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    Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Yuri and Yuli
    Yuri and Yuli

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The First Blade
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    Age : 24
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    Public Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Yuri and Yuli 18th June 2020, 8:16 am

    Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social] PRvdrxK

    The sky was exceptionally clear on this beautiful summer day, a certain serenity undoubtedly filling the hearts and minds of those out and about in the hot, but not unpleasant midday sun. Of course, those that would find themselves enjoying time at the beach on a day like this were pretty lucky. It was the ideal location to spend a hot summer day, after all. The ocean was an ideal spot to cool off, almost crystal-clear tropical blue hues stretching out as far as the eye could see towards the horizon, the smell of salty air, the gentle crashing of waves, the occasional gawk of a seagull, and the mild wind that rustled the nearby palm trees rounding out the beautiful aesthetic of the season.

    Naturally, the members of Silver Wolf could consider themselves especially fortunate today. The guild's planning had accounted for everything one might need on a day like this, and, of course, for an occasion like this. Today, the guild would host a beach party here on this little strip where the land met the sea. The reason for this was no particularly special occasion. In essence, Aspen looked at it as a team-building exercise, if anything, despite the fact that the anti-social Slayer could've done without it. Still, the fair-haired girl had been appointed an Ace of this guild by the woman she had met for the first time on the snowy tops of the Phoenix Mountains what felt like an eternity ago, Leona Jarnefeldt, the Guild Mistress of Silver Wolf. The girl was by no means enamored with the idea of holding responsibility of that sort, but ... it was hard to deny the fact that, over the years, Silver Wolf had become the girl's new home, far, far from the icy tundras and endless steppes of Pergrande. If she could give back to the group of mages that had essentially taken her in when she had nowhere else to go, if this was what it would take, then she would fulfill her role without any complaints, even if it included organizing a beach party, even if she would never openly admit this.

    Thus, checklist in hand, the Slayer made her last round to make sure everything would be in order for the opening of "Mudcrab Cove", as it had been lovingly dubbed, a small and secluded area of beach west of the Guild Hall in the Phoenix Mountains, strolling past the open bar, where food, snacks, drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and perhaps most importantly, a small machine containing an ice lacrima that, upon command, could produce all kinds of flavored ice creams, had been set up. A genius invention, without a doubt. That wasn't the only thing designed to keep the guild members entertained, of course. Her amber-colored eyes would wander over to another section of the beach, where some of the mini-games and activities, such as beach volleyball, had already been set up for them. Every Ace would present their own ones, stylized in the theme of their respective branch. Aspen could hardly believe that Silver Wolf had continued to grow at such a pace that divisions were now a necessity, but here they were. They would be introduced for the first time today, and she, of course, had also been assigned control over one of the three. That, however, was something for later.

    First, she thought, would come the speech their Guild Mistress had been preparing, her gaze wandering once more before finally finding its mark, a wooden podium that towered slightly over the rest of the sandy shore. The girl wondered what Leona would say. Well, she would have to wait and see. For the sake of fitting in with today's theme, the Metal Dragon Slayer was dressed in something rather unusual and admittedly somewhat scant for her, a black Bikini, but she didn't mind the change from her usual jacket, shirt, and skirt look too much. It was a hot day, after all, and running around in her usual get-up would undoubtedly be rather uncomfortable. The girl gave everything a last look over. Any moment now the other members of the guild were sure to arrive, and her fellow Aces of the guild, as well as their Guild Mistress, were probably around here somewhere, too, busy with their own preparations. She hoped that everything would go over smoothly, but there was little to actually worry about, Aspen remaining hopeful, and, in a sense, actually looked forward to this party, though she would never make that known, her face and expression neutral, stoic, and hard to read as ever, though if someone looked very closely, perhaps they could see the faintest hint of a smirk on her face for but a few seconds. it had been a while since she'd gotten to simply stand back and relax, and today would be a welcome change from her usual busy schedule.

    It was about time for the party to begin.

    Post Word Count: 828
    Personal Word Count Total: 828
    Thread Word Count Total: 828

    OOC Note: This guild social at the beach is an opportunity for the current members of the guild to interact and get to know each other as well as learn more about the guild, the character's that it is comprised of, and the way it functions, both in theory and in practice. The Aces will present minigames to the members of the guild that can be participated in for a bit of in-character fun, and our very own Guild Mistress will direct a speech at the members of the guild. In short: Socialize with your fellow guild members and make some connections with your fellow wolves. Don't forget to show up in beach-appropriate clothing! The Guild Social is open to any member of the Guild. Guild members may also invite ONE character not in SW to this guild social. Please note that this is limited to a single character per participant.

    The Word Count from this thread can be handed in as Free Form jobs at every participant's own leisure, of course. If everyone wishes, we can turn the thread in as one larger Free Form job of the highest available rank later on, as well.


    Soon... you will know despair, Guest.


    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Yuvon 18th June 2020, 9:20 am

    Oh boy, today was going to be fun. As summer stretched in over the atmosphere, followed by waves of heat, longer sun hours, increased thirst and yearn for cold, comfortable ice on your flesh, having a day out in the beach sounded idealistic. Just perfect, indeed! And that was what the Aces and Guild Mistress had planned today, and that was why Yuvon had prepared for today. Between executing his missions assigned to him, reading up on stuff to refresh his memory, and aiding in research on new items that other guildmates had brought to their hall, a day like this was revered. He could almost sing out in joy!

    He had to go get some new trunks to wear for the warm beach and blue waves. He had been at the beach once before; in another, previous Silver Wolf occasion that was now but a sweet memory from the past. Gladly, he still fit his old trunks - now that that perfect coincidence had settled, he decided to be just a little bit extra and add a white, loose-threaded hoodie on top of it. He believed that, by wearing this, he’d look a little more stylish out there, and it would definitely be a breath of fresh air from his usual, ridiculously arcane wear. What other accessories would look good on him, though… perhaps some bands around his wrists would suffice. His lucky band was, for once, visible as his hoodie had no sleeves, and with its zigzag patterns and ominous aura, it could be enough. Nah, he had more of those; his past experience as a priest at several temples in Midi were reflected in these lucky bands, and he had been in the service of several shrines - thus, he donned four bands; one on his left wrist, three on his right. Add a pair of sandals, and that would just be sweet.

    “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!” the librarian roared as he eyed the sand around him. He had finally made it to the ‘Mudcrab Cove’ as this site was dubbed, and his choice of transport was rather bizarre to say the least. He had brought a surfboard with him to test the waves at one point - it was decorated with fashionable snowflake patterns for the effect of contrasting the beachy summer - but he was actually surfing on top of it at the very moment! But how? There were no waves on the sand, so how did he pull it off?

    The keyword was ‘bizarre’. A wave of dark-green tentacles aided him, rising up from magic circles underneath him and making the wave-like effect. New tentacles would stick up after the previous ones finished their job, and with that, he approached the first face he found; one of the three Betas of Silver Wolf, Aspen. He grinned joyously under his mask… and uh, yeah, of course he kept the mask on despite his outfit.

    “Well, greetings, Aspen! Long time no see…!” he greeted her vigorously with a salute while balancing on the surfboard that was balancing on the wave of tentacles rising up from the hot sand, “What d you think of my new surfboa- w-woah, woah, hold on-!” His arms began to wave around furiously as he lost balance for a second, and while trying to reclaim it via his next actions, he sadly suffered the fate of falling back from his surfboard and landing on the soft sand. A small cloud rose up for a moment as the tentacles disappeared into the magic circles below, while those circles closed in and signaled his cancellation of magic.

    “’K-‘Kay, gotta work on my skills at that…”


    Personal WC: 609
    Personal WC Total: 609
    Thread WC Total: 1437



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    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Pimwadee 18th June 2020, 1:53 pm

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    Now this, this was more like it.

    After several weeks adapting to the gruelling walks back and forth from the mountains that led to the Silver Wolf guild. A nostalgic part of Pimwadee's heart longed for a heat similar to that of Lhukian lands. The blistering heat bearing down on her caramel skin was like a blanket of comfort for the Asiatic girl. She missed it dearly, and if it wasn't hard enough remaining so distant from her family and friends. The wild contrast between the Phoenix Mountains and Lhuk just made her even more homesick.

    Fortunately, her guild would ease the unpleasant longing by hosting a beach event. Taking them all to Mudcrab Cove for a day of respite and lighthearted celebrations. The warm rays that she had so longed for, tickling her pigment like an old friend. The smell of sea salt filling her nose and therapeutic sounds of waves cascading against the shorts. In a way, she felt the most at home than she had since embarked on her troubles. So much so that as she stared out into the wide canvas of the blue waters, with the waves that skimmed over her toes she felt another wave rush over her. Emotionally so to speak.

    Amethyst eyes trained on the sea, she would take a moment to collect herself. Reeling in her nostalgic longing and make the decision to focus on the day ahead. This was, after all, a perfect opportunity for her. Something that the girl longed for dearly, was the possibility of getting to know her guildmates. She had met a few of them so far such as Yuvon, Mercury, Ling. All of which have been very kind to her and only proven to contribute to her positive impression of the guild.

    Once she felt okay, she would turn away from the waters, wearing an idly smile she moved back towards the mainland. She was wearing a cream coloured bikini, lined with blood-orange hems. It has a symbol emblazoned on the front along with a section cut out on either side of her hips and stomach. The swimsuit along with the jewellery she had worn with it was perhaps one of the few attires from home that she actually had a chance to wear these days. Since her move, it had been all thick tights and jumpers sourced from local boutiques. She intended to go to the podium where others were, but first, she decided to quench her thirst. Instead, moving towards the bar, stepping up the counter she perused the options, a lot of which were names she did not know. "Dah...ka...ree? She read out loud, wondering what kind of drink this was.

    WC: 450
    Tag: No one yet


    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
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    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
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    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 18th June 2020, 11:18 pm

    -Mudcrab Cove-

    Finally arriving at the so-called Mudcrab Cove after getting lost along the way, Leona wore a blue one-piece swimsuit that covered everything plus her "chocolate chip" desert camouflage shorts and brown hiking boots with socks. In her right boot was concealed Ses Revanche. She also carried her backpack that included water in her canteen, a short-sleeved shirt to cover the bruising from the gunshot wound on her left shoulder, her Argent Gloves, and a hard three-ring binder that carried a speech that she had spent about eight hours of personal time over three days to write.

    Leona had carried everything she needed, but she had forgotten to put on the short-sleeved shirt to cover the bruising from the gunshot wound she had sustained over three days ago from the fight with pirate captain Hector Espada on a remote island in the Calm Sea region. If she got a chance to do so she would put on the shirt, but right now she did not have time because she was running late. She would just have to hope that her guild members and any guests would not be too alarmed by the bruising on her left shoulder.

    Leona strolled onto the beach and found that Aspen, Yuvon, and Pimwadee were already there and enjoying the amenities that the beach had to offer such as an open bar that served both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, something that Leona would be sure to visit later for a margarita or two. However, that would have to wait. Leona did not want to drink too much before the speech and then do or say something dumb to look like an idiot in front of Silver Wolf and any guests its members had brought. Leona took a deep breath because she was already starting to get nervous about the speech that she would have to make to the guild.

    The speech was significant because in it Leona would discuss the history of the guild and its organization when she had joined, then discuss the growth that had made necessary Silver Wolf's division into three branches. Leona was not sure that she was up to the task of giving a speech without either botching the delivery or boring the audience to sleep. However, as Silver Wolf's Guild Mistress, it was her responsibility to address the guild members. She owed it to the members to tell them about the guild and express pride in how far Silver Wolf had come thanks to the hard work of its Aces and members. They were the ones who had helped bring the guild to its current state of prosperity; Leona was just the one who had given some input and a guiding hand when they were requested.

    Leona felt the wind blow her hair around as she looked around the beach and at each of the three guild members who were currently present. She knew Aspen the Ace, Yuvon the librarian, and Pimwadee; however, she knew Pimwadee the least out of the trio. That was something that she needed to address before the speech. Part of the reason for this event was for guild members to get to know each other, so the Guild Mistress would do just that and speak to guild members she did not yet really know.

    Leona took a deep breath and approached Pimwadee, who was standing at the bar and looking like she was trying to make a selection. The purple-haired mage had a darker skin color than most and an exotic appearance, so she stood out in a crowd. Leona had met her once before when the mysterious Doctor Sunshine had played music in the guild hall but had not yet really gotten to know her because Leona was either out of the guild hall on a job or was holed up in her office doing paperwork of one kind or another. Taking another deep breath and summoning her courage, Leona approached Pimwadee and spoke to her.

    "Hey Pimwadee, how's it going?" Leona asked the purple-haired mage. The Guild Mistress was not sure whether to call the mage "Pimwadee" or simply "Pim", so she opted to use her full name for the time being. The young woman would have to tell her which name she wanted to be called by so that Leona could avoid insulting her by accidentally using the wrong name.

    [Post Word Count: 730]
    [Leona's Personal Word Count: 730]
    [Thread Word Count Total: 2,167]


    Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social] KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Lineage : Mask of Lethe
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    Posts : 23
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Experience : 50

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    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Roboturbo 21st June 2020, 6:08 pm

    (On this beach episode, The Doctor’s inner voice will be voiced by the comedic actor Jim Carrey, enjoy - The management)

    Today truly looks beautiful, Upon arriving the sunny beach of Mudcrab cove, The good doctor feels a sense of ease and relaxation, for this occasion he wears brown swimming boxers, his pair of pelican shaped flip-flops, a wooden Tiki mask with a grinning expression to hide his face and his signature stitched scientist jacket, as he breathes in the luscious salty air from the blue sea, sure... being on the snowy mountains was fine and all, but it gets boring quickly when it’s mostly just seeing the white snow everywhere, and the snowstorms, DEFINITELY the snowstorms, with finally getting to stretch ones legs free, Doctor Sunshine is exited for the things to come, especially with all his brand new prototype inventions to test out!

    (As well as checking out the Smoking ladies!!)

    “Voice!?! Don’t interrupt my monolog!!”

    Doctor sunshine said in maddening iratation

    (Oh come on! I’m just speaking the truth)

    A loud sigh bellows from the Doctor, he then continues speaking

    “Never mind, let’s just see if I brought everything”

    Doctor Sunshine then rummages his hand in one of his jacket’s pockets, the sounds slamming metal and whirling gizmos can be sightly heard, until finally the Doctor pulls out a simple looking picnic basket, with a very fine red bow tied around it’s handle

    (What’s in the picnic basket? trying to catch some bears?)

    Doctor Sunshine profusely shakes his head

    “No no, it’s something I’ll save for later”

    The Doctor holds the straw basket in one hand and searches out the sandy beach, along the way His throat is starting to get parch from the sunny heat

    “(Cough) by golly my throat is getting real thirsty”

    (You remember to bring water with you, Right?)

    A slight tear drop of sweat goes down on the Doctor’s forehead, as he starts to slowly shake his head

    (Well good going ya dunce! You forgot the main source to our survival and now we soon gonna drop dead!)

    The Doctor panics and quickly looks around the area, "HUZZAH!” The Doctor sees his salvation, a bar that serves drinks, with renewed hopes he strives over to the bar, leaving his footprints behind the sand for history to see! (well for a day if your lucky)

    As Dr. Sunshine approaches he can see two familiar figures that he had met before, The Dazzling lady Pimwadee and the honourable guild master Leona, both in appropriate and nice looking swimwear, The Doc for a moment forgetting his thirst decides to reintroduce himself again, he walks up to the two of them in a cheery greeting

    “Ah! Lady Pimwadee and guild master Leona, it’s a pleasure to be both meeting you two again, now as a part of silver wolf”

    he places his picnic basket down besides him and bows down while doing the “Wai” gesturing for greeting to the both of them, showing his respect to Pim’s culture from the first time they met, he slowly raises his head and faces Pimwadee

    “I believe this means “Hello” in your culture?”

    Postword count: 524 words
    Dr. Sunshine’s personal word count: 524 words
    Thread word count total: 3,046

    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
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    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Ling 24th June 2020, 9:06 am

    Mudcrab Cove, a small strip of land with a sandy beach and other curious features on the terrain. It was a pleasant, beautiful area that attracted many, but today it was reserved for Silver Wolf and their interesting sorcerers.

    Somewhere on the outskirts of the beach was none other than Ling, who was formerly nameless and only known as the Phoenix Forest Guardian, but had now been given a name of his own by Pimwadee. She was also attending this event from the looks of it, but instead of fraternizing with his new friend, Ling was in the sand, crouching over something. Despite having such a small amount of presence, he was incredibly easy to spot on such flat terrain. His long white shawl and pretty blonde hair could be seen from a mile away, or in this case, just by the sandy shore. Although he was wearing his white cloak, he was wearing a thin white long-sleeved shirt underneath and grey shorts that stopped at the knee as well. It wasn't the ideal hot summer beach-attire, but it kept him cool enough.


    By himself, Ling was crouched over a sand crab. He was watching it inquisitively, observing it in the shadow he cast over it with his much larger body. It was a pale little thing, apprehensive shifting to and fro in the sand. Despite many others having arrived, the blonde man was actually one of the first people to arrive—he just didn't have the bravery or the nerve to go and fraternize with them. He hardly knew anyone other than Pimwadee, and he didn't see her arrive.

    "It's hot today, isn't it?" said Ling, holding out his hand for the crab the climb on, "I wish I could crawl under the sand like you. It must be nice to live so simply..."

    The sand crab inched its way closer to Ling's hand, drawn by his voice and softness. The blonde man had the unique ability to talk to and understand anything alive, often leaving him in scenarios like this, where he is holding conversations with creatures big and small. In this case, it was nothing more than a small sand crab.

    Post Word Count: 364 | Total Word Count: x | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Shyness: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:


    "I-I guess I could give it a try..."



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    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Pimwadee 5th July 2020, 2:43 am

    If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
    One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
    Pimwadee Chakri

    Deciding against the 'Dah-ka-ree' or 'Daiquiri' as it was spelt on the menu, Pimwadee found herself looking at the other side of the menu. Finding a word that she knew well, in her country was known as 'Maphrāw'. Happy with this revelation, she ordered the drink, trying her best to say the Fiorian name for the drink. It was just as she was paying that she heard a voice address her, glancing over she recognised the young blonde woman was know as Leona Jarnefeldt. "Guild Mistress!" She greeted perkily, turning, she bowed her head at the woman, bringing her hands together in a praying gesture. An act which was her way of saying hello in her culture, She straightened up. "Oh, I'm am not going anywhere, I am going to stay here, on the beach. I love to go to the beach, thank you for such a nice party." She told the woman, completely misunderstanding the meaning behind Leona's greeting.

    Another familiar face, or masked face, would join the pair. The Sunshine Doctor that she had met the other day would approach greeting both of them. Pimwadee's amethyst eyes would widen in surprise as the man greeted her with the appropriate Lhukian hello. She stared in bafflement for a moment, before her face split into an overzealous grin. Whilst she always maintained her culture-based habits, she never expected any of her guildmates to accommodate them, or even reciprocate. The fact that this man was presenting her with the 'Wai' greeting, she almost felt herself getting emotional. She eagerly returned the 'Wai', bowing her hand to him with her palms pressed together, in the same way she had just greeted Leona moments ago. She then straightened up, flushed with happiness and acceptance.

    "Chai ka- Um, I mean yes! This is hello, you did very good to remember." She told him happily, so excited by his action that she had automatically slipped into her mother tongue. She heard the tap of glass on the bar and glanced back, thanking the bartender she picked up her glass. The yellow smoothie with a pineapple pressed into the rim was cool under her fingers. She brought the straw to her lips and took a sip - feeling the sweet fruit flavours coat her tongue. She would make a 'Mmm' sound, eliciting her pleasant surprise at the tastiness of the beverage. She had not expected it to be so flavoursome, yet another interesting discovery in the culture of this land. She made a note to order another when she was done, listing this under the drinks in Fiore that she liked.

    This curious thing called,
    Pina Colada.

    WC: 441 Pim's Total WC: 891
    Tag: @Leona Jarnefeldt , @Roboturbo



    Lineage : Mask of Lethe
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 50

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    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Roboturbo 5th July 2020, 5:03 am

    It seems that the Doctor made a good impression to his fellow guild member, honestly the Doc  was a bit worried if he did the greeting wrong, but upon hearing the bright happy response from lady Pimwadee put his worries at ease, wishing to discuss more with them Doctor Sunshine was about to open his chatter box of a mouth until a sudden wave of dryness prevented him from doing so, Oh of course, he thought, I forgot why I came here for, he lightly tugged on his throat for a small moment as he spoke to the two girls in a course tone

    ”Please, excuse me for a moment..."

    Doctor Sunshine then walked up to the front of the bar, it appears to have a massive selection of drink oddities that the doctor had not seen before, ones like “Angel’s kiss”, “Daiquiri” and “Krungthepmahanakhon Amornrattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilokphop
    Noppharat Ratchathaniburirom Udomratchaniwetmahasathan Amonphiman
    Awatansathit Sakkathattiyawitsanukamprasit”? Is that even a real drink?!

    Regardless it all doesn’t matter to the Doctor right now, all he just needs was a glass of cool and refreshing water containing ice cubes of refreshment and salvation! Doctor Sunshine leans over on the bar table and states his order

    Ah excuse me, Yes can I have a cold non-alcoholic beverage with the satisfying cubes of ice? Oooo! with one of those shrunken umbrellas as well?

    (Ah? Should ya just state you want a glass of cold water?)

    The Doctor taps on his forehead while proudly talking to what appears to be no-one

    Aha! but that’s where your wrong voice, you must be very specific of what you are referencing to, as language is a important invention of communication between all walks of life"

    (I’m just saying it just makes you sound like a crazed nut cracker)

    Not a minute has passed as a cold glass drink, containing ice cubes and a small cup umbrella slides down from the counter as the Doctor catches it with one of his hands, he replayed with a thumbs up as a “Thank you” and picks up his awaited drink, he unbuckles one of the stapes on his tiki mask and slide it back so that his mouth can drink it, with one large “GULP” He chugged the whole thing down and slams the glass down but not to much for it to break, “Ahhh, that hit the spot” as he release a massive cool sigh of relief, he quickly pulls down his mask down and redo the untied strap also takes the small umbrella cup and pockets in his lab coat for later, he turns back to Guild mistress Leona and lady Pimwadee with renewed spirit, he speaks to the two of them again where he left off

    Well I must Admit, it’s very good to see, talk and meet you two again after our last encounter, it really does change the scenery from the high and cold phoenix mountains into the relaxing warm beach resort of Mudcrab cove, though for a place with the name of ‘Mudcrab’ I haven’t seen a single crustacean since first arriving here, I am not complaining of course! as you know crabs can be a bit ’Shellfish’ over these ’Tide’ing times

    A irritated Goran bellows within the Doctor’s Mind (are you ’Sea’ious? Oh great now I’m doing it

    Postword count: 552
    Personal word count: 552
    Threat Word count total: 3,052
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3607
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social]

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 5th July 2020, 11:22 pm

    Leona was glad that she had not completely flaked out and called Pimwadee by the wrong name. Sometimes Leona lived up to the worst stereotypes of her hair color by saying or doing stupid things, as Samira Nassar could testify. Today she might actually manage to get through the gathering without doing anything flagrantly dumb and also make a good impression on her guild members. She should have tried to interact with them more long ago, but Leona was so concerned about building up her personal power to keep Dark Guilds at bay and taking dangerous jobs to prove that she deserved to be a Guild Mistress that she had forgotten to take time to try and be part of the guild.

    Leona had neglected to interact with its members not as a superior, but as a person. She knew little about the older members that had been part of Silver Wolf when she joined and knew even less about the new people like Theo, Aspen, Mercury, Ling, Pimwadee, Doctor Sunshine, and the others. This was her chance to learn a little about each of Silver Wolf's members in an environment where rank was not much of an issue. Leona would not waste it.

    Leona recalled Pimwadee's greeting and the expression of gratitude for this beach party. The Guild Mistress gave a small smile to the purple-haired mage. How this came about was not all Leona's doing. Aspen, Mercury, and Theo had all done their parts to make this event possible and give Leona this valuable chance to be more than the guild's leader in name only. Leona would take it slow and learn more about each member at a natural pace instead of trying to hurry things along by asking too many questions at once.

    "I'm glad that I could help arrange this party, Pimwadee, but don't forget to thank Aspen, Mercury, and Theo too when you see them. My Aces played a big part in making this all possible." Leona expressed her appreciation for Pimwadee's thanks and pointed out the role that the Aces had in it so that they would get their share of the credit. The blonde had relied on that faithful trio more than she cared to admit. They had done more than their share of the paperwork while she was off fighting evil in one corner or another of Earthland and they deserved a lot of credit for making Silver Wolf a success.

    Leona was about to speak to Pimwadee further when a masked man made an appearance, but it was not Yuvon in his trademark golden mask. Instead it was Doctor Sunshine in a tiki mask... he was the fellow she had met in the guild hall the same day as she had met Pimwadee. Leona was surprised to see Doctor Sunshine reciprocate the gesture of greeting that Pimwadee had given her, indicating that the newcomer knew some things about the culture that the purple-haired mage had come from. Leona did not even know the culture's name and now was not the best time to ask... she did not want to come across as desperate.

    The doctor remarked how different Mudcrab Cove was from the Phoenix Mountains and Leona carefully used that as a segue into her greeting to him.

    "Thanks for coming to the party, Doctor Sunshine. And you're right. This place is a lot different from the Phoenix Mountains because it's warm and the sand is beautiful. I also like how blue the water is." Leona said to the doctor and chatted up Mudcrab Cove's virtues, being careful not to brag by talking about her trips to Crescent Island, that tropical paradise that brought in tourists by the literal boatload each and every day. She kind of liked Crescent Island and so far she liked Mudcrab Cove. It was a welcome change from the unrelenting cold of the Phoenix Mountains and the heat was bearable for a desert dweller like herself. She would give Pimwadee and Doctor Sunshine a chance to speak before speaking further or changing the topic.

    [Post Word Count: 678]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,408]
    [Thread Word Count: 3,730]


    Beach Party! [Silver Wolf Guild Social] KjmbioC

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