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    [Open] How to Start a Riot!


    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
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    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sol 5th July 2016, 12:11 pm

    Sol saw Hera approaching  Natsu and he hopped down from his spot on the roof to approach and deffuse the tension, but before he could even get a word in another woman had approached and though she looked new to him he could tell her scent was Famines and he decided not to mention that little bit of information. The young woman smell like a dragonslayer and as soon as she had mentioned that her father beating all of them Sol instantly connected the dots and realized that she was Heeros offspring. He decided to try and speak to her in a language that almost all noble Dragonslayers were taught and see if she was just as dead set on killing him as Heero had been.”Drem Yol Lok hi fon wah lorot mu los drun do daar nuz mu los ni braan dovah” he said as he approached the bother of them in a language that Famine had most likely never heard before before he spoke once more.

    Mu lost kosaan nau thunuv ahsod dahsul mu los ni culprits hi yah nii los baar ” he said  while showing her the job request he had taken as proof.even though he was lying his face was completely serious as he spoke in the native tongue of the dragons before he caught wind of another dragon slayer.”Huh another of our kind shows up wonder how much longer before they are all here?”the green haired slayer mumbled  more to himself then to the others

    translation 1:

    Translation 2:


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Guest 5th July 2016, 4:37 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    Everything had happened in a literal flash, the last thing she remembered was flying overhead a crowd as lightning flashed down upon them. After that, it had all been spinning, then crashing into the ground, with something. . . heavy? . . . landing on her. Kanix writhed beneath her pet as Hera stood upon it, uttering insanity to her, where she was more focused on trying to pry herself out from under Ancalagon. . . Ancalagon, who was just as large as Acnologia, himself, unconscious from the attack from a guild-mate he loved dearly. It would be a broken relationship between Hera and the bird now, a trust that had been fused only because of Heero. Yet, as she tried to wriggle out from underneath her heavy bird, she found that she was pinned to the ground and unable to escape. This was when it dawned on her that she had a child to protect and the thought of losing it because of a poorly made choice stressed her out.

    Kanix's head flopped against the concrete street, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she passed out from the weight and the stress. Minutes, maybe even hours, would pass by as she lay beneath the beast, who remained as immovable as she was. The crowd still roared on, pitchforks and torches raised, hands filled with any type of weapon they could find. Fairy Tail's reputation was truly destroyed, not by her hands, but by those of her enemies, the mages of Basilisk Fang. She had never fit within the guild, maybe because of her ideals, though also because of the bloodthirst that ran through her. In fact, she was better of a Savage Skull member than any other guild, set out to cause destruction and ruins. Yet a part of her loved Fairy Tail and all she wanted for it was the best, even if it meant tainting how they were seen.

    All of what she had said had been a lie, and not because she wanted everyone to see Fairy Tail as a dark guild. She had done all of this, so that they would not become a dark guild, simply because they were sticking with family. If they were to go dark, then they would be going in as one of the strongest dark guilds known to the Fiore lands. Kanix knew how brutal the dark mages were, how they would not tolerate weaklings in their midst, and she did not want to see Fairy Tail fall to their hands. Hera had ruined it all and displayed one of the most volatile actions that a guild member could ever do to their guild master. Let alone, she had broken the moral code, injuring a woman who was with child, all because of a few misunderstood words. Perhaps, later she would have a talk with Hera, and if she learned of more things from the girl, even  excommunicate her.

    Kanix groaned as she felt something tugging at her bone necklace, like it was trying to pull out from beneath the. . . weight? No more weight hung heavily over her and she cracked open her eyes, though a blurred vision was met to her face. Her eyes flickered over, catching sight of what looked to be a stone canine of sorts, a golem perhaps was what she was looking at. Rocky? What was Rocky doing in Magnolia and where was his master? What was he doing trying to pull her out from under Ancalagon? Tilting her head a little, she could feel the soreness from the crash landing wring her neck like a rope around her throat. She caught sight of the burly figure of a mage she knew too well, and she would have scrambled to her feet if she could. Again, she fell unconscious as Rocky flew her to the side of the building, resting her up against it and leaving her there.

    Minutes later, she would feel lips pressed to her forehead, causing her eyes to crack open once more and catching sight of Mashyuu. Her breathing, slowed from the unconsciousness, quickened and she moved to stand to her feet; however, a sharp pain resonated through her body. The wings on her back, vibrant with blues, oranges, and yellows, were a mangled mess from the attack Hera made. Kanix's lips snarled and curled, and the wings flapped uselessly against the ground, and with their weight, she was not able to move on her own. Looking to Mashyuu again, she stared at him for a brief moment with her fake eye before letting her gaze rake over the ground. In that instance, a feeling of sorrow washed over her, along with fear and betrayal, spilling bloody tears down her face. "I don't want this, Mashyuu; please, just take me away from here, get me away from Magnolia and these people."

    This was her sign of resignation, her arms weakly reaching out to her boyfriend in hope that he would help her to her feet or carry her. "Fairy Tail did not darken because of wrong deeds, Mashyuu; we did not poison Magnolia's waters like you may think. It was all of Basilisk Fang's fault, I just thought that lying about it would help the world see us as a strong guild and leave us be. I don't know what to do Mashyuu, I'm already failing Fairy Tail as it's guild master, and Heero may see me as a disappointment." By now, she was a sorrowful mess, tears streaking her dirty face in red, never budging from her place against the wall. "T-take me to Sabertooth, let me speak to Frederik; perhaps, he will understand the situation Fairy Tail is in and help us out. I know that Heero and him were on good terms with each other, I just hope he won't do anything ration because of. . . Fairy Tail's status."


    @Famine , 989 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 5th July 2016, 5:51 pm

    "My name is Mashyuu, Paragon of Protection and Kanix is having my child. If that baby girl ends up hurt because some trash couldn't hold it together then I'll level this guild." Mashyuu responded to Mura as he started to walk towards the other Wizards. "Rocky, take Kanix to the Ace of Spades and I'll take care of things here." With that said Mashyuu stalked up to the others as they assembled. Some were weaker than he was, others stronger but most seemed to be at his level. Mashyuu looked at Sol and could recognize the smell of Basilisk Fang from when Kanix had lost her eye.

    His lips curled up in a slight smirk and he spoke calmly while his four pillars of stone floated about. "Look at all the dragon Slayers here. Never had a fight with so many before. Now who hit big bird back there? You knocked her on my soon to be baby girl. Once she is born I don't so much care who hits who. Now... Are we all going to walk away or am I going to be taking some Wizards to the local Rune Knight station?" Mashyuu asked. His fingers clenched into fists, the gold ring on his finger activated and let him know about most of the Wizards around him. One was higher than A rank, masking her from Ux's power.

    The Wizard drew a sharp breath, blue eyes darted about from left to right at the women. He snarled for a moment while he tried to stay focused on who he was going to fight first. If he was going to fight anyone at all. The Wizard let his left foot shift back and his knees bent, putting him in his mountain stance, the only one who would be able to knock him back was Hera and that was if they even started to fight. Mashyuu wasn't sure who was an enemy and who was a threat at the moment. Mashyuu hadn't learned how to use his Dragons Breath yet but he had plenty of other spells in ready to go...

    WC: 354

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ
    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Princess Natsu 5th July 2016, 7:42 pm


    686 words for everyone!
    yay for intense evilness!  ⭐
    What had she gotten herself into?– perhaps hell. No, surely this could've been it. Her nose would twitch, sensing the other snakes nearby; deep blue eyes wandering over every inch of the area around. Only to find an utter mess of personal drama and a rather annoying brat that was possibly threatening her– not that she was paying any attention to that. As much as she found enjoyment in the innocence of children and their curiosity for just about anything. This one in particular ran her mouth like she knew everything. But, she kept quiet. Not because she wanted too; it just wasn't the reasonable time to let the venom slip past her lips. For now she'd just listen quietly; a seeming stranger to this turn of events.

    "Ridiculous." she'd mutter, watching as one of the "snakes" came to her aid. At least she found it enjoyable that Sol possibly didn't want to fight either. It was troubling to deal with things in violence. In fact, it was incredibly bothersome to watch the humans that were even considered adults solve things by swinging their fists instead. Talking it out was much better, despite the fact it may have never been concluded in a good manner in the end. As the one with leafy tinted hair spoke in a language that was– somewhat mundane to her memory of ancient life, it still remained as a missing piece to the puzzle. Though, intuition whispered in good intent.

    And then there was a retreat, a second thought to the actions that had been made; so suddenly innocent and fragile as the love of a crazed woman strode in like a knight on shining armour. She'd click her tongue. "Please tell me you're joking." none of them had proof, so far the cold-blooded vermin were "innocent", and the real fault remained with the fairies. This is why she hated the slayers of dragon; they'd pick a fight with anything that may have smelt suspicious, blaming and growling like a vicious beast. "Who are you taking to the Rune Knight station– you're precious woman, right?" with a pause she shifted towards the stranger, facing him; nearly posing a glare, hood still settled over her head, "That woman you're protecting, is a criminal– just look around you." gloved hands would with gesture to the area, evidently pointing out the mass of bloodied and charred bodies.

    "Was it not she who declared her ideals– who admitted to poisoning the innocent people of Magnolia? Did she not rise into the sky on her pathetic bird and give it the command to attack? And then when it all seemed to much for her, she blamed the first annoying faction that came to mind." tools would lower back by her sides, peering over at the slayer in a tinge of disgust, "Though you may or may not have been here to witness such a sight; love makes us say stupid things does it not?" a gentle smile, not one that was genuine, curled onto her lips, almost as if she were mocking him, "But you may want to reconsider your rather courageous statement. For saving a criminal; I'd say that your punishment would be much more severe than anyone else here." glancing over at Sol, she'd exhale heavily into the air.

    This was aimless– she'd think, frowning. Yet she was irritated. She felt like she was dealing with children. Had humans always been so idiotic? After all, the fairies had fallen right into their trap, and they were only dragging themselves further into this pit of misfortune. Even their master had abandoned them– how petty. "You dragons, you're so annoying. Do you point blame at anything that smells like a hazard?" her voice and her words were cruel. She had not been holding back anything; for most of it had been the truth. If the only thing they could be put at blame for was a mer scent; she doubted that would be enough to lock them behind bars. Especially her. The marking beneath her glove, was so heavily scarred over; that it was basically unable to be identified now.



    [Open] How to Start a Riot! - Page 2 6JfY43L
    Character Magic History
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Ace 9th July 2016, 12:56 pm

    'Til The
    Ink Dries

    "What idiocy." He mused watching the spectacle unfold from a safe distance. Rather than reveal himself just yet he preferred to sit put and watch, waiting for something or someone more interesting to appear. Magnolia was beginning to turn against the recently darkened Fairy Tail, and the Fairies themselves were doing a poor job of handling the situation. "A waste of time." He sighed, standing up straight so that he was no longer leaning against an alley wall. Ace was never one to do things without purpose, and while this fiasco held purpose for his master, Ace could not say the same. "There's more angry people here than worthwhile mages." Magic and its users was the only thing that was important to the red head. He would obey his master to a certain extent, but when it came down to it, Ace only did what would further his own goals. While, the number of mages gathered were small, and most of them bore the same affiliation as himself, Ace had no choice but to make the best of an irritating situation. Besides he had to at least contribute a little bit less his head end up on a stick.

    "Fairies? Poisoned the water supply? To think that they have fallen so far so quickly." The red headed male said to the nearest civilian, single eye searching through the crowds of people for someone worthy of his attention. Riling up humans was simple enough, their very nature was a violent one, all it took was a few clever words and one could incite a riot within minutes. If there was one person who was filled with clever words than it was Ace, for there were few who had such a masterful ability at using words as weapons. "If you don't take action now it's likely that Magnolia will suffer further..." He slipped through the crowd, blending in as his words sunk in and created a clamor among the citizens. All the while, he played the part of an angry civilian, keeping his keen eye on the lookout for someone of interest, a mage.



    [Open] How to Start a Riot! - Page 2 Tumblr_mqsrotqTwz1sb9s0yo7_500

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    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Public Re: [Open] How to Start a Riot!

    Post by Sybil 13th July 2016, 8:18 pm

    I'll show you what it's like to be hated, This is what it means to be a Dark Guild.


    Her false golden eyes narrowed, she’d make sure to keep that in mind, maybe get hold of Eris later, find out if she had contracted with this girl as well... Or well, Famine could try and kill her now and see if they could scratch one another but chances were if she was wrong it wouldn’t end very well.

    Her gaze only darkened when Hera stuck a name too her, a real name, the one her father and Fairy Tail had known her by a long time ago. Like a shadowy wisp of lightning,  a small ember of black magic sparked at her temple as though she were aggravated. “You've got a way with clues, don’t you?~  I’ll have you know, your worst memories of something always stay the most prominent…Including those of Fairy Tail.” Famine frowned, clenching her fist.

    “I’ve only got one more thing to say anyways, Dragonslayer...” Famine lifted her hand, raising her other palm until her fingers touched the ring and it again emitted that blinding blue aura though when it finally faded Famine still didn’t seem to be in her own skin. Her current form at least. This body had hair that fell past her waist rather than the short cut back she had left behind when the blade swept her locks. Maybe she felt a little smaller in this body too… She’d only been  teen and perhaps more time had passed since she realized. The notable of all the traits had to be the black Fairy crest which pressed the side of her neck “Just know...That I can tell you more stories of your Father than anyone can.” She finally mused. Sapphire eyes lidded shut and her frown gingerly turned upside own. She turned a shoulder to the blonde, her brunette locks wiping back in one swift motion when she faced away. Famine was ready to be on her way, the rest of her guild ought to be as well.

    “See ya, brat.” She waved the back of her hand at Hera. Famine purposefully nudged Natsu in the side on her way back down the hill Fairy Tail sat upon. The shadow mage also managed to shoot and shot Sol a venomous glare, one that urged him to get going. There was no use trying to prove their own innocence if anything they would only make Hera more suspicious... There was not one piece of solid evidence to prove Basilisk Fang as the guilty party. Thus, Famine’s work today was as good as done.

    Whether or not the option to go after Famine, a mysterious link to her father, was considered by Hera it would not come to be possible… For she seemed to of vanished into thin air once her figure slumped down the steps, and disappeared around the wall which bordered the gates up into the Guildhall.


    [Open] How to Start a Riot! - Page 2 PCNcoWl

    @Basilisk Fang, Fairy Tail, Ect
    NOTES: Pardon any errors.


      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am