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    Enemies Among Us

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 6th December 2022, 8:00 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    The day was going along how it usually did, Serilda finding herself, as always, sitting at her desk behind a mountain of paperwork. While there certainly had been much going on over the last several months, most of what she and Mythal were directly involved in was the war efforts. Trying to keep the country together was a chore and a half on its own, and trying to keep on top of everything when she was getting pulled in fifty different directions was a joke at best. At this point, her and Mythal’s wedding had been indefinitely postponed, simply because they didn’t have the time to get married. Between the war, secretly investigating the Magic Council, and taking care of toddlers, their lives were pretty much full blown insanity.

    And that wasn’t even included other stuff that they were indirectly involved in. Mercury and Vandrad were shoulders deep in dealing with Maker, the Dread Masters, and trying to provide for the citizens of New Rhaegar. Scourge was their eye in the field for such things as well, of course, but he was still taking care of things that Serilda and Mythal could not. The Rune Knight leaders were simply too high profile, which meant that for a lot of the more personal dramas in their lives, they were more or less forced to take a passive back seat role and wait for everyone else to bring things together and update them. It was infuriating at times, because Serilda wanted to help… but at the same time, she knew that they each had their roles to play and hers did not allow her as much freedom to be involved as she would have liked.

    Currently, she was waiting for Mythal to join her so they could go to their next meeting together. It was a private meeting with a citizen, which wasn’t common but not unheard of. The person was supposedly an eye witness from the catastrophe in Joya, claiming to have sensitive information that they would only share with Serilda and Mythal. Whoever they were, the meeting was going to go one of two ways: either they were full of shit and just looking for some publicity, which would not be met favorably, or they actually had critical information to share. Serilda wasn’t going to be thrilled if this wound up being a waste of her time, but with the current state of the world they couldn’t afford to not explore every lead. So, the appointment had been approved.

    Once Mythal joined her in her office, Serilda would pack up her files and lock them away in the secure drawer in her desk. “I can’t decide what I’d more prefer,” the noblewoman told him with a sigh as she stood and took a moment to stretch out her back. “For this to actually be intelligence worth our while, or to be a frustrating waste of my time that at least doesn’t give me a bigger headache…”

    Once he was ready they made their way through headquarters toward the room that had been booked, with Xiuhcoatl trotting obediently at Serilda’s heels. Before long, they found themselves on the ground level in the entry foyer where Valorie was sitting at the front desk. “Is our three o’clock here, yet?”

    “Yes, my lady. She arrived a few minutes ago. Room four.”

    “Thank you.”

    Leading the way, Serilda found the appropriate interview room and with a quick glance at Mythal to silently say here we go opened the door and stepped within. The woman was sitting at the desk passing the time with her iLac, but turned her head up immediately upon their entry and smiled, causing Serilda to stop almost dead in her tracks at the sight of the familiar redhead. “Morgaine..?”

    The Ozorith loyalist stood to her feet, setting her phone down for the moment. “My lady. And Director Ragnos.” Morgaine bowed deeply to them both before straightening herself again. “A pleasure to see you both again. I trust you two have been doing well? Or at least, as well as you can be, given everything I am sure is on your plates during this chaotic time. I know this is a bit late, but seeing as how we have not crossed paths in quite some time: congratulations on the births of your daughters! I’ve seen pictures here and there in various news outlets. They are quite darling!”

    WORDS: 736 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 7th December 2022, 7:48 pm

    542 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    The last thing Mythal needed in his day was some kind of whistleblower who could or couldn’t have reliable information. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate people coming forward with information -- that was a very important part of their job, relying on tips from the public. But there was just a stupid level amount of paperwork that came with verifying those kinds of tips and he and Seri already had a stupid amount of paperwork to get through. What with the petty crimes that were still happening, coupled with the war effort that required damn near constant attention and placating the Magic Council with updates on their warfront, all while investigating the shadowy bastards… It felt like the only time they got to relax was when they went home to see their children.

    With any luck, the whistleblower would be a bust. It was at least four pages shorter to fill out a false report than a true one. Walking through the halls with his hands in his pockets, a usual look from the Director of the Rune Knights, Mythal headed towards Serilda’s office, a look of grim displeasure on his face. Pushing in the set of doors open to access her office, he stopped in the doorway and looked to her as she began to pack up her files. She lamented their situation, much like he had, and wasn’t honestly sure if she, too, wished for this information to be viable or a waste of time. “Just sayin’, four less pages if it’s a fluke. So hopefully it’s just a blue-hair complaining about cultist neighbors again. That’d be a hoot.” Despite the joke, Mythal still didn’t look too excited either and as she passed him, he turned and fell into step with her.

    It was only a short walk down the stairs to the ground floor where the foyer was. Valorie, the constant presence at the front desk of the Rune Knight headquarters, was there looking over paperwork. When Serilda asked if their appointment had arrived, they were told that their guest was already in room four. With that all set, they walked to the room and paused outside the door, if only to share a diminutive glance before his fiance opened the door and they stepped inside. Both of them came to an abrupt stop as the familiar sight of the red-headed Morgaine was sitting there, playing on her iLac before turning to face them and flashing a smile. Mythal had, in all honesty, forgotten her name, given how long it had been since he’d seen her, but Serilda picked right up on it, reminding him unintentionally.

    The follower of Ozorith greeted them pleasantly as she stood up, giving them each a respectful bow. She started with casual, friendly questions before she congratulated them on their daughters, stating that she had seen them in different media, despite not having seen them personally. “Uh… thanks,” Mythal offered his appreciation, glancing at Serilda with a look of what the hell before he finally found his footing and walked the rest of the way in. “We’ve been fine but… Morgaine, what the hell are ya doin’ here? Was this some kind of trick by Ozorith to try and get a meetin’ with us?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 7th December 2022, 9:14 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    “Well, yes… but also, not entirely?” The redhead gave a small shrug. “It would be more accurate to say that I was sent by one of his agents, at my lord’s request. I do apologize for deceiving you and your employees to arrange the meeting, but it was either I found a time and place to approach you or you would have received a… more spontaneous visit from either him or another demon. Jareth felt that this was the best approach that would result in the least hostility.”

    Serilda frowned. “Jareth?”

    “One of Lord Ozorith’s archdemons. The Omen of Resolution, specifically, and I guess you can consider him my patron in my lord’s court. He was the one that approached me to facilitate the pact for my helping you locate your sister, actually.” Morgaine nodded toward Mythal.

    The voidwalker gave Mythal a brief glance. This was the first time Serilda was hearing of Ozorith having archdemons, but then again it wasn’t like she had gone out of her way to delve too much into the Sin of Wrath’s affairs – even though she probably should have. But Ozorith had been true to his word for the most part about leaving her alone and letting her do her own thing. It simply wasn’t something she’d ever questioned, particularly since she’d never heard Ruzatz mention having any archdemon generals.

    She turned back to Morgaine and silently gestured for the woman to sit back down, Serilda joining her across the table where there were two seats waiting for her and Mythal. “Well, I suppose you have us, now. Please, proceed.”

    Morgaine gracefully took her chair, maintaining the same friendly mannerisms they would recall from their last encounter with her. “Lord Ozorith is hoping the two of you can make some time to meet with him as soon as possible. News has come to his attention regarding Faera that he wishes to pass along, and it sounds as though it is of the utmost urgency. You certainly don’t need to drop everything you are doing right this minute, but I was informed to encourage you to consider making time tonight, if at all possible.”

    Serilda lifted a hand to rub her forehead gently. “Great. That’s all we need is more problems with Faera on top of everything else we’re already dealing with.”

    “Yes, I am sure the war has the both of you running ragged. I can’t imagine the unbelievable stress the two of you are under. Felidae alone was… truly heartbreaking. And sickening.” A small wave of sorrow washed over her face, the woman taken by a brief moment of genuine compassion as she recalled the tragedy. “I hope you are able to track down the people responsible and bring them to justice.”

    “We are certainly doing our best.” The noblewoman had earnestly forgotten all this time how… conflicted Morgaine made her feel. She reminded Serilda a lot of Agatha in many ways, very sweet and kind with a bit of mischievous humor, but certainly nothing like the kind of follower Serilda could imagine Ozorith amassing. It was jolting, to say the least. “So, what is he proposing? Should we plan to expect him or this Jareth at our home later?”

    “Oh no, the information is far too classified to risk telling it anywhere on Earthland, from what I have been led to understand. My lord is inviting the two of you to meet with him in Kingdom Frostbane. Discussion can be had there freely, without any worry of spies. He is prepared to host dinner, and hopes to also take the time to introduce you to Jareth and the other Omens. Jareth is prepared to meet you at a secure location of your choosing to escort you to the realm.”

    The noblewoman gave a soft sigh through her nostrils, then turned to Mythal. “What do you think? I’m certainly not thrilled at the idea of returning to Frostbane, but it does seem the safest option for the topic at hand. As much as I hate him, I can’t imagine he’d pitch this idea if it weren’t important.” At the end of the day, Mythal was the one who had to live most directly with the consequences of Faera’s actions, so any news about the goddess was worth hearing, even if the source was less than ideal.

    Presuming he didn’t voice any objections, Serilda would nod and return her attention to Morgaine, who waited patiently with a pleasant smile on her face, no matter what disrespectful comments were voiced toward the Prime Sin. “Very well. Inform Jareth that he can meet us at our home here in Era.”

    Morgaine’s smile brightened. “Excellent! I will let him know right away. Just call his name when you are ready.”

    Serilda nodded. “We shall. Thank you, Morgaine.” Assuming the meeting was over, the noblewoman began to rise from her seat.

    Actually, if I might take up.. Just another moment of your time..?” The marshal paused briefly before slowly sitting back in her seat. “Thank you. I will try to be brief. I had a personal matter I wished to discuss with you, entirely unrelated to Lord Ozorith. I know this would usually be done through other channels in your organization, but considering your knowledge of who I am and my associations, I thought it wise to bring the matter to you directly: I would like to join the Rune Knights.”

    WORDS: 904/1640 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 8th December 2022, 1:17 pm

    741/1283 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Well that wasn’t what he expected to find waiting for him and Serilda. Morgaine didn’t look at all like a doddering old lady, sure that her new neighbors worshiped Beezlebub or whatever. And unfortunately if she was here, it meant that she had come here at the behest of Ozorith. Mythal could not have sighed harder if he tried, looking even more irritable than before. At least Moragine admitted ahead of time that she had come for that reason, though apparently it wasn’t as a trick or scheme or anything of that matter. In fact, she had been sent by one of Ozorith’s agents and while she was apologetic for the deception, she did point out that the only other way they would have put forth an invitation would have been by an abrupt entrance again. She name-dropped someone named Jareth, with Serilda questioning who that was and Morgaine was more than happy to clarify that it was one of Ozorith’s archdemons, called an Omen.

    “Come on, now the guy’s got archdemons?” Mythal muttered, even as Morgaine explained that Jareth had been the one to organize the meeting that resulted in Vriko’s location. He looked at Serilda and shook his head, annoyed but clearly willing to at least listen to what had to be said. Ozorith stayed out of their lives enough and had also promised to reveal information pertaining to Faera, should he come across it. The Darkness Slayer already assumed that she would be the topic of the meeting. Serilda gestured for Morgaine to sit down and he joined his fiance on the opposite side of the table, sitting down and leaning back in his chair.

    Once they were all seated, she explained that Ozorith was hoping to meet with the two of them. He’d heard some news about Faera -- unsurprising -- and he needed to pass it along sooner rather than later. It wasn’t strictly specified that they go at that exact moment but haste was asked in consideration of a meeting that evening. Serilda grumbled about adding on more problems to the ones they already had and Morgaine, to her credit, showed them sympathy for both the war and the tragedy at Felidae. Serilda asked if they should expect Ozorith and Jareth at their home that evening, to which Morgaine protested, stating that the information was too important to risk it being heard by unauthorized ears. No, it seemed Ozorith was being generous and offering to host them for dinner at his realm Kingdom Frostbane so they could be introduced to Jareth and the rest of the Omens as well.

    Mythal groaned again and shook his head, even as Serilda turned to him and asked his thoughts. “I ain’t exactly hoppin’ for joy at the idea of havin’ dinner with the creep. I’d much prefer we just pop in, hear what we need to hear and get the fuck out but somethin’ tells me that will hardly be acceptable.” With another small shake of his head, he sighed. “But if it’s about Faera… we’ll just have to play by his rules at the moment.” He looked over to Morgaine and shrugged. “Fine, we can suffer one dinner.” With their agreement in place, Serilda asked that Morgaine let Jareth know that he could meet them at their home and she replied that all they needed to do was call his name when they were ready.

    With that all settled, Serilda looked to conclude the meeting and both she and Mythal began to stand. But Morgaine spoke up, asking if she could have another moment, causing both the Rune Knights to pause, mid-rise and then slowly sink back into their seats. Apparently she had something personal she wanted to ask them, admitting that it most likely went through other channels but considering their foreknowledge and their presence at that time, it felt more appropriate to ask them. And then she outright stated her intent to join the Rune Knights.

    Mythal laughed. It took him a moment but he burst out laughing. “That’s a good one,” he said, looking between Morgaine and Serilda and realizing they weren’t laughing. His chuckles came to a stop as he looked at Morgaine again. “Wait, yer serious?” He blinked. “No. I mean like… no. You work for Ozorith. Why would we ever let someone that works for him into the Rune Knights? That’s practically asking to hand feed him every bit of information we have.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 8th December 2022, 2:48 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Mythal’s opinion of the proposed meeting didn’t exactly surprise Serilda. Her fiance voiced that he was less inclined to share a dinner with the man, much preferring the idea of getting there, getting the information they needed, and getting out. But, he knew the kind of games that Ozorith wanted to play and understood that if they didn’t play along to some extent it would only be detrimental to them in some fashion. Considering it was about Faera, it was best to suck it up for a night and move on.

    As such the agreement was made, with Morgaine giving them instructions on how to get in contact with Jareth. With that all set, it seemed as though their meeting was over, only for Morgaine to entreate a little bit more of their time. The Rune Knight leaders sat back down, and it did not take long for the woman to get to the point. With only a small amount of prefacing why she was approaching the two of them, rather than someone else in the military, she expressed her interest in joining the Rune Knights.

    Even as Mythal barked out a laugh, Serilda frowned at Morgaine in a mixture of confusion and wariness. Morgaine merely remained sitting patiently with a small smile on her face, clearly having expected this type of reaction. She waited until Mythal stopped laughing and looked at her, remarking his surprise that she was serious. He immediately denied the request, on the grounds that she worked for Ozorith, asking why they would ever let anyone who works for the Prime Sin of Wrath to join the Knights and risk feeding information back to him.

    “Well, it certainly didn’t seem too far out of the question, considering that the Rune Knights are led by someone who works directly for Ozorith, is it not? And in a position that far outranks my own.” Morgaine offered the man a small smirk, though it was more teasing than smug.

    Serilda shifted uncomfortably. “A fair point… though you are far more dedicated and loyal to the man than I am.”

    Morgaine shrugged. “I have my reasons, same as you have your own.”

    “Well, Mythal does bring up a valid concern: What would stop you from giving sensitive information to Ozorith and his forces?”

    The redhead tilted her head a little. “I think you believe myself more involved with him than I am. Jareth granted me powers at a time when I needed them, and as such earned my loyalty toward his lordship, but I do not keep in regular contact with him, and I have never spoken directly to Ozorith. In fact, after the first time I met with Jareth, I did not speak with him again until he arranged my meeting with the two of you prior in Morgate Town, and then again now. I am not even a member of the Blighted.”

    “The Blighted?”

    “The inner membership of his following; those mortal members that are more active in enacting Ozorith’s will on Earthland.”

    Well, that was an uncomfortable thought. Though she supposed that if Faera had followers along the Immortal Thirteen, it stood to reason that Ozorith and the rest of the Primes and Divines shared similar structures. Serilda sighed softly at the thought before pressing on. “Be that as it may, our question remains unanswered.”

    “Oh! My apologies. Not that you have any reason to take my word for it, I suppose, but you are free to utilize a lie detection device on me if you wish. I imagine you have them. If you do not wish me to speak with Ozorith or his agents of Rune Knight matters, then I will not.”

    “As simple as that?”

    “As simple as that. To begin with, I doubt that I would have access to truly sensitive information for some time, if ever, no? It’s not like every soldier becomes a high ranking officer. Even then, the way I see it, serving you is another way of serving Ozorith, as you are his Sword. I would consider it a great honor.”

    Serilda frowned. “So you want to join the Rune Knights because you think doing so is a gesture of your loyalty to Ozorith?”

    Morgaine chuckled lightly. “It would be more accurate to say that it would be a fine added bonus.”

    “Then why do you wish to join?”

    This was the only time in the meeting so far that the redhead expressed a look of genuine surprise, looking between the two. “Well, I had assumed that would be obvious, though I suppose I should have guessed that you’d expect an ulterior motive. To put it plainly: The world is in chaos. We are all on the cusp of a world war that has already claimed millions of innocent lives, and will continue to do so. I do not wish to sit by and watch. I want to help see justice realized, and protect those who still remain. Would it not be irresponsible of me to not take steps to do my part? There is only so much I can do on my own. But I can add my strength to that of the Rune Knights, which would allow me more avenues to help directly.”

    “So please, feel free to interview me as you wish. I am sure you have plenty of questions you’d like to ask, and as I said I am happy to submit to any tests that might verify my answers. I am prepared to tell you anything you wish to know.”

    WORDS: 925/2565 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 8th December 2022, 3:34 pm

    826/2109 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Well, at least Morgaine was amused by his laughter.

    It was an absolutely outrageous idea. The fact that she even suggested such a thing meant that it had to be a joke. And yet here she was, smiling softly with a look of genuine sincerity in her proclamation. Mythal’s laughter came to an abrupt halt as he realized that this wasn’t some kind of joke, some lighthearted jest to bring up the mood, considering the two Rune Knights had clearly not been excited about seeing her. No, she truly, earnestly wanted to become a Rune Knight.

    Of course, Mythal was quite quick to shut that idea down. It was beyond dangerous and unethical; it practically was like having Ozorith join them at the planning table and see everything he wanted. The last thing the Darkness Slayer wanted was another facet of their lives to have the demon’s stink on it. But Morgaine spoke up, stating that it couldn’t be too outrageous, considering that the current Field Marshall for the Rune Knights was, technically, working directly for Ozorith. Mythal’s eyes narrowed. “That’s hardly the same damn thing,” he practically growled. Serilda served Ozorith about as much as a rain catcher served a storm. She’d been pushed to taking his offer of power through circumstances but boy, wasn’t everyone and their mother quick to remind them of her supposed ‘dedication’ when it served their purposes, their humor?

    Sensing that this was something he should not comment on any more deeply, Mythal shut up, crossing his arms and letting Serilda take the lead. It also allowed him to focus internally, allowing his magical senses to fill the room invisibly and wrap around Morgaine herself. It could give him an outline of her heartbeat, the weight of darkness in her heart, all manner of details that would pick up fabrications or lies. Morgaine was pleasantly dismissive of their concerns, at best. She explained that while she served Ozorith as technically Serilda did, she wasn’t actively involved with them. She’d gotten power with the assumption that she would answer calls when they came and she had thus far, though that had only been twice. She wasn’t even part of Ozorith’s inner group called the Blighted, a demonic antithesis to the Immortal Thirteen, Mythal imagined. Serilda pressed their concern again and Morgaine explained that they were more than welcome to test her capacity to lie to them but insisted that if they ordered her to keep any information from going to Ozorith, through any means, she would comply.

    It didn’t seem that simple but… she wasn’t lying. When Serilda pressed her on it, Morgaine explained that she was sure she wouldn’t even get access to information anytime soon, if ever. As she saw it, serving under Serilda was serving Ozorith in a manner of speaking, coming across as a boost to trust. Not really taking that as an answer, Serilda encouraged the redhead to speak on why she wanted to join. Surprised, Morgaine went on to explain that she believed it obvious, given the state of the world. She wanted to help protect the lives that remained, having seen the devastation and destruction wrought from the war and other such means. She, like so many others, felt the need to aid in whatever capacity they could and giving their loyalty to the Rune Knights seemed the best means to help boost the Rune Knights. With her reason given, she suggested she was open to any means of interview they wished or any tests they could think of.

    It was insufferable how honest she was being, considering who she worked with. Mythal did very little to hide his disdain. Deciding not to bother pretending otherwise, he scoffed. “She ain’t lyin’,” he said, leaning forward slightly. “I don’t like it but she ain’t lyin’ ‘bout her reasons. So either she’s got one hell of an enchantment on her or she means what she says.” He stared at Morgaine for a moment before he unfolded his hands and sighed. “If yer serious about this, there’s paperwork you gotta fill out. Vetting that needs to be done. We’ll need to know every damn thing about your past, your magic, anything we believe will give us information. Gods forbid you have even one crime on your record…” Getting heated once more, he calmed himself down.

    “This ain’t about you,” he said softly after a moment. “I mean it is but it’s more about Ozorith. I don’t trust him and by extension, I find it hard to trust anyone that works for him. You say Seri is under his employ but it ain’t like that. Maybe in whatever demonic org chart he has, he convinces himself otherwise, but she ain’t his. She’s her own person. And I’ll happily remind anyone of that if they think otherwise.” He glanced at Serilda briefly before letting out yet another soft sigh. “It’s up to you. I can’t weigh on this neutrally.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 8th December 2022, 10:29 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda reached out and took hold of Mythal’s hand under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. She didn’t have to be an empath to sense that he was annoyed by the implication that she was loyal to Ozorith, and she was of course grateful that he wanted to defend her, but there simply wasn’t a point in wasting the energy to get angry over it.

    Of course, that didn’t help calm the man much over the course of the discussion. Serilda asked her questions and then turned to Mythal, who looked about as pleased as a bear that had gotten a little too curious about a porcupine. Without hiding his dislike of the situation, he informed Serilda that Morgaine was telling the truth, as much as that frustrated him, meaning she either had quite the protective enchantment or was truly being genuine. Considering that the two of them had personally overseen the magical protections in these interview rooms, the chances of Morgaine successfully having an enchantment that allowed her to fib without getting caught was slim to none.

    Serilda regarded the woman quietly, as did Mythal for a moment. When he did speak again, he informed Morgaine that there was a lot of paperwork to be done as well as background checking that would give them every single detail about her past. Working himself up again, he started a comment about her criminal record before calming. All the while, Morgaine continued to regard him in quiet and attentive patience, though her expression was still more on the sober side since her speech about why she wanted to join.

    She listened silently as he explained that his annoyance wasn’t at her, specifically, so much as with Ozorith. He simply didn’t trust the demon, and as such found it difficult to trust anyone associated with him. Mythal corrected Morgaine’s view of Serilda’s affiliation with the Sin, saying that while she held a position in his court she did not belong to the man. With a resigned sigh, he turned to his fiancee and told her that he was going to have to leave the decision up to her, admitting he would be unable to make a decision without bias.

    Silence filled the small room for a moment as Serilda weighed her own thoughts. It certainly wasn’t an ideal situation, but her opinion of the woman continued to be muddied by the fact that everything about Morgaine simply didn’t scream being the type of woman that would be so dedicated to someone like Ozorith. It simply didn’t make any sense. Something wasn’t adding up.

    It was Morgaine that broke the silence, smiling once more though this time the expression was more on the wry side. “Would you like to know why I choose to worship Ozorith?”

    The voidwalker looked at the woman, exchanging a quick glance with Mythal before looking back. “If that is something you are comfortable sharing.”

    “It is not my favorite memory, but… perhaps it will provide you both with some clarity as to my perspective.” She leaned forward and clasped her hands gently together, blue eyes flicking between the two Knights calmly as she spoke. “I certainly won’t deny having a criminal past, particularly seeing as how I was a criminal when we met; details you already have. Petty crimes, for the most part. However, the story related to how I became devoted to Ozorith is not one that you will find in my criminal record, nor any background check – mostly because I was never caught. And that particular crime was murder in the first degree.”

    Serilda frowned slightly, but her tone remained neutral as she asked, “Who did you kill?”

    “A member of Fiore’s lower nobility, a viscount by the name of Roman Alnwick.”

    “Viscount Alnwick? I remember hearing about his death. They said he died of natural causes.”

    “Well, I did cover my tracks exceptionally well.” It was not a brag so much as a statement of fact. Adjusting herself in her seat, Morgaine continued. “I was born in Minstrel to a very poor family in servitude to a lord and lady whose lavish lifestyle was quickly catching up to them. They spent more than they could afford attempting to fit in with the Minstrelian way of life, and were on the verge of bankruptcy. My parents overheard them making plans to sell of some of the servants’ children as slaves to help clear some of their debts, and so my mother and father smuggled my sister and I out of the country before such a fate could befall us. I was sixteen at the time, and Lorelai was twelve.”

    “Being the eldest, it fell upon me to protect and take care of my sister and ensure that she was provided for. I found work with Viscount Alnwick, who agreed to pay me an honest wage in exchange for standard manual labor. For a time, everything was perfect. The work wasn’t exactly glorious, but I made enough to feed and clothe my sister, and we were given housing with other servants in the manor. All our needs were being met. But after a while, my sister began to change.”

    Morgaine’s face fell slightly, a bit of sorrow seeping into her expression. “She started to have these.. Irrational responses to everyday situations, while also going through long episodes of severe depression. It wasn’t until I caught him in the act, entirely by accident, that I realized he was… hurting her in secret. I tried to fight him, of course, but I had no magic and no training, and he easily overwhelmed me. He told me that if I didn’t continue to be obedient, that my sister would pay the price with her life.”

    “That did not fully stop me, of course. I was determined to get us out of that situation by any means necessary, so I did what any law abiding citizen would do and I snuck away to report the matter to the Rune Knights. I left that night thinking that we would be protected. Instead, by the time I returned to the castle, Roman was waiting for me, already fully aware of what I had done. Turns out, he had been paying off the local garrison for years.”

    She took a breath to steady her anger, the old wound rising from the grave as she reopened it before them. Finding her emotional center, she cleared her throat and carried on. “I was severely beaten, and made to watch as he harmed her again… and then he killed her. He had me locked up and chained in a stock room for some time. I don’t know what his plans were for me. I know only that I said for days, seething in sorrow and heartache… and rage.”

    “And that was when Jareth appeared. He had sensed my desire for wrath and it had called for him to seek it out, the demon easily able to bypass the weak enchantments on the manor to discover me within. He told me of his master and the cause they represented, and offered me power – which I used to break free. I sought the viscount and killed him in his sleep utilizing the magics I had been given, making it appear that he had passed away naturally… and then I ran. With nowhere else to go, I turned to a life of crime more or less out of necessity. Not a lot of people were willing to hire immigrants, back then, particularly a minor. I also despised the Knights with a passion after what they had done. Suffice to say, when many of the Rune Knight were killed during that attack on Era a few years back, I didn’t exactly shed any tears.”

    Morgaine looked up at the two of them again. “I am loyal to Ozorith and his following because they gave me the strength to protect myself when the law failed in its duty to protect me and my sister, and I was never asked for a single thing in return except to use my gifts as I saw fit. Wrath in and of itself is not evil. It comes as easily to good men as to bad ones, and therein lies the reason why Ozorith is so powerful. He does not have to draw from only one side of humanity, as Lady Serilda herself is an example of. After all, the entire goal of the Knights is to seek and enact justice, and what is wrath except a type of justice?”

    “I did not pay much attention to the Rune Knights again until after the both of you took over. You very quickly cleaned house, and a number of remaining Knights that I had observed to be corrupt found themselves not just out of a job, but oftentimes under arrest. There was less tolerance for unlawful behavior, and a noticeable effort toward maintaining integrity – the kind of integrity that wasn’t merely for show. Whatever the Rune Knights were when they failed my sister and I…. it is not who they are now. It is certainly not perfect… rooting out all corruption is impossible. But it is… better. I trust the two of you to do everything in your considerable power to keep it that way. And if you are willing to see the gray between the black and white, and choose to not dismiss me based on assumptions drawn from who I associate with, I believe that I could make myself a valuable asset to you.”

    There was silence for a long moment as the pair processed the story. When Serilda spoke, her voice was on the quiet said as she told the woman, “I am truly sorry for what happened to your sister. If you happen to remember any of the Knights involved at the time, I would be happy to ensure that the accusations are brought to light.”

    “Thank you… but not necessary. As far as I am aware, those that survived the battle of Era were eventually fired not too long later, I imagine due to uncovering other misdeeds.”

    Serilda gave Mythal a significant look and sighed. “Perhaps we allow her to go through the application process and, if accepted, she is subject to a probationary period of some sort..?”

    WORDS: 1720/4285 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 9th December 2022, 7:50 pm

    1525/3634 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal had reached an impasse that he simply couldn’t make a decision on. He had a lot of problems with any kind of arrangement that had any agent of Ozorith’s in the Rune Knights. It didn’t matter how much they kept them at a low enough position or how far they kept them from confidential information; there was still the overwhelming possibility that something could leak. And since Ozorith seemed to like to have his fingers in every pie possible… It painted a bad picture. Of course she had a point; Serilda was still technically under Ozorith’s employment and he could just make a demand of her for more information, not that she would abide by it but the possibility was still there. It made Mythal concerned, angry and more than a little conflicted.

    Mostly because he couldn’t decipher if it was just concern over Ozorith or, frankly, everything that he was involved with. Faera had forced herself into his life, bringing about his birth and haunting him for years. He’d spent so much time trying to keep away from her that he’d never really thought that more of her kind or the antithesis could even exist. In a very quick timespan, he’d been thrown headfirst into a vast ocean of gods, demons and every other horror in between. He wasn’t alone, of course -- Serilda was right there beside him but that only served to terrify him more. After all, there would always be the guilt of knowing he’d been the one to drive her to Ozorith. His actions had resulted in her taking up the mantle of Sword and the only remedy for that issue was Ozorith’s death. A goal he greatly desired, almost as much as he did for Faera.

    He sat silently as Morgaine spoke up and offered to provide insight into why she had chosen to worship Ozorith. The Darkness Slayer didn’t have anything to say, merely meeting Serilda’s glance and shrugging, indifferent either way. The redhead owned up to her past as a criminal, something Mythal already knew but had just thrown a bit of a tantrum over only a moment ago. Her history was mostly muddled with petty crime save for one -- the murder of a noble man named Roman Alnwick. Mythal’s brow knit together in suspicion as Serilda and Morgaine spoke on Roman before the latter continued her story. She outlined her background as a Minstrel peasant, indentured to a lord and lady. They were rather loose with their coin purse and were on the point of bankruptcy when they began to ponder selling their servant’s children. Morgaine’s parents got her and her sister out of the country before that could happen, smuggling them to Fiore.

    Once here, it was on Morgaine to provide. She got a job with the Viscount and for a time, it was an honest, good way of living. But she noticed her sister began to change, emotional turmoil that came about without explanation. It wasn’t until she caught the Viscount hurting her sister that Morgaine understood. Her attempts at lashing out were quickly stopped by the larger man and she was warned that any kind of attempts further would result in her sister’s life being taken. Morgaine didn’t stop, instead sneaking out and reporting the abuse. But as she returned to the Viscount waiting and aware of what she had done, she discovered just how far the man’s reach was -- even infiltrating the Rune Knights.

    Morgaine was taken and beaten, forced to watch her sister get hurt once more and then unceremoniously killed. She was left chained in a stock room, left to suffer with her guilt and emotions. Apparently the pure rage she felt had been potent enough to summon Jareth. He had come, offering her power so that she could take her vengeance, so long as she was dedicated to Ozorith. She took it, it seemed, without hesitation and used her new magic to kill the viscount in such a way that it looked natural. Then she ran, resorting to crime to survive. She refused to go back to the Rune Knights, hating them with such a passion that she hadn’t exactly felt sorrow at their-near eradication in the sacking of Era. A comment that caused Mythal’s own anger to flare slightly before settling, rationality taking a rare stand before any kind of emotional outburst.

    Morgaine continued, stating that she was loyal to Ozorith because he had provided her the means to protect herself when the officials of the land had not only failed but turned their back on her and her sister. They had never asked for any kind of recompense, save that she freely used her powers as she saw fit. She pondered aloud how wrath fell upon the scale of black, gray and white, stating that Ozorith was so powerful because rage lived inside every man, woman and child, regardless if they were good or not. She theorized that Serilda was a shining example of that, as the Rune Knights sought to bring justice and she believed wrath to be a type of justice. It was a cop out as far as Mythal was concerned; an excuse to legitimize her feelings and actions. Sure, he could buy into the fact that Ozorith was powerful because everyone had wrath. But to equate it to justice? She was blurring the line between justice and vengeance, practically wedding the two thoughts together. It was an almost naive way of viewing her murder through rose-colored glasses.

    Killing someone shouldn’t be easy and it should never leave the person who does it. Mythal had killed a fair number of people since the war had begun, even before that, and it wasn’t something he simply chalked up to justice for the greater good. Even his murderous feelings and intentions toward Ozorith and Faera were drawn from places of rage and they were dark places within himself. He understood it was selfish and if he managed to kill either one or both, he would take responsibility for his selfish actions. Maybe that was just his worldview, something he saw differently from her. And it wasn’t like he didn’t empathize with her. Put in that same situation, he would have done exactly the same thing. But he didn’t view that as a good thing.

    Morgaine continued, stating that she hadn’t really paid attention to the Rune Knights until the change in leadership. The ones that she had seen as corrupt had been ousted and several arrested and the stance on the unlawful, corrupt nature had been drawn. She had seen the change in the Rune Knights and understood that what they were wasn’t who they were currently and it had… assuaged her opinion. She knew that they weren’t perfect but corruption was not always, nor ever really, wiped out. She trusted the two of them and she hoped that they would understand her a little better in a way that cut through the black and white, believing herself a valuable asset.

    Oh, Mythal understood her better now. But she probably didn’t understand that it hadn’t necessarily been for the better. A woman who openly believed that her dedication to Wrath, both ideal and literal, was justice could be very, very dangerous and she could become the very corruption that she had despised for so long. If she had been so deeply wrathful that she had caught the eye of one of Ozorith’s minions, there was no telling what lengths she would go to if she was pushed too far. Then again, were he to take a step back and look at Serilda, one could argue the exact same thing. Serilda spoke up, stating her condolences for her sister and asking if she had any information on the Knights that had been involved. Morgaine thanked her but explained that as far as she knew, all of the corrupt Knights had been dismissed or killed.

    Serilda gave him a look and Mythal didn’t immediately meet it. He was still studying Morgaine with a stare that would probably make stone uncomfortable. Finally he relented and looked at her and then she sighed, deciding to take a chance by putting Morgaine through the application process and then starting her on a probationary period. He glanced back at the redhead then let out a noise that seemed like a cross between a sigh and growl. “Fine,” he said as he stood to his feet. “Probation it is. I’ll go get the papers from Valorie.” It was a statement and clearly wasn’t up for discussion. He left the room quickly, rounding the doorway and heading back towards the reception area.

    He didn’t like this. She wasn’t lying, that much he knew, but something about it didn’t feel right. Without any other means to deny her besides his own personal gripes, he couldn’t stand stalwart and just refuse to cooperate. But he would be keeping a close eye on her, that much was assured. And if she made any kind of move or play that directly endangered Serilda or the Rune Knights…

    Well, she’d learn what kind of justice his wrath could bring.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Posts : 1377
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 10th December 2022, 6:47 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    The honest truth was that Serilda was equally displeased with this entire situation, for many of the same reasons that Mythal was. However, the noblewoman had many more years and much more practice at keeping her emotions in check. And in many ways, she was better at being more objective than Mythal was, though sometimes that depended on the circumstances. It wasn’t like Serilda claimed to be perfect. She knew she had a temper, and while she was able to control it most days there had certainly been times that she had not been very good at doing so.

    But while their worldviews and philosophies certainly clashed in a couple of areas, there was no denying that Morgaine was, at the very least, trying to go through the right channels to do the right thing. Whether or not she was truly up for the lifestyle of a soldier remained to be seen, but as much as she wanted to, Serilda simply couldn’t find the grounds to at least deny her a chance. She could, however, make sure Morgaine knew that she would have to work a fair amount harder than the other recruits to earn any shred of trust from the two military leaders. As such, she proposed a probationary period for the woman, providing that Morgaine passed all the other areas of the application process. Mythal wasn’t thrilled with it, but he relented, standing to go get the necessary documents from Valorie, likely needing an excuse to leave the room for a few minutes.

    Morgaine watched him leave before returning her attention to Serilda. “Thank you, my lady.”

    “Don’t thank me just yet,” was Serilda’s only dry remark. Shaking her head softly, she continued. “Your probationary period will last for one year, should you be accepted for basic training, at the end of which we will determine if we will allow you to remain among our ranks. You will be stationed here at headquarters and given housing in the barracks with the other recruits. Under the terms of your probation, you will be subject to weekly evaluations with your superior officer, and monthly evaluations with either myself or Mythal. As per the terms of this agreement, you are not allowed to communicate, in any form, about anything pertaining to the Rune Knights with Ozorith or anyone associated with him. And while this would normally break all sorts of human resource policies… you are forbidden from speaking about Ozorith or any parts of your faith and experiences pertaining to him and his brood; I do not wish for any of my men to be tainted by his influence. Do I make myself clear?”

    “Yes, ma’am. You have my word.”

    Serilda wasn’t entirely sure how much that truly meant, and the look in her eyes said as much… but Morgaine had not been lying so far, so it was unlikely she would start now. Mythal eventually returned with the needed paperwork, and from there the duo would let one of the recruitment agents take over to handle the rest of the process, so they could return to their own duties.

    Though there was only a couple hours left of the day, the remainder of the afternoon felt like it was crawling. Neither of them were particularly happy to have such unpleasant things sprung at them so last minute, but it could hardly be helped. When the day was over, they finally returned home, Serilda allowing herself to relieve some stress by spending some time with her girls, who always brought a smile to her face. Her love for her daughters far outweighed her hatred of Ozorith and his ilk. However, neither of them wanted to delay the meeting too long, if only because they wanted to get the meeting over and done with.

    Once they were just about ready, Serilda took a moment to pull Mythal aside, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and resting her forehead gently against his. “I know this is going to be frustrating, but try not to let him get to you, if you can. It won’t do us any good, anyhow. Whatever happens, let just.. Do our best to be the better people and get through it with our dignities intact. His time will come.” She cupped his cheek with one of her hands and gave him a soft kiss. Then, in an effort to lighten the mood, Serilda leaned back and gave him a little smirk. “Maybe if you’re still aggravated by the time we get back home, I’ll let you use all that pent up energy to put another baby in me.”

    She had been teasing him for a while now about having another kid, and while it perhaps wasn’t the most appropriate topic given everything ahead of them for the evening, she figured they deserved a break in the tension. “You ready?”

    Assuming he relented, Serilda would give the girls a kiss and leave them in the capable hands of their house staff. The wolves would also be left behind to help care for the girls while they were gone, Serilda not seeing a point in stressing the animals out by subjecting them to the Prime Sin. Situating themselves in the great room, the noblewoman sighed and steadied herself. “Jareth.”

    Only a moment later, a man materialized in the room before them. The man that had bestowed Morgaine her powers was very tall, standing just under six and a half feet, with features not unlike the elves that hailed from Seven, with tapered ears and sharp features that gave him almost an ageless appearance. His skin was pale, with golden eyes, red tribal markings on his cheeks, and a blue crescent moon on his forehead. Jareth had long white hair and was dressed in an armored kimono reminiscent of Midian samurai, with two sheathed swords tucked into his obi. A thick shawl of some kind of fur was draped elegantly around one of his shoulders like a cape. He wore a neutral expression as he regarded the two of them, his gaze glancing only briefly to observe his surroundings before settling upon them once more.

    “Lady Serilda, Lord Mythal.” His tone was respectful, or at the very least not disrespectful, speaking in a soft baritone. Though his manners did very little to keep Serilda’s hair from standing on end, the woman’s instincts sensing how much of a danger the archdemon had the potential to be despite the fact that he was not speaking or acting with any aggression. Though he was quiet and collected, there was a sharp intelligence in his eyes that betrayed his power. “I am Jareth, the Omen of Resolution. I am ready to escort you to Kingdom Frostbane at your leisure.”

    “Thank you, Jareth. We are ready to depart.”

    The archdemon gave a nod of understanding. “If you would, please place one of your hands upon my shoulders.”

    Serilda flicked her gaze briefly to Mythal but otherwise did as Jareth asked without comment, stepping forward and setting her hand upon one of his shoulders as instructed. Once they were both situated, the demon whisked them into the demonic plane in the blink of an eye, their home disappearing and being replaced with the grand foyer of Ozorith’s castle. The structure was as Serilda remembered it, with the floor, walls, and ceilings all intricately crafted of pure ice. Despite this, Mythal would find it not much more chilly, temperature wise, than a crisp fall evening.

    “Oh, Mythal! Serilda!”

    A familiar voice caught Serilda by surprise as she turned to see another couple approaching them: Ruzatz and Agatha. The Hand was dressed somewhat casually in a nice pair of red slacks and a long sleeved sweater with a plunge neckline. While the voidwalker hadn’t been prepared for their friends to be joining them, she couldn’t deny the relief she felt at having some friends present. “Well, this is a surprise. Hello, you two.”

    Jareth waited patiently with his hands clasped gently behind his back as the four greeted one another. Agatha gave each of them a hug, her usual bright and smiling self, despite the circumstances under which they were meeting. “Yes, well… I guess whatever Lord Ozorith discovered, he felt it was imperative that Ruzatz and I be part of the briefing.”

    WORDS: 1383/5668 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 11th December 2022, 5:54 pm

    830/4464 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal didn’t have, what most people would describe, healthy stress relief measures. Mostly because there was almost always so much going on that he didn’t really have time to sit down and relax. He found solace in his children; the toddlers at home and his adoptive daughters that were at work and under as much stress as he was. And Serilda also found ways to provide comfort and relief but she, too, had her own troubles to worry about right along with him. As the Voidwalker went to go and check on their daughters and to spend some time with them, Mythal found himself scrolling through the lacnet without much destination. He needed something to cool his nerves, his anxiety frayed, sore and keeping him on edge. At the very least, he needed to find a place of balance before walking into the lion’s den, if only to keep himself from getting too out of control. His solution wasn’t the best and it didn’t exactly provide glorious reprieve but it was a decent enough distraction that he wasn’t actively brimming with annoyance.

    As they prepared to leave, Serilda wrapped herself around him and held him close. She whispered encouraging words to him, wanting to bind their better nature together against what was surely going to be a trying evening. She just wanted for them both to keep some semblance of composure and after a moment of consideration, he nodded softly. Looking to bring some levity to the situation, she pulled back and offered him a chance to ravage her later if he was still as aggravated when they came home. He was able to smirk at her softly, earnestly amused. “That does sound pretty enticin’, even if you seemed to have just a bit more fun when I was a woman.” He even found it in himself to tease her back, his tension lifted a decent portion by his fiance’s words. In the end, she always found a way to keep him on track. “Tell you what; we get through this bullshit and this dumbass war unscathed and I’ll put any number’a babies in ya. We’ll be more like a flock than a family.”

    WIth the babes kissed and wished well, they headed to the great room. Once there, Serilda prepared herself and then spoke the name they’d been told to. Without much pomp and circumstance, a tall, elvish looking man materialized before them. He was quite tall and oddly situated, given his kimono outfit and elvish features. He greeted them both evenly, his tone lacking formal respect but not riddled with any kind of dismissal either. He had a power about him that was palpable and given Mythal’s immediate and potent hatred of everything and anything Ozorith, the demon slayer lacrima within him tried its best to activate his magic. He was more than capable of keeping himself reigned without issue but it was still a force he had needed to temper immediately. The man introduced himself properly as the Omen of Resolution and restated his intent to take them to Frostbane. Serilda informed him of their readiness and he nodded, asking that they put a hand on his shoulder.

    So far so… good? Without any kind of remark or look, Mythal stepped forward with Serilda and idly placed his hand on the man’s shoulder. A moment later they were upon the demon realm, materializing within the halls of Ozorith’s castle. Despite being surrounded by ice everywhere, the temperature didn’t drop as drastically as he expected. He was looking around when a familiar voice called out to them. Turning to face the source, Mythal was honestly relieved to see the faces of Agatha and Ruzatz approaching. Ruzatz looked like a book cover model, complete with flowing red hair and a frilled shirt that was closed around his neck in a choker but was opened and showcased his chest and abdominals. A pair of tight fitting black pants covered the lower half of his body, complete with a pair of stylish black heeled stilettos. It was a stark contrast in comparison to Agaths’ more casual outfit but once again, the married pair were dressed as stunning as they looked. Perhaps it was the unusual stress but Mythal found himself oddly… turned on by the sight of them. Not quite aroused but a few stray thoughts trying to form into fantasies ran through his head. He had to make sure to get rid of those; knowing his luck, Ruzatz would be able to sense that.

    “Hello lovelies,” Ruzatz greeted them both with tight, warm hugs. “I see you’ve been roped into this dinner with Oz as well. Unfortunate; now we have no one to fake a phone call so we can leave early.”

    “Gimme a minute, I can contact Vandrad,” Mythal joked dryly as he finished hugging Agatha. “But I am glad your both here. I’ll feel better havin’ the four of us together. So let’s get on with this charade.”

    HP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

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    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 12th December 2022, 9:47 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    “Oh, stop..!” Serilda told him, a bright red blush rushing to her cheeks as he remarked back to the night of Halloween when he’d drank an enchanted punch that had turned him into a woman temporarily. He turned it right around and told her that he’d be happy to grow their family by any number of children she wanted once all the stress from the war and everything was settled. Still blushing profusely, her smile turned into a smirk. “Careful, I might wind up taking you up on that.”

    The trip to Frostbane was quick and seamless, the Rune Knight couple greeted upon their arrival by the most unexpected of allies. As always, Ruzatz and Agatha were both stunning beyond belief, though truthfully the demon was all too in his element. Forcing herself to keep her eyes modest, Serilda smiled and embraced them both, giving a soft chuckle when Ruzatz joked about not having anyone to use as a scapegoat for leaving the dinner early. Mythal volunteered Vandrad, which earned another collective chuckle from the group.

    Only once their greetings were out of the way did Jareth step forward, bowing his head to Ruzatz. “Lord Ruzatz. Mistress Agatha. Thank you for coming.”

    Agatha smiled at the demon. “It is good to see you again, Jareth. I trust you have been well?” It was interesting to note that the Hand’s attitude toward the Omen seemed almost favorable, her regards to him genuine enough. Wherever Jareth stood in the hierarchy, it was clear that he was on at least friendly terms with the other Prime Sin and his wife. Whether or not they had shared any… relations with the archdemon was anyone’s guess, but the exchange was noteworthy, nonetheless.

    In fact, he even cracked the smallest of smiles. “I have been, yes. Thank you for asking. If all of you would please follow me, I’ll-”

    “Well, apparently we’re just letting anyone in these days, aren’t we?”

    All attention was drawn to the source of the somewhat nasally voice, where they would find two individuals lingering slightly further in the foyer. The one that had spoken was another Elvish figure, though he was much smaller in stature than Jareth. His hair was also white, but he had piercing blue eyes and wore a colorful Sevenese inspired outfit with gold bracers and a gold brooch on his shoulder. There were tribal tattoo markings on his exposed shoulder, and his face was currently sporting a deeply arrogant smirk as he floated in the air in a cross legged sitting position.

    Besides him was a woman with short lilac colored hair and dark eyes. She was dressed in a suit of pink and light purple armor that left the top portions of her thighs showing. A longsword was strapped to her hip, and she bore an equally insufferable smile on her face, though something in her eyes seemed a bit more… wild… than that of her companion. “It’s an entire infestation of mortals. Someone must have forgotten to close a door somewhere.”

    Serilda fixed an icy glare upon the new figures. Their very presence raked across her senses like nails on a chalkboard, putting her immediately on edge. Even Agatha’s expression had soured, while Jareth straightened himself up with the slightest of sighs through his nostrils. From the weight of demonic power she could feel from them, she could only assume that these were two more of Ozorith’s Omens. It was only a moment later when Victoria spoke within her mind, confirming it. The male is Cain, Omen of Contempt. The other is Eden, Omen of Passion. They rank somewhere in the middle of Ozorith’s archdemons.  

    Cain caught her stare and perked up considerably, his smirk widening. “Ah, look, Eden! How intimidating. This one must be Ozorith’s newest pet. How long until he breaks her, do you think?”

    Eden eyed Serilda slowly like she was little more than a slice of meat waiting to be cooked and served. “Well, if the rumors are to be believed, she’s a bit of a spitfire. Maybe he’ll get to have a little more fun with this one, draw her out a bit. What do you think, Jareth?”

    The Omen of Resolution said nothing, a bored look on his face as he glanced at them, unimpressed with their behaviors. “Lord Ruzatz,” he said without turning away from the other two, “I know it has been some time since your last visit to Frostbane. Please allow me to remind you that, as an honored guest, you are within your rights to exercise your power as you see fit in response to insults against yourself, your wife, and your friends. There are no protections afforded to those who disregard my Lord’s expectation of hospitality, no matter how highly they regard themselves.”

    Passion scoffed even as Contempt rolled his eyes. “Always the killjoy. Fine. Let’s go.”

    The pair turned to leave, but not before Eden tossed Jareth a haughty sneer. “Mortal sympathizer.” She spat at his feet.

    At the sound of Jareth coolly unsheathing one of his swords, the ringing metal reverberating off the icy walls, Eden and Cain disappeared from sight, leaving only a wisp of blackened frost and an echo of laughter in their wake. They were gone before the archdemon had finished withdrawing his weapon. Slowly, he lowered it back into its casing. “Pay them no mind. To call them foolish would be a colossal understatement. They will be dealt with.” His comment did not bode well for the other Omens, but he would be hard pressed to find a shred of sympathy among the group for them.

    “Thank you, Jareth.”

    “Don’t mention it. Shall we? It is best not to keep my Lord waiting.”

    With no reason to linger, Jareth led them through the hallways and deeper into the castle until they arrived at a more informal dining room. While the structure itself was still crafted from ice, the furniture and decor of the room were not. A rectangular table that could probably seat eight people had been set for five, the piece intricately carved from wood. The chairs were also wood, with high backs and padded leather seats. A large, finely woven rug sat beneath the set up, protecting the floor from the legs of the furniture.

    On either side of the table, slightly behind it, stood Ozorith, Eden, Cain, and two other women. One had golden eyes and wore an outfit in similar style and color scheme as Cain’s, almost a toga like outfit with gold armoring and jewelry. Her skin had a blush tint to it, her long silvery hair pulled back into a ponytail. A whip was coiled at her side. The other woman was taller even than Jareth, towering over everyone else in the room, with thick red hair and tanned skin. She was dressed more like she was planning on going to the desert, with a colorful crop top and skirt combination that left her mass of rock hard muscles on full display. She sported tapered ears like Cain and Jareth, an assortment of jewelry, and regarded the room with attentive green eyes.

    Both women were watching the scene before them with thinly veiled smirks. Ozorith was standing over Eden and Cain, both of whom were down upon a knee looking far more humble than they had been only a minute or so ago. Cain’s face was turned slightly and the side of his face was beginning to redden.

    Jareth strolled confidently forward, unbothered by the display. “My lord, your guests have arrived.”

    Ozorith straightened himself out. “How fortuitous for the both of you.” With a wave of his hand, the Omens stood and hurried to take up their posts while the other two ladies on the other side snickered quietly to themselves. The Prime turned to them and approached with a smile. “Well, it has been quite some time, hasn’t it? Serilda, Mythal, congratulations on your little ones.” He was dressed in a pair of black slacks with a white button up shirt beneath a brown vest with a camel colored blazer.

    “Thank you.” Serilda truly wasn’t interested in making small talk with Ozorith, particularly about her children, but thankfully he didn’t seem to be interested in that. It was… odd, actually. He was still himself, carrying himself as self assured and pompous as ever, but there was something behind his smile. Not any kind of deceit, as there usually was, but rather it felt like he was… distracted?

    He moved along to the others. “Ruzatz, thank you for agreeing to come. And Agatha. Always a… pleasure.” He gave the woman a small bow, offering up his hand. The red head accepted it coolly, still smiling pleasantly, though perhaps not with as much bubbliness as she typically displayed with others, as he took the limb and kissed the back of her palm.

    “Thank you for having us, Lord Ozorith,” was her only neutral response.

    Ozorith released her hand with the smallest of smirks before turning to another figure that had been standing near the table: A younger man, he wore no shirt. Only a pair of baggy black pants and a brown cape that was wrapped around his shoulders. There were red tattoos like tribal markings all over his face and torso, and he had long shaggy black hair with piercing hazel eyes. “Varro, if you would.”

    The man bowed. “Yes, my lord.” With that, he exited out another door from which wafted the smell of freshly cooked food.

    “Now, before we get started, if you wouldn’t mind indulging me for a moment.” Ozorith set his gaze upon Serilda and Mythal, though more so on the former, gesturing to the demons that had taken up their posts along the back wall. “I have never had the chance to introduce you to the Omens. They may reach out to you from time to time, so it is best that you receive a formal introduction.”

    Serilda wasn’t terribly thrilled by the idea, though she kept such thoughts hidden behind a neutral mask. At the very least, it was a good opportunity to know the identities of her potential enemies. “Very well.”

    “You’ve already met Jareth. This is Cain, Omen of Contempt, and Eden, Omen of Passion.” He indicated the two archdemons that had confronted them in the foyer, both of which were having difficulty making eye contact, as they nursed their wounded prides and simmered in angry silence.

    “Ah, so this is what they look like. I only remember seeing their backsides as they fled from Ruzatz with their tail between their legs.” Normally Serilda wouldn’t have been so rude as to kick people while they were down, but clearly Ozorith was already aware of what had transpired. Plus, the two had hardly given her any reason to be polite to them.

    Eden’s face flushed with red hot anger, an almost crazed look in her eyes as she snapped them upon the Sword. Cain’s reaction wasn’t quite as unhinged, but there was a simmering loathing in his gaze that promised he was going to do everything in his power to be a pain in Serilda’s ass from here on out. The other two women didn’t even bother to cover their smirks, even as Ozorith chuckled merrily. “Yes, well, they would be wise to pick their fights more carefully.”

    Moving on, he turned toward the two remaining Omens. He gestured first toward the redhead. “This is Brione, Omen of Spite, and Shiloh, Omen of Retribution.”

    “A pleasure to meet you both.”
    “Greetings, mortals.”

    “This is Serilda, my Sword, and her fiance Mythal. I expect all of you to play nice with them both. I have no doubt that they will not hesitate to deliver any needed… attitude adjustments… in the future.” His gaze flicked meaningfully to Eden and Cain, who conveniently avoided making eye contact with them.

    Jareth raised a brow. “No Oblivion today, my lord?”

    “She is focused on a far more important, related task. I will simply have to introduce her at another time.”

    Resolution nodded his understanding and took his place in line between Eden and Shiloh. Meanwhile, Ozorith motioned toward the table where Varro had returned and was setting down plates with some kind of prime steak cutlets, cooked slices of potatoes that had been richly seasoned and drizzled with a thin layer of cheese, and a medley of vegetables. “Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss, and most of it will, admittedly, not be pleasant. As all of you know, I gathered everyone here to go over some information I have recently learned regarding Faera and her cohorts. To be blunt, Eden recently received a report from a member of the Blighted. Shepard has been spotted on Earthland, where he has apparently been disguising himself as a mortal for an as of yet unconfirmed amount time.”

    He gave Mythal a significant look, and without any hint of mockery or levity, gave it to him straight. “I am sorry, Mythal. He has been going under the name of Branwen Frane."

    WORDS: 2181/7849 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 14th December 2022, 8:01 pm

    2269/6733 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Four against… whatever many awaited them were better odds. But Mythal was in absolutely no mood to be tested and he would, unfortunately, find himself tested twice in a very short amount of time. As he and Serilda finished greeting Agatha and Ruzatz, Jareth stepped forward and treated the Prime Sin with a bowing of his head, addressing him properly along with the redhead. Agatha, for her own part, smiled at the demon and returned his greetings casually and almost… warmly. It was strange to see her being so chummy with demons, at least ones that served under Ozorith. The feeling that he’d always gotten from Ruzatz and Agatha was that they didn’t really spend a lot of close-knit time with the Prime Sin of Wrath. There was more mutual understanding and respect than anything else. But Jareth seemed to be well accepted by the two of them. “Jareth, you look well and handsome as always,” Ruzatz said with a grin. The archdemon even smiled at the two of them, taking in their favor and returning it.

    But the pleasant moment or whatever it was, came to a screeching stop when another voice spoke up. Mythal’s eyes were pulled in the direction of two shapes that lay further into the foyer. One looked elvish as well and bore Sevenese clothing as he floated in the middle of the air, thoroughly amused with himself. The other looked more human but the dark grin and empty gaze told a story of something more feral and dangerous. She followed up on her comrade’s quip about them, referring to several of them as an infestation. Their power stank like a foul odor to the Darkness Slayer’s nostrils, their magic strong and disgusting. He stiffened slightly in annoyance before they turned their gaze to Serilda. Red hot fury pulsed through Mythal’s veins as they chastised his fiance, making filthy remarks about what Ozorith had planned for her. His hand instinctively went to the hilt on his hip, fingers wrapping around the broken fragment tightly.

    Had Jareth decided to pile on to whatever the two had said prior, Mythal would have lost it. No amount of worded patience or calls for peace would have kept him from carving them all up into pieces. But, surprisingly, the Omen of Resolution instead turned his attention to Ruzatz and kindly reminded him that as a guest, he had free reign to use his power as he saw fit against any kind of egregious insults against himself or his party. None of them would be held responsible for forcing them to answer, as protection was not extended to anyone that disregarded Ozorith’s hospitality. “Just say the word…” Mythal grumbled, loud enough for all of them to hear but spoken directly to Ruzatz.

    The Prime Sin of Lust turned his gaze briefly to Mythal before reaching over and putting a hand on his shoulder. It was meant to calm him down, a silent query for him to stay his anger for the moment. “Appreciated but I think we’ll pass for the moment,” he replied coolly, giving Jareth a grin.

    But the message had been received by the two insulting Omens, who dismissed the threat as they headed out but not before the woman cast an insult at Jareth as she passed. Her answer came in the form of one of Jareth’s blades sliding out from its hilt and off they disappeared, satisfied, apparently, in their temper and setting of the mood. Disarming himself once more, Jareth insisted that they not take the demons seriously and that their actions would have consequences. Mythal mused a moment longer, his hand on his hilt, before he released it. Ruzatz gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze as Jareth offered to escort them through the castle to their meeting place.

    Not even slightly interested in the frosty architecture of the castle, Mythal turned his attention to the Prime Sin of Lust. “Ruzatz. Ozorith has these uh… Omen-type demons. And a castle. Does that mean you got an elite squad of demons too?”

    “Well of course. And a whole realm and a castle as well, though not as chilly as this one,” Ruzatz said, gesturing to the area around them. “But it isn’t elite squads plural. I have one demon. The Mistress. And she takes care of my realm while I’m up here.”

    Mythal’s brow furrowed. “Only one? That’s surprisin’. I figured it’d take more than one demon to hold onto an entire realm.”

    Ruzatz chuckled. “Normally you’d be right. But when you’re a former Prime Sin of Pride… well, you command a certain respect. She’s a doll, you’d love her -- I’ll have to have her come up someday soon. She adores Ags and Mon and it’s been a couple months since we’ve seen her.”

    All that really did was open up more questions for Mythal. But at that point, they were arriving at the dining room. It seemed the two Omens that had taunted them had arrived earlier and were not getting quite the talking to, if the scene was any depiction. Two other women stood near Ozorith, starkly different from each other and the rest of their compatriots. Mythal glanced at the two of them and then at the two demons that had opened their mouths, even as Jareth announced their arrival. Apparently that staved them from any further punishment, as Ozorith turned his attention to their guests and greeted them, offering congratulations to them for their children. Serilda had the decency to thank him for it but Mythal didn’t, barely finding it in him to acknowledge Ozorith with more than a glance.

    Ruzatz was, of course, much more personable. “It was my pleasure, Ozorith. We really should get together much more often.” It was obvious, even to the societally-ignorant Mythal, that the Prime Sin of Lust was just being polite, engaging his demonic comrade on equal terms. Once he had finished greeting Agatha, he spoke to what Mythal could only assume was a butler of some kind and asked him to go and do… something. Given where he exited, the Darkness Slayer assumed it was to retrieve the food.

    Rather than waiting for the dinner to start, Ozorith took it upon himself to properly introduce Mythal and Serilda, more importantly Seri, to the Omens, as it was entirely possible they would come calling to her for one reason or another. Upon her agreement, he gestured to the two demons that had been quieted, naming them as Cain and Eden. Serilda made a quick comment about how quickly they had run earlier and the Darkness Slayer snorted. “Only to run back here and get spanked by daddy. That’s embarrassin’,” he piled on, his eyes flicking between the two of them.

    Ozorith moved on, introducing the other two women; Brione and Shiloh, who were more… respectful than the other two. With that, he properly introduced Serilda and Mythal to them and voiced his concern that they behave, else they may find themselves on the losing end of a painful adjustment. “Count on it,” Mythal drilled the point home, still looking at Cain and Eden.

    Apparently one was missing, an Omen of Oblivion. She was out on a job that was related to the situation but was more important than having dinner. With all the introductions out of the way, the butler returned with food that was more suited for a banquet than a get together. Gesturing to the chairs, Ozorith invited them to sit as they had a lot to go over and it wasn’t likely to go over well. Mythal shook his head softly and started to move to his seat as the Prime Sin of Wrath continued, stating that he had come across some information about Faera. Eden had gotten a report from one of Ozorith’s followers, the Blighted, about Shepard. Mythal stopped as he pulled his chair out, brow furrowing. That was one of the Trumpets if he remembered right, the only one they hadn’t met. Apparently he had been on Earthland for some time in disguise.

    Mythal didn’t even get a chance to properly sit, about halfway down when Ozorith looked at him. He stopped mid-movement, a tight knot in his stomach even before words had been spoken. Ozorith apologized and then stated that Shepard had, apparently, been disguised as Branwen Frane. He looked… Well, Mythal didn’t look like anything at first. He just stood there, half bent down, staring back at the Prime Sin of Wrath. His eyelids were the first thing to move, the bottom half beginning to quiver slightly, followed by his cheeks. “No,” he said softly at first, his jaw now tightening up. “That’s a goddamn lie. You’re LYING!” His voice came to life along with his rage and in one swift movement, the Darkness Slayer was standing again, extending his arm out and sending the chair that had been meant to seat him against the icy wall.

    What would be the most obvious thing, perhaps, was that Mythal was in denial. His tone was sharp and furious but it was coming from a place of disbelief and hurt, not of outright accusation. Because of course, he would know if Ozorith was lying. Demon lord or not, wrapping his uncanny ability to sense lies together with his demon slayer lacrima, he would picked up on something if it was deceitful. But the Prime Sin was telling the truth. He was breathing heavily as he stood next to the table, eyes glaring at Ozorith. “Explain it to me. Explain the rationale of wantin’ to arrange some kind of stupid dinner just to tell us that. You coulda told Morgaine to tell us so we could have gone and investigated it but no, you had to fuckin’ jerk us around arrange this bullshit get together!”

    In an entirely different place, a different kind of get together was happening.

    Gren had reached out to Branwen several days prior, asking to meet with him so that he could call in some favors. After having that initial meeting and Branwen promising to follow through on his requests, they agreed to meet again that very evening at Rose Garden. The former Knight was already there, seated at a window table at a small coffee shop. The fall of snow had come, as small flakes descended from the darkness again and landed against the ground.

    Gren watched the snow silently, holding a cup of coffee in his hand as he did. The ring of the bell by the door drew his attention and walking in was Branwen. The two old friends smiled at one another as Branwen walked over and sat himself down, pulling his gloves off and tucking them in his jacket. “Nothing like the first chill of winter, am I right?” Branwen asked with a small laugh.

    “Ain’t wrong, that’s for sure,” Gren said, chuckling himself. “Need anythin’?”

    “No, no, I’m all set. I can’t stay for very long.” Branwen stated as he reached into his jacket.

    “Ah, gotta get back to Aster?” the former Knight asked with a grin.

    “Well, you know her,” Branwen replied as he pulled out an assortment of documentation and placed it on the table. “This went surprisingly smoothly, all things considered. I still have some good contacts within the Rune Knights that were able to help me out. Vriko had been officially recognized as a member of Fioran society. I didn’t want to make any assumptions but the documentation did require a last name and considering your last little heart-wrenching request,” Branwen tapped one a folder at the top of the file. “I figured it was best to put your last name. At the very least, it can be claimed that she’s a cousin of some sorts, if she’s as… ornery as you say she is.”

    “Hah, and then some,” Gren said, briefly looking through the papers. “I appreciate this, Bran. She pro’lly won’t say it but I know she will too.”

    Branwen nodded and then let out a small little snort of amusement. “I’m still surprised you didn’t ask Mythal or Serilda to do all the leg work here.”

    Gren made a brief face of ambiguity. “Yeah… I ain’t sure how this is gonna play out on either side. I think Seri and Mythal will be fine but it’s… kind of a big step, ya know? It’s one thing to watch over her and get to know her, it’s another to help her be recognized as a person and…”

    “Adopting her?”

    “Bein’ her official guardian. We’ll cross adoption later, if she lets me live.”

    Branwen nodded and smiled. “I understand. For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a wonderful thing. That girl has gone through enough; it’s nice that someone has decided to look after her and help steer her in the right direction.”

    Gren nodded as well. “Thanks Bran. I’ll let ya know how it all goes.”

    “Oh I’m sure I’ll hear about it sooner rather than later,” Branwen said with a laugh as he stood back up, putting his gloves on. “Take care of yourself, Gren. We’ll talk soon.”

    Gren stood with him. “Sure thing. Tell Aster I said hi.”

    Branwen gave him a short wave before he headed back out the door into the frigid air. His usual warm, gentle demeanor melted away as he turned his back on the shop and Gren. A look, somehow more chilly than the winter air, overcame his features as his facade was temporarily dropped. Branwen was gone and the hateful face of Shepard surfaced, even as he disappeared into the dark of the night.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Posts : 1377
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th December 2022, 3:19 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda honestly wasn’t sure whether she was grateful or disappointed that Ruzatz had elected to forego putting Cain and Eden in their place. Mythal was certainly more than ready and even voiced as much out loud, earning him a look from both Omens that made it clear neither of them took him seriously as a threat. While Serilda was much more composed than her fiance, she was much of the same inclination as he was. However, the Sin of Lust set a calming hand on his friend’s shoulder and declined Jareth’s offer.

    It seemed the brief exchange was enough to encourage the bullies to leave for the time being, though not without a quick insult to Jareth. He made a show of drawing his sword and both of the other Omens scampered off with a laugh, leaving the group alone once more. The elven figure assured them that there would be repercussions for the actions, and soon they were off, venturing deeper into the castle.

    Mythal took that time to ask Ruzatz a few questions, namely wondering if the Prime Sin had archdemons and a realm of his own. Their friend easily confessed to the inquiry, noting that his realm wasn’t as cold as this one. He also apparently only had one archdemon known as The Mistress, who oversaw his realm when he wasn’t there. Serilda was equally surprised that he only had one such figure under his command. When questioned about it, he informed them that she apparently used to be the Prime Sin of Pride, which put her at a separate level of power and respect than that of other archdemons. According to him, she was a delightful individual that he felt Serilda and Mythal would enjoy spending time with.

    “Oh, yes! She is just so delightful. We’ll have to introduce you sometime.”

    “I’m sure we can make some time for that.” Serilda didn’t say as much out loud, not wanting to speak for fear that Ozorith would have ears around the place, but it would be nice for them to start building more actual allies in this pantheon, which seemed to be full of dangerous gods and demons that saw them as little more than pawns, Ruzatz aside. It was only a few moments later she would be glad to have held her tongue, as Ozorith was already in the process of confronting Eden and Cain. Serilda wasn’t entirely sure how the Prime had already learned of the incident, but she was sure he had his ways, particularly in his own castle.

    There was a brief greeting all around, with Ruzatz and Agatha much more practiced at being friendly with the man, before Ozorith took a moment to introduce Serilda and Mythal to most of his archdemons. The noblewoman couldn’t help but make a mocking remark toward the two Omens that had been humbled, and Mythal only compounded on it with a remark about being spanked by their proverbial father. Ozorith clearly didn’t have any offense over the commentary, providing only a small but delighted chuckle even as Eden and Cain glared daggers at the two insufferable mortals. They said nothing, but there was a dangerous smile on Eden’s face at Mythal’s promise that future attitudes would be handled accordingly by the Rune Knight leaders, the woman clearly already making plans.

    Rather than linger, Ozorith directed them all to the table, keeping them focused on the meeting at hand. According to him, they had a lot to discuss and most of it was going to be difficult to swallow. Not intending on stringing them along with the bad news, he sat at the head of the table and came right out with it, stating that Shepard had been spotted on Earthland, and with a sober expression he looked Mythal right in the eyes as he informed him that Faera’s most powerful Trumpet had been living under the guise of Branwen Frane.

    There was an immediate visceral reaction around the table. Serilda sat upright and stared at him in a look of wide eyed horror and disbelief. “What..?!” Mythal hadn’t even had time to properly fall into his seat, the director needing a moment to process the statement fully before going straight into a firm and violent denial. Once more he was fully on his feet, throwing his chair back against the icy wall behind him. Ozorith paid the outburst no mind, continuing to hold his gaze steadily and patiently on the two Rune Knights. Mythal had fixed a heated and hateful stare upon the Prime of Wrath, demanding answers as to why this information had come as a useless dinner meeting instead of from Morgaine, where the two of them could have investigated into it then and there, accusing him of jerking them around for not reason.

    Ozorith’s answer was immediate, the Prime having clearly anticipated this reaction as well as the question and accusation. “Because Shepard is far more dangerous than any of Faera’s agents you have encountered thus far,” was the firm but calm reply. “Archimedes was child’s play in comparison to Shepard. As powerful as the two of you are, not even both of your efforts combined would be enough to take him down. So even if we knew where he was, which we don’t, you would only get yourselves killed by confronting him – or worse.”

    There was no mistaking what he was alluding to: the fact that Faera wanted Mythal alive to act as her vessel. Serilda frowned. “You don’t know where he is?”

    The demon lord shook his head softly. “No. Eden’s informant says he disappeared immediately afterward. That is where Oblivion currently is: trying to track him down. But if she finds him, and I have no doubt that she will eventually, this is not a confrontation we can rush into without covering all of our bases. We need a plan… which is why I called a meeting.”

    Serilda was doing her best to fight down her own growing panic and anger over the situation. The more she thought about it, the more distressing it became. She had no reason to assume that Ozorith was lying; even if she wasn’t sure that Mythal was just trying to hide from a painful truth, she trusted that Agatha would speak up if she felt there was any deceit, the woman usually pretty good at reading lies from peoples’ emotions. But the Hand looked troubled over the news and Mythal’s reaction more than anything else. “Would you excuse us for just a moment?”

    Ozorith nodded, understanding that the couple likely needed a chance to digest and calm down in private. Serilda stood from her seat and gently pulled Mythal to follow her out into the hallway, closing the door behind them. Once out of sight of the others, she pulled him into a tight hug without saying a word, just holding him and giving him a chance to find some solid ground without the pressure of a watching audience. Only once he gave some indication that he had calmed down enough to face the topic at hand without lashing out would the two return, finding that Mythal’s chair had been replaced at the table. There was some damage to the icy wall where the chair had hit it, but Serilda assumed that Ozorith or someone in his court would easily be able to repair that.

    “Thank you for your patience, everyone,” she said by way of apology as she sat back down in her spot.

    “It is no trouble.”

    Picking up her utensils, Serilda started cutting up her steak and set herself to eating, if only to keep herself busy. At her example, Ozorith and Agatha did the same. “Why is your follower sure that Shepard is Branwen?”

    “He told Eden that he saw him utilize his darkness magic. When he described the phenomenon to her, she was able to put it together and notified me immediately.”

    “And how was it that he happened to find himself in the area to witness this?”

    “He was not on any active missions for me or Eden at the time, so as unlikely as it sounds he was just in the right place at the right time.”

    Agatha spoke up then after swallowing the bite she had taken. “You said that he has been on Earthland for an as of yet undetermined amount of time. Is it possible that he did something to Branwen and assumed his place..?”

    Ozorith was silent for a moment as he contemplated her question. “Anything is possible, I suppose, but… short of Shepard giving us an answer himself, there simply isn’t any way to confirm that. It’s just as likely that he had always been Branwen from the start. Shepard has always been the most elusive of Faera’s Trumpets. If she were to put any of them in on a long-con, it would be him – especially if she was trying to keep tabs on Mythal.”

    “And what about his wife, Aster..?” Serilda did her best to ask the question as neutrally and level headed as possible, but there was the slightest of hitches in her voice that betrayed the lump in her throat.

    “As far as I am aware, she is who she says she is, but if Shepard was able to hide himself for this long, there’s no telling who else has been hiding alongside him. If she is a member of Faera’s court, I don’t know who she might be. She doesn’t fit the profile of any of the Immortal Thirteen members that I am aware of. I won’t rule out the possibility that she is involved in some way, but it’s more likely that Shepard is simply using her to give his cover validity.”

    The answer didn’t exactly provide her comfort, but then again, no answer would have. Either Aster was involved in some way or she was in a gravely dangerous situation. Both answers had their own complications. And the worst part was, Serilda knew that she couldn’t bring it up with the woman, not until she knew for sure that Aster wasn’t connected in any way with Faera. With a weary sigh, Serilda turned to Ozorith. “I have no reason to assume you’re lying about any of this, but if it’s all the same, I would like to speak with the individual who saw him. I am sure Mythal and I both would appreciate the opportunity to interview him ourselves. Perhaps we can derive something from his testimony that may have been overlooked.”

    “That is certainly a reasonable request. Eden?”

    “Right away, my lord.” With his command issued, the woman disappeared in another puff of blackened frost to go collect her agent.

    With that, Ozorith turned things back toward the rest of the table. “It would be wise to pool our knowledge so we can be as prepared as possible for Shepard or anything he might be working on. If any of you have any potentially relevant or useful information, now is the time to share it.”

    WORDS: 1842/9691 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 16th December 2022, 2:33 pm

    1765/8498 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal probably looked angry enough that his very stare would probably melt the ice that made up the structure around them. A slew of different emotions spiraled inside, anger acting as the cortex and feeding the flames of the other vivid and vicious feelings. In one fell swoop, Ozorith had ripped out the foundation he had been set upon, the grounding that had kept him secure for so long. Even before Serilda, Branwen had been an ally. Mythal hadn’t been the best person to be around but Branwen had treated him with respect and care. It was arguable who had begun to help bring Mythal to root, Serilda or Branwen, but in his own opinion, it was a combination of them both. He’d been a trustworthy man, aiding Mythal as he began to make a name for himself and even encouraging the Darkness Slayer to connect with the Voidwalker more. He’d been the one to reconnect Gren and them and had helped provide responsibility and respect for both he and Serilda.

    So it was frankly unbelievable that Branwen had been an undercover archangel. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Ozorith, as he could very well sense the truth, it was that he couldn’t believe it. It would undo so much of what he knew, what he understood and what he had used to build himself upon. The idea of the grizzled veteran of the Rune Knights had been Shepard the entire time was… unraveling. So Mythal protested, fought back, pressed against the truth for his own sanity and emotional stability. He couldn’t comprehend it so he didn’t and he attacked, demanding to know where the logic lay in trying to sugarcoat the news with dinner rather than addressing it quickly and coldly. If Morgaine had arrived that afternoon and told him that news, it still would have had the same effect but Mythal would have had a smaller party to tend with. Now he was on display in front of a sheer number of demons that he did not care for, a showcase of rapid human emotion that he could not control. That only served to make him angrier.

    Of course, Ozorith had an answer -- a sensible one, to a point. Shepard was dangerous and by the tone in his voice, even Mythal could tell that Ozorith was taking the matter seriously. Archimedes had been a speck in comparison to what Shepard was and he firmly believed that, no matter how strong Mythal and Serilda had become, they would not be able to take him down. If they’d had any idea of where Shepard was and they’d gone to confront him, it would only result in death or occupation. Mythal didn’t need a further explanation for his meaning. He sneered slightly, his anger causing his blood to roar in his ears. He continued to stand in obstinance as Serilda circled back to his previous statement about not knowing where Shepard was. It seemed he had disappeared and while Oblivion was trying to track him down, and Ozorith was sure she would eventually catch up to him, they couldn’t just rush into a confrontation without some kind of game plan, which is why he’d called for the meeting.

    It made sense on a logical level but Mythal was the furthest from thinking logically. He hadn’t even realized how his body had reacted; his magic was brewing within, his hand on his blade hilt once more and he began to become aware at just how close he had come to ripping open a portal then and there and jumping through. Something had stopped him, though he had no compelling idea of what it was, and he continued to stand there, quaking with rage. He stared with cold eyes at Ozorith, almost looking through him, and nearly jerked himself away when Serilda reached for him, pulling him out of trance. He hadn’t even heard her ask to let them be excused and only relented to following her after a moment, walking after her in a daze. Once they were in the hallway, she wrapped her arms around him and held him, doing what she could to comfort him. But he was just… so numb. Slowly his arms came up and wrapped around her waist to hold her close to him but he found no comfort there, despite wanting it. His view of the world had been completely shattered. He just stood there holding her for a moment before his head turned slightly, looking back behind him. “Quentin…” he said softly, his voice raw and weak. “If I had seen him… If I’d’a gone and seen him with you… would you have seen who he really was?”

    Serilda, of course, couldn’t see the former Master Wizard. But she would be able to tell by the way Mythal’s body tensed up even more what Quentin’s answer had been. A heartbreaking and resounding yes. Mythal shook his head softly in misery, unable to find any kind of lifeline to steady himself. There truly wasn’t going to be anything anyone could do to stabilize him fully but he also couldn’t continue to hold up the face of a meeting. As much as he hated to admit it, there was a sensibility to wanting to get on even ground and address the issue as a group. After minutes that felt like long-ticking hours, Mythal finally pulled back and gave Serilda a nod, a solemn move that still told of his pain but certain enough that he could go back in and probably wouldn’t be breaking anything.

    They returned and sat back down, with the Darkness Slayer simply sitting in his chair and staring at his food without moving. Ruzatz cast him a worrisome look before Serilda spoke up, asking to know just how sure they were of the deceit. Apparently the follower had seen the utilization of darkness magic and when he had reported to Eden, she had known exactly what they were dealing with. It had been mere happenstance; the follower had just been in the area and stumbled upon the meeting and the sight without prompting. Agatha wondered if Shepard had kidnapped the real Branwen and taken his place and, unfortunately, Ozorith didn’t have an answer for that. They had nothing to go on, especially given how elusive Shepard had been for eons. It was possible that Branwen had been Shepard from the beginning but it was just as likely that Branwen had been real and had then been taken and replaced. But there was no telling when that had been and as Ozorith put it, Shepard was the only Trumpet that could satisfyingly partake in a long con without showing their deceit, especially to keep track of Mythal.

    That, of course, brought concern about Aster, Branwen/Shepard’s wife. Serilda couldn’t help but ask if perhaps she had some involvement and though her tone was semi-neutral, it was clear that it was a personal and upsetting query. Ozorith clarified that she seemed legitimate but they couldn’t verify that fully either. They most likely wouldn’t know until they questioned the woman themselves and that was a complicated path to go down, if they could even traverse it at all. After a moment, Serilda asked if it would be possible for her and Mythal to speak with the follower, if only to see if there was any information they could glean from what he’d witnessed that others might have missed. Ozorith was amenable to the request and asked that Eden head off to find the follower and bring him forth, the Omen disappearing in darkened frost. Once she was gone, Ozorith stated that their best option, at the moment, would be to pool their knowledge so that they could start coming up with some kind of preparation for Shepard, asking that they provide any information that could be relevant.

    Swallowing the hunk of meat he’d been biting into paste, Ruzatz held up his fork, almost like a child hoping to be called on in class. Yet he didn’t wait to get addressed before speaking. “Two things come to mind; one far more worrisome than the other, so I guess I’ll start with the more pleasant side,” he started as he looked around the table. “This might be surprising to hear but I’ve actually met Branwen. Only Ozorith and Agatha would really know this but I was quite aware of Faera’s attempts to bring herself into the world. I may or may not have provided a tip or two to the Rune Knights to help them find the Sons of Faera. I didn't think that she was going to try and occupy a baby that she had ordered the siring of but she is a wily one. Nonetheless, I’d heard about the raid and went undercover to go see if I could glean anything from the ops leader, who was Branwen. And at the time… he seemed legitimate. I didn’t get any sense about him. So unless Shepard is just that good at hiding his presence, which I’m not doubting, I have a feeling that Branwen was a genuine living person. That doesn’t speak to his current state but… well…” He didn’t really need to go any further for any of them to get his meaning.

    “But the more concerning aspect is this witness. Not that I’m doubting your legitimacy, Oz, but doesn’t it strike you as odd that your follower just happened to be in the right place at the right time? Sure, those kinds of things happen but suddenly Shepard lets his guard down while one of your Blighted is around? If you ask me, that sounds fairly scripted.”

    “What do you mean?” Mythal finally spoke up, lifting his head enough to look over at Ruzatz.

    The Prime Sin of Lust returned the gaze. “I mean it sounds like yet another play. After her last, last, last attempt didn’t work on getting you as a vessel, Faera has most likely enacted another strategy. Ruman and Izrael have shown themselves, revealed themselves if you will. Shepard has been hidden through it all. Now she’s pulling out her secret weapon and, most likely, he wants us to know he’s coming. For what reason, I don’t know… most likely to try and force you off balance.” Ruzatz spoke the last part a bit softer and kinder, compassionate to Mythal’s position while still trying to convey his message. Then he looked over at Serilda. “It seems like it’s time we tell dear Oz here some of the things we’ve learned about the resident Divine of Love.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Posts : 1377
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 16th December 2022, 6:20 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda knew there was very little she could have done in the moment to truly comfort Mythal, not with news like this. There was nothing she could say that would make him feel any less upset about the situation, so she did the only thing she could do: Hold him and give him time to get himself put together enough to return to the other room. She listened as he spoke to Quentin, asking the ethereal wizard if he would have been able to recognize Branwen for who he truly was, had Mythal gone to visit after attaining Quentin. Serilda couldn’t hear the response, but Mythal’s body language was all she needed to know the answer.

    She was happy to hold him for as long as he needed, uncaring of how long they’d make the others wait. Ruzatz and Agatha would surely understand, and Ozorith… frankly she didn’t care about him, but it was clear that he also understood, even if he likely wasn’t coming from a place of compassion. Eventually Mythal pulled back and gave her a nod, the voidwalker cupping her hands on either side of his face for a moment before they finally returned.

    Thankfully, everyone seemed intent on moving things along rather than drawing attention to the emotional weight this had placed on the Rune Knight leaders, particularly Mythal. They jumped right back into the discussion, and Serilda asked for the chance to interview the individual that had spoken with Eden. In truth she had expected to arrange a meeting later, but Ozorith instead sent Passion to collect the man right away, which only further demonstrated for her how urgently the Sin was taking this development. Mythal was understandably quiet and not touching his food. Serilda was doing her best not to glance at him too often, knowing that there was little to nothing that would be able to shake him from the funk the news had brought him. So instead, she did her best to stay focused and to ask the questions, to be strong for his sake.

    Ozorith opened the floor for anyone to volunteer any information they had pertaining to Shepard, Faera, or really anything that would potentially be related to either of them. Ruzatz spoke up after swallowing a bite of his food, stating that he had two things to convey. The first was that he had met Branwen once some time ago. Serilda glanced up at him with an attentive look, listening as he explained that he had been more than aware of Faera’s attempt to take Mythal’s body for her own, something that only Ozorith and Agatha were currently aware of. Both individuals nodded their acknowledgement of the fact without interrupting him. Ruzatz admitted that he had gone undercover to get more information about the raid and during that time he’d run into Branwen, who hadn’t set off any alarms for the Sin. It was entirely possible that Shepard was just that good at hiding himself and his powers, but Ruzatz believed it was more likely that Shepard had not always been Branwen, or at the very least that Branwen had not always been one of Faera’s trumpets.

    It was certainly something to at least be able to believe that the man Mythal had always seen as an uncle hadn’t always necessarily been Shepard in disguise, though at this point everything was pure speculation without proof. However, she wouldn’t be able to afford much more thought on the matter as Ruzatz went on, explaining his concern and skepticism over one of Ozorith’s followers simply happening to be in the right place at the right time to view the display. It was enough of a point to draw Mythal to speak, the director looking up at his friend and asking for elaboration. As far as the Sin saw it, it sounded like a purposeful display, something where Shepard possibly wanted to be found, wanted to let them know he was going to make a move.

    Ozorith gave a soft nod. “Yes, the thought had occurred to me, as well. I find it hard to believe that Shepard would have gone this long hiding himself without even a trace of suspicion, only to get sloppy now. Yet another reason I felt it was prudent we meet. If this is some kind of trap, it’s best that we view it for what it is and adjust accordingly. I don’t mind walking into some kind of ambush, but that doesn’t mean we have to walk into it blindly, nor tip our hands too soon.”

    Ruzatz looked over to Serilda, suggesting that now was likely the time to explain to her demonic patron what they’d learned about Faera. Ozorith frowned and turned his own gaze to the woman, who was reaching up to rub her temples with a sigh. “Gods, I’d almost forgotten about all that… this whole world war thing has eaten up so much of my time and focus.” She looked at the Sin of Wrath with a weary expression, already knowing that he wasn’t going to be thrilled to learn about any of this. “A little less than two years ago, by Earthland standards, Faera made another attempt to assume control over Mythal’s body. She attacked him, and us, on multiple fronts. I assume you are familiar with the Order of Souls?”

    “Naturally. I’m unsurprised to hear they are still kicking around.”

    “Well, they were, at least. They were recently all but wiped out again by the Dread Masters, but… that’s a different story for another time. Suffice to say, several members of the Order were able to help us fight her off and protect Mythal. But part of that battle involved myself and Mythal’s adoptive father, Gren, being transported into Mythal’s psyche to confront the goddess in his mind. We learned two things during that fight: One that she had already replaced Archimedes with my dead former husband, Hugo. The other… is that she was pregnant with Hugo’s child.”

    Wrath’s eyes went wide as he sat up further in his seat. It was clear that he was frustrated that he had not been informed of this before now, a bit of anger roiling in his gaze as he and his Sword stared at one another. Even the Omens along the wall behind him shifted uncomfortably, each of them glancing at each other with varied looks of concern. However, Ozorith kept his calm, taking a slow breath to pull back on his anger so he could speak reasonably. “And this was not deemed important enough to tell me long before now..?” he asked gently.

    Serilda shrugged. “I thought about it. Things have been crazy ever since, so I haven’t exactly had a whole lot of time. Ruzatz was aware, because he and Agatha were present for the confrontation, so I assumed it was enough that he knew, at least. But frankly, it’s not as though I have a whole lot of reason to trust you. It’s no secret that Mythal and I despise you, nor that you manipulated me to this position. I take responsibility for accepting my place in your court. I could have chosen not to accept it. But your behaviors in the past have not exactly inspired us to want to interact with you anymore than is necessary.”

    The expression on Ozorith’s face was neutral and unreadable, Serilda meeting his eyes with calm defiance as he studied her. It was the Prime Sin that broke first, looking away with a mild shake of his head. “I always knew that I’d have to be the one to step up first on our agreement to be forthcoming with information regarding Faera. You are not my first Sword, nor are you the first that has viewed me as an enemy. I have been through this song and dance before. However, if you come across something of this magnitude again…” He looked back over to her. “It is imperative that you notify me. I have known Faera for a very long time. Longer even than Ruzatz. She is a threat to all of us, one that can only be addressed as a united front. I cannot help if I do not have all the relevant data.”

    This time it was Serilda’s turn to look away after a moment, the voidwalker offering no response. He was right, of course, but that didn’t mean she had to say it, nor agree to being more prompt about informing him of things in the future. Ozorith’s gaze narrowed ever so slightly at the lack of reply, but he elected to ignore it for now, choosing instead to forage ahead. “Faera being pregnant is… troubling, to say the least, though I don’t know what she thinks to accomplish with something like that. She would not be able to use the child as a vessel, as far as I am aware. That is a unique circumstance that can only be met under certain parameters, such as Mythal’s. But… when it comes to the powers of Kingdom Darkness, there is often very little logic that can be followed. I’m inclined to say that was her way of attempting to repay you, Serilda, for your interference in rescuing Mythal from her realm before she could claim him; elevating your deceased husband to that of an archangel and using him to taunt you.”

    “Well, she needn’t have bothered. Seeing Hugo at her side was…” Her voice trailed off for a moment as she sought for the right words. “I won’t say it didn’t rattle me, and I won’t say it didn’t hurt to some extent, but… I had already seen Hugo for what he truly was. After the initial shock wore off and I accepted that he was just there to distract me, I mostly stopped caring. He was not worth the energy to feel hurt over. I had far more important matters to attend to. As far as I am concerned, he is the least of my worries when it comes to Faera and her schemes, and if he shows his face again, I will handle him accordingly.”

    Ozorith regarded his Sword for a moment before turning his attention to Ruzatz. “Have you informed anyone else about this? The other Sins should be notified. And as much as I hate parlaying with the Divines, it is probably best that we inform them as well.”

    “I can reach out to Ramuh, if need be,” Agatha offered, giving Ruzatz a knowing look before returning her gaze to Ozorith once more. “If any of the Divines could conjecture on the possible ramifications of Faera birthing a child, it would be him. And he would likely be more willing to speak with me over the matter than he would with either of you.” Her history with the Divine of Faith was broadly known by Ozorith, and intimately known by Ruzatz, though she had never shared her history with him to Serilda and Mythal.

    “That would probably be the best option, but I leave that decision up to the two of you. If need be, I can confront him myself. He’s a stubborn pain in my ass, but he is not usually without reason.”

    It was only a moment or two later when Eden reappeared, her hand on the shoulder of a man that she had pulled through into Kingdom Frostbane with her. He was a handsome individual with medium brown hair and vibrant green eyes, well built and well dressed. He looked a bit nervous about being there, his gaze quickly scanning the room and ignoring just about everything else inside of it to find Ozorith. “My lord.” Immediately, he dropped to a knee and bowed his head in respect and submission. “It’s an honor to be in your presence. How may I serv–”

    “What in the hell is the meaning of this?!” All eyes in the room quickly snapped to Serilda, who was staring at the man in shock and rage. She had somehow managed to remain in her seat, but her body was trembling with anger as she glared at the Blighted member of Ozorith’s court, demanding an answer from him. Shaken from his reverie and obedience by the sudden interruption, he glanced up at the source of the voice…

    …and immediately went pale. “Seri…?”

    The two stared at one another for a long, silent beat, him suddenly overcome with fear and panic as she did everything in her power to maintain her composure. Even Ozorith was taken aback, glancing between the two of them in confusion. Her tone was dark and dangerously quiet when she spoke again. “You will explain yourself, Colin Pearson. And you will do it right now.

    WORDS: 2118/11,809 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 16th December 2022, 8:02 pm

    1139/9637 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Though Mythal looked completely out of it, he was listening. And as Ruzatz and Ozorith discussed the possibility of Shepard ‘making a mistake’ being intentional, it made perfect sense. Archimedes had done the same sort of thing; trying to play upon his emotions so that he acted irrationally. Granted, for Archimedes’s sake, he’d crafted a strategy that had forced the Darkness Slayer’s hand. In this instant, it seemed more… calculated. Almost like a declaration of war, something Mythal was now very well educated on. Shepard was letting Mythal know that a battle was coming and someone with that kind of confidence wasn’t concerned about the other side’s preparations. They were assured of their strength and dominance and if what Ozorith was saying was true, it seemed the Trumpet of Destruction was more than capable.

    Nonetheless, Ozorith felt it important that they lay out what they know so that they could be prepared for whatever trap awaited them. Ruzatz seemed to agree and turned to Serilda, stating that they should probably let Ozorith know about what they had learned. The Voidwalker lamented the passed time and the war that had ravaged the land, nearly scrubbing the other things from her mind. They’d held onto their information for so long, nearly two years by that point. She outlined their plight with Faera’s third attempt to overtake Mythal and the two major factors that they had run into; one being her ex-husband being raised to a Trumpet and the fact that the Divine was pregnant. Ozorith was… understandably displeased by the fact that they held onto the information, staring down Serilda and demanding to know why it had been kept from him.

    Serilda met him evenly, even as the demon’s anger seemed to pull the room’s tension to a thread. Even Mythal had raised his gaze up to the Prime Sin, watching him quietly as Serilda outlined their stance towards him. Though he’d been the one to make the deal with Ozorith, Mythal had always intended on making sure the demon lord honored the agreement first. He’d been nothing but a pain and done nothing to earn the kind of trust that could inspire either of them to go out of their way and talk to him. After a tense moment of continuous staring, Ozorith broke away, lamenting the situation but seeming to… understand it. But it seemed that was their single mulligan and if they were to learn anything else, he would need to be informed so he can be on the same page as them. Serilda agreed to it; not verbally but the very action of not disagreeing was made to be an agreement. He moved on, stating that Faera’s pregnancy was troubling but odd. She couldn’t use the child as a vessel but then again, there was no telling what horrible secrets lay within the domain of Kingdom Darkness. Ozorith believed it was more out of spite towards Serilda, raising her ex to such a powerful position to punish her. Serilda had been surprised, of course, but it hadn’t had the impact that any of them felt it should have. “Shouldn’t she have already popped the kid out?” Mythal asked softly, the second time he had spoken after the newsbreak.

    “Ehh… one would think. But there are plenty of spells to slow the process of childbirth. Childbirth for gods and demons can be tricky, depending on who they are having relations with. If Hugo had still been human, it may have been a natural timeframe but if he’d already been raised to a Trumpet… I don’t know,” Ruzatz gave a shrug. “I’ve only slept with one of the Divines and we didn’t exactly stop to talk about the gestation period of godly pregnancy. Can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth.”

    Ozorith looked at his Prime Sin companion and asked if he’d let anyone else know the news, believing the other Sins should be notified and even the Divines. “Oz, baby, you know I don’t talk to the other Sins very often. They’re all busy doing their own things. Besides, they’d probably say that Faera is the Divines’ problem. Except maybe Illgan; he’d probably want to get involved just so he can try and suck up her power.” The contempt that suddenly entered Ruzatz’ tone was surprising as he brought up Illgan. It was a complete one-eighty from where he usually was, even when he was talking about Ozorith.

    Agatha offered to reach out to Ramuh, believing that he would be able to provide some insights into Faera having a child. She insisted he would probably feel more comfortable speaking to her than with the Sins. “Especially me,” Ruzatz added. Ozorith agreed to the idea, leaving the choice up to them, though he was willing to talk to Ramuh if push came to shove. “Though I’m not exactly thrilled about it, it’s probably best that Ags talk to him. He’s, at least, willing to listen to her without actively spitting vitriol. Hopefully he hasn’t been thinking up any schemes of his own…”

    Mythal looked a bit more attentive to the conversation, if only to look confused. Ruzatz and Agatha hadn’t mentioned anything about a Ramuh before but there seemed to be a very complicated history. It almost sounded like Ruzatz was actively protective of his wife when it came to the Divine. It was strange to see, especially considering what he knew the two got up to with plenty of other people. His attention was pulled to the returning Eden, who had brought along a handsome man who looked quite nervous to be there. He looked around the room quickly to try and find Ozorith and once he had, he fell to his knee, already beginning to blab out about his fealty.

    But, surprising everyone, Serilda spoke up angrily, even snapping Mythal out of his funk. She was furious, still in her chair but her body vibrating with an intense rage that was on par with what Mythal had -- and still was to a point -- been feeling. The man turned to look in her direction and blanched at the sight of her, calling her by her nickname. Serilda demanded that he explain himself, calling him Colin Pearson. Mythal’s brow furrowed. He knew that name, didn’t he? Obviously Seri knew him but Mythal couldn’t place his face. Someone she’d mentioned in passing but he’d never actually met.

    It was only a moment later that he remembered. This was the guy that had been Hugo’s friend, who had been in love with her. “Oh shit,” Mythal said softly as the realization hit him, showing a bit of his usual self. By the look of it, Ozorith was just as surprised that the two knew one another. It certainly wasn’t going to be a pleasant reunion, that much was obvious.

    HP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
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    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 17th December 2022, 5:59 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Mythal’s question about enough time having passed for Faera to have had the child by now was a valid one, Serilda glancing between the two Sins. It was Ruzatz that answered, informing them that the gestation period for a Divine wasn’t necessarily the same as that of a mortal. There were ways that the child birthing process could be drawn out, but much of the process was likely dependent on whether or not Hugo was still a human when he copulated with the goddess. Ruzatz had only slept with one Divine in the past, but naturally the discussion of divine pregnancies hadn’t really come up.

    Agatha nodded her head in agreement. “I’ve had… some discussion of pregnancies with a godly parent,” she informed them, her voice unwavering but her body language slightly discomforted. “But in that instance, the hypothetical was of the father being a Divine, and the mother being a mortal raised to a demi-god. I don’t think the same rules would apply here, with the mother being a Divine. What I can say is that the vast majority of the gods would never debase themselves to sleep with a mortal, let alone impregnate one or be impregnated by one. It’s possible that Faera is an exception to the norm, but it’s far more likely that she waited until after Hugo was raised as an archangel.”

    Oz asked Ruzatz if he had spoken with anyone else about it, causing the Prime of Lust to playfully remind him that Ruzatz didn’t speak with any of the other Sins at all if he could help it. Even if he did, they’d likely brush it off as a problem for the Divines, save for Ilgan who would be eager for the opportunity to claim some of Faera’s power for his own. It was… odd to hear such contempt come from Ruzatz’s lips, his tone causing Serilda to give him a curious frown. He’d never even spoken so distastefully of Ozorith, whom she knew he despised. A noteworthy observation, but a matter for another time. Ozorith himself had rolled his eyes in regard to the other Sins’ likelihood to ignore the matter. “It would be imbecilic of them to do so. She may not be Ataxia, but there is no telling how much of Ataxia’s power she has absorbed from her realm. They will learn to respect the severity of the situation, even if I have to beat it into them myself.”

    The Hand spoke up to volunteer herself for reaching out to Ramuh, throwing another puzzle piece onto the table of the picture for whatever history she clearly had with the Divine. The way that Ruzatz reacted with a surprising measure of protectiveness added yet another piece as Serilda began to gather that Agatha might have been romantically involved with the Divine at some point, and it hadn’t ended well. Ruzatz would relent to the idea, confirming that Agatha had the right of it, even if he wasn’t happy about it. The redhead reached over and took her husband’s hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. “He learned his lesson long ago. Even if he entertains any daydreams, he wouldn’t dare act on them. Not anymore. I can handle him, love.”

    “Then we will leave it in your capable hands. You’ll let us know what he says?”

    She nodded. “As soon as I have anything concrete, I’ll pass it along to Jareth.”

    It was right after that Eden returned, with the Blighted in tow, the man immediately submitting himself to the demon lord of wrath. But before he could finish his sentence, Serilda spoke out of indignation, bringing the entire room to a screeching halt.

    The last time she had seen Colin, he was in jail for stealing from her family. He had certainly been guilty of the crime, though he had been thrown under the bus by other involved parties that wanted to use him as a scapegoat. It was from him that she had ultimately confirmed Hugo’s treachery, learning in the process that much of Colin’s divide from Hugo had been due to the fact that Colin had truly fallen in love with Serilda. They had shared a tender moment, even a kiss. She hadn’t seen him since then, but she knew that he’d eventually been released from jail after Serilda had been able to see to it that his family was protected, clearing his name in exchange for information on those who were still embezzling from her family’s mines.

    So to see him here, now, not just present but as a member of the Blighted, whom they had only learned earlier that day was a term given to Ozorith’s more devout and proactive followers… it was a slap in the face. It tore her heart in two. The sense of betrayal was quickly eating away at her better temperament, and she demanded that he forego all else to explain himself. His own expression would be best described as crestfallen, the man looking beyond baffled to see her there. He scrambled to find his voice. “S-Seri, I-”

    Don’t you dare speak to me with such familiarity. Serilda rarely even pulled her nobility card, but her anger had overwritten all sense of patience or humility.

    Colin blanched and immediately bowed his head. “Please forgive me, my lady. I-”

    “How long, Colin? How long have you been a member of Ozorith’s court?”

    “A f-few years. Since before… before you and Hugo were married…”

    “And did you play any part in Ozorith’s schemes to recruit me?”

    Colin chanced a glance up at her in confusion. “N-no, Lady Sinclair. I didn’t even know you were involved with him until just now.” Serilda flicked her gaze to Ozorith for confirmation and the Prime shook his head gently, still looking a bit perplexed himself. She returned her stony glare to Colin where he knelt. Several beats of silence went by as none dared to speak or draw attention to themselves, not even Ozorith, though he appeared more curious than intimidated.

    Seri wanted nothing more than to get more details from him, but as angry as she was and as betrayed as she felt, her better self told her it was not the time or place. While she didn’t care too much for protecting Colin’s privacy at the moment, she wasn’t sure how much of that conversation she wished to have in front of Ozorith and his Omens. Her nail tapped against the surface of the table over and over again until she finally reached a judgment. “We will discuss this back on Earthland. I expect you to meet with me tomorrow at the Rune Knight headquarters.”

    “Yes, ma’am.”

    Sensing it was time to move on, Ozorith cleared his throat lightly and took back over. “Colin, you were brought here to provide your testimony of what you witnessed the other day with Shepard. Eden summed it up for me, but the rest of us would very much prefer to hear the details from you.”

    “Yes, my lord. I’ve been in Oak Town for a few weeks. Last night I went to the temple to return some scrolls that I had checked out and as I was leaving I caught sight of a man that was… for lack of a better way to say it, acting suspicious. He had a hood up and was keeping his face down as he moved through the crowds, constantly looking around as if to see if anyone was watching or following him. At one point he lifted his head enough that I was able to see past the hood and recognize him as a former Rune Knight major, Branwen Frane. It struck me as… odd… that a man of such renown and esteem would be sneaking around like that. It gave me a bad feeling. So, I followed him.”

    “Eventually he tucked down an alley that leads out into a small park behind some apartments, and there were two people waiting loitering behind one of the Great Wizard monuments. He slipped behind the monument to speak with them. By the time I found a spot where I could spy on them without drawing notice to myself, they appeared to be having some kind of argument.”

    “Did you overhear any of what they were arguing about?”

    Colin shook his head softly. “No, your grace. They were too far away and I didn’t want to risk getting any closer. The only thing I can tell you from their body language was that he seemed to be laying into the other two pretty thick. Anyway, toward the end he pulled some sort of… stone from one of his pockets and placed some kind enchantment on it utilizing darkness magic that was unlike anything I had ever seen or felt before. Branwen is a fairly public figure and it’s widely known that he uses earth maker magic, so him suddenly utilizing a darkness spell raised a couple of red flags. One of the other people withdrew some kind of large weapon shaped like a key, which Branwen also enchanted with darkness. After that, they split and walked away in different directions. I followed Branwen for another half a mile or so. He seemed to be heading back toward the main square but when I turned around the corner of a building, he was just gone. I went back to my hotel room and contacted Eden immediately.”

    Ozorith glanced at Ruzatz. “Definitely a set up.”

    “Can you describe the two other individuals he was speaking with?”

    “One was a woman with long blue hair, carrying a red staff. She wore an oversized robe that fell off her shoulders and uh… pretty much the only thing covering her chest was a pair of pink sea shells on either breast. The other was a man, possibly not human. He was very large, barrel chested and muscular with a white mustache that completely covered the bottom half of his face.”

    Serilda sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Ruman and Izrael.” As if things couldn’t get any worse. One Trumpet was bad enough, but if three of them were involved in some scheme together, it didn’t bode well. The last time she and Mythal had run into the other two Trumpets, they had only fought long enough for her to get a taste of Ruman’s power. It hadn’t been a long enough battle for her to truly judge how powerful he was in relation to her. She had handled his attacks well enough, but he had also handled hers without breaking much of a sweat. She simply wouldn’t know what kind of a threat they truly were until there was a real battle between them. “What would they stand to gain from trying to get our attention like this? They have to know we’d recognize they were trying to bait us. I don’t understand why he would wait all this time and go through all this effort. If Shepard is as powerful as you say, Ozorith, then surely he could have easily collected Mythal at any point up until now when we had no idea who he truly was. Why the games? What’s the angle here? There’s no sense in spending so much time hiding his true identity only to reveal himself just to toy with us.”

    WORDS: 1884/13,693 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 17th December 2022, 8:07 pm

    972 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Normally when Serilda put on her noble voice, Mythal was all for it or rather he was quite turned by it. Something about her showing ultimate authority really worked for him. Unfortunately, given his current emotional state, it was impossible for him to be able to swerve in that direction. All he could do was watch as Serilda glared down at Colin. He’d attempted to talk with her with a kind of familiarness and she had shut that down instantly. He bowed his head and attempted with something more formal, only for Serilda to lay into him, demanding for answers that she rightfully earned. It did seem awfully convenient, that this guy that had been in love with her was also one of Ozorith’s followers. She narrowed in on that, wanting to know if he’d had some kind of sway in Ozorith’s ultimately successful plan to recruit her. It seemed that had just been circumstantial and the Prime Sin confirmed that with a nod of his head. Serilda took a very long time deciding how she wanted to proceed, her finger tapping against the surface of the table as she considered both Colin and Ozorith. In the end, she demanded that they would discuss it further once they had returned home, ordering him to report to the Rune Knight headquarters.

    Finding something deep within him that wasn’t occupied by self pity, Mythal reached over quietly for Serilda’s free hand and took it in his, holding it tight. Despite how raw he felt, he also knew that she would be feeling just as upset. Colin had been an old friend and had been the one to tell her about Hugo. He seemed to truly care for her and now she was discovering that he was part of Ozorith’s loyal followers. Even if it hadn’t been pre-planned or part of the scheme to recruit the Voidwalker, it was still a shock. And Mythal wasn’t so self-involved that he couldn’t recognize that it would hurt just the same as he had been.

    Deciding to move on, Ozorith asked that Colin provide his story of how he came across Branwen’s true self. He explained that he had been in Oak Town when he noticed a suspicious character moving through the crowds. He’d covered his face up so that no one would recognize him but a chance glance had allowed Colin to confirm who he was. It hadn’t added up and trusting his gut, he decided to follow the retired Rune Knight. They eventually headed down an alley that led to a small park littered with monuments of former Great Wizards. Two others were waiting for him there and it seemed that Branwen was admonishing them for something. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to get close enough to hear without risking showing himself but he could tell that Branwen had been giving them grief. Near the end of the conversation, Branwen extracted a stone from his pocket and put some kind of enchantment composed of darkness magic. Given that the retired Knight utilized earth maker magic, it was strange to see a varied difference in his usual abilities. One of the others brought a key-shaped sword out and had it enchanted as well. That’s when they parted and after tailing him for a bit, Colin turned a corner and found Branwen completely gone -- vanished into thin air.

    Ruzatz scoffed as Ozorith looked at him and agreed with the idea that this was a set up. “Oh entirely,” he said with a nod.

    Serilda asked about the other two that had met up with Branwen. He gave them a brief description, which was enough to confirm that it was the other two Trumpets; Ruman and Izrael. It was bad enough that they were dealing with Shepard but it seemed that the other two were going to be partaking in whatever scheme was taking place. Now it was Serilda’s turn to question the whole point of the deception. It was too obvious a bait to not figure out but the long time he spent disguised didn’t add up. As she pointed out, Ozorith had confirmed that they needed to be careful because of Shepard’s power and if he was truly that strong, he could have overwhelmed Mythal and taken him without issue. What was the point of the games? It didn’t add up that he would stay undercover for so long and then reveal himself just to mess with them.

    “I’ll admit, it’s a little… strange. Shepard is easily the strongest of Faera’s Trumpets and, as you said, he could have dealt with you and taken Mythal with very little effort -- no offense,” he said, gesturing to Serilda. “The problem is that we don’t know much about Shepard, save for what he was before he went to Kingdom Darkness. Oz is the only one that has remained in place since the beginning so he can confirm what I’m saying but Shepard was… soft spoken. He didn’t like to draw attention; he just followed orders and did what he had to do. This kind of ‘toying with one’s prey’ seems beyond him. But then again, Faera was practically a pacifist before she went into Kingdom Darkness so there’s no telling what kind of corruption that place can do to you.”

    Scratching his chin, the Prime Sin of Lust hummed. “This is going beyond just knocking Mythal off center. He should know that he wouldn’t go off half-cocked anymore. You’d knock sense into him otherwise,” he said, once again gesturing to Serilda. “There’s something we’re missing here. Problem is, I don’t know where to even begin looking for clues. Especially now that he’s on the run. Maybe our next step is to check in with his wife? I’m honestly a little lost for a direction, unless any of you have some ideas.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th December 2022, 11:45 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda was so wrapped up in her own anger that she had lost focus on damn near everything else in the room. She felt Mythal’s hand reach over to take her own, her fiance finding the strength to set aside his own struggles long enough to provide her with some measure of comfort. Her hand squeezed his in return, the tightness with which she held it the only thing keeping her grounded for the time being. They had known this meeting wasn’t going to be a pleasant one, of course, but so far their frustration hadn’t come in the way they had envisioned. They had expected Ozorith to be his typical arrogant, manipulative, pain in the ass self. Instead, he had been rather straightforward and composed the entire time, the Rune Knight couple being hit from all sides by things that they simply couldn’t blame Ozorith for, as much as both of them probably wanted to.

    Colin gave his testimony, detailing his encounter with Shepard, Ruman, and Izrael for the rest of them. The story provided some additional insight, though not as much as she had hoped for. It was most certainly a trap of some kind, but for the life of her Serilda simply couldn’t fathom the logic behind their approach and she said as much out loud.

    Ruzatz agreed that it was odd. He verified that Shepard’s strength was certainly a cause for concern, agreeing with Ozorith that, if the Trumpet wanted to, he could have dealt with Serilda and captured Mythal without breaking too much of a sweat. The voidwalker took no offense to the comment, knowing full well that she was not the end all be all of power. Unfortunately, the Prime of Lust knew next to nothing about Shepard outside of who he was before he had retreated into Kingdom Darkness with Faera. According to him, Shepard was a quieter individual back in those days, an obedient servant that did his duty without fuss, almost the complete opposite of who he currently appeared to be. The only thing he could conclude was that it was the influence of the kingdom, which had corrupted Shepard as much as it had Faera.

    But even this behavior was baffling. By now, Shepard had to know that it would take more than revealing his identity to rattle Mythal hard enough to make a stupid decision, if only because Serilda was there to help steady the man. Something was missing, some critical piece of the puzzle that tied everything together to make sense, but Ruzatz simply had no idea where to start even looking for additional information. As far as he saw it, the only potential option they had was to try speaking with his wife.

    Serilda’s shoulders slumped slightly as she released a soft sigh from her nostrils. “I don’t know how keen I am on the idea of speaking to Aster about all this. My hope is that she isn’t involved, but whether she is or isn’t, confronting her about all this opens the path to all sorts of problems. Best case scenario, she isn’t involved, but then she has to cope with the knowledge that the man she loves isn’t who she thinks he is, and she’ll either have to return home and try to maintain a ruse of ignorance, or she’ll have to go into hiding, which would confirm for Shepard that we’re on to him. Either way, it’s a no win scenario.”

    Ozorith was sitting silently in his chair with a deeply pensive expression as he contemplated their thoughts. “I agree that it might be a little soon to speak to his wife. We can always choose to approach her at a later date if necessary, but once she’s been confronted there’s no going back. I think the wisest course of action for the moment would be to pool our resources in trying to get as much information on him as possible, everything from his history, his time with the Rune Knights, his current activities and allies… If we can gather every detail about his life, it might help us determine how long he has been posing as Branwen, and maybe in the process we’ll dig up other useful information that can give us more of a foothold.”

    “Mythal and I can easily access his Rune Knight records and start running some discreet background checks on him. Whatever we can’t find through legitimate channels, I’m sure Mercury can find a way to unearth.”

    Agatha nodded, reaching over to hook her arm beneath Ruzatz’s. “And we certainly have plenty of our own methods of procuring information. We’ll send out some of our best agents, and I’ll see what I can divine through more arcane methods.”

    WORDS: 789 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 18th December 2022, 12:55 pm

    1348/2320 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Ruzatz could only really come up with one path to take, if only due to the sheer lack of information they had. Aster was the only viable option as he saw it. Serilda sighed softly and admitted that she wasn’t exactly thrilled with that idea. She hoped that Aster wasn’t involved but as she saw it, confronting her about either side created issues. In the best case she was innocent but they had unceremoniously ripped the rug out from under her and she was forced to face the fact that she had been living a lie. Then she would have to go back home and pretend everything was fine or she’d need to be protected, which would give away their awareness of his deception. Frankly, as Ruzatz saw it, Shepard was already more than aware of that, considering he’d all but brought them along for his grand reveal. But the idea of putting Aster in danger was enough to quiet his suggestion, the Prime of Lust not particularly thrilled over the idea of endangering an innocent woman.

    Ozorith agreed and believed the only sure path they had at the moment was to bring together their resources and compile all of the information they had access to. If they could dig through the details, it might provide them some insight into how long he’d been undercover as Branwen and even, possibly, some information that could provide a shift in balance. Serilda agreed, stating that they could search through the databases of the Rune Knights as well as utilizing Mercury’s ability to glean information from the deeper, darker parts of the global networks. Agatha and Ruzatz would be able to get their own information, through their own network that they had long established as well as other arcane means that Agatha was practiced in. “Absolutely. In no time, we’ll know what he had for dinner three years ago, his glucose level and what kind of fetish porn he hides from his wife. My bet is on tentacles,” Ruzatz spoke up, attempting to add some levity to the very tense situation.

    But after a moment, the Prime Sin of Lust looked over at Serilda and gestured towards her and Mythal. “In the meantime, I may have something -- or rather someone -- that can help in preparation for the inevitable battle. A certain weaponsmith who might be able to provide us with some combative advantage.” Ruzatz was quick to raise his hand to Ozorith, who was sure to voice his complaints. “No, Ozzy, I know you don’t like the man but there is a reason he is the smith to the Sins. Probably because the Divines up and screwed him.”

    Mythal’s brow furrowed. “What’d’ya mean?”

    “He was once a vassal for Ramuh, big ol’ head honcho himself. He did so well for himself that Ramuh gave him a gift; a very short time span where he had near unlimited knowledge. It basically let him see the Divines and Sins with complete clarity. Unfortunately, in doing so, Ramuh also alerted the guy to all of the vile things both sides believed about one another and the human race. In his only single treacherous act, he quickly put down all the information he could into a book as a weapon for humanity to use against being oppressed or destroyed. Ramuh found out, got all pissy and demanded to know where the book was. He wouldn’t say; all he would tell Ramuh was that it was well hidden and that it was locked against interference.”

    Ruzatz scoffed slightly and shook his head. “Ramuh was pissed. But instead of killing the guy, he instead decided that he needed to be punished. He cursed the guy with immortality and put him to work making weapons for the Divines to be used against the Sins and against humanity. He was not allowed to refuse or rather was unable to refuse. Ramuh saw it as ironic that he would forge weapons to slaughter humanity at the whims of the more outrageous Divines, a fitting punishment. Well, the prior Prime Sin of Lust really enjoyed screwing with the Divines, Ramuh in particular. And when she found out about this blacksmith of the gods, she made it a point to ‘rescue’ him. He was jaded, angry against the gods and a little crazy too. Eccentric might be the right word; I think the mixture of his torture and the overwhelming knowledge he had been given may have cracked a thing or two. Anyways, she sets him free but asks if he’d be willing to help us Sins against the gods, so long as we don’t use the weapons he makes against humanity. He agrees under those strict rules. And trust me, more than enough Sins have tried to lie about what they wanted weapons for only for him to shut them down. Best part of the gig is he’s untouchable. Anyone tries to harm him or kill him and they’ll find it doesn’t work. He’s invulnerable in his forge and he’s unforgiving to those that deceive him.”

    After a moment of letting that ominous, dark statement linger in the air, Ruzatz smiled. “Great guy, very funny, wonderful at orgies. Mon can’t deal with him but Ags and I adore him. Anyways, you and Seri have weapons that have proven useful against Faera’s forces before. He might be able to level them up a bit and give us a real fighting chance against Shepard when we come to blows.”

    Back in the mortal realm, Gren came surging down from the sky in the form of a lightning bolt, the golden streak zipping down and slamming into the ground. Reforming into his full body, the former Knight gave a small shake as the cool air hit his face once more before he walked up the stairs and into the house within their village.

    Pushing open the door, he found Vriko seated on the couch, listening to her headphones and reading from a book. She caught sight of him entering out of her peripheral and pulled the headphones to the side. “Have fun on your date?” she remarked, her tone disinterested.

    Gren chuckled. “It wasn’t a date. I was just goin’ to see Branwen,” he remarked as he walked over to the couch. He tossed the documents in his hand on top of her book as he sat down next to her.

    She frowned as she looked at the several sheets of paper. “The hell is this?”

    “That, my dear, is your birth records. Well, a copy of your birth records. The official ones are now kept in the Rune Knight headquarters. It occurred to me as you were born to a psychopathic mother and father, they probably never cared to make your birth, your existence, official. Branwen was able to confirm that so I went ahead and filed to legitimize you. I also went ahead and filed to be your guardian, just so they have someone on file for that.”

    Vriko just stared at him. “Why?”

    Gren chuckled. “Because, Vriko, it’s important that you are registered as an actual living person. It may seem silly right now but it ain’t. You’ve been treated as a tool your whole life and I wanted to make sure you knew that you weren’t. You’re a living, breathin’ person and it’s ‘bout time it be made official.”

    Vriko continued to look at him for a long moment before she picked up one of the pieces of paper and examined it. “Vriko… Ragnos,” she read, lowering the paper enough to look at him.

    The former Knight laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, they uh… needed a family name. I didn’t know enough about your mother there, plus I don’t think you’d want to share her name. I figured it was just… safer this way at the moment. We can change it later if you’d rather somethin’ else.”

    Vriko shuffled the papers slightly before she pulled up the larger folder. “And this?”

    Gren pointed at the file. “That is uh… a whole other conversation.”

    A conversation they, unfortunately, would have to put off.

    HP: x/y
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    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th December 2022, 3:58 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    While they had a frustrating lack of guidance, their path had been set before them. As of this moment, their priority would be to uncover as much as they could about Branwen as quickly as possible, in the hope that it would lead them to some answers before it was too late. Ruzatz, at least, was doing what he could to lighten the mood a little, promising that by the time they were done they’d know every intimate detail about Shepard, including what kind of porn he fancied. The barest of smirks tugged on Serilda’s lips in appreciation for his attempt, though not even Ruzatz could lift her spirits at the moment.

    The Prime of Lust went on to shift gears, stating that while they didn’t have much to go on as far as Shepard’s plans, he did know of someone that could help them at least be as prepared as possible for a battle with him. Namely, a weapon smith. Ozorith scoffed and rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to say something before Ruzatz cut him off with a raised hand. Mythal asked for elaboration and Lust provided it, explaining that the blacksmith was once a vassal for Ramuh, who seemed to be the head Divine. The man was richly rewarded for his work in the form of being granted unlimited knowledge.

    The gift, however, had not been fully thought through. In giving him infinite intellect, the blacksmith was able to see the truth about the Divines and Sins both, and their intentions for the human race. He used his limited time with divine clarity to write down everything he could into a book that would aid mortals in protecting themselves against the immortals, which Ramuh did not react favorably to.

    As Ruzatz continued the story, Serilda chanced a glance at Mythal, one that would be unreadable to everyone else. The book he was describing was the one that Gren and Vriko had recently managed to get their hands on recently. While the voidwalker wasn’t against telling Ruzatz and Agatha about it later, she had zero intention of letting something like that come to the attention of Ozorith or his brood, and so she kept her mouth shut and her face schooled. In the end, Ramuh had punished his vassal’s disobedience with immortality and essentially enslaved him to crafting weapons for the Divines. However, Ruzatz’s predecessor had a penchant for playing tricks on her deific counter parts, particularly Ramuh, and enacted a plan to free the smith. By then he was a few beams short of a barn wall, but still more than capable of plying his trade. He struck an accord with her that he would instead make weapons for the Sins, provided that they were not used against humanity in any way, shape or form. And since he was well and truly immortal, there was nothing anyone could threaten him with to break his strict policy.

    “And many have tried, myself included,” Ozorith remarked, seeing no sense in hiding that fact. Everyone in the room knew him for what he was, anyway. Ruzatz went on to showcase that he and Agatha had spent a decent amount of time with the man, complimenting his humor and stating how much of a joy he was at orgies. Apparently Monica had a difficult time coping with him, which Serilda didn’t really know how to take, but he and Agatha thought highly of him, and he felt strongly that he would be beneficial in upgrading their weapons to make them even more potent against Faera and her forces. Ozorith sighed, relenting. “I certainly can’t fault his skill. He doesn’t care for me very much and has only ever agreed to make a few items for myself and my Omens… except for Oblivion. He tends to go out of his way to make things for her even without her asking… but I can’t deny that the things he has crafted for us made the difference in a number of skirmishes with the Divines over the millennia. If anyone can make sure you are property outfitted for a battle with Faera’s trumpets, it will be him.”

    “Then it may be best for us to meet with him sooner, rather than later. There’s no telling what kind of time table we’re on.”

    Agatha nodded. “We’ll arrange a meeting with him as soon as we can.”

    It seemed the meeting was coming to a close. Ozorith turned to Colin, who was sitting by in silent obedience, looking very much like he wished to crawl into a hole somewhere and die. “We have what we need. You’re dismissed.”

    “Thank you, my lord.” He stood to his feet as Eden reapproached him, and with one final glance at Serilda – who continued to ignore him – they were gone.

    “As soon as I have word from Oblivion, I’ll make sure the rest of you are notified. In the meantime, let’s see what all we can dredge up and we’ll regroup once we have a bit more to work with… Assuming Shepard hasn’t already sprung his trap by then.”

    The situation was bad.

    It had been a long time since Ozorith had sent Oblivion on a mission that required such haste, but if it was true that Shepard had been spotted on Earthland, well.. That was certainly worth the urgency. She would have appreciated some back up, knowing that they would find their quarry more quickly if all hands were on deck, but Ozorith had his reasons for sending only her, and the reasons were sound ones. Out of all the other Omens, the only one that was capable of the subtlety needed for a hunt like this was Jareth. The others would have drawn far too much attention to themselves, and simply would not have been powerful enough to deal with the consequences. But even then, Jareth would only be able to hold out for so long in a one on one fight against Shepard before being overwhelmed, and if he got too close to Shepard the archangel would surely sense him.

    Oblivion was the only one with any advantages against him, the secret ace up Ozorith’s sleeve. She had been working for the Prime of Wrath far longer than any of the others, and was the only one that stood any chance at all of locating him without being noticed – and the only one that could give him a run for his money in a fight.

    But while she had ways of following his trail, that didn’t mean it wouldn’t take time, or that she could afford to overlook any details. Shepard was crafty and cunning, so she knew she’d have to cover all her bases. She’d started at the home where Shepard had been passing himself off as a mortal as Branwen Frane, the Omen hanging around for some time and watching the house in wait. His wife was home, the blonde woman going about her evening none-the-wiser to being spied upon, with no behaviors to suggest that she was involved in anything that was happening. That didn’t necessarily mean much, of course; the absence of proof was hardly evidence of innocence. Still, after a while it became clear that staying would only be a waste of Oblivion’s time. Wherever Shepard was, it wasn’t at his home.

    So as a couple friends showed up to the home to collect Aster for what appeared to be some kind of ladies’ night, Oblivion turned her attention elsewhere, moving instead to where Eden’s supplicant had encountered the three Trumpets. The stench of Shepard’s power still lingered in the air, causing her nose to wrinkle in distaste, but it gave her something to follow at the very least. It had been eons past recollection since Oblivion had come face to face with the Trumpet of Destruction, and she could only assume that he had changed drastically since then, thanks to the corruption of Kingdom Darkness. The remnants of his magic felt sickening to her senses, and not simply because it was holy magic. Settling herself in, she closed her eyes and meditated, focusing on leftover scraps of his energy and expanding her awareness, searching for the original essence from which it had been born.


    She heard Shepard’s voice in her head, along with the gentle din of noise that indicated he was in some kind of public area. The scent of freshly brewed coffee tickled her nose, and as another man’s voice spoke up in appreciation to “Bran”, the visuals faded into view. She could see them, now, sitting at a table in a small restaurant. Shepard, in his guise of Branwen, was sitting across from a much larger man that was looking over a sheaf of papers in his hands. Oblivion recognized Gren Ragnos immediately, the adoptive father of Faera’s vessel having come to her attention more than once in the past. Neither of them would be aware of her observation of them, her spell crafted to be a passive projection of her consciousness that gave off no magical signature.

    Oblivion listened to the entire exchange as they discussed familiar names: Serilda, Mythal, and Vriko. The latter’s name was never actually spoken, but the glimpse that Oblivion got of the paperwork had the failed vessel’s name written in several spots. Legal documents, files for adoption… it seemed Gren was planning on giving Vriko the same compassion as he’d done for Mythal when he was an infant. Shepard played the part well, she’d give him that. The mortal was completely oblivious to the true nature of the angel beside him.

    Soon the two parted ways, and she commanded her astral consciousness to follow the Trumpet, intent on seeing what she could learn while he was unaware he was being watched. His warm expression dropped almost immediately upon leaving Gren’s presence, replaced with a hatred that would have given a lesser person pause. Oblivion was no such individual. What did cause her to stop, however, was something else entirely. Even as Shepard wandered off into the night she realized something: she was still sensing a small fraction of his power from back in the shop.

    Right then and there, Oblivion was face with a decision, one that she needed to make quickly. Did she continue to follow Shepard, as she had been instructed, or did she risk losing him to investigate the odd phenomenon? With one final glance toward Shepard as he disappeared behind a corner, she moved her focus back toward Gren as the man finished his coffee and left. The reek of Shepard’s power seemed to follow him, disappearing only when the man utilized his magic to take the form of a bolt of electricity to leave. Somehow, someway, Shepard had planted something on the man, and while her abilities were limited in astral form, she would bet money that it was something to do with the documents he’d given Gren.

    Her mind returned to her own body, Oblivion’s eye flitting open with a scowl. Shepard was her goal, but her instincts were nagging at her. Whatever he had done, it wouldn’t be good. She had a duty to keep tabs on the Trumpet, but what good was that duty if his schemes were allowed to come to fruition without investigation?

    It took her a couple minutes to locate where Gren had gone, some small village far outside of any larger cities. Materializing in the general area, she swiftly stormed her way to the home where she could smell Shepard’s power, which was rapidly increasing at an alarming rate. With no time for niceties, Oblivion rudely kicked in the door, causing it to shatter completely. Gren and Vriko were on their feet immediately, adjusting from relaxation to combat readiness in record time, but Oblivion was hardly even paying attention to them.

    “Revela veritatem taum!” she commanded, pointing at the papers that had been scattered to the ground and speaking a spell of arcane power. The papers immediately became enshrouded in a darkness that Vriko and Gren would both be acutely familiar with, the nature of the energy all too obvious once she had broken the shielding that was keeping the enchantment hidden. And from the swelling of the power, there was no mistaking that whatever the spell was, it was on the verge of being fully realized. Her eyes went wide and she acted.


    The documents burst into flames, crumbling to ash in the blink of an eye, the enchantment destroyed along with it. Once Oblivion was certain the danger had passed, she finally turned her gaze to the other two in the room, her mismatched blue and purple colored eyes regarding them with stony neutrality. “It is no longer safe for either of you here. You need to leave.”

    WORDS: 2135/2924 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 18th December 2022, 8:37 pm

    799/3119 words || @Serilda Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    It was not going to be an easy conversation, if only because Vriko probably wouldn’t know how to take the news or questions that came with it. Yes, he had appointed himself her guardian for her sake but he’d wanted to take it a step further. Much like he had done to Mythal, he wished to adopt Vriko as his own daughter. It was a large step; one he hadn’t even really discussed with Mythal or Serilda. He’d talked about it with Themesycia and she had simply told him to follow his heart and do what he felt was right. And he knew he was right in this.

    Vriko had led a hard life, one even harder than Mythal, to a certain extent. Though the Director of the Rune Knights had been lonesome for many years, he’d, at least, been saved from the abuse from Archimedes and their mother. Vriko had become the sole focus of their agitation, constantly brought down, insulted, and treated like a weapon to be wielded. She’d been robbed of her humanity and it had left a painful scar on her soul, one that would probably never properly heal. But Gren had done everything in his power to remind her of her humanity, to show her care and compassion like she’d never known. She was resistant to it to a point but it did sink in. It was obvious in the way that she stepped back and reconsidered her words or took her time to think about things rather than jumping to conclusions. It wasn’t perfect but what was? The point was that she was trying, more than ever before.

    And he wanted to continue trying to help her, as long as she’d let him. She had found a friend in Saffron, surprising him and honestly delighting him. But if she was adopted by him, it would afford her benefits in the long run. She would have a family name, a legacy to build upon in her own way. It was just… complicated to try and open up with. But he’d thrown all the files in her lap and she’d picked it out. He couldn’t balk now as she would just open up the document and read about it anyways. Better to just broach it as straightforwardly as possible. Unfortunately, before he could even start in on the mini speech he had sort of prepared, they were interrupted. The door to their home was kicked in suddenly, the solid wooden structure reduced to fragments. Both Vriko and Gren were on their feet, leaping over the couch and grabbing their weapons from behind. The raven-haired woman pulled out a katana from her case while Gren grabbed Mercury’s hammer, arming themselves.

    A woman with dark hair burst into their home, dressed like some kind of Iceberg warrior. Mismatched eyes didn’t even pay them any attention, gesturing towards the papers that had now been scattered onto the ground. Whatever spell she cast with a quick chant undid the cloaking spell and the rampant dark magic that was compiled into the paper became abundantly evident. Gren and Vriko’s heads swiveled between the woman and the pages as the magical energy in the room began to reach critical, dangerous levels. But just before the dam would break, the woman released another chanted spell and the documentation burst into flames. The puff of fire was there and then gone, leaving only ashen remnants of their existence and the spell that had been enchanted onto them.

    “Who the hell are you?!” Vriko demanded, swinging her katana quickly to slash the couch in half and separating the once-together furniture piece. It gave her a direct line on the strange woman.

    Whoever she was, she told them that it was no longer safe for them to be there and that they needed to leave. Gren was staring at the ash imprints on the ground. “That magic…” he muttered softly. He would have known it anywhere. He had been surrounded by it for years and fought against it multiple times now. It was Faera’s magic, the magic of Kingdom Darkness. But what the hell was it doing on the paperwork he’d gotten from Branwen?

    Something wasn’t adding up but frankly, he agreed with the mysterious woman. “Get your things, we’re goin’,” he told Vriko.

    “Gren-” she started.

    “No time. Get the important things. Go!” His voice was stern enough for her to know he was serious but somehow still calm and collected, despite the situation. As Vriko growled softly and ran to her room, Gren settled his gaze on the woman. “I dunno who you are but I get the feelin’ there’s a lot more goin’ on than we know. Care to explain or am I gonna have to go and ask questions somewhere else?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Enemies Among Us Empty Re: Enemies Among Us

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 19th December 2022, 11:23 am

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    If the intruder was at all bothered or threatened by Vriko’s dramatic bravado of cutting a perfectly good couch in half to create an opening to her, she didn’t show it. In fact, she barely paid the hostile behavior any mind, merely glancing at the katana wielding woman without even reaching for the great sword that was strapped to her shoulder. Ignoring the question entirely for the time being, Oblivion insisted that the two of them needed to leave immediately and find another safehouse to occupy.

    Vriko seemed all too happy to continue challenging the woman, but Gren hadn’t missed the darkness magic. He spoke up, informing Vriko to collect her things, shutting down her protest and insisting they listen. As Vriko ran off to obey, Gren stayed behind to speak with the new woman. He admitted his ignorance to her identity, but at least understood there was a lot going on that he didn’t have all the information for. What he wanted to know was if she would give him any answers, or if he would have to seek them from someone else.

    Oblivion regarded him for a moment with a neutral expression. From the moment it had been apparent that Gren was going to listen to her suggestion to leave, she had already started trying to seek out Shepard’s power once more, hoping to relocate him before the trail went cold. Unfortunately, she found no trace of him. Wherever he’d gone, he’d made sure to cover his tracks. She’d have to start over.

    with a slightly frustrated sigh through her nostrils, she crossed her arms and took a casual stance that showed she was going to stay, at least for the moment. “You’ll be able to get more details from Serilda and Mythal. I am sure they will be wrapping up their meeting with Ozorith and Ruzatz soon, if it isn’t over already. My time is short, but I can give you the broader details.”

    “I am Ryori, Ozorith’s Omen of Oblivion. The one you know as Branwen Frane is Shepard, Faera’s Trumpet of Despair, in disguise. He revealed himself less than twenty-four hours ago, and Ozorith has tasked me with tracking him down and keeping tabs on him. I was able to observe your meeting with him at the coffee house, but while I was following him out I sensed a portion of his power remained with you. It was suspicious, so I elected to let him go and follow you instead. Those documents were enchanted to detonate like a bomb that would have wiped this entire village off the map.”

    “I took care of it, but missed my window of opportunity to keep Shepard in my sights. If I am to have any chance of finding him again, I need to leave.” It wasn’t all the information Ryori had, but with time being of the essence, he would have to be satisfied with what he got. Everything else he could seek from his son and future daughter-in-law. “No doubt someone will be coming this way very soon to confirm if the two of you were killed. I recommend leaving immediately. Do not speak with any of the villagers, and do not return here, ever. Once he realizes his plan failed, I am certain this place will be watched.”

    Her final suggestion given, Ryori wouldn’t even offer a farewell before she was simply gone, vanishing into thin air without a trace of magic in her wake.

    WORDS: 580/3504 | @Mythal Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 7:49 am