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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by Ardere Kasai 11th September 2015, 9:50 am

    The air pressure and temperature within the great hall was fluctuating, it was almost as if the weather was becoming uncontrollable in the area. The room was filling with elements, of all of the elements. There was perhaps somewhere around forty of them in the room now, but it did not deter Ardere, in fact the ether high had caused him to be excited at the thought of fighting so many enemies. Let's split em eh? Clutching his blade tight, he would draw it back, then throw a punch forward. His body being encased in flames, he would be launched like a rocket. The difference between this technique and the one he normally activated, was it was infused with crash magic, causing gold spark to flicker across the flames as he punched straight through a group of wind elementals. Hitting ten of them at once with his increased strength, as soon as his fist hit the main target, a massive crash explosion would occur in front of him, catching those same ten elementals. Amidst all of the ruckus with the explosion and the flames, he would spiral through the air, slashing at them with his sword repeatedly. Taking out the current enemies, he landed on the ground, leaving a slight dent in the stone. Parts of the floor crushed from the crash explosion, others with black flames till flickering slightly. His slashes were random and unpredictable, with a style quite different from his normal traditional style.

    Rather than letting more of the creatures come after him, he would lift up his blade and slam it back down towards the ground, causing flames to erupt from underneath the ground as he was hit with rocks and wind slashes. He chose not to go after the group that was made of the four elementals, instead he stuck to another group of wind elementals. It seemed that he and Deniel had been splitting them by fire and wind any how, so he would continue this trend. Ardere watching as his mountain of flames reappeared, hitting the other group of ten. Flames ripping through the ground and enemies, he dashed in, slashing wildly. With his increased speed and strength, he dodged most of the attacks, but he was still hit by wind slashes, some blood running down his arms and sides. Falling to his knees for a moment, he let out a bellow of black flames, loud and powerful enough to shake the room, dust falling from the ceiling as his roar ripped through the wind beasts finishing them off, sending them into Oblivion. Panting slightly, a group of fire salamanders began rushing his way, it seemed they were immune to fire magic, but they were made of fire themselves. Gritting his teeth and chuckling, he began to suck in. The flame beasts tried attacking him, but he easily sucked in their attacks. Not only sucking in their attacks, he literally began sucking in the flame beasts, sucking in their entire mass. They tried to resist, but they were not physical beings, they were made completely of flames, thus he could eat them. Feeling the energy gained from eating them course through his body, he performed a quick roll out of the way of some wind slashes. It's on you bastards. Laughing slightly, he dashed in with his blade. He had taken quite a few injuries, but he was far from dead today. These beings who served that deity would not find it so easy to take him out. The deity had summoned his army, and he would scatter them like ashes. This was the true nature of a flame god.
    @Jaffa @Deca WC: 608/450 Post: 8/10

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 FYZkfE1
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    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by Decayuss 11th September 2015, 7:31 pm

    Words: 642
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    "Oh my..." were the only words that came out of Deniel's mouth as he gazed upon the army of this Deity that lived perhaps deep within the temple. A large number of elementals, for each kind, all gathered in one room did make the weather and temperature of it to be very unusual. Deniel would have perhaps found this to be a challenging if...it were a challenge. Thus far he had not found the elementals anything of the sort. Disappointing, really, but he figured that the lot of these were much weaker or lesser ones. Ardere proposed the idea of splitting it, which Deniel would give a not to. However, he would not make his move right away. Instead, he would think it out carefully. Ardere seemed perfectly capable of holding his own given the moment, so that gave room for Deniel to think and run things through his head. He wanted to finish this off as fast as possible, while also showing Kiersa and Ardere just how strong he could truly be. His little episode in which he dropped down on his knees from the intoxication from the Etherno was pathetic to say the least, and the way he wanted to leave these two would be a state of absolute fear or awe. Regardless of the image that Kiersa had for him as an angel, he didn't want to keep it so friendly for long.

    Removing his helmet once more, Deniel felt he had no use for it anymore, and merely dropped it down on to the ground. He wanted anyone who was looking at him to see the expression on his face, and the look in his eye. Bending his knees and getting in a stance, Deniel faced the right side of his body over at the elementals, and then began to radiate an enormous amount of Magic Power from himself. His armor became outlined with a very deep blue dark glow surrounding his entire armor. His eyes stared this same glow, for their sky blue color was lost and now they were emitting a very dark blue color from themselves. The entire temple trembled for a second or two with the massive amount of Magic Power he conjured up, and then he put it all to work. "My power shall be absolute!"

    There would be two perspectives on what happened after that. The first would be Deniel's perspective. And the second would be Ardere and Kiersa's.

    The more complicated one would be Deniel's. For after releasing that Magic Power, almost everything seemed to freeze. That was not the reality, however: what was really happened is he was moving so fast everything appeared to be in slow motion. Drawing both of his blades from where he stood, he swiftly went to work. Even with the speed he was going at, he did not waste time, for this spell could only last for a limited amount. With whatever elementals remained, Deniel made very short work of them. No longer caring to eliminate them in a much more stylish way, he cut each of them two or three times in random directions before very swiftly moving on to the next one. And in a very short amount of time, he was satisfied with how much he had done. So he returned to his initial position and stance just in time for the spell to end.

    In Kiersa and Ardere's view, it would be much more simple. Deniel would vanish from his spot in an instant, and in that instant the sound of his blades swinging a thousand times could be echoed throughout the room, and cutting straight through all of the elementals at once. And then when that instant was over, he was standing where he previously was again, before all of the elementals were eliminated for good at his might.  

    Divine Wrath:
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Deacy2
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    Summoner of Faith

    Summoner of Faith

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 580
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Secondary - Katherine Wickfield
    Experience : 4986.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Stigmata Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by JaffaArchfiend 14th September 2015, 4:27 pm

    The blonde nun looked around at the scene around them, as a massive army of Elemental Spirits appeared around them, surrounding the trio of mages. She looked to the Flame God Slayer surging towards them, his blackened fires raging out across them even as he consumed and devoured the Fire Elementals that he faced. Meanwhile the White Angel laid low his foes with as swift a judgement as any agent of the divine could accomplish, appearing to merely look at them all to destroy them.

    The blonde summoner nun looked at the ones that survived the onslaught of the Angel and God Slayer, and dispersed her twin blades of Holy light. She drew forth two of her Keys before holding them before her and invoking their powers. "Open the Gate of the Eagle! Aquilla!" she called forth, a loud chiming ringing throughout the hall as a tall brown haired woman wearing middle eastern robes stepped forth from a ball of light. Aquilla saw the abundance of fire around them and flinched, her face growing paler at the sight. "Focus on the Water Elementals... don't concern yourself with the Fire Elementals." ordered Kiersa, the Eagle Spirit looking at her briefly before nodding.

    "Let's start the Lesson shall we?" the Eagle Spirit inquired before she surged towards the Water Elementals, her Lightning imbued fists striking into their beings. "Open the Gate of the Goat! Capricorn!" called forth Kiersa, a second chiming bell sounding out amongst the ruins. A man in a butler's suit with a goats head and sunglasses stepped forth, appearing to be adjusting the cuff links on his wrists.

    "Lady Kiersa, I suggest you take cover. This may get a little disorientating." suggested the Goat Spirit of the Twelve Golden Keys, the blonde nun nodding as he dove towards a group of Earthen Elementals that seemed intent on coming for them. "Saturn Strike!" he called out, slamming his fist into the ground around them, disorientating the elemental spirits, allowing him free reign to deliver a furious barrage of punches and kicks at high speeds. Kiersa watched as her Spirits fought against those summoned by the Deity that lurked within this temple, and considered the slight mirror of the situation.

    Here she was, a nun calling forth the physical embodiments of the constellations themselves, to fight against the primal forces of nature gone wild from an ancient gods will, alongside a man who's power is that being's anti-thesis, as well as another man who wielded the very powers of an angel, and more besides. It could almost be argued that right now... she was engaged in a miniature version of a Holy War... two faiths waging battle against one another to decide who would be crowned the victor.

    She placed a hand on the armour plating over her chest, looking at the ancient armour she wore now. "Is this what you felt back then?" Kiersa asked of nobody in the room, but of the spirit of the past... The Elementals around them were being pushed back and effectively slaughtered... it couldn't be much further before they arrived at their target.

    The blonde nun winced as she placed a hand to her head, going down to one knee as she sought to compose herself. The magical strain on her body was starting to show... calling out three Celestial Spirits in the short space of time that she had, on top of previously shielding two mages from elemental attacks... She could only hope that Aquilla would remain with them for the rest of this task... they could use all the fire power they could muster.


    [Spoiler= Spells Used]




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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by NPC 14th September 2015, 4:27 pm

    The member 'JaffaArchfiend' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Die_03_42160_sm
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
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    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

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    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by Ardere Kasai 14th September 2015, 5:24 pm

    Watching his two allies fight along side him, Ardere was bursting with energy. Slashing and fighting until nothing was left, the three had beaten the large horde of enemies. Now it was time to make a go for the boss. Clutching his sword tight, the fire mage looked to his partners. Let's go Feeling good from the ether high, his eyes flickered between red and yellow. Full of life and magical power, he began to make his way into the next room. There were some stairs, massive stone stairs lined with vines for hundreds of feet. This appeared to lead up to where a throne room or king's room would be, whatever is was he could feel a massive power coming from the room. The three of them likely ascending the stairs, hopefully this could be the end of the mission. He felt some moments he was able to overcome the ether high, but they were short. He wondered if Kiersa and Deniel were feeling the same way, he imagined the energy was beginning to get to them too. He couldn't help it, the energy being absorbed into his body was invigorating, every fiber in his body wanted to fight.

    These elementals were going down, he thought as he ascended the stairs. Hearing the cracking of thunder, flickering of flames, and vibrating wind. No elemental was going to take him out, this mission would be completed and this so called deity would find the true power of a god. Chuckling a bit, he took out the headband in his hair, letting his brown locks falls down. The cracking of knuckles, and deep breath being taken, he twirled his sword in his hand. Finally reaching the top of the stairs, they were at the peak of the temple. It reminded him of the things he had seen in the lost ruins, something he would not easily forget. Ruins and temples, they always held some sort of powerful curse or being, it was beginning to get a bit tedious. Smirking as they entered the room, he felt the energy at it's peak here. Looking forward he saw an opening that lead to some sort of void. In front of this opening was four poles, each one bearing one of the four elements. While they would have been torches, instead they were symbols of the four elements. This deity controlled the four elements, bending them to it's will. He wondered what made it decide to wake up and start terrorizing the town, perhaps some treasure hunter had unintentionally woke it up. Whatever the reasons were, it was a powerful beings, and it had to be stopped. For a moment he felt mental clarity, but even then he felt this conviction and resilience to defeat this thing. Normally he would not have felt this way, but he felt like he did not need the two mages with him, perhaps an effect of the ether high. He was smart enough to know he was acting different, but it had affected him so much that he did not care. Instead he readied his sword, welcoming the fight.
    @Jaffa @Deca WC: 522/450 Post: 9/10

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 FYZkfE1
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by NPC 14th September 2015, 5:24 pm

    The member 'Fire King Ardere' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 NormalMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 NormalMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 NormalMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 NormalMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 NormalMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 WeakMonster

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by Decayuss 15th September 2015, 5:39 pm

    Words: 593
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The White Angel had done a small miscalculation, it seemed. For not all of the Elementals in the room had perished at his immense power. There were still several left standing even after the events of him using the near-extent of his might. Perhaps mercy was his mistake that he made in regards to this being possible, but that was not much of a problem. Kiersa seemed especially eager to finish off the rest of the lot, so he allowed her to do so. With both of his katanas sheathed inside of their respective scabbards once more, he approached one of the nearby walls very slowly and crossed his armored arms over his plated chest and observed.

    Seeing Celestial Spirits summoned, he was quite intrigued by their presence. He had heard of the magic before, and studied of it in any way that he could using Zeno's books and Vergil's advice, but had never seen it in action himself. It was not anything that he would consider spectacular or extremely powerful, at least from what he could see, but it was quite an interesting sight to behold.

    Very shortly were the rest of the elementals finished off by the Celestial Spirits, with Kiersa seeming to be much more in need of attention than anything else right now. Turning his head away from her and perhaps ridiculing her for being weak would have been an action he would initially take, but so far she took a much bigger toll than himself or Ardere. And he felt a little bit bad about it. Just a little bit. Approaching her and staring down at the nun on her knee, he gave very brief and simple statements: "You should rest. I'm certain Ardere and I can handle the rest. If you feel like you need to, you may step in. Just don't do anything brash."

    Turning away from her and quickly catching up with Ardere to follow him up to the stairs, the White Angel stared straight up to the very top of the temple, with almost the same level of excitement Ardere had. Almost. He probably would have been more excited about this if he consider it a challenge, but it was not so. This seemed to be more of a way for him to temporarily let loose on a few things.

    At the very top of the temple they were greeted with quite a grand scene inside of the next room, with pillars of each of the four elements generating some kind of empty portal with their power. Not bothering too much on its details, since at this point it did not matter to him, he focused on the more important task at hand: more elementals. Sighing very briefly and drawing both of his katanas again, Deniel jumped straight into the fight. Rather than wiping most of them out in one attack like the last time, he wanted to drag this one on a lot more so he could let loose a little bit. The very first thing he did was wipe out two Fire Elementals, by flinging one of his katanas straight into the head of one, before charging at it and cutting it with the other. As its body vanished from existence, he pulled out his second katana from its currently disappearing body. The other one sent a fireball straight to the angel, in which he jumped over with a stylish flip to cut this one into four pieces in an X shape. It was two down, but still many more remaining.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Deacy2
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by NPC 15th September 2015, 5:39 pm

    The member 'Decayuss' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 WeakMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 WeakMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Boss Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 WeakMonster Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 NormalMonster

    Summoner of Faith

    Summoner of Faith

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 580
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Secondary - Katherine Wickfield
    Experience : 4986.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Stigmata Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by JaffaArchfiend 16th September 2015, 3:56 am

    The nun heard Deniel's words and nodded softly as she stood up, her armour dispersing in motes of light, returning her to her nun regalia. "Sorry for... not being much... more use." she apologised before following the pair to the top of the temple, the Celestial Spirits Capricorn and Aquilla following close behind.

    And what a sight it was to behold from up here. The blonde nun could see for miles around them. "Beautiful..." she said quietly before finding the sight marred somewhat by the arrival of another army of Elementals of all kinds. The White Angel quickly got to work on them, but as he did so, there was a shift in the air around them...

    All at once the temperature in the air dropped and yet felt like it was rising at the same time. A whirlwind surrounded the top of the temple, trapping them from going over the edge, and yet Kiersa's habit did not shift from the wind whipping around them.

    Peals of thunder and echoes of crashing tides resounded around them, and yet they were in the middle of the land last the blonde nun had looked, nowhere near the sea, let alone any body of water.

    And then It appeared... right in the centre of the floor strode forth a massive beast. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of the 15 foot beast that she could only assume was the Primordial Elemental God they had come here to put an end to.

    It had the body of a majestic lion, a ferocious wolf's head, a sinister snake for its tail, and the powerful wings of a Roc grew from its back. And with its arrival came forth even more Elemental beings, each and every one of them bent to this titan's will and power, and all of them aiming to destroy the intruders, i.e, them.

    Kiersa looked around at the situation, trying to figure out what they were going to do, how they were going to get out of this alive, let alone succeed in their mission. She could feel her Holy magics were ready to protect her comrades, but against this many foes as well as the titanic beast before them, they would shatter as soon as a single blow was landed...

    The blonde nun couldn't let any form of martial aid to them either, her own offensive spells being too weak in her eyes to do much good... especially since Avalon was gone and the power from the ancient armour was gone. She assessed the situation and could only think of one solution... "Ardere!" she cried out against the crashing elements. "Consume the fires! All of them!" He was a God Slayer, and from her time with Cirven and Aayla, who had been at the time she last knew, a Demon Slayer and Dragon Slayer respectively... their Force was their most powerful trump card.

    In this temple, their powers were magnified by the Etherno... a God Slayer in their God Force form with Etherno coursing through their body as well... but it wouldn't be enough... not with these numbers... Deniel was powerful compared to the two Sabertooth mages, but he would need more help... And Ardere was the only one qualified to lend him that help... but only if he was on the same level of power as the White Angel.

    "Forgive me." she said, her voice carrying across the space around them. Capricorn and Aquilla looked to their Summoner and then each other before nodding and looking to the other two mages. "Focus on the Deity! We'll protect Kiersa!" called over Aquilla, both Spirits taking up defensive stances as Kiersa prepared her spell... a spell that she'd only used once before. "Stigmata... Infusion!" she invoked, her entire body beginning to bleed out almost immediately. Her eyes, her hands, and her feet were soon bleeding out, as if she'd been lacerated, and she dropped to the floor, barely breathing as she lay in a slowly forming pool of her own blood. A white light surrounded her before then rushing towards Ardere in a stream of Holy magic. This was all she could do for them... now hopefully, they would be able to destroy this titanic god and its army...


    Ability Used:


    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Kiersa%20Signature2_zpsbeofxgfa


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by Ardere Kasai 16th September 2015, 12:33 pm

    Ardere reassured the young nun, for he felt that he could handle it anyways. It's no problem, now let's get rid of this thing. Clutching his sword tight, he watched as elementals began to pour out from the opening in the wall. Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water elementals gushed out of the wall, they seemed ready to fight but they did not immediately engage the mages. Deniel took the offensive, and the fire mage felt that he should too. Dashing towards the wind beasts, he would slide under some wind slashes before repeatedly dishing out slashes and stabs. Taking out a couple of them, he felt some rumbling beneath his feet. More of the element based creatures poured out of the wall, but he could feel that same energy he felt earlier getting stronger. The source of the ethernano was coming, the elemental deity that they had been searching for. The gargantuan beast emerged from it's hiding spot, and landed in front of the group of mages. It was obviously powerful, and he needed to do something about it. His two partners were continuing to fight their enemies, but the young nun reminded him of something. That power he had accessed back in Pergrande, something he thought he would not use for a long time. The power to mimic that of a god, his force was not to be trifled with but it was still in it's early stages. Unfortunately he had no other choice, he had to put himself close to Deniel's level or they might not make it out of this alive.

    Stepping forward, the god slayer sucked in an entire group of fire elementals. The delicious tasting flames fueling his body, as his magic power rose to reach it's maximum limits, it began. He felt that power once again, but with the ether affecting his magic as well, he felt stronger than he could imagine. With his tattoos and the ether, now his force had put him close to Deniel's level just as a lower ranked mage. Thick black flames covered his entire body, his face and neck tattoos lit up bright red, as did his eyes. The magical power gushing off of Ardere was intense, but he had to give it everything he had nonetheless. Luckily before he activated it, his power had also been increased by the holy magic. Thanks Kiersa, but I'll handle this. The elementals were attempting to attack him, they could probably sense his power. The now black haired wizard easily dodged their attacks with his strength and speed at a higher level, when he was already stronger than average mages of his rank. Taking a deep breath, he began his final assault. Well deity, feel the wrath of someone who can slay one. Lifting up he sword, he performed two rapid slashes. The first would cause a mountain of black flames to rip from underneath the earth, hitting both the elemental beasts and their leader. Thick black flames powered up from multiple sources, but he would not allow them time to react. He slashed a large arc, almost like a curved wall of flames through the beasts and smashing into the deity. Then, he let out his powerful bellow of flames, the floor was ripped to pieces, and large chunks of stone had smashed into the beast. Elementals coming towards him, the fire mage moved quickly enough to destroy them with his blade.

    Dashing towards the large deity, he leaped into the air and dished out ten slashed in rapid succession before he was smashed across the room, sent tumbling across the floor. Finish it Deniel! Turning around, he dashed towards Kiersa and picked her up. Running out with the nun, he felt that the building was beginning to get unstable. He had dealt some considerable damage to the deity, but it would not be enough. Ardere was covered in cuts from the elements, he had taken quite a bit of damage as he attacked the deity and it's summons. Luckily he trusted the former guild master to finish this, but the temple would come down on top of them soon anyways. Making his way out of the temple, he had to focus on getting the guild ace to safety.

    @Jaffa @Deca C: 711/450 Post: 10/10

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 FYZkfE1
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    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair - Page 2 Empty Re: Nephalem Sabers dive into the Geomancer's Lair

    Post by Decayuss 16th September 2015, 3:37 pm

    Words: 943
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Damn, there's so many of them! Thoughts rushing into Deniel's mind as he dodged the attack of one of the Fire Elementals, only to be shortly hit with one from a water one, he was smashed straight into a wall from the force to bring some bricks of the temple down. It did not seem like he was hurt, but he obviously could not dodge these beasts forever. At some point or another he would make more mistakes before they overpowered him and Ardere. Splitting another one of them in half shortly after pushing himself off of the wall...more of them poured in. Where exactly was that Deity? He soon found his answer as the monstrous creature came through to the room, at long last revealing itself. The moment he did Deniel could feel an immense power in the room, not just coming from him...but Ardere? Glancing over at the Sabertooth mage, he witnessed him consuming an enormous quantity of fire. Never before had he actually witnessed a Slayer in action, but he had heard plenty about it and researched it himself like everything. Initially he was never really interested in it, and thought it might be underwhelming. However, with Ardere's display that he gave Deniel, a new perspective on Slayers was created for him. He was not necessarily in awe or surprised about it, more so...interested suddenly. Interested to see what other Slayers could do.

    Not bothering to get in his way, Deniel attempted to get to a safe part of the room by jumping up and using his wings to fly himself over to a corner which he was safe. And even there, he was not safe from Ardere's wrath. The temple around them had started to come down, and from where he was he could feel the intense heat of the flames. Some of them had even hit him, and they stung unlike anything else he had felt before. It must have been because he was a God Slayer...from then on he made it a mental note to try and not cross opposite slayers. At first he thought that Ardere would finish it all, but rather he seemed to run out of strength fairly fast. It was not like Deniel could blame him...for someone of this rank that was an extraordinary amount of power displayed. He grabbed Kiersa and ran out of the temple, leaving Deniel to deal with the heavily weakened deity and the rest of the elementals.

    Descending down to the center of the room, the White Angel sheathed both of his katanas and looked straight at the Deity from where he was standing. A shadow began to overlook the White Angel, making his once glorious white armor jet black. And then, a mysterious glow of Holy Energy went around his shoulders and head, except that this glow seemed to be a deep ocean blue rather than a bright sky blue. "I...the White Angel of Supremacy, am the beginning of the end." The arms section of his armor shattered like glass, giving way to a new set of armor underneath. It was a glorious white color just like the rest of it, except the ends of it appeared to be much more claw-like than before. And rather than being completely white, this armor had blue designs on it and gold plating in several areas. "I silence the heretics. I laugh at the strong..." From his thighs burst fourth armor that seemed to resemble draconian skin mixed in with that of a human's. Scales, but not entirely scales. For the rest of it, it followed the same plated white armor--differently crated than the previous set--with blue lines running in several areas. And from his backside came a tail made of the same material that his thighs were now at, with a large bit of armor at the very end of it. "I purify the weak..." The elementals began to approach him, very slowly and cautiously, however, while the deity remained in place for what was about to occur. His entire torso this time was revealed to have the same set of matching white armor over its entirety, with the blue orbs gone and replaced now. On his back his wings became entire pieces of armor, but still appeared to be fully able to function. "I shall awaken and bathe you all in the Light of Holy Destruction! Alpha White Angel!" His helmet now appeared to be that of a dragon, but his formal face was now underneath.

    The glow surrounding him did not fade one bit, and in fact, as he held out both of his arms, his Holy Energy in its entirety had transformed into a dark ocean blue color. Two small orbs of Holy Energy formed on his hands, each containing an enormous amount. And just as the deity and his remaining elementals went for him...he dropped them both.

    From the outside of the temple, almost an entire minute until Ardere and Kiersa had left, which gave them plenty of time to get away...there was a flash of dark blue light. A massive explosion of dark blue Holy Energy consumed the entire temple in almost an instant, and sent an enormous force of pressure and wind from its current location. The explosion lasted for several moments, until it revealed that the temple was no longer there. Reduced to rubble and completely collapsed, the deity and his temple was no more. As for the White Angel? He made it out alive. Flying high in the sky and away, he had done a reckless move. But above all the job was complete, and now he could go away.

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