Fairy Tail RP

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    Stranger Things

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Stranger Things Empty Stranger Things

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 3rd July 2021, 6:05 pm

    @Nero @"Grappa & Jellisha" @KuroFaustΩ@Leona Jarnefeldt@Knight Owl

    At one point in time, Kolleran was a beautiful village. It was nestled in the woods far south of Clover Town, along the river that ran from the lake down to the Calm Sea. It was a small place, with a simple but honest lift. The villagers saw little trouble day in and day out besides the natural predators of the forests and the occasional bandit group here and there, but the people were more than capable of defending themselves against such threats. Little came from the village outside of the trade goods its people carted regularly to be sold in Hargeon to the west, mostly high quality wood cut from the tree farms and valuable minerals harvested from the river. All in all, it was a peaceful place full of natural beauty that was often left unheard of by most of Fiore as nothing of note ever really seemed to take place there.

    As such, it was quite concerning when one of the villagers came stumbling into the closest Rune Knight garrison, covered in dirt and dried blood. The young man’s clothes were scorched in many places, and he was so overcome by his wounds that he barely had enough energy to explain that the village had been attacked before he succumbed to the injuries. A squad of Knights was immediately dispatched to the area to investigate, the small troop making the trek along the coast in record time, but when they arrived they discovered that the attack was long since over.

    The Knights spread out and got to the tedious task of scouring the area for survivors and clues. At first, there was little evidence of what had transpired. Nearly every body they found appeared to be a member of the village, most with weapons in their hands and signs that they had fought with every tool at their disposal to survive. However, they could not find any sign of what it was they had been fighting. It wasn’t until they started finding traces of strange colored blood that they began to suspect the attackers had not been human. When a scout returned from the woods with a strange device of unknown origins, it was decided that reinforcements were in order.

    The call went out to the garrison and was forwarded back to the headquarters in Era, where a combination of higher ranked Knights from the various branches received orders to make their way to the scene at once. Additionally, after preliminary study of the odd device left the initial knights perplexed, a secondary notice was sent out seeking volunteers with scientific persuasion to assist in identifying the object. Any such mages who wanted to volunteer were instructed to report to the nearest Rune Knight garrison, and after a quick background check to confirm their credentials they would be escorted to the location in question.

    As the mages who had been selected drew near to the town, they would be greeted by a grisly sight. A cursory glance would show that Kolleran had been mostly burned to the ground, though the active flames had since been put out by the first responders, leaving only a thick stench of smoke and death in the air. A number of Knights were still hard at work retrieving the bodies of the dead and lining them up in a clearing closer to the beach where they would eventually have to be examined for further clues and, if possible, identified by any survivors. A large portion of the forest was charred along with the small town it surrounded, and many more Knights were doing their best to set up caution tape and perimeters around areas they wanted to try and preserve for deeper study. A tent had been erected on the far side of the beach that was currently being used as a command station. This would be the location where the reinforcements and volunteer mages had been instructed to meet in order to be briefed on what had been discovered so far.

    NOTES :
    This is the starting thread for Stranger Things, one of two testing threads for a potential new RP mechanic for future Lore events. As a reminder, this thread is being guided by the Lore Master who's job is to determine whether the actions of the party succeed or fail, as well as to facilitate any combat that might arise. Any control over event NPCs and action outcomes by the players is strictly prohibited. You have exactly one week from the date and time of this post to get your own post started. The posting order with each round is first come first serve, and if you do not post before my next post is due then you will be skipped and are subject to any potential consequences of inaction. There is no ideal goal for word count, but you are encouraged to keep your posts concise. You should have enough with this first post to introduce your characters into the setting. Please PM me either on the site or discord with any questions.


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3610
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 4th July 2021, 11:34 pm

    Deciding to answer a call for volunteers sent out by the Rune Knights requesting help in identifying a strange object recovered in the aftermath of an attack on a village named Kolleran, Leona had grabbed a couple of her best weapons and hurried to report to the Rune Knights garrison closest to Silver Wolf Guild Hall. Once she reported to the garrison she underwent a background check to confirm she was who she said she was. Once she passed the background check Leona was then escorted to Kolleran without further delay.

    Wearing her signature green, white, and gold outfit with black bike shorts on under the skirt, Argent Gloves on her hands, Ranger Laser Rifle slung on her right shoulder, and Ses Revanche in her right boot, Leona had traveled lighter than usual. She had grabbed her gear in a hurry and thus did not bring her Adaptable Armor or her backpack of supplies, but she would manage without them. In between her weapons and her magic she had plenty of options in case there was fighting to be done. Leona had questioned the wisdom of bringing her Ranger Laser Rifle because few people besides Samira Nassar knew she even had it and she wanted to keep its existence secret for a little while longer, but the laser rifle was her best distance weapon and she would need it if there was any fighting today. Today the need for a good weapon surpassed the need for secrecy.

    When she was escorted to the outskirts of Kolleran and got her first look at the village she saw that Kolleran had been hit pretty hard. Most of the village had been burned to the ground and the unmistakable stenches of smoke and death lingered in the air, adding another unpleasant aspect to the already grim scene. Having grown up in Desierto and having repelled numerous bandit and slaver raids on her home village, Leona was inured to the sight of death, but she was affected by the scale of the death and destruction that had been visited on Kolleran. She had never seen anything like it before in her life... she briefly wondered what could have possibly caused so much destruction.

    [Post Word Count: 370]
    [Leona's Word Count: 370]


    Stranger Things KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 5th July 2021, 4:02 pm

    Stranger Things 9hjimib

    Frigid eyes that directed a gaze deeply steeped in a cold glint of silent wrath scanned their surroundings, the man whom they belong to letting the glare continue to wander for a few moments more. Why had this happened and what had caused this? His mouth twisted in an expression of obvious displeasure, making it little of a mystery what he was feeling. The sight before him was gut-wrenching, the broken and charred remains of a village and its former inhabitants scattered around him. It reminded him more of a battlefield than a place people used to call their home, the thought momentarily bringing the young Rune Knight back to a certain snow-blanketed mountain pass in Pergrande. What a mess, honestly.

    Shen could barely hide his disdain, not just for this situation and the fact that he could do little to change it, but also the perpetrator of this horrid crime, swearing to himself that he would not let them off with a slap on the wrist. Originally, the young man named Shen Kadokawa had been sent here from Era as part of a contingent of Rune Knights, arriving just today and surveying the site of this crime for himself, though it seemed that most of the basic facts regarding what had occurred here had already been established by his colleagues. A desperate defense and struggle for survival rather than an actual battle, something that, as it seemed right now, the overwhelming majority of residents here in this village called Kolleran had paid for with their lives, practically slaughtered where they had stood. The stench of blood, smoke, and burned flesh still hung heavy in air. It only served to deepen Shen's already seething anger.

    Still, he knew that he had to stay calm and collected. What good would it be if he just lost his composure here and turned his back on it all? That wasn't why he had joined the Knights. It wouldn't make them proud. He took a deep breath, making sure he wouldn't do so through his nose to prevent the stench from turning his stomach upside down once again. He was here for a reason, after all, turning away from what looked like it used to be a house accommodating a family, now merely a burned out ruin. His destination was the command tent not far from where he had been. Before anything else, he knew that volunteers brought onto the scene to help with investigations would be arriving shortly, and he, too, had yet to receive a full briefing, intending to join whatever crowd would gather here and do whatever he could.

    Word Count: 438

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Guest 6th July 2021, 7:45 am


    It had been a while again since Faustein’s latest experience and adventure which had been the unfortunate and equally untimely dissolution of his erstwhile guild, Elysium, due to orders that had come from those who reigned from on high. Consequently, he had been forced to seek out a new guild to join and call home, and luckily for him, his labors to that end had borne fruit before long in the form of information he acquired about a certain independent aligned guild called Silver Wolf. So, since he did not wish to delay the matter further, he had headed off in search of the guild’s HQ aka the Silver Wolf guild hall.

    It had taken him a while to arrive due to the distance, but eventually, thanks to his S.P.A.T.E personal train, he had reached and found the guild hall in question. Once there, just as he had done before when joining Elysium, he finished all the necessary paperwork and other requirements for joining at the end of which he was granted the privilege of bearing the Silver Wolf guild tattoo on his person, thus marking him as one of its fold. After that, he had set about proving his worth to the Silver Wolf guild and because of his achievements, he was awarded a position within the department of the guild known for having talented magical researchers of all sorts, with a special focus on artifacts and treasures of all kinds, this department being known as “The Scholars”.

    In this manner, time had marched on for him once again since then and during this period that came after his joining the guild, he had once again returned to the grind of his daily routine which consisted, as always, of endless research followed by more endless research with the usual daily necessities falling by the wayside as per usual, leaving him looking haggard and sleep-deprived by the end of all that. It was a few days after all this had transpired that he had been roused by the distinctive notification sound that rang out from his iLac, namely that of the “Voices of War” special DLC from his favorite mobile game called “Oda Nobuna’s Ambition”, effectively dispelling his sleep-addled state.

    Hmm…Kolleran village…Clover Town…sudden attack…strange device…unknown blood…well now…this certainly seems…interesting…

    Faustein mused silently while awaiting the full boot-up process of his cyborg brain to reach completion after he arose from the smart table that had been serving as his bed and shuffled about his personal research lab at the Silver Wolf guild hall, getting himself ready to head out. It took him a while to do so, but he eventually managed to finish readying himself and was fully alert and dressed in his usual physician-scientist’s outfit, aka his work attire, by the end of it. Then, he proceeded to secure the various pieces of his vast magitek equipment collection which he usually took with him to use during any sort of mage work to his person in the series of load bearing, military-grade holsters that were strapped to his person and outfit all over in strategically advantageous spots. Finally, he placed his SHG-IV magitek smart glasses on his face and strapped his IIC spacetime transference chronograph to his left wrist as was his usual protocol after which he boarded his S.P.A.T.E personal train and let it take him all the way to Kolleran village, wondering what sort of intriguing and exciting adventure he would be undertaking during this impending adventure, the thought bringing his usual smug smirk to his thin, faintly cyanotic lips.

    It did not take too long for him to reach his destination since it was just outside Clover Town and there was not much traffic to speak of on the way there. Upon arrival, he was greeted by the now charred remnants of Kolleran village along with the forest near it and a bustle of activity from the Rune Knights who had apparently been called to the scene to investigate and resolve the issue.

    Let me see…if memory serves, there is supposed to be some sort of command station set up here, in a tent…ah yes, there it is…

    Faustein mused silently while looking about for the tent that was mentioned as being the rendezvous point for the volunteer mages and the Rune Knights who had summoned them for aid and found it after a few short moments thanks to his SHG-IV smart glasses and their environmental analysis function. Once that was done, he headed toward the tent and announced himself while also requesting permission for entry

    Dr. Stein reporting for volunteer duty for this incident as per the summons. Permission to enter?

    He spoke, revealing his voice to be a rich, baritone, and melodious one and his words were clear as well as concise with their standard emotionless, almost robotic tone as per usual whilst on a job whereas his face bore his usual completely inscrutable expression as he was not fazed in the slightest despite the swathe of destruction that lay all around him and the familiar stench of death that permeated the air in the vicinity as well. Finally, since his striking crimson red eyes were currently obscured by the polarized lenses of his SHG-IV smart glasses, the expression in his eyes was also not currently visible to the naked eye at present. Then he fell silent and waited to experience whatever would happen next in this situation.


    Appearance (CREDIT TO DORAN 2019 FOR ARTWORK):

    Stranger Things CNkIWMc


    POST WC: 905, TOTAL WC: 905 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 9th July 2021, 4:19 pm

    The twins had been taking a bit of a detour, as Grappa would be piloting their trusty GOLIATH unit as they sped towards the designated meeting area. Their companion would be a bit scrappy from his last big fall during the previous fight they were called to, but the girls were hopeful that he'd fare far better in this bout. Jellisha, conversely, would be resting on his shoulder as they sped across the land towards the town. The realization would only hit them as the two would draw near. Smoke would litter the air overhead, as Jellisha would idly sniff the air before being followed by shoving it into her nose. "Bleh, something's roasting up there." she commented, with Grappa coughing a few short times as she tried to get the scent out of her own system. It wasn't until that the two arrived with Kolleran on the horizon that gave them pause. The entire city had been brought to its knees, as trees would burn ever so brightly as the houses nearby would be alight with embers that the guards were desperately trying to control. "What...happened?" Grappa asked to nobody in particular while Jellisha would depart from their ride, shifting back into her Exceed form while speeding off towards the group. Her sister huffed while releasing her control from GOLIATH, its eyes burning bright while magic power would spark in the furnace, powering the machine with like as its creator would come to rest near the front of the set up headquarters. "C'mon, Golly." Grappa said, motioning for their mechanized friend to follow them towards the command center. Of course, he wouldnt be able to make the trip in, instead being parked outside while Grappa would give him the sign to stay while she followed her sister's trail.

    Jellisha would have already made her entrance, stepping into line while the crimson eyed girl would looked at everyone present. "General Sinclair, reporting in. What's the status on what's attacking people? Have all the civilians been evacuated yet?" her answered were a bit rushed, crossing her arms while easily having to stand on the tips of her boots to see up onto what everyone was gathering around. Grappa, in the meantime, would recognize Shen and quietly stand by him while her sibling did most of the talking. The task ahead of them was great, and it likely meant giving it their all to save the day yet again, but once again as dangerous as before. She's puff her cheeks out in worry and lean onto the boy, a quirk she had picked up from a while ago. It was more meant to reassure herself that allies wouldn't be downed without a fight, although she never could worry enough about her fellow Rune Knights. Her emerald eyes gazed up at Shen's while trying to lighten the mood. "Hey." she said in an optimistic but reasonable tone of a voice. One who knew that things were going to get a lot less nice. "We'll be okay if we stick together. We can do this." Reassuring words from somebody smaller than him, though it wasn't clear if the intention was meant for Shen moreso than herself.

    [ WC: 532 ]
    [ TWC: 532 ]


    Stranger Things YvWNyTL
    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

    Lineage : Psionic Soul
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 428
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 4
    Experience : 1,421,385

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Psionic Ascendance
    Second Skill: Manifold Armory
    Third Skill: Sepulchre's Sigil

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Knight Owl 10th July 2021, 2:21 am

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Stranger Things

    Michael had recently been dispatched to the rendezvous site after he was pushed and convinced by his twin brother, Francois, in helping the Rune Knights investigate the matter. Of course, no problems arose when his credentials were checked, since his twin was part of the Rune Knights. Yet he shouldn’t have bothered giving him the honorifics and title of the ‘Lord of Geo’ due to his excellent command in the elemental earth, yet the both of them knew this was impossible as he did not possess any magical power, but rather, he had the powers of psionics - telekinesis, geokinesis, the likes. The ability to manipulate matter to his whims with the power of his mind. He’s done a great job concealing his identity so far, though he does think the rest of the knights are aware of his powers. Conveniently, it wasn’t public knowledge so he was spared slanderous insults like ‘Pergrande Scum’, not that he paid them mind anyways as he was only doing his job as a professional mercenary.

    Kolleran was a place he was unfamiliar with, but he had heard of the name probably in the past year. While he did journey throughout Fiore as a mercenary, he did not have the mind to visit this quaint town as, to his knowledge, there was barely any job involving them. He could not make use of his Dimensional Telekinesis for a short cut, and has resorted to the old reliable bike. He was only a few malms away from the rendezvous point when he spotted several pillars of smoke billowing in the wind. He was apprised of the situation beforehand, but by the looks of it, the damage was massive. He had not seen casualties of this magnitude.

    On his way to the site, he was occasionally stopped by the stationed Rune Knights as he was assumed to be a civilian. Rightfully so, as he didn’t look like he was a mage, but he just assured them he was here as a volunteer, after which he was allowed to continue. The muffled vrooming sound of a bike could be heard, and upon arrival, one would see a figure riding a motorcycle with sleek design and it looked like it was made with cutting edge technology, something that came only from the Neutral Grounds. The figure sported a black leather biker’s jacket worn over a clean grey shirt, a pair of jeans, and black shoes. A black helmet obscured vision of his face, his identity unknown until he would take it off. The figure stopped as he arrived and took off his helmet, showing his long hair, a pair of red eyes, and a stubble beard. He was a familiar face to some, but not quite as his eye color and hair style were different from his other twin brothers, Francois and Ozwald. “Apologies if I’m late. I assume I’m in the right place for the volunteers?” He said to the rest of the mages on site, unsure if he was in the right place the Rune Knights sent him to. All he saw were unfamiliar faces, as he very rarely went on a job with another mage, let alone for an organization or a military force.

    MEL @ WW


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1377
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 12th July 2021, 5:12 pm

    @Nero @"Grappa & Jellisha" @KuroFaustΩ@Leona Jarnefeldt@Knight Owl

    One by one, the mages approached ground zero, both volunteers that had come in response to the request for aid as well as those who were active members of the Rune Knights called in as investigative back up. Each of them would be greeted swiftly upon their arrivals. Shen, Grappa, and Jellisha each were properly saluted by the knights not actively engaged in the investigation or moving bodies, while Leona and Owl were verified as expected volunteers. The only individual that was stopped before entry was Faustein. Since he had not followed the instructions of the summons to check in with a local garrison to have his identity and credentials verified in advance, he was not on the list of expected volunteers and as such was prevented from entering the crime scene at first. Only after checking his information and verifying his identity with Silver Wolf was he allowed to journey toward the tent.

    Each of them was ushered inside as they arrived. Within the confines of the moderately sized tent they would find a number of medical tables that appeared to have dead bodies resting on them, the silhouettes of the corpses outlined by the white sheets that covered them from head to toe. On the far side of the tent was another table that had a couple members of the Engineering department bent over a curious artifact, while others were bent over another table with microscopes. For now they would not be given the chance to look over any of these items as they were gestured toward the side of the tent where the current Knight in charge of the investigation was wrapping up giving updated instructions to one of his subordinates.

    He dismissed the lower ranked Knight once everyone was gathered and turned to face them, giving the three generals a brief salute before getting down to business. “Thank you all for coming. I am Major Rogan Price, head of this particular investigation. We have a lot of work to do, and a lot of dead bodies to be accounted for, so forgive me if I skip past pleasantries. I would like to get you all briefed and up to speed so you can get to work.

    “As you can clearly see, Kolleran was attacked with such force that nearly the entire village was wiped out. So far, we have found no survivors, but we are still searching. Our initial suspicion was a dark guild -- rogue mages are known to band together and pick on isolated towns such as these, where the Knights aren’t close enough to respond as quickly as we’d like. However, what little we have found so far has been difficult to identify. If this was a group of dark mages, they are unlike any group that we have come across before.

    “Each of you know your strengths better than I do, so rather than try to assign anyone to any particular task, I’m going to present the areas where we need the most assistance so you may lend your efforts in the area you feel best suited to you.” He pointed toward the bodies laid beneath sheets on the cold metal tables first. “Over there are a few victims that stood out to us. They have injuries on their bodies that don’t match any weapons or magics that we are aware of, though we suspect the wounds are related to the artifact we discovered.” Shifting his limb, he indicated the table with the strange device. “We also found traces of strange colored blood that we have not been able to identify. Any insight into that would be a welcome breakthrough.” By the motion of his hand, this was the evidence being studied at the second station where the microscopes were present.

    Once those stations were identified, he gestured toward the door of the tent. “Lastly, we are also in need of assistance in the field. Our primary goals at the moment are searching the town and the outlying woods for survivors as well as any other evidence that may have been missed in the initial sweep. Either of these items would be tantamount in giving us more information that could be crucial to confirming what we are dealing with here. If you need something or find anything at all, no matter how small it is, please flag down the closest Knight for assistance. Any questions?”

    He would give a brief pause to see if any of them needed further clarification on anything. Those who did not would be dismissed to head to the task that interested them the most.

    NOTES :
    None this round.



    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Guest 15th July 2021, 3:25 pm


    Before too long, Faustein watched on as everyone else who had been summoned to help with the conduct of the incident investigation at Kolleran started to gather near the tent. The others were let in without incident, but apparently, he was the only one among them who had been remiss in following the proper pre-arrival protocol of checking in with the local Rune Knight garrison for the purpose of identity verification, so he had to undergo those additional steps before he could be let inside the command post tent that had been set up by the Rune Knights for everyone as a rendezvous point. Afterwards, however, he was granted permission to enter at which point he did just that.

    Hmm…quite the motley crowd we have here…and the scene looks quite fascinating as well…this should be rather intriguing, indeed…

    Faustein mused silently as he stepped inside the tent and followed along with the rest of those called to the scene, and this time he was sure to follow all the proper steps so he would not have to go through any extra effort later due to oversight. In short order, he and the rest were gathered before the one who seemed to be the overseer of the operation at hand and this Rune Knight began his narrative, going through and gesturing as well as explaining the scene that stood before them inside that tent. Faustein listened as the Rune Knight in question also mentioned that there would not be any formal personnel to task assignments and that each of those who had been called to assist with the incident investigation were free to choose how to direct their energies towards the progression of said investigation.

    Hmm, where to start, I wonder?

    Faustein mused silently further as he continued to listen to the last few remarks the Rune Knight had to give which were basically him asking if there was anyone who had any further questions to ask before commencing their assistance efforts and dismissing those that did not to go do their work as they saw fit. So, Faustein raised his hand to draw attention to himself while simultaneously speaking in that same rich baritone and melodious voice of his, ensuring to maintain a neutral tone throughout his query

    Dr. Stein here, regarding the artifact that was discovered at the scene and that now lies on that table there…was it noticed by the residents before the attack, perhaps? Or was it only discovered after this incident had finished transpiring?

    Then, Faustein fell silent and waited patiently for the Rune Knight to answer with whatever details he had to offer about said artifact’s time of discovery, all the while maintaining his completely neutral expression from before.


    Appearance (CREDIT TO DORAN 2019 FOR ARTWORK):

    Stranger Things CNkIWMc


    POST WC: 455, TOTAL WC: 1360 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 15th July 2021, 10:41 pm

    -Inside the tent-

    Shortly after her arrival Leona was ushered into a moderately sized tent along with the other volunteers and quietly looked at her surroundings. On one side of the tent was a number of medical tables that had bodies lying on them that were covered with sheets. On the far side of the tent were a couple of Rune Knights busy examining what looked like an artifact plus more Rune Knights bent over tables examining something under microscopes, but Leona soon faced forward so that she did not stumble over something and fall in front of everyone. Shortly after facing forward she saw a gesture towards a section of the tent where one Rune Knight was speaking to another.

    Leona obeyed the unspoken command and walked along with the other volunteers until she eventually came into the presence of a Rune Knight who was now standing alone. He introduced himself as Major Rogan Price and skipped the usual pleasantries in favor of briefing the volunteers on everything the Rune Knights knew so far and then getting them to work. Leona kept her mouth shut and faced forward the entire time Major Price was speaking.

    By listening carefully she learned that the Knights had an unconfirmed suspicion that a guild of Dark mages was responsible for the village's destruction. Leona also learned that there were three major tasks the Rune Knights needed help with. Since the major did not know the strengths of each volunteer, the volunteers would not be assigned to a particular task. Instead the volunteers themselves were permitted to choose which one to assist with.

    The first major task was examining the wounds of a few victims of the attack. Major Price stated that the wounds on the victims did not match those caused any weapons or magic they were aware of. He then added that the Rune Knights suspected that an "artifact" they had discovered might be connected to the cause of the wounds.

    The second major task was identifying "strange-colored" blood that the Rune Knights were not able to identify. That bit of information explained the presence of the microscopes. He then gestured towards the door of the tent.

    The third and final major task was searching for survivors and evidence that might have gone unnoticed during the initial sweep in the aftermath of the village's destruction. If she needed help or if she found anything at all, she was instructed to call upon the nearest Rune Knight for assistance.

    Leona quietly chose to join the search for survivors because it was the one best suited to her abilities and skillset. She had winged summons who could help her search for survivors from the air. She had a Jackal summon to sniff out survivors and clues on the ground. Furthermore, she had a natural night vision mode that activated whenever she went into dark places or when night fell, so darkness was no serious obstacle to her search.

    Once the major had gone over the three most important tasks he opened the floor for questions. Leona carefully thought through any potential questions she could come up with, but the major had already answered them. Since she could not think of any questions that were relevant to the search for survivors, the Wizard Saint kept quiet and let the other volunteers ask questions.

    [Post Word Count: 558]
    [Leona's Word Count: 928]


    Stranger Things KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 18th July 2021, 12:59 pm

    Stranger Things 9hjimib

    It did not take long for the Rune Knight to reach the tent, the man pushing aside the thick sheets of fabric that formed the entrance to find several of his fellow Rune Knights in the sizeable space behind him, not failing to notice the bodies covered by white sheets, the obvious shape underneath the material instantly giving away their nature. That was not the only thing that caught his eye, of course, his gaze briefly wandering over the group busy intently studying an unknown object not too far away. It seemed that the Knights had really not spared any effort for this one, huh? Shen corrected a previous assumption in his mind that he had made before coming here, understanding now that the assistance and expertise of specialists may be necessary where previously he had found the idea of bringing any more weaklings onto this scene rather distasteful. If any danger still lingered, he thought, then it would simply be irresponsible to bring civilians into what was essentially a battleground, but that was irrelevant now. If this was the only way to find out what the hell had happened here, the only way to bring whoever was responsible for this to justice, then so be it. It made sense, then, that so many high-ranking knights had been dispatched. Better safe than sorry.

    Before he had much more time to think, he was swiftly joined by more people, who, one after the other, would find their way into the tent, though the young man recognized only a pair of the new arrivals, two girls, or at least, that's what they appeared as. It was, of course, the Exceed twins that, for all intents and purposes, were his equals in rank, being Generals of the Knights' Engineering Division while Shen occupied the same position in the organization's Compat Corps. Incidentally, Grappa and Jellisha, as they were called, also bore the same last name as the Rune Knights' Field Marshal, though the young man didn't know if, or in what sense, they were connected. He would have to ask Serilda about that some time. Shen had been briefly introduced to them before as part of his promotion, though he knew almost nothing about them or their capabilities. Still, he would greet the familiar pair with a curt and neutral "Hello", although it seemed that didn't much deter one of the two to approach him and freeze by his side, Shen's head swerving downwards only to meet her gaze.

    Was she ... trying to reassure him? The young man couldn't help but find that scenario somewhat ironic, given the fact that he needed little reassurance, though he didn't wish to say so to the girl, opting to instead reinforce her statement. His words, however, were spoken with the same emotionless tone as before, and while his intentions were nothing but earnest and straightforward, his delivery masked that fact somewhat. "Certainly. I'll guarantee as much". His eyes would briefly wander over the other arrivals, a woman that seemed to carry a whole load of equipment with her, a man that looked like he would be better suited to any random gang of street thugs than a crime scene, and a guy who appeared like any arrogant run of the mill scientist type. Was this really the best the magical society had to offer? Well, it didn't matter much. Maybe they were all capable in their own right. Shen would guarantee their safety, in any case. He had sworn to himself that he would not let anyone else die, after all...

    Including the three generals, this appeared to be all who would find their way here for a briefing, one of the Rune Knights, a certain Major Rogan Price, recognizing as much before beginning with his explanations, Shen returning the man's salute briefly when the other had raised his arm in the familiar greeting, thereafter listening carefully to the man's detailed explanation. So that was the situation, huh? Worse than the young Rune Knight general had initially assumed, admittedly, but not so much that things were escalating ... for the time being. Briefly, Shen pondered where exactly his skills would be best used, though it was clear that he was not especially useful for either dealing with some artifact they were currently researching or the examination of the bodies. Scouting the surroundings, however, was much more suited to his abilities, the man making the decision to searching the town and the surrounding area would be the best course of action for him.

    "Thank you for your explanation, Major", Shen would reply when the man asked for questions, giving the other a firm nod before turning towards the tent's entryway, indicating that he had no further questions while simultaneously addressing the rest of those present. "I'll handle the search outside, if you don't mind. Anyone who wishes to join me can do so at their leisure". His gaze would first fall onto the Rune Knight who had so superbly explained the situation, then to the others present here, awaiting feedback from those interested in volunteering for scout duty so they could try and formulate a plan of action.

    Post Word Count: 862
    Personal Word Count Total: 1,300
    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

    Lineage : Psionic Soul
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    Third Skill: Sepulchre's Sigil

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Knight Owl 18th July 2021, 3:59 pm

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Stranger Things

    It would appear that he was the final person to arrive in the rendezvous area, and he was expecting that there would be more volunteers considering the scope of the operation. He thought otherwise, looking at the Rune Knights working with their own job in the area, and thought there were only a few capable knights with specialized sets of skills, evident with the involvement of the twins, with one of them introducing themselves as a general which only made their identity known to him as part of the higher ranking officials of the Rune Knights. He also thought of the red haired man to be a high ranking officer, his assumption derived from his interaction with the twins. The rest, he thought of as very capable volunteers if they were given the approval to meet with the team, including one who looked like a scientist.

    Expecting no more volunteers, he along with the rest was ushered into the tent. He saw dead people lying on the medical tables, their visage and faces veiled by white sheets of cloth. Being surrounded with dead people is something he was already used to, so there was no reason for him to feel dread or nauseated at the sight of lifeless husks. After all, he was a soldier, and mayhap jaded after all the stuff he went through before his psionic reawakening. And at the far end of the tent was a group of specialists and an artifact, both of which were not of interest to him. He would then be escorted to meet with someone who introduced themselves as Major Rogan Price, who apprised them of the situation on their arrival, something he was glad of because he’d also want to skip the formalities if something pressing was going on.

    He listened intently to the briefing of the major. He heard the possibility of the involvement of a dark guild, something he is already used to. Yet he can’t help but feel a little sense of dread after his previous kerfuffle with an amazonian woman, which left him half alive after they exchanged blows. He eased himself, reassuring himself that he’s already gotten stronger. He was also given the freedom to choose which task served him best, and after hearing their primary goal, he thought it best if he used his Soldier’s Gambit for the task at hand. He did not have any questions, and thought it would be in his best interests to scout the area for any more survivors.

    “Then I’ll be coming with you, if you’ll have me.” He said to the red haired man in response, intent on teaming up with him in their efforts to locate any survivors or anything of particular interest in regards to the mystery of the attack. He had already left the tent to prepare for the search operation, and thought it best if he dressed for the job. With a few mental commands, threads and pieces of armor coalesced around him to form his exosuit and formed a more toned figure and impeccable asset, after which a few red hexagonal sigils appeared around him. Pieces of his Hound Infantry armor protruded from the hexes, connecting themselves to the ports around his exosuit. His helmet was the last piece of armor to be worn as a hexagon appeared above his head, and the helmet dropped down to connect itself with the armor’s circuitry, after which the armor’s assembly was complete.

    He laid out a 3d live projection of the current state of Kolleran for him and the red haired man to see. The dots laid out on the map were that of creatures, and he has already started bookmarking those around the camp as “Rune Knights” in cerulean blue color, while the rest he labelled as “Volunteers” in sapphire blue. He can’t say the same for the rest of the dots within the city as it could be Rune Knights or forest critters who made their way in the ruined town. This does help with the strategizing along with the red haired Rune Knight, if he’s interested in using the map.

    POST WORD COUNT: 689 (1228 Total)
    MEL @ WW


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 19th July 2021, 5:58 pm

    @Nero @"Grappa & Jellisha" @KuroFaustΩ@Leona Jarnefeldt@Knight Owl

    The options were laid before them, with each Knight or volunteer being given the choice to move themselves wherever they believed they would be most useful. Most everyone seemed to decide where they wanted to go fairly quickly, with only one question being posed by Faustein regarding when the artifact had been discovered. “As I explained, so far we have found no survivors. So unless anyone here happens to be a necromancer or able to communicate with the dead, there’s no way of knowing if the item was in the village before the attack or if it was brought in during. Right now the leading theory is that it was used in the attack by whomever carried out this massacre.”

    There seemed to be no more questions. Shen announced his intention to search outside for survivors, and it seemed two of the others were intent on joining him. The major nodded his understanding. “Anywhere you want to start is fine, as it wouldn’t hurt to go over some of the areas we’ve already searched with a fresh eye in case we missed anything. However, my suggestion would be to either head for the mountains east of the river, or to head along the eastern coast in the direction of the canyons just south of the mountain range. Both of these areas are going to require an extensive search, and there are a lot of places survivors could have holed up. But, there’s also a lot of places that the attackers could be hiding as well. Please proceed with caution.”


    The trip toward the mountains and the canyons would be along mostly the same route through the forest. As they got further and further from the village, signs of an altercation became less and less common. Soon, the only signs they had that anyone may have come through the area recently would be found in the form of disturned grass or broken twigs that could have been evidence of wildlife as much as people. It wasn’t until they started reaching the point where the path would branch off in separate directions depending on where they planned on searching that they would find something new.

    Laying half covered by a patch of grass was a pair of broken reading glasses. There was a bit of dried red blood on them to suggest that the glasses had been broken before their owner had lost them. However, nothing immediately stood out to indicate what direction the owner had gone in. For the moment, Michael’s suit seemed to only be pointing out native animals nearby, each of them keeping a wide berth from their little group. A deeper search of the immediate area would have to be done in order to turn up more potential information.


    Presuming that Faustein had no more questions, he would soon find himself at the table where other members of the Engineering department of the Rune Knights were gathered around the artifact in question. Now that he was up close and personal with it, he would find that it was quite unique. It bore a striking resemblance to a firearm of some kind, but not like any that had been documented on Earthland before. It seemed almost organic in nature, sporting a reddish brown color with spikes the color of charcoal pointed down the barrel of the weapon, giving it a sort of burnt look.

    One of the Knights nodded as he approached. “Hey there,” she told him, “I’m Sergeant Krissy Mayweather. Feel free to just call me Kris. I assume if you’re here then you’re one of the volunteers that’s a bit handy with tech. Please put on a pair of gloves.” Kris nodded toward a small carton on the side of the table that had a few rubber gloves inside like the ones she and the second Knight with her were using. “We haven’t been able to uncover too much just yet. It’s clearly a pistol or rifle of some kind, but there doesn’t appear to be an obvious firing mechanism, nor have we been able to determine any kind of power source. As much as we don’t want to just yet, we’re starting to think we may have to find a way to break it open to get more details.” Once Faustein had put on his gloves, Kris would offer him the weapon to look over for himself.

    NOTES : In this next round with your posts, please be as detailed as possible about WHERE or HOW you are conducting your searches, and what kind of things you are looking for. Feel free to utilize your magics in creative ways to conduct your searches, even if you aren't using pre-approved spells. Right now I am just looking for creativity. From here on out, it should be the actions of your characters driving the story forward, and I will facilitate the narrations based on the directions you take.


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 24th July 2021, 10:20 pm

    -On the road-

    Once the volunteers were dismissed to go about their work Leona left the tent and joined up with two of the volunteers who were also going to look for survivors and clues. One of them was a well-dressed red-headed fellow and the other was a fellow wearing fancy high-tech armor. Due to the nature of their mission, Leona did not waste time with small talk but instead focused on looking for survivors and clues that might have been missed in the initial search in the aftermath of the attack on Kolleran.

    As the trio traveled Leona looked at the forest surroundings for clues. All she could glean from glancing around was that the further from the village she got the less she saw of any signs of conflict. Eventually it got to a point where the only signs that anyone had traveled through the area were broken twigs lying on the grass or patches of grass that had been disturbed, but that was hardly conclusive evidence that humans had been through here. Animals could have easily made those marks. It was a forest area, after all... a lot of animals lived in it.

    Leona was not a trained investigator nor did she have any high-tech armor like her fellow volunteer, but she did have summons that could help her search for anything that might stand out. Now that they were well outside Kolleran she could use the Black-Backed Jackal to sniff out clues without the stench of smoke and death interfering with his sensitive nose like it would have closer to the village. But first she would call upon her eye in the sky to get a bird's-eye view of the area.

    Leona stopped and silently raised her left hand to the sky, telepathically summoning her Pharaoh Eagle-Owl. She then extended her left arm out in front of her and if her fellow volunteers turned to look, they would see a sand-colored owl glide towards her outstretched arm before landing on the Argent Glove. Eventually Ramses landed and looked at Leona.

    "Ramses, I need you to fly overhead and look for anything out of the ordinary. People, bloodstains on the ground, tents that might have been set up, anything that doesn't blend in with the forest." Leona instructed her summon. Ramses turned his head and wordlessly took off to begin looking for clues. Now that Ramses was airborne it was time to call in the Jackal to assist Leona on the ground.

    Leona silently raised her left hand to the sky and telepathically summoned her Black-Backed Jackal. He appeared at her feet and looked up at Leona.

    "I need you to sniff around for any scents, preferably human." Leona informed the Jackal. He lowered his nose to the ground and began to sniff about for a few moments, then turned back to Leona.

    "I smell a lot of scents. Mostly animals, though. It'll take some effort for me to be able to pick out any human scents." The Jackal notified her in a voice audible to the other volunteers. Leona remained silent as the Jackal went back to sniffing both the air and the ground for any human scents. After a minute or two of waiting in silence for the Jackal to alert her to anything the four-legged summon began briskly walking towards a patch of grass to the right and roughly six meters from where she was standing. Leona began to follow it and it stopped and turned to face her.

    "I think I smell something human!" The Jackal alerted Leona before spinning around to face forward and continuing to walk at a brisk pace. The Wizard Saint followed close behind him and after a brief walk spotted something lying half-covered in the grass. Ramses was also flying circles around the object a few feet above it.

    Leona carefully approached the object and stopped a short distance from it, then leaned over and noticed that they were a pair of ordinary reading glasses... well, not entirely ordinary. They were broken and she saw what looked like dried blood on them. There were no obvious signs of where the owner had went. Since they were evidence and she did not want to ruin it, Leona immediately took a big step back and away from them.

    "Please stay away from the glasses. They're evidence." Leona requested of the Jackal, who was sniffing close to them. He obediently backed away and stood to Leona's left while Ramses gained altitude and continued his search for people and clues from the air, flying in a wide circle in the sky. Leona turned around and raised her right arm, then waved her right hand above her head at her fellow volunteers to get their attention.

    "I found something! A pair of broken glasses!" Leona called out to them to notify them of what she and her summons had found.

    [Post Word Count: 818]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,376]


    Stranger Things KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Guest 26th July 2021, 8:44 am


    So the working hypothesis is that this artifact was employed by the attackers in creating this scene of death and destruction, eh? Well now…the plot thickens…

    Faustein had mused silently on his way to the table upon which the artifact in question now lay waiting, surrounded as it was by members of the Engineering Department of the Rune Knights and whoever else among the recruits that were skilled with matters concerning technology, like himself. Meanwhile, he swept his eyes over the other goings-on in the tent. All personnel involved had gotten down to business without wasting time, each choosing the avenue best suited for whatever talents, magic, and so on that constituted their individual repertoires.

    Upon arrival at the table with the artifact, Faustein beheld a female Rune Knight by the name “Krissy Mayweather” who introduced herself and then gave a brief narrative about the current plan about how to analyze the artifact that lay before them. Faustein listened silently and intently to her explanation and after she was finished, he began speaking while taking a pair of gloves from the container she had indicated and putting them on top of the ones he was already wearing now as there was no such thing as too much protection when dealing with unknown things of any kind.

    Understood, and greetings to you too, Kris. You may refer to me as Faust if you prefer. So, a pistol or a rifle, eh? I presume that is the basis for the current working hypothesis that this artifact was somehow used in this attack on the village?

    He asked initially and then kept half his attention on Kris as well as the rest of the artifact analysis team and whatever reply they may be give while looking over the artifact weapon in question that he received from Kris while keeping a running series of mental notes

    Quite the organic and exotic looking artifact this firearm is…perhaps it is a custom made…but that remains to be determined, I suppose…no projectiles near it either… as well as no conspicuous firing mechanism and no noticeable power source? This is certainly turning out to be a rather peculiar find…

    He finished musing silently and added while he awaited any manner of reply from Kris and/or the rest of the artifact analysis team, all the while having an excited grin playing on his thin, faintly cyanotic lips now that his insatiable curiosity had been aroused by the mystery behind the artifact, the effect of this grin when combined with the noticeable dark bags under his eyes as well as the healed scars and suture lines all the exposed parts of his body painting a rather unnerving portrait of him to any onlookers.

    Well, in my experience at least, if there is no obvious firing mechanism and no built-in power source in these types of weapons, then it usually depends on the cycling of mana through the object in question followed by manually compressing it and then releasing it to fire whatever projectiles are used by the weapon. While we are on the subject, were there any physical projectiles of any sort found in or near this artifact?

    He paused momentarily at that point so Kris and the rest of the artifact analysis team could take note of his query addition and then proceeded onwards

    It would be wise to keep the breaking apart method of analysis as an absolute last resort…after all, this artifact could very well be rigged with some manner of trap that is set to activate in the event of compromise to its structural integrity…but what other analytical methods have you already attempted thus far to come to make those observations that you presented to me?

    He asked and fell silent once more, awaiting one or more of the artifact analysis team to shine some more light on the matter. In the interim, he contented himself with turning the artifact weapon in his hands in all directions to examine every inch of it as closely as he could, with that same excited grin still visible on his thin, faintly cyanotic lips.


    Appearance (CREDIT TO DORAN 2019 FOR ARTWORK):

    Stranger Things CNkIWMc


    POST WC: 686, TOTAL WC: 2046 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 26th July 2021, 10:27 pm

    The situation was laid out to the two, with both twins listening carefully to the Captain Price's analysis of the situation. From the sound of things, it was getting pretty dire if not already pretty obvious. Something had caused the entire village to be engulfed in flames and the investigation was still ongoing. With three potential avenues in how the girls could help, it was pretty clear of what they could do. While they weren't ones to be conducting intense investigations and playing detective all day, the girls could stay put here for the time being and help the white haired guy piece things together alongside the other supporters. Not when they could really just put their skills to good use and get to rescuing people. Jellisha looked back at her sister, who was more than busy smiling at the crimson haired Rune Knight that had agreed to look over her while she watched his back, and would nod at the Major. "Deal." Grappa smiled, forcing herself to focus a bit more on him rather than let the weight of the situation get to her. "This will be exciting! We finally get to see you in action, Shen. Just try not to get hurt out there. We don't want to be down another person as is." I'm sure that we can-

    Jellisha, meanwhile, would be busy talking things over with the Major. "We'll stay put here with Faust and take a look at that rifle. There's bound to be some kind of answer it can give us if we press it the right way." Grappa was looking a bit saddened by her sister's declaration that they would be staying instead of helping the other people go and get saved. She gave a childish pout, having wanted to work with Shen for a bit now. "N-Nevermind then..." Jellisha hopped back down to her twin and would nod at the redhead beside her in her usual greeting. "Nice to see you again. It's a been a while since we saw you last. How've you been taking to-" she paused, noting Grappa's rather displeased expression. Great, it must have been another one of her moody days or something. "What's wrong?" Jellisha asked while awaiting some kind of answer to be given to her.

    "Nothing." Grappa replied. "Just talking with him is all."
    "You're an awful liar, you know that?" Jellisha said, crossing her arms while doing her best to keep her patience with this little game that Grappa had apparently wanted to pull in the worst of times. "So just tell me what's bugging you and we can fix it. The sooner we figure out this mess, the sooner we can find some kind of solution here. So fess up."

    Grappa would frown but continue on. "I was just thinking we could go help with scouting and civilians rather than just stay here. There's people who need our help rather than just sitting here." Jellisha considered the idea for a moment in her head. It would be what she wanted to do, but with three people and counting doing the scouting, there would be more than enough people pulling their weight. And she had really wanted to take a gander at that rifle. So the two improvised, with Jellisha looking to Shen. "Go with Shen and I'll hang back here. You'll have our ride with you, so don't feel to helpless." Grappa would be a bit restrained about the idea of separation from her sister, but give a nod to Jellisha while heading off and helping the red haired man with his duties. Meanwhile, Jellisha was a part of the small Engineering team that would be crowded around the weapon with another man.

    Out in the field, Grappa would be piloting GOLI while her arm band would be brought up as the mana battery hummed, the girl using it to scan around the surrounding area for any irregularities or things that certainly wouldn't be natural for a dense forested town such as this. She had her suspicions about the cause of the fire, but remained hopeful that one of them could help move along things.

    [ WC: 692 ]
    [ TWC: 1224 ]


    Stranger Things YvWNyTL
    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Knight Owl 27th July 2021, 6:49 am

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Stranger Things

    The now armored volunteer journeyed through the landscape along with the two wizards in search of survivors or anything of interest that the previous search team might have missed. As it stands, he saw nothing interesting around the vicinity, even going as far as to scry further from the live map displayed around his peripheral vision. Other than a few broken twigs, he saw nothing suspicious so far.

    Michael watched as one of the wizards summoned two creatures, one resembling a jackal, and the other an avian of some sorts. He watched them do their own thing, and meanwhile, he was trying to observe his surroundings for anything of interest. Just as before, there were no signs of altercations within the forest, however, he did see something out of the ordinary - a pair of glasses, just as the blonde found something interesting. He hypothesized that a survivor dropped these as they fled the scene, but how they would fare within the forest is a question for another time.

    He walked towards the female wizard’s location, knelt down, and took one good look at it. It was definitely broken. “Hmm… then there must be a survivor further in.” He said as stood up and looked around for any signs of footprints, or traces of blood if there was any, evident from the blood stains he found on the glasses.. At the same time, he maintained his attention on his map, just in case something speeds up to their location. While it could just be wildlife travelling to wherever they need to go, it doesn’t hurt to be a little more cautious.

    POST WORD COUNT: 271 (1499 Total)
    MEL @ WW


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 2nd August 2021, 7:46 pm

    @Nero @"Grappa & Jellisha" @KuroFaustΩ@Leona Jarnefeldt@Knight Owl


    With the team paused in lieu of the clue they had found, a more indepth search began to take place. The volunteers and the present summons spread out in the immediate area to cover more ground. There would be more than enough scent from the glasses for the Jackal to pick up the direction the glasses’ owner must have gone, though after several hours the trail was so cold that it was extremely faint. Still, he would get enough of a whiff to point the group in the general direction of the cliffs. Tiny traces of dried blood continued on toward the cliffs, little more than the occasional droplets that likely could only be found by creatures with an excellent sense of smell.

    If Michael chose to help search in that direction, he would come across a very distinct print in the soil where someone had slipped in some mud and fallen on the ground hard enough to make a slight impression with their body. If he focused his map past that, he would find evidence that someone had passed that way in a hurry as much of the foliage had been disturbed by something that was human in size. This evidence matched what the Jackal had found, all signs pointing toward the cliffs as the place where a possible survivor had escaped to.

    However, that was not the only thing that would be found. High in the sky, Ramses would be able to have a much larger picture available to him and he would easily be able to cover a large expanse of space around the area. Closer toward the mountains was something peculiar: a large, dark blue mark staining the side of a small rock leading up toward the mountains. If he dove down to take a closer look, he would discover some kind of dried liquid smeared against the rock. Not only that, but there were droplets of the blue ichor dotting the ground heavily in places. There was a clear path in the area that was recently worn down by recent traffic from either people or large creatures leading up toward the mountains. Any tracks he would be able to pick out of the ground would be strange, not matching the shape of a human’s, or indeed that of any known creature that he would be able to immediately recognize, with three skinny toe like markings at the top and a lower mark toward the bottom similar to a dew claw. And given the way that the marks seemed to scratch at the ground rather than simply impress upon it would be enough of a conclusion that whatever made these tracks sport very sharp toes.

    Altogether, the various clues would leave the party with a choice: It was obvious that at least one survivor had managed to seek sanctuary in the cliffs, though whether or not they still lived was up in the air. They could very well be dying wherever they had stopped, in desperate need of assistance. On the other hand, if Ramses was able to bring the other evidence up to the gathered party, the team could confidently assume between the strange blood like liquid and the odd shape of the tracks that the potential suspects in this attack had retreated into the mountains to either regroup or escape entirely. Time was always of the essence in capturing a suspect, but without knowing more about what they were facing there would be no telling what would happen if anyone elected to follow those tracks up into the mountains just yet, where they could be easily ambushed or overwhelmed by an enemy that had had plenty of time to set up a defensible position.


    Faust and Jellisha would find themselves working together at the station bearing the artifact. Kris saluted Jellisha as she approached before offering a pair of gloves to the crimson eyed young woman. “If you would, General Sinclair.” Then, she turned back to Faust and his question, nodding. “Yes, we’re quite certain these were the primary method of attack. As you can see, the tips of the weapon are blackened almost like charcoal, and there a bit of soot like residue that seems to point toward the energy from the weapon being some kind of high heat. Since no one has found anything that could point to some kind of traditional ammunition, like a bullet or a discharged casing of any kind, we can only assume it’s purely energy based.”

    Waving for them to follow her, she lead them over toward the bodies on the gurneys and gently pulled back the sheet over the nearest one. The exposed body was that of a middle aged man. His clothing had been removed in order to more thoroughly inspect the body, which bore a number of large scorch marks along it. “If you take a close look at these injuries, they appear to have been created by some kind of precise heat strike, almost like a laser but much more powerful. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it.”

    Picking up a clean scalpel and a pair of medical grade tweezers, she carefully peeled back a portion of skin over one of the burns where an incision had previously been made, pulling the flaps of flesh gently away from one another. “As you can see, this flesh has been burned through the layers of skin and directly into the muscle, resulting in a couple inches of charred flesh. However, I don’t know of any technology that could have resulted in an injury this.. Clean? Even a high powered laser would take time to burn through this much flesh, and the skin on the outside would be more cooked than what’s on the inside because it would be exposed longer. However, the burn here is even throughout, suggesting that the damage was done in a single, quick burst. Additionally, the accuracy of this is almost pin point. If this had been a burn from, say, an open flame, the circumference of the damage would be much larger, Instead, this wound is only about two inches wide; not much wider than the barrel of that weapon.”

    “We did consider magic, of course. Magic is capable of a lot of crazy things. But as far as we can tell, the weapon has zero mana readings. We’ve scanned it with a number of tools, and it doesn’t give off even a trace of magic. That’s why we put out a call for volunteers to come take a look at everything. At this point we have exhausted our traditional methods of research, and our leading theory at the moment is that we’re dealing with a threat that’s possibly extraterrestrial in nature.. Anything either of you can offer by way of analysis would be welcome, no matter how out of the box it is.”

    NOTES : None this round.


    Leona Jarnefeldt
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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 6th August 2021, 12:53 am

    As Ramses continued his aerial search for clues and survivors Leona watched the armored man approach and kneel down to take a look at the glasses. He then said to Leona that there must have been a survivor further in the area.

    "I hope so." Leona said to the armored fellow in a tone that was cautiously optimistic. She was not sure how much time they had before any survivors of the attack were no longer among the living. However, rushing things would not help anyone. The volunteers would need to search carefully for clues and they would need to work and travel together to have the best chance of finding any survivors.

    She looked towards the sky and could barely see Ramses flying towards the mountains. He must have thought that he could find something there. Leona left him to it and turned her attention back to her surroundings.

    Leona watched the Jackal slowly approach the glasses on the ground. He began sniffing them and the grass around them, stopping just short of actually touching the glasses with his nose. After about six minutes of careful sniffing the Jackal turned away from them and approached Leona. Once he stood a short distance from her feet he looked up to face Leona and spoke.

    "I know that you didn't want me to approach the glasses, but I couldn't help but to pick up on something. There's still enough of a scent on them that I think I have a general direction for you to go in." The Jackal informed her. Leona's curiosity showed on her face.

    "Really?" Leona asked the canine.

    "Yeah. The trail's gone cold, but I picked up enough of a scent to suggest that you go towards the cliffs. I can't give you any more specific directions than that... sorry." The Jackal told her in a voice audible to the armored fellow. Leona immediately turned towards the volunteer.

    "It's not the most solid lead, but at least it's something. If my Jackal's right, we should be able to find something when we approach the cliffs." Leona said to him. The man most likely heard the news straight from the Jackal's mouth, but she repeated it anyway in case he was not the kind of person to put much stock in what talking animal summons had to say.

    Leona looked towards the sky to check for Ramses, but she was not seeing him yet. She had not heard from him either. The Wizard Saint then looked back at the other volunteer and was about to speak when she saw something small out of the corner of her left eye. She turned her head to the left and saw Ramses flying towards her as fast as he could go. Leona wordlessly stepped back and held out her left arm for the owl to land on.

    He quickly landed on her left forearm and looked at her.

    "While I did not find any humans, I found a few other things." Ramses told Leona in a voice that was audible to the armored volunteer.

    "While flying around the mountains on my search I looked down at the ground and noticed a large, dark blue mark staining the side of a small rock leading up toward the mountains. I could not believe what I saw, so I carefully descended and flew towards the mark. When I got closer to it I noticed a strange dried liquid smeared against the rocks, but that was not all I discovered." Ramses started his report.

    "While searching the area I also noticed droplets of a blue liquid dotting the ground... it fell in some places more heavily than it did in others. There was also a clear path in the area. It led towards the mountains and it appeared to have been recently made because when compared to the other parts of the area it was too... new, for lack of a better word." Ramses continued. Leona was intrigued by that information.

    "Did you happen to notice anything else, Ramses?" Leona asked the small owl if he had noticed anything else out of the ordinary. He gave a slight downward bob of his body to indicate "yes" before responding.

    "The last thing I noticed was a strange set of tracks I found. Whatever made them left prints with three skinny toe-like markings at the top and a lower mark toward the bottom similar to a dew claw. There was no impression on the ground, just scratches on the ground that roughly correspond to the location of the claws." Ramses finished his report. The small owl had just come up with some big clues that pointed to something odd having passed through that area. Leona turned to the volunteer.

    "What should we do from here? Do we head towards the cliffs to look for a possible survivor or do we go to the mountains and try to find whatever left all those clues that Ramses found?" Leona asked the man his opinion on where they should go.

    [Post Word Count: 840]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,216]


    Stranger Things KjmbioC

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 9th August 2021, 10:28 am

    Stranger Things 9hjimib

    Up until now, the Rune Knight General had retained an unchanged attitude, keeping quiet, though remaining at the forefront of the little search party that had formed and ventured into the depths of the forest in search for clues. While they weren't a large party by any means, he had the feeling that the other 3 mages were powerful enough to hold their own, and while he wasn't entirely certain about their skillsets and how suited they would be for this task. Still, the first one to make their move was not the red-haired Rune Knight, but the blonde woman that had tagged along. Shen only now consciously realized the fact that she had not introduced herself when searching for a name to associate with her, though it mattered very little to him in the end. Despite that, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her somewhere before, though the specifics of any assorted memory escaped him. Perhaps it was a misguided impression, one not even rooted in reality, but that thought wasn't worth the time pondering over, the young man thus discarding it completely.

    Disregarding these circumstances, once things had started to take a turn via a curious find, new information would surface rapidly, in no small part due to the intervention of the blonde's summons, her standing rising within the young Rune Knight's mind based on the utility she provided. Only now that this information was presented to them, Shen would act, turning towards the woman and the creatures that had so effectively collected the intel they had presented to them after listening to the entire explanation both the jackal and the owl had shared respectively. Eyes devoid of any depth, any identifiable feeling, first wandered across the forms of the beasts before finally landing on the mage who had summoned them, dull irises seeming to stare right through her.

    "If there are survivors still within this forest-", he began, his voice calm and stoic, lacking any emotion whatsoever, ringing out for the first time since he had spoken to the others back at the base of operations in what remained of that village, "-then it is imperative that we act swiftly. We will split up here and fan out in order to cover more ground". After having said this, he would turn towards the other two, that mysterious man and the one half of the pair of Engineering Generals, addressing all of the mages at once. The fact remained that there seemed to be some kind of entity lurking within the area ahead of them that they had not yet encountered, its properties and abilities unknown, though this, along with any survivor of the catastrophe they could find, would more than likely provide clues that the Rune Knights so desperately sought. "If you discover something, give the others a signal so we may converge at that location. Similarly, if one of you finds themselves in insurmountable danger, please do the same and I will be with you within a few short breaths". Naturally, the young man didn't mean to give the group orders, though he couldn't help himself but recognize that he was unmistakably the strongest among them all, not to mention the fact that he had not lied. His natural movement speed was extraordinarily high, his senses unnaturally sharp, honed through training and technique alike to a degree that would baffle even the vast majority of mages. Realistically speaking, he would be able to not only sense when one of them was in danger, but he would also be able to provide swift back-up in a matter of seconds. He wouldn't let anyone under his protection die. Not again.

    "That said, if the creature responsible for this lurks in the mountains, that is naturally the path I will take. I suggest you others try to find and care for the wounded individual who has left behind this trail of blood, if they are still alive. If they are not, please mark the location and head towards the mountains. Until then, good luck". Shen's explanation delivered thusly did not leave much room for debate. He was a lone wolf who best worked alone. He had made up his mind, his form blurring and vanishing as soon as he had finished making his point, bowing slightly before the rest of the mages in a gesture of good will and thereafter taking his leave, the air being split where he had stood, the ground rumbling with the echo of thunder as the sound barrier was not only broken, but ripped to shreds in the matter of a single instant in time. The Rune Knight General's movements were so fast that he doubted any of the other mages could even perceive them, and before even a second had passed, he was already well on his way towards the mountains in the suspected direction the unknown entity had taken, using his extraordinary sight and senses to try and find any clue on this thing which was presumed to be connected to the attack on the village.

    Post Word Count: 847
    Personal Word Count Total: 2,147

    OOC Notes:

    Shen's Movement Speed at the moment is 9,000 m/s

    Plot Ability used in this post:

    Senses: Through his magic and somewhat altered body, Shen enjoys a few improvements to his existing senses, most notably his sense of smell and sight. While his sense of smell is better and more precise than that of average people, it doesn't quite hold up to his excellent sense of sight, with the exception of blood, which can be smelled from miles away, whether it is contained in a person or free. His sense of sight, however, extends far beyond the capabilities of a normal human, allowing him to see for dozens of miles clearly, judge distance, size, and speed of stationary and moving objects with extreme accuracy if they can be perceived, and in special cases, when paired with his clairvoyance, allows him to see past physical obstructions or barriers and maintain a clear visual on a target regardless.
    Knight Owl
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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Knight Owl 10th August 2021, 10:15 am

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Stranger Things

    While he is impressed with the amount of progress the group had in tracking down any survivors, he couldn’t help but feel the powerless one among the group, especially since he had to keep his psionic powers hidden. He needed only a glance to figure out that his comrades had far more experience than he had, and a diverse set of arsenals. The blonde had her summoning magic, which helped with the scouting a lot. He still doesn’t know what the others are capable of, only that he knows they possess powerful magic if they earned a high ranking title.

    He was just about to suggest splitting the party to cover more ground, but the red haired Rune Knight beat him to it. That just saved him the trouble of suggesting anyway, and he was already planning to stray from the group to look for the survivors. Before he could say anything, the red haired man disappeared in a blur. He sighed. Are wizards capable of being this powerful?

    “Then if you’ll have me, I’ll go to the cliffs to look for the injured survivor. Or survivors. I can maneuver around the trees just fine and I can handle myself. Pray I get to their aid in time before any more harm befalls them.” He said as he ran off into the forest, disappearing from the party as he ran further and further towards the cliffs. All evidence that he found, and including the trail of scent picked up by the jackal, only confirms that the survivor has taken refuge around the cliffs. With a little help from the datacenter within his cyberspace, he mentally commanded his pseudo magic to perform a HeXtatistical Archiving to automatically pick up any man-made trail within the vicinity of his HeXionic Radar, be it footprints or impressions on surfaces. While it does that, Michael ran towards the general direction of the cliffs, during which the analysis would also lead him towards the whereabouts of the survivor, if there was any. If there was, the trails should lead him directly towards them.

    POST WORD COUNT: 348 (1847 Total)
    MEL @ WW


    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 11th August 2021, 1:58 pm

    The progress of the group’s little search party had mostly gone by with no conclusive results thusfar. The emerald eyed twin would be looking around on foot with the ever humming and churning machine next to her would be on the lookout as well, though his limitations and generaloverall testing phase left much to be desired for in terms of how GOLI could make sense of things around him. The forest still brought a considerable amount of land to cover, even when split evenly between the small group of people scouting around for any survivors or trace of life around the charred village. With how ferocious the flames a short distance away raged on, it was a wonder that the canopy of leaves above them hadn’t been ignited just yet. Grappa hadn’t caught wind of anything that was fairly evident in showing that people or even one single entity had even been present here. A troubled huff escaped her lips while she brought the device on her arm up towards her face. ”Nothing yet. Not even a footprint or anything. Was anybody even running in this direction?” she asked herself, the contemplative eyes moving over to her silent but ever vigilant construct a short distance away. With just some luck, it was possible that her back up had found something that she normally would have passed over or at the very least, gotten at least some kind of start to how they could better serve the small group hunting for survivors. ”What about you? Did your sensors pick up anything yet?” The machine hummed in response, with a small magnetic chirps and beeps coming from the Grappa’s gauntlet, though not exactly the answer she could have wanted. ”Damn. This isn’t going how I thought it would.” Profanity that would have likely resulted in a stern punishment from their mother aside, the girl’s ears picked up on the sound of wings flapping in the distance. Leona’s owl would swoop below and give his report to the group.

    ”This is perfect.” Grappa beamed somewhat, though still had that partial look of worry ever present on her face. Call it her naïve mind doing its best to keep her sheltered and ignorant of the true horrors that a pack of mages could do, but she did hope that there would be progress by following the few marks left for them. ”Although the fresh blue liquid seems rather unnatural. I don’t think there’s any animals near here that could have that sortof feature.” The one half of the Twin Generals gently combed her fingers through her hairin thought, a nervous tick that she had begun to do when something was bugging her or she was lost in thought. Grappa turned to Nero. ”Do you think it could be some kind of beast or something? The scratches make it sound like something that was flying could have takenthem if there aren’t any hard markings into the ground.” The red haired male of the groupwould take action into his own hands and suggest that the group split in order to cover more ground before then speeding off before anybody could offer a rebuttal of any kind. One by one, their little four man group had dispersed further apart while Grappa and GOLI would be left for themselves. ”Since everyone else is on foot, I guess that leaves me to go by air.” The girl said, her form shifting into her Exceed Form and then flying in front of GOLI. ”Keep searching and scanning for any heat traces or lifeforms while I look from the skies.” From there, the Exceed soared into the air and would use her enhanced sense of hearing and sound to try and detect any yells or voices coming from above the treeline.


    Inside of the tent, Jellisha would return the salute to Kris in an awkward fashion. She was still sort of new to this General business, having always looked at herself and her sister as just regular old soldiers, same as anybody else. Superior officer stuff was pretty confusing and, in her own opinion, kind of boring. She handed her a pair of gloves that the crimson eyed twin quickly slid onto their hands while they had walked to meet up with Faust. ”Thanks. So what are we looking at with Mr. Bad Hair Day over here?” she asked a bit unbecoming of a General, though there wasn't really any malice in her words. She was just as blunt as her father, possibly a bit more. It led to a lot of interesting arguments, all things considered. Faust held the weapon before them while Jellisha could only really observe from a distance, the blackened muzzle stained with the obsidian color of soot and ash one of the many highlights of this intricateweapon. ”A firearm that can shoot condensed heat or some other type of energy?That doesn't sound too confusing so far.” She dryly commented before Kris would take the two towards some gurneys laid out across from them. Underneath were clearly bodies, messyones at that. Jelisha swallowed hard and would prepare her stomach for the grizzly sight. The two had only really worked with machines but wanted to branch out in other capacities. This would be just one such side effects of such. Jellisha could only remain glad that Grappa was outside wherever and away from this. The blanket was lifted before them, the remains of a middle aged man were surprisingly intact considering the current events unfolding. Kris would continue on about the effect that the gun had on organic matter, namely this old guy in front of them. Jellisha crossed her arms in thought. She was right, the burns, and the internal damage, how accurate the damaged radius was. It was pretty unheard of given how abundant flames were at a more widespread sort of area. ”So if the gun doesn't have a trace of mana and doesn’t have a hair to fire it, how’d it just pierce through this guy?…” Jellisha said toherself, her inner monologue not one to be outmatched by some guy and his stupid ice cream haircut.”If it doesn’t have anywhere to fire it…” the girl said, looking respectfully at the soot stained end while her brain would try and follow some kind of train of thought. She leaned in closer, frowning to herself while scratching her head. ”Would it be possible that this is some kind of smaller part of something? Like whoever was firing this had it broken off, intentionally or unintentionally, that was a part of a bigger, more powerful firearm?”

    [ WC: 1100 ]
    [ TWC: 2324 ]


    Stranger Things YvWNyTL
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th August 2021, 5:59 pm

    @Nero @"Grappa & Jellisha" @Leona Jarnefeldt@Knight Owl


    After a moment to go over the evidence, it was decided that the team would split into two groups, with Shen heading up the mountains in pursuit of whatever enemy may still lay in waiting, and the rest of the group heading toward the canyon where they hoped to find one or more survivors.

    Luckily for the second group, the Jackal was able to at least start them off in the right direction. With that in mind, Leona, Michael, and Grappa fanned out toward the more southerly route, with the latter switching into her Exceed form and taking to the skies for a more bird’s eye view. As they moved, Michael’s HeXionic Radar did eventually pick up a faint impression upon the packed ground that would lead them directly to the canyon before the hard ground became too packed to leave such a trail to follow. Whoever they were tracking, they had managed to at least make it to the canyon, but where they had gone from there was not easily deduced.

    A massive ravine yawned in either direction at their feet with a sheer drop of hundreds of meters below. A heavy wind raced between the cliffs with a dull roar, sending a sharp chill through the air that seemed to pierce through flesh and settle straight to the bone. There was nothing in either direction but more cliffs, and looking down from the edge all they would see was the jagged walls as they stretched toward the ground below, a view that may invite a sense of vertigo for any who didn’t quite have the stamina for such a sight. However, flying high in the sky as she was, Grappa would notice something from her position that the others couldn’t see from theirs.

    A few dozen meters to the group’s left, there was a large enough portion of the stone jutting out from the cliff’s wall to form a very narrow walkway down along the wall’s face. It was such a thin passage that it would not be easily noticed even if one were standing right on top of it. In fact, it was a trail that one might only take if desperate, wide enough only to fit one person at a time, and even then it was a tight and treacherous fit… but not an impossible one. If Grappa followed the trail with her eyes she would see it stretched on for a number of meters until there was a shadow upon the wall that hinted at the possibility of a small cave. Should this trail be pointed out to the other two companions, not only would Michael pick up another singular footprint toward the top that would match the trail they had been following earlier, but the Jackal would pick up a small, mostly dried patch of blood against the wall, almost like an injured person had been hugging the wall while walking in an attempt to keep from falling over the edge.

    Flying would certainly make it much easier to check along the face of the ravine for where the path lead, but anyone who would have to actually walk the trail would find it to be exceptionally dangerous. Not only was the path barely wide enough for a grown adult to walk down, but the edge was ragged and unstable, with plenty of loose rocks and gravel that could easily spell a slippery doom for a missed step, especially as the wind picked up heavier the further down the wall they went. Even if they managed to get where they were going and found whoever they were looking for, they might have to wonder how they were going to get back with their charges in tow.

    No matter how they traversed the distance, they would eventually come across the mouth of a cave so small one could barely even call it such. It was really little more than a bend in the wall that offered miniscule protection from the environment. And there, laying on the ground with their back tucked tightly against the farthest wall, was a young girl of maybe eight years or so. Her clothing was tattered and dirty, and there was blood stained on her top. Her bright blonde hair was muddied with dust and there was a small injury on her forehead that suggested she may have fallen at one point and hurt herself. Wrapped tightly in her arms was an even younger child, barely bigger than an infant, swaddled in a blue blanket that was really the only thing keeping the fragile baby from being fully exposed to the dangerously cold air. The young girl was so exhausted and frozen that she couldn’t even move more than her eyes to signify that she saw those that had approached. They were both alive -- but barely. And infant in particular was in critical condition and coming close to being lost…


    With his superior speed, Shen would have no issue quickly traversing the mountainside. It would not take him very long to come across the spot where Leona’s summons had discovered the dark patch of what his senses would tell him was unmistakably blood, though not of any kind of creature he’d ever smelled before. The dark ichor gave off a scent not unlike sulfur. For most anyone else, attempting to search the mountain range for potential enemies would be quite the challenge. However, Shen’s supremely heightened senses gave him an incredible edge. Getting a good whiff of the unique scent, he would be able to use his ability to sniff out blood to easily point him in the right direction further up the mountain.

    Eventually, he would find himself within range of a large cavern. Thanks to the assistance of his clairvoyance, even from a distance he could see through enough layers of the thick mountainous walls to get a glimpse of what waited within. The creatures were tall and gangling, with four legs, two arms, and long appendages like tentacles that sprouted from their backs. Their toes were as long as their fingers, and with their shape would seem to fit with the prints that Leona’s summons had described before. Their faces lacked all the typical features of Earthlanders, consisting of a smooth grey dome with a single gaping maw that practically wrapped around their entire heads. When open, their mouths glowed with an ominous blue light that also seemed to shine from within their bodies, visible across various places such as their chests, arms, and the tips of the tentacles on their backs. And even more curious, they had zero magical aura. In fact, Shen would get the distinct impression that if it had not been for the fact that he could see through solid objects and that his non-magical senses were so incredibly heightened, he may never have known they were there because they simply did not register on a magical frequency at all.

    In total, he could currently see five such creatures loitering in their hiding space in various stages of alertness, with two keeping guard near the entrance and three a bit more relaxed further inside. They each carried large rifles that glowed red and seemed to be crafted from some kind of organic substance, and he could hear them speaking to one another a foreign language that he couldn’t understand. For the moment, they appeared unaware of the fact that they were being watched from afar, which would allow Shen an opening should he choose to utilize it.


    Back in Kolleran village, Jellisha was given an up close and personal view of one of the bodies on the gurneys, where Kris was giving a run down of all the odd findings they had managed to collect so far regarding the alleged weapon and its connection to the victims’ causes of death. She allowed her commanding officer time to ruminate over the information. The young general asked about the possibility of there being a missing part that could be the key to the weapon’s operation, causing the Sergent to frown in thought.

    “As far as I can tell, the object is whole. I suppose it’s possible. At this point it’s hard to rule anything out when we are dealing with something we have no true basis of comparison for. But we did a pretty thorough inspection of it, and everything seems to fit together pretty smoothly with no grooves or anything to suggest that it is missing any pieces.”

    “Hey, sergeant! You’re going to want to take a look at this.”

    Their attention was drawn over toward one of the techs that was set up with the microscopes, a young man who bore the insignia of a private with the Engineering branch. He was waving them over with a look of shock on his face. Krissy covered the body back up and lead the way over to the station. “What did you find?”

    He shook his head. “I couldn’t describe it if I tried, ma’am. You’re just going to have to look.”

    With a frown, Kris positioned herself in front of the microscope and placed her face against the eyes to peer inside. “What the hell..? Is that… is that a DNA strand..?”

    “I think so.”

    Kris was glued to the microscope for another minute before pulling back, a look of absolute bewilderment on her face. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Stepping away from the station, she gave Jellisha the space to approach and see what all the fuss was about. If the young woman peered into the microscope, she would find what appeared to be a strand of DNA, but it was not shaped like any strand one would find on Earthland. Where a native strand would consist of a double helix conjoined by nitrogenous bases, the one before them was a triple helix. Furthermore, some of the nitrogenous pairs that connected the helixes together seemed to glow almost like they were burning, and the strand of DNA itself seemed to almost shimmer, like it was visible one moment and gone the next, flickering back and forth out of existence.

    NOTES : Be advised that Kuro has dropped out of the thread due to a character change, and will no longer be participating.


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 20th August 2021, 11:39 pm

    -The Canyon-

    Having followed the armored volunteer to the canyon while the red-headed fellow set off for the mountains to search for the creature that left the odd marks on the ground, Leona took a moment to try and regain her focus because she was disturbed by what she saw. In front of her loomed a large ravine that looked to be very deep. If she went over the side there was no way in Ishgar that she would survive the fall. Calming down just enough to look at her surroundings, Leona was visibly anxious and anyone who saw her face could likely deduce why.

    Leona shuddered and not just because she was confronted by her greatest fear. The wind was blowing with a dull roar and it was a very cold wind that easily knifed through her clothing and made her feel like she was wearing a tank top and shorts. The Wizard Saint who used Wind magic was quick to note the irony of how her own element was working against her. She slowly and carefully approached the edge and worked up the courage to look down. She soon wished that she had not.

    In front of her was a view of the jagged walls of the cliff and they led straight down in a drop that was easily hundreds of meters. Leona felt her stomach turn and she quickly backed away from the edge to recover from the sight. She backed away two meters before she finally stopped to catch her breath.

    Once Leona was clear of the edge and calm enough to focus, she looked at her surroundings again for anything out of the ordinary. It took her a few minutes of slow and careful looking to finally notice a very narrow path jutting out from the cliff wall to the left. It led down along the cliff wall and was so narrow that it could only accommodate a single person. However, it could be traversed if one were daring enough... or desperate enough.

    "Hey Leona, that path looks pretty narrow! I'm not sure if we should both go down it at once!" The Jackal informed her. Leona already knew that, but she did not retort and quietly studied the path for anything out of the ordinary, but she did not see anything. It stretched on for a ways and every step would be perilous. The blonde used her brain and soon came up with a safer way to conduct a search.

    Why walk when she could fly?

    Leona was about to summon Winged Lion for transport when Ramses quickly descended and flew towards her. Leona stuck her left arm out and Ramses landed on it.

    "You should be careful here, Leona. Were you to fall off of the edge, I fear it would be the end for you." Ramses said to Leona. The Wizard Saint nodded.

    "Don't worry, Ramses. I'm not going to walk down the path. I'm going to fly alongside it." Leona informed the owl of her plan and pointed towards the path jutting out of the left cliff wall with her right hand. Ramses looked towards where she was pointing and saw the path.

    "I need you to fly ahead of me and look for anything out of the ordinary. If you see anything, let me know immediately." Leona requested of the owl. The owl bobbed his body downward like a human would nod.

    "Of course." Ramses said before flapping his wings and taking off, flying straight out and then banking left, then flying alongside the path. Once he was clear of her and conducting his search of the cliff wall Leona turned to the armored volunteer and spoke to him.

    "I'm about to take to the skies and search that way." Leona said to him. She pointed towards the path with her left index finger.

    "If you can't fly on your own, be very careful going down that path. If you fall off I can't guarantee that I can save you in time to avoid a nasty fall." Leona advised him. He had likely already figured that out, but she still felt obligated to warn him. She was about to summon Winged Lion when the Jackal gently tugged on her left boot with his teeth.

    "Hey Leona, I smell something!" The Jackal notified her. He began to walk towards the wall and the Wizard Saint slowly followed the canine to get a look at what had caught the Jackal's attention. Once he got to a section of wall he looked up and pawed at it to draw her attention to whatever he had smelled. Leona slowly and very carefully walked over to it and looked at a mostly dried patch of blood.

    It looked like someone had left it as they traversed the narrow path by hugging the wall. Leona shuddered again. Someone must have been in truly dire straits to even consider walking the path, let alone actually doing it. Leona carefully made her way back down the path and to safer ground and the Jackal followed close behind. Once she was there and safely away from the ledge she spoke to the armored volunteer again.

    "Someone definitely went that way. There's a patch of mostly dried blood on the wall. I'm going to fly alongside it and see what I can find. I'm leaving my Jackal with you to serve as a communications link between us. If I find anything, I'll let you know through the Jackal since I can communicate with my summons telepathically." Leona informed the man of what she was about to do. She then raised her arms and summoned Winged Lion a meter to her right so that she could begin her own aerial search for whoever went down the treacherous path. Leona walked to him, climbed on board his back, and spoke to the Jackal.

    "I need you to stay with him and serve as a communications link to him." Leona notified the Jackal of his next task.

    "Sure thing, Leona! I'll stay with him!" The Jackal said. Leona then turned to the lion.

    "I need you to fly out straight, then turn left. I want you to fly slowly and carefully a short distance away from that wall. Someone went down that path and I want to find them." Leona told Winged Lion what she needed him for. He nodded.

    "Understood. Taking off now." Winged Lion said in a voice audible to the armored volunteer. He flapped his wings and ran forward, jumping into the air a meter away from the edge. He flew straight forward, then banked left once he was airborne and stable enough to maneuver without trouble. Keeping enough distance from the path so that he did not hit his left wing on the rock and cause Leona to fall to her death when he struggled to stay aloft, he flew as slowly as he could to give Leona time to scan the path.

    Leona had not heard back from Ramses yet, so she kept flying along and looking for the person who left the patch of blood. She just hoped that she would not be too late to rescue whoever had braved the path.

    [Post Word Count: 1,205]
    [Leona's Word Count: 3,421]


    Stranger Things KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
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    Shen Kadokawa

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 27th August 2021, 3:50 pm

    Stranger Things 9hjimib

    Maneuvering past trees, hills, and eventually the ascending terrain of a rocky mountainscape, the young Rune Knight General weaved his way through the expansive stretches of terrain with little effort, only stopping every once in a while to check his orientation and make sure he headed the right way, not taking breaks longer than a few seconds at most. That was, of course, until he came across something peculiar, a splatter of unmistakably unnatural blood drawing his attention. Shen had no problem locating the phenomenon, based on both his sense of smell that, even after all this time, seemed particularly well-calibrated to sniff out blood of any kind, as well as the intel he had received from the summoner in the group of mages that had now split up.

    Still, the young man pondered if this substance, now that he had the chance to give it a closer look, could even be considered blood. The color was off entirely, the strange liquid before him appearing as if it had come from a being that shared few similarities with a regular person, and yet, the scent clearly identified it as a life essence of sanguine origin. The scent especially, however, was what had Shen's hair stand on end, carrying with it a certain note of a fundamental foulness. Dragons, perhaps? No, Demons? He wasn't sure. He hadn't really had an encounter with any of those before and didn't know how to categorize this find, but that didn't matter. For the time being, at least. If this was any indicator that whatever kind of creature had attacked the village was still within the area it meant that he had to act fast. If whatever had killed all these people and wrought devastation of that scale was still out there he had to deal with it as swiftly as possible, the second reason why Shen had chosen to split from the group. The first one, well, he really couldn't stand being with any of them. Not that it was their fault, but he had cringed internally when all these people had decided to follow him when he had hoped they would just stay put and assist the Engineering Corps or something similar. Ever since back then, teamwork tended to be anything but his strong suit. It was what it was, the young man figured. Sometimes there was no way around working with others, even if he despised it.

    Shen took a breath before exhaling with a soft sigh, his eyes swerving upwards, his gaze parting from the splattered substance on the ground and drifting into the distance. His sense of smell was not as good as his sight, admittedly, but for some reason, this had never applied to blood, a quirk he had been born with, and using that same sense of smell, which let him detect blood from a vast distance away, he would locate a similar scent to the one he had found after a few moments. Without much delay, he would crouch down and immediately break into a sprint once again, the air bursting behind him at his speed blurred his form before the General would once again vanish entirely.

    It wouldn't take him long to reach his destination, though Shen stopped a good distance away from the location his senses had picked up, leaning against a rock a good mile away from his target, or rather, the group of targets, he could smell that much. He closed his eyes and focused his senses, images flooding his mind one after another. His clairvoyance was not especially powerful and he had not yet gotten used to this ability, the visual on his the things that lurked not far from here more like a slideshow than a smooth image, scraps of sights intermixed with strange sounds, but it was enough to get a good look before he shut off that particular power of his. Extended usage would cause a severe migraine, which the young man blamed on his mind's lacking capability to handle the unfamiliar channel of information. What he had seen, however, was definitively not human, though, he was certain that those things were no dragons or demons, either. At least, they didn't appear like the typical examples he had heard of before. Their twisted forms seemed more foreign than he initially thought, even with that strange blood, but he could recognize a general structure to their forms, 6 limbs, and numerous appendages, some of which also carried what seemed like weaponry, these unknown life forms all in all appearing rather alien to him. 5 of them in total, which was quite the group, but Shen, now more than ever, was unwaveringly confident in his abilities. If those things had been the ones who'd attacked Kolleran, he would make them pay for their crimes. No matter what.

    And though that thought crossed his mind, there was still a procedure to these things. He wouldn't simply march up to them and cut them all down, and although he was certain that he had that right after what he figured they had done to the village and its inhabitants, there were certain questions that he wanted answers to, after all. Slowly, the young man reached towards his hip, his hand wrapping around the hilt of the blade he had stored in its sheath, drawing the weapon with his right. His left hand reached into one of the pockets of his coat, producing a white mask, red designs of ornate nature decorating the item, which was placed on his face with a swift, practiced motion. With that, he was had prepared himself for most eventualities, reaching the entrance to the cave in less than a second with the same speed he had maintained throughout his operation, coming to a halt in sight of the two guards, probably seeming like he appeared out of thin air. Still, he would not get closer or show any signs of aggression just yet, instead only opening his mouth to speak, though the solemn, steady tone he had wielded before when conversing with the other mages had vanished entirely. His voice was laced with venomous anticipation, his eyes, flickering crimson behind the eerie mask, fixed on the creatures before him as he spoke, deciding upon his next course of action based on the response he would receive. His tone, trembling with hatred for the injustice that he had been forced to witness, however, already conveyed nothing but unadulterated bloodlust.

    "Yo. Are you the ones who attacked that village not far from here?".

    Post Word Count: 1,093
    Personal Word Count Total: 3,240

    OOC Notes:

    Shen's Movement Speed at the moment is 9,000 m/s

    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

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    Stranger Things Empty Re: Stranger Things

    Post by Knight Owl 28th August 2021, 5:59 am

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    Stranger Things

    Michael was moving towards the canyon at a fast pace, following impressions only a human would make as this was his only way of knowing where the survivors were. With the armor he’s wearing, it looked like he would be moving slower than usual, but that wasn’t the case. Heavy footprints dented the soft ground from his boots as he traversed the forest without the burden of his armor’s weight in his attempt to find the survivor before they were harmed. To his surprise, the others would follow suit, which would only imply that the woman’s summons picked up a trail he wouldn’t notice, and that their leads and his would point towards the same direction. Their help is also appreciated, as the further in he went, the harder it was to make up the impressions with his radar. While he isn’t aware of what the other person can do other than transforming into a ‘cat thing’, with this three man group, they should have no difficulties finding a survivor, and make it easier to locate them.

    Eventually, he’d run across a ravine that looked like you’d die the moment you fell without some sort of magic to fly you up. “Looks like a dead end.” He thought to himself as she looked at the summoner with her convenient summons. While the rest of them could fly, he couldn’t. Well, technically he can, but he doesn’t want to use his telekinesis on himself, and to make it a part of the armor’s ability would be a lame excuse.

    After overhearing the conversation between her and the jackal, he glanced at his radar and noticed some footprints by the stones jutting out of the cliffs through his radar, which led to a small crack further down. Unsurprising if one was desperate to seek respite from an enemy’s aggression. He glanced at his radar again, and noticed two dots resting deep inside the cave. To his knowledge, there shouldn’t be any local fauna living in caves, especially in a place as dangerous as this ravine. It’s even weirder that two creatures managed to traverse the jutted stones and made it to the caves unharmed. If they were the survivors, it would be a miracle as his radar doesn’t register lifeless corpses as ‘alive’. Fortunately, she left the jackal behind as a means of communicating with her, and he saw this as an opportunity to tell what he’s picked up. “I’m picking up some signs of life from deep within the cave. They should be the survivors we are looking for. But two adults shouldn’t be able to fit there, right?” He said to the jackal and the other wizard.

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    MEL @ WW


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:06 pm