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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick?


    Lineage : Chosen by the World Seed
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    Posts : 167
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 639,097

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spiritual Divinity
    Second Skill: Spirit Bloom
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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Empty This is the Treat. What's the Trick?

    Post by Eyir 28th November 2021, 9:17 am



    Lineage : Chosen by the World Seed
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    Posts : 167
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spiritual Divinity
    Second Skill: Spirit Bloom
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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Empty Re: This is the Treat. What's the Trick?

    Post by Eyir 28th November 2021, 9:18 am

    Rolling for Trick or Treat Street...



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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Empty Re: This is the Treat. What's the Trick?

    Post by NPC 28th November 2021, 9:18 am

    The member 'Eyir' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Die_01_42158_sm

    Lineage : Chosen by the World Seed
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 639,097

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spiritual Divinity
    Second Skill: Spirit Bloom
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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Empty Re: This is the Treat. What's the Trick?

    Post by Eyir 2nd December 2021, 6:38 am

    So this is what Halloween was about. Eyir had seen the so-called holiday being celebrated in such a way before. She had even seen it evolve from what it was centuries ago. Seen being the keyword. As much time as she had spent in the world in her current state she had only seen the day pass on from afar. Never before had she participated. Although even with her never experiencing it before she had come to prefer spectating the more modern traditions of the holiday. The spirit was glad that she chose that point in time to join the festivities.

    Eyir had already spent about two hours at the festival being held in Magnolia. Watching. It was always like her to be in the background and be fully content with watching. It was enjoyable. For some reason. There was much doubt anyone else shared the same opinion. Others she watched got bored very quickly and needed to constantly have something to do or busy themselves with searching for the next grand thing to pass the time. During her time being the passive decoration in the background, Eyir witnessed the interactions of everyone that passed by. She took in the information of certain activities so she would know what was expected. She was the size of an adult so she suspected she should follow their example instead of the children that were high on a sugar rush. Although, there were some adults that acted even worse or much more excitedly than the children. Did the expectation of candy and treats make people go insane? Or was it the costumes they wore? Eyir couldn't really say that her own made her feel or act any differently than usual.

    Yes, Eyir had come to the festival in costume. There was the assumption that it was mandatory for the event. Technically speaking to most her usual armor or even spirit form could have passed for a costume but she would know it wasn't. If she truly wanted to experience the modern-day Halloween in full then she needed to abide by one of the more important expectations of dressing up for the occasion. This also required a bit more than just slapping a random mask over her normally fogged-over face beneath the white hood she wore. With a lot of effort and having the assistance of a shop mage that was super talented Eyir now had a costume container for her soul essence to move around in. She felt her fellow guild members would approve. With its pink coloring and even the light of her wings depicting flower blossoms the container could even be used for guild gatherings and formal occasions. One container, two functions. It would do. Even if the country representation was a bit off.

    After spending that much time watching the crowd Eyir decided that it was time to try some of the activities. She started with the big one. The one everyone from child to adult wanted to do for reasons she couldn't comprehend. Trick or Treating. The name alone made the spirit very suspicious. Was she supposed to prepare herself for tricks and traps along the way? She didn't know. The event took place in an area that she could not see from where she stood for so long. There was only talk about it that she caught. She'd see some of those that went to trick or treat come back with buckets of candy, but not everyone. Had they been victims of the tricks or was it just a really big festival in an even bigger town? Still, even with her suspicions Eyir was content to give it a go and face whatever lied ahead. Floating a few inches off the ground, Eyir let the magic of her ethereal wings carry her to the residential street that was set up for the event.

    (Word Count: 645)



    Lineage : Chosen by the World Seed
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 639,097

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spiritual Divinity
    Second Skill: Spirit Bloom
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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Empty Re: This is the Treat. What's the Trick?

    Post by Eyir 5th December 2021, 9:10 am

    Eyir followed some others that seemed to be heading towards the same destination as she. Once there, she stopped and watched as the crowd of kids and adults joined a line at a table that had a wide selection of empty candy buckets and bags. One by one those in line stepped up to the table where the event coordinator behind it gave them the bucket or bag that had caught the eye of its future owner. It wasn't difficult to figure out that these containers would be used for the collection of treats. She had seen many earlier with those same containers filled with candy and other goodies. Following their example, Eyir got in line as well and waited until it eventually became her turn at the table.

    "Hello and welcome to the Trick or Treat Street activity!" The woman behind the table greeted kindly and very enthusiastically despite having had repeated that same sentence for each person in line before Eyir. She was costumed as well, dressed as a blue fairy with sparkling glitter all over the outfit and accessories. "Please select one of our unique candy buckets or bags. You won't find any two that are exactly alike anywhere! Consider it as a free one of a kind souvenir for the occasion!" She smiled brightly and waited for Eyir to make her choice.

    It didn't take long for Eyir to decide. In fact, she knew instantly the one she wanted. There was only one that matched her costume and once again she wanted to stay in theme for her guild. Pink. And lots of it. Raising a hand, she aimed a pointed finger at a pink-colored candy bucket that had an image of a cute little ghost upon it. There were other details too that made it more unique from the rest but Eyir didn't care about those. She just liked the pink and the little ghost. For reasons she figured were obvious enough. The spirit said nothing, only pointing to make her decision known to the event coordinator.

    "Hm?" The blue eyes of the coordinator followed the finger until their gaze landed on the bucket. "Oh! Lovely choice! It matches your costume too!" She stepped up to the bucket and grabbed it, returning to the table after and handing it to Eyir. "And with that you can now enjoy Trick or Treat Street! Have fun and remember to eat candy responsibly!"

    Eyir had no idea what was considered "responsibly" when eating candy. She didn't eat candy. She didn't eat at all. Well, not in the way normal beings did anyway. Regardless of that differentiation, Eyir didn't care. She just wanted to experience collecting the candy and seeing what the tricks were about. "Thank you," Eyir said, her voice coming out in a soft whisper mixed with the otherworldly soft chimes that normally accompanied it. Now armed with her candy bucket, Eyir floated her way down the street to join the rest of the participants. The first of many houses was in her sights.

    After a long while, Eyir had made it to the last house of the street. At first she had been very suspicious when approaching the houses. The idea was to be prepared for the tricks. Strangely, there were none. Every house just gave her more and more candy. Handful after handful. All of it was considered the good stuff by the children that were around to see it too. The experience was over now though and it seemed as if she was not going to get any tricks that year. Just the treats. Her candy bucket had become very full and heavy. Overflowing in fact. She wanted to keep the bucket but not the candy. She brought the bucket in front of herself and raised it to look at its contents better. What the heck was she going to do with it now?

    There wasn't much thought put into the practice of finding a solution. Eyir just turned the bucket over and allowed the candy to fall onto the ground. A good shake was given to make sure all of it had left the bucket. Then she turned it back over to make sure it was empty. Indeed it was. Now she was satisfied. As the candy fell onto the ground many children nearby were shocked. Their wide eyes were in awe of the candy that was now considered free for the taking. It was unwanted, after all. Fair game. They all then swarmed around the pile to get their hands on some of it to add to their own growing sugar collection. Eyir paid them no mind. The angelic spirit floated off to her next festive destination.

    (Word Count: 785
    Total So Far: 1430)

    Eyir has obtained 1 Candy Corn Kernel from Trick or Treat Street
    1/3 Candy Corn Kernels Earned

    Last edited by Eyir on 6th December 2021, 9:01 am; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Chosen by the World Seed
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 639,097

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spiritual Divinity
    Second Skill: Spirit Bloom
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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Empty Re: This is the Treat. What's the Trick?

    Post by Eyir 6th December 2021, 9:00 am

    Eyir didn't quite know how but somehow she managed to get herself into a sort of contest. She had only been observing the pile of pumpkins when she was scooted along to join some others. They were all contestants that had volunteered for a contest. Now she was one of them. They would compete against each other to carve the best looking pumpkin. Eyir knew well that pumpkin carving was a tradition for many during that time of year. Only the blind would miss all the ones that were spread around the festival grounds. What she didn't know was that there was a contest for such a thing. It seemed to be a dangerous practice for a festival contest. Anyone could cut themselves. Lose a finger or two. Possibly accidentally stab an opponent with the carving tools. How concerning.

    Each contestant was directed to a table of their own that was already set up for the contest, including the uncarved pumpkin canvases. The judges stood in front of them all but they remained silent, allowing instead for the contest coordinator to speak the rules and expectations. Thirty minutes was all that would be given to complete a work of art. After that they were all to remain at their tables and wait for the judges to make their rounds until a winner was chosen. Once he had completed telling them those details he announced that the timer, and as such the contest, had begun.

    Eyir wasn't too sure on where to start. She had never carved a pumpkin before and had not observed in detail how it was done. A simple glance at her competition told her the basic things to do. A good thing indeed considering she had just been about to jam the carving knife right into the pumpkin instead of emptying it of its guts before doing any of the real delicate work. Still, even after doing that her work with a knife was not at all gentle. The pumpkin's skin was hard and difficult to cut into. She lacked any true strength to put the same amount of force into it as her competitors. Her cuts were jagged and uneven. Nothing was aligned. It wasn't long before her canvas had become a mess. If she was going for an abstract design it could have passed. Maybe. The title of the work of art being "Murder of the Halloween Pumpkin". She would have to make do with what she had made, however. There were no second chances for the contest submissions.

    Thirty minutes flew by. That was all that was needed to destroy that poor pumpkin. Eyir's murder weapon was covered in its flesh and skin. A waste of what could have been a work of art in someone else's care. She put the carving tool down and waited as had been instructed earlier. Clipboards in hand, the judges went from table to table, jotting notes down as they inspected each design. It was no surprise that they were horrified by hers. They gasped and quickly moved on after scribbling down a few notes. Needless to say, the angelic spirit did not win. She was still satisfied with the result. The experience would be remembered.

    With the contest over she went in search for something else to do.

    (Word Count: 551
    Total So Far: 1981)

    Eyir has obtained 1 Candy Corn Kernel from Pumpkin Carving Contest
    2/3 Candy Corn Kernels Earned



    Lineage : Chosen by the World Seed
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 639,097

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spiritual Divinity
    Second Skill: Spirit Bloom
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    This is the Treat. What's the Trick? Empty Re: This is the Treat. What's the Trick?

    Post by Eyir 6th December 2021, 10:20 am

    The next thing that got the attention of the wandering spirit was a small tent that was set a bit away from the main crowd and festival activities. A sign stood in front of it to indicate that it was part of the festival and not some random tent that was meant to be ignored. In its gold fancy lettering it spelled the words Fortune Teller. In smaller print it briefly explained that everyone would receive one free reading. Eyir was interested. The powers of those that could read and see in such a way was to be respected. If they were the real deal. It was likely the one waiting within the tent was a fake that could put on a convincing performance but there was no reason to avoid the tent if so. She wanted to see what it was like, even if it was all a charade.

    Eyir entered the tent, finding it empty aside from one person at the lone table that took up most of the small space. A woman judging from the build of the body, but that was all Eyir could tell at first glance. The woman's face was shrouded by the dark cloth that covered it, much like the rest of her. "Ah, another visitor. Come in." The voice was old and slow, yet beneath the kindly tone there was something else. Something that made Eyir less than content. The old woman raised her hand, the jewelry jangling loudly as she waved for the angelic spirit to come inside. Eyir did so and took the empty seat that was on the other side of the table.

    "Ah, yes. I know you now," the old woman said with a small cackle. "I do not usually do readings for spirits of your nature. Normally the spirits are the ones guiding me on the readings. I am tickled at this. Who am I to call on for the reading of a spirit?"

    Eyir said nothing. The woman could tell what she was even with her costume. At least, she could tell the generic basic version. She was more than a simple spirit that went around screaming "boo" to frighten mortals.

    "Quiet one, aren't you? Yes, I suppose you would be. The louder ones are the more dangerous kinds, and your aura has not darkened quite yet." The fortune teller cleared her throat. The small talk was not going to be very interesting if she was the only one participating. "To the fortune then. Hmmm." The old woman pondered on what tools she would use. Normally she used the crystal ball, but there were several other ways to do a reading. "I think your fortune requires a bit more than the crystal ball." The deck of tarot cards at the other corner of the table was reached for. Magically, the cards floated from her hand and shuffled themselves. As the deck gently returned to her hand she began to one by one place cards on the table. Five cards were on the table, all facedown and together forming a cross. A simple spread for an advanced fortune teller such as she, but it would provide more information than the crystal ball.

    Time passed as the card reading progressed. Eyir didn't quite understand how the cards worked but at the end of it all she did receive a reading. It wasn't one that she particularly liked. The angelic spirit would have to be cautious if she wished to avoid what the cards predicted for her future. For now though she would be content to enjoy the festival's atmosphere and activities until it came to an end.

    (Word Count: 609
    Total So Far: 2590)

    Eyir has obtained 1 Candy Corn Kernel from Fortune Telling
    3/3 Candy Corn Kernels Earned


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