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    Ring of Blood


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Ring of Blood Empty Ring of Blood

    Post by Trinity 13th February 2020, 7:01 pm

    Job Details:

    838/7000 WORDS
    838/14,000 TOTAL
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

    Well, this was certainly going to be new territory for her.

    Not the illegal pit fighting, of course. That was a scene she was intimately familiar with, so to speak. Truth be told, it was like this job had been made for her. No, it was the rescuing thing that was new. Typically she was used to killing or torturing people, not saving them. Still, a job was a job and she had made a commitment to Janet. The guildmaster had quite the vision for the future, one that the Avatar of Ataxia was quite curious to see how it would play out. If that vision required her to play the part of the hero for a job, then so be it. She was sure she would find a way to make the experience exciting.

    Thana basked in the heat of the sun where she stood on the deck of the ship that had taken them across the thin strip of sea that separated Sin from Desierto. She was dressed for the hot weather in a short skirted red dress whose sleeves hung off her shoulders, and a pair of black heels. Her long raven colored hair hung loose behind her back. Salt water tickled her nose pleasantly, and she breathed the scent of it in deep before letting out a satisfied little hum.

    “This is actually insane. You do fucking realize that, right?” As usual, Aeron was not happy with her. In fact, this time the brunette was utterly infuriated. She was pacing the deck behind Thana like a cornered animal, her eyes jumping wildly at every little movement, every tiny creak in the ship as it sailed toward the oncoming shore. Aeron was practically screaming at Thana, despite her whispered tone. “We’re going to get caught! We’re going to be dragged back to Bellum and--”

    “Relax, darling,” Thana cooed in a calm voice, drawing the wary stares of a number of other people on deck. It wasn’t their fault, of course. They couldn’t see Aeron. After all, Aeron and Thana were two thirds of a whole that made up the woman of Trinity. Only one of them possessed control of Trinity’s body at a time, but that didn’t stop Aeron and Thana from interacting with one another quite often. The problem was that Aeron was currently little more than a figment of Thana’s imagination, which meant that to those around her she was quite literally talking to no one.

    As one would usually assume, telling someone to relax usually had the opposite effect. Aeron’s face turned even more red with anger. “No, don’t you dare tell me to relax! First you get the Rune Knights and Dies Irae hunting for us, then you go and sign us up for some guild. Now you’re taking us right back to the exact life that we barely escaped not even two years ago, and you expect me to relax?! Aeron was nearly shrieking by the time she was done.

    Amber colored eyes that seemed to flicker like a burning fire turned toward the other woman with an amused glint. “It’s going to be exciting, don’t you think? Maybe we’ll get to fight again, just like old times.”

    “I don’t want to fight! You’re insane!”

    “Of course I am. That doesn’t mean I’ve ever led you astray.”

    “But you have lead me astray.”

    Electing not to reply to that particular comment, Thana walked away to go find her other companion for the day while Aeron continued to growl her frustrations behind her. For this job she had elected to take another member of Elysium with her. After all, if she was to be Janet’s right hand Ace of Destruction, it was ideal that she should get to know her new guildmates. She had seen the young man by the name of Odhran at the first official gathering for the guild, but hadn’t really gotten to interact with him too much. Still, he had fascinated her with his claim to be a celestial god of some sort, who seemed to enjoy keeping an entourage of summoned spirits about him. He seemed like the type of person that would find a way to keep things interesting, so she was quite looking forward to seeing how he performed in the field today.

    “We’re almost there,” she told him with a light smirk, leaning back against a wall or railing so she could make sure no one was eavesdropping on them. “The client only provided us one ticket to get inside and said these people are pretty strict about access. One of us will have to sneak in somehow. I can do so fairly easily myself, but I’m open to hearing if you have any other ideas. We don’t want to do anything too suspicious before we’ve located this poor, wayward nephew...”
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Ring of Blood Empty Re: Ring of Blood

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 13th February 2020, 8:45 pm

    One of the prime tenants of Elysium was the familial bond that the guild members were to share, and it would be remiss of Odhran to not know everyone that was in his family. Sure, back in Seven, the only family member he knew were his parents, who got executed for alleged crimes against humanity, and while roaming Fiore, he got a letter from an uncle in Bellum asking for fifteen million jewels to help claim the throne of a far away island, to which Odhran would be repaid twenty million, but those aside, he knew no family. That was besides the point, however. Several of the taverns he had visited had mentioned stuff about "guilds being families" or some nonsense like that, so Odhran ran along with the idea. He now had his family in Elysium, and his family of Spirits, who even at this moment-

    "Saaaay, you're, uh...Thana, right?" Scorpio was already cooing at the ace. "I know killing slavers is kiiinda boring and cliche, but it's for the good of them slaves, right? Ah, don't worry, I don't kill all slavers. I won't kill you, 'cuz you've already enslaved my heart."

    Arnaluuk poked Scorpio's ribcage with her trident, if Scorpio even had a ribcage. "I think you should stop flirting with every woman you meet."

    "D'aww, you gettin' jealous, baby?"

    Sweetie made a "squee" sound, spinning to wrap her arms around both Scorpio's and Arnaluuk's necks. "You guys get along sooooooo well! Like, I can already picture it! Dazzling, lit up crystals, providing a nice, cool mist on the artificial sands! A nice array of different colors of shaved ice! Arnaluuk's dress! It's a dazzling white, with little bluish crystals that bounce eeeevery inch of sunlight off of them! Scorpio's tux! A nice-"

    Arnaluuk, at realizing Sweetie's implication, quickly shooed herself away. "Listen, Sweetie. Why would you ever think I would care about, let alone marry any of the dunces that we keep travelling with!"

    "Well, it's because you are like a Tenerina Cake, Arnaluuk!" Sir Pudley posited. "You have the crunchy, harsh outside of someone that doesn't care, yet upon breaking that layer you have a creamy inside that cares about all of us!"

    "I would have to agree with Sir Pudley, dearest Arnaluuk!" Odhran barked. "You and your creamy inside-"

    Arnaluuk fired a spear of ice at both Odhran and Sir Pudley. "Please never use the phrase 'creamy inside' ever again. Not just when referring to me. Ever."

    Lupa barked.

    Arnaluuk marched over to Thana, who she prayed was more competent than any of the other Spirits or Odhran, which was not a high bar to clear. "If you haven't noticed, the dunce isn't going to settle with just him getting in with that ticket. He's good in a fight for sure, but he doesn't want to 'leave us out of the fun,' or whatever. I was thinking, since this is a slave fighting ring, we could...perhaps have someone act as a slave owner for the rest of us to act as slaves going in for the fight pits? It's your call in the end, but please, whatever you do, don't make the dunce the 'slave owner.' He'd flip out about that. 'They aren't slaves, they're my loyal allies,' that kind of thing. Plus it would be too amusing to see him in fetters." She turned to see her Keybearer, who was inexplicably balancing on top of Lupa's head. He was just...standing. On the Pterolykos's head. Scorpio was standing near Lupa's hindquarters, which perhaps explained a little more. Sweetie and Sir Pudley seemed to at least enjoy the "festivities." Arnaluuk sighed. "If you want to go in fighting, I'm fine with that, but stealth is a...less than ideal option for the dunce."

    WC: 627


    Ring of Blood SQB8HXg

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Ring of Blood Empty Re: Ring of Blood

    Post by Trinity 24th February 2020, 1:13 pm

    1571/7000 WORDS
    2198/14,000 TOTAL
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

    Odhran’s spirits truly were a delightful bunch. They were animated and unpredictable, all qualities that Thana thoroughly enjoyed. She hadn’t quite caught on to all their names yet, but there were very few names that Thana ever chose to recollect.

    Once she approached the group, one of the male spirits immediately began to chat her up. Thana eyed the purple haired individual with a curious expression that grew into a teasing grin as he flirted with her, turning to give him her full attention. “Well, aren’t you quite the gentleman…” she told him, giving him a shameless look over. She didn’t get the chance to say much of anything else before a few of the other spirits chimed in, and soon enough Thana was giggling at the sight of all the spirits bickering with one another about creamy insides.

    The woman that the others referred to as Arnaluuk approached her and explained that convincing Odhran to go in without the rest of them was probably a no go. However, she did offer a rather enticing alternative. Thana listened with interest as the other woman suggested that perhaps everyone be offered up as slaves for the fight in order to secure passage, with the caveat that Odhran himself not be the one to act as the slave owner as he was liable to blow their cover. Apparently, the mage insisted on treating his spirits with respect, and refused to even pretend otherwise.

    “Hmm…” Thana thought to herself, tapping a finger against her cheek. “I do like the idea of posing as slaves. It’s definitely a sure fire way to get in. Events like these usually accept last minute submissions as long as the slave owner seems legit.” To emphasize what she meant by that, she lifted a hand and rubbed her fingers together to emulate the gesture of rubbing coins against one another. Money was always the biggest factor in this industry, and that was easy enough to handle.

    No, it was maintaining the story that would be the difficult part here, apparently. Pulling herself away from the wall she’d been leaning against, she slowly paced the circle of spirits and Odhran as she talked. “I could easily play the part of slaver. It’s a role that I… well, we’ll just say that I have exposure to it.” Thana told them in a casual tone. She winked at Scorpio, even being so bold as to draw the tip of one of her nails lightly against the spirit’s chest as she passed by him. “However, the importance of the role is to be convincing, and I highly doubt any of you, or your summoner, would be thrilled with the idea of me having to be a bit… firm handed with any of you.”

    There would be no misunderstanding what she was suggesting: that the only way to prove herself as a slaver and them as slaves was to quite literally treat them like slaves. To abuse them physically, not just verbally. A devious little smirk pulled on her lips, and Aeron narrowed her eyes at Thana suspiciously, not at all liking the look on her face.

    “So how about this,” she told them all as she continued to walk slowly amongst them. “Odhran can be the slaver with you all as his enforcers… and I’ll be the slave.”

    “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Aeron screamed at her, not that anyone but Thana could hear it. She looked utterly panicked by the very notion, and rightfully so.

    Thana ignored her. “Odhran wouldn’t even have to really act as a slave owner outside of giving orders. I can easily provide enough money to secure the ploy and let him buy his way into the fight. The only security we would need is that the rest of you could convincingly commit to the part of the enforcers… if you know what I mean.” She stopped once more in front of Arnaluuk, who struck her as the most assertive of the spirits, and looked up at her with the hungry expression of a woman that very much looked like she might enjoy the idea of being beaten around by sea spirit. “Does that sound like an acceptable idea?”
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Ring of Blood Empty Re: Ring of Blood

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 4th March 2020, 9:26 pm

    The advances of Thana were shocking to Scorpio, to say the least. More often than not, his own advances were met with scorn, disgust, violence, or an obvious message that they were merely in it because of his status as Zodiac. Her tapping her nails against his chest was especially strange to the Zodiac. He often had to make the first move, and any time that Arnaluuk was involved, that first move was met with violence on the part of the Frozen Sea Spirit. "Well, I suppose if you mean it that way, I wouldn't mind all too much havin' you as a slave, Miss Thana, if you-"

    A coy laugh emerged from the Spirit that had begged Odhran to be summoned. "Perhaps I should just shoot my love arrows at you now, Scorpio."

    Scorpio flinched slightly at the sound of Atsuai's voice. Lupa had been brought back into the Celestial Spirit Realm, as had Sir Pudley. For once, it seemed as if Odhran was doing the smart thing and letting the less suspicious Spirits be the ones out in the open. It was Arnaluuk and Atsuai's idea, of course, and with their combined convincing, they promised that Odhran would get to kill some more people on his own in an upcoming mission. The truth behind their promise was dubious at best, but Odhran accepted it anyways. As much of a stubborn oaf as he was, he had lapses of intelligence, as much as Arnaluuk hated to admit.

    "Sheesh! Boss didn't even tell me that you were gonna be here! I thought this was a mission for-"

    "Worry not, Scorpio. I have a reason for asking that I should be summoned. Miss Thana here has suggested that one of us act as a slaver to the others, no? Well, we know that Od-chan hates seeing us as servants, and Miss Arnaluuk has too much heart to be convincing enough. So, I thought that, if Miss Thana does not wish to act as slaver, then I shall."

    The color drained from Scorpio's face. "N-nah man, you can't let this happen." Reading into the advances that Thana gave, Scorpio buried his head into her chest. "She's scary, man!"

    Atsuai laughed. "Don't worry, Scorpio. I'll make sure that my act is convincing, don't you worry. Ahahaha~~"

    Atsuai snapped her fingers as small, snake-like spirits wrapped themselves around the necks of all who were present. They did not hurt, nor did they truly constrict, but they seemed to be convincing enough towards the effect to play a part in Atsuai's scheme. "Now, Miss Thana, I am curious. Od-chan knows very little on slavery, so perhaps you would know. Do these ruffians merely accept combat slaves or do they accept slaves of a...more dubious sort? Perhaps we may be able to use one such as Sweetie or Scorpio or, if I may be so bold, Miss Arnaluuk here to make it...less suspicious that one of such fragile and small demeanor would be able to contain so many combat slaves. Of course, if it is against their directives, I will have no problem. I have my own means of getting around suspicion. Ahahaha~~"

    Scorpio tried to claw his way once more to Thana, being held back by Arnaluuk, who herself seemed upset. "I told you, Thana! She's evil!"

    "I've already discussed that we're not talking about creamy insides, what in god's name would make you believe I would be okay with acting like that!"

    "God, this soooooo does not match my outfit! Ugh! Why can't I, like, get glitter with my collar, Atsu?"

    "It's not all bad, Sweetie. I personally think the collar looks rather stylish. The ethereal glow of the fetters gives an air of weakness while hiding the striking and stunning allure of your magnificent power! Why, you seem as if you could break free of your bindings at any moment, and you would crush those that bound you with your immense power and might! Though, I request that you do not, as Atsuai is an ally, after all."

    "D'aww you're sooo nice, Odhy! I can TO-tally rock this look, right? What do you think, Arnie? Scorpi?"

    "We have more things to be concerned about, Sweetie! I haven't even said that I'm okay with this!"

    "I'm definitely not okay with this! Though, you do look kinda cute there, Sweetie. You too, Arnaluuk. And especially you, Thana. Say, you've already imprisoned my heart, Thana, so how's about we make our great escape. I know a great place in the Celestial Spirit Realm that we can-"

    Atsuai interrupted by firing an arrow that whizzed by Scorpio's head, cutting off a single purple hair. "Ah-ah-ah, Scorpio. You're not allowed to leave. We have work to do, maggot. So how about you just stay in line and listen to what I say, or I won't miss my next shot."

    Scorpio gulped, sulking slowly and silencing himself to not incur the wrath of Atsuai, despite the fact that the arrow could not truly kill him. Atsuai lightly skipped towards Thana, tilting her head in a facade of cuteness and sincerity. "So what say you, Thana. Does this arrangement work?"

    WC: 861
    TWC: 1488


    Ring of Blood SQB8HXg

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 310
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,586,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Ring of Blood Empty Re: Ring of Blood

    Post by Trinity 1st May 2020, 3:15 pm

    2454/7000 WORDS
    3942/14,000 TOTAL
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    A rather sultry laugh caught Thana’s attention, drawing her amber eyes away from the sea spirit and onto a new one that had just appeared. She carried herself already with a much greater air of superiority than the rest of those gathered so far, and given the way that Scorpio jumped when she spoke up it was clear that she was intimidating to even some of the other spirits. She spoke up to state that she’d asked to be summoned after overhearing Thana’s proposal. By her own opinion, the only one of them that would be any good at acting as a slaver would be herself, as the others didn’t have the heart for it.

    Scorpio clearly wasn’t a fan of the idea, practically throwing himself over Thana protectively and burying his face against her chest. The dark haired woman idly reached up with a hand and ran her nails soothingly through his hair even as she continued to eye the new woman with a great amount of interest. “Hush,” she told the man gently, less of a command and more of an attempt to ease his fears. “It’s quite alright. I happen to enjoy a bit of scary…”

    Even as she was considering the woman’s offer and sizing her up, Atsuai snapped her fingers and Thana suddenly found a snake around her neck. Rather than jump or express any sort of displease, her smirk merely deepened. If anything, she actually seemed pleased by the spirit’s display of bravado and wanting to prove that she was more than capable of being a firm hand. It was quite… invigorating. Thana reached up with her free hand and casually pet the underside of the snake’s chin as she listened to the woman’s questions and seemed to not even notice that Scorpio was being held back by Amaluuk.

    “Well, my dear,” she told the woman innocently, turning down to look at the snake around her neck, continuing to pet and stroke it, “In my experience, slavers are rarely picky about what kind of slaves they take. Perhaps they are only interested in combat ones for the use of the Arena, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be interested in purchasing slaves of other sorts and selling them elsewhere, or keeping them on hand for non-combat related purposes. I have no qualms about assigning other roles to the rest of your companions as you see fit; you know them better than I.”

    She continued to lavish the celestial reptile with affection while the spirits squabbled among themselves to varying degrees. Scorpio once again tried to lure Thana into his arms, offering to whisk her away to the Celestial Spirit Realm. Before he could finish, Atsuai shot an arrow at him so closely that it shaved off some of his hair. The dominant woman chastised him, making it very clear he’d been given no permission to leave, not when there was work to be done. Oh yes, Thana liked this woman.

    “I find it more than agreeable,” she replied, looking the spirit up and down slowly with a low burning passion in her eyes. “I just hope you are prepared to follow through. Because like any sensible slave, I am not going to make it easy for you to keep me on a leash. So please, do not be afraid to… manhandle me.” If anything, Thana looked as though she were quite looking forward to the idea of Atsuai having to boss her around a little.

    Holding up her hand, a briefcase appeared in it. “Here is your buy in,” she told the woman. If any of them checked inside they would find it to be full with an impressive amount of jewel. “We have two objectives once we’re there. One is to take down the arena itself, while the other is to find and liberate the client’s nephew, a young boy by the name of Milo. Do not be surprised if we become separated for a while. Most likely what they will do is usher me down into the pens to await my time to fight and steer you toward the stadium. Feel free to enjoy yourself for a time. I’m sure they’ll have refreshment and other things. Once it’s my turn, I can provide a distraction that should prove more than enough to allow the rest of you to search for the boy.”

    It would be curiously obvious, at least to Odhran’s more observant spirits, that this wasn’t the first time Thana had been involved in the slavery scene. She seemed to know an awful lot about how most of these types of events ran and what they could expect, though whether she was telling this from the perspective of one who had been the slaver or the slave in the past was difficult to discern. Either way, Thana seemed quite confident in what she was talking about. Giving Atsuai a devious little smirk, she held out her arms as though submitting to arrest from an officer.

    “So why don’t you tie me up and we can get this little party started, hrm..?”
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:14 pm