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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Gaia 15th February 2020, 11:31 pm

    The Divine Mage
    It had been quite some time since Gaia came back to Rose Garden. She actually didn’t remember the last time she had come here! Was it when Kyran and her had just gotten married and they got roped into delivering chocolates. A hummed laughter came from the dark haired girl as she pushed up her glasses. She was on her way to the little busy city in a carriage as she glanced out the window. The twins were being watched over by a highly trusted babysitter as Gaia was out and about. In all honesty, the tarot mage wondered if there was something going on like last year in Rose Garden. After slightly working for the chocolate company in Rose Garden, the mage had found a liking for their chocolates and ordered some every so often. She wanted to go in and try some this go round.

    To actually make this visit a bit more worth it, the Sabertooth mage and Dagger Corps Library Manager had asked her husband to come with her to have some fun and go on a possible date. She was honestly expecting something to go wrong once again during their date, but she expected it. Something always went wrong during their dates. Why would this one be any different? She had on a pink, short, strapless dress with a little black band at the waist. The skirt of the dress was a lighter shade of pink and had a couple layers of the dress to make it seem puffier. She had a red purse which had her tarot cards in them, and her staffs were there in a pocket dimension for her to gather. No way was she going to be under prepared for any attack.

    As soon as she stepped out of the carriage, letting her black heel touch the ground gingerly, a few people looked over at her. A few girls recognized the dress style as Olgas style, and the dancer smirked. Of course it was Olga’s. That was all she wore as her official model. Even after having her twins. Gaia was helping Olga spread out her fashion lines, giving her a maternity and pregnancy clothing options while still looking rather fashionable and functionable. She pushed some of her hair behind her ear and walked over towards a fountain that had a pair of fish spewing out water. This was where she was to meet Kyran. A smile formed on her lips as she thought of the song he sang to her once before after they started dating when he introduced her to his friend, Yona. “I'll swim and sail on savage seas... With ne'er a fear of drowning…” Her forte wasn’t singing, it was dancing, so she resulted in trying to hum the song again. She wished she heard her husband singing more. She enjoyed his singing voice, even when she was annoyed with him. She turned around and sat on the ledge of the fountain rather delicately, waiting patiently for her husband to arrive for her.

    Her burnt sienna eyes looked around the area, spying the many couples together enjoying their dates and having fun with one another. If only she could have the same. She didn’t care fully about that though! So long as she got her chocolates! She wanted to taste some new flavors in person, hoping there were some available.
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
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    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Posts : 643
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    Age : 29
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    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Kyran 19th February 2020, 3:03 pm

    Kyran scowled at the paperwork in front of him. How had this all gotten so out of hand? He checked the time on the clock. He was going to be late! Gaia was going to kill him! He'd only intended to stop into the WFTC Rose Garden Branch for a moment. Since ascending to CEO suddenly and unexpectedly, the redhead had tried to make the rounds to every office. Most were in good shape, ready for the regime change. Others, however... were like this branch. Disorganized, unprepared, riding out the curtails of the WFTC. The redhead threw the papers off the desk. He pinched his nose as several assistants scurried to clean it all up. "Galahad, I'm leaving you in charge here. Whip them into shape." Kyran ordered his aide. The blonde muscular man bowed. Galahad was a strong silent type that always dressed impeccably. Kyran still wondered at the marvel of an aide. He didn't even have just one. He had a whole staff of them now.

    Kyran stepped out the door of the Rose Garden branch. Another blonde man stepped up beside him. The WFTC CEO sighed heavily. "Enough, Lancelot! I'm going to meet my wife for a date! Not stepping down some godsforsaken alley on a suicide mission! I don't need a flipping bodyguard!" The blonde man stood impassively. There wasn't a single reaction to his boss' tirade. Kyran grit his teeth. Sometimes the aides thought they were bodyguards. However... Lancelot couldn't fly. The redhead smiled mischievously, launching himself into the air. The demons cackled as Lancelot attempted to follow Kyran. The poor man was quickly lost from sight.

    Kyran spotted Gaia easily. She was near a fountain - their meeting point. As he soared lower, he heard something on the wind. Gaia was singing! A familiar tune too. His lips quirked upward. The redhead was glad his wife could still surprise him. Alighting upon the fountain, Kyran continued the song. "And gladly ride the waves of life, If you would marry me. No scorching sun nor freezing cold, Will stop me on my journey, If you will promise me your heart." The redhead gently took his wife's hand. Leaning down, he kissed it and continued to sing. "And love me for eternity." Kyran smiled, bowing low to his wife. A few of the couples around them began applauding. Kyran's ears burned bright red, nearing disappearing into his hair. The other couples had vanished in his mind when he serenaded his wife.

    "Can...can we get out of here now?" He asked, trying to put Gaia between him and the applause. Despite being a CEO now, Kyran was still a loner. He didn't like the attention nor did he ever want it. He put up with it for his job when he needed to. Only because it was required though. "Maybe I can throw one of the demons at them and they'll go away?" He half-joked. His hand was already in the pocket of his coat. It wasn't the worst option. The demons clamored in his mind to be released. Eae sighed, leaning against the side of his mind. Kyran could feel her disapproving stare. "You did have plans for this date, didn't you? What's up first?" The stress hit his voice, causing it to crack. The redhead grimaced. They needed to move along before things got bad.

    WC: 560



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    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Experience : 450,578

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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Gaia 25th February 2020, 11:32 pm

    The Divine Mage
    An audible gasp came from the tarot mage as she looked up to see her husband on the fountain. As soon as she saw him, her face lit up in delight and a grin spread across her lips. She let him take her hand, and giggles a little. She was about to attempt to continue the song, but the applause distracted her. She glanced around, then looked back to her husband to see his blushing face. She smiled all too brightly at him as she was enjoying him being a bit embarrassed. She leaned up on her toes and reached an arm up to wrap around his neck before she pulled him down to her level and kissed him square on the lips after he asked his question. This caused the crowd to let up a few whistles at them before she nodded her head.

    “Sure! We can go now. I’m wanting my chocolates now that I had a taste of sweetness~” She teased him as she grabbed his hand with one of hers as she started yanking him away with her in a brisk walk. Her other hand was pointing at him with the other hand. “You keep those demons locked up or so help me I’ll beat you.” She threatens. Her tone of voice was indicating it wasn’t the ‘fun’ kind of beating either. “First up! We’re going to that company we worked for last Valentines day here~ I want more chocolates from them and to get new ones!” She says as she throws a fist up in the air. This woman was very determined to get her chocolates now, especially since her husband was here.

    Their sudden departure had the other couples, that had slightly gathered around, to start going on their own ways. They had realized it wasn’t a show and were a little disappointed. Gaia slowed down her quick pace to wrap her arm around Kyrans and lean her head on his shoulder. “I love your singing voice…” She admits and happily sighs loudly. She honestly did wish he would sing more for her when she didn't ask for it. Hugging his arm tight, Gaia looks around Rose Garden and all the shops that were out and about. "The store is up ahead." She reminded him while getting excited again for her chocolates. She was keeping her eyes out for children who wanted to steal her chocolates now, someone trying to mooch off of her, and someone resenting Valentine's day again. She honestly wasn't in the mood to deal with that again.

    Luckily, fortune would have it that none of them at least showed up as they traveled to the warehouse of the chocolate company. She lets go of his arm once more to grab hold of his hand as she starts to go ahead again. “C’mon, Kyran!” She excitedly looks back to her husband as she pulled him along with her.

    She reached the door just as someone was coming out and looked to her. It was the man who had gotten Gaia and Kyran to deliver the chocolates last year. He looks at the two for a moment before his face lights up. “It's you two!” He says in a happy voice. “I’m actually really glad I ran into you two of all people!” He says as Gaia tilted her head slightly to the side while raising an eyebrow. He instantly pulls out a flyer that was in his arms and looks eagerly to the two after presenting Gaia with it. She skimmed it over with her Gale force glasses while he talked. “Basically, we need couples to get temporarily married,” his says while glancing to the ring on their hands. “... or them going as guests at a wedding to test our catering services! We want to expand to weddings! Isn’t that nice?!”

    “I was kind of hoping to get some more of Fiore’s Fine Chocolates…” Gaia mumbles a little. She pursed her lips a bit as she looked back to the man. He was grinning as he pointed a finger gun at her. “I can guarantee that after you do this, you’ll be given a good few boxes of whatever chocolates we have that you want on top of being properly paid.” Gaia pursed her lips as she looked to the flyer, then to Kyran. She glared a little to her husband, but not in a bad way. The way one glares when they’re thinking of something intently. “Get paid to have a date at a fake wedding? I’m game. Though, I’d like to be in a wedding dress again, I don’t think we could do a fake wedding with people, so I guess I’d be okay with being a guest.” She grins as she looks to the man again. She was waiting on Kyrans answer now.
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
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    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Posts : 643
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Kyran 1st March 2020, 1:42 pm

    Kyran chuckled softly as Gaia yanked him forward. Never underestimate the draw of good chocolate for a woman. He had a feeling he knew where they were going. There was a company they'd worked for the year before that dealt in chocolate. Gaia confirmed his suspicion seconds later. He also found some amusement in her assertion about the demons. It wasn't unwarranted. The demons had caused all sorts of grief. Come now, you enjoy it. Medea purred. She does too Kyran barely stopped from responding. It was what the cat wanted. Distract him from the date at hand.

    He placed a hand on Gaia's arm. Singing brought him joy. Almost as much joy as writing and Gaia did. However, the comfort level he needed to actually sing was difficult to achieve. It made him feel like he was putting out a beacon. Many eyes turned to him once he began singing. He hated that. Still, Kyran wanted Gaia to be happy too. "I'll endeavour to sing a little more often, my love." He promised. The redhead kissed his wife's head. Aw, isn't that sweet? Makes me sick Malinda hissed, slithering about his mind. The demons surely knew how to ruin a moment. He'd be glad if his current research panned out. The demons could be pulled from his head on a whim. Perhaps even be punished for misbehaving too.

    As Gaia started to rush toward the store, Kyran laughed. He stepped forward, sweeping Gaia into his arms. A few more steps caused him to jolt forward with increased speed. He set her down near the door as someone exited the building. He looked familiar but the redhead couldn't place the face. That skill needed to improve rapidly. As the VP of WFTC, recognizing people quickly seemed like something he needed to know. The man clearly recognized them though. He spoke rapidly, already holding out a flyer. Kyran's head spun. What? He wanted them to test out services - specifically, wedding ones? Couldn't he have been around earlier for their wedding? Hindsight makes everyone jealous. Erebos giggled in his ear. The demons were determined to interrupt this date in whatever way possible.

    Gaia haggled to get chocolate in return for testing the services. Kyran couldn't argue with her logic either. They'd get paid for their date. The redhead shrugged. "I see no harm. One thing. Just a precaution. My involvement in this is personal in nature. The WFTC is, in no way, required to endorse your business through my involvement. However, if you'd like to expand rapidly, get your goods to more places or perhaps have other uses for a large trading company - please don't hesitate to contact the West Fiore Trading Company." He was getting good at this jargon. A business card flipped out into his hand. The man hesitantly took it. Kyran smiled brightly then offered his arm to Gaia. "Shall we be on our way? I'm sure there are many things for us to test." Malinda chuckled in his ear. You could ask to test out a wedding bed. Ooo! Or better yet have Gaia try out some lingerie. We all know how much you love her in that. Kyran blushed at the demon's suggestions. Damn. They still knew how to get him.

    WC: 547



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    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Gaia 4th March 2020, 11:35 am

    The Divine Mage
    The tarot mage smiled to her husband as he said he’d try to sing a little more. “Even if it’s in private, I’ll be okay with that. I just love hearing your singing.” She beams rather happily as her head is kissed. She was excited to get going and honestly wasn’t expecting Kyran to pick her up. Her cheeks dusted a light pink as she looked up to him. The tarot mage buried her head into his shoulder for a moment while he used his increased speed, and laughed a little bit at it. Once he used to be nervous about touching her it seemed, but now he had absolutely no issues. Her burnt sienna eyes looked up to him, and shown with absolute delight and admiration for her husband.

    After coming in contact with the man with the flyers for the fake wedding, the little mage was excitedly waiting for Kyrans response. What he said though, made her cheeks flush and her eyes go a little wide as she was trying to hide her smile while biting her bottom lip. She couldn’t hide the smile. She grabbed his arm after he offered it to her after he gave the man a card. “Absolutely not going to lie… That was quite sexy. And I’m turned on a bit.” She tells him as they were walking to where they needed behind the man. The man had put the card in a pocket on his own jacket, and was leading them towards where the wedding and it’s reception was going to be held at. Gaia smiles sweetly to her husband and looks around. “I think I like the fact you’ve become a CEO... “ Her eyes slyly glanced to her husband as they walked. She saw him blushing already at something, and leaned in close to him. “What did the little monsters in your head suggest? Maybe we can after this wedding is over?” She murmurs softly for only him to hear her.

    Other plans were now already forming in the short mage’s mind, but whatever it was that the demons thought of, maybe, just maybe, she could grant that too. It all depended on what it was the demons had thought of. The reception was honestly pretty basic with the set up. White everywhere with white wooden folding chairs out in a garden and flowers at the entrance and exit of the isle for the bride to walk down. The groom was standing up by the priest, and everyone was dressed rather fancily. Gaia held onto Kyran’s arm and led him to a pair of seats in the back for them to sit down at. She quietly cuddled up to Kyran as the music begun playing, and leaned up to his ear. “I think I want to watch you work a bit…” She batted her eyes up to him as she gave him a sweet smile. She really didn’t want him to tell her no, but she knew that some company deals were gonna be hush hush for her. Really, she just wanted to see him in action as a CEO and being a leader.

    That was something she thought she didn’t care about after growing up around it and her parents being apart of that scene. Guess she still had a spot for that deep down that didn’t resent it. She cuddled close to Kyran till the bride had come out, in which she stood up with the rest of the crowd. She looked familiar to her. And it only took the other woman looking to Gaia that she recognized her. She was Leila! Gaia’s Makeup Artist with Olga! She would have to ask Leila later if she was married for real now, or if it was just a mock for her. Regardless, the purple haired woman looked absolutely stunning in the wedding dress. She had lightly clapped her hands and put her hands over her mouth as she seemed excited.

    The ceremony went by smoothly without a hitch, then the reception was to come. She squeezed Kyran’s hand a bit and dragged him off with her towards Leila. “Gaia!” “Leila!” The women had quickly hugged and giggled a bit. “Please tell me Olga knows?! And that this is an Olga dress?” Gaia bit her bottom lip nervously. Leila’s lips twist to a grimace and she shook her head. “She’ll kill me.” It was Gaia’s turn to mimic the other’s facial expression. “Fake?” “Fake.” Both the girls seemed to calm down a little, but Gaia snorted and pointed to her friend. “Olga’s still gonna kill you.” Both of them nodded before Gaia turned to Kyran. “Kyran, this is Leila Bungel, my make up artist when I go to do modeling sessions with Olga.” She turned to Leila now. “Leila, this is my husband, Kyran Dyer.” She muses happily to her friend.

    Leila smiles back to Kyran and holds out her hand. “Thank you for taking care of Gaia and being so good to her. Your babies are really adorable as well. I can only hope to get my own one day with my Mr. Right.” The purple haired woman was playfully swooning and giggling to the two. “My parents are here, I should go say hi to them and ask what they liked and didn’t like about this wedding for when they want to see the real thing one day.” She muses before she picked up her dress and started going over to an older couple. Gaia turned her attention back to Kyran, and smiled to him. “What do you think?” She questions curiously.
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
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    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Kyran 9th March 2020, 4:29 pm

    Kyran blinked at Gaia's assertion. Being business-like was a turn-on? That was a head scratcher. Of course, it did seem like he was constantly learning new things about Gaia. He merely smiled mysteriously at his wife. Perhaps he'd be more official more often. As the demons and Gaia started to tease him, Kyran's face went as red as his hair. He nearly used his magic to mask his face. "I don't know who's worse" He finally whispered. "You or them."

    Gaia's request came at a surprise. Kyran looked down at her. "I don't even like working. Why would you want to watch?" He asked bluntly. Most of what he did was mountains of paperwork. He'd barely had any time to write anything. "It's really mountains of paperwork. Not fun for anyone, watching or working on it." He looked around the little setup. Perhaps he could do a little work here. The WFTC held multiple resources. They could ease movement of all the goods, allow various vendors to expand their area of influence. Before he was able to step away, Gaia yanked him in another direction. "Why don't you get me a leash?" He asked sullenly.

    A girl conversation went rapidly between Gaia and a stranger. He didn't follow a word of it. Clearly, the girls knew each other from something though. "Hello, Leila" He said, shaking her hand. "And perhaps take a little time with 'Mr. Right' first. Kids might be adorable but they suck away all your time." Kyran laughed softly. He waved as Leila walked away. Gaia's sudden turn and question afterward was terrifying. The expectation suffocated him. Could he give a negative answer? Would he be choked for any answer other than perfect? Better not screw this up~ Medea sang in his ear. The cat's tail was moving back and forth slowly. She was sensing weakness. Or rather Kyran's overwhelming fear of his wife's wrath. "Uh... um... she's... great?" Hopefully that was a satisfying enough answer.

    Time for a distraction. "So Olga... I haven't heard much about her in the professional world. Perhaps the WFTC can help spread her product? Most of what I've seen is rather impressive. I'd love to help the world see her stuff." He suggested, gently taking Gaia's hands. Real smooth. She isn't going to see right past that one at all Erebos said sarcastically. He ignored the demon. That wasn't the end of his pitch. "We can get your face out there too. Show the world a woman can be beautiful, smart, a mom and still do it all!" Smooth save... Not. Just tell her the truth. Leila is a horrible bleep with a nice ass. Malinda hissed, slithering about his mind. Kyran could only hope Gaia didn't see through anything.

    WC: 459
    TWC: 1566/4000



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

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    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Gaia 12th March 2020, 4:21 pm

    rolling for dance whooo boi i'm a lil scared for gaia



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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by NPC 12th March 2020, 4:21 pm

    The member 'Gaia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) R2fEWNz

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Gaia 12th March 2020, 8:34 pm

    The Divine Mage
    The little tarot mage begun giggling happily as her husband got embarrassed over her teasing him, and leaned her head on his arm a little. “I’ll say them since they’re more of a pain in the ass.” She snickers. As he questioned why she’d like to watch, and tried to deter her away from wanting to do so, she let go of his arm and took a step back. She placed a hand on her hip as she took a deep breath. “Kyran Dyer.” She says in a stern voice. “Do you not remember what my background is? I was born into the world of paperwork and boring things. I could honestly take over my father's company if I wished to, but I enjoy my career as a part time model, a library manager at Dagger Corps Library, and an Ace of the Sabertooth Guild to want to deal with that. Besides! My manager position and my position as an Ace are both paperwork heavy as well. Don’t forget, I can read fast, which helps speed up the task.” She mentions as she reaches a hand up to touch the arm of her glasses, wiggling them slightly as if to remind him that her glasses were gale force glasses.

    After the ceremony, and Gaia dragged Kyran towards the ‘bride’ of the show, she snorts to his comment. “Oh hush! We can go where you want after this.” She had pouted to him a bit. She introduced her friend, and coworker and Kyran advised her to do one step at a time, snickering a little as Leila let up a whine. “I’ll eventually find him! Ciao!” She giggled before going off to her parents. Gaia realized that her question was apparently read wrong, and pinched her nose. “I know you won’t like my friends too much, I don’t like yours too too well myself, but I was meaning about the little ceremony here? The reception is going to be soon.” She pointed behind him as the chairs, that everyone had just been sitting in not too long ago, were being moved to tables that were all being set up on the side. “This is what we’re going to be helping out with today. The catering.” She softly chuckles to him.

    As he proposed helping Olga get her things out, Gaia shrugged her shoulders. “I think you have heard of her. She’s Olga Wilson, the designer of Wilson fashions. She owns her own boutique in… oh crap! Here! And has a second one in the mall in Crocus with her more affordable designs. I model in high end fashion magazines in her designs, been in a good few fashion shows on the LacrimaVison, and she has a couple other models who personally work for her.” She taps her chin a bit as she pointed to her husband. “How about after I get my chocolates, we go see Olga at her boutique to see what she says. I know she won’t turn down getting supplies and materials, especially ones that can be made into affordable clothes. She’s probably brewing up a new dress for me as we speak in her studio behind the boutique though.” The bespeckled mage mused with that thought.

    She shook her head and turned to go towards a table. There she had sat down for a moment once again as others were gathering around. A DJ station was being wheeled over and Gaia looked towards where the chairs had been cleared from before. They were laying down some sort of mat. Leila had gone up to the DJ and whispered something to the guy, and a moment later, Leila had made her way back to Gaia to grab her hands. “Come here, I have a surprise for you!” She dragged her friend onto the dance floor, and both the girls looked to Kyran. “You can come and join too! Gaia, you lead!” She says as she steps back a couple steps. The mage blinks a moment, honestly confused. She was on the edge of the mat, and everyone else was in various areas around the mat. Leila wanted to have at least Gaia be the center of this little stage.

    The music started up, making Gaia blink a little once again before she smirked over to her friend. She quickly kicked off her heels and pushed them to the side. Yeah, she could have danced in them, but she felt she needed to be a little freer this time around. She closed her eyes and let her feet start moving to the beat of the song. Effortlessly, she stood on her toes and fell into an easy rhythm that matched the grace of the song. She started out slow, same as the song, then started to simply burst alive more and more as the song progressed, keeping her same elegance and grace. A grin was on her lips as she already felt herself being calm and completely in her element. She knew she had to have a talk with Kyran before that she danced for her enjoyment, and that it was one of her hobbies that made her happy.

    If the CEO of the West Fiore Trading Company joined his wife on the dance floor, that would be up to him, but right now Gaia focused on herself and the music that was playing around her. Leila was seeming the most excited about her dancing out of all the people attending this wedding, because she knew the power of this dancer. She had watched her win a modeling contest with her moves. A simple party like this shouldn’t have been something big, but Gaia was going all out in her dancing, and the floor seemed to be enhancing it a little more as she moved. Like it knew her movements and how to improve her with ease, not that Gaia needed much help to begin with. Gaia seemed like she was able to work with, or without a partner, regardless, with how she danced.

    Gaia made her way off of the mat as soon as the song ended, and was quietly chuckling to herself as she put her shoes back on her feet. “You did that on purpose… but that song was quite refreshing.” She smiles to the purple haired girl, who simply smiled and hugged her friend. “I’m glad you had fun. Please also enjoy the rest of the party for me?” “Only if you also have fun too.” Gaia points to her friend before she went to hug her husband a bit.
    HP: 500/500
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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Kyran 26th March 2020, 12:29 pm

    For the Cake Eating



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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by NPC 26th March 2020, 12:29 pm

    The member 'Kyran' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Kyran 26th March 2020, 12:55 pm

    Correction: This is for the Cake Eating



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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by NPC 26th March 2020, 12:55 pm

    The member 'Kyran' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Kyran 26th March 2020, 7:44 pm

    Kyran rubbed his chin as his wife kindly reminded him of her pedigree. He didn't want to back down. Having Gaia watch would be... distracting. He could barely keep his head in his work as it was. If his wife watched, they'd be alone. Finally, after months of dealing with their twins. Malinda hissed in appreciation and approval. The demon seemed to sense exactly where Kyran's mind was going. Even if this date went off and they ended up doing what the demons had suggested earlier, Kyran wasn't sure he could keep his hands off Gaia when they were alone. They had such precious little time where it was just them in private. The redhead ran a hand through his hair. Ignoring that little snag, he truly didn't have a good reason to say no. Gaia was asking for something relatively simple. There were multiple balls and social events he now had to attend for work as well. It wouldn't hurt to bring her along. Well, assuming there weren't various mishaps that were wont to happen.

    The redhead sighed heavily. There happened to be another thing he was ignoring. Provided he wasn't dealing with sensitive information - say about Onyx Moon - Gaia would be a great asset. As she had pointed out, she had a pair of Gale Force glasses. She'd be capable of skimming documents and summarizing them for him. It might cut down the massive workload he had to tackle. All the branch offices had to be brought up to date still. Given his recent experience, Gaia could help him cut down the amount of time that might take. Weeks and months would turn into days. Kyran ran his hand through his hair again. "Fine. I guess I don't really have a reason to stop you." He admitted grudgingly. "But I'm not responsible for what happens the first time we're alone. He smiled crookedly before continuing on his way.

    When Gaia insisted that Kyran knew Olga in some capacity, he scratched the back of his neck. Wilson fashions rang a slight bell. However, he was suddenly in charge of a trading company. There were hundreds of small business partners. Then the major ones which constantly demanded something or another from him. Every one wanted handouts. He'd been thrust into political landscape he didn't know how to navigate. "I honestly don't know the name, hun. I don't watch LacrimaVision and I'm still struggling to memorize all of the West Fiore Trading Company's partners. Maybe if you had asked me before I was thrust into the position of CEO, I would have remembered it." He sighed rubbing his forehead. Even with all those partners, WFTC was limited in scope. They focused mainly on guard jobs and movement of goods. He hoped to increase that scope in some capacity. "I do hope she goes for it. Those dresses are amazing and should be available across Fiore. Even into other countries if we can help her well enough."

    Despite being new to running a trade business, Kyran was learning fast. Mentally, the redhead already compiled a list of branch offices. Each accessed warehouses holding fabric that Olga could use. Some had access to venues that could be used for fashion shows. If he pushed to outlying countries, he could utilize the water fleet. Otherwise, they could focus on the massive caravan within Fiore. Maybe. He couldn't be sure without checking a few facts. Regardless, the wheels were already spinning in his head. In fact, they spun so fast, Kyran didn't notice Gaia going out onto the dance floor.

    The CEO raised his head to impart his partial plan to his wife. Seeing her missing, Kyran whipped around. Where was she? Were rivals, cartels, gangs, mafias already coming after him? His magical pressure leaked in his panic. A few nearby employees groaned in response. The redhead struggled to get his panic under control before he knocked someone unconscious. She's gone... Erebus whispered in his ear. They took her. They challenge your dominance... Medea piped in. Ahriman howled at the back of his mind. Rip! Kill! Destroy! She is OURS! Kyran heaved, now struggling on two fronts. His eyes flashed through a myriad of colors. He could feel his facial features attempting to change. The demons hooted, laughing. They had him. Eae was sequestered against the bottom of his mind. She couldn't breathe reason into his madness.

    Then he spotted her. She flowed about the dance floor. His breath was stolen by her sheer beauty. The demons howled, feeling their imminent defeat. Kyran kept his focus on Gaia. His body moved toward her without conscious thought. She drew him in, simply by being Gaia. The WFTC CEO stepped in behind his wife. His body didn't know how to dance, but it knew how to fight. People had told him it was remarkably similar. The redhead rested his hands on Gaia's hips. He let the motion of her body lead the motion of his. He lowered his head to put his cheek against hers. Then the music took over. It taught his body where to go as much as Gaia's motions did. Kyran let the scent of Gaia and the ambiance of the music calm his terror. The demons hung their heads. They couldn't defeat the effect Gaia had upon their host.

    Kyran let Gaia go when she went to get her shoes. He managed to follow her off the mat. Spotting a cake, the redhead shook off the last of his attack. Kyran hugged Gaia back. He put his mouth near her ear. "You know, our wedding cake wasn't all that appetizing. Perhaps we should try a real one? Then we can grab your chocolates and go meet Olga." This time, Kyran dragged Gaia over. The wedding cake was a nice royal blue, with yellow frosting. The topper looked like a small castle. As the redhead watched, small figures came out of the castle to dance across the top of the cake. The company had really gone all out for this. The redhead smiled, taking a piece from the table. He snatched up a fork. "Open up!" He said, aiming to put a forkful into her mouth. He didn't quite get all of it in but it was better than nothing. Kyran smiled, putting the plate down to grab a napkin. "Was it better than ours?" He asked, dabbing the frosting off her cheek.

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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Gaia 29th March 2020, 9:15 am

    The Divine Mage
    A sweet smile stayed on Gaia's lips as she watched her husband seem to ponder her comments of watching him while he worked. She honestly was thinking he'd try to tell her 'no' or make up an excuse for why she couldn't. She batted her eyes to him as she waited for his response. A grin slipped on her lips as he ran his fingers through his hair and accepted her helping him and watching him. She hugged his arm a little and nods. "Of course! But know I also take my work very seriously." She says as she holds up a finger and closes her eyes for a moment, opening one barely to look at him as she smirked herself.

    As Kyran insisted that he didn't know Olga, Gaia pouted to him. "She was at our wedding! She and Leila were there together!" She had groaned. "The short black haired woman with big round glasses!" She was trying to jog her husband's memory a bit now. She didn't push too much as she was dragged to the dance floor by Leila. She hadn't noticed her husband's freakout while she danced. In fact, she barely noticed when he came up behind her and begun dancing with her. Regardless of him not knowing how to dance, he would seem like a pro like her with the magic of the dance floor taking up his feet and helping him out, but she still led though, knowing the dance before the floor did and making it follow her as well. A bigger smile was on her lips as she noticed that it was Kyran dancing with her. She would accept no other partner during this event. She danced with a bit more vigor when Kyran was dancing with her, though she was surprised he even came to dance if she were honest. Attention was on him.

    "You danced in front of a crowd." She comments just before he got close to her ear. She lightly blushed as she glanced up to him. "What? Our cake was fine." She snorts to him, but perked an eyebrow regardless. "Cake does sound great though." She was going to lean up to give him a kiss when he had started to drag her. She honestly didn't expect him to do so. She looked at the cake and snorts at the colors. She did like hers better. "I think we should renew our vows next year if the company does this again." She says just before she watched the moving castle topper. She tilted her head a bit at it. Interesting. Maybe that part was cute at least. She looked over to Kyran as he grabbed a piece of cake, and she giggled to him, opening her mouth. Some had gotten on the edge of her lips, and some started to fall, but most of it got in her mouth while the little bit that fell off the fork, luckily ended up in her hand. The bit that fell in her hand, she popped it right in her mouth as Kyran reached for a napkin.

    She smiles to his question about the cake being better than theirs, and lightly shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe, but it's not really the flavor I like. I prefer red velvet marble. If this cake had red velvet marble, then probably would have been better. You give it a try." She says as she grabs the fork herself, holding a hand under it and bringing it to Kyran's mouth. "Open up." She smiles sweetly to her husband as she fed him the piece of cake, a bit better than he did her, and then glanced over the crowd. "This was a lot of fun, semi makes me sad we had such a small wedding." She giggles as she looks back to her husband. "But, our wedding was still better." She mused.

    Putting the fork back down, Gaia grabbed Kyran's hand and smiled to him. "Let's go find that Fiore's Fine Chocolate employee again, give him the review of the catering and ask him about that chocolate he promised us for coming here." She eagerly sways from side to side as she was ready to get her chocolates now! No one was going to stop her, unless Kyran wanted her to wait for some reason. She somewhat doubted that though. She then paused as she looked to Kyran. "Hey, our first date without issues really!" She beamed happily up to him before she hugged him again.
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
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    Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them) Empty Re: Wedding Bells Ring (but not for them)

    Post by Kyran 7th April 2020, 9:49 pm

    "So I did..." Kyran murmured in response, still in a daze. His mind still scrambled to find a purchase in sanity. The demons weren't helping either. They pushed and pulled, scratched and whined, trying to sent him over the edge. His demon slayer lacrima pulsed with angry energy. The redhead let the scent of his wife wash over him. Yes, the world had problems. Yes, he had things he needed to deal with. Yes, he'd faced one of his greatest fears just now. All of that could wait though. What mattered right here, right now was this date. Making sure as much as he could that Gaia enjoyed herself. Eae shoved the demons behind her. Her hands gently caressed his mind, helping him calm down.

    The redhead cocked his head at Gaia's idle suggestion. Renew their vows hmm? Not a bad idea except the boys would be hitting their terrible twos. Or was it horrible ones? Better not mention to Gaia he'd already forgotten how old their children were. Eae giggled softly in his mind. He willed her not to give him the answer. "Not a bad idea, my love. Would we repeat the first night too?" He teased, gently poking her in the side. The calm was starting to settle in. His body was relaxing slowly finally recognizing there was no danger. Then a plate shattered. Ahriman leapt forward turning Kyran's irises a deep red. His body tensed again. His eyes darted about. Where was the danger? Calm, master Kyran. You are safe. Gruen can't touch you here. No enemies will attack you here. Even if they did, you've become powerful. Gaia has become powerful. Do not doubt that the two of you can protect each other. The seraph's words laid soothingly against his agitated mind. He was able to pull himself back together before they reached the cake. His hand was steady enough to feed his wife a piece.

    Gaia's reply about the cake had Kyran furrowing a brow. He'd have to file that information away for her birthday. He handed her the napkin, not trusting his hands. They still shook slightly. Kyran felt more likely to poke Gaia painfully then to wipe away the icing smeared on her lip. She fed him a piece in turn. He had to agree with her. "No, ours was better. Too bad I don't know who made it. Spreading cake would be an interesting application of my new powers as CEO." He spread his arms. "I feel like I can find someone I can help out everywhere I go now. Perhaps... I can eventually use this power to help kids. Kids going through what we did." Kyran clenched his fingers into a fist. It had never truly dawned on him the amount of power he held now. The amount of lives he could touch on a daily basis astounded the slayer.

    The revelation was pushed aside quickly. Otherwise, Kyran would have launched into full work mode. He didn't want to take away from this date though. His head shook in response to Gaia's musings. "I could not have handled a bigger wedding. Besides, we had everyone that mattered there. Friends and family." Kyran chuckled softly when Gaia made her declaration. "Definitely. Especially since..." He wrapped his arms around her. "I got the greatest treasure, most beautiful princess and the best badass around to keep for myself that day." He kissed her nose. "I love you." The demons moaned, some retched inside his mind at the sweetness. Kyran smiled widely at their complaining. It was music to his ears. The wind slayer gently began guiding his wife back toward Fiore's Fine Chocolates.

    The anxiety issue weighed upon the CEO of WFTC as they walked. He knew it wasn't a recent development. It was something that had merely been aggravated by various events. Gruen reappearing, Cecelia being alive, discovering he had a daughter, his daughter dying - well, dying again, after being animated as a zombie - becoming an Ace then CEO within a short amount of time. It had all added up, increasing the pressure on Kyran with no real release to decompress. This date might have been the first real break he'd gotten. The redhead worried that his anxiety would become a problem for his family. If the pressure kept building as it had been, he'd blow up on them. Without any warning, it'd seem like it came from nowhere. How to brooch the subject though? Don't. Let it steam, boil over and make your head explode! Erebos murmured before bursting into a round of evil cackling. Malinda slid over his mind. She didn't say a word, merely dropped her coils around his brain. Kyran hissed as she started squeezing. Medea scratched the walls of his mind. Ahriman howled continuously. It wasn't hard to figure out what they were doing. He growled. "Alright, enough." The redhead said, send a pulse of demon slayer magic through his own body. The demons shrieked retreating into the recesses of his mind. Kyran looked at Gaia. His cheeks colored. He'd forgotten she was walking beside him. It happened sometimes when he retreated too deeply into his own head. "Sorry, the demons..." The explanation seemed poor. Kyran took a deep breath. "I... I need to... tell you something. Uh, I'm struggling. With uh..." He gestured to his head. "Not the demons... just... ya know... something else." It was the best he couldn't come up with. The words weren't coming. It seemed impossible to quantify his current issue. How did one explain the little jittery feeling behind his sternum with every little issue?

    Hopefully, that incomplete explanation would do for now. The shop was coming into view before them. The redhead scratched the back of his head. "We'll talk about it later. Let's do the review and get your chocolate." He was forgetting something. Eae nudged his mind. Olga, Master Kyran Kyran snapped his fingers. "Right, thank you, Eae. Visiting Olga's boutique too." He used his wind magic to open the door. Bowing slightly to Gaia, he gestured her through with a smile. "After you, my lady." Kyran stepped in after his wife. The inside of the shop was noted quickly. He frowned, noting the haphazard way things were set up. While everything was in place neatly, the redhead couldn't make heads or tails of the design. He debated bringing it up with the owner. A little reorganizing would quickly increase sales. Focus. Eae prodded with a small amount of amusement. Kyran smiled, realizing that maybe being CEO had sunk in a little more than he thought. He stepped over to the cashier. She was chewing gum, on her iLac and playing with her long blue tresses. The slayer struggled to keep his face straight. It was a wonder how FFC had managed to get so big with these kinds of employees. "Excuse me." He said politely. The woman ignored him. "Excuse me, we're here to give our review of the wedding catering services." The woman gave him a bored look, popping a bubble. Crush her underfoot. Show her who the Alpha is and make her beg for mercy. Licking your boots should be a treasure when you're done. Medea hissed, sensing his rising anger. Kyran took a deep breath as the woman pointed toward a door in the back. "Just go through there. Boss should be sitting at his desk."

    "Thank you." Kyran said with clipped tones. He placed a hand on Gaia's back. It was more to help calm himself rather than to guide her forward. Touching Gaia seemed to help him control his emotions. "If they partner with us, I'll be making a few changes to procedure and decorum" He whispered to the Sabertooth Ace. "This is all appalling." Kyran held the door open for Gaia once again. Stepping inside, the WFTC CEO let out a sigh. This office looked much more up to standard. Then a frown over took his features. How could the office look good but the store be such a mess? Not important right now. He could investigate misappropriation of funds if they partnered together. The boss got up to shake their hands. He was a rather excitable chap. Kyran let Gaia give their review, giving the appropriate sounds where it seemed necessary. When they were done, Kyran touched the desk with his hand. "We'd like some chocolates as a gift for our services, in addition to our payment." He smiled, business-like, without mirth. "And I do look forward to potentially expanding your business even further, should you partner with the West Fiore Trading Company. Please schedule an appointment with my assistants. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to enjoy the rest of the evening with my wife." The boss eagerly nodded his assent as the slayer knew he would. Standing, Kyran led Gaia from the shop. He paused only long enough for Gaia to grab some of the chocolate she wanted.

    Once they were outside, Kyran deflated. "Sometimes, I hate being CEO." He muttered, pressing his face into Gaia's hair. "I notice things I didn't before, and I have to work with some terrible people. Not evil, or in need of locking up but people with terrible personalities or attitudes." Kyran wrapped his arms around Gaia's waist. "Now, I believe we need to visit Olga and then... you promised we could try out something the demons suggested." He kissed her neck. "Shall we run towards the end of our first problem-less date?"

    WC: 1585
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      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:29 pm