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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Haru-senpai 31st May 2016, 6:06 pm

    Heero stood at the edge of a certain shop in Magnolia. It was a shop for....childrens toys. Standing outside of the glass, he let his mind wander to what was about to happen to him. He almost couldn't believe it.

    It was early in the morning and the sun reflected off of the glass he was on. Brilliantly in fact.

    "Well...if it isn't young master Reyold." an older man said to him from inside the shop, opening the doors for business as Heero stepped in with a small smile. "Now...I've been watching you run around Magnolia since Leonard brought you here at the age of 11.......and you've never stopped here. What's up?" the older man said, but Heero looked somewhat nervous as he looked around the room filled with Cribs, Crib Hangar Toys, Posters, Night Lights, and Giant Stuffed Animals.

    "I..............." as he struggled to say the words, he would just blush instead and rub the back of his head within a second. The man held up a hand, and merely said----

    "Say no more....do you know if it's a boy...or girl?" Heero smiled and nodded as he knew the answer to this question without a doubt.

    "Well....it's a bit early to tell but.....a girl." he said, sensing with every fiber of his being that it was a girl growing inside of Alyia and not a boy. Karma and the universe's way of paying him back for his womanizing ways of the past.

    Fifteen minutes later, Heero was shoved out of the shop with a gigantic cart filled with pink....SO MUCH PINK. With a sweatdrop, he began to push the cart back towards the guild. Balloons tied on it even.

    Although Magnolia was too busy in the morning to really pick him out, a few people waved at him and then whispered to themselves. Causing him to give a fake smile and hurry up a bit.

    "I guess.....now's a good time for Alyia to return to the Guild. She's been gone for so long...everyone's been asking me where she's been......" he thought to himself, as only he knew her location for the safety of their child. Now that her belly was a bit bigger though; she'd be returning to Magnolia any day now. As he continued to push the pink cart, the balloons continued to bump against his head, annoying him. All the way to the Guild.

    When he got there, he merely pushed the cart to a spot near the bar---the first one checking in this morning he would sigh and stare down into the cart filled with gifts for his child. He wondered if he was truly ready for this....no....he was....he was ready to pass on all he'd learned. A small smile brimmed on his face as he stared into one of the pink and white teddy's in the cart.


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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Rose

    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Guild : Black Sails
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    Experience : 9,213.19

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    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
    Second Skill: ---
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Mark Baxter 31st May 2016, 7:26 pm

    Brennan opened the door to the guild hall, tripping and falling on his face, as had become customary for the Ace of Fairy Tail. "Grah..." Brennan moaned, as was customary, and slowly got up, muttering to himself. "I seriously need to get my shit together... Do I have to trip every time...?" Brennan sighed, noticing Heero was already here. Shit. He was late... Well, being punctual had never been his strong suit. Then again, no one was ever here this early, why was Heero here?

    Brennan quickly slipped behind the bar and briskly walked up to Heero, who was hypnotized by a pink and white teddy bear, which lay in a cart full of... more pink stuff. A smile was spread across Heero's face, and as much as he hated to snap Heero out of his pinkness trance, Brennan began to talk to Heero. "Yo, Heero! Sorry I'm late... Also, what's up with pink stuff?" Upon closer examination, Brennan could tell the cart was full of pink baby stuff. Brennan straightened his tie as he waited for a response, it was a plain black tie that went well with his black blazer, dress pants of the same color, and white button-down shirt. Brennan had never seen Heero with so much pink so far, something was up.


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life 1zya1cx

    Posts : 1756
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Cr1tikal 31st May 2016, 7:33 pm

    Aiyana had not been in this town before, but she had heard some interesting things from her sibling about the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, Heero, and one of the girls in the guild that had brought her to the very doors of the guild that was talked about more about, currently, than she could ever hope for her guild that was outside of the Magic Council's leadership. "Though that's fine with me. I don't want just everyone coming to our doors, just those with the same ideals as us."

    The mumbled words would be said as she looked around outside, seeing what looked like balloons off in the distance as other's began towards her and the Guild Hall's open entrance. From what her eyes could tell, it was most definitely Heero walking his way around the bar inside, a carriage with balloons and baby toys sitting there while they waited for the person carrying to show up. The celestial spirit would begin walking in his direction, her nine tails wrapped around each other to take up less space so as to knock around others, until she got within talking distance without having to yell in the crowded hall.

    "So my sibling, Christine Shuer, says you knocked up some girl before I got knocked up. Congratulations! My name's Aiyana, it's nice to finally meet you!"


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life MQNhOUw


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Haru-senpai 31st May 2016, 7:44 pm

    Heero was staring into the cart of baby stuff, and actually had started to grab stuff out of it. Setting up drinks and food for people, and even letting some of the balloons out to float around.

    Before he could do too much though, he heard someone behind him. Although amazingly, he was so focused on what he was doing with a smile plastered on his face; he didn't hear Brennan face plant through the doors.

    "Oh...it's you." he looked to Brennan, smiling. He'd seen him grow so much ever since he'd been here. One day he'd be as strong as Heero, if not more. He'd even trained both him and his brother personally once, and not everyone could say they'd ever been subjected to his training. They were close, to say the least.

    "I guess.....I can tell you." figuring that he would figure it out sooner or later. "It's Alyia, I....I got her pregnant, Brennan. I'm going to be a Dad." Heero said as he set down a paper plate, not looking at Brennan as he did so.

    He had a funny image of an older Brennan as Guildmaster teaching his child Magic in his mind, but shook it off.

    "I'm throwing her a surprise baby shower...she's been in hiding for quite some time.....so no one would find out until the time was---" as soon as he said this, people began showing up left and right.

    One of whom, looked somewhat familiar but with features unlike the person he was thinking of. When she walked up and congratulated him, it dawned on him as she confirmed it with her words.

    "HEY! You're the sister Christine always mentions! Yea, she's a wizard here at Fairy Tail....although recently she's always been gone on Jobs...I hope she's not pushing herself to hard." Heero would cross closer to Aiyana, inspecting her closely; as his Celestial Wizard instincts kicked in full throttle for some reason, as if he was around his old spirits Gemini, Leo, and Virgo. As he shook her hand, he noticed the tails wrapped around her body. A Kyuubi huh?

    "A pleasure. Christine loves to talk about you." people began to look around the room, wondering what was going on. As Heero gave Brennan and Aiyana a "sssssh" comically, raising a finger to his mouth and sparkling. For a wizard who supposedly rivaled Zeref, he was very carefree. "Well...she doesn't know about this Baby Shower yet...it's a surprise." Heero would cross his arms and look over to Aiyana.

    "I heard a woman who was part fox was leading a Guild out in the Forgotten Desert....." he didn't press the issue, but merely nodded to Ai with a somewhat serious expression that said "we'll talk more" after. "Won't be long before someone wants to do the same thing to you I did to Alyia, ammi right?! Eh?! Eh?!" Heero said nudging Aiyana in her waist with his elbow a few times playfully.

    Heero would then fill everyone in, walking around whispering in peoples ears as expressions lit up, and folks set about helping Heero with the decorations and even placing an order for a cake.


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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Rose


    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
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    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Eris 31st May 2016, 8:08 pm


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Speake10

    Eris stood on the edge of a roof beyond the street watching with red avian eyes as the blue haired mage talked with the shopkeeper of a toy store,  standing along with a pigeon that resided on the edge next to her, fluffing its feathers.   Eris did the same,  her small crow head looking at various points of interest before she flew to another roof top.   She didn't need to keep line of sight on the man to keep seeing what he did,  allowing her to maintain typical behavior of this animal, crow, she emulated perfectly, her own natural body left behind in her domain.  

    Having some logical interest in the man after their brief association and the simple fact of his position as a legal guild master,  the situation at hand was not unnoticed to her and was worthy of some attention.   And so she followed him home to his guild hall,  his haul of pink goods ready to shower his offspring in gifts.   Eris perched on the wall surrounding the guild property,  a small brown bird now having abandoned the form of the crow earlier on the way there,  watching as new individuals walked right in shortly after the master of the guild.

    Fluttering a ways away she rounded the corner and slinked up the steps and right on in through the front doors with muffled little steps straight through the center of the room at first and under a table to pounce at a loose string that hung from the cart full of toys beside the mage,  pulling a small stuffed animal off from over the edge of the cart and roll around with it, almost as big as herself.   Her soft white fur tail swishing behind her. 


    Looking up at the mages present with the stuffed animal locked between her paws,  she peered with big glistening adorable kitten eyes at the individuals around her,  her tail flicking side to side with playful enthusiasm.    No stranger to playing the role of a cat,  Eris's ear twitched before she rolled around again in place tossing the stuffed animal up for her to pounce on it again,   she gave off no aura of ill intent, nothing but the playful amusement of a happy kitten.  No scent of anything other than the fluffy cat she was.   No magic or power present other than the intense power of Cuteness that was well over 9,000. 


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life NvVyM98

    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
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    d a m n a t i o n

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Posts : 290
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Age : 22
    Mentor : myself
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Bitterblue 31st May 2016, 8:28 pm

    Nessa was in Magnolia for a little while for her nephews birthday party. She had went to one of his favorite little toy shops to buy him a toy that he's been whining about for a while. While she was there she saw a man with a light somewhat green blue hair walking around the store. He seemed to be kind of uncomfortable in the store but she also saw that he seemed to be nervous. What's got him so nervous, she thought. She sighed and let it go, looking for that toy her nephew wanted.

    She had finally found it and was out the door. While she was leaving she saw that the man still seamed to be waiting for something. Nessa had some other things to do as well but she ended up going back pass the toy store. As she was walking she saw the man finally leaving. He was talking to the owner of the store for a while. Nessa couldn't hear what they were saying but the way that they were laughing with each other looked to Nessa as if they knew each other for a long time. She couldn't help but just stare and smile at the two. I wish I had someone like that, she thought.

    When the two were finally done talking the man went on his way with a lot of stuff from the one store. As he was walking though a lot of things from his bag had fallen out. It seemed that he hadn't noticed so Nessa went and picked them up for him. As she was picking them up she saw that they were all pink...Well, it's his thing so I shouldn't judge, she thought. "Excuse me, Mister." Nessa had said after she was done picking up all the fallen items, but when she looked up, the man was gone. She asked around describing the man and most said he was a member of the guild Fairy Tail. Nessa thanked the people and went to the guild.

    When Nessa finally got there she saw that it was...well different. The only guild that she had ever been to was of course, her own. Well, everyone keeps telling me to try something different, so I might as well, she thought. Nessa took a deep breath and pushed the doors open. "U-um, excuse me? O-one of your g-guild mates were shopping and dropped some of their shopping. I c-came to return them." Oh boy, please don't think I'm weird, was all she could think.


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Sanguine 31st May 2016, 8:30 pm

    New adventures and curious thoughts had led in events to bring together a wondering child to a strange new town. A town that once inside, had felt eerie and creepy at that, something like when she visited Era and spent time there. Some cold and misleading aura of sorts left a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach but not enough so that it would ruin her chances of having some fun today. She had heard Aiyana headed to Magnolia, the town that led one of her.. Rather disliked guilds at the moment. The mere thought of remembering Takumi and the way he represented this guild had not of been something she could think that all of his guild members were the same, but he was surely an oddity in it of himself.

    The child was here to accompany we guild master, a woman that she had high respect and love for as an adult. After hey had met for the first time and enjoyed the company of one another, it felt almost like a kinship of sorts. And besides, the idea of attending her first party since leaving the sisters was too good to pass up! Today, the child sported a lighter shade of blue colored dress that reached to her knees in length with thin straps to it. She had come to the location of the party, her eyes peering around for the many tails that Aiyana possessed to her figure. As she attempted to do so, she became rather oblivious to her surroundings and bumped into a person, judging by the soft cushioned object she hit. Falling back onto her rear, she felt her head get a little fuzzy, looking up to see the person she smacked into, seeing a rather tall male with hair colored about the same as the dress on her body, still dazed and unable to put together a thought at the moment.


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

    Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
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    Mentor : Yuki the Snow Dragon (Ice dragon slayer magic), 5th Master Heero (registered mentor), and Akeya (Secondary magic)
    Experience : 3,112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Hana Akki 31st May 2016, 10:28 pm

    Dragging herself down the crowded streets of Magnolia Town, Hana groaned as she made her way towards the Guild Hall. It wasn't that she hated being there, she was just exhausted from the lack of sleep she's had due to staying up and practicing her magic last night. Tamka on the other hand was quite the opposite. Along the way, he had been trotting along her side energetic and happy as always. "Tamka... can I have some of your energy?" The silvernette whined. "NOPE, would if I could but that's impossible." Hana once again groaned at the undesired answer and looked around the streets til finally her eyes landed on the coffee shop she would usually spend her free time at. Walking in, the boy at the register greeted her with a warm smile and a small conversation before he would allow Hana to order something from the menu, which in her case had just been a large coffee to go. The boy happily complied to her wish, and went to the back to make it, leaving Hana alone to wait. However, as she did so, something unexpected caught the young girl's eye. Through one of the windows Hana had caught a glimpse of Heero walking out of the toy shop with many pink stuff in a cart and balloons. 'Thats odd...' she thought, knowing that Heero wouldn't be caught dead in a shop made for little ones. That got Hana anxious to get to the guild hall, paying for her coffee and grabbing it running out of the shop rather quickly. It wouldn't take many twists or turns as Hana was originally almost at the guild hall and as she opened the doors a surprise awaited her. The guild hall had been decked out in balloons and other party stuff, and spread out around the room were mages from different guilds. Now curious, Hana had completely forgotten about her sleepy state, and she approached Heero with questioning eyes. "Uh, Heero... what's going on here?"


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life WkNRvMP
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Julius Seas 1st June 2016, 12:53 am

    Julius was sitting in guild hall like usual along with Squable who was on the table eating a steak Julius had ordered for him while Julius enjoyed a nice refreshing glass of orange juice. *munch* *munch* This steak is sooooooo good Julius-kun *munch* *munch* Squable said while stuffing his mouth full of the steak. The steak sure is heavenly but that doesn't mean you have to talk to Julius with your stuffed mouth. Julius said glaring to him. *munch* Oi *munch* I am a parrot of a pirate... *munch* Table manners aren't for pirates... *munch* Squable said. Julius is the son of a pirate and you are a parrot so those rules aren't applied to you. Julius said glaring.

    Julius decided sigh and just leave him be. Julius looked around the guild and noticed that the hall was being decorated by pink balloons and other pink decorations. Julius wonders why the hall is being decorated... As soon Julius said that Heero showed up it looked like he had something to tell. Oh hi Master Heero! How are you? Julius said along with a smash on the table with his fist as a sign for Squable to show some respect. Heero didn't answered Julius question but whispered in his ear that Aliya was pregnant and that he was getting a baby girl. Julius expression began to brighten up. Oh my gosh... Julius is so happy for you! Julius said while hugging Heero. Julius grabbed his hands and shook them up and down very fast as if he was welcoming someone into the guild. Congratulations Heero! So that's why the guild is being decorated! Do you already have a name for the girl?! And furniture for the baby room?! Or a babysitter?! Julius would love to baby sit! SHall Julius make a cake to celebrate?! Julius said enthusiastically. Julius was filled with joy for Heero he was actually at the edge of tears but he didn't want to cry since he was afraid that he might flood the guild again.
    ### | @tagged | notes




    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life X9tEBuc

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Haru-senpai 1st June 2016, 9:21 am

    As Heero stood in a circle with Brennan and Aiyana, he had his arms crossed as Fairy Tail mages all around him set about putting up decorations and banners for Alyia's arrival. They would all probably be surprised at how big her belly had gotten.

    As he stood in a circle with the trio, the crowd around them grew...and grew...and grew...until. Smack a young girl walked into the back of Brennan. She had on a yellow dress, with dark brown hair. No sooner did this happen, did another young girl enter the Guild; holding one of the stuffed animals Heero had dropped on his way here.

    "Hey! Adorable girl! That's mine!" Heero said playfully as he waved at the girl from over the crowd. He didn't know Nessa's name yet, so he would call her adorable girl for now. He would then extend a hand to the girl who'd bumped into Brennan's back as a shot of Heero standing over Madison with his hand out was shown.

    "Welcome to Fairy Tail." he said as he pulled her to his feet with a small smile. "People get knocked down here all the time....but we always get back up." he said to her with a nod, dusting her shoulder off for fun. No sooner did this happen, did Heero hear something hit the ground from behind him. A cat. A fluffy one had pulled some string from the cart. He raised an eyebrow at the cat; but his mouth contorted into a 'cute' look as he watched it clutch the yarn as if not to have it taken away.

    Being able to transform into any person, animal, or object himself; he was tempted to go into cat form himself but just knelt down and scooped up the cat. Cuffing it in one arm, and petting it with the other.

    As Julius went absolutely insane, with happiness, as usual. Heero's hand was grabbed; as Julius shook it up and down at rapid pace. Normally this would annoy him or make him laugh; but at this moment. Heero actually began to cry a bit as he looked on, he was so nervous about what everyone's reaction would be. And yet, here was Julius; beside himself with joy and asking more questions about the baby than he could answer.

    "Thanks Julius...." Heero said as he wiped his face with his cat free hand. "I needed that." he said putting a hand on Julius' shoulder. "A name......well.....her mothers nickname is 'The Goddess Alyia' so....I was thinking I could name her after a Goddess.....Hera. Heh, kinda sounds like mine eh?" he smiled again at Julius and nodded.

    The cake that was set up now was huge; as it had about ten levels to it. Even causing Heero himself to sweatdrop as he saw it.

    "What do you think kitty? Enough cake?" he said to the cat in his hands, hopefully a meow came from it in response. Speaking of cats...where was his? Where was Rose? Probably off on Guild business, as the often took care of the paperwork, deliveries, and semantics that Heero never bothered with. That Exceed was a hell of a workaholic; he'd give her that.


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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Rose

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2597
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Mura Kensho 1st June 2016, 9:31 am

    “Come on, Kyuken, speed up,” the young spirit mage would call for his slow companion, while walking across the streets of his home town, Magnolia. Apparently, he was in high spirits after his departure from his family in Midi, where he spent about a month for training. Now that it was over, he was surely eager to see the guild hall again, after such a long time; talk about being homesick. However, Kyuken appeared extremely exhausted, despite being the ethereal being that wasn’t even fully bound to this world anymore. “Wait… master… huh…” the samurai forced himself to speak out, while slowly soaring towards the figure that stood several meters before him, “You’re… too fast… let’s… take a break.” Sweatdrops could be seen, trickling down his cheek and forehead as he spoke. It was very unusual for Mura, but he didn’t feel any exhaust at all, despite having walked all the way from Midi to Fiore. Plus, he was wearing something new; away was his usual shirt and green jeans. Now, he truly resembled an Onmyōji; his ascetic monk suit looked nice on him, if you asked himself. Although, the samurai spirit’s taste was different. “Hey… master,” Kyuken spoke back to Mura again, “… again, why did you… choose to wear that cloth?” Mura was specially handed this from his own family when departing, but he could’ve waited for his arrival at Magnolia to try it out. “Why? Don’t you like it?” Mura spoke back to him, “It’s look nice, come on…” “Nah, you don’t resemble a samurai anymore… just a freaking monk,” Kyuken replied, causing Mura’s head to snap for a moment, before looking at the ground in letdown…

    Appearance, Just Younger...:

    He finally reached the door; the door to his missed guild. “Woah…” he spoke up in surprise, the same voice as if something amazing presented before him, “… Nothing has changed.” The samurai beside him would get surprised by his statement, thinking that Mura saw anything differently from the guild. “Well… we’re back home, Kyuken. Let’s go in,” Mura said to the samurai spirit, before moving a hand to the door. By contact, the door seemed to melt, before turning into pure water. “Ahh… I need a cooldown,” the young boy spoke up, before moving across the little water puddle that was supposedly the door. When he appeared inside, the entire guild appeared quite… not empty, but most of the people were strangers to him. Well, he’d gotten used to it, so he moved straight towards what his eyes couldn’t stop focusing at; the giant, pink thing that stood at the bar. On his way, he spotted Heero whispering something to people. “Woah, what’s going on here?” he gladly spoke up, “I mean, I hoped that the guild didn’t change at all… but what’s with all this pink?” The samurai spirit would appear beside him, taking a quick look around. “Master, I think that they’re planning a party… maybe for you,” he replied, exciting Mura a little, as he began to believe in it. “Seriously? Awesome..!” he said in happiness, before spotting the pink box filled with… the confusion was real.



    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Guest 1st June 2016, 10:04 am

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    "Why is Heero in a baby store?" the woman inquired as the image flashed in front of her blind and missing eyes. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she watched him meandering around and conversing with the store owner. It wouldn't be long before he was leaving the store with a cart full of pink baby items; things she was well aware of. This was oddly suspicious to her, considering she had never seen the guild master in a store much like that one. She sat at the bar as the image flashed around in her mind, as if it was teasing her and telling her fortune as well. "The only reason why I could believe him to be in there is because he got some poor chick knocked up. . oh. . . oh, no. . . Oh, Heero, why would you do such a thing? That poor woman," Kanix muttered to herself as the vision began to fade.

    Heero arrived at the guild hall shortly after the vision had ended and left her in a daze of darkness, until the sound hit her ears. Quickly, her hand snatched outward and grabbed hold of a guild member close to her, connecting their visions. What the person was seeing was a Heero, well-hidden behind a cart filled with pink balloons and pink items. She fretted a little over the sight and stood to her feet, revealing her own rounded stomach in the process. "What exactly is going on, Heero?" she inquired, crossing her arms and tilting her head up a little as he pitted the cart by the bar and sat down. "Don't tell me you got some poor chick knocked up because of your own mistake of not being careful. . ." As she said this, Brennan's entrance into the hall was none other than spectacular as he tripped and fell flat on his face.

    The Ace of Fairy Tail was very nearly close to facepalming herself at the unruly sight of the other Ace sauntering into the guild. "You really need to watch where you're walking, Brennan," the woman stated, watching as he walked behind the bar. She was, of course, ignored by the mage, who, instead of paying attention to her, had his attention drawn to the cart. Being quite large, it was quite the spectacle, itself, so she wasn't all that surprised it drew attention from everyone. Plopping back down onto the seat behind the cart, she merely listened to the two Fairy Tail mages conversing with each other. Her fingers tapped lightly on the wood of the bar, and she watched as Heero stood to his feet and began meandering around the guild. He was whispering things into people's ears, possibly the explanation to the whole reason behind the pinkified guild.

    Instead of sticking where she was, the shamaness got back to her feet and decided to follow Heero around. What was being whispered as exactly as she had thought it was going to be, and now, she felt quite bad for whoever the woman was.

    @Heero , 510 words , ...
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    Lich of hell

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Eris 1st June 2016, 12:49 pm


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Anime-10

    Clutching her small stuffed animal in her paws at first she made a mock attempt to playfully leap out of the way of the mage's attempt to pick her up,  only to be caught before hitting the ground,  her stuffed animal falling to the ground for her to just barely grab with her claw before being lifted out of reach and pulled it up in front of her as he nestled her into his arms,  her small cat head peeking out from over the top of the little toy that was almost as big as herself.  

    Perfectly content with her position,  she was pleased with the positive response to her presence.  She took a bit of a gamble in letting herself be seen at all,  but ran off the impression that a small fluffy cat would fit in well with all the toys and decorations as well as reinforce the lighter mood present.  Right in Heero's arms Eris was for the time in the center of everything able to easily see things first hand.  Which she could have done from a distance off the property itself,  but this way was more amusing to her and provided a means to interact.    

    Her tail swished side to side as her big sparkling eyes made a show of watching all the new people who approached and the balloons bobbing about.  Playing the part of a cat didn't interfere with her ability to soak in her surroundings and hear whispers or take note of names and faces,  so she may as well.   Names such as Hera,  and Alyia  Julius.  Brennan.    She'd remember them,  among others present and yet to come,  perhaps of use in the future.   

    Hera was clearly the star of this event and the most useful bit of information for now.   How that information would be of use to her was yet to be seen.   Heero,  Alyia.   As all who remained unbound by her Pact, they were uncertainties that may need to be dealt with in the future sooner or later.  With how things went in Pergrande there was room to work with, potential for things to grow either way. 

    Eris purred in Heero's arms,  looking up to has face when he spoke to the little cat and meowed softly in response before turning to the cake big enough for her to climb like a mountain with her size,  her head tilting as though studying the giant mountain of sugar. 


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life NvVyM98

    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life CkggyrF

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Bitterblue 1st June 2016, 3:42 pm

    Nessa saw that she had gotten the attention of the man from the toy store. She couldn't hear him but by the way that he was waving at her it seemed that he wanted her to come over to him. Finally being able to move her feet and not stand there stupid like, Nessa tried to go towards the man. That attempt sadly failed with Nessa being pushed around by the giant Fairy Tail people. Though for Nessa this should have been normal cause a lot of her own guild mates where bigger than her and she often got pushed around a lot. Though she wasn't in her own guild but a different one.

    Nessa tried a little more to get to the man from the store but again failed and was pushed around, farther from him. She decided to just go sit and wait. She looked over to the man and she thought it the right choice since he was already talking to many others. I probably shouldn't intrude, she thought. Nessa looked around and saw an open table in the corner a little ways from the door so she went and sat there. I'll just wait till his done than go give this to him, she thought as she looked at the small toy in her hands.

    As Nessa sat there she saw a whole lot more of the Fairies coming in. One of them had come in and turned the door into a puddle of water simply by touching it. Another had come in with a samuari spirit following it inside. This guild is a bit like mine I guess, she thought to herself. As she sat there she also looked around the guild a bit more. It seems familiar but I don't remember from where or from who, she thought. She looked over to where the man was still talking to the others. Nessa gave a small sigh and looked at the toy. "Well, its a good thing that I'm good at waiting." she said to the toy.


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing

    The Star Child

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Sybil 1st June 2016, 6:18 pm

    ...What am I doing here?
    bright lights cast DARK SHADOWS
    ...when shown from a single direction 

    The guild master knew this place was bad for her, the upcoming father himself made sure she knew that after he left her a mere capillary within her life. This city was only to be traveled by the Fang’s members on the most important of occasions because of how dangerous it was. Today was one of them.

    Before slinking back here Famine had checked every other city, the ones where her infamy was lowest, to seek out the black markets. From Talonia to Hargeon none had the particular lacrima devices in stock… Her only option now was to trek the alleys carefully. She knew she was close to the tunnel.

    However, In her passing, she blinked out of the alleys and upon the afternoon-lit road. Famine heard the rolling of something against the cobblestone path. It was a cart. With gaping eyes she caught the azure head steering the rolling basket of goodies right on down the road to his valued guild. In that smallest instant, her attention adverted to the cart's contents and the store he’d come… And she almost immediately figured out the need of the contents inside; the baby bottles, the soft blanket.

    It caused her to pause standing stiff in the dimness of the shadows even as the sound of him grew distant. Though it sickened her to admit it, she knew Heero. -And now someone was due with his child. Whether or not the womanizer planned it was uncertain to Famine, but it looked as if he were planning to be a father.

    Had this much time really passed since she burned her bridges? Only after she knew he was gone did she creep back into the sun, the street, and step out in front of the children’s store confused and absent. Dropping her hood she looked into the markets window, eyeing her reflection against the stroller display before turning to the high standing guildhall at the other end of the town. ...Like her brain was no longer in control of her hand her fingers reached out to tug the door inside open.


    Having spent the jewels she’d brought for her black market goods she clutched something long and fluffy instead in her hands as she imperceptibly shuffled down the road, the guildhall coming closer into her view. Famine glanced down at it, her tense sapphire gaze met with the googly and crossed eyes of the stuffed serpent, it’s reptile tongue mockingly hanging out of a closed maw in a happy hiss. The shadow mage visibly cringed at the fuzzy cobra.

    Now she was on her way back up those steps and likely into a world of regrets.

    Her hands, were they shaking?... She knew this was it, and despite invading the guild's territory yet again she wondered if she looked past her hatred of the place and forgot how much it had hurt her if they would forget how much they hated her--- just for a moment. With a single, long, sigh she regained a stolid and neutral composure.

    Instead of being met by the guild’s double doors closed on the final step up she laid her foot in a puddle of water left behind where the gate had been. Famine spied Heero again and now looming into the open doorway of his guild she knew he wouldn’t miss her this time, not after what she’d done… and she wouldn’t forgive him for anything either- but she could forget about it, if even just for this moment. Her eyes never left Heero and her heart froze for a long, stressed moment. She had to pay no mind to how much she blamed him, how much she wanted the shaman here dead, and how much she wished this building to collapse. Awkwardly, her palms hugged the googly-eyed cobra and the toy released a short squeak.

    “This is for the spawn, Heero.”

    Her eyes lidded closed and she sighed. God dammi, she didn’t come here to pick a fight and get pummeled again now if only Fairy Tail could read her or at least allow a second to hear her out before she left again.



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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Sanguine 1st June 2016, 7:27 pm

    The child rubbed her head as she tried to collect herself and get to her feet. It felt rather embarrassing to have to make such an idiot out of herself on her first public party full of strangers. With a sigh, the child looked around and jumped slightly in surprise as a hand was held out for her to take. She blinked a couple times before actually starting to act on the favor out before her. "T-Thanks.." She spoke rather quiet, still a little shaken up by her own loss of self confidence fro the moment. His warm welcome had come to make her a a little better at least, and it was a little more than she had hoped to have happen in a situation like this. With that at least, it made the whole thing less awkward and annoying, which would then in turn make things rather helpful for her in the long run.

    As she had reached for his hand, Madi grabbed on with a firm grip, pushing herself up as much as she had been pulled to her feet. The child would pause, her visual focus seeming to fade away as something would begin to play in her mind. Something flashing in her mind like a video playing a memory, but much different than anything she had seen before; A town sprawled with rubble of destroyed building and ground, a scenery of absolute chaos and that very feeling wrapped around the source of this vision. There, through it's eyes she saw him; this very man before her. With one last flash in her mind, almost blinding her vision as well in its effects, the child let out a squeaking yelp and jumped back as if she had just seen a ghost or something. She hadn't even heard the last thing he said before she felt herself wracked with panic and confusion. "I. I. I... I need to outside. I... I need s-some air. E-Excuse me." With a panicked rush, the child sped off, not really running, but in a fast pace.

    She rushed outside and stopped for a moment to take in a deep breath of air and assess her situation. "W-What the hell was that... It.. I can't even... Oh gosh... Do.. Do I go back..?" She questioned herself aloud, being the only person to be outside that she could see. Continuing her away away from the guild hall, she wanted to give herself a little bit of space and find some way to relax. Once she had continued outward, she'd find herself stopped at the end of the building and would stnad by that for now, just trying to contain herself for the time being.


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life JwEY1nx

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    Merlin Ambrosius
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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Merlin Ambrosius 1st June 2016, 9:57 pm

    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Gofour

    A small white animal finds himself once again in Magnolia heading towards the guild known as Fairy tail. Its name was cotton, Garan no Dou's trademark animal, it came here all by itself of its own according in order to eat some cutlets, there was one female mage of fairytail that keeps on feeding the little animal cutlets, sadly cotton can't remember who it is. Cotton would come here once a month, sneaking into the guild and playing adorable just to earn some food. Cotton is fluffy and wore a cape and would do tricks that would make hearts melt.

    Cotton is a celebrity, there's even merchandise for it but cotton came here unnoticed and successfully like it always do, enter from the vents and drop down inside the wall and emerge from a rat's hole, making its way across the mess hall. As Cotton-chan was about to beg like it always did, a small furball tried to drop down and was picked up by Heero, the guildmaster of fairytail.

    This made Cotton-chan sad and jealous but paid no mind. Cotton-chan moved towards the bar counter and hid there to rest. Of course Heero hasn't heard or knew about Cotton chan because the little animal has been in the guild during his absence. Although a lot of people, even the author isn't sure whether it was some kind of gofer or a small dog.

    Sadly the small animal couldn't find the female mage in its sights anywhere. Upon being spotted, it would hide underneath the tables.


    [16:54:16]Dubhlainn : What does the name Hikaru mean?
    [16:54:27]Eclipse Valerie : Hikari means light o-o
    [16:55:04]Eclipse Valerie : I think Hikaru is like the male form of it? maybe..
    [16:55:34]Dubhlainn : So does that mean Hikaru is a transgender?
    [16:56:04]Eclipse Valerie : uhm o-o
    [16:56:08]Joan Blackheart : Lmao.
    [16:56:53] Merlin Ambrosius : 10 out of 10 would still bang.

    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Merry_10

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Haru-senpai 1st June 2016, 11:03 pm

    "Of course...we all know your favorite color is pink." Heero said, teasing Mura as he passed him. Smiling a bit at the cats response, Heero couldn't help but to look around at the decked out room, banners strung everywhere.

    A few Fairy Tail wizards and even regular humans had caught on to the event and decked out the gates outside with pink and white balloons.

    As he spotted the girl he'd tried to wave over earlier, he made his way right up to her hearing her last comment.

    "That's a good skill to have....although sometimes, you've just gotta make your own damn hole in the wall." Heero said, extending a hand to her and helping her up like a gentleman. Taking the toy from her. "I see....is this a gift? Whaaaat. I...don't know what to say." he smiled at her, as a strangers kindness was some of the purest. "Heero Reyold......" the 5th Master of Fairy Tail shook Nessa's hand. Noticing the Sabertooth guild crest. Memories of alliances and friends past filled his mind. Aegis Bright, the 1st Master of Sabertooth. Zenshin. His comrade and close friend. The 2nd. It had been so long since he'd seen or heard from either of them. Even Frederik, his once hated enemy of Savage Skull; had turned everything around and was apparently now the Guildmaster of Sabertooth himself.

    Before he could entertain the conversation with Nessa more, Kanix made a quip at him. With her pregnant self, blossoming and glowing. Her skin practically perfect. A certain beauty held her, the same that held Alyia at the moment everytime Heero gazed upon her. Although she'd been hidden from the Guild for some time, she was returning today.

    "Oh please, you know no one cares as much as I do...." Heero said, smirking at Kanix but it was a softer smirk than usual. She would recall all the words he'd ever spoken too her, knowing he cared just as deeply for her as his own family, if not more. "I just hope I can be half the Father I should be." he said to Kanix, brimming with pride. "Alyia's pregnant, and has been for almost half a year now....we've been in hiding a bit... for a few reasons...heh." he said to her directly.

    Suddenly however, Heero felt a very familiar magic power. He would set the cat down on the ground in a split second, and take a step toward the doors. But before he could.

    Rita walked right in. The Guildmaster of Basilisk Fang.

    "......................." Heero would automatically begin to sparkle with golden lightning like something out of Dragon Ball Z, his magic power able to be felt even from Rose Garden hundreds and hundreds of miles away just with a small raise. However.......she did something unexpected. Reaching the hand out and taking the animal, his lightning would cease to skip loudly from him, and disappear.

    "........Well, as long as you're here. You're Rita. Take that hood off and let your hair down like you used too. Enjoy yourself....if I see you doing otherwise, I may have to continue where we left off last time, ammi right?" he lowered the stuffed cobra, and with his free hand pulled her into a one armed hug.

    "You're still nii-chan. No matter how hard you fight it. Boy you could stab me now huh?" he said as he released her, turning his back on her. "I mean it...hood down, hair down. You're Rita in these halls..not Famine. And jesus christ when did you become so formal....did you just call my child a spawn, someone's been reading their Science Weekly. HA! Back in the day you'd just say 'this is for the kid don't get it dirty fool' or something like that....." all eyes were on Heero and Rita for a moment, but at Heero's comments, a few laughs rang out--as everyone nodded in agreement; some recalling Famine herself as Rita still, from three or four years ago. Some mumbled, their suspicions confirmed that Rita Stebern had gone Dark and even become a Master herself. In his own mind, Heero was fully ready for Rita to betray him. He was also fully ready to toss her in the dungeon and this time let Kanix have her full way with her. However, maybe a bit of the old Rita was coming back. For her sake, he hoped this was true.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the girl he'd helped up earlier run outside and stand to herself through one of the windows lining the grand halls. Blinking to himself and raising an eyebrow with the pink cobra stuffed doll in his hand, he noticed something like a damn squirrel dog run past him.

    "A friend of yours?" he asked the cat rhetorically for his own amusement. He would then walk over and pluck the white squirrel dog thing from underneath a table. "Gotcha you little shit!" he would say as he pulled it out by it's collar, holding it up to his face and giving it a scolding look. He would then put it on his head, as the fluffy white animals were really piling up today.

    "OK damnit, someone get me some food for these things. WHO's cat is this?! It's rigod damn dorable!" he said as he scratched Cat Eris' neck once. Eventually, someone brought some seasoned steak in two bowls for the furballs as Heero put both of them down. "I guess furballs have to eat too right?! That steak smells kinda good....I might be a little jealous....." he said as he watched with mild jealousy.


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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Rose

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Mura Kensho 2nd June 2016, 3:06 am

    ”Huh… I guess pink is a nice color, but that’s not true,” the youngster replied to his Guildmaster. He took another look around, trying to find out himself what this party was all about; obviously, it wasn’t for him. He could tell by Heero’s teasing voice that he didn’t mean what he just said, which was most likely a joke. “…” Sadly, the confused, monk-looking boy couldn’t quite comprehend the situation right now, but it’s not like that he was obligated to. Therefore, he let his mind rest and found a place to sit down and watch over the growing crowds of people, mages as well as regular bystanders. When Kanix showed up, revealing her pregnancy, Mura wanted to go and greet her as well; however, a sudden look at her stomach, plus her conversation with Heero, made him realize what all this was about. “… Wait, is this..?” he slowly asked himself, “Is Heero having a baby?” His eyes would quickly move towards the master, fixedly closing in and concentrating his view on him, before he continued: “Hm... cool.”

    It was a really lively atmosphere in the guild hall, and he found it pretty pleasant, until a sudden expression crossed his mind like being hit by a bullet; even Heero seemed to get quite surprised, as currents began to erupt from his very skin. Another stranger walked into the guild hall from the door that Mura had accidently turned into water, however, this person appeared to be familiar with Heero, judging by his reaction. This guy held something on her hand, perhaps a gift for the upcoming child of Heero. Although, he had no idea of how he should react to all this; who was she, and what did Heero know about her? He could only grasp few words, like the stranger’s seemingly name “Rita” and “Enjoy yourself”. A brief moment passed, before he decided to turn the deaf ear to them and concentrate about the rest of the surroundings; apparently, that had nothing to do with him.

    Another shot hit his mind, as he suddenly remembered. “Kyuken..!” he spoke to the samurai spirit beside him, “Do you have anything cool on you..?” The samurai was quite confused by Mura’s choice of words, and tilted his head. “What do you mean, master?” Kyuken replied, “It’s not like that I wield anything intact…” The shaman boy quickly turned his head around in anxiousness; if this was a baby shower, then why didn’t he have any gifts? Only a douche would skip giving gifts to someone at such an event, which terrified him. In an instant, the samurais would disappear from everyone’s sight, as they headed upstairs to find ANYTHING to give Heero… even if it already belonged to him...



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Eris 5th June 2016, 12:06 pm


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Anime-10

    Indignant at being set down so abruptly the cat meowed defiantly and sat in place staring at the mage walking away from her adorableness,  her little stuffed animal squeaking as it fell to the ground when she was set down and she sat on her hind legs with one paw resting on the little stuffed animal.   The cat didn't seem phased by the random burst of magical power coming off of him,  ruffling her white fur with the light of the display reflecting in her eyes.   

    She had no opinion on the girl, Famine, Rita,  showing up here but as with her role here as an observer she was just curious to watch.   Mildly pleased that the blue one didn't do anything regrettable to her yet.   Eris considered whether she would have to interrupt any rough housing with the girl or not,  or simply bring her back should they kill or detain her. 

    The cat yawned and stretched out her paws in front of her as the blue one's presence diminished itself and he invited her in.  Tipping her head down to bite her stuffed animal to carry it,  she started to trot off towards the tables and hopped onto a tabletop and set the toy down next to her in time to watch Heero chase after the little creature she saw previously.   Her ears twitched and she lowered her head a little.   Somewhat concerning.  She would have abducted the thing earlier but thought otherwise.   She was very perceptive and aware,  but not all knowing.   She didn't know if the animal was a common presence in the hall and if it's disappearance would noticed or not.

    She was more content however when the blue one acknowledged her as "Damn adorable" and clearly the superior fluffy animal,  leaning into the hand that scratched her neck and picked her up to carry her with the other creature until bowls of steak arrived and she was set down again beside one.

    Eris didn't really eat,  though she could for her amusement.  The steak didn't necessarily smell good to her,  but not horrible.  Her own cooks could have done better.  The cat eyed the steak,  making a show of sniffing at it before sitting up straight and looking up at the guild master for a long moment, eye to eye,  and back down to the steak.  And back up to the mage.   Then with a casual nonchalance she tipped the bowl over the edge of the table with one paw and looked back up at the mage and meowed with big sparkling eyes. 



    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life NvVyM98

    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
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    The Star Child

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Sybil 5th June 2016, 1:13 pm

    bright lights cast DARK SHADOWS
    ...when shown from a single direction 

    Famine’s stern and almost nervous visage intensified at the sight of the skipping electricity around Heero and only a portion of her tension wwas lifted as the malevolent static ceased. -He stepped towards her, slipping the stuffed serpent from her hand. Slowly, Famine sighed, brushing down her hood with her fingers so only to avoid the second half of that beating. She opened her mouth as if to  speak but instead was cut off by suprise, yanked into a sudden embrace.

    His words put forth conflicts in her mind and long-suppressed, bitter, memories of this place. Her shoulders were stiff in the hug, fingers twitched at her side in an urge to harm him while he was this close. Black static sparked in her hand discretely, and her azure eyes narrowed from their once surprised and wide gaze. The mage was drawn away from the hug just as quickly as Heero had pulled her in. The quickness of the action was probably a blessing for both Heero, who she was a mere inch from harming, and herself, who would surely get the bunt of rash actions now.

    “That’s Satanic's Weekly to you,” All the laughter Heero had riled up faded, “People change ways: I’ve just become more intelligent with my words.” Famine concluded, and as if Heero’s glamour was contagious she sparkled that instant paired with a wry smirk.

    From the decorations, the people, the chatter, and the laughter the guildhall was booming with an abundance of life; color. A polar opposite to her crypt-like home in the icy mountain tops of Mt. Hakobe. She knew if Heero were around more back then; If Lance hadn’t abandoned her like he had she might not have been living such a life and found that tome, a vessel of power which she failed to control. --She remembered again how much she wished to crush this place and expose every being here to the extreme of her own pain... Famine began to wonder Why Eris had not done so much for her yet. They had a deal...

    She turned a serpent-marked shoulder away from the spectacle and another to the doorway as if she were ready to head back out so soon. She stared back outside over the colors of magnolia in thought. She didn’t belong here but surely she’d be back again and with Eris at her call. Something kept her staring inside the guild another moment, leaving her unable to turn her head away from the little animals rummaging the guild, familiar faces, and the light. It could not be guilt, melancholy, dismay or anything-- She refused a long time ago to feel anything like that again but such a thing was impossible especially in this presence.



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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Bitterblue 6th June 2016, 9:57 am

    Nessa jumped a bit when she heard the man's voice from behind her. As she saw him from more closely she saw that he was a bit tall, and also a bit pale. Though Nessa was a natural tan she thought of everyone as pale. Though he did have interesting eyes, Nessa had to give him that. Before she could say anything, the man was helping her up out of her seat. The man than took the toy from her. By the way that he was talking Nessa saw that he thought she had brought a gift. "Oh, no I..." She was cut off when Heero, he had just told her his name, stuck his hand out. Nessa sighed seeing that there would be no hope in trying to explain that he had purchased the toy but dropped it on the way here. "Nessa Rose Blue." She said. She saw him also looking at the guild crest that was showing a bit on her right shoulder. "I'm from Sabertooth." She said. Quickly after though, Heero was taken away by a pregnant looking woman. Well it looks like I'm waiting again, she thought with a sigh. She went back to her table, sat in her chair. As she didn't know anyone in there, she sat and watched as people talked to one another.


    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing
    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

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    [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life Empty Re: [Open FT Event] The Flower of Life

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 12th June 2016, 6:00 am

    Takumi walked up with a look of confusion on his face. He ran one hand through his hair, which was now white. Wist followed behind him as always. "Umm... what's going on guys?" Asked the ice mage. He looked at wist, who shrugged. "Don't look at me master." Said the shape-shifter. Takumi's cloak fluttered around him.


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