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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by Azurius Tade 11th May 2016, 12:34 am

    original job:

    Lineage: Azurius gains +100% Jewel
    Lineage: Azurius gains 0XP, and +100% more Jewel

    t was a few days after him, Destiny, Suriel, and Elaine had arrived back at Hargeon Town after their vacation on Crescent Island. He took time to reminisce on that short couple weeks while sitting at the edge of his former guild hall that was destroyed during said time. He thought of how it started out as a proper vacation, but quickly turned to him being involved in a type of condensed civil war. It was the first time in years where him and all of his celestial spirits had done a mission together, and it was the first time that he'd ever followed the orders of someone else in... almost forever...

    Azure picked up a nearby piece of white granite that was probably attached to the ceiling before the guild went bang. He turned it slowly in his hand with a sullen expression, the sadness welling up inside him. Suriel had been effected by the destruction around her as well. Her and Azurius's favorite bakery, the park, and the children's hospital had all been destroyed in their absence. She had made many memories, many good memories at that park and always looked forward to spending her and Azure's between job breaks at the hospital. When she'd went to check on it, saw the massive pile of rubble and saw one of the small arms sticking out from under it she simply couldn't take it and instantly fell apart.

    Suriel had came up behind Azurius. She sat on her knees, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his back. "We should go see if the guards need any help... it would help the town, and might get our minds off... this..." she said in a soft voice, trying not to cry again. The sound of feet tapping behind her was heard as a man walked up in a grey get up and took a knee. "My master, Suriel is right. The time to grieve will come after we have rebuilt. I will continue my efforts as you have told me, but I would like to humbly advise you to do something to relax your mind."


    Azurius rested his hand on Suriel's, giving a weak smile while maintaining his sullen gaze. "Guess you're both right..." he said and began standing up, Suriel releasing her hug and standing up with him. "Blade, you're orders are to accompany me on this next job, no matter how simple it is. Suriel, you're to switch places with him and assist the town's people." he commanded. Suriel, having felt a sudden jolt of happiness to hear her master using a tone stronger than before was unable to hold back a smile. "Yes sir!" she said out of habit, that having been the normal reaction when they were in heaven. Blade stood up, waiting for Azurius to take the lead to the guard's station.

    WC: 481
    Out of 3,850

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    <div align="center"><div style="width:400px;"><table><tbody><tr><td><div style="width:400px;float:left;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Q80uwJA.jpg?1"style="max-width:100%;"></div></td></tr><tr><td><div style="background-color:#000000;padding:10px;font:11px georgia;color:#ffffff;text-align:justify;"><div style="height:20px;width:20px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:10px 5px 0px 5px;margin:0px 6px 3px 0px;float:left;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;">[size=18][/size]</div>[size=13]

    [/size]<div style="padding:15px;"><div style="width:80px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:30px;float:left;">[size=13]WC: [/size]</div><div style="width:180px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;float:left;">[size=13]Out of 3,850[/size]</div>
    </div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="width:400px;text-align:center;font:10px georgia;">credit to <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">nat</a> of adoxography and <a href="http://gangnam-style.proboards.com/user/4292">gangnam style</a>.</div></div></div>

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by The Lunatic 12th May 2016, 11:54 pm


    Yuzuki slammed an angry fist into a nearby pile of rubble, glaring angrily at anyone who got anywhere near her. This was stupid. This was stupid, this was idiotic, it was just about one of the worst possible decisions she could possibly make... Ugh. She slowly turned around, leaning against the thing that had once been a stone wall. She slowly slid down, plopping hard onto the earth. Sometimes, you know, she hated herself. It was almost a thought of betrayal to her personality, but occasionally, she would wish to be one of those normal kids out playing, or at her age, some normal adult living a peaceful life like the ones who had once lived here.

    This place reminded her of how weak she could get, how easily she was overwhelmed. Just that terrorizing memory of the wave, creeping up in front of her in slow motion, the crazed, feral way she had been, slashing off shark after shark. Then, how she'd purposefully sought a do-good mage's help! Seriously? Not to mention she now had a scar all over her hand, an ugly blue in the light she held her hand up to. It was like she'd been branded... Her hand instinctively went up to her ear, where the tip had been ripped off. Brands...tags...labels... She hated them. The semi-fey ground her teeth in frustration, then decided to vent her emotions on the wall she leaned on. Silver flashed as Katsuki was straightened, and after a few minutes of furious slashing, the wall was reduced to rubble as well.

    Panting hard, Yuzuki finally ripped out the paper that was the reason why she had come in the first place. Of course, that traitorous side of her had been curious as to what the place was like now, but this job request had been the main reason. It offered decent pay, and seemed easy enough. As her breathing returned to normal, she stood, and began to walk towards the place she had been told to wait for another mage who had also accepted the request. She wasn't happy about it, but oh well.

    Hopefully it wasn't someone too annoying. As she reached the approximate location, she flopped down on a pile of rubble, not at all seeming to mind the bodies she could be laying on. It wasn't like she cared, anyways. Humans could go extinct for all she cared. Sprawling on the uncomfortable surface, Yuzuki could feel that feral fear that had been creeping up on her slowly resume its normal ornery state. By the time she got back up, she would be the grouchy, bad-tempered little girl again.
    449o/o 3750


    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by Azurius Tade 16th May 2016, 10:16 pm

    rriving at the guard station, Azurius noticed that there was a single guard at a desk made of plywood. It looked more like one of those little kid lemonade stands than it did a functioning desk. They had jail cells that were made from metal bars some of the wizards helping to clean the place up had welded together. They looked crude, and empty since the old prisoners were crushed when the old guard station was toppled. Azurius approached the man at the desk, who looked up to him and awaited a joke about how shitty the station looked, which would have marked the tenth one for the day if he said it. Instead, Azure simply asked "Where's the notice board?" with an emotionless tone. The guard pulled out a flyer, handing it to Azure with a lack of energy who gently took it from his hand. "Some kid came by earlier... I bullshitted her saying someone else would be joinin' her... Seemed like a bit of a brat so just keep 'er from gutting herself, k?" the guard said, his voice didn't contain much concern... but in the wreckage around him it was hard to display many emotions of a positive nature.

    Azure had nodded and walked away while reading over the listing. The job detailed a group of salvers that had swung by after the disaster and stolen a bunch of people, all female between the ages of four and thirty-six. Azurius gritting his teeth and crumbled the paper as he read that the boat had already departed, meaning he would need to catch up. But first he had to go pick up whoever the hell was coming along, meaning he would have to be going in with tech instead of his actual wings. Wasn't too far before he'd seen someone he'd been on quite a few missions with, but still didn't trust enough to expose her to his magic.

    "Oi." he said, his voice was far less friendly than normal. While his norm was to just appear and snag the job listing that Yuzuki was clearly holding, this time he just stood in front her with his arms loosely crossed. "Judging by that page I'd say you're after the slavers. Well, we missed them. I got a ship at the docks, platform three. Stay on your ass, or ride along I don't care. You got ten minutes before we're gone." he said with a very blunt tone, his face lacking its trademark friendly smile, and voice lacking any signs of happiness.

    Blade and Azurius walked away, not listening to hear if their fairy comrade was behind them or not. Upon arriving at the ship, a platform extended and tapped the floor in front them with Azurius moving in first. The inside was impressive, it looked spacious as it had much room to walk, but at the same time there was quite a bit of technology around. A woman wearing a black suit walked up, her long black hair tapping her backside as she casually approached. "Nothing new to report sir, efforts to rep-" "Get the rest of the crew on board, we leave in five." Azurius interrupted while walking past her. "Enomoto, get the engines prepped and run pre-flight check." A young looking girl materialized behind Azurius, next to blade, and began floating behind him with the bottom half of her legs seeming to be missing. "Flight prep underway. You seem unhappy, what's going on?"

    Azure stopped in his tracks, slamming his fist on a nearby counter as he turned. Ene reeled back slightly, a frightened look on the AI's face as she hadn't seen this side of the captain. He saw it and closed his eyes, letting out a breath of air and then addressing the system. "You wouldn't understand. It's a matter that deals with human concerns, something I'm afraid isn't programmed into your system." his answer was gentle, while he knew she wasn't human and didn't get offended so easily, he knew that she would learn all of it eventually. "However, when I've let off some steam I'll talk to you about it. I'll probably be a bit better after this next job." The AI hovered in place, watching Azure as he continued making his way to the helm so he could watch as they flew.

    If Yuzuki arrived after Azure, she would receive a gun to the face as a welcome. Behind it would be several men, with Kelly, the woman in the suit, asking for her to identify herself. An apology would be issued for the gun pointing if she'd choose to tell her name, as well as an offer to escort her directly to Azurius's location. If Yuzuki would choose to sneak past, several system alarms would go off upon her entering the ship, as well as every panel in the ship revealing her exact location in it. But if Yuzuki was walking with Azure, and entered the vessel with him as well, her presence would be roughly ignored by all members of the crew.

    WC: 841
    1,326 Out of 3,850

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
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    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by The Lunatic 16th May 2016, 11:50 pm

    'Hopefully it wasn't someone too annoying...' Well, time to scratch that. Here comes just about the most annoying guy in the world! Hip hip hooray! "Ga-arrghhh!" the semi-fey groaned, banging her head back against yet another rubble pile. What was with her luck these days? THIS guy, the old immortal masochist goody two-shoes? Prepared for some stupidly big-brotherish greeting, Yuzuki jerked her head up in surprise at the legal mage's unusually blunt words. Raising an eyebrow, she prepared some other cutting-edge comeback then stopped in surprise as Azurius turned and stalked off in the other direction. Well, something was wrong, no dur.

    "Jeez, what's up with the oldie today anyways?" she muttered, hating how she had to jog to catch up. Well, not that she cared, anyways. However, there was just that tiny bit of traitorous site in her that kept wondering why his personality was changing. Did it have to do with the atmosphere they were currently in? Did something just happen? Did he eat something bad? Yuzuki clicked her tongue against her teeth irritably. Though her instincts had gotten her out of trouble time and time again, there were these annoying moments where it simply refused to let her be. Annoyance began to build up inside her, and her tongue clicked faster and faster, fingers drumming a rapid beat on the silvery surface of Katsuki.

    While Yuzuki had been itching with curiosity, the ship had come up before him. "What the heck is that?!" she snarked, glaring towards Azurius, who was once more stomping off into the ship. Okay, something was definitely up. She watched as he coldly cut off his crew, something she would've never expected him to do. Tilting her head to the side at this odd and unexplainable phenomenon, she decided to risk the weirdness of the ship and go after him. Twirling Katsuki over her shoulder in spear form, she was deep in thought as she leapt on board, only to receive a gun in the face. Her eyebrow started twitching irritably, and just as she was about to run them all through, the guy barked out a command for her name.

    Yuzuki closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and simply stabbed her fingers in a V shape at the ground, and tried to shove past the guards. "Hey, get back here!" Shouts would rise up as the semi-fey struggled angrily, kicking and spinning in one big mess. She actually made it fairly far down the hall before she went down, bringing a pile of guards down with her. As the men untangled themselves, Kelly would point the gun at Yuzuki again, demanding to know who she was and what she was doing here. "Baka 'zurius..." Yuzuki scowled in anger, letting her chin drop down on the ground. Now, Yuzuki would never, not ever reveal to anyone her real name. It was a basic rule of survival out in the slums of Talonia, and she knew people might still be looking for her.

    "Daezuyu Tsuki," she announced stubbornly, silver eyes adopting pure hatred at the woman. Nope, she never did make things easy. When it was obvious she wasn't about to let Yuzuki go anytime soon, the semi-fey began to look around and loudly observe her surroundings, pointing thinly veiled insults at the ship and the people inside it. "Oi, oi, whadda we have here now? Some ridiculous invention by humans or something, weird boxy things everywhere. Jeez, these colors sure are ugly, I mean, seriously? Have you all got any sense? And I believe I can hear the non-ceasing chattering of that germ on your tooth, miss. Seriously, it's really loud. Oh, hey, y'know what? I think it's calling its friends over since it's found some sugar, oh, dearie me, have you been sneaking in candies or something? Hmm, might wanna check your weight, never know." She did her best to shrug, a slight smirk crawling up her face. After all, one of her favorite pastimes was provoking people.

    "Gosh dangit Oji!" she yelled in an annoyed tone, "Just cuz some girl rejected you or someone dropped a piano on you this morning doesn't mean you get to act like a friggin' kid!" As if she didn't act like a kid.
    1158o/o 3750


    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by Azurius Tade 17th May 2016, 3:24 am

    ntering the main area of the ship, Azurius had walked up the stairs to enter the control sector. Around the stairwell's opening was a series of consoles with a walk way that wrapped around that, and various screens adorned on the walls. Buttons flickered, lights turned on and off, and people moved to examine them as they did. A total of six people were in this portion of the ship, all of which gave a nod to Azurius as he passed them on his way to the helm.

    Walking down further, a hallway with a total of six terminals came up, each terminal had a seat with a person in it. They all were too busy checking systems, and monitoring E.N.E.'s processes to acknowledge Azurius's presence, but that was of little concern to him. Finally, he'd arrived at the helm where glass wrapped around the front giving him a clear view of what's in front him. Buttons, knobs, and switches adorned the panel in front the seat he took, many of which automatically pressed, turned, and flipped themself as the ship's AI was taking control. "Azure, we have a situation on the crew deck." Ene said, a hologram opened up next to him where the screen showed a girl-like woman with a gun pointed at her.


    Down on the deck, Kelly had gotten tired of screwing around with the intruder, having already heard a bull shit name accompanied by a failed attempt at avoiding the order. Her finger began squeezing on the trigger for her desert eagle, a very powerful pistol that normally tore a soccer ball sized hole in its targets. The hammer began quivering when the ship's AI had materialized next to her, placing her holographic hand on her shoulder. "That's enough, the captain would like me to escort Ms. Faerydae to the helm." she said, turning to the girl and giving a gentle bow. "Please follow the floor lights, they'll lead you directly to the captain." A series of lines was seen as Enomoto had vanished and a stream of blue had extended from where Yuzuki was standing. A white pulse would move from her position, leading directly to where Azure was. Kelly had pulled the barrel of the gun from her forehead, resetting the hammer so it didn't accidentally fire. "Welcome aboard Yuzuki." she said calmly, lacking any signs of shame for having almost killed someone who was supposed to be there. Azure's voice came on the intercom "All hand, prepare for acceleration. We move out in 60." "That means you got less than a minute before this ship sends you to your ass, I advise moving quick." Kelly said while giving Yuzuki plenty of room to pass. The men rushed up to their deployment stations, Kelly would follow behind Yuzuki with a somewhat blank expression about her face.

    Anytime Yuzuki would try to pause to look at the surroundings, if she would every choose to, Kelly would give her a quick but gentle nudge, reminding her that they're running out f time. Once they arrived, Yuzuki would see the back of Azurius's seat with an arm extended, the hand attached pointing at a chair. Kelly would help her get situated in the seat, as well as fasten the belt on her. "Don't put it too tight, the kid has some issues with being strapped down. Just enough so she doesn't hit the ceiling when I have to roll this thing." his voice sounded off, it wasn't gentle at all, rather harsh sounding despite Azure's words actually be kind in nature. Kelly give a quick "Aye Sir." and loosening the straps just a hair. She would do the same to herself in a seat opposite Yuzuki's.

    Ene would materialize in the middle of the cockpit, looking out the window and saying "All systems nominal, engaging vertical thrusters." The ship would then begin lifting off the sea floor, rising steadily while turning. "All hands brace for acceleration in three... two... one... forward thrusters engaged." the ship jerked as it shot forward, quickly increasing in speed while also getting higher in altitude. After several minutes of rapid speed, the ship was well above the clouds and Ene said "Reducing to cruise speed, you may now remove all safety harnesses." before disappearing once more, and reappearing on a console in front Azurius.
    WC: 725
    2,052 Out of 3,850

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
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    Age : 41
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    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by The Lunatic 17th May 2016, 11:31 pm

    Now, if Yuzuki wasn't in a strange new environment she knew near nothing about at the moment, she probably would have given everyone there a few good whacks over the head and a tongue-lashing. However, her instincts for survival won over her trickster instincts and she began carefully noting her surroundings, possible ways to escape, and locating weak points on the people around her. She would almost skip down the hall, following the arrows and pretending Kelly didn't exist. Honestly, she couldn't understand who would want to be cooped up in a place like this. She would shudder as they passed another control board as the memory of something like it popped into her head. Except in this situation, she could walk freely and of her own will.

    Her hand brushed the ripped ear briefly again before she continued on. Whenever she faltered for even the slightest of moments, a sudden shove from Kelly would cause her to resist the urge to run the woman through and focus on walking through the hall again. Now, this was exactly why legals and humans were stupid inventions some crazy god had decided to make as a cruel joke to every other living organism on the planet. Legals always thought they were in charge, and many considered their own morals to be the correct ones. Just because there was a group of old guys who never did anything productive standing at their backs didn't meant they had any extra authority or power!

    And humans! Ever since humans had evolved, become mages, developed technology and got oh-so-smart, every other species had their lives ruined. I mean, humans were terribly destructive after all, and had such insufferably high self-esteem that it was a huge nuisance for her to even talk with one. Which was exactly why she had decided to completely ignore Kelly. Instead of continuing to move forward at a fairly brisk pace, Yuzuki suddenly stopped, shifted her weight to her back foot, and shoved off the ground, invisible wings boosting her forward in a series of aerial somersaults. Landing in the doorway, Yuzuki was greeted with the sight of Azurius pointing at a chair nearby.

    Yuzuki glared at it. Did she really have to? And there were seat belts... For a second, memories flashed through her mind again, rough belts, chains, ropes, wire tying her down, chaining her down. Sweat dripped down her face, but she shook it away quickly. "I refuse to be strapped in," she said abruptly as Kelly came in, "If I hit the ceiling that's fine by me." From years of experience, she was obviously accustomed to hiding how she truly felt, for her tone was just as bristly and bratty as before. Still, once more, Azurius' voice was off. His entire personality was off. And that annoyed her. It seriously annoyed her.

    Brushing Kelly off with a shove and a death glare, the semi-fey plopped into the chair like some bratty teenager and barely kept from flinching at the tight, artificial feel to it. As the ship began to lift off, Yuzuki covered her ears in annoyance as they popped from the rise. When the ship was cruising along normally, the semi-fey would shoot a sideways glance at the Lamia mage and was immediately even more annoyed. Yup, just looking at the guy pissed her off. I mean, what was up with that gloomy, grouchy look on his face? Was he trying to imitate her or something?

    "Hey, look old guy,"
    she started, having pulled out a strip of jerky and ripping off a piece with her teeth. She slowly turned, and her fists clenched in annoyance. "Aren't ya a little too old to be having mood swings?!?! You'd think that after being alive for who knows how many years you'd be through puberty by now, huh? What's next, the acne? The annoying pick-up lines?" she snapped angrily, ripping off piece after piece of jerky with each sentence. Stupid people. What was it with them and their weird emotions? If they got sad and angry every time something happened to a thing they loved, why not just not love anything in the first place?
    1854o/o 3750


    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by Azurius Tade 18th May 2016, 12:40 pm

    zure pulled the belt off himself while Yuzuki was busy talking at him with that attitude of hers and turned. He stood up and took a step forward, stopped and giving her a sideways glance with his golden eyes narrowing on hers, like a tiger's just before they tear into something. "What the hell does it matter to you? It's not like you care." was all he said before the door at the entrance to the room opened, he walked through and it instantly shut, locking behind him. "The Captain has placed an administrative lock on that door Ms. Faerydae, I am unable to over ride it." Ene said through the console.

    In Azurius's Captain's chair, Ene had materialized seated, with one leg folded over the other like a lady and both hands resting on the arm rests. While she couldn't feel anything, at least, not with proper nerves, her programming replicated the sensation of feeling so it was more natural to her. "Human emotions are rather complex... Captain Tade seems to be exhibiting a deal of powerful ones." A sigh escaped Kelly's lips, being in the room with two people who's minds had the consistency of watery oatmeal, and the density of diamonds had brought it about. "You two are pretty damn thick you know that?" the question was rhetorical of course, so she simply transitioned to her actual bit of dialogue. "Azure belongs to Lamia Scale, you know, the guild with the home that was wiped off the face of Hargeon? Remember that giant ass castle we saw when we just left? Cause I sure as hell don't... all I saw was a flat piece of rock." She stood up and walked to the door, if Yuzuki was there she'd brush the kid aside while reaching into her pocket with the other hand. "Azure's confused. He wants to be mad at himself because he was in paradise, Crescent Island, when that monster attacked; but while he was there he ended up playing a major role in liberating three islands from slavery, and helping them establish their own government, as well as functioning trade routes." Kelly leaned against the door with her arms folded under her chest, a plastic card with a black like running down the middle in one hand. "Either those islands got wrecked, or Hargeon did. Hargeon's his home, but Azure's unable to be selfish enough to choose saving his home when someone else's home is at risk of being trashed. That breeds confusion, and confusion breeds anger... you should understand that much midget." the last bit obviously aimed at Yuzuki.

    The card was swiped on a slot next to the door, the sound of the locks clicking and the door slide open. "Security pass, lets me get anywhere I need. I'm the only one with it." she said with a smirk, waving the plastic and sliding it back in her front chest pocket. "I'm gonna go check on my men. If you wanna check on the cap Enomoto can lead you to him." She said before walking out and leaving the AI with Yuzuki. "The Captain is currently located on the roof of the ship, the floor lights will guide you to him, but I advise taking a breathing apparatus." a hatch opened, revealing an oxygen tank attached to a plastic face mask. If Yuzuki would choose to go, Ene would explain that they were currently 40,000 feet above sea level and the air would be extremely thin.

    Meanwhile, sitting on the top of the ship with his arms resting on his knees, overlooking the horizon, Azurius rested his head on his arms and grit his teeth, trying his damndest to not cry.

    WC: 619
    2,671 Out of 3,850

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by The Lunatic 18th May 2016, 7:10 pm

    The semi-fey glared straight back at the angel, silver eyes glinting in response to his golden ones. “That’s right, I don’t care at all,” she said, turning back around, and crossing one leg over the other as she continued chewing. She would simply stay in that position, curiosity growing by the second, but her pride squashing it back down each time. When Ene spoke from the screen, Yuzuki raised an eyebrow. Was he for real? Locking her inside? At first, the only emotion on her face was annoyance, but when it fully dawned on her that she was inside a ship she knew nothing about with her way out of the room locked, she stiffened. Once again, curiosity was getting the better of her. Determined not to show how she felt, she shifted slightly so the roughly cut bangs that were much too long for her covered her face and the sweat that was beading on the edges of it.

    She would hear Kelly’s voice, and tilted her head back to glare at her. About to release some snarky comment, she would stop as the woman continued. She frowned, closing her eyes at the name Lamia Scale. She never really even tried to remember the names of things she didn’t deem important, and the names of guilds was one of those. All she knew that whenever someone came by with any sort of guild stamp, she should probably run off as fast as possible. After all, no one really appreciated a thief, whether legally or dark affiliated. “Oh, that was the guild that got smashed?” she said in a dull tone, trying to shove away the embarrassing memories from when she’d been there herself. Listening to the rest, Yuzuki dropped her chin down to her chest again, heaving another annoyed sigh. She couldn’t comprehend it. Why did everyone want to be with other people even though only pain ever came of it?

    In her opinion, whichever option offered the most for her out of it would be the one she chose, so why would it be such a difficult decision for somebody? However, there was one thing Kelly said that she understood. Confusion definitely brought on anger at times. But, then again, everything that happened seemed to be able to make the girl angry in some way. Watching as Kelly opened the door, Yuzuki would pointedly ignore the smirk, though she would hurry to get out of the room. If she was locked inside for any longer, she felt she would go crazy. Barely looking, she would grab the breathing mask, and after a few seconds of hopeless struggle, managed to get it on.

    Following Ene, Yuzuki could feel the pressure of being stuck in one place slowly ease off. The semi-fey could feel the air pressure slowly beginning to weaken, her skin tingling at the unfamiliar feeling. Even if she could fly, her wings had never been substantial enough to bring her to these heights. Sensing Azurius’ breathing up ahead, the semi-fey paused for the briefest of moments, pondering what to say. After all, she wasn’t so stupid as to not have learned a thing about how humans and other creatures usually felt. And that she knew mostly the bad side of, how selfish they could be, how cold and uncaring, and unwilling to adapt to new things. Sadness, she had rarely felt before. Just anger. Someone tied her up and wanted to sacrifice her to some demon king? Boom, spears everywhere, problem solved. Closest friend and mentor just revealed themselves to be an enemy? Boom, more spears.

    “You,” she said suddenly in an unusually cold voice for her, “Are just some other idiot out there in the world. So what if you were some all high and mighty angel or something? Guess what. I’ve got news for you. You’re in just some other crappy body out here designed to take care of yourself and not EVERY LITTLE PROBLEM THAT COMES YOUR WAY. You wanna be some sorta hero? Find some other perfect world out there that doesn’t make it IMPOSSIBLE to do that! Every time you help someone, equal damage happens to someone else somewhere in the world. It’s how the friggin’ universe functions! Everyone attempting to cause destruction or to help is only going to end up realizing things don’t work out! What you try to do is going against the laws of this stupid universe!” There was slight hurt in her voice, from years of slowly realizing how unfair the world was. How the only way she could survive was to be selfish, and as selfish as possible.

    2626o/o 3750


    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st May 2016, 7:57 pm

    zure took his scolding as it came, not caring for the fact that Yuzuki wasn't someone he normally took with a grain of salt. Once she finished yelling at him about how he's unable to be everywhere and do everything, and save everyone; she would hear two simple words escape his lips in a disheartened, but less angry than before tone. "Thank you..."

    "Captain, we're getting close. Long range scanners are picking up an escort unit for the enemy ship." Kelly's voice came in over a radio clipped to Azure's coat. Azure stood up, his eyes angry, and sad at the same time. "What's our ETA?" "Ten minutes sir." "I'm on my way... I'm gonna need something to shoot anyways." With that, Azure starting making his way back to the helm.

    Inside the helm, Azure had taken his seat quickly and flicked a series of switches. Several screens appeared in front, and on the sides of Azurius as well as a type of steering wheel appearing to grow from under the dashboard. Kelly had charged into the helm, quickly strapping herself in and turning to face a console in front her. Blade was already strapped in, having never left the helm. Ene's voice came over the system saying "I have taken control of our drones. Control of the ship has been relinquished to Captain Azurius Tade, all systems are online. Don't scratch my paint."

    The ship angled downward, rapidly punching through the clouds below and emerging through the other side, looking straight down at a large ship with a set of smaller ones arranged around it. "Release the Drones, scatter and destroy the smaller ships. We're gonna board the big one." At that moment, two smaller vessels that were three feet wide.

    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade NOKV4dD

    Another one, a third, shot ahead of the ship and began opening fire. "I am initiating the assault." Ene said over the intercom in the ship. If Yuzuki hadn't strapped in, she would soon have a minor regret as Azurius jerked the steering wheel sharply to the left, causing the ship to spin and move out of the way while letting the three drones move ahead. The ships guarding the slaver vessel all sped up, breaking formation and started targeting the H.S. Salvation, acknowledging that destroying that one would take care of the drones.

    A series of rapid movements, dips and climbs at rapid pace ensued thereafter. Azure, not caring for whether or not Yuzuki was flying about the cockpit, continued evading attacks while keeping within eye shot of the main ship. Meanwhile, the drones, being piloted by the ship's artificial intelligence, had gunned down two of the ships with only two more left to finish off. Azure had flipped several switches and pressed several lighted areas on his console, the ship performing an instant 180 degree turn without moving another meter forward. The ten guns on each wing, as well as the turret placed under the helm began firing, annihilating the two ships who's pilots had obviously not expected a whole lot of skill from their prey.

    Azurius got out the seat, the consoles and steering wheel going away. The angel walked out the door to the helm, and making his way to the cargo bay of the ship. From here, the door would open to reveal a generous force coming from a door on the enemy's main ship.

    WC: 564
    3,235 Out of 3,850

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Azurius Tade carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade R2fEWNz , Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade OdAaNwh
    Azurius Tade carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade OdAaNwh , Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade R2fEWNz
    Azurius Tade carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade R2fEWNz

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by The Lunatic 22nd May 2016, 12:05 am

    Yuzuki raised an eyebrow at Azurius' response, then sighed, shaking her head. "So weird." Honestly, she felt a lot better after releasing all that pent-up energy, the way she usually did. With a slightly less grumpy expression on her face, she followed more slowly after the older mage into the control room again. Ripping off her oxygen mask, she flopped into the chair, staring at the confusing mess of buttons, levers, and flashing lights until her eyes glazed over. Technology had never been a strong point, and she doubted it ever would.

    However, she did understand enough to be slightly prepared as the ship began rushing downwards, the semi-fey's hands gripping the armrests with all her strength. This wasn't an unfamiliar sensation for her, as many if her attacks were done crashing down right on top of an enemy, but it was unusual that she had no control over things, no way to feel the air rushing up around her and acting according to that. In battle, she could feel the air brushing past her, sense the distance she was from something, and tilt her position if her aim wasn't quite right. Here, all she could do was pray that these people with zero sense of humor were skilled enough to get her down safely. That was the worst kind of feeling to her, having to depend on others.

    Through narrowed eyes, Yuzuki watched as the enemy ships appeared and began to fire at them. As the team began striking back, Yuzuki's grip faltered uwhen the ship suddenly swerved to the side, nearly throwing her across the room. So, this was what he'd been talking about? She sighed, refusing to show that he had been right. Taking out Katsuki in chain form, she would loop one end around the chair, securing it tightly and securing the other end around her waist. At least this was a restraint that she had complete control over. And it was a good thing she had attached the chain after all, as the ship would go into a dizzying routine of twists, turns and all sorts of complicated shizzle that would have left Yuzuki smashed up against the screen.

    Really, most of what she understood was that the team had unleashed a bunch of big gun things and started shooting the enemy up without getting them all killed. Good 'nuff for her. Noticing that Azurius had gotten up from his seat, she began to hope that they were actually going to get out there and do some good ol' fashioned combat. Sitting around and watching people tap at buttons was getting boring for the constantly moving, and constantly in danger semi-fey. Hey, you're never exactly safe when you're a street thief. Gripping the end of Katsuki, the chains would suddenly shoot out into it's full spear form which Yuzuki held gingerly, afraid the length would accidentally destroy things inside. She would quickly condense it back into chain form, looping it through her belt as usual.

    Stepping out and looking upon the ship, a small grin spread across her face. A good amount of slavers stood on their main ship, ready for battle. Being small in size, a large group was perfect for her tactics that included a lot of jumping on peoples' heads or weaving through them, low to the ground. It helped that they were in the air, giving them a chance if falling to their deaths as well. Of course, she wasn't about to wait for Azurius to bark out any orders and such, so she would leap off their ship impulsively, relishing the sudden freedom she felt.

    Feeling her wings slightly catch at the air as she opened them, she would curl into a ball, using the wings to keep away from the bullets being shot towards her. As she neared them, she would undo Katsuki from her belt in midair, releasing the spear in a whip-like fashion into the group before landing in their midst and rolling away, rising again and prepared for battle.

    3299o/o 3750


    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by Azurius Tade 29th May 2016, 10:17 pm

    he group of men and Kelly had all jumped out after Yuzuki. Ene pulled the ship away to fly around and keep the on-board guns the ship had busy, effectively keeping a portion of the crew out of their way. Kelly and her squad made sure to cover Yuzuki with gunfire while she got in close, none of the men showed any sign of attraction to Kelly's very fine features as she moved in close with a pistol and boot knife in her hands. Some of the slavers had seen her from the corner of their eye and were forcing themselves to stand down.

    Azurius and Blade used the distraction to make their way to a port hole below the ship's deck and enter through it by means of Azure shooting the glass window till it shattered. The two men slipped through the opening with just enough room to not have their clothes torn by the bits of glass at the bottom of the port hole. Azure looked around the room and noticed that no one was in there. "Guess everyone got sent up top to deal with the others." "Works for us, I'm pretty sure that kid can handle herself." "Her heart is weak, she'd sooner run away if there were somewhere for her to run to." "So why do you associate with her?" "That implies we spend time together as comrades." "Can you honestly say you don't want to?" "I wish to learn what caused her heart to callus. I simply wish to provide her with someone she can trust... I doubt she has any at the moment." "I see."

    Their small conversation concluded, the two of them exited the room and began running down the hall that conveniently only went in one direction instead of splitting off at the door. Azure pulled out his holy archive, quickly finding the schematics for the ship and using those to get to the captain's quarters where he found an empty room. A desk in the far end had pages strewn about, one set of which detailed the number of people they were keeping, where they were, and who they were going to. "MCL-I90-031..." Azure said while reading the destination the females were being delivered to. He looked to Blade who simply shrugged at him, and then decided to look in the archive. "Magic Council Laboratory Installation 90... it was created in the 31'st year of the magic council's existence... purpose is currently unknown." he said out loud. Flipping through the pages and reading over the different reports written by the workers there, Azure's expression changed to absolute hatred. He slapped the book shut in one hand. "Your orders my lord?" Azurius didn't answer the question, only turned around and made his way to the door to begin tracking down his new prey.

    Out of 3,850
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by The Lunatic 30th May 2016, 12:21 am

    As soon as she raised her head again, she winced slightly at the sound of gunfire from both sides. Having been in situations like this before, she knew the best way to survive was to keep low. It wasn't too hard for her, being very short. Checking that Katsuki was in spear form, she would practically slide across the deck, spear extended and slicing into the legs of the slavers, tripping up the rest. Despite being so small, the semi-fey had surprising strength. Even though she knew Kelly was helping with the gunfire, she felt unsafe in such a situation. Guns were unnatural weapons. Their power was surreal, deadly bullets travelling at surreal speeds shouldn't exist in her mind. Unbalancing the connections between humans and everything else... no wonder she hated them. Why didn't they ever consider the balance of the world and all the species they had to share their precious space with? Guns had only widened the rift that had already existed, an unnatural weapon with too much power.

    By now, several slavers had been alerted to her presence, though, and the semi-fey knew she had to stay on the move. Or, of course, she could always... As the idea sprang into her head, she considered for a second that her "allies" might be confused, but shook away the thought almost as quickly. Who cared about them? Not her, that was for sure. Tendrils of moonlight shot from beneath a dirty sleeve, the beautiful silver threads a stark contrast to the rest of the girl's rough, ragged appearance. They wove together beside her as Yuzuki fended slavers off with Katsuki blocking and stabbing at them with graceful movements. Suddenly, as the threads finished their product, an exact twin of Yuzuki appeared next to her, looking exactly the same besides its lack of a shadow. The two shot off in different directions, confusing the slavers nearby.

    Yuzuki smiled slightly at the chaos she had caused, with some still trying to follow her and some slavers rushing after her copy. Now, there were much fewer slavers for her to deal with. She hoped none of the slavers were fast enough to catch her imitation, as it couldn't fight. Deciding to focus on her current opponents first, the semi-fey would begin, swinging the chains around back into its spear form, and slashing the weapon through the slavers. It was slightly more difficult than most battles, due to the fact that these had guns, but if she knocked them all away, they couldn't be used anymore, right? With quick jabs from either end of the spear, she soon knocked away the guns from the slavers closest by. Just as she started really getting into the battle, spear clashing with blades, she spotted Azurius and Blade coming out the door. What were they doing now?

    Springing up into the air with a boost from her wings, Yuzuki landed squarely on a nearby slaver's head. Leaping around atop the heads nearby, she called out, "Oi, what're ya doing now?"

    3804o/o 3750

    Stats and Stuff:


    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by Azurius Tade 2nd June 2016, 12:30 am

    he sound was muffled out by the sound of gunfire and people screaming over said gunfire, but Azure was able to hear it just fine... The sound of Yuzuki's voice over the group of men came in loud and clear as she asked what he was doing. He didn't have time to explain and only kept running, ducking and weaving around people as he made his way across the deck and into a door on the opposing side. A pair of slavers tried to take a shot at him, daring to approach the man with a pair of swords drawn only to be met with a flurry of buckshot to the stomach. Had it been anyone else as the triggerman, the slavers would both be dead. It was by their fortune that Azurius's blessings made it hard for him to outright kill someone. He jumped over their incapacitated asses, slamming into and breaking down the door, rolling on the ground a time but recovering quickly enough to continue running.

    If Yuzuki had followed Azure, leaving Kelly and her squad to finish the remaining slavers on the deck, she would notice one of the shotguns turn into golden particles and a Golden key being formed from those particles. They key had the symbol of one of the twelve best known constellations on it, the Zodiac sign known as Aries, the ram. He made a sharp turn down a corner, having remembered where the archive said they were. He finally slowed down, standing in front of a door titled 'Shuttle Bay' which Azure knew would be housing their escape route. "Open, Gate of the Ram." he said with a calm, determined tone and the key began shining. A golden magic circle opened up next to him and a blonde woman stepped out with beautifully long hair and a pair of sky blue eyes.

    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Cioqezw
    "You called?" she asked with a gentle tone. "Gunna need you to use your sign. I can handle the rest." If Yuzuki was with them, he would say 'we' instead of 'I.' Suddenly, it would be as though all the magic in the world has been taken away, though Aries's magic was only effecting the ship itself. A hard kick would dent the massive metal door in front Azure, a second one would send the door flying across the room and into the other side. "That was an expensive door ye hooligan!" an angered voice came from inside. It was feminine to an extent, but the body it belonged to was a fat gelatinous blob of self righteousness that was wearing a shirt too small for it. A portion of the woman's stomach was hanging out the front of her shirt, dirty jeans seeming to barely contain her obese legs and she had enough chins to share with her entire crew and still have a few spares. With her was a much cleaner looking man who had immediately drawn a pair of cutlasses. "Ye better plan on payin' fer that door." the man said, giving Azure a type of glare that even under normal circumstances he would brush off. "The two of you are coming with me" he said with a calm tone. Again, if Yuzuki was with him he would say 'us' instead of 'me' when he addressed the two.

    "Like hell!" the man said, taking a step forward and tripping, falling flat on his face. "What's the matter? Not gunna use your magic?" Azure stated while looking him with a rather bored expression. "The hell did you do!?" Carver shouted. "I stopped the flow of ethernano." "That's not possible." "For a human... no. For me? That's only the smallest of my tricks. Wanna see a few more then try and resist capture." Carver began getting up, getting ready to charge while Scarlet stood by with a cocky smile, sure that her first mate's sword skill was more than enough to handle Azurius. Azure was used to fighting without magic however, it was a specialization for him to use celestial spirits, but he was among the most elite of Lamia Scales wizard, as well as Heaven's generals. When carver came in to slash at him, a fist with Lamia Scale guild crests on each knuckle, adorned to look like the night sky slammed straight into Carver's face and sending him flying in a backwards arc into the floor.

    A foot slid under his back, pulling up and lifting the man into the air like a soccer ball before a shotgun blast sent him flying across the room. Azurius worked the lever action of the gun and fired another set of buckshot at him, repeating the action four or five more times while walking closer to him. Meanwhile Scarlet stood absolutely baffled at the situation, and being very useless since her weapons both worked on magic that Azurius had stopped. He turned to Scarlet, a type of scowl on his face "You want some too?" his tone was extremely harsh, giving off the fact that he wanted her to try and take him down. Scarlet put her hands up with an annoyed expression on her face, giving off a sigh and an unhappy groan at the same time. Azurius seemed to get even more pissed as he let go of his shotgun and grabbed Carver by the front of his shirt, pulling him up. "Blade, carry this piece of shit." "Of course my lord." Azurius tossed the incapacitated man to his servant who caught him readily and began walking with him back to the ship.

    Upon walking on deck where the entire crew had seen their captain with her hands in the air, the first mate being carried over Blade's shoulder. Seeing the weapon pointed at their captain's head, all of the men stepped aside to clear a path. Ene had brought the ship around and opened the cargo bay door. A pair of golden shackles appeared on Scarlet's wrists and Blade grabbed them by the chain to escort her in. Azurius had turned to address the crew, his golden eyes glowing with anger. "I'm going to give you all ten minutes to go get every last slave and get them on this ship. If you're a single second late, you'll be stuck on this rig when I send it to hell." He then turned and began making his way to the helm.

    With that said, all of the men began hauling ass to run down to the very bottom of the ship. Some opened up hatches on the deck, sending platforms down with a couple men to unshackle and order all the ladies to get on. Kelly stayed on the deck to make sure the slavers were the last to board the Salvation while the three drones had circled the ship getting ready to open fire. Once Kelly saw she had ten seconds to get on board, she looked down one of the holes and saw the slavers bringing themselves up on the platform with one final child. She was unbelievably young, no older than two, and was being carried gently by one of the most rugged looking men of the crew. They rushed to the cargo bay where there was barely enough room for the men to stand, but they were all made very aware that none of them were allowed to move a muscle. Their weapons had all been tossed, leaving them with nothing more than their fists to use against the crew armed with live-ammo firing weapons.

    In the helm Azure had decided not to tell Yuzuki what the girls were going to be used for. He left the record of where they were headed in the slaver ship that was now being barraged by the guns from his drones. One of his assault riflemen had walked through the door with a slaver in front him. "Umm.. 'scuse me sir... I was wondering why-" "I'm letting you live cause I wasn't told to kill you." Azure's tone was harsh, but calm at the same time. "Guess we're all gonna be locked up, least we-" "I don't let prisoners share cells. You're all goin' in solitary confinement." "Any chance for mercy?" "No. You'll take your punishment and like it. If you don't act stupid I might negotiate an early release." "Ain't got nowhere to go when I get out, y'just sunk my home." "Lamia Scale." "Hmm?" The chair Azurius was sitting in spun around, letting him lock eyes with the slaver. "Anyone who needs shelter is welcome in our guild. You'll be put to work, but you won't be charged rent. If the guild hall isn't done being rebuilt when you get out we'll find room for you somewhere in the undestroyed part of Hargeon." "Why?" "Don't question it, just be glad I'm not dumping you out the back door." "A-aye sir..." "Take him back to the cargo hold, I need you making sure him and the rest of his lot aren't trying anything stupid." "Sir!" With that said, the two men left the helm and Azurius turned back to face the console.

    WC: Done
    Out of 3,850
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

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    Age : 41
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    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
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    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade

    Post by The Lunatic 4th June 2016, 10:30 pm

    Frowning when neither man responded, Yuzuki followed on top of the sea of heads, elfin made boots kicking off each one extra hard to fell some slavers at the same time she ran. When a few shot upwards with their guns, a few expert flips and anglings of the silver spear neatly warded them off, the soft ping sound barely audible to anyone but the sharp eared Yuzuki. Unlike Azurius, the semi-fey didnt care whether or not anyone was killed, and would just go along, thrusting her spear randomly into the crowd occasionally without looking to see if the unfortunate victim was alive or not.

    Suddenly from the corner of her eye, she spotted a key forming, displaying the symbol of Aries. She would raise an eyebrow, not altogether too surprised that Azurius had such a powerful key. When they reached a door, immediately Yuzuki could sense the presence of a way out, from the sound and feel of sound waves bouncing off of it and back at her, powerful fey senses at work. She would watch calmly as the key would summon a, well how to put it...sparsely clad woman stepped out. If anyone was watching, Yuzuki's jaw would have clenched slightly, showing her hatred of those who purposefully wore clothes that displayed their body. Having lived her life on the streets and in the darkest and most dangerous areas of cities, she'd had bad experiences with such people.

    However, she did recognize the spirit from previous jobs with the legal mage, and knew what Aries could do. Turning away, she would let the woman do her thing. Feeling the drainage of magic from the area, the semi-fey didnt feel much of a loss. Being used to mostly fighting with Katsuki, she was far more comfortable with the spear than her magic. Seeing there wasn't really much for her to do now, Yuzuki just kind of stood back, seeing as there wasn't anything much she could do now, and watched as her "allies" would kick the door down to reveal a, well, extremely...large woman. The semi-fey took a double take at simply the sheer size she was, noting the bulging stomach and incredible number of chins. "Are you an actress or something?" Yuzuki blurted incredulously, looking the captain up and down. To think she could actually manage to move to get into the ship, to come to the door... she had to admit she was impressed.

    Deciding that this was a moment for the legals to do their diplomatic and professional talk, the semi-fey would seem to almost blend into the dirty, old walls of the ship. It was a trick she had learned on the streets, how to fit into places so peoples' eyes would simply dart over you. The right position to be in, the right colors to have as a background, it was a very precise science. Quickly growing bored of the situation, Yuzuki would drift down the hall, not caring in the least if anyone saw her or not. Suddenly, she heard the slightest noise, one she barely heard with her enhanced senses. Eyes widening, the girl's curiosity got the better of her and she was soon creeping around corners all over the ship to try and find the source. After turning another corner, she blinked in surprise at the sight of a teenager girl, around twelve years old huddled in the corner, sniffling softly. Surprised that no one was around, the semi-fey approached silently.

    Suddenly noticing Yuzuki's presence, the girl leapt back, terrified out of her wits. Why? Oh, I dunno it couldn't possibly be that oversized spear she carried with her all the time? Pfft. The semi-fey blinked twice, slowly. "You one of the slaves? What're ya doing out here?" she asked, curiosity tinging her voice. Surprised that the woman, no, girl hadn't dragged her back into the slave holding area yet, the girl mumbled a muffled, "I escaped," before burying her head beneath her arms again. She was fairly certain the girl wouldn't hurt her, though not particularly because of her appearance. After all, the girl wore rough, dirty street clothes and boots that were made for combat. Her bangs were much too long for her, flopping into her face every here and there, while the rest of her hair was somehow held back with a messy ponytail. Still, she radiated a sort of aura of curiosity, an almost innocent aura.

    Yuzuki tilted her head to the side, wondering what to do next. Should she get her out of here, what about the other girls? What condition were they in? Suddenly, Yuzuki's mind began to conjure visions of what the girl could be subjected to in the future if not helped, visions of what slaves were used for. Sharp memories prickled at the back of her mind, memories she roughly shoved away before suddenly picking up the girl, hoisting her up piggyback style. "E-ehhh?!" she blurted in confusion, eyes widening. "I'm getting you outta here. Be thankful," came the brusque response as Yuzuki shot back a silver eyed glance.

    Carrying the girl outside into the battle again, she raised a cover of invisibility, flying them into the sky. She would soar up into Azurius' ship, plopping the girl down inside. "Computer girl, watch her, mkay?" she asked Ene gruffly before leaping back off. Landing back on the ship, Yuzuki watched with a raised eyebrow as the slavers began to bring out the slaves. Welp, legal 'diplomatic talk' had apparently worked. Her invisibility swiftly shed, the semi-fey let herself free fall down onto the slave ship deck, watching them board the Salvation. In the end...was she really as tough as she thought? The way she had helped the girl without a second thought...Yuzuki sighed. What was wrong with her? Blaming it all on Hargeon's effects, she boarded the ship as well. Watching the now abandoned slave ship far in the distance, Yuzuki would only close her eyes, and sigh, ready to get back to land soon.

    It had been a bad day.

    DONEo/o 3750


    Liberation of Slaves: Yuzuki/Azurius Tade TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 3:02 am