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    Post by Percy 16th October 2020, 5:48 am

    "Heh...not really..." Percy replied from Dagda's side, his two-toned head swiveling around with only mild interest. It set a mood, to be sure, but most of the grandeur would be lost on someone from the Dagger family. Still, even though he'd have never shown up here on his own, he'd been powerless to say no to Dagda's invitation. He'd had every excuse not to. While he'd healed a lot since the Fairy Tail incident, he still had the mechanical apparatus on his leg since it had been broken so badly by pieces of building. Wearing it outside his clothes was annoying as was how much it slowed his movement, but at least he'd gotten used to the whirring noise he couldn't seem to stop. Anyway, that little digging at the back of his mind that gave him the smallest hope that perhaps they could be a little something more than best bros made this singles event sound more alluring than it was once they got here. He'd been an idiot to even entertain that errant little voice that tried to encourage not only an inappropriate relationship with a friend, but a relationship with what his family would deem the wrong gender. All that complicated mess aside, keeping a non-Earthland friend company as he tried to meld into the world was something he'd gladly help with any day. Dagda was one of his very few companions, and he cherished him in whatever capacity he could get him.

    Or he had. It took one moment to have him internally cursing Dagda's existence. In very stark contrast to Dagda's pleasant surprise, as he saw and heard the host, Percy violently recoiled with a very foreign expression twisting his features. It was outright disgust. And a deep, familiar, guttural terror. All wrapped up in an ugly box of hatred. Lilith Kadokawa was his least favorite person on this planet, and that was including the crotchety old grandpa who had scarred his face and his very soul. This woman single-handedly traumatized him so thoroughly concerning dating and intimacy during her days with Artemis that he had yet to form any sort of bond like that with another person. The closest he'd ever gotten to even feeling that sort of attraction was to a man! And it made being friends with Shen hazardous since he never knew when she'd blow in on her broom! Ugh, and the recent troubles she was causing the whole Dagger estate with her trashy rumor column was a testimony to how completely she could wreak havoc and never even be within proximity to the people she haunted. "Oh god no..." he muttered as he was finally able to pull himself together enough to speak once she left his sight (she was like a spider, if you looked away she'd reappear on you), but Dagda was gone. In an absolute panic, he whirled around, looking for his friend. They had made it inside a decent ways, standing among the crowd. Great, so now he lost sight of Lilith and Dagda!

    Oh wait, there he was...but he was with one of their guildmates. Alright, he found someone! Percy could leave! An event worker stopped him to give him a nametag, which he tried to politely decline and explain that he was leaving, but he ended up with his name on his smoothly pressed back button-up anyway. No matter. He still shouldered as gently as he could through the crowd toward the door, steps going as fast as the leg brace would allow. Any second Lilith would somehow sense him and descend upon him like a one-woman pack of famished wolves to torment him. Perhaps he'd pushed into one of the other attendees a little too hard in his haste because suddenly a burly man with a wealth of scars spun around on him and gave him a grumpy shove.

    For the second time, a certain underdressed individual with a scary expression would feel a bump of another body, but this one was far more substantial than the other. "Excuse me," he huffed, struggling to catch his balance with the bum leg. He was smoothing his shirt and gray dress pants out of reflex, but he stopped mid-motion as it dawned on him who he was looking at. Leon. Why was Leon here? Blinking his mismatched eyes a couple times, the orbs slid to the kid he was with, finding it a very strange grouping to be sure. "Er, sorry," he offered both of them, feeling more awkward by the second. He somwhat braced himself for whatever Leon would have to say, since he knew he couldn't get away fast enough to avoid it.

    Percy was cursed. He had to be.




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    Post by Krishna 16th October 2020, 7:50 am

    "Good grief."

    Once again, Krishna was currently at the scene, chilling inside the Crocus City Hall ready to mingle! Actually, no, god no. This doesn't fit Krishna's usual type of event. For one, he usually likes having a small amount of people, or preferably, no one else except himself. Secondly, he likes his events to be rather quiet unless he is on a mission of sorts. Honestly, this was some sort of recommendation made to him in order to finally make some friends. Hah! I doubt thats gonna happen.

    Even though Krishna has a large dislike for huge amounts of people, he is still willing enough to dress nicely. He was currently wearing a large, neat black suit, with a devilish red tie in the middle. Truly, he looked like a typical gentlemen at this party. In reality, he was a typical loner on the side of the area, flipping through the pages of his journal.

    Maybe he will meet someone, maybe he won't. It didn't matter to this behemoth of a man.
    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    Post by Leon Hoffman 16th October 2020, 8:36 am


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    Little by little, Leon could feel himself slowly letting his guard down around Lyre. He picked food off of his plate and relaxed his stiff shoulders a bit, trying to enjoy his free meal. He guessed that if you seemed to be something of a social butterfly liked Lyre, or enjoyed giving and getting attention, he could understand why someone would enjoy events like these. But Leon? It didn't really feel like he was cut out for these sorts of things. You'd sooner see him lifting weights at a gym than here, of all places.

    "Around here? Ehm—well—I'm just staying in Neutral Grounds," Leon rubbed the nape of his neck again as he tried to explain. On one hand, he disliked saying that he was staying here in Fiore since he wholeheartedly believed that he'd return to Bellum any day now, but on the other hand, it seemed less and less likely that that'd happen. "It's only temporary though—?" Abruptly, Leon could feel someone smaller knock into him, but they weren't nearly as light as Lyretich. Still, what was with people bumping into him tonight? He was a big guy, so it wasn't like he was a difficult target to avoid. Despite this, Leon wasn't particularly annoyed by it all. Instead, he felt more confused than upset, but judging by those intense, sharp eyes of his, it was difficult to tell when he was feeling something other than irritation.

    "Oh, sorry. My... fault..." Leon turned around to bow his head in an apologetic gesture, but as soon as he laid eyes on the person who had run into him, his words trailed off into a bewildered silence. The man who had run into him was none other than Percy, who already had a habit of "running into him" before this event. He was a two-toned, well-built guy who seemed collected outside the ring and mildly cocky inside the ring. But regardless of where they were, he had run into this man so much that he was starting to believe that it wasn't a coincidence, especially since he was the reason he was kicked out of Equal Grounds. Leon didn't look irritated before, as that was just his neutral expression. But now? His eyes narrowed fractionally into an impossibly intense and sharp glare, and that was irritation. At this point, Leon had made up his mind. At first, he didn't complete his thought, staring at Percy in silence while his mind ran rampant before he decided on ending... whatever this was right there, right now. He briskly placed his plate on an empty space on the tables they loitered around, firmly grabbed Percy's wrist, and turned over to Lyre with the same apologetic dip of his head. "I'll be right back," Leon briefly explained before proceeding to drag Percy by his wrist through the crowds and over to a relatively empty space in the corner of the room.

    When they got there, Leon stood in such a way where he was blocking Percy's exits from this corner of the room, pinning him against the wall in a manner that was both unfriendly and aggressive. With a swarm of people filling the venue, his anger brought him to the edge of yelling at the two-toned man in the middle of the room, while his self-consciousness reeled him back into a state of keeping their confrontation as unconfrontational as possible. In a weird balance of this, he ended up in this corner of the room, bleeding with 'I'm angry' energy.

    "What's your problem, Percy? If you're looking for another fight, I'm completely free tonight—but you need to quit it with all this following-me bullshit." Leon droned, his brows scrunched together. When he looked down, he saw something on Percy's leg. Something... mechanical? He didn't have that before, so he couldn't help but wonder what it was...

    How ironic was it that just after warning Lyre about the danger of bumping into people that this would happen?

    || Word Count: 363 || Thread WC: 2582 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
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    @Lyretich @Percy


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

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    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 16th October 2020, 9:02 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    A nervous chill wracked Kyra's spine as she looked around the room. She already could sense Medeia's magic, that all too familiar aura that had tormented her so. Why did she let Anya talk her into going to this? Everything about going was a complete mistake! Kyra was awful with people, and now she was trapped in a mixer with Medeia that she could not escape, the people at the doors did not want to let her leave! The horror! Even worse was Kyra noticing the hulking giant of a man that she had a run in in the past with. His clothing was simple, which somehow made him stand out more than his impressive size. She could not be seen by him, or her secret would be known! Medeia likely already could sense her presence, but the only worries coming from Medeia were those of her mentor inflicting her with another experiment. Fasting, tying up, forcing Kyra to speak in public... all horrible things that Kyra quivered in her shoes just thinking about.

    She sighed, quickly grabbing a glass of non alcoholic punch from a drink station where Medeia was nowhere near, trying her best to not spill anything. She was confident that the dress Liz had made her would have some measure in place to fix everything up in case she spilled, even still, she wanted to do her best to keep the pristine white dress one of her elder sisters had made pristine. She looked down at her feet as she walked, looking at the emerald heels that fit perfectly around her feet, more comfortable than her normal shoes. Liz at least was good at making comfortable clothes, no doubt on that.

    Her train of thought was interrupted as she bumped into something bulky and burly, spilling her entire glass of punch on their clothes. She looked up to see a tall man with cat ears, around the same height as Dagda, though luckily not the giant that Kyra had already unfortunately encountered. The dampness of her own clothes quickly faded, however, new threads overlapping with the old to keep the dress nice and white. Liz always thought of something.

    "S-Sorry," she muttered to the man, looking back down. "I-I should've watched where I was g-going..."

    WC: 0379| TWC: 0379

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    @Noctis X'ail



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    Post by Lyretich 16th October 2020, 9:38 am

    i never told a lie, and that makes me a liar.
    "Oh, Neutral Grounds, that's an interesting place to live at, no magic at all, I was there some time ago to get my iLac, felt a bit weird for me" Lyretich did not expect to actually meet someone that lives there, a place were all magic and magic-related things were shut off, seemed so inconvenient, for someone that grew up with magic by his side. Lyre was wondering what kind of expression he was making, as he was genuinely surprised.

    As Lyretich was about to ask another question, someone bumped into Leon, a silent chuckle escaped past Lyretich's lips. Seems Leon was some kind of bumping magnet - first him and now this two-colored hair stranger. Everything seemed fine until the moment their eyes met. Oh, seems they know each other. Are they friends? But it did not seem like a pleasant meeting, as Lyre looked at the smaller males' eyes, that seemed to reflect possibly a fear of some level, while Leon's were that of a beast that was ready to fight. Woah... I guess I got lucky...Looking at the expression of the dark-haired male now, Lyre understood that he indeed was lucky and didn't truly bring the beastly side out of Leon. "Mhm, okay," was all the boy could side as the staring happened for a few seconds,  before Leon gave Lyre a small bow, grabbing the other male's wrist and literary storming off to a corner. Isn't that person in my guild? I think he for sure was at the gathering... Lyretich couldn't confirm it as both of them disappeared into the crowd.

    Lyre stayed near the table area, scanning thru the crowd as the number of the guest had grown once again. For sure here and there he could spot people from his guild. Hmm... Is there anyone to chat with, while I wait? In the way Leon stormed off, with the other male, Lyretich wasn't one hundred percent sure whether the other man will return or no, because of that his eyes were looking for a possible next target, near the table area.  
    @Leon Hoffman @Percy ● notes here ● WC:348/TWC:2133


    Golden Lacrima - until 31.10.21

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    Post by Akanee 16th October 2020, 11:05 am

    The venue had started to fill with rather more interesting individuals that Akane had believed to be the above average folk of Fiore. Some interactions had no clear formal beginning, it was just walking up to someone and talking. That was it, regardless of how the approach is made. The lack of any social construct for introducing oneself was interesting, and proved to be a future boon in her head. The idea of just walking up to someone whilst the other person expected her to just be another citizen will truly leave a satisfying sight of shock in their eyes once Akane slits their throats. An uplifting thought to be sure, especially for demon living inside her head, who has now tempted her with the vice and allure of alcohol. The young lady has never drunk such beverages before. Never had the chance with her family in Midi keep trying to "protect their investment" and the kind of people she had to work with back in Hostia. This was the only time she had any semblance of freedom. Of true freedom. And so with the opportunity in hand, the voices in her head only had to say to grab it by the horns.

    It appeared to be the perfect time too as people have begun pinning the supposed name tags the alluringly beautiful hostess from earlier. She had instructed them to simply write her nickname down which was "Aya" and then proceeded to accept the tag and pin it to her left side herself. Afterwards, she excitedly made her way to the bar. Or at least, as excitedly as she can get. The shy girl gracefully passed through the middle of the room like a ghost. She got to the bar and starred at the shelves behind it, trying to take her pick. Even going as far as looking around her and look at the other people ordering their drinks which proved to be of no help at all as it just a glass of water. She had to think off the top of her head and remember whatever the other people she saw drinking had. Wine? Beer? Vodka? Gin and Tonic? Tequila? She has witnessed numerous parties in service of the family that abused her and she tried to recall the most extravagant drink worthy of a party that could lead to many opportunities during and after. And so it was that she chose.

    She pointed over to a bottle of tequila. The bar quickly understood and handed her a shot of glass filled with such and downed it without hesitation. Now, as a first time, Aya would feel a bit of a sting from the beverage but she pushed through. Her face tightened up a bit before she let out a sigh of satisfaction and asked for another. When the drink got to her, she was approached by a boy? girl? she couldn't tell, not at first glance anyway but she did have some adorable round glasses and a quaint t-shirt that said meow. "H-hello. Care to join me?" she said softly as she raised the new shot of tequila near her head and tilted it a bit towards the person that had approached her, ever so shockingly at that as well. Still, that was the custom that she had observed. She wasn't really keen on speaking aloud. Having a regal demeanor but never the confidence that came with it.

    WC: 573
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    Noctis X'ail
    Noctis X'ail

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    Post by Noctis X'ail 16th October 2020, 11:16 am

    Noctis observed the party and people from the comfort of the wall he had not expected to attract attention. He was there to enjoy free alcohol at the host's expense. Noctis had been removed from such gatherings and events since the incident occurred five years ago. He still had much to accomplish with clearing his name with his father so he would recognize him as his son once again, but that was neither here nor there, he mused, taking a sip of his drink.

    Noctis had been so lost in his thoughts that he had barely noticed the well dressed young lady shuffling along and staring at her feet as she did so. Just in time, too, as she bumped right into him and spilled her drink. Noctis, with a feline-like grace, spun out of the way, not spilling an ounce of his drink as he did so. he resisted the urge to pull a pistol with his magic and instead opted to use his can to keep her at a distance. He smirked, noticing this ' I guess Vic is rubbing off on me.' he thought as he looked the young lady over.

    She appeared to apologize, but he was not paying attention to that currently. He had caught a trace of her scent, and it smelled of death and blood.. like a feral monster of some sort. "Not another step closer!" he said firmly and loud enough that she would have been able to hear him. " I'm not sure whom or what you are for that matter, but there is a foul smell about you that reeks of blood and death." he said, sternly not taking his eyes off the young lady whose eyes had yet to leave the floor in front of her. Something was amiss with her, but he could not quite place it. He awaited a reply from the person or thing in front of him at this point.

    [Post Word Count: 324]
    [Noctis Word Count: 643]

    @Kyra Velkhomme




    Post by Guest 16th October 2020, 12:18 pm

    The idol certainly was spirited and Medeia had not come across someone quite like her in some time. Mind you, it had been a while since the witch had met anyone new. Still, she was a little surprised at just how casually the pink haired girl had shrugged off her use of her magical energy and it brought a smile to the ancient angel’s face. “You do not seem too bothered about the fact that you just had a foreign mage slithering up your leg,” she replied with a chuckle, a hint of amusement in her purple eyed mage. “I thought it would be more effective then what those admirers of yours were trying.”

    The chuckle turned into a deeper laugh as the model went on to rather forwardly ask about Medeia’s reasons for being there. “Oh, I am not sure if I would go as far as to say I am seeking a significant other. I have found that the whole one to one thing is overrated. Experimentation is far more fun.” She saw no reason to lead the girl down the wrong path, in case Illya was looking for something more old fashioned. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Illya. I am Medeia. I must say that your pictures in the magazines do not do you justice, my dear. You are far lovelier in the flesh,” she complimented, the words rolling off her tongue naturally. She was indeed and the angel had to try rather hard not let her eyes wander. Her mind, however, was already five to ten steps ahead which was absolutely typical of her.

    Having to pull herself together slightly, Medeia would take a sip of her drink, “So, what is the world famous Illya Pegasus looking for? A companion for life or something more casual?” She had a suspicion that being more up front was probably the best angle and so simply went with it.

    (323 Words)
    (838 Thread WC)

    @Illya Pegasus

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    Post by Pimwadee 16th October 2020, 6:03 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    Pim's amethyst eyes flitted around the room with increasing anxiousness, now she had put herself in this scenario, she had to make it work. But the issue was that this was where her planned came to a sudden halt because she had no idea how to proceed at this point. Whilst she found it easy to makes friends, this felt different. Its intentions were a little more complicated, she didn't know these people, how on earth was she supposed to convince them to go along with her plan.

    As she stood frozen, panic clearly written across her delicate Asiatic features, and then suddenly a familiar face came into her line of sight. He was grinning at her, calling her name, it took her a moment to unfreeze from her moment of unease. She reciprocated his grin, visibly relaxing as she stepped toward him. "Dagda!" She replied, out of habit she would wai him with her palms, bowing her head in greeting. She hadn't spent a great deal of time with her newest guild master but from what she had seen so far, she could tell he was a nice person.

    Straightening up, she would meet his gaze once more. "I am good thank you. It is nice to see you," She told him earnestly, before glancing around once more. "Yes, It looks like fun." She told him, and that it did. There was more to it of course, but she wasn't ready to spill that side of it just yet. "I am surprised you are here, I thought you would have a girlfriend."  She admitted, the sentence whilst meant as a compliment had more to do with her own expectations of a man of his age and stature. He was attractive and in his thirties, in her culture, men his age were usually married. So she genuinely hadn't expected him to see him at such an event, but then again, she didn't really know Dagda very well - let alone his relationship status.

    WC: 334 Total WC: 749



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    Post by TnT 16th October 2020, 6:48 pm

    Tiisha snorted in disgust as she stepped into City Hall. Single's Night. What a joke. Mortals must be pathetic if they could not conquer those they wanted. Love was a myth. Lust was to be satisfied in whatever ways you wanted. Unfortunately, such methods were frowned upon in the mortal realm. Tiisha need to learn how the mortals satisfied lust. It had been too long since another body cradled her own. This Single's Night should manage to teach her. She had dressed up for the event.

    Turashi trailed behind her sister. Tonight, she had shed the masculine form she usually inhabited. Her feminine form was a blonde, curvaceous. Hopefully enough to draw any male eye. Tura wanted no attention from females tonight. She struggled with the various females of her new guild. Tura wanted to relax. She glanced at her sister. If she was allowed that luxury. Tii had been unusually aggressive toward any perspective mates Tura even looked at too long. Sighing, Tura entered the City Hall. Her white dress swirled around her ankles.

    Tii looked at her sister and sneered. She was acting like a male. Shameful for the feminine perfection she now inhabited. Unable to look at Tura any longer, Tii plunged into the crowd. How did one do this event anyway? Approach any individual and haul them down for a kiss? Maybe a lavacious pass on a nice butt? Tii scowled at the holes in her knowledge. What to do?

    Lightning struck Tura after her sister left. She'd been scanning the crowd. A familiar shock of pink hair caught her gaze. Her hands flew to her mouth. Tears gathered in her eyes. She'd never thought to see him again. Had he brought their - no, his - baby? The blonde moved toward him. She wouldn't stay long. She was sure he wanted nothing to do with her. All Tura wanted was to know: was their baby okay? Happy?

    She reached a hand toward his back. Tura paused an inch away. Did she dare? She'd abandoned their child with him with no explanation. Did she have any right to know? Tura slowly pulled her hand back. She wasn't a mother. She'd run away. No matter the reason, Tura had run from her child. A sob stuck in her throat. Those nights with him had been the happiest. A glimpse into something mortals had that she could never know. Her fingers balled, covering her mouth. The sob broke forth along with her tears. Tura knew she didnt deserve to know about their baby.

    She wanted to be selfish this once. "D-danny?" Tura choked through her tears. She reached out again. Her fingers brushed against his shoulder. Shoulders she remembered crying on, being hugged against, clutching in ecstasy. Shoulders that had once carried her happiness. "That is you, isn't it?"

    WC: 473


    Tiisha & Turashi

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    Post by Lethe 16th October 2020, 7:36 pm

    Leave the Future in the Past, We're Living in the Present now, Baby!

    How in the world was she invited to this thing? She didn’t even settle in much after dropping in this time. It seemed she actually came to the past. Her iLac was busted, but she figured out how to get the card for it, out, and was keeping that safe till she got herself a new iLac. She was now a part of history. One of the first few members to join Meliora Vitae when it actually was created. She originally had been a toddler then, but here she was, an adult. Thrown back in time, but now an adult. It was honestly one of the greatest things that happened to her. And to think, not once has she met her mother either! She was probably already off running around drinking and being batshit crazy, just like in her time.

    She would be taking her time to get herself sorted out and recognized as a person rather than a nomad, but she wasn't entirely sure it mattered as her younger self was put in the hands of her adopted mother and father, who happened to be also a founding member of Meliora Vitae. Right now, she was in Crocus, admiring all the older styles of buildings than she was used to. Would she survive the technology of this time? She shook her head as she went through the doors of the city hall and showed her invite, earning a name tag in return. No way could she actually date someone from here. No it would be wrong. She was from a different time! It would throw off fabrics of time and drastically change the timeline. Hell, her being here during this time is probably doing that already!

    No time to think about what ifs now though, the tall woman strode in the building and let herself drift off to the side wearing a leather spaghetti strap halter crop top; a leather mid thigh, waist high skirt; and a pair of deep grey crew socks with tan sneakers on her feet. Over her clothes she wore a tan leather bomber jacket to conceal her clothes. Her hair pulled back into a long ponytail, with a lock of it braided behind her ear. ‘I don’t think you even trying to hook up would do much to the timeline… you’re twenty-five years old… you don’t have forever to find your soulmate.’ A light blush dusted the slayers cheeks as she pouted to the side, looking at no one in particular. ‘One wrong move, and I could potentially ruin the future though.’ ‘Or you could make it better.’ Veles was snickering as the slayer heavily debated it, but shook her head. She wasn’t going to give herself that luxury… not till she was sure she could get home. Her phlox purple eyes looked down to her shoes as she took a deep breath. Singles party to mingle. That was what she was here for.

    || Words: 490 || Thread Total: 490 || Job || Job Approval ||
    #98AFC7-Lethe || #669999-Veles
    Tag: @tag
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    Experience : 336,993


    Post by Percy 17th October 2020, 12:50 am

    "H-Hey!" Percy exclaimed as he was violently jerked by the wrist in a direction away from the way he wanted to go. If Leon had paid attention to the limping man he dragged across the crowded room, he'd know exactly what the mechanical support was for. In fact, as he was whirled around and put against the wall, the man that had formerly easily defeated him in the ring tried to suppress a wince and vocalization of pain (he failed) as his compromised balance made him hit harder than he wanted, since his ribs might have mended enough to be up and about, but they were still in the process of healing. Despite the annoying exoskeleton outside his dress slacks, this was the first time in a little while that Percy had put any effort into his appearance and he looked decent. There's been little point when he'd blatantly looked like a building tried to crush him. Now, most of the superficial wounds were fading. Only a ghost of a fresh scar was left on his lip and the bruises were light enough for him to cover up with a little concealer. Leon was so close, though, it was probably more obvious than at first glance that he'd recently had some sort of unfortunate accident.

    "No, what's your problem, Leon?" At least the little jolt of pain and the shock of running into such an angry Leon seemed to inject some much-needed life into Percy. Since the attack on Fairy Tail and his subsequent switch to Meliora Vitae, he hadn't been himself. The blow to his ego had been monumental, and he'd spent a lot of time in his room aboard the flying ship instead of working. The only times he remotely perked up was when he tried to do so for Dagda's sake, since he didn't want to be a buzzkill for his new-guild excitement. But now, as he ran into Leon on accident yet again, his own temper started to flare, which thankfully erased the flustered stutter he'd otherwise have right now. "You don't own the whole world, Leon. Could I possibly be here for the event?" he hissed, glowering at the taller man trapping him. Funny, the last time he'd been pinned to the wall by an angry man towering over him, he'd made a really good friend. This time, all he wanted to do was take Leon up on the offer and knock the crap out of him, even though he knew it wouldn't be as easy this time in his condition. "Besides, you're the one far from home. I live and work here. Now, would you kindly move?" Percy asked, a hand raising to push at Leon's solid chest. Hm. Very solid...

    [wc: 457 || Percy's Total: 1244]


    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    Post by Leon Hoffman 17th October 2020, 1:38 am


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    Percy's response was... shocking, to say the least. For the short time that Leon knew him, he regarded Percy as someone who was mild-mannered and passive, so this little outburst was equal parts impressive and, well, even more irritating. Every time he saw this guy, one way or another, he was reminded of the boxing ring he would never be able to enter again because of him. After a year of living in Fiore, he was basically the working poor. The several jobs he worked only kept his head above water, and that was only because the cost of living in Neutral Grounds was more expensive than a lot of other towns, but it was hard finding work that he could actually do outside of the city, and trips like these were one-time things. Equal Grounds was one of the only places he went to that wasn't work-related and he enjoyed, and now it was gone. Even if Leon was in the wrong right now, he couldn't help but feel pissed off just by seeing Percy.  

    "My problem? You don't even have a clue what you—ugh!" Leon drooped his head, letting his raven-black hair hang over his frustrated features as he let out an exasperated sigh. He knew he was wrong for putting Percy in this position, especially when he won fair and square, but he still couldn't help but feel angry about his circumstances. It was for pent-up frustration like this that he often went to that boxing ring, and exercise satiated it for a while, but nothing was quite like getting hit and getting a few good ones out. Meanwhile, while he head hung downward, his doggish eyes caught a clear view of something he had noticed before, but never really registered. Percy's leg had some sort of... cast on it?

    Leon's first thought was that his leg was broken, and then his second thought was his leg was broken. He had been so in his own head that he didn't even consider the depth of his actions, and a feeling of dread and guilt washed over him the second he realized that he may have dragged some injured man around, pinned him against a wall, and threatened him. Granted, a large part of him still wanted to slug the guy if only to vent, but the feeling of shame seemed to sink in a lot heavier than his own personal desires.

    He wasn't very good at expressing anything through words as he was through mannerisms and actions, and so as a display of the horror he felt, he began rubbing the nape of his neck again. It was one of his more anxious quirks that admitted more than he could ever say himself. Was he an awful person to wanna punch Percy while apologizing all at once?

    "Forget it. It doesn't matter anymore. But your—ehm—the..." Leon stared at Percy when he felt his hand push against his chest, lightly pushing against it. He didn't think twice about it, but he wanted to complete his thought before moving, and maybe even apologize, but he couldn't do that if he wasn't there to hear it. He bumbled and rubbed the nape of his neck until he was finally able to blurt it out, looking away at the last word. "...what happened? That's what I was going to say. So... I'll get out of your way if you share."

    || Word Count: 363 || Thread WC: 3151 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



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    Post by Percy 17th October 2020, 2:30 am

    Percy's anger likewise evaporated just as suddenly as Leon's. He was actually a little shocked, brows jumping up as his aggressor's body language did an about-face, but all that turned into something more like embarrassment once he realized exactly why Leon had backed down. So he'd noticed. That was a whole different type of irritation since now the last person he wanted to feel pity for him was this guy, but he returned to his more mild-mannered self now that the threat level had lowered. He did pause, however, weighing his options. He very much didn't want to get caught by Lilith. Staying to explain would take time. However, it didn't look like Leon was going to move until he did just that, so which was the quickest option? He certainly wasn't going to create a scene and try to shove the man out of the way, but he also didn't really want Leon to know what happened? It was like showing vulnerability to an opponent, which he still felt like they were. At first, it had been purely on Leon's end, but now he found himself a little like he had to have his guard up, waiting for the right hook.

    After his pause of consideration, he sighed and relented. Of course he relented. He always did. And this was where some of his insecurity and truly wounded pride would show. The memory was still raw and jarring. It had been like a nuke going off with no warning at all. He'd just been in the office having a snack and chatting with a couple newer members, asking them about their magic and having a nice time when brick and mortar exploded all around him. A giant creature roared, but it was lost in the ear-peircing noise of demolition. Most if not all used their innate magical skill to escape or shield themselves, but Percy had no such safe-guard. He had barely been able to get off his stool and take more than a few steps toward the door before a large chunk of the splintered roof landed on his leg, nearly crushing it beyond repair. He hadn't even had time to scream in pain before the rest of the doomed building rained down on his prone form, busting up his ribs and at least granting him the mercy of unconsciousness. The next thing he knew he was in the hospital. "Uhm..." Percy started, his breath catching in this throat before he forced himself past it, "Ah, did you hear about what happened to Fairy Tail? ...I was inside the g-guildhall when the dragon attacked and leveled it," he said, dropping his eyes off and to the side as he spoke. Nice of the stutter to try and sneak back in. That helped the situation loads. It was when he lowered his eyes, though, that he noticed his hand was still pressed against Leon's chest. Pulse jumping, he hastily dropped it, resigning to his position and leaning his wait more comfortably against the wall. Maybe with Leon's bigger frame shielding him, Lilith would never see him.

    [WC: 517 || Percy's WC: 1761]



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    Post by SlayerMathis 17th October 2020, 8:20 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mathis was near certain he was letting Poppi get away with too much. She had mentioned something about a single's night within the capital of Fiore and did her best to drag him along to it, Mathis finally caving in after Poppi insisted for two hours straight. He sighed, scanning around the area.

    "You worried that you're too old for any of the folks here?" Malos teased, patting Mathis on the shoulder. "Or just concerned that you let Poppi talk you into yet another weird thing? Honestly, you're being a bit of a pushover, don't you think?"

    Mathis shrugged, adjusting the collar of his jacket. "It is entirely possible that either of those is the correct case. I am curious as to why you have decided you wanted to join in these 'festivities,' however. You are in a much worse position than I if you are looking for a potential coupling."

    Malos gave a light guffaw at this. "I'm sure you're right about that, Mathis. Sometimes, we just gotta go out and have some fun, you know? I've been dreadfully lacking in meeting people, so why not use this? Plus you've heard some of the whispers, right? You're a bit of a catch among the ladies, I hear. So if you can be a catch with the ladies, well I ought to be able to as well, wouldn't you think?"

    Mathis raised an eyebrow at the Aegis. Poppi had convinced them to go into more casual wear than the usual armor, saying that armor would be a put off for some people. Of course, this was all Poppi's plan and yet the Artificial Blade was nowhere to be seen. "I suppose. Though I believe this is just because Poppi wanted to go and she needed a chaperone."

    Malos smirked. "You're right about her needing a chaperone. She's troublesome enough as it, and now she's trying to pick up some humans."

    "Or non humans. Fiore, I see, is a land of many mysteries. Perhaps I am not alone in my... experience, as Poppi encouraged me to call it."

    A nod of agreement came from Malos. "I suppose. Hey, isn't that one of your new guildmates?" Malos pointed a finger near the entrance of the building, seeing a slightly familiar dark haired person. "If you wanna blend in, you gotta talk to some women, you know?"

    Mathis sighed. "Perhaps. I can always use this as an opportunity to learn more about my fellow guildmates." Mathis made his way through the crowd, Malos close behind, until they were within a short distance of the other woman. "Lethe, is it not? I believe I have seen you around the Endeavor. Apologies if I am too upfront with my approach."

    WC: 0456 | TWC: 0456

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis




    [center]Mathis Lora | Blademaster Lineage | Monado | Magic | Poppi

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    Post by Masha 17th October 2020, 10:39 am

    Masha clapped her hands excitedly. It was singles night! Singles night where she could find some friends - hopefully. The doctor had no illusions about finding love here. Her memories hadn't returned. How could someone be a partner without knowing who they were? Masha shook her head. Only good thoughts now on out. She wiped imaginary dirt off her dress. Time to have some fun!

    City Hall was packed when she stepped through the door. Masha smiled at the various people all mingling together. All kinds coming to one place to ease their loneliness. Props to whoever organized this whole event. The redhead moved toward the bar. A few eyes followed her but Masha was oblivious. She never felt beautiful. Why would someone watch her?

    Masha stopped by a gorgeous blonde. "Hi! My name is Masha. What brings you here today?" That was a normal greeting right? Masha turned to order a water. She'd learned a while ago that alchohol didn't affect her at all. A disappointing discovery since she thought being drunk would be great fun. It also made her wonder what other secrets her body was hiding.

    She sipped the water once it arrived. "what's your name? The redhead asked, looking toward the blonde. Something drew her toward the woman. Masha couldn't put her finger on what it was. However, it was an itch she wanted to scratch. Who knew what would result from it?

    WC: 238

    @Leona Jarnefeldt


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    SINGLES NIGHT [OPEN EVENT] - Page 2 Keymasha
    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    Post by Leon Hoffman 17th October 2020, 11:54 am


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    "So you were there, huh?" Leon chimed in. He had remembered reading about that incident in the online newspaper, and sometimes he was still taken aback by how rampant violence and terrorism ran throughout Fiore. Not only did he dislike violence, but he also had a somewhat sheltered upbringing. He wasn't entirely aware of the state of other nation's internal issues, but he couldn't describe what he felt when he read that article that day. He wondered what kind of expression he made when he was scrolling through the page in silence, and to think that Percy was in the crossfire of that mess? Leon knew that this man was strong, but there was something disheartening about seeing the guy who destroyed him in the boxing ring suddenly have a cast, if not other injuries.

    Well, Percy had technically told him what had happened, but he still didn't want to move. It's like all the questions, concerns, and even some simmering complaints still hadn't formed into a complete thought yet, and he didn't want to retreat from their awkward exchange until they did. However, there was one comment he knew he had to make if nothing else at all.

    "Hey, uh... I'm sorry for dragging you like that, and..." Leon's eyes kept floating from place to place to anywhere but where Percy's eyes were, even though he wasn't looking at him directly either. He fumbled and fidgeted with his words until something coherent and unbroken came out, his eyes slowly fixing onto Percy's as he mustered up the willpower to force out what he wanted to say. "You were really cool in our fight! I've always been matched up with big, brute-looking guys—so it felt different when you—when you... tch." Leon suddenly lifted his face so that it was facing the ceiling, cupping his mouth to cover it with his large hand. All he wound up doing was getting himself worked up again, wanting to admit how refreshing their fight was, and yet still feeling indignant and bitter about the consequences of that match. He stopped himself from venting and letting his own grievances bleed into his praise, and slowly, the hand that cupped over his mouth moved up and around his head so that it was apprehensively placed on his neck again as he looked back down to face Percy. "You're really good, alright?"

    || Word Count: 363 || Thread WC: 3546 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
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    Teresa Sinclair
    Teresa Sinclair

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    Post by Teresa Sinclair 17th October 2020, 12:18 pm

    Her silver eyes moved around fast, trying to take it all in. Of course she had seen the city hall before, but never like this. Not decorated as beautifully as this or filled with so many handsome people in it. What was even more overwhelming though was the amount of smells teasing her nose. From sweet perfumes, to the seemingly countless fragrances of food and of course the natural pheromones. It was almost overwhelming, so before she went in she took her time to smoke a cigarette just outside.

    Of course Teresa was never shy of having a bit of fun and she had to admit it had been a while since she was single again. She was not ready to get married or anything just yet, but waking up alone was getting a bit stale. The main reason she was here though had to be the free food and booze. She was dying to taste the various local specialties. At least so she told herself as she walked flicked the cigarette away and walked in.

    Her blond hair was tied down in a knot and she was wearing tight deep blue jeans and a fluffy red sweater with a diamond brooch on it. On her right wrist she wore three bracelets made of black silver and two plain golden rings around her fingers. A blue pearl necklace decorated her sleek neckline. She had considered wearing her while gloves, but decided to go for the tighter emerald green ones. “So big boy, can you tell me where to find the bar?” She said playfully as she ran her finger across some guys chest. After getting the desired reaction and directions, she gave him a smile before turning abruptly around and making her way straight through the bar.

    She was about half way there when suddenly she was distracted by a very eerie feeling in the air. She was very sensitive to magic and random energy flow, so she was constantly bombarded. This one was strong enough to actively register though and surprised she looked around, pivoting around her own axle.

    Guess it was nothing… She thought to herself as she could not find anything and began moving towards the bar again. Of course it was always a good idea to turn back before moving forward. A lesson she tended to forget and as usual she crashed into someone. It was like bouncing into a firm, yet surprisingly soft wall. Not a bad first impression at all. “My apologies, I was just on the way towards the bar.” She said playfully shy as she took a step back and let her silver eyes glide over this stranger. “Though if you want I could be persuaded to let you get a drink for both of us.” She said with a sly chuckle, before giving him a playful smile and slowly moving past him towards the bar.

    WC: 475/475
    @Noctis X'ail
    @Kyra Velkhomme

    Last edited by Teresa Sinclair on 19th October 2020, 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

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    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 17th October 2020, 2:46 pm

    Leona was sitting at the bar sipping from her half-empty glass of ice water when a redhead strolled up to the bar and ordered a glass of ice water. After the order was complete she sat down beside the Wizard Saint and asked Leona what she was doing here.

    "I'm here for Singles Night. I had a break from work and heard about this event, so I decided to attend and see what it was all about." Leona told the redhead while still looking at her glass of ice water. Leona was technically telling the truth. She had a break from work and had heard about Singles Night, so she decided to attend the event. What she did not say was that Leona was here to improve her modest social skills, not seek romance. However, the very point of Singles Night was to try and find a romantic partner.

    It was too late for Leona to leave now.

    Figuring that she had nothing to lose by talking to someone, Leona turned to face the redhead and came face-to-face with someone from her past, a familiar someone. The red hair. The blue eyes. The outfit that was eye-catching because of the wearer's physique.

    It was Masha Dymonrel!

    Leona remembered the job they had taken together where she and Masha had been drawn into a different world and clashed with an angel who believed that they were either demons or slaves to demons. After a protracted physical and verbal fight against the angels the pair had won their freedom and had somehow proven that they were not in league with demons, something that they had been trying to tell the zealous angels all along. The blonde also remembered something else.

    Leona remembered that Masha had wanted to kiss Leona after their adventure. The blonde almost immediately began to blush and her mind began to race.

    Maybe Masha had come to collect on the kiss.

    Since it was Singles Night no one would find it out of place.

    The media was going to have a field day with this if the kiss was caught on camera.

    Leona could already imagine the headlines that would grace the cover of the newspapers.

    Wizard Saint Kisses Mystery Redhead!

    Confirmed! Leona Jarnefeldt Has A Girlfriend!

    Not wanting to be rude to an old acquaintance, Leona shook off the awkward scenarios in her mind. There were plenty of other big names here, including Lilith Kadokawa. Everyone else would likely be too focused on the beautiful Rune Knight to pay much attention to the Wizard Saint. Sometimes Leona thought too much about her own importance. She was a small fish in a big pond.

    Focusing on the present, Leona made eye contact with the beautiful redhead and spoke.

    "I'm Leona Jarnefeldt, the Wizard Saint of Courage and Guild Mistress of Silver Wolf." Leona introduced herself to Masha, still blushing furiously. Masha was so beautiful that she made Leona feel plain. Compared to the conservatively dressed blonde, the redhead looked positively alluring.

    [Post Word Count: 502]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,723]



    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

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    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 17th October 2020, 4:46 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra panicked as the man in front of her jumped back, her own glass of punch completely emptied upon herself and the floor at this point. This giant of a man... cat... thing was certainly jumpy, yet her apology was cut off with a stern shout of "Not another step closer!" Kyra was just about ready to leave when he mentioned something else, quieter this time, yet it rang much louder in her mind. He... smelled blood and death on her? It was true that she had, much to her chagrin, killed someone and had ate part of them on her way here, but... the smell was off, was it not? Liz promised her dress would hide every stain and keep a constant scent of lavender in the air, she promised! And she had washed herself as pristinely as always, making sure not a drop of blood was on her face or in her teeth. To counteract the Beast, Kyra had begun carrying perfume around with her, trying to mask any lingering scents of blood and death underneath.

    Yet this man could smell it. Kyra internally panicked, running the courses through her mind on what to say. Did he know? Was he speculating? Would he tell? For once, Kyra wished Medeia was here. She would have figured something to say to alleviate suspicions. Hell, anyone other than Kyra could have. Any of her siblings, Medeia, Jen, just about everyone could get her out of this awkward situation. Now Kyra had to fend for himself.

    "B-blood and d-death?!" she said, shocked. "T-that's a b-bit rude t-to s-say to a l-lady... y-you could have j-just said my perfume s-smelled b-bad... F-for a Single's N-Night, y-you're a-awfully rude, y-you know that? Y-You haven't i-introduced yours-self." Suddenly, another woman bumped into the taller man in front of her. Apparently this man was a magnet for women bumping into him. She saw the hint of nametag along the edge of his pocket, seeing the name. "I-I guess t-that's why we h-have the nametags, h-huh? I-I'm V-Valkyria V-Velkhomme, b-but you c-can just c-call me K-Kyra. B-But y-you're just-"

    "You're probably just imagining things," a familiar voice called out. Kyra spun on her heel to her her elder sister, Aria, come behind her and place a hand on her shoulder. "Nice to see you getting along so well already, Kyra! Though, I didn't really expect to see you at an event like this. Friend of yours send you to come out here? I doubt you had this thought on your own." Aria smiled, offering a hand. Her dress was much more simple than Kyra's, fitting for the more active Aria. "Sorry if she's been acting like a weirdo, she's always been like this. I'm her sister, Aria Velkhomme. Nice to meet you, Mister Noctis, Miss Teresa.”

    WC: 0469 | TWC: 0848

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    @Noctis X'ail @Teresa Sinclair

    Last edited by Kyra Velkhomme on 17th October 2020, 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    Post by Dagda 17th October 2020, 8:02 pm



    Pim seemed relieved as she greeted him with a bow of her head with her palms pressed together in front of her. He returned the gesture with a dip of his own head, noting that he hadn’t seen that type of greeting around Fiore. Curious if it was something of cultural significance, he would try to remember to ask about it later on.

    “It’s good to see you too. Yeah, it does look like fun,” Dagda agreed, peering around the room at the dazzling decorations again. At once he realized he had left Percy without a word. Damnit! Upon a quick glance, the two-toned man wasn’t in his view. Perhaps he had found someone to talk to already. The titan knew Percy could fend for himself in a fight, so he would probably be fine on the battlefield of love, right? Besides, he would surely reconnect with him later on in the night. Somewhat reassured, he turned back to his guildmate.

    She explained that she thought he would be in a relationship already. It was a fair guess, given his age. Dagda’s breath caught in his throat for a moment. “Oh, well…” he trailed off. Memories of his late wife were surfacing, both good and bad. It was a bittersweet feeling each time he thought about her fiery hair and freckled face.

    “I’ve actually been single for a while,” he finished vaguely, not wanting to delve too deep into an explanation. He didn’t want to dampen the mood by mentioning Adamina’s death. Flexing the fingers of his metal arm absentmindedly, he worked to clear his head. This was supposed to be a fun night, he couldn’t waste it drudging up old memories.

    Dagda found himself surprised at Pim’s presence here too, which meant she was single. How could she not be taken? It was not an assumption about her character, just that he realized she was quite pretty as they stood there. That, and she had a sweet disposition.

    “Do you want to grab a drink and some snacks before the activities start?” he asked with a smile, hoping their conversation had eased her worries a bit. “Wait, do you drink? I probably should have started with that.”

    Post WC: 368 Thread WC: 849 Tagged: @Pimwadee   Job Info: X Music: X



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    Post by Percy 17th October 2020, 11:09 pm

    "Yeah, I was there," Percy confirmed, crossing one arm over his torso to idly rub the other. Then he got something rather unexpected. An apology. "It's fine," accepted the two-toned man, not one to hold grudges over petty things.

    In the end, Leon knew just what to say to pull him out of the funk that was trying to reclaim him, even if it was unintentional. Mentioning the fight brought a little of his confidence back out, his lips quirking up on one side just a little as his own eyes met the taller man's with a little bit of that fiery glint he'd had in the ring. Leon was still sore about losing, but at least he finally seemed to be coming around to accepting that's just how fights worked out sometimes. Maybe he would stop blaming him like he'd done it maliciously. Percy had no idea the true ramifications of their fight for Leon, after all. It was nice that they could finally speak more calmly about it now. Apparently, all that needed to happen was for a building to nearly kill him...

    "Thanks, you weren't bad yourself," he said, finally getting a chance to get his words acknowledged this time. "Most of the fighters at Equal Grounds are all brute and no technique. I've been trained the exact opposite way since I could stand on my own by experts in nearly all martial arts and physical combat disciplines. If you had a little of my training to go with whatever training you've already had, you could win all the fights at the there...except maybe against me," the youngest Dagger explained, some of his cockiness making a brief appearance, but his heart was in the right place. "That's what I've been trying to tell you when we kept running into each other. I think you have some great potential and I... I just wanted to help you train," Percy finished, his hand moving from rubbing his arm to awkwardly running through his hair, which was unfortunate since it'd been nicely styled before that moment. Percy was good at science, technology, and fighting. Any skills other than those, like social adeptness, were beyond his comfort zone.

    [WC: 368 || Percy's WC: 2129]


    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    Post by Leon Hoffman 17th October 2020, 11:58 pm


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    Help him train? So he wasn't stalking him after all? Well, it did make a lot more sense than Percy following him around as if to rub his victory in his face, and he certainly didn't look like the type to do it. Leon wasn't sure at what point he decided to believe that Percy was out to get him, but up until just a few moments ago, he had only a bitter image of this man. Apparently, all it took was a small outburst on both of their sides, and now they were on the same page. Instead of escalating into a fight like most other situations would, it actually devolved, and both of their exasperation seemed to flutter away. Well, maybe that was the case for Percy, but for Leon, he was left in an awkward jumble of indignance and respect. In his head, he knew that the situation was over and done with, and resulted in someone probably more beneficial than a boxing ring could ever do for him, but the bitterness lingered for a moment after their confrontation. At least he knew now that it was a him problem and had nothing to do with Percy. Hell, he kind of liked the guy. He was both sincere and confident in his own respect.

    With a deep, long, and heavy sigh, Leon closed his eyes and almost pushed his lingering irritation outward. It was pointless to let those feelings interfere with anything that was happening with him now, and so at that moment, he decided to move past it. There were always other boxing rings, and there would always be people who wanted a good fight and people who wanted good fighters to bet on, but it wasn't very often you'd find someone as skilled as Percy who was willing to teach others.

    "Oh yeah? In the shape you're in?" Leon scoffed, a tiny smirk on his rough and intimidating face as he looked at Percy. Even when he was smiling, his expression still seemed rough. After that, he pulled his body away from his new acquaintance, finally releasing Percy from his pin—this time with a slightly softer face and arms crossed over his sturdy chest. "I'm not a professional fighter, so I don't really need the one-on-one. But if you'll have me, I'd like to get to the point where I can beat you. It sounds... nice." Leon rubbed the nape of his neck again, eyes drifting down to the mechanical cast around Percy's leg. 'Are you really okay?' is what he was wanting to say if the staring wasn't already obvious.

    Well, what exactly was Leon supposed to do if Percy did end up becoming his mentor of sorts? It's not like he had an iLac, and he was so busy trying to live above the poverty line and escape homelessness that he spent most of his time working different jobs. There was only one day of the week he managed to be completely free, and on that day, he boxed and went to the gym to exercise. There was a reason he was looked so athletic and well-built. Still, how was he supposed to get in touch with this guy? More importantly, how was he supposed to continue this exchange they had?

    "Did you—er—should I..." Leon looked away, "you were in the middle of something, yeah? Did I... interrupt you?"

    || Word Count: 566 || Thread WC: 4112 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

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    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic


    Post by Akeya 18th October 2020, 10:55 am

    Akeya watched as around her people mingled and enjoyed themselves. Of course not everyone was as eager, but plenty of people seemed quite enthusiastic about meeting new strangers and possibly finding someone they found a particularly strong interest in, whether it was for one night or a longer period.

    As she took on the role of observer Akeya had situated herself at the bar, although so far she'd only grabbed one glass of wine, and even that had been left largely untouched as her focus was on the world around her. Golden eyes darted from one figure to another, taking note not only of their appearance but also of their apparent abilities and personality. You could learn a lot about someone from the way they dressed and they way they moved. It wasn't a field that Akeya had mastered but that just made it all the more important that she used this opportunity to practise and refine it. Several of the people attending this event were powerful enough that it couldn't hurt to gather some intel on them. As for the ones of a lower level... well, only a fool would think that someone who starts out weak would always be weak. Too many powerful and legendary figures fell because they underestimated the growth of others.

    There was, of course, the question why Akeya was even here. She wasn't particularly interested in finding someone to spend time with. Leila had told her that she wouldn't mind if the dragoness had some fun while the nature goddess was adventuring with her family, but Akeya didn't have a strong need for romance or companionship in the first place, as demonstrated by the fact that after Leila left for her trip she'd returned to largely sticking to herself. Perhaps the truth of the matter was simply that she found herself bored and figured that it might be entertaining to watch the people of Fiore flounder about trying to impress the opposite sex. Or the same sex. Or both. It really depended on what their preferences happened to be.

    Although she wasn't sure if the entertainment was worth the trouble of wearing shoes. She loathed shoes. They were impractical and looked silly. If she had to wear footwear she preferred wrappings or boots. Shoes were just... She rolled her eyes as she hid her disgruntlement by taking another sip from her drink. Unfortunately if she turned up dressed for the occasion but without the appropriate footwear someone was bound to notice. There actually was a saying among those who had a... vested interest in figuring out the identities of others: "Nobody remembers the shoes." You could be dressed up in the nines and still blow your cover because you forgot to wear the appropriate shoes. Of course the very fact that it was a saying meant that it wasn't always true, but it was worth keeping in mind nonetheless.

    So Akeya was, begrudgingly, forced to wear shoes. Black, simple shoes, matching her dark dress. Given that she wasn't actually here to impress she hadn't bothered with an overly complicated or extravagant outfit: she'd just gotten her hands on something which showed off her figure while being made of a good material and called it a day.

    Leaning back against the bar she rested one elbow on the counter while holding her glass with the other hand, relaxing a bit as so far it seemed like nobody was paying undue attention to her. She gave a light chuckle as she imagined that others would be bothered by the idea of not being noticed. People with a narcissistic streak, or with an inferiority complex that caused them to be desperate for external acknowledgement. So far as she was concerned she knew she was beautiful, and if that didn't draw in admirers that just meant she didn't have to deal with nuisances and left her free to move according to her own plans and desires.

    There were some people in the crowd who interested her though, even independent of their threat potential: a dark, tall man who looked like he'd rather be somewhere else. A raven-haired female, beautiful but with a twisted scent to her. A man with two different hair colours, split straight down the middle. And aside from those she spotted two people who she recognized despite never having met them in the flesh: Danny and Kyra. Most likely they'd forgotten their dreams, but Akeya's memories didn't fade as easily. If she were more playful in nature she might have used her experiences with their dreams to mess with them, but as it was she just shrugged.

    There was also the girl who smelled like Ada. Curious. Akeya might have made a move to investigate if the strange girl hadn't been approached by two hunks. The disguised dragoness imagined that the strange girl would consider herself lucky with that kind of attention. Fortunately there was someone else who managed to gain Akeya's focus.

    Two ladies entered the large room together, both of them looking out of their element in different ways. One of them, a blonde wearing a simple pale dress, looked like she was merely here because she was dragged along by her partner, a fiery redhead who strode in as if she was planning to look down at everyone who crossed her path. Akeya would merely have found them odd if it wasn't for her sharp nose and eyes quickly picking up on their actual nature: dragons.

    Why one of said dragons looked so meek was a question for another time, as the blonde quickly headed for Danny with a look as if she'd seen a ghost. Which, given Danny's nature, was quite ironic.

    Akeya, for her part, stood up from her seat and approached Tiisha at a calm pace, in the process allowing some of her carefully disguised magic to seep forth. While she didn't doubt her own senses a little test wouldn't hurt: the sharp senses of a dragon were fine-tuned to detect the presence of other dragons.

    "Greetings. I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'd like to know your name if possible." She still held her glass in one hand as she gave a little bow, holding the container perfectly balanced even as she straightened up and studied the blue-clad dragoness with confident golden eyes. "Mine is Akemi, in case that interests you."


    WC: 1,065
    PWC: 1,065



    SINGLES NIGHT [OPEN EVENT] - Page 2 Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


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    Post by Cetus 18th October 2020, 6:04 pm

    Cetus sat with a glass of wine in his hand. Singles Night was an interesting concept. People gathering together for activities meant to create connections. He took a sip. An excellent place for a subtle kill. Some contact poison, maybe an ingested substance was easy to place. Make it a slow acting toxicant and they'd never know when it was applied.

    The assassin took another sip. That wasn't why he'd come though. This was a rare opportunity to observe. To look on and see how humanoids interacted with each other. Perhaps gain a glimpse at how to regain his own emotions. Failing that, he might find someone to play with.

    The shark man finished his wine and got up. He had dressed down. A black turtle neck stretched over his chest with a tawny jacket thrown over it. His hair was swept to the side over his eye. His hands went into his pockets. For now, he would content himself to observe. Cetus didn't know how romance worked despite having had a few flings. Despite being taught how to seduce those around him.

    Cetus only took a few steps before stumbling. His nose began to bleed. [color=cyan]"Damn."[/cyan] The shark man cursed pulling out a handkerchief. The fabric barely stemmed the flow of blood. Ever since Persephone had malfunctioned, his nose had randomly begun bleeding. It was a problem he needed to fix. Cetus paused, leaning his head forward. Until the blood stopped, he didn't want to move.

    WC: 248


    Gabriel Bank

    SINGLES NIGHT [OPEN EVENT] - Page 2 CetusSigs

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