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    Marriage & 'kindness' for Sweets (Private)

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Marriage & 'kindness' for Sweets (Private)

    Post by Grim Reaper 15th February 2019, 8:00 am

    Words written: #560
    Total written: #560
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    @Godlike Frederik
    _____Why would someone from a dark guild ever do something to help others outside the guild? Well at first the idea was simply to steal the sweets she was asked to drop off, but when Alexandra was told she would get better ones if they reached the location she was more invested into the idea of the job. The downside was she was told that she needed a partner for the job. Seeing as most her toys did not meet that she was left with little option hand slamming the door to a fellow guild member, in particular that of Dahau.

    "Come with me, NOW! I need you for something... special..."

    _____Her explanation followed with her trying to drag the man along with her as she walked if he seemed against it. She would not explain anything to him along the way and she seemed very focused on something only she seemed to be seeing as they traveled to rose garden, and from there to a chocolate warehouse. Alexandra moving off ahead of the man stopped before slamming her heel at the door and waving her hand with force for him to follow, the dangerous glow in her eyes not relenting.

    "Fine... I got someone... Now give the chocolates so I can get this over with!" - "Um... we still need you to do the ceremony and..." - "I will not repeat myself again maggot!"

    _____Alexandra looked first to the dresses around the area only just taking notice to them. White, was NOT her color. Eyes flaring with rage as they started to glow, the usual hint her magic was revving up and the woman would be much less 'agreeable' to say the least if she was not diffused soon. Tension rising in the air around her as Alexandra practically ripped one of the job papers from the table and started to read it. 'Marriage' the word alone when she got down to it caused her magic to go wild, hair glowing blood red as she kept escalating in the point of no return.

    ____Then, all sign of her magic stopped and the woman found herself standing in a black space. She could not tell anything outside the fact emptiness with endless around her and nothing seemed to exist within the space, yet all did. Her mind quickly recalling the place as 'limbo' the last known location of her majesty. 'Vessel... of...Chaos... Do... Not...' The voice vanished and she found herself holding her own chest. Tears starting to form in her eyes, that voice was HERS. SHE was still there, still waiting for Alexandra to follow.

    "FINE! Male, go get a suit... As for myself I REFUSE to wear what you have here... I just need place to change unless you prefer I do such here!"

    _____The air around Alexandra was different, what normal felt like the woman was searching for sign seemed to have found it. SHE spoke to her, SHE gave her guidance not to attack the man leaving the woman only one choice but to finish the ceremony and job. Watching the man point to one of the impromptu changing spaces they had set up she would storm off to get herself in proper attire befitting a wedding, though her own. Hands moving to start casting magic.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    Private Re: Marriage & 'kindness' for Sweets (Private)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 21st February 2019, 5:48 am

    A loud cracking sound, splinters that flew across the room. All was normal on Dahau's day off, which he mostly spent by training and honing his skill. However, with strength such as his, he easily punched through every wooden dummy he had. With a sigh, he looked around the room and saw the mess he created. 'Maybe I really should find a sparring partner next time'

    As if his words were actually magic, the door of his room flew open and slammed into the wall next to it. And standing in its opening the silhouette of a fiery woman. 'Alexandra?' he questioned. She looked fierce, wrathful even with her devilish eyes peering from between her red bangs.
    Dahau would say more, but before he even had the chance the woman already interrupted him and took him by the hand. Forcefully she dragged him through the hall to the nearest portal. All the while Dahau sheepishly followed her. Sure he could resist, it would probably even work. But seeing as he was being dragged around by a woman whose temper seemed to come from hell itself, he wasn't willing to put it to test. After all, Dahau very much liked his head attached to his body.

    The portal took him to town that was known as the flower of Fiore, namely Rose Garden. A peaceful town filled with lushing green. Yet it wasn't the town they were for, nor causing any mischief, much to Dahau's surprise he was dragged along here for an entirely different reason. Being dragged all the way to a warehouse the unlikely pair met a scrawny little man with a thin mustache, with behind him stacked boxes filled with Valentine sweets. 'Wait...' stated Dahau 'You can't mean we are here for-' But before he could finish he was already cut off. Yup they were really here for the chocolates, or at least Alexandra was here for the sweets and he was only being used.

    'Fine..' he eventually said after hearing the word marriage 'If it will get you your chocolates, I'll suit up' Dahau had no idea why he went along with her weird scheme, the only thing he did know was that she was dead set on getting those sweets and by now he wasn't planning on standing in between.
    The man gestured Dahau to follow him and he got lead into a back room, which housed several mannequins all dressed in proper marital clothing. However, most of them weren't really his taste, from dandy prince's to flamboyantly outrageous as if you were an actual peacock. 'You got to be kidding me' he said angry 'You can't seriously mean that there are people who put on these freakshows. Don't you have anything... sophisticated?.' 'Well, we do have some tailored suits and armors reserved for celebrity mages, but as I said those are aaaaargh'
    Dahau's patient had run out as well, he'd cut off the man in the middle of his sentence and grabbed him by the throat as he rammed him into the nearest wall. His smirk gone, instead a face filled with anger as he stared at the man. 'You were saying?' 'I-in the b-b-back' replied the clerk with a shaking voice.

    A couple of minutes later, Dahau walked out of the back room. His usual battle attire replaced by a ceremonial armor worthy of a king, truly some fine craftsmanship. With golden coating along the edges and patterns and a side-cape hanging off his right shoulder. 'So? As your significant other, do I meet your expectations?'

    609 words
    The attire


    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Job Creator- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,967

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Defense magic
    Second Skill: Offense magic
    Third Skill: Locked

    Private Re: Marriage & 'kindness' for Sweets (Private)

    Post by Grim Reaper 23rd February 2019, 11:45 pm

    Words written: #510
    Total written: #1070
    #728c00 Grim's speech
    #59e817 Grim's thought
    #ff2400 Voice of Chaos 1
    #e42217 Voice of Chaos 2
    @Godlike Frederik
    _____With the last wave of her hand, and the final part of her outfit shifting as a result she would pull the curtain aside and walk forward. What was once a open black dress was a closed dark silver gown. Dark red skulls etched into the sleeves like screaming faces, The gown leading down to her ankles where black boots could be slightly seen as the color faded out at the base of it. Her hair was held back with a silver band, black trails mixing into the braided red silk that was her hair. Over each hand was a black glove.

    _____She cared little for how they took her dark theme, or the skulls on it as it was more designed to appease her majesty who seemed to be watching over her. Looking over the man as he asked for her opinion and she simply raised her shoulders, she did not care for anything happening outside her goal to obtain the sweets for finishing the job they had to do. As they got led to the next area and Alexandra took notice of the priest she raised her hand before he even got the chance to fully open his mouth.

    "To the point, no long drag on speeches, no vows, no glitter and glimmer. Just want to get this part over with so we can get the sweets moved along and get paid."

    _____Grim really was not the marriage type as she was. But then again she did not think many people from dark guilds would be anyways. A bond to them was easily broken and to 'promise' to keep it was like begging them to go and break it within seconds of making it. So unless Dehau had anything to add the ceremony would be rushed past, and then the comment to kiss would come around and without warning or care for Dehau's take on the matter she would reach to pull him by the armor down and into a very strong and passionate kiss.

    _____Again, to her this was not something she felt much into, however she did enjoy taunting and teasing people with a single strong kiss and leaving them in the air afterwards. So after a good ten seconds of keeping him locked into the kiss she would break it and push him away while rubbing her lips to her sleeve and looking down at the golden wedding ring that had shown up on her ring finger. The scary difference between it and her rings made from flesh,bones, and blood disgusted her as she tried to remove it.

    "The... Ring will stay for twenty-four hours... then the magic of the union will fade like the ring to show it is over..." "WHY G-O-L-D of all colors... It is almost as bad as white in the damn pureness! Hck!" A finger into her open mouth as she made the sound before she turned to walk away towards the cart they had to guard and guide to the sweets shop. Her focus purely turned to the sweets.
    Chaos' Vessel


    "Time this world saw what a REAL monster was..."
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