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    Matters of the Soul


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
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    Experience : 2,586,236

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    Matters of the Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 21st July 2023, 7:10 pm


    It was finally time.

    Thana knew that she didn’t need to make any more moves at this point. The board had been set, the pieces in place, each moving of their own accord on a path that seemed random but was in fact predetermined. Though in truth, even she didn’t know what awaited her at the close of this chapter. She had wondered for so long about what would await her beyond the veil of death, and today, at long last, she would finally sate her curiosity… but first, there were a few other things that needed to be taken care of.

    Mythal was the first to arrive after the notice had been sent of her return, the director accompanied by Lux and another figure. Thana’s amber gaze peered curiously in the specter’s direction, though it was unclear if she could actually see him or if she simply could sense his presence in some way. Either way, she at least knew it was more than just the two of them, the Warlord looking at Quentin with a hungry smile that was laced with an unnerving emptiness. She said nothing, however, only turning her attention to the other two as they argued over what Mythal was planning. Clearly Lux wasn’t a fan of it, the seal insisting that there were other options. The mortal chirped back with a firm apology, insisting this was their only course of action before sending another guard to fetch Nathaniel.

    And somehow, miraculously, Thana continued to remain uncharacteristically silent. She merely sat there calmly, patiently waiting for gods only knew what, and leaving everyone on edge as a result. Nat arrived next, bound and very much still a prisoner himself, if one that was occasionally allowed to vacate his cage under a watchful eye. Her smirk deepened a bit upon seeing him, the dark mage all the more eager for this long awaited moment… yet again, she said nothing. She made no attempt to antagonize, no moves to draw attention to herself or invite suspicion. Or at least, more suspicion than she invited naturally. She only continued to wait for the final pieces to set themselves.

    It was only a few minutes later when Serilda strolled into the hall with Vandrad at her side. The field marshal carried herself as she always did when in the line of duty, with a confident gait that was neither sluggish nor in a hurry, her clothing crisp and her posture straight, her hands clasped behind her back. It was the first time that she herself had seen Thana in person, in any of her forms. There had been no reason for her to travel to the depths of the jail to study the triad of women on her own; Mythal was handling the case and she trusted him implicitly. She cast her cool icy gaze toward the prisoner with an unreadable, scrutinizing glance that lasted only a moment before also turning to take in Nathaniel with decidedly less judgment. The man had broken the law several times over and murdered a number of people, but she understood that he was as much a victim in all this as many others, that he had been manipulated and used by the woman before them.

    The Voidwalker looked to her fiance. “Are you ready?” Presuming he was, she would finally approach the outside of Thana’s cage, peering down at the other woman with all the haughtiness one might expect from a noblewoman of her station. “I am Serilda Sinclair, field marshal of the Rune Knights. Normally I am rather strict in adhering to certain protocols and formalities when it comes to these procedures. However, given the circumstances I do not believe that is necessary, as for once myself, director Ragnos, and the Magic Council are all on the same page. You understand that willingly turning yourself in is not enough to absolve you of your numerous, horrific crimes, and that you are to be executed?”

    “I do.” It was the first time Thana had spoken since reawakening, her tone even and unbothered.

    “I trust I do not need to list the reasons for your sentence?”

    Thana smirked. “I am well aware of everything that I have done, Lady Sinclair. I recall them all with a fondness that keeps me warm through the lonely nights in my drab little cell. Though if you wish to list my greatest hits, I am more than happy to–”

    “That will not be necessary.” Serilda cut the woman off swiftly, not giving the Warlord any room to run her tongue and showing no interest in humoring her sick sense of charisma. “I have no interest in wasting more time on you than is necessary. The longer you breathe, the worse this world is for it, and I don’t care enough about you to turn this into some kind of court proceeding when your death warrant has already been signed and approved. We are gathered with the individuals you requested: Lord Vandrad du Wolff and ser Nathaniel Stratford. Director Ragnos will be facilitating your execution shortly, but before then I will allow you the single courtesy – as much as I am loath to do so – of any final words you wish to speak.”

    The Warlord had obviously asked for the presence of these two men for a reason, and while neither her nor Mythal enjoyed playing into Thana’s game, they wouldn’t know what she was hiding unless they did. As far as she could tell, the only reason Thana had wanted Nathaniel there was simply to rub salt in his wounds, revealing the sordid truth of her connection to the woman he loved. Vandrad, though.. It was curious that she had asked for the former prince. They had never crossed paths before, though Vandrad held a deep seeded hatred for Thana’s involvement in Mercury’s kidnapping. Serilda was anxious about what message it was that the Warlord had for her future brother-in-law, knowing that anything Thana was involved in couldn’t be good, and was sure to turn this entire situation on its head… but they wouldn’t know until they reached that point and it was too late to turn back.

    Thana was silent for a beat or two before she turned first to Nathaniel. “I truthfully have very little to say to you. You were a tool to harm and confuse Trinity, nothing more, and one that was quite easy to manipulate. I do admire you, however. Your work in the name of justice was quite beautiful to behold. For all your hatred of me, you and I are not so different – I merely don’t lie to myself about who I am.”

    Letting those stinging words linger, she shifted to face the former Bellum noble, her smile deepening. “Vandrad du Wolff. It is quite a pleasure to finally meet you.” Thana eyed him over slowly, clearly appreciating what she saw. “I have a gift for you; a gift of knowledge, the answer to a question that you have been asking for some time but been unable, or unwilling, to attain. But first, I wished to tell you that Khelben truly was not aware of who I was when he enlisted my help. I am sure that does little to soften the blow of his actions, but it is the truth nonetheless, and I simply wish you to understand that I held no influence over the choices and the actions he took, both those you know about and those you do not… which brings me to my gift.”

    “Khelben has been hiding something from you, burying a dark truth even as he lives a life of liberation among you and your family, one that I think you deserve to know… it’s only too bad that you didn’t heed the advice of your young protege.” Leaving that cryptic comment in the air regarding Saffron, Thana leaned forward a fixed Vandrad with a bright eyed excitement that would leave no doubt in anyone’s mind how much she was about to enjoy speaking the next words that were savored slowly by her smiling lips:

    “He raped Mercury.”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 1357/7463 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos @Nathaniel Stratford


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1055
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Matters of the Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 26th July 2023, 6:46 pm

    1779/10350 words || @Trinity @Nathaniel Stratford || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Mythal was silent as he waited for the others to join, staring at Thana with a hard indifference. Lux was floating in the air beside him, a look of sad resignation on his face as he stared off into nothingness, unable to bring himself to look at Thana or Mythal. Nathaniel arrived first, completely chained from head to feet, escorted by several guards who kept their weapons trained on him. His curt response finally brought some feeling to the Darkness Slayer’s face, as he turned to face the fallen crusader. “No. You ain’t got any ground to take that tone with me. Whether you’re willin’ to face it or not, you killed people for no other reason than they broke the law, no matter how minimal it was.” He pointed at Thana. “You may not have done anythin’ nearly as bad as her but don’t try to pretend yer on some moral high ground. Yer a criminal, just like her. All I want is to throw you in a cell and leave ya there ‘til you lose your goddamn mind with guilt. But there is a woman in there that cares for you, trapped under that poisonous snake. What I’m hopin’ is that by showin’ you that she can be free, you’ll stop for one fuckin’ minute and consider what you’ve done and think about repentin’. But I ain’t the best in hopin’ for humans.” With that, he turned away from Nathaniel, casting him from his mind at the moment, focused on the task at hand.

    A moment later, Serilda arrived with Vandrad in tow, the former prince already brimming with ferocious energy. Mythal could feel the killing intent in his every step, the way his glare narrowed as he once again laid eyes on the woman he had attempted to eradicate at Fairy Tail. The Darkness Slayer couldn’t focus on that at the moment. He turned just enough to look at Serilda as she confirmed his readiness, giving her a gentle nod before resetting himself. From there, the Field Marshal did her duty; reading off the rights of the accused, along with the judgment that had been passed upon Thana at her own confession. Thana understood what was happening and even offered to list off the many crimes she had enacted before Serilda cut her off sharply, unwilling to give her the time of day. Her execution would be handed down in a few moments but Serilda would allow her a moment to speak any final words she wished, as that was the reason they had all been gathered.

    Mythal’s body tensed slightly as the air hung silent after the offer was given. They were finally coming to the reason that Thana had requested Nathaniel and Vandrad there and, knowing how insane Thana was, it wasn’t going to go well. He reached over and placed a hand on Lux’s shoulder, drawing the Lightbringer’s attention to him. Finally, after a few moments of silence, Thana turned her attention to Nathaniel and… admitted that she didn’t have much to say to him. He had been a pawn in her game to torture Trinity and she relished in how easy he had been to play with. She commended his actions of ‘justified slaughter’ and equally compared herself to him, though she didn’t pretend to be anything other than herself. A cruel comparison made twice in a short amount of time and while Mythal wished to feel sympathy for the harshness coming towards the former crusader, he couldn’t. Nathaniel had brought this down upon himself.

    Then it was on to Vandrad. The former prince stood shoulder to shoulder to Mythal, arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the Warlord. He was clearly unimpressed, even as she fixed her gaze and poisonous smile on him. She welcomed him, taking a moment to look him over like a piece of meat, before offering him a gift. An answer to a question she assumed he had been pondering, as if she could possibly comprehend what he was thinking about. But as a pretense, she let him know that Khelben truly had no idea who she was when he hired her. She let him know this, if only so he understood that she had not provided any kind of guidance to his actions afterward, those that he knew about and the ones he didn’t.

    It seemed, per her words, that Khelben was hiding something, covering a horrible act that should rightfully damn him rather than allow him to leave as freely as he was. As she saw it, he deserved to know the truth of it all, though she lamented he hadn’t listened to Saffron sooner. Even as she leaned forward, dripping with excitement, relishing in the calm before the storm, Vandrad continued to stare at her without impression, without emotion. Right up until she revealed Khelben -- and Mercury’s -- secret.

    Mythal’s eyes went wide. Lux’s eyes went wide. The Darkness Slayer felt like someone had hit him with a warhammer as the brutal, honest truth came pouring out of Thana and vibrated in his ears like sizzling metal. Through the shock, he heard… laughing. Vandrad laughing.

    "As if I’d believe the words of a piece of trash like yourself,” he chuckled, smirking as he turned his gaze to Mythal and froze. There was no hiding the truth on his face, not when he was still reeling from the revelation himself. The amusement in Vandrad’s face not only froze but completely shattered as her words once again played through his head. "No…” he said softly, his eyes glazing slightly as they fell towards the ground. Then shock became rage; nearly insurmountable rage as his gaze twisted to her.

    Shit, shit, shit! She was trying to screw it all up. “Lux!”

    Vandrad managed to take one step towards the Warlord’s prison before chains of light wrapped around his arms and legs, pulling him back. He roared in surprised rage as he spun around to see Lux behind him, holding the chains firm, facing away as he, too, dealt with the moment himself. Vandrad pushed forward, trying to wrestle himself out of the chains but finding no purchase.

    “I’m sorry, Vandrad. We’ll… deal with this after. But I can’t let ya hurt her until I have them out,” Mythal said, his face shadowed as he refocused his gaze on Thana. His hand raised up slowly until it was set in front of him, with Thana focused between his fingers and thumb like he was going to grab her from far away. Within him, the Soul Stone burned bright with activity as the Darkness Slayer’s eyes seemed to flicker slightly. In truth, the momentary flash was his vision shifting over to the Spirit Realm, viewing Thana’s being through the eyes of spiritual energy. And what a disgusting, swirling mass of evil it was. But he could see the presence of other energies mixed in, entangled like ropes caught in a twisting pile. She was so much more than just split personalities; it was three individuals truly existing in one person.

    “Trust yourself. See the threads. Feel them within yourself. And when you’re ready…” Quentin guided him, his voice echoing out from the realm around him. Mythal nodded softly and closed his eyes. Now with the darkness of his lids, he could see her writhing soul in all its vibrance. His head lifted slightly and then he began to walk forward, taking careful steps as he approached her cage. Once he was standing right before it, he paused long enough for the guard at the controls to deactivate the barrier.

    The barrier hadn’t even fully dissipated before Mythal’s eyes opened again, shining bright white. “Spirit Fission,” he spoke but it wasn’t just his voice. There was a deepness to it, a vibration that seemed to shake within the core of every person around. Then both his hands thrust into Thana, piercing her chest without even really impaling her. It was almost like she wasn’t there, a pictograph that was severely demented by the presence of his hands. Mythal’s hands twisted, his arms gently moving back and forth before finally stiffening. And then, in one swift motion, both arms came flying back and from Thana’s body came two humanoid shaped figures.

    Mythal pulled them free and they would take the form of Trinity and Aeron, unfortunately naked and unconscious but separated into their own bodies, their own physical beings. Mythal stumbled back and fell to the ground as the power around him faded away and he blinked slowly. “It’s… it’s done,” he said softly as he caught his breath, looking over at Aeron, who was already being covered by a safety blanket from one of the Rune Knights.

    “Great. Now what about…?” Lux was turning his attention to the angry former prince he had chained. But before he could even turn the focus on him, Vandrad roared and energy erupted off of him. He was done being held back, having allowed the Seal to keep him reined in before he did something stupid. And he would have otherwise. But that time was gone. The other two women were free and that meant Thana’s life was forfeit. The chains around his arms and legs disintegrated into twinkling fractals of light as a fully Empowered Vandrad rushed past everyone in the blink of an eye, planting himself right at the entryway of Thana’s cell. His hand was already up, humming with tremendous energy.

    "You’re as good as DUST!” He bellowed, his own voice booming off the walls around them as he unleashed the strongest wave of magic he’d ever conjured into a short amount of time. The size of the beam was monstrous, swallowing up the entirety of the prison cell and the woman inside, their shadows warping against the rushing magical energy as they were vaporized into nothing. The beam carried onward, slamming into the wall of the prison past and ripping through it. And even that wasn’t enough to stop it fully; it curved up into the sky beyond, the deafening thrum of it fading away as alarms sounded all around the prison.

    There was nothing left of the cage, proving that a certain level of concentrated magic could truly destroy it. Vandrad stood before the smoking, fluttering dust of destruction he had created, the azure aura around him bellowing. Without even turning in consideration of the rest of the gathered people, he took off and soared through the open hole of the prison that he had created, disappearing beyond its edge.

    Thana was dead. But, Mythal thought, it didn’t seem she would be alone on her trip to hell.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Matters of the Soul - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of the Soul

    Post by Trinity 27th July 2023, 7:27 pm


    Right… there…

    Perfection. Sweet, utter bliss. Oh, Thana was not at all surprised that the former prince didn’t take her seriously, dismissing her as a liar, but if there was one thing that Thana rarely did it was lie. Mislead, perhaps.. But why would she lie when the truth was far more painful? She bit her lip in ecstasy upon the exact, pinpoint moment where it hit Vandrad, the older man looking to his younger brother to find that this was no laughing matter. Mythal was white as a ghost, his eyes wide in shock in horror. As were everyones. Even Lux was having trouble looking her in the eyes. Serilda looked as though someone had dropped a two ton hammer on top of her head, the normally regal and composed field marshal simply staring in disbelief with her mouth slightly agape

    But Thana didn’t care about any of them, oh no… her eyes were glued to Vandrad, watching as he wrestled to process her statement, his disbelief fading to shock and then quickly to rage. He lifted his face toward her with a sneer that sent a shiver down her spine. Slowly, she stood to her feet, her gaze never unlocking from his as she stepped toward the edge of her prison, and the moment he moved to come her way he was instead held back by Lux with chains of the Seal’s light. Vandrad roared in fury even as Thana raised a fist and beat it against the side of the wall, a cracked and manic giggle floating from her lips. She looked incensed by his anger, taunting him with little more than a smug look over the knowledge she had delivered, and the unhinged state it had put him in. In a cage she very well may have been, but since the moment she’d stepped food inside the Rune Knight headquarters and turned herself in, she’d been the one in control.

    And everyone here knew it.

    There was only a brief moment where Serilda considered Vandrad carefully, wondering if she was going to have to step in to stop him, but… she sensed that wasn’t necessary. There was little doubt the future king would bring Thana’s life to an end, but there was also little doubt that Lux was not powerful enough in his current state to stop the man. She suspected he was allowing himself to be held back in order to let Mythal do what he needed to do… so she waited, keeping a keen eye on him as well as one on Nathaniel to make sure the former Dies Irae member didn’t try his hand at any tricks of his own. “Stand down!” was all she commanded to the other Knights present, the uniformed soldiers braced for a fight and twitchy, unsure of who was the bigger threat: Thana or Vandrad. “Hold your positions and keep your eyes on your charges!”

    They sharpened up immediately, returning their focus to Thana – and Nat, for those that had been assigned to guard him for this meeting. Sensing that he didn’t have much time, Mythal quickly got to work on what he’d set out to do with retrieving the Soul Stone that Lux had informed him about. Thana finally turned her attention to Mythal as he began to walk toward her, the Warlord taking a few steps back from the door not in fear but in anticipation of the coming confrontation and giving him the room he’d need to safely approach the entrance. Or, as safely as he would ever consider. In the moment before the door opened, she whispered something with a grin, the words unheard through the commotion of the room around them.

    The door opened and Mythal was upon her in an instant, not that Thana had any intention of stopping him. His hands penetrated her body, unhindered by its flesh as he reached instead into her soul. The feel of it was agonizing, the most intense pain she’d ever experienced. Unrivaled. Unfathomable. Her head fell back and she shrieked, a booming and curdling sound that pierced the air, her voice instantly becoming raw and coarse as she half lost her voice from how loudly she had cried out.

    Finally, the director stepped away from her, dragging two fully realized and adult sized bodies out of her own, the three of them falling to the ground. Aeron and Trinity, both unconscious and lacking clothing, lay on either side of the man, breathing but not stirring. Trinity’s belly was still swollen with child. Thana herself had fallen to her knees, gasping for breath, her body no longer showing any evidence that she had been on the verge of motherhood only seconds ago. There was a brief pause as silence befell the room in the wake of Mythal’s act, the air thick with tension as everyone waited for some confirmation that he was done, and in that moment of pause was when Thana giggled again. Her voice was ragged and broken as she peered back up at the room, amber eyes peeking from behind the black strands of her hair. She uttered but a single, ominous sentence.

    “The victory of the heir will not bring peace.”

    At the same time that Vandrad finally ripped himself of Lux’s chains, Thana roared once more, this time in tandem with the Rhaegarian. Against all logic and reason, an aura of immense power ignited around her, her magic unleashing itself in spite of her shackles and the anti-magic walls around her. Before anyone else could even consider acting, Thana turned her sights on Vandrad and the beam of energy he was already sending her direction, her lips curling into a frenzied smirk.

    And then she was gone.

    ..as was half the room. Vandrad’s blast had incinerated Thana, her cell, and everything in its path behind her. The moment the dust settled and they knew without a doubt that the Warlord was dead, Vandrad was already tearing off through the hole in the wall, no doubt leaving streaks in the sky behind him as he raced back home to confront the man directly responsible for assaulting Mercury. There was a moment where Serilda instinctively thought to reach out to someone on New Rhaegar to warn them, but… reason prevailed. It wasn’t her place to get involved, and while Vandrad could forgive them for holding him back long enough to save Aeron, Trinity, and the innocent child, she was quite certain he would not forgive them for interfering with bringing justice to Khelben – a man whom she currently felt no pity for.

    “Nat..?” A sweet voice that was groggy with drowsiness came from the pregnant woman. Trinity blinked her eyes open, looking around in confusion. Her gaze caught sight of her naked body even as a guard rushed to wrap a blanket around her, but she seemed unconcerned with her nudity. “What happened? Where’s Nat?” She was struggling to try and sit up, her engorged body weighing her down, oblivious to the odd looks she was getting from those who knew that the woman was – or at least, was supposed to be – mute.

    As two medics approached and split off, one to check Trinity and one to check Aeron, Serilda turned to Nathaniel. “Go to her. She needs you.” With a wave, she used her Void magic to split the cuffs where they were conjoined. They would remain around his wrists, blocking off his magic, but he would have the freedom to at least move his hands and arms for the time being. Serilda stayed him only a moment longer with a stern look. “Prove to us that you are better than Thana,” was her only remark. If Nathaniel chose that moment to try and pull any fast ones or fight against the Knights for his freedom, he would find himself swiftly dealt with… but if he instead chose to be compliant, helping the woman he loved without causing a scene, he would be allowed to tend to her for a few minutes without harassment from the guards.

    Serilda walked over to Mythal and knelt beside him, wrapping an arm comfortingly around his shoulders as her gaze moved back and forth between the still unconscious Aeron and the destruction that had once been Thana’s cell…

    And Thana looked on at the scene she’d left behind, her face almost neutral as she curiously looked over herself. Though she appeared very whole to herself, she knew she was not. She was a mere apparition, invisible to the eyes of the still living mortals in the room where she had spent the last few weeks of her life in imprisonment. In fact, there were only three in the room that stood any chance of seeing her spirit: Quentin, Lux, and Mythal. The ghost of the Warlord turned her gaze toward them, a deeply satisfied smirk settling upon her lips. It was then that the three individuals connected to the Soul Stone would hear a single sound, a sound that echoed not in the living world but in the spirit realm that overlapped the material plane; a single, seemingly innocuous but distinctive sound. That of a latch… unlocking.

    Before their eyes, Thana turned slowly to look behind her, seeing something that even they could not. Her smile widened… and then she vanished, leaving nothing behind except for a single spot of black sludge that dissolved into nothingness.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 1575/9038 | TAGS: @Mythal Ragnos @Nathaniel Stratford


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:14 pm