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    House of the Dead [Event]

    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1048
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd July 2021, 6:05 pm

    OOC Backstory:

    For one reason or another, you find yourself on a long, gravel road. Alone, with only the mists and haunted sounds of the Cursed Lands to accompany you, you march down the road, strangely determined to find the end of the path. The air chills you to the core, like the first dip into a cool spring, despite the fact that it is midsummer and yet you continue. After what seems like hours, something akin to civilization begins to appear on the horizon. So, too, do other roads with other men and women, people drawn to this same place for means beyond comprehension. The roads converge into one, bringing the separated members together as you all stand stand before a lost landmark. The gravel road has led you to a village, its tall houses dark as tombstones. Nestled among these solemn dwellings are a handful of closed-up shops. Even the tavern, a common place of interaction, has been boarded up and shut.

    A soft whimpering draws your eye toward a pair of children standing in the middle of an otherwise life-less street. One, a girl in a early teenage years, has short black hair and sullen eyes. An elegant, maroon cape adorns her shoulders and a soft-blue tunic covers her torso, ending wit ha wide and low-hanging skirt. The smaller is a boy, with the hood of his jacket up over his head, shadowing his features. His coat is of the same fine material as the girl's but a bit on the larger side. In his hand is a doll, a flimsy piece of patchwork with misshapen, button eyes. Both children are pale, their skin almost blue-ish in color as the young boy cries and the girl does her best to quiet and calm him...

    NOTES ;
    Here is the intro for the House of the Dead. It's short but that's so as not to overload you all with too many words and giving you plenty to work with, in terms of interaction with one another and/or the children. There will be no official post order so feel free to post when you can, even if it's out of order from the last round of posting. As of this post, you have seven days to get a post up. By July 10th at 9:00 PM, your posting time will be up and I will be posting asap. Have fun!



    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : MV
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ran
    Experience : 1,775

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Syndrome 3rd July 2021, 6:49 pm

    Syn was not entirely sure how she had ended up here, but now the only path was forward. Steady but tired steps took her in that direction until the mist faded away and real life seemed to reemerge from the fog. Syn pulled her cloak more tightly around her as she scanned the area. At least some other mages were among the group, judging by their magical presences. She would be wary of them. For now, it seemed like nobody had come here with the intent to harm. As for the reason they all had mysteriously been led to the location, it was beyond her comprehension.

    With a glance over the others in the vicinity, Syn decided that nobody was a threat for now. She approached one of the shops, realizing it to be boarded up. By proceeding towards what looked like a tavern, she found that it, too, was dark and the windows shut up with wood planks. Her attention was piqued by a soft sound nearby. Syn turned in the direction of the noise and found a young duo hovering over a doll in one of their hands. She did not approach them yet, but instead observed for a moment. They were all alone in the middle of the street, which was strange enough. Everyone else seemed to be approaching the village, and nobody was already within the small settlement. Perhaps it had been abandoned. She could not understand why the children were present, then.

    "What's wrong?" She slowly made her way towards the two children, her hands slightly outstretched in front of her. Syn stopped a few meters away, her eyes questioning.

    275 Words


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 5th July 2021, 1:07 am

    A long road amidst bleak landscape was the first thing that Tor could see when he open his eyes. He had no idea how or why he had arrived here. In fact, the memory preceding his arrival was blurry as well, giving him no clues but to seek them by walking down the road prepared for him. The mist and haunting sounds were largely ignored, the Rune Knight appearing to walk nonchalantly upon the set path with his hands in his pocket. He could feel the chilling air through the fabric of his black hoodie and jeans.

    After a few hours of walking, Tor’s footsteps finally slowed down. He had finally arrived at an empty and abandoned village. Looking left and right, he could see countless other roads, straight as an arrow and leading to the village from other directions just like his. And on each road, was another traveler just like him.

    ‘Did I get trapped in some illusion?’

    As he stood still at the end of his road, hesitant to take a step into the village, trying to work his mind hard to figure out what was going, Tor’s attention was suddenly pulled away towards a soft whimper. Right in the middle of the village, in the middle of the street were two kids. A girl and a boy.


    Tor stayed himself out of suspicion. Their outfits were in absolute conflict with their surroundings, leading Tor to think that they were equally out of place as he was. However, he was no hero. He wasn’t the type to rush ahead of himself towards the kids and go into guardian mode. The whole setting of this place was too weird for him to act so recklessly.

    However, one of the other travelers, a girl with brown hair was the first to approach them. Still, there was sense in her actions. Her mouth spoke words of concern but she still kept a cautious distance.

    Tor’s pursed lips wriggled a little before he moved forward as well, in slow and steady steps, eventually reaching a comfortable distance between himself and the kids. He gave the brown-haired girl a quick look before fully paying attention to the kids.

    “My name is Tor. I’m a Rune Knight. What happened to the two of you? Are you the only ones here?” Tor spoke to them. His voice was slightly low, trying to make it as comforting as he could.

    [406 words]


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 24
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mura Kensho 8th July 2021, 1:16 am

    … Well, this was nostalgic. Reminiscent of Mura’s first missions as a Fairy Tail Wizard; walking down a gravel road begging for trouble to arrive from whatever lurked in the shadows around. It was that kind of atmosphere that used to terrify him as a child, for it was so strongly associated with the presence of evil spirits… but he had nothing to fear anymore! As long as Kyuken and Zirconis were with him, no evil ghost could do anything to him…

    Trying to wiggle off the cold trying to plaster onto his body, he tugged on his Gaitou tightly and continued down the road. Perhaps he had just gotten lost. It didn’t take long until he spotted a gloomy presence of a village in the distance, but due to how difficult it was to make up the tall houses shrouded in dark mist like that, it didn’t really deserve relief. However, he did sense other mages nearby…

    While he wasn’t scared or anything, n-no way, he just felt a little wary… and alert, mainly due to the atmosphere overall. He had noticed that many more roads led to the front of what appeared to be a village with no signs of life inside. Windows were shut and darkened, the air was dead silent, and all the entrances were also sealed with planks and nails. This place just seemed deserted, except with the other mages arriving here from one of the other roads leading to this place. Okaaaaay, that was a weird thing… it was as if they were all lured here at the same time, somehow connected to each other.

    “H-Hey, w-w-w-w-what’s up with this place…?” Kyuken, the blue spirit ball with a face next to the shaman, spoke up with the small amount of courage that he still held onto, “I-It’s like t-t-that b-basem-mmmm-ment in Mag-g-g… h-hey, look! Two people over there, with the two kids! Everything’s in control, Mura, nothing wrong here, after all! Hahahahahahahahah, a-and huh? That guy over there… Tor? Rune Knight? Seems we’re not needed here, then; I say we find a way ba- URAGH!”

    Mura made sure to grab the spirit ball with no balls as Kyuken tried to fly back out of the entrance to the village, for this place reeked of all kinds of bad omens that Mura had encountered in the past; the gloominess of the village and its terrible air was likely associated with whatever caused it to turn deserted in the first place, given how almost all buildings and their openings were sealed off. “… This place reeks of evil spirits. You’re not going anywhere, Kyuken,” he warned his spirit pal before approaching the mages keeping the two kids company…

    … Why on earth were there two kids here? They didn’t look like they were from the abandoned, ruined village given simply by their fancy clothing, but who would ever want to visit this place in that age? Were they left here against their will?

    “… W-Well, this is weird,” he made his presence known to them, crossing his arms while his brow was twitching in worry, “Why would any kids want to visit this place, except against their own will… as if left here by someone else?” He thought over it and considered suggesting them to just take the kids with them out of this abandoned place, over to the nearest actual civilization and figure out where their parents or guardians were.

    I mean, they had to be abandoned here by someone? It seemed like a cruel thing, but it was definitely possible. There were some sick bastards out there, really…

    WC: 604



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 452
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,073,407

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Flow
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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythica 8th July 2021, 9:16 pm

    "Reminds me of the place we met..." A familiar voice whispered directly into Mura's ear. A young black haired female stood politely right behind her husband with her hands behind her back. A moment ago she was nowhere to be seen, but had somehow appeared in the time between the group's line of site. Mythica had been dressed in her usual unremarkable attire. A simple white buttoned shirt covering her bust with a black skirt, tights, and shoes to match. Her hair rested over the woman's shoulders in two even twin tails, while her bangs carefully guarded her left eye. "Though admittedly there weren't as many eyes..." Mythica continued with a light chuckle, staring at the group of strangers before her.

    The children certainly stood out, though Mythica was too experienced or insane to feel any connection to their plight. That didn't take away her curiosity however. Her attention soon shifted to the two other adults trying to consult with the pair. One of them being a Rune Knight. Mythica still hadn't brought herself up to speed on the situation yet, so she wasn't sure what the Magic Council's involvement was in this place, but the chronomancer made a note to keep an eye on him. "Hmmm... Any idea where might we be?" she asked curiously, taking a moment to gaze at her surroundings. Though the exact means of Mythica's arrival seemed unclear, it was obvious the trip did not make her aware of the location when she appeared for Mura's sake. Something about it felt very off. The sensation made Mythica internally grin.

    Without saying another word Mythica eagerly linked her arm to Mura's and rested her head on his shoulder. It had been quite some time since Mythica had seen Mura last. Despite their deep connection to one another, both parties are equally busy with their lives and the duo often spend much time apart. On top of that, whatever was happening here seemed to catch Mythica's attention. For now she was keen on observing the conversation between the knight and the pair of children...

    352 Words.


    House of the Dead [Event] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr
    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Art Contest Participant- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Ancestral Sin
    Position : None
    Posts : 408
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Serena von Edelweiss
    Experience : 1,775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Caelestis Icarus Zephyr 9th July 2021, 12:31 pm

    Caelestis wasn’t sure why he found himself in places like these so often. There was something deeply unsettling about the long gravel roads, mists, and barren landscapes of this place. His only real comfort was the lack of a ceiling, and the fact that he was indeed able to see the sky, if a cloudy one. Still, though, he didn’t like this place. He detected almost no movement, and not many scents. It was almost as if this whole area was holding its breath, stuck in time. There was a moment of relief when his lonely gravel road seemed to merge with others, up ahead. He could even see a few people, and a town that seemed as gloomy as the rest of this area.

    As he got closer, it became quite clear that there was something off with this picture. A young man and woman stood some distance from another small group, consisting of another man and woman who had stopped in front of two children. As he got closer, he picked up snippets of words and conversations, as well as harsh crying from the boy. However, these were the only sounds he seemed to be able to hear beyond his own noises, footsteps and breathing seeming to echo all too loudly in the eerily quiet area.

    As he reached a safe distance from the two small groups, he stopped, looking at them all more closely. Truly, the more he observed the stranger it got. Nobody looked like they really belonged here, not even the two children on the side of the road. The town itself seemed completely abandoned, too, all boarded up windows and empty streets. It sent chills down his spine. Out loud, he raised his voice loud enough for the other people to hopefully hear, eyes darting between the people and the abandoned town. “Something doesn’t feel right here! I can hardly hear any movement beyond the sounds the people here are making! There’s no smell to this place, either!”

    WC: 334


    House of the Dead [Event] Al9ulBh
    Playlist| Character | Vault | Lineage
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1048
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 12th July 2021, 4:34 pm

    As the estranged party gathered in the ruins of Daravania, a brief glance back the way they had come would provide an alarming development. The separate roads that had all led to the town were now thickly covered in a dense mist, rolling out from the hidden fields beyond the scope of the village. Anyone attempting to walk into the fog, perhaps to investigate if there was a source, would find themselves walking in complete white smog for several minutes before emerging… back where they had started. Their paths were gone and, for all intents and purposes, the party was now trapped in the dilapidated town -- for better or worse.

    The young boy seemed to tense up as Syndrome and Tor approached, turning his face into the young girl’s coat and crying even louder. The girl did her best to continue calming him, bathing him with warm words of affection. She looked at both the young woman and the Rune Knight, her eyes full of wrought emotion that she couldn’t quite put to words until the boy had settled. It took a few moments but soon his crying and wailing settled into sniffles and hiccups. As she continued to rub his back gently, she finally turned to address the two in front of her -- and seemingly the group beyond as well. “There’s a monster in our house,” she said quickly, her voice raspy and grainy. It sounded like she had spent a good portion of time screaming, her throat course and worn. “Our parents warned us about it, telling us that we could never go into the basement or it would eat us. We could hear it screaming at night. It scared us…”

    The little boy looked up, her words sparking the memory of the hideous sounds in the young one’s mind. He blubbered a bit more and the girl sweetly ran her hand through his hair. “Don’t fret, Thornbolt.” Though she spoke of hope to the young boy, the spark of that same light lacked in her eyes as she looked back to the party. “I’m Rosavalda, Rose for short. This is my brother, Thorn. Please, you have to do something. Our baby brother, Walter, is still inside the house. I’m terrified the monster could get him.”

    As Caelestis spoke of the strange and concerning feelings he was experiencing, Rose spoke up for him to hear. “It’s the mists, mister. They are dangerous; they move in close as night falls. Already it is starting to creep into the town. Every night it crawls until it stops at the gates of our house. Oh please, will you help us? Our parents have disappeared and I fear the monster will break out without someone stopping it!”

    NOTES ;
    Here is your second post, my apologies for the wait. Twas a busy weekend. As stated before, you have a week so be sure to post before July 19th!


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 15th July 2021, 1:28 am

    Tor’s expression fell slightly when his question made the younger sibling cry even harder than he already was. He was at a loss. He was bad with kids, and comforting them was definitely not a skill he had. However, as the younger boy continued crying while his sister did her best to calm him down, other people began to walk out of each misty road like specters. And like himself, none of them knew where they were and what sort of situation they were currently in.

    ‘Even knowing how I got here would be helpful.’

    One of Tor’s eyebrows rose slightly when the third and fourth person to appear in this godforsaken place knew each other. He could recognize the male as the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, but he had no idea on who the female who was acting intimately with him was. Tor gave a quick nod in the man’s direction, although he wasn’t even sure if it would be acknowledged. The female mage clinging to his arm gave Tor a slightly bad feeling, though he wasn’t sure why.

    A fifth person appeared, standing at a distance from the group nearer to the children. Tor gave everyone a quick look over and only turned back to looked at the siblings when the older one began to speak. As the girl shed some light on their situation, in a voice obviously made coarse by own her share of screaming, Tor had other questions of his own.

    “What about the other villagers? The village seems abandoned, fairly understandable with the information you’ve shared but why are you still living here with your parents? In a village that gets covered in this impenetrable mist and in a house that harbors a monster in the basement…” Tor let himself trail off as he spoke.

    Inside, he knew he wasn’t going to get any easy answers. Not through the siblings.

    But then there was one he needed to ask.

    “Where’s your house?”

    [329 words]
    [Personal WC: 735 words]



    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : MV
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ran
    Experience : 1,775

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Syndrome 15th July 2021, 6:03 pm

    In response to her careful concern, Syn had received even louder wailing from the little boy. She forced herself to remain calm, barely glancing at the man who introduced himself as a Rune Knight as he stepped closer to their position. As expected of someone of his status, he asked questions that were pertinent to the situation, if a bit abrupt. As the male child slowly began to stifle his cries into sniffling, the girl holding him looked up at Syn and this... Tor. Around them, a few other mages or people with vague magical signatures milled about, discussing the situation. None of them seemed to have a distinct idea of what was going on, leaving the auburn haired girl even more suspicious of this series of events.

    However, she turned her attention back to the little girl, as she was now speaking. 'She sounds like she has already been through a lot, but it is possible her weariness and hoarse voice was practiced in order to aid in this ruse,' Syn thought, considering all of the options. The most probably explanation still remained that she was telling the truth. "Why would an ordinary pair of parents be keeping a monster contained in their basement?" She mused out loud, her voice low and questioning. It was not directed at either of the two children, but rather aimed towards the small gathering of more adult individuals surrounding the two adolescents. "Well, Miss Rose and Mister Thorn, I for one will do my best to rescue your brother," the female mage finally vowed, placing a hand over her chest as she promised to make an effort in order to recover the child still inside.

    Nonetheless, despite her words and lack of willingness to go back on them, Syn remained suspicious of these circumstances. The parents were missing, as well. "When was the last time you saw your parents? Where are the other residents of the town?" She asked the children as gently as possible before scanning the area around them. Syn scrutinized the mists, attempting to gauge their level of threat. Despite their eeriness, she could not directly conceive an active threat originating from them. It was possible that the mists were still the cause behind the disappearance of the other inhabitants of the town, but the existence of these kids remaining here was questionable in that case. How they had survived the monster and also managed to evade the mists was troubling. Syn would not be ungrateful for good luck in their favor, but she could not ignore the peculiarity.

    275 Words / 705 Personal


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 24
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mura Kensho 17th July 2021, 3:03 pm


    Mythica’s arrival was, as always, sudden and unexpected… however, now he wasn’t as psyched up by the eerie nature around this area, since her voice had grabbed most of his attention. “M-Mythica?!” he spoke up, revealing his shock at her presence and looking back to see that the roads from whence they came were slowly being eaten up by mist. Were they… being trapped here by something?

    Even the male with a pair of turk-blue braids noted the irregularity of this place, not being able to hear… any movement apart from theirs? How sharp was his sense of hearing, normally? He must’ve been experienced.

    Anyway, that mist was worrisome. Mura would have to check out if he could reach the road again, but at the same time, he didn’t want to get caught in what felt like some kind of… web?

    However, he didn’t have to go check the roads out. While unnecessary, there were two, floating companions beside him who were more than willing to find a way out – especially Kyuken who rattled his teeth at the mist. “I-I’m not gonna stay here a second longer! Everyone, follow me!!!”

    “Wait, Kyuken, that’s not a good idea-“

    With that cry, Kyuken darted straight into the mist… and disappeared. Mura was beginning to worry a lot; if Kyuken was in trouble, then he’d have to go help him. Therefore, reluctantly he wriggled himself off of Mythica’s otherwise comfortable grasp and excused himself: “Sorry, but I can’t let Kyuken get lost in a mist spell of some sorts…!”

    And with that, he darted into the mist himself… finding himself quite quickly lost, with mist surrounding him at all sides – even from below as he couldn’t even see the surface he was standing on. “Kyuken?! Kyuuuuuukeeeeeeeen, answer me! Where are you?!” Mura called out while moving forward at mach speed, finding little efficiency in his acceleration as the mist just kept growing thicker and thicker… it was definitely a branch of magic, acting like this.

    “H-Hey, if there’s anyone out there pulling pranks on us… it’s not funny! We’ve got, like, two sobbing kids to help, so won’t you mind removing the mist?” he called out to whatever was causing this, thinking it sentient enough to understand his words. Shockingly, the moment he finished his sentence, he was… back. Right in front of his wife, where Kyuken had been shivering behind her.

    “M-M-Mura, the mi-mist… it-t-t led me b-back here… I d-d-d-d-don’t know how…” Kyuken stuttered like a traumatized child, causing the shaman to raise an eyebrow in slight anxiety himself. There wasn’t much that he could do inside that mist himself.

    “… Shit, I think we’re trapped here,” he revealed to Mythica before nodding her along him as he approached the chestnut woman and the Rune Knight with the two kids telling them of the dangers of the mist that he had just entered. A monster was also mentioned… which simplified things for the shaman.

    “The mists didn’t harm me, but I think we’re trapped here…” he conveyed the information to them as well, “Me and Kyuken just tried to find the roads again, but even when we walked in a straight line, we ended up right here again. My guess is that… the monster you mentioned earlier might control it.”

    The Rune Knight had followed with a good question. If the monster was still at their house, then it would be easier to end it and, thus, this nightmarish place. Even if the mist was unbeatable, the summoner seldom was – that was how most curses worked.

    WC: 596
    TWC: 1200



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 452
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,073,407

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Flow
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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythica 18th July 2021, 1:01 pm

    The situation only continued to unravel more and more interestingly as time progressed. Of course most of it was overshadowed by the fact that Mura was here in Mythica's humble opinion, though that wasn't to say she wasn't supremely interested in the going ons of this strange place and the children in front of them. Mythica could remember many such times she had spent alone before stumbling across strange things like this in the past. After her years of experience and tavel across the continent, it became fairly common for her. Of course, Mythica wasn't a regular traveler so perhaps for her it was different. Nonetheless something serious appeared to be unfolding here, and Mythica was highly curious to see it through. Mura being here also cemented her decision to stay. She had no problem pretending to be innocent and if the source of this problem ended up having to be fought, she would play the part as well.

    Trying not to draw too much attention to herself, especially from the Rune Knight now introduced as Tor, Mythica reserved herself to stand quietly next to Mura and observe the conversation between the children and the others. What she learned was.... Interesting to say the least. Apparently the children came from a house not far from here, and it seemed to be home to some sort of terrible monster. Mythica thought for a moment, trying to gauge her surroundings once more. A monster? One of my own creations perhaps? Unlikely. I have no memory of this place and I do not sense the aura of my creatures prowling the area. No, whatever is going on here is something different... And exciting. The woman thought to herself silently, an expression of intense thinking flashed across her face for a brief moment, but vanished almost as quickly and was replaced by her regular unassuming smile.

    As the woman and the knight continued to gently pry for more information, Mythica noticed Mura's spirit Kyuken getting a little antsy. Odd to be sure, she had know the spirit for quite some time and figured he'd been in worst places than this while hanging out with Mura. Before she even had a chance to address the situation though he bolted in fear straight into the mist! A very foolhardy idea. Even if this magic or curse wasn't Mythica's, she knew better than to trust the abnormal mist that seemed to had been noticed by everyone else here as well.

    .... And Mythica was very unhappy when Mura squirmed out of her embrace to go save a dead man...

    If looks could kill Mura would have been murdered in cold blood as his wife stood silently while he ran into the mist like a moron. There was no proof it wasn't dangerous, so for Mura to blindly follow his idiotic spirit made the blood wolf want to lash out with her magic and drag him back to her... Though she would refrain for now. Instead Mura would be met with a cold glare from Mythica as he came back, explaining the situation with the fog. "You had no idea what was in there and you just abandoned me like that? HMPFH!" Mythica said rather coldly before crossing her arms and looking away from Mura. Truthfully Mythica could never stay mad at Mura for long, but she wasn't about to let him figure that out.

    "Obviously there's some strange magic here... But what I'm more interested in are these children's monster stories." She spoke aloud. Mythica had become somewhat of an expert when it came to magically created beasties, so if this mystery creature turned out to be so she would most certainly like to know more. Walking up to the children, she interrupted their conversation with Tor and Syndrome to ask her own question. "And what do you know of this creature?" She asked plainly and bluntly, but it was clear from her face she was very interested in whatever the children could tell her about that.


    House of the Dead [Event] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr
    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr

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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Caelestis Icarus Zephyr 19th July 2021, 12:32 am

    “Let’s just say my magic involves enhanced senses well beyond a usual human. I should be able to pick up some sound, but if it really is the mists causing this then we’re truly completely cut off here. Anyways, you said there was a monster? Must be powerful to empty an entire village like this. Better be wary, then.” He mused, trying to make sense of it all. Were the mists the power of this monster? Or perhaps a curse to contain monster and victims alike? Either way, the unease that he felt only seemed to grow the longer they stayed here. Even the very air seemed to stand still.

    His thoughts were interrupted by one of the mages running into the mist, only to be returned back very quickly. Caelestis listened to his words, nodding along with a look that could only be described as curiousity. “I’d really like to see how this mist is keeping us in place… this is too strange an occurrence to not wonder at it. If it’s a powerful monster, I doubt it’ll be easy to take down alone, regardless of how powerful any of us may be.”

    Really, this whole thing was very interesting to him, if terrifying. He could tell he wasn’t very strong among the mages here, but the group overall seemed very powerful. What force had drawn them all here? For what purpose had they been united? If it was as simple as killing a monster he doubted they’d be so easily trapped by this so-called mist. It made him want to study it all, so when the strange female mage asked what the children knew, he found himself leaning forwards just a little. He wanted to know too, honestly. Not just because of his quest for knowledge, but to get out of here and defeat this monster.

    WC: 308


    House of the Dead [Event] Al9ulBh
    Playlist| Character | Vault | Lineage
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

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    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 19th July 2021, 5:58 pm

    The group was quick to seek answers to the missing details, unwilling to rush headfirst into a situation without getting some clarifications. For their part, it looked like Rose was more than willing to offer them whatever she knew, a glimmer of hope in her otherwise dull eyes at the chance of help. Tor and Syn seemed interested in the location of the other villagers and the little girl gave a sullen shake of her head. “I don’t know about any other villagers. Thorn and I were kept in our rooms all day. Mother and father brought us food and gave us education but insisted that we couldn’t roam the halls idly.They had guests and travellers coming to stay with them and we were not to bother them. Sometimes we got a chance to attend a dinner feast with everyone and it was so wonderful!” The little girl’s face brightened at the happy memory, recalling all the elegant smells and foods they’d gotten a chance to eat.

    Syndrome wondered aloud why their parents were keeping a monster in the basement and the brief brightness in the girl’s face darkened slightly. “Our parents were doctors of some kind. They were doing experiments on the monster, I think to see if they could get rid of the fog.” It was clear she didn’t have quite the full answer to the question, repeating an answer that she had surely been given herself. As Tor asked about the house, the little girl opened her mouth to answer but then gasped as she watched not one but two of the party go rushing into the fog. She watched with wide eyes as they disappeared among the mist, lost behind the film of gray. It wasn’t long before they returned and Mura confirmed that wandering the fog simply led them back to the village’s ruins.

    Once again Rose looked ready to answer Tor’s question but then Mythica approached and the little girl seemed to tense up, her eyes staring in what appeared to be great fear as the woman came closer. Mythica inquired about the monster, wanting to know more about it and the girl swallowed hard, summoning up whatever courage her little body possessed. “I-I don’t know. I-I’ve never seen it,” she remarked softly, her eyes dashing away and unwilling to meet Mythica’s.

    Finding more courage in the visages of Tor and Syndrome, Rose turned her eyes back to them. “Our house is this way,” she said quickly as she started down the path, dragging her brother behind her. They rounded the corner next to the tavern and there, down a lengthy stretch of cobblestone road, was not a mansion but an eerie row house. No other landmarks blot the land around the house, leaving it the sole structure on a patch of field that looks unmanaged but still short. As the party follows after the children, the fog seems to hasten its approaching, swallowing up the town behind them, as if being erased from a picture book. It seems the only path is to the house and Rose and Thorn guide the party right up to the front gate.

    A wrought-iron gate with hinges on one side and a lock on the other fills the archway of a stone portico. The gate is unlocked, and its rusty hinges shriek when the gate is opened. Oil lamps hang from the por-tico ceiling by chains, flanking a set of oaken doors that open into a grand foyer. The house stands at three stories, though the tall roof seems to hint at a large attic area as well with two balconies on the third floor—one facing the front of the house, the other facing the back. As they approach, both Rose and Thorn walk slower, clearly disturbed to be returning to the house. But alas they continue leading, right through the gate and to the doors that lead into the foyer and the house itself. “The door is open. Let me just-” But before she could finish her sentence, Rose’s brow furrowed in confusion. Something seems to have disturbed her and she takes an uneasy step back.

    “The monster. I think it’s free,” is the last thing the party hears from her before suddenly, the oaken doors throw themselves open and the two children are instantly ripped from their spots and pulled through the front door, past the foyer and into the rest of the house. The front doors would slam shut behind them and would refuse to budge or break, be it strength or magical force. For a single moment, all is quiet before a loud, feminine shriek rips out from the bowels of the house. And then the front doors would slowly open, their hinges squealing as they suddenly open outwards, despite having opened inwards only a moment ago.

    Hanging on the south wall of the foyer is a shield emblazoned with a coat-of-arms (a stylized golden windmill on a red field), flanked by framed portraits of stony-faced aristocrats, long-dead members of the family, no doubt. Mahogany-framed double doors leading from the foyer to the main hall are set with panes of stained glass. The children are nowhere to be seen but a quick glance behind the party will show that only the house and the party are the only things not covered in fog. The only direction is forward.

    NOTES ;
    Here is your third post. As stated before, you have a week so be sure to post before July 26th!



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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Syndrome 25th July 2021, 9:18 am

    As it turned out, the children knew nothing about the other residents of the town or the current whereabouts of their parents. Not a surprise at all. The auburn haired girl simply would nod before continuing to listen carefully, not gleaning much more information from the question about why they might have been keeping a monster in the basement. Doctors. Or scientists? Either way, Syn's senses prickled with unease, her instincts telling her that something was awry. She managed to smile as placidly as possible at the children as she watched to see how they took her vow of willingness to help.

    The rest of the group milled around, doing various things or attempting to speak to the children. Syndrome hid her slight scowl of disapproval as the young woman, Mythica, abruptly and rather brusquely asked for more specifics of the monster. Although it might be a good idea to try to gauge what they were going against, Syndrome had a feeling that simply asking wouldn't do them much good. The children were not only possibly traumatized to the point of not being able to remember, but they had also already stated they were not really in a position to know much about it. Therefore Syn believed that line of questioning to be a dead end.

    Rose seemed eager enough to lead them to the house, so the reddish headed girl followed only a few paces behind. A part of her wanted to lead the way, to stand in front of the children out of a sense of desire for protection, but she knew that was impossible. Had it simply been impractical, the young woman would not have cared.The speed at which the little girl went along and dragged her brother behind her already made it slightly difficult to keep up. Syn tried to teleport in front of them only to be met with some strange phenomenon. Suddenly the pair was still in front of her, and she was left to run. Her senses flaring up once again, she hesitantly activated her high alert mode so to speak.

    They had just reached what looked to be an iron gate. Something like a town house was sitting alone, in an eerie way especially with the fog encroaching on their location. Judging from their body language, the two children seemed to be rather uncomfortable, but Syn remembered how she had attempted to get ahead of them before and opened her mouth to speak. "You don't need to go inside first. Stay- stay there. Let us go ahead," she shot a glance slightly behind her and to the side, looking for the Rune Knight. Assumedly that type of person would also be more than ready to go ahead of two nothing more than kids. Unfortunately, right when Syn heard the girl began to say something about the door being open, she heard a horrendous noise. It sounded like floorboards being ripped apart, and Syn immediately turned back. She was barely too late, her feet scrambling as she teleported forwards, only to be met with the doors shut inches away from her face.

    Grasping at the handles, she tried pushing. They had opened inwards, hadn't they? But when that didn't work, she tried pulling. Nothing seemed to get them to budge. Reeling back, the girl was momentarily overcome by emotion and even tried kicking at the doors. Nothing seemed to work, even as she delivered a magically enhanced blow with her open palm next. "We need to find a way inside, hurry," she was just turning her head to growl in frustration at the rest of the party when right in front of her she felt a movement. Jumping away, Syn pointed her rapier at the doors, only to feel strange once more as they slowly creaked open, each door pointing outwards as if welcoming them with open arms. "Highly suspicious," was all she could manage to mutter. This house was demented.

    Well, she would go in first if nobody else seemed to desire to. Syn slowly stepped forward, her rapier brandished at the ready. 'Wish, this place is mad,' she remarked grimly to the spirit. They made no reply, but she could feel their thrumming agreement through the telepathic bond.

    707 Words / 1412 Personal

    Combat Notes:


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mura Kensho 25th July 2021, 12:42 pm

    "You had no idea what was in there and you just abandoned me like that? HMPFH!"

    … Safe to say, his action did not entertain her in the slightest. That was an understatement; she looked outright maddened at him and refused to even look at the shaman, even when he held his hands clapped in front of her as a sign of apology. “H-Hey now, I did know what I was doing – otherwise, I wouldn’t be here right now… c-c’mon, Mythy, don’t be like that…” he begged her to overlook the recklessness of his previous action just this time, as he had wanted to make sure that Kyuken wasn’t snatched away by some monster. Mura could hold his own, alright; Mythica had nothing to worry about…

    Back to the lone kids with the fancy clothing, sticking out like a sore thumb within the town itself; a sliver of joy from their memory as they spoke about a dinner appeared, but upon further explaining, things took a worse turn once more. Their parents were trying to remove the fog via the monster itself, hence why they kept it under their house… it felt more and more likely that the monster was the cause of the fog. And yet, their efforts were in vain and resulted in tragedy… it was difficult to work with that information, in the end. They would have to see the monster themselves.

    “It wouldn’t be fair to ask them about the monster’s details now, Mythy…” he softly noted to her, “I think we have to face it ourselves to really know anything. But make sure to stay back, ki-“ His warning didn’t reach them in time as the two kids were already leading some of them towards their house, in which Mura nodded to his wife and walked after them, holding the hilt of his katana in case if some other trap was about to jump up. Her rebuke of him had made him more alert, and he didn’t want to make her any angrier for today…

    … And just when he heard the loud, cracking noise of floorboards and doors slamming, Mura dashed at full speed towards the entrance to their house, tackling his shoulder into a closed door that didn’t even budge. Despite his charge having caused a current of wind to be pushed aside in his stride, the door resisted and kept shut – even with the chestnut-haired sorceress’ joint attempt at opening it. What was worse, however, was that when he tried to melt through it, he clearly noticed the horrible aura keeping the door from budging from their forces.

    “Shit, the monster-!”

    Upon witnessing the door opening again, Mura scuffed and charged in, not even bothering to witness the fog approaching as he began turning his vision around the foyer as well as the main hall to try and find a way to the basement. The monster was the accused culprit who had kidnapped the kids, and Mura wasn’t going to waste any more time if he wanted to save them. His veins were popping out on his skull, and his eyes were sharper than Midijin fish knives…

    Pulling up a few pieces of crumbled paper, Mura clapped his hands together once more to cast a spell suited for searching. “Shikigami! Search around for them, and guard the entrance…!” he commanded to the purplish flames engulfing the crumbled papers, slowly turning into aforementioned Ceremonial Spirits – Shikigami, or subdued spirits of nature with miniature, humanoid forms without faces that quickly flew out in two different directions in an attempt to search for the kids and who- or whatever had taken them; a couple tried to find a way upstairs and the three others floated in front of the entrance to the house, letting everyone else in but keeping an eye out for unwelcome visitors or escapees. Mura, in the meantime, entered the main hall and held the scabbard of his katana strongly, cursing the strange atmosphere that messed with his Magic before…

    WC: 668
    TWC: 1868


    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr
    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr

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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Caelestis Icarus Zephyr 25th July 2021, 11:37 pm

    With the chaos of so many people trying to make sense of things at once, Caelestis opted to stay quiet, listening on to the girl and her responses to the group. He didn’t have much to add to the current conversation, but his turquoise eyes remained sharp as they studied the others. Something about all of this still wasn’t adding up, even with Rose’s explanations… he had a gut feeling that something was horribly wrong, and that the children before them hadn’t said everything. His senses were on high alert, trying to pick up anything but the sounds coming from their own party. There was nothing, not even the comfort of the wind to calm him. Could he even eat the wind in a place like this? He hoped he didn’t have to find out.

    When the children began leading them to the house, the boy found himself trailing a scant few feet behind the others. Everything seemed to be swallowed by the fog as they walked, even the sound of their footsteps muffled in this strange, soundless place. The house they ended up being led to was more than a little eerie, and he winced at the loud shrieking of the gates in an otherwise quiet place. This was feeling more and more like some horror movie, and he wasn’t inclined to become a victim.

    Their trek to the front doors was short, but the next few moments seemed to stretch on endlessly. The front doors throwing themselves open, and the children being dragged in by an unknown force. The horrible noise that emerged, and the doors slamming themselves shut. And finally, the terrible shriek that could only belong to Rose that had his sensitive ears ringing with the horror of it. He darted forwards, as if to attempt to help open the doors, but before he could even go to help the female mage, the doors were creaking open again. Okay, yeah, this definitely felt like a horror movie. “This feels too much like a horror movie… let’s not senselessly die in there, okay?” he muttered, following after the woman in front of him with fingers itching to hold onto his wind bow.

    WC: 365


    House of the Dead [Event] Al9ulBh
    Playlist| Character | Vault | Lineage
    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 26th July 2021, 6:53 am

    At the risk of appearing detached, not that it would matter in front of this group of people at the moment, Tor kept his silence as he listened to Rose’s speak about the way she and her brother had been raised in the house. Confined actually, but the kids were too young to know any better. The auburn-haired girl and the woman clinging to the Fairy Tail Guild Master were the ones that poked further for more answers, although the latter’s attitude could have been better. Tor unconsciously gave her a quick glance, not realizing himself that he was transmitting a little of the irritation he was feeling at the moment. He felt that this setting was too suspicious. The restrictive environment that seemed to be pushing them somewhere, the clueless children that were conveniently placed at the end of their roads, the roads themselves that led to the same place.

    ‘It’s like someone’s playing a game and we are caught in it,’ Tor thought to himself. He had no doubt that there were dark mages powerful enough to create a powerful illusion like this to trap unsuspecting victims to entertain themselves, but then he looked again towards Mura before shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

    ‘But who could be so powerful to create an illusion that could even trap the Fairy Tail Guild Master?’

    ‘I’m better off just focusing on the situation first.’

    Tor’s attention returned to the situation just in time to see Rose looking at him and the auburn-haired girl after being confronted by Mura’s partner. A thin but warm smile appeared for the first time on his stiff face since the beginning, giving the girl the reassurance that she was seeking. The moment she had pointed them in the direction of their house, the girl began dragging her younger brother down the road. The red-haired girl was the first to follow after them.

    Tor followed as well, a couple of steps behind the girl as he tried to keep up with the two siblings in front. As he followed, Tor began to realize something. He was walking in huge strides, almost jogging, to keep up with the pace that Rose was pulling Thorn along. He could see the same thing happening to the girl next to him as well, he could see her making the extra effort to keep up. He turned around to look at the others, but none of those behind them seemed to be feeling it.

    And then the weirdest thing happened. The auburn-haired girl tried to teleport, disappearing from her original location, Tor not knowing where she wanted to go. However, as though stopped by a higher power, the girl reappeared back in her original spot, far behind the advancing siblings and she was forced to run to keep up. When Tor had looked to the back as she approached, he also saw how the dark fog was catching up to them, covering up whatever space that they had just left behind.

    At the end of the road, the group finally arrived at their destination, the siblings’ house. Every bit as eerie as a house that belonged to a horror movie, Tor could feel a chill running through him as he stepped past the gate into the compound of the house. He wasn’t sure if it was him or there was something that caused it.

    The kids continued leading the way into the house and when they were finally at the slightly open door, Rose seemed to become wary. The auburn-haired girl could also notice Rose’s weird behavior and just as she offered herself to enter ahead, Rose mumbled something.

    And all hell broke loose.

    The doors to the huge house swung wide open like a monster wrenching its jaws open and as though pulled in by an invisible tongue, the two kids were swept off their feet in the briefest of seconds and snatched into the house, with the doors slamming shut behind them with so much force.

    It had happened in the blink of an eye, that none of them could even react in time and by the time everyone had regained their senses to act, it was too late. Mura was the first to reach the door, charging forward at such incredible speed that Tor had to withstand the wind pressure in his wake. But even the full-force tackle of the extremely high-ranked mage could do nothing to open the door. The auburn-haired girl was the next to try, kicking at the door, pushing at it, pulling at it and finally attacked it with a magic-enhanced punch, but the door didn’t even budge. Nothing seemed to faze it.

    Until it opened by itself.

    The two, the auburn-haired girl and Mura, were already moving in the moment the doors opened. Tor followed behind them, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. Faint threads of lightning were running along his entire body, and a ring of lightning was revolving around his right wrist. The boy with the braided hair spoke up as he walked into the house as well, his bow in hand.

    Amidst Mura’s enraged spell casting, Tor could hear the boy’s whisper.

    “I agree.. I think it’s best if we stick together. We are on the back foot here, we know nothing about why we are here, what we are going to face,” Tor spoke up after giving the younger mage a nod.

    “And I believe before we can even start to formulate anything, I think we should at least be able to identify each other right?”

    “My name is Tor. I’m from the Rune Knights. What about the rest of you? I don’t want to be calling out names like Pigtails or Chestnut and not have anyone respond in time,” Tor continued speaking, pointing to the younger boy and the auburn-haired girl. At the same time, thin threads of lightning were emanating outwards from his feet, advancing out from around him so that he could get a grasp of the interior of the house.

    It didn’t work. Something was obstructing it.

    [1020 words]
    [Total WC: 1755 words]



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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythica 26th July 2021, 11:03 am

    "Without wasting even a single thought you dive into mysterious fog to rescue a ghost! I can't have you getting cursed!" Mythica responded with the same angered tone. Despite how her voice sounded, Mythica abruptly grabbed hold of Mura's arm once more, linking hers but refusing to look at him, all of course while still blushing.

    Mythica didn't appreciate Mura's half hearted excuse to attempt to veil his desire to get himself killed. Of course Mythica remembered just how powerful Mura had become over the years, so her worrying was most likely hardly warranted, though that didn't exactly mean she was going to stop either. After all, there was clearly something very sinister going on around here. A mystery was beginning to unfold before the group and Mythica was fairly interested in seeing where it might lead them. The talk of monsters and curses seemed all too familiar to the woman, who had spent most of her time creating both. Magically created curses or monsters weren't overly uncommon regardless, but their extremes seemed to vary. Whatever entity was controlling the fog, be it the monster or something else, obvious had some design behind their actions. The possible answers intrigued Mythica too much to ignore, so she was determined to follow through with this investigation. Of course she cared little what danger it posed, to her or her companions. The blood wolf would only sacrifice what she needed to protect Mura from possible harm, everyone else here was expendable...

    Mythica didn't seem visibly impressed with the answer Rose managed to pipe up in response to her question. Mura suggested that now wasn't the best time to talk about such things, though Mythica seemed to think quite the opposite. For her, the mysterious creature was the most important part of this investigation. "Than I suppose your home will provide the answers I seek." She responded to Rose's quivering, doing little to reassure the child. Mythica's eyes narrowing slightly as the girl refused to make eye contact with her. Was she really that frightening?

    It wasn't long until the children started to lead the group back towards their house, which certainly looked cursed. They were led to a large iron gate which proceeded the main building. As they took a moment to stop, Mythica simply shut her gaze and felt the aura of the surrounding area. This area was veiled with sadness and anguish. Something terrible had happened here at some point, and Mythica was willing to bet the fog and the monster had something to do with it. If her hypothesis was correct this would bring the chronomancer much joy. The implications were hard for her to ignore, and Mythica was determined to exploit whatever she could. Of course she wasn't about to voice this opinion at all. As far as everyone else knew, she was just a random wizard who was close to Mura. Given Mythica's rich history with both monsters and curses she wasn't worried about herself, but the same could not be said for everyone else. Tightening her grip on Mura's arm, she leaned in too close for anyone else to hear. "Stay close, yeah?" She asked in a genuine tone. No doubt Mura could take care of himself, but Mythica wasn't willing to take any chances. The look in her mismatched gaze would be enough to tell her husband that she was being serious.

    As soon as the group made it to the entrance of the house, things took a turn. Without warning some invisible force attacked! The front doors of the ominous house burst open and the two children were instantly thrown from their feet and pulled inside! Just as quickly as they were taken, the doors shut once more and a shriek echoed throughout the house. Mythica's reaction was unlike the others. Mura, along with Syn and Tor tried to force the door open, only for them to open once more not long after. Mythica simply stood there with a blank look on her face and her hands clasped behind her back. This had been far from her first rodeo, so it was hard for the woman to feel the urge to try and save the children as much as the rest of them did. Based on the things Mythica had done in her past, it wasn't very surprising that she showed little empathy towards kids. "How... Unfortunate." Was all she said after the event seemed to have concluded. It was obvious the fate of the children did little to concern her, though Mythica was far from bored. She watched as Mura cast his spell, scowering the area to look for signs of the children. Syn entered the house first, weapon drawn and at the ready, and before long Mythica silently meandered into the main foyer as well. Her attention mostly drawn to the pictures on the wall and the sounds the house made. Mythica reached out her hand and dragged it across the wall slightly, feeling its surface for herself as a look of deep thought masked her face. Her attention only returned to the group once more when Tor spoke up again, suggesting they give out names.

    She figured it was only fair. Wherever this investigation led, it seemed clear Mythica was going to be sharing it with these wizards. If she had to work with them, she would. "They simply refer to me as Mythica." She responded with a smile and a half bow towards Tor's direction. Her face was probably a little more sinister than she meant, though it didn't seem Mythica cared very much.


    House of the Dead [Event] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 2nd August 2021, 7:46 pm

    All efforts to get ahead of the children or to talk the children from their goal seemed ill-fated, almost as much, as it seemed, was the children’s fates. Before anyone could act, the children were wrenched from their spots and pulled into the house by an unseen, malevolent force. And the attempts from the others to break through the door, to come to the aid of Rose and Thorn, found no purchase as the door remarkably remained shut and undamaged, despite the sheer strength of physical and magical might. But soon enough, the house would yawn open its doors and reveal the foyer, for which Mura seemed to ignore and burst through the doors to the bulk of the house. As Syndrome followed after him, cautiously and keenly aware of her surroundings, she would feel a distinct heaviness to the air and her memory would find itself awakened, brandishing memories that she would prefer kept asleep. It would only be for a moment and then she would settle, the tension still around her but not picking at things best left hidden.

    A wide hall runs the width of the house, with a black marble fireplace at one end and a sweeping, red marble staircase at the other. Mounted on the wall above the fireplace is a longsword with a windmill cameo worked into the hilt. The wood-paneled walls are ornately sculpted with images of vines, flowers, nymphs, and satyrs. The decorative paneling follows the staircase as it circles upward to the second floor. A cloakroom on the opposite wall of the entryway has it’s doors open and several black cloaks hang from hooks on the walls. A top hat sits on a high shelf. A door on it’s left leads to another room but is unseen due to the shut down. A small hallway on the right of the cloakroom has two doors, one on the back wall and one on the side. These doors are shut as well. Another door, leading to a room right beside the foyer and directly next to the stairs, is also shut.

    Mura’s spell produced several Shikigami, who would waste no time in spreading out to search about the place. Though three of them remain at the door to guard against intruders or those seeking to escape, nothing seems to happen and the door remains open. Mythica, in her patience, would notice as she traced the walls of the foyer and hall, that serpent-like monsters and skulls were inconspicuously woven into the wall designs of both rooms. The Shikigami would find no issue climbing the marble staircase but, once they reached the second floor, any attempts to relay information to Mura would be mysteriously halted before reception. Indeed the doors to the adjacent rooms would also remain blocked from the Shikigami, though they would give way to any human that turned the handle, unlocked and prepared to open to the new rooms beyond.

    As the party convenes to formally make introductions, the house remains ominously quiet. The weight in the air can be felt by all parties but it does not grow thicker or any angrier. If anything, each one of the party might experience the intimate sensation of eyes on the back of their heads and the small hairs on their necks would bristle and sharpen as they all began to understand that they were not alone and they were, in fact, being watched.

    NOTES ;
    My apologies for the delay in posting. Serilda's health and state of mine unfortunately were taxed and I felt it was important I spend time with her and help with the burden in whatever way I could. Hence the delay. But here is your latest post. Things are getting hairy! You have until August 9th to post. But feel free to consider the 9th a day you can post as well - I most likely won't post until later in the evening of the 9th or the 10th.


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
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    Posts : 275
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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 7th August 2021, 11:31 pm

    The first to respond to his request was the lady that had been clinging to Mura Kensho. The lady was forthcoming with her name, adding even a smile and a half bow as she introduced herself. But the only response from Tor was an extremely forced and thin smile in return. The sinister expression on her face had frozen his muscles and blood for a quick second. He wasn’t sure if the lady had been intentionally trying to intimidate him, but the Rune Knight had to inwardly admit to himself that he had been attacked by a pang of fear. For that one second, Tor could feel as though he had came face to face with a snake about to strike.

    ‘This lady’s dangerous.’

    As he waited for the introductions of the remaining members, Tor’s expression frowned slightly with a tinge of confusion. The sudden kick of danger from Mythica’s gaze had subsided but Tor still felt himself on edge, unable to relax. He could feel the back of his neck sting. If a single gaze could kill, Tor had no doubt that they would have been slaughtered.

    “Do you guys feel like you are being monitored? I don’t know if it’s me being paranoid,” Tor voiced out his thoughts as he looked around, his gaze lingering on Mura and Mythica slightly longer than the rest. The hierarchy of strength in his mind had changed. They were the two strongest individuals in the group and there was no shame in borrowing their strength.

    [253 words]
    [Total WC: 2008 words]


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Age : 24
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mura Kensho 8th August 2021, 3:41 am

    Mura didn’t like how little control they had on the situation. It was getting way out of hand now, and the moment whatever creepy was behind all of this showed its ugly face, a quick death was guaranteed from him. However, the Rune Knight named Tor brought him a little closer to a good grab on the event by asking for their names, in which Mura quickly replied: “I’m Mura…” before he turned his gaze around to notice the decorations of the hall he found himself in. His gaze following the sculpted images of fauna and fairy-like creatures (specifically the nymphs), he soon noticed the opened door to the cloakroom and nodded towards Mythica to follow him towards said room.

    That was when he heard Tor’s notion about the similar feeling that the shaman had… and he couldn’t help but nod in agreement: “… If there’s something glaring at us right now…” His wrist was flicked out, and a small flame was released in an orb, much akin to classical onibi or kitsunebi if you knew about those phenomena. The flame was meant to illuminate more of the room, but it felt like the light was just being eaten away at by the same shadows engulfing the walls and the ceiling around them. He even pushed the flame further away to the corners of where the walls and the ceiling would meet, anticipating something to show its face… for it really felt like he was being watched.

    “… No, you’re not being paranoid – I feel it too, and it’s creeping me out. What about you, Myth?” he informed the Rune Knight and asked his terrifyingly composed wife before moving forward, his original plan being to enter the cloakroom, “Since we’re away from the mist now… u-uh, sorry, I didn’t get your name earlier, but can you sense anything nearby now?” He specified the feminine-looking guy with azure-blue eyes from before, who spoke of his magic involving enhanced senses. If Magical Sensory was being scrambled with, then he could be of great help.

    However, on his way to the cloakroom, Mura stood still and tried to register the Shikigami that he had summoned… and those who had went up the stairs didn’t relay any vision or information to him. Something had interfered…!

    Something, something, something! Mura was feeling very tested right now, cursing his inability to draw out the culprit behind this sick Halloween trick and aimed for the staircase immediately. “I don’t know what’s in the room over there, but something just cut off my Shikigami upstairs – I’m going up to check,” he informed everyone before stepping on the staircase to ascend upwards, “If the two kids aren’t upstairs, then they’re most likely in the basement… Mythica, keep your spells ready. I don’t know if I’ll be sucked into another mist again.”

    It would’ve felt more reasonable to check the basement first, no? After all, from the kids’ explanation earlier, the monster was being held in the basement given by their prohibition from ever entering it. However, the effect hitting his Shikigami could prove that the culprit was playing tricks by being in another location, and he was intent on confirming that… and he was aware of Mythica’s capabilities with her temporal manipulation, hoping that if he was taken by surprise, then her composed form and casting would be able to save him from, say, a sucker punch or a jumpscare.

    WC: 571
    TWC: 2439



    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 64
    Guild : MV
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ran
    Experience : 1,775

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Syndrome 9th August 2021, 10:51 am

    As Syn approached the entrance, she felt a strangeness in the atmosphere here. Her unease only grew as the specific scent that hung thick and heavy in the air piqued a recollection of the past. Herself, with chestnut pigtails and a ragged smile, holding another girl's hand. Both of them were about the age of eight, and they were marveling over a box of cosmetics. Sitting on the curb, they were talking excitedly as little hands rifled through compacts and waved around brushes. The black haired girl was admiring a hand mirror when a car came screeching by, slamming on the brakes right next to the pair. They stared at it, eyes innocent and wondering. The doors of the vehicle suddenly opened, and then the world went blurry, the only understanding of future events a mixture of pain and confusion. Spinning around and around, Syn's head fell to the pavement. She watched from an askew angle as her friend collapsed on the curb next to her, blood dripping from her mouth. The auburn haired little girl tried to reach out to her friend, whose eyes seemed to be staring into space. Then the world completely darkened as the panic and hurt overwhelmed her.

    Shaking her head roughly, Syn glanced up at her surroundings to see that she had only been caught up in her remembrance for a moment. Everyone else was vaguely huddled together, grouped up in what she acknowledged was a smart idea. Depending on the type of traps, spreading out could be an advantage so that they were not all caught together. However, if this was indeed the type of place that was a basis for a horror movie, splitting up would be the first step towards death. The others brandished weapons of their choice. One fingered a katana, the other a bow. The Rune Knight seemed about to become a human lightning rod, the floor under his feet sparking with spider-like, branching threads of lightning. Whatever that did, Syn trusted that he would let them know if it was relevant to the situation. 'Introductions,' Syn mused to herself. Understanding that being able to call out another's name in an emergency situation could be helpful, she nodded firmly. The Rune Knight offered his own moniker as simply 'Tor,' which she made note of and listened as the dark haired woman with pigtails gave a bow and her own mysterious name. 'Mythica,' Syn thought she might have heard that before. Not in the best or worst of context, or else she would have remembered clearly. Perhaps she was misremembering.

    The man with the katana introduced himself as simply 'Mura,' so the auburn haired girl guessed they were all going to go with short, one word names to identify each other. That was fine, and she decided now was a suitable time to give her own one word introduction. "Syndrome," she said shortly, "That's my name," the mage added on just in case there was any confusion. Tor appeared to be apprehensive of their surroundings, his expression looked vaguely neutral to Syn but held a touch of alarm or worry. She herself also had her misgivings about this situation and possibly some of the other mages present. At least for the time being, they were temporarily allies. Syn glanced around the area, trying to ground herself in gathering information and filing it away. There was a sword on the wall; perhaps investigating it could give them some more clues, or it might be a good idea to grab it as a weapon. One had to be cautious interacting with their environment when it was a strange and unknown house, but exploring was the only way to gain an upper hand. Otherwise, they would only be sitting ducks when an attack finally came. Alternatively, Syn supposed that they could attempt to set up defenses. She felt like the house was luring them in, welcoming them with those doors which had flung themselves open earlier. Playing its game was their only real option for now. She approached the open cloakroom, ignoring the staircase for now. In the background, she heard a couple of the mages muttering about a strange feeling of being watched. Syn was accustomed to this sensation. The auburn haired girl said nothing, but silently, she was in agreement. They were being monitored.

    As she paused in front of the doorway, her eyes glanced over the dark garments hanging on hooks. There were several of them, along with a hat on a nearby shelf. The hat was of a rather fancy nature; could it have belonged to the father? Perhaps the number of cloaks hung up could give them a hint to the amount of residents or guests. Father into the cloakroom were two more doors, neither giving any secrets so far of what might lie behind them. She wanted to explore further, and glancing at the rest of the group, she saw that they had similar thoughts. Apparently, Mura's investigative summons had been cut off from him. If he went upstairs, even if the others disliked the idea of splitting up, she preferred it. They did not have to go alone; they could proceed in small groups.

    "Will anyone come check out these doors with me?" She called out to them. Mura mentioned the basement. It was possible one of the doors in the hallway to the right led there, or the other one in the foyer closer to the staircase could have a flight of stairs leading to a lower level. Pulling her cloak more tightly around her and popping up the hood, Syn faded into the shadows, becoming invisible to everything except for the allies she chose to reveal her shape to. In their eyes, she might appear slightly transparent. The trick of light wouldn't work on all enemies or traps that lurked in wait, but she felt better wrapped up in some form or protection. Her movements quick and deft, she entered the cloakroom and scanned the area before approaching the open door. After it was investigated, if there was nothing further, she intended to have a look at the hallway doors, of which there were two.

    1031 Words / 2443 Personal

    Combat Notes:


    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr
    Caelestis Icarus Zephyr

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Art Contest Participant- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Ancestral Sin
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    Age : 23
    Mentor : Serena von Edelweiss
    Experience : 1,775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Dragon Slayer
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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Caelestis Icarus Zephyr 9th August 2021, 11:43 am

    “When I said my senses were advanced, I meant hearing, sight, and smell. And right now, I’m not picking up anything unusual… but I agree. We’re be watched,” was his initial response to Mura’s question, forgoing an introduction for a brief second as he examined the hallway. While the decor was creepy, he really couldn’t see or smell or even hear anything unusual for an old house. There was only the feeling of eyes on the back of his head, watching him. It was unsettling to not have even the slightest bit of a hint as to the location of whatever was watching them… downright creepy, even.

    “My name is Caelestis, call me Cael. And try to stay near me if you can, I can heal, but only one at a time for the most part. Don’t make me use all my magic on healing you guys, yeah?” he said, fixing a stern gaze on the others. So Mythica, Tor, Mura, and Syndrome? He was going to be sorely disappointed if he had to play medic to them constantly. If he could help it, there would be no such thing as stupid moves while they were in this house. He was the weakest among them, even he could sense that, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t hold his own in a dangerous situation. He just hoped he wouldn’t have to.

    “I should be able to hear most of you move around the house, I believe. If it comes to the point where we’re all separated and in danger, you’ll hear me making a noise like a dragon’s roar. Make your ways towards that, it’s loud enough that any of you should be able to hear it from anywhere in the house.” he said, watching as Mura stepped onto the stairs. It looked like the group might split up, a fact that had his stomach squirming uncomfortably. Splitting up was far from the best thing to do in this scenario. Not like he could really stop them, if they truly were going to split up.

    WC: 344


    House of the Dead [Event] Al9ulBh
    Playlist| Character | Vault | Lineage

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 452
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    Experience : 3,073,407

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Flow
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    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythica 11th August 2021, 12:07 am

    For Mythica, it was fairly obvious where her focus lied. The longer she stayed inside this place, the more she felt drawn to it. It was hard to explain, but Mythica always had a knack for syncing with the gloom. Her inquisitive eyes picked up on even the smallest details in the woodwork as her hands continued to trace along the walls, Mythica noticing serpent like creatures carved into the rough surface. A simple aesthetic choice probably? Though at this point the chronomancer was sure to leave nothing out of the question just yet. There were still too many unknowns and it didn't seem like anyone else here had much of a better understanding than she did.

    "Well of course we are!" Mythica replied to Tor's comment about them being watched with a rather confident smirk, turning her attention away from the wall and back to the Rune Knight. Placing a hand on her hip, Mythica's mismatched gaze took another look around the room for a moment. "Whoever or whatever is behind this obviously has a plan of their own." She said, her smile never leaving her face. "It seems 'they' may just be waiting to see what our next move is going to be." She said. It's what Mythica would have done anyways. She couldn't even begin to guess what plan this mysterious force was working towards, but the wizard was sure that their presence had an effect on it.

    The others soon followed Tor's suggestion as well, introducing themselves. Mythica gave them all more or less the same reaction, which was a polite smile and a simple nod. However she did notice Tor's hesitation slightly around her, giving him a cold stare for a moment before Mura snapped her attention back to reality. He mentioned his Shikigami went dark on the second level. "And it seems our host is ready to make theirs." She said with a giggle in response to Mura's news. Without question the time wizard was following her husband up the stairs. It seemed the rest of the group was ready to split up as well. Not always the most intelligent play with these types of situations, but as long as Mythica was with Mura, she didn't care what happened to the others. The sky dragon made a comment as they were about to ascend, and Mythica nodded in response. While normally she wouldn't bother coming to the aide of others, she would accept it while she was with Mura. "I'll be ready." She affirmed, ready to follow Mura into the unknown. There was no fear or hesitation in Mythica's eyes for what they may encounter... Only excitement.


    House of the Dead [Event] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1048
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    House of the Dead [Event] Empty Re: House of the Dead [Event]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 18th August 2021, 6:00 pm

    As the introductions were passed about the party, the house itself seemed to shift in its atmosphere and a low, wooden groan echoed out from the very depths of the structure. It was as if the building was introducing itself to the party as well, playing the part of honorable host and welcoming them to its humble, if not terrifying, interior. But the sound and the feeling was far from comforting; if anything, it was like the sharp grin of a predator, knowing full well it had its prey cornered and opted to play with its food before consumption.

    The cloakroom provided little clues to the mystery of the house, simply playing host to several coats and the single tophat. Remnants of guests still hidden among the shadows of the house or trophies of conquests? The garments told no stories. The light that Mura produced seemed vibrant enough to illuminate the small hallway but, indeed, the very corners of the room seemed resilient, stubbornly so, to the cast of light. No matter how close the flame would come, the darkness remained untouched and unwilling to break apart. But there was no living matter in the shadow; if anything, it seemed like it was a pocket of void; empty and swallowing up whatever light dared to reach for it.

    Despite the precarious situation, the party seemed confident enough in their abilities to split up. Mura and Mythica were intent on investigating the next floor. Round in a wide spiral the stairs did go, marching a path to the plane above. Unlit oil lamps are mounted on the walls of the elegant
    hall. Hanging above the mantelpiece is a wood-framed portrait of the home’s family: Father and mother with their two smiling children, Rose and Thorn. Cradled in the father’s arms is a swaddled baby, which the mother regards with a hint of scorn. Standing suits of armor flank wooden doors in the east and west walls. Each suit of armor clutches a spear and has a visored helm shaped like a wolf’s head. The doors are carved with dancing youths but should either Mura or Mythica inspect close enough, they would find that the youths aren’t really dancing but fighting off swarms of bats. The red marble staircase that started on the first floor continues its upward spiral. A cold draft can be felt coming down the steps from the level above them. A doorway right at the top of the stairs leads to an undecorated bedroom containing a pair of beds with straw-stuffed mattresses. At the foot of each bed is a footlocker. Tidy servants’ uniforms hang from hooks in the adjoining closet right by the doorway. A dumbwaiter in the corner of the west wall has a button on the wall next to it. Mura’s Shikigami are unharmed and continuing the due diligence of their master’s orders.

    As Syndrome snuck through the shadows, her form a veil of near-invisibility, she would feel no difference from the house. Perhaps her spell has successfully deceived the presence watching them or maybe it simply didn’t care about her attempt to protect herself. The two doors in the hall loomed large as she approached them, one leading west and the other north; straight ahead and to her right, respectively. As she approached the door on the north wall, the air would sour with the smell of rotten food. It wasn’t a supernatural phenomenon but rather the unfortunate odor of ingredients and food having gone to waste. Through this door lay the kitchen area; surprisingly tidy, with dishware, cookware, and utensils neatly placed on shelves. A worktable has a cutting board and rolling pin atop it. A stone, dome-shaped oven stands near the east wall, its bent iron stovepipe connecting to a hole in the ceiling. Behind the stove and to the left is a thin door leading to a well-stocked pantry. All the food in the pantry appears fresh but tastes bland. Another small door is in the southwest corner and, should she choose to open it, she would find a dumbwaiter as well. Hanging on the wall next to the dumbwaiter is a tiny brass bell attached by wires to buttons. The wooden elevator lay resting here, preventing anyone from looking in and up but the rope pulley was set right next to the elevator, ready to be manually pulled.

    For Tor and Caelestis, the main hallway continued to sit in an eerie stillness. The door on the east wall remained closed and the door to the left of the cloakroom was shut as well. The decision on where to go and who to follow remained open to the two and the house, it seemed, had no intent on hurrying them any which way.

    NOTES ;
    My apologies for the delay in posting. You have until August 25th to post.  


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm