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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)


    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Mythic Princess
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Mentor : King Relios Reginald Scylar, Queen Ryos Rose Scylar
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Miracle
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 27th January 2016, 5:50 pm

    The cool Wind's howl blew against the magnificent cathedral's walls. Strands of a brilliant rose tinted pink blew in the wind like it danced with the berserk rage the wind released. This strands were attached to a familiar but lost form. A beauty once known to this town, not that she would remember it. Her hair was long, elegant, and regal, falling just short of actually touching the ground. Her face was goddess incarnate with her beauty. Her eyes, crimson as the finest wine, shaped like two pools of an ocean's wraith. Her frame was just as pleasing to the eyes, toned and voluptuous in all the right places. Adorned on her framed was a white and blue gown, regal in nature and boots that ended right above her ankle.

    Who was this beauty? An aura of mystery surrounded her as she looked around for anything to jog her memory. Her eyes full of sadness as she recognized not a single soul. She looked down at the oddly shaped mark on her hand. She originally thought it was just a birthmark, but a passing stranger had asked her is she was a member of Fairy Tail. The name was familiar so she headed to Magnolia to figure out her past.

    She turned around quickly heading for the street, hoping someone will recognize her.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rainas10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 27th January 2016, 8:55 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Tumblr12
    Kanix leapt from one building's roof to the next, keeping her steps silent and lightweight as she rushed through the town. Magnolia Town was a popular place to be, a place where she knew she could do a lot of hit and runs without being caught. After all, it would get her name out there rather quickly, and that's what she had been working on from the start. She leaped at the edge of the roof she was on and landed onto the next, letting out only a soft grunt from the impact. All her senses were focused on one individual alone that she had been hunting down from when she first encountered the presence. However, without the ability to see, tracking this moving presence was a lot harder for Kanix to do at the time. Ever moving and it was hard to pinpoint where this person was going exactly, but she was able to keep up.

    It was her task to take down and kill as many legal mages as she possibly could; not ordered by Famine, but by herself. She wanted her name out there-- well, maybe not her name, but certainly, she wanted them to know she existed.

    Once she was close enough to this lost woman, the dark mage would jump down from the roof of the building and land in front of her. The blind mage studied her target, smiled briefly at her, and took a step forward, as if she was about to greet her. Her sightless eyes lit aglow with a white light and she waved her staff in front of her before blowing air at the Fairy Tail mage. A noxious, green gas appeared around her opponent, enveloping the amnesiac with a toxic, ill-inducing virus. Kanix would stand there, simply smiling before she darted away and sat on the top of a roof close by the lady. Her feet dangled precariously over the edge, kicking and swinging like a child would do with their legs. Staff gripped tightly in her hand, the Basilisk Fang mage would wait to see how the Fairy Tail mage would react.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Mythic Princess
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    Mentor : King Relios Reginald Scylar, Queen Ryos Rose Scylar
    Experience : 200

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    First Skill: Mystic Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Miracle
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 27th January 2016, 9:06 pm

    Raina gasped as the girl landed in front of her. Who was she? What did she want. Her body seemed to react on it's own as a magical rainbow glowing staff appeared in her heads. One word screamed in her mind. Bifrost She looked up at the woman who pointed her own staff at her and blew some green gas like air at her. She managed she roll out of the way but saw that the green gas was surrounding her. She started to panic as she called out to the woman. "Why! Why are you doing this? I don't know you, do I?" Raina called out as the gas surrounded her. Was this how her story ends? With her dying not knowing her own name.

    "Princess." Someone called to her in her mind. Flashbacks of people she didn't recognize flowed through her mind. "You must fight!" The voice commanded. Raina made her staff disappear and felt the clean air pulsate around her wrists. Her eyes flashed a brilliant silver color before returning to her natural crimson. "Wraith of the winds! Slyph!" She chanted as wind blew out of her hands and dispersed the gas and soared towards her opponent. "I... I know magic! I remember! I won't let you beat me, I cannot lose till I find out who I am!" She yelled as she prepared for her opponents counter.



    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rainas10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 27th January 2016, 9:31 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Tumblr12
    Her eyes floundered through her head, rolling around and shifting from and to every side as images raced through her head at lightning speed. She was trying to predict the outcome that would arise from her spell, but everything was so different and vague, she couldn't focus on one thing. They changed and shifted, never stayed in consistency, so she gave up on trying to figure out what Raina would do. Instead, her eyes went straight back to staring at the woman, intently listening to the movements made down below. Moments later, she was on her feet, moving out of the way of the blast of wind, just before it reached the place she had once been. Kanix's head rolled to the side to stare at the space where the air had rushed by, then it lolled back so she could look at Raina again.

    "Foolish woman," she spoke in a snake-like tone, hissing and coldly speaking toward the Fairy Tail mage. "You are up against a force stronger than you recognize; don't be fooled by my mere looks and lack of sight." Kanix slammed the dull edge of her staff against the roof's tiles, and up a rose a door from the ground just below her. The smile never left her face from when she had first encountered Raina, smiling insanely at the amnesiac. These doors would creak and swing open, and a demonic spirit would spiral out of the doors and toward the woman. "Let's see how well you do against that of which is Satan's work!" Her sightless gaze would shift to the spirit, "my child of the darkness, see to it that this woman lives no more!"


    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Mythic Princess
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    Posts : 279
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Mentor : King Relios Reginald Scylar, Queen Ryos Rose Scylar
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Miracle
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 27th January 2016, 9:44 pm

    Raina took a step back. She felt like she should be afraid but her mind screamed, fight! Pure energy seemed to rip around her wrists and formed a kind of holy ring around her wrists. Her eyes flickered a shimmering gold as she stared the monster down as it approached her. "Princess, do not be afraid. You are stronger than you know. Smite this evil!" The voice said in her mind.

    Smiting evil. Who was she. She did not have time to think as she slung the channeled holy energy into the sky. "Goddess, grant thy energies and smite this evil! Judgement!" She cast. Clouds instantly gathered and blasted a huge searing holy beam at the demon and her caster. Raina's hair roared back behind her due to the after shock from the beam. Her magic was impressive. Memories of her powers came back to her in full. She could not remember who or what she was, but she knew she could fight!



    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rainas10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 27th January 2016, 9:55 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Tumblr12
    The Basilisk Fang mage was getting angry that she couldn't land a hit on this woman and take her down in an instant. However, her anger was getting the better of her, and she knew that she should keep herself calm or she wouldn't be able to focus. Thus, Kanix breathed in quickly and held the breath before letting it out slowly and rapping her staff against the ground again. A frown was on her face, but she didn't prove to show anything other than that apparent fake frown of hatred. She braced herself against the blast, but toppled over, landing on her butt on the roof's tiles with a thud. Her iridescent eyes narrowed, cast into slits as she stared down the woman who was clearly a lot stronger than she thought. Once again, she had discovered that her precognition had failed her, and she was faced with wondering what to do.

    Kanix lifted herself to her feet, and she pointed her staff at the woman, sending down a bolt of lightning at Raina. Sided with that, she activated one of her unique abilities and aimed to trap the lady's soul with her own in order to reduce her speed. This would, hopefully, give her the upper hand in the battle; otherwise, she would soon be left to start dealing melee damage. No, no, she couldn't do that, that was not in her to be dealing such brutality as that, that was her minions' job.


    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Mythic Princess
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    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Mentor : King Relios Reginald Scylar, Queen Ryos Rose Scylar
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Miracle
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 27th January 2016, 10:19 pm

    Raina didn't have time to react casting her spells back to back and remembering some of her power jolted her a little. Not as much as the lightning did. She felt the electricity move through her body and slow her down. She tried to move her body but the electricity was screwing with her movement. This was it, she was going to lose. She could not remember herself or her powers well enough to cure paralysis.

    "Do not fret Princess. Remember your true form. Seraphim." The voice in her head said. She felt power surge through her body. She started to float as her clothes disappeared and birhgt flowing clothe covered the naughty parts of her body. Six angelic and brilliant wings grew on her back and magic rings adorned her wrists and ankles. She felt her body be able to move again and faster than before. Her power increased as she started to emit a heavenly aura.

    She smirked at the dark mage who attempted to defeat her. Channeling water around her wrists and feeling the soothing healing affect, she spoke to the mage. "I would give up if I were you! You tried to strike me down, assuming I was weak. My memories may be gone but I am not a damsel in distress or a target! Drown!" She said as she blasted the mage with searing water.



    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rainas10
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Daemon Spade 28th January 2016, 11:00 am

    Daemon yawned softly as he walked through the alley's shadows. He had heard a disturbance near the cathedral from the roof top he was sleeping on. Normally Daemon would just ignore it and simple enjoy his evening resting but the scent that blew along the wind told him that it would be in his best interest to look in the matter.

    As Daemon reached the epicenter of the disturbance he stared at the chaos with a look of indifference. Daemon's own personal history with Demonic and Divine forces left him less interested than he should be. With a quick glace over the area he quickly too into account of how both compact the area is yet also it's open spots provide a good portion sight of the two fighter. Ladies well it's obviously none of my business for the sake of possibly getting a good nights sleep I'm going to have to ask you both to stop... now " He said as he held up his right hand and snapped his fingers causing every shadow within fifty meters of his body to come under his control.

    With a dark smirk Daemon than used the shadows to send out an array of chains to bind the two fighters.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 28th January 2016, 2:32 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Tumblr12
    Kanix's eyes lit up, widening, and she smiled bigger at Raina, but then that smiled disappeared as soon as it arrived. The blast of water struck her, as she had not been able to see it coming, couldn't have guessed in the least. She keeled over, gripping her stomach with her free hand, while the hand with the staff held all of her weight. Blood trickled a little from her mouth, but nothing more than that; thus, she was lucky enough to still be standing.

    The Basilisk Fang mage winced as she lifted herself up, the burn on her stomach a lot worse than she had thought. "So, the little beasty... can fight back? How much more perfect... can that be for me?" the woman taunted the Fairy Tail mage, wiping the blood from her mouth. She raised her staff up and slammed it into the ground again, then pointed it straight at the woman as she spoke. "What would you say to a little game of Mistfortune? Creature of the night, give my foe a horrid fright! Cloud her mind with thoughts unknown, until her fears and scares are shown! Nightmare Inducement!"

    However, before she could sweep her staff in front of her, the weapon was ripped from her hands by shadows and chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles. The light from her eyes died away and her head shot toward the one who was controlling the shadows around them. She glared at Daemon, curled her lip up in a snarl and tugged at her chains, though wasn't able to escape from them. They rattled against her strength, but fell just short of breaking, despite the immense tugging she was doing.

    "Let me go!" she hissed at him, hair dancing with her erratic movements of anger. "I must kill her. She cannot live!" Kanix pulled at her chains again, busying herself with trying to escape, while also throwing various insults at Daemon. "Asshole... I swear to God..." Another tug of the chains. "Fuckface... you'll..." The chains jangled and locked against her wrist. "You little shithead... I'm gonna..." Kanix growled and dropped her hands to her sides and glared intently at Daemon after giving up.


    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Mythic Princess
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    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Mentor : King Relios Reginald Scylar, Queen Ryos Rose Scylar
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Miracle
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 28th January 2016, 5:46 pm

    Raina felt the shadow like chains surround her and entangle her. She tried her best to break free. She struggled and cried out as she could not move. Tears welled in her eyes as she cried out. "Please, let me go! I don't know where I am! Who are you? Do you know me?" She shouted as the tears fell from her face and hit the shadowy chains. "Please.... I... I just want to know who I am.. I did not want this." Raina said as her eyes glistened from the tears, like two pools of a fine red wine.

    Her hands made fists as she sobbed. She did not know who or what she was. Why were these people attacking her? And why did she have these strange powers?


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rainas10
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Age : 32
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    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Daemon Spade 28th January 2016, 6:01 pm

    Daemon stared at the demon suspended into the air with a look of indifference. While he found her body to be rather lovely her mouth was another story. Your going to what milady? " He said as he appears out of the closest shadow to her staff and carefully picked it up with his automail arm. Such an interesting staff you have here." He said as he examined the staff carefully as he sensed the dark energy that seemed to pulse from it. A demonic shaman is attacking an Angel for most likely primal reasons. As I said before I don't care if you too kill each other since I don't care for either the forces of a god I don't believe in or the kin of my ancestors" Daemon said with a calm look as he snapped his fingers and removed the chains surrounding them. That being said I don't like the strong harming the weak


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Daemon Spade 28th January 2016, 6:05 pm

    Daemon stared at the demon suspended into the air with a look of indifference. While he found her body to be rather lovely her mouth was another story.  Your going to what milady? " He said as he appears out of the closest shadow to her  staff and carefully picked it up with his automail arm. Such an interesting staff you have here." He said as he examined the staff carefully as he sensed the dark energy that seemed to pulse from it.  A demonic shaman is attacking an Angel for most likely primal reasons. As I said before I don't care if you too kill each other since I don't care for either the forces of a god I don't believe in or the kin of my ancestors" Daemon said with a calm look as he snapped his fingers and removed the chains surrounding them. That being said I don't like the strong harming the weak. So if either of you still want to fight I'll be happy to take either of you on " Daemon said as he jumped towards the Shamanist woman and kissed her on the lips before placing her staff back into her hand as he landed on one of the Gargoyles on the Cathedral.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 28th January 2016, 6:20 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Tumblr12
    "Give me back my staff!" she shouted, turning her head in the direction that his voice came from, but really having no clue as to where he was. Her sightless eyes wildly looked about as she tried to locate his presence alongside his voice, though without her staff, struggled to find it. She merely wanted her staff back now, as she felt powerless without it, and not just because it did contain her magic. That staff was her only way of truly seeing anything around her, whether it was to allow her imagination to presume what something looked like or not. More often than not, she used it as a seeing cane, and without it, she felt as if the world around her was closing in.

    When his voice sounded right in front of her, she jerked back in the chains, taken by surprise at his sudden appearance. The chains let go of her and she landed roughly on the ground with a heavy thud, weakly standing to her feet.

    The peck on the lips took her off guard as well, and she grabbed her staff back in a stunned manner from Daemon. "I have no ill intent toward her... it was merely my task... and I do as I am told or consequence will happen," she explained. "Pathetic creature doesn't even remember her own name, but I know it... I know everything about you both." Well, she was bluffing the whole "everything" part, as really she was only granted a single thing to know. Her glazed visionaries shifted toward Raina as she reverted back to her sad, little self that she had found her as. "Amnesiac, I suppose."
    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sir Leonard 28th January 2016, 7:06 pm

    At this certain day, Leonard felt it appropriate to take a stroll across town. The air was still and covered with the beautiful colors of mid-day. The ambiance of the town was quiet and peaceful, disturbed by the clanking of his steel-plated footwear. He took a look towards the sky, where Cardia Cathedral carved its place. He thought he should see and contemplate on that area first as it was the other prominent landmark of the town other than his home.

    It was also because, Leonard has a lot of memories in the Cathedral. It was where most wars were fought whenever Magnolia was attacked. It was also here that he get to spend a lot of time with an angel... His head would be filled of images of her. Oh her radiant hair, he warm smile, and charming beauty. And all the while, more and more images would flood his mind. Of all the good, and some of the bad. They were coming in faster and he had to shake his head. No... That's right... She's dead... I wonder if the Cathedral still has that statue of her I etched in the Cathedral's wall near the cemetery. He thought he should check it out now that it crossed his mind.

    As he was nearing the holy site, people were running away from it. Surely there was something amiss but he wasn't sure what. Whatever it is, it wasn't good. Leonard grabbed hold one of the civilians to ask what was happening. Apparently, there was a beautiful lady in the cathedral that was being attacked by another girl. Then a man showed up and attacked them both. Afterwards, Leonard took a stare at the cathedral. Whoever it was, he had to hurry. He has to protect Magnolia.

    The once running blademaster made a run for it, dashing through the crowd with extreme speed, stopping just right at the very grounds of the church. There he found the three people the civilian spoke of and proceeded to approach with caution. His steel-plated boots echoing in the air. Leonard had no clue as who the other two was. But the one in the far end seemed familiar... Her magic seemed familiar... Her hair seemed familiar... Rain...? he thought to himself. But as he got closer to hear what one girl said regarding know both the man and the girl, he was able to see the girl clearly. RAIN! It was indeed the Princess of Fairies. And from past experience, the people near her must be there to harm here. He grinned his teeth and let loose swords from above to free fall to the other two characters while making a run towards Rain, stopping just in front of her to supposedly shield her from her captors of whatever. As he stopped with a slide, his tattered cloak fluttered with the wind while dusted was brushed towards the side.

    His head was down, most of his face covered by the shade made by his hair "Know everything about her, huh? I'm pretty sure you don't know as much as I do. And with that kind of knowledge, you must be here to capture her... In that case, I will not let that happen. You'll have to go through me!" he raised his head up high with his arms clutched tight and his hands made to fists. At the same time, swords came out surrounding him. While two more - The Jigoku and Sky Heart - appeared on his hands, making the once fists hold weapons. With eyes of burning determination, he was prepared to face his opponents.


    Heart of the Sky Dragon:

    Last edited by Sir Leonard on 28th January 2016, 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 60684_s
    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Mythic Princess
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    Mentor : King Relios Reginald Scylar, Queen Ryos Rose Scylar
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Miracle
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 28th January 2016, 7:23 pm

    This armored knight slid from out of no wheres. Who was he? He was obviously strong and it seemed like he knew her, at least somewhat. Was he here to hurt her too? She took a step back until her back hit the outside of the cathedral. These people, why were they after her? The tears continued to run down her face as the sky darkened. Raina's loud sobbing is the only noise heard besides the howling wind.

    Lightning stuck somewhere as rain tormented the ground below. It was suddenly a torrential downpour. The wind roared like the howl of a berserk beast. This storm appeared out of sheer nowhere. What could be causing this? If only the girl could remember her powers and the first time she entered this town. The first time her power almost destroyed a whole guild hall.

    Raina sunk to her knees as her hands covered her face. She could not control her emotions, she could not stop herself from crying. She was afraid. Afraid of these people, afraid of her magic, and afraid of the truth. She fell to the ground, her long pink hair billowing in the roaring wind as she cried. "Everyone!!! Just... Just leave me alone!" She screamed out mid tear.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rainas10
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Daemon Spade 28th January 2016, 7:47 pm

    Daemon's eyes sharpened slightly at the arrival of one of the legendary warriors of Fairy Tail. Sir Leo the blade master. With a growl Daemon's eyes shot to the sky as he saw what appeared to be blades falling in tandem with the lightning as suddenly appeared from the rapidly shifting weather. Daemon recalled that the angelic woman was crying before the weather shifted and quickly made the assement that full on battle between to SS class Mages wouldn't not do anything to improve her mood that and the Shamanist woman would be at a huge disadvantage and most likely die during the battle.

    Daemon jumped off the gargoyle he was standing on and preformed a slight summersault before landing on his feet and hand next to the Shamanic woman. before drawing the katana at his waist as he slashed at the magical blades that fell around the two of them in a flurry of slashes and swings . When Daemon was finished the area around him and the Shamanic woman was littered with ethereal blades before he resheathed his katana and stood calmly towards Leo and the angelic woman. It's an honor to meet a living legend Leo the bladestorm but I'm afraid were going to have to let these ladies settle their dispute some other time. " He said calmly as he grabbed the Shamanic woman's hand and ran with her to the nearest shadow and passed his power to her for a brief moment allowing them both to disappear into the shadowy and reappear on a roof fifty meters away from the church .


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 28th January 2016, 8:49 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Tumblr12
    Kanix Laspor felt a shiver run down her spine and her breath hitched in her throat, a sure sign of a death about to come. She didn't know whose death, and for all she knew, it could very well have been her death that was haunting her mind. The Basilisk Fang mage did not move from her spot, but stared at Sir Leonard as he appeared from the depths of the world. Why had she not sensed him coming until he had been right there upon her? Had her brain stopped functioning correctly? As he spoke to her, mocked her knowledge, she bit her tongue, held back words that she wanted to lash at him. No good would it do for her to spit in his face the words of a Seer, as he would dismiss it as tomfoolery. Turning her face from him, the woman would refuse to answer the Fairy Tail mage, crossing her arms over her bust.

    Her eyes went into shock again, lighting up a radiant white, and an immense headache ran through her head. She clutched her hands from her breasts to her head, holding them there as if they would stop the cracking pain. Kanix squinted her eyes shut, but they opened again and stared toward the ground, images of possible outcomes running through her head. Nothing stayed for long, though they were simple glimpses of what could possibly happen with the arising of multiple swords. The dark mage's head ached, and before she knew it, the singing of metal on metal resounded in her ears, sharp like a banshee's scream. Make it stop, make it stop! she ordered in her head, still holding it, make the aching pain go away, please! Just like that, the pain was gone, the images no more, and she stood crouching there with Daemon deflecting the magical blades.

    The light disappeared from her eyes, the ringing in her ears dying down enough that she could hear the words being spoken. Something about how Daemon would have loved to have stayed longer, but really needed to get going. She wasn't entirely certain if that's what was being said, but she could at least make an educated guess on it. Kanix straightened her posture, though just as she did so, she felt Daemon's hand slip into her own and draw her away. No sound came from her mouth as she was pulled into the shadows, an experience she wasn't entirely sure what to think of. Before she knew it, she was standing on a roof with Daemon, looking down at Sir Leonard and the crying rain goddess. Well, Daemon was, she was just staring into darkness that she assumed was the position in which the mages were at.

    "Raina... the Fairies' Princess," the shaman said the single sentence, then kept her mouth shut, as if she had given the woman the answer she had been looking for. She had never met this mage before, never in her entire life even once seen what that woman down below looked like. Yet, she stood there knowing the name of her, like they had been best friends from the start and only one could remember the loving memories. A smile laced her lips, gracing her with a much kinder look than the blind mage had first come to show herself as. After all, she wasn't that bad of a person, she was merely misunderstood more than ever thought possible. The skimpily dressed woman dropped the smile though and stood in her place, clutching her staff tightly.

    "Don't think I'm through with any of you..." the Native American-esque mage spat out to the two below.
    Sir Leonard
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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sir Leonard 28th January 2016, 10:02 pm

    A single reply came from above them as one of the Mages Leonard attacked was standing a top a gargoyle. He watched him somersault near the other woman and deflect his weapons. Something he had already suspected would happen as this was only a warning. But what was surprising is how this man knew who he was. Leonard could not recall meeting the dark fellow in battle before. Perhaps this was another case of his reputation getting ahead of him. While he stood silent in the remarks of the shadowy figure, rain started falling down, and lightning roared and flashed above them.

    He didn't have to look back to know Raina was causing this. He remembered all too well what she can do with the weather. The shearing winds and torrential downpour made it hard for him to stand his ground, it was a shock actually to know that is how strong she has become all these years.

    It was curious as to how this other woman would like to harm Raina when she seemed defenseless from the tricks he and Raina did up til now. But she certainly does know how to take care of her body... Furthermore, it was good there was this other mage that protected her. Leonard would feel ashamed if he harmed a defenseless woman.

    It seemed to look like the two had the intention to escape. The man grabbed the woman by the hand and ran away. Leonard leaned forward and cocked his foot, and with a move of his muscle, he dashed forward, leaving a crater the size of his boot where he stood. The instance was so very similar to a gun being fired, Leonard did run very quickly if he ever wanted to catch these attackers.

    But in a shock, they vanished all of a sudden. Dispersed through the shadows. Impressive... Maybe he was right to call the mage a shadowy figure. But it didn't matter to him now, what mattered to him now was Raina. If she can't calm her down, Cardia Cathedral will be destroyed... again...

    The winds were becoming stronger as time passes. Leonard had to place a hand in front of his face to be able to see better. He could see Raina screaming in fear? Or was it in pain? He couldn't tell from his distance. "RAAAAIIIIN!" he called out to him trying to get her to snap out of it. But it seems she can't hear her with all this howling winds. So, with a grin on his face he stepped forward slowly because of the air pressure making it hard to move. Bit by bit he was able to make progress. With the memories she shared with Rain helping him to move forward with more determination.

    A scene would flashback showing Savage Skull's attack on Magnolia. Where Leonard stood at the rim of a crater filled with the corpses of Dark Mages and the center of it all stood a wounded Dark Mage that survived the onslaught. And in front of him was Rain kneeling down, prepared to take the final blow, but Leonard dashed forward and slashed the dark mage to a million pieces. Raina would fall, but Leonard was able to catch her in his arm. Leonard would look at the face of the Angel before he let out a vengeful roar...

    The flashback stops there and Leonard found himself directly in front of Raina, where the air and weather effects were the strongest. So strong that the currents were slicing through his cloak, revealing some of his clothes under it. Leonard honestly doesn't know what to do. From all he can tell, he doesn't remember who he is. This better work... he thought as he remembered how they first met. He hoped towards her with open arms and hugged her tight, not letting go no matter what happened. And with closed eyes he pleaded. "Raina please! Calm down! I'm not here to hurt you!"


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 60684_s
    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 28th January 2016, 11:39 pm

    The entire Kardia Cathedral would begin to shake as Magic Power seemed to overwhelm and fill the entire area; the ground was literally rumbling. Even the walls. As electricity, golden in color would begin to sparkle, and dance off of random objects.

    Daemon, Leonard, and even Raina in the depths of her memories would recognize the lightning's golden color as belonging to one person only.

    'KABOOOOOOOOOOM!' in slow-motion, a Lightning bolt the size of a train would slam down in the center of Kadria Cathedral.

    The amount of Magic Power released caused the weather and wind to die down epicly, leaving only Leonard and Raina embracing as their clothes and hair would stop whirling around in the weather that Heero's magic power alone had dispersed.

    As Heero was seen standing, his hair and clothes blowing in the energy that died down after awhile. His magical presence was even beyond that of Leonard and Daemon, as he saw Leonard embracing. Heero's eyes would widen as he realized that Raina looked as if she'd been crying or going through some type of emotional trauma.

    Sensing Daemon's magic power above, Heero had known it for a long time, and would not mistake it at his level; he could sense a fly with magic on the walls. Without even turning around, Heero would address him.

    "Come now, Daemon don't be shy my old buddy. Join us." with a wave of his hand, Heero would charge up with Lightning, Laxus style as two yellow thunderbolts would smack the ground behind Heero.


    Daemon and Kanix warped inside of a lightning bolt down to their position. Their clothes would be smoking hot from traveling, inside of lightning and their skin would feel warm. But unharmed.

    "Move an inch, and you both might lose your lives today." Heero would look over his shoulder at the two of them, and smile. "Now....before I warp you two to another planet, and leave you there. Can't you see that these two mean something to each other?" Heero would point to Leonard and Raina embracing one another.

    Heero would then turn around fully to face them both, arms crossed as he walked slowly straight up to Kanix' face. Nodding to Daemon slowly as he did so. As he looked her in the face, he realized her handicap and would bow slightly to her.

    "You have nothing to fear in my presence my lady, I apologize for that threat earlier it's just...." Heero looked back over his shoulder at Leonard and Raina. "That girl there.....she was one of the first ones to welcome me to my Guild...as family....all that time ago." Heero could almost see himself as a young kid, a D-Class Slayer, a few years before he'd first met Daemon and even see a younger Raina and Leonard in his mind. "I wish to do you two no harm, not you Daemon my old friend, and not you because let's be honest, you're quite cute! But I can tell your story goes beyond what you'd ever tell most people...it would be a shame for it to end here...." he then noticed the Basilisk Fang mark on her before raising an eyebrow again.

    Closing his eyes, Heero's slayer senses could literally smell a magic signature like this woman's hanging in the air, along with Raina's, Leonard's and Daemon's. There was a battle before he arrived.

    "If it's a fight you want.....I suggest you choose another arena, and new opponents, because....Raina would never have attacked you in such a manner. Is this what you wanna do with your life...attacking people for no reason with no honor?" Heero's voice was peaceful, and personal as he said this to Kanix. Putting a hand on her shoulder. "If you ever decide to change, come see me at Fairy Tail."

    Heero would then cross back over to Leonard and Raina, standing silently with them for a moment.

    "You two...let's go home." Heero would have his arms crossed, and when they were ready Heero would lead them from the Cathedral. Looking back at Daemon and Kanix, Heero would make an offer.

    "If you two promise you're done trying to friggin' kill people...you can join us at the Guild." most would think he was insane for trying to make friends of enemies, but then again. That's what made Heero, Heero. That's what Fairy Tail was about. Acceptance.

    Abilities & Spells Used:

    Last edited by Heero-chama on 31st January 2016, 2:30 am; edited 2 times in total


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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rose


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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Raina 29th January 2016, 8:25 am

    The storm raged on as she heard the knight scream the name Raina. Was he saying rain? Who was this Raina? She must be important if this a man was braving this storm to find her. Suddenly the knight grabbed her and wrapped her in his warms arms. He spoke to her like she was this Raina. She gasped as she felt the warmth of the man's embrace. "Am.... am I, Raina. I.... I do not remember. Who am i?" She said as she calmed down and storm became a slight drizzle.

    "My mind.., it is so clouded, so foggy. " She said quietly as rush erupted across her face. Her eyes still glistened from the tears. She was obviously so vulnerable, fragile like a porcelain doll, her memories were gone.

    "Do.. you know who I am?" She asked as the knight held her. Raina spotted the man walked towards them and started to worry more. She started to cry harder and the storm began to rage again. The rain pelted the ground and the wind ripped and howled. "Just leave me alone!" She screamed out.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 1_by_g10

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rainas10
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Daemon Spade 29th January 2016, 9:29 am

    Daemon's blood ran cold as he felt the sheer force behind the lightning that Heero had produced. While Daemon knew Heero was messing around the electricity currently pumping through his automail claw while not completely made of metal still gave him a rather painful shock. To make matters worse the crying angel caused the storm t grow in strength and the lighting singed of Daemon's top portion of his battle kimono . Heero as fun as it would be for us to catch up I believe Raina some sleep right now or else Magnolia is going to be flooded" He said with a slight smirk as the lighting around him and the shaman woman dissipated as Heero leo ad Raina left to Fairy Tail. Daemon turned to the Shaman woman and noticed her outfit providing absolutely no cover from the elements and proceeded to hold her to his warm body to hopefully help prevent her from getting sick.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Guest 29th January 2016, 7:40 pm

    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Tumblr12
    The coursing shock of lightning confused Kanix, and the overwhelming power of Heero made the dark mage want to throw up from the immensity of it. She stood her ground though, her loin cloth shifting to dance in the man-made wind from Heero's grandeur entrance. With her ground held, head high, the Basilisk Fang murderer stared the guild master of Fairy Tail down with a cold, hateful look. Little clacks of the dangling bones on her staff filled the air, but Kanix, herself, remained quiet, even a little awestruck. In the presence of a strong mage, beyond what she imagined, Kanix couldn't find the strength to voice herself against him. Writhing in her place, Heero's appearance was making her feel extremely uncomfortable, as if she was not meant to be there anymore.

    She was soaked to the bone, her black hair plastered against her bodice, emphasizing the voluptuous curves of the woman. Water trickled down her pale skin, down the deer skin cloth that covered her groin, to the bares of her feet. Shivers were forced back at the cold water, and she didn't budge from her place, though was pulled close to Daemon. Her head turned upward slightly to look at him, listening to the words he spoke to Heero, like he was some chummy, old friend. Kanix held herself close to him, sucking up the warmth of his body to the best of her ability while they conversed. What she expected was for the guild master to come after them or for Daemon to pull her away again, far, far away. Although that was what ran through her mind, the dark mage hadn't a clue what she was to expect from either of them.

    Her head tilted some, sensing movement from where Heero was standing, then as she knew it, lightning struck down upon her. Kanix didn't have the time to flee from the grasp of the guild master before she had been zapped to his side with Daemon.

    Now closer to the prodigious magic emitting from Heero, Kanix kept herself frozen in place, unmoving and fearful. Her watchful, opalescent eyes followed the movements that were displayed by his aura, ever waiting for him to lash out and tear her heart from her chest. Surely he had the strength to do that, so why was he pressing time with things that didn't matter as much to the woman? She kept her face expressionless, never saying a word to Heero, though he may have been expecting her to say something back. It wasn't like she could anyway, the fear of something unknown held the fortuneteller back from saying what she wanted to say. Thoughts ran through her head, filling up her mind, so that she was not able to function as properly as she wanted to function. Right now, all that Kanix was able to do, was watch Heero and wonder when that snaking move would come to rip her heart out.

    Eventually, she was able to look away from the entrancing man, down to the warm feeling that enveloped the entirety of her body. Raising a hand, the seer placed it on her skin, suddenly amazed by how the lightning bolt had only warmed up her skin and had not burned her. She shifted her multi-hued eyes back to Heero, a smile of amazement caressing her luscious lips before it was killed and she looked away again. He wouldn't care, her discoveries would mean nothing to them as much as they meant to her; he wouldn't understand blindness.

    His words rang into her ears, tore that happiness from her, and she became that stone statue all over again. They didn't frighten her in the least bit, she hadn't felt any oncoming deaths, so she knew that Heero was bluffing toward her.

    "You really have to make me believe you're going to kill me if I move because I do not sense any death coming, so your words are merely a bluff to me," Kanix interrupted him.

    Her eyes shot toward Leo and Raina, the two embraced in a lovebird hug, but she couldn't see it, and thus, ignored what Heero said. "Love is a weakness; you'll only hurt yourself when the one you love is hurt," she bluntly answered to the guild's master. "And I do not need the strength of a legal mage to feel unfrightened by things; you are not even a threat to me... I might not be able to see you, but I am no damsel in distress, Lover Boy." Kanix stared intently at Heero, as if she was challenging him to say otherwise. "Leo should know that by now; love is just a painful emotion to feel... I don't see why he subjects himself to such pain." She would fall silent thereafter, listening for that movement that would signal the sickening feeling of a death to come. Perhaps, she would be lucky enough that he truly meant that if she did not move, then she would still be graced with her miserable life.

    Once more, she found her breath hitching in her throat as Heero called her cute, her mind shutting down at the words. The pain in her head returned and she clutched it between her hands, dropping her staff and holding back tears. Her eyes would glow white again, images violently flashing through her mind, far more painful than the last time. "Please, make it stop..." Kanix whined out, forcing back tears that threatened to break free and spill down her face. "I didn't know what I was thinking... I was doing only as I was told. They wanted her dead, but I told them no, then She took over." Kanix fell silent and rocked her upper half up and down as a form of calming down, but nothing was helping her. "I told them 'no... no... no...' but They didn't listen, They never listen, only to Her. No... make it stop, it hurts... it hurts... Stop."

    "Well, it's not my fault you didn't obey them. I had to do something," she snapped back at herself. Her rocking continued, but there was anger in her voice, not at Leo or Raina, or Heero or Daemon, though at herself. "You always find something that's wrong in killing people; what else am I supposed to do, but stop a weakling from being pathetic?"

    "You could just leave me alone... leave me alone... go away! Stop all of this..." Kanix wailed softly to herself, moving her hands to her cheeks and tearing at her eyes. "Look at what you made me do. Look! Look! Look! You fooled me, shame on you; you fooled me again, shame on me... Shame. Shame. Shame."

    "Would you shut up already? You're making an embarrassment of yourself! Oh, wait until our guild master learns of this!" she chuckled, hysterically laughing at her folly.

    "No... No... No..." the woman groaned, giving in to the voice and resting her head against Daemon's side.

    Plopping to the ground soon after, Kanix let the tears spill from her eyes; she wasn't meant to be a dark mage, never was. His offer, Heero's, formed in her head as a possibility, but then Famine's image followed after it, a look of displeasure on her face. "I can't," she whispered in a hoarse voice, "She will kill me if I do. I will be a complete disgrace to Her." Who was she kidding? She was already a disgrace to Famine, her next step would be just to have her guild master kill her. Everything was outed; Heero knew her guild, Famine would find out about her stupidity and irrationality, then it would be the end of Kanix Laspor. "Oh please, oh please... she's going to kill me. I messed up... I messed up. I'm no good... She'll kill me, dispose of me..." Kanix would laugh at her words just moments after blubbering them, and her face would look back to Heero.

    "Just take me as a prisoner of war, so I don't have to go back; at least do that for me," Kanix begged him pitifully. She would much rather be chained to a wall than be caught sitting so calmly in the guild hall of Fairy Tail. A betrayal. The destroyed woman would raise up her hands together, waiting for the cold metal of cuffs around her wrists, but doubt that he would clouded her mind. "I can tell you everything I know, just don't make me go back there as a disappointment. She'll have my head mounted on a wall for it." It was blind to her that she could join them on her own, her pride and legacy being that which only mattered to her. Maybe it was pity she was trying to get out of him, she wasn't entirely sure of her own actions as of right now. Kanix just knelt there, with her hands raised toward Heero, looking like the pitiful creature she was making herself out to be.

    How good of a dark mage was she now? Here at the feet of the Fairy Tail guild master, begging that he just imprison her. As if the man would do such a thing, he would cast her off as she foresaw, refuse to take her to their dungeons. Heero was too kindly for that; plus, it hadn't even been a war that he was there for to take her prisoner. She was doing this in vain, she knew it, but the least she could do was trying to get Heero to not make her go back. Kanix just couldn't face Famine right now, or ever; she had already failed the Basilisk Fang master by talking to much. Maybe it was best that she just flee from that guild, but what about Sol? Her home at his castle in the Cursed Lands? He wouldn't let her back, ever. Sol would look at her as a disgrace, just as much as Famine would glare down upon her.

    "If I go back there... Famine will do things that I don't want to happen," Kanix mumbled, mostly to herself. It wasn't memories of the guild she was recalling, but times farther than that, back before she joined Basilisk Fang. They were memories of when she was younger, maybe not much younger than a child of the age of fourteen. Voices she recalled speaking jumbled words, her vision blackened at the edges and blurry all around after that. White walls, so many white walls and a... creaking sound? Kanix shook her head and let it flop lower than her shoulders. The Native American-esque woman didn't know what to do, then dropped her hands into her lap after a few more minutes. The longer she stayed in that position, the more she was certain that she was only going to embarrass herself more.

    Last edited by Kanix Laspor on 30th January 2016, 11:46 am; edited 7 times in total
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 29th January 2016, 9:00 pm

    First Ai wandered through Magnolia, though this time was the first time she wandered through with a disguised she had managed to put together, which she figured would be enough, even if she'd stand out more so while wearing it. Currently, she's wearing a shallow cut black dress, five necklaces with an assortment of beads, a red girdle-belt, and a pair of matching gauntlets. An object that looks to be made from the material that covers her hair hangs from the right side of her skirt. She also wears black, thigh-length boots with a red splatter pattern. The most distinctive feature is a fearsome, full-face mask that resembles the face of a mysterious monster. The mask has four eye slits, further enhancing her inhuman appearance. She had also dyed her hair black for this, as her hair was a distinct tell for her appearance normally.

    There was one more thing, a sheathed sword attached to her waist, even with the sheath looking as bulky as it did, she moved at a decent pace through Magnolia, until she had noticed some sort of holy magic towards the cathedral. She wasn't too fond of the rain, but the dye had settled in, so there was no real way for anyone to tell that her hair was dyed, or at least for the time being as her roots didn't show it either. She made her way to the cathedral swiftly enough to find five people, one of which was Heero. There were more than enough people she didn't recognize either, as well as the person whose holy magic she had been able to sense. She could notice the guild crest for the woman who was on her knees, which was that of Basilisk Fang.

    "What exactly is going on here?" She'd question, from behind her mask. She knew her magic scent had changed enough for anyone aside from herself and Heero, to not be able to actually tell it was her, as well as the fact that the mask had allowed her to slightly mask her voice as well. She wasn't much of a fan of the rain that was falling from the sky, but she'd keep her annoyance at it behind the mask she wore.

    Made by Zeref of THQ
    WORDS 372
    TAGS  @Everyone
    NOTES   This is Ai's disguise.


    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) 8ZbrsUC

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 31st January 2016, 3:15 am

    Just as Heero would begin to think the situation had calmed down, Kanix made a very awkward series of statements. It seemed her senses were tuned beyond just that of a normal human. Blinking a few times, Heero would wonder just how far her senses went.

    "I see. You could do a lot of good with those senses, truly amazing. Well...I already I told you I don't intend on hurting y---" just as he said this, Kanix walked up to him and refused his invitation in a way that he couldn't possibly imagine. He could sense the regret, the fear in her voice. As if she knew she'd made a mistake. He listened as eventually...she was before him on her knees, the Fairy Tail Guildmaster merely looked down at her as she continued to speak. Her voluptuous figure was almost distracting at this point----until.

    Heero realized who she was talking about, it was...impossible. Could it be? It was all that made sense. He listened carefully as Heero's eyes rested on her Basilisk Fang crest once more. With Leonard and Raina watching, the camera would show outside of the Kardia Cathedral, a few people shrugged and carried on as if nothing was happening, just as Daiki was entering the Cathedral.

    Heero at that point would kneel before Kanix. On one knee in front of her, pulling out a picture in his back pocket he would show it too Kanix. Reaching out a hand and in a flash of lightning zapping her staff back into his hands as if he was Zeus' son. He handed it too her, so that she could make out the picture clearly.

    At that moment, Heero would sense a Magic Power enter the room, a familiar one. And a scent to match. With Slayer Senses on his level, he merely turned towards the mask figure once while kneeled before Kanix...but decided not to speak for now.

    On the photo, a younger Heero with longer hair was shown. Next to a guy with Dark Hair, smoking a cig. Ken. A young kid with goggles and a blue jacket giving a thumbs up; goggles on his head. A young lady in her teens with long brown hair, and sexy features although she looked rather tough. Rita. Leonard stood in the picture, in the back much younger but still older than the rest with a blonde spiky haircut. In his days as Guildmaster. Raina gave a comical pose in the picture, in her younger days she was much more like Heero. There was also an unknown blonde young lady who was very attractive in the picture, but she seemed really shy as if she didn't want to be in the picture but in a cute way.

    If Kanix was witty enough, she'd reconize Lady Famine as Rita. The sexy looking brown haired girl with a bandaid on one cheek, arms crossed and smiling with the Fairy Tail crest on her shoulder.

    "You see, we all lose our way sometimes." Heero would stand and extend a hand to Kanix, pulling her up onto her feet.

    "I can't take a pretty lady like you prisoner unless you ask me too...eh..eh?" Heero tried to be light hearted, his voice echoing off of the Cathedral walls as the stained glass windows were shown as the camera panned through the hall. "Only joking my lady....girls got it tough enough as it is, even if you settle down you still are supposed to cook clean, have kids, and keep a house clean right? Why make it harder on you...I don't know you or what you've been through...you won't be Fairy Tail's prisoner today. Or any day from what I can see, before...maybe...but I'll bet this moment changed all that." with a nod and a charming smile Heero would turn and stare at the figure in the mask.

    Just as curvy and voluptuous as Kanix, or Raina...the woman who used to be an ex-Fairy Tail wizard herself. One who'd been in the picture from before, but one wouldn't know it by looking at her now.

    Putting one hand on his hip confidently, Heero would shake his head.

    "Why do you think you have the right to walk around Magnolia...playing dress up asking questions?" Heero would almost laugh at Daiki. "Think on it...." in a flash, Heero would appear out of a lightning bolt just in front of Daiki, and stare at Ai right through her mask so fast his clothes were still moving, his hair settling. "You empower Rita's ridiculousness....with arrogance. It's only because she's a friend, that I don't rip you and Kanix down to nothing and send you back to her on stretchers...living but broken enough to tell the tale. It's only because I considered you both friends once that I don't do just that."

    "I suggest you all leave Magnolia immediately, or I may be forced to take Kanix up on her offer to lock you both up." Heero then clenched a fist. Raising it in front of himself. "Yea, that'd make Rita or Famine whatever she calls herself, these days come right to us. Take Basilisk Fang out in one fell swoop....wouldn't that be nice?"

    He'd turn and move back towards Leonard and Raina, walking past Kanix and away from Daiki with his arms crossed.

    "Leave now while you ladies can, come back dressed to go shopping or something girls honestly...this is all too dramatic....or just calm down and come join us at the Guild or something" he joked as he walked away.


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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Rose


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

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    Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open) Empty Re: Faded Memories of an Angel's Soul! (open)

    Post by Sybil 31st January 2016, 7:18 pm




    it doesn't hurt when it begins

    wORDS:390 NOTES: She's been summoned~ TAGS: @Everyone

    Speak of the devil once and she may hear you. Speak of the devil twice and she might just see you and another time she could come to you. It didn't truly work that way when it came to Famine though that would have been rather formidable. It was simpler than that, Famine had been rather alert of her members whereabouts as of late and tailed Daiki back to this damn town in a quest to test the her strengths. Oh what a mess the foolish light slayer had stumbled into.

    Though the Guild master wished and even had prayed her subordinate was not so foolish to approach the disturbances taking place at the cathedral... she did and thus walked her and her guilds pride into a pit of mud. A disguise had yet to trick a dragon slayers senses... Especially the golden salamanders. By the Famin time she had a thought to cut in, to stop her, Daiki had already walked up to the legals... It was from the darkness she got an earful of the scenario. Raina, Leo, Heero... Where did little Kanix belong in this scenario?...Dead like she had said before the Rita's listening ears. Daiki had already been seen, what difference did it make if Heero detected her.

    "One swoop?" The voice had no form, no body though could strike a name into any fairies head with the force a bullet, or those who really remembered her before the accident, before the madness really settled in and leeched onto her, before the tome chose her, Before Famine was born.

    A ripple phased the shadow that panned behind Kanix, like a drop of rain had struck a pool of black water. Before one could blink the form billowed up in large drops and hurled itself towards the blinded mage's back like the pop of ebony magma. The shape had already latched to her, morphing more human by the millisecond. Dark hood, shortened brunette locks, sapphire irises with an expression like ice, each were qualities brought to life through the shaping shadow. A tatted arm had  crossed over Kanix's shoulder, another having formed holding a black blade against Kanix's throat.

    "I could believe it, but whatever it is that happens to me Basilisk would move on. Isn't that how it works in Fairy Tail, Guild Master Heero?"

    Last edited by Famine on 31st January 2016, 8:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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