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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 31st January 2016, 7:50 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Kanix looked up when Ai appeared, her face going whiter than it naturally was when she recognized the voice of a guild member. She was terrified as was, and now they were starting to pop up like flies, and she didn't know how they were doing that. Her mind didn't have the capacity to help her understand that there was the outcome of them coming around, never. The woman couldn't move, didn't dare to move when Ai arrived at the scene, fearful she would tell Famine. Lips gone dry, throat parched, Kanix tried to find the words to explain what was going on, but failed to do so. There was nothing that she could say when she turned this place into a mess and had all these mages around her. Everything was done, she was done for; no one would save her sorry, little ass when Famine found out about all of this.

    The dark mage would turn a little toward Ai, clasp her hands together and raise them up to her in a beggar's stance. "Please... please don't tell Famine that this happened... please! I beg of you..." Kanix wailed to Ai in a pleading tone. "Please... please... Don't tell her... she can't ever find out about this... I'll be dead before the day's through." Her begging would stop when Heero knelt down in front of her, giving her a picture that no matter what, she would never be able to see. However, she stared down at it, like she could see who was within the white frame that showed the image. She would touch it, feel it, but the smooth texture of the image didn't show anything to her other than darkness. Tears would spill down her cheeks more, not out of fear this time, but out of her inability to even see the simplest of things.

    She only shook her head at him and handed the picture back, holding onto her staff as if it was her lifeline. "I-I can't, Heero," the woman spoke the guild master's name, as if she had once met him before this day. Her voice was hoarse from the crying, but also like she had given up on even trying to speak at the time. "There's so much that you just don't understand, Heero; you'll never understand at how changed Famine is... She's not who you think she is anymore... she's really not. She's a murderer, Heero; she'll be out to get me!" Kanix would fall silent again at this point, rethinking what she had just said to the Fairy Tail mage before swallowing a lump in her throat. "I-I've said too much. I know it... she's heard what I've said, she's going to come for me now and... and... and..."

    Her voice cracked and left her, and the tears started all over again, along with the shaking of terror shuttering her entire body. "She's coming, Heero! I can feel her presence..." Maybe she was right on that. All else of what Heero had said slipped from her mind, the terror of being found out coursing through her entirety. She keeled over, hunkering into herself, as if she was trying to hide from the fact that Famine was there with them. There was no way that she could go on, and she stood to her feet, lifting her head to stare Heero in the eyes. "Please... save me..." she would beg him, then look to the ones surrounding her, asking if they would, too. None would understand the fear that she currently felt because it was only her who could sense that abomination coming.

    A creeping feeling extended over her body, and she would go frigid for a millisecond before rushing to hide behind Heero. That didn't work out though, for the moment her foot stepped forward, a hand was around her shoulders and a blade to her neck. The metallic coldness sent a shiver down her spine and her breath hitched in her throat for what seemed to be the millionth time. Her blind eyes would look toward Heero, then to Daemon, and before long, crossed over Raina, Ai, and Leonard. She gritted her teeth to hold back scared tears, daring not even to swallow her own spit in fear that the blade would slit her throat. "I warned you," she whispered almost inaudibly, but trusted that one of them would hear what she said. Unmoving, Kanix would await for the inevitable of her death, hoping... wishing that someone would do something to help her. "I'm so sorry..."

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 31st January 2016, 8:51 pm

    Raina pushed the man away from her, her tears drying as she ran as close to the former enemy as she could. She heard the voice's threats and knew its intention. She could feel the enemy's evil intention but yet this aura felt familiar. She remembered the name Heero mentioned, a former Fairy Tail mage. "Rita.." Raina said out loud as memories of her friend flashed in her mind almost causing her head to ache.

    She knew who she was! She remembered all the laughter, all the tears, all the pain! "I... I know who I am! I am Raina Lynna Vanille Scylar, Seraphic Princess of Fairytail! And you," She shouted as she pointed to Famine, AND you are not this Famine character! You are Rita! You are my friend and my ally in Fairy Tail! Do not let this evil taint you!" Raina exclaimed as she held her hand over her heart causing her breasts to bounce a little, thanks to Raina's knack for fan service moments without trying.

    "Please do not hurt her, Rita. Let her know the family you know. Let her come with me. Please, if there is any love left in you, you will do this for me!" Raina continued as tears welled in her eyes. Her friend's corruption breaking all the mental walls that blocked her memories.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Rainas10
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 31st January 2016, 10:19 pm

    Seru had a light smile on her face.  Finally, a new place!  Well...  Technically she was here before, but she quickly went away from it after the whole...  "Ordeal" she witnessed in that...  "Tradition", so she made sure to make a speedy exit, afterwards, not leaving her much time to actually explore and get to know the area well, which, after doing so slightly, was quite appealing.  It was quite lively, through and through, and was fairly bubbly and nice.  A good place to have fun, and rest, and just have a joyous good time; the conclusion she came to after having walked around through most of the town.

    In addition to that, it appeared to be where the guild Fairy Tail was located in, very valuable information.  She didn't know anyone, and no one knew her, either, and she was making a point to completely shut down her magical output to null, in order not to alarm or scare anyone off.  Speaking of magical output, however, she could feel a drastic amount being put off at once in one location; she could actually feel multiple formidable ones based off of how many abilities she presumed they were using.  As cyan energy enveloped around her body, completely dissolving it, and she appeared in the area of magic...  Which was surprisingly with not as much conflict as she thought it would be.

    Many strange faces were the ones she saw, but the two particular ones were the of a woman holding a weapon against another, who was practically in tears without shedding any at all.  She focused on the two, looking for the leylines.  "..."  She found them.  More bright cyan energy enveloped around Seru, and in an instant, it all crashed together, making a shattering sound as the woman who was being held captive was now where Seru stood previously, and now, Seru was the "captive" one.  She looked up to the weaponized woman and smiled, knowing that even if the knife would go for her throat, that there was no way she could die.  She then lowered her head and looked at everyone else briefly with a smile.  "You're all sweet, aren't you?"  Seru looked back up to the woman again, "Even you."

    Seru had almost no idea what was going on, but she felt like those were the words appropriate according to the situation.  She couldn't afford to remain captured by this woman, however, so within a split second, another shattering sound hit, and in an instant, Seru was gone in the bright, cyan energy, completely unknown in entity by anyone, yet now recognized by face, without even a real hint of magical presence.

    And the best part?

    She appeared at the entrance of Magnolia Town in a bright cyan light, leaving almost no trace of her magical energy.

    And off she went to the next place to explore.


    P.S: talked to Rita about the post already, so she's fine with what I did.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sol 31st January 2016, 11:24 pm

    Your Sorry you should have thought of that before your looked at the Basilisk and spit in its face your not sorry but you will be Traitor” a Voice called out behind Famine as the ground started to tremble slightly as Sol approached from behind Famine on his metal monster Panzer. He had caught a little bit of what had happened and the slayer was not pleased to hear that Kanix was changing her alliance and if there was one thing he hated with a passion it was traitors to his guild. He approached Famines side and he hopped off his pet before he adjusted his hood and stared out at the legal mages before he heared Famine state that Basilisk Fang would go even if she was gone which the slayer knew was right.

    He turned his head to glance at Kanix and he narrowed his amber eyes at her, he had offered her a place in his castle and this was how she repaid him, Sol was very tempted to kill her right now but he would let Famine have the satisfaction. unfortunatly Kanix was removed from Famine grasp and now was away from both mages which made the slayers mood become even worse.


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 31st January 2016, 11:39 pm

    The girl wrought with Despair peeked from the shadows at the scene as it unfolded "So the girl... betrayed mom..." she muttered as she watched the scene between everyone unfold. She smiled a little from behind her mask and shook her head. She was not all hat worried about people knowing her true identity since she was wearing a cloak. She gently took a step out and leaned on a tree and stared at the blue haired master of fairy tail walk away. "The Blue hair has strong power... I can sense it..." she said as she shook her head "Honestly...these people need to stop messing around with fate..." she said to herself as she kept watching "She betrayed mom. She has a fate to succumb to despair..." she said out loud.

    Jade had Knighthunter blood running through her and she knew her father Lance's and her Uncle Griffon's ties with the guild. Lance had told her about the fun times he had in the guild and it honestly made her hate it even more. However, what was interesting to her was the Guild Master. She would not try to strike but she put her mask back on and get a bit closer to the scene for a view of it.  


    Sir Leonard
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sir Leonard 1st February 2016, 1:49 am

    Leonard was pushed away by Raina. This was certainly a shock. He didn't know what to make up of this. He was down on the floor with eyes wide, just starring at her. It remained like this for quite sometime and all the while he would see images in his head. Memories of a time so long ago, but not forgotten, of a time he didn't know his darkness, of a time of family, of a time he was "guardian". How could she not recognize him? How could she not remember how they met? Could she really be gone in there? Leonard would down in sadness I guess... This one of those times that a person dies in another way... Leonard did indeed accept the fact that Raina was dead before. But seeing her forget all these things, he felt as if she was dead... again. Loosing someone like that twice in one lifetime is completely unbearable.

    His sadness was all that mattered to him. Was everything so hopeless? Leonard was even oblivious of the events happening around them. Of how Heero showed up to confront the female assassin. But he would be shot back to reality by the dark mage's comment about him, and love. Raising his head, Leonard would stand up to see the mage for himself, his blades were still in hands ready to taste blood once more after so many years. He didn't say a single word to her, just stared into her eyes, ready to kill her and just let his weapons do the talking for him.

    But he saw that Heero was offering her a chance to redeem herself, and the girl was surprisingly submissive from this distance, insane was actually the more proper term. He saw her shake her head and mouth words. Is she fighting herself or something? Leonard didn't know, he was still clouded by anger and sadness. But after a few exchange of words, it was very surprising to hear that the woman wants to be taken away. Leonard thought he could give the girl what she wanted, and be chained. With a face void expression, and a grip so tight on the hilt of his weapons, he took steps forward, but keeping in mind where Raina is via detecting her magic, making sure she was still ok.

    He was about to chain the woman but then he stopped when Heero said that she can join Fairy Tail. This made Leonard raise a brow and observe the woman thoroughly. But he was having a hard time assessing her emotions and spirit because of physical assessment. She was a very beautiful and voluptuous woman indeed, almost like Raina. But despite all that, he was able to discern that the woman is indeed simply broken, and that Heero was giving her a shot of redemption. Leonard would look down and remember his own attempts to offer other people the same thing.

    He spaced out a little bit when he was recalling his memories, until he sensed another presence, one of which was completely unfamiliar. He didn't know it was, but Heero seems to. So Leonard simply turned towards the masked character, ready to assault if need be.

    But thankfully, it didn't have to come to that. Because of yet another arrival/interruption of another character.

    Behind the broken down girl, a very malevolent material was forming up, taking shape that seem to apprehend the would-be turncoat. The voice was familiar... But he did not expect the words that would be said by the voice. Leonard looked down and thought about it... He hasn't seen Rita ever since he got back. Until the black matter finally formed a human.

    The sight made Leonard's eyes pop wide. The brunette hair and eyes... Eyes that Leonard remember calling "hue that of the sea..." His hands would release the blades, but they won't fall to the ground, as they would disperse it a white light tainted slightly by a black shade of darkness. "Rita... What have you become? You even dare mock the things I've taught you about the ways of Fairy Tail..." His sadness never evident when he spoke, only the neutrality. He couldn't afford to break down more than he already is. He had seen Raina forget him before his very eyes, and now this. It is too much to bear.

    But he was revived with hope when he heard a voice behind him. It was Raina. He turned back to look at her glory and hear her words. She remembers now. Now all that needs to be done is bring Rita back. An act he had decided that must be done. Rita was like a daughter to him. And Heero was right. Redemption is one of the ways of Fairy Tail. "She's right Rita. Let her go. Come home..." he demanded. But out of nowhere, three more people came. It was all so sudden. One man warped the downed dark mage, so Leonard doesn't have to worry about her anymore, the other two came to subdue her.

    Nothing is making sense to Leonard. Everything happened too fast. But what is clear to me now is that these people... This... Basilisk Fang must be stopped... Destroyed even...

    With a deep breath, he stepped forward and ReQuipped another of his weapons, the Earthshaker. "Stay behind me Raina, I won't loose you again." as he held the weapon high with a threat. "You will leave... Or you will die..."

    Hammer of the Earth Shaker:


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 60684_s
    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

    The Star Child

    The Star Child

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sybil 1st February 2016, 12:00 pm




    it doesn't hurt when it begins

    wORDS:688 NOTES: No idea what the post order is? uh TAGS: @Everyone

    "Don't you see, Raina." Famine began, obviously seeming to be unfamiliar with the pinkette. "Evil? Isn't that a little harsh. I'm doing my job. It was Kanix who walked into a dark guild on her own too legs and by taking up this mark she agreed should she ever wrong us that she would offer life." Famines blade had angled down to her chest hovering the tip just at her heart where the insignia rested "You people made her a deal and she's trying to take you up on it, right? The little ability I may have had to love has been gnawed out of me." Famine put as her grip clenched on the hilt of the blade, ready to drive the point into her heart.

    A sound like shattering glass and the shape of the body in Famine's grasp had changed completely, some blonde girl in her hold while Kanix had seemed to of switched spots and this confident stranger took her place. Famine stepped back and dropped her blade in confusion, the weapon disbursing into a black hue. In a moment the mage was gone just as quickly as she appeared. Though Kainix had gotten out of that Famine was no longer as deeply outnumbered.

    Sol Terumi, Jade Knighthunter, one by one the Fangs were multiplying. Without taking her eyes off of the mages she scooted back till she was right beside Sol, her valued poison dragon. Her expression vexed, a mental face palm contorting from the name Jade had elected to call her. "Shesh Sol, I don't remember sending an invite but I'm glad you got one... You bring her with you on purpose?..." Her words were a whisper to him, taking advantage of the confusion.

    Though before she could so much as wait out a reply Leo had turned to her. The brunette was clutching her fists hard enough for her knuckles to go white, jutting up like the spine of a fish. If She'd known Ai or Kanix were on a route to run right into Leo, and into Heero, Famine would have stopped them both miles ago.

    "H̪͍̟o͎̼̗̹͢͡m̕͢҉͎̞̫̣͎̱e̢̡̮̪̞̹͓͡ͅ?̷̗̻̝͟͝" She questioned bitterly sounding as far from herself as ever. The painful truth was that guildhall once was a place she considered home. Now? She'd found and come up with every possible reason why she could never return. "I figured you people would have done a better job with that family crap since that's all you talk about. D̢o͏n̛'͞t͠ yóu r̨ém͡e҉mber̶?! I burned your home to the ground that night, sure you made another one but you're supposed to hate me." She bit, hiding any desperation deep down inside her as Leo Summoned the massive hammer.

    "I can't leave until she is silenced." The corrupted mage put. Her eyes, a hue that of the sea fixated back to Kanix with the precision of a laser. The blinded had talked of her like she was something unstoppable, fearsome and bloody. What got to Famine was the term murder... she considered any killing she did just... and It all started slaughtering the man who stained her life with trauma, the monster back in Ca-Elum...Kanix had gone after and tried to kill the Fairy princess, Raina. For what, to prove something? Foolish... Kanix had mocked Famine back at the guild for the upset she showed at the death of   guild members, allies. Sure the traitor was afraid but did that mean she still had more heart? That small tether in his head that tied the anger, frustration to her consciousness snapped like a rubber band. Kanix would pay for bringing her out before all her ex-guild mates like this, for taking shelter behind them.

    Her fist clutched hard enough for nails to buried in and blood welled up from her palms.  "Looks like you're gonna have to kill me, Dragonbane." The girl practically challenged him, knowing despite both Leo and Heero's strength It would be difficult for them to harm her thanks to the previous bond but the memory of a hard sting at her cheek reminded her how possible it was, eyes narrowing, jaw clenching.



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 1st February 2016, 2:35 pm

    Heero had his arms crossed as he made way towards the entrance of the Cathedral, completely content to let Daemon leave, and to take Kanix in to get the help she needed back at the Guild. However, before he could leave---he felt a familiar Magic Power enter the room.

    As it twisted and whirled into a shape Heero could not forget, the girl from the picture only massively darkened in her eyes would appear; her attire hooded and loose. She went by Famine now, but truly she was---"Rita." Heero would say, turning around next to Leonard and Raina now.

    Holding a shadow-made blade, Rita seemed to be surrounded by a menacing aura. One that Heero had never seen her carry before. She was even more lost than when they'd last met.

    Furrowing his eyebrow, he responded to her. With only a yawn.

    However, he picked up a voice from the shadows. As he felt a slight magic power to his left. With his slayer hearing, he could even hear the young lady talking to herself. His eyes would widen, as he would turn towards the exact spot that Jade was standing. Heero had already figured out who it was---he hadn't seen her since she was an actual bundle of joy in Lance's arms. Bottle in mouth.

    Before long, another one entered the Cathedral. This one smelled like a Slayer. He rode on some kind of metal beast.

    Before Heero could even respond to any of this, a bright light surrounded Kanix and moved her next to Heero, Leonard, and Raina. In her place, was some blonde chick Heero had never seen before.

    Blinking a few times, and scratching his head comically. Heero shrugged as he heard the blonde woman talk. She seemed derranged, or mentally retarded.

    "What the hell are you talking about you crazy bitch...she has a knife to your throat. There's nothing sweet about this, and nothing funny or cute about your sarcasm." Heero would furrow his brow again, growing tired of this situation. "You have nothing to do with any of this, you were just strolling through town and decided to come and....be crazy?" There was no logical thought process behind this woman's actions, so Heero decided that she was in fact, crazy or retarded.

    Leonard seemed to echo his sentiments about growing tired of the situation; as he ReQuipped a gigantic hammer even bigger than he was. Which was saying something.

    "JADE! Leave this place now!" Heero called out to her spot in the shadows, letting her know he k new she was here. "Your father.....he and I were great friends, he wouldn't ever want you involved in this...did your mom tell you that she kills for fun? That she doesn't care even about you? This is not DRESS UP, Jade! This is real! Take off that silly mask, and leave!" Heero would bark at her before turning back to Rita.

    "You'd stoop so low as to even involve Jade in this....Lance would kill you himself if he was still alive." Heero's hand would ball into a fist, as his eyes would pulse Slayer Red with a bright glow, his neutral eye color changing to Slayer Red as they carried a slight glow to them. He slipped into Dragon Rage. Not himself any longer, Heero would raise his magic power slightly, causing the yellow lightning flecking all over the cathedral to return. "Allow me, sensei." Heero would say, his eye color unnaturally red as he would literally leap out of a thunder bolt the size of a train and go to haymaker Panzer.

    The metal beast would get electrified beyond belief, as Sol likely was tossed upwards as the huge yellow bolt passed beneath him. Heero would appear with the beast pinned to the wall, on his fist. It screeched, howled, and moaned in pain as Heero threw a left, a right, a left, a right. Into it's body, electrifying it with each hit Laxus style as a crater began to form in the wall behind it. It slid down, nearly dead as Heero began to stomp a mudhole in it with X-Ranked Force, laughing as his eyes hummed Slayer Red. Upon one final stomp, Heero would randomly disappear across the room in another lightning bolt.

    He would then instantly, disappear and reappear behind Daiki as Lightning was now freaking out all over the cathedral walls, even shattering through the stained glass up above. Without hesitating, he would go to grab Daiki's shoulder and break her arm; swinging her around by the same broken arm, he would electrify her with H-Ranked golden lightning as he swung her around like a merry go-round. Abruptly, he'd go to pull her into an elbow; shattering her mask completely before slinging her again by the broken arm towards Rita.

    While Daiki was still mid-air, Heero would lock eyes with Sol.

    "She'll be sorry? And who's gonna make her sorry...you?" Heero would take one step towards him as the ground electrified in response. "You're a fucking weakling." he would say as he would rocket forward.

    Golden Lotus: Lightning Dragon's Fist

    As he appeared out of a Lightning bolt he would try to haymaker Sol in the stomach, with a blow that probably could have killed a Dragon. At the rate of a Machine Gun, Heero would punch him around his fists coated in golden lightning that would spiral through his figure and shock him.

    Heero did a literal lap around the Cathedral's main hall as a huge lightning bolt, trying to hammering into Sol a total of fifty times with his fists; sending blood splattering all over the place as his eyes seemed to glow a more intense red as he leaned forward through right hand after right hand into Sol's mouth and body. It sounded as if someone was banging on a trash can he hit Sol so quickly. Landing for a split moment at a slide, Heero would let out a mighty yell and deliver a shattering uppercut to the bottom of Sol's chin, as an X-Ray was shown; his jaw was likely disconnected.

    Upon the final hit, a huge net of lightning rocketed outward in a perfect wave that shattered through the windows of the cathedral even on the outside, and caused it to electrify for just a moment. He would then reappear over or near Sol, grabbing onto his arms, and breaking them both. He would then raise a leg and stomp on the back of Sol's knee, leaving him with only one working leg and no working arms.

    He would turn to Rita; his eyes unnaturally red as he would then disappear and reappear out of another lightning bolt, trying to kneeing her in the face.

    Golden Lotus: Dragon Shock

    He would then pass so many times, that it was as if lightning was striking repeatedly in the room. Streaking left to right, right to left, all around; he would pass Rita from random unpredictable directions; sizzling her shadows from existence and forming a huge net of lightning around her battered body.

    He continued to streak around hammering into her at the speed of a machine gun and then would appear above, for a final stomp out of a lightning bolt that nearly snapped her neck in two. With a size ten firmly on her throat, Heero would look down at her underneath his boot.

    "I should crush you now...." and with his other leg he would raise it, stomping onto her leg at central knee point. Shattering it. His eyes would glow slayer red once more at inflicting pain. "But the memory of this ass whipping, will serve you well." Heero would lift Rita up by her hair, and slap her left to right repeatedly, his eyes glowing a more intense red at this. After slapping her with X-Ranked force until her body went limp, Heero would let her hit the floor like a doll; and begin dragging her by the hair towards the exit of the Cathedral.

    "You're going in Fairy Tail's dungeons.....and you're not coming back out until you're Rita again." he said as Rita trailed behind him, leaving a smear of blood behind her from her wounds on the floor. "Jade....I'm sorry you had to see me like this." Heero would say to himself as he would disappear out of a bolt of lightning, taking Famine with him.

    They would reappear in the dungeons of Fairy Tail, as a bolt would appear in the dungeons. Heero would toss Rita forward into a wall, grabbing a pair of anti-Magic cuffs from the shelf behind him and clicking them on her. Opening a cell, he would push her forward into it and slam the door behind him.

    Standing on the other side of the bars, Heero's eyes were no longer red. But their usual blues. Tears were actually in them as he would turn his back on Rita in the cell. When he had composed himself, he would turn back to her again.

    "Where is the Basilisk Fang Guild Hall.....tell me now and I'll tell Leonard to spare Daiki and that other Slayer back at the Cathedral....how could you drag Jade into this....let her be a child. What about school? What about friends?!" he yelled to Rita from the other side of the bars. "Just who do you guys think you are! You have no right to rip families apart, no right to poison towns or cities, and then hide and slink back into the shadows like the snakes you are.....pathetic! What's happened to you Rita?!" she was a natural leader, like himself. Which is why others would follow her.

    Upstairs in the Guild Hall of Fairy Tail, the wizards went about business as normal. Not even knowing Heero had Basilisk Fang's Guildmaster imprisoned now down in the dungeons beneath them. Rose, Heero's Exceed would psychically sense something going on downstairs however, and even though she wanted too go and investigate. She figured Heero could handle it on his own.

    "Even if you sit there in silence, I won't be letting you go. If your little snakes come and follow, well then. I suppose I'll turn this dungeon into a snake pit." Heero would say as he'd leave Rita alone, walking away and having a seat where he could watch the cells. "Oh, and tell your little snake...hiding out in your clothes, that he can't free you those cuffs are special, and so are the bars to that cell." he would raise an eyebrow and lean back in his chair.

    "You will leave Kanix alone, she's been through enough already." Heero said to Rita, his voice as serious as it had been before, even though it didn't carry as much murderous intent, and his eyes were their normal blue. "When you'd been through what you had...we didn't treat you like that...did we Rita?" he reminded her that she once too, had been like Kanix. "She's under the protection of Fairy Tail now, she might even be one of our wizards soon. The next time she comes to any danger at the hands of Basilisk Fang.....I will kill whoever comes for her. Without mercy." a strange statement coming from Heero; however, there was not a lying bone in his body.

    He would remain silent, as he sat in the chair, arms crossed. Eyebrow raised slightly as he watched her. How she'd changed. However, he still felt some of the old Rita deep inside.
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Rose


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 1st February 2016, 3:42 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Kanix would stare at nothing as Raina spoke to her captor, awestruck that a Fairy Tail mage would protect a Basilisk Fang mage like her. Surely, they could see the corruption that she had wrought around this town and here the woman was saying she would protect her. Her eyes would roll toward the direction of Raina, the hope that had once been in them drained from their opalescent color.

    "Raina... please, don't do this..." Kanix would hoarsely speak toward the Princess of Fairy Tail as a warning. "She is not Rita... she is Lord Famine... she is corrupted and she kills anyone who wrongs her in the simplest ways." Tears formed at her eyes again, though she wondered how she could manage to cry anymore when she had cried so much already. "She kills her own guild mates if they don't suffice what she wants in a soldier; I've se--heard it happen before..."

    Someone's magical presence interrupted the little escapade they were having, a presence that Kanix didn't recognize. Her eyes shifted toward the one who had come around from nowhere, her mind having been too busy to notice the outcome. Pinched in the grasp of Famine, the Basilisk Fang mage couldn't do anything right now, not without the blade cutting into her. However, a light enveloped her, and just as she thought that this would be the end of her, she found herself collapsing to the ground. Kanix's hands broke her fall and she scrambled to her feet, rushing toward Raina, where she hid behind the princess. She stared over the woman's shoulder, listening to Seru speaking with a crazed mind before disappearing somewhere else. That was likely the last she had seen of the lady, but Kanix wouldn't mind not seeing that estranged woman again.

    It was only when Sol's voice entered her ears that the former Basilisk Fang mage would feel despair at his words. "Sol... please, no..." Kanix would manage out in a whisper from where she hid behind Raina's body as protection. Without saying more to her former guild member, she would rest her head on Raina's shoulder, so she didn't have to listen anymore. Her blind eyes would stare off at Leonard, blinking as she tried to ignore the words being spoken between everyone. Kanix would turn her head moments later to bury it into Raina's skin, pained by all that was going on with everyone. She wanted all of this to end; all of this had been her fault and now she was having others clean up the mess for her.

    "Get out of here, little child... get out," Kanix would murmur to Jade, though it would be inaudible to them, but herself. Her head would lift up momentarily and she would scream at Jade to get out of the place or death would happen.

    Nor was she far off from that truth, and she was quite fearful that death really would come to her former guildmates. This was nothing of what she had wanted. If only Famine had never come around to murder her, nothing would've happened. No, no... if she had never attacked Raina, then none of this would have happened; she would've been back at Basilisk Fang, safe.

    Leonard moved from his place next to Rain though, which distracted her and caused her to look at the beast of a man. The magical presence of something larger than life appeared near him, but she didn't know what it was, couldn't figure it out. A frown appeared on her face and she brought it back to be buried into Raina's shoulder, waiting for it all to be over.

    Pain seared through her body, corrupting her mind with flashing images of deaths, or possible deaths if she thought about it hard enough. Each one just as bloody as the next, and she would peel her hands away from Raina's body, slumping to the ground. Her hands covered the sides of her head, her eyes glowing brightly as each image flashed past her sightless eyes.

    "It hurts..." she muttered, fingers gripping at her hair and pulling it down, in hope that it would stop the pain. Tears spilled over her cheeks as she tried to suppress it, but it had all became too painful for the mage to handle. Kanix would cough, sputtering up blood from her lungs onto the cathedral floor, and a tiny trickle of blood would stream down her upper lip from her nose. Black veins would appear underneath her eyes, though a majority of the black would show up on her right side, down to her bare feet.

    Maybe it wasn't so much the images in her head that was causing the issues with her, but the strength of Heero's magic. That, too, overwhelmed the young mage, as he began to attack her former guild members and master. She was too paralyzed to move, blood streaming down her to her chin from her nose, and dripping to the stone floor. Kanix would listen to Heero hitting them over and over again and them trying to fight back, her unable to do anything. Her eyes would rush wildly around in her head, her mind trying to focus on one image, but a new one popped up before she knew it. A moan escaped her throat, and her hands fell to her sides, head lolling back, so that it looked like she was staring to the ceiling. Throb after throb of headache wracked her brain, until she was certain that it would explode from the pain.

    Sol first... all the pain he went through; Ai next, Rita last... her mind couldn't focus on just one of them. With each hit that would land on them, Kanix would grasp onto her stomach and keel over, tears and blood mixing together. It was as if all their deaths were getting closer to her and she wasn't all too certain as to how to handle that. So much had overwhelmed the poor woman by now, that her mind was beginning to shut down and she would fall.

    Lord of Domination

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Daddy 1st February 2016, 3:53 pm

    we all hide behind masks
    After Heero had left, Kiku at the time was situated on top of a building not far away, but it was enough to avoid what Heero has done. In sympathy he looked down at all the mess that had come. Heero destroyed a mass of members of Basilisk Fang, and had taken the leader of guild into custody, but the others left in the street, littered from the attack he had just done. From what he’d witnessed, Heero at least knew one of the other people, and the guild master, though it didn’t matter to him really. To be honest to see his guild leader blow his top like this over something that could’ve been handle a bit more calmly actually pissed him off.

    This scene actually reminded Kiku of Ares. Ares, he watched once as the god was insulted when an army was offered his protection and power for a battle. When he was rejected, he took his power to the other army and turned each and every single one of them into little Ares, before setting them off on the other army. It took Kiku, and several other battalions of angels to go down and extract all the gifts he had bestowed. All of it because he was insulted. From what Kiku saw, yes Heero might’ve been insulted, but there had been no threat to him there, but he used nearly his full power. To what? Did his ego need to prove a point? Yes, Heero was powerful, but he went to far. He needed someone, perhaps his sister. He had recalled she joined his old guild before he had left, but that would come after the damage control of this situation.

    With his wings spread, before beating had against the wind to carry him up off the side of the building and down to the mages that were hurt. Lucky for him, they weren’t really so far apart. His feet touched down onto the ground as he reached out, and touched both the body masses that were the ones that were Sol, and the one he called Jade. He pushed his personal healing factor from his body, and for a moment into the two younger mages, reversing the injuries that Heero had just caused. The female that smelt of a slayer, he didn’t care to help that much. There was something about her body that caused the spear that sat strapped to his side to vibrate in anger. He wanted to wait till they came too, and talk to them. ”If you two can hear me, don’t attack me. I really mean you two no harm. I’m not exactly the same as the other Fairy Tail members. I rather make sure others live their lives. See me as a guardian angel. I’ll try to get your Mistress from Heero. I promise.” He said, just loud enough for them to hear. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Heero blowing his lid like he did, Kiku wouldn’t have helped them. He would’ve taken the Dragon slayer who’s body he was touching to a cell for experimentation later, but this one deserved better.
    WORDS: 522 - TAGS: Kiku - NOTES:
    made by Jasmin of GS


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 JAgwtRZ

    The Star Child

    The Star Child

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sybil 1st February 2016, 8:23 pm




    it doesn't hurt when it begins

    wORDS:1175 NOTES: Changed my posting ost ^ and wow... feels. TAGS: @Everyone

    Sapphire Irises dilated, when the Dragon slayer was through with her members (leaving each injured in some likely critical way) Heero fixated that monstrous red gaze on her, Aiming down sights like a heat seeking missle. There was a flash and sound like lightning. The Faerie master rushed before Famine just as quickly as he had vanished. Time panned by in frames like milliseconds and Famine veered just in time for Heero's knee to brush by her chin without striking her.

    As she regained her balance the slayer had already gained the speed of a lightning bolt, darting around her in a blur of yellow. Each time he blasted by she'd been struck with the force of a charging dragon. Famine had gotten lucky with her first evasion but there really was no sure way out of this portion of the beating. Elbows, kicks, punches, Heero did it all as he zapped around until he struck from above. Heel to her throat Famine crashed to the ground pinned between his boot and the dirt. Her wavering glare attempted to pierce into him as she looked upwards. The little bit of sunlight left from the Raina's storm blinked from behind a dark cloud and flared behind Heero. To Famine looking up from the ground he looked like a malevolent shadow she could have forged herself. Red eyes glowing with a hatred down against her. She had only heard Heero to face cruel enemies with such a look, Lichborne, Chapel, The Priory, and anyone else worth a mention. It was a sight that would stay with her memory, as if imprinted on the backs of her eyelids.

    Features contorted as another foot smashed into her knee. There was a feeling like tiny pieces of glass cracking open and blistering inside her. The spot went warm as the blood in her body swelled to the wound. Her visage tensed further and despite to sole digging into her jugular she managed a cry. Sure a wizard wasn't one hundred percent human, Sure a dark guild master could be evil, but she felt pain just as intensely as anyone.

    Hood slipping down to her shoulders Famine could only manage to cringe as she had been snagged up by her hair, dangling by the metier of his grip on her scalp. She tried to speak, salvage some pride but her head was whipped from one side to the other, like she'd been smacked with a lead baseball bat swung forty miles an hour. His hand struck her again on the other side with the same power and this continued mercilessly until she was dropped to the floor like a used up piece of garbage. Just as the guild master was begging to be lugged off the world flared up around he in an almost tangible blur. The world turned on its side

    Followed by a flash of blinding light there was a her body was enveloped in a sting like a sunburn as she was caught in Heeros blast of lightning, zapped away in his grasp. Famine's universe spun, the tiniest touches of light in the dungeon room burned her blurring eyes. She lacked the coordination, the strength to pull away as he snagged her by her wrists and the cold cuffs snapped around them to leech the magic from her body. With the rough push she stumbled into that cell and raked the floor harshly against her knees, the barred door smacking shut loudly behind her to leave her caged.

    She remained slumped down against the floor un-facing Heero. Hands cuffed in front of her, she hugged herself in an attempt to stomach the agony. The mage's bruised mouth trembled to open, to not sputter blood.

    "I won't say a word about the place, you'd just go in and kill everyone I've raised... My Fangs will be more than lambs to a slaughter. If you want to kill those two for beliefs, an example, have fun washing the blood off your hands. Regardless, their lives are sworn to me, our guild..." Famine coughed, fingers falling to clutch against the gritty floor of the cell. Her stomach tensed as the sensation of pain spiked up in her nerves again. "Jade...." Famine tasted the sound of the young menaces name."Quit assuming things. I didn't know she existed until last week, Lance went to Sin after I dissapeared, the place made him....mad. I still can't explain how she exists, why she calls me her mother, I never bore a child ." Famine murmured into the ground, gulping at the taste of copper in the back of her throat. "I watched him murder Lea. Lance brought up Jade to kill and to ravage the world into despair, She came to me clinging and practically begging that I mentor her. I haven't taught her a thing yet nor do I wish to... She's just around to be protected for now, Shes still young... cute it's not to late for her to turn back. Not like me." Famine whispered, explaining nothing but an honest truth. It was all she had left to show.

    Gingerly she rolled back on her other side, hissing silently as she shifted her shattered leg against the floor. Famine sifted only so Heero could meet her blue eyes with his. Eyes were a gateway into the soul or something according to stories, maybe his slayer senses could tell if someone told the truth, maybe not. But if that was the case maybe her beaten expression would help prove her case, allowing him to see the number he had done on her. She had taken that slap to heart... but this would stay with her for a life time, things could never be the same. The dark red spots where he'd repeatedly Smacked her across the face would surely stay for some time making her cheeks appear more sunken in at the contrast. She wasn't sure if he didn't know his own strength or If he'd meant to beat her within inches of her life.

    Fatigue struck hues intensified, thinking back too how he had threatened her members in the first place, Daiki, Sol. "You kill my family yours shall pay to avenge the loss. Did I come back here to attack and assassinate one of your members? That was Kanix, I didn't make her do anything other than vow her life as everyone else did who I took in." Famine had to stop a minute, putting a bound wrist to the corner of her lip an an attempt to catch a bead of blood that had threaded out of the crimson ocean in her mouth. In the end she had to cough up the rest leaving a little red puddle in the middle of her cell. Famine just resumed, making nothing of it. "She claims I've killed without judgement, taken my own guild members lives when I'm displeased... I've always thought about it. Choose who to believe a illegal you've known for fifteen minutes... or an illegal you've known for a lifetime."



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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 1st February 2016, 10:22 pm

    Heero sat across from Rita, nothing but the darkness and torches on the wall to keep them company. Along with a few desks and shelves with various items on them. The candleflame would illuminate his features; along with hers.

    As she spoke; defiant about revealing the location of the Basilisk Fang guild hall, he sighed. Rita was no more than a child herself. Now she was raising others, mentoring them even? How could she believe that she was in a stable enough mindset to do such a thing. She was a Dark Guild Master, and an extremely wanted one at that.

    Basilisk Fang had been poisoning towns, ruining livestock and animals, waterways and towns. Not to mention assassinations that had been happening all around Fiore.

    Regardless of what Rita, or anyone else felt. He knew that as guildmaster of Fairy Tail. He'd done the right thing.

    "I don't intend to kill anyone in your Guild...merely destroy the Guild itself." Heero would lean on a hand, watching her catch some of her blood with a fingertip. However, he'd grown cold. He knew that Rita had so much blood on her hands, that it made the few drops he'd spilled meaningless. "You should have sent her to Fairy Tail, it's what Lance and Griffon would've wanted...you really intend to raise that innocent girl around murderers and psychopaths?" he would look somewhat sad at this revelation that she'd taken her in with the intent of protecting her. "You put her in danger just by keeping her around you."

    Heero would stand up, pacing in front of her cell with his arms crossed as she spoke. Was she truly this fallen? Even now she threatened him. The person who he'd spent all day trying different dipping sauces with was gone. Those happy times, what did the ever mean to her.

    "Rita, it's not up to you who lives or dies. You decided who was worthy of life or death? What if I'd made that same decision back at the Cathedral? Daiki, Sol. Anyone....it's not for me to decide whether they live or die---and it damn sure isn't up to you." Heero reminded her that he hadn't actually tried to murder anyone in cold blood back there. "Kanix may have attacked Raina; but she'd surrendered. Decided she wanted to change...that she'd had enough of being afraid, afraid of you." Heero stopped pacing. "Daiki, parading around in a mask decides to show up. Followed, by you, and Sol. You then threatened Kanix, who was under the protection of Fairy Tail." Heero would shrug to himself and shake his head. "Honestly Rita, you think a guild crest and the title of master allows you to make those kinds of decisions....that's not what being a leader is about." his voice bounced through the brick walls of the dungeon.

    "The Council has been after Basilisk Fang for some time now, what is your ultimate goal? All anyone knows is that you're a murderous lot. What exactly is your intent? What's the end game......" Heero was actually confused. He didn't understand why Rita was trying to influence a group of people to literally go and do others harm. All those years in the past, if only he'd known this is what Rita would become. Simon. If only he could see her now. If they thought he'd snapped Heero cringed at what Simon would have done in the same situation. He might not have spared anyone.

    Worried slightly about Leonard and Raina back at the Cathedral, Heero quickly brushed this thought aside knowing that Leonard could handle anything that came his or the guilds way.

    "........What did you expect to happen? Honestly? You need to teach your Guild more about tactics. For all of you to come here so recklessly Rita....honestly, if it were Ken you'd have been killed. All of you." he honestly had no idea what they expected to happen. For a Dark Guild to make such a brazen appearance in the middle of Magnolia, at Kardia Cathedral no less. Was absurd. Even Priory had failed a direct attack on Magnolia; why without some greater scheme at play would they have risked such a thing.

    "You'll be free to go soon. I don't intend on keeping you here. The Council will give you life in prison do you understand me? But I want some answers Rita." he would raise an eyebrow to show he wasn't bluffing. "Look, I could let them come and cart you off to Era...but I really don't want too. No matter how far you've fallen, no matter how many murderous acts your Guild commits...I know you're still in there." some small bits of water filled Heero's eyes as he was rather emotional from everything that had happened. The light and flickering of the candles was all that was seen and heard as Heero would draw silent again.


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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sol 1st February 2016, 10:26 pm

    Sol was surprised beyond belief as Panzer was struck with a powerful blow that sent the slayer into the air.”What the hell” he managed to get out before he felt his body get hit with a powerful blow before he suddenly started to feel blow rain down on his body one after the other as he spit up blood from the amount of damage being dealt to his body. Despite that the slayer defused to utter one peep of a scream evne though he was in an unbearable amount of pain. As Heeros fist hit his jaw Sol hit the ground with a soft thud and the slayer was motionless his mouth was bloodied and he coughed up another jet of blood but he was still conscious and refused to whimper in pain. When the guild master proceeded to break both of his arms the poison slayer still kept silent not by choice but because he was so beaten that his ability to speak was almost completly nullified.

    As he was left on the ground bleeding and broken the slayer could only watch helplessly as his master was beaten and taken away.’Forgive me Master Famine” he thought as he wanted to reach out help her if he could be he was bearly conscious from his beating. Hearing footsteps behind him Sol waited for the final blow to be dealt to him. However he felt warmth flow into him as his jaw healed and his limbs seemed to realign and fix themselves . Slowly the green haired man managed to sit up and groaned in pain a bit as he saw Daiki getting healed as well. The man before them was a Fairy Tail mage but he told them that he had healed them and he would get Famine out of the dungeons. It confused Sol to no end but he managed to nod slightly in understanding.

    He slowly stood before he went over to the crater that Panzer was in and he saw his beat beaten and damaged but alive.” Poor creature don’t worry we will get you back up to fightning shape” he said as Panzer managed to get back to its feet and it started to move with Sol out of the cathedral, both were beaten and Sols ego was broken but he was stil hungry for revenge. As he went thru the doors back to the cursed lands his amber eyes burned with rage.’when I am Dragon King I’ll see that man broken before me before I kill him’ he thought as he shuffled with the beast back home. with one last look back at Kardia Sol could only speak a few words."I'll be back for you Famine I promise you that" he said softly



    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 1st February 2016, 10:34 pm

    The blue haired man was yelling at her to go away from the scene. Her dad talked about this man a lot when he was teaching her, talking about how he never was able to beat this man. The girl listened to his words and clenched her fists tightly. He spoke about her dad in such high regards when honestly she hated him so much. She took a step towards him but she was met with him wrecking everything and capturing Famine. He sighed gently and took a deep breath before putting on her hood and walking into the guild and slinking back into the shadows and towards the guild hall trying to not be seen. When she reached the guild hall she walked into silently, following someone in so people wouldn't notice her walk in. She stayed hidden as she crept downstairs into the dungeons where she would take off her hood and take a deep breath "You could sense me even when i was hidden so I doubt you can't sense me now." she said as she approached and looked into the bars. "I do not plan on attacking or trying to free or hurt anyone so I expect the same from you." she spoke in a soft voice as she gently took off her cloak to reveal her full body.

    She turned and faced the blue haired man "My Dad told me a lot about you." she didn't make eye contact with him but instead gently clenched her fist "Famine had nothing to do with me decided to join the guild. The man you call Lance and the one you speak so highly of... He isn't a good man. He hates Fairy Tail with all his heart because they couldn't protect the one he loved from dying." she shook her head "It is true that he wants to world to be ravished with Despair and so do I... I assume this will not be the last time we meet Heero." She sneered his name as she picked up her cloak and put it back on as she walked back into the shadows "One last thing, I made a choice not to come here. If she doesn't care about me then she doesn't have too. I am fulfilling my fathers wish before he went away." she said with a low growl "and if you dare get in the way of the guild or hurt her EVER again I will make sure you and you're little guild of hope know the feeling of Despair." she said as she went away.




    Lord of Domination

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Daddy 1st February 2016, 11:28 pm

    we all hide behind masks
    A sigh slipped through Kiku’s lips as he watched the boy take off. Honestly, he wouldn’t be able to get his master out, but it was giving him hope was what Kiku’s goal was. He took off after he watched Sol left, and saw no reason to stay in town any longer. To the air, his wings carried him before he headed back to the guild with god speed. (It’s funny, cause he’s a god slayer. Eh? Eh? Oh..wrong place.) His mind was actually on the leader. Not because he wanted to free her, but because of the injuries. An angel, regardless of his taint, it was in them to help, and heal no matter if the mortal is an enemy. No life like that should be ended so soon.

    Like a killer on a mission, Kiku slipped though the doors of the guild before slipped down into the dungeon. Honestly Kiku rarely came down here. It was away from the sky, and it was cramped, but it’s a dungeon for a reason. His eyes slipped onto Heero in the dim light. For once around him, he could tell Heero was serious, but at the same time Heero wasn’t dealing with his bartender today. He was going to see Kiku in a mood similar to how he was before he fell. His voice picked up in an instant having heard the back end of their talk. ”Before anything is done with her Heero, I’d like to heal her. I promised her green haired hatchling I’d do what I could for her after I fixed what you broke.” The voice Kiku was using wasn’t one that he used jokingly when he scolded people in his bar. This was one of those that were reserved for people that’d made Kiku lose respect for them, and shifted him into a pure business state.

    ”We have anti-magic cuffs don’t we? I’d rather go heal, and patch her up in my bar where I have the stuff to do it, plus the air to do the more direct healing.” Kiku said as his head cocked to the right side, an obvious sign that he was waiting for a yes from Heero. If the man knew anything of his talents, and magic he’d agree. If not, he’d have to threaten something like closing the bar to get what he wanted out of the man. Given he’d have to talk Yuki out of opening for Heero, but that’d be as simple as promising her special play time after hours.
    WORDS: 443 - TAGS: Kiku - NOTES: I hate you all
    made by Jasmin of GS


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 JAgwtRZ

    The Star Child

    The Star Child

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sybil 2nd February 2016, 1:24 am




    it doesn't hurt when it begins

    wORDS: 915 NOTES: oh TAGS: @Everyone

    Though her expression was weakened, composure cracked after the beating Famine stifled another venomous look Heero's way. Sure, He was something... but he couldn't take down Basilisk Fang, Savage Skull, or Tartaros... All Factions affiliated in the crimson night had yet to fall... The guilds having been around for years, life times, some even centuries... Not even a god could simply destroy a thing like them completely. A corrupt guild was more than fortress, a leader but a belief an a goal that the world cursed you for and unless he could somehow talk every dark mage in Fiore out of their ways there was no stopping such a virus. "You know she's in danger now... but so is everyone else, The legals who face dangerous criminals, the magic-less who cant defend themselves in this world. Sometimes I wish she would have ended up somewhere else.[/b She began before taking a breath to twist her words and back in Heero's face "But then I realized she would have made all the mistakes I did before burning your crest out of my skin." Her words snapped from her maw like poisonous needles, an azure fire wavering behind the depths of her eyes.

    Weakly but in an attempt to relax she had rolled onto her back, leering her head back till she could see Heero on the other side  of though upside down with the way she craned her neck. Famine had become all the more fidgety since leaving the guild yet less tempered at the same time. "Sure you and I somehow don't deserve the right to who lives, who dies, we were just legal mage trash. Oh but the council of yours can execute whomever they please!~ ...Don't you realize the bad bad thinks can't hurt you when you don't follow the rules because they're all too scared! No one can torture me," even though she'd lost the ability to feel "or touch me," Even though any pride she held had been stolen. ", slay my family."Even though she didn't have one left. The words she spoke, the things she claimed to be valuing were only ghosts now--- practically non existent; purity, inner dignity, love. Famine could only continue, unaware she allowed details of her trauma's spout out of her like a dipping faucet.

    She'd forced up a sharp, dark, smile and a single eye cringed... Forget a dungeon or a prison Famine looked like she belonged in a straight jacket now. To Heero who tried to convince himself she still wasn't fallen this would likely could came as a slap to the face...possibly as brutal as the force he himself had scarred her with.

    "H-Ha?! End game, I can't even tell you where we nest what makes you think I'd spout off a plan.... Oh but since were friends....Heero maybe just a little hint: I͟'l̷l ̧s̸t̶o͏p ͞th̢e ̷whole ̸w̢orld."

    '̳.....̖.̗̣̣̥̘͕̼'.̞͙̱̻̣̯.̥͉͍͇.̤͍̮̹F̫̩̹̟̟̖r̺̖̺o̙m ͍̰͎̤͙̪̗t͕̟͖u͎̠͔͖̖̪̮r͖̯n̡̞̬̣i̢͕n͚̳̪̣̥͖g̛̱̻͚͓͇̫ ̛̣͖̫̣p̜͉̺̜͕̙̱͘ẹ̜̖o̟̩̮̮̜͘p̱l͍̠͎̯̙̣͖e̴̤͔͈̦͚ ̣̞̹ͅliḱ̗̲̠̼̭͈̜e͈̘̞ ̯̪̮͓̪͚͠ṷ̱s̩̻̫̦̺ ̖͇i̯̥̜͉͔͖n̡̹̹t̩̜̝͇̲͔͇o͎̝̮̦̗̹ ̺͖̤̹mo̮̤͙͓͎n̶s̝͓͟t̵̻̣er͕͢s̨͈̜̤̺.̝͚̯̻̙̦̝͢.̩.̭̻͔͝'͉͉̻̟̥̜̳

    A deep sigh wafted out from Famine's bleeding lip air visibly wafting up like frost thanks to the low temperatures of the dungeon. She could explain again, how it was all some accident, How she had followed Daiki, Sol had followed her and Jade had followed him Either way it led each of them to the target: Kanix... Famine wasn't concerned yet... they knew whereto find Kanix, the guild they had to sneak by to get too her, the down she was likely to decide. It was only a matter of time till she got what was coming to her... wedging a knife in Famine's back like that.

    Jade, after seeing what  Heero was capable of she still tracked him down, still smuggled her way down into the depths of the dungeon to speak, to confirm, and to thread.Famine might have just reprimanded the girl right there but feared to exhaust the chords in her crushed neck much further. The menace gone just a quick as she had appeared.

    Azure irises darted to the wall behind Heero as something lit up: a flat communication lacrima mounted against the holding dungeons wall. The thing buzzed like a phone and dead in the screens center below a hovering green and red button was the insignia of a cross with a rounded top... The magic council's emblem. Word had spread across Magnolia like wildfire hadn't it?...And word had reached the council of Famine's appearance, rumors that wizard saint Heero Reyold had apprehended the criminal

    "If you want to talk I'd be quick. Looks like Era's callin' for us now. I doubt I'll be available for a talk in solitary or death row." Famine mumbled over the sound of the ringing. Hiding any sense of being torn, She ripped her gaze away, forcing herself not to look at Heero. She was aware the sight of her and the situation stung his eyes to tears.

    It was only when a form came slumping down the steps to interrupt did the mangled mage glance up again. He was a figure of dark hair, loose hanging clothes, eyes of black sclera, crimson hues. Famine only tensed, mislaying a palm into the spot of blood she'd bled up from her throat as she shuffled her crippled form backwards, further from the front of the cell where light could shine through the heavy bars. Having come from  a place where you didn't so much as trust a wandering butterfly she doubted she could get a free doctors visit out of this let alone avoid being shove around.


    Sir Leonard
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sir Leonard 2nd February 2016, 2:04 pm

    Leonard simply stood there, waiting for the enemy to make the first move. He tried his best to keep calm, despite knowing that he might fight Rita. In front of him, he could see not the dark mage she had become but instead the sweet little girl she was back at Fairy Tail. Another reason he could not move was because he was stunned by the revelation. In his mind he cannot comprehend why Rita would burn the guild down to the ground. He couldn't help but feel regret by not being there that night. A night that made Rita question all the values Leonard held dear before. Yes. Before, for now Leonard can no longer see the right place in his own family.

    Redemption is a path far from where Leonard stands. But the path may still be open for Rita. If Heero believes it, he should too. "I may have not been there for you Rita. To see you leave. But I promise you, I will bring you back. No. Matter. What." A bold statement came out of the mouth of the Blademaster with determination. From that point on he was intent to bring her back for real.

    The battle was about to begin and Rita mocked Leonard about killing her, stating the last name given to him by a swordsman who taught him how to use ReQuip magic. He had hoped to deal with her personally as he took a step forward. But he was stopped by Heero, insisting that he do it instead. Leonard had known the man for so long to know what was gonna happen. He would end it himself. Leonard sighed in discontent as he wouldn't get any action today, but he had no choice. Leonard would walk away, dispersing his hammer in a gray-ish light. With him he would carry Raina away to safety along with the dark mage turncoat.

    His only prayer was that Rita would survive just barely to live so that Leonard can see her again... Someday...

    (Exit... I'm gone... Last post on the thread... All that stuff... XD)

    Leo's Thread Total WC: 2518
    (As calculated by Nessa)


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 60684_s
    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 2nd February 2016, 2:26 pm

    Heero didn't even budge as the Lacrima Phone rang behind him on the dungeon walls. He heard Rita's comment that Era was already calling for her. He would stare at the ringing phone....and not even move.

    "They can wait." Heero didn't really care much for the Council, as they always stood by and wanted to comment after the fact. He would replay her words in his mind a few times; the word nest sticking out to him. "You called it a nest eh? Must be somewhere in high altitudes...." Heero knew that this young woman used to be his teammate and that she also had great skills of deduction, just like he did. As Kiku entered, Heero could tell he was somewhat frustrated at everything that had happened; however, as he finished talking Heero would look to the side; the shadows and candleflame illuminating their features nicely.

    "What I've broken?" he would shake his head somberly. "What? A few bones?" he would look back to Rita within the cell. "How many families has Basilisk Fang broken? How many chairs sit empty at the dinner table now thanks to them? How many sons go to bed crying over their father or mothers picture.....how much disease have their spread? How much sickness? How much pain?" Heero's eyes would glow red briefly once more but, died down quickly.

    "A few broken bones and egos is nothing compared to Basilisk Fang......don't act as if you don't know that." although he never acted it, the legendary wizard was actually wise beyond his years. Standing now with an angel of folklore, he knew that Kiku knew precisely what he meant.

    "Do what you must....I leave her to you." Heero would walk away from the cell, stopping sideways shoulder to shoulder with Kiku on his way out. "There's a difference between showing an enemy mercy, and being played for a fool....be sure that the Rune Knights come and pick her up....or don't." Heero had tried many times to turn Rita back towards hope; however, something had changed her. However in truth he didn't really want her locked up. Even if she and her guild would continue their murderous rampage. He would never give up on her fully, but he hoped that Kiku understood that mercy was something taken for granted if it wasn't appreciated in full. Normally he wouldn't trust anyone alone with Rita, but since he believed in Kiku, believed he could hold his own even in the face of the Basilisk Fang guildmaster; he only continued...to step onward. The sound of his footsteps, and his blue hair, clothing, and scarf would disappear out of the dungeon into the shadows as he continued to leave.



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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Rose


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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 2nd February 2016, 2:35 pm

    Raina walked away from the bloodshed and fighting at the Cathedral. She felt that something was missing, she was glad her memories back, but she knew what she had to do. She had to go Home.

    [Thread Closed]


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) - Page 2 Rainas10

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