Fairy Tail RP

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    Matters of Heart

    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 21st August 2019, 4:11 am

    Feed each other... The way the Lord and his employees were glazing over it so casually seemed absurd to the Starlight Maiden. It was just such an intimate thing, things that couples did. Is that how they were trying to portray the pair or were they merely appealing to the idea of what it might appear like to be in a situation with one or the other. Even so, Nessa was flabbergasted, too much so to formulate a sensible argument. As she glanced over at Markus, wondering what he had been about to say about her outfit. Her violet eyes found themselves moving down over the exposed region of his chest, his muscle all dripping wet like that. Her breath caught in her throat as she admired him, somehow no matter how often she would look upon it. She always found herself impressed by Markus's physique, she heard someone clear their throat loudly and dragged her gaze away. Only to meet the hard gaze of the brown-haired girl from earlier. Nessa glanced away casually, pretending to be admiring the lighting and shuffling toward the set awkwardly, the girls hawk-like gaze still watching her as she did so.

    The pair moved towards the rug, Nessa shifted carefully, trying hard not to dislodge any ribbons as she did so. Before Markus could join her, the brown-haired girl, apparently the Lord's daughter rushed over to Markus, declaring the need for an adjustment. Nessa watched her approach, the girl's hands pulling open his robe, before trailing down his chest, moving much lower than necessary. Nesa felt a twinge once again, her nostrils flared ever so slightly and her teeth clenched tightly. This girl was overstepping her job, earlier Nessa had brushed it off but it was beginning to become clearer. This girl had a thing for Markus. Nessa held her tongue, something about this situation was starting to bother her. Ashley, that's how the Lord would introduce her. Nessa's face split into a very tight smile as Markus thanked her and moved towards the Saint of Purity. "Yes, thank you, Ashley."  Nessa added, and whilst her voice was polite for the most part, there was an ever so slight touch of sarcasm behind her words.

    Following this, they would get into position, the chocolates placed before them. Nessa would move her eyes to Markus, the irritation from moments ago shifting into nervousness. As guided, she reached down and plucked a chocolate from the plate. Reaching over she brought the chocolate towards his mouth, feeding him delicately. When it was her turn to receive the chocolate, she found her heart begin to race slight, "That's it, Miss Lux, lean into it slightly, slowly part your lips, hold that eye contact, yes, yes, very nice!" Nessa could feel her body getting warming with each passing moment. This was beyond anything she'd been expected to do with someone for the sake of a job before. Goodness, she hoped it was worth it. After the director was satisfied, he would instruct a slight adjustment in there positioning, wanting Markus to lean over Nessa a bit more as he fed her. Nessa looking up at him nervously, he was considerably closer now. Her eyes were on his, distracted for a moment, as he raised his hand to feed her once more. Suddenly, she felt a tug at the ribbon over her chest. Nessa's eyes shot down, watching as the ribbon around her come undone. Her eyes widening in shock. She was frozen, unsure of what to do, most of her was now exposed, aside from the few ribbons that had fallen between the crevice of her legs and a few small strands of ribbon still draped over her chest, although that was minimal. She wanted to freak out, to reached over and cover herself, but if she did that, she knew full well that she could dislodge the ribbons and expose her naked self completely.

    The director's exciting instruction meant she remained frozen for a few moments, she waited with bated breath. Looking up at Markus for his reaction to the situation, he could see more of her than anyone right now, what with his robe covering her body from those outsides. She found herself gazing at him, why did they always end up like this? In such close intimate situations. Her eyes sought his, trying to figure out an answer. They had agreed just to be friends but was that really possible, every time they were around each other it was like they were drawn into some crazily intimate situation. Yet, she didn't really mind, not really. Sometimes, she longed for it, his proximity. Distantly she could hear the director speak, but she didn't hear what he said, too distracted in her thoughts of Markus. His eyes met hers and then after a moment, he would lean forward. She froze, still unable to move, had she missed something? Had the director asked him to move closer, she lay under him watching his movements. He came closer, her breath quickened, "Markus..."  She whispered breathily, just loud enough for him to hear, her voice slightly huskier than it normally was.

    And then just like that he stopped, a loud voice crashing into the moment like a sledgehammer. The shrill and increasingly annoying voice of Ashley. Nessa glanced over to her, finally paying attention, Kiss?! So he HAD been about to kiss her but at the order of the director. Of course, that made much more sense. She glanced back at him sheepishly, not really caring about whatever victory Ashley had just claimed. But more so about her reaction to Markus's approach. She decided she needed to get out of this situation, it was far too dangerous to remain in any longer. "If we're done with this scene, any chance I can get a screen, I'd like to cover myself up a bit, it's cold and I don't fancy exposing myself for the sake of your 'calender'." She order firmly, her embarrassment causing her words to come out slightly harsher than she'd intended them too. The assistance quickly brought over a screen and a dressing gown, setting it down next to her before moving away. Leaving just her and Markus behind the screen. She sighed, "Markus please, could you close your eyes for me?" She asked softly, before carefully shifting out from under him. As expected the ribbons fell and she was naked for a moment, she quickly grabbed the robe and pulled it over herself. Before glancing over to him, she wanted to say something but she didn't know what. Before she could even form the words, the screen was moved away and they began preparing for the next set.

    WC: 1,122 | Nessa's Total:  8,700 | Thread Total: 17,833 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart - Page 2 60582_s


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 21st August 2019, 10:21 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1,063
    Total Word Count: 10,196
    Group Total: 18,896

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus found himself looking into her eyes, her piercing lavender eyes. His breath had quickened, and his heart was pounding, taking a deep breath he debated for just a moment whether or not he should ignore the advice of ‘Ashley’ and proceed anyways. The way Nessa had said his name only moments before, it had drawn his attention. After all, Nessa was there just below him, and had said nothing. She was achingly beautiful, and he truly did want to kiss her… despite the fact that they were just friends.

    Then, in but a moment as she glanced back at him Markus knew his chance had passed. Her sheepish gaze told him everything, and when she spoke up, he would take a breath. Her voice was firm, harsh, causing even the stagehands to move at a quickened pace. The chaos mage remained on her only long enough for the two of them to be hidden by the cover, then with a flash of movement and a little magic he would suddenly be standing his form having gone incorporeal long enough for his movement to not shift the ribbons in the slightest. When Nessa spoke up once more, Markus would turn away without question giving her the privacy she deserved.

    Still, he could hear her shifting. His heightened senses picking up every sound. He knew when she was covered and would take a breath. She was right, the way she had spoken, the harshness of her tone. It was obvious Markus had overstepped. He should have been adamant about their friendship, having pressed that that set was not okay. He would not make the same mistake again.

    “Sorry…” He would say quietly before proceeding to his dressing room, forcing his body to move slower, more average, despite his need to get away.

    As soon as he was alone, for the brief moment that it was, he would clench his fist and feel as a bit of the wood of his dresser crack. Looking himself in the mirror he could see her influence, the purple magic in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he would suppress it once more, refusing to lose control.

    The next month passed rather quickly. Markus had been instructed to get into a much simpler attire, more casual. He was dressed in all black, a deep cut v-neck shirt and tight black jeans. His hair was pulled back, and he was sent on his way with minimal makeup. March and April were both very simple photosets. March being green, as if strolling through the woods or a meadow. The first days of spring. April was much the same however the flowers would be blooming and starting to ‘open’. The photosets of the two mages were much more akin to that of friends, or perhaps an early couple (since that seemed to be the ‘theme’ the lord had been going for all along). Either way, they had not been asked to do anything that would compromise their positions. It was almost as if the Lord and his employees were giving them a break, preparing for… something.

    As soon as Markus returned to the room, preparing for the May photoshoot that he knew, something was up. He could smell a cake being brought in and saw a cone shaped hat that he started to get a sinking feeling in his chest. He knew, he was going to have to speak with the Lord. Still mostly undressed, his torso uncovered he would walk out of the dressing room and seek the man. Markus was already late, having argued with the stylist until finally leaving of his own violation. His eyes would be dark, and like steel. He would not be surprised if Nessa was already done changing and waiting for him.

    As soon as Markus eyed the crowd he would walk over, his pace measured, his gate slow, but his eyes full of purpose. Before he even had a chance to speak, he would hear a shrill voice speak up. “Oh Markus hun, love the look but…” However, whatever she was going to say was cut off, fading away as soon as Markus looked at her. Little bits of his magical aura would be coming from him, just enough for any magical adept to know, he was on the edge. Regular humans however, Ashley in particular at this moment, would not be able to sense it, but would be quitted merely by the magic floating in his eyes.

    As soon as she was quiet, Markus would shift his eyes to the Lord. “What are you playing at?” He would ask simply.

    “Markus, Markus, Markus. It is all okay!” The lord would say, starting to explain. “I had to do quite a bit of digging to learn just ‘who’ you are. Hell, I am surprised no one else found it out! With a name such as yours…” He would ramble on, fidgeting under Markus’ gaze. “May is your birthday month, is it not? I am sure, with your… family... you don’t celebrate much. But it would be an excellent part of the calendar! It would humanize the Dark Mage of Fairy Tail!” He would finish excitingly as if everything made perfect sense.


    “But… Surely you can!...” Once more whatever he was about to say would be cut off as a bit more of Markus’ aura flared. His anger would be apparent. Yes. May was the month of his birth, but he had not celebrated it in many years. Even his closest friend would not know this detail about him. Neither would they know, it was the month his brother had died. Something Markus had no doubt that if the Lord had properly done his research, he knew.

    There was quite for a few seconds, as Markus let his decision get finalized. When the lord finally did speak his voice was quitter. “Alright… We have alternates for each set.”

    “Good. Ill be back in five.” The chaos mage would say, demanding a break and walking out of the room.

    Another voice would ring out after Markus had left. The shrill tone filled with fear, but hope. “It is okay Papa, I’ll go talk to him! Nessa can tell her stylist she needs the alternate shoot.” Ashley would speak up, hoping no one would stop her in her attempt to get closer to the chaos mage.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 21st August 2019, 11:58 am

    The girl felt immediately better once she was less exposed, slowly climbing to her feet, she pulled the robe over herself tightly. It was strange, for the most part, she worked hard to accept the way she looked, it was one of the few things she managed not to fixate on. Yet having him over her, looking down on her body like that, she just felt so self-conscious. Suddenly very aware of her self-image and how she might look to him. She heard his apology and turned quickly, mouth falling open in surprise. She didn't blame him one bit for what happened, it was an accident. "No Markus, it wasn't you... I didn't mind... I mean, I know it wasn't intentional, it was just a silly accident. If anything I'm sorry you had to.. you know, deal with that, it must have been uncomfortable for you." She rambled on awkwardly, her words seemed to be just tumbling out at this point.

    She was soon ushered into her dressing room and was offered a surprisingly more suitable change of clothes. The first being a nice maxi dress and a summer hat for March and for April a slightly more colorful summer dress and picnic basket. The shoots were much tamer than February's had been, which Nessa was grateful for. After the awkwardness of what happened, there was still the simmer of tension in the air, but it had at least eased slightly. As Nessa returned to the dressing room once more, she felt a little more relaxed as she was fitted into the next dress. It was pretty, really pretty. A pink dress, layered with lace, a party dress. Which made her wonder what the next theme would be. She stared at herself in the mirror, she actually liked this one, a lot. She smiled softly, maybe she wouldn't mind the next scene.

    "Do you lioke it sweet'art?" The strong accent of the assistant helping her pulled her out of her thoughts, she glanced over, nodding. "It's beautiful. She told her happily, the assistant grinned at with a gappy smile. "Gawjus dress for a gawjus gal, your gonna knock his socks off with this one, now get, go on, get out there and show him what a doll you are!" The woman said with an exuberant wink and a soft shove. Nessa blushed slightly at the assistant's words, implying that she wanted to impress Markus. Even though it was kind of true, it was embarrassing to hear. She stepped out of the changing area, looking around to see where he was. When she spotted him, he was moving towards the Lord and he was surprisingly... underdressed. She looked at him in confusion, his attire didn't match hers at all. She made her way over, catching the end of the conversation. She saw the look on Markus's face and could immediately tell something was wrong. She watched quietly as the Lord agreed to an alternate set, as Markus stormed off, Nessa moved to follow after him but stopped. Knowing Markus, he probably wanted some privacy right now. She moved to turn back to her dressing room, a little disappointed that she would have to change out of the dress. However, a voice caught her attention, stopping her in her tracks.

    Nessa paused to listen, the Lord would walk away moving over to the Director to have them change the set. Nessa frowned, as Ashley went to stalk past at head after Markus, Nessa found herself turning back, moving her body in front of Ashley and blocking her way. "I don't think that's a good idea." She said sharply, "Markus clearly wants to be left alone."  She told the girl in a firm tone. Ashley would narrow her eyes at her, kissing her teeth at the girl before responding in a salty manner. "You would like that, wouldn't you? Any excuse to keep him away from everyone else," Nessa stared at her in shock. Surprised by the girl's sass, Nessa crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

    "That's not the case, I just know Markus." She argued, the girl let out a mocking laugh, "Of course you do, just cause you guys are in the same guild? And that because you have the same guild mark that you get some fanatical fairy claim over him, well guess what hunnie. Last time I checked, he's not yours, and even if he was," Ashley stepped forward, closing the gap between her and Nessa. "That wouldn't stop me." Nessa felt herself swell with anger, her fists would clench tightly, her knuckles turning white. Something about Ashley's words were baiting her inner competitiveness and mixed with her desire for her to stay away from Markus. She was quickly forgetting her embarrassment.

    "If he was mine, Ashley. Then I can assure you, he wouldn't even sneeze in your direction." She remarked, her voice laced with venom. Ashley's mocking expression turned into a sneer and for a moment, it looked like she would hit Nessa. That was, if it hadn't been for the sudden call of the director, summoning her over for some advice. Ashley glared for a moment, before stepping away, "You're going to regret challenging me." She snarled before turning on her heel and striding away. Nessa eyed after her for a moment, before turning away also. Her heels clicking away loudly as she stormed towards her changing room. The assistants waiting with her next outfit.

    Shortly after, Nessa would step out of her changing area. Sporting a tight black dress, sheer black tights, a white professors coat, and supra-rimmed glasses. She had a teacher pointer in hand, and her expression was still slightly hardened. She hadn't quite calmed down after her interaction with Ashley. The set had been changed to a classroom scene and from the looks of it, she was to play the teacher and Markus the student. "Alright, so we're going a little taboo with this set, the forbidden teacher and student relationship. So for this Nessa, I want you to think sexy, maybe even a little dominating. Got it?" Nessa glanced over at the director, the order made her uncertain for a moment, but as she glanced past the director, her gaze met the mocking smirk of Ashley. Nessa stiffened for a moment, before relaxing, offering a smirk of her own as an idea came to mind, something to wipe the smug look off the brats face. She looked back at the director, "Sure, but do you mind if I take a little control with this one? Don't worry, I'll make sure you get some great stuff." She said before offering her signature sunny smile. The director eyed her in surprise, before shrugging. "Sure, why not! Sounds exciting."

    With that Nessa turned towards where Markus was waiting, looking up at him with a determined expression, "I know it wasn't your fault for the ribbon coming apart, but if you want to make it up to me, you'll follow my lead here." She told him, she reached out, taking his hand. She would guide him over to the school desk, where he was supposed to be sitting and appearing to be studying. Once seated, she would move around the desk and lean across it, bringing her face close to his. She reached over lifting the pointer under his chin and using it to tilt his chin slightly upward. "Oooh, nice, I like it, Nessa, keep it up!" The director chimed, alongside the sound of clicking as the camera's shot away. She reached over grabbing his tie, she wrapping it playfully around her fingers, using it pull to herself closer to him. She bit her lip, trying to stay in character. It wasn't easy, she didn't exactly know what sexy was. So all she could do was try. "Perfect, that's a great look there. I think we can wrap up thi-"

    "Not yet." She barked sharply, throwing away the pointer, she would push the desk out of the way with her free hand making room between him and the desk. She would lift her leg over his lap and straddle him. Leaning herself against him, and using her fingers to pull his tie completely loose. She leaned forward wrapping her hands around his neck, moving towards his ear, breathing softly against his ear. "How's this?" She asked in a tone that she tried to make sound teasing, although she wasn't sure how effective it was. The camera's clicked away furiously, and the Director seemed ecstatic at the shot. After a moment Nessa would lean back, her triumphant gaze meeting Markus's. However, the moment she saw his eyes, the flush returned to her cheeks. What am I doing?! She thought, quickly moving off of his lap. "Um, yeah, that was my idea. Hopefully, you got some good shots, okay so er...next set I guess." She said with an awkward laugh, glancing over to where Ashley was.

    Watching with a face like thunder.

    WC: 1,497 | Nessa's Total:  10,197 | Thread Total:  20,393 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart - Page 2 60582_s


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 21st August 2019, 1:38 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1,411
    Total Word Count: 11,607
    Group Total: 21,804

    Markus Eldridge

    With a deep breath the chaos mage would step outside the room into the main foyer. He could feel his power fighting against him, his emotions pushing him, his mind breaking. For a brief moment he remembered what Aporia had said, that if he does not overcome who he was, and what he feels his power will kill him. With a deep breath he once more felt a wave of calm overcome him. As if a switch was turned, he suddenly would appear passive, uncaring, void.

    He would look like the old Markus.

    His ears would prick when suddenly he heard footsteps coming his way, heavy but rushed. It was obvious to the Primordial Slayer that it was not Nessa who had followed him, she would know better. No, instead it was Ashley. The overpowering perfume gave it away long before she got close.

    Being as polite as possible, the conversation would be quick. Mostly Ashley talking, and trying to get him to talk. After a few minutes he would turn and start to head back. Only to feel her get close and wrap around his arm. Looking down he would raise an eyebrow but say nothing. He could not care less. Not anymore.

    As they entered the room, Markus could see that the set was getting set up and he was rushed to the changing room. Having to adjust his clothes and adapt rapidly. Luckily for him looking ‘disheveled’ was part of this set. Dressed in black pants, with a white button up shirt and tie he would look himself in the mirror and shake his head. He looked like one of those bad cartoon men, the ones all the girls seemed to always love. It was strange for the chaos mage to look at himself in such a way. Still, if it was what the client wanted who was he to argue.

    So long as it did not push Nessa away.

    Stepping out of the room the chaos mage would once more be greeted by Ashley, who would walk him to the set her arm once more around his. Markus could see that Nessa was already talking to the director, and as Ashley let go to stand by her father even, he noticed the strange smirk she seemed to adopt. Taking a deep breath Markus was about to ask the director what was expected of him when suddenly Nessa spoke up. She referred to the incident, and stated her request, one which Markus would give a slight nod, his eyes still blank. If this would make up for his mistake, he would not argue.

    That was… until he found himself in the chair…

    Suddenly Markus found himself being guided not by the director, but by Nessa, and not just any Nessa. Nessa with purpose. He would follow her lead, first acting like a lazy student then suddenly feeling something sharp under his chin, forcing him to look upwards. His breath would catch, and his eyes would flash with emotion as he fought to stay passive, faking his confusion for the cameras.

    Their faces were close, very close as he felt her reach for his tie pulling herself even closer. Suddenly they were separated only be the desk he now sit at watching as she bit her lip. Markus had to truly fight to stay in control, in more way than one… “Im not sure…” He would try and say, before mumbling something about just friends.

    Markus released a breath, which was caught in his throat, when Nessa stopped the director from ending the set. He had all but stopped concentrating on anything other than Nessa. As she moved the desk, Markus would let go of the book he was haphazardly holding, allowing it to crumple to the floor with a loud thud. As she straddled him, there would be no hiding the effect she was having on her.

    His hands would touch the back of her waist. As she breathed into his ear, he would whisper her name… His eyes would be full of emotion once more, confusion, and passion, but something deeper even he could not name. When she looked back into his eyes and eyebrow would raise. Did he push this… is that what she wanted? Her gaze looked… excited? Proud… He could not name the word.

    Suddenly she moved off his lap, and gave a rather awkward laugh ending the set, reminding the chaos mage where he was. Markus taking a deep breath reigned himself in, for who knows how many times this day.

    “Good idea…” he would reply passively, not even looking at the battle happening between Ashley and Nessa. “I’m gonna go change.” He would say walking slowly away. However, not before he would suddenly hear stopping feet and a tight voice. “I have an idea…”

    Whatever else it was Ashley was going to say to her father was lost as Markus closed the door. Once inside his dressing room, Markus would soon remove the restrictive clothes and tie. Setting it down on the dresser, looking at how it was now crumpled where Nessa had grabbed it. Markus would shake his head; he could not get a read on Nessa no matter how hard her tried. Her current behavior was completely lost on the chaos mage, no matter how he tried to justify it. Still, he knew there was something going on. Something he was just oblivious to.

    June ended up being another simple month, the Fairy Tail members enjoying the first days of summer dressed lightly, and with purpose. Markus would notice, each time he went to the dressing room, and each time he came out a certain spoiled rich girl was always there to escort him. Suddenly, he found him having very little time with just Nessa without her being close by, or one of the stagehands who Markus had always seen speaking to her. If he was being honest it was getting exhausting and wearing on his nerves. Yet, remaining calm he would allow the unwanted touches, and obvious advances neither pushing away, nor pressing for more.

    Much like June, July passed with little excitement. Markus was dressed in a kimono, much like what he would wear at events of festivals, and was directed to act happy, excited, or at least somewhat interested in the various false fireworks and displays. In truth, Markus succeeding in looking very little more than brooding yet even in that the director seemed excite, catching the ‘true Markus’, and all his nature for all to see. It was interesting for the chaos mage, to get such an insight into how the camera captures him, and more importantly how the public seems to see him. He wondered if this was how Nessa saw him? He could not help but remember the time they two of them had drunk together, she had called him the same. With how he spoke to the waiter.

    When Markus returned to the dressing room once more, he would glance at his laid-out attire with a curious eye… Sitting on the dresser was a single article of clothing. A tight, rubber like, black, speedo…

    For the thousandth time Markus found himself pulling at the edges of the single article of clothing. Apparently for this set he was to be playing the part of a ‘high school swim captain’ despite being ten years too old for the role. His air was put back into a tight ponytail, and as soon as he stepped out of the dressing room he was drenched in a bucket of cold water, causing water to drip down every revealed crack and crevasse upon his body. His multitude of battle scares were not hidden this time, and he wore no makeup. Apparently, he would be reveling pretty much every inch of his body to the camera… After all, it was not like the garment hid much.

    He would only hope Nessa did not double over laughing when she saw him.

    As the chaos mage was once more escorted to photo set, he could tell that the Lords daughter was holding something in. Just as he was about to leave her, he would be stopped. “Knock them dead…” She would say before leaning up and giving him a very sloppy, and rather unwanted, kiss on the cheek. In front of all to see... The thunder she had before was certainly a strike of lightning now. As she skipped off to join her father Markus would shake his head and step onto the set.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 21st August 2019, 2:43 pm

    Nessa felt like, during her little act, he had been responsive. Maybe, just a little. Although there were parts of her mind that assumed he was just playing the part as she had asked, reacting for the camera. But still, the way he'd look at her, the feel of his hands as they tickled her waist, the way he had whispered her name... Part of her felt like he had maybe even gotten excited, but still, she wasn't sure. Did she want him to get excited by her? Maybe a little, even if they were friends, it was always nice to know you were appealing to the opposite sex right? Especially when that individual was Markus. Plus, despite her newfound awkwardness, she felt she had gotten what she'd wanted. Showing Ashley just who it was she was contending with. Not that this was a competition.

    She had to stop herself from skipping back to the dressing room, feeling somewhat victorious in a way. It was strange, acting like that was so out of the norm for her. But in a way, she kind of like it, especially being like that with Markus, who she found more often than not, took charge in every situation. She leant against the dressing table, biting down on her thumbnail as she attempting to suppress her grin. The assistants giggled at her, the older one speaking up. "That's it gal, embrace it. There's so much more fun to be had with that pretty boy of yours." She said, Nessa grinned, something told her the woman was encouraging her on purpose. She was older and despite her overly painted face, seemed to have a wise head on her shoulders. She had seen past Nessa's pretence enough and was perhaps trying to give her a little nudge.

    The next few sets were nice and breezy, despite that fact that Ashley seemed to be clinging to Markus like a turd to a spade. Also walking him to and from set, barely allowing Nessa any time to interact with him outside the photoshoot itself. As they got to August, Nessa was a little hesitant about the theme although the site of her costume made it easier. It was a swimsuit, but with a slightly sportier touch. It kind of reminder her of the types she wore at school, even more conservative than her own swimwear. As she stepped out, her eyes would as always seek Markus. As she spotted him, she found herself immediately taken aback by how little he had on. The speedo they had squeezed him into, really didn't cover much. Then before anyone could say anything, assistants drenched the Chaos mage with water. Nessa's jaw dropped with shook, her expression becoming irritated. "Excuse me! But that was completely uncalled for, you could have given him a warning fi-" Despite her tangent, she was cut off as ice cold water poured down over her, causing her to let out a high pitched, girlish scream. She reached out, wiping the water off of her face and glancing road to see who had done it. Opening her eyes to see the wide grin of Ashley, who was gleefully swinging the bucket next to her. "Oh dear, was that a little chilly?" She remarked before moving away from Nessa and towards Markus. Nessa took a slow breath, resisting the urge to fire a Starlight orb after her.

    She moved over the set, glancing once more at Ashley as she kissed Markus on the cheek. Nessa looked up for a moment, Stay Calm Nessa. She told herself, before moving to join Markus on the set and pose for the beach photos.

    WC: 611 | Nessa's Total:  10,808 | Thread Total:  22,415 / 25,000


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 21st August 2019, 3:16 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 600
    Total Word Count: 12,207
    Group Total: 23,015

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus still trying to catch his breath after the water was dumped upon him found his eyes shooting forward as he heard a scream, from the voice of someone he knew. Though he could not make out the conversation, he could see that Ashley had provided Nessa with a very similar dunking of water. However, Markus for some reason did not like the face he could see on the rich womans face. His eyes turned to steel, yet he remained passive as they prepared for set.

    Having gotten into position after Ashleys unwanted advance the chaos mage ended up missing the first set of instructions, finding himself lost in his own mind until he heard his name called, perhaps for the second time. Looking up the chaos mage would glace at Nessa nearby and back towards the director. “So… As I was saying. This is another one of our more… Taboo shoots. Though I have no doubt your guys can deliver!” The man would say looking excitedly at Nessa after their last little teaser. “For now, just play in the water! Pretend like you are swimming and try and get close to one another.” Markus would glance at the set and see, somehow (probably thought some sort of magic), it had in fact been changed into a pool. Which, in all honesty made the chaos mage question why they had to get splashed in the first place? Was there some alternate motive…

    Either way, Markus would follow instructions, moving where he was told, and listening as guided. Then, as the two mages got closer together, in the center of the small pool Markus would listen to their new instructions. “Alright Markus, I need you to grab Nessa from behind. Pretend like you are surprising her in practice!”

    The chaos mage would follow instructions, though hesitantly making sure Nessa was okay with the apparent direction of things. Should he not get a denial he would step in, and lean towards Nessa wrapping his arms around her. “Markus…. I need you to get closer!” The chaos mage would hear, even with his arms around her he was holding himself back. Farther even then they had been during the chocolate scene. It must have been more apparent to the camera… “Tell me if it gets uncomfortable…” He would whisper into the Starlight Maidens ear, as he pressed his almost bare form against her back.

    “Perfect!” Markus would here follow by more clicks of the camera. “Now, keep her ‘distracted’.” He would say again, adding a strange emphasis to the words, before sighing when Markus gave him a curious look. “You know... touch her side, kiss her neck! Simple things. Don’t worry nothing lude.” The director felt the need to elaborate…

    Slowly Markus would slide his hand down her stomach and waist, touching her softly hesitantly. For a brief moment he would lean in, his lips just touching her neck before he would stop. Remembering the harsh way she had spoken last time he had over stepped.

    “I can’t.” Markus said, still holding her, but moving farther away. “We are just friends…” The chaos mage would say in a monotone voice, as if on repeat.

    “Sir… If Markus in uncomfortable, he should be allowed to stop.” Markus suddenly heard Ashley say, her voice sounding almost too happy.

    “Its not that…” Markus said, trying to figure out how to explain. “It is up to Nessa.”

    “Miss Lux, what do you think?” The director would ask, almost pleading with her. “Do you want Markus to stop. Seems the remainder of this set is up to you.”


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 21st August 2019, 3:46 pm

    As she stepped onto the pool-side step, Nessa turned to the director. Keen to get this set out of the way, if only so that Markus could change and be a little more comfortable. The outfit of choice really didn't seem like something he'd enjoy wearing. As the director mentioned the word taboo, Nessa arched a brow. Wondering how two students in a pool would be considered taboo, however, she didn't question it. She simply nodded and moved into position, beginning the act of playful splashing and swimming away with Markus. As she got in, she laughed glancing over to him with a much more natural smile as she was distracted by pleasant deja vu. "Last time I tried to splash you was when we first met. Do you remember Markus, in the forest, when we found that place?" She commented warmly as she thought over the memory fondly, it was strange that one small incident such as him stumbling upon her melancholy moment in the forest would lead to where they were now.

    As they continued, the director would instruct Markus to grab Nessa from behind. A little odd, but again she supposed it fit with the whole playing in the water bit. And so he would grab her, and she would, as a result, feign pleasant surprise for the camera. This didn't seem to be enough for the director as he encouraged Markus to hold her closer. She would fell his body press against, any exposed skin of hers touching him, the warmth of his body against her body. She heard the whisper and smiled softly, touched by the fact he was considering her feelings in all this. Still, she did not protest. The next set of instructions did shock the Starlight Maiden, she glanced over at the director, surprised they were willing to go that far. But then, as she recalled her behavior during the May shoot, she wondered if her behavior had given them a basis for how far they might be willing to go. Maybe this was just a result of her own actions, in which case, could she really complain?

    She would feel his hand wander over her stomach and waist, his touch sending a slight tingle through her body. As his lips brushed her neck, she froze, listening as he refused. It was strange considering she had fully expecting Markus to just do it without complaint, but his reasoning. Those cursed words again; Just Friends. They were beginning to feel like a weight on her chest, and every time she thought or heard them, it only seemed to get heavier. Her eyes wandered over to Ashley, who was encouraging the idea of the shoot being ended here. Within the  few moments a result of Markus's reasoning and the Director's unwillingness to stop. It seemed to shot would be decided by her. She would let out a soft 'umm', as Markus had said, they were just friends and this sort of behaviour wasn't really appropriate for them even if it was just supposed to be 'acting'. Yet still, as she eyed Ashley who seemed to be waiting eagerly for Nessa's to end the shoot, Nessa was once again reminded of the girls intention. She wanted Nessa to say no, so that they would cement their state of being 'just friends', so that she would have the opportunity to take him from her. Not that he belonged to Nessa, but still, if she was going to let Markus go to anyone. It certainly wouldn't be Ashley, she just... wasn't good enough for him.

    Nessa smiled pleasantly at the director, leaning back into Markus so that her body was pressed a little more firmly against his. She arched her neck to the side, exposing the skin of her neck to him so he had better access to it. "It's okay Markus, I can take it. I am perfectly comfortable where I am" She said with a tone of as much confidence as she could muster. The director beamed from ear to ear, before raising the camera once more, ready to take the shot.

    WC: 689 | Nessa's Total:   11,497 | Thread Total:   23,704 / 25,000


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 22nd August 2019, 10:51 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 547
    Total Word Count: 12,753
    Group Total: 24,251

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus had waded into the pool, and was waiting for instruction when Nessa spoke, bringing up an old memory of an easier time. Even the coldness of the Chaos mage was warmed for a moment with the pleasant memory.

    “Of Course, I remember… You got my pants wet.” He would say, remembering exactly how he got her back. It was interesting how much had changed since then, and how much time had passed. Both of them had grown so much in their own ways, and despite the time they had been apart they were somehow closer than ever. Sometimes even too close…

    His arms still around her, her face away from him he was not able to determine what she could be possibly thinking, or what her decision would be. He hated to have to put this choice on her, yet… he did not know how he could make it. Then, with a sharp intake of breath the chaos mage felt her choice before he heard her confirmation. As her body pushed harder into his, he would tense for a moment before allowing himself to relax, accepting her against him. Her neck would arch away, and he would feel her press against him. Her words caused his heart to start racing.

    With a flash of chaotic magic deep in his eyes he would look directly at the excited director and his camera. The clicks no longer meant anything to him, the distraction he had were gone as once more his lips pressed against her neck. He would kiss her tentatively as his hands moved again before moving with more force. He would look now at her body as his hand glided up her side to her shoulder. “How’s this?” he would repeat her words as his hand found the strap upon her garment.

    Slowly he would move it out of the way, just moving it down her should exposing the small amount of flesh he uncovered. Though it was virtually nothing new with her tight sports suit, somehow it was everything. His teeth would scrape the exposed line as he kissed it deeply. When he did look up again, he was surprised to see a red spot had appeared.

    The chaos mage had forgotten all about the scene, the clicks becoming nothing more than nats as his hand went up to grasp at her hair, his fingers would entangle themselves in the base of her skull. He would pull back her head slightly, not forcefully but with intent. It was time he got some payback for that teacher shoot.  Looking in her eyes he would get lost for a moment, his pale blue-grey eyes looking into her lavender fields, he would smile slightly... mistiviously, before leaning down again and kissing her collar.

    Then suddenly, he heard an exclamation from the side. “Just perfect!” The director would say excitedly, forcing Markus to return to the present. His eyes wide for a moment he would let go of the starlight maiden. His breath was heavy when he spoke.

    “Well… hopefully that got you what you wanted?” He would ask, looking towards the onlookers, suddenly very much reading the room. The chaos mage would not even have noticed that Ashley had disappeared, preparing for whatever it was she had planned.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 23rd August 2019, 1:09 pm

    Nessa would steel herself for what was about to come next, she knew just what she might be getting herself into. And whilst she was able to assume the director's gleeful reaction, she wasn't quite sure of Markus. She could feel him behind her, her body pressed firmly against his, and in such thin clothing, she could make out every part of him. She took a slow breath, trying to calm herself. She needed to steady her resolve so she could keep her word and back up her declaration. The last thing she wanted to do was chicken out when it got down to it, she wouldn't be able to look at Markus at all if she did that.

    His lips would return to her neck, starting by softly kissing the skin there. Despite her attempts to stay calm, each kiss would feel as though it was sending little jolts of electricity through her body. Her frame would melt against him weakly, the way his hands explored his body. All of him was turning her mind numb. All thoughts of anyone else sunk away, so that it was just the two of them lost in this moment. As his hand returned to her shoulder and he whispered back to her those words she had offered him earlier. She let out a little gasp, feeling him moving the strip of fabric there. Undressing her suit ever so slightly, just enough to gain a fraction more access for his skillful lips. As she felt the gentle nibble of his teeth grazing her skin, her hand rose quickly to cover her mouth, attempting to surprise the quiet moan that escaped her. Her eyes widening in shock, Did he notice? She would wonder in a slight panic. It hadn't been very loud, she doubted the grew could tell. Hopefully, they would just think she was acting for the camera. But truthfully, she was struggling to remain composed at this point, she knew she had to, but it was harder than she imagined it would be. Her body was growing hotter with each moment, her thighs pressured together tightly. His hand would skirt up the back of her neckline, moving his head back to look at him, she didn't resist, giving him full control of her movements. She was completely at his mercy and she knew it. Her gaze met his, his dark eyes capturing her as she gazed at him in want. "Good.. really good..." She whispered to him breathily, an answer to his question. He returned to her neck, causing her to close her eyes as she leaned into him once more.

    The booming declaration of the director caused her eyes to flicker open, she blinked for a moment. Returning to the present, the space around her coming into focus once more. She stood there for a moment, confused before she remembered what it was they were doing. The photoshoot. After Markus's comments, she quickly spun on the ball of her feet, rushing off to her room. Cheeks flushed pink once again for what felt like the hundredth time today. She couldn't believe what had happened, they had practically gotten handsy on camera. She covered her face, somewhat mortified by her own behavior. It took her at least ten minutes before she was able to compose herself enough to get dressed into the next set. It was a little tamer, although Nexxa was still in quite a haze for the shoot itself. Another school theme set, except this time she was a perky cheerleader. She did the poses, faked the smiles before moving back to the changing room. She glanced at Markus in passing, although not really sure what to say to him. After all, what could she really say about her behavior?

    The next set was actually something Nessa's had something at home, so when the assistants pulled it out, it actually woke her up a little. She knew she needed to pull herself together, if she kept acting weird around Markus's because of what happened, it wouldn't be fair to him. Compose yourself, you brought this on yourself after all. She thought as she changed clothes. As she walking out of her changing room, she was wearing a maid outfit, however, the outfit also had cat ears and a tail. As she stepped over to the set, she got into position turning towards the camera.

    "Boy do you guys look a picture! Alright so we're gonna have some fun for me here, get into the role a bit. Nya for me a little!" He instructed. Nessa looked uncertain for a moment, glancing down. This was a little weird, pretending to be a cat, but at least she wasn't alone in this weirdness. She looked up at the camera, and raising her hands up like paws, she titled her head and with an awkward smile, she would purr at the camera. "Nyaa~"

    WC: 820 | Nessa's Total:   12,317 | Thread Total:   25,071 / 25,000


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 23rd August 2019, 1:55 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 599
    Total Word Count: 13,352
    Group Total: 25,670

    Markus Eldridge

    The Chaos Mage was once more lost, once more passing through void and bliss. This time, however, was far from any other isolation he had ever felt. He was not alone, not this time. His hands would move of their own accord, his eyes glancing about in their head. His heart would be pounding, his breath ragged. He could feel her, hear her, understand her, in ways he never had before. Every breath she took, every movement she made while within his arms he could feel and understood.

    As such, when she gasped, he would gasp, when she moved, he would tense. He heard her, even without his heightened senses, he could tell explicitly the reaction she was having. His heart was pounding, he would be surprised if she did not feel it, with his chest pressed into her back. Still… he did not care.

    When her eyes met his, he had to lock his knees, and fight to not drop. When her voice rang out, her eyes reflecting the desires he himself had, he almost failed. As she leaned back to him…

    Markus shook his head, looking at himself in the mirror. He could not get the thoughts out of his mind. No matter how much he tried, and no matter how much he fought. He knew… once more… he had gone too far. The way she had fled as soon as they were done. It was almost too much for the chaos mage. She was not even able to look at him until the next shoot started. Still… everything felt different. Changed.

    Markus could no longer concentrate on what he was doing, sure he would act professional, and void, and blank. After all, pretending was easy. Yet, he knew it was eating him up. What he wanted to say, how could he explain. The shoots were easy, tame, simple. Still within the ‘school’ theme. The chaos mage would follow instructions, and occasionally glance at Nessa. Giving her a slight nod, or even just a half-hearted raise of the eyebrow when it was a somewhat interesting instruction.

    If anything, the only thing that brought him solace was the fact that he was completely alone. He no longer had someone escorting him to, or from the changing room. In fact, even his stylists seemed to talk less. Seeming understand, in their own way, that he needed time.

    After a time, Markus found himself looking at the next set of clothing with a baffled look. He just… could not understand. He looked so ridiculous. He was dressed like a butler a pressed black suit, with white accents. Around his neck was a tight black collar, and on his head were a pair of ears. He knew, if he was to spin, the tail they had attached to the end would spin around, acting as a massive battle hazard. He just… surely this was a joke. They wanted him to step out, and get a picture looking like this…

    When Markus joined Nessa on stage, his face would look defeated. Almost at a loss. If anything, it would bring the entire outfit together, in some hilarious way. When they got onto the ground Markus would look at the director as he gave his instructions…

    Then his face would turn towards Nessa as she purred… surely… surely this was all a joke… His nose would wiggle, causing the ears to shift slightly. He would shrug, attempting to copy Nessa. “Meow…” he would say, the sound coming out in the most pitiful of ways.

    It seemed in this, Markus had met his match


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 23rd August 2019, 2:29 pm

    As Nessa stepped onto the set, she would glance over to watch as Markus approached. Dressed in a many similar to herself, except a neko butler of sorts. She eyes the ears that now sported his head, protruding from his reddish hair. She quickly turned away, biting her lip to suppress the smile. Despite all the tension, that had built up during their last scene she couldn’t help the amusement she was now feeling. The image of Markus as a kitty, was both adorable and pretty funny. She took a moment to pull herself together, trying to stay professional.

    After the directors comments, she would make her attempt at a meow, which hadn’t been greatly enthusiastic but relatively acceptable. However as she glanced sideways at Markus and heard his feeble attempt at a purr. Nessa’s face would strain, she pushed her lips together hard, and her eyes would water. Her body began to shake and she found herself kneeling down, arms wrapped around her knees as she tried to stop herself. ”Nessa, are you ok there sweetie?” The director would ask causing her to glance over, eyes streaming however as she did she glanced at Markus and the ‘meow’ seemed to play back in her head.

    And then she lost it, doubling over the girl burst into laughter. Giggling away, unable to help herself. It had just been too funny to resist. After several minutes, she straightened up wiping a tear from her eye. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, but never in my life did I ever expect to hear you of all people meow!” She said with a lingering giggle, after which she would sigh. ”Alright, I’m sorry, I’m ready now! Maybe we just skip the purring and pose,” She suggested turning back to the camera with a smile. She actually felt a lot more at ease and visibly relaxed. Having laughed like that had eased a decent amount of the tension she was feeling.

    WC: 327 New Freeform Total: 997

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 24th August 2019, 6:04 am; edited 1 time in total


    Matters of Heart - Page 2 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 23rd August 2019, 3:17 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1,293
    Total Word Count: 14,645
    Group Total: 27,290

    Markus Eldridge

    The chaos mage would eye the starlight maiden suspiciously, an eyebrow raised in question as suddenly, she started to shake. He could hear it, his heightened senses picking up the laughter she was suppressing. Suddenly, he face would furough into a, somewhat, serious ‘pout’. Surely… surely it was not that bad. When she suddenly started laughing, the Markus all but lost it. He would stare at her, waiting for the fit to break. He could care less that suddenly, her laughter was infecting the other staff. Only the director seemed to understand Markus at this moment.

    “No. Since you are so perfect at it. Show me.” Markus would demand, forcing the entire set to take an extra half an hour purely to get him to somehow make a sound which sounded vaguely like the annoying animals’ cats were. Only when Markus knew he was somewhat satisfied did he allow the set to break. Looking at Nessa with a serious face, before breaking into a somewhat half smile. For but a moment, he had forgotten about the awkwardness.

    Then, they were onto the next set. Markus returned to his room, his mood noticeably better, but a pit still within his stomach. With a curious look he would eye the outfit, an outfit he recognized…

    Sitting on the dresser was… his clothes… well kinda. They were much more stylized, but they were his battle clothes. The same clothes Markus would normally be seen on when on a job, or mission. The black vest, and white wrappings. Even a black scarf. Yet, they were different. Unknown(obviously faked) runes were stitched into the fabric, far brighter and noticeable than the runes of magic upon his clothes. And, the clothes were far tighter, with the vest showing much more of Markus’ chest than his own did.

    The chaos mage would look at the stylist who merely shrugged. “Not my choice… Orders from the boss.” He would say, explaining that, in some way, the clothing had changed, and this set was different than what was originally intended.

    As Markus stepped out of his dressing room, back into the main set, his eyes would widen. Suddenly. The entire thing looks like a movie set. He could see at least two sets, one obviously Christmas in style, and the other much simpler. As Markus walked up, looking for Nessa, he would be greeted by Ashley, the Director (who looked quite disheartened), and the Lord of the estate. The lord and Ashley were smiling, as if everything was coming together.

    When they were all gathered, and Nessa had joined Markus would look towards the director for instruction, only to hear the Lord speak up. “So! It is time for the GRAND FINALE.” He said in his excited tone. “My Daughter, bless her, had an amazing idea that I just HAD to do. You see, she reminded me that yall were MAGES, and heroes! So surely we should end the photoshoot with a bang!” he would say, looking to Ashley who looked totally sure of herself, and way too happy with whatever she had concocted. “I will let Ashley explain the rest.” He would say.

    Markus, who looked to the director would see that the man looked visibly deflated, and even angry. It was obvious whatever ‘plan’ Ashley had talked her father into, he was not happy. Still, Markus knew a job was a job, and like himself and Nessa, the director was probably getting paid a pretty penny to keep silent and follow instructions.

    “Sooooooo.” Ashley would start, her voice high with excitement. “The shoot is really simple. You both will be pretending like you are saving the distressed citizen and keeping her safe from monsters! It will include action shots, and cool sequences. Even some interesting twists!” She would say, suddenly ending with a massive “ACTION.” Causing Markus to question if she had any idea at all as to what she was doing.

    True to her word however, the November part of the set was quite simple. Nessa and Markus would be acting as they normally would on a job, pretending like they were talking. At times fighting ‘invisible monsters’ which would be off camera, and for the most part tracking the ‘missing citizen’. Only to learn in the end that Ashley was indeed that missing citizen. Suddenly dressed in far too revealing clothes, and acting as if her life depended on it she would appear in certain photos, either tied up, or masked behind some sort of ‘dark shadow’.

    Markus himself was way too happy when that set ended, suddenly realizing he would rather be back in the water. As he turned to go change, he was suddenly stopped. “Oh don’t worry! Y’all are going to be dressed in the same way!” Ashley would suddenly say, stopping the mages. When Markus turned to see what had been dragged on set, he would see a large cutout of the ‘santa’ creature that Nessa, Mythal, Serilda, and himself had faught.

    “You see… I wanted yall to be fighting, dressed exactly as you were that night…” She would say, referring to the events of Christmas. “Buuuuuuut, apparently HR would not allow it, sooooo we are going to just go with this.” She said, her eyes upon Markus in a way he was not entirely comfortable with. “After all…. it was sooo…. Impressive.” She would say, he eyes falling a little too low on Markus. “That was the first time I actually saw you by the way! You were amazing.” She would look at Nessa. “You all were… I guess.” Though her tone made it obvious, she did not like everything she must have seen that night.

    Markus, feeling a sick pit to his stomach, would follow direction, posing as needed. Almost every picture involved Ashley in some way. Until her ‘grand finale’ came about. The two were directed to stand in front of the defeated Santa. Nessa was closer to the camera, and farther from Markus. Who was instructed to suddenly lift Ashley, as if saving her.

    As he did such, he realized with their positioning, Nessa while being most promenade in the picture would be unable to stop what was to happen next. Suddenly, falling from the ceiling, and hanging mistletoe would show up above Markus and Ashley. “You know what that means…” She would say, grabbing at Markus.

    “I’m not…” he would attempt to say, moving backwards, only to find Ashley, from her more advantageous position within her arms pulling herself farther forward and placing her lips upon Markus in a sloppy manor. For a second, Markus held the position entirely baffled and confused by the horrid manor at which this female had presented herself. Then, he would still trying to stay calm set her down and take a breath.

    As far as he was concerned. The shoot was over.

    “Did you get it!” Ashley would ask the director excitedly. Who merely nodded. His face showing his obvious distaste… Markus found his eyes trying to look for Nessa. Wondering, if she had seen, and if she was just as baffled as he was.

    “Just Marvelous! Simply Splendid!” Markus could hear, drawing his attention away, back towards the Lord. “With that we are finished! Obviously, your pay is ready, and a copy of every image will be sent to Fairy Tail for your vetting! Before we make the calendar of course. So that you can be certain everything fits your standards! A sizable portion of the proceeds will also be sent to Fairy Tail, for helping with such a thing!” The Lord of the estate would say, closing out their job and allowing them to go get dressed.

    Markus would spend only enough time to change before attempting to find Nessa.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 24th August 2019, 7:09 am

    Nessa couldn't resist the urge to grin at his pouting, his comment causing her to snicker. "Okay, okay... so try it like this..." She would proceed to go about trying to get him meow properly, the fact that every attempt he made had her creasing with laughter meant that the shoot took a little more time than the previous ones, but honestly it as most definately the most relaxed shoot they'd done and actually a little fun being able to goof off a little. By the time they wrapped it up, her mood was significantly lifted.

    As she went back to the changing room for what would be her last change of clothes for the shoot, she recognized her usual white and purple battle suit, she was surprised and honestly a little relieved. It was nice to put on something so familiar, she slid into it comfortably, before returning to the set. As she looked around the set, she recognized the familiarity it looked like the outside of their guild, that Christmas day when she had gone to see Markus, Mythal, and Serilda as well as a much simpler set. As the Lord would divulge the ideas for the final set, it didn't seem too bad. Ashley would take over the explanation, Nessa listened, nodded as she took it in. Quickly getting into position, she would take on the role most naturally to herself. Trying to think of jobs she had done in the past for an idea of how to appear, occasionally creating Starlight for the sake of the fighting scenes. Although keeping it harmless so as to prevent causing any damage to the set of crew.

    When they confirmed the end of the November set, Nessa beamed, pleased that it had gone seemingly well. Although surprised to learn they wouldn't be changing. She was sure that the last set ould have them dressed in Christmas-themed outfits, like a Santa or an elf. But that seemed to not be the case, instead what was brought out was a giant cut out of the Santa monster they had fought that day. Nessa eyed it in surprise, so it had been made to look like that day on purpose. She glanced back at Ashely as she continued to explain, her eyes narrowing slightly as she mentioned being dressed the same as 'that day'. It didn't matter to Nessa if HR had allowed it because she would have flat out refused anyway. No way was she going to intentionally sign up for a nude photoshoot, February's shoot had been bad enough.

    As she watched Ashley's eyes glide down Markus's front, Nessa couldn't help but roll her eyes. This girl really was too obvious, Nessa could never imagine because so forwardly upfront like that. Especially not in front of others.  She didn't like it the idea of bringing more attention to that night, it was bad enough she'd been spotted and mentioned in Sorceror Magazine. But at the very least they were to remain dressed, Nessa figured she could at least manage that. Despite the attempt to 'mimic' that night, for some reason this shoot would include Ashley, which Nessa found odd. Seeing as none of the other shoots had included any 'extras'. She was under the impression the shoot was just about the two of them. But still, she didn't argue, the sooner they finished the last set, the sooner the whole ordeal would be over with and she could take time to process the emotional rollercoaster that had been today.

    Nessa got into position, posing in a battle stance, she tried to focus on the Santa monster, but her eyes would flicker to Ashley and Markus. Ashley who was getting saved by Markus for some reason, Markus would pick up Ashley and in that moment, it felt as though everything slowed for a moment. The little strand that dropped down from the ceiling, the mistletoe tied to the end that randomly hovered over Markus and Ashley. The way she grabbed him and pressed her mouth to his. Nessa's froze in horror, unable to look away as she watched the kiss. Watching as Markus took the kiss, not pushing the girl away. Her stomach felt like it fell through the ground, and she felt a tightness in her chest. As the two separated, Nessa looked away. Her eyes blinking furiously as she attempted to calm herself. She couldn't believe what had just happened, she knew Ashley liked Markus, but she never expected her to take it this fair.

    The next few moments seemed to glaze past, the shoot was wrapped up and everything was over. That was it, Nessa blinked in confusion, uncertain of what to say or do. As the Lord spoke, she would slowly bring her gaze to him. Her face was black, her eyes dull as she listened to him. After a moment, emotion began to rise within, slowly anger began to accumulate and she would feel her frustration setting it. Her expression hardened, as she glared at the Lord. "You will send these images to me directly, nothing is to be released without my consent. I won't be signing any contractual releases until I have confirmed the finalized image for each month and if any of the unauthorized images are leaked, I can assure you," She would move towards the Lord, hands on her hips her eyes glowing with magic and pressure seeping from her. hitting everyone in the room with intense force, "You will regret it." She hissed, she was being her words laced with fury. She raised her hand, spreading her palm she created a portal beside her. She turned towards Markus, her eyes still glowing with white ethereal light.  "Markus, we're leaving, I need to talk to you." She told him, before stepping into the portal, leaving it open long enough for him to hopefully join her.

    As she stepped out through the portal, she would move away from the portal. Arms crossed over her chest, anger still seeping from her. She glanced around, she had intended on taking him back to the guild. But it seemed that the lingering memory that she had been thinking of had caused her to bring him to none other than the waterfall where they had first met. It was even more ambient than she remembered, it seemed they'd been at the Lord's manor for the majority of the day. As the sun seemed to be setting now, the luminous orange and pink hues glistening over the water before her as she waited for Markus to join her.

    WC: 1100 Nessa's WC: 1498  New Freeform WC: 3390


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 24th August 2019, 8:09 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 602
    Total Word Count: 2,494
    New Group Total: 3,992

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would listen and shake his head as the set was closed. His just could not breath, the heaviness he felt earlier was replaced with a shallow breath, and strange feeling. His heart was racing, erratically, unprepared. For a brief moment the chaos mage would question if he was feeling… fear?

    But why would he feel such a thing. What did he have to fear... Who did he have to fear… His eyes would glance to Nessa… she seemed… out of it. Glassy, if anything else. He could not gage anything from her, no emotion, no feeling. Perhaps that was why he was scared. But… why… Was he fearful that she saw? And… if she did did, he more scared of her anger… or her feeling nothing?

    It was not until she spoke to the lord that Markus knew, there was certainly something within her tone. Yet, as far as he could tell it was entirely directed towards the Lord. It seemed, she like him, was not happy with the direction of this photoshoot. When her wave of power surged outwards even Markus took a step back. As always, he was impressed when her power flowed.

    In truth, when she made her final threat Markus couldn’t help but nod. His own eyes falling to the fearful Ashley. They would narrow. That was something he would have to deal with later. What she had done was in no ways okay. He would not condone such actions, however he felt it was something that needed to be addressed in private. When Ashley glanced in his direction, his own eyes would flash in a similar way to Nessas. They were not through.

    Then his attention was drawn, the magic draining from his eyes as he heard his name. Looking towards Nessa his eyes would widen to see she still had magic within her gaze, even as she addressed him. With a shrug, Markus would nod, intended on following Nessa as she went through the portal.

    As he took a step forward, he felt something grab his arm. Turning to look he would find the director hesitantly reaching for him… The man took a moment to speak. “Markus… What happened was not okay… If it was in my power to stop it. I would have… Please.” He paused looking towards the portal. Before shaking his head, deciding against whatever he was about to say. “Listen to what she has to say.” Was all he stated when he let go of his arm.

    Markus would look towards the director before speaking. “That picture is never to see the light of day. Period. I do not event want it sent to Nessa.” He would say, his voice mixed with that of another. His threat was clear. Then he would step through the portal.

    He had no idea how much longer the portal would have remained open, but he assumed it would not be much longer so he wasted no time getting his bearing, wherever she had taken them. Looking around Markus’ eyes would widen in surprise. He himself had been thinking of this location on multiple occasions that day. Still…

    He would glance about, taking in the final rays of the setting sun. This place was still beautiful. Though, he knew they had things to talk about. He wondered if what they had would survive the night…

    “You wanted to talk?” he would ask, feigning his casual and normal manor. Despite the pounding of his heart, and the pressure building in his chest. Clamping down on his magic, Markus would do his best to suppress his emotions.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 24th August 2019, 8:58 am

    As Markus stepped through the portal behind her, Nessa would close it, allowing her magic to simmer away. She was quiet for a moment, trying to think of what to say. She was mad, pretty damn mad, but she didn't know where to start. He would speak, reaffirming her demand that they talk. Yes, she did want to talk, but where to begin. She couldn't get the image out of her mind, Ashley and Markus engaged in that kiss. That kiss that went on for far too long, that kiss that should have never happened. She couldn't help but feel a swell of emotional, clouding her mind, suppressing her rational thoughts. Thoughts about how she shouldn't really care because it didn't concern her, after all, she had pushed so much to clarify that they were just friends. Yet, here she was, infuriated with his behavior, with Ashley's behavior. It had taken all of her will not to smash Ashley through the wall of the manor, if she hadn't of left when she did, she might have lost it.

    "So it was a pretty exciting day for you huh?"  She said finally after a long pause, the steel clear in her voice, she still wouldn't meet his gaze. "I mean you turn up thinking you're just going doing a job to get paid and you end up with so much more huh?" She turned, rounding on him sharply. Her eyes ablaze with anger, her voice growing louder by the moment. "Was she your type? Ashley? I mean, you can't have minded her that much. Especially not with the way she was fawning over you all day and heck, even got a nice long kiss at the end of it. Which is fine of course, during your own time, but I don't know if it really reflected the professionalism expected on a job." She snapped, unable to hold her tongue any longer. The more she spoke, the harsher her words were coming out. A small niggling part of her mind was begging her to stop before she said to much, but she couldn't. A green-eyed monster had taken over, and Nessa's words we're leaving her mouth too fast for her to filter them.

    WC:  372 Nessa's WC: 1870 New Freeform WC: 4364


    Matters of Heart - Page 2 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 24th August 2019, 9:27 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 469
    Total Word Count: 2,963
    New Group Total: 4,833

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus knew this feeling, this wait, this pressure. Even if the magic had faded. He had learned to know Nessa’s anger. She had been angry when she had seen the pictures, and other times in their history. This however, this was different. Perhaps she was angry with how they were treated… That was the logical conclusion…

    Yet, when she spoke it was not a logical argument. At least… not in the way he would understand. Her argument had nothing to do with the shoot, with them, with the paintings… No… instead… it was about what happened. Why would she care… Were they not… Just Friends.

    Markus said nothing as she went on. He would not look away. He would not loose contact with her, despite the fact that with each word his heart would pound harder, his breath would catch. The anger within her eyes, it was ablaze as she got louder. Still, he would listen without question, without comment… without retort.

    When she had finished, Markus was silent for but a moment, his mouth open. “Yes. It was… strange.” He would start, attempting to stay calm, attempting to hide his emotions. He felt as if he was not succeeding. “So much had happened… none of it expected. I would have been happy to have been paid and left without the… rest of it.” Markus stated, his heart pounding. In truth, he was happy for much of it. The way Nessa and him had connected, it was terrifying, and exhilarating at the same time, though he knew this was not what she wanted to here. Surely, she needed to know that the events of the day meant nothing to him… Surely that was the logical response… as much of a lie as it was.

    Markus, a man who hated lies, who hated falsehood, and who hated everything he was about to do found himself speaking once more. “She meant nothing to me.” His eyes were steel, though it would be obvious there was something there. Something he was holding back. “The events of today meant nothing. That woman… she crossed a line I was not happy with, and if I had retaliated in the way I wanted.” He paused. This one statement being completely honest. “She would be dead.”

    Markus paused, incase she had a reaction, but would continue. This time with a lie… a horrible lie. “Everything that happened today was unprofessional, and should not have happened. Surely that is what you mean?” Markus asked. He could feel bits of his power leaking, expanding and contracting. As his mind went more and more chaotic, more in more lost in the emotion. His words would get more and more defeated. More monotone, more singular. “You are right… I should have stepped in and never let… any of it happen.”


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 24th August 2019, 10:15 am

    Nessa's glare remained locked on him as she waited for him to speak, he was as calm as usual. Which actually didn't help right now, his following sentence would only prove to much her angrier. A part of her suspected it, but another part had hope that this wasn't the whole truth. That parts of the shoot he wouldn't have minded, especially the parts with her. "All of it?" She growled, her breathing getting heavier as she continue. "So the entire thing was an act?" She turned, spinning on her heel for a moment. She took a few steps, creating some distance as she turned back to him. His words weren't helping her calm down in the slightest.

    He continued, talking about Ashley specifically. Nessa's arms crossed over her chest, her eyes narrowing at the mention of the Lord's daughter. It wasn't that she didn't disbelieve what he was saying, but more so that it wasn't enough. The last thing he said, about wanting to kill the girl if he had his way caused Nessa's to freeze. Her expression becoming slightly more concerned, her arms would drop down to her side. She had, of course, forgotten that Markus was this way inclined. She wasn't sure how to respond, instead, she said nothing, lowering her gaze to the ground. He went on to summarise the actions of the day, asking her a question, she didn't answer straight away but bit her lip. It wasn't what she meant, not at all. His final comment caused her to shake her head in disagreement. "No Markus, that's not what I mean, not even a little bit. Aside from her, the rest of it..." She was trembling, pausing to figure out how to say this. Every fibre of her was trying to resist, telling her not to go on, that this was a big mistake. Yet, she would part her lips and the words would leave her regardless.

    "You always do this Markus! You give me these signals, these hints. sometimes you look at me and I think... I get so confused. One second you're so cold and the next you do things that make me think that... there's more and then it always comes back to this... this just friends crap!" She took a slow breath, steadying herself as she raised her eyes to his, her violet eyes looking at him with imploring uncertainty. "Well, I can't do it. I can't be just friends Markus... because... I want more... more than this..."

    WC: 420 Nessa's WC: 2290 New Freeform WC: 5253


    Matters of Heart - Page 2 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 24th August 2019, 10:36 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 529
    Total Word Count: 3,492
    New Group Total: 5,782

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus refused to look away as he said it. As he lied. As he broke one of his own personal moral codes. He hated every second of hit, he could feel himself breaking… threatening to explode. With a deep breath, he would listen as she growled her response. His eyes would follow her as she moved further way, just a few steps. Yet… it felt so far.

    He would watch her reactions, and realize… too late… that he was wrong. He was entirely… completely… totally wrong. When she spoke, he knew it was the end. He could feel his walls break, and knew… she was right.

    It is true what they say... You larger you are. The Harder you fall. It is also true... The Stronger you are. The Harder you break

    He froze entirely, and his eyes would widen as she spoke. She would refer to his hints, his signals, the times he slipped up. She would speak of her own confusion. The same confusion he knew well. The confusion that suddenly, was gone. No more, for the first time in their relationship… he was certain.

    When her eyes met his, she would watch as his own would break. Whatever mask he had concocted years ago would fade and die. A tear would fall, for the second time ever. The Starlight Maiden would see the Progeny of Chaos cry. Then, she said it. What she though of their friendship.

    “Nessa…” His words were broken… lost. “I… I agree.” He started to ramble. “I just… I don’t know. I never thought... I never.. You.. Me...” He would continue to look to her as suddenly his magical aura would flare. He could not control it. He could not hold it, and say what he needed to. “I… I don’t want her.”

    “I.. I don’t want anyone… else.” His voice would sound broken. Lost.

    “I want.. I want you… Only You.” Markus would finally look away. Unable to concentrate, unable to focus.

    “Nessa.. I love…” His voice would drop to but a whisper before fading entirely. He couldn’t say it. He could not finish. The words which he had never before said in his life. Not even to his mother. His father.

    A portal would appear between the to mages, and the sound of air ripping out of a vacuum would ring out, breaking the silence. Markus would fall through, collapsing to his hands and knees on the other side. Suddenly, he could not concentrate, he could not breath. The normal instant teleportation that he controlled would not work.

    The portal was all he had. His only escape, and even it was not foolproof. It was still open. She could follow… if she wished. Though he knew, it would be dangerous. His power was threatening to release, he had to leave… or he would risk Magnolia.

    Markus could feel his hands touching soil, an inky black substance. He knew where he was. He did not have to look up to see the void. The endless expanse around him… At his feet would be chains, broken and bloodied. The same chains he had been bound with for a year. Before he finally returned to Earthland.

    The chaos mage did not know why this was where he came. The place he once felt so alone… “Nessa… I love you.”


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 24th August 2019, 11:09 am

    The moment the words left her, she would see the chnage in him. Her entire nature would soften as she saw the truth in his eyes, his tears. It all slipped away, all the rage, all the jealousy, as he spoke, his speech broken. Magic erupted around him, flowing outwards like waves, it was intense. It took all her strength to stay on her feet.

    “I.. I don’t want anyone… else.”

    Else, he said else. Her mind began to race, her eyes wide, her heart racing. Did this mean what she thought it meant?

    “I want.. I want you… Only You.”

    She released a breath, euphoria spreading through her body, it felt so surreal. To hear him say such things, for so long she'd wished for it. For it to finally be happening, she didn't know what to do, she was frozen in shock.

    "Nessa... I love..."

    She had heard it, she was sure of it. She would step towards him, wanting to close the distance between them. But as magic suddenly erupted near them, she would stop, her head turning to witness the portal forming between them. Panic began to rise through her as he moved towards it, moving into the portal. Nessa kicked off the ground, delving into the portal after him. As she re-emerged through the other side, she was met once more with his intense magical pressure. She would push forward with all her strength to wade through the thick energy that pushed against her. It was so powerful, the closer she got the more it felt like it was crushing her. But she couldn't stop, she wouldn't. She need to reach him, she had to.

    “Nessa… I love you.”

    She would feel a jump in her chest, tears would fall from her cheeks. Her emotions a concoction of joy and fear, fear for him, the chains at his feet. She would reach him, collapsing to her knees also, she crept forward. Reaching up, she would cup his face, "I love you too Markus... I've loved you for so long I could barely stand it..."

    WC: 350 Nessa's WC: 2640 New Freeform WC:  6132


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 24th August 2019, 12:21 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 622
    Total Word Count: 4,114
    New Group Total: 6,754

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus could not concentrate, waves of emotions cascaded out of him, and along with them were waves of power. Uncontrolled magic, and unhampered chaos. Here, Markus could let it go. Here Markus could release what he never thought he had. Tears would be streaming down his face, his fists would be grasping towards the ground, feeling the dirt. His vision was blurry.

    A voice spoke in his mind. ‘Progeny. Calm yourself. Grasp onto who you are.’ The voice was calm, but severe. Markus could not hear it well. ‘Let me help. I will take your power. For now.’ Markus felt it start to wane, start to flicker. ‘Speak to her…’ Markus heard as suddenly a new sensation overcame him. He would feel as Aporia faded, giving him time without her. Just as fingers touched his face.

    When his eyes met hers, he would see that she, like himself, had tears in her eyes. He was confused. He had left her. He came to this world in order to protect her. To protect Magnolia. To keep himself from loosing it. Yet, here she was. Speaking. Softly.

    The words would cause him to swell. Taking a sharp intake of breath. His hands would reach up to her own. He would take her hands into his, then lean forward pressing his forehead to her shoulder. Everything had changed, suddenly, and unexpectedly… or… perhaps it was always meant to be.

    What was next for them. How would they proceed. What was he to do?

    Markus would feel as the power would fade no nothing. He would take a breath, steadying himself. He had withheld himself, and closed of his emotions thinking all they would ever be was friends. Just Friends. A request she had made. Words he never had to think again…

    Taking her into his arms Markus would bring her closer, unsure what to say. Unable to trust himself. He did not want her to see him like this, to see him broken, yet. Somehow. It felt right. Markus would smile, looking into her eyes. Finally accepting what she had said. What he had said.

    Markus would stand, bring her up with him. His eyes would turn towards the ground, before flashing with chaotic energy. A spike of void magic would hit the chain, causing them to fracture, and fade breaking each link that remained. One day. Markus knew he would explain to Nessa what this place was. What had happened. But, first… he had to show her something.

    “Nessa.” Markus’ voice was strange, lifted. Somehow lighter. “I want to show you something.” He would say taking her again into his arms. Embracing her, warmly. A shift would overcome the two, causing them to warp as Markus would normally travel.

    When they arrived Markus would let her go, though take her hand into his own. He would lead her inside, into the large glass arch that marked the entrance into his bedroom. The same place she had been to before their Bellam Job.

    In its same location would be the easel, still empty. Stepping forward, Markus would move aside a curtain, and on the floor would be two familiar paintings. The originals. Not the copies Markus had given out... On the right, was Markus naked, and venerable. On the left. Nessa. Just as bare, but valiant, and brave.

    Markus would grasp both the paintings and switch their positions, causing the once seam to fuse. Completely the original painting, revealing the truth. The darkness Nessa had been flying towards was Markus. The Light Markus had seen was Nessa. The emotion upon the picture would clear. Markus knew, it was after he painted this that he realized… if anyone was to save him. It would be her.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 24th August 2019, 1:15 pm

    When she finally gave him the truth behind her feelings, she felt as though a giant weight lifted off her shoulders. She'd been aware of her falling for the Chaos mage for quite some time now, she had tried to deny it, ignore it. But the way he lingered in her thoughts, the excitement she felt whenever they were near. She had realized sometimes after their trip to Bellum, but for so long she had attempted to suppress it. Bounding them with their promise of remaining 'just friends'. For the sake of her position, for the sake of the guild, for the friendship. But what did any of that matter when she couldn't even contain her feelings, getting jealous over some random rich girl fawning over him. Getting upset over it and lashing out at him, it was clear her feelings could no longer be contained. And knowing what she did know, she was very much glad.

    He would take hold of her hands and press his forehead into her shoulder, an action she responded to by leaning her head softly against him. The power that felt as though it was crushing her eased over, taking away the strain of being close to him. Their eyes would meet once again as he pulled her into an embrace, she would return his smile trying to contain her joy. After what seemed like the longest time, they would rise to their feet. She would follow his gaze, watching as the chains next to his feet would fall apart under his power, disappearing completely. He spoke her name, causing her to glance at him once again. After which the world around them would change as he declared his need to show her something. A familiar setting reforming around them, once again they were in his room. The one he'd shown her when they first came to the void, his world. He would lead her to a curtain. He would pull it back to reveal the paintings in the manner, exact replicas... or perhaps the originals? She eyed them, no longer angry at the sight of them. She would witness as he switched their positions, her expression becoming one of surprise as the paintings would fuse into one. Revealing that in fact the paintings were not separate, but have been connected the whole time. A reflection of herself and Markus, of the way he saw her. She would gasp, bringing her hand to her mouth.

    She turned to him, his eyes still teary. She leaned into him, "If light is what you need, then light is what I'll be." Her eyes would search his and then after a moment, she would bring herself to tiptop slightly. Closing her eyes, she would gently press her lips to his, to offer him a soft, affectionate kiss. A declaration of her promise to him.

    WC: 479 Nessa's WC: 3,119 New Freeform WC:  7,233


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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 26th August 2019, 10:53 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 340
    Total Word Count: 4,454
    New Group Total: 7,573

    Markus Eldridge

    With a bated breath the Chaos Mage would watch as Nessa looked at the image, and took in its true meaning, its secrets, its hidden messages up till now only he knew. He would watch as her eyes would widen, and a gasp would escape her lips. Her hand would be at her mouth. With a cocked head Markus would look at her curiously, for a brief moment unsure what the gasp was, or what emotions she was feeling. Though, as her eyes met his once more, he would keep contact.

    He felt open to look at her in ways he never would before, search her a she did him. He was not sure what was in store for them. He knew, his plans now, more than ever, must be completed. Now, he had something to protect. Something that his father could use against him…

    As Nessa spoke, and leaned into him the chaos mage would allow the thoughts to float away. That was a thought for another time. For now, Markus had other things to preoccupy him. Other things to concentrate on.

    As their lips met, softly and with an affection mostly unknown to Markus he would pull her closer and hold her tighter. He did not care for the usual passion their embrace would invoke. This time, he would take it slowly, enjoying the intimacy, the connection in a way he never could before. Just as he would pull her closer, press harder, and kiss deeper. He would pull away. Before he allowed himself to get too caught up in the moment.

    The truth was… They needed to talk. They needed to discuss… everything. Before they went any farther. “Nessa…” he would whisper her name still holding her close. Savoring the sound upon his lips. He would have said it slowly, with purpose. Still testing some sort of uncharged waters.

    Pressing his lips upon her once more, in a quick but deep kiss he would smile. “We should talk…” He would say, still unable to let her go. He knew, logically, he should let her go, stop this from going any farther.

    Though the truth was. The idea of them talking about what was next scared him. He was not sure if he was more afraid of stopping everything now, or going farther.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 2nd September 2019, 11:02 am

    As her lips met his, she would relish in his response, the way he kissed her back, pulling her closer. Her head felt like it was spinning, loosing herself in the moment. She felt him increase the pressure of the kiss and reciprocated the motion, her breathing getting slightly heavier, there was something about kissing him that just made her loose all sense of where she was. Her body ached for more, so when he pulled a way, she would groan slightly, not wanting the kiss to stop. Before opening her eyes to look up at him. He would whisper her name, causing a smile to creep onto her lips. she glanced down coyly for a moment, "Yes, Markus?" She whispered back, her voice laced with her excitement. After everything they'd been through, all the confusion, the games, the rules they'd set between them. Finally, they'd come to an understanding, and she couldn't be happier.

    He continued to say that they should talk, her expression faltered, moulding into slight concern. Why did those words seem so terrifying now? She finally had him and so the idea of losing him scared her even more. She gulped slightly, before nodding. "Sure...okay. What do you want to talk about?" She asked, steadying her gaze as she looked up to him once more, figuring she would let him take the lead in the 'talk'. She knew what it was that she wanted to talk about. The only thing she really wanted to discuss, or rather to clarify. Was what this meant for them? She had hopes for what it would mean, but Markus was a complicated and somewhat unpredictable individual. She knew full well he could takes those hopes of hers, and squash them flat. She would only hope that what he had to say wouldn't be those things she was dreading to hear.

    WC: 311 Nessa's WC: 3,430 New Freeform WC:  7,884


    Matters of Heart - Page 2 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 3rd September 2019, 5:07 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 495
    Total Word Count: 4,949
    New Group Total: 8,379

    Markus Eldridge

    With a deep breath he would hold her close, his heart beating and his breath short. With a small grin he would look into her eyes, and for some strange reason he could understand her in ways he never did before. The way she looked at him, the smile within her eyes, the happiness. As she whispered his name. It was all so familiar, yet… It was so alien. Markus had had suiters before, and even what some would call lovers. Yet, he had never truly… loved. Not in this way. Honestly, he was not even sure if he really knew what the word meant, what he felt. The weight, while crushing was like a feather in the wind.

    When Markus spoke that they should talk, Markus would watch her expression faulter. Her eyes sadden. Was she as scared as he was… was she worried… and if so. What about? Did she worry about them, did she want to continue? Did she want to stop? He remembered what she had said… The words that had broke him.

    ` "Well, I can't do it. I can't be just friends Markus... because... I want more... more than this..."`
    Surely… she meant she did not want to end their friendship. No… Although his mind could not truly understand the emotions, he knew the words. Like him, she had admitted to what she felt. Like him. She loved. Despite his darkness. She lovedno him.

    However, he knew that would lead to issues. Problems. Difficulties. His logical mind was calculating, debating… The entire time he would look at her. Realizing suddenly, that he had been quite for a while. Just staring into her eyes.

    “Well… I guess we should talk about a few things.” He started to say, trying to gather his thoughts. “There is… there is a lot now… I mean…” He would pause. Unsure. “Nessa… I still have to go. Though now… I have something I am afraid to lose. So… Before we talk about that. I guess…” Markus took a deep breath.

    “I guess we should talk about us?” he asked quietly. “I mean. What happens now? Your… Your you.” He said, realizing that did not mean much. “You are a Wizard Saint. An Ace. One of the most powerful wizards in the world.” He was not boating, nor truly complementing her. In fact, he was just stating the obvious.

    In the same way… he spoke of himself without emotion. “And, I am not. I will never be a Saint. I will never be a… good person. I do kill. I do Murder… Not for fun. Or without reason. But, I do not regret it, and it wont stop.” Markus knew what he was planning, but he was not ready to tell her. Not yet. “How could you live… like that? Could you accept such a… such a boyfriend… such a lover?”

    Truthfully, he needed to know, if she truly accepted him. Could she accept him. She knew what he did. What he was. Who he was?.Was… them… enough?


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 8th September 2019, 3:00 pm

    Nessa found herself holding her breath as she waited for his response, her anxiety rising as her mind began to wander into places it shouldn't. Anticipating what he might say and fearing the worst. The pause dragged on for what felt like forever until finally, he spoke. The first matter he would address cause her to release her breath with a sigh, nodding to show him she understood. She knew it, she didn't like it, but she did know at least where he was coming from. Regardless of how their standing with each other may change, he still fully intended to leave Fairy Tail, and there wasn't anything she could say to stop him. She was resigned to that fact.

    He continued to move the subject onto a more important matter, about them and where they stood. He brought up her position, her position at Fairy Tail, her apparent fame. Was she even that famous though? She wasn't sure, she knew she was well known, thanks to her interviews with Sorcerer Magazine and work at Fairy Tail. But one of the most powerful wizards in the world? Surely not. The next thing he mentioned would throw her, the words he would use; 'kill', 'murder'. Words that would cause her to involuntarily flinch, whilst she had come to terms with Fairy Tails dark side, it still wasn't a side she contributed to. She couldn't, it just wasn't in her nature. But she did understand that the world was as black and white as she once thought, that the ideals her mother tried to raise her on didn't quite align with the woman Nessa had become.

    When he finished she looked down, trying to consider how to answer. After a moment, she would look up at him, she stepped back, taking his hands into hers. "Let's sit down," She said softly, turning from him, she would lead him over the bed, she would plant herself down on it. Before returning her gaze to him, she waited a moment, trying to put her thoughts into words. "I won't lie and pretend I'm okay with killing, I never have been and I never will. Life is precious to me and I don't see that changing...ever." She began in a firm tone, "But whilst it is precious to me Markus...so are you. I want to be with you, I hate people away from you and when I'm with you, I just want..." Her eyes fell to his lips, lingering there a moment, she resisted the urge to kiss him again as she looked back up to his eyes. "I  told you I love you, and I meant it. I really do, I denied it for so long but I realized recently that I can't help these feelings. I just... love you Markus Eldridge and that means all of you."

    She still had her hand in his, she looked down at their fingers, intertwined together, she squeezed his hand gently. "I wouldn't mind...trying at least, I don't want you to go and never know if we made a mistake or not. so yes I can accept you... if you could accept me..." She whispered the last part, still looking down, not wanting to look at him in her moment of vulnerability and self-doubt. Was she even worth it? She really didn't know, but she would hope, boy would she hope

    WC: 565 Nessa's WC: 3,995 New Freeform WC:  8,944


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