called the Thunder King. And apparently they made it a habit to come and extract payment for the ‘defense’ of their home.

    “Gren. Uh kiynt,” he called over to the smaller Star Wolf. He’d been only a moment away from grabbing the discarded bone when he heard the order loud and clear, his ears perking up along with his head. He glanced at Mythal and wuffed before he followed after his sister, circling around her and then taking up a position beside her, though he looked more excited than serious. With their last line prepped, the three wizards turned to face the approaching group.

    What emerged from the fog were men made of stone. Men wasn’t even the right term -- they were giants that easily dwarfed the three of them. In spite of this, Kameyama opted to take lead and walked up to meet the twelve creatures. Mythal cast a glance at Serilda quickly before the conversation started; a language he had no hope of understanding. And yet the older man spoke it fluently and without issue, sounding almost as natural as the stone men. “That’s unexpected…” he muttered as the conversation continued. “Maybe he’ll be able to talk them down.”

    Not even ten seconds after Mythal thought that did the leader of the stone men rear back and send a punch right at Kameyama. The Darkness King jerked, prepared to launch himself forward and block the strike but it seemed he didn’t need to. Kameyama caught the massive fist with both of his hands, his heels grinding into the sand and dirt to ground himself before he came to a stop. The surprise in the giant’s face was, for lack of a better term, priceless. Kameyama turned to them briefly, making a short quip about the situation as it stood. “Counted. Past tense, I’d say,” Mythal retorted.

    Before any of the stone men could ponder a strategy, the Darkness King erupted. He leapt off the ground with such force the earth shook and splintered. Curse was flung like a throwing knife, the weapon unfolding into a full sword midspin. It slammed into one of the stone men’s shoulders and knocked him back a step, eliciting a gravelly grunt of agitation. Mythal went a separate way from his sword, shifting the air with the minimal amount of magic he could push into wings and slammed fist first into another one of the stone men. The giant’s head snapped to the side and he grunted loudly as pebbles flew from the injury, his sculpted face a ruin after the impact. The God Slayer flipped and pushed off of the stone man’s face, causing him to fall backwards with a thunderous crash.

    The giant that had Curse stuck in his shoulder had reached over to try and pry it out, growling as the blade refused to release its teeth. He saw something approaching and turned his head in time to catch Mythal’s feet slamming into his forehead, jerking his head upward. The God Slayer rode the face as it lifted and pushed off, jumping up almost five feet straight, before he rolled over himself and came back down, his fist crashing into the stone giant’s face and pushing him down into the ground. As the man lay in the dirt, Mythal walked up his stone form, retrieving Curse from its temporary scabbard and prepared to continue his assault.
    CrocusRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 5th May 2019, 5:06 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    As everyone was getting settled, the brutes in question arrived. They appeared to be made out of stone. Kameyama took the initiative to converse with them, and Serilda took that moment to study the creatures with her Void Sense, looking for any weaknesses. She was too busy focusing on that to really notice that there were actually two voices coming from their newest ally, mostly because the second voice was so quiet. What did catch her attention was that he was somehow able to not only understand them but also speak their language. Her eyes flicked to the older gentleman with a curious look briefly, before returning her attention to the more pressing matters.

    Though Serilda couldn’t understand what was being said, she could sense through everyone’s body language that Kameyama was attempting a nonviolent approach to the issue and that the Mogu weren’t exactly keen on it. In fact, it seemed as though they were taking his attempt as a threat of some kind. It was only a matter of a minute or two before one of them swung a hand at the older man, who managed to catch the blow before it could do him any real damage -- though it did push him back a few inches.

    While Mythal confirmed that Kameyama’s action had indeed been quite peaceful and that the Mogu had just forfeited their right to accept said peaceful resolution, Serilda reached a hand to her left hip. Fastened there were two scimitars. One was silver with a black leather wrap around the handle, resting in a worn looking wooden sheathe. The other was solid black from sheathe to pommel, and so dark that one might wonder if it was swallowing up the light around it.

    Her fingers wrapped around the handle of the black one, the weapon ringing like crystal as she drew it, but with a slight warbling like the sound itself was a bit perverted. Those in the area with any ability to sense magic would immediately notice the power emanating from the sword, whose pure black blade seemed not to reflect any light at all. Any with such talents would also be able to note that it wasn’t ordinary magic rippling from the weapon, but rather it was unholy magic.

    Given that she and Mythal had fought together countless times, she didn’t even bat an eye at the miniature earthquake and crater that her partner left in his wake as he began the assault. Truth be told, it was still nothing compared to what he’d be capable of if his abilities weren’t currently dampened. He made quick work of the first couple Mogu, leaving the rest so stunned in surprise that there a couple valuable seconds of advantage for her and Kameyama.

    With the aptly named Malice in hand, Serilda calmly and coolly stepped into the fray. As one of the Mogu attempted to strike Mythal from behind, her sword came up and cut the stone creature’s hand off like a hot knife through butter. The heavy limb dropped to the ground, or at least it would have if Serilda hadn’t already caught it with her magic. The hand hovered for a moment in the air, still clenched into the tight fist it had been in before she’d severed it. With the flick of her wrist from her free hand, the limb shot across the space like a cannonball back into its owner’s face which cracked as several large chips fell away. Serilda continued to pull the floating fist back and throw it at the Mogu several times until it was ultimately beaten to death with its own hand.

    She sensed a second Mogu coming up behind her, enraged and intent on avenging its fallen comrade. It swung its great two handed weapon down upon her, and right when it seemed like Serilda would perish from the attack the Mogu instead found both its weapon and itself falling right through the Voidwalker’s body with no resistance whatsoever. The creature stumbled forward in surprise, its momentum and balance thrown off heavily as Serilda gave it a look of practiced derision that only a noble was truly capable of making. In a single, swift action, she removed the gollem’s head.

    Two more Mogu stepped up to flank her, both wielding overly large broadswords. She squared herself comfortably between them, blue eyes flicking back and forth to see who planned on making the first move. Truthfully, it wouldn’t matter. Even as they raised their weapons and cried out to attack, the two Mogul simply exploded. Their bodies, their weapons, even their armor crumbled into dust and pebbles that rained down over everyone’s head.

    Turning toward her companions, she took stock of their situations to see if either of them needed any assistance. “Leave one alive,” she told them. “We need to know where this so called Thunder King is located.” Even though they hadn’t really gotten the chance to discuss it yet, Serilda already had her mind set on tracking this tyrant down and putting him in his place. Doing so may also lead them toward clues on how to get rid of the pesky fog in the area so they could all get back home.

    But, more importantly, this king was abusing the people that depending on him for survival. These kind natured people had been so kind to them in their time of need, and Serilda was absolutely not going to stand for letting them continue under this abuse. Though she didn’t know Kameyama well enough to guess what he’d think, she did know that Mythal would absolutely agree with her and feel the same way. Both of them absolutely despised leaders that abused their authority, as as a rather high ranking noble herself Serilda saw it as a personal duty to make sure such individuals were dealt with properly. Not to mention that these people were citizens of Fiore, the very nation whose protection Serilda and Mythal were charged with.

    She would be damned before letting them continue to live with this kind of fear and treatment.

    Words: 2510/2500


    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

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    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 6th May 2019, 8:45 am

    “Yeah,” Kameyama, through gritted teeth, responded to the male, “That checks.”

    Seemingly at the instant of him catching the Mogu’s fist, everything broke into chaos. The other two took to battle as easy as breathing. Kameyama found himself caught in the moments between moments, watching the two of them take off like a flash of light, working in complete tangent to take down the group of stone men. Even with their powers diminished, these two raged as though they were demons, fueled by battlefire flawless in execution. With his powers brought down, the aging mage was much less powerful. With everything special that had been bestowed upon him stripped away, he was merely a normal human.

    No. Not just a human.

    Still Kameyama.

    He pressed back against the fist just enough to duck underneath as the Mogu began to redouble his blow with extra force. This beast was strong enough to rip his limbs apart, so Kameyama would have to show him speed and wit beyond. His duck turned to a roll as the Mogu brought down a massive hammer where Kameyama had been just moments prior. The slam of the weapon was earth-shaking, as the weapon itself was clearly the size of Kameyama’s torso at least. The stone grip was easily the size of his forearm and the Mogu giant wielded it with such ease.

    But there was no time to gawk and gaze at how the creature was bigger than him. Assessing his opponent, the aging mage realized that a stone adversary would likely have fewer weaknesses than a flesh one, but have a few that were shared. It still seemed to have all of the normal moving parts, joints that bent, muscles that tensed, chests that rose and fell with heavy breaths. Dodging another heavy, slow attack, Kameyama spared a moment to look at the sword wielding male who had taken to attacking with gusto. This rampant assault taught him something vital.

    They still seemed to… bleed.

    Such as it was, at any rate. Pebbles that flew outward from blows that landed like dams breaking across mountains. Still, this was something that Kameyama could easily imitate, albeit not with the same level of force. Reaching behind him to the strange dagger that had been strapped across his back, he unfolded it into a sort of collapsible spear. Against the raw might of the hammer and the force of gravity, it wouldn’t do much. However, against the weak point of a wrist, it would work wonders. Timing his attack just right, Kameyama shoved the spear upwards as he rolled to the left. Given the angle of the downward swing, and the way the Mogu had been holding his weapon, if he managed to pierce the stone, the shock of pain could cause the grunt to drop his weapon. If Kameyama was extra lucky, he’d drop it on his own foot. Comedic? Yes. Valuable? Moreso. The hammer would shatter bone of a normal creature, but with the carried momentum of the lost attack on stone, it would break the Mogu’s foot.

    Fortunately for all but the opponents, Kameyama was nothing if not extremely lucky. The hammer hit its target, breaking off two of the three claws on the creature’s right foot. There was no humorous howl combined, the Mogu did not hop up and down grabbing his foot then blowing on a quickly reddening sore spot. This was the moment when things became all too real for the giant stone creature.

    Not waiting for another moment, Kameyama reached for the hammer and lifted it with surprising ease, catching the creature in the chin and causing him to fly backward as his jaw quite literally shattered. Capitalizing on the attack, Kameyama rushed forward and slammed the hammer down, causing all squirming to stop in a small avalanche that signaled the end of a life.

    Hefting the hammer upon his shoulder, Kameyama moved on to the next opponent that came towards him. He brought the massive weapon around and caught his foe in the shoulder, causing him to stumble backwards. However, Kameyama wasn’t fully trained in how to wield a weapon of this massive size and the momentum carried him forward into a tumbling roll to his feet. The dexterity that he had over these creatures was just narrow enough to get him out of a few scrapes.

    But not enough to make him immortal. As he rolled back to his feet, the same Mogu caught him in the chest with a massive blow comparable to the one he’d caught with his open palms earlier in the tussle. He let out a forcible breath of air as his body seemed to crumple against the sheer force of the punch. “Squish not so strong now!” The Mogu roared as it grabbed Kameyama’s former weapon. This, along with his own axe, would be more than enough to turn Kameyama into his own personal avalanche.

    At this point, he heard Serilda’s voice calling out to keep someone alive. It occurred to him that if he were to keep someone alive, he would have to live to do so. As the creature brought up both weapons to fully explain why the mortal races were called ‘Squish’, Kameyama lurched forward. It hurt to do so, his chest screamed for him to cease movement and stay still. Help would arrive. The other two were much stronger.

    His mind didn’t listen. He reached upwards, jumping to his feet and placing his palms on the solar plexus of the creature, about as high as he could currently reach. There, pulling all of his pain, anguish and feelings of comparable weakness into raw magic, he charged basic electricity into the Mogu.

    It was stone. Stone didn’t carry current. But the trace minerals within them do. So Kameyama forced everything he had into the creature’s chest. The look of determination on the Mogu’s face turned into one of surprise, as the rage state remained in Kameyama. His thoughts were on the people that had rescued them. They had been severely wronged. If Kameyama let this one go, and they had no more leads to the Thunder King, this reign of terror would continue. There would be no next crash landing.

    His body shouldn't have been able to produce this much energy. He could feel the strangulation of this place weighing down on him, threatening to shut him off from what was sustaining this moment. Blood began to drip from Kameyama’s nose as he forced the electricity into the creature’s stone form. Around his fingertips the stone began to melt and the weapons slid from the Mogu’s arms down behind him to the ground. Kameyama’s eyes sparked with electricity as the Mogu slowly dropped to the ground, twitching with trace amounts of current flowing through his body. As he collapsed to the side, Kameyama sat down on top of his chest, hiding the Mogu's burn marks. Thankfully his own chest wounds weren’t visible to the naked eye. “Got one alive,” He announced, “I’ll hold him down. Go for it with the rest!”

    WC: 1180
    TWC: 2713/2500


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Welcome to Pandaria Empty Re: Welcome to Pandaria

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 9th May 2019, 8:29 pm

    I've been out there and seen the things she's made

    Mythal needn’t worry if Serilda was going to wade into the fray -- he knew full well that she would. The citizens that had retreated back into the villager were not only unarmed but many of them were citizens of Fiore as well. As Rune Knights, their entire mission statement was the protection of the weak and innocent. And these stone men were infringing on that; they came to seek payment for ‘protection’ but there was no telling what kind of harm they or their leader had caused. This stated ‘Thunder King’ sounded like pompous ass and if he thought he could get away with demanding tribute and putting the fear of god in these people, he had another thing coming.

    But one step at a time; there was still the matter of his rocky ruffians. He felt Serilda move, the familiar sound of her sword sliding out of its sheath as sharp as a whetstone across a blade. He turned just enough to see her literally disarm another stone man who had come up behind him, easily removing the creature’s hand from its arm and taking the Darkness King out of the midst of danger. His crimson globes snapped over to Kameyama, who had started to put up a more forward rebellion against the hand he was holding. There was only a moment of indecision on Mythal’s part before he saw the older mage unfold a spear from his back and break into the rhythm of combat as well. He’d proven a number of times that he was more than capable of holding himself up when the situation turned and it was in that moment that the God Slayer decided to give him full confidence. With their magic dampened, the only way they were going to get anywhere was by relying on one another after all.

    With a simple flip of a switch, his weapon began to growl and groan. The gears within it began to churn to life, expanding the blade outwards and breaking the rivets, revealing a metal beam running through the metal. As Mythal leapt over another incoming punch, the sword’s handle turned down and shot out, jabbing its blunted end against the top of the agitated hand that had attempted to slam into him. The dismantled blade jerked forward and downwards, creating a crescent with its broken form and completing its transformation into a full fledged scythe. A slight shift in his magic sent him spiraling downward towards the stone man, turning himself into a deadly spinning top as he ripped through the torso of the creature and split him into pieces.

    As he emerged from the collapsing rubble, stone dust swirling up around him, he reached out with his free hand towards the largest cluster of creatures. His magic was dampened, that much was true, but he could still feel the connection to Kingdom Darkness within the shadows. And there were plenty of elongated shadows cast on the ground from the large figures of the stone men. He connected to each shifting outline, embedding his magical connection into it and warping the form. He couldn’t cause as much damage as he would like but he still had enough of a hold to jerk his hand up and release dark spikes of dark energy that pierced through the legs of several of the enemies. Their rumbling cries of agony echoed across the battlefield as each monstrosity found themselves impaled and stuck in their positions.

    Serilda called out to the two of them, encouraging that they leave one alive for questioning.  Made sense -- only way they were going to get any answers was to ask one of them. Mythal spun his scythe over his shoulders and then swept it forward in a diagonal arc, raising it from floor to sky in one swift move before repeating the movement. At the apex of each swing, a bolt of black and purple energy shot out from the point of his weapon, screeching across the air until it slammed into the face of a stone creature. Their features were stabbed into by the glowing crystal-like blasts, humming loudly as they resonated with magical energy. Just before the Darkness King brought his hand out to snap, he heard Kameyama call out that he had managed to wrestle one down and keep him alive. “Solves that problem,” Mythal mumbled as he completed his snap, causing the energy crystals he had flung to glow brightly. A moment later they exploded, swallowing up stone creature’s faces and upper torsos in the magical fires. Their bodies fell to the ground heavily, shaking the earth beneath their feet.

    And yet they were not dead -- just incredibly damaged. As much as Mythal was willing to cut anyone down if they left him no choice, he knew there was no point in killing these other creatures when he could simply incapacitate them and leave them wishing for death. Even if they awoke, they’d be in enough pain that they wouldn’t even be able to crawl. He sighed as he allowed his magical output to settle, his body returning to its normal presence. He pressed the button on Curse once more and it retracted itself back into a sword, then further back down into its dagger-like form, allowing him to attach it to his back again. With that, he walked over to Kameyama, who was pleasantly seated on top of the remaining Mogu.  “Now let’s see what big, tall and stony has to say…”

    IslandsRune Knights
    Let me tell you, they are fear.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:14 pm