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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 12th March 2016, 1:06 pm

    It would be near 6 o'clock at night, and the sun would be setting. It was going to be a cool, slightly windy night. Long shadows would cover the streets of Magnolia, casting darkness over the few people walking down the streets. Most of these people would be returning from jobs, going home to see their families, stuff like that. Nothel, wouldn't be an exception here. He would be walking down a sidewalk towards somewhere, hands in his cloak. He was returning from some work he had done that day, and it was finally time to turn in.

    He would casually glance at the people he walks by, most of them normal people, and nothing would really catch his eye. Shrugging, he continues, keeping his head down.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


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    Battle Theme:

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 12th March 2016, 2:22 pm

    arreling through the streets of Magnolia, Azurius chased wildly after one of his spirits as she decided it was a divine time to play grab ass. The woman quickly dipped and dodged, weaving around the people as they all were heading home, or heading out to enjoy their time off. "Catch me if you can slowpoke!" she shouted playfully while spinning around a couple who looked at her awkwardly. The town was mostly used to wizards, magic, and the result of the combination being present since the town was home to a rather rowdy guild but none of them were used to seeing a summon that wasn't under control. She quickly moved around a corner, hiding inside the alley between two buildings and watched happily as Azurius stormed right past it thinking she'd gone the same direction instead of evading him entirely.

    She placed a hand over her mouth, giving a light joyous giggle after he was gone from sight and she emerged from her cover. She darted back out, finding a man with his hands in his cloak and immediately grabbed his arm while laughing and pulling him with her. Sterba laughed playfully as she hauled her new friend off to a local restaurant and pulled him to sit with her, keeping her left arm wrapped around his right one and the right hand clinging to the arm she was wrapped one. "I'm Sterba!" she said with a bright, beaming smile. "You're really cute, keep me company?" she requested staring the man down with her bright aquamarine eyes.

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) 9Ilp3WZ

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 12th March 2016, 2:31 pm

    Nothel wouldn't notice the girl until she had grabbed him and starting to drag him away. This would have bewildered him since well, this wasn't normal behavior in the least, and this could easily be an assailant trying to get him. But, this motion of thought would be slowed a bit as he sees who grabbed him. Looking down at the girl, he would relax slightly, she seemed...mostly harmless except for her...odd clothing? Though, this doesn't stop him from protesting.

    "H-Hey! What do you think you are doing!" He half shouts half questions. Though, the girl doesn't stop and takes him straight to that restaurant. Being forced to sit beside her and listening to her first lines. After that, he raises a hand, even though he is kinda being held down.

    "I have numerous questions, Sterba, the first is, what the hell, the second is why do you need company." he says this harshly, staring directly into her eyes with his blood red pupils. Though, he doesn't want to sound as mean as he did, since this is kind of funny.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Posts : 743
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 12th March 2016, 3:34 pm

    terba let off a big grin, shifting her position to bring her face as close to his as possible while holding both of his hands down. Her nose, had it been any closer would easily be touching his as she lined up their eyes. Despite Sterba being an emessary of death, she was by far Azurius's most playful and lively spirits. Her eyes reflected this, constantly shining with optimism and friendship, never once dimming. "I already told you silly." she said while giving him a friendly smile. She quickly turned her head, pressing her lips to his cheek and producing a high pitched sound as she disconnected it. "I like you, you seem like a fun person!" she exclaimed, that being the only real reason she needed to randomly abduct a lone stranger. "As for why to keep me company... ummm..." she said with a puzzled expression, backing off slightly but keeping his hands in hers. She blushed as she began speaking, saying "W- Well... I'm a really good judge in character. And... I- I can tell you're a great person, so why not?" she answered as a waiter came by with a white towel rested over his arm. A pair of glasses hit the table with lemons resting on the rim of them. He poured cool water inside while saying "A rather beautiful woman, you should consider yourself lucky young man." with an impressed voice. "Might I be able to interest you and your boyfriend in the house special? It's a lightly braised cut of specially picked beef, only taken from the forward half of the best cows our butchers pick. Many of which are treated like royalty, and thus produce the most tender and succulent of meats." he said calmly. Sterba locked her fingers with the mysterious man's, pulling herself closer and leaning her head on his shoulder. Her other arm would grab his upper arm of the one she leaned against, keeping him pinned to her. "That sounds wonderful, would you also mind bringing me a cup of your best spice tea?" she said happily, deciding to play along. "Of course, would you like anything to drink sir?" the waited asked while turning his gaze to him.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    template code:


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    Third Skill:

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 12th March 2016, 5:28 pm

    Nothel is quite confused at this point, a woman pretty much kidnapped him, complimented him twice, and is asking him to spend to night with him. Honestly, he has no idea how to react. Should he be angry that he was forcefully stopped from doing what he was doing? Should he be happy because this is honestly not that bad a time? Though, like most people, he grins when she compliments him. He hasn't received a compliment in a while, and it feels pretty good to get one. Even though if what she says seems...mostly false. A good character? Bah, far from it lady, you got the wrong person if you wanted someone interesting. And fun? He hasn't done anything for fun in a while. Unless you count jobs then well... you know.

    He would attempt to raise his hand to interject to what Sterba was saying, but as he does so the waiter approaches and says what he says. Again, he grins wider, girlfriend eh? That is not what is going on buddy, but I appreciate the word. "I'll take some spiced tea too..." he says briskly to the waiter, waiting for him to go away. Huh, waiting on the waiter, ironic.

    After the said waiter leave, Nothel looks forward towards the wall, debating his choices. His grin continues and he nods, "Alright, sure, I may not like it but I'll play your game, since you seem to be pinning me here." While he meant to sound more happy, it comes out more stoic. "Guess it is time for me to introduce myself, I am Nothel."


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
    Position : None
    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 12th March 2016, 6:08 pm

    terba began to seemingly glow as a massive grin formed on her face at the man agreeing to be her date for the night following the waiter's leaving. Her aquamarine eyes seemed to grow wider, her grin got larger, and her arms seemed to float around him, holding him closely in a tight embrace. She quickly kissed him on the cheek before loosening her grip on him and giving him the standard hug that most girlfriends would. While Nothel seemed to be... puzzled at the very least, Sterba was truly having fun. She shifted her position to holding Nothel's hand while leaning on him, her vibrant, crimson hair acting as a veil on his shoulder as it draped down his lap. "I've never actually had a chance to do this kind of thing... I'm sorry for forcing it on you, and if it's any consolation, I can tell you that you are most certainly a good man." she said in soft voice, her face beginning to turn pink.

    Meanwhile somewhere in Magnolia, Azurius frantically looked around for his summon. "Damn that woman for materializing like that!" he said unhappily while scratching his head. He let out a deep sigh, not wanting to have to use his summons, or at least, not wanting to disturb any of them but he realized he had no other choice. "Open! Gate of the Seer!" he said boldly, holding a silver key with an opened eye on the end. A magic circle appeared with a woman stepping out. "I'm sorry to just up and call you out but Sybil, find Sterba please." he calmly requested. The woman looked at Azurius inquisitively before nodding and closing her eyes for a moment. "She's three miles back in one of the restaurants you passed when you began chasing her." she said in a calm, kind, soft voice. Azurius hugged Sybil, her wrapping her arms around him with a smile. The two of them shared a somewhat sibling-like relationship in that they can hug without being sexually attracted to each other. Azuris even saw her full on naked and then preceded to nonchalantly speak with her and didn't even try looking at her breasts or anything else below her eyes, all without blushing nonetheless. Sybil disappeared, returning tot he celestial spirit world, leaving Azurius to his day. By now, the sun had set and the stars were beginning to show. Inside the restaurant, Sterba's cheeks began to sparkle, not quite like the surface of a freshly bedazzled to hell lacrima-phone, but more like if someone took a single diamond and stuck it in a few places without actually trying to organize it. It wasn't a super heavy sparkle like that one vampire movie where they sparkled in the sunlight and was kind of homosexual in nature, but it was still there.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 12th March 2016, 6:17 pm

    Nothel blinks at her actions, wondering if he kinda messed something up. Internally he would be screaming at himself for even the thought of screwing this up. Trying to keep himself calm he smiles, "Er...Its okay...I honestly don't mind that much?" He tries to say something to maybe not make her feel as bad. Naturally, he puts his arm around Sterba, holding her closely. He would still be puzzled, having no experience in something like this. Which, thankfully, doesn't let him be embarrassed by this.

    "I...To be honest, this is my er, first...what do they call it? Date? Yeah, I've been on one of those ethier..." he shakes his head slightly, "I also disagree, I'm not a good person, you have me wrong."


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
    Position : None
    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 13th March 2016, 8:37 pm

    zurius pulled out two keys, a gold and a silver one. "Open! Gate of the Ram!" he declared, calling out a large golden magic circle with a gorgeous blonde appearing from it. Aries, one of the celestial spirits who guards the gate to the Celestial Spirit World and by far Azurius's oldest spirit. She was the very first of them all, and she was the one closest to his heart. While he personally held no romantic feelings for her, his feelings were pretty close to it. "Yes?" she asked looking around, not knowing Azurius to be the one to just up and summon his most powerful summon just for the sake of going on a date. "Sterba's acting up, there's a chance I may need you to break her connection to this world. So just in case I do, ya mind commin' along?" he asked calmly, not really showing signs of being aggitated. Aries gave a smile and agreed, materializing an assault rifle in her hand modeled after a super old one ((OOC: M1 Garand)). "Celestial Gate, would you be so kind?" he said before being teleported directly in front the restaurant. Looking inside, he saw Sterba snuggled up with some stranger and set out a quick sigh. Aries allowed her gun to vanish, already knowing Azurius's response.

    Azurius walked in as Sterba began looking up, she quickly pulled away from Nothel with a somewhat scared look saying "Master!" with a surprised tone. Azurius took a seat across from them with Aries seated next to him. "One, don't call me that. Two, you really think you could hide that easily?" he said with an unhappy voice. Azurius looked to the man, his golden eyes narrowing on him. "And you, I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience Sterba may have caused you. She's a celestial spirit who enjoys screwing with the minds and hearts of people for her own personal amusement." "That's not true!" she shouted, immediately grabbing Nothel's arm. "And... he agreed to play along this time..." she said innocently with her cheeks turning red. "Noted." he said with a still displeased voice. "My name's Azurius, you can call me Azure if you like. I'll pay for your meal as a means to make up for the inconveniences pal, I'm sure Sterba has no intentions of letting your arm go and I'm sure by now you've realized she's got a killer grip." he said courteously. "Yo! Suit guy, I'll have whatever these two are havin'!" Azurius shouted across the room at the waiter. He nodded, hiding his annoyance with the man's lack of tact, but still made a note to get him the same order. Aries looked at Nothel, avoiding his gaze while also shifting closer to Azurius for comfort. "My names Aries..." she said with a soft, nervous tone.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 13th March 2016, 8:49 pm

    Nothel, again, is taken by surprise. He was already confused, but was getting used to Sterba's company. But then outta nowhere this guy shows up and makes everything weirder. Though, it makes sense that Sterba is a celestial spirit. Nothel himself has never seen one before, but he knows they are extremely powerful. That would explain the immense magical power he felt around her, and the godlike strength. Smiling slightly, Nothel would respond to both Sterba's statement and Azurius.

    "Alright well, this night could have not gotten weirder but oh well. She is right though I did in fact agree to this. While normally I dislike the company of people this was...interesting enough to peak my interesting." Normally he would have been much colder but Sterba's radically opposite personality temporarily broke his gloomy exterior. "By the way, the name is Nothel." There would be a hint of cautiousness in his voice, just for the fact he isn't used to talking to people. Let alone three at once and in stuck in the middle. "Also, nice to meet you Aries." He sighs, leaning back a bit. Honestly he would take an out right out, just to leave. But turning down what this woman wanted seems a bit unfair now, so he will play along.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 19th March 2016, 11:02 pm

    terba smiled, filled with joy as she exclaimed "Y-you mean I can stay!?" her bright aquamarine eyes seeming to come to life, more so than a few moments before he'd arrived. "Nothel said he was fine with it, so why not join you guys."Azure replied as the waiter came along. "I've got your order perfectly fine sir, but would the lady like anything?" he asked with an upset tone at Azurius. "Uhhh... I... umm... I- I'll have th-the lamb chops, a salad, and a glass of wine please..." Aries replied, keeping her eyes on Azurius's legs while huddling into him. Azure was used to that from Aries, she didn't exactly have an easy life before, and aside from Azurius, she didn't feel comfortable around strangers. Even Azurius's other summons, even Sterba who was the second spirit to contract with Azurius, made Aries feel off base.

    Sterba reached her hand down Nothel's right arm and slid her hand into his palm, slowly placing the fingers between his and locking them. She had never held a boy's hand, never once had a chance to act like an actual girl before. Normally, Azurius only called them out when he was either in the heat of battle, or was in his room on vacation. Azurius had never been permitted to take vacation in the human world... or any world really, and Celestials weren't a welcome sight in heaven, even if they were belonging to one of the most powerful angels in the holy army. Sterba felt her cheeks turn a bid red, causing her to turn her face away a bit, allowing the long scarlet hair to drape over it and hide the expression. Something she didn't understand again... why is it that she reacted like that? Would it happen if she did the same to Azurius? Or maybe Aries? She felt herself sliding towards Nothel to get closer to him. "You said you're not a good man... but you saved that old woman's life. It wasn't on purpose... you being there was circumstantial... but it doesn't change the fact that you did it." she said softly, smiling all-the-while.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 19th March 2016, 11:25 pm

    Nothel closes his eyes, remembering that job. Yes he saved that woman from certain death...at the same time the next day he killed a child. No, he wasn't a good man, he was taken more than he has given bac--. Wait. How the hell did she know that? Oh my god she is telepathic isn't she. She can read my thoughts. That is pretty insane actually. He would have to be careful about what he thinks here.

    Honestly though, this wasn't that horrible a time. He holds Sterba close to him actually enjoying his time. Whispering back to her, "Yeah...I guess so..."

    Wait. Again...Was this a real date...was this actually happening? Nothel never thought of this happening to him before. The human emotions would start to catch up with him, and his face would turn red. He is embarrassed for once in his life. A skimpily dressed woman drug him into a restaurant against his will to go on a date. This set up is right out of a book. Oh well.

    He was enjoying it to be honest, and the presence of the other other people was slightly unsettling but...he could get used to it. But he is at a lose of words. Normally Nothel likes to have a plan, and that isn't happening here.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 27th March 2016, 12:45 pm

    terba sensed the doubt in him, the fact that he didn't truly think he was good. For now, she wouldn't tell him anything more about it since she didn't want Azurius to put his opinion in, but she would stay cuddled against him, keeping her fingers interlaced with his own. That is, until the waiter came back with everyone's food. The man was well placed, the meat was already cut into strips and was so tender it could be cut with a fork. Azure looked at it, knowing it couldn't have been cheap but didn't really care either. "Will that be all?" the waiter asked calmly. "Yea, thanks a ton. It smells amazing, no doubt it'd taste like heaven." Azure said, being sure to compliment the meal as much as possible. "If there's any alterati-" "Changing the recipe is an insult to the one who made it. I'm sure none of us are gonna be offended if the meal isn't exactly to our preferences because I have no doubt that your cheff is a master, and prepared this meal with his blood, sweat, and tears." Azure interrupted him. "Oh-uh I'm sorry... he... ummm... A-Azure's very passionate about food." Aries replied, avoiding eye contact. "I see... I'll let the cheff know he has a connoisseur of cuisine in his restaurant, and not simple customers then." the waited said with a smile, bowing to the group and walking off to the kitchen. Azure didn't waste any time with picking up his fork and gently puncturing the meat, releasing a divine aroma. Aries did the same with her lamb chops and turned slightly red when the scent was released. Sterba let out a small giggle "The two of them are truly the same side of the same coin." she said before releasing Nothel's hand and cutting a piece of steak. "Nothel... open up." she said while extending the food to Nothel's mouth. She wouldn't take no for an answer, and would argue until he ate it, then she would open her mouth and have him do the same for her.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 295
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 431.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Maniuplation Magic
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 27th March 2016, 1:16 pm

    Nothel smiles lightly at the banter between Azurius, Aries, and the waiter. Normally he would have gotten up and left yet, something about the scene made him feel quite comfortable. Releasing his normal stature of arrogancy and coldness, he relaxes some. Seeing the plate of food he would smile. He hasn't eaten this good in months, maybe even years. Right before he goes to dig in, Sterba tries to feed it to him. He would promptly deny, he can feed himself. She wouldn't take no for an answer and after a bit Nothel consedes, taking the bite from the fork. His eyes widen slightly after tasting it. It was probably the tastiest thing he has eaten in his entire life.

    "Thats incredible...here Sterba~" She quickly cuts a small bite off, sliding it into her mouth for her to enjoy. "Good right?" He smiles, slightly awkwardly. If there was one thing to say about this, Sterba instantly tamed the beast that is Nothel.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

    Gear and Weapons:


    Battle Theme:
    Battle Theme:

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
    Position : None
    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 27th March 2016, 2:04 pm

    terba chewed Nothel's meat that he put in her mouth slowly, savoring the flavor as her tongue ran over it, saliva mixing with the juices it released. She now realized why Aries turned red from the food, it was simply the best. While she wouldn't have the strongest reaction in the world to this delicacy, she wouldn't ignore the quality of it. Not only was the meat large enough, it was just firm enough for her mouth to feel, and tender enough to almost melt away. It's succulent juices emitted a delightful aroma that made her not want to stop chewing... just before the food was already gone down her throat. "It's really amazing." she said looking at Nothel, her aquamarine eyes seeming to glisten along with the small sparkles on her cheeks twinkling like the night sky.

    Aries noticed how Sterba was looking, she hadn't seen this side of her since the two of them came into contact with each other. She didn't make any comments, but rather turned to continue eating her meal. Azurius wanted to mess with them, but he held more respect for his celestials. "Umm.. Azure." Sterba said in a soft voice. Azurius looked up in acknowledgement. "When we're done eating... can I... can I have a few moments to talk with Nothel? And borrow Sybil's key?" she asked, slightly ashamed to ask to borrow another spirit like it was property. "Sybil has no quarrels with transporting you there as is, and your personal life is your own so long as you're not causing trouble." he said in a calm voice, not seeming at all bothered. Sterba smiled and gently brushed some of her scarlet hair back behind her ear, the sparkles on her hand mimicking the ones on her face. ((I know the picture has her wearing a sleeve thing, but for this one I'm saying she left it home cause it'd be hard to hold a knife and fork with that on...)) A silver key with an open eye was placed on the table and slid over to Sterba which she took and placed between her stocking and her upper thigh for later.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 27th March 2016, 2:30 pm

    Nothel nods at Sterba's first comment. This was literally the best thing he has ever eaten. He would turn to his own food to eat it. Though...he couldn't get it off his mind. What she said about him being good. He has committed numerous sins over the years. Killed innocent people, stolen property... This clouds his mind for a few minutes as he absently mindlessly ate his food. He would notice the odd behavior between Sterba and Azure, but write it off. He didn't really know their relationship too much.

    Sighing lightly, he sits back in his chair, wondering what is going to happen next. He saw the key get slid across the table. Another spirit? He wonders what that may be possibly about. Shaking his head, he leans back, staring at his plate. Fourteen. That is how many...shaking his head again he puts those memories back. No need to reflect like that now. You had no remorse then.


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    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Azurius Tade 27th March 2016, 4:02 pm

    terba had felt her magic power was low, she'd been out of the Celestial World far longer before this little encounter than she should have, and it was beginning to take a small toll on her. She grabbed Nothel's hand, knowing he wasn't finished with his meal and suddenly the world changed. They were sitting on a large, grassy hill overlooking the city they were just previously in. A gentle breeze blew over it, keeping the air cool. The night sky overhead illuminated the world around them as Sterba pushed Nothel to the ground, landing on top him. Her hands were under Nothel and her head on his chest. She slid her body up, lining her face with his and bringing the two close together. At first, it seemed like she would kiss him, but then her face moved to the side, her sparkling cheek pressing against his. "This world's laws are flawed... there is no good, there is no evil. You have killed many, but it was their time to die. Had you not killed them, I would have... so thank you." she whispered with a type of caring tone to her voice. Sterba's face moved back around, her lips pressed against Nothel's for a single second before pulling back. "Don't do anything to get yourself killed, I want you to play with me some other time." she said, her voice was sweet, gentle and true. Sterba kissed Nothel once more before turning into a series of blue particles, disappearing back to her world. The key Sterba had dropped on Nothel, glowing before making him appear laying on the seat back in the restaurant. "That was fast." Azurius said while finishing a piece of steak.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
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    On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade) Empty Re: On the way...(Social/Mossino/Azurius Tade)

    Post by Mossino 27th March 2016, 4:32 pm

    Nothel blinks as he is teleported away into another world. Before he could ask what the hell happened he feels extremely relaxed. The beauitful, calm green hillside overlooking where they had just been. The night time sky pulled the picture together, making it honestly peaceful and relaxing. The breeze was also nice, making it slightly more cool than it already was. Nothel smiled lightly, about to try and ask what happened when Sterba pounced him. As she wrapped her arms around him, he would have no idea how to react. He has never had a woman this close to him. Out of sheer reaction, and maybe a bit of fright he wraps his arms around her as well.

    Her words were...oddly scary but calming to him. Having someone, even Sterba, comfort him and tell him he made the right choice was quite calming to him. He was about to thank her for her words..when suddenly she gave him a quick kiss. He blinks quickly, his face turning slightly red. He did NOT expect that to happen. He had no words, only a slightly confused, happy look on his face. 'Don't get killed' Well that was an easy statement to follow. Smiling he thanks Sterba quickly, before he is teleported back to the restaurant. He blinks again.

    That would be a few first experiences for him, and he would take a minute, starting at his plate trying to comprehend, simply nodding at Azure's statement. He would take a slow bite of the last of his steak.


    Blood Magic Character Sheet

    "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

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