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    Matters of the Soul


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Matters of the Soul Empty Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 5th January 2022, 6:10 pm


    Today was surely a day that would go down in Rune Knight history as one of the most bizarre and unexpected. The warlord known as Trinity, or Thana to those who knew her real name, was easily the most wanted individual in Fiore, if not all of Ishgar. To call her a terrorist was an understatement. There were warrants for her arrest posted in major cities of nearly every country on the continent, not that they really had helped. Thanks to Thana’s ability to utilize her magic to change her appearance, it was damn near impossible for people to suss her out even if she was standing right there holding a conversation with them.

    And that one little trick made it so easy for her to be a menace to society in absolutely horrendous ways. Murder was the least of the crimes she’d gotten away with over the last couple of years, and she had made enemies of not just high profile figures of authority and influence, but also entire guilds. Dies Irae had been among the top of those guilds, and arguably the one she had taken the most pride in. Her little jaunt with the one time guildmaster Sivvy was a sweet memory for the warlord, one that she often thought back to fondly on long, lonely nights.It was a shame that the guild had been disbanded and deemed as a failed experiment by the council, though she was certain that if she ever ran into any former members they would still try to kill her with a prejudice.

    Dies Irae wasn’t the only guild that had been disbanded, either. Her own guild Elysium had fallen under not long afterward. Janice had lost her status as a warlord, and shortly after that they had abandoned the town they were creating in Sin and everyone had gone their separate ways. Or at least, they had for the most part. Many members of the guild itself had gone off and formed a new guild called Plumed Serpent, under the leadership of Odhran. Thana had briefly considered going along with it. Odhran wasn’t much to speak of, but his summons were fun. However, the thought of joining another guild sounded dull. Elysium had been a delightful little experiment, but it was time for her to go back to doing her own thing, and chances were that if she ever ran into any of her former guildmates she likely would not spare them any mercy from her whims.

    But those were thoughts for another day. Today, she had other plans to occupy her thoughts.

    Currently disguised as a Rune Knight, the Avatar of Ataxia strolled through the streets of Era as though heading home from her patrol route. She passed many other Knights along the way, several of whom extended her friendly gestures of greeting such as nods and waves. She would wave back, beyond pleased by the knowledge that they had absolutely no clue who they were truly walking by. With calm purpose in her steps, she made the climb up the hill to the Rune Knight headquarters, strolling through the main door and taking a brief glance around. Spotting a young woman at the main desk, she wandered over and leaned against the counter.

    The woman narrowed her eyes at her in annoyance, clearly unimpressed with her casual demeanor. Rolling her eyes slightly, Valorie finished up the call she had taken and hung up the phone. “Yes, what is it, private?” the secretary asked without looking up from the notes she was typing in to her computer.

    “I just needed to file an arrest report.”

    “What, are you just out of basic training or something? The report room is down the hall to the…”

    Valorie’s voice trailed off as her expression melted from irritation to abject horror. Thana’s disguise melted away to reveal her true form, the dark haired woman giving the secretary a little smile. The Warlord was extremely pregnant, not quite at the end of her journey into motherhood but several months along, easily in her third trimester. She smiled and waited patiently to see what Valorie would do, the woman torn between her fight and flight responses. To her credit, it only took the blonde a second or two to find her courage and she quickly reached over in full view of the Warlord and slapped the button that sounded the panic alarm, almost in defiance of the danger Thana presented.

    As the alarms went off around her, sending the building into a code red alert, Thana chuckled. “Relax, darling. As pleasing as it would be to feel you writhe beneath me as your breath slowed to a stop, I’m not here to kill anyone today.” Turning with a smirk, she slowly raised her arms and set her eyes on the literal hundreds of Knights that had come rushing into the foyer, weapons drawn and spells at the ready. “Hello, pets. My name is Thana, though most of you probably know me as the Warlord Trinity.”

    “And I’m here to turn myself in.”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 846 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 8th January 2022, 11:30 am

    1363 words || @Trinity || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    They weren’t supposed to have a drill today.

    Mythal had returned only a short while ago from training in Sin. It had been several months since he’d begun going to the wasteland and utilizing his newfound magic to its fullest abilities. In that timeframe, he’d managed to deepen his connection to Aeron, forging a true friendship that he, himself, wasn’t entirely accustomed to. It was probably because the Darkness King wasn’t used to connecting to anyone and the ones that he had, he’d somehow found himself attracted to. After all, he’d convinced himself that his feelings for Serilda were merely friendly until they weren’t. And there was little denying that he was attracted to Aeron, though that mattered very little to him. Seri was the love of his life and he’d long begun to understand that a person could find someone attractive and not be going against his real connection. It had taken him some time, as out of touch as he had been, but it had solidified.

    Still, Aeron hadn’t been around that day. In fact, she really hadn’t been around that much at all lately. It was possible she was out doing something else or off doing a job so that she could get some jewel. Even with the Rune Knights sending her crates of supplies, there were plenty of other things she no doubt needed to get and probably weren’t free. It was possible she was stealing them but Mythal didn’t imagine that she was quite looking to catch any attention or ire. So he’d pushed aside the oddness of it once more and focused on his training. By now, it was merely sharpening skills, both old and new, into deadly combinations. He’d all but mastered the new lacrima inside of him, his senses far more keen and powerful than ever before. And now that he and Lux were of a mutual understanding, he’d even managed to bond with the Lightbringer to make some of his spells even more deadly.

    He had taken a quick shower to wash the stink of Sin off of him and when he returned to his private chambers, he found a package had been delivered. Another potential outfit for him to wear for the wedding. Now that things had settled down, at least slightly, Serilda and him had begun to take planning their engagement far more seriously. It was hard to believe that only a few months ago, they had been facing off against literal extraterrestrials millions of lightyears away. An event such as that had a way of changing a person, especially given how quickly Vandrad had nearly died and then disappeared and then Mercury was kidnapped. Time was always moving forward whether a person wanted it to slow down or not and given his adoptive brother’s near-loss of everything he cared about, it had made the two Rune Knights very well aware of how blessed they had been. It also meant that they needed to stop dragging their feet where it mattered.

    Sighing, the Darkness King opened the box and looked upon the outfit that was as purple as wine. It was rather regal, which made sense considering he was marrying a royal after all. Frowning, mostly in concern that the outfit wasn’t going to fit him very well, he pulled on all the articles. Black, stripes slacks wrapped themselves tight against his legs, ending at just the right height to show off his dress shoes. A form-fitted purple button up shirt, with a lighter purple vest was pulled over his torso, with a small pauldon over the left shoulder. Amusingly, a cape had been crafted into the back of the vest similar to the red one he used to wear -- no doubt Serilda’s little nod to their history. A pair of black gloves that were far too short were the last bit to be put on, the Rune Knight Director raising an incredulous brow at them. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror and found… that he didn’t hate it. It was certainly of a higher class than he believed he was worth but it surprisingly looked pretty decent on him. He was eyeing himself in the mirror when Lux materialized behind him.

    “Now that is a sharp look on you, Mythal,” the Lightbringer said as he hopped up on the edge of the table. “I knew you could clean up well but even that’s pretty nice for you.”

    “I feel like I need somethin’ with a jacket though, bein’ a weddin’ and all,” Mythal commented as he kept looking in the mirror.

    “Yeah probably. Maybe Seri is just getting you new stuff for after the wedding. Or maybe she just thought it would look good on you, who knows,” Lux idly remarked as his attention shifted to the window. “So things are linin’ up pretty quickly after all that alien stuff, huh?”

    “Seems so.” Now that Vandrad and Mercury were engaged as well, it seemed that two royal weddings were on the docket. Mythal never even thought that he would have to deal with one in his lifetime. “Any progress on that Soul Shard information?”

    “Soul stone,” Lux corrected him. “Well, apparently where Quentin used to live isn’t as easy to access anymore. You know Pergrande?”

    Oh that was the last thing he wanted to hear. “Unfortunately, yeah.”

    “Deep in the northeastern lands of their nation. A bit out of range for me to reach by myself. But unless you got a fancy portal to take you right there…”

    He didn’t. And a Rune Knight, a God of Ishgar, roaming onto Pergrande’s land without invitation was going to cause an even bigger issue. Bellum and Pergrande were hanging by a thread and with the supposed peace talks coming up, Mythal couldn’t afford to frivolously go wandering in where he could get spotted and cause an international event. “We’ll figure something out.”

    The conversation might have continued from there but that’s when the alarm began blaring. At first he didn’t quite panic; they were due a drill at some point. But then he remembered that they’d scheduled it for the week after. That meant that this wasn’t a drill -- this was a real alarm.

    Mythal didn’t even spare a look at Lux before he snapped his hand out and constructed a portal of darkness. Through it he dashed, appearing down in the main hall as quickly as he’d left the upper levels of the building. The hilt of Curse was already in his hand and as his magic flowed into it, Hopebringer had been formed. His eyes adjusted to the change of scenery… and took in the horror before him.

    There stood Thana, without disguise and so pregnant that were it anyone else, he would be afraid for her bursting. Her hands were up but she had a smug, almost delighted smile on her face as she looked around at the Rune Knights that had swiftly gathered and surrounded her. Mythal brought up his sword and pointed it directly at Thana’s chest, the tip of the blade only a foot away from her. How easy it would be to just move forward and impale her. Pay her back for all the pain she had caused everywhere, to the pain she had brought to Mercury, to Vandrad…

    But that would rob them of answers as well. “Put her in cuffs,” he commanded the closest Knights, keeping Thana on point in case she tried anything.

    Lux reappeared beside him. “Well, well, well,” he said with a grin as he looked at the Warlord. “Look who showed up.”

    “She says she wants to turn herself in,” Valorie explained as the Rune Knights moved forward to put Thana’s arms in magic-restricting cuffs.

    Turn herself in? No, it wasn’t as easy as that. Things never were with Thana. There was some game she was trying to get at here, some manipulation she was utilizing. And he fully intended to find out. “Bring her down to the dungeon. I’ll question her myself.” He lowered his blade but took a step forward, his eyes burning with contempt. “And she better hope I like the answers.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 27th January 2022, 3:05 pm


    The looks on the faces of all the Knights gathered around her was exceptionally amusing. The moment she informed them that she was turning herself in, the entire crowd practically froze in confusion, unable to process or accept her words. Most of them were looking at her like they expected the other shoe to drop, for her to slink into a ravenous blood frenzy and start a massacre right then and there. As tempting as the idea was, Thana merely stood there and patiently waited for someone to step forward and take her into custody.

    She wouldn’t have to wait long as mere moments after the receptionist sounded the alarm, a gateway of dark energy opened up and out came Mythal dressed in a rather dashing suit. Her dark brows rose in consideration as she gave him a slow once over, making no effort to hide the trail of her wandering eyes along his body even as he held her at sword point. She knew he wanted nothing more than to kill her, and the smug smile on her face as her eyes met his betrayed that she knew he wouldn’t follow through with it.

    The dark haired woman might have said something, but out of thin air materialized yet another face. Thana’s gaze lit up with an excitement that was somehow both innocent and disturbing, her smile widening to show the whites of her teeth. “Well, hello there handsome,” she practically purred as she allowed the Knights to approach her and clasp her in magic binding cuffs. “Did you miss me as much as I missed you?”

    Once she was fully secured, Mythal instructed the officers to bring her down to a holding cell where he would question her personally. The director pulled his weapon back but only to loom over her with hatred as he insisted that he better be satisfied with the answers she gave to his questions. Thana giggled softly, not in the least bit intimidated by his imposing stance over her as she gently bit her lower lip and looked up at him. “I promise you won’t.”

    A brief pause followed her sickly sweet reply, and as the Knights attempted to whisk her away she stood her ground for only a moment. “Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I imagine that your commanding officer first wishes to relieve me of a certain magical artifact.” Thana tilted her head to the side, drawing attention to the distinctive necklace around her neck, the purple crystal just barely poking out from the collar of her top: Darius. Presuming that Mythal would collect the jewel, she then allowed herself to be guided out of the foyer and toward the dungeon.

    Not long after that she found herself contained in one of the high security holding cells, shielded behind a diamond shaped wall of impenetrable blue energy. Once she was secured inside, the bindings dissolved from her wrists and disappeared, giving her freedom of movement once more, though the barrier itself was continuing to cut her off from her magic. Rubbing her wrists only slightly, she slowly paced along the edges of the confined space with a curious expression, running her hands along the walls and taking in what was sure to be her home for the foreseeable future. “I see you’ve done quite well for yourself since we last saw one another… director.”

    She gave him another knowing little smile. “A promotion, an appointment as a God of Ishgar, an engagement, two lovely new daughters… You know, I’ve been looking for some play mates for my own little one. I bet our girls would get along just grand, don’t you?” Thana absentmindedly rubbed her swollen abdomen. Then, with some noticeable effort, she carefully and slowly eased herself onto the cot, the cell’s only furnishing. Once she was situated, the Warlord gave a soft sigh at the relief of the pressure on her feet and wiggled a little to make herself more comfortable. “Now then. Where would you like to start?"
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 673/1519 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 27th January 2022, 8:02 pm

    559/1922 words || @Trinity || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    “Oh yeah, totally missed you, babe,” Lux replied to Thana’s comment, giving her a slight upwards nod and a smirk. His joy was shut down immediately by a dark look from Mythal, the first demeaning glare that the Lightbringer had earned in quite some time. The root of their biggest issue, that had resulted in Lux disappearing for months on end, had stemmed from their first interaction with Thana. It was little surprise that the psychopath would put a bad taste in the Director’s mouth.

    He made his intentions known but before she allowed herself to be dragged off, she insisted that Mythal would most likely want to retrieve something from her person. She shifted her head slightly to the side and the sight of the necklace against her flesh caused Mythal’s eyes to narrow further. He reached out and pulled the necklace off violently, glancing down at the gemstone embedded on its end. Then with a nod to the Rune Knights, he followed behind as they brought Thana down into the prison below. He hadn’t expected her to resist -- she had some kind of motive for being there and it wasn’t just to pretend she was being arrested and then breaking free. Her scheme had to be deeper than that but that didn’t keep him from trailing behind, just in case, acting as a constant reminder that one wrong move would result in her immediate termination. And he’d make sure of it this time.

    The cell opened up and closed within moments, locking her inside and robbing her of her magic. She looked less than bothered by it, simply trailing her hand along the magical barrier and staring back at him. She remarked about his position in life, calling him by his official title before running down the list of things that had ‘gone his way’ lately. His promotion, his role as a God of Ishgar, along with his growing family life. She was trying to needle him with things to spark some kind of reaction but he refused to give it to her. He stood stoic outside the cell, the sword planted against the ground as he watched the wanted woman ease herself onto the cot. After getting herself comfortable, she opened the floor to him, wondering where he’d like her to begin her explanations.

    “At the beginnin’,” Mythal responded as he dismissed Hopebringer, the magical energy fading away and leaving just the hilt. “Yer the Avatar of Ataxia, a psychopathic bitch and a murderer. But Aeron has hinted that there’s more to your story than everythin’ I’ve heard so far. So let’s hear it.”

    “Cutting right to the chase, huh?” Lux responded, reappearing beside Mythal and crossing his arms. “Not the accommodations I would have given her but I don’t get a vote, do I?”

    “No, you don’t. You’d pro’lly want her runnin’ free, continuin’ to do what she likes to do,” the Director remarked, barely turning his head to look towards the Lightbringer.

    Lux shrugged. “I appreciate an artist when I see one, what can I say?” he said with a smirk, giving Thana a wink and a grin.

    The Slayer ignored it. “Well, go on then,” he said, gesturing towards Thana. “And then we can get to why yer here and surrenderin’ yerself. I imagine you’ve got a colorful explanation for that as well.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 8th February 2022, 8:04 pm


    An Avatar of Ataxia,” Thana corrected him as she got comfortable where she sat, basking in the glow of the accusations he had thrown at her that she took as compliments. “There have been multiple of us over the millennia, and there are many more of us wandering the Earth at any given time. I just happen to be the most… prolific… in this modern age.”

    Lux reappeared then, remarking about Thana’s prison space and how he would have given her something much more accommodating. The villainess smiled almost sweetly at the Seal as the two men bickered until Mythal finally insisted that she get to her backstory so they could move on to the reason she had turned herself in. Turning her amber gaze to the director she tilted her head and smirked lightly. “You already know my story. You heard it from both Aeron and Darius… but very well. Like many other magicless children in Bellum, I was sold into slavery by my parents, who would rather have pawned me off for cheap coin than allow their reputations to be sullied by rearing a non-mage.”

    Thana shrugged, earnestly appearing to not be very bothered by that fact. “Fortunately, I did have magical abilities, they were just not ones that could be easily detected and they came in quite handy for surviving against Calahan’s little monsters. As I feasted and began to take on the body parts and magical abilities of the creatures he attempted to feed me to, I became quite popular with the crowds that regularly attended his pit fights. I made him a lot of money, in fact. It was a delightful life, really. My first taste of stardom and violence.” She gave a soft, wistful sigh. “But I can only do one thing for so long before it gets boring and I have to shake things up a bit, so I escaped. Calahan has been chasing me ever since, though he hasn’t made a play in some time. He always was a smart man. That, and I imagine even he can’t offer his men enough monetary incentive to pit themselves against a warlord.”

    She chuckled lightly at the thought. “Anyway… I’ve merely been traveling ever since, taking on the odd job here and there as the desire struck me. I even experimented with joining a guild for a bit, just to see how I liked it. Elysium was a fun experience and I respected and liked Janet very much. Attacking Fairy Tail and meeting your brother was an extra treat, as well. I’m sure he will be eager to hear that you have me incarcerated. But guild life truly isn’t for me, and after Elysium disbanded I chose to part ways with its members, even though most of them still stuck together to form a new guild under Odhran’s leadership with Plumed Serpent.”

    “Anyway… that’s my ‘sob’ story in a nutshell. As for why I turned myself in, the answer is simple: destiny.” It seemed an odd admission for one such as herself, but it was true nonetheless. “I believe in a higher power, and Ataxia’s calling for me demands that I submit myself to your mercy… for now, at least.” Thana shot him another knowing smirk before continuing. “And your destiny is to save poor lonely little Aeron. She has quite a crush on you, you know. I’d call it adorable if it weren’t so cliche; her knight in shining armor, praying and hoping that you will swoop in on your gallant steed and slay the dragon that has kept her trapped all her life. Unfortunately for her, her request for you to kill me is a lot more complicated than she is willing to accept… though very soon, she will have no choice. The truth will break her and you’re the one that will drive the nail into the coffin…”

    “...once you find her, that is.”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 653/2172 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 12th February 2022, 5:17 pm

    915/2837 words || @Trinity || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Thana was quick to correct Mythal, stating that she was merely ‘an’ Avatar of Ataxia, thereby confirming that she hadn’t been the sole embodiment of that title. She continued, explaining that there had been a fair number of different avatars over the years and, in fact, there were multiple often at the same time. It was just because of Thana’s antics that had drawn the attention and focus of Mythal and several others. The Director stored that bit of information away, even as Lux made his inappropriate return and tried to show himself off to his little murdercrush. When he finally managed to state what he wanted from the Warlord, she seemed almost disinterested, unimpressed even. She said that Aeron and Darius had already told him most of her backstory but before Mythal could speak on it, she agreed to his request.

    Of course, a lot of her story was something he had heard before. But it was something else to hear it from the source -- to listen in as her words, slightly different, showcased her own feelings and appreciations for her past. Because at the end of the day, she wasn’t bothered by where she had come from. In fact, she viewed it as delightful; giving her a chance to grow her magical abilities and partake in the violent popularity that came from her enslavement. Eventually, her own boredom over her continuous life forced her to break free, with her former master giving chase. The name Callahan didn’t register any familiarity, at least in a criminal record sense, but Aeron had mentioned it before, when she had opened up about her past. He’d put out some feelers to try and track down the man but no doubt it was some kind of criminal alias.

    After her escape, she had just wandered through the world, taking jobs when the impulse struck and doing whatever she felt like. She’d joined Elysium merely out of experimentation, by the sounds of things, truly enjoying Janet’s approach and getting the opportunity to sow some carnage in Magnolia. She remarked about getting the chance to meet Vandrad and how happy he would be to hear about her imprisonment. After the dark guild had disbanded, she had opted to continue onward without the ‘restrictions’ of guild life, not partaking in the experiment that was Plumed Serpent.

    Darius had been right; Thana didn’t view it as a dark and twisted upbringing. If anything, she seemed rather emancipated by the actions she had to take control back in her life. She was certainly proud of it. But it seemed that her reasoning for coming there and offering herself up for incarceration had been due to ‘destiny’ as she put it. She believed in Ataxia’s guidance and it was through that faith that she understood she had to turn herself in for the moment. And it was due to the misguided sense of belief that she also felt it was Mythal’s destiny to save Aeron. Thana confirmed that Aeron had a crush on the Rune Knight, believing him her savior against the oppressive force that had held her hostage all of her life. But as the Warlord put it, the request to put Thana down for good was far more complicated than it looked on face value. Thana believed that there was an underlying truth that would shatter Aeron’s beliefs and sensibilities and that Mythal would be the one reveal said truth, once he was able to locate her.

    It was a hanging thread, intentionally strewn with sinister intent to make him think the worst. She’d pulled off such antics before in their first meeting, when she had taken on the form of Serilda and mocked him in his future wife’s image. It had gotten under his skin; enough so that he’d held back very little of his power and gone all out to try and kill her. But now that he understood that she thrived off the chaos she sewed, he was able to temper his feelings over the matter. Though he couldn’t take full credit for that control -- he was more focused on all the information that he was hearing in the moment and what had been told to him months ago by Darius and Aeron.

    “Darius, nice to see ya again,” he said, his focus on Thana still even as he spoke to the archmage inside the jewel. “I’m gonna assume that this is the moment you were talkin’ about before.” He’d told Mythal that there would come a time when Mythal could strike Thana down but would need to find control, for the sake of saving more than one life. It had been as unclear as any riddle an oracle would give but now that the pieces were starting to develop, the picture was becoming more clear. The fact was, Mythal had asked Thana to tell her story so that he could pay attention to the details, to pick up on the narrative as she spoke it. And it was remarkably, undeniably, similar to Aeron’s. Aeron had told him that Thana and her had come from similar backgrounds but it was almost too similar. In a world of unique and individual circumstances, fate rarely aligned the same star in such a manner.

    “I only got once question for ya, Darius,” he said, casting a glance back to Lux before turning his attention back to Thana. “Are Aeron and Thana the same person? Or rather... are they in the same body?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 12th February 2022, 6:54 pm


    The wheels were starting to turn, and Thana didn’t need Darius to tell her that Mythal was starting to put some of the pieces together. She knew that the director was a smart man, and there were just far too many coincidences between her and Aeron’s existences for there to be no suspicion. Their backgrounds, their magic, the fact that Aeron had complained about how she could never get rid of her more sociopathic counterpart, no matter how hard she tried. Yet there were still enough differences and discrepancies to be cause for doubt, and it was that thin line that Thana loved to tease and play with.

    Mythal, however, was resisting the urge to lose his temper on her – a vast improvement from his behavior the first time they met. He met her gaze with level control even as she smiled at him with a look that was a disturbing mixture of sweet and smug. Rather than address her directly, though, he instead greeted Darius, stating his assumption that this moment was the one that Darius had warned him of. It seemed that Mythal had only one question for the omniscient soul, and that question was seeking confirmation that Thana and Aeron were the same person. Or at least, two souls trapped within the same body. It was a fairly simple and straightforward question, one that Darius could more than easily answer and not just because of his vast wealth of knowledge, but because he had spent a significant amount of time around them both.

    And yet, the ancient wizard was dead silent.

    The light glow of his presence simmered within the violet crystal to indicate that the former founding member of the Dread Masters was still quite alive within the jewel, yet he did not answer Mythal’s question. There was a long pause before Thana began to giggle softly. “I’m afraid he won’t be able to answer your questions until I allow him to. Or did you really think I would let you take Darius only to let him spoil all the fun?” she asked the director, her smirk deepening.

    “You hold far more in your hand than you understand, my dear Mythal. Darius is not just an extremely powerful archmage; he was one of the most powerful archmages to ever live. He was a powerful ally to Marka. Without him, the Dread Masters would have never been able to craft and master magic capable of destroying immortals and stealing their abilities. Divorcing his soul from his body and transferring it to an everlasting crystal alone is a feat enough that very wizards in the entire history of Earthland and mankind can boast having such power. But Darius, there… he did the unimaginable. The impossible. And unfortunately for him, his greatest accomplishment is also what allows me to control him in ways he could not predict, ways that no one else ever could. After all… what kind of Avatar of Ataxia would I be if I could not control a shard of her power?”

    Darius had not fused himself to any mere crystal; he had fused himself to an Ataxian shard, a shard that Aeron and Thana had been carrying with them all this time, which Mythal now held in his hand. Which shard he had assimilated himself to was, at least of this moment, a mystery but it was still a profound and potentially terrifying revelation, and by the smile on Thana’s face she knew as much. “So you see, he will speak to you when I determine that it is time for him to speak. In the meantime, you’ll have to content yourself with playing my games just a little bit longer.”

    Turning away from Mythal, she gave Lux a flirty wink before laying back on the bed and making herself comfortable. “You are not the only one who wants or deserves answers, Mythal darling. So I’m going to need you to do me a couple of favors. The first is that you’re going to need to find an individual whom I have no doubt is already on your list: a certain vigilante that has been taking justice into his own hands in the Neutral Grounds, killing a number of petty criminals over equally petty crimes. His name is Nathaniel Stratford, a former member of Dies Irae and the father of my darling daughter.”

    She caressed her swollen abdomen affectionately, a dark chuckle escaping her lips. “The poor man is consumed by guilt and hatred. He lost everything he ever cared about, cannot keep track of the woman he loves, the woman he cheated on with me… and as he came to find out far too late, I am the one who beat, raped, and almost killed his mentor. Find him and bring him here, if you wouldn’t mind. The other favor is this: I would like to speak to Vandrad. He has no part in all of this, but I do have a message for him and I would like to deliver it personally.” And with that, she slipped an arm cozily beneath her head and closed her eyes to start drifting off to sleep.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 861/3033 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 14th May 2022, 4:31 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Matters of the Soul RJtajUnz_o

    For a brief moment in time, there was silence. And then a raucous explosion rocked the entirety of the island. Birds took to the skys, squawking in defiance at the destructive interruption of their peaceful sanctuary. The thick, tall trees that practically filled the entirety of the island swayed away from the magical shockwaves, while those that had been caught at ground zero were vaporized instantly. And from the dome of magical power came a streaking form, dashing into the woods once more. As it moved, it took on a material form, becoming that of the former Bellum prince, Vandrad. His magical aura burned bright around him, the billowing flame of crimson enveloping his entire form. His hair was of the same vibrant red, as well as his eyes that stared at the site of the detonation. A moment later, another form came screeching past the tree trunks; that of Scourge, the former Dread Master. He, too, was Empowered by the Crimson level, smirking as his hand waved forward and prepared to unleash another wave of destructive magic.

    Vandrad came to a sudden halt, dropping quickly and hard into the ground as his heels buried into the soil. The brake bought him just enough time to pull his arm back and thrust it forward into the surprised Scourge, who hadn’t been prepared for the former prince to come to such a stop. Vandrad’s fist hit the former Dread Master’s stomach with considerable force and a moment later, a blast of magic erupted from Scourge’s back, its origin from the other man’s fist. It caused Scourge to gasp and exclaim in pain briefly before Vandrad followed up the heavy hit with another punch, a haymaker to Scourge’s face and knocking him away. But his focus wasn’t on the former Dread Master; his gaze turned away from him and towards another figure; a magical clone of himself. It was several yards away and it had been priming a beam of magical energy within its caged hands. The blast erupted with a sudden thoom, ripping across the land at a frenzied and dangerous pace.

    Yet the former prince did not make a move to dodge. Narrowing his eyes, Vandrad extended a single hand, splaying his fingers as he searched deep within the magic. The beam bore down on him, becoming the only thing within his vision as it vaporized tree and ground alike. It was in the moments before it hit him that he found it; the thing he was looking for. His hands closed and from the minute movement materialized a handle, wrapped in thick brown leather. The entirety of the weapon was born out of the origin point, extending out until the full length of the warhammer appeared. The purple crystal head shone bright with infernal magic as Vandrad thrust it forward, slamming the head of the weapon into the beam. The magical attack came to a standstill as it pressed against the hammer, roaring in defiance as its energy was somehow matched. Gritting his teeth, Vandrad pulled back on the hammer slightly, enough to give himself room so that when he thrust it forward again, he could put more force. With that movement, he was able to force the magical attack back in the direction it had come. His clone could only stand there as it was overwhelmed by its own magical wave, the shadow of its being highlighted against the magnificence before vaporizing within its core. The beam itself curled up into the sky, ripping through the layer of clouds before fading out into the upper atmosphere.

    Vandrad let out a shaky breath as he fell to a single knee, the warhammer still held within his grip. Behind him, the leaves rustled and Scourge approached him, still Empowered. “Well that was impressive. Your ability to search the Ark has improved immensely. That right there is Hades’ Gavel, the warhammer of a demon lord called Hades, obviously. It was one of the original weapons the Dread Masters used to found their collection -- the damn thing had been abandoned in a dungeon after some Midian warriors killed the master.”

    Vandrad glanced at the weapon, looking it up and down before finally turning his gaze to Scourge. "It feels… awful,” he said slowly.

    “Well it’s made of demonic magic so that’s no surprise. Up until now, you’ve only used weapons that Marka himself crafted; the mark and the scythe. Dreadether is practically in your blood so that isn’t going to feel wrong, despite its toxic, destructive nature. Demonic energy is a bit different though.”

    Vandrad nodded softly before he released the hammer. As it fell towards the ground, it began to evaporate into particles of dreadether, completely fading out of existence before it could hit the earth. Letting out another slow breath, Vandrad pushed himself to his feet. "So you can manipulate your Energy Monarch to create a matching Empowerment to me?”

    Scourge grinned with amused pride. “Why of course. Anything you can do, I can do and probably better. Your highest grade, the one you had reached before Sabine’s unfortunate assassination attempt, is on par with my Rose grade. I crafted it after seeing yours afterall. But I could take on the same color scheme as well, if I so chose.”

    "So you chose pink.”

    “Don’t tell me you’re one of those toxic men that think pink is unbecoming for a man to wear or assume. I happen to think it looks quite marvelous on me,” Scourge admitted.

    Vandrad scoffed. "Not at all. It’s just quite eye-catching. Hardly allows you the ability to move without notice.”

    “Well I just don’t use Empowerment in that case.” With a quiet release of breath, the former Dread Master released his Empowerment, returning to his base form. Studying Vandrad’s features for a moment, Scourge chuckled. “I imagine you are quite frustrated that you aren’t able to regain your former form. You will, with time and patience, one of which I know isn’t your favorite.”

    Vandrad shot him a look, a silent one of chastisement. But alas, even he couldn’t deny that impatience was one of his faulty traits. He released his own Empowerment, his hair returning to his black color once more.

    “But you are stronger. I was not lying during our original battle; your magical strength has grown and leapt exponentially since your return from your little adventure offworld. Though you may not have that blue form yet, your Crimson grade is as strong if not stronger than its previous interaction. A large part of that has come from your training with me, if I may allow myself a moment to brag. Your understanding of Energy Monarch has deepened, now that you have someone that can use it mirroring you and showing you shortcuts and other advantages. And your knowledge on the Ark will only grow in time as well.”

    It hadn’t been an ideal offer or situation for Vandrad and there were moments that he regretted it -- especially when Scourge felt the need to ‘brag’. The former Dread Master had approached him, a few months after their destruction of the rest of his order, with the offer to help him grow in strength and understanding of both his magics. The former prince’s stubborn nature had nearly won out but even he had to admit that he could benefit from Scourge’s knowledge. The only caveat he had attached to his agreement was that Mercury not be part of the training, if only because he didn’t want her distracting Scourge.

    The benefits were obvious. Scourge knew the Ark and Energy Monarch better than Vandrad, due to his resources brought upon him from his upbringing in the Dread Masters. And he had a keen eye for how to train Vandrad appropriately. As much as he hated to admit it, Scourge had helped him grow as a warrior in a short amount of time -- not that he’d ever say such a thing out loud. He snorted. "My growth would have come at the same pace, despite your assistance or not,” he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

    Scourge chuckled once more. “Obstinate as ever. Your attitude of ambivalence is quite charming in its own special way. No wonder Mercury agreed to marry you, even if you’ve done away with the facial hair.” Vandrad reached up and rubbed his hand over his jaw, the thick beard he’d sported gone after several weeks of putting up with it. “Maybe I’ll grow my own beard and see if she wants to spend more time with me instead.”

    In spite of himself, Vandrad couldn’t help but smirk. "Say what you want, Scourge, but don’t underestimate that woman. You speak high and mighty but you might be surprised at how well she can shake your world.”

    Scourge’s brows raised. “My, my, how tantalizing. Consider my curiosity erect.” Knowing that was about as far as he could push his luck in that territory, Scourge pivoted the conversation. “The end goal of this training is to help you use the Caliban form. With proper training, it could prove even stronger than your Empowerments. But that will take an extraordinary amount of time so it’s better to focus on accessing the weapons and armors of the Ark first.”

    Vandrad nodded. He was just about to speak when his communicator pinged, letting him know he’d received a message. Frowning, he pressed a button on the wrist device and brought up a glowing, holographic menu. As he read the words printed before him, his features tightened.

    “Something to be concerned about?”

    "It’s Mythal. He needs me to come to the Rune Knight headquarters. It’s about that woman, Thana.”

    Scourge raised a single brow. “A lead on her whereabouts, perhaps?”

    "No,” Vandrad said coldly, anger bubbling up from his core. "He has her. She apparently wants to speak to me.”

    Words: 1643 | Tag: @Mythal Ragnos, @Trinity, @Nathaniel Stratford | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 21st May 2022, 4:57 pm

    660/3497 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    The Neutral Grounds was a place that Mythal had only visited once before, a very long time ago. He’d heard about a free device and journeyed all the way over to acquire it, much to his chagrin. Granted, back then, doing anything caused him annoyance. He really should have been happy -- the magic that tied him to Faera had been cut off by the unique lack of ethernano in the Neutral Grounds and for several minutes, he’d actually felt relatively normal.

    Now he was back and frankly not having his magic was more of a pain than an advantage. Nathaniel Stratford had made the city his killing grounds, unceremoniously ending the life of each and every person that broke the law. Little surprise that a former member of Dies Irae was taking the law into their hands without following the proper channels. And normally, Mythal may have secretly considered his actions a godsend but the problem was that Nathanial is indiscriminate in his goal or targeting people. The difference between murder and petty thieft was lacking and the former legal mage struck down any that dared go against the established law.

    He wasn’t a hero, that much was for sure. Misguided perhaps but he’d taken several lives at this point that he may as well be considered a mass murderer. Mythal shuddered to think of the poor souls who had grabbed food out of sheer desperation to survive and found their lives swiftly ended on the blade of a vigilante. He needed to be stopped and that was before the complicated matter of bringing him to see Thana.

    The woman had laid several jaw dropping facts in a short amount of time and there really was no narrowing down what was more important or shocking. The fact that Darius was a former member of the Dread Masters and had bound his soul to an Ataxian shard was just as groundbreaking as the fact that Thana’s child’s father was the former Dies Irae vigilante he was hunting. It was all too complex and, frankly, bullshit to comprehend. It was a game and Thana was making all the rules, forcing all the action and pawns to move to her whims. The only way to ‘win’ was to refuse to play but there was no telling what lives would be destroyed by that. After all, Nathaniel’s actions in Neutral Grounds were directly Thana’s responsibility. She’d inserted herself in his life, putting herself between the woman that Nathaniel supposedly loved and the man and the result was a baby. Worse over was the fact that Thana had been the one that had abused the former Dies Irae member’s mentor.

    Mythal supposed mass murdering lawbreakers was, ironically, the best outcome for that kind of mental and emotional break. Nonetheless, he had to stop it. The problem was that no one really knew where Nathaniel was. Anyone that saw him usually wound up dead. There was a level of fear that seemed to resonate in his name; the presence of his actions weighing down on the people of the city. Where there had once been respect and adoration was now terror. So if he couldn’t have someone point the finger, then it seemed Mythal would have to take matters into his own hands.

    Luckily he never wore his uniform, his usual garb more homely than his position truly was. That made for a very convincing play when he dashed into a store, grabbed several items off the shelf and ran out, the store clerk yelling after him. The Rune Knight Director took off down an alleyway, putting plenty of distance between himself and the store he’d just robbed. After several minutes, he slowed to a stop in a small open area between the buildings; a crossroads of alleyways. With a sigh of relief, he knelt down at the wall nearest him and unloaded his treasure, taking inventory of what he’d managed to snatch without really looking.

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    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 4th June 2022, 10:40 pm

    Some time has passed since Trinity had visited Nat in the Neutral Grounds. The moment of clarity he had experienced in her presence had to be cut short due to the rude interruption of an entire gang that wanted him dead. Since then, he had been on the case day and night in order to eliminate this gang. He considers this to be his final act before he would run off to Hargeon because not only would he be dealing them a literally lethal blow, he'd be taking all their assets in order to leave town.

    However, thigs aren't going as smoothly as planned. Not every member of his target organization knew the location of the next member crucial to his operation. Despite this, he was able to rack up some jewels that was more than enough to pay for everyday life, and for a way out of town.

    Indeed, things are starting to look up for Nat, despite the little speed bump of finding every single gang member taking longer than anticipated. For the first time since forever, he had found a purpose again. Why he does the things he does. But he believed that he was not above the crusade he had set out to do. This mistaken humility he sees in himself would continue the public to view him as something to be feared as recently this morning, he had offed a mugger again, sent the head rolling down an inclined road.

    Such an act made him feel good about himself, and felt he needed to continue this streak of "good deeds". Nat decided he should take a stroll today and witness how little by little, the people of the Grounds have been following the law. Except for one person...

    A citizen suddenly bolted out of a store in front of him. Nat was taken aback by shock and disbelief. Someone still had tried to do crime in these streets, even a small petty one. With a sigh, Nat had taken it upon himself as the deliverer of justice for the Neutral Grounds to see this man dead. Or just turned over. He was feeling pretty generous today.

    Nat casually followed behind the man, seeing where he would turn and fortunately it was through the alleys he knew like the palm of his hand. From his bag, he pulled out his hooded cloak and wore it over his clothes and his sword right after and lurked in the shadows. From there, as the man was going through his loot, he called out to him "You know he you shouldn't be stealing." and threw his chained blade at the man's shoulder, recalling it back immediately as soon as it hit anything. "However I'm feeling generous today, so why don't you leave those behind and run. Or I kill you." he continued as he stepped out from behind the darkness, blade at the ready on his side in case the man made any funny movements.

    WC: 496
    Nat: 496
    Thread: 3,993
    @Mythal Ragnos @Trinity


    Matters of the Soul Nat_siggy
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    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 6th June 2022, 5:32 pm

    529/4026 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal was lacking in his ability to use magic but that didn’t mean his senses weren’t still above that of a normal human being. He would be able to smell whoever approached him far before they were upon him, given his innate Slayer abilities. And he wasn’t very surprised when, as he made his way down the alleyways and away from the bustling outcrops of people and stores, a singular scent trailed after him. Of course he played the part of not noticing it, fully committed to being the hapless thief until the last possible moment. It was a flashback to his days before the Rune Knights, before Fairy Tail… the Slayer had stolen quite a number of things to survive during his years on the road. It wasn’t exactly a pleasant memory but one that served even now.

    He was crouched over his treasure as the smell got closer. He continued to act as if he wasn’t acutely aware of the approaching man until a voice cut through the darkness. It informed him that he shouldn’t be stealing and Mythal froze just long enough to reach to his belt and grab the katana he’d stashed there. In one fluid motion, he turned, bringing the blade out from the hilt and bringing it directly in line with the approaching chained blade, knocking it aside. Glowing lights within the steel flickered aggressively from the impact but returned to a stable blue as the Rune Knight Director used the turn to get to his feet. He stared into the darkness as Nathaniel Stratford emerged from the shadows, stating that he was feeling generous and was willing to let Mythal leave if he forgot what he’d stolen.

    The Slayer idly glanced over his shoulder at the minimal effects. “Ya know…” he started, as he held the katana away from his body but still rather casually, almost unguarded. “Even for a cheap ploy that I arranged with the store owner, I was hopin’ to grab at least a few interestin’ things. Toothpaste and medicine ain’t exactly at the top of my list.” With a disgruntled sigh, he turned his gaze back to Nat. “I’ve only been to the Neutral Grounds once, years ago. I actually liked the feelin’ at the time -- not feelin’ the stupid cursed magic I had. I almost felt normal. But knowin’ I had to come back here, I realized I couldn’t exactly come unprepared. I rely on a lot of magic, even a magic sword, so I was kinda comin’ into this without much benefit, ya know? You been huntin’ here for some time now so ya know the area and the layout better than I do. Luckily the Engineerin’ department had a few toys ready to craft for me to use.” He twisted the katana slightly, a move that stated that the weapon was one such creation.

    “Nathaniel Stratford,” he said, identifying the man. “Name’s Mythal Ragnos -- Rune Knight. I’m gonna need you to put your weapon down and surrender peacefully. Your days of senseless murder are over. I don’t want to make this any more difficult than it already is. So be smart and drop the sword.”

    HP: x/y
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    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 5th July 2022, 6:38 am

    Nat held his weapon loosely, ready to throw it again or for a long drawn out close fight. The weapon was blocked with speed and timing that as if he knew Nat was coming. He tried not to show his shock and caution as the man spoke to him, saying that the robbery was staged. Moving his eyes to look at the bag, there really were just some toothpaste and medicine. Only then did Nat consider the possibility that the Rune Knights are stepping up their game in trying to apprehend a man from the Neutral Grounds. The shiny looking katana the man had swung would also allude to that fact.

    But if this is in fact an attempt to capture him, he would do his best to avoid that. He had made a promise to Trinity that they would meet again in Hargeon, and he can't really do that locked up in some prison. No, he had to get away from this man and killing him isn't really an option. He was a Rune Knight, a law man. They uphold the same justice he does albeit with less efficient and effective methods than his. He turned around to make his escape, but was stunned at how well the Rune Knights know of his activities. Well, as well as they could with their narrow-minded view, calling Nat a criminal. Furthermore, the man introduced himself to be one Mythal Ragnos. He had been a guild mage long enough to know that the Ragnos name carried weight within their ranks. Though he knew him to be not as talkative as this. Nat turned his head slightly to acknowledge him.

    At this moment, he has had second thoughts about the true identity of this man. How could he be certain he is who he says he is? It's not like either of them could use magic as they are in the Neutral Grounds. And quite frankly, he doesn't think he'd want him to show his magic if in case he was telling the truth. Then he thought that perhaps a simple test of his physical attributes could say something about him? It's not like he had any other choice, he had already made the decision to run as again, he cannot afford to be taken to prison. He had thought about giving him another name however, given the limited amount of people he knew in his life, that might give off who he really is. No, he really just had to run now.

    Nat took another swing at 'Mythal' with his chained sword as a distraction while he took off. Through the dark alleys and smoke from the vents, Nat tried his best to evade capture, taking a page off of a criminal's playbook he once caught and almost killed had it not been for his higher up's intervention back in his days in Dies Irae. Every turn he made it took him to a far more complex route but never a dead end. His knowledge of the Grounds had become an impressive library of all the routes and activities of its criminal underbelly that he was confident he stood a chance this way. Coming up on another alley after his seventh turn, he climbed up a fire escape ladder with ease and speed after which he pulled up the said ladder to increase the chances of him escaping.

    Nat had taken the chase up on the roof where he can be seen, yes, but it's also a place where he can just as easily disappear back down to the alleyways. In truth, he just needed to get up there to get a bearings on where he needed to go, the Grounds' train station where he could make his way to Hargeon. He would not have earned enough money for this trip, but at this point he has no choice. It's now or never.

    WC: 652
    Nat: 1,148
    @Trinity @Mythal Ragnos


    Matters of the Soul Nat_siggy
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    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 7th August 2022, 4:37 pm

    635/4661 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    There was no answer from the murderous former member of Dies Irae, his silence deafening. Mythal held the man’s gaze with a cold, determined stare, awaiting for some kind of noise or sound. His magic may have been temporarily cut off but his superhuman senses were still, to a point, above the normal margin of someone without magic. And something didn’t feel right, which was unsurprising. Nathaniel had operated this entire time without getting caught, mostly because he’d found ways to avoid capture. His slip up here was just that -- a temporary slip up and if Mythal didn’t catch him here and now, he would learn from his mistake. Finding him a second time would prove more work than he really wanted to put into the matter.

    “Don’t,” Mythal warned the other man, only a second or so before Nathaniel swung his blade at him. The God Slayer shifted his katana up quick enough to deflect the blade away from his body but it bought the former guild member the time he needed to turn and dash into the closest alley. “Son of a bitch,” Mythal cursed as he took off in pursuit. His lack of knowledge about the Neutral Grounds’ layout, though, was proving disadvantageous, robbing him of the benefit he’d had before. It took him a few turns to realize that if he was truly chasing Nathaniel, he couldn’t tell. Growling, he decided that the best option was to get up on the rooftops and see if he could at least tail him from there. He turned down a thinner alleyway and then leapt up, bouncing back and forth between the two sides of the pathway. He grabbed ahold of the edge of the roof and pulled himself up quickly, running to the edge in front of him and stepping up to look around.

    There were dozens of cracks between the buildings, some wide enough for streets and others for thin alleyways. He frowned as his eyes scanned roof after roof, trying to get an idea of where to start. Acting more out of instinct than any methodical plan, he took off in one direction, taking his time as he leapt from one building to another. As luck would have it, Nathaniel himself popped up on the roof as well, appearing most likely to figure out his next step. He was only a few buildings away, though if he was quick enough, he would be able to disappear into another alley and take off before Mythal even caught up to him.

    “Lux!” he called as he changed direction and headed towards Nathaniel.

    In a flash of light and movement, the Lightbringer appeared in the air beside him. “What’s up, Mythal?”

    “Distract that guy and track him. He’s the one that Thana wants.”

    Lux grinned. “Well why didn’t ya say so?” The full figured man disappeared into a beam of light that zipped up into the air and then swiftly came crashing down in front of Nathaniel, exploding in a shower of crackling sparks and sound. The Seal reappeared in his humanoid form, stepping out of the shower in front of the former guild member. “How’s it going, goldy? I’m going to need you to stay right where you are!” Should Nathaniel ignore the orders of the spirit, Lux would sigh dramatically and then teleport next to him, floating in the air akin to that of a ghost. And indeed, even swinging at him with a weapon would find it go right through his ethereal body without any impact, though Lux would certainly make noises like he was in pain, if only for comical effect. But more importantly, this gave Mythal a direct connection to Nathaniel, as even without his magic, he could sense where Lux was and follow it right to his target.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 25,849

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    First Skill: Inquisition
    Second Skill: Cheesecake
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 6th September 2022, 6:06 am

    Nat's head start was short lived for as he jumped, spun, climbed, and slid through the roofs of the Grounds' buildings, a beam of light crashed down in front of him as he just swung off a pipe from a water tower. It stopped the man right then and there as he begun to question how it was possible for this being to be here. I thought magic can't be used here? he thought to himself before looking around to see where the man with the katana was and while he was at it, he confirmed the direction he needed to head to get to the train station. Fortunately, he was still a good number of building behind and the man made of light seems to be doing nothing so he decided to just shove him aside and continue running with high hopes as he also saw that the train station is not far ahead of him. Just a few more moments before he can be with Trinity again.

    So he ran, ran as fast he could, all the while he thought of how... easy it was to get away from the man. As if he didn't have to shove someone away. And now that he thought of it, he felt no real resistance with the man's body, as if his hand just went through thin air. He shook his head however, he had no time to waste his thoughts on his captors for more than a minute. He cannot afford to be captured. Which was easier said than done because apparently, the man made of thin air is back and has continued to pester Nathaniel, possibly giving his position away to the other knight. Nat decided that he had enough of this annoying creature and draw his sword at him, screaming as he ferociously swung his blade out of anger.

    He would however find himself becoming angrier as he saw with clear eyes than his blade did nothing as well. A spirit... he muttered beneath his panting. From the looks of it, there's no  shaking the annoying floating thing on the rooftops. He decided it was time to loose them in the crowds down on the streets. He swung his sword once more, aiming for a steam vent to create a smoke screen, loosing what remained of his armor on the roof, making loud clanking noises to mask his descent to the streets.

    Now on the streets, Nat took of the remainder of his clothes and pulled out a new set of pants, shirt, coat and fedora that had the smell of the grilled cheese sandwich he made for himself stuck to them. He put those article on and continued walking amongst the populace. Trying his best to blend in, going shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the citizens who were making their way to the train station. Nat knew the moment he stepped on the train and it left the Neutral Grounds, the knight's magic would be able to take him out no sweat. He had to think of a plan to not be seen...

    WC: 518
    Nat: 1,666
    @Trinity @Mythal Ragnos


    Matters of the Soul Nat_siggy
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    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 8th September 2022, 7:17 pm

    885/5546 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Tracking a man on the rooftops was not hard, especially for the likes of Lux. Given his ability to float, it was exceptionally easy to simply fly beside the fleeing criminal, grinning that classic, mocking grin that he oh so often liked to bear. Knowing that Nathaniel was someone that Thana had asked for personally, he wasn’t about to let up the chase, now wanting nothing more than to impress the dangerous minx. The former Dies Irae grew outwardly frustrated as Lux continued to hover beside him. “So what’s your deal? I don’t really pay much attention to what Mythal and the rest talk about, unless it directly involves or circulates me. You’re like… a vigilante or something? I can respect that; murdering humans is always a noble profession, I get it.” Nathaniel swung his sword several times in a fury, the blade easily passing through the Lightbringer as if he wasn’t even there. Of course, that didn’t mean Lux wasn’t going to act it up; dramatically jerking his body to each side that the sword swung. He yelped and gargled, putting his hands against his chest and wiggling his fingers to imitate blood squirting out.

    But it was clear that nothing was actually hurting him and Nathaniel seemed to pick up on that. His wild swings came to a halt as he tried to come up with an alternative. Lux was about to taunt the man further when the former legal guild mage swung his sword again -- only this time it wasn’t at the Seal directly. Instead, the sword sliced through a steam vent that had been sealed and upon cutting the metal open, a plume of thick smoke erupted out from the whole directly up and into Lux. “Ahh!” he yelped in surprise as he disappeared into the thick steam, hacking and coughing as he dramatically waved his hands to try and clear away the deterrent.

    That bought Nathaniel precious time to relieve himself of his armor and dash down towards the street once more. Mythal was far enough behind that he would only catch the far figure of Nathaniel disappearing beside a pillar of steam. The former guild mage donned his disguise and slipped into the crowd walking along the street, slowing his pace and clearly trying to get lost in the numerous men and women moving about. It was a brilliant tactic and there was little doubt that when and if Mythal caught up, it would have made it impossible to pick him out. As Nathaniel walked, another, seemingly neutral person was walking in the same direction. He was dressed in a business suit, looking completely disinterested in the world around him and focused on whatever business task was at hand.

    The illusion, however, only covered the front of the man -- the portion that Nathaniel could see. Utilizing his abilities as a Seal, Lux had clearly twisted the light around him to disguise his front self. Given that he only had limited control of his strength back, he couldn’t complete the illusion fully over but it was enough to make him look completely different from the front forward, which is exactly where he kept Nathaniel. He would follow behind him without incident, all the way to the train station, making sure the vigilante was in front of him but without showing any interest in him.

    Mythal, meanwhile, had slid to a stop near the discarded armor, glancing around to try and spot Nathaniel or even Lux. He could still sense the Seal’s presence in the relative proximity but he couldn’t quite pinpoint it. Apparently Neutral Ground’s complete lack of ethernano was stronger than he anticipated. That or Lux was intentionally disguising himself for the sake of amusement. There truly was no telling which way it could be going. “Damnit Lux, where are you at?” the Rune Knight grumbled as he continued along the rooftop.

    It wasn’t until they reached the train that Lux finally chose to act. He knew that Mythal was fast normally but without the aid of his magic, there would be no catching up to the locomotive. And as much as he wanted to keep toying and playing with Nathaniel, it was far more important to him to capture the man and bring him back to Thana sooner rather than later. Just before Nathaniel was able to take his step onto the train, bright chains made of light would erupt from the overhanging lamps of the platform. Swiftly they would wrap around the man’s arms and legs and hoist him up into the air, cinching his limbs tight to make sure he couldn’t wriggle free. Chuckling, Lux stepped out from the shocked and surprised crowd and dismissed his illusion so he could look up at Nathaniel.

    “You’re a quick one, I’ll give you that. But it’ll take something a bit thicker than steam to keep a Seal distracted,” he stated bemusingly. He reconnected the link between him and Mythal, allowing the Rune Knight to find him once more as he stepped up to the former guild mage and looked him up and down. “So you’re the one that put the baby in Thana. Gotta tell you, bucko -- I’m a bit jealous. Here I was hoping to knock her up myself but guess you got some powerful swimmers, huh?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 25,849

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    Second Skill: Cheesecake
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 3rd October 2022, 4:12 am

    Freedom. It was almost in the old crusader's reach. Nathaniel's plan had seemingly worked and he could see no sign of any more pursuers as he neared the train. Though, it was somewhat for the lack of trying. In an attempt to seem less conspicuous, Nat had avoided looking around too much and kept his head straight, only relying on his peripheral vision to see anything that wasn't in front of him and his pace equal to that of the crowd. He then had the thought that, given his pace, anyone who would be after him would have caught him by now, right? Such thought only served to nourish his hubris.

    A few more minutes in, after having spent a good amount of time in the queue for train tickets, Nat had finally acquired one for himself. The money he had saved to purchase a reserve ticket that was meant for a later date had gone to waste, but luckily the money he had left was enough to buy another one.

    Having gone through the gate and onto the platform, the train to Nat's freedom was within reach. Just a few steps more, and with every step he took more and more thoughts of Trinity filled his mind, and though each memory, each aspiration was sweeter than the last, with the promises he had made being highlighted in this mental reel, his hubris grew with it. Nat had become sloppy in his efforts to blend in. Even going so far as to just take a seat and take off his hat while waiting for the train.

    Once the train had arrived, Nat calmly stood up and walked towards the doors as if no one had been following him this entire time. His hubris at its peak and his mind filled with all things related to Trinity. He was going to see her again. But before his lifted leg's foot could even touch the train's ramp, he had been caught in some chains made of light. The man was shocked to be sure, he had thought he would still be safe in the non-magical zone of the Grounds. The golden chains held on to him tightly and lifted him up to the air.

    He struggled for as much as he could reaching out with his hands for the train's rail whilst his legs kicked about. Now the man's thoughts were slowly being erased of the wholesome thoughts from earlier and in their place all the horrendous trials and tribulations he went through, making him angry. The rage he once had while staying in the murder alleys he called home returned manifesting itself in spine chilling roars and screams.

    Finally, he had seen his captor, and gloat as he might Nat heard nothing. He vision focused upon the spirit. Everything around it was black and no sound could be heard. He just wanted to kill him. To be released from his bonds and get back to his mission despite his lack of magically enhanced strength necessary to break free.

    However, there was one thing the spirit said that Nat heard. Or rather, he saw from the movement of his lips, that he uttered a name. A terrible name that had started Nat's downfall in life. Thana. He had heard that name uttered so many times he had memorized the movements the lips would make in order to utter the accursed word. It seemingly calmed him down. 'They know Thana...' he thought.

    Considering who the person after him was. Perhaps these people would take him to her, and then she can finally kill the wretch. Yes, that would could work. Finally cross that off his to-do list. With having a new mission, the man calmed down, feigning surrender and despair. "You know Thana? Do you know where she is?" he said in a sad tone.

    WC: 642
    Nat: 2308
    @Trinity @Mythal Ragnos


    Matters of the Soul Nat_siggy
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 4th October 2022, 11:07 am


    It hadn’t taken Mythal very long at all to follow up on Thana’s requests. That came as little surprise, though not because he was eager to do her bidding. She knew he merely understood the gravity of the situation, and that there was no way of knowing what was to come or how important – or dangerous – any of what she was asking of him was. The only way he was going to get answers was to look into the things she advised him of, for better or worse. As such, the director left not long after she settled herself down on the cot, happy to rest in patient anticipation of what was to come.

    “WAKE UP!” Despite the urgency with which Aeron was yelling at her, Thana’s gaze fluttered open slowly as though she were being roused by little more than a soft word and a gentle touch. Standing above her was Aeron, looking down at her in a wide eyed state of panic. “What did you do?!”

    “Well, you’re in an even more frantic state than usual.”

    “What did you do?!” The brunette was not going to be disregarded, persisting in her demand for answers. She gestured wildly to their surroundings “Are we in jail?!”

    Aeron could only watch as Thana stretched and sat up carefully on the bed with an almost bored yawn. “We are. In the maximum security holdings of the main Rune Knight headquarters in Era, in fact.”

    Each word made the brunette visibly more upset. “How?!”

    “Oh, I turned myself in, darling.”

    “You-” Aeron cut herself off, drawing a deep breath through her nostrils as anger and horror rippled through her. “That’s it? You turned yourself in, just like that? You weren’t arrested in the middle of… of nuking a senate building or… eating all the children at an elementary school? You just walked up the front steps to the Rune Knights and held out your hands?!”

    “Actually, that’s pretty much exactly what happened, yes.”


    Thana shrugged, unperturbed by her companion’s outburst. “Believe me or not. It makes no difference to the truth.”

    “But why?!”

    “The time has come to answer for our crimes, Aeron.”

    The brunette scoffed angrily, clearly not buying the new turn of leaf nonsense that Thana was selling. “Well isn’t that just convenient. What are they going to do to us?! Answer me!”

    Inspecting her nails and picking out a little dirt  from beneath them, Thana continued to remain calm. “They have not given a sentence yet, but with my laundry list of crimes that you have been accessory to… I suspect execution.” She ficked her amber gaze up to Aeron, a small and dangerous smile playing on her lips.

    All at once, Aeron’s world came crashing down around her. There was a roaring sound in her ears as she slipped into a fully realized panic. Thana was, once more, trying to get both of them killed, only this time it was very likely she would succeed.

    Spurned by her fear, Aeron practically flung herself at the wall of the cell, beating her fist on it. “MYTHAL!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “MYTHAL? ANYONE? GET ME OUT OF HERE!!” She continued to yell and hit the barrier of their container, with Thana chuckling the entire time, until several soldiers with weapons drawn came rushing out into the room.

    The lieutenant stared at Aeron in confusion. “Who the hell are you? How did you get into that cell?!”


    Before she could even finish pleading, the lieutenant’s gaze drifted to the rest of the cell, finding it empty. His eyes snapped wide and he practically swallowed his radio as he brought it to his mouth. “CODE RED! ALL HANDS ON DECK! THE WARLORD IS NOT IN HER CELL! SHUT DOWN THE COMPOUND! NOTIFY THE FIELD MARSHAL AND THE DIRECTOR! ENABLE ALL SAFETY PROTOCOLS AND CHECK THE SECURITY FOOTAGE!”[/color] The entire building was blaring a red hot alarm, full lights and sirens across the complex as the soldiers broke into action.

    Aeron turned to look in the cell, only to find Thana still sitting on the bed with a knowing smirk on her face, practically glowing from the chaos. “NO, STOP! SHE’S RIGHT HERE! SHE’S RIGHT…” They couldn’t see Thana. Why couldn’t they see her? “Stop hiding from them! Show yourself?”

    “I’m not hiding, Aeron. They just can’t see me anymore. The only one they see is you.”

    A couple soldiers surrounded the cell, causing Aeron to back up frightfully toward the center. “Identify yourself! Tell us where Thana went!”

    “She’s right here! Right here! She’s just playing some stupid trick to put you all in a panic!”

    “Stop lying to us! Our system has already confirmed that there is only one person in the cell, and that’s you. Now tell us where she is!”

    “I-” Aeron was at a total loss of what to do. The soldiers were just looking at her like she was crazy, or worse like she had played some part in Thana’s supposed escape. None of them would believe her. Why would they? She was just some dark mage, the accomplice of a murderous psychopath. Tears started pouring down her face as she pleaded with them. “Get Mythal! Please, I need his help! I need to talk to Mythal RIGHT NOW!”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 940/3973 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos @Nathaniel Stratford


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 13th October 2022, 1:25 pm

    1151/6697 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    “Well that was a pain in the ass.”

    Mythal walked through the front doors of the Rune Knight main facility, looking about as glum as he usually did. He had Nathaniel in magic dampening cuffs, wrapped around his wrists behind his back with the Director holding them by their middle joint. He gave Valorie a quick wave as he turned the captive down the hall towards processing. “Ya know there was a time I would have liked to live in the Neutral Grounds and not hafta deal with magic. Ain’t feelin’ that anymore.”

    “I dunno, it felt kind of good to be the stronger one for once. You know, until I overwhelm your soul and take control of you,” Lux remarked as he flashed into existence. He was floating in the air like he was lying upon a moving river, just in front of Nathaniel with a wicked glint in his eye. “At least I was able to capture our guest of honor. Once I name dropped Thana, he was all too willing to give up. That doesn’t mean he has a thing for her, right?”

    Mythal didn’t answer. He highly doubted Nathaniel’s curiosity had anything to do with any kind of affection for the Warlord. If anything, the former guild mage probably wanted to enact justice upon the woman that had essentially taken advantage of him. He glanced at Nathaniel, a look of somber studying on his face. “A lotta recruits from Dies Irae joined Rune Knights after the guild went under. Of course, some of them also became as corrupt as the mages they used to hunt,” he spoke softly. “I ain’t gonna pretend I know what happened to ya, Nathaniel, but there ain’t no excuse for killin’ people over every little crime. Murderin’ em is more like it.”

    Lux shrugged. “So what’s a couple of dead humans? Sounds like he was just taking out the nastier ones. Figured you Rune Knights would appreciate that.”

    “Ya thought wrong. We ain’t about executin’ people over even the smallest crime. We ain’t even that supportive of killin’ unless we have no other choice.”

    “I hear you, I do,” Lux said, sitting up. “But don’t you think it’s ironic in a way? I don’t really know the timing of it all but… what if you not killing Thana when you had a chance is what led us to all of this? I know you tried but you could have gone and double checked. In a way, you bear some responsibility for dear old murderin’ mage’s actions.” What came across as a barbed insult was actually just an observation. Lux’s tone seemed far more curious than insulting.

    Mythal nodded. “Probably.” He also didn’t quite know how the timelines matched up but given how pregnant Thana was, it was either before or after finding Nathaniel that he eventually ran into her. He supposed if he asked Thana she would probably tell him, though she may also just try and spin it for her own amusement. “I ain’t got a clue why she wants to talk to you; I imagine it’s ‘bout the kid. So best to just… prepare yourself for that.”

    What he couldn’t prepare Nathaniel or even himself for was the sudden squeal of the alarm system activating. The bright light that came in through the windows was quickly countered by the flashing red sirens that filled the entirety of the hallway. Mythal came to a sudden stop, looking around in obvious concern. “Maybe it’s something else?” Lux asked in a semi-sarcastic tone.

    “Sure, just as we happen to arrive. Just fuckin’ coincidence, Lux,” Mythal snapped back at the Lightbringer. Thana had led him on a fool’s errand it looked like. Lashing out with his free arm, he snapped his fingers in front of them and opened a swirling portal of darkness. “Sorry Nathaniel, we’re gonna have to skip processin’ for the moment,” he said as he quickly pushed the former guild mage into the spiraling darkness.

    The other side of the portal would open right outside the cell that had once held Thana. Both he and Nathaniel arrived, the Rune Knight Director snapping his attention towards the cell in question. His agitation, his anger, was all swept up in confusion and concern as there, standing where the Warlord should be, was Aeron. “Aeron?” he asked confusingly.

    “Sir!” The Rune Knight lieutenant snapped around to look at the Director. “This woman was in the cell when I came by. There’s no sign of Thana anywhere!”

    “That woman is a friend of mine,” Mythal said, shoving Nathaniel towards one of the other Rune Knights to hold. He quickly approached the cell but his steps slowed as he got closer, now taking in Aeron fully. She was… extremely pregnant. In fact, it was safe to say that she was as close to term as Thana had been.

    “We’re getting the video lacrima footage momentarily,” the lieutenant continued as he walked up beside Mythal.

    Mythal’s gaze lingered on Aeron’s stomach before slowly tracing up to her face. The look of fear on her wrenched his soul but no doubt the horror on his own was just as telling. The pieces that had been scattered were coming together, somehow fitting with one another like he never would have expected. His first mission with her, the subsequent conversations that he’d had with her when he went to visit her. And then her long period of missing. She had smelled exactly like Thana, her magic had reeked of the same magical wavelength -- something he’d never forget. Her reasoning made sense at the time and now, seeing the confusion and terror on her face, he knew that she had truly believed it. It had been real to her and that’s why he hadn’t sensed her lying.

    “Aeron…” he said softly, pressing a hand up against the cell.

    “She claims that Thana is still in the cell with her and--” the lieutenant was trying to provide as much information to Mythal as possible. But his words came to a sudden halt as the surveillance footage came up and showed exactly what had happened. “Oh my Gods…”

    Mythal didn’t need to see it to know what had happened, though he still turned his head to look at it. It all had clicked into place before but the hard evidence was right there on the screen. An unimaginable situation that he never could have fathomed, that Aeron herself probably never even considered…

    Aeron was Thana. Thana was Aeron. They were one in the same.

    Two sides of the same body. Multiple personalities that each had their own look, somehow manifested by her magic. Mythal reached over and took the datapad from the lieutenant.

    “Aeron… I’m so sorry,” he said softly. He looked down at the pad and rewound the footage, turning it about so the screen was facing her. “I’m so… fuckin’ sorry.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 19th November 2022, 12:10 am

    Dead silent. That's all Nathaniel was as he feigned being dragged across cities for he was uninterested in what Mythal had to say. All he cared about was that they can bring him to Thana, and kill her himself. All that speech of what he was doing was wrong, while heard, was not taken to heart. So much so that despite how much he disagreed with the Rune Knight, there wasn't so much as sound off of him. Just the man with his head down being pulled by his cuffs. His entire being was to prepare himself for the chance to drive anything through Thana everything else was a blurry image or a muffled sound. He was about to have vengeance and justice.

    However, he could not help but overhear some of Mythal and Lux's conversation given how loud the spirit was. In fact, throughout their entire walk, the only moment a part of his body aside from his legs moved was when his head snapped just a bit to the mention of their kid. What's sad about this entire exchange is that Nathaniel didn't even hear any other word, just kid as if he needs any more reminding of that one... event.

    Next thing he knew, alarms were blaring. It was accompanied by the flashing or red lights and a change in the behavior of every Rune Knight. The crusader may not have been from the Rune Knights but any man with sense could easily piece together what has happened. Thana got out, and whatever mere errand she had Mythal doing was just so he would leave the building. For the first time since his capture, Nat looked up and made eye contact with his captor. A glaring gaze was paired with a sly smirk on his face, as if to make a mockery of their system.

    Soon after, Mythal had opened some kind of dark rift. Seeing his magic concerned Nat though he dared not let it show. Had he engaged in open combat anywhere else with the Rune Knight, he didn't think he'd last even a minute. He didn't know what the display of magic was for though. Could it be that because Thana escaped that he was of no use now? Was he about to be killed? Had he inspired the death sentence on these spineless cops' leader? No, that couldn't be it. He didn't looked the type to be easily swayed. It showed in his eyes when he looked at him as he was being pushed in the dark magical spell. And also because Mythal went in with him.

    Apparently the spell was a portal and Nat took a quick look around and found themselves in their holding cells. Nat was shoved to be held by one of Mythal's subordinates as he assessed the situation which he did not pay attention to except there's still a woman in that cell that held Thana but it wasn't quite her. He thought that it must be another one of the vile woman's tricks so he boiled it all down that he was close to Thana now.

    Nathaniel assessed the person of the Rune Knight holding him. He had a weapon with him he can use and planned to take it from him to use against the bane of every living thing, perhaps even dead things. He positioned his leg across the knight's slowly, and his cuffed hands just beside one of the holder's. Instantly he pulled him down and sweeping his leg to make him fall on the floor. Once down, Nat grabbed his weapon and dashed towards the cell to try and kill Thana.

    WC: 608
    Nat: 2916
    @Trinity @Mythal Ragnos


    Matters of the Soul Nat_siggy
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 2nd December 2022, 8:52 pm


    No matter how much she screamed and yelled for Mythal, the knights refused to listen to a word she said. All she could do was stand there and sob, pleading with them to listen and getting absolutely nowhere with it, trapped inside an impenetrable cage that cut her off from her magic, isolating her with the one woman that Aeron feared and hated most.

    And then, as if by some miracle, her prayer was answered and the Rune Knight director quite literally appeared practically out of nowhere, hurrying into the room with the spectral figure of Lux hot on his heels. Aeron barely even registered the blonde prisoner that was with them, his hands shackled in cuffs. “MYTHAL!” Aeron practically wailed in relief as she put her hands up against the barrier that separated them, her tears renewed as he approached and put his own hand on the other side. “Please, get me out of here! I didn’t do anything wrong, I promise I didn’t do anything! I can’t stay in here, please! Put me in another cell if you have to, but you know I can’t stay in here…”

    Mythal was the only one who actually knew her, who knew why she feared Thana and how much danger she was in from sharing a cage with the woman. He would believe her.. He had to! He was the only one that ever would..! She waited in teary suspense, practically trying to mold herself to the anti-magic barrier that made up the wall of her cell to get as far from Thana as possible, the dark haired mage cackling madly where she sat. One of the lieutenants approached with a handheld device that supposedly had access to the security footage, and apparently whatever he saw on it had stopped the man cold in his tracks. Her cerulean eyes were wide with anxiety as the device was passed to Mythal and it was with a soft and heartbroken countenance that he apologized to her.

    “W-what… why are you…” An ominous foreboding washed over her, a sudden sense of dread turning a knot deep inside of her stomach. With a renewed apology, he turned the screen to her and Aeron watched with rapidly increasing horror as she saw Thana morph into Aeron. “No.. No, that’s a trick! She’s trying to drag me down with her, to get me killed! That’s not…” Her voice trailed off as the video continued and soon she saw and heard herself speaking the parts of the conversation that she remembered having with Thana, at the point where Aeron had assumed control of the body.

    But the final nail in the coffin, the piece that made the situation completely and utterly undeniable, was somehow far more terrifying than even that knowledge. Aeron was about to protest, to continue to insist that Thana was merely playing a trick, but as she looked down she caught sight of her swollen belly. She said not a word, but her fright was palpable as the full weight of the truth cut through her, the brunette staring at her body like it was a completely foreign entity as her limbs shook violently.

    And it was at that moment where a flash of moment caught her attention as the prisoner, having somehow managed to arm himself, came racing at her with a sword drawn. He would never be able to get through the magical walls that imprisoned her on all sides, but the violent approach startled her all the same, and with a shriek she stumbled further back in the cell until her back was against the far wall. “Leave me alone!” she screamed at the unknown man as she shrank into herself. Aeron didn’t know who this guy was, but she could only assume it was someone that Thana had fucked with in some way. “I’ve never done anything to you! I don’t even know who you are, just LEAVE ME ALONE!”

    Aeron frantically started banging her fists on the barrier once more, completely taken over by hysterics as she threw herself from wall to wall in desperation like a caged and wounded animal. Over and over she screamed to be let out, wanting nothing more than to run and just keep running until this entire ordeal was behind her, hoping and praying that this was all just some awful nightmare that she would wake from at any moment. But of course, it wasn’t. It was real. All of it was real, and the weight of it was crushing her. Soon, she couldn’t breathe, the woman slumping to the ground in the corner with her hand to her chest, desperately trying to swallow down air as she wailed with such force and volume that her vocal chords were likely being damaged in the process.

    She clutched her head in her hands and let her sorrow consume her until it was all she knew, the sound of her own sobbing and wheezing drowning out the rest of the world around her. Even as they watched, her hair grew out and took on two distinct tones of color, one side brown and the other pink. Even the sound of her voice changed, and while she was still only crying it wouldn’t sound anything like Aeron’s at all, but rather that of a more effeminate and timid woman. Trinity rocked back and forth in her place, so caught up in her anxiety that she didn’t even stop to ask herself why she was crying in the first place. All she knew was that she was afraid, that something or someone was trying to harm her, kill her even. And as she clutched her fingers tightly into her hair, she said only one word, wailed piteously like some plea to a higher power that had the power to come and rescue her…

    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 976/4949 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos @Nathaniel Stratford


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd December 2022, 2:31 pm

    967/7664 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    “Well that was a pain in the ass.”

    This was a living nightmare.

    Never in his wildest dreams had Mythal ever imagined how close he had been to Thana the entire time. Worse yet was the fact that despite how close she was, he couldn’t bring himself to feel overwhelming rage and hatred like he should. How could he? Her and Aeron shared a body, quite literally trading places and consciousnesses like one would swap clothing. And Aeron wasn’t even aware of it; she knew that Thana existed and clearly still saw her but she didn’t know that they were one in the same form. Two distinct personalities, with their own goals, desires and demons but still unmistakably linked by both body and experience.

    All he felt was sorrow. Aeron was one of his friends, perhaps one of the closest ones he’d ever had. A woman that he felt a strong connection to, only just under the one he felt towards Serilda. They had bonded quickly and only continued to form their friendship over the years they knew one another. To see her pressing herself against the cage, practically trying to force the magical force field to melt away and let her free, was killing him. But the fact that one of his worst enemies lay deep within her subconscious gave him pause to just outright freeing her. And that gutted him to his very core. She refused the truth at first, even with the video playing before her face and who could blame her? If this was a nightmare for him, then it was the deepest ring of Hell for her. He watched as she looked down at her stomach, the realization beginning to creep in and infect her with the horrifying truth. Gods, did it kill him.

    His nerves were on high alert so when Nathaniel made a ruckus behind him, Mythal’s head was already swiveling around. The former guild mage had tripped up the Rune Knight holding him, grabbed the sword from its belt and was making a direct line for Aeron. Of course, there was no penetrating the shield with any kind of weaponry but Mythal’s emotions were far too raw in the moment to rationalize that. All he saw was this man rushing one of his only friends in the world at her lowest point. A surge of magical energy rushed out from his core, wrapping him in bright light and deep darkness. A manifestation of his shadow rushed up and broke the sword into pieces, rendering the weapon nothing but a hilt in his hands. At the same time, Mythal kicked Nathaniel in the leg, using almost the entirety of his strength to knock him forward. And then his hand snapped out, grabbed the former guild mage by the back of his neck and slammed him into the ground hard.

    In most normal cases, he would not have used such brute force. Nathaniel would be lucky to not have any kind of broken parts of his face, given that the floor depressed under the impact of his driven body. But Mythal’s knee was already on Nathaniel’s back and he was pulling him up by the collar, even as tendrils of dark and light wrapped around his legs and feet to keep him from escaping. “Are you some kind of STUPID?!” he roared in Nathaniel’s ear. “Look at that woman,” he said, pointing at Aeron with his free hand, even as she began to break down. “That is not Thana! She is a woman who has scratched and clawed her entire life to make something of herself and has been brought back into the darkness because of that bitch. Are you so blinded by your hatred that you can’t even see the difference?!”

    The rest of the Rune Knights were stone silent as Mythal unleashed his own frustrations on the prisoner. And watching Aeron throw herself around the cage that he all-too-much wanted to free her from only made things worse. “Do you even understand what the fuck is happenin’? No, you’re too busy tryin’ to put yourself and others in danger without takin’ a second thought. You’re no fuckin’ better than Thana!”

    A cruel comparison but one he really couldn’t help himself from making at the moment. Furious tears threatened to escape from the corners of his eyes as he glared down at Nathaniel, all of his formality gone and his raw, emotional rage trying to force him to hurt Nathaniel more. All he wanted to do was to bash the idiot’s head against the floor. But he didn’t -- somewhere deep inside, he knew that while part of his anger was justifiably pointed to Nathaniel, he was hardly to blame for the hellish situation they were in. He just didn’t understand how deep the rabbit hole went until he scoffed dismissively at Nathaniel and let him drop to the ground, standing back up. He was already turning to move towards the prison cell again when he abruptly stopped, watching as Aeron… changed. Though curled into a tight ball, heaving and crying hysterically, the change was distinct and immediate. But it wasn’t Thana coming out of the transformation but… another woman. One with split colored-hair.

    And the only word out of her mouth was Nathaniel’s voice. “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” Mythal mumbled softly, well and truly floored. There weren’t just two of them but three. Thana, Aeron and this other woman who seemed to know Nathaniel. Stunned to silence, he could only stare in horror.

    "What the hell is going on here?” A familiar voice caught his attention. Turning quickly, he found Vandrad standing near the entryway of the prison area, arms crossed over his chest and glancing at all the faces in the room.

    Where did they even begin?

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    Nathaniel Stratford

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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 11th December 2022, 9:30 am

    He was almost there. Almost to ending it all. Everything stops with his charge. He can almost see the silhouette of his target coming out from his darkened sight. The poetic justice of one thing beginning to end something else. It was coming together for the man who had quite the year for himself. The man that was so consumed by his own journey. So much so that he forgot that there were other people in the room and those other people put him in his place.

    Next thing the crusader knew was his face being cut up. His charged slowed just a bit and his mind wandered from his singular objective. For a moment he took stock of his surroundings. Shards of cold sharp steel were flying in every direction. Something had shattered his weapon and he didn't know what it was. But before he could contemplate that, another thing had already happened. His legs were swept and he suddenly was grabbed by his neck and slammed on to the ground by the head.

    The shamed crusader was in complete shock. His mind, or whatever parts of it were still functioning after his concussive blow was not able to comprehend the speed and strength which was used upon him. Everything just shut down for him as his entire being was trying to process everything that has transpired in the span of what felt like mere seconds to him.

    While he was out, with just about a sliver of consciousness left within his being, he heard a voice scold him. He couldn't even realize it was Mythal's in his current state, just that it was familiar. It shouted at him, and asked him to look at the woman Nat was charging at. The added physical process his nearly shattered mind had to perform caused Nat to tune out everything else that the Rune Knight was telling him just so he could react to his first words. What's sadder is, that no matter how hard Nat tried, he couldn't make out the girl. It was still just a silhouette. Normally, he would contemplate his own weakness as he wallowed in the sadness of his defeat but even that he couldn't do. He was so badly injured that he had to tell what was going on by feeling the room as much as he could.

    And though the words were an incomprehensible blur to his ears and brain, he still felt sad. Like aside from his weakness, he had done a terrible mistake. Has everything he had done thus far wrong? Was there anything that can tell him? Apparently there was. As he sunk deeper to both physical and emotional damage, the phrase of him being just like Thana awoke the rage that was put to sleep by his recent beating. He would rather die than be her, to be dragged to the inconsequential evil life the wretch lived. But there was nothing he could do. His anger only made him come to just a bit to make those words sink in and think about his actions. His mistakes. As he tried to twitch free thought in the eyes of others, he wouldn't be moving at all. After his scolding, Mythal dumped his vegetable-stated husk to the floor. The drop felt longer than it should. As if the floor broke from under him to reveal deeper, darker pits to fall into. Despair, Guilt, Self-doubt were the milestones of his seemingly endless pit.

    Everything faded again. The sights, the sounds, it was the same as when he had his anger and charged at a woman that may or may not be Thana still in his eyes. But it was different. The feeling was brought about by myriad of emotions except anger. Doubt, defeat, justification, everything crashed down and melded with each other. He was going mad. Perhaps as mad as Thana must've been. Perhaps Mythal was right. Perhaps...


    He didn't know how or why, but he heard it. The voice calling out his name. A voice he really only heard once. But it was enough to open the metaphorical eyes in his mind and propel his soul of his pit as if a wellspring erupted from beneath his feet leading him back up to the light at the top of it. That as he finally reached it, his literal eyes opened and his vegetable body mustered what strength it had left to crawl up towards the cage, eyeing it once more with singular intent but his eyes held worry and hope instead.  He had hoped to not be stopped as he wailed out from the pain of his body, uttering a questioning weakly call for the name of his beloved. "Trin...? Trin...? H-h-how did you get there...?" he exclaimed as he dragged his ass towards the cage, with every inch he took making the woman now in place of the one he was just charging at clearer and clearer to be the woman he loved. But how? So he had to ask "What's... going... o-o-on... here....?"

    Nat: 3,760
    @Mythal Ragnos @Trinity


    Matters of the Soul Nat_siggy
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    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 15th March 2023, 6:06 pm


    It had been several days since the truth of Trinity had finally been unravelled, and the crushing weight of its reality had been devastating to nearly all who had heard it. Though the finer details had yet to be confirmed, the undeniable fact was that the Warlord of Mania known as Trinity was, in fact, three women sharing one body, one of whom – the one that Nathaniel had called Trinity – wasn’t even aware that the other two existed.

    She’d heard the fallen Dies Irae knight calling her name, asking how she’d gotten in the cell, begging for some kind of explanation. At first it was like she couldn’t even hear him, the woman continuing to sit curled up in a corner, sobbing into her hands and doing her best not to be overwhelmed by her fears and the ugly face of childhood trauma that was being coaxed by the cell walls around her. Once again she was trapped, caged, subject to the mercy of the ones who held the key to her freedom. It was beyond triggering, to the point that she was barely conscious of the world around her. Worse yet, there was a vein of hysteria as her wails were occasionally broken by what sounded horrifically close to the sound of Thana’s cruel laugh, lasting only for a brief and fleeting moment before it was gone once more.

    And while she said nothing else, Trinity did eventually stir enough to find the strength to crawl back over to the side of the cell where Nathaniel lay prone, resting against the wall and pressing against it with her face and hand to try and be as close to him as possible, her emotional state an absolute wreck of fear, confusion, and sorrow. She had no answers for Nate, because she didn’t know them herself. Unlike Aeron, she was still entirely ignorant of the existence of either of the other two women. She didn’t understand why she was in this cell, nor why Nat was there and looking in such a sorry state. She didn’t even know why she was crying, or why she was so terrified.

    But before long it would become apparent that Trinity was going to be there for quite some time, without changing back into either Aeron or Thana. And aside from the one time that she spoke Nathaniel’s name, she said not a word more with her actual voice – though once she had calmed down, Mythal and the Rune Knights would find her quite agreeable to questioning and interrogation, despite how nervous and emotionally wrecked she was. The only catch would be that they would require the use of either Nathaniel or someone else that understood and could translate the sign language that Nat had taught her.

    Many of the facts she shared were things that Nathaniel was already aware of, though perhaps now a great deal of the mystery was beginning to take form. Trinity would claim to suffer from persistent blackouts that often lasted for days if not weeks, many times resulting in her waking in some unknown area, covered in blood and with no knowledge of what had happened to her. Many of those times she woke to find herself surrounded by corpses that looked as though they had been maimed and abused in a number of uncomfortable fashions; practically Thana’s calling card. She would even admit to the same history as Aeron: A child of Bellum that had been thought magicless, sold into slavery by her parents, where she had been forced to fight for her survival, starved half to death with nearly the only food source being the monsters that she managed to kill. And it was from that young age that her blackouts had started occurring.

    If asked about Darius and shown the crystal gem that he inhabited, Trinity would admit to recognizing the necklace as hers but claimed that she wasn’t aware of any spirit residing within it. She could only recall hearing a disembodied male voice once, and it was several years prior, back when Elysium was still running strong. It had never spoken to her again, so she had dismissed it and all but forgotten about it.

    Unlike Aeron, Trinity did at least seem to be aware that she was pregnant, and had been aware of it for some time, though it had taken her belly starting to swell and to feel the movement within her to understand what was going on. Unfortunately, the revelation had come after she and Nathaniel had last parted ways, and she had no way to contact him. All she could do was wait for him to fulfill his promise to find her so she could seek guidance from him. But by her own account, she wasn’t sure how it had happened. Trinity admitted to not being a virgin, but the last time she’d recalled sleeping with anyone was years ago, not long after she’d come to Fiore and joined the now long since defunct dark guild, Nightmare. To the best of her knowledge, she hadn’t slept with anyone since. However, should Nathaniel either be assisting with interpretation or at least informed of the information she shared as part of his own criminal processing, he would easily be able to confirm that the timeline of her pregnancy matched up to his one night stand with Thana.

    And it was the knowledge that the child in her womb was Nat’s that finally brought her the first sense of peace that she’d felt since re-awakening. Despite everything, it drew a small smile to her lips, clearly not even a little upset that her lover had more or less cheated on her during one of her “disappearances”. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that her lack of jealousy or upset was primarily due to the fact that she clearly didn’t have a whole lot of exposure to social norms or healthy relationships. To put it simply, she didn’t understand enough about things like commitment and propriety to even consider being hurt by Nat’s actions. Presuming that someone would take the time to explain everything that was happening with her, she was clearly confused by all of it, but willing to accept and trust what Mythal, Nathaniel, or anyone else told her. Though the knowledge of sharing a body with a vile dark wizard was certainly concerning and terrifying, she was clearly doing her best to be brave and compliant with the authorities, and there was no mistaking that she was elated about the child – Nat’s child.

    A few days would pass before there were any more changes, and Mythal would receive word almost immediately from the Rune Knights when it happened: Thana was back. The dark mage had yet to say anything, remaining uncharacteristically silent in her cell, looking smug as a cat… and clearly waiting in anticipation for all that was to come next.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 1157/6106 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos @Nathaniel Stratford


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 21st May 2023, 11:48 am

    907/8571 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    It had become necessary that Mythal find a means to resolve the matter of Aeron, Trinity and Thana all sharing the same body. While the very suggestion that they could be splint was a bit mad, even to the Darkness Slayer, it had actually been Lux that had suggested a means that provided a path forward. It hadn’t been that long ago that the Lightbringer had suggested they eventually go and retrieve something known as the Soul Stone. It had been an elemental construct that had found itself on Earthland and was eventually found and held onto the first human mage, Quentin Stridor. The problem that they had run into was the fact that Quentin’s former tower was deep in Pergrande. And being a Rune Knight mage from Fiore… it wasn’t the brightest move to make any kind of moves into Pergrande at the time.

    So Mythal had put it off, promising Lux that they would go there when it wasn’t as precarious. Now with the war fully in swing, it would be ill favored to journey to the heart of the enemy. That had changed upon Thana’s capture and the revelation of the other women all trapped inside the same body. It still was dangerous and he probably should have bartered a bit more caution and consideration but there was no telling what Thana’s plan was. He’d gotten Serilda’s permission and through the use of one of her portals, Mythal and Lux had set out to Pergrande to find the tower.

    It was an interesting adventure, to say the least. And the acceptance of the Soul stone had been relatively easy, in comparison to the other lacrima that had to be ritually placed inside of him. Granted, Quentin had believed Mythal and Lux to be a danger and had attempted to keep them away, but given his state as a spirit, his powers had been severely dwindled. That and he had ritually tied himself to the Soul stone so that if someone not worthy of its power did attempt to take it, Quentin would have a few tricks up his sleeve. Luckily, Mythal had argued his case and swayed the Sage’s belief. With permission, he had taken in the Soul stone and returned home so that he could attune to the stone properly.

    There was a lot about the Soul stone that he had to uncover. But his focus had been, firstly, on finding a way to split a soul into separate bodies. That had been his main purpose and he’d explained as much to Quentin during his pleas to gain the magical construct. So that is what Quentin helped him learn; perhaps one of the hardest spells that one could attempt to master through the use of the Soul stone. During the short time period he had, not much changed in terms of Trinity, the more quiet soul remaining on the surface while she was incarcerated. It was after several days without incident that the news came; Thana had returned. She hadn’t caused any kind of ruckus, she had merely been sitting in her jail, smiling and content to simply wait out whatever was going to happen.

    That meant that there was little time to think about it any further. As Mythal rose to his feet, haggard but wearing the countenance of determination, he steadied himself against his desk. Beads of sweat adorned his forehead and he wiped them against the back of his sleeve as he let out a shaky breath. “Are you sure about this? Maybe we should take more time to focus on training,” Lux said from beside him, having manifested fully into form.

    “He is ready,” Quentin spoke from Mythal’s other side, his form only capable of being seen by Mythal and Lux. “You have immense magical ability, Mythal. So long as you focus on what you want, there will be no problems. I have confidence in you.”

    “At least someone does,” Lux remarked offhandedly.

    “Yeah, thanks for the pep talk,” Mythal replied coolly as he pressed the call button on his desk receiver. “Seri, it’s time. Get Vandrad here and meet me down at the prison.” He released the button and stood up straight, taking in another, firmer breath before he grabbed his jacket and pulled it on. It was a short trip down to the jail area but Mythal took his time, his pace as focused as he was. When he finally rounded the corner and entered the large gallery, Thana’s prison was already in front of him. And there was the woman herself, looking as smug as she had been described to him.

    He stopped several yards away, simply staring at her as Lux stepped into existence beside him. “You know I don’t like this,” he told Mythal.

    “Sorry Lux, but it’s the only option,” came the Darkness Slayer’s quick response.

    “It’s not! There are other-”

    “Lux.” Mythal cut him off, his tone forceful but not loud. He turned his gaze to the Lightbringer. “There is no other option. I’m sorry.” He held the Seal’s gaze for a moment before Lux looked away, a look of sullen anger on his face. As one of the Rune Knight prison captains approached Mythal, he turned his head enough to look over at him from his shoulder. “Get Nathaniel Stratford. And make sure he is bound and chained so he cannot move at all. I don’t wanna repeat of last time.”

    HP: x/y
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    Nathaniel Stratford
    Nathaniel Stratford

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 25,849

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Inquisition
    Second Skill: Cheesecake
    Third Skill:

    Matters of the Soul Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Nathaniel Stratford 25th June 2023, 9:23 am

    Trinity was right there. For a moment, even for just a slight glimpse, he saw her, and she was trying to reach out. However, the man's bloodied body could not longer move a single inch. His body itself was refusing him and no amount of willpower will ever be enough to help him as his own mind rejects him as well, what with the crater making blow he just took to the head. No. The two lovers would never be together. Not for a couple of days at least, after he had passed out on the floor, soaking in his own blood. Poor man never did utter a single word in his final moments of waning consciousness. Instead, Nat would find himself behind bars similar to the one the love of his life is in. Or in this moment, was in.

    Apparently, he was healed not long after his scandalous scene and they left him behind bars to recover. The still groggy crusader could only make out the sound of his cell being unlocked and that a man stepped in soon after. He wobbled about as he was trying to shake himself awake, but he was too weak to do it. He would moan and groan as his upper body swayed, causing his chains to drag across the wall and clank. The Rune Knight that had stepped in unchained Nat from the wall and explained that he would be taking the blonde haired mage to interrogation to be with his girlfriend. Left with no choice, Nathaniel complied.

    He had already gotten his bearings when he arrived at the room where they were holding Trinity for questioning. Naturally, Mythal was in charge of it, but tried to make no contact of any kind. He had enough of the Rune Knight already, quite frankly, Nat would prefer not to see him. So much so that he would turn his back on the stronger mage every chance he got, for he can feel a dent on his skull, not that it was possible anyways, yet the feeling still existed.

    As the interrogation began, Nat would only face Trinity, and would just say words out loud for Mythal and his companions to hear. She had explained as best as Trinity could with her limited knowledge what has been going on. As the woman explained her blackouts, Nathaniel tried to corroborate them as best he could, trying to vouch for her.

    Over time, as the subject of her explanations changed, Nathaniel would be noticeably slower to relay Trinity's sign language to spoken words. The man himself needed ample time to internalize all the information regarding 3 people in one body to the best of his ability. Quite frankly however, he was mostly hung up on the fact that the baby is as much as Trinity's as it is Thana's. Nathaniel would slump back on his seat, unable to verbalize any more of what Trinity is trying to relay if any. There was only indescribable joy and fear in his mind and eyes. Eyes that scanned the room, visualizing his being lost in all that he had just learned. He felt broken again. Like a vegetable once more. Like being struck by Mythal a second time.

    Evidently the young man could not handle it. From his lifeless state, he quickly stood up and demanded that he be taken to his cell. "I'm sorry." He would keep repeating, his voice breaking as if about to cry. His pleading would continue without context for a few more seconds before he was able to say more and different words. "We're done here, there's nothing more for me to interpret. Let me go. Put me back to my cell. Leave me alone. Please do it now." Eventually when they would agree, Nat would voluntarily put his hands in front of him to be bound. Once he was, he would actually show himself to his own cell, with guards just behind him for good measure.

    Once inside all Nat did was sit in once corner of his cell, devastated. The man would just stare at the wall and softly bang hid head against it. Repeating the words Trinity, Thana, Child over and over every time he wasn't able to wrap his head around the mess he had gotten himself in. He loved Trinity. This is without question. And they have a child. But that child was conceived through Thana, a woman he could not pry himself away from. Something inside him called to the evil, and at this point after everything that he had been through, he wasn't sure if it was vengeance, curiosity or others. One thing's for sure though, she had to die.

    Nathaniel would then spend the next few days finding his resolve and purpose in life. Not that he had a lot of options, since he himself was basically a criminal, for his so-called 'crimes' in the Neutral Grounds. And maybe they were right. The walls of his cell had finally caused him to question his absolute justice.

    However, he would have to find another time to temper the resolved. Thana had become the dominant personality once more and Nathaniel was being called  to Mythal. In chains for obvious reasons. The former crusader sighed, trying to swallow his thirst for he blood and try to do it Mythal's way for now seeing as he is in their custody. And, he heard that there may be a way to split all three of them safely. Relatively speaking. So once again, Nat offered his hands to be bound, and be escorted to Mythal. Planning to greet the man that put him through hell with a cold "What do you want?"

    WC: 951
    Nat: 4,711
    @Trinity @Mythal Ragnos


    Matters of the Soul Nat_siggy
    Exp to next rank:


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:39 pm