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    Matters of Heart


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 24th April 2019, 3:48 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1,383
    Total Word Count: 1,383

    Markus Eldridge

    With a deep breath, and a heavy sigh the Chaos Mage leaned his heavy shoulders back on the siding to the Fairy Tail guild hall. It was as boring as he remembered it, a simple building with a basic design, and some letters used to distinguish its name. In truth, Markus used to hate the build, and wonder why the members of Fairy Tail had decided to work from an office. Now however, the chaos mage had grown accustomed to the sight, and in truth, had started to call the plain building his home.

    His eyes glancing back and forth as they took in the sights, his nose wiggled as it took in the smells. He could see the distant forest not far from city, and the massive mountains over to the side. He could hear the crashing of waves in the distance, and smell the salt of the ocean in the air. The day was actually quite nice, not very hot and holding a nice steady breeze, the clouds were lazily drifting in the sky, and Markus if he squinted could see that the sun would show that it was mid-morning.

    It was strange to be honest, for him to look about the place in such a light. He remembered his first day entering the guild hall, and how much has changed since then, his fight with Aven, the very event that had proven to the Chaos Mage that he was not yet strong enough to do what he must. To meeting his guildmaster, a strangely young yet extremely powerful Wizards Saint, with a bearing of understanding, and acceptance unlike any Markus had seen before. He had learned of the Darker side of Fairy Tail, when meeting the members of Basilisk Fang, and in truth had discovered many secrets and powers he never thought possible.

    And, of course he had found the naïve crying woman sitting near an apple grove in the middle of the forest. He doubted he would ever forget that day. Much had changed since then, for the Chaos Mage over four years had passed, and Markus knew, pretty soon. Everything would change again.

    _____ A Couple Months Back _____
    The two mages, Nessa and Markus, had recently finished a high-level job in Bellam, one which had gone all kinds of strange. Markus and Nessa first went by her house, where he met her father, and played a rather curious game of riddles. Honestly, the house reminded Markus of what he had missed growing up, and made the fact that he was keeping his true motives of the job that much harder.

    Then, the two used the Void to travel through the Domain of Chaos, where Nessa learned the truth about Markus’ connection to a certain Nephilim Aporia. Of course, while Markus was getting prepared, the chaotic entity decided to revel itself to the woman, and speak of Markus, and herself. The chaos mage still never learned the details of that conversation, and doubted he ever would. However, him and Aporia’s power and connection had grown considerably, even now the chaos mage could sense her, touching the back of his mind, her influence tugging on his decisions. Despite that being the case, Markus had learned to live with the other being, and at least for now, was satisfied to let her slumber.

    Things got much harder after that, the two used the Void to appear in a clearing Markus knew near the Estate, and by pure happenstance ran into Victoria Eldridge, Markus’ younger sister, a noticeably powerful mage, and Bellam Guard. A quick series of questions, a heated moment, and an awkward goodbye lead to the two mages getting free of her site, and continuing on their mission. It was shortly after that that the chaos mage realized, he needed to tell Nessa the truth.

    The encounter was far from what the man had expected, and far more intimate than any moment the two mages has shared up till then. At least for Markus. In truth, he bared his true identity to the Starlight Maiden, and gave her some hint to the twisted soul she had chosen to follow into battle. Yet, somehow, despite what she saw, she had chosen to accept him, and with a simple word gave the Chaos mage every reassurance he needed to continue. Then... Markus loaned her his brothers’ scarf. The very article of clothing he had gotten the night of his brothers’ death.

    From there, the job went rather smoothly and quite well. In truth, the two mages had always worked well together, His Darkness, and Her Light melding with the power both mages controlled. Sure, there was fighting, and although Markus had, for Nessas Sake, restrained himself. There were certainly people harmed from his magic, however the final goal was accomplished. The two mages had succeeded in saving the girl, and a few other ‘staff’ from the clutches of the Eldridge Family, from the clutches of Markus’ Father. In truth however, the victory was short lived, for Markus had not had the opportunity to do what he had really taken the job for. He had not gotten a chance to really confront the monster of a man that was his father. It was that, and the fact that Markus knew his sister would get the brunt of the mains ire, that he regretted most in his choice of job.

    As the two mages returned, they would learn of another change that had rapidly approached. Markus had found a note given to him by one of the Fairys, from his teammate and friend Mythal. It seemed, the man was determined to get himself killed, and leave a note as remembrance, and pentane. In truth, Markus had all but packed his bags, and prepared to head off after the missing Wizard, purely in order to punch him in the face, and let him know that a note was not enough, when suddenly, everything within the Guild, and more importantly, the alliance went into chaos.

    After waiting, and waiting, to hear back on the decision is Togalan, suddenly, the entire guild, in fact all three guilds, were expected to immobilize, and of course Markus was expected to do his part as one of the strongest Mages in Fairy Tail, and in the Alliance. The entire ordeal ended up being excruciating, and of major annoyance to the chaos mage, and his allied companion who made no attempt to hide her distaste. In fact, it was during that event that Markus had summoned the book of chaos, and fully finished his pact with the Primordial being, sealing her power with his. Not that the summoning would look like anything more than a simple requip spell for his allies.

    Now however, after everything had calmed down, and his job was done. Markus had come to a final conclusion, his backs were backed, and his room was already empty Everything that had once sat in Fairy Hills now being moved to the Void. Markus was leaving Fairy Tail once more, only this time. He would not be returning to the guild, and in truth had yet to tell one important person…
    _____ Current Time _____

    This is what lead Markus to his current situation. It was ironic actually, that both him an Nessa have been asked on this job. Sorano had been strangely persistent on that it be both of them, and no one else, and for a word wizard had been really quite on any sort of discernable details. In truth, all Markus knew about the job was that he and Nessa were to go to a house, and speak with the client, and learn more. Markus only hopped Nessa knew more than he did. He was not ready to have the talk he knew they needed to have, but he was determined to not leave her a note, or disappear without a word this time around.

    Markus kept his eyes on the horizon, looking back from the clear waters, to the nearby forest, he took another breath, sitting in the full sunlight, something the old Markus would have never done. He was waiting patiently for the starlight maiden, his eyes now closed as he leaned back letting his ascending ability show him in case of danger.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 30th April 2019, 3:15 pm

    Nessa hadn't seen Markus since they finished the job in Tzac Ordahic, which had been pretty successful. She had noticed that, despite they're magic and ideals being somewhat opposites to each other. The two worked well together, surprisingly well. She had certainly grown closer to him and was genuinely pleased that he was back at the guild once more. It was nice, she had gotten used to seeing him around again, and their relationship had definitely changed for the better. At least, she thought so. The job in Bellum had been an enlightening experience, one she couldn't help but reminisce on happily. She felt like during that mission she had finally grown to understand him, so many secrets had been unveiled to her. The fact that he had trusted her so, well it was a warming thought.

    Nessa had managed to continue her job fairly happily after that, at least until she'd gotten the new of Mythals disappearance. The heartwrenching letter he had sent her that had near enough broken the Starlight Maiden. She hadn't even been able to focus on it, all of her work as an Ace taking her priority. The alliance job that involved investigating a plague and facing a horde of monstrosities. Then there was the job she'd had to do with Sorano and Mura dealing with the eerie 'one magic' that had affected the entirety of Earthland. It was quite a lot, enough to keep her distracting from her low thoughts. About how her friends were disappearing from her life one by one. Her attempts to search for her friends in the meantime resulting in nothing by dead ends.

    Sorano had assigned another job to her, to discuss certain 'matter's with a client. Although she wasn't especially sure what those matters were. Just that she had been requested by name, it wasn't just that too. She had quickly learned that Markus was going on the job too, admittedly this pleased Nessa. She was looking forward to seeing him, after the alliance job, she had heard little from him. It would be nice to see a friendly face. She arrived at the agreed destination, it was a pleasant day. The sun was shining, and the scenery was pleasant. Nessa wandered through the forest, her white shoes padding against the grass softly. Her violet eyes searching for the Chaos mage as she turned her head back and forth across the area. Her gaze fell on him, sitting in the sun. The smile crept onto her lips, and she approached.

    "Hey..." She said softly, she took a moment to consider what to say, before settling on a generic question.  "How have you been?" She asked. It was a slightly awkward question, although she wasn't really sure what else to say, of course, there was the job at hand. "We're supposed to be meeting with a Lord Elgardo Szutaris; he lives with his family not far from us. Apparently, he had something to show us along with 'further' request. Although I don't remember myself, apparently he's made requests of Fairy Tail before." She explained, turning she would begin to lead the way. Figuring he was naturally following her for the means of the job. She would stroll along the grass; she was dressed slightly different today. Instead of her normal white battle gear, she was wearing a light green dress; a sheer white scarf draped lightly over her elbows. It was a little more summery than her normal wear, but it was a nice day, and she couldn't imagine she would need to fight today. Not that it would be an issue in this outfit.

    They made they're way towards the manor, which wasn't too far from their initial location. Nessa walked up to a gate, the top of which had 'Szutaris Manor' in gold emblazoned in the metal. She glanced around, looking for a way to enter. She noticed a keypad to the side of the gate and approached it, pressing a green button in hopes this was right. There was a slight hum, followed by a low drawl. "Who is it?" The voice said, Nessa glanced at Markus before speaking. "We're the Fairy Tail mages you requested to see, Nessa Cordelia Lux and Markus Eldridge. We have a meeting with Mist- I mean, Lord Szutaris." She said, quickly correcting herself as she almost called him 'Mister'. There was a buzzing sound, and a click as the gate swung inward. Allowing them to pass through. Nessa began walking in, the sound of white gravel crunching under her feet. She glanced around, spotting the Lord's home. It was quite a grande house, evidently belonging to someone with money.

    As they walked up to the footpath, the door to the manor swung upon and a butler stood there. He was quite old, and slightly balding, the remaining hair on his head a silvery white. He would step out onto the large marble porch.; bowing to both of them. "Welcome to the Szutaris manor, Miss Nessa Cordelia Lux and Mr Markus Eldridge. I have alerted the Lord of your presence, and he will be joining us shortly. In the meantime, please make your way into the home. We'll be meeting in the tea room for our meeting." He said, straightening up he would lead the way inside. Nessa looked at Markus, a little taken back by the somewhat zealous welcome. She would shrug at him before following the man inside. The inside of the manor was as exquisite as the outside. The marble flooring extended into the entryway; the inside of the house had dark mahogany walls. The walls of which were almost littered with various pieces of art. It seemed the Lord was a collector and an enthusiastic one at that.

    As Nessa's gaze racked over the art, her eyes fell on two specific pieces placed at the top of the staircase landing. She froze, her eyes widening as she recognised the people in the painting. When she finally spoke, she simply uttered a simple question, expressing the pure shock the woman was in at what she saw. "Who did this?"

    WC: 1,022 |
    Thread Total:2,405 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 9th June 2019, 9:35 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1,164
    Total Word Count: 2,547

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus’ eyes would have glazed over, before closing entirely as he waited, his mind wondering the infinite expanse of space he was learning to understand. It was strange, the chaos mage thought, how much the world could look exactly the same, yet be so different. The closer he got to Aporia, the more he embraced Chaos, the more things changed, and the more they looked the same as they ever did. Even now, he could see, or more, sense, the ever-changing tides of the void, just beyond normal eyesight, hidden yet completely tangible. He was amazed that he had never noticed it before, never felt the power before now. Once, when he would use his magical abilities to teleport, it would require heavy concentration, and a clarity of mind. Now, he knew just by connecting to one of these strands of Void, he could go where his heart desired, to worlds unknown, and lands unseen. With his usually sly grin, what was once a mask now just him, his eyes would open, his pale features would turn towards the woman he heard approaching. His eyes would meet hers, as he would examine what she saw.

    Markus honestly did not know where the two mages stood, he knew he considered her a friend, and believed she felt the same way, but even that was a new experience for the once solitary mage. Perhaps, that was why he had yet to tell her, yet to explain his decision. For the first time, the wondering mage had a reason to stay, he had come to enjoy her company… and that of the guild of course. They worked well together, the recent ordeal at Tzac Ordahic had proven as much. Yet still, the entire cross guild situation had solidified his plans, and his decision. No… the chaos mage would be leaving, once more to travel on his own… He just had to decide how he would tell her.

    His musing and investigation into her eyes was broken when he heard her voice ring out, a simple greeting, spoken softly, before she would ask him how he was. He could see the small smile on her face, and as always feel the warmth of her presence and her overwhelming strength. A small, ghost of a smile would once more creep onto his generally plain features. Perhaps it was because of how much things had change, and how much change was to come. He was in a strongly sentimental mood. Even the scoff he heard from the woman who shared his mind wouldn’t break his mood.

    Markus would shift his weight forward, so that he was no longer leaning and speak up. His voice as stoic as ever despite the raised spirits he felt. “Hello Nessa, I am doing well thank you. How about yourself?” He would ask, just to keep things moving. He was not yet ready to explain what he was planning. When she spoke about the job he would not, his eye raised slightly. For some reason, the name felt familiar, known. He was certain he had heard it before, yet he could not place a face to the name nor what job he could have possibly have done. In his mind he could hear Aporia laugh slightly, quietly, as if she knew some hidden secret. Markus had come to notice how much more he felt the strange being, even spending much of his time conversing and learning from the Nephilim. Today however, excluding the small outburst of emotion, she seemed to be remaining silent.

    As Nessa would turn away, leading their travels, Markus would follow thinking back to how he could know the man. His eyes would glance over at the Starlight Maiden, she wore a green dress, and a white scarf. Markus briefly fingered his own scarf, which was once more wrapped over his shoulder. He was dressed rather typically. Dark black pants, a sleeveless back shirt, and white wrappings around his arms. His brothers scarf lay over his shoulders, and his hood lay flat back his red hair shining in the light. “How is your father doing? And Sebastian?” In truth, Markus just wanted the conversation to continue, and Nessa as one of his only friends had others, he knew she could talk towards.

    As the two made their way to the manor, Markus started to remember, his mind connecting the dots. By the time they reached the gate, the chaos mage had released a deep breath. He knew, this job could suddenly get very strange. He doubted it was coincidence that Markus and Nessa in particular had be asked on this job. In the end, the chaos mage knew it really did not matter, he would have to suck it up. Besides, it was a big house, what were the odds of them coming across ‘that’.

    Markus glanced at Nessa, resigning himself to the possibility, and preparing for the tirade that could come. As she pressed the button on the gate, Markus paranoid as ever tensed ever so slightly, just incase an attack was to come. The wait was small when suddenly a voice spoke out, meeting Nessas eyes he nodded as she gave their names. As the door opened Markus would step forward, following Nessa as they entered. Markus kept his eyes forward, adopting his business face, and cool outward demeaner. Besides, he had seen wealth before, and as always he hated it.

    As they walked forward Markus found himself looking at an elderly butler who would give them a deep, almost impossibly so, bow. The kind at which Markus knew was meant for show, and effect. His voice matched his demeaner, but held too much zeal for the chaos mage. As soon as Markus heard his name he would interject, quietly but with a small amount of force. “Just Markus.”, his voice held no emotion, and his eyes would look as if he hadn’t a care in the world. An entirely differently look than what he had shown Nessa only minutes before. Testament to the trust he now felt for her.

    As the door opened, and he would lead them inside Markus would see Nessa look at him through the corner of his eye, and again he would give her a slight nod, an almost impossible to see movement, before following her as she followed the man. Even as they walked in Markus would keep his eyes forward, he knew immediately his doubts were confirmed. This was the same home, and he knew the walls would be plastered with art.

    Markus was looked at the butler when he heard it. The voice was… shocking. A voice of almost disbelief from the Starlight Maiden. Markus would give her a quick look before following her gaze. His eyes finding the center of her shock. Showing no outward signs of recognition, shock, or even confusion Markus would take a deep breath. Slowly, methodically, calculating.

    “Well… I did.”
    He would say before looking at Nessa.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 11th June 2019, 4:02 pm

    Nessa would offer him a soft smile at his greeting, "I'm pretty good." She told him, for the most part, things were going okay. There were some things that were bothering her. Between Mythal and Aven both going missing recently. It was a whole lot of stress, and she wasn't fully sure what to do with herself. She could only focus on her work as an Ace, and handle what was thrown her way. Between trying to figure out a way to find Mythal, or get in touch with Aven. It was a lot, but she was trying to hold it together and stay level headed for her guild.

    After they had set off walking and Nessa had explained to him who they were meeting. To which he would raise a brow but say nothing to. She could only presume he was okay with this. As they strolled along towards their destination, Markus would ask her a question. "They're doing well, my Father is undergoing so big projects at work, so he's been pretty busy with that and Sebastian is well... you know, Sebastian. Always out and about getting up to stuff, he seems to have fun though." She answered, a warm smile creeping onto her lips as she talked about her family. It always made her feel that way, thinking about them, they were her sense of normality during such crazy times. After arriving at the manor, and being greeted by who appeared to be the Butler, they were lead into the manor. As her eyes fell on to the paintings, her entire body would freeze.

    What she was looking at, was a set of paintings. They were undoubtedly exquisite, whoever had painted them were seriously talented. The attention to detail, the style of the art, it was unlike anything Nessa had ever seen. The beings in the paintings, the remarkably familiar man. Hunched over slightly, with one leg hanging down and the other pulled close to his chest. Beautiful dark black wings protruding from his back, that nostalgic red hair cascading down over his body. It was just also so familiar, it was him, it had to be him. She had seen it before, during the Christmas period. And then there was the second painting, the white-haired woman, flying through the sky in the battle stance, carried through the air via orbs of light. She knew that magic, she had that magic. In her head, she was trying so hard, to rationalize what she was seeing. But no matter how she looked at it, it was unmistakably her. She knew her own body, it couldn't be anyone else.

    Someone out there had painted her naked.

    And not only that, but they had painted Markus naked too, and brought them both here to see it. Was this someone who had spotted them a few months ago? Had they actually gone to the lengths to paint what they saw in their own way? It was so baffling, she couldn't believe someone would do this. This was completely inappropriate and quite frankly not something she was sure she was okay with. Having these people just look at this painting of her naked self, even if she was... tastefully covered by her magic. She just couldn't wrap her head around it, which was why the words slipped from her lips. Directed at the Butler more than anything, what she hadn't expected was the response she got. Markus's casual admission that the one who painted them this way;

    Was actually him.

    She would turn to him, by this point, her entire face was at least five shades redder than it was naturally. If it was humanly possible for steam to erupt from her ears, then undoubtedly in this very moment it would be. The mortification of what she was seeing, newly compiled with the fact that the person who painted her this way, was none other than Markus himself. She didn't know how to take it. She was ready to burst, to explode right in that very spot. however somehow, some small remaining rationale in her mind would permit her enough patience to take a slow steadying breath. Turn to the Butler and say, "I'm sorry, I have to speak to my guildmate in private for a moment, do you have a room we could excuse ourselves to?" She would ask, and although it was asked in a sweet, professional tone, it was noticeably spoken through gritted teeth.

    The Butler would nod, gesturing from them to follow, he would lead them past the stairway, down a hallway. A few doors down, he would open a doorway to reveal a private study. She would wait until they were both insides, and the Butler closed the door on them before rounding on Markus so fast he hair would fly wildly behind her. "What were you thinking? Why would you paint something like that? And why is it in this strangers house?!"

    WC: 826 | Nessa's Total: 1848 | Thread Total: 3,373 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 12th June 2019, 9:53 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 548
    Total Word Count: 3,095

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus eyes were on his friend, he was studying, inspecting, concentrating. In truth he was not sure what to expect, and he was completely unaware, or at least ignoring, the laughing in his head. Laughing from a being that was not him. In truth, the chaos mage did not need more than a passing glance at the paintings. He knew every detail, every flaw, and every stroke which lead to their creation. The chaos mage doubted he would ever forget any of them, and if he was being honest, he could understand why Nessa might be shocked. Markus himself hated that the picture was just so open, but not because either of them were undressed, in truth the pictures reveled something Markus himself was not yet ready to share, even to himself.

    The chaos mage did not look away as she turned to him. Her entire face alight with color, her emotions undeniable, even if many of them Markus did not himself understand. He could see her struggle, read it in her eyes. He remained passive, silent, seemingly uncaring; he was surprised how much he struggled to remain passive watching her. He had fought demons, and dragons, mages, and primordial beings, yet he felt completely unprepared for this.

    Markus took a deep breath as he followed her towards the study they were led to. Markus would look around the room, taking in its lavish decor, the shelves, and the desk. From his position he could see there was a stack of papers on the desk, and he was about to read the cover when the door was closed, and with impressive speed, and a blur of motion the white-haired mage would spin around to look at him.

    Passively he listened as she asked her questions. Taking a breath, he looked her in the eyes, and allowed portions of his facade to drop. His own eyes would show anger, cold, distant. He was angry that the work was so open, angry that Nessa had seen it, angry that Ivy had not informed the other ace of the job. In truth, he was angry that he had to explain himself. Only after a second did he speak.

    When Markus did speak his voice was quiet, but unapologetic; understanding, but stern. “Calm down. We do not know when our 'host' will be joining us." he stared with, not yet having learned starting with those words were never a good idea. "It is in his house, because he was the client who posted the job. A ‘job’ which was assigned to me directly by Sorano(Ivy).” he paused for a second, long enough for the added emphases he put on the word to set, allowing her to see he, even if he had wanted to, had very little choice to turn down his guild master. Markus looked away from Nessa again, waiting to see what she said next, his eyes would glance towards the shelves, and the desk. he could see there were some papers sprawled out.

    As far as he was concerned, that single sentence answered all three of her questions, though he doubted it was the end. Besides, he never answered why this painting, and more importantly. Why her. He doubted he could truly explain things he did not know himself.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 13th June 2019, 3:04 pm

    It had been a long time since Nessa had been this angry, this wasn't like the kind of rage she felt when those she cared about ended up getting hurt, and she lost control, this was a tamer yet more frustrating type of anger. She couldn't wrap her head around what was happening, somehow a stranger had a full view of her naked body in his home and yes, whilst certain parts of her were covered. There was just something.. .completely not okay with this. Her having to turn up like this and see it this way, without any warning or knowledge that it would be there. No one had even asked her if she was okay with this, which quite frankly, she wasn't. To make it worse why did it have to be Markus. As much as she tried to deny it, the detailing in the painting was enough confirmation of just how familiar he was with her bare body. It was humiliating to know he'd seen this much of her and recreated it from memory. A part of her wanted to focus on that, the fact that he knew her form so well, but the embarrassed emotions were forcing those thoughts away. She couldn't overthink this, they were just friends after all.

    And of course, then there was a matter of his reaction. The way his dark eyes would look upon her as she barraged him with accusatory questions. That cold, silent gaze that bore into her in such a way that she would almost crumble into submission. He looked kind of angry, which was enough to almost make her stumble over her words, almost. Because quite frankly, in this scenario, Nessa was certain she had more to be angry about than him. So she continued on, holding her own as she addressed him. Finally, when he spoke in that stern unrelenting tone of his, the words that passed his lips would only proceed to send a flood of adrenaline coursing through her. If there was anything that was bound to quieten the Starlight Maiden, telling her to calm down was not one of them. She would bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from interrupting, crossing her arms defensively over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at him in a semblance of a scowl. He would continue on, explaining that the reasoning as to why the painting was here was that the ordering of the painting was a request of the client, given to Markus by Sorano. Nessa took a steadying breath, as much as she respected her guild master, she couldn't believe she hadn't contacted Nessa about this for her likeness to be used in such a way.

    Markus would turn away from her, eying their surroundings as though the matter had been handled. This would only frustrate her more, "Markus." She snapped sharply trying to regain his attention, "This doesn't make it okay. No, Sorano didn't tell me, and yes she probably should have. But that doesn't mistake the fact you did it without fully knowing if I'd consented or not; maybe you should have reached out and checked with me before accepting the job. Honestly, I really don't want my... mostly nude body hanging around in some random man's house! It's embarrassing! If I wanted someone to see me like that I'd sho... wait...no, that's not what... I mean if I liked someone enough to feel comfortable enough to...oh god what am I even saying... UGH, It's just not ok!" She was getting flustered, the words were started to get jumbled, she was trying to get a point across, but had accidentally started talking about something well... not exactly appropriate. In her mind, if she ever wanted someone to see her naked, it would be someone she loved deeply enough to share that with. It was a romantic notion, but that was the type of girl she was. Her cheeks still carried the red flush from seeing the painting, albeit slightly calmer, she would turn away, not meeting his gaze. Knowing full well that despite, vehementally believing she was in the right. She really wasn't winning this argument.

    WC: 699 | Nessa's Total: 2,547 | Thread Total:  5,642 / 25,000 [Amended due to miscount]


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 13th June 2019, 3:41 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 418
    Total Word Count: 3,530

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus had to take a deep breath watching Nessa, this conversation was certainly not going in any way he expected. Though, if he was being honest, he never expected such a thing to happen, he was fully under the impression that she would never see the painting. That being said, there was some benefit to her anger. She was so concentrated and focused on her naked painting, that she had completely overlooked his own, and the secrets it revealed.

    Markus’ eyes snapped to Nessa when she spoke his name sharply, his eyes flashing of a violation that was not his own. She had his attention for sure. As she spoke, he listened carefully, as she spoke more and more about the job, that she had not been informed, and that he had not checked with her either. Suddenly, he listened as she started to talk over herself, getting flustered as she thought and spoke about the nudity, and her choice in showing someone she cared for. When she finally finished, Markus was looking directly into her eyes.

    “Nessa, there is nothing to be embarrassed of, you are beautiful, and not much more is shown than in a bikini.” Markus said simple, even though he knew in the truth that it really did not mean what he had done was okay. “The… the paintings are about a lot more than the nudity. The.” Markus was not sure how to explain. He didn’t want her to know the truth. “The emotion is what matters. That’s all.” Markus finished quickly. Taking a step to get closer to the desk. When she would look away, he would do the same.

    Markus took a deep breath; he did not know what else to say. She was far angrier than he could ever have expected. In the past, such a thing would never have bothered him. Now however, for some reason, it affected him greatly he looked back towards the desk. “Nessa…” Markus’ voice was quiet, despite the anger her own held, and the anger his eyes once held. “You are right. I should have talked to you. I… I am sorry. No one should do such a intimate thing without permission, even if it is for a job.” Markus finished, his hand now resting on the desk beside the stack of paper.

    He could not bring himself to look at her, instead he read the cover of the pages out loud, thumbing the end with his finger. 'A moment of desire by C. Blossom'… Seems our host has a particular taste.” He stated, starting to flip open the first page.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 13th June 2019, 4:16 pm

    Her flustered manner and the awkward way she was trying to present her argument was sapping away at her attempt to maintain her anger. Her violet eyes would return to him as he spoke once more meeting his gaze. His words causing her eyes to widen a fraction, "You don't mean that... I'm not...I mean..." She was stumbling over herself, she gulped trying to find a means of forming an actual sentence. It was hard. Normally when people called her beautiful, she sort of glazed over it. She never really believed them, not really. It was just a plastic compliment thrown in her direction for whatever reason, to win favour perhaps, she wasn't sure. But Markus didn't tend to say anything he didn't mean, ever. She knew him well enough to know this, yet still, hearing him call her that. It wasn't the first time either. It certainly contributed to muddling her mind even more than it was. He said about the message in the paintings, which caught her off guard. She had only really focused on the nudity, rather than try and interpret the story they were trying to tell. It was admittedly great work, she wouldn't have minded taken a closer look if she wasn't so bothered about the fact they were here. Perhaps if they weren't in this house, she might have been able to enjoy them more.

    He would utter her name quietly, looking away once more, he went on to apologise. Her crossed arms would unwind, dropping to her side, the anger dissipating in each passing moment. She bit her lip, feeling a little awkward, maybe she had been too harsh? He wasn't only doing what Sorano told him to after all. "The paintings themselves are incredible... you're really talented." She said in a somewhat meeker tone, she was starting to simmer down a little. She couldn't help it, it was kind of hard to be angry at him. "It's fine, I'm sorry for exploding like that, it was just a shock." She told him, hoping that in offering her own apology, they could at least move forward. Although she wasn't really sure how to process the painting, she wouldn't take it out on Markus for sure. The client, however.

    She had been eying him casually as he seems to peruse the contents of the desk, watching as he picked up a collection of pages. He would speak, reading out the title on the pages. As the familiar words reached her ears, a slow realisation would dawn on her. The memory of a story she had been commissioned to write, a story she had hoped he would never read. Her eyes widening, and an expression of horror settling onto her features. "NO!" She near enough shrieked hoping to stop him before he read it. Because the last thing she wanted was him to see the names of the characters written on those pages.

    Anything but that.

    She suddenly leapt forward, starlight instinctively flowing through her body towards her feet. She kicked off the ground at immense speed, launching herself towards him. She would attempt to tackle the man, closing the distance between them in a second. She near enough slammed into him, before practically attempting to climb him in an attempt to reach desperately for the pages of the fanfiction. She would pause for a moment, realising that she had pretty much pushed herself up against him, and was even using him as a support to hoist herself up in an attempt to snatch the paper. She eyed his face for a moment barely a few inches from hers, conscious of the proximity between them. She laughed nervously, realising how suspicious her behaviour must be. After all, Markus knew full well that Nessa wasn't really the type to suddenly launch herself at people. "You shouldn't er... you know... touch the client's things, they might get annoyed. Here I'll put it back where it was!" She said, reaching up and attempting to grab the papers once more.

    WC: 672 | Nessa's Total: 3,219 | Thread Total:  6,732 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 13th June 2019, 4:39 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 421
    Total Word Count: 3,951

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus had just grasped the pages, and was opening them when he suddenly heard a cry of refusal. His eyes turned just in time to see Nessa with a look of absolute horror, the redness that was once anger was something entirely different. Before he had time to react, or ask what had happened she would launch herself forward, the full might of her magical power propelling her towards him. Suddenly, he felt an impact as she almost collided with him.

    Acting out of pure instinct, yet still baffled and thrown off by the sudden attack Markus attempted to take a step back while putting up his arm. However, Nessa having grown as a mage was far faster than even Markus was prepared for. Missing his timing, his hand instead fell behind her waste, and rather than gracefully stopping the attack, or relying on his magic he instead felt her hit him, and reach over his body towards the pages. His foot already being moved meant he, and by extension her, were off balance, suddenly causing them to fall backwards.

    Markus, thrown completely off by the sudden change of baring did the one thing he could think of, and prepared for the fall. The pages still in his hand ended up between the two mages whose bodies had pressed together. In the instant after they fell Markus could feel her upon him, the papers between them, she using his chest for support. Their eyes were inches apart, and once more the two mages were sharing breath. The chaos mage heard her give a small laugh, nervously, hesitantly. Markus suddenly realized; he had seen this look once before.

    The night he had asked her to accept him going to Bellam.

    When she spoke, Markus raised an eyebrow her hands touching the pages that were now directly between them. She was suddenly speaking hesitantly, offering to take the pages. Markus held on as her hands touched them, knowing without a doubt there was something there. His mind could feel it, the illusion magic that was placed upon the pages, the signature of a magical essence he had not been searching for before. There was no way the chaos mage was going to let this drop.

    Holding onto the papers, Markus would make it obvious he was not letting go while remaining silent, looking in her eyes, his own a mix of mirth, chaos, and interest. He would wait for her to either get off him, offer an explanation, or continue as they were and let their host find them in a far worse position.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 13th June 2019, 5:06 pm

    Her clumsy attempt at retrieving the pages had resulted in Markus attempting to move back, only she was already in his space. His hand ended up around her waist, and the force of the attempted move away caused him to lose balance, pulling her down with him. She would squeal as she fell, landing on top of him, she winced for a moment, although there wasn't much need, he had cushioned the fall for her. Her face hovered over his, her eyes filled with concern as she looked at him.  "You ok?" She asked in a worried tone before she followed with her awkward laugh and odd excuse for the attack. She returned her gaze to the paper, which surely was in better reach now. She pulled herself up, not really paying attention to what she was doing, her knees moving to either side of his hips. At least by being on top of him, she would have the advantage here, surely?

    She would rest one hand on his chest, which was also a slight attempt to keep him pinned beneath her as she stretched out, swiping her arm out in an attempt to nab the pages. Her index finger grazed the tips of the page, but she could not get them from him. She looked back at him. He seemed to be eying her with a determined stare, clearly not willing to give into her nonsensical behaviour. She eyed him with a steely gaze, "Markus... Give me the paper." She ordered him in as commanding tone as she could manage. There was something about his expression that seems to coax out a slight competitive edge in her, as though his refusal to give her what she asked was his means of challenging her. Shyness melting away slightly, normally this little positioning might have embarrassed her, but the sheer need to stop him reading that fanfiction was enough for her to forget about all of them. "Stop eying me like that, I'm not moving unless you give me those papers and if you didn't realise Markus," She returned the hand reaching for the paper to his chest, smirking at him in an assertive manner. "I have the advantage here."

    WC: 370 | Nessa's Total:  3,589 | Thread Total:  7,523 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 13th June 2019, 5:29 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 455
    Total Word Count: 4,406

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus was silent, when she asked if he was okay, with a slight smirk, his traditional look muddled with his new emotions, would crease his face as their eyes were to focus upon one another. His hand was still at her waste, though it had dropped slightly to her hip. Her green dress had flown outward slightly as her knees moved. He watched as she got up, straddling his hips. Each of them had one hand on the paper, and another hand on their adversary. Hers upon his chest, his upon her waist.

    His eyebrow would raise as she eyed him, her own gaze becoming steel, her embarrassment no longer muddling her void. She gave him a direct order, one which was laced with a competitive tone, an edge Markus was certainly not used to. Somehow, it was drawing out his own competitive nature. He could feel her pressing his chest, a finger, he was not sure which, touched his bare skin that was uncovered by the low V vest he wore. He could feel warmth, from her, her use of magic, their exertion, and his own feelings.

    With a determined look, he narrowed his eyes as soon as she told him to stop, and his lip would curl when she spoke of her advantage. Markus would breath outwards carelessly, his hand would glide down her waist to the edges of her dress, his hand would touch skin. “Are you sure about that?”

    His hand would brush her leg, no longer covered by the clothes, and move slightly upwards. No one said he had to play fair. “Do you really have what it takes?” As Markus spoke, his mind was planning, everything he did was meant to throw her off. She was an accomplished fighter, but he knew for a fact there was one thing she was not prepared to handle, and that was for him to push her buttons.

    He would move the papers, assuming her hand would remain on it lower between them, which would put her in a more off balanced position, if she were to keep both hands on him. In truth, he knew he had the advantage, he had intel she didn’t know, and knowing her personality, he knew he could use it. If needed. His eyes fell to the pages as she touched them.

    “Fairy Tails Greatest Sin?” Markus would ask, reading as the changed. He recognized N. C. Lux, and suddenly her entire demeanor made sense. “What could that mean?” The chaos mage would get more determined. “You know you can’t stop me…” he would whisper.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 13th June 2019, 6:02 pm

    She thought she had him.

    As she eyed him with a sense of confident determination, she found herself quite sure that there wasn't anything he could do. It would only be a matter of time before he would give in and give her the papers. Except that wasn't the case, never with Markus. He would smirk back at her, as she would feel his hand slide down from her waist to her leg. His words would reflect his own teasing confidence as she questioned her certainty. All the while his fingers would tickle the skin of her thighs, moving the fabric of her dress as it did so, his hand would slide beneath her dress and up her leg. Caressing her thigh as it moved slowly higher. Nessa's smile would falter, her eyes grew wide, glancing down to his hand as it crept further under her dress. The action alone was enough to cause her pulse to quicken. Her fingers remained at his chest but would clench firmly, fisting the fabric of his shirt as she attempted to remain calm. He was testing her resolve, of course, doing the one thing he knew she wouldn't be able to deal with. She returned her gaze to his, her eyes slightly narrowed, but with an emotion...different to before. Something quite different from rage. The feel of his hand stroking her skin as it moved along was causing her body to flush with heat. She would tremble slightly under his touch, in spite of this, she held his gaze. Her violet eyes not leaving his, as she tried not to give in.

    His hand would only move further, the teasing nature of its touch only seem to create up a certain pent up frustration within her. She would try to endure it. At least until his thumb grazed her in such a way that it sent a slight tickle through her body. Unable to contain herself, she let out a soft whimper. Her eyes would widen, and her hands leapt from his chest. One rising to her face to cover her mouth, the other latching itself over his hand. Stopping him from going any further. Any higher and they would have been venturing into a terrority she wasn't sure she was ready for, certainly not something she would permit just to spare him discovering a fanfiction she'd written about him. Her cheeks flushed, she glanced away realising she must have accidentally dispelled the illusion when she'd touch the paper. But she didn't care, she was too embarrased about the way she'd just reacted to him. "You don't play fair." She mumbled softly under her breath. She felt kind of conflicted with herself for a multitude of reasons. One of those for letting him fluster her so much and more importantly, the fact that for a moment, she kind of hadn't wanted him to stop.

    WC: 481 | Nessa's Total:  4,070 | Thread Total:  8,459 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 13th June 2019, 6:44 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 574
    Total Word Count: 4,980

    Markus Eldridge

    The chaos mage had to hold his resolve, his eyes locked with hers, his heart quickening, his breath getting shallow. She did not stop him as he expected, she did not immediately balk at his touch. Markus had fully expected things to stop as soon as his hand left her dress, let alone when it started to go up her side exploring deeper. For a brief moment, he thought he had her, he saw her smile falter, her eyes grow wider, as the flicked to what he was doing before remaining to what he was doing. Yet, his certainty was tested, perhaps she did have the resolve to win…

    Markus soon realized she was willing to go father than he ever expected, he felt her hand clench tighter to his clothes, and watched as her eyes narrowed as returning to him. Markus couldn’t help but take a shallow breath. He could read an emotion behind their depths, something he was unable to fully decipher, let alone understand if he was being honest with himself.  He could see her face flush, yet still. She did not stop him.

    Taking another shallow breath, he set his own resolve and continued his path, slowly, methodically, with great care. After all she was just a woman, someone he knew, and called friend. Why should he be nervous, why should he care? He would eye her, his own body growing warmer. Suddenly he heard a sound escape from her lips, a sound which he never expected. His eyes would widen, even as her own did the same. Her hand left his chest, rising to cover her mouth as the other grasped at his hand. Somehow… Markus had won.

    Markus couldn’t help but give a slight sign of relief as she spoke, he realized only now that he would not be able to continue much farther himself, and had her resolve held he probably would be the one to admit defeat. Though, that was not something she needed to know.

    He would start to shift his weight, slowly moving her weight off of him. With a small smirk he would respond, “Battle is never fair. Especially when you misleadingly think you have ‘advantage’. To win you must be… ‘unpredictable’.” Markus would say still catching his breath, returning to his defiant demeanor. Anyone with any skill at reading emotions would be able to see even Markus was having trouble remaining passive... Something had changed since that night with the fairies.

    After a second Markus would once more look at the pages still within his hand, and with a quick glance at Nessa would start to read. Markus would raise an eyebrow as he caught his name, and would give a small smirk as he read the contents Nessa had been trying to hide. He would take his time, reading the story, the way she portrayed him, and the way she described the two ‘heroes’ of the little tale. In truth it was good, Nessa certainly had a talent for erotic story telling. Markus could help but smirk as he finished, glancing into her eyes.

    Markus would take a breath. “Well, at least it isn’t a painting... It's good. Very well written.” He said simply being completely honest. “I guess I know now what you were doing when I barged into your office?” Markus asked playfully, still breathing slightly harder. Suddenly, Markus felt something he wasn't sure if he ever had before, at least, not since leaving home and meeting Chaos. Sadness...

    Markus spoke again, his voice was quite, almost a whisper, if Nessa looked into his eyes a this moment, she might even see his emotions. "Nessa. I am leaving Fairy Tail."


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 16th June 2019, 4:40 pm

    It was a strange moment; the air that had been tense and angry had shifted so quickly to an almost desire-fueled heat in a matter of seconds. There was a new type of tension between them, it wasn't as though they hadn't felt it before, but this seemed especially amplified. Perhaps it was the possibility of what could happen if no one gave in, it could lead to something Nessa wasn't completely inexperienced in. Yet she knew enough about the birds and the bees to know what he could do to her. It was an intriguing thought if there ever was one. But it wouldn't get to that, because Nessa had caved. Giving into to her shyness, and stop him from moving any closer to that part of her. It had been quite close too. She would feel him shift and then that 'hand' was gone, she would move off of him. Kneeling on the wooden floor next to him, she heard him speak. He would smirk at her, his words causing her to look away, bringing up a distant memory. She remembered having used that word, just before they'd shared that drunken kiss. It was so long ago, and although a lot of that night was foggy to her. She still remembered little bits, why was he bringing that up now? Was he teasing her? She found herself getting frustrated again.

    "Well, predictable as it may be, turns out I'm not that kind of girl Markus. Personally, I believe some experiences shouldn't be thrown away so easily, even for the sake of winning."  She snipped slightly, not quite realising that she may have revealed more about her 'inexperience' than she'd meant to. But she was more focused on arguing her point, a part of her had wanted it, but perhaps that had been just the heat of the moment. Markus was an attractive guy, after all, he had a certain allure that attested to the possibility that one might enjoy doing things like that with him. However, in spite of this, she didn't regret stopping him either. Because if she was going to do that, then it was going to be for more than just winning a little spat over him reading a homoerotic fanfiction she'd written about him.

    She let out a deep sigh, resigning herself to that fact that he was going to read it regardless. Wincing slightly in anticipation of his reaction, she really couldn't call it with Markus. Aven, Maybe. She could see him getting quite embarrassed about it, perhaps even somewhat annoyed. But Markus was a hard one to read. The pause of him reading it felt like it dragged out longer than it actually did. She shuffled where she sat, anxious, pulling down her dress now that the Chaos mage was no longer uplifting it. Finally, he would speak, causing her to glance at him. He would compliment it, mentioning the time he barged into her office and caught her reviewing it. She sighed, "Sorano got a request from a client who was really ... interested in you and Aven as a pairing and wanted someone to write a fanfiction about you two. I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite, huh?" She uttered, giving him an apologetic smile.

    He would suddenly become a little more serious, his playful manner dissipating. The Starlight Maiden tilted her head at a slight angle, looking at him curiously. Her embarrassment and shyness were fading slowly, replaced with slight concern. His eyes met hers, causing her to recognise the seriousness of the moment. He would speak, whispering her name in such a way that her pulse would quicken again, but not in excitement but rather fear. Then, he would follow it with a single sentence — a collection of words she'd never expected him to say.

    The feelings that took over her were intense. It felt like everything inside of her; her stomach, her heart, all of it, and completely dropped. Almost instantly draining her of any pleasant emotions she'd been feeling, a sense of melancholy would ripple through her. Her eyes grew wide, stinging slightly as she held back the urge to cry, she would tremble a little, bringing her hands together on her lap and squeezing them tightly to contain herself. She couldn't meet his gaze anymore; she looked down staring at her hands. She would clear her throat, before glancing up at him, the disappointment and sadness clear in her face. "Why?" She croaked softly, She couldn't have imagined hearing anything worse right now. She was going to lose him. After finally being reunited for so long, he was going to leave. Would he disappear for good? She felt a panic rise in her, her breathing would grow quicker, slightly erratic, and her body would shake as she fought the urge to break down in front of him. Ans so, She followed with a second question, a more important one. "Aren't you happy Markus? With us, Fairy Tail... with me?"

    WC: 838 | Nessa's Total: 4,908 | Thread Total:  9,871 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 17th June 2019, 11:21 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 908
    Total Word Count: 5,888
    Group Total: 10,779

    Markus Eldridge

    With a deep breath, and a heavy yet settling sigh the chaos mage slowly started to gain control of his scattered thoughts once more. Markus had felt lust before, and even bouts of attraction, yet this. This had been something entirely different for the chaos mage, something he could not name, and he feared to test again. After all, she was ‘just Nessa’ a powerful mage, guildmember, and friend. While he… He was Markus, ‘The Chaos Mage’, a murder and master of darkness, a follower of Chaos, and progeny to the great Primordial. It was at times like these, Markus had to remind himself how different the two were, how much he shouldn’t care. And, he had to remind himself why he was leaving.

    Markus was looking at her when he made his comment, yet he could not help notice the tone in her reply, the slight snip to her words, the quick response about what type of girl she was. In truth, Markus had fully expected her to stop far before she did, and she had been quite formidable in that… battle. Yet, Markus knew he could not let her know such things, though he had no idea how her mood could change so drastically, after all he was complementing her, why get snippy? “There is nothing wrong with that Nessa, after all a Wizard Saint should know which battles are worth the effort, I guess…” Markus said, his mind already starting to shift, already starting to realize. He could keep the truth from her. He would have to tell her. But first, he would distract himself with the contents of her writing.

    Everything he had said had been truth, in fact he thought she had real skill at this type of writing, perhaps any kind. He wondered briefly if it was something she ever considered, if she was not a mage of course. In truth however, he took so long to read the pages because it gave him time to think, time to decide. When he finally finished and spoke his thoughts his mind was made up, he was going to tell her now. She deserved to know.

    Markus was not really looking at her when she told him that it was their guild master that had given her the job, it really did not surprise him, she seemed to excel at finding jobs which really pushed her members, such as the Painting for Markus, and apparently the story for Nessa. Markus would give a quick glance at the Starlight Maiden as she uttered an apologetic response, naming herself a hypocrite. “Not at all, I understand jobs. Besides, it makes sense that it was you assigned, you above anyone else in the guild know myself and Aven… at least physically.” Markus added the last part quietly, she had certainly done a good job explaining him in that regard, but he feels there were certainly some missing emotional components he knew she would have never known about before Bellam.

    The time had finally come, their conversation lulled enough that he knew there was only one thing remaining between them. Markus, his eyes filled with an unknown sadness pushed himself to remain passive, something even he was struggling with. When he finally stated what was on his mind, finally let Nessa know the truth, it took everything he had to keep his face upon her, his eyes in her direction. The response was immediate.

    Markus could see the reaction physically, and for someone who truly believed himself to be alone in this world, her reaction was… unexpected. He could hear the disappointment, and see the sadness when she looked at him. A single word came out, a single question. One, Markus expected. As he gathered his thoughts, he could hear her breathing quicken, and see her body shaking. His slayer senses picking up far more than the old Markus ever would. Suddenly, she spoke again, and the next words to escape her lips almost broke the chaos mage… almost.

    Markus, sitting on his knees next to the Starlight Maiden looked at her with a face up pure… confusion, he was totally lost within her response, within her reaction. The chaos mage just could not understand it, he could not fathom her sadness. Markus found himself thinking back towards the image he saw, and the conversation he had.
    ‘"Like a twinkling star in the darkest night, still she shines." Nessa's Father would say. "She's always been that way, Nessa, much like her mother was."’
    He could see it now, despite how dark and twisted Markus was, she shined, she saw something even he could not. Suddenly, before his mind had time to comprehend what he was doing, Markus was besides the Starlight Maiden, his arms would wrap around her body, his hand would clasp the back of her head, slowly bringing her down into his shoulder. He could not bear to watch as she broke down, he could not watch if tears started.

    “Happy… I am happier than I have ever been in my life. The… The guild has changed me. But… You know me Nessa, you know who I am, what I am capable of…” Markus said quietly, whispering into her ear, his voice steady but unable to mask… something new. Different. “Nessa, if I stay, Fairy Tail will suffer. They have already been dark once, and I… I will not risk them. I will not risk… You.”


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 28th June 2019, 7:36 am

    It took everything in her willpower not to immediately burst into tears. She didn't want to do that, she didn't even want to challenge him about leaving. But the words left her lips regardless, her conscience fighting her emotions the entire time. A part of her mind was trying to restrain her, deep down she knew it wasn't her place to challenge him on his decision, yet she could help herself. There was an innate, perhaps selfish need for him to stay. She didn't want to lose him, it had hard enough for everyone else to disappear but Markus. Markus was too much.

    He would move towards her, pulling her close to him as he wrapped his arms around her. She would lean into him, treasuring the proximity, the comfort it brought. He would answer her, offering words she couldn't comprehend. She shook his head against his shoulder, "I don't understand... everything has been fine. The guild has it's...other side anyway, a side that fits you. Is that not enough? Besides, the guild is... it's a family Markus, a family like it or not you're a part of. Your problems are our problems... even if you go." She pulled away, her imploring gaze meeting his. She was trying to argue, but she didn't know how. Somehow she knew her words would not reach him, she could see it in his eyes. His mind was made up. She would feel her emotions escalate further as she continued.

    "Please do- ...please don't tell me this is goodbye Markus." Her voice would crack as she spoke, tears beginning to well. "I can't lose you. Not again. Not now that..." What was she even going to say? Could she say that? No, she couldn't. That wouldn't be fair. She wasn't even completely sure of it herself, to use it as a means to try and convince him to stay. It wouldn't be right and even she was certain, was this really the way to tell him. She wasn't sure. Her mind was in such disarray, her thoughts so scattered and confused. She turned her head away, trying to sound a little more 'held together'. "I understand if you must leave Fairy Tail, it sucks, but please don't use 'protecting me' as a reason, I need you to stay in my life Markus... please. If you disappear to protect me...then you'll only hurt me more than any darkness ever could." She would plead to him, it was a harsh admission, but she couldn't help but be honest with him. She'd grown too attached, the thought of losing him was unbearable to her. And despite any reservations she felt about upsetting him, the words would leave her regardless. A desperate attempt to salvage their friendship. Because she couldn't face being abandoned again.

    WC: 468 | Nessa's Total: 5,376 | Thread Total:  11,247 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 1st July 2019, 10:16 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 406
    Total Word Count: 6,294
    Group Total: 11,653

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus took a deep breath as she was pressed into his shoulder, he could heel her breath, her slight shaking, and even the measure of control she gained, the comfort they both felt from the strange, and unexpected, proximity. He steadied himself when he heard her speak.

    He understood what she was saying, and had made the very same arguments to himself. Still, he was limited, far more that he would be as a solo mage, on his own. He knew, with what he needed to do, the Rune Knights would be after him if he slipped up. With that thought it mind, he knew, even if the guild allowed him to handle ‘Dark’ Jobs, even they can not condone the revenge the chaos mage sook. The second part of her conversation however caused him to pause… It was true, they were like family, at least, more that any kind of family Markus had known.

    Markus’ eyes however would not change, and her argument was not enough to change his mind. After all, he had already thought of the same, and made his choice. A small smile would appear on his lips as he held her close, his right hand would raise slightly his thumb would brush her cheek, and move her hair.

    Markus had not spoken when he knew, she understood. He could see it in her eyes, the argument, but the acceptance. She spoke again, before he did. Markus raised a curious eyebrow with what she was saying, the words, and any form they could mean were lost to him. Surely, she meant ‘not that he had someone to trust… that they were friends… that…’ he could not think of more reasons.

    “This is not goodbye Nessa… Never goodbye. I spent… I spent Four year…” Markus paused, he still hated talking about that time. “This is not to protect you.” He said, changing the conversation. “This is for me. I will not leave you if I can help it, I will fight to remain by your side…”

    Markus was not sure what to say about her darkness comment. After all, if he was to leave her, and cause her this pain? Would it not be darkness, the same darkness that was within his heart, that caused it… Still, he new what she meant, he understood what she was saying.

    “I can not allow myself to live without you again…” he whispered into her ear.  


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 9th July 2019, 1:02 pm

    Nessa would feel herself calming, his words, his reassurance, it was helping. Bringing her down from the peak, she blinked away the tears. She needed to compose herself, she didn't like having him see her like this, she wanted to appear strong to Markus, crying and pleading this way, it seemed so weak. She felt comforted by his statement however, his promise to stay by her side, that this would not be goodbye. She wasn't going to lose Markus, at least not completely. Maybe just a little, they would no longer be connected by their guild, but by friendship alone. Would that be enough for the Starlight Maiden? Perhaps, although she wasn't really sure. The idea of only seeing Markus even less than she did now filled the woman with an innate dread, a dread that could not be washed away by promises.

    His next comment would cause her to freeze, she turned her head so she could look him in the eyes. Her eyes searching his, looking for the meaning behind those words. Her heart racing in her chest as her emotions threatened to take over, she would take a slow steadying breath as she braced herself for what she was about to say, the risk she was about to take. "Markus." She began softly, "The truth is... I've-" She would stop, her ears picking up a new sound, the sound of voices and footsteps approaching the room. "Someone's coming!" She said, pulling out of his arms, she would quickly climb to her feet. She would use her hands to brush her dress down and wipe her face quickly. Trying to freshen herself up before they found themselves in the company of others. There was a brief knock on the door before two men entered the room. One of them was the same butler from before and the other was the man, Nessa could only assume had invited them here. Lord Elgardo Szutaris, at first glance, was quite a lavish man. Not very tall, and a potbelly, he dressed as one might expect a noble too. With green and yellow silks, the collar of his clothes covered in patterned fur. He had medium-length long hair that was slicked back and a rather impressive mustache.

    "Welcome! Markus Eldridge and Nessa Cordelia Lux of Fairy Tail, my honored guests. It is a delight to make your acquaintance!" He would sweep towards them in an airy manner, leaning down he would grab Nessa's hand before bringing it towards himself and kissing the back of her hand. "Oh um... Lord Szutaris, thank you for... for...er...inviting us." She replied in an uncertain manner, he would drop her hand, before moving over to Markus. For a moment, Nessa thought he was about to shake Markus's hand, but instead he too would reach for the man's hand and offer it a kiss. Nessa blinked at him in shock, not sure what to make of his curious behavior.

    WC: 491 | Nessa's Total: 5,867 | Thread Total:  12,144 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 12th July 2019, 3:43 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 581
    Total Word Count: 6,875
    Group Total: 12,742

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would keep his eyes trained in hers as they spoke, his heart was racing unexpectedly, his breath seemed shorter. They were so close… so close to… something. Something Markus just could not wrap his head around. Then, when she started to speak again, Markus would listen. Waiting, thinking, wondering.

    Just as his senses picked up a new sound, and she stopped what she was saying. Suddenly exclaiming her surprise. Somehow, the two of them had completely forgotten. They were not in their own house, at the guild hall, or anywhere remotely appropriate for what they were currently doing. Suddenly, Markus like Nessa would stand, his body moving as fast as he could force it to, stepping away from the other mage he would brush his fingers through his hair, and fix his scarf, just as the knock came to the door, and the two men entered.

    Markus immediately recognized the lord, he had spoken to the man once before, when he was first told of the painting requisitions. The man was large, and very lavishly dressed. Markus had to repress a sigh when looking at the man, truth be told. Markus hated men like this, the rich and wealthy. It reminded him of how he grew up. Markus would watch as the man spoke in an extravagant matter addressing the two mages.

    “Markus.” The mage would say briefly, having decided after their resent… debacle with his family, that he would no longer even associate his name with them. He the watched as the man would reach over to kiss the back of Nessa’s hand, and listen to her hello before sudden the chaos mage felt the man touch his own hand, and attempt to move it. The chaos mage however, kept his arm at his side, and after an awkward moment where the man was forced to remember his own strength.

    Markus offered no hello, and would cock his head. “You asked for us?” he would say simply, his previous emotion gone as he fully overcame his demeaner. No one needed to see his weakness, at least… no one more.

    The wealthy man would broaden his smile, and offer for them to sit before calling for drinks. “I am so glad you could both make it!...” he would start. “You must be curious why I called you here… You see, I have a very important job. One that ONLY the two of you could do!” He would say, droning on about whatever it was he wanted. In truth, Markus was only paying half attention, his mind turned towards the events that had transpired.

    “You see…” He was curious what she would have said. It seemed important… “So. This venture would make so much money!” Perhaps she was going to talk about him leaving. Maybe she was still made. “… you guys only really have to stand there.” Markus was starting to get tired of the constant droning. Whatever was being said, meant nothing to him. He needed to learn the job, and more importantly, the pay. As his last job with Fairy Tail, he had promised Ivy that he would complete the task, little did he know how much he would regret his promise.

    When the wealthy man finally got to his pitch, he would stand and raise his voice. His face was beaming, as if he was about to inform them of something ground breaking, and revolutionary. “All I need, if for you both to pose for my Calendar!”


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 14th July 2019, 9:44 am

    Nessa watched the rather awkward struggle between the Lord and Markus, the Lord who attempted to claim Markus's hand. Only to fail due to Markus's unwillingness to move. Surprisingly, neither seemed very perturbed by the awkward exchange after the Lord gave up, continuing on as though nothing happened. The Lord would offer them a seat in the office, before sending his Butler away to fetch them all drinks. Beginning to explain the reasoning for them being summoned in the first place. Nessa had suspected that the man might have a job in mind for them, but she wasn't sure what sort of job to expect considering he appeared to intend on asking them personally instead of just sending the request directly to the guild.

    He would continue on, Nessa glanced over at Markus casually, it was quite the timing for them to be interrupted. Considering what it was that she was about to tell Markus. Maybe it was for the best, perhaps him knowing the truth would change things between them too much. Would they really be able to progress after, what did she expect him to do once he knew? She honestly wasn't sure, she had been acting in the heat of the moment, relying on her emotions to drive her rather than her mind. It may have been for the best, their untimely interruption. She turned her gaze backed to the Lord, who still seemed to be rambling on about the money-making idea he head. Until finally, he would reveal the task at hand.

    Nessa's blinked rather slowly at the man, not entirely sure she had heard him correctly. He wanted them to pose...for a calendar. Several moments passed before Nessa finally spoke "W-what?" She asked, in a manner that in no way hid her bafflement. The Lord would chuckle deeply, before continuing "Don't you see? It's simply genius! Two highly popular members of Fairy Tail, powerful and attractive together in an exclusive calendar, can you imagine? Sales would be through the roof! It will be tasteful of course, and I will compensate you both handsomely. As well as Fairy Tail itself!"

    The Starlight Maiden couldn't help but be a little uncertain about the idea, although she wasn't opposed to modeling, having done a little for Sorcerer Magazine in the past. But this seemed different, it felt a little arrogant to accept that people would actually want to buy a calendar including photos of herself. She glanced over at Markus, trying to imagine him posing for photos. It was hard to picture, although she could understand why the Lord wanted him. Even Nessa could acknowledge that Markus was plenty handsome, he had a nice physique and that kind of edgy look that she could imagine a lot of girls might swoon over. "Um...what do you think Markus?" She asked in an uncertain tone, figuring it might be better to have him decide. Surely, he would deny the job and then they could go about their business without having gone through such a potentially embarrassing ordeal.

    "Yes Markus! Please give us your thoughts? I can assure you will both have full say on what images are chosen, this is a fantastic opportunity to promote Fairy Tail, what do you say?"

    WC: 541 | Nessa's Total: 6,408 | Thread Total:  13,283 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 18th July 2019, 1:17 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 570
    Total Word Count: 7,445
    Group Total: 13,853

    Markus Eldridge

    Even for Markus, remaining passive after the man finally informed them of his grad venture was a chore. Suddenly, his eyes were wide, and he opened his mouth slowly to reply before shutting it with a snap, and waiting. Turns out, Nessa had a similar, and rather understandable reaction, asking but a single question. A quick clarification. The only thing that mattered.

    Did this man even know who they were? I mean, sure Markus was an unknown, and rarely entered the spotlight. After all, he worked on the darker jobs, so it made sense. But he was still an H rank Wizard, surely, he was far above such a… job. Besides! That did not even account for Nessa, a guild ace, a Wizards Saint, and an X rank wizard. How could this man, with all his bravado, think he could request such a job of them directly? Yet, somehow, Markus was not surprised, after learning of the two jobs Nessa and himself had to do. With a sigh, Markus listened to the man explain.

    Apparently, the idea was based off money, and his offer was way higher than Markus would have expected. However, there was a single word that rang in his ears. ‘Tasteful’, it was the same word he had used when describing the painting. Which meant, he expected something… provocative, at least, in some ways.

    The truth was, Markus could care less as a whole. He would have never modeled, and never would have attempted to. In fact, Markus hated pictures of himself. The Darkness he controlled always seemed to make the cameras act funny, unless there was a massive amount of light to fight it off. Markus was contemplating when he heard Nessa speak up once more. For some reason, the two of them suddenly expected him to make the final decision.

    Truth be told, he had already made his promise to Sorano, having guaranteed to do this last job for the guild. Suddenly, Markus wondered if she had known more, and kept the details hidden. With a sign, the chaos mage looked the man directly in the eyes, and waited. Letting the silence drag out, passing by. Second. By. Second.

    When he finally did speak, it was only one word. “Fine.”

    The next few minutes were taken up by a rush of activity, and a rapid increase of movement. As if on cue, they were pulled from the room, taken through the grand hall, and introduced to the in-house studio which the man had apparently already set up. As they passed it, Markus took but a moment to look once more at the painting he had done, and reflect upon the message he had created thinking towards what it was Nessa almost told him. Then the moment was gone.

    The studio was large, with many lights, and different sets. There were doors to his right which Markus learned went to various dressing rooms, one for him, and one for Nessa. As they walked the client droned on, and on about the shoot, the ideas he had, the styles he wanted to do. He said he wanted Casual, Swimwear, Furry, Cute, and of course tasteful, as well as a few ‘special ideas’ he kept keeping to himself. The entire time, Markus would question his choices, and wonder, how did he ever get here. Though, there was a more pressing question on his mind… "what is a furry?"


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 19th July 2019, 5:03 pm

    As her violet eyes watched the Chaos mage, she would sincerely hope that he wasn't too harsh when he turned down the Lord's offer. She really didn't want any more tension today, there had already been so much conflicted and emotionally, she was a little tired. But still, she trusted him in his professionalism and his ability to handle such situations. She could tell from his face that he wasn't particular enamoured with the suggestion, Markus never really gave away much. But even so Nessa had been around him enough to pick up at least some of his signals.  

    So when the man spoke, ultimately agreeing to the job, at first Nessa would turn her head to the Lord. Offering him a consoling nod of agreement, before the actuality of the situation sank in. Her eyes widened and she looked at Markus sharply, completely thrown by the fact he'd actually agreed to the absurd job. And so, before the Starlight Maiden could formulate some kind of argument or reasoning, she and Markus were quickly shuffled out of the office, into another room. Set up as a studio, it seemed the Lord had already been confident that they would agree. Because the photoshoot was pretty much ready to go, and there was a vast selection of outfits to choose from. Whilst she did enjoy trying on different clothes, posing in them just felt kind of embarrassing.

    "What is a furry?"

    Nessa glanced over at Markus, tilting her head curiously, she wasn't really sure to be honest. She always thought the word furry was a way to describe something covered in covered in fur. "I don't know... furry... is that like animals?" Her mind wandered to Halloween, where sometimes people dressed up as cats or bunnies. So she imagined it had something to do with that, she would turn to look at the Lord who was nodding exuberantly.

    "Exactly! Just a little dress up; cat ears, stuff like that. Nothing overzealous!" The Lord said encouragingly, Nessa nodded, that didn't sound too bad. For the first start, they would start with January, in which the theme was new years. Nessa was dragged off to a private changing areas, handed the outfit that she would be required to wear. As she stepped back into the studio, her eyes looking for Markus. She was now sporting a white and gold Midian dress, with a black feather boa and a matching headpiece. Nessa was mildly surprised, it was a lot more 'tasteful' than she expected. The only thing was that the slit that was cut only the thigh was slightly higher than Nessa was used to, but bearable enough that she was comfortable in wearing it. As far as she was aware, if all the outfit we're like this, then she would likely be okay. But of course, the Starlight Maiden was not aware that Lord Szutaris, was merely easing them in...

    WC: 485 | Nessa's Total: 6,893 | Thread Total:  14,338 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 7th August 2019, 11:47 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 527
    Total Word Count: 7,972
    Group Total: 14,865

    Markus Eldridge

    The chaos mage was still trying to get his thoughts together as they entered the studio. Looking towards Nessa after his simple question, he raised an eyebrow when she responded in kind, just as confused as he was. When the Lord spoke up, in his typical and over the top manor, Markus would visibly cringe as he imagined cat ears, and a tail. Why would someone do that to themselves? Was there something thrilling about being an animal… Markus looked towards his shadow… Perhaps a wolf… Then his mind shifted to Sebastian…. But certainly not a cat.

    Either way, Markus had made his bed… might as well see it through.

    With an exaggerated sign, and a sideways glance at Nessa the chaos mage would follow the lead of someone who was to be his ‘stylist’. In the end, the process was not too painful. He would sit there as they combed his hair, and sprayed fowl smelling stuff in his face. His slayer scences would be on fire as the various smells, and scents of the product wafted his way.

    Finally, Markus would look himself in the mirror. His hair was combed straight back, straightened and held with a black leather thong. He wore a black and gold suit, which seemed to fit him almost too well. His broad shoulders, and chest were squared by the way the sleeves were made, and the gold trim and buttons would highlight his narrow frame.

    As he stepped from the dressing room, his eyes would briefly fall to Nessa before a woman suddenly stopped him, by touching his shoulders. With a raised eyebrow the chaos mage would look into her eyes. She was of moderate build, with a round face. She wore a dress that on others wouldn’t actually look half bad, revealing a large amount of cleavage, and her hips. However, on her larger build, in Markus’ opinion she looked like a cooked sausage. Her strawlike hair was put into a messy bun, and he could smell horribly expensive, and overpowering, rose perfume. Her plain brown eyes looked at him with wonder.

    “Oh… Oh you… You are so much better than the story described.” She would say shyly. Fidgeting with something in her hand. “Here. This will make the outfit look finished.” She would say, stepping up to him before he could reply. He could feel her hand on his chest, as she pinned a red colored flower to his pocket. As she finished, her hand would stay upon his chest for a moment longer than the chaos mage felt necessary.

    “Thank You.” Markus would say curtly, however with a polite tone. He assumed she must have been another stylist.

    Walking away from that Markus stepped to join the Starlight Maiden. “You look good.” He would say simply before looking down at himself. “Too much?” he would ask, not sure what else to say.

    Before they were taken to pose for this months photes, the images were simple. Standing in certain ways, looking certain directions, following orders. The entire time Markus, half blinded by light, could not help but notice that strange woman always seemed to be in view.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 9th August 2019, 3:46 pm

    Nessa's violet eye's searched the room for Markus, eager to see his familiar face in this somewhat uncomfortable situation. It wasn't as though she hadn't posed for photos before, but it was still pretty unnerving, knowing that he was dealing with it alongside her at least would make it easier on her. As she spotted him, her eyes widened at the sight of him. Her cheeks becoming a little flushed, he looked good, really good. His attire suited him nicely, highlighting his lean figure whilst giving him an air of class. She found herself beginning to move towards him, but stopped as he spotted the female that flocked to him. A slightly move curvacious woman with blondish hair and a dress that was slightly too tight.

    Nessa waited, figuring it would be rude to interrupt the conversation. She glanced around the room, rather awkwardly, arms crossed over her chest anxiously. Once again, her violet eyes wandered over to the pair, and she couldn't help but noticed how close the woman had gotten to him, the way her hand was playfully resting on his chest. She felt herself become a little warm, glancing away quickly as though she'd bee peeking in on a private moment. It was nothing surely, she was just putting the finishing touches on his outfit. Still, something in the pit of Nessa's stomach twisted slightly. She kept her gaze off of them until finally, she heard his approach. She would hear his compliment, a small smile returning to her lips, glancing up at him. "Thanks... you er...you do too." The photographer would usher them in front of what appeared to be a green screen. The supervisors mumbling something about editing fireworks into the background. Despite Nessa's nerves, the first shout really wasn't that bad, they took individual images, and some together. She would plaster on her warm smile as instructed, pretending to be having a great time during a new year celebration. Then just like that, that set finished, and they were directed back into the changing areas once more.

    As the assistants moved in to help dress Nessa, she was handed what appeared to be a collection of red ribbons. She blinked somewhat confused, "I'm sorry, but I seem to be missing part of this outfit." The assistant rolled her eyed, "Nah, doll. This is the whole thing, gonna for a bit more flair this time round eh? Turn around, I'll help squeeze ya in." Nessa's squeaked as rather forcefully the woman undressed her, every now and them one would help her protests, only to be hush by the middle-age women."Oh no, oh gosh, this is ...umm... I don't think I can... there's just er... not much coverage."  She argued, really not sure about this choice of outfit. She understood the theme,e but could she really let Markus see her like this. "Oh hush hun, you look fabulous! Like a real present, haha! Get it! Now get'cha butt out there and knock 'em dead."After several moments she was shoved out into the studio, holding onto the ribbon covering her bare flesh because that's all it was. One long red ribbon, wrapped sparingly around her body exposing various regions of skin, with a rather large and admittedly loosely tied set of bows holding it all together.

    Nessa glanced around, cheeks flushed pink with embarrassed, slowly she shuffled towards the studio. They seemed to have changed the setup, now there was a white faux fur rug and a box of chocolates on the floor. She eyed it confusedly before glancing up at the director. "Right for this scene, we want a little more spice. So you and Markus will be relaxing on the rug together and feeding each other chocolates from the box. Don't worry they're the finest chocolates on the market, so you should enjoy them." Nessa's blinked at the man, gobsmacked, she glanced over to see where Markus was. Unsure of what to make of this, could she really do this? Wasn't this just a little too intimate? Especially considering what had happened not long ago in the other room.

    WC: 685 | Nessa's Total:  7,578 | Thread Total:  15,550 / 25,000


    Matters of Heart 60582_s


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    Matters of Heart Empty Re: Matters of Heart

    Post by MarkusEldridge 15th August 2019, 12:44 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1,161
    Total Word Count: 9,133
    Group Total: 16,711

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would find himself blinking at the lights, and narrowing his eyes more often than not when a picture would be taken. If it was not for the fact that every time his eyes were closed in a picture, the photographer wanted to take three more, he would have been fine. As it was, he was moved around like a puppet, ordered to do this and that, touch in this way, hold her in that way, it was strange to be so close to Nessa in such a new way, and for it to be completely ruined by the atmosphere. As things progressed, the two mages were finally informed that they could return to their respective changing area’s and prepare for the next set.

    As the chaos mage was walking away, he ears would prick, picking up an interesting conversation. “Should they… this scene?” He heard the lord ask the photographer before hearing part of the reply. “Oh… perfect”, The rest of the conversation passed on quickly, with Markus only catching bits and pieces as he was ussered off. “Ready”, “Guess so…”, “Chocolate”.

    Markus then found himself once more in the changing room, the man who was acting as his stylist was smiling. Informing the chaos mage, they this was one of his favorite scenes. The activity was rapid, with the stylist helping him out of his suit, and adjusting his hair, makeup, and dress. Markus was left standing in virtually nothing as the activity moved around him. Much of the makeup that was done was to extenuate his muscles upon his chest, and the scars upon his body. His hair was let down, and allowed to fall at the sides of his face, and then he was shown the outfit.

    The robe was, honestly, beautiful. A Red velvet made of some expensive material which felt like almost nothing upon his body. It would fall below his knees, and would keep his bits covered. In fact, looking into the mirror, it would look as if the robe was all he wore. As his head cocked to the side he would marvel at what the makeup did to his physique when suddenly twitch as a cold substance was sprayed upon his face and chest.

    “Just water, it completes the look. All kinds of sexy.” His stylist would say before pushing Markus out of the room and back into the main affairs. Markus had adjusted the robe, so that most of his chest was covered, but left the top open. He would step forward and look around, trying to find the only sane person in the entire room.

    His eyes would open widely as they fell upon her, and as he walked forward his mouth would be slightly ajar. “You look…” he would say before getting cut off, his face turning towards the Director. As he explained the scene Markus’ eyes would widen and a brow would raise. He would meet Nessa’s eyes wondering if either of them would put a stop to this… When she said nothing, he would nod, not sure what else to do and give her a shrug.

    As he was about to step onto the rug a voice would ring out, the same voice as the woman who had spoken to him earlier, adjusting his suit. “Wait Papa! There needs to be one change.” She would say before walking up to Markus, and grabbing to top of his robe. Ever so slowly she would open it, sliding her hand down his chest, to his stomach and only stopping when her hands touched his navel. She would take a deep breath. “There… Perfect…” She would say breathlessly before looking at Nessa with a narrowed gaze, one Markus completely missed. “Don’t you think?” She would ask.

    “Oh, that is just wonderful sweetie!” The Lord would suddenly exclaim, “Nessa, Markus, meet my Daughter Ashley. She works in the fashion districts with very noticeable clients. You can trust her entirely!” He would finish before walking away, leaving them alone briefly.

    Markus would raise an eye towards Nessa then speak up. “Uhm, thank you…” he would say somewhat confused before moving her hand away slowly, and stepping onto the carpet.

    As he got into the scene, he would follow instructions, listening as the director had him or Nessa move in certain ways, and feed in certain positions. After a decent amount of time, they were moving to the next set of pictures, Markus was instructed to lean up on one of his arms, and hold himself on his side over Nessa before reaching into the box and feeding her a piece of chocolate. From this position his robe would fall slightly more open, and they would be apart by mere inches. As his hand moved forward, he would not realize when it suddenly got caught on one of her large bows. As he moved it suddenly, the loose knot would come undone opening slightly, but still keeping most of her hidden either by his robe, or the remains of the ribbon.

    “PERFECT!” Markus would hear the director say, “So scandalous! And we can not even see a thing! Stay right there Markus, after all we don’t want any kind of malfunction!” The man would say before Markus realized what had happened, his eyes were still on Nessa’s, his breath was heavy.

    “Okay you two, it is time for the most important photo of this set!” The director would say excitedly as they two mages lay in their positions. “Markus. Slowly, I need you to kiss Nessa.” He would say suddenly, “Nothing big, and no passion needed! The cameras will do that for us. Just a small peck would be enough.” He would say as Markus gave him an incredulous look. His mind racing. In truth, it was not like he hadn’t kissed her before, and what was a peck after all? Besides, what if sense they did not finish this ‘important photo’, the Lord decided to end the job.

    Markus would look Nessa in the eyes, and wait to see if she gave any form of refusal. If, and only if she seemed willing would he lean in slowly, far slower than he ever had before. His heart was racing, and he could hear the multiple clicks as the camera went off. As they got closer Markus could feel as they started to share breath, and then they were but an inch apart…

    Suddenly, Markus froze hearing a voice. “WAIT!” The voice belonged to that of a female, Ashley in fact. “You don’t want the kiss yet. Why not wait for later in the calendar?” She would plead towards her father. “Besides… This set is already so… that.” She said pointing at the two mages. “You should wait papa.” She would say in a high voice.

    “Perhaps… Perhaps your right….” The Lord would say. Markus, still looking towards the lord would completely miss the look of triumph and challenge Ashley shot towards Nessa.


      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm