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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)


    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Guest 24th October 2022, 6:55 am

    There was a part of her that wasn’t sure if this was a good idea and no matter how many times she thought it out in her mind, Elara just couldn’t help but have mixed feelings. The Slayer couldn’t help but think back to last year’s festivities, where things hadn’t exactly turned out as well as she’d hoped and the thought of doing more harm to her closest friend and partner made her shiver. Lehanna was still recovering from her harrowing experience with that blonde haired bitch and Elara wasn’t certain about whether bringing to such a busy festival was the right move. Still, perhaps she was just worrying too much and the teenager dearly wanted to help her partner in opening up again and coming to terms with the changes that she’d gone through. That was what coming here was all about, to have a good time and hopefully help Lehanna recover. The blissful time that they’d spent together in their shared home had been wonderful but the dark haired girl knew that sooner or later, they’d have to make an appearance in the wider world.

    Elara was still coming to terms with the new dynamic of their relationship, never having felt so deeply for anyone before. Their joint confession on Lehanna’s return had left her in such a state of elation and every moment that she spent with her girlfriend, still a term that she was unable to say without turning as red as a tomato, had brought her such joy. She’d never been so happy inside although she did her best to try and keep her composure as much as she could. Elara didn’t want to rush into anything and was more than delighted with how things were progressing but she couldn’t help but worry for her partner. Lehanna had been almost frightened by the mere suggestion of leaving the house at first, the look on her face almost making Elara feel horrible for even suggesting it. She was so new to all of this and in truth, the summoner wasn’t always sure what to say or do but she’d be Lehanna’s side, always.

    Dressed like a witch, the Slayer would gently lead her partner towards the festivities, deliberately walking slowly in order to not spook or make things any worse for Lehanna. She didn’t want to be too pushy about this but so dearly wanted to see her friend back to her confident and cheerful self. She held Lehanna’s right hand with her left, trying her best to help support her. It felt a tad embarrassing and her cheeks were slightly red but she was willing to push that all aside.

    “If things get too much for you, just tell me and we’ll go back home, OK?” She said gently, her gaze turning towards her partner. Lehanna looked so beautiful in her outfit and Elara’s cheeks turned even redder as she gazed at her. “We’ll just have a look around and see what’s new this time around.” A smile crossed her features, remembering the outfits they wore last year. “At least we won’t have to worry about people asking us to clean this year."

    (528 Words)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 29th October 2022, 11:16 am

    The former slayer couldn't help but remain both concerned and nervous about going out this evening. Honestly, this was the probably the best time to go out with her newfound appearance rather than the shadow formed disguise she had made for herself, however she didn't want to push things. If she were unlucky, some little kid would be in such awe they would grab at her tail and that could lead to some entitled brat of a mother trying to take her horns and tail from her only to learn its real and subsequently cause a scene and get her into such a depressive slump she would most likely tear up and run away crying while Elara burned her at the stake from her outburst of anger from having upset her new significant other.

    Which to the next point is why she chose to remain disguised this time. The agreed upon outfit was a bit much for someone her age, but having such a fearsome witch in her clutches was just the deterrent for scummy pricks. If not, they'd learn quick and painfully how bad of an idea that is. Maybe a succubus like costume was a bit out of the question? She was much more conservative in how she dressed than this... but maybe once in a while wasn't so bad? It seemed to make Ela so happy and seeing her cute little smile made her happy. And given what she'd been through herself, the happiness was much more welcome than the few peering looks of a teenager dressed slightly more adult than she needed to. At least for one night she could let loose and try to have fun, right? What's the worst that could happen?

    As the couple had started moving through the festivities, her arms remained gently wrapped around the left arm of her close friend. It wasn't hard for her to acknowledge their relationship that had flourished since her trials and practical kidnapping from Kalama. However, she couldn't exclude how much that had brought them together and the reminder of the results from it brought a little smile to her face. Even to lean in and give a light peck of a kiss to her cheek. "As long as I have you with me, I'm not that afraid, Ela." She said, leaning her head on her shoulder for a moment to show her comfort level being out and about with the summoner. "I think a part of me will always feel a bit afraid, if I'm being honest. Yet, tonight I think we're going to be perfectly fine so long as we don't run into any hiccups along the road." She paused, looking to her witch costume and then to her own. "Yeah. This year we may just have pervs asking about if you summoned me from hell or if I've seduced you before you could complete some strange satanic contract." Lehanna commented, giggling at the idea a bit.

    497 words
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Guest 29th October 2022, 12:39 pm

    If Elara wasn’t already blushing like crazy, she definitely was after Lehanna kissed her on the cheek. She’d worried that her partner might have been a little reluctant to show any affection in public and the summoner wouldn’t have had any problem and yet here she was, acting as though they’d been together for ages. It did help Elara to relax a little though and as Lea placed her head against the Slayer’s shoulder, the teenager briefly rested her head against her girlfriend in return. She couldn’t help but think back all of their trials and tribulations for a moment, a rollercoaster of emotions that had left them both in tears at times. They’d been through so much in what was such a short time and Elara couldn’t have been happier with how it had all ended in the end. Yeah, there were still scores to settle but at least for now, they were both happy and what was more important than that? Never had she thought that it would be like this, certainly not back in the early days.

    “Anyone who tries anything funny will get a slap around the back of the head.” Elara replied, not in the mood for the slightest bit of stupidity from other people but chuckling too after a moment. “I suppose they wouldn’t be far wrong about the seduction part though, as you’ve managed to do a great job with that.” It was an embarrassing sentence to say in public but she shrugged it off. If Lehanna wasn’t nervous about public affection then neither was she. It was kind of funny in a way that perhaps even though she’d suggested they go out, it might just have been her who was more uncomfortable. Why was everything always so weird? “You’re going to have to get used to having me around, as I have no intention of being anywhere else.” She meant every word and finally found the courage to kiss Lehanna on the cheek in return, a receipt so to speak.

    As the two walked down the street, Elara’s eyes fell upon a booth, where a woman was stirring the contents of a large cauldron. The smell coming from it was unusual and the teenager’s Slayer senses were sent into a bit of a tizzy for a moment. She was curious though and led her partner towards the cauldron, the stirrer looking up at them as they approached. A young woman, wearing a costume quite similar to Elara’s. Taking one look at the couple, she smirked and spoke. “Well, aren’t you a lovely couple? Fancy a taste of my brew?”

    Elara glanced down at the brew for a second, before glancing towards Lea and shrugging her shoulders. “I guess we could give it a go? I’ll go first to make sure that there’s nothing funny in it.”

    “Funny? It’s not poison, you know!” The woman huffed, her hands on her hips.

    “I was just joking.” Elara replied, looking back towards the woman, before taking a glass, scooping up some of the brew with it and drinking it in one go.

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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by NPC 29th October 2022, 12:39 pm

    The member 'Elara' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Die_04_42161_sm
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 29th October 2022, 1:20 pm

    Rolling for brew~



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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by NPC 29th October 2022, 1:20 pm

    The member 'Lehanna Seraph' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Die_05_42162_sm
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 9th November 2022, 10:24 am

    Lehanna's first giggling had been coupled by the added comment that Elara made. She wasn't so much bothered by her need to be a little more physically violent now that they were a couple. It seemed more like these acts were just now geared towards people who were negative towards their relationship or just creeps who just wanted to hit on young girls for whatever reason. Frankly, the wish that she still had her slayer magic was high so the two could simply burn the same person alive together, but there was still no mention or discovery that Lehanna had in whatever gifted magical abilities that her magic bestowed upon her or not. Some days she didn't mind the fact that she didn't have magic to worry about, but the fact her sword still worked meant there was something in there. Maybe if she broke this curse a little more some things would change. It wasn't worrying though.

    When she had been returned a kiss to the cheek and assured that she wouldn't be going anywhere, the grip around her arm had tightened a bit. Though her cheeks had been flushed a pink from the kiss, there was a bit of tears welling in her eyes. It would be easy to tell her mind was see sawing between tonight's enjoyments and her curse. "Y-You promise, right?" She asked, seeming not only a bit shaken in her voice but also her arms carrying a light trembling. However, the latter of the two seemed to fade off after a moment while she tried to reassure herself of the ordeal and even loosened her grip. "N-No, I'm sorry Ela. I-I am trying so hard to enjoy the night with you. It's just a little bit overwhelming is all." Breathing a heavy exhale, her body had begun to relax a little.

    It had been one of their concerns being that Lehanna would be able to keep herself composed the whole day. This was meant to take her mind away from everything and feel normal again. And though she made no signs of this all day, the closer the night came, the heavier these thoughts began to protrude in her mind. Maybe the drink they were headed to was just what she needed to take her mind off of things. She perked up hearing a womans voice proclaiming them to be a cute couple. Suddenly the gently flushed face turned a brighter red and she lowered her head in a bit of shyness. Waiting for her partner to get herself a drink, Lehanna finally approached and did the same, looking up but unable to look the woman in the eyes from her embarrassment. "Thank you, miss." She said before taking a sip of her drink. Then another. Finally a third to finish it off, she had let out a sigh before suddenly realizing her earlier hunger had diminished. In fact, she wasn't even thirsty anymore. Strange, but she simply shrugged it off since she was a little used to that feeling anyway.

    "Hey El, is there anything you want to do? You don't have to worry much about me. I just want you to have fun." She put up a smile, which for a change wasn't entirely a front to hide her own sadness. Of course, she did want Elara to have fun rather than having to constantly look over the cursed mage for a change.

    575 words
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Guest 9th November 2022, 11:41 am

    When Lehanna asked her if she promised, Elara didn’t respond verbally but instead pulled her partner into an embrace. Did she still feel embarrassed about showing such affection in public? Maybe a little but after exchanging kisses on the cheek, the dark haired teenager figured that they’d already broken the ice in that regard. She didn’t care about who saw them or what they might have thought. Lehanna was who mattered to her and the new Silver Wolf mage would do whatever she could to make her girlfriend feel comfortable. Elara was so used to being tough that she’d been surprised by just how quickly she’d adapted to having someone else to care for. It had all come so easily to her in the end although there was still a part of her that mused that perhaps she was still just a tad guilty about the past. She was frustrated that her mind always drew back to that but it was a hard habit to break. Shaking her head, she focused back upon the now, which was all that mattered.

    After they had both drank from the weird brew, Elara had to admit that she felt a little strange. The teenager glanced at her hand, which had become rather pale and see through, much to her bemusement. She felt light on her feet and there was clearly something up with that potion. Just what had been in that potion and why was it messing around with her like this? Refusing to overreact, she simply raised an eyebrow and after a few moments, turned towards her partner.

    Only for her jaw to drop when she looked at Lehanna, who had seemed to react rather more strongly than Elara had to the concoction. Her eyes looked a little blurry and there was definitely something a little different about her scent. More concerned about her partner than her but unwilling to ruin the moment, the slayer simply kept her worry to herself for now. She simply hoped that whatever was happening to Lea wouldn’t add complications to things later.

    In response to her partner’s question, Elara would briefly think for a moment and then take Lehanna’s hand again. “How about we listen to some music for a bit? I heard that they have a DJ here this time around and I’m sure that they'll have all the latest tunes.” Her cheeks turned rather pink at that point. “Maybe they’ll have some of Sakura’s…”

    She trailed off at that point, having to hold back the inner and suppressed fan girl that Elara kept well and truly buried deep inside. Ever since she’d started listening to the idol, the slayer had become rather captivated by her work. She’d never heard anything quite like her music before and it had resonated with her in a way that she’d never expected.

    “Any…Anyway.” She stumbled, trying to get herself out of the embarrassing mess that she’d just dropped herself into. “Shall we go? If you want to, of course.”

    (501 Words)
    (2618 TWC)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 26th November 2022, 12:12 pm

    The look on the short haired blondes face had been a bit more uplifting to a normal sense of the word. She had looked over to her significant other whom --at this point, had already begun to show signs of her look shifting. She curiously looked over the teen, but still being able to hold onto her and touch her meant more than she had cared to even worry about. Personally, Lehanna was still more grounded being able to hold onto her like she had, but in her mind she knew she couldn't continue to do this forever. It wasn't just a sign of affection in holding Elara's arm. It was assurance. Safety. Peace of mind. Knowing that she wasn't alone or worried one thing might set her differently and spiraling into the nightmares of her nights prior to coming to the event. But if she came this dependent on someone else, she couldn't fathom standing up to and killing Kalama let alone the curse that plagued her to begin with.

    Music seemed like a very strange topic of choice that Elara pointed towards when given the floor of things to do. Over the last couple of months or so that she could recall, Ela always seemed a bit secretive from time-to-time with her music choices and it had seemed to bleed over into the fact that she would skip random tracks the second she knew what song it was. As someone who hadn't kept up with music at all for the most part, she hadn't found anything to be really... normal with the choices. Moreover, all music was equally as strange to her, but logical and even commendable in relaying messages through lyrics. But it's what made Ela happy, so she was happy to notice her enthusiasm of it.

    Then she paused after trailing off at the mention of someone named Sakura. Her mind started to try and put the pieces together and before long, she recalled meeting someone by that name from a flyer she'd spotted on the school bulletin board prior to a rather long job she'd taken. "Kisagami? That blue haired idol girl?" She suddenly questioned, looking rather curious and interested in her choice of artist. "If that's who you're talking about, I did meet her once. Long before you and I reconnected for that matter." The cursed mage noted, seeming rather casual about the experience as she recalled their meeting to the best of her ability.

    413 words
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Guest 26th November 2022, 1:06 pm

    Of all the answers that Lehanna could have given, the one she ended up saying was more surprising than any other. Elara’s cheeks turned completely red again and for a short while, she struggled to say much of anything. Her attempt at moving the conversation along had completely failed and it appeared that she wasn’t going to get out of it now. The teenager didn’t even honestly know why she was so embarrassed about admitting her fondness for Sakura’s music, it just did. She’d spent so long acting like a hardass that admitting such a thing just seemed to be unnatural but deep down, the slayer knew that she had to get away from that image. She didn’t have to be so cold and secretive anymore, least of all with Lea but it was so difficult to not be sometimes. It was a hard habit to break.

    Her inner fangirl was starting to emerge though and Elara could feel it bursting through her cold exterior like hot water melting through ice. She didn’t scream giddily or anything but the look in her eyes was rather more light than normal, revealing a younger and more innocent side that she’d honestly thought had been buried. That was always what happened whenever she listened to Sakura’s music. It just had the ability to reach her centre and draw out the child within her. Elara got so into the idol’s songs and more than once she had been moved to tears or had ended up dancing in the middle of the apartment that she and Lea shared while listening.

    There was no way around it now and so she smiled, looking even more sheepish than before. “Yeah, I started listening to her a while ago and I was hooked from the first song. There’s just something about her music that makes me feel like a kid again and I admit that I like feeling that way, as silly as it might sound. She has a habit of touching the souls of those who listen to her sing.”

    She couldn’t hide her curiosity at that point and asked, for a moment looking precisely how any fan would at the news. “What was she like? Was she as nice and gentle as she appears when she sings? What was it like working with her?” The questions just tumbled out one after the other, with the teenager unable to stop once she’d started.

    (406 Words)
    (3437 TWC)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 29th November 2022, 12:08 am

    At first it had seemed to pass the short haired teen's sense in how the slight changes in Elara's attitude and attentiveness towards the conversations turn had drawn her in. Honestly, the time she spent with the idol was rather sparce and it wasn't much like the two of them had any issues or clicked rather well. The only real joy that seemed to happen was that the idol was relieved to know Lehanna wasn't some sort of teenage over the top fanatic that was fawning all over her and asking for autographs and all the other rather disliked things she mentioned about the life she led. On the other side of that coin, Lehanna was thankful that after an initial comment over her being on that island without a parent or guardian present, she had been rather respectful of the teen and made no other real gripe about it.

    As Ela had begun to open up about her enjoyment of Sakura's music and what it meant to her when she listened, something began to click about how she was so much more excited and open. It made her smile a little seeing Elara so happy like this. She wasn't so into things like this and to see her being so giddy and child like talking about this subject had made an idea click in her mind. What Ela didn't know and wouldn't is the idol and teen had exchanged iLac numbers then and a certain girl was due a birthday present soon enough~

    Suddenly, the shirt haired teen albeit jumped back when she began to be bombarded by question after question about the time she spent with the idol. Her face was full of the surprise and slight overwhelming from the way she was just assaulted with the interrogation of questions. "Woah woah! One at a time, El." She said, adjusting herself and chuckling a little at her shift in enthusiasm. "She was kinda laid back from what I recalled. Combat wise she was a little scarier. Almost like she flipped a switch and went from some uplifting spirit to a determined force. We were ok, nothing special as far as clicking, if that's what you're asking." She replied, shrugging off the meeting as nothing really more than a casual meet up. At least to her it was.

    391 words
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    2/3 tokens



    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Guest 29th November 2022, 4:52 am

    Taking a breath and listening to Lehanna’s answers, Elara did her best to try and settle herself again. It wasn’t easy after unloading like that and the teenager knew that she already had problems with that kind of thing. She struggled to maintain her cold and aloof attitude these days and while it did bother her in one way, in another it was actually refreshing. The slayer didn’t have to bottle up everything anymore and perhaps that was what her lacrimas were trying to convey to her. It was OK to act like a child from time to time, especially when she was with the one person she cared for more than anyone else. It had been one of the things that they’d talked about back in the apartment, after all, to always be honest and truthful with one another.

    “I’m sorry.” She eventually said, looking just a little embarrassed. “I don’t know what came over me just then. One of my outbursts, I guess. I’m so jealous that you got to meet her and I’m glad that she’s as nice away from the cameras as she is in front of them.” Elara had no problem admitting that and hoped that one day she might be able to meet her herself. The teenager had thought about trying to get tickets for one of Sakura’s concerts but with Lea’s struggles and her own issues, she wasn’t sure if that was a good idea or not. Perhaps one day, when things had settled down.

    Letting the topic pass for the moment, she’d return to the question that she’d posed to her girlfriend before although she phrased it differently this time, offering her arm to Lea as she spoke. “So…I know that music isn’t really your vibe but would you dance with me? Just one?” It took a lot for her to ask but with the sound pumping out from the nearby rest station, it was hard for her not to feel like dancing. God, what was going on with her today? She’d never felt so open but it wasn’t a bad thing, just odd.

    (352 Words)
    (4180 TWC)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 30th November 2022, 10:44 am

    The other teen couldn’t help but giggle a little at the sudden embarrassment that Elara felt over how she had acted a moment ago. Frankly, she wanted to pinch her cheek and tease her a little bit, but instead the former slayer just shook her head while she smiled at the whole ordeal. ”No need to apologize. We all have something we enjoy so much we obsess a little bit over it.” A smirk then crossed her face. ”Just don’t make me host some kind of intervention if you can’t control yourself~” She finished, adding a wink to the end of her joking comment.

    It was nice to see Elara act this way once in a while. Seeming to be a bit of a shift in both of them, part of her always wondered how long they would have gone without expressing their feelings if not for the curse taking it’s course and speeding that process up. However, she didn’t want to dwell on that past and turned her attention to an outstretched hand. Though it now noticeably seemed fainter and a bit transparent, Lehanna looked up as the offer to dance to the music thumping a bit behind the pair had continued. ”Well you see, music may not be my ‘vibe’, Ela…” She would pause and take her hand, stepping closer towards the dark haired teen. ”Anything that makes you happy is definitely my vibe~” With a cheeky smile on her face, she would lean in and kiss her on the cheek.

    ”Take the lead, El~”

    257 words
    4437 total words



    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Guest 1st December 2022, 8:00 am

    There was a noticeable pout that crossed Elara’s features for a moment or two after Lea made fun of her but it was meant as a joke rather than anything more serious. One of the things that she’d learned from her partner was to not take things quite so seriously and the teenager hoped that she’d mellowed out a bit in that way. She knew that there was still work to do in that regard though and she definitely knew that her temper was all over the place but at least around Lea, Elara felt more comfortable than she ever had before.

    Her pout turned to a look of relief as Lea agreed to dance with her although her cheeks did turn a little pink again as she was kissed. She couldn’t help but wonder just how long she’d keep reacting in that way. Surely blushing wasn’t how couples always reacted to a little affection towards one another? Right? It was probably something that she’d just get used to over time. Anyhow, she appreciated the sweet words and gesture of her significant other though and once she’d taken a breath to steady herself, a smile broke through. “I love you and I always will, Lea.”

    With that, she would lead her partner towards the rest stop, where the DJ booth was housed. Yet, the music wasn’t quite appropriate for what Elara had in mind and so she briefly turned to Lea and uttered. “Stay here for a second.”

    She’d then briefly approach the DJ and whisper in his ear, having to speak rather loudly due to the volume of the music. Still, she was persistent and with both her words and sign language with it eventually seeming that she got her message across. The DJ smiled and nodded his head, before starting to play something a little slower and in a gesture that warmed her heart, one of Sakura’s songs.

    No sooner had the song started, Elara would walk back over to her partner and softly bow to her partner, offering her hand once more. “May I have this dance, Madam?”

    Learning to dance was one of the only things that she had picked up from her childhood that she was thankful for.

    (373 Words)
    (4810 TWC)
    Lehanna Seraph
    Lehanna Seraph

    Mythical- Zodiac Key- Limited Edition- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion’s Might
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    Posts : 355
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Lehanna Seraph 12th December 2022, 10:42 am

    Seeing Elara flustered and pouting always seemed like it put a smile on her face. For a moment, she could forget about the constant second guessing, nagging feeling in her head about her curse and what others would think about it if they were to see her looking like some strange, disfigured freak of a person. Or at least… that’s how she saw herself. It was a feeling warned would happen as it did to both Kalama and her friend Aoi and even though it seemed Kal didn’t seem opposed to her appearance, she seemed to be more obsessed with power than anything. Thinking over it was not healthy, but she couldn’t help but think if she would lose herself like that if she tried to look into gaining the power she needed to kill that woman, would she end up turning into her by proxy? Was there any point to a goal in that path if she would just become the very thing she sought out to destroy?

    While Elara stepped away, Lehanna couldn’t help but find herself overcome with the thoughts that she wouldn’t be there for her partner when she would need her most or that she’d push her away for just trying to help. A flurry of doubtful and troubling thoughts cycled through her mind until it felt as though a tornado of thoughts began to crowd her mind, getting louder as it moved along faster and faster until everything inside her head began to blend into incoherent yelling save for the sparse moment of a word sputtering through.


    For a moment, she heard her intrusive thoughts kicking up until a voice seemed to mute all the thoughts in her head. She looked over to see Elara bowing, extending a hand and her face turned a light pink. For a moment, she had looked around in a slight bit of confusion and embarrassment before the song playing finally sunk into her mind. As she reached out, the slight and suddenly developed tremors in her hand could be felt when she took the extended hand with a gentle placement of her own hand. Accepting Elara’s invitation to dance did little to calm her mind, but it did help a little. But she remained silent a bit during the dancing. She was lost in her thoughts, but this time trying to reinforce herself that she couldn’t do this every time Ela left for even the smallest moment. It wasn’t fair to her. Some days were better than others, but she wasn’t going to let this thing win and with her favorite person in the world by her side, she knew she had the confidence to do it.

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    Trick Or Treat (Lehanna) Empty Re: Trick Or Treat (Lehanna)

    Post by Guest 12th December 2022, 12:25 pm

    The dark haired teen would lead her partner in a slow and sweet dance that would take them all the way around the area designated for the concert. She was a little rusty and for a moment or two, Elara thought she’d end up falling flat on her face but soon enough, her muscle memory kicked in and she began to dance as though she’d been doing it for years. The truth was her mother and father had been incredibly insistent that she learn to dance formally, hoping that one day they’d find a horrible bachelor who she’d end up marrying. It was complete crap and the blue eyes of the slayer had never been captivated by the young men who she'd introduced to her. She hated every single one of them and they’d all looked at her as little more than an object, a doll. It had been only shortly before she’d ran away that things had gotten too much and she’d reacted, having punched the last suitor in the face when he’d insulted her. That was the moment she knew that she had to leave and thanks to her significant other, it’d ended up being the best decision she’d ever made in her short life.

    Yet, something was amiss and as the two danced, Elara couldn’t help but notice that Lehanna didn’t seem to be quite there mentally. It bothered her no end and a frown soon formed across her features, as she began to worry about her closest friend. Was Lea having second thoughts about visiting the festival with her? Had Elara maybe been a little too pushy? She had no real idea about how best to go about helping her girlfriend and it did feel like she was kind of stumbling in the dark sometimes. She’d never had a close friend, yet alone a partner and she was still getting to grips with the idea, let alone learning how to support Lea after her horrible experience with that blonde bitch. Elara had been hardened by her time on the streets of Motor City and having to soften up again was rather hard for her. What could she say to help her struggling partner now? She’d already offered all of the sweet words that her mind could come up with.

    When she finally actually made an action, it wasn’t in the form of words at all and in the middle of the dancing area, where anyone could see, she’d draw her partner in close and capture her lips with her own. A receipt from the day that they’d reunited after Lea’s harrowing experience and the one where they’d confessed their feelings for one another. Her action would say more than her words ever could. She was in this for the long haul and would forever be beside her beloved partner.

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      Current date/time is 6th December 2024, 11:01 am