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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Cirven 17th July 2019, 1:58 pm

    Info for Participating:

    Info on Hostia:

    Cirven stood in front of Saraphina, who was sitting her her throne, and others that may have been interested in what he had to say or simply had been there. He had gave word earlier to her through one of the devils who were servants in the castle that he had a operation for them to take part in. "My Queen." He spoke out and bowed before he rose and continued to speak. "There is a city called Hostia that has recently come to my attention. It has a certain individual there as well as is attempting to do something that we are completely against." He twirled his finger around as he said 'we' showing that he referred to all in the castle. "To put it simply, I want to go in, find my target and destroy the city." Cirven proposed to Saraphina. "It is a more advanced city than we would be used to but their governing body they have plans on spreading their influence all over to other areas and take what they can. We really can't have that, can we?" He spoke to her and any that were around her, knowing that they shared a similar goal in mind of destroying what governments they could or just causing chaos. "Either way, this will be an opportunity for us to have some fun. I already have a plan too." A sinister grin formed over his face after he spoke.

    --------Some Time Later--------

    Just as dusk settled in, a large group of guards makes their way into the newly built city hall of Hostia, each fully clad in green and black armor from head to toe. They had moved into the city hall and took up positions in multiple line formations as a man dressed in clothing only fit for a show off like King was speaking on a situation. "What the hell do you mean by 'we may have a breach in our defenses', Hummel? We are aiming to be the top when it comes to defenses of any type with a plethora of things in our arsenal! We cannot have any breaches!" Cavier yelled out at a man wearing much fancier armor than the others. "You are correct, sir. The issue is we have found that some of our men have gone missing from their nightly patrols." Hummel replied back to the angered ruler of the city and would have continued but was cut off by him. "Missing? What the hell do you mean by that? We pay for only the best! What happened to them!?" Cavier yelled back and waited for a response from Hummel but instead of hearing something from him, they would both hear a laugh coming from the group of armor clad guards near them. They were able to tell it was from someone in the center of one of the lines of men. "Who is that?! Do you want to have your head removed from your shoulders!!?" Cavier barked out.

    "For advanced as this city is, it really doesn't say much for the leaders, does it?" One of the men in armor stood out from his line and took his helmet, allowing his long white hair to fall out around him and the scars on his face to be visible. "Who are you? You know what, never mind that. Men, kill him." Cavier ordered but none of the guards responded to his order. "That is exactly what I am talking about right there, Mr. Cavier. You lack that drive to do something yourself that a leader needs to have. Like someone like me, wait, let me rephrase that. Like a King like me." A grin formed over the scarred face of Cirven as he continued to speak and walked forward without any sort of resistance from any of the men around him, leaving Cavier in awe. "The me that took most of your guards and replaced them. The me that has multiple allies in the city who are about to start attacking it at about-" Cirven lifted his wrist to his face and started to look at it like there was a watch there but was only armor padding. He then used his free hand to hold out his ear just before a loud explosion could be heard from outside of the city hall. "-Now."

    Hummel took up a defensive stance with his sword drawn out in front of him while Cavier quickly pulled out a device from one of his pockets and hit a button on it. This quickly caused multiple ethernano powered robots to come out from secret compartments from inside of the city hall while Cavier and Hummel quickly made their way to where they hoped was safe but were met with Cirven who had quickly made his way to them and in front of them. "I have some questions for both of you so I don't want you to go out and dying before I get my answers."


    Last edited by Cirven on 5th August 2019, 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) LxcTBIi
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    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Kien Hikiba 19th July 2019, 3:56 am

    "Ten...nine...eight..." Kien frantically counted down with unprecedented excitement. Oh boi oh boi oh boi! Now that's a thing worth joining this guild for! A whole city! He had a whole city to play with. He really should have thanked the stupid guards around the place for letting themselves get swapped out with his Guildmates. Just look at the amount of explosives they had now!

    "Seven...six...five...four..." Almost time, almost time. What better way than to start off the night with a bang? And what bang! There was enough gunpowder there to blow a nice wide gap in the walls. Well, he could just climb over, but where is the fun in that? Besides, he had to ditch the weird green armor. Man that thing was uncomfortable. His normal getup was much much much comfier to wear and fight in.

    "Three...two...ONE." Oh boi oh boi oh boi, here we goooo! A really fucking big hole coming right up! Click goes the thingamagig and bang goes the walls! It was like opening a tin can. As the night settled in and the full moon shined over the city, Kien could already feel his body changing and getting stronger. What a nice night for some fun destruction.

    A massive explosion puffed out, shaking the ground and producing a really nice fireball due to the amount of powder that had been used. Quite the marvellous spectacle, and that was only the first hint of the whole thing. The real blast came when the TNT got heated. Now THAT was a really nice fucking explosion.

    "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" The werewolf half howled, half shouted in exitement. "Oh MAN! Now that was a strong one! I felt that in my bones! Alright, let's get this party started!"


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) O23F2U7
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 19th July 2019, 9:00 pm

    Jen had only recently joined this guild, and already she was in the thick of it. She rather enjoyed that. So too did she enjoy the parameters of the current mission. While most would be hanging around Cirven, Jen had other plans. She preferred to act on her own when possible, because it made her hunting more enjoyable when the odds were against her. 

    While others were destroying buildings, or fighting with local mages and authorities, Jen was enjoying a sort of natural high. Years of living in one of the most inhospitable environments on the face of Earth-Land had sharpened her senses, to an inhuman level, and she reveled in the fear she could smell in the air. She met a group of civilians in her full takeover form, and smiled wickedly at them as she watched them run. After they were out of sight for about five minutes, she started systematically hunting them down, one by one. There were about forty of them, and she laughed practically the entire time that she hunted. 

    There were few ways to paint such a beautiful scene, and so Jen didn't make very many sounds as she caught up with each of them. The first was always special, watching them crack slowly. It was similar to roasting a pig over a low flame. Sure, they were tough at first, but after a while, they slowly started to realize that there was nothing they could do, that there was nobody coming to help them. And that feeling was what made Jen's day. 

    Then, and only then, would she permit herself to make that first kill. She didn't bother cleaning herself off as she continued with the merriment. The blood of each kill slowly stained her clothing, and what spots happened to be bare as she eventually worked her way down to the last. The last kill was quite special as well, because with each kill, each stain on her bloodied form, she was basting them, as one would a turkey, and when fully marinaded, they tended to be especially juicy. So she usually took things slowly with them, instilling yet more fear as they practically begged for death. 

    By the time she was finished, there wasn't a single inch of her that wasn't coated in the red fluid, at which point, she began searching for her next quarry.


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Webp_n10
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 20th July 2019, 1:42 am

    'Prepare yourself men, it's almost time'

    While a handful. of his men traded in the green armor for their own gear and skull masks, Dahau looked at the display of a small magical device in his right hand. On it, a set of numbers counting down. In his mind Dahau counted every number that appeared, ten, nine, eight. For an entire night, he and his men had waited for the signal to start their assault and now it was finally close. Four, three, two, one.... a few seconds of delay but then a devastating explosion that was to be heard through the entire city. His lips curled up into a vile smile as he turned towards his men, 'Let's go lads! You know what to do!'
    Their eyes pierced crimson red through the visor of their masks and answered their master with a short cheer while they raised their swords and etherano-rifles. They were bloodthirsty and ready to wage war.

    A few meters outside, on a large square, the citizens and stationed guards looked scared at the direction of the explosion. Shoutingly they pointed at the thick black plume of smoke that twirled up into the air. The guards quickly grabbed their communication devices and tried to make contact with their headquarters until one noticed something from the corner of his eyes. A warehouse directly connected to the plaza flew open, revealing a small group of men who clearly had no good intentions. But before he could even warn his fellow guards a loud bang echoed through the air, next the guard fell down on the ground as if he was nothing more but a straw doll. As the other guards looked down in horror they saw their colleague lay there in a pool of his own blood and a large gaping hole where his left eye should have been.

    'Now secure the square and the gate! Take out the Hostians!' ordered Dahau which his men promptly followed. The swordsmen dashed forwards and struck at the guards before they even had a chance to draw their weapons. While the gunners shot at those near the gate. Civilians tried to run away, but some just got gunned down, why? Because they simply just stood in the way. And in a matter of seconds, the square got cleared and the gate leading towards Cityhall was no occupied by Dahau and his men. Almost instinctively the soldiers took a defensive position around the gate, their guns pointed towards the city and ready to take out any Hostian guard that thought of rushing towards city hall.

    Dahau moved his left hand to his ear, and tapped on a device that was attached to his it. 'Cirven, City Hall gate is secure. We'll make sure their reinforcements will not reach you!'


    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 20th July 2019, 9:37 am

    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    Kaori had heard of a raid of sorts in which all members of Errings Rising were welcome to come. Usually Kaori did not stoop so low, in fact she found most of her guild members barbaric and foolish. Their reasons for a lawless land was less than ideal and more leaned towards their unstable mental states than actual logic and that was why Kaori placed herself high above everyone else within it's ranks. She had only joined the guild to destroy Fiore and save her island in return but as arrogant as she was, Kaori was very aware that doing such a feat alone was not possible and in a dark guild such as this simply flashing your emblem won't gain the respect needed to receive help when the time comes. So, for selfish reasons, Kaori decided to attend the event.

    Having separated herself from the pack many of the guards were confused about who she actually was, which allowed for a number of opportunities. Her beauty rendered stealth useless, and many of the guards whistled and said crude remarks as she walked through the streets, others warned her about the attack in which she ignored. That was until a high ranking officer of the guard approached her. "Ma'me you will need to leave the premises. We are under attack and your life is in jeopardy. Allow me to guide you to a safe zone." Kaori simply glared, looking him up and down in utter disappointment.

    "Move you insolent fiend." She commanded, her voice was harsh and cold, the look on her face combined with her height was incredibly intimidating even to a grown man, but he somehow managed to muster the courage to tell her no before shouting at his guards to attack but they wouldn't! The hearts in their eyes spoke everything, she had bewitched them! The officer was shocked, and decided he would take matters into his own hands in order to hide his embarrassment. Throwing a lightning bolt toward Kaori who blocked the attack with a heart shield. She blushed, biting on her fingernail. "W-w-why would you do that!?!" She said in a cutesy voice. Of course, it was all an elaborate scheme to turn him to stone. The man was frantic! He caught himself falling for her innocence, what kind of magic was this! He felt himself... falling in love? Just because of some blush! His lust was his demise.

    The shield shattered and Kaori revealed her hands making a heart as a powerful love beam shot forward, turning the fool to stone. As for the soldiers, they cheered her on! They loved her, but she couldn't allow them to live either. Creating yet another heart, she used it like a bow and hundreds of arrows shot forward, making their mark on each and every one of the men. "This land is my statue garden, in honor of my beauty." She announced to no one in particular as everyone had been turned to stone before beginning to walk away with a flip of her hair.

    WC: 510

    Last edited by Kaori Ciguatera on 27th July 2019, 9:09 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB
    Leah Winters
    Leah Winters

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Leah Winters 21st July 2019, 1:24 am

    The sound of the multiple explosions ringing out throughout the entire capital of Hostia was truly wonderful. Leah watched as plumes of fire and smoke erupted from all over the city, and while it took lives, the orange hue from the burning flames gave the city life in the night. She could hear the screams of the civilians from multiple places in the city, high shrieks that abruptly ended as their lives were taken while the strong shouts of the Hostian forces indicated their efforts to repel the scourge that was Errings Rising currently ravaging their newly established country.

    Her guild members had spread out across the city, some assisting Cirven in a more militaristic fashion, while a majority of them had just let loose, doing whatever they want. Leah wasn’t that different from them. She was currently perched in the high ceiling of the church, a place of worship dedicated to whatever god that Hostia declared their patron god. The female assassin watched as the doors to the church, massive oaken double doors, were thrown open, civilians rushing into the church in a frenzy, seeking sanctuary. The acolytes that served the church tried their best to bring order to the stampeding civilians but would fail very terribly.

    The massive doors were finally closed by two acolytes, locking it down with a solid iron bar that spanned the width of the two doors and more, preventing anyone from opening the door. The female assassin grinned. This was exactly like fishing from a barrel.

    “Prayers aren’t going to help you,” Leah’s words travelling downwards from one of the rafters to the huddled civilians below, most of them praying to their god for his benevolence and their safety. A miracle wasn’t happening any time soon. “For your god has sent you directly into the embrace of death.”

    The horrified eyes of the civilians below pumped her blood faster through her veins. But nothing could beat the thrill of dropping the explosive device, the same one as the explosives that had been used to rock Hostia to their core tonight, into the crowd. Every single pair of eyes tracked the descent of the explosive, paralyzed by fear to do anything other than just waiting for their deaths to come.

    It wasn’t until the explosive clattered to the ground, the sound echoing throughout the silent church as everyone held their breath, that the civilians erupted into chaos again and tried to push their way out of the church. Some were resigned to their fate and instead amplified their prayers.

    “One!” Leah shouted in glee as the explosive finally created an outwards ring of fire and shockwave, obliterating everything within its range. The female assassin had nothing to worry about, disappearing in flash of black lightning through the same hole in the roof that she had entered, leaping away from the building as the contained pressure of the explosion sent the flames bursting out of the top of the building, blasting away the roof and into the sky like an active volcano.



    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Saraphina 21st July 2019, 10:16 pm

    Rules For Fools,
    The white queen didn’t quite recall the last time someone besides Bertrand had come up to her to propose a new place to attack for imposing vile things. It sent shivers down her spine that her members were being proactive and wanting to fulfill her wishes for the guild. She slowly leaned forward as she giggled, placing her elbows on her knees a bit and resting her chin on the back of her hands. “Hostia… sounds pretty…” She had mused as she slightly admired her fingernails. A smirk was on her lips as she sat back quickly. “I do hope this is a success. I’d hate to go in there and come out with nothing.” She grins rather widely as she looks at Cirven dead on. Her eyebrow perked slightly as he mentioned this being an ‘opportunity for them to have some fun’, along with him having a plan of sorts too. She put her fingers together over her chest, and giggles quietly as she nods to Nadaline to get her clothes for riding out.

    Explosions and voices crying out, other random things. Chaos was everywhere to be seen when it came to around the city hall it seemed. The polar bear holding the girl upon it’s back growled anxiously as he wanted to go in there and cause some trouble with her from the outskirts of the city. She was just watching for now. The lights of the fires and explosions on the dusk sky was actually rather beautiful to her. She never dealt with things like that personally. She let up a smile as she sat straight up. On the back of the polar bear, a white haired queen wearing all white was sitting side saddle happily. “Týr… lets ride.” She says as she grabs hold of her polar bears fur. The bear was more than excited to hear those words and instantly charged forward, letting up a roar as Saraphina laughed upon his back. If only she had her favorite jester here to join in the fun. Then this would be a party. Bertrand and Nadaline weren’t there with her. They weren’t suitable for this. And she needed servants she could trust, so she stuck them at the guildhall to watch over and greet any potential members for her.

    She looks over as people seemed to run themselves into a church, and she frowns. Others were wanting in, but the doors were already locked. She didn’t need to bother with them. They were more than likely believing in a false god to her. Then the church was on fire. Her frown curled into a grin, showing her sharp teeth as she looked around. Someone had noticed the purple marking on her chest and started hurling a rock at her. “Jord.” She mutters in a bored fashion as she waved her hand a bout. The rock had stopped flying towards her, stopping in front of her face as she sat there on Týr. She leans slightly to the side to look around the rock, and giggles to the man who threw the rock. “That’s not very nice…” The tone of her voice didn’t sound like she was angry, but the look in her eyes as she had her eyes locked on the man, that was another story. The rock suddenly launched itself at him, smacking him upside the head as she decides to slide down. “I think I’m not welcome here, my sweet Týr! Why don’t you go off… and show them how to respect me, hm?” She rubs the bears face a bit. Týr seemed more than happy to start running off, roaring as he let his claws attack whoever.

    Saraphina giggles as she looks over her shoulder. “You all are committing treason against Errings Rising. I suggest you stand down now, or just die quickly and quietly for me.” She tilts her head to the side, poking her finger into her cheek as she was feeling rather excited. Would they listen to her? Or would they try to go against her? Her little ‘speech’ caught the attention of a group of men who were off duty guards that were trying to calm the masses, and they turned their attention on her. Without saying a word, the group seemed to go after her on their own. She smirks as she holds up her hand and flicks her fingers out. Suddenly medium sized rocks came rocketing from behind her and right at their heads.

    Four of them managed to dodge, but she made the rocks come back, plus she decided she wanted to play some more. “Aegir.” She coos as her fingers start to wiggle about some. Water was now forming as she guided it with a small dance she was doing. The water instantly snapped itself after the men, intending to go around their heads and drown them while they were outside of water. If it wasn’t a rock or two, they were worrying about being drowned by water. Saraphina grins as they were struggling with her tricks, and starts to walk away, continuing to move her fingers. While her back was turned though, apparently one of the guards had gotten past her rocks and water, and started coming after her. “Brunnhilde.” She says before she quickly turns around and throws a fist towards the man. Her body was suddenly covered in armor and she was grinning from ear to ear as the man was freaking out about being on fire. She twitched her hand and a rock on the larger side came sailing for his head before she turned around to make her way towards the city hall. She wanted to see who decided that this place was theirs to rule… She would most definitely steal their seat, just like she did for Errings Rising and Hakobe’s settlements. A smirk was on her lips at that thought, till she heard a crack of sorts behind her. She blinked to see what was going on back there.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    1000 WORDS
    TAG @

    Last edited by Saraphina on 23rd July 2019, 7:48 am; edited 1 time in total


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 22nd July 2019, 3:46 am

    Perhaps taking a drastically different approach to this guild outing was Errings Rising's resident butler and mystery man simply called Birch. There was no anxious second count down or giddy anticipation in waiting for the explosion. The explosion didn't concern him at all, just as Cirven's plan to infiltrate the town hall in the garb of felled guards just to get at the supposed King. He was a driven man, but only for his own devices. Ever since he'd gotten a little taste that quite literally rekindled his inner flames at the summer solstice festival not long ago, he'd been searching for those who might stoke other elements of his power back to life.

    Choosing to simply walk through the beginnings of battle without participating, narrowed blue eyes scanned each and every form of opposition for certain kinds of magic. So far, all he saw were scared citizens and ethernano weapons. He would grow no stronger from preying on those weaker than him. As much as he hated to admit it, it didn't take too much to be inferior to him until he regained his powers, so that got normal civilians like magicless men, women, and children off the hook. While he could become blood thirsty and battle hungry, it was a mood. That mood hadn't struck him yet. Birch was uninterested in the frenzied excitement his guildmates displayed over the idea of utter chaos and crazed bloodshed. No, he was simply looking for something to benefit himself in some way and refused to get involved until he did. It'd be an absolute travesty to ruin another crisp uniform for nothing of worth.

    Blood permeated the air, stinging his nose and bringing some rather unpleasant flashbacks of days long passed. In many ways this event was similar to his memories of battles; heavy explosions and shrieks, the scent of gunpowder and liquid iron. The pompous man with the army he'd followed into the new dark guild at the beginning were securing the area around Cirven. Birch rounded a corner, moving just beyond one side of a church when it exploded. There was a moment of a chorus of voices, not lifted together in praise but in agony before the silence closed in. Appearing outside of it was Leah Winters, the woman he'd carried inside the guild hall not too long ago. Whether it was just an unfortunate mistaken perception or not, Birch felt a flicker of interest in the metal armed soldier, enough that he altered his course to intercept her to initiate cooperation, but it was ruined by a certain flamboyant albino riding that infernal bear.

    Of course he'd run into the guild master.

    Before she saw him and tried to drag him along into any more shenanigans like she had before, she was under attack. The blond butler felt no chivalry. Not a muscle twitched to help her fend off her attackers, not because she didn't need it, but because he didn't care about it. That was a good thing though, because finally someone interesting was attacking him and it'd have been a shame if he'd been trying to help Saraphina at just the instant a meal popped up.

    Running from a building two doors down from the engulfed church was a soldier that wasn't using one of those annoying etherweapons. The man was half nuts, already injured from some explosion and covered in too much blood to be his own. It was simple to assume his loved ones were dead and he was looking to take enraged revenge or at least meet his family in the afterlife in a blaze of glory. None of that mattered. His magic. It was darkness. It wafted around him like steam, darkening his skin and eyes, oozing from his mouth and he screamed and cried. Birch was interested in this man. Rushing him head on, the butler's outstretched hand collided with the darkness mage. Birch exerted his powerful physical force forward, tipping the man backward and off balance, slamming his head into the ground. Just like at the festival, the blond's hand vaguely glowed and he rapidly absorbed the magic and seemingly the soul of the Hostia soldier. After only a few moments there was nothing but a withered body laying there devoid of life, and Birch was standing to revel in his stirring power.

    "Mmm..." he hummed, eyes slipping closed in ecstasy. Black energy formerly belonging to the man licked over every inch of his being as if it'd always been there. It was moments like these that his sadistic tendencies revealed themselves, fitting him more into the crowd he reluctantly put up with. He wasn't completely batty like them, but he had his moments.

    Feeling particularly rejuvenated and in high spirits, now Birch felt like giving his powers a whirl. Where had Leah gone? He looked for her, but instead saw Saraphina doing something...interesting. Her armor and weapons bored him, but the water? He watched, shiny dress shoes bringing him closer to the woman he normally avoided. If she could use water spells, could she also freeze it? The possibility of ice or something leading to ice drew him in the same way the man with the darkness had. "Saraphina?" he purred, saying her name for the first time since he'd joined, and in a honeyed tone at that. "I didn't know you were so skilled...do you have water magic as well?" asked the man in his varied low pitches, one corner of his mouth tugging up ever so slightly. Flattery would get you anywhere sometimes, so let's see how far it'd get him now.


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Ih2UNXF

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Cirven 22nd July 2019, 7:18 pm

    "Answers? From us?! You think we would bother with telling you anything?!" Cavier barked out, seeming like he took his standing as king to his own head. Cirven laughed out at the King of Hostia, showing that he did not see the man as a threat in any sort of way. This seemed to include his captain of the guard too because Hummel quickly took out as blade and lunged at Cirven who continued to laugh. Hummel cut his sword through the air and towards Cirven as a mass of wind whipped up around the blade and sent out a shockwave that engulfed where Cirven stood and most of the back of the City Hall causing the area around him to be surrounded in debris from the ground along with part of the City Hall building falling down around the same area. The attack would completely drown out Cirven's laughter and leave the King and his subordinate feeling at ease as they saw that the attack had to hit from the close range that was used in it. "Sir! We must go! There are many more where that ca-" Hummel's speech was cut off when a hand surrounded by a reddish aura clasped onto his shoulder from out of the debris and dust he had caused. "Do you know how impolite it is to interrupt someone's laughter?" Cirven's voice spoke out seconds before five spears of static purple and black electricity ripped through Hummels chest. Hummel was only able to let out a low shocked grunt as each spear protruded through his body. "Whoops! Looks like I lied and will only be taking one of you, huh?" Cirven walked out from the debris with a red aura surrounding his entire body while pushing a convulsing Hummel before dropping him on the ground, barely clinging to life. "I mean, he could live but I did aim for vital areas so most likely he will bleed out slowly as he chokes on his own blood. Just a guess though because it isn't like I'm a doctor or anything." Cirven let out another laugh after he spoke. The scene made Cavier step backwards in fear feeling as though all of his options had been used up as well as his one protector was quickly defeated by his assailant. "Ugh!" Cirven grunted out and grabbed his nose. "You pissed yourself from just that? You know you are devaluing the cost of your royal garb, right?" Cirven then quickly moved at Cavier at a speed that the man could not keep up with and looked to disappear before reappearing in front of him. Cirven grabbed the King by his clothing and slammed him into a nearby wall. He pressed his body into the wall in an attempt to pressure his body to break from the pressure. "I wonder if you will break before the wall does..." A twisted grin came over Cirven's face as he pushed the man into the wall more causing the sound of bones snapping to be heard. "AHH! AHHH!! Wh-Wha-What do you want!? I will give you anything?! Anything you want! Please!!!" Cavier yelled out while in pain. "I want to know where Lenard Oblish is. He should be your head of technology here, right?" Cirven's voiced had calmed down now as he spoke but he still kept the pressure up on Cavier.

    Before an answer could come from Cavier through his screams of pain, a chain flew from above and wrapped around Cirven's arm that he had held Cavier with, causing a sudden wave of energy to wrack Cirven's body like a shock of electricity. He let out a loud gasp from the pain and let go of Cavier who fell to the ground and managed to scurry a safe distance from Cirven. "You let your guard down, devil." A man's voice spoke out from above before jumping down from a balcony. The man wore dark leather-like armor and the chain around Cirven's arm was also around his hand. "He knew you would come for him with allies so he recruited us to protect him and his surroundings. He specifically got me to come here just to deal with you, a devil." Cirven smiled through the surges of magical power the wracked his body and managed to speak. "I know you...Ack...! You are The Chain Devil Slayer, Samuel Levrit....Ugh...!" Levrit tilted his head a bit to Cirven but smiled as the chain let out a large surge of energy again. "I don't know how you knew all of that but it doesn't matter now. My chains do not let up until the target is drained and dead. No devil has lived after I have caught them!" Levrit spoke out before turning to Cavier and pointing towards an alleyway. "Oblish has some of his creations ready to defend you there. Go. I will make sure that there is nothing left of the Devil King here." Levrit spoke out confidently. Cavier did not question anything, nodded and made his way down the alleyway. "You think this is enough, huh?" Cirven spoke out and quickly moved to Levrit at blinding speed with his claws outwards towards his enemy but before he could reach him more chains shot out from out around him and wrapped around his body before digging their ends into his skin and holding him up in the air like some sort of crucifix made of chains. The chains then caused a much larger burst of the energy to surge through him which surprisingly caused Cirven to cry out in pain, something that he rarely ever did.

    Cirven attempted to use a spell to create the spear of his electricity to shoot out from his hands but would fail to do so as he could feel that he could not control his ethernano. "Trying to use magic, right? These chains prevent anyone from using magic while they are on them so please just die already." Another large surge of the energy wracked Cirven's body and then continued to do so over and over again. The constant barrage of energy caused the Devil King to slump over almost lifeless while he was held up by the chains. "You don't die easy, do you? That is fine. I will kill you with the next at-" Levrit stopped speaking and jumped back as a green aura wrapped around Cirven's body but then it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. "What the hell was that?!" The Chain Devil Slayer spoke out. Cirven grinned and lifted his head while weakly moving his right hand with his palm open towards Levrit. "High five." Cirven spoke out. "High five? What?" Levrit looked at Cirven completely puzzled before feeling a sudden shooting pain through the right side of his chest. He looked down to see a hand protruding through his chest. "Wha.. Ho..w.." Was all he could say as he watched the chains he used was broken by the target they were holding. Cirven was wobbly at first but got his footing as he regained his composure. "Like I said-" Cirven rushed forward and dug his own hand through the unoccupied part of Levrit's chest. "High five." He spoke out after his hand had went through Levrit then him and his doppleganger gave each other a high five using the hands put through Levrit and their free hands. "You gave me the info I needed and yes, before you ask, I knew about your group already but I needed you to not know that just so I could get what I needed." He spoke out as he used his ability to see into someone's mind to find the information he needed from Levrit about Oblish. "An underground base? Sounds like he is more of a villain than me with a secret lair!" Cirven laughed and quickly pulled his hand from out of Levrit while his doppleganger did the same. Levrit fell to the ground. "Yo..u.. W...h...y..?" Levrit managed to speak as he laid on the ground. "Only those who are strong enough get to live in this world. You showed just how strong you were, didn't you?" Cirven's words ended with a black and purple lightning bolt striking from above and engulfing the back of the City Hall and most of the area around it. Anyone in the city would be able to see the spectacle as well as most who might have been miles outside of the city.

    Cirven would appear on top of the City Hall, looking over Dahau and his crew before jumping down and flying near the man. "Good job on taking this area but I think we will have some unexpected guests soon. I accounted for their being a Devil Slayer for me but it looks like he brought multiple allies with him to protect this city. This should be a lot more fun, right?" The grin from his face never dropped as he spoke to Dahau.

    Extra Info:


    Last edited by Cirven on 5th August 2019, 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 23rd July 2019, 3:44 am

    "Enjoying yourself, Jungle Queen?"

    A voice Jen had never heard before called out to her. It was quite interesting, really, to have already become notorious enough to have her moniker known. But, in the short time she had spent in Rakshasa, the lioness had taken on three jobs, all of which were assassinations. Perhaps she had been spotted during one or two of them.

    "You may not know me, but I know your face well enough. My name is Antonio Silverspoon. You killed my cousin, now prepare to die!"

    Jen had to laugh before responding.

    "Silverspoon...the name sounds familiar..."

    She still had her back turned as she cracked her own neck, making a rather loud series of pops on each side before turning around and popping her knuckles. There was a particular glint in her eyes as she looked upwards, toward the source of the voice. What she saw was a gentleman with a mysterious aura surrounding him. Said aura caused a response inside of Jen which secondarily caused her to feel a form of bliss. This person was, in a manner of speaking, her natural predator. That Aura that kicked up the internal fear response was that of a particular brand of magic, Demon Slayer magic. She wasn't certain what type until a bunch of Silver spears were sent flying towards her. She backflipped for about twenty feet in order to avoid being impaled.

    "Well, I suppose I should feel honored. Guess I should put out all the stops, then."

    She chuckled as her eyes glowed a deep crimson shade of red, and two succubi appeared behind her.

    "You should consider yourself lucky, Silver Demon Slayer. After all, it's not every day that I let Elaine and Natasha out to play."

    After fishing around in her pockets, she held up a key, pointing it towards the sky.

    "Those fools who were given this land on your authority have now tainted it. I beseech you, Leona, help me take back what they have so wrongly abused."

    As her incantation finished, a gust of wind passed through the area, and a few leaves seemed to gather near Jen, slowly forming into a woman of pure beauty, and pure dread alike. She wore a dress made of leaves, living on her right side, and dead on her left.

    "Well, first off, it's nice to finally be able to stretch my legs. So, what are we doing today?"

    "Oh, not much, just dealing with an infestation."

    "Hey! Don't ignore me!"

    "Let me guess, you need me to help you deal with him."

    "Yeah, pretty much."

    "Alright, but you better pay me after, as per our usual agreement."

    While Antonio had originally had the upper hand, with his Demon Slayer magic, he seemed to have made the assumption that Jen would be all alone. And yet, somewhat foolishly, he did not back down.

    "You....you fed him to his own dogs, you...YOU BITCH!!!"

    Jen's eyebrow twitched slightly at hearing that word. It wasn't one she was particularly fond of. The four of them fought against him for a good while, taking only what attacks they couldn't avoid. After a good half hour, Antonio seemed to have worn himself out, and all four made their joint approach. They each grabbed a limb, and he wimpered at first, then screamed like his life depended on it, not that it mattered. They all pulled at the same time, dispatching him in a rather horrifying manner, and the two succubi carried what was left to City Hall, dumping the remains in front of the steps unceremoniously  before they simultaneously dissipated.
    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 24th July 2019, 12:33 pm

    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    It seemed that Errings Rising had caused a lot of trouble for the Hostia and it wasn't going down without a fight. By now a lot of the guards in Kaori's vicinity had been dealt with and she looked around at the destruction that her guild had caused. Houses ignited into flames as smoke filled the skies, the screams of innocents could be heard throughout, it reminded Kaori of her childhood and she thought for a split second, why was she stooping to their level? That thought quickly faded as she came back to reality. This was who she was now. There was no going back.

    Suddenly, right in front of her, a man sprung from the earth. He appeared to be very old and mole-like, giant buck teeth, whiskers, a red nose, giant hands, and small but thick black glasses. Instantly Kaori knew why he was sent to her, he was blind and therefore believed to be immune to her charms. "My my you've caused such a ruckus, you little gorgon." The mole man spat in a voice that matched perfectly how he looked. Kaori barely even heard him, she was so hung up on the fact at how ugly the man was, she didn't even believe such a feat was possible, and yet he stood right in front of her ugly as the day is long.

    "Ariadne." She said, her snake slithering to her side. The mole man didn't want to play games, and it seemed that even though he was blind he could sense the world around him with his earth magic and knew exactly where they were. Kneeling to the ground he caressed the dirt below, a series of columns launched from the ground in an attempt to crash into his opponents. "Haha, I've got you now!" He spoke as if he had already won the battle but that was far from the truth. Ariadne and Kaori had managed to avoid the attack with relative ease, but they couldn't stay on the defensive forever.

    Kaori's hands made a heart as she brought them in front of her, shooting a love beam at the mole man. "I'm blind! I am immune to your beauty! You fool!" He called out, his body unphased by the beam. Kaori scoffed, flipping her hair. "My beauty goes far beyond what can be seen. If you are in my presence, breathing my same air, you can be turned to stone. Not even being blind will save you!" Kaori called out, the conversation proved to be a good distraction, because Ariadne had managed to sneak up on the assassin and bite him!

    Sinking her fangs into his neck she injected into his body a rare poison that would turn him into Kaori's slave. Approaching her new servant she smiled toward Ariadne. "Good work." The snake hissed back as if to say thanks, and upon reaching that mole man Kaori raised her leg and delivered a swift kick to his face. "I will make an example of you, for everyone who believes themselves above my allure." The man was very short, especially when compared to Kaori who quite literally towered over him. "Die." She commanded and he hastily responded, "Yes master." Instantly his body was filled with sand and dirt, his magics doing. Choking as he grasped for air he fell to the floor, Kaori watched as he took his last breath before stabbing her heel into his back "Love has no bounds." And with that she kicked his corpse and he was sent flying as she walked away. Serves him right.

    WC: 598
    TWC: 1108

    Last edited by Kaori Ciguatera on 27th July 2019, 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB
    Leah Winters
    Leah Winters

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Leah Winters 26th July 2019, 1:01 am

    Leah leapt away from the church as it exploded, a column of raging flames blowing off the top of the building like a volcano, not noticing her guild mistress wreaking havoc below. Based on what Cirven had mentioned, the castle would be where the fun would be, and Leah was travelling from roof to roof. Her footing was sure, barely stopping for less than a second before she was in flight towards the next.

    When she was a quarter through her way to the castle, white chains of flames erupted out from ground level and snared themselves around Leah’s limbs. The raven-haired assassin was caught off guard and was immediately dragged down three stories. It would have caused a major injury for the Thunder God Slayer but she wasn’t a pushover. With a snarl, Leah momentarily transformed into a bolt of black lightning, getting herself clear of the white flame chains and reappeared with a thunderous boom at the side of a wall, her feet on the wall, supported only by the precarious grip her fingers had on a window ledge, one storey above ground.
    Her eyes found her attackers immediately, two men standing calmly on the ground despite their failed attempt to send her crashing into the ground.

    “Leah Winters. We meet again,” the one on the right said, his voice deep, almost like a bear’s growl.

    Leah’s eyebrows raised at the revelation, but she had no memory of the man at all.

    “Sorry man, I’m Leah Winters but I have no recollection of you at all,” she replied, but then her voice turned menacing. “But you are going to die all the same.”

    With a growl, the girl kicked off the wall, a black sword of lightning appearing in her right hand. The one who had spoken up first, let out a roar, this time exactly like a bear’s and leapt upwards as well, his form changing as he moved. Dark brown fur erupted from his skin, with two faint white streaks coursing through them, quickly covering his entire body as his clothes ripped apart. His fingers were now sharp claws, with the ability to tear flesh and muscle into ribbons with a single swipe. And the eyes. Blood red, entirely full of blood lust.

    Leah swung her lightning blade forward the moment they were within each other’s range, but before her slash could be completed, three more chains of white flame snatched her out of the air and slammed her against the wall. Leah could feel the air pushed out of her lungs, gasping as she slid down to the ground, lightning sword still in hand. The Take Over mage, having missed her, smashed into the wall at the end of his leap as well, and went through it, prompting terrified shrieks from the occupants. They were silenced by a loud roar, before the dark-furred monster came back into view.

    “Curses, Crowley! She’s mine!”

    Leah took at the other guy with venom in her eyes. This was the second time this fellow had interrupted her.

    “The two of you are pissing me off! Big time!” Leah hissed, clenching and unclenching her metal fist as she stood between the two assassins.


    Kien Hikiba
    Kien Hikiba

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Kien Hikiba 27th July 2019, 1:19 pm

    Thankfully for metal arm, a friendly was coming her way. Kien right now was having a blast fighting around town all the pathetic grunts that thought themselves macho enought to attack the werewolf during a night of full moon. He enjoyed playing like cat and mouse. He loved to tease them and crush their hopes. Like any onther hunter he absolutely adored when his prey wriggled around. Even more so after he had bit into their neck and tasted some of their blood. It was such a shame whoever on the recieving end of the bite would soon later be killed though. He would want to play more, but he wasn't going to allow anyone he infected with the werewolf curse living. That power was his and only his.

    He arrived on he scene as a result of chasing a fleeing guard. He had heard the explosion earlier so boy he was just one of manu having fun with the city siege's supplies of explosives. The wolf's eyes turned over and noticed Leah having trouble with a bear guy and another individual. So there was even more fun to be had there. Quickly rushing over while the two were distracted trying to capture Leah, he took the best opportunity to kick the guy that was currently using some sort of chain thing to grab his guildmate square in the nuts. After that, a handstand would allow Kien's foot to slam into the guy's face, promptly sending said guy skidding on the floor.

    Considering Kien's outfit and the way his boots were all plated with steel and armored up he guessed it must have hurt quite a bit. He slowly circled arould Leah and Howled at the moon. "Hey Love." He addressed the Erring Rising's assassin with a hint of mischief in his tone. "Need a paw?" He added, raising his mutated hand up high to bare his claws out, snickering like a child.

    Leah had met Kien before. She knew his voice and she definitely knew the purple getup. What she had not seen was Kien's darker side. Snout with fangs, grey and white fur, pointy ears and fluffy tail. While there was enough to quickly recognize him, the werewolf would surely enjoy her very very very short moment of surprise she would have on her face towards his true nature. He did not know her much, but him being a werewolf always got people good the first time they witnessed it.

    The lupine mage snorked as he hard a bear growl and point his anger at Leah. His grin only went wider. "What are we at a furry convention now? I swear people do anything nowadays to emulate us werewolves." He casually commented, moving behind the female assassin to cover her rear. "How about we share your fun. You take bear idiot over there. and I'll have fun with the chain fucker."

    Sure enough for how painful a kick to the groin could be it was not going to be enough to stop the guy with the flaming chains. He was back up by now and even more pissed than before.


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) O23F2U7
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th July 2019, 7:00 am

    Gone were the hot radiant rays from the sun, the normal chatter that of the townsfolk who'd gather in the center of town. All replaced by the distant chirping of the crickets and the welcoming cool darkness that wrapped itself around town on a summer night such as this. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of Hostia, this was not the case. This was not a normal summer night, there was no serene silence that the evening brought, no crickets to be heard. Instead, the town was met with a series of explosions, gunshots, and screams of agony. The square where people so ever gathered to meet up had turned into a chaotic warzone, smoke took away your vision, the iron smell of blood mixed with that of burning flesh.
    In the midst of this turmoil was Dahau and his crew, who had taken a favorable position around the Cityhall gate. Their guns rapidly firing at guards who were holding up in the streets adjacent to the square. So every now and then an attack occurred brave souls who tried to break through the enemy ranks. But were only mowed down every time they tried.

    Within time the attacks stopped and the answering gunfire slowed down to finally end up in an eerie silence. As Dahau looked over the square, he had to admit that the battlefield did have a cold malevolent air to it. He turned away only to stare at the limbless remains of a stranger, a hunk of lifeless flesh that was dropped in the midst of battle by two succubi who seemed to have the time of their life. Honestly Dahau didn't even bother to question this strange occurrence, weirder stuff had happened since he joined up with Errings Rising.

    A purple lightning strike struck through City Hall only to be followed by a bellowing thunder, and as Dahau and his men turned towards the occurrence they could see a man standing on top of the roof. 'Cirven...' said Dahau to himself, it seemed as if the Demon King himself had taken care of business inside and was now overlooking the town, watching his orchestrated attack unfold. In a mere second, Cirven made his way down to Dahau and his men and stated that new assailants would be coming for the mages of Errings Rising.

    'Oh... I am counting on it' replied Dahau with an equally chesire smile 'Honestly I was starting to- SHIT! JUMP!!' Within the last seconds, Dahau noticed a sudden spike in magical power near their position, giving him and Cirven a moment to evade a sudden attack. While these two mages easily managed to get away, three of his men weren't as lucky. Bursting through the ground where they were previously standing on was a sudden burst of liquid that broke through the ground and shot up into the air like a pillar. Well, breaking wasn't the right word, instead, it vaporized and eroded the very earth and the men caught in it. A putrid smell filled the air, which Dahau recognized instantly, acid.

    'Awh man!, Hibiki I missed!' a young and cocky voice followed the sudden attack. 'I told you to wait Duran, we could have had them in one fell swoop.' replied a sterner one. 'Now we have to actual deal with them'

    As Dahau turned towards the voices he could three different figures that had joined the fray. Two of them were men Duran who was the one who attacked them, stood in front of them with his hands in his pockets, clearly thinking that this was going to be an easy job. The other one had to be Hibiki, he seemed more serious and already had drawn both his blades. The last one was a strange girl, who didn't say much but had a mysterious aura hanging around her.

    'Tch.. how' said Dahau to himself, somehow these three mages managed to get under his radar and attack them without even him noticing them. They probably had some means of cloaking their magical presence, but not anymore, now that they attacked he could at least sense first two. They seemed capable, if he had to put a level on it they are somewhere in between of an A and S rank mage. The girl however was strange, he couldn't sense her at all.
    Dahau looked at Cirven, so that their eyes would meet. 'Keep an eye out for the girl' He stated. 'Let's take care of these pests shall we?




    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Saraphina 29th July 2019, 8:56 pm

    Rules for Fools,
    The white queen wasn’t paying much attention to her guild members as she was fighting about with the peasants before her. As long as they were enjoying themselves and taking out the laws around there that was trying to stop them. She did not care. The churches were bonuses. When she took the crown of Hostia, she would put her gods churches in instead. It was a perfect plan. She had just turned to see what was going on behind her, when she heard her name being called. She honestly didn’t expect to be called in that tone of voice till after she found her prince charming. She paused and gasped as she flicked her head in the direction of the voice. It was Birch. Confusion was on her face as she pursed her lips, trying not to blush from the tone of voice. His question came just as Sara felt someone coming to their vicinity. She wasn’t worried. More, she was actually distracted by the little bit of smile he had coming on. “Yeah~! Odin blessed me with the powers of the gods~!” She giggles as she turned around after feeling she couldn’t ignore the oncoming group any longer unfortunately. There were three people there looking at the couple. One who looked like she was wearing just a bodysuit, another with guns in their hands, and the final was covered head to toe in a cloak and hood, making it a bit impossible to see what they were.

    She then taps her chin. “Well… I suppose I could put on a demonstration… I feel we’re being targeted.” She giggles as she flicks her hair over her shoulder. She put a hand to her mouth and began shouting. “Are you here to play with me?! Birch! You are going to play too, right?!” She giggles as she was rather excited. Týr was making his way back towards his mistress, and now she was excited. Her pretty bear, and Birch here to come and play with three nobodies? It was going to be fun. Next thing she knew, though, the girl had ran and was in her face. “Oh? We’re here to play. But you probably won’t be one to enjoy it much.” The girls voice was raspy as she spoke to Saraphina. While the white queen had been shocked by suddenly being approached like so, she didn’t seem to flinch at the words that were spoken to her. Instead, she just started to grin, letting her sharp teeth show to her. “Do you know who I am?” The white haired girl questions as she raised an armored hand, pushing the fast girl back while her companions were simply walking up to the group. This wasn’t fun right now… The girl from before just begun laughing as she went after Sara once again. “You’re my next meal!” Saraphina snickered as she easily maneuvered around her as she wasn’t using her speed and sticks her tongue out. “Wrong~ I am Queen Saraphina of Errings Rising. Holder of Odins powers. And quite frankly, I don’t like being attacked.” She giggles as she sticks her tongue out once more.

    She was feeling in the mood to play some more now. She released her armor spell and stopped her foot while simultaneously saying; “Ullr!” And some pretty little ice skates were suddenly on her feet and she was back in her pretty white dress. “Hah! You think those skates will help you against me?! I’m the fastest in the world!” the girls friends were coming up to Saraphina and Birch now, and the one with guns was seeming like he was ready to start shooting at them both. “Catch me if you can~. Bergelmir.” She kissed her fingers before she blew on them and pointed her index, middle, and ring fingers out around her, instantly making frosted water wave over them, but the fast one seemed to get away. Saraphina started to skate backwards as she giggled. She was skating like it was nothing on the ground, as if there was ice under her skates. “Princes of silver~ Princes of Gold~ My love will be handsome, and he will be bold~” She sings aloud while she skated. The girl suddenly went after her, and Saraphina squealed in excitement, quickly twirling around and was taking off fast on her skates. She was nearly as fast as the speed girl as she used her magic. “Ooh little princess is fast!” The raspy girl cackles as she starts to try and bash into Saraphina, but she had quickly stopped on her skates, sending the girl tripping over air from nothing being there. “That is very rude to insult someone like that… I did just say I’m a Queen… peasant.” She grins as she tilts her head slowly. She giggles as she sticks her tongue out once more, and moves her first three fingers again. The icy water instantly shooting at an angle and going after the speed girl as Saraphina was starting to skate backwards once again.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    (839) 1839 WORDS
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    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 1st August 2019, 4:22 am

    Birch remained coy in the face of her greeting and question about 'playing', unwilling to expend the time and effort to endure her grating antics if it didn't serve him in any way. His color-changing eyes had darkened into a deep blue, possibly from his dark meal, or perhaps foreshadowing his selfish intentions. He watched her. The blond only cared if she could freeze it. One of the three approaching enemies approached the queen with a speed that had a shock factor when appearing in someone's face but was nothing special. With a greedy gleam, he observed Saraphina to see how she'd retaliate.

    Oh, so she could freeze it like he'd hoped. How fortunate. After the two had played roller derby for a little bit, finally the real ice came out. Much in the same way he'd had a two-course meal at the festival, if he played his cards right, he'd have one again while they raided this city. Birch had just been coming up with a smooth way to get in close with Saraphina when one of the remaining two girls shot at him and caused him to flinch slightly, ripping his attention away. Yes, he should have been paying them plenty of mind before now, but his focus was a bit single-tracked when it came to situations like these. "You're interrupting me," he growled at the shooter, his former smirk turning quite the opposite. This pest needed eliminated before he could act on gaining a frosty taste.

    Birch seemed to be doing his own little performance, deftly avoiding another of the bullets one of the foes shot at him with elegant grace. He had no skates or ice to slide on, but he might as well have with the fluidity of his movements. For his size, he was deceptively swift. His zig-zag path brought him down upon the enemy that plainly wished to remain at a distance, and once he was in range, he performed a powerful axe kick. His pristine heel came down on the top of her head so fast that before she could register the pain, her forehead was smacking the pavement about a second before the rest of her body. Stooping down, he claimed her guns, tucking them into the back of his belt for the moment. He wasn't the fondest of the weapons for a plethora of reasons, but he was battle born and knew they could give him an edge. Any edge would do since his magic was just now beginning to return to him. With gun girl disarmed and down for the count, Birch once more ignored the mysteriously cloaked foe simply watching them in favor of trying to get close to the queen again.

    Finally, an opportunity presented itself. The lady in white was skating backward right in his direction. A dark fog appeared under his feet to offer him the privilege of skating as well. He was suddenly there upon her, gentling taking one of her hands if she'd allow it and using her momentum to spin her around in a flourish. "Shall we dance?" he inquired with a lop-sided smile, sliding in time and continuing her motion until they'd begun something like an ice-waltz. Without even breaking the rhythm, Birch managed to kick the half-frozen fast girl aside upon her next approach. "You'd best not try to harm my queen," he snapped darkly at the girl in the bodysuit as she flew backward. "Try to get back up from that one, lowly fly."

    Should she allow him to continue the skillful dance, he'd spin her a bit and bring her back in close against his chest. "You know, you've surprised me, Saraphina," he purred, his face lowering closer to her ear. "I apologize for my underestimation. I had no idea you were so strong...and could command ice as well. An element as beautiful and deadly, befitting of your white aesthetic. Delicious...I can barely resist you," he whispered, planning to make his move right at that moment. All it took was his lips brushing her porcelain cheek for a moment or so. It'd cause her no harm like his siphoning had his other three victims, but perhaps she'd feel a little of her magical power leaving through the contact at his willing. His lips grew cold as her ice took hold inside him, replenishing the long-starved reservoir for the element. Now he had them; fire, light, darkness, and ice. He pulled his face back, grinning like a prisoner might just after an escape... if that prisoner had been cuffed in seal stone and was only just regaining his power. "Mmm, thank you," his voice graveled with no small amount of husk.

    Abruptly releasing her, he skated backward with a sober but still devilish smile on his lips. He'd gotten what he wanted and had no use for the annoying faux-royal. "But alas, a lowly butler such as I should not touch someone so far above my status. It would be improper, don't you agree?" The words that were supposed to express the grief of restrained longing and temptation didn't quite match the boisterous tone and grin as Birch rode the magic high. He bowed to her in a slightly mocking way, flicking his wrists and forming a small ice dagger between each finger. "Enough frivolous games," he spat, flinging the icy little blades at the cloaked figure looming nearby.

    [wc:900 || total: 1838]


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Ih2UNXF

    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Guest 3rd August 2019, 3:51 am

    "Where are the pretty women in this city?" a female figure would mutter to herself, far above the battlefield, a pair of purple wings keeping her airborne, watching the carnage below her with a look of disinterest on her face. She cared little for random carnage and there did not seem to be any real point to what was happening but she had come in the hopes of finding someone to amuse her for a while. Her mind had become such a den of depravity lately, something that she blamed on the fallen angel, who now shared her body and soul. Perhaps that was true or maybe she had simply been ignorant to her own true nature all along. Her purple eyes gaze would occasionally glimpse a member of the guild and she had a fair idea of where they all were and that seemed to be her role for the battle. While everyone else was just running around like headless chickens, she would hover from the heavens, keeping an eye on the battle as a whole. Control was her game after all and the thought of looking down on all the other combatants did give her a sense of superiority.

    There was one member of the guild though that did capture her attention and a smile crossed her features as her keen sense of sight caught a glimpse of her blonde partner, Jennifer. Oh, how she loved to watch her fight and a chuckle escaped her lips as she watched the lioness rip someone to shreds. She did find her wild side admirable, which was rather odd in truth, given the witch's usual dislike for random slaughter but there were exceptions to every rule. On the contrary, she found the buxom blonde's fighting style alluring and there was a part of her that just wanted to swoop down and take her guild mate in her arms at that second but she just about managed to fight off that though, for now anyway.

    It was at that moment that her slayer enhanced hearing picked up on something and she would wave her right hand, summoning a wall of blood above her that would shield her from the sudden attack, a beam of light to be specific. It would strike her shield and disappear, not being strong enough to actually break her powerful defence. Still, it was a fairly powerful attack and would no doubt have dealt decent damage to someone of a lower rank. Looking up, she would notice a second winged figure, a sun kissed sword in its right hand, clearly ready for battle. With another smile, Medeia would then vanish into sand and reappear behind the figure, seeming to slip straight through her attackers magical senses.

    "You could have been a little more subtle with your attack," she would say, her tone cold as usual, although there was a slight look of amusement in her eyes, "I could have heard you coming from a mile away but you have always been like that, have you not?"

    "Damn, so you do remember," the figure said, turning around to face Medeia, facial features shielded from view by a yellow helmet, "I had heard that you had been released from your prison but I must admit that I found it difficult to believe. It has been a long time, Priya."

    "Too long, my dear," Medeia would answer simply, "I would prefer that you refer to me as Medeia, as Priya is now a part of me, not the other way around."

    "Fascinating," the angelic figure answered, "I would never have thought that my lover would be so willing to bend her knee to someone else. She was always the type to be on top."

    "You would know better than most,"
    Medeia countered with a smile, "You are quite right though. It was quite a struggle to get her to submit to me but then again, she did try and slaughter me the moment I freed her from the prison. Mind you, if I had been stuck in that chair for so long, I would probably feel that way too. Would you not agree with me?"

    "She was put there for a good reason and I am sure that you know as well as I do," the angel muttered, a stern tone emerging, "Priya was a being of pure lust and passion, who enjoyed flaunting herself in front of not just deities but mortals also. She was a disgrace to our order and deserved her fate. You made a grave error in releasing her and now I am going to have to make you pay for it, Medeia."

    "Oh no, please do not get the whips out," Medeia mocked, "You know as well as I do that neither of us is capable of being killed, so how about you save yourself some time and we can do something else instead, just like old times, Anete."

    "I am going to pretend that I did not hear that," the angel snapped, "I might not be able to kill you but perhaps I can drag you back home and deal with you there."

    "How about I drag you back to the guild castle with me instead?" Medeia quipped, no longer bothering to hide the flirtatious smirk from her face, "Priya enjoyed it, I am sure that you will too."

    There was no answer from the angel then and instead she simply raised her sword, charging it with holy light, before charging towards Medeia, who simply flew upwards and out of harm's way. There was no reason why she should hold back and raising a hand in to the hand, the witch would suddenly become engulfed in purple coloured magical energy, releasing an aura of pleasure and lust that made Anete have to quickly move backwards from. When it dispersed, Medeia emerged in her takeover form, her purple eyed gaze blazing a hole through her opponent, a passionate gaze that made even the angel blush beneath her helmet.

    "Have it your way then, my dear," Medeia would say, before the two deities moved towards each other, ready to begin their holy battle.

    (1027 Words)

    Devil's Advocate

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Cirven 5th August 2019, 6:38 pm

    Things had picked up quickly with the Devil King's arrival to his allies. It seemed that they were being 'ambushed' by a trio of enemies who came at them as if they were some sort of unskilled scum without any idea of what they were getting into for the hostile takeover that they were conducting. It was all too funny to Cirven who chuckled as Cirven had managed to catch the scent of his enemies before they attacked but he knew everyone had to play a part in a battle and he knew just what his position was; the trickster clown. He dodged the acid attack as if it were moving in slow motion towards him with a smile. Some of Dahau's men were not so lucky as they were hit by what was left over from the attack. The acid seemed to be somewhat sticky and latched onto those hit like it was some sort of adhesive while it melted through the unlucky targets. "Our enemies are underestimating us a bit, aren't they? As if they could sneak up on us and deal with us so quickly. They did get some of us with that attack but I wonder if they will be able to do that again at all. I also wonder if they really think their plan would work like this or is there more to it..?" His eyes then caught sight of one of their female assailant who was dressed in rags with black hair and matching eyes. His eyes widened in excitement from seeing her. "You have her!? You brought Sheen! Is she your secret weapon against me?" He broke out into laughter showing just how shattered his mind was from the pure excitement he was feeling. "You brought one of the powerhouses of Cor Torva here to kill me? The only other one to kill me?! THIS IS SO INTERESTING NOW!" His voice became louder for his last sentence while the look on his face became more crazed and psychotic. His eyes started to glow a bright green as he looked towards her with the dual wielding swordsman taking a stance in front of her before moving at quick speeds towards Cirven with blinding speed. Those who could not keep up with see Hibiki's speed would see him go from in front of Sheen to in front of Cirven where both his blades would rip through the Devil's body in multiple directions, also in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Duran would follow up using his acid to attack Dahau to keep him away from Hibiki's charge showing that the duo had fought together before somehow. Sheen did not move and only clutched at her chest as nervousness took over her body from seeing and hearing Cirven. She did not speak either but seemed to be taken back by how Cirven was acting like she had not fought ever in her life.

    A smile formed over the face of the shredded face of Cirven after taking Hibiki's attack head on before his body dispersed into magical energy. "Shit! A fake!" Hibiki called out and turned around as he figured out just what was going on. "Did you really think it would be that easy? Only those who open their eyes to the world will be able to see..." A calmed version of Cirven's voice spoke out from behind Sheen as he formed out of her shadow. She shockingly turned around just in time for Cirven to slash his right clawed hand across her throat causing her to let out a light shriek of pain before dropping to the ground. "She was dead weight it looks like." Hibiki scoffed at the situation and readied himself to fight Cirven but before he could he saw movement in Sheen's body. "It isn't that easy to kill you, is it?" Cirven's words were followed up by the ground around him having multiple red metal spears erupting from it that he quickly had to dodge but was cut in multiple areas, all why Sheen pushed herself up from the ground with her head hanging low but now with red hair and red eyes to match it. "You.. You... YOU...! I'LL KILL YOU THIS TIME, MIZUNE!" The earlier shy Sheen seemed to have become a completely different person after being attacked by the Devil. "There she is. There is the Crimson Weapon, Sheen." Cirven spoke out as he dodged the multiple attacks and got some space between himself and Sheen.

    Before he could respond anymore to her though the sound of someone's foot steps were heard behind him, causing him to quickly fall to the ground where he dodged a blade ripped through the air towards his torso. He quickly tore his claw through the air aimed at the chest of his other attacker but found that it did not hit flesh as Hibiki managed to get out of the way of the counter attack. This caused Hibiki and Sheen to stand on both sides of Cirven to silently declare just how their battle would commence. "Two versus one? Is that fair at all? You both don't know what I'm capable of after all!" A laugh erupted out from Cirven after he spoke that continued even when Hibiki continued to speak. "We know what you can do and that is exactly why we planned for this!" Hibiki spoke out which caused Cirven to abruptly stop his laughing as a realization came over him. "DIE!!" Sheen yelled out as the ground around him shot out red metal blades of all types that floated out around him and under the control of Sheen, completely surrounding him before Hibiki rushed inside of the plethora of weapons and attempted to attack Cirven's back. Cirven tried to dodge both him and the weapons around him but could not dodge both as he moved caused the blades around him to rip into his body. This barrage of attacks continued over and over until Cirven became worn down by the constant damage done to his body but due to his healing factor the damage did not stay visible but anyone watching could see the Devil King was being mauled. The barrage only ended when Hibiki found both of his blades digging into the right side of Cirven's neck and left side of his body but before the blades could go completely through their target they were stopped by Cirven's hands catching them. "Is that all?" He spoke out as he held the blades in his hands and did not allow them to move at all with a twisted expression on his face. The sound of cracking could be heard in the blades just before they shattered completely and were left lodged in Cirven's body. The red metal blades Sheen had control over rushed towards Cirven again but before they could hit him this time they were met with a resistance of a reddish magical aura that came over the Devil's body and destroyed the blades before they could hit him. This shroud of magical energy also affected Hibiki who yelled out in pain as his left hand was affected by it causing his fingers on that hand to disperse into magical energy, completely destroying them. He used his speed to escape his opponent but found that only delayed the inevitable as the broken blade of his own sword stabbed into his own torso and pinned him to a building from the force it was thrown at. Cirven then appeared in front of him using his own blinding speed. Devilish horns now protruded out of Cirven's head showing his lineage and the magical power he possessed over the man who he had impaled. "Speed and overgrown knives will only get you so far, Hibiki. I'm sure you had other skills but I have grown tired of you and what power you possess. It just simply is not fun anymore." Cirven spoke as he casually ripped the other blade from out of his neck. "No.. No.. Stop.. I can tell.." Hibiki started to plea for his life but Cirven did not listen and quickly slashed down the blade across Hibiki's body causing the building behind him to shake from the power exerted in the swing, silencing Hibiki. Cirven then took the blade and stabbed it into the shoulder of Hibiki to leave hanging on the building's wall. "Someone should remind me to center that later. It looks a bit off to me." He spoke and then cackled out just before his shroud of energy was hit by more of the red metal blades again. "Don't think I forgot about you, Sheen. I just had to save you for last seeing as you and I have a bit of a history that I would like to finish up. I'm sure you agree now that I have awakened you." He spoke as he turned to her and leisurely walked towards her as she created weapon after weapon using her body mixed with the ground around them. "You know, I remember when that metal only could come from your body. It looks like you have gotten a bit advanced in your abilities too, huh?" The tone in his voice was uncaring of what she was doing as his aura had easily dealt with her attacks from afar. The closer he got the more her attacks intensify which caused him to have to dodge around as his aura would not simply deflect the bigger attacks. "So the closer I get the stronger your attacks can be, huh?" The Devil Jester spoke out as he started to figure out Sheen's abilities more and more while making them seem minuscule compared to him. Sheen started to get worn out as she continued to use her ethernano to attack over and over.

    Using a burst of holy flames, Cirven took advantage of his opponent's tiredness and slammed his hand into her chest, causing a mix of holy flames and unholy lightning to create a long blade-like beam of the fused elements to shoot through the body of Sheen. "Weaker than I thought. I guess your plan to kill me fell apart because you underestimated just what I could do, again." His sentence ended with the beam dispersing and he allowed Sheen to fall to the ground, barely clinging onto life. "And I was going to offer you a place with me and the others, including him but it doesn't seem like you are worth it at all." He spoke out and started to walk away from her. "I will give you a chance to prove yourself, Crimson Weapon. Find a way to live and I will reconsider allowing you to have a place to stay over being some sort of puppet."

    He did not get far before Sheen's body disappeared and swapped positions with one of her many red blades that were near Hibiki's dying body. She reached out to him and just as she touched him a blinding flash of red energy erupted over both of their bodies, combined together and then would disperse revealing a red armored Hibiki who was holding a long red blade. "Oh? That power is definitely enticing. Show me just how much will you have to live then, Sheen." The duo stared each other down before the next part of their fight would start and lead to a conclusion.



    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 6th August 2019, 1:20 pm

    Something felt different about this, compared to Jen's usual hunts. Her prey didn't usually think well enough to call for reinforcements. Still, she did have a little fun every so often. After all, this was her strength, hunting down fleeing targets, taking out those who chose not to flee, and if needed, helping out her fellow guild members. She wasn't normally a team player, but she could work with others if she absolutely needed to. 

    The conditions were far from ideal, especially with the council dogs having been summoned. However, it didn't really change up the game much. Together with Leona, Jen continued taking out civilians, that was, until she came across something interesting.

    "Well, here's a scent I haven't smelled in a dog's age. Gotta say, it's been a while. You probably don't remember me, do you, Mr. Demon Slayer?!"

    A dark Aura formed around Jen as she turned towards the source of an odor that to her seemed exceptionally pungent.

    "Perhaps you remember my mother, Lucina. After all, it was your magic that killed her. Your magic that put her through excruciating pain for days before you even considered letting her die...I should know. I had to watch until after you had left. And do you know what I've been doing since then? I've been waiting, training, trying to become strong enough to take you down, put you in your place. I'm not going to kill you, not right away, at least. But before you pass on, you will beg for death."

    She ran towards the male figure, who seemed to not care about the lecture. Before Jen would have reached her, he seemed to teleport right behind her, and kick her squarely in the ribs, breaking two of them cleanly as he sent her crashing through the wall of a nearby building.

    "I've killed a lot of demons in my day, kid. I don't much care for their names, or their stories. The only good demon is a dead one, and I make demons good."

    Jen spat out some blood as she stood, glaring daggers at the person who had so mercilessly killed her parents.

    "So what, we're just numbers to you? Trophies?!"

    She launched herself at him with renewed vigor. This time she seemed to be moving faster than he could follow, as the dark aura had fully engulfed her. Her eyes steadily glowed crimson, and her skin became ashen as two horns protruded from her head. 

    "You will pay in blood for what you have done, for every innocent demon you killed, for every child that you have orphaned...and I will collect that payment in full."

    Jen, if this was still her, rushed past the unnamed Demon Slayer, making a small cut on his cheek. She licked the blood from her claw before smirking.

    "This will not be quick. It will not be painless. You will know fear by the time that I am done with you. You will welcome death, but not receive it. This, I can promise you. This has been a long time coming, and you should know already that you will deserve every moment of it."

    The man was stunned that she had been able to not only match his speed, but surpass it, and her words barely registered as he only just noticed the painful sting from the cut on his face. This was bad, this was very bad for him.

    "Listen...kid...we don't have to do this. I... I know there's still some good in you..."

    She dashed past him again, cutting deep into his other cheek.

    "Let me stop you right there. I was good, or at least I had a chance to be. You ruined that for me when you killed my parents."

    Post WC: 625
    Personal WC: 1,621/3,500 [B]

    Last edited by Jennifer Ford on 6th August 2019, 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : WC correction)
    Kien Hikiba
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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Kien Hikiba 12th August 2019, 9:39 am

    ((Please skip me this round.))


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    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 12th August 2019, 9:42 am

    ((Go ahead and skip me, thank you!))


    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Jester 12th August 2019, 2:12 pm

    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) EpjZih3

    A few weeks earlier~

    "Line up recruits." The commanding shout of a general, the scattered recruits dart from around the training grounds of the Hostia Barracks. Lining up side by side and standing to attention. The general would walk across the line, eying up each soldier carefully, he reached out a jabbed one of the soldier's in the stomach with a hard prod of his index finger.
    "You're not posing for a photo at your fucking sister's wedding, stand up straight!" He barked loudly in the young boy's face, before continuing down the line. "Now you plump sacks of shit may think your hot cause you passed your military officer's exams, but let me tell you. This ain't cemented until you show your god damn worth in this army. As far as I'm concerned until I see some real blood, sweat, and tears. Then you ain't worth the salt on your chips." He moving down the line, "It's not going to be easy, some of you won't last more than a day and to those, I say good riddance. Cause you don't get to be a Hostia Soldier if you ain't got the stomach for it." He would come to stop in front of a particularly lanky individual, with unwavering golden eyes and red hair slicked back under his beret. "You, Red, step forward." He barked, the recruit would step forward. Unlike many of his fellow recruits, his expression was blank, unresponsive. The general leaned in close, his breath hitting the soldier in the face, an attempt at intimidation. Yet the Soldier did not flinch, "You think you can stomach it?" The golden eyes slid over to the general, his expression stoic, void of all emotion. Taking a breath he would bark his response with the enthusiasm of expected of a soldier.

    "SIR, YES, SIR!"

    The Day of the Siege~

    Hostia, not the most well known of places, despite being located in between Fiore and Bosco. It was rather secluded, close off to its neighboring cities due to its authority's desire to be an independent nation. New beginnings? How laughable. Anyone could see it was merely the dream of a well-funded fool with hopes of grandeur and power, a city born under notions of greed. It's inhabitants blindly following the ideas of those who claim to be their generous rulers. They needed liberation, true liberation and of course, Erring's Rising were kind enough to deliver that to them.

    Such an exciting little game, the prospect of which brought to his Queenie by that light-haired fellow. Upon hearing the plan, he had disappeared into the night, promising his Queen that he would play his part in the fun little game. Before setting about joining the ranks of the Hostia military. It had taken some work, getting him the fake identity of a Hostian Civilian, but once he'd done that part, signing up for the army had been fairly easy. They were quite keen on expanding their militant forces after all, as would be expected from a city of greed. Once in, the clown needed only bide his time, training alongside the fellow recruits. He quickly moved to the top, although he had needed to play coy a few times, not wanting to arouse suspicion over why he was so talented. A few losses in the training camps, all of which had been enough to hold his place. Until the fateful day arrived...

    The side of the alarms was music to the red-heads ears, the shouts and panic as soldiers rushed to prepare themselves for battle. But of course, Jester knew better than to rush, he'd already been in uniform. Anxiously waiting for the signal. And when it had come, it had been enough for the clown to slip into transition. Ready for another magnificent performance. The soldiers moved out into the main hall of the barracks, the armory had been opened and they were already been loaded with weapons of every caliber, grenades, shotgun, rifles. Whatever they could dish out, the trembling hands of the soldiers as they hastily clutched them. The sweet smell of desperation and fear lingering in the air. Some of the more experienced soldiers had already headed out to face the incoming forces, and from what had been discovered, the result had not faired well for them. It seemed another wing of the military had been infiltrated and attacked. Jester resisted the urge to smirk, so he hadn't been the only one with such a plan.  

    The soldiers lined up at the doors of the barracks, the roars of a general quietening them as they began to talk them up, prepare them for the potential dangers they would face. Locker room talk it was, just a means to hype them up so that they would momentarily forget about their impending deaths. "And today is not a day to fear, but a day to relish, as today you will prove your worth as the soldiers you are. As the might of Hostia, you will make yourselves proud, each enemy slain is a victory, and for every victory you claim, your name will be buried deeper into the honorable history of our people. Heroes you will be, for nothing is greater than to fight in the name of those you love, in the name of the home you love, in the-"

    Jester would cough loudly, stepping forward out of line, "Excuse me General, but I have something to contribute." The general stared at him, bewildered by the audacity of the recruit. "Get back in line Recruit." He barked, Jester, shook his head.

    "Why? So I can prepare myself as I walk out into the jaws of death. Let's face it, that's what awaits us all right? A terrifying, gruesome and agonizing death." There was a stir amongst the soldiers, they looked at each other, quickly unnerved by the redhead's words. "I SAID GET BACK IN LINE RECRUIT." Jester chuckled, shaking his head.

    "No, no, no. You see, everyone in that line is destined to die, you General are destined to die. I won't be dying today~" His voice began to return to its normal silkiness, his body would relax into its playful demeanor. He could sense the panic rising around his, the general could see it too. The general reached for his belt, pulling out his handgun, he pointed it directly at Jester. "If you do not step back in line, then you will be classed as a deserter. I will declare you a traitor of Hostia, and have no choice but to execute you." It was these words that caused Jester to lose it, he threw his head back,  at first it started as a chuckle, but after moments it would increase in its exuberance until he was unleashing a full-blown maniacal cackle. The general would squeeze the trigger and a bullet would fly past Jester's cheek.  "That was a warning shot, the next one's in your skull." Jester's laughter died down, and he lowered his gaze, staring hungrily at the General, his face split into an unnatural grin.

    "Deserter? Traitor?! How marvelous, How splendid." Jester, pulled out his own weapon and fired it at the General. The bullet hitting his in the shoulder, causing him to drop the gun by accident. Jester flicked his wrist and suddenly the air in the room would ripple. The entirety of the hall surrounded by his Harlequin dolls, each of them standing behind a soldier, holding a machete to their throat. Jester walked forward, his gun still aimed at the General. The general reached for his other weapon, but the clown fired off another shot, hitting him in the knee-cap and causing him to crumble. After a moment, Jester would stop in front of the man, who was now trembling, Jester would press the gun against the general's forehead. The man trembled under the gun, it was such a pathetic sight. Jester had picked this department specifically, he'd known all about this general, he'd only gotten this far by slipping jewels in the pockets of the higher-ups. Wanting some authority in this pathetic pit of a military. It's why he was weak, why he'd hadn't shot Jester dead when he had the chance. Such a fool, another one of these Hostians, driven by the infection of greed. "You're one of them!"

    "In the name of my Queen, for the crime of aiding towards a society governed by the disgusting notion of law and order, I hereby sentence you to death." Once more he would squeeze the trigger and the bullet would pierce through the general's skull, killing him. The Harlequins would drag their machete's over the throats of the soldiers and one by one they would fall to the ground, showering the floor of the hall in blood. Jester sighed deeply, before twirling on the spot. He would throw away the gun and wave a hand over his face. On each cheek a painted symbol would appear, a green star on one and a black teardrop on the other. At once, he felt like himself again. He turned towards the barrack doors, "Ho-sti-a..." He purred playfully, before pushing open the doors and striding out of the barracks, his harlequin dolls in tow.

    WC: 1542



    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Guest 16th August 2019, 12:15 am

    Long pointed ears had been listening to every word the day Cirven had made the proposal. It was a strange and new thing, an entire city? Well maybe that shouldn't feel so surprising. There were some very amazing people here, the guild was very lively. Most were strangers who were completely different from each other, but all had their own unique goals. How many truly believed in a world of no nonsensical laws? It wasn't really known to him, thinking on things that sounded too deep tended to get the mans mind to start struggling in the current of thoughts. Such things threatened what little ground he had gained beneath the waters. Would it be a good idea to go to such an event, the taking of a city? If he didn't do difficult things, than the power Laurence so desperately craved would never come. Strength wont arrive along for the especially lazy. Power prefered the risk takers and bold, the thinkers and workers who wouldn't settle. This might be a good opportunity to see how creative he could get. That's how Laurence ended up blending in the town as a servant. When you have a form with hair that's colored and shines like file pale silver and feels as innocent as can be in a city full of wealthy? It was easy to avoid the need for papers, even to get new clothes. These were ones only to be worn while on job, of course. This was a hard task to pull off, to not kill anyone while waiting. He was only one small piece in a plan with many players. His task was far from large but it was something he could do. There was a lot of bothersome parts of it, but nobody ever said this would be a cake walk.

    The calm was annoying. There wasn't really any tension from these people, as if they had no idea what their cities decision really meant in the long run. There was too much calm and peacefulness from the wealthy family he temporarily worked for. Do they not fully realize the consequences of their actions? Of course not. Some people were so used to always eating from fine china that they become oblivious of the forming cracks. Another annoying thing were his work clothes. He believed in some amount of practicality, but could recall something someone told him long ago. 'A noble is only as good as their worst servant and can brag about their finest one.' The clothes were only so quality because the family wanted to brag about getting an especially 'pure' and 'beautiful' looking man. The mages that visited even commented on how 'brilliantly pure' his aura felt. Those sort of compliments were as agitating as the peacefulness, calm, and the overly gaudy clothes. Silk was fine for those who wanted it, but the only reason Lott would consider a more expensive material would be for its durability. Silk wasn't the most durable, nor was silver a practical metal to use when it came to clothing one had to use every day. Patterns, designs, looking nice was fine, but not if it got in the way. Did the family think they had captured an angel to their job services? But he wasn't that sort of being, not even a true man. What could Lott be considered? A fae, kelpie, and creature of fresh waters. It was nicer to steal fancy things for others than to be forced into wearing them.

    During the day the attack was scheduled, the family had a party scheduled. He was walking around with a snack platter when the explosions started to go off. At that point the music had stopped, some of the mages that attended the party excused themselves to try to aid in taking care of the problem. After that? This was exactly what he had been waiting for, so there was no longer a need to wear a false face for these people. Laurence dropped the platter before the delicate silks and silvers tore off his person, forced off by his other form that already had it's own clothes, leaving only the gloves to be taken off. Of course he no longer looked or 'felt' pure in the slightest, so there was certainly a growing air of fear in the party as the gloves were taken off. Now it just wasn't chaos just outside their tall home creeping ever rapidly closer. There was something he needed to do, many things, but first? The very first thing was a need to remove every person in this building. The most terrifying that had attended the party had already left towards the many big happenings outside. Most would find the silence in the room to be more than a little tense, but all he could feel was an ever increasing intense wan for blood. For the very first time He lost control of himself, tapping into the lineage he didn't know was within. Glory of a slayer pushed him into a berserker like state, water bursting from his body in every direction at the form of blades. That was when the room started to fill with screams and blood. Cut was used to take out a number of people, but the blood soaking the room just empowered and crazed the kelpie more.

    After that his mind blanked out, laughing as he took down people one by one after that. All he could see and smell was red, the color that came out when the neck was torn open, broken glass pierced flesh, among a myriad of other ways. It was easy to get creative when panicked people caused things to fall, get tossed, become easier to reach, or more sharp. If he was thinking than perhaps more magic would have been used, less laughing would have occured, and one of the ways someone got killed certain wouldn't have involved a high heel. All the anger, irritation, and unnerved emotions had fallen to an pure extacy coated in a deep burning color that stuck to the beautiful floor and walls. The guests to the party that had long since ended were mostly all in one room, but the others still had a few, along with servants. One might think they would have fled at the sounds of screaming coupled with maniacal laughter. For some reason that caused some people to enter the room out of curiosity. Most though? They tried to leave the building, only to see the chaos outside. Some took their chances outside in the fire and madness, others thought that they could hide and wait out everything. The next thing Laurence could recall was the sensation of something cold and wet. A chef who was holding a boning knife loosely in one hand, and something stuck in a certain area of the chest that suggested that without medical aid this person would be gone very fast. The sprinklers on the ceiling had been activated, but when and how was a complete mystery to the kelpie.

    What happened? How long did he blank out for? It was a mystery, he had ended up on the bottom floor of the building. From what little walking around he did it seemed that everyone in the building was dead. Did he do this? He wasn't sure, but the amazing buzz still going through certainly suggested as much. This caused the man to finally drop the chef before going to where he knew the family had all their animals, as well as the guests did. They had the technology and wealth to buy cars, right? But some people really did see the best way to flaunt their wealth was to come on the finest animal they could get, not like any seemed all that pleased to be locked up. What animal would be? This was what caused him to unlock and open everything that contained and held back any animal there. For some reason seeing how eager they were to escape brought a smile to him. Yes, yes, yes! He felt so joyful and alive, beginning to run in the direction the animals went. He laughed a bit before slowing down a bit, but the laughing didn't fully stop. "I used to think having the last name of Lott was a sign of needing to accept my lot in life and to make the most of what little the fates gave me. It was only after dying and becoming a water horse did I realize the lot in life phrase is worthless! Fuck fate and chance, fight them all, and make with yourself as you wish." He then stopped after spotting a woman nearby  with someone. The woman looked busy. While they never formally met, he still recognized her as a fellow guildmate.

    Should he say anything? But she looked in the middle of a kill and everything was so fun. He would have hated it if someone interrupted him, so the man gave a silent wave to be polite without interrupting.

    Words: 1,509
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 20th August 2019, 2:14 am

    'Aawh man this sucks! I hoped I get to off Cirven. But now I am stuck with you!

    While Cirven had engaged two of the three enemies, Dahau seemed to be stuck with the last one. Which turned out to be the most annoying assailant of the three. Blatantly he assumed he got the lesser of the two targets and immediately started taunting Dahau. But his target didn't give him a single response, instead, Dahau watched the battle between Cirven, Hibiki and Sheen unfold. Short and fast clashes, which a normal person could barely follow, and any untrained eye who'd watched it would think that their assailants had the upper hand. Unfortunately for them, Cirven was only toying with them.

    'You know Dahau-san, there wasn't much info about you! Must mean you're a small fry right! Ugh, I always get the easy pickings!' Cackled Duran like a crow, his voice getting more irritating with every word he spewed. But his conceited tone changed in a second as Dahau suddenly stood before him. His silhouette darkened by a dark aura, his head slightly tilted as he glared at Duran with white orbs.
    'You deem yourself lucky for facing me? Haven't you realized by now, that it's not them but you who has drawn the short end of the straw.' Dahau's voice was ominous, increasingly threatening and very different from his usual arrogant tone.
    Duran couldn't even answer, he just stared at the dark silhouette while he still tried to grasp what was happening. In a split second, Dahau had moved in front of him and his magical energy spiked through the very roof. Duran could only stutter while he tried to wrap his head around the fact that this man might be the end of him.

    In a desperate move, he jumped backward pointed his arms towards Dahau and shouted the incantation of a spell. A wall of acid appeared in front of him and grew in size and speed as it traveled towards his enemy. 'There! No one can survi-' Convinced that Dahau would have perished by such an attack, which normally should have inescapable, Duran stared in horror as his target hadn't even moved an inch. The acid that surely had to engulf Dahau had split apart just moments before it hit him. And instead of disintegrating him, it traveled passed him only to hit nothing.

    'Now... Let me show you that you are nothing more but a mere insect standing in the presence of leviathans'

    'N-no go away you monster!!' he shouted in response, but it was already too late. Within a second Dahau had appeared once again in front of Duran. In that same moment, Dahau already landed a punch in Duran's stomach. A moment of silence as the very force of Dahau's punch send out a shockwave that made his own cloak flutter, what followed was even more terryfying, upon impact Dahau's very punch was followed by an explosion that send Duran lying into the wall of the nearest building. Which came crumbling down from the impact.
    Dahau knew, that just a single gut-wrenching punch wasn't enough to take Duran out. So the moment Duran landed into the building, he snapped his finger only to have four large cannon to appear out of thin air. Floating around Duran, who in turn tried to crawl back up only to come face to face with the end of a barrel. 'I told you before didn't I. You've drawn the short end of the straw' said Dahau, right before he released a barrage onto his enemy.



    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only) Empty Re: Rule For Fools(Open, ER Only)

    Post by Saraphina 22nd August 2019, 10:07 am

    The White Queen
    Saraphina giggles as she played around with this speeding girl. Now the other was on the defensive while trying to out maneuver the ice that the white queen was playing around. She wasn’t paying Birch any mind as he was being attacked, knowing full well he would be just fine without her as she played with her own little tasty treat. She then moved her other hand and managed to catch the speeding girl in her ice, moving for more ice to stack up on her and hold her tighter. Her not paying attention to where she was going was luckily good this time as it seemed that Birch was the one to capture her and begin skating with her. A blush started to form on her face as she let her hand relax in his hand, and she blinked up to him. She let up a soft gasp as he twirled her around. How many people would she dance with now? Her cheeks flushed darker as she looked away from his smile. Would Birch here be the one to be her prince charming. He was quite dashing to her. And the fact he knew how to treat a lady too? It was utterly delightful!

    She danced with him a bit, giggling as this was quite refreshing. She had forgotten all about her ice barrage she attempted, and muses to herself about how she was dancing with who could possibly be her prince charming! She was so caught up in that thought, that she didn’t even realize that the speedy girl had gotten loose and was coming at them again. She was shivering as she ran, so she wasn’t as fast as she was before. By the time she realized what had happened, she just let out an; “Oh.” while Birch kicked her away. A grin was on her face as she looked back at Birch. His queen. He told her not to harm his queen. What did she do to earn such a lovely guild member like himself?! She was more than ecstatic with those words coming from his lips, despite wanting to be called that anyways. But being held in someone’s arms while being possessively claimed really made her feel special. She giggles once again as she felt herself at peace here dancing with the blond man before her. Her cheeks darkened as he pulled her close to his chest, her looking up at him with wide eyes again.

    The white queen listened to him as he got his face closer to hers, which made her glance away nervously. Her ears were even turning a little red, and it stuck out against her pale white skin. She had a shiver go down her spin as he said that he could barely resist her. This had to be it! This is what true love was like, right? That’s how some of her stories her parents told her went! He didn’t notice the girl and her strength at first, but once she did, he opened his mind and eyes a bit more! It had to be! She paused at the feeling of his lips on her cheek, feeling her heart skipped a beat as she glanced over to him. She felt a little off as she glared slightly to the man, what did he do…? His breath felt cold as he was close to her, before he pulled back. He thanked her? She clearly looks confused as her lips were parted slightly, and her brow was knitted together while looking to the blond.

    Her purple eyes grew wide as he let go of her and was away from her without a warning, and she was just standing there alone. His words, and his face didn’t match up to her as she tilted her head a bit. Her own grin slowly begun spreading on her face, but her eyes seemed like she wasn’t looking at anyone in front of her. “Yes, a butler it more suited to be at the bottom. Beneath the feet of those they serve.” Saraphina was shaking now. She thought he was her Prince Charming! Boy was she wrong. She closed her eyes for a moment. Trying to compose herself as she was angry at herself for even thinking for a split second that finding her prince charming would be that easy. Black tears started spilling out from her closed eyes before she opened her eyes again. Like a switch had been flipped when she opened her eyes, her eyes were all black as her skin instantly changed to that of grey, and her dress changed black with sparkling black bubbles coming off of it. The wind also seemed to speed up around her while a blackish aura was radiating off of her.

    The cloaked figure seemed to shake as it was chuckling at them. It moved enough out of the way to bypass the ice blades and let out a deep and crackly chuckle. Suddenly a male voice started mumbling Saraphina’s spells she used. “Aegir. Ullr.” He says as he raised a black arm from within the cloak, wiggling his fingers about. His other arm was a reddish arm and he held three fingers like Saraphina had. Black water and red ice instantly came from him as he shot water at Birch, and the ice right at Saraphina. She grits her teeth as she glares First her butler deceived her into thinking he could be with her, then ripped that out of her hands, now this low life peasant was using her own spells against her?! This was absolutely unacceptable. She let up a shriek as a chilling pulse came from her to a short distance around as she used her now black ice skates to dodge the ice and go after the man.

    Her attack had been enough that it knocked back the mans’ hood on his cloak. His face seemed stitched together as he had various skin tones together and all sorts of patchy ways, ranging from black to greens to whites and reds and so on. There was probably near every color stitched on him. His eyes seemed to match, being a rainbow of streaks coming from the pupils. His nose was crooked, and he had a lopsided smile while he looked at Saraphina, taking his eyes off of Birch. She was seeming like she’d be more fun to mess with in this moment. “Your magic feels delicious.” The man croaked at her, giving her a toothy grin as Saraphina just glares as she quickly taps the tips of both of her skates on the ground and instantly shoots towards the guy before throwing her foot out to attempt to cut him with her blade. He seemed to anticipate that as he held up an arm and a wall of red ice came between them. “Child. You’re no match to me…” He finally noticed Birch as well. “And neither is your lover.” He coaxed. This guy was thinking he was hot shit and was able to take them on at the same time.
    HP: 675/675
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