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    [Open] How to Start a Riot!


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 39
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    Public [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sybil 1st July 2016, 3:53 pm

    I'll show you what it's like to be hated, This is what it means to be a Dark Guild.

    It was another early morning at the magnolia water purification-plant just on the outskirts of the city. The land was dim and the sky remained a washed out and cold blue waiting for the sun make it’s trek over the horizon.

    No one had yet clocked into work  yet. There was no unusual sound inside the small treatment mill just that of the steady river flow and the pumping lacrima filters. Even as the dark portal on the north wall in the filtration room opened up all remained silent. The pale figure which slid out of it was soundless in her movements. Azure optics scanned the room with a slow precision, inevitably landing on the large machine in the center where the steady flow of drinkable water churned out and into the city of Magnolia. This was one of the three water pumps Famine targeted in this scheme. She was relying on her subordinates to spike the water in the remaining purification centers and whomever remained to meet her in the city for phase two.

    The guildmaster was confident enough to take care of this on her own. With her mouse like footfalls,  she closed the distance between her and the purifying machine. Famine searched for a flat panel shut by four screws by groping around the side of the machine until her fingertips grazed over it. A dark aura burst in her left palm as it always did when she planned to cast a spell or create something out of the darkness. Out of the shadowy tendrils in her hand a screwdriver came into shape and she wasted no time taking the tool and removing the plate. When she did her eyes were met by a sudden light inside, The lacrima core. This purifying crystal glew with a blinding brilliance, one which the guild master could not allow. She reached her hand forward, locking her grip around the lacrima. It’s surface was scolding hot and in turn burned the skin of her hand, whilst her grip did not falter. She ripped the gem out of it’s place which temporarily powered down the filter.

    Famine took a moment to shake her wrist, cooling the singed skin before she continued. From the satchel she had brought with her, the mage withdrew another lacrima though this one hardly shimmered. A malevolent and venomous green light engulfed the multifaceted core and it’s surface was spotted with patches of black as if the magic sealed away in this lacrima had tried to escape the capsule prison it was sealed into. It was in the place of the filter’s core that Famine planted this device... and the filter powered back to life. Famine regathered the screws and replaced the metal cover and other than the venomous lacrima inside there was no trace of damage on the pump. Now rather than ensuring the purity of the water the filtration system was to ensure its contamination.

    She was almost done. There was one more thing. Her didgits dipped into the bottom of the satchel. What she withdrew was a key, a Fairy insignia embedded on it’s end. This was the key she’d used to go in and out of Fairy Hills countless times when she lived there and was affiliated with this particular guild. She had no idea why she had held onto it so long… maybe for sentimental purposes… but today it was evidence, It would feed Fairy Tail’s infamy. It fell from her fingertips and the key clattered to the ground. This echo was the first and only new sound Famine brought.

    With a flick of her wrist another shadowy portal opened up against the tile wall, and the mage stepped through. The only trace she left, lead anyone who investigated to Fairy Tail .

    It was later after she gave her subordinate’s the time they needed to sabotage the secondary purification centers that Famine began her trek into magnolia. Her excuse for being here was none other than the legal job request in her hand. With the fresh ‘dark guild’ label slapped on Fairy Tail, Famine’s notoriety had since lowered. Even her guild's name had faded to a mere whisper. With a bit of ground travel Famine arrived at her location, a fair-sized house built of red lyons-stone with the most god-awful-looking picket fence she had ever seen. The shadow mage would follow the path to the porch and give the ivory door a couple loud raps of her knuckle. The guild master waited and the door swung open, her client left standing before her. Ms. Wright.

    This older woman had a narrow, oblong face with angular cheekbones and a pointed chin. Her slit-like eyes were a clouded green, and her thinly plucked eyebrows were shaped into a deceivingly perfect arch that followed the slight curve of her eye. her  nose hooked over continually pursed lips, which were painted a bright red in an unsuccessful effort to mask their natural thinness. “Ah, You're here for the request.”

    How Famine hated these mundane jobs...and hated the people who sent them off to the mage guilds more. Regardless, she forced that little smile of hers so only to keep up her ruse. “Yes, I’m here to water the garden.” as the words bounced off her tongue she lifted the paper, this woman’s request. 

    Ms. Wright moved aside, letting Famine in the home. The woman followed the mage as she grabbed an emptied watering jug and quickly started to work. Famine welcomed herself in the kitchen where she found the sink, set the open top of the jug just beneath the tap and moved to turn it on. Her eyes narrowed, piercing blues closely examining the color of the water… and she thought she could make out the slight murkier tinge… Now, she had to see for herself, Famine hauled the watering can out of the sink and towed it along through the sliding glass door which opened into the home's back yard.

    With gold, the sun touched leaves of both the trees and the assembly of plants and blossoms against the chipped picket fence. A scent like that of honeysuckle and roses met her nose as she strolled and knelt by a gathering of  yolk-yellow daffodils.

    Famine could feel the suspense build in her chest as she raised the watering jug and tilted it forward, allowing the liquid inside to shower over the flowers. She waited a moment, slowing the trickle of water only when she saw that the green stock of the plants paling, in mere moments did the blossoms wither, limp over, and die. Back turned, the pedestrian failed to see that victorious smirk touch the mage’s  lips… however, Famine couldn’t stay here and look at the shriveling petals forever. It was time. And now, she allowed the slowing stream of water to run down on her arm.  Instantaneously, it stung and she flinched as though she had  been popped by grease. Now Famine knew it the acidic compound ingrained in the water was truly working it’s magic.

    She dropped that jug, and where it spilled over her lawn browned and died. Forcing a pained whimper at the burn Famine turned to her client, fret embodied in her azure pools. For all Ms. Wright knew this dark mage was just as confused and frightened. Famine was just a girl on a job afterall. “Ma’am! Something's wrong!” Her client, who had already turned at Famine’s shriek averted their eyes and immediately  started assessing the situation: the acidic burn on Famine’s skin, the withered flowers, and dead grass. She was beyond appalled

    “-What’s happened?!...”

    Famine paused, as if she herself were trying to figure out the situation.

    “The water here is toxic, I think something's been done to it!”

    “Who would do such a thing?….” Famine’s eyes watched the woman’s every move and expression waiting for it to click… The woman looked as though she were suddenly recalling thoughts it was them that Famine knew it hit her. “Wait. I…..I think I know.” she finally said, allowing Famine inside along with her. Ms. Wright's face contoured in vex as though she had been angered. “Who?” Famine asked with a false cluelessness.“The new dark guild of course, Fairy Tail”

    Victory did taste sweet… Famine had to force herself to frown just so her smile did not break through and ruin her ruse. Aside from her criminal record there was nothing here to link Famine or her guild to the crime… and the new local dark guild was just as blameable as her… Especially when they found the clue she left at the plant.

    “We have to warn residents, we can start with your neighbors.” The gardener nodded agreeing, stepping through the living room again, grabbing her coat and marching out the front door.

    Spread the word and the mob was sure to grow. Just as Famine stepped outside behind Ms. Wright she heard the distant clanging of the cathedral bells. It had just struck nine. That was Natsuzora’s signal.

    Let's play.
    @Basilisk Fang, Fairy Tail, Ect
    NOTES: All who attend please asses the common sense of the situation. It is appropriate that the mob blames Fairy Tail for this and will act irrationally.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
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    Posts : 120
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 150

    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Kaylin 1st July 2016, 4:31 pm

    Kaylin walked forward slowly, taking no care to her surroundings. It was a nice day outside. Kaylin enjoyed the feel of the sun on her skin, it was hot but relaxing. She hadn't really planned anything special for that day. All she wanted was to go on a nice walk, and maybe stop by a diner for food. She lazily put her hands behind her head giving it a support, and leaned against a tree. She crossed one leg over the other, and slid down the tree landing in a sitting position on the ground. She looked towards the sky. It was crystal clear, with not a cloud in sight. For Kaylin, this was a perfect day. Nothing to worry about, and no jobs to complete. Just her, and a well deserved nap against a tree.

    She slowly closed her heavy eyes letting her tired body take over. In no time at all she was asleep. She was lost in her own dreams about her guild, and friends. She dreamed about all the fun fights that would break out randomly inside her guild hall. She couldn't remember any specific detail about the fight all she could remember was there was a run of the mill fight happening.

    Kaylin woke up at what she assumed was around two hours later. She got up, and stretched out her arms, and legs under the shade of the tree. She slowly approached the sun once again basking in it's warmth. She looked around, and noticed people were yelling, and running from house to house. "I guess no diner for me. I should figure out what's going on first." Kaylin slowly approached one of the civilians assuming nothing major was happening she casually smiled at them. "Hey, what's going on? Anything I can help with?" The person looked at her with fear in their eyes. "Yeah, the Fairy Tail guild poisoned the water supply!" Kaylin paused in her tracks. She quickly hid her guild mark, covering it with her hand trying to look casual while doing so. "That's terrible?" She meant to fake a terrified reply, but it came out more of a question. They looked at her with a confused face, and nodded after a minute. Kaylin quickly walked away, and hid at the side of a house.

    "What the hell are they talking about? Fairy Tail might be considered dark now, but no one in our guild would do that!" She frowned, and looked around making sure no one was near. She uncovered her guild mark, and sat down trying to think out her next moves.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

    The Mad Scientist

    The Mad Scientist

    Lineage : Elemental Wrath
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Dr.Stein 1st July 2016, 6:53 pm

    Stein was walking around Magnolia as he saw someone collapse after drinking some water. "Somebody get a doctor!" Several people yelled as people started crowding around the area. Walking up to the poisoned person he started checking heart rate and eye dilation, but put on a grim look and informed them of the bad news. "He's gone. By the looks of it he was poisoned I'm guessing the newly dark guild Fairy Tail is the cause." He says closing the dead man's eye lids. People started to panic, scream, and run around like a chicken that just got decapitated.

    Stein started to walk away heading towards one of the other water treatment plants to meet up with his guildmate to further spread the chaos.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Firma_12

    "My motive is extremely simple. Observe and experiment, thats all. Thats what I live for, Everything in the world is my test subject. Of course that includes me."
    Stein's Theme:

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    C: 1
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    EXP: 194/1200
    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

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    Experience : 800

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Princess Natsu 1st July 2016, 9:08 pm


    609 words for everyone!
    yay for intense evilness!  ⭐
    She didn't like this. Even when her past; a still missing fragment had been granted to her, it felt wrong and unlikely. She never thought she was capable of doing something so dark. So cruel. Murdering innocent civilians for no reason at all; was as unnatural as being unable to breath. But, she would obey anyway. Not because she was afraid of getting hurt, but because she felt there was no longer a purpose to her life, than to do this. Was this guild the only thing she had left to hold onto?— she'd think about it constantly, even without being able to remember, a mer feeling told her otherwise. That every terrible thing must've held its reason; it couldn't have been for nothing. As much as Natsu knew this event was merely induced from the spite of all the snakes that directed itself towards the fairies, she kept her mouth sealed shut. Another broken hand wasn't needed from merely being honest.

    The town— not being that vast from the start was already beginning its approach to chaos. In the distance she could hear the few victims of poison stagger to the floor, nearby people; thankfully having not touched the tainted water, frantically attempting to find escape from this town. Slender fingers tugged at the worn hood around her head, few strands of vermillion slipping past her shoulders and into view. She found her nearest victim a few feet ahead, a young girl coughing. It didn't seem all that bad from the outside— passing itself off as a mer cold, though, she could tell otherwise. "Are you alright? Where are your parents?" she'd kneel down before the child, lightly gripping at her upper arms. Ocean blues glanced towards the mother that was quickly skittering towards the two of them, obviously panicked and well aware of the current situation that was going on in Magnolia.

    "Your daughter—" Natsu would start, standing back up, "She's been poisoned." at her statement the woman would immediately pale in shock, peering over at her daughter that was still coughing in a frenzy. "Please do not worry, she hasn't started coughing up blood just yet. If you get her out of here quickly and to the nearest town, they should be able to help her." speaking calmly, the older lady abruptly grasped onto Natsu's shoulders, startling her at the lacking of personal space.

    "Who would do such a thing!? Who would do this to my little girl!?" tears crept from her eyes boldly, evidently in a mixture of fear and anger to who was responsible for this. She'd look away slightly, a frown approaching her brows. "I thought the people of Magnolia were already well aware... but... this is their rise into the dark, Ma'am. Fairy Tail did this."liar she thought, biting on the inside of her cheek. "N-No way..." the mother muttered, releasing Natsu's shoulders as she stepped back in shock.

    "Get out of here! Before its to late!" she'd shout, gesturing for the woman to move quickly, "Warn anyone you can not to trust those who bear the mark of the fairies, I'll do my best to help more people." knowing that the queen of snakes would prefer to see those fall to the ground dead, she'd do otherwise— at least without her knowledge. It would've proved wiser to let more survive knowing that Fairy Tail was responsible for all those that had been granted death instead. At least that was what they had thought. Watching as the lady would gather her daughter into her arms and quickly run off, she'd turn the other direction towards more people in need of help.



    [Open] How to Start a Riot! 6JfY43L
    Character Magic History
    Main Theme // Child of Corenglaw:

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
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    Posts : 120
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 150

    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Kaylin 1st July 2016, 9:34 pm

    Kaylin slowly stood up. She knew what she ahd to do. She had to help the people, but who would let their supposed 'attackers' help them? She had to figure out some way to cover her guild mark. Make-up wouldn't do it, her mark was to brightly covered. She might be able to wear gloves, but it'd be hard to help people wearing big fuzzy winter gloves. Kaylin thought for a moment more. "A bandage! I could say that the poisoned water burned my hand!" Kaylin looked to the distance. "Kaylin you're a genius!" Kaylin praised herself. "Why yes I know." She even accepted her own compliment. Kaylin quickly snapped out of her silliness when she was reminded by what was happening in reality. People where screaming, and Kaylin had to find bandages before she could help these victims.

    Kaylin slowly creeped towards the entrance of the house she was previously leaning against. She looked through the windows of every room confirming that no one was left inside to catch her. She slowly opened the door, and walked in. She wandered a few minutes looking for the bathroom. So far she hadn't run into any trouble such as the house owners returning, and she hoped it would stay that way. It seemed like the last door she opened was the one she wanted. The master bed rooms bathroom. She walked into it searching every cabinet for bandages to cover her wound. It was a common thing to have in a house, so Kaylin knew this house would more than likely have them.

    A spark lit up in her eyes when she spotted it. Just the thing she needed medical bandages. She looked into the box finding a full roll of it left. She quickly winded it around her hand making sure her guild mark was completely covered. She stashed the rest in her pocket incase she ran across anyone that did actually require the bandages, and with finding the bandages she needed Kaylin left the home preparing to help those in the street.

    She slowly walked along the street seeing multiple people hacking and wheezing up blood onto the cement. It was horrible. Thankfully most the people she saw were merily coughing, and had not drank enough of the toxic water to end of like the few that coughed blood. She noticed an old man sitting on his porch coughing, and wheezing. Kaylin watched for a moment. ~No blood. Thank god!~ He hadn't coughed any blood in the time Kaylin had been watching him. She quickly ran up, and helped the man up off his behind. "Sir, I need you to go to the next town over, and you may be able to get good treatment there. Do you have anyone that could help you make the journey?" He looked towards who Kaylin assumed to be his wife, but she was coughing as well, and obviously couldn't supervise the old man in his condition. Kaylin quickly observed some things. Young healthy people were running off. She quickly took advantage of this and stopped one in their track. She forcefully pushed the youn man onto the porch. "Listen. These two seniors will Die if they do not get proper help soon. So stop just running away like a moron, and take these to lovely people to the next town over to be treated. They can't make it alone, which is why you need to help them. Got it? Good!" Normally Kaylin had friendliness to her tone, but nothing along the lines of friendliness showed when she talked to the man. He nodded nervousily, and quickly escorted the two people off their porch, and started walking with them to the next town. Kaylin smiled at the thought of helping those two people, now there was still the rest of the city. Kaylin sighed, and prepared herself to start real work.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Comet
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    Age : 24
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sybil 1st July 2016, 11:10 pm

    I'll show you what it's like to be hated, This is what it means to be a Dark Guild.

    Panic. It unfurled in the streets and across people's face as they attempted to grasp the situation, shake awake there dead and think just why the guild they once loved and relied to protect them would do such a thing. Soon, the fairies would be rousted from their slumber by an angry and savage mob… Famine didn’t want to be around to take the blame, at least around and recognizable...

    The shadow mage had managed to slip between two side by side buildings, and she sunk into the shadows inhaling a large breath

    Famine cleared her head before she  brought her palm up to sit against her chest, and her eyes lidded closed as a blue aura came over the ring sitting on her her right hand and soon her entire form too. In moments the glow was blinding, though when it faded it was obvious that she had changed.

    In place of her brunette strands were roughed up locks of blonde hair, Famine blinked her now golden eyes as she pushed her yellow bangs aside. She wondered what else had changed. The guild master looked down seeing that the clothes she was dressed in had swapped completely, her tattoos were gone from her arms, her skin wasn’t as pale and she felt as though her rack might of gotten particularly larger....

    Blonde lashes fluttered, and her gaze turned back on the street.

    No, what changed didn’t matter now. What mattered was that no one would be able to recognize the witch in this disguise…  And a grin, one akin to the malevolent glinting of a sharpened knife sprawled across her lips as she turned to walk back out of the alley and into the chaos.

    [Open] How to Start a Riot! WDz0rZE

    @Basilisk Fang, Fairy Tail, Ect
    NOTES: YOU CANT SEE MEblames Fairy Tail for this and will act irrationally.



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Haru-senpai 2nd July 2016, 12:31 am

    Hera sat napping inside of the Guild, as the camera panned over her thighs, chest and left arm, bearing the pink FT logo upon it. She breathed asleep, until a noise blinked her awake...slowly. It was Rose, talking in front of her.

    Half asleep, but soon fully awake. Hera apparently was sitting in the middle of a crisis.

    "Seriously, people are about to freak out there's a huge crowd outside...." yawning as she stood to her feet, the camera followed the swish of her skirt until she hit the front doors and the camera zoomed out. Showing a huge crowd.....like they were gathered for some kind of sporting event, Hera's face was shown inside of a small art box with a sweatdrop over her head.

    "Huge crowd? That was the understatement of the year....." as people flared, and cursed, throwing all kinds of trash into Fairy Tail's front lawn. Hera's eyebrow twitched as she stood there baffled. "Mura! Magnus! Isaac! Did one of you fart in someones coffee or what?!!! Who's responsible for this I swear to god I'll kill you NOW!" she said stomping her foot and turning her head toward the Guild, inhaling and exhaling she let out a huge roar toward the crowd that actually vibrated the air; as people were shown comically on camera with their hair blowing; some possessions even flying astray...as nothing but the sound of a rolling soda can was heard.

    "Now.....would someone please explain the situation to me fully, and calmly......calmly." a random guy was pushed forward through the crowd as he bitched at his friends for it, Hera waved him over. The guy seemed nervous about walking across Fairy Tail's front lawn, probably a kid who grew up a normal human in a world of wizards as well. As he approached, he began explaining the situation to Hera. As she understood what was happening piece by piece, as Eris had taught her; she nodded to the guy and before he'd even reached the crowd she pointed and spoke.

    "Anyone sick, come forward. We're evacuating now to Crocus for treatment. I can take as many as can hold hands at once, we'll be going straight to the palace...so don't worry." as many of the crowd looked back and forth with an almost Disney like delight in their eyes, a huge crowd ran forward and joined hands; with Hera also in the circle.

    With a sound like a starship taking off; electricity gathered and a huge blast of lightning rocketed off into the air in a golden stream. About two minutes later, another one landed in the same spot in a huge flash of smoke. Cheering the crowd began to run forward again, as Hera this time let them make an even bigger circle; in about ten minutes, the entire lawn was surrounded by people holding hands. Another huge stream rocketed off, parting the clouds up above.

    Rose was shown on camera looking up smirking with a twitch of her ear, and then a sniffle of her nose. She could've sworn that she'd smelled something familiar in the air. With a shrug, she merely awaited Hera's re-arrival. As the crowd now began to fight amongst themselves, as to who would go next.

    When Hera arrived next, the blonde looked a little more worn out. As sweat dripped off her cheek a bit, down her cleavage, and was apparent on her thighs and ankles.

    "Hey...Hera needs a break!" Rose yelled to the crowd, floating down on her white wings which appeared in a twist of glittery light.

    "The hell she does!"
    "Fairy Tail is responsible for this!"
    "I'm not so sure anymore, my daughter has already been evacuated and called me from the Royal Hospital in Crocus....what she's doing is working!"
    "Don't be an idiot, you're saying someone is all the way out here trying to frame them?"

    Hera would stand there sweating as the crowd devolved into a full blown brawl in the front lawn of Fairy Tail.

    Standing there with her fist balled up, Hera just stared at the ground with a swing of her ponytail. Upset, and afraid to take charge for fear she'd lose control of her powers. But getting fed up with the situation by the moment.

    Rose was yelling at her in the background but, Hera was pretty much tuning her out at this point...it was white noise. Since Hera wouldn't take action, Rose would have too soon. It wouldn't be pretty if she did either. In truth, Hera needed another 3 minutes anyways; but...it would be a long three minutes by the looks of the situation. All these regular humans...all riled up. The first thing they do is blame wizards when things go wrong. What would her Dad have done in this situation....she had the power to end this but....it wouldn't be right, or pretty. Even though she could potentially evacuate the entire city within about an hour, she didn't have the patience nor the skill to do so. Not yet anyways. But everything was a learning experience, the crowd also wasn't acting cooperatively.

    Abilities & Magic Used:


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    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Rose


    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sol 2nd July 2016, 12:45 am

    Ontop of one of the roofs of the buildings in Magnolia a green haired dragon slayer could be seen laying on his back and sleeping in the sun while chaos started to unfold on the streets below him, Sol had already done his part in this little mission the guild had planned. He had gone to another water treatment plan in Magnolia and after taking care of the workers their he had done exactly what Famine had and replaced the filter lacrima with one he had infected himself with a potant neurotoxin which would no doubt be fatal to those that even sipped the water tainted with it.

    From his spot on the roof the slayer was completely at ease as he could be heard snoring, most might think he was a weirdo for sleeping in such a space but his Guildmates would know it was him in a heartbeat and most likely would wake him just to see what their Ace was doing. What Sol didn’t know was that Famine was right below him and could scare him with minimal effort.


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 2nd July 2016, 11:54 am



    A lovely day it was as the soul mage took a seat in front of a brown hardwood bar. The tavern he was residing in was very near the hub of Magnolia, home of the newly crowned dark guild, Fairy Tail. The man figured with news of the symbol of Fiore's light turned dark, he would go to try to take advantage of any contracts he might find to apprehend some of the mages from there. Everything seemed relatively quiet so far, however. Almost as if the populace of the city didn't want to accept the reality of their precious guild's fate.

    The tavern had a fair amount of people in it. All of which were either lounging around quietly or conversing very loudly thanks to their excess of alcohol. Kyoden ordered a drink from the elderly man behind the bar and began sipping it silently while adjusting his gaze outside to the streets beyond the window. Everything seemed normal enough until he noticed that more than a few people were stumbling around and losing consciousness suddenly; More than the normal number of drunks anyways. But still, Kyoden decided to pay no mind to it and simply continue to enjoy his afternoon in peace. It wasn't until a few minutes later that another man sitting at the bar who was drinking a simple glass of water began groaning and grabbing his stomach as well. "S-Someone get...", the man began to say in a quiver until his voice trailed off. He grabbed the edge of the bar suddenly and began vomiting up almost pure blood. Just about everyone in the tavern began panicking since the red liquid was in no small amount as it caked the bar and floor quickly. The man fell over, very likely dead after that much blood loss. Almost everyone, including the bartender had funneled out of the building at that point, and just in time for their panic to add on to the already growing unrest just outside.

    Looking at the body, Kyoden takes a final sip from his glass. "Hm... Interesting."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! ZUTE2e7l_o

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    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Mura Kensho 3rd July 2016, 12:10 pm

    "Eh... ATCHU!" the young samurai would sneeze all of a sudden, while on his way to the herb shop that never appeared to be open. He was accompanied by his two companions, Kyuken And Zirconis, as their supply was out of stock. "*sniff*... they better be open today," he spoke up afterwards, "They haven't been open for ages, now." Kyuken would nod in agreement, while the newer dragon spirit would appear questioning of the strange statement. The samurai spirit would spot Zir's expression and satisfy his curiosity by explaining: "There's this herb shop where we get this special herb for Mura, but they're always closed. Also, he finds the supply very important." The dragon's floating head would nod in understanding, replying: "So he's pissed of the owner enjoying his life. 'Nuff said..." "But those herbs are important..!" he spoke to the dragon spirit, "So let's just hurry and get this over with..."

    What a letdown was brought upon him when he arrived; the store was once more closed. This time, though, there was a sign on the front door saying: Town Crisis Alert. There was also some text below, so Mura took his time reading it. "... Damaged herbs from water?" he suddenly read up loud, "What's the meaning with that?" He was planning to ask some of the passers-by, but surprisingly the road was all empty, except for this one passer-by that rode on a bicycle. "Hey, can you..?" Mura was about to ask for help, before getting an empty can on his face, followed by the words "Screw you!". He almost fell on his back when getting hit by that can as he struggled to hold his balance. "Wha... what was that for?!" he spoke to the soon-to-be gone rider, in vain as the person didn't bother listening. "... Perhaps he was drunk and mistook you for a bin," Kyuken commented with a grin.

    After that weird encounter with the 'seemingly' drunk man, Mura decided to try and ask his guild for information as this appeared to be a crisis in the entire town of Magnolia. He expected a few of his guildmates to be of help, but didn't expect to face a huge crowd before the guild hall. "Okay, something's wrong here..." he spoke to himself, "Hey, Kyuken, Zir; what are all these people talking about? Can you help me figure out the subject?" The two spirits would nod with eager, before jumping into the crowds that couldn't see them with their poor human eyes. They returned quite quickly, preparing to explain Mura about the situation. "This guy's friend was poisoned by water... also, another lady's yard was poisoned by the water, too..." Kyuken explained to him, while switching over to Zir: "And some weirdo was waving his disgusting finger towards the guild and shouting all 'It's your fault!'... I guess it's about the water." Before he realized it, people spotted him and immediately recognized the guild tattoo on his forehead, then proceeded in aiming their shouts at him. Honestly, why did they waste so much energy in screaming in complaint? "Hey, I have no idea of what just happened, but if you're still thirsty, then I can at least help with that... you're talking to a guy who can turn stone into water, come on," he responded to the huge crowd around him, finding himself pretty trapped between the hordes. Obiously, a group of people approached him after that statement, while others came with excuses like 'He's just kidding with you! Mage or not, who the hell can do such ridiculous thing?!' and 'Don't drink his water; maybe that's poisoned, too!'. Sweatdrops trickled down his face as he supplied the more brave, thirsty people with water that was originally his shirt as it left his torso naked...

    After struggling through the hordes of raging citizens, he made it to where he spotted one of his guildmates; Hera. Apparently, she appeared a little exhausted, probably due to the ruckus that was going on. "... Hera, what's going on?" he quickly asked the blonde Fairy Tail mage, while the two spirits would appear behind him. He could only expect all this to grow worse, judging by its appearance now...



    The Star Child

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sybil 3rd July 2016, 3:45 pm

    I'll show you what it's like to be hated, This is what it means to be a Dark Guild.


    “All I know now is that this is not the Magnolia I loved. A dark cloud has come over your city and that is the illegal guild you allow to sit on top of that hill.” The mage in disguise spoke over a crowd she had gathered. As usual… her intents were ill ones, and her scheme was one where she hoped to demolish Fairy Tail’s legacy… and the shadow it cast over her and Basilisk Fang.

    A series of heads turned in the direction of the Fairies’ guild hall, some still in shock and others trying to stifle their rage and feelings of betrayal. There was a murmuring between them but no sign of protest in the blonde shapeshifter’s direction… if anything they were agreeing with her.

    Tsk… normal human beings, they were so easily persuaded. To Famine, the species were no better than lambs, willing to follow any seemingly-powerful shepherd.

    “As a proud wizard of Fiore, and a defender of you, it’s people,” She thumped her fist against her chest, the mock yellow emblem on her hand coming into view, Sabertooth. “I cannot let this go unpunished.” Famine announced pridefully.

    Honey colored optics scanned over the mob again, and in the passing they pulsed a rather entrancing ruby red. -And everyone who she set her eyes on was quickly captivated. “We want Fairy Tail to pay for what they have done!”

    A hesitant-less orchestra of voices cheered; agreement riled from the crowd. Their fists all simultaneously  raised into the air. Now the people, or at least this particular mob, was doubtless that this disaster had been none other than Fairy Tail’s ploy… And thanks to Famine’s own built hatred, they would only be satisfied by violence. The crowd disbursed, trampling in homes and yards to salvage whatever they could find, shovels, kitchen knives, axes, before they regathered to storm in the direction of the guild in tidalwave of bitter shouts and pointed tools. Famine  Held out her own palm and a sickle formed out of the black, shadowy, matter she conjured from her hand. Now that she was armed she slipped in with the berserk mob, light grin planted on fer features.

    Her rioting mob eventually met their destination. They pushed forward, shoving down any commoner or mage in the other crowd out of their way as they fronted the guildhall where they fired their claims and foul sentences in the direction of the two mages in front of the hall. Her eyes narrowed, red hues glowing more venomously.No more waiting


    -And the bloodthirsty mob rushed up the steps of the guildhall all at once should Hera or Mura be in be in the way they’d only be pushed and trampled. This angry gathering would tear the guildhall and those in it apart or die trying.


    @Basilisk Fang, Fairy Tail, Ect
    NOTES: R.I.P



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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Kaylin 3rd July 2016, 5:13 pm

    Kaylin sat on the porch of the two older people she had helped. So much was happening, and Kaylin felt powerless to do anything. She saved two people, but what was that in comparison to a hundred people needing help, or even a thousand? It was close to nothing, and it was the best she could do. She wouldn't be able to save the masses at most maybe 9,10 people, but a thousand, and maybe even more, was something she couldn't do. She decided to do something that would actually make a difference in her own eyes. She was going to go to her guild, and help those she actually cared for. It may not be a wise choice, seeing that so many blamed her guild for this, but she needed to help those she cared for. She may even find information on who was actually doing this. If it turned out to be her own guild, she wasn't sure what she would do.

    Kaylin leapt up from the stairs of the house. She sprinted in the direction of her guild hall. She passed by quite a few corpses that sat in a puddle of their own vomit, and blood. It was surely a gruesome sight. Thoughts flashed through her head as she contemplated what she would do if Fairy Tail had actually done this. She didn't think that they had gone dark for the traditional reasons, but if it turned out this was fairy tails doing she assured herself she couldn't stay.

    Upon nearing the guild she hear several angry shouts from a crowd. She was met with a grim sight when she turned a corner, and found the source of all the shouting. It was a riot, and their target was Fairy Tail. Kaylin had to do something, she surely couldn't attack them, maybe plead and reason with them. She stepped up onto a bench and started shouting in the direction of the crowd. "Hey! What's even the point of this? Are you going to add to the death toll just because you're angry?! Who's to say it's even Fairy Tail? It could easily be someone doing all this just because their ill willed fool, and crave death and destruction! Have you fools even found any evidence linking Fairy Tail to the crime?!" Kaylin spat at them with an angered face. She did the best she could to help her guild, now all she could do was stand there, and hope the crowd realized their foolishness. She still had her guild mark wrapped up by the bandage, and wasn't sure if she should remove it. At this point it may have been fairly obvious she was part of the guild.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Guest 3rd July 2016, 7:01 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    Upon the rooftop of Fairy Tail's guild hall was a dragon-sized Thunderbird, it's feathers bristled in anger at the sudden mob of Magnolians. Its neck was elongated to the point a person would be able to see the pale skin that rested beneath the black feathers. Teeth menacingly jutted out from the jaws of the bird's beak, sharp and ready to tear at the flesh of trespassers. It flapped its wings vigorously as a sign of threat toward the people, each wing beat causing a sound similar to thunder. Lightning sparked at the edges of its eyes that was black in nature, tinted only by a bloody hue of red. This lightning coursed over its body as well, zapping outward, as if that, too, was a warning sign to keep out. Talons sharper than the sharpest kind of metal dug into the tiles of the roof, crushing them to the point they crumbled in slabs to the ground.

    Next to the giant bird was none other than the new guild master of Fairy Tail, a young mage who had formerly been dark. She stood calmly next to the raging creature, a hand resting gently on its side, as if that was the only thing holding it back. Kanix cooed at the bird lightly, her single blind eye focused on the crowd as she watched through her bird's vision. The shamaness had a smirk over her lips, as if she found it amusing that the people of Magnolia had turned on them so quickly. It was true, word had gotten out that Fairy Tail was now a dark guild, but they had never once touched the waters in foul manner. Yet the idea of it sparked in her head like the coursing lightning over Ancalagon's body, and the smirk grew wider. Looking away from the crowd, Kanix hopped onto the bareback of her pet and gripped onto the bristled feathers.

    Roughly, she yanked on the feathers she had a harsh hold of, causing the thunderbird to rear its head back. In response to the abusive action, Ancalagon let out a scream that was similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex's roar. Except, this scream was on an octave that could have easily pierced the eardrums of the ones in the vicinity and caused them to bleed. So horrifyingly loud that it was near impossible to ignore as the bird gave out its final warning before Kanix would allow for it to attack. However, the people were smart enough to realize that a bird ten times or more their size was not a match for them. They stood huddled at the gates of Fairy Tail more in fear of the bird than they were angry at the people of the guild. Now that the attention of the Magnolians were upon her, Kanix leaned a little to the side and called out to them.

    "Do you know why we poisoned your waters?" she shouted out to them, instantly confirming the lie that Famine had woven. "We poisoned your waters in retaliation to the decision of the Magic Council. Family is family and we do not abandon each other. If the Magic Council is going to mark us as a dark guild all because of our actions of wishing to stick with our family, we will rebel. It is unfit of the Magic Council to bar us as a legal guild simply because of the actions of a single, misled girl. So, as punishment to the council, itself, we have revolted against them and caused an uproar in your hometown. You will suffer for what your government has done to us, and you will remember our name not as your saviors anymore, but as your enemies!" Her voice had risen to an octave above her normal sound, reaching out to the farthest parts of the torch and pitchfork mob.

    With that being sad, the woman dug her heels harshly into the rib cage of her beast, causing him to take flight. The sound of Ancalagon's wing beats resonated through the air, as if a thunderstorm had clouded over the sky. His shadow cast over the crowd as he swooped menacingly above, the scream breaking into the air once more. Shrill as it was, her order that she spoke to the creature was not heard by anyone that was below the bird's belly. As such, all they would see was the spark of red outlined, black snakes wriggling in the bird's talons far above. Per the thunderbird's legend, it was true that storm clouds began to gather the moment lightning curled at the bird's toes. Minutes passed by without any real outcome, but when the silence soon grew too unbearable, the first of a lightning strike was let down.

    A cackle rose up from where Kanix was sitting on the beast's back, her head thrown back and her body wracked with the motion. To the naked eye, this lightning bolt would appear as if a snake had been thrown down from the bird's talons. However, at the moment of impact, the non-wizards and wizard's alike would realize that it was lightning striking them. Several more bolts would follow suit of the first, landing down in various sections of the mob, killing any person who happened to stand in its way. The crowd began to scatter at the display of villainy, screaming out in fear and running for their lives at the bird's rampage. "May you all pay for what your beloved council has done to us!" Kanix cried out in what seemed like complete lunacy.

    @Famine , 929 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.
    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Princess Natsu 3rd July 2016, 8:00 pm


    628 words for everyone!
    yay for intense evilness!  ⭐
    Compared to the once calm state that the town was in, chaos struck quickly. She could barely evade the stampede of people that were either aiming to escape, or take their anger out on the guild that had been put at blame. Not that it really mattered at this point. From the information they had gathered, the fairies were no longer as light-hearted as they had been before; seeking justice brilliantly and always aiming to do the right thing. Their pure hearts had been tainted instead, twisted into a hatred that looked elsewhere. It was unforunate— really. Some part of her wished that they hadn't succumbed so easily to the darkness. But then again it really wasn't like Fairy Tail was all that important to her.

    She'd exhale tiredly into the air, leant over to the side; watching the panic ensue just as planned was slightly boring. Natsu had never been one to lust for blood or the act of violence. Actually, a better word for it would've been— sickening. The loud noises and tension made her feel uncomfortable. She'd have prefered to be back at that gloomy looking castle then in this situation right now; but, orders were orders. As much as she was able to avoid severe injuries and death, the pain would still reach her nerves. No matter how blunt or crude she could've been, she was smart enough to know that being herself around those "snakes" wouldn't get her anything but a few broken bones.

    Just at that moment when her thoughts had drowned out reality; it was brought back in a piercing scream that came from afar. Her hands met her ears, trying to block out the sound that was much more clearer for her than it was too the other people nearby. As the horrifying cry would fade off, the sky gradually begun to darken. A storm?— no. There was a sense of magical energy that lingered with the abonormal greeting of clouds. And... something else— lightning. The rapid approach of that element caused her to shiver. It had been awhile since she last had something to eat. Perhaps grabbing a quick snack wouldn't be to bad; she had done her job of creating disorder amoungst the civilians of Magnolia.

    Backstepping into the nearest alley, she'd throttle her way up with a forceful lunge, bouncing from wall to wall till her feet would land on the rooftop of an old apartment. The wind was more noticeable from higher up, especially the one that was responsible for this— damn thunderbird. Natsu furrowed her brows at the creature. It wasn't as if she hated it; rather she felt sorry for it. Before they had been such terrifying yet mythical beings, humans would never go close to them, even when they had wielded magic. But now— "You're nothing more than a pet." she'd breath into the now silent air, knowing what was coming. But, she couldn't play hero, nor' could she step into the spotlight. Queen snake would have both her hands severed for acting so selfishly.

    Yet, her feet moved on their own, the scent of lightning drawing her forward as it struck below. She'd wonder what it would taste like. Usually the birds were good with it— though this one was perched by a seemingly crazed woman. Maybe its taste had gone foul. Leaping from the ledge of the roof, she headed straight into the massacre of angry people. Her mouth would part, acting as some sort of black hole as any near falling lightning would be sucked towards her and into her stomach. After a few moments, the consumption halted as her lips would close, settling with the taste, uncertain if it was good or bad. "Could've been better," she decided.



    [Open] How to Start a Riot! 6JfY43L
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sol 3rd July 2016, 8:22 pm

    Sol yawned  as he smelled rain in the air and heard thunder rumbling in the clouds, he thought that his job was done so he could relax but as he opened his eyes and rubbed them a bit he saw the massive riot in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall and he couldn’t help but grin a bit before he caught sight of flashings of lightning in the sky and he barely had time to think before one of his fellow guild members jumped onto the roof and then to the mob started eating lightning protecting him as well as some of the mob.”Well Shit I think the blind bitch has finally lost it” he grumbled as he sat up and  yawned again before he glanced over at Natsu.

    he stretched a bit and kept watch from his spot on the roof, he knew he had to avoid the spotlight as much as possable if Kanix tried to pin the blame on him Sol had a well planned alibi. He had taken a simple job here involving  protecting some merchants goods from pickpockets so the crowd would favor him over Fairy Tail anyday.


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Kaylin 3rd July 2016, 8:50 pm

    Kaylin stood there stunned. The crowd couldn't even hear her. Everything was so loud her voice had gone unheard. She stood for a moment trying to think of what to do, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the worst thing she had every heard. It was a screech, but it sounded inhuman. It was unbelievably loud. Kaylin covered her ears trying to relieve her head of the sound, but it still rang on. She couldn't hear anything else, but that sound. It was horrible. She sighed in relief once it was finish. Everything had gone quiet, except for one person. Kaylin looked up trying to find the source of the sound. It was none other than her own guild master. The first words out of the womans mouth gave it away, 'Do you know why we poisoned your waters?' Kaylin everything else out. They had really done it. Fairy tail really had caused all this death. She started to listen a minute more. "That's bull crap. She's using our family as an excuse for killing people! She's horrible!" Kaylin was disgusted by Kanix's words, and by the womans actions herself. She couldn't stay in Fairy Tail any longer. ~ I had agreed to stay in a guild that went dark for love for eachother, and the right reasons. But, this woman was abusing it. She took her own guilds words, and twisted it around for her own ill-willed enjoyment.~ Kaylin thought all this was despicable.

    Her thought was then interrupted by a sound like thunder. She looked up seeing lightning rain down onto the people. She gasped in horror, and got down from her position on top of the bench. She crawled with fright under the bench. She was to stunned by everything that had happened to run. So she sat under the bench like a frightened little girl. She couldn't say, or do anything that would stop this madness. She sat in a feeble position, and pushed her face into her knees. She didn't want to see what had happened. She didn't want to believe her guild had killed so many people.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Haru-senpai 3rd July 2016, 10:51 pm

    As Hera looked up from the front lawn of the Guild, she saw a huuuuge mob of peole rounding the corner, enough to fill the streets to the brim. Blinking to herself, she continued to look off to the side; almost ignoring them.

    Rose would look on concerned, but before they could do much; the crowd was in a full sprint towards the front gate. Rose would hold a hand out and ReQuip a weapon into her hand with a bright flash; just as a lamp came careening from the approaching crowd forward. Cut in half with a simple slash from her longsword; it fell apart before hitting the ground on both sides of Hera.

    "So are you going to help or just stand there like a paralyzed whelp...." Rose said as she landed, sword extended from her slash. As Hera looked completely...baffled and zoned out, just looking to her left at the ground; Rose let out a sound of disgust before-----

    The camera would zoom out as Acnologon, the Thunderbird of Fairy Tail let out it's roar. Vibrating almost the entirety of Magnologia; a city the size of New York. Even from afar in some houses, the windows would shake.

    Hera's ponytail and hair blew dramatically around her face and body before settling as the roar ended. Although...she still didn't move. The camera would show Hera, and then Kanix on top of the roof with Acnologon, as the Master began to speak shortly therafter.

    Her words actually caused Hera's eyes to widen as the camera would show this up close. Turning around and looking up on the roof, Hera listened in disbelief as Kanix went on some tirade about the Council being to blame; and Fairy Tail being responsible. Hera's eyebrow twitched in confusion, as her face showed the same.

    "W-what? What are you talking about Master....." Hera being more powerful than perhaps anyone within 20 miles, would feel her anger begin to boil, but her calm was more powerful than her Father's after training with Eris. "Not saviors but enemies?"

    As Kanix said this, an image of Heero holding her at about four years old was shown, walking with his signature scarf on. Alyia holding onto his arm, but wiping Hera's mouth with one finger. The camera would then flash back to real time, as Heero's happy face with his eyes closed beaming faded out while carrying her. The screen showed nothing but Hera's fist.....it began to crackle with a very familiar golden lightning, perhaps too familiar to a few people nearby. As a single tear rolled down her cheek, the lightning at her hand would cease as she merely looked down at the ground....still defeated.

    As Kanix' speech ended, Hera merely stood and let her Master do as she pleased....until. Acnologon actually leaped from it's perch on the guild; causing her hair and clothing to ruffle again. She actually stumbled forward a bit from the wind of him passing above being so large. As he flied a magnificent loop around town; the skies would dim a bit; as a storm rolled in. When lightning gathered in his talons, Hera's eyes widened.

    In a flash; a child's mother was vaporized before Hera's eyes as the family leaped back; surprised and screaming at the ashes where their mom used to be. Her clothes flapping in the wind reflected in Hera's eyes.


    Bolts would smack everywhere around her as people ran screaming from Fairy Tail's front lawn.

    'This is.....Fairy Tail?' she said as she merely stood, watching them bump into each other, a few more vaporized before her eyes. Most of them scattering in confusion. No. Hera would ball up her fist again, as a visage of Heero around her like a ghost was seen briefly before fading away. She would raise her left fist, as her pink Guild Crest on her arm was shown. She would then put a hand over her heart.

    'No....this is Fairy Tail.'

    With a sound like a jet engine exploding, a huge wave of Magic would pass over Magnolia in a clear wave once; knocking windows out, and then dulling as the clouds above would begin to disperse; as golden lightning leaped from Hera and literally flew through the clouds; splitting them like cotton candy as the blue skies began to be visible again; and before long the sun.

    As a woman landed near her, eating a bolt of lightning mid-air, and then as more began to whirl downward into her mouth; twisting unnaturally. She realized this woman was a Slayer....like her. But a different type, she didn't smell of Dragon. As Hera thought for a moment she might be helping; but then...she figured out that she had just been being greedy, as she stopped inhaling and eating lightning, chewing and swallowing it and commenting on it's flavor. Not ten feet from the woman on Fairy Tail's lawn, as everyone else besides them two was running and dodging the lightning.

    Hera just stared at her with a sweatdrop over her head, as she was so calm in the ensuing carnage. That kind of aloofness was of putting and frankly...mentally retarded to her.

    "..................What a fool." Hera said to her, before noting her Guild Crest. "I see......well, I suppose I have my own Guild to worry about first." she would say as she turned around and then looked over her shoulder. She could annihilate this woman with maybe half of her strength...but she wasn't worth it. Noticing her Guild Crest and smirking to herself, knowing the woman had made a critical mistake in leaping on Fairy Tail's front lawn. She now knew who to blame for all of this. But first.

    A storm of Heavenly Body Magic erupted from Hera, as golden light solidified around her body in a thin outline. Comet. Taking off like a jet as half the front gates bricks were blown back from her engine like take off, Hera would whistle through the air, as Kanix riding Acnologon was shown on camera----zooming up closer and closer. The camera would whirl around Hera dramatically as she flew through the skies; the darkness of the clouds parting fully now, as white clouds returned to the skies.

    At about four hundred feet away, Hera would kick into the speed of light; appearing as a thin trail of light she would then appear as herself. Grabbing onto Acnologon at ridiculous speeds by the neck; now on the beast with Kanix as her ponytail flapped in the wind, still outlined by Heavenly Body Magic. Rolling forward, the beast itself would go into several dozens of frontflips; as Heavenly Body Magic gathered around it, falling like a comet. The beast would crash in what could only be described as a mini-nuke; as the dust from it cleared, a huge plume of smoke would rise several blocks from Fairy Tail's front lawn.

    As it cleared, Hera would be shown standing on Acnologon's upside down belly...glowing faintly with Heavenly Body Magic.

    "I don't know what's gotten into you....but I know I just saw you vaporize a childs mother right in front of his eyes...did you know that Kanix? Can the real you even hear me now?" Hera said as she walked up the belly toward her. "No more. I don't care what your plan is....Basilisk Fang is responsible for this...I saw one of their wizards in our lawn galavanting around snacking on this bird's lightning like it was Lunchtime.....and here you are ripping families to shreds with the same Lightning that's someone's treat."

    She would stop, either five feet from Kanix, close enough to touch her. Or, look down at her if she hadn't gotten up from their crash.

    "If you want to destroy my Father's legacy...you'll have to go through me." Hera would say as the sun peaked behind her, the clouds from Acnologon's brief terror flight subsided. "Anything other than, what have I done.....and I promise I'll stomp right through Acnologon like a soda can....then I'll make sure you're locked up....and then Mom or Ken can run the Guild..this is madness."

    Hera would then hop off Acnologon's feathered belly in a swoop of her hair, her Heavenly Body Magic aura dimming around her with a brief vvwooomp; as she had her back to Kanix. Leaving her to think of what she's just done, as she walked away from Acnologon she would stop and look over her shoulder at Kanix.

    "Thanks.....I would've just stood by and let the worst happen if it wasn't for you. But you'll have some explaining to do after this." with that, Hera would take off; sprinting full speed, as she looked literally like the Flash; lightning licking off of her as she turned on her Lightning Aura. Two lines of lightning, her footprints carved into the ground at random zig zags through the street until she was back at Fairy Tail; within about 2 seconds even from blocks away.

    As she skidded to a halt. Hera would walk right up to the other female Slayer with reddish hair, swiftly. At once; her Lightning Aura would disperse in a very loud zap and sizzle; sending lightning skittering all over the lawn harmlessly as it dispersed. As she crossed the lawn; she would start to glow with Heavenly Body Magic; her eyes would pulse Dragon Slayer red and then stay that color permanently.

    "Oh I won't be zapping you....I saw that earlier, you look uglier than me when you eat it." she smirked as her golden outline returned, her eyes an unnatural bright red. She would stop ten feet from Natsu. "You have about ten seconds to flee for your life, or I'm going to beat you no....break you...and oooooh. It feels good without even touching you." Hera said as Dragon Rage began to build within her, her eyes even pulsing with a red glow again. Sniffing the air, she sensed another Dragon slayer now, as she turned her head toward Sol slightly. But then back to Natsu.

    "Or....call for backup. I heard my Dad once single handedly crushed your Guild........but since you've attacked ours, I won't be sparing any of you. If you choose not to flee, I'll be killing you and enjoying it one by one. My heart isn't as soft as his." she knew her Mentor Eris was smirking somewhere, as she held up "Five Fingers" and began to count down....4.....3....lowering a finger each time she did so, while maintaining eye contact with Natsu, still outlined with a small bit of golden light.

    People that were once rioting now stood around spectating in light of the panic, unsure of what to believe as Hera stood across from Natsu. Although most people were in full "book it" mode away from Fairy Tail, in large droves. Off in the distance, smoke still rose in a large plume from Acnologon and Kanix' landing site from Hera's attack upon them.

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    MP: 98%

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    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Rose

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Mura Kensho 4th July 2016, 4:28 am

    He was quite right; the situation escalated veyr quickly. It didn't take much time, before Fairy Tail's new guildmaster would show up on Ancologon, soaring above the horde of raging humans, who had apparently brought equipment for their attempt to show their anger at the supposedly innocent guild. A brief moment passed, before the folks pushed their way towards Mura and Hera, swinging their butchers and tools from their homes at them. "Hey, this won't benefit you at all, and you know that!" he tried to scold the herd, "Do you really think that our guild would sink so low, just because of a label?" No one cared to listen to him, but focused on their seemed goal; to tear down what was in front of them, piece by piece. "Ehm, master, the herds are coming..!" Kyuken warned his partner, who was very aware of the amount of trouble that could happen if he let them pass. Holding out his left hand, he decided to cancel out their armory, which was made of iron tools. In a second, the iron had changed nature; now, puddles of water fell down from the tool's shafts, surprising the charging  part of the herd as they suddenly stopped up in the middle of their rampage.

    Despite his attempt to convice them to chill, the situation went to the worst as Kanix was in the middle of saying to the people, what appeared astonishing, even for the usually calm Mura. What the hell was she saying; yeah, Mura had his small grudge against the Magic Council for taking such a rushing decision as well, but to show one's reluctance by hurting mere citizens was the most idiotic thing... no way, she might've been trying to bluff. Mura couldn't accept what she said; it must've all been a complete lie.

    "Master, what the heck is she talking about..!?" Kyuken spoke up in shock, alongside the dragon spirit Zir, who was also quite surprised by the statement. "Wait... when did Fairy Tail go dark?" Zirconis curiously asked Mura. Although, he was in a too big shock to answer right away; even Hera was stunned by the words that Kanix spoke out. As the guildmaster ended her speech, the giant thunderbird soared pass the two mages and the herd, forcing Mura to cover his face from the sudden gust that charged at him from its enormous wings. It was as if a storm was heading for them, caused by Ancologon's mere flight. "Is she going nuts? What was that speech all about..?" he worringly asked himself. Judging by his experience with Kanix, he didn't recognize her by such statement. No, he couldn't recognize her at all; she seemed completely changed. The storm that spawned from the bird's wings surrounded the entire area, almost the entire city of Magnolia. The thunderclaps that roared across the sky only appeared to grow in magnitude as Hera began to charge up, seemingly to shatter the storm above them. He couldn't get to move his eyes to the clouds above him, before lightning shot all around him. "Woah!" he shouted in confusion, while trying his best to dodge the random currents that engulfed the heaven and ground around him.

    After Hera took off in a comet-like charge, Mura spotted that not everyone were done yet. A large group of the herd was aiming for the guild itself, swinging around with their tools, solely with the purpose of destroying what was in there. He had only a little time of planning on how to protect his precious guild hall, but that was enough as he found out how to. He clapped his hands together as the ground between the guild hall and the upcoming horde bursted up in flames; the plan seemed to work as they were smart enough to step away from the suddenly blazing floor. No one was going to rip down anything from his guild, not without him struggling to stop them.

    Hera returned, seemingly after the absence of the thunderbird appeared for Mura. Perhaps she'd talked with Kanix, or at least scolded her for the ridiculous speech earlier. He could watch her approach one among the herd, seemingly another lady who was... eating the still apparent bolts? Wait, was she a Slayer too, just like Heero? Apparently, he could remember his old guildmaster do something similar to what the other lady was doing; although, from his position, he couldn't realize why Hera was approaching her among the army of citizens. He could only watch the two of them, before his eyes spotted that most of the people around them turned from furious to utter confused of the situation around them. What was they talking about, now? Mura couldn't hear it from here, but he had his own troubles to deal with; people began throwing their weapons at him through the wall of flames. "MURA!" Kyuken warned him. The shocked shaman quickly triggered his defense-stance as a response, and pulled out Harusame, in order to block the upcoming butcher knives and all other tools that were aimed at him. "I hope that they wouldn't bother if I break some of these things..." he spoke up in silence, noticing the shattering metals of the tools thrown against him.

    As he found it to last for all of eternity, he suddenly caught sight of a pause in the knife-throwing; apparently, people had gone confused by the presence of Hera and Natsu at the other side. Perhaps they realized that Fairy Tail would never do such a thing, despite what Kanix just stated earlier... he really hoped so.

    Abilities Used/Stats:





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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 4th July 2016, 9:18 pm

    Black boots padded hard on the paved ground of Magnolia, his feet carried him in long strides, making the people and places around seem like blurs while his grey, blue and red covered body left what seemed like streaks in the wake of his movement. Rocky, Mashyuu's loyal stone golem dog with wings soared behind the Slayer of Earth while others ran the opposite direction. He had just arrived in town to visit the soon to be mother of his child Kanix, and to see if the rumors about Fairy Tail becoming dark were even sort of true. He really doubted it but as a Rising Star and Ace of Sabertooth Mashyuu's job was to know for sure what was happening.

    Off in the distance bolts of thunder rained down in the sky and Mashyuu's lip twitched while he swore under his breath. "Damn bird, it's going nuts again. I don't have time to fight this crowd." Mashyuu slid to a stop and darted to his right, down an alley way and rounded a corner to draw closer to the Fairy Tail guild hall. He could start to sense many massive Magical powers all at once. Some he knew, many others he had never sensed before. If ever there was a time he wished that any of the other Sabertooth members were around now was it. But after a Dragon Attack at Ace of Spades he couldn't expect the entire guild to be out and about the way he was all the time.

    Mashyuu watched as a figured darted off the top of the guild hall to meet a woman and exchange what looked like heated words. His sharp ears tweaked at the sound of the blonde's voice. "Wonder who her dad is..." Mashyuu's sky blue eyes drifted over to the roof of Fairy Tail where the bird Mashyuu had named "Big Bird" and "Chicken" was laying with it's belly up. He knew that large thing was rarely not at Kanix's side and based on the size of the crowd around the guild hall Mashyuu assumed Kanix was up there. He could sense her Magical energy near by and his blood seemingly froze in place as he came to a stop at the side of the guild's yard. His voice trembled for a moment, as did his body. Kanix, the woman he loved and the mother of his child was possibly being crushed by that large bird. Mashyuu's eyes shifted to a dark shade of blue and the ring on his right index finger urged him to remain calm but Mashyuu was never one to stay calm when those he cared about were hurt. "Rocky to the rooftop!" He ordered and his friend picked Mashyuu up by the shoulders and flew Mashyuu to rest above the bird but never touched Mashyuu down atop it. Instead Mashyuu was placed at the edge of the roof.

    The Wizard opened his left and right palms, letting his Earth Dragon Gauntlets pour stone and dirt out of the palms. The earth shifted under the large bird as Mashyuu closed his fists and muttered. "Earth Dragon's Stone Pillars." From under the massive bird four large stone pillars rose up, each pillar was six foot in radius and teen feet tall, lifting the massive dragon sized bird up until Rocky and Mashyuu could see the raven haired beauty, Kanix laying on her back, but before Mashyuu could act Rocky raced under the bird and pillars, his stone claws grabbing Kanix by the shoulder and flying her gently to the side of the guild hall and setting her down to rest with her back against the building. Mashyuu leaned back and landed next to Kanix, in a crouched position. His fingers brushed hair out of her face while he gently kissed her forehead. "Come on Baby, I need you wake up. You have a baby to raise still. I can't do it without you and right now only you know if our daughter is okay. Don't leave me now." He whispered against her forehead while he checked her for a pulse. It was clear she was only dazed so he waited for a moment then hugged her close. "If it's true that Fairy Tail has gone dark then you need to leave so I don't have to arrest you... I love you Kanix." Mashyuu stood up and waved his hand hard. The Pillars that held the bird up moved and dropped the massive creature back down on the guild house while the stone moved to float around Mashyuu as he stalked towards the other Wizards, ready to break up whatever fight was about to clearly happen before people in town got hurt.

    WC: 791

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Kaylin 4th July 2016, 10:38 pm

    Kaylin sat under the bench. All she could hear was the lightning, and people screaming. It was horrifying. She coudn't stand to hear it. After a few minutes, all that was left was people yelling, and scattering from the area. Kaylin got out from under her cover, and looked at what her guild master had done. She cringed at calling that wretched woman her guild master, but the truth was while Kaylin still had that mark on her hand, Kanix was her guild master. She saw multiple piles of ashes. They were disgusting. Those piles of ash, used to be people. She looked noticing how families seemed to gather around each pile of ash. Kaylin walked over towards one. A little girl, and her mother sat mourning over a large pile of ash. Kaylin carefully scooped up the ash, and put scoops in the mothers, and daughters hand until there was no longer enough on the ground to collect. "Go, and put their ashes into a jar. Keep it if you'd like or burry it. Just don't leave it here." She smiled as the two walked away cluching onto the pile of ash in their hands tightly. She looked around seeing so many more piles of ash.

    Kaylin looked around the one sided battle field. She noticed a few people stayed. It was odd. They weren't running away like all the others, and they weren't mourning over a pile of ash. Why were they here? Kaylin gave them all curious looks before she went to the next family to help them. She continued the process of scraping up the ashes, and giving it to the family members until she couldn't stand touching the ashes of dead people any more.

    She eventually stopped helping the families, and just looked around. She couldn't really feel magical presences, so she was unaware of all the mages that stood around her. She only knew of the ones that were part of her guild to be wizards. The rest she was completely clueless to. She glanced around at the remaining ashes, and sighed, returning to the bench she preciously hid under. She sat down on it, and looked around, hoping that the vile woman that did all this would get what she deserved.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Cool2_11
    Kaylin Makino-Gravity Manipulation-History-Bank

    The Star Child

    The Star Child

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sybil 5th July 2016, 2:10 am

    I'll show you what it's like to be hated, This is what it means to be a Dark Guild.

    Hands flew to her ears as a deafening sky lurched itself from the clouding heavens. The mage winced and her focus blurred at the bizarre roar. Famine blinked profusely, once glowing red optics seemed to dim, flashing between gold and crimson in a failing attempt to maintain her control on the horde over the sound.

    Famine was met by a familiar voice when her senses recovered, and her eyes lifted to the rooftop of the guildhall. The fresh guild master herself and traitor to her guild: Kanix Laspor. Though her yellow eyes narrowed at the sight of the traitor a crooked grin hooked up the corner of her lip… She was actually going along with it? Then this would be easier to take care of than she thought.

    There was a sudden harsh breeze and a flurry of feathers above and then the sharp crack of thunder, and the rapid volts of lightning rained down causing the earth to quiver with every strike and every vaporized scream.--

    Confusion made her body go rigid, and only luck kept her from being struck herself.

    This was the woman whom had left her for a legal guild, had ran away from Basilisk Fang, and claimed Famine to be beyond cruel… Yes, Famine had killed people. Though she never attacked a herd of sheep like this one, at least not in such a direct slaughter… Famine, For now only struck down those who posed threat to her guild or literally stood in her way.

    This barrage of lightning was an act of unjustified and thoughtless murder… Now Famine was certain Kanix, having acted so reckless,  would never belong in her guild. Her attention whirled back to the strikes above as a shadow suddenly hurled itself over her, and lightning, all of the final bolts, were sucked into her awaiting maw and slurped up like electric-spaghetti. Natsuzora. Famine watched as the girl landed on the ground in front of her in a swish of vermilion locks.

    It was foolish of her to leap into the front lines like this and right into the middle of her scheme with Fairy Tail… If there were any clues of their involvement in this it would be Natsu’s uncloaked-presence here and now--

    It was that moment the guild master felt it. The magic aura pulsing from the blonde thrashed against Famine like a grim tidal wave.  This was not simply a reminder, Famine was confident that moment that this same magic that sent it’s static shivers down her spine numerous times before.

    She looked over her shoulders and through the fleeting people half expecting to set her eyes on him before her gold hues lifted too the blonde that had zapped in front of Natsu in a frenzy of static threads. Famine appeared to be simply another bystander in the cloud of settling dust. The lightning fairy’s sights remained on Natsu… and she observed as casual as she could manage, listening.

    'Her Dad.'

    Famine heard those words and her eyes sunk to the grass. It made sense and it frustrated her and not only not because Heero was strong, a foe, and he’d hurt her but because she didn’t see enough of him in his child; enough of the obnoxious and big-hearted man that made her actually feel like family. Her and Hera today were only enemies divided by the boundaries of the battlefield.

    --No, she seemed to shake her head as if she were walking out of her dream...  She had an objective… and now this dragon slayer’s philosophy was the only thing in her way. Famine had to try. She’d never been to close to settling this….feud she’d built against Fairy Tail. She wanted it over.

    “You mean to tell me that you: a member of a dark guild yourself are sticking this crime: one your guild master JUST admitted all of us for doing on another illegal guild now.” She vocalized stepping in the two’s direction. She cleared her throat, swallowing down her nervousness… Hera’s claims didn’t make sense… Even if it was Basilisk Fang….

    The Fairy Tail she shared with Hera’s father was only a memory and the sooner Hera too realized that the sooner she’d be saved. “Your Fairy Tail is not what you used to be; Today, this is your guild's mess.” She frowned, looking out to the scattered and abandoned weapons, those who were injured, and respectively what remained of those who had died. Her hand clenched at her side and in doing so she affirm her grip on her ring. he knew the God slayer would fail to recognize her but regardless Famine slid her gaze to Natsu. A gaze which silently gestured her to get going.

    It was when she turned her back to the fairy did she further read into the the other blonde’s power, it’s origin, how it had been nurtured... She compared the powers exhibited to the power she’d received from….


    Her eyelids widened and irises dilated as soon as the name sparked her brain. Famine waited a moment for Natsu to leave... but even if she did choose to stand her ground the shadow mage would still ask Hera that much dreaded question. ”Who are you. Where did you get your power?” She sighed, turning to gaze at the Fairy over her shoulder. If her assumption was true and if this slayer was too one of her mentors apprentices; one of her undying… They wouldn’t be able to hurt one another. That was the one common law the bound all of Eris mentees. Just as Famine, for putting a price on her soul for her pact, would never be able to act against her word. Not because she was particularly loyal to Eris but because it was impossible.

    @Basilisk Fang, Fairy Tail, Ect
    NOTES: Pardon any typos X.X


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Posts : 2597
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Mura Kensho 5th July 2016, 3:37 am

    The herd seemed to fade down into mere groups of confused individuals at this square. Feeling that he'd done his best to make himself a 'wall' in front of the guild hall's doorway, he slowly dismissed the flames that were emerging from where a plate of kerbs were supposed to be. He slowly turned his gaze upwards, suddenly wondering of where Kanix was now. The last time that he caught sight of her was when Hera charged after Ancologon... an anxious feeling travelled through his spine as he thought about that. I should find her... if all that was a plan of hers, I deserve to be explained, he thought for a moment, then turned his gaze between Kyuken and Zir, "Follow me, guys. We have to see if our Guildmaster is okay..." The younger shaman would instantly elevate into the air, alongside the samurai spirit Kyuken and the dragon spirit Zirconis, to try and achieve a wider view that would ease his objective.

    He only had to turn his gaze back, when he spotted the giant thunderbird on the roof; he caught a graps of sight, where he could see Kanix getting pulled away by a mysterious being, accompanied by another stranger. "Huh..?" he spoke up in curiosity, then decided to follow the two of them as they put Kanix onto the side of the guild hall. Still standing on the roof, Mura popped out his head to peek down at the male and his surprising embrace on Kanix; perhaps he was familiar with her. "Hey, is she okay..?" Mura spoke to the man, while soaring down from the building; having no intentions of appearing like a threat, he did it with a calm expression on his face. The two spirits that floated aboe his shoulders would focus their curious-looking eyes on the Slayer, while questioning each other of his identity. When Mura landed beside the couple and the rock-looking beast, he could clearly see the exhaustion and injury on Kanix; she appeared badly hurt. "..." Mura couldn't but clench his fists in pain of watching his dear guildmate in such a state, "What the hell happened up there, Kanix... oh." He quickly turned his focus towards the man that was holding her. "Thanks for saving her... but who are you, though? Another of those complainers out there..?"



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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Haru-senpai 5th July 2016, 5:27 am

    As Hera stood across from Natsu, she heard Mura say a few words and then run off. Probably concerned for Kanix as he always looked out for people, even when they were wrong. He had studied under her Father after all.

    As she reached "1" in her countdown, and balled up a fist; bending a knee briefly and about to fly this woman straight off of Earthland, perhaps into a Sun or Moon---someone else spoke.

    A random woman approached them, as she listened to her talk; Hera raised an eyebrow.

    "Just because someone says something is true, doesn't mean it is." Hera had no time for foolishness or plots. Everyone who knew Kanix knew she would never do something like this under usual circumstances. "Kanix had nothing to do with this town falling sick. She doesn't have access to the poison that affected the town."

    Hera held up an empty vial.

    "While I was teleporting those large crowds out...I took a sample and had it checked at the Royal Hospital in Crocus." she then twirled the vial and crushed it in her hands with a loud shattering sound. Nothing more to say, she let her Heavenly Body Magic dim around her, her outline disappearing in a vwhoomp as she noticed the crowd had calmed down a ton, and even were dispersing now.

    ".........." this woman was asking too many questions for Hera, as she put a hand on her hip and looked between Natsu and Famine in disguise. There was an obvious connection between the two, which Hera spotted easily from one telling the other to get a move on. "I see...." Hera was about fifty times smarter than Heero; and so she instantly made the connections she needed to make. As a master of Transformation Magic herself; she eyed the blonde woman.

    She did find it funny that a random citizen of Magnolia would just walk up and start talking to her amidst all this chaos. That's because she wasn't. Most likely.

    "Things are easy to figure out if you try....I'm not my father. I won't rush headlong into any situation unless it calls for it." she looked to the side, "Where do I get my---are you seriously asking me questions like that at a time like this?" Hera said irritated to no end by the woman.

    "My Father, Mother, and Teacher got me where I am today....but I've already wasted time just telling you that." of course she spoke of Heero, Alyia, and then Eris. But there was no way of Famine knowing that. Perhaps.

    "What you said about Fairy Tail.....you speak from a pain that's been there some time...you must be Rita." Hera had figured it out. Her Fathers old teammate had some connection with Basilisk Fang, and thanks to the foolishness of the other girl Slayer; Hera figured if this woman was high up enough in the Guild to tell her to beat it, she either was Famine, or knew her. Hera only knew her real name from her Dad's Journals. "If you're not her, give her this message."

    Hera put a hand over her heart.

    "The memory she has of Fairy Tail will never fade." these words would stick, the type of words one doesn't forget. Almost out of a book. Hera would lower her hand and turn with a swoop of her ponytail. "If you have something else to say, say it now. Otherwise you're free to go fuck each other, and plot madness or whatever it is you do in your spare times. I could care less." she said with her back to Natsu and Famine. Her nose would wiggle, as this time she smelled another Dragon Slayer besides her. This one smelled like Earth and Grass, the first one had smelled like Vomit and Chemicals. She wondered what another Dragon Slayer could be doing here. The scent was moving rapidly....very rapidly towards Kanix' location and the huge plume of smoke rising in the air from where Hera had taken her down.

    Even from the front lawn of Fairy Tail, one could see the smoke pluming even better now that the skies were clear blue.


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    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Rose


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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by akashi 5th July 2016, 8:50 am

    OOC: I will only post once in this thread 'cause I just my character to spectate this ICly. The thread's pretty crowded, so me joining would only slow things down. Feel free to skip this post because I won't interact with anyone's character, nor take actions that can affect any of you. Also, if it bothers anyone, I'll make sure that my character remains unnoticed for the most part, so I won't interfere with your actions. That said, here we go.

    After meeting those two from Fairy Tail, Vargas had decided to stay in Magnolia for a while, waiting to see if any job opportunities rose; after all, it was one of the most important towns in Fiore, so someone needing a helping hand was bound to be found there. He hadn't rented rooms, instead taking his time to walk throughout the city at night, observant; whenever he felt tired, he'd just climb to a rooftop and lay there, taking a small nap to recharge a bit of energy. That routine encircled a time period that spanned a couple of days or so, and the Seig, after having gathered a bit of contracts from boards, clients themselves and the like, was just about to set off the city in order to carry out said errands.

    Before getting aboard the next train however, the Seig decided that it'd be better to have lunch first. The Devil's Arms user had gotten to a nearby fast food place and ordered a bottle full of beer, and an extra-large pizza. For some reason, those two were becoming the main components of his diet. Taking a look at his abs, which remained bare due to his particular outfit, he scrathed the back of his head. -"As long as I don't get fat, it'll work out" -he'd remind himself. Waiting for his orders, however, he saw people who had ordered water beginning to cough and wheeze, only to take it to the next level by outright vomiting blood. Similar phenomenoms, judging by what he could hear, were happening throughout the place as well. Vargas, who was exiting the place as he walked, could easily see that most of the sick people were already being attented by others.

    As usual, he didn't interfere, nor did he get himself involved. Never had, never would. He was no hero. -"I'm simply a mercenary. A wizard for hire." -he reminded himself. Getting involved usually meant much more trouble than it was worth it, as much as people would call him selfish or egocentrical. Though he had to wonder, where that attitude had come from... after all, as far as he was aware, his parents had always been there for everyone else.

    With his food secured, the young man decided to take his meal to a place where he could enjoy it; however, when he was just about to move, he heard what could be described as a really nasty roar, coming, no less, from the location people had pointed him out as "Fairy Tail's Guildhall". With that in mind, he wondered what the heck was that ruckus about. In a hurry, he jumped to the nearest rooftop and, from there, continued moving until he had a pretty much good view of the scene. With a flick of his hand, he summoned Daeva, his bow, which would serve to give his vision an augment. Its unnatural zoom capabilities would allow him to observe the scene with tranquility. He'd then sit comfortably and take a bite at a pizza slice, with care so no food nor drink would be wasted.

    The situation seemed to be quite nasty. From there, he was able to see an angry mob that was being fried by some sort of creature, flying above them and showering them with sparky love. It seemed to, somehow, have created a storm, and was using the bolts to gather energy. As lightning rained down upon the rioters, other magic users seem to begin intervening as well. From that position, and given that his magical aura was weak, he doubted anyone would even notice him there. Besides, with all that chaos going around? He was pretty much a mere shadow.

    In the meantime, something akin to another lightning bolt appeared, and from it, a figure emerged. So more and more people kept going there? He was unable to feel magical power from that distance, but it already gave him the impression it was way out of his league... and while he loved a good fight, his preference to stay out of conflicts unrelated to his hiring was still stronger.

    It seemed that someone had intercepted the one riding the bird, but to be fair, it was a bit hard to perceive the details from that long range. The smoke coming from the area kept rising, and it made itself even more visible once the skies got a bit clearer. Vargas would then take a look at the town streets... panic and mayhem were everywhere to be found. More and more victims of the strange disease, or whatever it was that kept affecting those that drank the water, were either coughing their lungs (and blood) out, or outright dying. Corpses kept pilling up... and the number of losses for Magnolia that day would probably keep racking up throughout the next minutes.

    There, from his seat, Vargas would remain, outside of the action, just watching the events unfold. He could see how down he was in the power scale, which meant that he'd need to get back to business as soon as possible... however, that could wait until he saw everything unfold there.

    After everything else had already transpired, the Seig would rise up from his position and clap his hands ironically. From his previous talk with Kaylin and Imp, he had been told that their guild was actually good-aligned... then what was an angry mob doing at their door? And why had things gone crazy in a matter of minutes?

    Whoever had been the one responsible for getting a guild like Fairy Tail in a mess like that had either no appreciation for his/her life... or was simply bold, smart and powerful enough to do so.

    -That's a solid performance you've got down there.
    Afterwards, he turned and walked away, leaving the scene behind, and wondering how that event would affect the nation of Fiore in the following days. He'd be sure to be on the lookout for any newspaper headlines.

    [Open] How to Start a Riot! TULawIscWSTrG



    [Open] How to Start a Riot! ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Kaylin 5th July 2016, 11:10 am

    Kaylin stood up from the bench, and looked around. She noticed one of her guild mates seemingly went to help their traitorous guild master. She sighed in what sounded like anger. Why would someone go help a traitor? I don't understand why you would even consider helping that woman. Even though Hera claimed that Kanix hadn't done it, she easily could've sent someone else in fairy tail to do it. She literally claimed to be the reason all these people died, and I believe it. Why would you falsely claim to kill so many? With that thought Kaylin looked at the fleeting crowd.

    She looked around herself spotting someone leap onto the roof. Kaylin assumed they were helping Kanix as well. If Kanix has this many connections, and such would the Fairy Tail guild really be mad at her? Kaylin wasn't sure about this. What if she was one of the few people in the guild who wasn't on Kanix's side?

    She didn't want to stay with a guild like this. She didn't want to be with a truly dark guild. She stared at the crowd as many vanished around a corner. She wanted to leave with them. She didn't want to be here any more. Walking slowly forward she started going the path home. She looked behind herself once before she started walking away at a faster pace sure of her descision this time.

    She turned a corner, and could no longer hear what was happening. She couldn't see everything any more. Out of sight out of mind. After walking for what felt like for ever she found the door to her house. She would enter it, and would start preparing lunch.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! Cool2_11
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