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    Trick or Treat?


    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Death's Cycle
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    Trick or Treat? Empty Trick or Treat?

    Post by Oykai 19th September 2019, 8:40 am

    It had been a bit of time since the blue haired male had need to be inside Talonia, it wasn't exactly where he went if he had the choice. To him it was far to unruly, he prefered the peace and quiet of his home but that choice wasn't always up to him. At current he was in his normal reaper get up, looking around six years old, standing at around four foot, six inches tall; he was wearing white hakama and a white hoodie that covered his eyes, on the left breast of the hoodie a black butterfly could be seen. For the moment he was incorperal as he didn't need to be seen but more importantly he didn't 'want' to be seen by anyone. Lifting his head just enough to see past the edge of his hood he noticed the area was a buzz with activity, to be honest this didn't surprise him as this was the hub city for guildless mages and mercenaries but still the atmosphere seemed different. Standing still for a moment he placed his hand to his hand to his head "I can already tell this is going to cause him a headache." he said more to himself since at currnet no one would be able to see him without reapers sight and he wasn't expecting another like him in this place... well that was a lie... he actually expected to see a few given the mortality rate in the area as of late.

    He had decided that he best have a look into it before Ruvel caught wind of it and decided that he would do it when he was still recovering from what happened to him. He knew the young mages personality all to well, he would blow his own health off if it meant he could save others, he often thought about talking to him about how lives and souls weren't of equal value, that his life was actually worth quite a bit to reapers compared to the normal riff raff they found. He decided not to waste his time as he didn't breath he couldn't waste that by doing what he could to save his summoer hassle. He would end up just getting lectured about how every life was important. 'I can already hear the argument and how I would counter it... ugh... what an annoyance.' he thought before stearing down the street, he could see the lanterns and hear music "A festival?" he had to ask himself, normally he would avoid it but he found himself walking towards it for some unknown reason, perhaps he would be able to find something that 'she' might like but soon he would find out that fate had a strange sense of humour "I'll just get the gift and go, I can do without the living headache that will end up coming my way." he said taking in the way the place was decorated in golds, reds, oranges and browns "Guess it must be around harvest." he said with a small shrug, it wasn't like he could be seen but then he could be heard. Likely not the best thing he should be doing given the time of year as people might think they were being haunted, he on the other hand didn't really care.

    Word count: 552
    @Sol @Gangting @Yona


    Trick or Treat? 59867_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
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    Posts : 1384
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Sol 19th September 2019, 4:11 pm

    Sol yawned as he walk thru the streets of Talonia and glanced around curiously at some of the sights around him. The deathless had hardly ever been out here so this was all new for him,The Reaper was dressed in common clothing for him which consisted of black Geta on his feet reinforced on the teeth with metal, he also had on black Hakama pants and on his upper body he was clad in a white underkimono top with a black haori over it. Along the sleeves of his Haori were green vines that made the red of his eyes stand out more along with his symbol an intricate sword on the right breast of his haori in light blue.Sol also had his Kiseru out and lit as he took a puff from it and glanced ahead as he saw the crowd of people that was gather farther into town. “hmm seems to be a festivle of sorts I might as well take a look and perhaps enjoy myself” he muttered to himself as he took another drag of his Kiseru, he had originally arrived to deliver a few things but now that his task was over he had some free time before he had to head back to Tolgalen so he would see what all the hype was about.as he got closer Sol caught sight of a familiar person and he gained a small smile as he approached the shorter blue haired Man.

    'this is a pleasent Surprise Yaehi I wasn’t expecting to run into you out here’ he mentally said to the Elder reaper as he stepped beside him. While it seemed that Sol was encountering him more and more often he always made sure to be polite and respectful to the older reaper. Sol glanced out at the festivitys his eyes held a curious look in them.’ Time seems to go so quick I didn’t even realize it was time for another festival already’ he mentioned as he took in the sights and the sounds of the festival, the air was filled with the sound of kids laughing and enjoying themselves while the scent of different foods hung in the air to entice and draw more people in. idly Sol hopped this festival was not like the last one he had attended in Myazhe that for some odd reason had seals and stipulations on getting deeper and deeper into the grounds.

    wc- 404


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Zincarla 19th September 2019, 5:32 pm

    Strictly speaking, Yona Hisamori wasn't an Earth mage, but her close ties to plants and nature at large seemed to be enough of a relationship that she felt the strain of the Solar Flux each year. Her magic seemed to weaken and it cost more energy to use it during the harvesting season. That was why she had always gone in secret to a place where she knew two things to be true. 1) She would not be recognized as a guild mage or a VP for the company and 2) Her prowess with magic was well enough famed by her history that she never needed to prove her abilities. In her search for the man who had burned down her family home and killed her father, and nearly herself and brother, she had found herself in Talonia.

    Talonia had become somewhat of a second home to Yona. It was a land of vagabonds, guildless mages, and all sorts of people from around the world. Whenever she reached a dead end, Yona could always count on Talonia to be a spring of merciful information, launching her back into the world with renewed vigor. She impressed other mages and fighters at her youthful age by enduring challenges in the arena. Yona had worn hoods and masks to brave the Soul Bar and the black market, paying for information by thieving on the people who dared to walk the streets of Talonia. It was in Talonia that she had heard of the Company and of an easy way to get a free fare across the sea to continue her ceaseless revenge based travels. It was because of Talonia that she had snuck onto a WFTC ship and had thusly become one of the members of the guild today. So during this time of year, when she felt weaker, she went back to the place where the regulars knew her name. She continued to lift up her nefarious reputation, without actually doing any real crime. Since joining the guild, Yona had left petty theft behind, but returning to Talonia for a festival was just the way to bring her spirits back up during the season where she felt at her weakest.

    And now, dressed in torn tight jeans, a black tank top, and her old enormous brown trenchcoat, Yona spread her bedazzled hand before a group of engaged drunks at the Soul Bar. The guild mage would be almost non-recognizable to her current family and friends at the guild. Her hair was half-up, green bangs framing her smirking face while her body language was the pinnacle of street-wise attitude and bravado. She showed off the rings she had won: a silver one with the head of a wolf from the oldest man at her table, a carved ivory one from the hand of a rich and unfortunate tourist couple, and a thick gold band studded with diamonds from a wiry mouse-like man with a chipped front tooth. "It was fun catching up with you all, but the festival calls my name. I can't stay and play cards all night after all." The couple looked annoyed and the woman lifted a fist at Yona, "You better return that ring. I daresay you cheated!" Of course, Yona hadn't cheated, she had just had a better poker face and a better hand. Yona lifted her chin loftily, fingering her necklace with a the ring-covered hand, pretending not to take notice.

    She knew she wouldn't have to say anything or do anything. Not with her reputation. The wiry man had already placed a hand on the enraged woman's shoulder and had uttered words of mollification, " Yona here rarely loses in these parts and I've never once seen her cheat. The last guy t' suggest she had, years ago, well... she beat 'im silly in the arena after. Best ye just let it be, unless ye wanna owe her more." Yona paused and gave a smile to them all and gestured a farewell with her ring adorned hand before heading back out into the festival. The green-haired woman had no real need for money and she really only liked beating the pants off the people in the bar for the ego boost it gave her. Yona headed straight to the alley beside the bar and plucked off all the rings, handing them to three dirty looking children. The street kids needed the money to survive and she did not.

    Her own generosity, strangely enough, didn't fuel her pride and vanity. It was being able to pull one over on those who thought themselves better than other people. She enjoyed their faces when she knew that they knew they had lost the gambit. All the charades had worked up her appetite and she slipped in between the crowds to make her way to a food vendor. Yona ordered some yakitori and a fluffy looking rice ball that just promised to satiate her craving for festival food. The mage stepped off to the side and sank her teeth into the yakitori, gripping the stick with her right hand. Nothing tasted better than festival food, except for maybe eating festival food after winning a game of cards at her old watering hole. She hadn't noticed the familiar faces directly behind her.

    WC: 901


    Trick or Treat? Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Aurora 20th September 2019, 11:59 am

    A 7 feet, and a bit, Giant roamed the busy streets of Talonia; he towered above the crowd with his rather rare height. The man was a bull of a human; his legs and arms as thick as logs and wide muscled shoulders. His chest was covered with a heavy bronze cuirass that was decorated with gold and a deep reddish earthly colour; his upper legs were protected by a skirt of bronze plate strips. Thick bronze vambraces and greaves adorned golden fur protected his limps and around his shoulders hung a long and heavy crimson cloak; trimmed with golden fur from desert foxes. His face resembled of a lion; Crimson manes framed a dinted copper face, of which the nose has broken at least several times. Staunch ruby eyes pierced into the world underneath roofs of bristly crimson brows. The Giant was surrounded by a thick odour of ointments and salves that were applied in thick layers upon his two grave wounds, the smell barely masked the terrible stench the festering wounds produced. Gangting had received two dire wounds during the reconquest of his former dominions and his beloved city of Duoshang, a city as grand that it could be described as a kingdom on itself. The once-powerful empire, which Gangting lead as king, was nothing more than ruins and rouble; invested by demon spawn and Gangting thought he had it in him to clench his kingdom. The Demon Slayer had broken through two of the three, or if you count the palace as well, four walls of the mighty citadel but the Hordes of Chaos were too much and Gangting too weak. He was only saved by divine intervention; with tail between his leg and severely wounded, Gangting made for Fiore. There the Giant found his old friend, Johann von Weiss, just as he crossed the border. The two friends had much to talk about as they had not seen each other in a year or two. Ganting came to learn that Johann had begun a guild and offered his and the assistance of the guild in a future attempt to recover Gangting’s ancient seat in Duoshang if Gangting was to join Dies Irae. Gangting accepted that offer there and then, without a second thought as the ideals of the guild suited him and the help of his powerful friend and his guild would be a welcome aid in the Holy War to come.

    The second thoughts did come later when he arrived at Amber isle as he learned he would start at the lowest point in the chain of command and was obligated to wear a guild uniform. Gangting accepted it, grumpily, and resolved to raise the ladder of command as quickly as he could. He had gone to Fiore for that reason, fighting in the Fat Monsterland with Solmar to uncover the reason why the giant beanstalk was dying and went on his way through Fiore for other jobs. He was currently travelling from Hargeon to Clover Town before he would return to the guild in Minstrel. There was a festival going on in Talonia when he arrived and decided to enjoy himself for one day or two as he had mostly been travelling, fighting, training or recovering since the beginning of this crusade years ago. The Giant had already drunk a bit too much wine and was a bit tipsy, evident to his glowing cheeks and his slightly cumbersome walking. The effect faded somewhat when his nose smelled a stench; a smell that fuelled a flame of anger within him, it was the smell of demon. The Demon Slayer followed the smell and strode through the crowd; people darting as ships bow cutting through the waves. His eyes were fixated on a young green-haired woman. Gangting stopped at a distance from her and recalled some valuable lessons he had learned the past weeks; not all humans with a demon within them are bad. He had not recognized Johann at first, he had been fighting some bandits and marauders when the send of a demon had to send him into a rage; the sent that came from Johann and Gangting right-out attacked the grey-haired mage with a powerful rock smite from his fist that could have easily felled the biggest tree in the forest they were at the time but Johann stopped his attack as it a nothing at all. He had learned that Dies Irae contained more demon invested humans and Solmar had one too, Solmar and he had come to blows but him being partly a demon had less to do with it than it had done with Johann. This time he wouldn’t jump the guns; he moved closer to the green-haired woman. Gangting towered above her; ”Miss you reek of demon,” Gangting’s rubies eyes glared at her.



    Trick or Treat? N9AxYLD
    Trick or Treat? Sy03Rxz


    Old stuff:

    The White Wizard

    The White Wizard

    Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mentor : Oykai
    Experience : 500

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Mifune 22nd September 2019, 6:04 am

    Mifune rarely traveled with a clear destination in mind.  He roamed blindly, guided by the omens that presented themselves and the whispers that he couldn't fully understand.  Though wherever he roamed he always seemed to arrive in the places where he was needed, places where he was meant to be.  "What the fuck is the point..!?"  He shouted, sitting at a bar alone with a bottle of sake in one hand and an empty sake cup in the other that he slammed down on to the bar as he shouted.  "It's juzz like, you go here an- you kill a few bad guyzz... Then you mooove on, because lez fuss it.  Nobody, wan'ts to thank the dead guy..."  The Zombie raised his decayed hand and attempted to pour himself another cup of sake which he over filled and then slammed the sake bottle back down.  "And then you go to ano'er town, in ano'er place... an' do the same FUCKIN' thing again... Well FUCK you Death an' yer' Fuckin' games! I had it, I'm done!"  Mifune raised a middle finger in to the air as he shouted, but soon noticed the flesh from his fingers seemingly evaporating in to the air leaving only bone.  "Oh yeah, just go and rot my hand away, real fuckin' mature Death.  Can't even let a guy bitch about his fuckin' job once 'n a while."  Mifune stood up from his stool, bottle in hand and turned towards the empty establishment that he recently emptied with his unmasked presence, his hand continued to disintegrate.  "Alright.... Alright! Fuck, can't take a fuckin' joke.  I'll get back to fuckin' work."  He looked at his skeletal hand realizing the flesh had stopped decaying and slowly began to grow back.  "Yer still a fuckin' prick though."  He said before taking a gulp of Sake directly from the bottle.  

    Mifune turned towards the door and exited the bar before the bartender returned with an angry mob.  "Fuckin' lousy bar anyway."  The zombie staggered down the street.  He stopped to look up at a Raven perched upon a Lantern post that squaked at him.  Violently he threw the bottle of sake at the Raven that took flight and squaked angrily at the Zombie.  "Fuckin' crows."  He turned and started back down the street.  Eventually he found himself falling in to a pile of garbage beside a dumpster.  I'll just lay here for a minute or two."  He said as the world began to fade to black.

    When he awoke sober, it sounded as though there was a large crowd surrounding him.  "Damnit, not another angry mob..."  Mifune rose from the pile of trash and realized that there were no angry citizens with torches and pitchforks, well a few had torches but not meant for burning Zombies.  There were children in costumes running amok and laughter filled the air.  Surprisingly nobody seemed to be frightened by his presence.  One seemingly drunk man passed him by, giving him an impressed sort of look.  "Sweet costume dude!"  He shouted before moving on. "Costume..?"  Mifune took a closer look at the festival and realized that it was the fall harvest Festival.  There were many people in costumes and for once, he actually seemed to blend in.    He approached the crowd, deciding that it might be fun to have some actual human interaction that didn't involve him slicing people in to tiny little bits or being chased by an angry mob.  

    One event in particular took his interest, a booth surrounded by a crowd of people watching competitors throw rings around square pegs.  Mifune raised the flesh where his eyebrow used to be and wandered over to spectate.  A middle aged man laughed at a little girl whom he had beaten.  "Maybe next time girly!"  The little girl began to cry.  It was at this point Mifune stepped up to defend the girl's honor.  "I think you owe her an apology."  The man puffed out his chest.  "I don't think so, she lost fair and square!"  Mifune looked towards the man running the ring toss game and gestured for him to deliver the two some rings.  "Fine, then I challenge you!"  The crowd roared.  "Fine then!"  The man replied angrily.  The two stared at each other for a moment before taking their positions, rings in hand.  The guy running the game counted off.  "Are you ready?!  3, 2, 1 Go!"  Quickly the two tossed their rings.  One, two, they both managed to get their first two on to the pegs, but on the last one the bad guy's ring bounced off! However Mifune's ring landed perfectly over the peg.  The crowd roared and the carnie presented Mifune with his first trophy.  "better luck next time."  Mifune said with a smirk, or he would if he had lips.  Feeling rather proud of himself, Mifune stepped away from the ring toss game wondering what other festivities there might be.  However he could not escape a thought in the back of his mind that there was a reason he was meant to be at this festival, and normally those reasons are not pleasant.  

    Word Count: 854



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 21,756

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    First Skill: Cursed Existence
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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Oykai 22nd September 2019, 7:34 am

    It was rare for the reaper to be in such a place at such a time unless he was being the guide to his young summoner or unless he was taking the last breath of another. In this instance he wasn't there to take the breath of a living person and Ruvel was being escorted by one of his former summons to his knowledge, a snow maiden by the name of Seiyuki so he had to wonder what the hell he was doing here. That was right he was looking for something and perhaps he'd end up bumping into someone he or Ruvel may have known. He took note of the many booths and games to the side of him and stopped at a strange male and tilted his head hearing him asking riddles and smiled, that was up his own ally and so moved closer as the youth in front of him ran off scared as the man seemed to vanish into the wind when the youth tried to cheat by using his ilac to find the answers. "Are you wanting to try take my test young man?" he asked with a chuckle "I wouldn't exactly call me young in all honesty but go ahead and ask your riddles." he retorted seemingly bored already at the unneeded conversation in his mind "What belongs to you, but gets used by others more?" the man asked "Your name and this question is most commenly asked as What belongs to you but gets used by others more than you do." he added on with a small shrug not caring if he came off as a bit of a brat.

    The man chuckled as what he preceived as a six year old child in front of him didn't miss a beat as he not only answered the question correctly but gave him another way to ask it in the future. "Ready for the next one?" he asked "Would I be standing here still if I wasn't?" he replied his tone impatient "Very well. What goes up every year, but never comes back down?" he asked a smile on his face "Other than taxes?" he said making the man chuckle and nod "Yes, other than taxes" he replied to what he preceived as a joke "That would be how old a person is." Oykai said crossing his arms, he honestly thought this was going to be hard but then again when you are older than everyone in attendance and then some most likely you have a unfair advantage against such things. "Correct, okay last one." he said watching Oykai nod "Okay, what is the question?" he asked hearing Sol calling to him through telepathy he could only groan deciding to deal with that after what he was doing. "I have one and you have one. So do the woods, fields, streams and seas, fish, beasts and crops and everything else in this revolving world." the man asked "Many would deem it to be a soul and to my kind that would be accepted as right but the answer I think you're looking for is a shadow" he answered

    The elder male seemingly pondered for a moment handing Oykai a trophy for answering the three "That's right, three for three. Please choose an additional reward." he said pointing to the wall beside him filled with stuffed teddies and other trinkets. "Might I come back in a bit, it seems like there are issues needing my attention." he asked the elder male who was caught off guard by the question "Please choose now." he returned Oykai looked around and took a necklace and walked away as if it was nothing 'I wish you would be more careful when coversing even like this and using my name Ran, you are still learning how to protect pathways and your mind after all.' he scolded the younger reaper as he walked down the street. 'In honesty I didn't expect to be here myself but here I am.' he said his tone towards the other showing he was less than impressed at not only how he had been contacted in the first place as it was just rude but at the fact a name that was never spoken out side his cast was used as far as he was concerned out in the open. 'Didn't my sister teach you things like manners, respect and ettiquette?' he eventually asked stopping in front of a stall that seemed to be selling incense and the likes. He smiled to the teenager at the other side of the stall "I am looking for an seasonal air freshener." he said, the auburn haired girl dressed in a vibrant red and gold genie outfit looked at him for a moment as if he was out of his mind as she put down the piece of candy she was about to hand to him "Air freshener?" she repeated watching him nod "That's an odd request for a kid, normally they just come to the stall for candy." she said pointing to where what he was wanting was set out. "I don't have a sweet tooth and was wanting to get it for a friend." he said making the girl look dumbfounded as he went to where she pointed. "I'll buy everything in the stall." he said with a shrug "Kid, you're pulling my leg." she said unable to believe him.

    He shook his head and put a bag of jewel on the table "I'll have people come and collect it shortly. This way your evening isn't ruined selling things and you can go enjoy yourself with your friends as you wanted to in the first place." he said taking one of the gift baskets and puting it through a portal knowing it would get to Ruvel and leaving a message with his servants to come collect his belongings before he walked off. He started walking down the street once again when he heard a somewhat familiar voice and followed it, but soon seen a larger man that could have been realistically called a brick wall with legs going by his hight and build. He was actually going to leave it be before he heard the words that came out of the man's mouth and sighed walking towards the pair "That is because she has one inside her and she is in full control of the damned annoyance." he said stopping besider her "Are you causing trouble again little Yona Girl?" he asked holding out the necklace that he won before to her "I guess I won this for you." he said with a shrug, his attention turning back towards the warrior in front though he made sure his eyes remained covered by his hood "Ruvel sends his regards Gangting." he said with a grin for now leaving it like that but it was short lived as the gentle scent of decay invaded his sense of smell and turned his head towards the one who had been the source "Hay you. Guy that looks like a very convincing Zombie, mind coming over here for a second?" he called out to what many would precieve is a guy in a zombie costume.

    Word Count: 1,203
    Total Word Count: 1,756
    ~~Personal wc for event complete, will continue as a job~~
    @Sol @Yona @Gangting @Mifune


    Trick or Treat? 59867_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Sol 24th September 2019, 1:01 am

    As Sol heard Oykai scold him on using his name so openly even thru a mental connection Sol bowed his yead in apology ‘My apologies I should have thought my actions thru first rest assured it wont happen again’ he told him as he walked alongside him, when asked if he was taught manners or anything of the Sort the younger reaper nodded.’What I did was rude and disrespectful please forgive me ’ he sent mentally as his face showed he was apologetic and it was sincere before he asked another question, ‘May I accompany you?’ he asked formally and respectfully. As much as he knew he was probly causing Oykai a headache Sol still enjoyed his company. As they heard a familiar voice Sol blinked before he saw a familiar head of green hair and caught the scent of one of the Vice Presidents of the company Yona. It seemed however that someone was having an issue with her. Sol was about to go and deal with the issue before the elder reaper spoke up and explained that Yona did have a demon in her before asking her if she was causing trouble.as he heard her get called little yona girl Sol bit his tongue to keep from snickering at the nickname.

    As he approached Sol smiled at Yona.”Miss Hisamori it’s a pleasure to see you as always, you seem to be enjoying yourself” he said kindly. While the younger woman had irritated him greatly on a number of occasions the younger reaper had seen her mature greatly and adapt to her new position as a vice president.Sol glanced up a bit at the bigger man who Oykai addressed as Gangting and spoke.”I trust theres no issue mr Gangting is there?” he asked his tone formal and polite though his blood red eyes were looking at the bigger man with no fear and were actively searching for any hostile intent towards Yona at all before he caught the same scent that Oykai did, it was the stench of decay and Sol glanced in the direction of the smell before he heard the elder reaper call out to someone before another smell caught his attention the smell of rich broth and meat drew him towards a set of tables.”Sir care to try your hand at this years eating competition at the very least you wont go hungry” the man running the contest asked before Sol gained a small smirk on his face.”I’ll join whats the food” he asked as the man smirked back.” The challenge is Shio Ramen” Sol nodded before he took a seat at one of the tables before assistants started to put out the bowls of ramen for the contestants to eat.

    At the sound of the whistle instantly all of them had the bowl in their hand and were eating. Sol was eating his ramen at a rapid pace but he was not acting like a slob or undignified and was making sure he didn’t make a mess while he ate. As quick as he finished the bowl another was brought to him and soon the bowls started to pile up, as it went on people started to drop out. It was on bowl ten when it was finally decided. Sol had been one of the last two competing and as he was given his bowl he started to down the noodles and meat as the other contestant a big man who had been keeping pace with the reaper started as well but soon he started to slow and showed signs of overdoing it. As his eating slowed to a crawl Sol finished the items in the bowl and gulped down the last bits of broth before he placed his final bowl on his stack and wiped his mouth with a napkin as the other contestant. The man running he contest blinked before passing Sol a trophy and smiled.” Congratulations you won this year and we hope to see you again” he said before Sol nodded and bowed to the man as he turned away and went back to the group. “well looks like I wont be needing dinner anytime soon” he joked as he sighed a bit in content, the ramen had filled him greatly and would keep his appetite in check for a long time.

    wc- 726
    total wc- 1,130

    Last edited by Sol on 24th September 2019, 2:08 am; edited 1 time in total


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by NPC 24th September 2019, 1:01 am

    The member 'Sol' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Zincarla 25th September 2019, 5:21 am

    Yona was mid-bite and embarrassed when she looked up into the eyes of a man almost two feet or so taller than her. She wasn't usually aware of her height but the necessity of looking upwards in order to see his glowering face made her particularly conscious of it. She took a half step back, partially in surprise and fear, and partially out of the need to crane her neck up to see him. She licked her lips and swallowed the yakitori down. Then the green haired woman gave a scowl back, "If I smell like demon, that's one thing. But you can't go around pointing out how people smell when you smell like blood and infection yourself." Her nose wrinkled and she looked him up and down, wondering just where his wounds had to have been. As a plant mage she was frequently in use of treating those with injuries and disease, but she made no offer to do so now given just how badly the man was glaring at her.

    Her demon clapped his clawed hands together and for a second her eyes flashed, showing his black starlit eyes, looking like pools of night. Yona felt him working his power through her eyes and closed her own for a moment. "Don't make this worse for me," She warned Ketsueki. The demon sulked but when the woman opened her lids again, her orbs reverted to green.

    If she were wearing her white WFTC uniform maybe he might have shown her more respect, but she looked as much a traveling vagabond as she had when she first learned of the West Fiore Trading Company's existence. Yona didn't deny or confirm the demon comment the towering man made. The sound of a familiar voice made her take another step back and turn around, seeing Oykai and Sol heading their way. Her shoulders slumped slightly for a moment, noting that those were two people she hadn't really wanted to see out here. Out here was a vacation from work, not to mention her dress was comfortable to her but hardly the attire for a VP. Oykai had given away her secret but had also empowered her by saying she was in control of it. Ketsueki, the demon inside, stretched himself out observing the conversation. "That's what he thinks," He grumbled. But he made no move to prove otherwise given Oykai's presence.

    Yona faced Oykai and looked a bit sheepish, "I'm not causing trouble. Not with him anyway." Her mischief had happened inside the bar after all not out here. She took the necklace from Oykai's hand and examined it curiously. Normally she would have demanded he not use the nickname he enjoyed so much, but his generous gift surprised her. It had a sturdy black cord and a glass ball pendant, circled by silver leaves and filled with something sparkling. Simple, but exactly her taste. Why had he chosen to give her a gift? She blinked and then gave a grin, "Thank you," Yona said before placing it over her head and around her neck. "It's beautiful!" Yona wanted to ask him about why he did so, but the fact that he did was good enough. For now, she recalled their prior conversation and doubted anything she said to him would not earn some sort of snark. In his different form, maybe she would address it though.

    Sol's greeting was kind and relaxed. Yona noted his kiseru with a wary glance and then gave him a smile back, gesturing with the last piece of meat on her stick. "I am doing quite well out here. You should try the food, it's delicious." She munched down on the last piece and tossed the stick into a nearby garbage can. She chewed thoroughly as she wiped her hands together to clean them. Oykai called out to a man in a zombie costume, though he was also suggesting the man was a real zombie and not just a costume. Yona muttered to Oykai, standing near to him. "You think he's a real zombie? Like... a walking dead guy... zombie?" Her lips pursed and she reached for the silver-leafed amulet. Her fingers rubbed against the glass and metal as she stared at the zombie. Was it really possible? With a glance over at Sol, who was just about to win the ramen eating challenge, the plant mage let out a little laugh. She supposed anything was possible.

    WC: 901+758= 1659
    Personal wc for event complete, will continue as a job


    Trick or Treat? Imageedit-3-2741721522

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    Cosmic Herione

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Aurora 27th September 2019, 12:55 am

    Gangting was taken aback by what the green-haired girl said, he stared at her with confusion. His nose twitched as he took a deep smell, indeed there was a smell a rotting stench underneath the odour of his salves. The Giant was looking for words, thoughts even but a voice near them called out which only made his thoughts worse; the alcohol has its effects and he didn’t feel very well this day to begin with. ”There is nothing wrong with being wounded,” stamped Gangting out eventually, ”I am a demon slayer, a divine task given to me by Tudigong; whom is the god of Land and Soil. Be glad I asked, instead of letting your head roll over the street.” The short boy, hiding within his cloths, continued and called him by name and the name of Ruvel; a friend of his whom he had not seen in months or even years. ”Ruvel? You know him?” the Redhaired-Slayer looked down at boy in front of him. ”How is he doing? Does he still have that phoenix?” he paused for a moment, ”I still don’t get how he has a phoenix.”

    Gangting looked at the other figure, next to the acquainted of Ruvel, “There is no trouble; any friend of Ruvel is a friend of mine.” The Giant turn his head back at the green-haired girl, ”Your lucky I met Johann months ago, nearly blasted of his head; well, if he was not as powerful as he his. I have learned not all demons, within vessels, are evil; therefor my apologies.”

    “Hey big guy, I bet you can’t get 5 out of 10 of these sacks of sands through those holes. If you can you will get a price,” The stall keeper was grinning and Gangting looked curiously at him and his game. ”Pff, that’s not very much of a challenge,” the Giant grinned as well, ”If I get 10 through those holes, without a fail; we are going to compete in a food challenge! But I’ll take that price than as well.” The stall keeper’s grin faded but he simple thought that Gangting was overly confident and accepted the challenge.

    Gangting grabbed one of the sand sacks and ran it through his big hand, he felt the earth within; his element. He threw the sand sack through the hole, and then the second, the third, the fourth. Gangting had been an Earth Demon Slayer for 30 years; he was a master at manipulating earth and his score was perfect. Thoughts, strangely enough; it felt tiring, a simple game was tiring and that concerned the Slayer. Was Solmar right? Should have stayed bedridden? The stall keeper looked with amazed eyes at Gangting, his eyes were full of this believe as well. “I guess, here is your price,” the stall keeper handed him a trophy and sighed, “There is a food stall for a challenge, shall we; we should make it quick, I don’t want to leave my stall unattended for long.” Gangting looked with amused eyes at the stall keeper, ”No worries.”

    There were three others besides the two of them, all sat neatly at the bar of the stall on little seats; a bit to cramp for Gangting himself. Their dishes were fish and seafood; which Gangting didn’t looked forward as much as he had never been a favourite of marine food; his food was meat, but he set himself over it and attacked the first fried fish on his plate. The second plate was an arm of an octopus, Gangting looked with suspicion at the weird thing on his plate. It was moving about on his plate; the chef had said the muscles react to the sauce but Gangting wasn’t very convinced by it and besides; it looked not tasteful at all. His suspicion was correct as one of the arms started to choke someone who picked it and someone else was stabbed as an arm had stolen the participants knife. Gangting jumped on his feet, his stead broke as he needed more room. The arm lunged itself at him and Gangting tried to hit it mid air but he was to slow and tired; the octopus arm attached itself on his face and Gangting in a literal blind but less panic bellowed out: ”Earth Demon’s Bellow” and the octopus arm was ripped of his face by a stream of dirt and rocks that came from his mouth as he shouted; the arm left behind dozens of red circles on his face, thought he didn’t noticed it. He helped the other people to get rid of their arms and the chef apologized, he didn’t know what happened himself and offered everyone two prices.

    Gangting had already forgotten about the stall keeper and the original challenge but left the food stall and joined the three strangers who knew Ruvel. He looked at the person the others were looking at as well, ”Is that an undead?” he thought out loud to the group around, he smelled a faint smell of undead but it could have been the octopus as well. He didn’t want to cause yet another scene as he had done with the green-haired girl or as he had done with Solmar and Johann.

    WC: 1679 - Finished event wordcount, continueing as a job

    Last edited by Gangting on 27th September 2019, 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total


    Trick or Treat? N9AxYLD
    Trick or Treat? Sy03Rxz


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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by NPC 27th September 2019, 12:55 am

    The member 'Gangting' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Trick or Treat? Die_06_42164_sm

    The White Wizard

    The White Wizard

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Mifune 27th September 2019, 1:43 pm

    It was almost too much for the Zombie to process at first, being surrounded by humans that did not acknowledge him as something to be feared, rather just something that smelled bad.  He did consider investing in something scented to mask the Decay for the night, but for now he was happy to just be among them.  He wandered for some time, basking in their indifference towards him, ignoring the nasty looks from people who smelled him because they didn't count he thought.  It wasn't until he heard that pesky crow squawking from atop a lantern pole that his mood became upset.  That god damned crow that wouldn't leave him the hell alone and only appeared whenever there was something job-related coming up.  "Oh come on!  Can't I just have this?!"  He shouted in dismay, but the crow kept squawking at him.  "Before my time is done I'm going to shove you up the ass of a duck and cook you! I'm going to stick you in a duck and shove that duck inside of a bigger bird, and cook all three of you at once!"  Mifune made gestures with his hands of him shoving something in to something else and so on as he shouted, venting to the crow atop the Lantern post.  The people around him gawked at the crazy costumed Zombie.  For some of the parents watching he was probably a going to be a good example of why their children shouldn't do drugs.  Mifune looked at the people around him who were staring.  "What? Can't a guy vent?!" Between his tone and his appearance the onlookers quickly went about their business.  Mifune sighed.  "Fine then, back to work I guess."  

    Mifune wandered towards where they were shortly having an eating contest and looked about the crowd for any suspicious activity.  Oddly he did not feel the same as he normally would in a situation where he was about to face off against an Evil opponent.  It was as if the reason for his appearance at this festival was different than what he'd normally been tasked with.  "Tch, would be a lot easier if you'd just tell me what it was I was supposed to be doing instead of sending a fucking crow that does nothing but fucking squawk all the time.  Honestly it's a miracle I'm able to do as well as I do going on nothing but a god damn annoying squawking crow here and there."  It wasn't until Mifune said that, that he heard a voice in the crowd call out to him, beckoning him to approach a group of... People.

    The first to catch his attention was the inhumanly tall one that looked like a Lion had a kid with a Gorilla.      He looked like the type that he'd have to kill, yet Mifune could not feel as though he was an immediate threat, which was weird.  In descending order of height he noticed the formally dressed, black haired man who was returning from the eating contest.  He didn't seem like anything special.  Aside the Gorilla, a green haired punk-girl who anyone could tell was a living Red Flag and lastly a white-clad pipsqueak who Mifune identified as the one who called out to him, given the childish tone of the voice.

    Mifune looked side to side and then back towards the group, pointing a finger at himself.  "Who me?"  He asked, knowing god damn well there were no other zombie costumes out there.  The Gorilla and the Red Flag both seemed to believe he was a real Zombie, which off-put the Zombie... Hesitantly he approached the group sighing as he walked forward, gliding his hand over the hilt of his Katana, ready to draw it in case one of them decided they really didn't like Zombies.  "You know the trick to any good costume is to really commit to the role you're portraying."  He said almost nervously, but at this point he didn't really care if they outed him.  He was ready.

    Word Count: 670 + 854 = 1524 Words - Event WC = 1500 / Will continue as job



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Oykai 29th September 2019, 5:43 am

    Oykai could only internally sigh as he heard the younger reaper apologise for the action that he just took 'Words mean very little in our race, it all comes down to actions. Save your apologies and prove through improving yourself.' he sent to the other somewhat sternly, he didn't know what his sister seen in this welp but he had to put up with him given he dealt with Ruvel more often than not due to them being in the same guild, he had wished that she took him with her so he wouldn't be dealing with the headache he was currently getting due to him. 'I am not one to forgive slights, you want that go find a priest.' he sent to the other sighing more audibly this time resisting the urge to rub his temples. When he heard the request for Sol to tag along with him like a lost puppy that lost his owner he was going to tell him to go find his sister if he wanted to be around someone but before he could say anything it turned out that the taller black haired man had caught up with him and started following him none the less. 'I should have decided to go elsewhere for trying to find the present. I can't be dealing with a twice beaten lapdog.' he thought to himself making sure to guard his thoughts from outside forces, he could do without that added headache.

    It was when Sol spoke to Yona and Gangting he quirked an eyebrow "You've been around Ruvel way to much, you've started picking up his mannerisms." he said shaking his head a little "And I don't think you put Mister before a king's given name." he said with a small shrug, he could wrong as he never dealt with mortal royalty unless he was claiming them but he knew in their race and culture they didn't do such things, then again they tended to use titles over given names regardless in most things. He soon went quiet as some strange guy seemed to approach and asked if anyone wanted to try the eating contest, it really wasn't his cup of tea as food from this realm tasted like ash doused in gasoline and that was the high end stuff, the lower end stuff he could only shudder at what that likely tasted like to him "I think I'll pass." he said but watched as Sol seemed to jump right on the offer of seemingly free food. 'And she wants him to be our sibling? What is she thinking?' he thought to himself as he watched as Sol moved over to take part and started stuffing bowl after bowl of food into his mouth only making the smallest of the group wrinkle his nose in distaste.

    Oykai picked up the demons thoughts and glanced over to Yona a smile on his lips 'Parasite be silent in my presence, when we last met I was calmer and wouldn't have ended you unless required. I am not as restrained in my current form.' he warned the lurking demon 'Also you make any trouble for her in front of this demonslayer I will make you regret your very existance.' he finished is warning, he would have made sure that Yona herself would have heard every word so she knew what was going on. To him it was her mind and body so she deserved that right, the mind was sacrid even to his kind and the body though just a shell at the end of the day was still hers to do as she wished with. Hearing that she wasn't causing trouble at least with the tallest male amongst them made him nod "That's good at least but it seems you made quite a few unhappy people inside the bar, did you really wipe them in cards?" he said the thoughts of the ones inside that had been playing almost feeling like they were yelling their thoughts "One of them is even wondering how he's going to explain it to his wife." he said with a shrug, to be honest he never did understand currency that much everything was done via trade inside his home realm and even within his cast things were done via bartering information or souls.

    When he was thanked for the gift he shrugged, he was told to pick an additional prize and he chose a necklace that was simple but was pleasing to even his eyes. He wasn't one for trinkets but she seemed to like such things so it was kinda clear that she should have it, it would have likely went to a child or got thrown in one of his many piles of what he classed as junk inside his sanctum. Thing was these piles were filled with things from different eras, different nations and such. It was when he was asked about the man he had called out to he looked up at her his eyes still hidden by his hood. "I'm not suggesting anything. I know he's a real life walking, talking zombie." he said as if it was just an every day occurance to him, in a way he guessed it was but that was neither here nor there at this point. "Little Yona girl, perhaps you should help the warrior king here so he might be able to do his divine task that much better..." he said sniffing at the air again "It smells of infection and perhaps the early onset of gangreen." he continued, he knew that people got wounded doing their jobs and that there was nothing really wrong with it but infection was a horrible way to go and often painful. "Gangting, she wouldn't die even if you put your sword through her neck to try take it clean off." his voice calm as if he knew she would survive such a thing "All it would do is make a lot of people upset and her likely angry." he said with a smile and a shrug as he finished that matter.

    Oykai nodded to the question "If you mean Bennu, yes he still is able to call for his help. Why you still jealous?" he asked knowing how the giant of a man had reacted when he first seen Ruvel call for him. "His health isn't public knowlege and I really can't give that information." he said putting that question to a quick end hoping that no further enquiry would go into it "Bennu almost ate him when he first hatched but due to an illness that Ruvel himself helps him with he was seemingly adopted into Bennu's family and has been with him ever since." it was as simple as that as far as he was concerned but of course there was more to it that he didn't really want to get into. Hearing the next statement actually made him thing "I don't actually think Ruvel has friends. He has aquaintences and collegues to my knowledge, I could be wrong on that fact however I still don't understand him fully." he informed the taller male and left him to make his own mind up on things. "Even demons themselves are not all evil, it is just the race they have been born into and how they do things to survive. You should make sure that demons you are slaying deserve it or it is nothing but murder." he said offering some advice from his own vast knowledge, to him noting was inherintly evil nor inherintly good it came down to how you were raised and what you needed to do to survive. To him nothing was black and white and so this is why his own cast didn't play judge, jury and exocutioner when it came to spirits so to speak they just done their duty and took them to their judgement before taking them to where they needed to go if they decided to go down that route at all.

    He heaed a person asked him to try his luck at a tossing game and even the secondary challenge that Gangting had said after it "I would rather burn my sanctum to the ground than eat the stuff this realm calls food." he said showing it wasn't going to happen in any way, shape or form. He watched as the giant of a man gave little effort to the game and walked towards the food eating challenge after being handed the trophy. "So given the eatting manerism of his culture and time, we should be well stood back." he said manovering Yona to where he believed was safe not knowing what was going to happen but putting nothing to chance. He watched what was going on and chuckled "Maybe I was wrong this is actually quite entertaining." he said watching what was happening with the other participants followed by Gangting using his bellow to get rid of his own seeing the circles the suckers had made on the man's face made him snicker as he started to laugh happily but it was quick lived as he helped the others get rid of their own 'food'. As he walked back to them he nodded "Yes, he is an undead." he let him know turning to see the one he beckoned over reach them after having an argument with a crow.

    He smiled and looked to the crow "Give him the night, he isn't going anywhere after all." he spoke to the ever watching eyes of what he believed was his 'fathers' "This is the season he can have a little of his former life back and not be stared at or hated by the living." he said his tone was calm but it held pain in the undertone as he himself knew this, more so the latter due to his own task in the cycle of life and death. His eyes turned to him when he heard the 'who me' comment and sighed "No the other sword weilding undead samurai beside you, what do you think?" he said sarcastically watching as he got closer his and watching his movements "No need for that, we aren't going to attack you after all this is a festival not a battlefield." he tried to put the other to ease but wither or not it happened was another thing completely. His eyes went back to the crow once more "You can take your leave, I'll take care of him." he commented watching to see if the crow would actually leave or not. "Oh that's true but each role has their odd balls don't you think?" he asked with a smile raising his head just enough so Mifune would be able to see his soul filled blood ruby eyes.

    Word count: 1,800
    @Sol @Yona @Gangting @Mifune


    Trick or Treat? 59867_s

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Sol 30th September 2019, 12:58 am

    Sol nodded his head in understanding.’I understand’ he stated mentally as he walked beside him, when he was told that he was picking up his fellow CEOS mannerisms the younger reaper actually chuckled a bit.”considering my position in the company I feels its only appropriate to be more professional” he said his tone slightly amused before he was told that you didn’t put the title Mister before a kings given name.”I was not aware that this man was royalty had I known I would have addressed him correctly” he added before bowing his head a bit to Gangting.”it’s a pleasure to meet you” he said politely. As he finished his meals and returned from the eating contest he heard the elder reaper mention that Yona would not be killed by her head being cut off and that all it would do is make many people upset himself and Oykai most likely as well as others and also it would make her angry as well. as Sol saw Oykai smile the reaper instantly got the feeling of dread that the smile promised something bad if anything was attempted at Yona and the younger reapers eyes darted to Gangting wondering how he would handle that. As Oykai explained that Gangting needed to consider if the demons he slayed deserved it and if it wasent then it was just murder. Sol nodded a bit at that since his concept of good and evil had shifted immensely since his training and his view on the subject was also never plain black and white.

    As the large Man Gangting stepped up to do the eating contest Sol stood beside Oykai and has his arms crossed as he watched the man in the contest though when he managed to get his face covered in a tentacle the Slayer could only facepalm when a bellow was used to get rid of it.”real classy he could have hit someone” he muttered under his breath so no one else would hear it. While a bellow was strong it was still rather dangerous to use haphazardly and Sol knew that well being a slayer himself. Without immense control a roar or bellow could rip thru people and buildings like tissue paper. As the one Oykai called out to approached Sol sniffed slightly and nodded when the elder reaper confirmed that the man was indeed a real zombie but considering he wasn’t attacking or trying to eat brains Sol didn’t see him causing problems anytime soon. As Oykai put the Mans fear to rest no pun intended Sol saw Oykai explained that there were oddballs to every role and smiled a bit Sol did as well before he glanced at the Zombies sword.”That’s a nice blade is it an heirloom by chance? The detailing is impressive” he asked as even from a distance he could see it was very good quality and a good deal of time and effort had gone into the weapon.the reaper idly wondered how the blade would fare against a clearblade crafted sword or even his own blade but as Oykai pointed out this was a festival not a battlefield and none of them were wanting to fight least of all him.

    wc- 538

    total wc- 1,668

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    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Zincarla 5th October 2019, 11:59 am

    Yona was had gotten much better at keeping her cool but the suggestion of this giant cutting off her head had her temper gripping a fist around her vocal cords and squeezing the words out beyond her control. "You didn't ask, you just said I smelled and I returned the compliment. Try removing my head and I'll end you." The green haired girl took a shaky breath and rubbed the glass ball pendant with her fingers to bring her back to the present moment. She couldn't help but murmur, "Giant bastard," in a salty tone of voice but Oykai and Sol's presence had made her keep hold on the rest of her thoughts. She had plenty of thoughts and the urge to strike the giant man was like a speaker phone screaming inside of her ears. You're better than that now, she thought to herself. The demon giggled and reclined easily, wondering if she would let out her inner rage in this place or if her sense of maturity and responsibility would overthrow her more habitual reactions. He and Yona both had heard Oykai's threat and Ketsueki didn't say more to either his host or the six year old looking reaper... he knew better.

    When Gangting turned back to her and mentioned Ruvel and Johann, her eyebrows both perked up in surprise. Her hand fell from the little amulet and she said with a genuine smile on her face, "I know them and I am friends with them both. My name is Yona Hisamori. Johann is my mentor, though I haven't seen him in a little while." She didn't add on the fact that helping Johann with defeating his most serious past enemies was how she ended up with the wretched demon inside of her. "Seems we have something in common then at least." Johann and Ruvel would both be disappointed to say the least if Yona had turned Gangting's remarks into a bigger scene. "I can be friendly in return, I accept your apologies."

    Yona turned her attention with Oykai to the zombie yelling at a crow. She wished she could say it was the strangest thing she had ever seen, but it weren't true. She laughed in spite of herself, not bothering to hide her amusement at the zombie's apparent chagrin. As Gangting joined the group, she pursed her lips. Oykai's suggestion to heal him wasn't appealing to her and she doubted the giant man would want such a demon laden woman laying hands upon him. She stepped back slightly as the zombie approached and Oykai spoke with him in order to have a more private conversation with the giant man again. "I would offer to heal you, if doing so wouldn't harm your refined and godly senses." It was an offer of healing, and she was extremely capable, but her snarky way of offering it was as close as she would get to kindness at this point. He was a friend, not foe, and he knew her dearest mentor as well. That meant she had to have his back and help him out, but Yona didn't have to enjoy it.

    If he agreed to it, she would proceed with a healing spell with a visual of swirling plants and golden sparkles encompassing the wounds with warmth. She looked over her shoulder listening absently to Oykai and the zombie talking. It was where she would prefer to be standing and partaking in conversation, but healing such an infected wound on a man horrified by her demon enough to threaten her life would require her attention. Her mood lightened up slightly when Sol mentioned that Gangting's shout earlier at the food contest could have hurt someone, making her laugh again, "Lighten up, Sol. Every one is fine. You worry too much instead of trusting people to control their magic." The teasing was light but sincere, as she had always teased her one-time poisons teacher. "I thought the bellow was effective, whatever your name is."

    WC: 677+159 (1500 for event removed from prior wc)= 836


    Trick or Treat? Imageedit-3-2741721522

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    Cosmic Herione

    Cosmic Herione

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    Trick or Treat? Empty Re: Trick or Treat?

    Post by Aurora 19th October 2019, 3:20 am

    The giant stared at the green girl and grinned. ”How will you end me without a head,” he teased; even thoughts he had been nearly killed in Duoshang and lost to Solmar not to long ago, he was still confident that he was near indestructible. ”Well, you do smell like a demon. What is the point of asking a question when one knows the answer?” A brief silence fell, ”Aye, probably should have taken a different approach. But there is merit in being stalwart.” The giant frowned, ”What a coincidence. Hmm, I shall mention it him; there is no honour in neglecting one's disciples.”

    The Giant nodded at young boy’s response, ”Gangting is fine, titles are for court and diplomacy. Your wise kid.” Gangting nodded in appreciation to others; he might have said that it isn’t the place for etiquettes but that doesn’t mean he apricates it.

    Gangting looked from the little boy to the green-haired girl, ”You are a healer? I doubt my gift will be diminished by healing. If you can heal that then you ought to open up shop; a two dozen healers and shamans were not able to heal it.” His head turned rapidly back to the young boy, ”What do you mean by that?” His eye’s narrowed, ”most normal people die without a head.” His gaze turned to his wounds and back to the green-haired girl who had tried her magic, ”Well, it’s all unnecessary; she may keep her head.” The Redhead laughed, ”Thank you for trying, Yona.”  

    Gangting ruby eyes burned as he glared at the young boy's comment, ”The Arn-uha are birds of royalty; they symbolise the passing of a king and ascending of the prince to the royal throne. I don’t understand how he has one.” and don’t, he finished in his mind. ”How secretive,” the fierceness in his eyes subsided and made place for confusion. ”I see,” the Giant scratched his beard,  the ancient chronicles never said how to obtain an Arn-uha perhaps one must earn one but that still left the question where they could be found. ”Everyone has friends, even if they deny it.” He frowned as the little one continued, he possessed a lot of knowledge. The fierceness in Gangting’s eyes flared up again, ”One cannot murder demons, and I for a fact cannot commit murder; I am a king and my word is law.” he paused for a moment, ”my word maybe not the law here, for I am not the king here but by the earth I have been commanded to cleanse this the world from them. I am not supposed to be lenient about it as I do for Johann and Yona, and others.”

    The Giant looked at the zombie with suspicion but soon felt that he could barely keep his eyes open, this day had been an odd one; he had felt strange the whole day. He realized one thing, he would either fall as sleep or might explode in anger, the comment about the little boy and demons itched him and provoked a hefty emotion; unintentionally but nevertheless a stab. ”Well, it was nice to meet you all. I am going to find a place to sleep. Have a pleasant evening.” and with that being said, the Giant walked away.
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