Fairy Tail RP

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    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.


    Post by Aven Alveron 6th November 2020, 3:29 pm

    Lilith was a tease, as usual, taking the activity slow and sensual. Far be it from him to steal away her fun, especially as they grew closer and closer. Evidently, she was shooting him the same husky look she'd worn on their last night out, keen on fixing his attention on her, and only her. A bit selfish, maybe... It was a thought that popped up very once and a while, since they'd tussled in the sheets; what exactly did Lily think of him as? A 'friend with benefits', perhaps? Aven was no stranger to hearsay, and rumor had it that she was quite the man-eater; not that he'd looked into it particularly hard, as obvious as it was from how she carried herself. She knew her way around men, at the very least, and it begged the question: how was he any different?

    Broken from his thoughts, Aven responded to her teasing with a grin. "Seems I didn't try hard enough, if you could forget so easily." He leaned in, his voice hushed. "Next time, I'll make certain your body remembers my shape..." Just then, an audible *pop* between them sent Lily chest first into his arms, lips inches away from one another. Aven locked eyes with the temptress, his hands sliding down to her waist, tantalizingly close to encroaching on more sensual territory. There it is, again... That flash of red, the same he'd seen several times before; it intrigued him to no end, wondering just what power was hidden behind those sparkling eyes.

    Lily broke away, her role as the host inhibiting the moment. The next game, as it happened, was novel, at best; Truth or Dare, the strange activity of digging into other people's business cleverly disguised as a 'game'. It was in no small part to his Family that Aven had never participated in a session of the infamous game, as he was honor bound to tell the truth; omission was admissible, but only under circumstances that warranted it. If Lilith answered, he was bound more by decency and social convention to answer in kind.

    Lilith returned shortly, as he was accepting his board. He chuckled, as she spoke. "I wonder...?" Uncapping his pen, Aven penned out a fancy, calligraphic 'Of course.', as the board lit up green. In honesty, it would've surprised him if their answers had been any different, knowing their history. Still, the next question was far trickier., and Aven's smile faded, as he broke eye contact to stare down at the board, speaking aloud. "What is your worst trait..."

    A far cry from the first question, this obviously threw Aven off. A while ago, he would've answered "My scars", but since then, he'd grown to view them as a strength, as reminder of what he was fighting for. They were marks of his determination, a sentiment he'd picked up from Nessa. No. What Aven despised about himself ran deeper than skin, festering in the recesses of his mind. Behind the compassion, past his smile and kindness, there was a darkness that lurked, a remnant of the Demon he'd long banished. Crush them, It would say, when he fought his opponents, Why do you hesitate? They are weak! The world has no need for scum! Words of a demon could not sway him as he was now, nor the taunting of those with darkened hearts; no, the voice frightened Aven... because it was his own.

    Aven scrawled only a single word, before his board lit green once more: Pride.


    [Word Count: 591.]


    SINGLES NIGHT [OPEN EVENT] - Page 6 Aven_Sig
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
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    Posts : 330
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
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    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 6th November 2020, 9:03 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61

    Finally, an event worthy enough for Odhran to make his way to! They were hosting an event just for him to get someone that was worthy enough of handling his expertise, handling his glory, someone great enough to deign to bear the name "Aegisbane" that was not him, his parents, or his weird uncle Fergal. A single's night! Of course, he needed to make sure that all things were worthy here! He was ready to walk in, red carpet flaring, Lupa, Arnaluuk, Atsuai, Noel, and Sweetie following behind! Of course, Scorpio wanted in and Arnaluuk and Atsuai both said it was a poor idea to bring Lupa and Noel in. Something about them not meshing well with others. Whatever, it was no big deal. What was a bigger deal was them saying not to enter with a red carpet. Odhran was infuriated by this until they had convinced him that it was for the best to find someone who did not just want to try to steal his glory. Of course! A wonderful idea! So, Odhran simply walked in, doing his best to look as fancy as possible. If nothing else, Atsuai and Arnaluuk were good at getting him to look better than others, even moreso than usual.

    Unfortunately, his initial foray into the festivities found himself unhelped by anything. Not a single person approached him! No one! Horrendous! And when they neared that first game, no one except for Atsuai, Arnaluuk, and one other black haired woman Odhran did not know approached! No one worthy of Odhran! A disgrace! An utter failure of anything! He did not even know where any of his Spirits were at this point! They were out and about, doing something. Odhran thought he saw Atsuai get many suitors for the balloon game, but he could not make sure. Disgusted, he stepped away from his spot in a corner far away from everyone else and made his way to the main floor, ready to vent his frustrations as a game of truth or dare would come forth. He looked around for people, eventually settling on three separate targets, a hobbit man and two similar enough looking women of the same height and hair color than Odhran could not really bother to distinguish between. He grabbed the arm of one of the black haired women and began dragging her over to the hobbit and the other woman, taking some of the machines from the attendants as he passed them by.

    "Rejoice, all you who have been chosen!" he announced in a haughty voice as he tossed the girl he dragged in to the others. "I am the great, the wonderful Odhran Aegisbane! If you somehow have been living under enough of a rock to not know who I am, then fear not, for you shall soon! Truly, this is a wonderful day for all of you! You have been chosen as people worthy to reside with me as someone who is nearly equal to my prowess as a living, breathing god! But that is neither here nor there. There's only one thing to do, and that is for you to prove yourselves as worthy for me, though a riveting game of Truth or Dare! Truly, all of you shall marvel at my sheer powers of honesty and my immense fearlessness and my overwhelmingly powerful powers to not do bad at dares! Bring it on all you want, for the only one worthy of judging anyone is me, Odhran Aegisbane!" He flared his arm out, holding the device in it. "Now then, I suppose introductions are in order." He pointed at the two black haired women. "You're not interesting enough to be right away, so..." he then pointed the device at the other person, a spotlight manifesting above their head. "Tell me, Mister Hobbit, what's your name?"

    WC: 0640 | TWC: 0640

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis




    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Experience : 1,361,264

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    Post by Lilith 6th November 2020, 9:20 pm

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    His teasing would elicit a coquettish grin from the woman, flashing a row of perfect teeth at him. Oh how far they had come since she had approached him at the Rune Knights headquarters. That sweet, blushing boy that had been so fun to tease and toy with. Followed by a wonderful night of teaching; showing him how to handle her, where to touch and where to tease. He was a fast learner and his competitive edge made for a rather pleasurable back and forth.

    Aven's first answer to the question didn't surprise her. Which meant that they could move onto the next one. Her eyes flickered over to the whiteboard, considering the question. Her worst trait... now that was an interesting concept. Personally, Lilith wouldn't really consider any of her traits to be 'bad' per se, they weren't to everyone's liking but as far as she was concerned they were other people's problems. But still, she had to answer, so she would quickly rifle through the insults that had been directed at her over the years. And there certainly were a number of them: whore, bitch, vain, shallow, manipulative, heartless and so on.

    Aven would turn over his board, revealing the word 'Pride'. Lilith arched a brow, not entirely sure this was a fault. And yet the board glowed green, piquing her curiosity. She wanted to ask about it, but she needed to write her own answer. Finally, she settled on something, figuring it was the easiest summation of what people considered to be the worst thing about her. Scrawling across the board, she turned it over to reveal the word; 'Bitch'. Shrugging her shoulders as she waited for it to glow green, except it didn't.

    Instead, the board turned purple.

    Lilith's face quickly dropped into a scowl, turning the board back to herself. Was this not the worst thing about her? Surely it was. She stared for a moment, before wiping the word away. Replacing it with the word 'slut' and waiting to see what colour it turned. Red this time. "... the fuck?" She muttered quietly to herself, wiping it away and trying it again. And again. And again. Insults after insult she scribbled, each one flashing red or purple. With each flashing of the board, she grew more frustrated. Until finally she took pause, was hers just broken? It was at this point that a word drifted into her mind, something she had never considered. It couldn't be right, she wasn't that bad... was she?

    She hesitated as she lowered the pen once more, scribbling the word slowly. The six letters taking much longer than the others had to write out. Lifting the pen she stared, waiting for the board to react. After what felt like forever, it lit up green and Lilith's would stiffen. Her eyes wide with disbelief, not able to comprehend the reality that this might be the truth. However seeing it on the board, lit up in the hue of the green glow would cause a flurry of anger to wash over the woman. "Whatever, mines broke." Suddenly she would stand, dropping the board on the floor before stomping on it with her foot. Her magic infused into the kick, causing the board to snap in half. But not before Aven might catch a glimpse of her answer display neatly across its surface. The word 'Wicked' disappearing under the harsh slam of her heel.

    Bending down, she scooped up the broken scraps and turned towards the stage's edge. Grabbing a replacement from a flabbergasted stagehand, she returned back to her seat and took a breath. Composing herself quickly before smiling at Aven once more, as though her momentary outburst had been little more than a sneeze. "Alright next question, how many people have you slept with?" This one she could answer!

    At least that's what she thought, as she went through the number in her head, recalling one meaningless lover after the after. Her brows would furrow once more, was it that high? It had never bothered her before, her sex count. But actually putting pen to board and writing it felt weird, not to mention she wasn't sure if the number was right. And then she would have to repeat the awkward exchange of writing and re-writing her answer over and over again until she guessed right. Screw it. Putting the board down, she would stride away, leaving the stage and making her way toward the nearest bathroom.

    Moments later, she returned a playful grin across her face as she reached him once more, leaning over, she would tuck a small bunched up ball into his jean pocket. Leaving her lacy undies there as she returned to her seat, crossing one leg over the other as she met his gaze once more. That was more like it. She should have just done the dare last time, but she had been so confident in her response that it had left her flustered. She pushed it to the back of her, there was no dwelling  on it. Afterall, it couldn't get more invasive than that, surely.

    WC: 812 Lilith's WC: 4,447
    Tag: @Aven Alveron


    Last edited by Lilith on 6th November 2020, 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
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    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,093,688

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic


    Post by Akeya 6th November 2020, 9:34 pm

    Going by the way the woman stiffened she'd picked up on Akeya revealing some of her energy. Good. This would be easier if the both of them knew what was really going on here. Not that Akeya had any nefarious intentions, but still, conversations between dragons often could get tense as their proud egos clashed. If the other female dragon thought Akeya was intentionally deceiving her that would just be an excuse for tempers to flare up. And while the twilight dragoness wasn't necessarily afraid of the Rune Knights she also had little interest in getting involved in an incident that disturbed the evening. No doubt the hostess would be quite put out and then Akeya would have to do damage control.

    Although Tiisha's introduction left her with raised eyebrows and an intrigued expression. The dragoness had introduced herself as if all those titles were meant to be clearly understood, yet Akeya had never heard any of them before. That was definitely a strange thing, given that she usually tried to at least have a peripheral awareness of potentially troublesome organizations and their important figures. "Surprisingly I do not know. I'll admit that I did not expect that." She sipped from her wine as she considered this. "Regardless, it is nice to meet you Tiisha. As for whether I want something, mostly I am curious about the presence of two other dragons at this event. I thought I was the only one with enough interest in the affairs of mortals to get involved." She glanced towards Tura at the same time as Tiisha did, noticing that the more tempestuous of the two sisters reacted very poorly to her meek sibling enjoying herself.

    "I won't interfere if you wish to leave, but from the looks of it your companion wishes to remain a little longer." She nodded towards the hostess, who was demonstrating the balloon dance. "And if you try to intimidate her into leaving the staff will most likely interpret it as a disturbance. Regardless of whether you'd win that fight or not I'd say that it's not worth the effort. Better to try and relax and wait until your friend is willing to leave of her own accord. I'd offer you a drink, but, well..." She left that sentence unfinished when one of the staff approached with a balloon only for Tiisha to threaten him with excessive violence. The disguised dragoness gave him a light smile. "Sorry, it appears my partner is not in the mood to dance. Best you hurry along and find another couple." She made a small dismissive motion towards the attendant, who took the hint and scurried off in search of another couple he could pass the balloon to.

    However it seemed like no sooner had the attendant left than the hostess declared it was time for the next event. This time they were going with something which Akeya thought children did rather than adults, but then again the difference between adult and child was not always black and white.

    "Truth or dare? Really?" She watched as another attendant approached the two of them with two whiteboards and markers with which they could write down their answers. Given Tiisha's volatile mood Akeya took both of the whiteboards, shooing the attendant away before turning back to Tiisha and offering her one. "Now, I suggest that you at least partake in this little game, if only so you've got something to do. It's better than standing around wishing you were somewhere else. And given that we don't know each other you don't have to be embarrassed about telling me the truth."

    Regardless of whether Tiisha would accept the offer Akeya would write her three answers on her own board, frowning as she tried to figure out the magic behind the little device. Did it read minds? She'd trained to avoid being read that easily, but maybe that wouldn't be so effective against a magic tool that simply detected the difference between a truth and a falsehood.

    Although at least the answers to the three questions weren't very difficult.

    Do you find your partner attractive? Yes. Truthfully almost everyone at this event would probably receive a positive answer for that question. Ugly people didn't attend events like this.

    What is your worst trait? Assuming that it meant what Akeya disliked most about herself it would either be ignorance or weakness. While she was on a never-ending quest to improve herself she still felt like she hadn't reached the point where she could safely say she wasn't a pawn for the players of reality.

    How many people have you slept with? Truthfully Akeya didn't know. She didn't exactly keep count, and while her memories were sharp she wasn't in the mood to start counting them. More than five was at least a correct answer.

    For the first question her whiteboard glowed green, for the second it first glowed red for ignorance and then green for weakness, and for the third it glowed purple due to the imprecise nature of the answer. Akeya shrugged at that, glancing towards Lilith as the hostess appeared to not be entirely happy with her own whiteboard. "A rather silly game, all things considered."

    WC: 869
    PWC: 1,934



    SINGLES NIGHT [OPEN EVENT] - Page 6 Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.

    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.


    Post by Aven Alveron 6th November 2020, 11:06 pm

    Aven breathed a small sigh of relief, as Lily proceeded to her own answer, rather than prying. He wasn't adept at obfuscation, nor deflection, even in personal matters, and he wasn't keen on discussing the topic. Some things deserved to stay buried. In the meantime, Lily had come up with her answer rather quickly, one that gave Aven a small chuckle. She is a bit aggressive, that much is tru- The board lit up purple, which paused Aven's thoughts, and his laugh. She wasn't lying, but the board was claiming it wasn't the full truth. He looked up at her quizzically, as she began to curse, and cycle through a myriad of words, none of which he could see... until she paused, a look of dread plain on her face. The board was green, at last, but there was no relief to be had in the moment. Instead, frustration had morphed into fury, and Lily slammed the board on the ground, quickly cleaving it in two with her heel.


    Aven's eyes softened, a somber air contrasting the rage across from him. It was only the fortunate who claimed, 'The Truth will set you free'; the rest knew only the phrase, 'The Truth hurts'. Divination magic was a school that Aven strayed far away from in his studies, finding that absolute knowledge of anything was a fool's errand, and only brought despair. Such was the case with Lilith, as he watched the girl snatch another board, and waltz back as though nothing had happened. He got the feeling she was used to hiding how she felt, adept at wearing a mask. Was it opportunistic of him to ask any further? To salt the wound she'd just received could border on cruelty, and Aven had no intention of hurting her any further.

    Instead, Aven began to scribble down his answer, looking up to show her and finding that she'd already gone. Maybe, she'd gotten fed up with the questions? He wouldn't have blamed her, after what happened, but he found himself corrected, as she returned with a balled up... what was that? She stuffed it in his pocket with a coquettish smirk, as his peripheral vision caught a glimpse of lace. He'd forgotten about that part, and actively suppressed the stiffening between his legs through sheer force of will. As a distraction, he turned his board around, resting it on his lap to cover the embarrassment. "One," it read, and he tried to bring a smile forth. For the first time that night, he found he couldn't.

    There was a turmoil in Aven's mind, folding and twisting thoughts as that singular word resurfaced. "Wicked". It may have been a good while since Aven could magically perceive the hearts of those he met, but he didn't need magic to see the good in others. Lilith... no, Lily, was not an evil person. He glanced down at his board, deep in thought. These must be true Divination tools, if they can accurately detect half-truths. That gave Aven some insight into the situation, because Divination Magic only dealt in positives and negatives, not subjective concepts like Good or Evil; so, in reality, the boards were actually just basing their judgements off of the user's own thoughts. That meant Lily believed herself, deep down, to be 'Wicked'.

    Aven looked Lily in the eyes, staring deep into the emerald pools with melancholy. Perhaps it was just the spur of the moment, his curiosity, or even the spark he'd felt just earlier that night, which coaxed a question to the tip of Aven's tongue. He thought he'd known Lily was a vixen, and understood what that meant. Hadn't he steeled himself after pouring out his heart onto that page, and losing himself in the chill of silence? Only a fool would expect attachment from a one night stand.

    "Haven't you ever loved anyone?"

    Perhaps, Aven was a fool, after all.


    [Word Count: 654.]


    SINGLES NIGHT [OPEN EVENT] - Page 6 Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Post by Lilith 6th November 2020, 11:52 pm

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Seeing Aven's answer would help Lilith feel more at ease following the last round. She already knew that she had been his first, but it was a pleasant reminder of the experience. She didn't ponder on the fact that he had not slept with anyone since their encounter. A momentary concern quickly pushed to the back of her mind. It was fine, he wasn't showing any of 'those signs', after all, he had come to this singles event and she hadn't seen him loitering around her since that time. Straightening up, she prepared herself for the personal round, quickly assuming that this next part would be easy. In fact, it would be a great opportunity for some light-hearted flirting, something Lili always enjoyed.

    At least that was what she thought until Aven asked the first question, taking her by surprise. Lilith's eyes glanced off toward the crowd, considering what he was asking. Why is he asking that? Really she knew why, but she didn't want to consider the reason. Perhaps she had been naive, Aven was kind and she had claimed his virginity for herself. She should have left it at that but she couldn't help herself, she was greedy and wanted to toy with him a little more. She adjusted in her seat, bringing her gaze down to the new blank board. Sighing as she wrote the word 'No' across the surface, preparing herself for how he may take it. All she could hope was that he would understand when it came to relations things weren't so... easy for her. She could only deal with so much attachment and relationships have never been something she found she could fall into. She wanted sex with whoever she wanted, whenever she wanted. The lock and chain of a 'partner' seemed greatly detrimental to those needs. She liked people well enough, but love?

    She turned the board to him and waited for it to respond, a purple glow taking her by surprise. This time causing a confused expression to appear across her face, she would stare at it. Trying to recall any semblance of 'love' she had felt towards her previous lovers. She hadn't, really. She had had one official boyfriend back when she first started dating but even that had been brief and loveless. So why wasn't it green? She considered that the purple meant there was more to it than she originally thought. Love... did it mean different kinds of love? She thought over her friends, which yes she did like plenty. But love, no that didn't add up. Most of them were empty exchanges, noting she especially cared for beyond what they gave her on a material level. Which left... family? Her eyes would narrow. Her family did not love her. She knew this in her heart, they had never outright stated they hated her but it was there. Unspoken. And she didn't care for them either. Not her neglecting father or her superficial stepmom. Not even...

    Like a penny falling in slow motion, the coin dropped. She could picture him in her head, his annoying, stupid, whimpering face. That emo haircut and awkward nature. "Ah." She said simply, writing the word Brother across the board. Waiting for it, and sure enough, it glowed green. Seeing this would cause Lilith to take pause, so that's how she felt? Her relationship with her brother was complicated, even more complicated than that of her lovers. And with the manner to which he avoided her, it was easier to assume that it was loveless. But apparently not, according to this whiteboard there was... more to that. Familial love. Her emerald gaze rose to Aven, who she had yet to show her board. She held his gaze for a moment, before wiping her hand across the screen and removing the word. Deciding against sharing her moment of revelation with him.

    "I'll take the forfeit. Do you have a dare in mind?"

    WC: 659 Lilith's WC: 5,096
    Tag: @Aven Alveron



    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.


    Post by Aven Alveron 7th November 2020, 12:18 am

    "No." He read the word in his head, that tightening of the chest he'd been so familiar with returning once more, until he noticed the purple hue of the board. It's... not fully correct? It would have turned red if the correct answer was 'yes', unless there was something he was missing. Maybe, context? That was right; the boards worked off of personal truths and lies, not objective ones. His thoughts were confirmed, as Lily fiddled with the board, turning it green at last. He was curious, but she wiped the answer away; just as well, he supposed. After all, just like before, there were some things better left unknown.

    Managing a soft smile, Aven responded to her concession. "I do: I dare you to close your eyes, and wait." After everything he'd gone through, and all he'd learned, he knew there was little to be gained from bitterness or grief. He didn't regret their first meeting then, nor did he now. As she closed her eyes, he leaned forward, and softly kissed her forehead, returning to his seat to look her in the eyes. "I'm not sure who you treasure, but I do know one thing: no one who can love could be truly Wicked, and you can count on that. I'm a man of my word." Aven beamed, hoping the gesture could make up for his improper prying.


    [Word Count: 231.]


    SINGLES NIGHT [OPEN EVENT] - Page 6 Aven_Sig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Post by Lilith 7th November 2020, 12:35 am

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    As instructed, Lilith would close her eyes. Trying to figure out what he would do next, she could only imagine that he would either prank her or kiss her. As that was what she would most likely do if the circumstances were reversed. After a small pause, she would feel his lips pressed softly to her forehead. She opened her eyes to peer up at him, hearing what he had to say. Her face remained blank for a moment, she realised he was trying to comfort her. But it only brought back that notion that the board thought she was 'Wicked'. Lilith, who was still looking at the game in a very black and white matter, found his attempt to be sweet but unnecessary. She plastered on an arrogant grin, "Pshh, as I said, mine was broken." She insisted, not willing to openly acknowledge it.

    "Anywaaay, my turn." She continued, contemplating what to ask him. There was a number of spicy questions she could layout for him but as she considered them none of them seemed quite juicy enough. She wanted to know something she might not be able to get him to easily admit. A question came to mind, and whilst externally it was almost milk-toast in terms of spice. But considering what she knew about Aven, and the way he was acting toward her. Lilith was sure that learning the reason would give her a good insight on him. And if not maybe she could get him to do a fun dare at the very least...

    "Why did you sleep with me?"

    WC: 264 Lilith's WC: 5,360
    Tag: @Aven Alveron



    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Post by Aven Alveron 7th November 2020, 1:05 am

    There it was, the Lily he knew. It didn't suit her to be on the backfoot, and sure enough, she fired back a stinging inquiry of her own; in fact, it was one he'd asked himself multiple times since they met. Why did I sleep with her? It wasn't so simple as carnal desire, nor just the heat of the moment. Aven wasn't so weak that a bit of alcohol could so severely impair his judgement; no, the reason was far more complicated than that.

    Aven leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "That'd be difficult to answer with the space I have here," He set the board down beside him. After what he'd asked, this was only fair, "So I'll just talk, instead. You see, despite my troubles, I grew up with most everything a boy could want. I had two loving parents, plenty of food, space, and freedom." He turned his palm upward, staring down at it. "But that was all given to me, not earned: a birthright, in a world that affords no such thing to most people. They claw their way through life, eating less than the scraps that fell from my table, atoning for sins they did not commit." He glanced back to Lily. "What did I have, I wondered, that was truly mine? What had I earned, that was not simply a product of fortune?" A short chuckle escaped his lips. "And so, I thought, the only thing that was truly mine was my heart, and I gave it away. It was only then, I finally found the bitterness of the world, the pain of giving everything, and receiving nothing in return. That struggle which I had forgone struck me deeper than any blade could hope to reach." His gaze was fixed now, steely and unwavering. "I slept with you to prove I could be wanted. Me, the man I've shaped with my decisions."

    Another sigh escaped him, as Aven set the marker down onto the board. "Since I couldn't answer on the board, it's your turn to dare me."


    [Word Count: 348.]


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    Post by Lilith 7th November 2020, 2:10 am

    I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
    Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
    Lilith Kadokawa

    Liltih wasn't as surprised to hear his answer as she expected to be, honestly, it made sense and after hearing it she felt a little more assured about their dynamic. It was simply an exchange for both of them, a great exchange but one nonetheless. Providing the fulfilment of more intricate needs in the form of sexual stimulation and intimacy. She wasn't bothered by his answer, personally she considered a rebound significantly better reason than why she had done it. Yes, she loved it, craved it even but there was more to it than just carnal desires. The more she found herself stimulated in such a way, the less tempted she was by other needs. Darker needs. Sex acted almost as a suppressant, dulling a part of her she did not want to explore. Was that what made her wicked? Using people like Aven as tools in order to prevent the worst?

    Lilith didn't know, but what she did know was that this was getting far too serious for her liking. Truth or Dare was supposed to be fun! Playful! Yet now she felt a weird tension and she had no want for more. She wished to go back to the same flirty vibe that she had enjoyed during the balloon popping. Suddenly, she knew the dare she would give him, a smirk crawling onto her lips as she sat herself down in a nearby chair positioned on the stage. She looked up at him, her eyes completely confident as she spoke. "Without touching me, do something you think will excite me."

    WC: 263 Lilith's WC: 5,623
    Tag: @Aven Alveron




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    Post by Percy 7th November 2020, 6:22 am

    "What? No way," Percy said in a mystified voice, reading the words with a healthy dose of doubt. However, it flashed green, so it was true. He would have figured that Leon had self-esteem in spades. He didn't know why he thought that, maybe that was his own insecurity talking, like everyone else had it all together but him. Of course, he knew that wasn't possible. Insecurity and low self-esteem. Interesting. Percy was pondering the implications, studying it like only a scientific mind four shots in could. Maybe once he got to know Leon better, it would make sense.

    He'd been about to move on to the next Truth, the one he was dreading the most, when Leon offered a segue and a delay of the inevitable. "Hmm? Oh, I'm the head of Research and Development at Dagger Corp. I specialize in technology and how it can apply to medical procedures. For example..." he paused to think. While Percy wasn't anywhere near drunk, it couldn't be said that his synapses were firing as fast as usual. What was a good example to offer Leon that would wow him? Yes, Percy was on the prowl to impress the man seated across from him, especially when what he expected was an embarrassing admission was looming on the horizon. But what had he done lately that concerned both departments? Oh, right. There was one such example in this room right now! Snapping his fingers, he pointed vaguely behind him in the direction of Dagda. "Not too long ago, I invented a fully functional cybernetic prosthetic limb. Specifically an arm. If the patient's nerves haven't degraded too much, I can surgically connect them to an electronic base that converts the impulses from the brain to control the metal arm just as you would if it was a real arm. To make it even better, I invented a synthetic skin so that the prosthetics can transmit realistic touch in real-time, so you can regain natural motion and sense of touch," Percy gushed, his nerd in full bloom. Such a techy, geeky lab rat he was. "Of course, if you don't want as close to a real arm as possible for a replacement, I have invented other options that can be more mechanically practical. I've...just invented a lot of stuff," he concluded, realizing he'd had a bit of a nerdgasm.

    Wiping his answer off the board too, he fell into self-conscious silence. This was why he usually got ostracized at parties with people his age. Once he got going on his projects or magic, he just let it run away with him and no one could contribute so they got bored and moved on. Reaching up to twist on the two-toned tuft of hair hanging between his eyes, but then suddenly flinched. He moved his hand from his hair to the eye surrounded by scar, rubbing it, then rustling into his pockets looking for something. Eye drops. "Pardon me," he said quietly, leaning his head back and carefully squeezing a couple drops into his blue eye. It'd become dry because he missed his scheduled application in all the balloon humping chaos and his general terror. Since it produced no moisture on its own anymore from the damage, he had to regularly replenish it. A constant reminder of his failure for the rest of his life. "How about you? Why are you in Crocus?"

    [wc: 567 || total: 7169]


    Aven Alveron
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    Post by Aven Alveron 7th November 2020, 4:26 pm

    Aven smiled as Lily asked her question. It seemed she'd been satisfied with his answer, and taken it easy on him. There was a first time for everything, he supposed, though he didn't know how much of herself she'd shown to him so far. So far, he'd been getting a sneaking suspicion that she was hiding far more than he caught onto.

    Excite Lily without touching her? As easy as his answer came to him, he had the distinct impression he was playing right into her hands. Luckily, he didn't mind her touch. "That's simple," He began, pausing to indicate his answer, "How about you come back to my place, after all this is over?" Words were powerful, and if there was anything he thought would excite her, it would be the invitation for another shot at him. Perhaps, that was his Pride showing once more, but he could hardly fault himself for a dash of confidence.


    [Word Count: 158.]


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    Leon Hoffman
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    Post by Leon Hoffman 8th November 2020, 8:14 pm


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    Head of Research? Dagger Corp? The moment those words left Percy's mouth, Leon had fallen into silence, staring at that shorter man with wide eyes. Seeing as he wasn't intending on staying in Fiore, he had never really paid attention to the trends and big companies of the country. But he could remember "Dagger" showing up on the labels of popular products or technology. Leon didn't really know anything about the corporation, but he knew that it was big. Even more, the fact that he was talking to someone not only part of the corporation but the head of one of their branches...

    Back home, it was people like Percy that he was born to serve. The "important people" of Bellum, so to speak. The Hoffmans were born and bred to eventually be used by the world's V.I.Ps, and so there was a degree of respect and idolization that was often attached to the big names. Whenever they came over to their estate to look at potential servants, you had to have your back straight, eyes forward, but never so straight that you'd look stiff and uncomfortable, and not so bold that you'd look them in the eye. He wasn't in Bellum anymore, so things were obviously different, but he could feel his heart lift and then descend into the pits of his soul when Percy introduced himself in full.

    In just a few short seconds, Leon went through a plethora of emotions. 'Oh shit, I'm talking to a Dagger! The Head of Research!' is one thought that crossed him, filling him with awe and interest in the tangent of his accomplishment. However, another thought passed him immediately after, sounding something like 'Oh shit, I'm talking to a Dagger. The Head of Research', and then suddenly his whole world was full of dread. Did he seriously just pick a fight with the Head of Research for Dagger Corp? Did he really just spend about five minutes grinding his body against him? Percy didn't seem like the type at all to take further action after resolving the incident himself, but there was a certain gut-wrenching, heart-twisting guilt that came with the idea.

    But then Percy went on about his inventions, even referencing one that an attendee of the event was enjoying right now, and like a calm after a storm, all of the anxiety that came from this revelation fizzled into genuine interest. Leon was still silent for the entire time Percy was talking, but he didn't look uncomfortable. He was too ignorant to understand all of the terms Percy used, but there was something spectacular about that in itself. He was good at fighting, he drank like a sailor, and was smart enough to invent such fantastic things, and yet he was about as socially adequate as a rock with a stutter.

    "Percy, that's...!" Leon couldn't finish his thought at first, his eyes wide and twinkling with sincerity as he tried to form his feelings into words. But, seeing as he wasn't very good at doing that in general, he ended up getting worked up himself, excitedly slamming his fist onto the countertop they sat up and perking up with an almost angry look on his face, his cheeks flushing in awe as he leaned over to Percy. "That's amazing, is what I'm trying to say! You invented a cybernetic limb that works? So, like... it's really close to the real thing, right? That's just..." Leon flinched as he caught himself in his intense praise. Even when he was being nice to people, or showing genuine interest in others, he was such a passionate and intense man that he'd look angry or "dangerous" even when he was showering others with praise, especially since he made up for what he couldn't communicate in words through physical gestures like his fist. It was another reason why he was often avoided, and he began to fall into a self-conscious silence like Percy after his tangent. "That's just... really cool, is what I mean—knowing that some things that only exist because you made it real. That's really special."

    After that, Leon reeled himself back in from his lean and apprehensively began to ruffle the back of his charcoal hair, raising his finger in request of another serving of the vanilla bourbon. He held the glass to his lips but didn't drink it, his head running rampant with regret of his innocent outburst. But then, at some point during the silence, Percy pulled out a small bottle of eye drops for his blue eye. Now that Leon was looking at it, he didn't think much about the scar on that side of his face. How did he get it? The eyedrops were probably for some injury related to that scar, wasn't it? Scars were common in his family, like tapestries telling others of near-misses and life or death encounters from the past. But some weren't nearly as gnarly in that regard. Some were from simple mistakes, accidents, and whatnot. It was never easy to tell.

    "Huh? Oh—" Leon perked up when Percy asked him about his own reasoning for being in Crocus, but he had been so caught up in looking at his scar that he was caught off-guard for a moment, immediately taking his eyes off of the feature, "—my boss told me I should come here. I owe them a lot for letting me work there, so..."

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    Post by Percy 8th November 2020, 11:14 pm

    Percy's opinion of Leon was soaring right now. He hadn't really known how to react to the intense praise, since he got so little of it in his short nineteen years, but it didn't keep him from blushing and smiling, feeling some sort of way on the inside. Normally what he'd just done went over like a lead balloon. But Leon...Leon seemed to genuinely think what he'd done was amazing. Cool. He'd felt something close to this before in Fairy Tail with his mouse assassin invention, though the catastrophic AI failure and resulting chaotic stress had ruined any high he could have gotten from the praises, since they were only praising the concept behind the invention and not the application.

    Putting his eyedrops away as Leon answered him, the other man's staring at his scar didn't go unnoticed. Percy didn't mind, though. People stared all the time. Maybe he'd tell him how he got it later. It was a little heavy, so he didn't feel like bringing it up for now. "Where do you work and who's your boss? Maybe I know them," Percy asked next, refocusing on his clipboard in preparation for the next question. He'd go ahead and answer while they chatted since the admission was still preferable over handing Leon his boxers for the night. What kind of dare even was that? Lilith was sick.

    The answer to how many people Percy had slept with was exactly zero. The scientist might be successful in many ways, but that meant he was just an unsalvagable failure in other areas to balance it out. His work kept him too busy to give romance much of a shot, and what little time he had left from that was spent on finding himself some magic. Most of the time he didn't even think about sex or love or any of that. It wasn't beneficial to his goals. It was a distraction. That said, when he was out of the lab and didn't have a million different projects keeping his brilliant mind busy, it would sneak in through a hidden back door into his brain. Times like this, where he ended up in some sort of social event and conversation went this way, or when his family would bring up the subject of heirs, this was when his mind did dip into the uncharted map of love and all its complexities. He was embarrassed. Nearly all his peers in school had lost their virginities long before their high school graduation, and the rest lost it in university unless they were just complete outcasts. Here Percy sat, a virgin that had only been kissed once, and that was at a fake wedding to a hobo woman he'd helped. Where was Madi these days anyway?

    Scribbling his sad '0' onto the board and watching it flash green, he kept it facing himself, looking instead up at Leon with nervous expectancy and dread. As embarrassing as this was to Percy, who lived in his brother's playboy shadow as nearly an anti-Artemis, he really wanted to see Leon's answer first to gain some courage to cop to being extremely inexperienced. Would Leon think him less a man? In fact, both of his brother AND sister had a lot of luck in that area. It was just him that lagged behind, not only in strength but in all things social and love related. He was honestly scared of it. The more he edged closer to it, the more terrifying and wrong he found it all.

    [wc: 589 || total: 7758]


    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    Post by Leon Hoffman 8th November 2020, 11:44 pm


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    "It's a local business in Neutral Grounds. My boss's name is Perry... it's just a local delivery place that delivers from town to town..." Leon droned on, returning to his whiteboard to write his answer down. Even his numbers looked calligraphic, beautiful with every stroke of the dry erase marker. If he was being completely honest, he wanted to talk more about Percy and his inventions. It just wasn't every day that he'd meet someone as bright and innovative as him, so he sat there, eager and tense—but he wasn't really sure how to steer it that way, or if it should be steered that way, to begin with. They were in the middle of a game, after all.

    The light glowed green, and Leon turned over his whiteboard to show Percy his answer. Beautifully written on his board was a clear '0', right in the middle of the empty space in all of its glory. Leon didn't seem to hesitate when he wrote his answer, nor did he seem uncomfortable with showing it. He's had crushes before, and he's pined for people as well, but it was all usually just blind puppy love. Sometimes there'd be girls or even boys who found his rough appearance attractive and fawned and flirted over him, but once they found out which family he belonged to, and then his personality, it never led anywhere. Instead of wallowing over it, he eventually just grew out of the interest in sex in general. He was too focused on trying to prove himself to really think much about his sexual needs. It wasn't a big deal anyway. Why should he or others care about someone's sexual history?

    "Shy?" Leon chuckled without smiling, noticing the green bulb lighting up on Percy's board, but the man himself refusing to reveal it just yet. If he really was self-conscious about it, Leon had hoped that by showing him his board and how little he actually cared about the subject that he'd muster up some courage.

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    Post by Percy 9th November 2020, 1:54 am

    "Insecurity, remember?" Percy cracked a smile, suddenly feeling much better. So they stood on equal footing. He hadn't anticipated that. Turning his own board, it too held a '0' but it wasn't in the center nor was it as beautiful. It was all slanted and didn't even connect at the bottom.

    However, the answer, no matter how much better it made him feel, just didn't seem right. "Really?" he asked quietly, not judgmentally, just processing that Leon had really never slept with anyone either. Maybe Leon would take his disbelief as a compliment, because really, despite himself, it was. Someone attractive like Leon had never...done it? Not that he'd realize the implications of this himself, but in a way, he classified Leon like Dagda. Since he was begrudgingly attracted to each of them and in various stages of denial about it, he couldn't fathom how no one else could be. Well, Dagda didn't seem to have much trouble, so Leon shouldn't either? His brain was starting to slow down from those drinks, slower and slower as time went one, though it wasn't quite outwardly perceptible yet. "You've never? Well, I guess the board doesn't lie.." he reasoned, tapping the pen against his chin. Maybe it was time to start a professional inquiry into Leon as a subject of interest.

    "Have you ever been in love?" Percy asked, generally gesturing to Leon's board as an indication that he wanted to continue this game.

    [wc: 243 || total: 8001]


    Leon Hoffman
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    Post by Leon Hoffman 9th November 2020, 2:27 am


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    Leon made a small smile when he saw Percy's answer. Zero? Truthfully, he couldn't say that he found the response shocking. After all, he had the pretty looks and Dagger name, so he could likely fetch any superficial woman he pleased. But after that nerdy tangent of his, and not to mention how awkward he was, it made sense that he was a virgin. It wasn't that Leon had a problem with it, and he actually found it quite charming, but it wasn't at all surprising. He would never tell him that, though. Hell, he was just making a guess.

    The next question made Leon perk up, however. The love he was probably referring to wasn't the sort of boyish pining or puppy love Leon had experienced when he was younger, but something more to true devotion and affection for another. The kind of stuff you'd see in movies, probably. But when he thought of it like that, he couldn't really think of a time where he had felt true, sincere love for someone. There was one girl back home that'd insist otherwise, but that whole... thing was ultimately one-sided. Growing up the way he did, Leon just couldn't remember ever really having chances at loving others completely. Something always fell apart or fell in his way.

    Despite this, Leon went ahead and wrote 'yes' on his whiteboard pretty confidently. He had recalled so many instances of finding one girl cute or another boy charming that he ended up convincing himself that he must've fallen in love at least once, right? Well, when he flipped over his board to show it, the light flickered red, making Leon tilt his head a little. "No? Well," he commented casually, quickly erasing his answer with his wrist and replacing it with 'no', and the light would glow green, "I guess I haven't. What about you?"

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    Post by Percy 9th November 2020, 3:35 am

    Fascinated by the board's denial of his first answer, he nodded in acceptance. Maybe that was it. If Leon was the type that had to be in love to sleep with someone, that would explain how someone like him could still be a virgin. By this logic, he could extend the same understanding to himself, which maybe made him feel the slightest bit better. He'd never been in love. Maybe that was what ultimately kept him back.

    When it was posed back to him, he wrote his answer just as confidently as Leon had. 'No' was slashed in ink on the smooth white surface, and just as he spun it for Leon to see, thinking they were once more on the same page, it flashed red. Percy balked. "Wha--" he startled, his confused face clearly searching his memories. His eyes grew distant. He knew what it was referring to, of course, but Percy had convinced himself otherwise.

    There had been a girl in high school. She'd been so intelligent that she won a scholarship into the most prestigious school in Fiore. She'd been from a poor family, which was the ultimate complication. They were often paired up in their classes and she treated him so kindly. They had endless nerdy conversations, but unlike him, she had the gift for socializing as well. This made her popular with all the guys. Percy felt like he had a chance, but before he could get the nerve to make a move, his parents forbade it. She was from too poor of stock. Unacceptable, no matter how bright and vivacious she was. She waited for him to make the move, but when he never did, she assumed he didn't have feelings for her and moved on, dating other boys in his class. Once they graduated, they never saw each other again. "...I guess, yes," he corrected softly, pursing his lips. He would have moved heaven and earthland for her, but he couldn't move the Daggers. It was just easier to think of it as a light crush since he'd never even held her hand. "Heh, I guess I'm just a big softie. Who knew that a high school crush was real love?"

    "Alright then," he huffed, shaking off the weirdness of that moment and forging onward, "Your turn to ask me something. It's only fair."

    [wc: 391 || total: 8392]


    Leon Hoffman
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    Post by Leon Hoffman 9th November 2020, 6:00 pm


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    For the first time this entire night, Leon felt comfortable. More than that, he felt as if he had made a new friend tonight, which went against his unspoken rules while being in Fiore. Not only that, he happened to become acquaintances with such a member of an influential family, so that was something. Maybe coming here tonight wasn't a bad thing after all?

    Leon could begin to feel the alcohol coming up on him now, his knuckles and fingertips turning pink as a result. He didn't usually drink beyond this point, seeing as his drunk personality was really just an exaggerated version of his sober one, and that was hardly a good time for anyone involved, so a buzz was all he needed to loosen up. And boy, did he loosen up.

    "Tell me who you'd like to kiss in this room, ooorrr..." Leon tapped his fingers on the counter, marigold eyes staring into the corner of his face as he conjuring up an embarrassing enough dare for the question. Suddenly, it hit him, "Remove four items of your clothing."

    Leon hated this game if only because he was targeted with the most invasive truths or embarrassing dares when he was a kid, but he almost felt a little curious in making someone like Percy do it. It was selfish, he knew, but the idea was so wildly entertaining that he couldn't help but crack a small, soft smile at the thought of Percy admitting either of those things. And see, the great thing about it was Leon could also answer this question without compromising his own dignity. He knew exactly what he'd write down.

    'No one' was quietly written on his board, and surely enough, the bulb on his whiteboard blinked green. It was true, after all. While he found people like Percy and the host attractive in their own right, it wasn't to such an extent that he wanted to kiss them. Hell, he didn't look at anyone that way if they didn't really have a relationship to begin with. But Leon knew that not everyone operated the same way, including Percy. What would he say? Or worse, do?

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    Post by Percy 9th November 2020, 8:46 pm

    Stymied. Percy had been all ready to write down an answer, but then the question sank in and he sat there, staring into space with the blankest of looks. His face was void, but his mind was sparking as quickly as it could. He wrote down 'no one' and it flashed red. Erasing it, he wrote it again, in denial about the red flash, yet it flashed red again. Panic was starting to set in now, so he erased the answer, and hastily tried once more. Red again. Slowly he erased it and, with a cringe, wrote a name in, and watched in horror as it flashed green. Another erase. Another name. More green. Aaaaahhh this isn't happening! "ALRIGHT." he blustered, smearing the last answer into oblivion and smashing his board down on the counter. "Dare."

    Hastily he kicked off his shoes. That was one article. Next, he struggled with his socks, since his injuries didn't particularly allow for easy bending. That was two. Hopping off his stool, he then unbuttoned and removed his shirt, throwing it over the counter. Three. Luckily he was also wearing an undershirt, so he carefully pulled off the last item, revealing that expertly carved torso of his, though most of it was still wrapped in bandages around his ribs. Bruising was still visible on his trunk, looking like some sort of gruesome watercolor painting of various murky colors to indicate several stages of healing. Though his face was flushed, he had a lopsided smirk on his face and tossed his undershirt at Leon's head. "There, now you've got me half-naked," he said without considering context, sitting back down on his stool, still trying to seem poised but the vibe was hard sans anything but pants. "Let's see your answer, then."

    [wc: 296 || total: 8688]


    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    Post by Leon Hoffman 9th November 2020, 9:25 pm


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    "Oh, wow..." Leon sort of droned, his eyes widened fractionally with surprise. He wasn't actually expecting Percy to undress, let alone take his shirts off as opposed to being petty and finding some other tiny item to remove. Then again, it was between undressing and admitting who he wanted to kiss, and that was almost equally embarrassing. Leon had noticed that his board flashed red several times before Percy had decided to forgo the question altogether. He didn't know what exactly he had written, but it made him feel better about how his answer was accepted.

    "Nothing that I haven't seen before," Leon returned the smirk, his face hidden underneath the undershirt Percy had tossed at him. When he pulled it away from his face and placed it in his lap, he got a better view of the state Percy was really in. Bandages, bruises, and other marks like a canvas splotched with dark paint. It was one thing to hear him talk about it and another thing to see the damage upfront. If it wasn't for his little smirk, the wolfish man would've probably taken this as his cue to apologize profusely for making him do this, but there wasn't a sign of discomfort. He didn't know. Still, he felt a deep satisfaction from seeing him undress. It felt like pent-up vengeance from the many he had to undress for dares like this, but he seemed especially interested in seeing where Percy would draw the line and what question he'd ask him next. With a quiet smugness, Leon flipped his whiteboard around, revealing the 'No one' scribbled across it, his lips creasing into a small smile. "Sorry. Your turn."

    || Word Count: 280 || Thread WC: 10,162 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
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    Post by Wren 9th November 2020, 9:58 pm

    Black Hats, Black Cats. That Is Where The Witch Is At.

    A smile was on the little Rune Knights face as the other found her jobs to be interesting as well. She had missed the part of her being called ‘ms’ Wren, and only heard her name. She had gotten herself hyped that she was starting to make herself a friend outside of the Rune Knights at the very least! “Yeah! We can learn about Fiore together! I can show you what I already know! Which is the majority of the capital at least and how to get to Era!” She excitedly wiggles as she tried to think of where else she’s been. Was it Magnolia as well? She’d remember later. She had a friend! After she was told everyone had potential, Wren nervously shrugged her shoulders. “Sure, if you got the right looks for it. I got the potential to look like someone’s lost child.” She snorts while pointing her finger at herself, but after she questioned the other female if she was aware that she was a female, Wren felt her cheeks blush lightly. “Oh…” She managed to let slip out of her lips as she rubbed the back of her head. She was the… maybe second person to realize she was a female? Goodness… It was sad that she could count on one hand her encounters here where someone got her gender right and wasn’t guessing.

    After Aya had embraced her, Wren found herself enjoying the hug, even with the balloon between them. She was lightly hugging Akane closer to herself too for them to get the balloon to pop. She let out a light gasp as the balloon suddenly popped between them and she was up against the other female. She begun pouting as she instantly felt the breasts against her. She leaned her head back as Akane pulled away, groaning as she grabbed at her own ‘chest’. “Why is fate so cruel to me?” She groans before leaning her head forward for a moment. This sucked.

    She looked up though as she and Akane were passed whiteboards, and noticed Lilith getting back up on the stage and listened to their next game. Truth or… dare? She honestly felt a little nervous about that. Would it be safe to do…? She looked to Akane when someone started to approach while dragging another person, making her eyes grow wide with concern. She let up an ‘eep!’ as the other person was thrown at her and Akane, and she tried to catch them as best she could. The man had introduced himself as he spoke to her and Aya, making her lean her head to the side. “The… fuck?” She muttered as her face clearly questioned what the hell she was witnessing. This man was so full of himself! Holy shit! Not even the best witch in Sailkia was this bad! He seemed to ignore the woman he brought over, and Aya, before turning his attention to Wren… insulting her in two ways. She visibly twitched at the ‘Mister’ part, and her brows furrowed at the insult to her height. She stepped closer to the man as she shoved the whiteboard away from pointing at her, shoving her own whiteboard at him as she growled. “I am a female! And I’m not a hobbit! I’m just short!” She scoffed as she turned herself around and went back to the bar.

    “Give me another drink!" She slams her hand on the counter. If this man was going to insult her, she needed more alcohol. The bartender handed her another strawberry daiquiri, and she was quick to down it before shaking her head from the tingle of the alcohol going down her throat. She turned back towards the group as she held up her whiteboard. Play it cool. No fighting here. Alcohol was her friend to keep her from throwing magic or fists. “I’m Wren. An adult female. And to get this truth or dare going for us. Do you find me attractive?” She pointed her own board towards Akane at least, smiling to her since she was at least the nicest so far to her. She pulled the cap of her pen off with her teeth and scribbled on her board before showing it towards Akane. ‘Yes.’ It lit up green for her. People who seemed smart slightly were always attractive to her.

    || Words: 723 || Thread Total: 1794 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Wren - #ff6600
    Tag: @Akanee @Odhran Aegisbane @Katsumi
    Enemies: Odhran ???



    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

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    Post by Aliannah 9th November 2020, 10:53 pm

    Through The Soul
    Does the Power of Rebirth Lay

    The man stood in front of her, eyes narrowed as he looked down at the female. "We don't have to ask the questions in on the board, they're more like prompts. Besides, it's not like I asked anything overly offensive. I mean unless you've slept around." He paused himself and raised an eyebrow at the blonde. "Have you slept around?"

    There was very few times Aliannah wanted to resort to violence. However, this was one of them. She wanted to punch the man in the schnoz, maybe he would learn to respect women. It would be a long shot, but it might be worth it.

    But she couldn't not in front of all of these people. She had just joined a new guild and she really didn't want to ruin the impression of the guild in her first social event. It just wouldn't look good. Besides, it wasn't like the guy had threatened her. They were words that she could brush off.

    They were, however, words that she didn't want to brush off. "Are you like this to everyone?" Her voice was beginning to sound slightly snarky. Her lips had pulled up into a smirk as the man in front of her seemed slightly taken aback. "This is a truth or dare. Her lips were pulled up into a shit eating grin. If this was how it was going to go, she was going to take full advantage of it.

    This man who didn't seem to respect women wasn't going to escape from her clutches without a couple gashes to his rotten ego.

    "I- Uh- You didn't answer my question!" It seemed as if the man was trying to buy himself time by distracting the girl. Should it be someone else, this might have worked.

    With a roll of her eyes Aliannah lifted the bored and wrote down her answer. She had never slept with anyone. Flicking the bored to show the other her eyes gleamed with mirth as it flashed green, revealing that he had indeed spoken the truth. "Now I have."

    She lowered the bored and leaned towards the other who seemed to take a step or two backwards as if to escape the mage. "Now it's yours. Truth or dare?"

    TAG: @taghere ╳ WORDS: 1,421╳ NOTES: OOPS



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    Post by Percy 10th November 2020, 4:07 am

    Mischief glinted in those mismatched eyes of Percy's. Since it was his turn, what would he ask now? Something to try to get him to choose dare? Something in Leon's face (the smugness) challenged him, and Percy was already a competitive man. Leon and his 'no one'. He was only more competitive when drunk, which he was on the road to being. Without thinking, he ordered another shot of alcohol, not really caring what he got at this point. He downed it as if it would help him come up with some sort of magnificent brain baby, even though sober Percy knew that wouldn't be the case. Sober Percy didn't like drinking too much, since it dulled his brain, and his brain was where all the 'magic' happened, so to speak. His brilliant brain that would eventually find him some magic to use. But party brain was getting a rare workout, and this was its best outing ever. He'd never been so relaxed at a party before. He was even, perhaps, having fun. Now he understood why Artemis had liked all of this so much, though he also knew this was not his typical result.

    Five Drink Percy seemed to finally settle on something. "Tell me what you think is most attractive or sexy about me...or you have to..." His brain seemed to frazzle at the last second. He couldn't think of anything. He didn't want to use the same dare Leon just had him do, but he had never gotten to pick the dares in these scenarios before. What was too much? What was too little? All he could come up with was either 'run around through the crowd, making rooster noises' or 'take your pants off' but those didn't seem like great ideas. Considering how this event was going, there was probably more in store knowing Lilith. He should keep his pants on. "Er, just pick one from the board," he ended up saying, giving up on an original one. Sure, the ones on the board were awful, but it was better than nothing.

    [wc: 346 || total: 9034]


    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    Post by Leon Hoffman 10th November 2020, 5:23 pm


    Sometimes things that fall apart are actually falling into place

    It seemed that the more Percy drank, the more challenging the truths and dares became. On the verge they were going on right now, even Leon would need a little more than a buzz in order to brace himself from potential embarrassment. So, when Percy ordered another shot of that vanilla bourbon, so did Leon, downing it all in one rough gulp.

    Now, the question. Truthfully, Leon was having a hard time determining what wasn't attractive about Percy. Some would say the scar, but Leon had never had an issue with scars, even if they were gnarly burns or deep gashes. If anything, it kind of gave someone character. His body was well-built in general, incredibly toned for someone was boyish-looking as him, but it wasn't really enough for Leon to look twice at. Then there was his hair and eyes—Leon found them equally stunning. He had never met someone who had such split characteristics, and he was captivated by it. But the question was which he found to be most attractive. That or... well, any one of those awful dares.

    With a scrunched expression, Leon wrote down his first answer, 'eyes', and the bulb attached to the whiteboard glowed red. No? Guess it was second best. He smudged the marker away with his wrist and wrote 'hair' next, to which the bulb illuminated with a soft green color. It wasn't like he wasn't already aware that he found several of Percy's features to be attractive, but there was something a little self-conscious about having it reaffirmed by a lie detector.

    Leon flipped his board over for Percy to see, fidgeting with his shot glass with his other hand as he did it. "Alright. Your turn."

    || Word Count: 286 || Thread WC: 10,448 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???


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