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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 27th February 2014, 1:56 pm

    Kyll's last memories before waking up were that of being punched in the stomach and sinking into darkness.  Kyll saw Rose Garden blur out of her sights and she passed out. Kyll was lying down on the floor on her side with her upper body face down. Kyll was laid out in the front of the cathedral. She rolled over and looked up to see that she had once again returned to the spooky woods. This time she was in an abandoned cathedral. She began regaining her senses. This cathedral in particular looked familiar to her. Then it hit her. The vision that Alexander had shown her. Where Faust was the one to land the final blow. Kyll got up and put her arms around herself. She saw crows flutter in the sky or land in pews and remains of the cathedral roof. She began to back away on the ground as she looked up at the sky. Some how even though it was a clear day, she was still a little scared of what is about to come. "Master Einrich...." she whispered to herself as she finally stood up. "I'm sorry... I got caught and now my guild is going to be caught up in this mess..."

    She thought back to when her master was training her to hide from the sight of those who might consider her a target.

    "Kyll... you're too easy to find. You have to keep your aura hidden. Along with that special mark I have you." A voice sounded behind Kyll as she sat in a tree. "What are you going to do when that time comes and your stranded, on your own against a powerful enemy."

    Kyll looked up to see her pink haired master with his arms crossed staring at her. "You gave me an enchanted body suit, why can't I use that?" She stood there in her light blue sleeveless kimono top and a par of capris that came to her ankles. Instead of her normal light weight boots she wore a pair of silk slippers that seemed to be worn out from all of the running around the sharp sticks and stones.

    "Because there may be a time where you can't use the suits abilities and your magic will reject you. I'm trying to teach this to you now because you will run into these situations a lot."

    Kyll sighed out of aggravation. "If that's the case, I don't want this magic."

    "Too late. Now I will count to one hundred again. Do it again."

    Kyll regretted never learning how to completely control her heavenly body magic. She knew that she was too impatient and too abrupt. Now she is in a situation where she will be unable to fight. Wait. What about the fact that she kept the secret to unbinding the faeries on her at all times? She felt around her obi. The journal was missing. A look of hopelessness came across her face as she turned around to face a cross with a knotted circle around it. I'm not the religious type... I hope the Universe will bring a miracle my way. She began to back away and found herself putting a hand to the back of her neck, instinctively trying to make a distress call to her guild.

    Last edited by Woozle Kyll on 30th April 2014, 8:45 am; edited 1 time in total


    Godlike Frederik
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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 27th February 2014, 2:34 pm

    The scenery around here was entirely different then Frederick was accustomed to. This was probably because they were in an entire different area of the Spooky Forest then his former guild was located. But even though Frederick felt out of place in this lustful green area he still didn't care for it, for he had now found the way to bring back Cecilia

    'Lord Frederick, we have stationed some of the man around the ruins. Nobody will get passed us.' said a knight armored with thick black plating. His voice sounded a bit hollow as it resounded to the inside of his helmet.
    To this Frederick nodded as a sign of acknowledgement. He knew that these men would do fine, after all this were some of Savage Skull's former soldiers. Some of them were even from his own personal honor guard, back then when he was still the guild's master.
    'Tch, pathetic fools… after I am done here I will make them pay for their betrayal.'

    He slammed open the old doors to the cathedral and saw Kyll standing with her back aimed to him. Rays of sunlight pierced through the broken roof, and made her hair glister a bit when it softly flustered because of a small breeze.
    'It is hard to believe that this woman, holds such a terrifying power. She doesn't even look that powerful to me'
    Off course Frederick knew the power he wanted slumbered within in her, and that she herself had no control over it. Nor could she actually summon it herself. But that was where Frederick would come in, now with the second diary in his possession he was finally able to glue all the pieces together and learned that the power of wishes resided with a woman named Kallister, Kyll's mother. And that she was locked away inside of her.

    'Good you're awake' said Frederick nonchalant while putting both the diaries on top of an old bench. 'I was worried that you might be out cold for another day. And that would be a real inconvenience, after all I do need you in a clear state of mind'


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 27th February 2014, 3:16 pm

    The slam of the doors surprised Kyll. Kyll immediately turned around putting her hand down from the back of her neck. She failed to get her distress signal out to her guild. "What are you doing with that?" Kyll demanded looking at Frederick. "Those are mine." She looked at Frederick clueless. She had been out for a day or so? This was going to be hard to talk about. She looked at the mage then noticed the other knights walking around. The wore Savage Skull markings on their armor. They weren't afraid to let the world know their allegiance. "I finally figured it out. You're Savage Skull's boogieman." Kyll said looking at the figure. She held both of her hands together and sent a blast of energy out towards the man who stood before her. The heavenly palm she used wouldn't do the damage she wanted, but at least it would make her see his face. Kyll knew what was in store, but she didn't know the pain she was about to go through. "So..." She tilted her head to see more of a normal person behind the hood. Kyll was thinking this man would be more like a scary ghost. However all she saw was a human being. Then she looked into his eyes. She opened her glowing green eyes and focused on him. Kyll felt hopelessness, the feeling of being lost, the want to give up, but the need to bring back something lost. "You're going to try to bring about another war time for Fiore. Did you not read my father's journal? The last page is covered in blood from when he tried to fix his mistakes."

    Kyll was upset. She didn't want to go down with out a fight. She tore her kimono top off revealing the skintight black suit. The kimono top landed on the ground softly. Kyll tore her gloves off and pulled the sleeves up revealing the burns and blisters on her arms from using S ranked Heavenly Body Magic. She cracked her knuckles then her neck. "I can't stand people like you. Think I'm going to stand aside and let you release Hell on Earth." She rushed up to Frederick and flipped forward sending a powerful kick right at Frederick's collar bone. The force was so powerful that it would break it. She looked at him with her glowing green eyes in disdain. "I'm not going down with out a fight, that's why I'm Kyll Vie, Ace of Rebirth."


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th February 2014, 7:57 am

    A powerful blast of energy was shot toward Frederick, that gave off so much force that his cloak flapped in the wind it created. And forced the hood off his head. Not the face that was always covered revealed a man in his late twenties, with raven black hair that was waved backwards. Frederick could see the surprised look on the girls face, just as most people did when they saw it.
    'Not as you expected huh..'

    But Kyll quickly regained confidence, and it by ripping off her kimono. Revealing a skintight suit under it. And in an immediate reaction after that she rushed at him. Only to flipped forwards trying to land a strong and well aimed kick at him.
    But the kick landed only into a vague black mist, just right where Frederick was standing. In the moment that she would land with both her feet on the ground again, she could here the mans cold voice once again coming from behind her.

    'I am no longer part of the Savages. Yet you are right about one thing I was it's boogieman. You might even heard of me, Lord Frederick. Former Master of Savage Skull! Now pits of darkness! Reveal yourself!'
    From underneath Frederick a blackness started to spread all around the cathedral's floor. And crawl up against it's walls. Out of it several straps would appear that started to climb their way onto Kyll's legs and wrap around her arms. Trying to hold her into the position she was currently standing on.

    While two small masses of darkness would grab onto the diaries and slowly moved them toward Frederick. Just like you could see a piece of wood being carried by the waves of a sea. When it was in front of Frederick, the two masses would rise up and become solid. Turning themselves into some sort of pedestal from where Frederick could read the incantation.
    'Now shall we begin..'

    Pits of Darkness - 15%
    7 posts duration

    Submerge - 5%
    5 posts cool down

    MP 80%


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 28th February 2014, 9:09 am

    Kyll flew back and put a hand on the ground sliding across the floor. She moved her head to look up. She ran forward again. Instead she felt something going up her legs. She looked down to see the darkness in the form of tendrils. Kyll didn't want Frederick to do this. She wasn't going down with out a fight. She gripped a fist and made a light torch with her hand shooing the tendriles away. Her opposite hand was caught and Kyll pulled at the tendril again. "You can't stop my lights." She finally stopped and put a hand on the back of her neck about to make a distress signal to her guild. The tattoo on her neck pulsated and the distress signal was sent. She knew she was too far away. She continued pulling at the tendrils. Then she saw the journal float towards him. Kyll's green eyes opened wider. "You can't do this!" She ran forward trying to chase the book down but instead she was finally caught by the tentacles. They squeezed around the burns on her arms and she closed her eyes in pain. She put her head down feeling hopelessness. Well... They'll have to kill me. That's all there is to it. She glared at him. "I would rather DIE than do this. Kill me."


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th February 2014, 3:04 pm

    Kyll's attempt to intercept Frederick's was futile, the moment she started running towards him. She was working against the straps that were wrapping around her limbs more and more. And eventual halted her just in front of Frederick.
    "I would rather DIE than do this. Kill me!."

    To this Frederick let out a maniacal laugh, that echoed against the walls of the cathedral. "Kill you?! Kill you! Have you any idea how precious you are!' Frederick grabbed the woman by her chin and roughly forced her to watch him straight in the face. Showing the Kyll, that the emptiness in his eyes was gone. Replaced my complete and utter madness 'Maybe I will, after you have fulfilled your usefulness…'

    Frederick let go of her chin as he stepped back, and made a small gesture with his hand. That would raise one of the pedestal with the diary on top. Just enough so that he could read the incantation that was written down. 'Soon we will be reunited…Cecilia…'

    Frederick started to spread his arms as if he was welcoming a long lost friend. And as if fate knew what was happening it answered with a strong breeze making the long cloak he was wearing flutter in the wind. His voice resounded like a chanting monk, and resounded in the cathedral. Even though it's roof was damaged to such extent that people could see the sky.
    "Queen of wishes, awaken, make your presence before me,
    The moment he spoke the first words, Frederick knew that this was the real deal. The raw power that started to flow through the cathedral, so much that he could almost taste it. The ground started to tremble around them, not like as if the ground would split open. But more as a vibration.
    Leave your path of exile to fullfill the world's wishes,
    When he spoke the second verse of the incantation, the sky answered him. The blue sky became tainted with a red veil. Throwing a dark orange glow over Frederick and Kyll.
    Make this plane your new home!!!."
    There it was the last words of the incantation, that he shouted from the deepest part of himself. And then everything fell silent. The vibration, the strong force of wind and the weird sky were gone. Only leaving a red pentacle underneath Kyll.


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 28th February 2014, 3:39 pm

    Kyll was scared. She didn't know what was going on. He left her. She struggled to free herself, but he walked back to his shadow pedestal. He began to utter the books words.

    "Queen of wishes, awaken, make your presence before me," upon this the tendrils disappeared dropping Kyll to the ground. She pushed herself up and attempted to run forward to take him down and shut him up, but instead little skeletal wings appeared around her. She looked around. "What... What is this?" Kyll said. They zoomed to the ground making an eight pointed star six feet in diameter. The ground began to whip up in white bolts of what seemed to be electricity. Kyll ran forward to stop him. Kyll was stopped by an unseen barrier. She banged on it with her fists to see if she could break it, but it was impossibe. Then he spouted out the second verse. "Leave your path of exile to fullfill the world's wishes," Kyll was thrown back to the center of the circle and electrocuted by the surge of magic from just these simple words. She screamed in utter pain. "STOP! STOP!"

    "Yes... yes... Release me."

    Kyll could feel the pain in her back. It felt almost like Alexander's spear coming straight through the inside of her back. Blood began to stain the back of her black suit. It looked as if two growths were wriggling on her shoulder blades. Kyll's eyes filled with tears and her scream was so loud as she heard the tearing of her flesh and her suit.

    "Just a little more...."

    "Stop! STOP!" She yelped in pain. Blood pulled on the ground as a pair of skeletal wings formed and she fell to her knees. Weak from the pain of the electrocution and growing her wings. She looked up to see the tainted skies. She was about to commit an ultimate sin if she didn't fight it off. "Make this plane your new home!!!." With those words her personality began to fade away. She felt a huge ache in her head. She heard the screams of those tortured souls who made wishes to the queen in her head. Her glowing green eyes began to fade away. The scar of the wish faerie formed in its completeness on her right hand.

    Suddenly her body jerked so that her legs were stretched with her toes pointed to the ground. She was levitating. An explosion of magical energy formed in the room knocking back Frederick. When Frederick returned to a standing stance he would see not Kyll, but a red eyed winged girl in front of him. She in a very confident posture with a smirk. She held a hand on her side and the other one down to the side. "I, the Second Queen, am here, your soul smells so delicious. The impossible is such a beautiful thing to grant. The impossible is perfection." Her worlds rolled of her tongue seeming so mischievous. "I wish to thank you for making my second coming possible."


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 4th March 2014, 8:59 am

    Before was a spectacle that even made Frederick thought was a tad gruesome, before him was the Kyll who screamed in agony. While the power that slumbered deep inside of her was being released. Out of her back, just right were her shoulders where grew two ominous wings. That ripped through her flesh and clothes with such force, that Frederick could actually hear her skin being torn apart.
    It all ended with a blast of power that took away all vision for a few moments and knocked Frederick back against a wall.

    But when he regained his footing he saw that he succeeded, the girl that was just screaming in agony was no more. No now there was standing someone else, even though she looked the same she was different. Her posture and attitude where far more confident, conceited even. Behind her her skeletal wings would unfold and her eyes would emit a reddish glow. Giving the woman an demonic appearance, far more different then Frederick expected.

    Yet Frederick was overtaken by madness, and only laughed like a maniac. Shouting that he finally succeeded.
    'Finally!! Everything what I ever wanted is in my grasp at last! Now my Queen! If you are truly thankful, then show me your power! Grant me the very thing I long for!!'


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 4th March 2014, 10:44 am

    The Queen looked at Frederick as she began to lean back into what seemed like a chair. Her wings spread as she floated a good bit. She crossed her leg and then put a hand under her chin then sneered down at the man who summoned her forth. "Heh heh heh... you show no regret unlike the last person who released me." The wings spread again this time releasing an aura. As she did that up from the ground it looked as if a flutter of butterflies, no wings came up from the ground and out of then air. They floated all around Frederick flapping like insects. "A wish from me is powerful enough to even grant the impossible. However you will lose your being. Your very soul. When we embed ourselves in souls we stay there. I do not grant anymore wishes, but my son or daughter will give you two more." She hovered over to Frederick and landed walking back to him. She put a hand onto his face. She was cold as if all of her blood had stopped flowing. In fact she even felt like she was dead. "So... I am sensing that your wish will unleash my power even more." The flutter of faeries began to fall to the ground and fade away to nothing. "For as you can see we live off of your needs. If they are not fullfilled. We all die."


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 6th March 2014, 8:08 am

    The queen laid her hand on Frederick's face, gently just as a lover would do. Only there was no warmth in it, her touch itself was as cold as death. Her words gave off what should have been a warning to Frederick. How the cost of a wish was to sacrifice ones soul. If he only listened. No Frederick was caught up in his own thoughts and desperation for bringing back his beloved. And even though he heard the Queen talk, nothing really sunk in.

    He harshly pushed away the queens arm with his hand while he looked her straight in the face. Showing her his determination that he wanted only one thing, that he didn't care for the consequences. The blight that might fall upon Fiore with the Queens release.
    'I don't care for any other wishes, in matter of fact your daughter can to with them whatever she wants to... I only want one thing and one thing only! I want you to bring back the one I love, the one I need at my side once again. Bring back Cecilia...'


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 30th March 2014, 9:06 pm

    The queen smirked before the mage. How foolish of him to realize what he was about to do. She slowly made her way up to him and then grabbed his hand. She rested one knee on the ground and then kissed his hand. "By the power of all of me... Your wish will be granted. I shall lay waist to this world and the next." The words spoke through Frederick's mind as she didn't even move her mouth. With that, the creatures in the sanctuary of the church revived and then surrounded the two. Spinning around and around. The clicking of bones flapping flooded the church. Finally she stood up and backed off. The creatures began to spiral around Frederick until one finally shot into his chest and disappeared sending a shock of magical energy to his body. The creatures shot out in all directions disappearing into the world to find their next victim.

    Kyll's body moved back as it seemed for a good moment that nothing had happened. That Frederick's wish had not been granted. "Do not fret..." The queen said looking towards the last row where a single pew was left still standing. She grinned and her red eyes thinned as she pointed to a figure sitting there with her lace umbrella and long brown locks. "As you can see your wish has been granted. However, I would advise you that my protection is needed as well. For if I die, my magic will be undone and you will be left a widower again." As the queen spoke, images were sent to his head of Kalister the first queen. How she begged for death, but who actually killed the woman would make Frederick understand what he had done. Standing beside Einrich, Kyll's mentor, was a younger Zeno Sombras. "Go to your woman. She is waiting for you." The female smiled happily and tilted her head giving a warm smile. She held out a black laced gloved hand to welcome the crazed magician to her side.

    The queen turned around and flew up to the cross and sat upon the top. She crossed her legs and sent out wish faeries to each of the guards. "Feed my children... feed. For it has been a while since you all have feasted on a live human soul."


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 8th April 2014, 11:17 am

    Images flash through his head when the Queen spoke of those who would stand between him and his happiness. Among them was someone he had met before, someone who he'd expected to appear here. Zeno Sombras the guild master of Kyll and the Lichborne's mortal enemy. A mage that had meddled in his plans before. 'He will perish..and so will everyone else that will stand between me and Cecilia..'

    He turned around and walked away from the queen, towards the silhouette that sat several meters away from him. His passes hastened with every step he become closer, until he was standing right in front of her where he could gaze upon her. There he fell upon his knees by the sheer sight of her, his face stricken by unbelief while tears welled up in his eyes.
    'Cecilia...it has been so long...'
    Frederick slowly stood up and gestured Cecilia to do the same by holding her hands. All while his eyes were locked with hers. 'Nothing will come between us anymore! I promise you that!'

    Madness and happiness had taken over Frederick, blinding him to see the woman truly for what she was. Blind to the fact that her skin was as pale as porcelain, her touch as cold as death. Her eyes empty and stared right through him. This embodiment of Cecilia was nothing more then a mere husk, a flesh puppet without a soul. Yet Frederick couldn't see through the shroud of his own madness, his usual logical self was gone when he gazed upon the face of his former love.


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 30th April 2014, 8:43 am

    The queen floated by Frederick and out of the church. She waved her hand and sent a wish faerie to each of the guards. "You all yearn for more power, I feel your wishes. At the cost of you soul. You may have it..." The queen put a hand out and it began to rain. All of the guards grabbed their heads and began to scream in pain. The guards morphed into grotesque demons.

    Where... Kyll opened her eyes only to see that she had no control over her body. No... Kyll felt tears begin to form in her eyes. She had failed.

    The queen put a hand up to her face. You're awake... Do you understand that we make a difference here? That you are my perfect host to make this world ours?

    I read about you... You're unwise in your decisions. Eventually you all will die anyway because you will run out of food. However that will lead to war after war after war. You are no queen. Just a parasite that wishes for more and more food. Kyll's thoughts could be heard as echoes through her body. She wanted to scream.

    You can't be saved Greaters. None of the Greaters can be saved. They all will die knowing that they unleashed me. Kyll tried to move her arm. It struggled. Don't you even think about it.... You know our previous queen wished for your protection...

    Protection is taking away what I wanted most. Right. No she messed up out of her hate for what I wanted. Leave me be. I will think of a way out of this. Kyll felt a pain in what felt like her chest.

    Your mine and I will finish that soul off... You just need to make a request of me.

    No. Kyll wanted to hold herself, but she couldn't it felt as if she was tied up. My guild will come here and destroy you....

    OOC: Mainly a bump for the rest of the crew.


    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by King Zenshin 3rd May 2014, 8:21 am

    Zeno was with him, and so was his aunt, if he was to believe that this butterfly was really Kyll's mother. Zenshin carried the jar while Zeno carried the sword. A clash between three guild masters... between three very powerful mages... This can only end in death. I'm sure Zeno's aware of this too he thought, rather sadly too. No, I'm sure this can end with everyone alive. Nothing is certain. We'll just have to wait and see he thought again, trying to think positively at the moment while he followed the butterfly. It wasn't difficult, as some might think, following the butterfly through the Spooky Forest.

    She left a trail of what he could only describe as glitter, making her easy to follow through the forest. Eventually, they came across a dark cloaked figure, and Kyll. Looks like we made it in time Zen thought excitedly before stopping to think for a moment. No. We haven't. Einrich wouldn't have given us the sword and the butterfly if we would make it in time. That's not Kyll, but that is Frederik. Frederik... the cause of all of this he began to think angrily as he recreated his sword, Memory. "What now, Zeno? What's the plan from here"


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    Emotional Tempest 1

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Zeno 4th May 2014, 12:25 am

    As they followed Kallister's lead through the forest, Zeno could feel the thick corruption in the air. The skies were tainted, nature felt hollow and dead. His grip tightened around the sword. The Second Coming was upon them already, it was beyond obvious. As he realized just that, his pace quickened even more. Images flashed through his mind, old memories. The First Coming, Einrich, Kallister. He knew it had happened, that he had played a role, but his mind seemed warped, as if it had been tampered with somehow. As if those memories were mere images of another life with obscured details and mixed emotions. The feeling felt so eerie it took a hold of him deep down inside. Something was so horribly wrong to the point where he couldn't even identify what it was.

    Nevermind that, Einrich told me what to do. Use the sword to cut off the wing like last time. Listen to Kallister. Kill the Queen. Ignore all else.

    Then the trees separated as the glittering trail of the butterfly led them into the ruins of an old cathedral. The Second Queen revelling in her rebirth, lusting for her faeries to bring her the souls of the desperate so that she could acquire more power. Her very existence was a vicious cycle with only death as a certainty.

    "What now, Zeno? What's the plan from here," Zenshin said and brought Zeno's mind back into reality.

    Quickly, the Shadow Savior's eyes shifted from left to right, up to down. He counted 6 black silhouettes in the bloodred light. Former Savage Skull minions. Then a few on the ground, not moving. Victims to the monster they'd been ordered to protect. Frederick stood with a woman by his side, smiling like a maniac. He had clearly lost it. Lost it all to madness. Zeno cursed to himself realizing Zenshin had been right. They had had the chance to kill him, Zeno had granted mercy. These last few years he had been trying so hard to see the light in the darkness. To change his ways. To be less ruthless, less indifferent to those within the shadows. He was the one to take the hands of those in need, to pull them out of the darkness, into the light, into redemption. The one to destroy those who refused it and brought death and sin upon innocents. After so much growth, both in spirit, nature and power, Zeno thought forgiveness and mercy would be his true virtues.

    A lesson he had now come to unlearn once more. He wasn't some paragon, he was the Shadow Savior. A lost soul given purpose. The shadow that casts light.

    Frederick had chosen to forsake his second chance. Death was the consequence.

    "Kill the guards, distract Frederick. I'll handle the Queen. This time we strike without mercy, they aren't worthy of it," Zeno spoke with a grim and cold voice. His eyes had turned a darker red and his aura began to leak from his body. For a man of his power, the very energies released in his presence were devastating. Full control was necessary, or he could level the whole Spooky Forest, and everyone in it, unintentionally. That full control meant holding back most of his power, but at the sight of the Queen... he suddenly became unsure of whether he could bring up that self-restraint. Inside him grew pure resentment and hate.

    He gave one quick glance to Zenshin. The look on his face read 'be careful around me, as well'.

    The Shadow Savior took several steps forward, allowing Zenshin to plan his moves before they'd rush into battle. The sight of what the Queen had done to Kyll made all kinds of negative emotions within Zeno rise to the surface.

    "Any last wishes before I destroy you?"


    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Zeno1_by_gramcrackers-d7l4bjh

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Akryn 5th May 2014, 8:03 pm

    Akryn had followed the two guild masters silently, actually pretty nervous about all this. He had truly wanted to come along at the start. Kyll was his friend, and the guild was his adopted family. He would happily fight, kill, or die for them. But on the way here he had started to doubt just how useful he would be. He was no where close to Zeno or Zenshins levels. Hell, he was one of the lowest ranked members in the guild, and for good reason. Most of what he brought to jobs was avoidance and barrages. From what he had gathered, Zeno was expecting some serious trouble, and more than once Akryn had considered turning back. Not for any fear for himself, no, he would happily die for his friends, and Kyll was indeed one of his closest friends. She was one of the few people he had ever considered telling his secret to. No, Akryns fears were not for himself, but for those who might become injured whilst defending him, covering his own back.

    Despite his fears and doubts however, Akryn had kept hot on the guild masters tails. Despite his doubts and genuine fears, he understood that few battles ever went as planned. And besides, a spare battery never hurt anyone. And the closer they drew to the source of the darkness, the heavier the shadows pressed in, the more Akryn realized just how much he might be needed, if for no other reason then his eyes.

    He almost bumped into Zeno when the master stopped, but it wasn't hard to see why he had, and Akryns eyes grew wide behind his rose tinted glasses as he stared not forward, towards the woman and Fredrick, and not even towards the ghoulish monsters above. No, Akryns eyes immediately locked onto the dead men on the ground, and his stomach churned as he wondered what ill fate had befallen them. He barely registered Zeno's order, but when his master took a step forward, Akryn finally looked up, and also Spotted Kyll. When he did, a deep, bubbling pit of rage began to form in his stomach and his hands slowly curled into sparking fists. He knew little of the battles Zeno and Zenshin had waged before, little of Fredrick or this strange new woman, and even less of these......beasts in the trees. But he knew all to well the suffering they must have imposed upon Kyll, and he began to slowly slide towards the right, taking his time to pick his first target. Kyll was his friend. And he would show them what happened when you hurt his friend.....


    Prayne de crabug ahm keike rinedere be-yogt iglo kes gron!

    Akryns battle theme


    Dramatic moments


    "I came into this world, kicking, screaming, and covered in someone elses blood. I have little issue going out the same way."

    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Guest 6th May 2014, 12:44 am

    Naturally Akryn was not the only man to have followed the two guildmasters on this day. Marick followed Zenshin in uncharacteristic silence, his hand placed lightly on the hilt of his blade as the four magi traversed through the depths of the Spooky Forest. The further they dove into the deathly silence, the heavier the air seemed to feel...or perhaps that was the Solitaire's guilt weighing him down. Regardless he remained silent but vigilant as he followed.

    Before too long the group had found themselves approaching the ruins of what looked to be an old cathedral, long since abandoned as evidenced by the masses of forestation that had engulfed and entwined itself around the ruins. Surrounding the seemingly unholy wreckage were clear signs that Frederik had achieved his initial goal; bodies littered the ground in the vicinity, the life drained from them. A nasty way to pass. Marick's eyes flitted from each body, then upwards towards the only two upright figures barring the four legal magi withing the vicinity. Frederik stood seemingly casually, with a woman at his side. The Paragon's right hand gripped tightly around the hilt of his blade now, while his left moved up to rest with his thumb tucked under his belt, ready to bring forth his magic as and when necessary.

    Finally two voices broke the silence, the first being Zenshin as he questioned what Zeno had planned. The second voice was simply Zeno's response. Marick glanced at Akryn. Neither of the two of them were anywhere near as powerful as the rest of the magi in the vicinity, but he for one didn't care and, he suspected, nor did Akryn. They'd do what they could that was for sure.
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 6th May 2014, 8:49 pm

    OOC: Freddy and I thought it would be best for me to make the smart comment.

    BIC: "Zenshin," a voice sounded in everyone's mind. "Trust me..." The woman's voice would soothe even the angriest of beasts. "Kyll will be fine. I promise."

    "And the group finally arrives...." The queen's face turned to each one of the new comers. "I guess I must greet my future minions. Let's see. We will go through Kyll's mind." She looked at Zenshin. "Zenshin. No last name. Striking resemblance to some characteristics to her father. She never stated why she found herself coming to you all the time. Perhaps she could not find it in her heart to tell you the dislike she has towards you from leaving the guild. Though no one in Eclipse Soul told her that you were still alive, making her feel like an idiot." She paused for a minute. "Oh? What is this?" She looked down to see Marick. "So this is Marick. The man Kyll views as a death threat to her. You should be honored. I have seen thoughts in this mind that would make her blush. You are the reason she has been washing blood out of her clothing continually. She is a very smart girl. To keep her guild members from worrying, she would go hunting before coming back. In fact, that was her plan when she got back. To hide the immense amount of blood." She shook her head with a smirk. A drip of blood fell from her nose. The queen put a hand on her nose and looked at it. She frowned. "Oh Marick... Marick Marick Marick. The feelings she holds for you are rather dear... and cute, but she is a sensitive little mouse tends to bleed from the nose. Then we have Akryn." The queen looked down at the pale haired mage. "She thinks of you like a little brother. However, she never wants to take you hunting with her. Ever. Mainly because she sees storm mages such as you and Alye not quiet. You see... Thunderstorms cause animals to run. It's rather sad. I have no dirt on you to really pick at you with. However, you are weak."

    The queen looked toward Zeno and cocked a smirk. She folded her arms and floated up higher. She crossed her legs and sat mid air. She crossed her legs and then leaned in on it, resting her elbow on her thigh. She put her hand on her cheek. Finally her lips moved as she let out a morphed voice. "Oh?... The savior of shadows has come to us once again? To repeat the sins of the past." She looked him in the eye. "You best be glad I never spoke a word of it ever. Such an unspeakable and ruthless act should stay hidden. Am I right?" She smirked as she looked about the people brought. "And such a rag tag group. You even brought our previous host. She was appetizing, but this host." She sat up and put a hand as her aura grew dark. "Weaker with the magic I need, but stronger at the same time. No I won't be able to produce as many sons and daughters, but... I could smack the first queen down not problem." Her wings spread as she came to the ground full force and created a crater in the ground. "It is the perfect body one could wish for. You hear that old woman? You are weak and you are nothing compared to your daughter." As she finished her sentence hundreds of skeletal bat wings came up from the ground and surrounded all of the mages against her and Frederick, causing most of them to be disoriented, or perhaps annoyed. They did fly by their targets scratching just the skin feeling like cat's claws. However with Zeno, the creatures surrounded him but they could not touch him. They could not even get closer than a foot around him. The queen's red eyes opened wide. "No..."

    Just then a bright light came out of the bottle Zenshin held. All of the creatures around Akryn, Marick, and Zenshin turned into butterflies healing his injuries. "Zenshin I can not do this spell again. Please be careful. Do not do anything rash," the voice sounded again worried. "If they corrupt you... you may never come back. Zeno is immune to their attacks. He's touched a plane that they would not be able to live in."

    The queen backed off looking at Zeno, figuring out the brevity of the situation. "You are very different from the last time we met. That aura is more concentrated."



    Emotional Tempest 1

    Emotional Tempest 1

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Zeno 7th May 2014, 3:38 am

    Zeno had held his eyes closed in premeditation as the Wish Queen addressed them and let her bats descend upon them until Kallister intervened.

    "You are very different from the last time we met. That aura is more concentrated." The Queen sneered.

    Zeno's eyes opened slowly, staring straight into hers. His irises were bloodred halos around his pupils. He clenched his jaws for just an instant before he spoke.

    "The only reason you are still hovering around in one piece is because I do not wish to harm Kyll. I am beyond you, Wish Demon," Zeno said with a voice as cold as a blizzard.

    The Wizard Saint looked over his shoulder at his companions for just a second, then set his hungry eyes back on the Wish Queen.

    "Allow me to demonstrate."

    The words had only barely crossed the distance from Zeno's mouth to the Queen's ears as Zeno blinked from sight and reappeared behind her, swinging horizontally at one of her wings with great accuracy.

    His aura caught up with him as whirlwinds whipped across the forest from his mere movements. Leaves were sent flying across the sky and would soon start to rain down on the area. The pressure released from his body weighing down on everyone within a radius of several kilometers. The closer to Zeno one would stand, the harder it would become to move around. The higher one's own magical power, the better the pressure could be resisted.


    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Zeno1_by_gramcrackers-d7l4bjh
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 8th May 2014, 2:27 pm

    Frederick could feel the wind rush passed him and Cecilia, which gusts were hard enough to make anything in the Cathedral move or fly up. Just like Frederick's cloak that was flapping hardly because of it. And within that same instance he would suddenly feel a tremendous power, weighing and pressing down on everyone that was in it's near vicinity. It was so strong that it was almost vivid. However Cecilia or the husk that appeared like her seemed rather unbothered by it, as it kept sitting on the bench with her hands resting on her lap. A clear sign that it wasn't as it appeared to be, yet blinded by his own madness Frederick didn't see it.
    No instead he let out a grunting roar that sounded like a loud 'no' as he saw Zeno suddenly appear right in front of the Queen.

    In the moment that Frederick let out that scream several waves of darkness that originated from him, were send through the cathedral and beyond. Now Frederick's own magical pressure was released and started to resist against that of Zeno. His own aura that became vivid with a black and sickening color.
    'I will not let you take her away again! Not now! Not when we are finally reunited!'

    Frederick was now standing up straight, with a thick and dark mass that was bulging behind him. And from it ten black and featureless tentacles shot forwards. Straight for the band of legal mages.


    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by King Zenshin 12th May 2014, 4:26 pm

    Seems like the error of Zeno's mistake finally dawned on him he thought after seeing a worried guild master. Well, as worried as Zeno's face could possibly get anyways. He would be the one to defeat the reanimated puppets Frederick was using as well as distracting the big man himself. What a task that would be. As long as Zeno got his end of the job done, it wouldn't really matter. What mattered is that Zenshin focus his attention on his targets, all of them at once. Frederick wasted no time in sending out tendrils as soon as Zenshin's previous guild master initiated his attack on the wish queen. Lucky for them, just a moment prior to the engagement, Kalister the butterfly had healed him and all of his allies in the fight. I wished you'd waited a little longer, butterfly... he thought, mentally face-palming at the nearly worthless spell that she could only cast once apparently.

    As the wave of butterflies flew into the sky like a cloud, Zenshin knelt to the ground and placed his hands on the dirt, letting the glass bottle fall to the grass. "You're overruled... Frederick" he said quietly to himself before a shield formed in front of Akryn, Zeno, Marick, and of course, himself. The dark mage's tendrils wouldn't be able to get a shield of this strength, allowing for Zeno to continue his assault and his other allies to potentially gain some power, assuming the tendrils broke his spell. "Marick, Akryn, I'll be dealing with Frederick. You try and keep the abominations off my back" he said as he burst from his crouched position with his recreated sword, the memory, at his side. When he was within range, he un-clicked the sword from its sheath and brought it out quickly, aiming to cut at Frederick's chest horizontally with this maneuver.


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    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Akryn 15th May 2014, 3:41 pm

    Akryn was forced to hop backwards as the batwing things came in. But with his leather pants and jacket, their cat like scratches were fairly useless. Akryn caught on to this fact quickly, realizing he had a bit of an advantage here, and drew back his gloved fist before punching at the swarm, sending a powerful blast of wind their way, just before the bright light appeared and forced them back.

    Akryn hopped backwards back to the group, looking back at Zenshin curiously. He had no idea what that was, and neither did he care. As Zeno went into motion, Akryn stuck near Zenshin, and behind that shield of his. Even through the shield, Akryn felt the sheer force of Zeno's magic, and he stood there for a moment, staring at his guild master in total surprise. He knew Zeno was powerful, as well as Zenshin, and he had heard several stories about Fredrick. But that opening salvo put it into perspective for Akryn of just how out of his leaugue he was here. Still, determined to be useful, Akryn began to slowly back away from it all before dropping into a crouch at the edge of the barrier, watching carefully. The two monsters in the trees hadn't made a move yet, and those bat things were likely to return. Akryn was of no use against Fred, or this wish queen....thing. But he had a feeling those bat things would be better targets, and he was curious to see wether those things up above could hit him.


    Prayne de crabug ahm keike rinedere be-yogt iglo kes gron!

    Akryns battle theme


    Dramatic moments


    "I came into this world, kicking, screaming, and covered in someone elses blood. I have little issue going out the same way."

    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Guest 17th May 2014, 7:41 am

    So the feelings were mutual. This woman who had Marick mesmerized more than he'd ever been before shared what he felt albeit in a more noticeable fashion apparently, or so it seemed from the trickle of blood from her nose and the words this 'wish demon' - Zeno's words seemed all too fitting - had stated. Sabertooth's Paragon didn't have much time to react though, as suddenly Frederick was on the offensive, firing off a spell aimed at the group. Zeno and Zenshin had burst clear in their own way, but many of the dark tentacles remained and headed towards Marick and Eclipse Soul's Akryn. In a split second reaction, the Solitaire pulled Akryn behind him and launched three cards through the air, cutting back a few of the tentacles. He then gripped four more before expanding them, creating shields around the pair. He was more than aware that he was absolutely no match for Frederick. Neither was Akryn for that matter.

    "I can't keep holding off attacks, so we need a game plan." he growled, his frustration showing through clearly. He wanted to repay Frederick for his actions before. He wanted so badly to smack the cold, seemingly emotionless master of darkness to kingdom come and back again.
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Aria Beleren 17th May 2014, 2:02 pm

    In an instant the Queen moved to the side narrowly missing Zeno's slash. Her eyes thinned. "Looks like I'm going to have to use something else..." She said making notice of the magical pressure. Hey Host, the Queen's voice rang through Kyll's head. She gripped a fist and Kyll's yellow aura appeared around her body. The aura would drip off like water and the droplets of light would disappear half way down towards the ground.

    What are you doing? You can't use that.... Kyll argued. She felt a surge of energy rush through her. The familiar feeling of the magical energy she would use. She struggled to stop it, but it was no use. I won't allow it...

    Oooh... You forget who's in charge now. The Queen looked forward at Zeno and her grin widened. "Since my children can't harm you. I have an alternative. You must be familiar with my host's magic..." The aura forced its way out more powerful than ever. "But with corruption.. It's far greater than her's." She flew forward at a high speed sending an elbow straight for Zeno's chin to knock him out of the way. If her hit was successful, he could feel the shame from Kyll.

    Don't leave me down here alone, Zen--!... Too late. The butterfly fluttered around the jar tinking on the glass and fluttering its wings trying to get out. Someone get me out... I have to get out.

    An abomination of a soldier walked up to the butterfly and picked it up. It let out a roar as he wrapped his claws around the jar. Kalister could feel the vibrations of the glass slowly breaking. The jar seemed to cry with the sound of glass slowly cracking in its grasp. Hey! HEY! You put me down you stupid piece of garbage! The monster gave a smirk looking at the glowing butterfly. Kalister fluttered around trying to find a place to not get squished, but it was no use. Someone help!



    Emotional Tempest 1

    Emotional Tempest 1

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- H-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Villain- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Empty Re: The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE)

    Post by Zeno 19th May 2014, 8:26 am

    His fast swing at the Queen was seemingly effortlessly sidestepped, making Zeno cut through the air as she backed away. Zeno was still holding back in order to increase his accuracy as much as he could to make sure he didn't harm Kyll. To do that he had to feint an offensive strategy to draw out openings for predictable counters.

    Openings the Wish Queen could not resist to fill with words, giving the Shadow Savior even more time to prepare himself. As she announced her attack, Zeno's aura grew heavier. The Wish Queen burst forward with a glowing elbow, but Zeno easily flowed underneath with a roll that placed him behind her back once more.

    Another swing of the special sword flashed through the air, faster than the eye could follow, at the wings.


    The Wish Queen (OPENED FOR BATTLE) Zeno1_by_gramcrackers-d7l4bjh

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:11 pm