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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1362
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 10th March 2019, 10:55 pm

    Job Details:

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    This was bad.

    Serilda’s adrenaline was pumping like mad through her veins as she raced up the stairs that lead to the building of the Magic Council. She and Mythal had been at the Rune Knight headquarters just around the corner on the large plateau when chaos had struck. They had been in the middle of turning in a few criminals they’d apprehended on their most recent mission when a massive explosion rocked the very ground they stood on. A glance out the nearest window showed a large plume of black smoke billowing from the city of Era, and even from the jail the two Slayers could hear the screams of citizens in the distance.

    The two of them hadn’t even gone more than a few hundred feet outside in a hurry to reach the point of attack when another explosion of magic tore apart a large chunk of the building where the Magic Council met and conducted their business. They’d had a quick choice to make: The citizens, or the council? In the end, there was no choice. They needed to check out both. So, the two had agreed to split up, with Mythal using his superior speed to get down to the city and Serilda storming her way up into the hall of the wizard leadership.

    At her heels was Xiuhcoatl, her trained wolf hound. The creature had a thick black coat that was speckled with cream like stardust along her spine, face, and feet. While Xiuh was a more lackadaisical creature at heart, she knew when it was time for business. She kept up with Serilda easily, her delicate nose already sniffing the air for peculiarities along with her master’s.

    Heading the same direction as her were plenty of Rune Knights with their weapons and armor, ready to jump into the building and figure out what was going on. At the edges of her Void sense, Serilda could also feel that several other squads of Knights were also being dispatched to the city. Additionally, her magic was telling her that there were people fighting inside. Her mind was racing. A two pronged attack meant that the Knight forces would be split, and they would need as much help as possible.

    But of course the question remained: Who would be crazy enough to attack the hall of the Magic Council?

    She would soon get her answer. As Serilda ran up the steps toward the entrance of the building, she felt the approach of several figures from inside. The great double doors burst off their hinges, and though Serilda could easily avoid them by letting them pass through her body that would only put those behind her at risk. Instead, thinking quickly, she tapped into her magic and created two decent sized funnels of inky black wind that caught the doors up in their currents before dropping them harmlessly to the ground.

    Before her stood a group of unimpressive looking ruffians. Several of them held mundane weapons in their hands, and all of them bore a symbol on their skin or their clothes that resembled some kind of claw or curved tooth. The symbol was vaguely familiar, though not one she had come across often. She recognized it as the mark of a dark guild at the very least. There was a moment of silence as they stood there facing off with Serilda and many of the others standing around her, a lot of whom had been blown back by the force of the magic that had ripped the doors apart. Xiuhcoatl stood crouched at her feet, growling lightly and waiting direction.

    “You have one chance and only one chance to stop this attack and turn yourselves over to the Rune Knights,” Serilda said. Even though she was not a Knight herself, she was closely affiliated with the policing force and many of them knew who she was. They seemed to be waiting on her direction, standing at the ready to fight as her cold and collected voice rang out clearly with the authority of one who was used to speaking over the cacophony of battle. “Failure to do so will only mean you go to prison beaten, bruised, and exhausted.”

    By the tone of her voice, it was not a threat but a promise. She didn’t know what these degenerates wanted, nor did she care at present. It wasn’t important. What was important was that they were stopped, and the rest could be figured out later. But of course, it wasn’t going to be so easy. Serilda always gave a fair warning of what would happen if criminals resisted arrest, and as always they never listened. “Go to hell, tightass!” one of the dark wizards called to her, clearly unimpressed and unintimidated by her words.

    One of them lifted a rifle at her and took a shot. The blast of energy honed in on her location, its trajectory on track to hit her right between the eyes. Instead, with the flick of her wrist she guided the magical bullet up and away from her, pushing it back around until it shot back at the man who had fired it, knocking him back several feet onto his ass. As his comrades turned in confusion to process what had just happened, Serilda reached to her hip where two swords were sheathed -- one silver and one black. Her fingers wrapped around the first one, drawing forth a scimitar that hummed with energy and had an eerie pale glow about it that could be seen even in the full daylight.

    “Very well, then,” she said evenly. With no more to be said, she shot forward in the blink of an eye and cut down the whole group of wizards, her sword landing places that would not be fatal but would certainly put them out of the fight. That triggered everyone else into action, the Rune Knights rallying with a cry and pouring forward into the building.

    Whoever these people were, they were going to sorely regret instigating this attack -- Serilda intended on seeing to that personally.

    Words: 1027/8000


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
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    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
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    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 11th March 2019, 1:07 am

    A somewhat loud yawn escaped from the mouth of the tired traveling mage. Much without a “home” to her name that she could sit around in and enjoy some time with friends or even any family to be had, it left to no avail that there be any attempt to go out and do something. Be it to indulge in her old fighting antics to go hunt something big and powerful down for fun or for her to go and find something from which she could easily go and have some fun with, she wasn’t much for the diplomatics of having to travel or visit the many number of guilds around Fiore and beyond to go and find something that she could consider to be most fitting and supportive to her. Then again, she didn’t really know considerably much more than she had prior to her little battle royale in Shirotsume, but she would get down to it one day soon. How long just depended on her reach to get information.

    That brought her to this visit. She had sparse few encounters with the Rune Knights that she or either of her companions could remember... and Silvia remembered mainly everything important. Regardless, the bunny girl approaching the council hall had come to hope she could retrieve information, maybe freelance on their behalf or something that the Sylph suggested she do in order to get around the semantics. Or was he word she used seminars? Well, that much didn’t matter now! The important part was that she show up on her own to partake in this little task. With enough of her memories to use to her advantage, she looked down at the guild mark on her left forearm, having to pull up her sleeve to see it.

    She stared for a moment while still moving, recollecting on old passing memories that went on in her mind. She was unsure really what to do, but the sudden thud had her jump and quickly force her sleeve down. The purple haired bunny girl had looked down as a woman had growled angrily and jumped up to her feet, getting into Gisen’s face with her teeth nearly grinding in anger. “Ya’ fekkin’ rodent! The fek is wrong with ya!? Dun ya know how in da san hell to look where ya move!?” Her accent was kinda thick, laid in with how she spoke had given a blank, confused face for a moment. ”O-Oh... sorry.” She replied, not really knowing what else to say, but trying at least. A rock dagger had quickly been pressed against her neck while a coy grin formed on the girl’s face. Sneaking little flashes of dangerous objects was her specialty, but without even reacting, Gisen reached down and grabbed the wrist and pulled the dagger up, seeing how it was shaped and looked made her gasp suddenly. ”Oh my gosh! ROCK CARROT!” She albeit unhinged her jaw and inhaled the blade, chomping down and then chewing it up like candy before swallowing it. ”Ooooohhh! Man, that was so tasty! It’s only a shame you have to be punished for trying to mug me like that.” With a cheerful smile, she headbutted the girl, seemingly knocking her out cold. Hard heads had nothing against the head of a physical rock being rammed into your skull at a high speed.

    Gisen reached down to her attempted assailants hand and grabbed the rest of her magically crafted earth dagger and began to munch on them bite by bite. Why waste good food? As she had done so, she made her way inside in a calm fashion. She feared nothing about it, but apparently her business was being put on hold for the day. It didn’t take her much time to finish her little snack, but as she had popped the last bite sized piece into her mouth, she reached up and pulled her purple hair back and then tied it into a ponytail, making sure to keep it all out of her face. If one girl was at the door, surely more were inside. Once that was done, the bunny girl adjusted her tie and skirt before she moved further inside. It seemed quickly after doing so that her intuition was right. A small group stood nearby, mainly chatting and gloating about their recent exploits of raiding the council hall.

    A smirk lit the bunny girl’s face and she reached into the ground itself, pulling out a rather large sized battleaxe. It’s size nearly matching her own, the fully earthen weapon was a purely sandy brown colored rock, unlike all of her God slaying rock based spells. She rested a portion of the pole of the axe against her left shoulder and began to approach them. As she began to do so, it seemed as though their gloating was more of a taunting. The scent of blood hit her nose and she began to bare a rather angered look. Now she could tell what was going on. A knight laid on the ground, being pushed and beaten around like a dying rag doll for these peoples amusement. In her free hand, she formed a ball of white colored wind and with it, launched it towards the crowd and knocking them away from the prone soldier. The forceful push of the wind knocked several into walls and against objects to knock them out, while a couple others just entered the connecting hallway where the sound of more fighting went on. Taking the time she had, she ran to the bleeding soldiers side and dropped to her knees, quickly pulling the air to her need and holding her hands over the top, letting a calm gust of wind blow around the wound. A moment into it, the Knight has gotten himself together, pulling himself to the wall and then lightly pushing the hands away that had been holding his wounds close. “Thank you, miss. I can heal myself from here, just go find the others and than take this place back from them. They can’t.. ack! They can’t win!” A light began to emanate from his hands, putting the healing back to work and left the girl back to her own work at hand.

    Turning her attention now to the couple people left in her sights, she headed normally towards them. She showed no ill will, but once she entered the hallway, her hand reached down and gripped one of them by the neck, lifting them up and then slamming them into a wall. Gisen thought long and hard about what she could do... but even so, he was a person, not a monster... in the literal sense. With a swift knee to his gut, the mage dropped down to the ground. It was then she turned to the fighting the hall, seeing only Serilda standing there with a number of unconscious and defeated people by her count. ”Hey, Seri! Long time no see, huh!?” She greeted happily, waving her free hand about toward her before headed over to her and stopping nearby. ”What’s going on here? I just came by for an appointment and then suddenly I was sucked into whatever the heck this is.” With a soft sigh, she shook her head and then chuckled a little, flexing her right arm in a joking manner as she went on to continue. ”But since we last met, I got some of my memories back! I’m back to at least being a lean, mean, monster hunting machine!... kinda. Working on that fully, but as long as I’m here, do you want me to help?” It looked to be that Serilda has everything under control, but she was willing to offer her services to a friend!

    1292 words

    sucré @ gs



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Posts : 245
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    Age : 22
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Beaux 11th March 2019, 4:07 pm


    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) UHlsfgq
    Beaux Phacelia
    Bored didn’t even begin to describe the feeling Beaux was experiencing. The queue he had been standing in for roughly three hours seemed to barely move. People stretched down the hallway behind him single file, each just as exasperated as the next. A mother and her child queued ahead of Beaux, the woman desperately trying to entertain the child lest she get bored and start to cry. An old man wheezed pathetically from his lacrima mobile chair two spots behind the angel. Nobody wanted to be standing in this hallway of the Magic Council headquarters for hours on end. Yet, the waiting dragged on, and on, and on… A forlorn sigh escaped the angel’s perfect lips as he leaned heavily on his cane. Merde! At this rate a snail would move faster than I!, he thought to himself. Why must they make it such a long process? Due to Beaux’s nationality as a Napedian, the Magic Council had issued a request that he come in to officially register himself as a resident in Fiore. The letter had detailed all the required paperwork, the shotty schedule of the office, and the fact that there were absolutely NO appointments allowed. The latter confused him to no end because in his homeland there were enough employees hired to conquer the crowds in a timely manner, with or without appointments. The memory had Beaux staring woefully at the office door as it moved slowly closer.

    The young man’s trip to Era had been enjoyable, snowy wings carrying him over the wondrous landscape from Rose Garden. Sunlight had graced his journey, glinting off his white wings and luscious silver hair. The city was certainly majestic, its awe-inspiring spires capturing Beaux’s gaze instantly. Streets bustled with Rune Knights and citizens alike, none sparing the angel but a glance as he descended from the sky. Everyone seemed to have somewhere to be or something to do.

    The line moved forward twice, then three times. Sighs of relief echoed down the corridor. Beaux’s excitement only grew as he finally made it to the door. The angel took his papers from within his fashionable burgundy jacket, clutching them tightly in his hand. His pale hand grasped the handle and began to turn. A shout rang out from the end of the line. “Bomb!” an indistinguishable voice cried, echoing eerily down the hall before a deafening thunder of explosions barreled through. At the word, Beaux moved without thinking. The entire building shook at the impact, dust and debris raining down from the ceiling on people ducking for cover. Screams echoed under the rumble.

    As the air cleared and the noise died down, Beaux could be found curled around the old man who had been behind him in the queue. Six enormous and majestic wings sprouted from the angel’s back, the rosy-tinted feathers rustling in the breeze. All six wings cloaked the two men like a giant feathered cocoon. His hair had grown slightly in length and covered his head in a messy mop of white. Beaux had used his magic to transform into the angel Soren. The young man rose to his feet and dusted off his once pristine clothing. It was impossible to tell if he didn’t notice the gaping holes in the back of his shirt and jacket left by the sudden growth of wings, or if he was ignoring them on purpose. Baby blue eyes checked over the old man. “Oh dear, Monsieur, I hope I didn’t harm you at all,” he gasped, cheeks turning pink. “No, don’t apologize young man. I think you saved me from most of it!” replied the geezer, brushing a pile of dust off his lap. “Quel soulagement!” Beaux exclaimed, clutching the man’s hand.

    Turning to the rest of the people in the line, the angel stamped the foot of his cane on the floor a few times and addressed them. “All of you! Find somewhere to hide until the Rune Knights come to get you. Use as many offices and rooms as you can and barricade them for your safety!” Dozens of eyes fell upon the regal man and his wings. Fear and lack of options made them obey his orders hastily, helping each other into nearby hiding spaces. The angel wheeled the old man into the office they had been waiting to get in to. “Stay safe, Monsieur! echoed back into the room from where Beaux had darted out the door. “Good luck, sonny!” came a wheezed reply. A brief smile graced his face as the young man ran on before reverting to a stoic, focused expression. His normally joyous and relaxed personality had been pushed to the side. People were in danger and he couldn’t waste time with distractions. Beaux ushered people into hiding in protected places among the rubble as he went along, his usual limp forgotten and cane held in hand like a weapon.

    The next corridor held an enraging sight. A group of mages in matching red clothing surrounded a terrified boy stuck in a pile of boulders, a page for the Magic Council by the looks of his outfit. The crimson wearers laughed and jeered as they hit the child, trying to get a worn leather bag from his hands and threatening him with crude knives. Tears ran from the page’s cheeks during the attack but he refused to give up his possession. Rage bubbled calmly in Beaux’s gut, but wit kept it under control. “Hey, vous les tyrans! he shouted, voice projecting louder than intended. Piggy eyes latched onto the angel. The mages began muttering angrily amongst themselves. With a collective nod, the group turned their aggression towards Beaux, forgetting the page boy. Knives were launched across the room. He managed to dodge most of the pathetic weapons, but one blade smacked its flat side directly into his cheek. “Merde!” Beaux kicked the fallen knife aside and raised his cane. With a flash the wood became surrounded by swirling snowflakes and took on a frosty texture. He slammed its end into the debris-littered floor, the thud echoing distantly. From beneath the cane sprouted a ring of ice that roared outwards until the floor around Beaux was practically a skating rink. The approaching mages screeched as they slipped and slid, attempting to maintain balance but failing. A few fell so hard on the solid ice that it knocked them completely out. Those who had quickly adapted to the slippery floor slid around the young man tauntingly, lashing out with their weapons while still struggling to stay upright. Beaux used wings, hands, and cane to parry the blows, but not without succumbing to a few bruises and cuts. At last, only one remained. The two parried blows as they skated across the frozen ground. “Why are you here?” Focused and angry, the red-adorned man provided no response. The angel found himself holding off the crimson mage’s knife inches from his perfect face. Muscles strained to keep the blade at bay. He didn’t really want to lose an eye today, or ever. In a flash, Beaux used Soren’s teleportation ability to appear behind the bully. The heel of his boot found home against the rear of the mage, who was still in a bent over position. A quick kick to the ass and the man was down. The angel loomed overhead, an intimidating sight with all six wings spread wide. Getting in the other’s face, Beaux cocked his head and simply said, “Get out.” The last he saw of the enemy was a sliver of crimson turning the corner. Ice retreated from the floor without a trace. Despite saving the page and his precious item, the boy had run off during the brief battle. I hope he’s safe, Beaux thought. His jacket had become destroyed in the battle, littered with cuts, dirt, and blood, so the beautiful man decided to just ditch it on the spot. Explosions still rumbled in the distance, shaking more dust from the ceiling. A massive explosion nearby reminded Beaux that the chaos wasn’t done, so he began to traverse the corridors again.

    The angel skidded to a stop as he reached the main doors from inside the Magic Council hall. Two women stood in what used to be the doorway, the ground around them littered with crimson clothing and bodies. Beaux couldn’t tell if the bodies were dead or passed out, but he was too nervous to care. His six wings raised up as he crouched with his cane held up protectively. At a moment’s notice of danger from the two ladies, the angel was prepared to launch himself into the air and escape as fast as he could. “Who are you? What happened here?” he queried, eyes darting suspiciously between the sword lady and the bunny-looking one.

    words: 1,466/3,500 ■ job: Guild Scale ■ tags: 


    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) 60654_s

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 269
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Artificial Takeover: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Lilyan 13th March 2019, 10:07 am

    Echos throughout the corridor Selene was walking through were just enough to make her feel alive. As tedious as her shift was, she still had to take it on and pretty much spend most of her hours indoors for at least one day. The sound of her steps would bounce against the walls announcing her movement to each and every soul in the hallway. Guard duty was easily Selene's most hated task. She had joined the Rune Knights, not to serve as living alarm alert in the Magic Council, but to protect Fiore and serve as a soldier out in the streets. She was pretty disappointed after just recently being located in that building. Her little amount of days out in the streets were far more interesting than walking down an empty white corridor for hours a day. The other only thing that kept her from losing her mind from loneliness and boredom was her magic abilities. Both Kuro and Shiro, her faithful friends and mentors, would always, if not walk, glide through the hallway with her. Selene was asked not to make tons of noise during her shift, making it hard for her to actually find company able to comply this small requirement. However, these small floating spheres would play silently around Selene, almost dancing with each other. The only sound made by them would be their swift and quick movement as they produced small amounts of noise. "This place is so pretty Selene, I like it here." Said Shiro, the white sphere, telepathically to both Kuro and Selene. They could all speak telepathically to each other but where enable to keep their ideas from any single one of them. If they had intentions of communicating with Selene, the other sphere would have to listen to their chat. "Well, me and Selene do not find this place interesting. Ain't i right?" Said Kuro the darker sphere. Those two could easily resemble Yin and Yang, and of course, that was their main design. "I'm with Kuro on this one. I'd rather be outside talking to strangers and doing some other fun stuff." Selene used her telepathic abilities with her friends to avoid making noise around the hall. "Okey... I guess you could say this is a bit boring..." Said Shiro just before being interrupted by Kuro. "A bit boring? A... BIT... BORING? You are crazy." Before they could start arguing as they would normally do, Selene stepped in and tried to calm them down as she stopped her walk for a couple of seconds and turned towards them. "Stop it, lets not fight here. Lets make this day as pleasant as possible!" The two spheres stayed silent and frozen in the air. Selene sighed as she realized her day would be longer than she had expected.

    Selene turned to keep moving, but just as she gave her first step towards the end of the corridor, a loud thundery blast of noise bounced through the emptiness of the hallway. "Did you do that Selene?" Said Kuro. "Of course she did not you dumb ass, it came from behind us." Replied Shiro quite aggressively. They both started arguing through their thoughts as they were unable to pronounce a word. Instead, low robotic noises were produced by them, keeping every other human other than Selene from understanding their chats. Selene quickly realized that had most likely not been an accident and started to run towards the area the impact had come from. "Let's go guys." Said Selene as she sprinted towards the way she had earlier walked through.

    Selene ran through a couple of corridors. Her steps resonated through the walls, making her movement more than obvious for nearby beings; however, as she got closer and closer to her destination, she could hear people yelling and fighting. She knew they would most likely not hear her coming. Only after about a minute or so, she ran into a small fight. A group of mages were beating up a Rune Knight as he could only wait for their kicks to eventually completely destroy him. The number of enemies was enormous and while Selene was not exactly proficient at Magic Power sensing, she could easily tell between their numbers and power, they were most likely too much for her. She used the wall of the corridor to hide and think things through. She had not fought in a long time, at least not since she joined the force. She felt nervous and honestly pretty scared, but she could not just ignore his ally. Stressed out about the situation, she leaned towards the wall and slowly slid down into a sitting position. She took a deep breath in preparation and decided to finally speak to her small floating allies. "I'm gonna need Code: Leliel. This looks hard but doable and we can't just ignore our fellow mate over there." Her small floating orbs kept silent as Selene knew what she was doing, or so she thought.

    She started to gather Dark energy from her black orb Kuro. It only took a second or so to transform with her magic; however, this time was different, it was taking more time. A couple of seconds passed and the three of them were already a bit confused. Suddenly, a purple magic circle appeared in front of her. A small skeleton head popped out of it and then showed his hands and arms as it pulled itself out of the ground. A small skeleton, standing around a feet in height and dressed on a black old coat, was invoked accidentally by Selene. Selene let a loud yell just before covering her mouth with her small hands. "Oh no, I did it again!" She whispered to herself. The grunts easily noticed the sound and sent one of their teammates to investigate. Selene started to panic as she telepathically started to speak to both Kuro and Shiro. "Why couldn't I transform? What did I just do? They are going to find me!" The small skeleton looked at her and then spoke to her. "Do not worry my dear, I will help you." It appeared Selene's invocation was able to telepathically communicate with her as well through those means. Selene was surprised and confused, not only because of the Skeleton's confidence, but because of his politeness. How could an undead be so nice to her? It did not make sense in her mind, she thought they would only eat brains and attack civilians, but that was not the case this time.

    "I can sense their magic power and yours as well. I'm pretty sure us two can deal with them and save your friend over there. Do not worry, we can handle this." Selene started to stand up, still in shock, but the skeleton froze just after giving his first step. "Wait a second... there is someone else here." The small skeleton's confidence had suddenly changed to immense fear. "Whatever that is, its getting closer. I have never seen something like that... that cannot be human, it has to be a monster of some sort." He said. The original trio shook in fear as they decided to wait behind the small invocation. "It's here."

    Suddenly, steps could be heard from the entrance of the hall. The brute walking towards the group turned towards whatever was walking inside; however, Selene would still not feel relief, but did feel curious about what was about to happen. She popped her head out of her hiding place trying to get a quick peak. The so called monster however, did not look like so. A purple haired girl carrying a weapon started to quickly move towards the group of grunts. Selene understood despite her not at all intimidating look, this girl was most likely a powerful mage. The girl sprung into action and easily destroyed the enemy group in combat and helping the Rune Knight heal. While she was not yet completely sure about it, Selene assumed the girl was an ally.

    The purple hair girl then ran towards another hallway. Selene knew this was not the place the noise had previously made at. She quickly understood this was most likely a coordinated attack. She ran behind this strange girl, yet she would keep her distance to avoid triggering her into believing she was her foe. Once they reached the hallway, Selene got to see how this girl would again mercilessly defeat an enemy in combat. Selene stood there for a few seconds and analyzed the situation before anyone could notice her presence. She took a glance at the battlefield and identified an individual she could call a friend. Serilda, the white haired Rune Knight affiliate who had taken her through the joining process stood in front of the ally small army. "That over there, the one you are staring at... her power is also over the top." Said the small skeleton reminding Selene of the three small allies she had behind her. "But there is also another powerful guy here. And not only that, his magic seems to be similar to yours." Selene was shocked. How did this tiny skeleton know about her magic abilities and how was he able to sense so accurately the magic power of those around him. But not only that, she still did not understand the full implications of what was happening, but she was ready to fight and knew it was going to be required. She was a Rune Knight and would help as much as she could to protect the Magic Council and her Rune Knight team mates. It was the first time her guard duty got interesting.

    Word Count: 1608/3500


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 16th March 2019, 5:34 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Serilda was more than aware of the location of everyone within the building and beyond. She could sense the fighting movements not just in the hall of the Magic Council, but also in the jail and even out into the city, her Void Sense reaching for hundreds of meters around her. For the second time that day she had to make another decision. The attack at the jail had been too well timed, with just enough length between the blasts that it might very well have gone unnoticed by nearly everyone not directly in the Rune Knight Headquarters. At least, those who didn’t have slayer hearing or the benefit of being able to read and monitor the shape of the entire physical world around them like she did.

    Was this an attempt at a jail break, she wondered? Who was the real target here? Maybe she should tell the Knights to turn around and go back to the jail..? Her magical senses indicated that the strongest powers were in this building, however. She growled a little under her breath, hating having to choose but knowing that it was smarter to deal with the issue here. If a few prisoners escaped they could be hunted down later. If members of the Council were killed, that would have far more immediate and potentially dire consequences.

    A familiar voice pierced the air and Serilda turned to see Gisen calmly walking over to her from inside the building. Xiuhcoatl wuffed quietly and wagged her tail, happy to see the former master of Lamia Scale but also keeping herself alert due to the active attack. “I’m not fully certain,” the noblewoman told her in response to her question. “I have a theory, but no time to think about it at present.” There were more important things.

    Gisen informed her that she’d gotten a few of her memories back, and with the return of those memories she was back up to fighting snuff. “If you’re willing, yes. I think the Knights need all the help they can get.”

    She was about to speak more on the matter when an actual angel practically slid into the area, his feet skidding to a halt in time to leave him a respectable distance away from the two women. He spoke with an accent that Serilda was unfamiliar with, and had six great wings stretched out behind him. He looked like he was ready to leap right off his feet, poised defensively as he gave both women a wary look and asked who they were. He could probably sense the holy magic ebbing from the glowing silver sword in her hand, a weapon that would not pose much extra threat to him though it certainly would against demons and other such ilk.

    For a moment she returned the wary look, her hand itching to sheathe the holy weapon and replace it with the black sword still on her hip. That sword, whose magic was currently hidden by the scabbard that housed it, was infused with unholy magic, and given Serilda’s recent brush ups with gods and angels in Kingdom Darkness, she wasn’t exactly the most trusting of such creatures… but she could sense that this man, whoever he was, did not belong to Faera. He did not have the dark taint to him like Archimedes did, and his posture was that of someone just looking to protect himself, not someone looking to attack. He was not her enemy right now, of that much she was certain.

    Additionally, she felt another presence nearby. Normally Serilda could not actually distinguish people apart with her magic unless she knew them really well -- after all, her magic just gave her the shape and makeup of the world around her, and most humanoids were generally the same shape. However, it was difficult to mistake a body that was more machine on the inside than flesh. It had to be the girl Selene that Serilda had helped not very long ago, the one that had wanted to be a Rune Knight. The girl didn’t immediately approach, but Serilda took note of her presence all the same before answering the angel’s question.

    Typically Serilda wasn’t one for giving her full title and information, but the current circumstances were a bit extreme. “I am Lady Serilda Sinclair, a wizard with the guild Sabertooth,” she answered, openly revealing both her noble born heritage as well as her affiliation with a well known legal guild. “The Magic Council and the city of Era are both under attack by a dark guild. The jail in the headquarters of the Rune Knights was also attacked only a moment ago. I have a suspicion that this might be an attempt at a jailbreak, but I sense stronger powers here so I’m not entirely certain. It could be an attempt to assassinate council members.”

    She turned to the nearest Knight. “Where is your Marshall right now? Do you know?”

    “Marshall Finley should be somewhere in the building, my lady,” the man answered as he quickly handcuffed one of the fallen dark mages. “He was supposed to be involved with the council meetings today.”

    Well, that was good news at least. Hopefully he had things under control, but if she was going to be of any help Serilda needed to get moving. The noble woman turned to Gisen, who had already offered her assistance. “We need to find the Field Marshall of the Knights and establish communication with him. Let’s head toward the Council hall and hopefully that’s where we’ll find him.” Though she was speaking directly to the bunny woman, her voice was clear and loud enough for anyone in the immediate area to hear the plan of action. Lifting her head, she spoke a bit more loudly. “Anyone who is willing to help fight is welcome to join us. We need to protect the Magic Council and take these people down.”

    As someone who was not a Knight, Serilda could not command any enlisted Knights to follow her direction, though many surely would as they were already a bit used to working under her leadership anyway. She also would not tell civilians to risk their lives in this endeavor. However, if anyone was of the mind to put their skills to use in this battle, they would certainly do more good as a cohesive unit than on their own.

    Serilda did not wait for anyone to give any kind of verbal confirmation on if they were going to come along or not. There was no time. Instead, she made her way into the building past the angel and past Selene, to whom Serilda nodded. If anyone was willing to come, they would follow. If not, then she and Gisen would do what they could on their own.

    They would not go far before there was trouble. Sensing a grouping of bodies with more powerful energies, Serilda headed straight in the direction of the active chaos. As they turned a corner they would find a group of Knights actively fighting a handful of dark mages. There were several bodies on the ground in Rune Knight colors, many of them dying and some already dead. A deep, simmering anger filled her at the sight. Reaching deep into her Voidwalking magic, she found the pockets of space in the lungs of the dark wizards’ bodies and expelled the air from them, causing the organs to clamp tight like a vice and not take in more breath.

    There was no visual clue that Serilda had used any magic, but those capable of sensing such things would have felt the ripple of power from her just before all the enemies before them suddenly lost their concentration on fighting as they all clutched their throats, gasping for breath in a panic. As she calmly stalked toward the unfortunate figures before them, Xiuhcoatl moved. The exotic wolf raced forward at blinding speed and body checked one of the choking mages, knocking him to the ground. Then, she clamped her powerful jaws along the man’s wrist and shook him like a ragdoll until he dropped his weapon, blood pouring from his wound and onto the hound’s muzzle as he tried to scream and couldn’t thanks to the lack of air.

    For now, Serilda let the wolf and any others focus on taking down the struggling enemies as she poured some of her magic into a dying Knight, slowing the flow of blood from his body and healing him. When that was done, she moved onto the next, trying to save as many allies as possible while the others with her hopefully either helped with the healing or took out the enemies that she had greatly hindered.

    Words: 2508/8000


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 20th March 2019, 1:40 pm

    Everything started to seem up to snuff so far. It was easy to have some form of a proper set up of communication with someone who was a little more formal and serious. Just something that could keep the bunny girl focused on the task to keep it to be meant as a serious situation and not a simple combat testing. Of course, she couldn’t say otherwise if someone else was to say otherwise about it, but for now she stuck to the idea of working under Serilda. For her, it was a safety measure for herself. She knew she wasn’t entirely up to the idea to go out on her own like that, but she knew it could teach her some restraint in how to properly fight something that wasn’t about 10 times her size and willing to eat things whole to get a full tummy. With a small, but noticeable nod, Gisen then raised her axe off of her shoulder with a big grin on her face. ”Woo! Let’s go knock some heads together!” She yelled valiantly, built up with enough fighting spirit to spread to any number of people with plenty to spare.

    As she rested the stone weapon against herself once again, a strange noise caught her attention, as well as it had with Serilda. It seemed the void mage she met had much better senses than she remembered her having, but with those senses being what they were when they met, it was good enough for her. Their attention soon settled on a new figure to show himself before the two mages. The first thing to catch her eyes had been the 6 wings on his back that had been as white as snow. Never before had she ever seen anything like it and just the fact that she could now was fascinating if nothing else. Honestly, a compulsion built up to touch each wing to feel them, but she held herself back as he began to question to pair of females about their intentions and their identities overall.

    Serilda started them off with her introduction, giving Gisen enough time to scoot on in with her reply before she’d begun with her explanation of the situation at hand. ”And I’m Gisen Ceostra, Monster Hunter for hire!” It was the truth really. She couldn’t acclaim herself to be a guild member anymore, but she did have to catch herself before she went off with mentioning a guild that no longer existed out there. It would just end up like beating a dead horse, but she’d moved on from being saddened by the loss of it. Some things couldn’t be helped and she was not going to let one thing ruin the chances she still had out there. As Serilda turned to a knight, Gisen looked on to this stranger of a man and she smiled, looking on curiously almost like a child... but with much more physical restraint than one. ”So are you like some kind of angel, mister?” The question blurted out, never having met one who actually wore their wings normally, she was curious to ask a couple questions if the time permitted.

    Giving a look back and forth between Serilda and the unknown angel, it seemed for the time being they were at a small standstill. On one hand, she wanted to get moving, but she wasn’t ready to until such time that she knew everyone was prepped to go. For someone who was essentially created to fight, she was raring to go and wouldn’t stop til the job was done. So all Gisen really needed was to just unhooked from the leash to start, but her biggest restraint was knowing her magic and current set of abilities weren’t geared towards fighting [i]people[/]. If she wanted to do this right, she would just need to wait until the time was right. Her attention leaned back to the angel for a moment, wanting to just date her curiosity a little more when a blur of pink and white shot by the smaller hiding girl and the blur swept the angel off his feet with a tackle hug.

    "Soooooorrrreeeennnn!" The bubbly cry of a voice called out mid tackle. Once they’d landed on the ground, a pink haired, animal eared girl had begun to nuzzle the males face, her arms wrapped tightly around him. Gisen’s jaw dropped when she had realized her own companion had not only gotten into the building so easily, but that she’d tackled someone and begun to become overly affectionate with them. "Oh my gosh!~ I haven’t seen you in soooo long! I missed your cute face, ya know!" Giggling like a school girl, she continued her nuzzling for another moment or two if he didn’t stop her before. "R-Raphy! Where-? I thought you wanted to stay in the town?" The bunny girl questioned, unsure what was going on with her currently that made her rush in and then... well that was self explanatory at this point. "Well Gigi, I was, but all this commotion in the town and all got me to need to run up and check on things... mainly you. Buuuuut, then I found an old friend and I couldn’t help myself but to be me!" With a cheerful chuckle at her own explanation, it was as if a little large, animated sweatdrop formed on the bunny girl’s head from hearing it all. ”So... I- Umm, guess this would be the best time to introduce her.” With the clearing of her throat, the pink haired angel bounced up onto her feet and albeit hopped her way over to Serilda, wrapping an arm around the bunny girl along the way and dragging her closer. "IIIII’m Raphael, an angel sent for many reasons!.. some of which I don’t remember, but I wrote them down somewhere! I swear! Anyways! You can just call me Raphy if you want!" She held out a hand for the noble knight to shake, trying to still be respectful despite her abrupt entry.

    Once introductions were through however, it became clear Serilda was on some form of a personal mission. She didn’t wait and instead pressed on and left the others in the dust. "Huh.. She’s cuter than you described, Gigi. LEGGO!" ”ACK!” Suddenly, the angel began to drag the bunny girl along though not knowing she was ready to do so on her own. Instead, she was caught off guard and by it and took a moment to recover as they went off to catch up to the woman. As they had however... they came across a rather harsh way of holding the mages down as the wolf went down to attack others. Neither of the two had flinched a bit at the sight, nor did they really try to help. They were used to the mentality of monsters eviscerating creatures and even people to feast, so this wasn’t anything knew or even anything to phase them. ”If you don’t mind, I’m gonna wait until we’re in a larger, safer area to do anything combative... I’d rather not put anyone in more danger than they already are with reckless actions...” She forewarned, trying to just let her know she wasn’t going to just jump head first into the fight, nor would she be able to help much once it started.

    1292+1225= 2517 words

    sucré @ gs



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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Beaux 24th March 2019, 10:43 pm

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) UHlsfgq
    Beaux Phacelia
    Beaux’s tensed body began to relax slowly as the women introduced themselves. Six pale wings resumed their typical comfortable droop and his arms dropped back to his side. The holy magic emanating from the silver blade in the noblewoman’s hand unnerved Beaux, though he couldn’t pinpoint why. He had never been near such magic before. It was something he would have to consider later on, or even ask the lady herself. By their introductions, the angel knew he could trust Serilda and Gisen - for now, at least. Though the young man hadn’t declared a side (did that happen in battle? He had no idea) it was clear that they had a common enemy. Shouts and the clang of clashing weapons continued to ring out. Rune Knights and a few mages still dueled the crimson-wearers nearby, though not in Beaux’s sight range. The angel remained on alert as he addressed the other mages.

    “A pleasure to meet you Madames Sinclair and Ceostra,” Beaux said with a gracious bow. He had grown up around the nobles of Napedia, so he was well versed on addressing nobility. Fioreans, on the other hand, were still something he was working on. He elected to use the same formality for the bunny girl.

    “Please forgive my brash greeting earlier. I do wish we had made acquaintance under more favorable circumstances. It seems our enemy is one in the same, so if my assistance is required I shall gladly lend it!” Determination filled the angel head to toe. He would defend the innocents here with all the strength he had! These crimson brutes daren’t continue their attack now that mages and Rune Knights had gathered and started working together.

    Gisen’s question caught Beaux off guard. He was used to stares and children pointing at him when his wings were out, but rarely did he ever get asked outright about them. “Um… I suppose you could call me that,” he said with little conviction in his voice. “It’s quite a long story-” His voice and train of thought were silenced by the abrupt impact of a tiny body against his. The angel lost his balance and crashed backwards, his staff dropping from his hands to clatter on the ground. He managed to keep his skull from hitting the solid floor, but still aches began to wind their way through his muscles and bones. Baby blue eyes fixed onto the creature with her arms wrapped around him. Long ears sprouted from the girl’s head and locks of pink hair matched her equally fuchsia outfit. The girl was nuzzling his face with enthusiastic affection. Beaux could only pat her awkwardly on the head until she ceased. “I’m sorry, la fillette, but I’m afraid you’ve mistaken me for another. My name is Beaux Phacelia. I know not this Soren of which you speak.” The young man raised himself up from the floor to his full height while dusting off his clothing. Grit rained down from his many wings as he gave them a gentle shake. “I’m glad to meet you anyway, Mademoiselle Raphy,” he continued with a gentle smile on his face, as polite as ever.

    Beaux decided to swiftly follow Serilda as she departed. Introductions were complete and now it was time to act. The little group had come upon Rune Knights and dark mages struggling back and forth, casualties on both sides. The angel immediately leapt up, his six rosy wings giving powerful strokes until he was airborne. Teleportation abilities granted by his current form aided Beaux in being a bother to the enemies. In a heartbeat he would teleport to a dark mage, kicking their feet out from under them, then disappear back to his position above. Another got whipped on the head with his cane before Beaux whisked himself away. A third got his nose broken by the bony joint of a giant rosy wing. The angel did his best to cause mayhem while occasionally parrying a blow from crimson cronies.

    words: 2,131/3,500 ■ job: ■ tags: 


    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) 60654_s
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 13th April 2019, 8:53 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    The man with the many wings visibly relaxed a bit after the two women introduced themselves. He was extremely polite and well mannered, even taking the time to bow with the grace of a figure that was well versed in addressing nobility. He seemed to understand the grave importance of what was taking place here, and how much help would be needed, as he wasted no time in offering his own services. Though Serilda was working on grouping up the Knights and forming a plan of action, she did keep an ear trained on the conversation between him and Gisen.

    The elemental asked him if he was an angel, a question that Serilda herself was quite interested in knowing the answer to. The God Slayer did not have a good history with angels. In fact, not too terribly long ago she had kicked in the door to the extraplanar domain of the goddess of shadows, decimated her armies, and not only single handedly defeated one of her archangels but stripped him of his divine power, leaving him a helpless mortal. All of it had been to save Mythal, whose father was that self same archangel; a real bastard that had only ever spawned Mythal in the first place so the evil goddess Faera could use him as a vessel with which to invade the mortal world.

    Needless to say, divine creatures weren’t exactly high on her buddy list at the moment. However, there was no time for her to really dig into it, and the way that the man answered the question it seemed as though his lineage might not necessarily be as cut and dry as simply being an angel. There was a story there, one he would not get the chance to expand upon as out of nowhere yet another angel practically bulldozed herself into the man. During the chaos Serilda’s free hand had hovered over the handle of the black blade still secured to her hip. Under less stressful circumstances the Voidwalker may have been less reactive, but with the battle going on around them and her recent hostile brush ups with divinity, it was difficult for her to not move based on pure, defensive instincts.

    Thankfully, it became clear very quickly that this new figure was another close friend of Gisen’s. Serilda’s fingers unwrapped themselves from the other weapon as both angels were introduced, the female as Raphael and the male as Beaux. Serilda’s expression was passive when she accepted Raphy’s handshake, giving the angel a small nod. “A pleasure to meet you both.” It was as much as they were going to get from her at the time. While Serilda was typically a very respectful and engaging individual, there were more important things.

    Off they went, with a handful of individuals choosing to follow after her. Gisen had expressed an interest in keeping out of the majority of the fighting for now, while the spaces were this enclosed. While the two women had gotten to know one another a fair bit the last time they’d met, Serilda actually had never seen the former guildmaster of Lamia Scale fight. The idea that her style was a bit destructive wasn’t a difficult one to grasp, however. If anything, it just made sense given that Gisen was a rock elemental. Serilda nodded. “Whatever you think is best. I trust your judgement.”

    Beaux wasted no time leaping right into the fray, taking advantage of the fact that the enemies were too hindered to put up any decent sort of defense. He spread his wings and was behind them in the blink of an eye, jumping in and out around the collection of targets before they had a chance to retaliate to his attacks. Serilda’s blue eyes were in constant motion while she assisted the wounded, keeping track of the fight and observing the way that Beaux teleported to smack people with his cane or aim a swift blow with a foot or a fist. He was quick and efficient, and definitely seemed to know what he was doing.

    It wouldn’t be too difficult for them to take out the group they’d come across, but unfortunately not in time to save all of the lives of the soldiers here. They did manage to help a couple Knights out at least, who were able to get back up on their feet and start helping other wounded or arresting some of the dark wizards. Serilda wasn’t exactly in the habit of praying, given how superstitious she was and how much she feared supernatural beings of great power, but she was extremely grateful that the vast majority of her magic was centered around crowd control. She had a feeling she was going to need every bit of it today. There was so much fighting going on in the city, particularly in this building and the one nearby that housed the Knights, that she felt like her head was going to start spinning if she relaxed her focus on her Void Senses too much.

    Once everything was settled, she wasted no time in moving them along. Xiuhcoatl was practically dancing around Serilda’s feet, the heat of battle coursing through her veins. The wolf’s black muzzle was already coated with blood as the typically loving and affectionate animal was ready and able to throw herself into the thick of combat. As they moved through the corridors, they came across more of the crimson clad wizards that attempted to block their path. Serilda easily dispatched most of them with her sword, striking them down and nullifying the threats without even breaking her stride. Most of these appeared to be grunts, and not worth her time.

    Eventually, the hallway opened up into a larger space: the foyer outside of the even bigger room where the Magic Council conducted their formal meetings. The area here had a vaulted ceiling and an open expanse of flooring. A great set of double doors leading into the council chambers was open to the area beyond, where she could see more Knights desperately fighting back to protect the civilians inside. Before they could move in to assist them, however, a small squad of enemies flooded out of the room to greet them. Serilda didn’t sense too much great power from the vast majority of them, but one in particularly stood out from the rest. She could feel the energy rippling off the woman in low, brooding waves.

    Serilda eyed her with a keen gaze before glancing once more into the room beyond, then back to the group. “You guys get inside and do what you can,” she told her companions without looking at them. “Cover for the Knights so they can get the civilians out.” Though she didn’t say as much, it was clear she intended on dealing with this group herself. She would be more than enough of a match for them, and the people in the next chamber needed help as soon as possible.

    Before anyone could argue with her or try to offer to stay, Serilda immediately cleared the path for the others to continue. Tapping into the world around them with her magic, she disabled the gravity in the foyer. While the room beyond was still operating under the natural laws of the earth, and her own companions in the room would find their speed greatly increased within this zone, the enemies lifted up off the floor and started spinning slowly in the air unable to control themselves. With a quick flick of her wrist, one at a time each enemy found themselves careening through the air where the only things that stopped their forward momentum was the violent greeting of walls and ceilings.

    Her allies would have plenty of time to dash inside the council chambers and work on assisting the battle within. By the time they cleared the area, someone in the air cancelled the spell and caused the group of targets to fall to the ground where they landed with a painful thud. Shifting her stance, Serilda held her scimitar out at a middle guard before her as the group staggered to their feet, the more powerful woman in their group less hampered by the damage as the others. “Surrender,” she said, looking the other woman in the eyes with unwavering calm.

    “Not going to happen,” the woman replied. With a smug grin on her face, she looked Serilda over. “A gravity mage, huh? Certainly a powerful magic, but it’s going to take more than that. See, one of my boys here uses gravity magic as well. He may not be able to fight you on equal footing, but he can certainly cancel out your spells and render them useless.”

    It seemed the woman had made an assumption about Serilda’s magic based off the one spell, and honestly the Voidwalker wasn’t inclined to correct her. The group closed in around her, weapons bared and spirits high despite the small beating they’d just taken at the hands of a single mage. There were thirteen total members of Crimson Fang surrounding her, each of them getting ready to move in at once. Though she didn’t appear to be doing much more than waiting on the outside, Serilda was carefully boosting up her defensive spells and maximizing them through her Voidwalker magic.

    All but the leading woman, who gave off the air of being some long time member of the guild, ran forward and attacked her. Their eyes lit with the triumph of victory as they bared down on their target, who was so petrified she couldn’t even defend herself from their overwhelming attack..! Or so they thought. At least, until their swords and spears and fists started flying. Serilda simply stood there with a deadpan expression as the weapons wooshed right through her body without making any kind of impact, like there was nothing but air before them. After a few seconds the group’s attacks became less enthusiastic until one by one they each took a step or two back from her in concern.

    Serilda technically didn’t need to make such gestures when utilizing this next particular spell, but she wanted to make a point. Lifting her free hand, the slender fingers rested together for only a moment before she snapped. All at once, every single weapon that the enemies around her were wielding shattered into pieces and fell apart in their hands, crumbling to the ground in useless chunks. So too did their clothing and armor, leaving most of them stark naked saved for a couple that had more durable armors on. They stared at her in horror, desperately trying to cover themselves. “T-That’s not gravity magic..!” one of the blurted out trepidatiously.

    “Perhaps I wasn’t clear,” the noblewoman said. “Surrender, or else.

    A second or two of thick tension passed before all but the heartier woman simply decided to book it. Of course, Serilda couldn’t exactly let them get away. Shifting the particles in the ground momentarily, the fleeing mages found their bodies dropped halfway into the floor where they were stuck and unable to move, let alone run. The lone woman that remained passed a hard gaze on Serilda, viewing her in a more wary light. Her equipment had been better quality than those of her companions, so while her armor sported a crack or two from the damage of Serilda’s World Sunder spell, it was still holding in place. “Don’t expect me to run away, nor to go down as easily as the rest of those cowards,” she told Serilda angrily.

    Not much for bantering and posturing in the middle of a fight, the noblewoman simply adjusted her stance once more and waited patiently for the other mage to make her first move...

    Words: 4495/8000


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 22nd April 2019, 12:34 pm

    Quite frankly as she watched the woman she had come to aide after a completely unrelated purpose had come to meet her companion, there was a bit of confusion from the way that Serilda had come to approach the meeting of the angel and more so when she offered the handshake. It wasn’t really anything personal really, as formalities tended to lean more towards Seri’s strong suits, but she seemed to be a little hesitant to her approach. The hand to the hilt of her weapon didn’t go unnoticed by either of the two animal eared girls, but neither really cared to bring it about for different reasons. Gisen had always taken notice to the little things around weapons. She was a bit of a combat freak at heart.. or what one could consider a heart, so it wasn’t anything new that she be the first to take notice to a new weapon on someone or something changed since the last time she had seen the same one person.

    Raphael on the other hand... she wanted a more direct way of showing her affection... as if tackle hugging the winged angel in the room wasn’t enough. When she took Serilda’s hand for the shake, the pink haired girl jumped on the chance and wrapped her arms around her, nuzzling her face into the bosom of her companions friend. The bunny girl was rather calm about the whole thing until... well, until Raphael began to get a little [i]handsy[/] with her. "Softer than I imagined~ They’re like puffy clouds of-" Suddenly, an orange blur to some would wing across the air and bounce off the angels head before it would drop to the ground. A carrot. "Ooooww! Giiiiisseeeeen! What was that for!?" The angel had turned around showing a teary eyed face as if she was about to cry. Granted... this beat the theatrics she pulled with Samira, but it wasn’t like it could happen here too. And when she went on a roll, oh boy was it something. ”You know the deal... stop, or the next one is a rock.” She shot a bit of a serious look, to which the pink haired angel only gave a look back in a little hint of sadness. Still, she shrugged and just gave one last squeers before she had stepped away from Serilda. Of course, the woman had plenty of chances to reprimand her for her actions before and as she would elude her reach. Frankly, there probably wasn’t an action that could be taken that the bunny girl would be opposed to, even the threat of removing her hands. But that was purely down to her choices.

    Watching the swordsmanship that Serilda had in combat was albeit intoxicating. Normally, she never really had the time or chance to watch any other person fight unless she herself was mid combat or training them, but purely observing was new and rather exciting to watch. One by one she’d fell another energy and took no hesitation in how she fought them off. She felt a certain way pertaining to the way she’d been hurting them, but some people just never learned or needed to be pushed down harder than others to learn to stay there. Little by little, the elemental had made her way into the hall, as if waiting for a section to be cleared before it could be safely traveled on. But her goal was not to wait and let her do all the fighting. Just not here.

    Suddenly, something had burst through the wall beside Gisen and crumbling through the wall was some figure. It trampled through before colliding with the slayer and goring her, pushing her and it through the next wall and outside of the buildings walls onto the ground outside. The force propelling her out had come to a sudden halt, sending her flying off and hitting the ground with a hard enough thud to force a small crack in the ground itself. “You’re much heavier than expect- Oh.. you’re not the one I wanted...” A rather deep and raspy voice called out, watching the purple haired bunny girl climbing to her feet almost unphased. ”No? Well congrats, cause you tore my blazer and I was taking a liking to that wall.” She was mocking him a little bit before her eyes finally settled onto his appearance. It had appeared to be some inhuman looking being, crossed between a muscular human and a bull. More or less a Minotaur in simplistic terms, but he appeared to be magically influenced somehow. She could sense a holy type of aura around him, but nothing that seemed to be friendly for sure. “Keep it up. I like my rabbit stew meat nice and tender.” The Minotaur like being replied, sounding about as cocky as Gisen had been.

    2517 + 806 = 3323 words

    sucré @ gs



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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Beaux 30th April 2019, 12:02 pm

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) UHlsfgq
    Beaux Phacelia
    Serilda’s act of disabling gravity around the enemies was impressive to say the least. Cries of confusion echoed around as enemy mages began to float up in the air. Limbs flailed and bodies spun in the gravity-lacking field. Beaux felt the sensation of becoming lighter in his own body, yet not due to Serilda’s attack. He sprinted a few steps past the enemy and found himself on the other side of the room in a blink. The angel sprinted back to where he was formerly standing just for effect, a grin growing on his face as he had realized the purpose of her actions. Merci, Madame! he cheered, then sped past the crimson-clad bodies floating like odd cherries in the sky.

    The following room would normally be a sight to ogle at. High arches craned to the ceiling so far above. The walls were dotted with openings and balconies that were likely a spot teeming with Magic Council staff, yet today remained eerily abandoned. Marble patterns on the floor dappled in a dizzying intricate design under Beaux’s feet as he slowed his pace. Rune Knights bustled around on the ground level, ushering Magic Council staff and civilians into the hallways exiting the chamber. The angel crossed the room swiftly and approached a Knight that was giving orders to a squadron. The group ran off across the room to help escort another few innocents who were huddled together in fear. Beaux’s baby blue eyes met the narrowed brown ones of the Knight as he turned on his heel. “Excuse me, Monsieur. I’d like to help the Rune Knights in any way that I can,” he stated as politely as ever. The Knight stepped away and gave the angel a suspicious once-over. Surely the ripped shirt and pants that Beaux wore didn’t help his case much, nor did the blood trickling down his cheek or the dirt smeared on his hands. “Trust me, I owe no allegiance to the monsters in crimson who launched this attack,” he said calmly. “I am but a wandering mage who only wishes to help.” The Knight sighed, then gruffly addressed the mage. “I ‘spose we could use all the help we can get. For now, how about you-”

    The Knight’s words were cut off by the deafening sound of another explosion, this time on the opposite side of the room. The sound alone was enough to knock Beaux off his feet, but the powerful gust that accompanied the blast did it instead. Debris shot like arrows throughout the room, knocking down a few civilians and knights and narrowly missing others. Dust permeated the air like a thick fog, making visibility tough. It was nearly impossible to see the explosion site, but Beaux was more focused on helping up the Knight with whom he was talking. The tall mage supported the man as he stabilized himself. Rough coughing started from the Knight, the dust entering his lungs with every breath. “Everyone cover your noses and mouths! Hurry!” Beaux cried out to the Rune Knights and innocents still in the room. A handkerchief was produced from the pocket of the angel’s ruined pants and handed to the Knight. The man gave a curt, thankful nod upwards. “I was gonna suggest ya help guide people ‘way from this place,” croaked the Knight, “But methinks maybe you should deal with them first.” Beaux furrowed his beautiful face in confusion.

    Blue eyes followed a dusty hand to see a small group of crimson-clad mages standing on the rubble from the wall they exploded, eyeing the damage with content smirks. At the head of the group stool a tall man, taller than Beaux even, who wore an intricate outfit of cloth and armor. Tight red material clung to his torso, dotted with openings that exposed the pale skin of his chest and the chain tattoo that snaked over it. His boots were armored in striking gold metal with sharp edges. The most fascinating, yet terrifying, part of the man was the metal gloves that served as both armor and weapon. The right glove ended just under his elbow, while the left one extended all the way to his shoulder. On the end of each finger was a long, viciously sharp claw, obviously meant to do deep and lasting damage. Beaux shuddered at the sight. His eyes trailed up to the face to see a mask covering the lower jaw with sharp metal teeth designs. A little further up and the angel met the dark brown eyes of the enemy, who was staring at him with a grim amusement. “Done checking me out, are you?” the deep voice reverberated around the room. The remaining Knights fell silent at the sound. Beaux’s cheeks flushed a deep red. In normal circumstances, he would be attracted to a man such as this, perhaps even flirt back. The enemy was handsome, no doubt. However, these were not normal circumstances. Hell, it was the strangest day the angel had had in a long time. Typical behaviors had to be put aside. People were in danger, and this man was part of the cause. Beaux steeled himself and straightened his back, meeting the night-hued eyes once more. “I guess I’m done looking at your adorable little costume,” he quipped back, all former politeness vanished. “Not that there’s much to look at. You wish I was checking you out, le sot.” To his surprise, the man understood his insult. Not many people knew Napedian in Fiore, but perhaps the insult was similar in another language.

    Rage boiled across the other’s face. “Crimson Fang! Move out, cause more destruction before you regroup. I’ll deal with this little bird myself.” A sickening grin replaced the former anger as the man advanced, flexing his clawed hands. Beaux decided that his current angel form was not appropriate to take on such a foe. In a blink his hair had returned to its normal stylish flop over part of his face, and his body to its normal stature. In the place of the former wings spanned six more, even larger than the former, the middle pair colored a black even darker than the shadows of the night. Knifelike spikes rose from the joints of each middle wing. Beaux raised his fists as the enemy stepped closer, prepared to fight with all that he had.

    words: 3,190/3,500 ■ job: ■ tags: 


    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) 60654_s
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 6th June 2019, 8:21 pm

    "Character counts most when duty calls."

    Serilda stumbled back a step in sheer, dumbfounded surprise as Raphael leapt forward to wrap her arms around the Voidwalker in a hug. Her mind had been so deeply focused on the battle around them that she had been entirely unprepared for this kind of interaction, and as the angel began to roam her hands in uninvited places Serilda’s face turned a dark shade of crimson in embarrassment and anger. What broke her from her shocked stupor was a carrot flying into view and whacking Raphael in the head.

    Gisen scolded the angel, giving Serilda time to clear her head and regain control of herself. She was going to leave the matter be as the bunny elemental had taken the time to discipline Raphael, but the pink haired girl decided to give Serilda’s breasts one last squeeze in defiance. That was all it took for the noblewoman to have had enough. In a flash, she had Raphael pinned against a wall. Serilda’s freehand had drawn Malice and was holding the razor sharp edge to the angel’s throat. The pure black scimitar was rippling with unholy energy, crafted from a metal ore that could only have been found in the domain of a demon. It was a weapon that was practically custom made for killing divine creatures, and likely a confusing antithesis to the bright silver sword in Serilda’s other hand that gave off an aura of pure holiness.

    “I’m only going to say this once,” she told Raphael, staring her down with ice cold blue eyes. “Touch me in an inappropriate fashion again, and I will strip you of everything that makes you divine.” Serilda had already removed one angel of his holy powers, and she wouldn’t hesitate to do so again if she felt it was needed. Truthfully, Serilda didn’t want to hurt Raphael; the angel was obviously friends with Gisen, whom the Voidwalker trusted, but recent events had made the noblewoman a bit jumpy around divine creatures. More so than she usually was. Add that to the humiliation of having a complete stranger groping her in public, with all this chaos around them… well, the heiress had to draw a line somewhere. She would not tolerate the behavior.

    Only once the creature communicated in some fashion that she would keep her hands to herself in the future would Serilda step back and disengage. She sheathed Malice, where it’s dark energy was once more cloaked by it scabbard until it appeared to be little more than a simple scimitar. Raphael would find that she had no cuts or marks on herself, as Serilda’s intention had not been to harm the angel; only to make it clear that harm would be involved if it happened again. She would apologize to Gisen later for the rough handling of the bunny’s friend, but for now the battle was more important.

    Further into the Magic Council headquarters, Serilda had managed to create the perfect opening for her comrades to sneak through into the main chamber. The others hurried inside to see what they could do -- after a quick testing by Beaux of Serilda’s gravitational spell. By the time all was said and done, the God Slayer was squared off against another woman, the one from the group that had elected not to make a run for it.

    The two females sized one another up carefully before the Crimson Fang member made her move. A shockwave shook the building, with the criminal at its epicenter. A sonic level boom echoed from it, giving off a pulse so deep and reverberating that Serilda could practically feel her bones aching where she stood. She grunted in discomfort, gritting her teeth and fighting to overcome the sensation even as another wave rattled the place.

    The Crimson Fang veteran shot herself at Serilda, yet another head splitting boom cracking to life as a small crater formed at the spot she jumped from. She raised her fist high and brought it down at Serilda, who could feel the energy in the air. She knew that the woman’s attack was going to be sonic based by this point. She enacted her dead space spell, killing all noise in their immediate area. While the rest of the battle raged on, for Serilda and her opponent the world was as silent as the vast vacuum of space. Serilda raised her sword to block the strike with the flat of Moonlights blade…

    ...and found herself knocked back off her feet when the force of the sonic waves from the impact threw her back. She let her body fall harmlessly into the ground and resurfaced a moment later behind the villain. As the woman turned to find Serilda, the noblewoman eyed her opponent with a new perspective and resized her. Obviously, the nature of the Fang member’s magic produced sound as a byproduct but was not dependant on it. The sonic waves were still able to ripple through the air to hit its intended target. It was a potentially destructive magic. Serilda would need to take this woman down fast if she wanted to keep the building from falling down around her ears.

    Thankfully, her opponent wasn’t the only one who could effectively manipulate the air. With the flick of her wrist, Serilda formed dozens of razor sharp spikes of high pressured wind and rained them down on the woman. They tore through her flesh like tissue paper, sending the woman reeling though her scream was swallowed by the bubble of no sound that surrounded them. As the criminal fell backward, Serilda snatch a slab of the marble floor from the ground and brought it up beneath her, using the woman’s own backward momentum to heighten the impact from the stone enough that she flipped heels over head and landed face first on the floor.

    She was knocked out cold.

    Serilda undid her noise cancelling spell, and the sounds of the fight rang in her sensitive ears once more. Not wasting anymore time on the downed enemy, she strode into the room and took a crucial moment to observe what was happening. Gisen seemed to be squared off against a humanoid of some kind that greatly resembled a minotaur. Serilda’s instinct was to go help, but she stayed herself. Gisen was a rock elemental, and not easily beaten -- plus the way the bunny was smiling at the creature made Serilda feel like the man was going to be very sorry for picking that particular fight.

    She continued to scan the room until her eyes lit on… was that Beaux? Serilda squinted, raising her nose to the air and giving a few whiffs. He had changed his form, but even through all the crazy scents in the room from the different people and all the blood, she could pick up his scent. It was definitely him. He was paired off with a member of the Crimson Fang that was dressed in some elaborate get up of red and gold. She didn’t know enough about Beaux to make any safe judgements on whether he needed help or not, but so far he’d handled himself capably and if he had access to divine magic Serilda wasn’t too worried about him.

    “Lady Serilda!”

    She turned to the sound of her name to find a familiar face. “Wayland?” The council worker had obvious signs of a struggle all over him: blood, torn clothing, sweat soaked skin. He was the man who had been assigning her and Mythal jobs for the Council since they first started working together, and though he did have access to some magic and fighting abilities he was more of a paperpusher at the end of the day. Serilda hurried over to him, knocking out members of the Crimson Fang along the way. “Why the hell are you still here?” she asked when she finally caught up to him.

    “I can’t get into that right now. I’m glad you’re here. Listen, there’s things going on here that you need to know but it’s not safe to talk about it here.”

    She turned and ran a Fang through with her sword as he tried to surprise her from behind before turning back to the man. “What are you talking about?” Serilda asked as quietly as she could, concern etched across her face. In all the time she and Mythal had been working with Wayland, he’d never shown this much worry over anything -- and he’d had to assign them to some pretty horrific jobs in the past.

    He shook his head. “I’m sorry. It will have to wait. I need to leave. The only reason I waited this long was because I knew you were in the area and I needed to find you first, to tell you that I’m going to be gone for a while. I promise I will contact you or Mythal as soon as I can. Okay?”

    “Wayland you’re not making any sense. Just find a safe place until we put this attack down and we’ll hear what you have to say.”

    “It won’t be safe, even then. I’m sorry. I will contact you when it’s safe. Just… watch your back. Please.”

    Serilda had never seen this look of urgency in the man before. She nodded dumbly, not sure how else to respond. Wayland was a man of logic, reason, and self discipline. If he was planning on going underground for a while, she could only assume it was because he’d stumbled across something he wasn’t supposed to and now his life was in danger. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave him an encouraging squeeze. “Go. Take care of yourself. We’ll be here.”

    “Thank you.”

    And with that, he disappeared.

    She didn’t have a whole lot of time to ponder over it. At that exact second, the ceiling of the council chambers caved in as two men crashed through to the ground below. The entire battle in the room came to a screeching halt as everyone turned to try and see what had just happened. Or at least, those who hadn’t been crushed beneath the rubble. A thick cloud of dust had been kicked up by the incident, and as it slowly thinned the two responsible became more visible. One of the men was a monster of a human being, standing nearly seven feet tall and bulging with hard muscle. His chest was bare save for the Crimson Fang emblem stamped on his neck.

    He pushed himself to his feet, and beneath him was the other more average sized man, one that Serilda recognized immediately: Marshal Langley. He was dressed in his full Rune Knight attire, though the outfit had seen much better days. Langley stirred but he was obviously beaten and out of energy. The larger man reached down and easily picked him up, lifting the marshal up over his head with both of his hands. Serilda raised her sword and poised herself, lining up her attack to come to the marshal’s aid. But before she could react, the giant turned to reveal a large post of rebar poking violently out through the rubble. The noblewoman’s eyes went wide, but it was already too late.

    The Fang slammed Langley down on the rebar, piercing him through the stomach completely.

    Words: 6397/8000


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 22nd June 2019, 11:39 pm

    1815 + 3323= 5138/12,500 words || @tagged || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    Prior to the wall

    Her actions had gone much more differently than most girls or even some guys took her rather... different approach of personality. The groping action towards Serilda definitely didn't go unnoticed and surely as there was a weapon that was placed up to her neck had given Raphael the very course of action that showed the woman was not just an appearance of professionalism. Looking down at this blade by her neck, the words "strip you of everything that makes you divine" had its very real meaning taken to heart... but there was more to it now! "Oh but alas! To be stripped down by a goddess of beauty, a contemptuous and voluptuous woman such as yourself would only be an honor to an angel such as myself!" Her forearm pressed against her forehead, her head leaned back and eyes closed. It only appeared if at all she was either flirting... or quoting Shakespeare erotica plays. Honestly, it was hard to tell sometimes with this one. "Thou art right. I shall stop my dastardly ways of vile intrusion in others personal space! Oh, Madam Serilda, please forgive my-" She paused, this time as a rock collided with her skull and knocked her off of her feet. "Gisen! What the heak was that for!?" She yelled out, looking over to the bunny girl. "What? Silvia said 'throw rocks if she starts to act like a drama queen.' ...I just kinda enjoyed it a bit and wanted to see where you were going with it. You got too carried away and it took me a minute to find a rock." With a small shrug, she held two more now, just waiting for the moment she would slip up.

    Just after going through the wall

    The bunny girl let out a small sigh as she listened to the way the Minotaur had acted towards her. She unbuttoned the torn blazer and tossed the top aside, leaving her short sleeved button down now visible to the world. "Typical rodent. Faced down by bigger predators and they only try to find their way out of the corner they were put in." The heavy set steps from the monstrous being slowly began their way closer towards Gisen. Her steps were slowly backing further away from the building, letting him move closer toward her as she moved. Closing the gap between the two wasn't so much of what she was trying to do, but Gisen was working towards a plan and the more she seemed to indulge in his cocky attitude, the easier it was to manipulate him into where she wanted him. This strange minotaur swiftly changed the routine around much sooner than she expected, nor did he think this was going to happen to begin with either.

    In the blink of an eye, her opponent gripped her by the throat, lifting her up into the air just up to his own eye level. His arm shook a little as he seemed to struggle holding her weight. "What's wrong? I've seen girls hold me better than you~" She taunted, giving a cocky smirk as he slammed her into the ground, creating a small crater in the ground and throwing her aside, back towards the building. "You're heavier than he said you'd be. It's ok. I can still carry your body back afterward." He was being rather general, trying to avoid bringing up some specific source of his information, but she was trying to figure out who he meant. Not many people ACTUALLY knew just how heavy Gisen really was, and frankly with some of her memory not all there, she was having a hard time coming up with the answer or even anything close to it at this point.

    Given that she had no answer or even a remark was a bit of a surprise to the minotaur. He was expecting from what he had been told that he would get a large rise out of the elemental, but instead she was still entirely too calm. It was a shame, honestly, but he couldn't really tell the reason behind why she was so passive over the whole thing. Instead, he just shrugged and took more of a bull like approach. His foot drug against the dirt several times and with a spark, his body flashed forward and he rammed his skull into her torso once again, but instead, the attack of his went a little differently. The bunny had prepped herself for the attack, grabbing onto his body and taking the blow. The horns tore further into her clothes before it began to show a sleek, black colored rock like surface around it. The rock began to chip, something much like the surface of her skin that would be the human equivalent to skin. Her entire body would chip down until all that was left was this Obsidian like rock that covered her from head-to-toe. The iris of her eyes would begin to glow a bright yellow while the sclera had also turned the same black color.

    Attempting to pull away, his body jerked back, but she hadn't budged an inch in letting him. Instead, his body began to be lifted into the air and soon he was lifted above her head with his head toward the ground. "You picked the wrong bunny to play with~" Her body started its motion to begin slamming him into the ground when the horns on his head began to spark. She had begun getting so focused in her action that she missed this, allowing him to let out a large, charged bolt of lightning into her body, launching her back and her grip on him slipping. The blast of lightning sent her back, still much on her feet as she skid to a halt in the hole of the Knights building. "Oh come on, that tickled... You forget I've killed monsters that make that look like a flick to the forehead! You gotta try harder than that if you wanna break my shell, cowboy!" She shouted, her body fueling itself with adrenaline now. The fight was starting to get fun. Picking out his common attack points and then looking for weak spots. She had to treat this like fighting a normal monster she'd slaughter. If it meant taking a few hits, it was well worth it.

    The minotaur began to growl, snarling even as if she'd said something to piss him off. Was it maybe the cowboy joke? She.. honestly didn't think it through, merely speaking with whatever came to mind first. With the glaring look of wanting to rip something to shreds, he looked a little more feral than he let on. Maybe whatever made him like that was some form of a side effect, but the elemental wasn't going to let him beat her. Her body was a wall and she wasn't going to topple today, tomorrow, or ever! Her feet planted into the ground, watching her opponent as the angel peeked her head curiously through the hole. He watched the stand off and she was getting a little nervous to watch this without interfering. His whole body began to spark and glow It was a slightly worrying sight for Raphy to watch, but Gisen didn't seem to be phased by it. In fact, her left hand opened and in a flash, a katana appeared into her hand. Gripping onto it, she raised the weapon up in front of her as the reflection in that angle reflected onto her own self. "G-Gigi? Why is that Katana out?" She asked curiously. Specifically that Katana, knowing exactly what it could do terrified her. The creatures they had to kill for her to properly forge a blade of that magnitude was agonizing for her, but it was only more fun for her companion.

    "Bunny foo-foo? Fuzzy love of my life?" Still, she tried to call for Gisen's attention, but she was left ignored. "Hunny bunny? Come on, I'm running out of cute nicknames!"

    The electricity continued to gather in the minotaurs body. One arm centered before him like the center on the offensive line of a football team while the other laid stretched behind him. It was clear what he was trying to do and in the moment of him making his action, Gisen flashed from sight. A clean sounding metal, almost spacial ring filled the air and the arm stretched back flew up into the air. The arm, began to overload with a yellow light and suddenly exploded, shaking the air with the pent up amount of power stored into it that had become unstable. Standing just behind him, Gisen took another swing of her weapon towards the minotaur, planning to strike in the moment of vulnerability, but he had managed to move himself just in time to avoid decapitation. However, her weapon did make contact with his right horn, severing part of it and hearing him wail in anger and pain from the feeling. "You little bit-" Her course of action landed a foot into his face, throwing him back a number of meters, rolling onto the ground until he regained his footing. Charging again with lightning, he fired a bolt towards her, but the bolt was sliced clean in half by the weapon, reflecting the bolt into two separate places on the ground behind her.

    Again, the bunny appeared almost instantly behind the minotaur and she swung without hesitation or care for where she had been aiming. Bursting forward, he avoided most of the attack, but his back was cut open by the weapon in her hand. He struggled to regain his footing and heaved lightly from the fight. He'd used his magic much more than he planned, severely underestimating the juggernaut of an opponent that he was tasked with. "Tch.. You win this one, rabbit. I'll come back, and next time I'm gonna level everything here. Mark my words!" A bolt of lightning crashed down on top of the minotaur and as soon as it had come, it left, leaving a small cloud of dust and the severed arm and horn. With a small sigh, the elemental had stepped back into the hall, her appearance still much the same, but this time an outfit was placed overtop of her body. A black colored playboy bunny outfit that blended it almost too well. If not for the heels that she wore, it would be nearly impossible to tell without looking that she wore it. Still, she rested the back of the Katana blade against her shoulder, standing in wait and observing the leftovers of the battles Serilda and Beaux had been in, waiting to see if she was able to help them at all or if they already won and watched alongside Raphy.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Beaux 18th July 2019, 2:35 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Guild Scale
    Post Word Count: 1,542/4,732
    Job Word Count: 4,732/3,500
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Still Standing
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Beaux and the Crimson Fang man circled each other, each eyeing the other up. It was hard for Beaux to tell how much more powerful the other was in comparison to himself. The clawed fingers he kept flexing were certainly intimidating, but Beaux tried not to let it show. Truth be told he was afraid of losing. Would all his life’s journey - his search for his sister, his quest for answers - be ended at the hands of the black-haired man? Would his last words be cut off by a slice of metal? He attempted to mentally shrug the intrusive thoughts away. There was no room for such ideas that would needle away at his morale, yet here they were, shoving their way in. The angel tried to focus on any glimmer of hope he could rouse. Madames Serilda, Gisen, and the Magic Council were relying on him, but that only made him worry more.

    Beaux decided to make the first move. He feigned right with his fist but struck from the left with the spike on his black set of wings. The enemy managed to block the blow with his shoulder, but the sharp edge left a little cut on the side of his neck. A grunt came from Claw Boy, who then attacked immediately after. Beaux ducked under the glittering golden claws but was met with a swift knee to his chin, his head snapping back sharply. Pain simmered in his chin and head as he stood and backed up a few steps. The two men sized each other up once more, circling like hyenas. Beaux raised all six of his wings, and from beneath them flew a flurry of black feathers. The elegant objects were hurled through the air towards the clawed man, their blade-like edges glistening in the light. Some bounced harmlessly off his armor but others lodged themselves into the flesh of his legs and torso. Claw Boy roared in pain and anger as he brushed the stuck feathers from his body, leaving trails of blood leaking onto his elaborate outfit.

    “You’ve done it now, feather brain,” he snarled and charged at Beaux. The angel braced himself for the attack. A few punches were dodged but the golden claws managed to slice deeply into one of the magnificent six wings. Beaux cried out in pain and lashed out to return the favor. The spikes on his black wings punctured into Claw Boy’s pecs and dragged downward, leaving a trail of exposed flesh. The mage felt triumphant for a second before a strong blow to his crippled leg took him to the ground. Sharp pain spread like fire up Beaux’s entire leg, the remnants of his old injury keeping him on the floor. Claw Boy smirked at his prey, each step forward menacingly slow. “Looks like I found your weak spot, little bird!” he said with a chuckle that sent a chill down Beaux’s spine. The winged man attempted to get up, but was stilled by a kick to his abdomen. His shirt was pierced as the enemy lifted him up so they were face to face. Blue eyes met brown. Beaux could feel breath on his face through the toothy mask the other wore.

    “Ah ah ah, you’re not going anywhere. I’m not done with you!” Claw Boy snarled as he dropped Beaux and aggressively landed blow after blow on the grounded angel. Metal tore through feathers and skin while punches and kicks left welts that would turn into black bruises. Beaux could only curl up and take the attacks as best he could. Any opportunity for counterattack was quickly squashed as he could feel himself losing blood and energy. Was this the end?

    A stroke of luck came to Beaux as another loud boom and the sound of crumbling stone could be heard from Serilda’s direction. Both he and Claw Boy glanced that way to see a massive man, seven feet at least, holding an important looking Rune Knight atop a pile of rubble. The distraction was enough for the angel to squirm out from under the golden boot that held him and take to the air. All of his wings flapped desperately to keep him aloft and out of the enemy’s range. Beaux could feel the exhaustion setting in and wondered how much longer he could last.

    The crimson man below seemed to be frustrated that he couldn’t reach the angel above him, like a housecat who was being tormented by a magpie. It seemed his fighting involved more physical attacks than magic. Golden claws flexed angrily as he paced, trying to figure out how to get to Beaux. Meanwhile, wings struggling to keep altitude, the mage was looking around for some way to change the tide of the fight. Baby blue eyes desperately scoured for something - anything! At last, they locked onto the floor below. Large chunks of stone were missing from the once pristine design. The structural integrity of the floor was becoming undermined with each step and blast that rocked the building. Surely with some persuasion it would collapse soon, right? It was a risk Beaux was willing to take. This was the only option he had at the moment. It was all or nothing.

    With that, determination filled the winged one once more. He quickly transformed the first of two bodily aspects. His six wings were replaced with a giant gray pair in a blink. Beaux could feel strength filling his muscles from the magic of this set of wings. With each stroke, the angel kicked up dust and debris around the room. Chunks of brick and stone began to scuttle across the floor. The direction of the wind changed at Beaux’s will and began to gust directly beneath him and straight at the floor. Claw Boy held his position against the wind, but the man high above could see the air beginning to tear at his clothing. “Give up, birdy,” the man called from below. “I can tell you don’t have much left in you. Why don’t you just give in to me? I’ll go easy, I promise.” The lies were accompanied by a ferocious grin.

    “Never, le sot! Beaux yelled back. “You and your guild have killed too many innocents today. You deserve nothing less than an angel’s wrath!” With that, he began the final transformation he had planned. Starting from his forehead, his skin began to change into molten gold. It looked as if someone had taken a can of paint and poured it over the angel, slowly dripping down until his body was completely gold. This ethereal skin would protect Beaux during his next attack.

    The ceiling came closer and closer as Beaux flapped his way higher. The gusts from his wings had brought Claw Boy to his knees as the floor began to crumble. Cracks became crevasses as the wind eroded it down. Dust swirled around the room and buffeted anyone still around. Beaux mentally prepared himself. In a blink, he folded his wings in and began to fall.

    Slowly at first, then faster as gravity pulled him down, the angel hurled towards Claw Boy like a bullet of gold and feathers. Faster and faster he fell, the momentum adding power to his last ditch effort. The enemy seemed to realize that he was the target of impact. Panic flashed across his face momentarily, then anger. A heartbeat before impact, the fated golden claws were detached from the glove and hurled at the plummeting mage. The first few pieces bounced off the golden skin, but the last two tore through Beaux’s defense and stuck.

    The pain didn’t stop the attack. The two men collided as Beaux blasted into his enemy and then the floor. The combination of weakened infrastructure and the speed and strength of the mage’s attack caused the floor to cave. Dizzying tiles crumbled into pieces around the two as they fell through into the room below. Beaux fell on top of Claw Boy. The continuation of their fall cause the floor beneath to crack, but not break.

    The angel groaned in pain and fell off to the side. Gray wings transformed back into smaller white ones, but his golden skin remained. The glow gave the demolished room a warm look despite what had just occurred. Dust continued to fall and settle around Beaux and his defeated enemy. Luckily, Claw Boy did not stir after the impact. Even after all the pain he had suffered at the claws of the man, he didn’t wish death upon him, only defeat.

    Blue eyes glanced down at the metal pieces in his chest. Merde, he croaked at himself. His plan had likely been foolish in nature. Desperation had made the winged man act before thinking. Of course his enemy wouldn’t go down without leaving some nasty damage. Beaux was an idiot to think he could just take the other out without issue.

    Attempts to move sent flashed of white-hot pain through his body. So the man stayed put, regaining his strength from where he lay on the broken ground. White wings were spread out to their full length, the feathers looking like the wilted petals of a flower pressed between two pages of a book.


    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) 60654_s
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th August 2019, 12:24 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    All sound had drowned out save for the ringing in her ears. Her vision tunneled on the scene before her, the rest of the battle tuning itself out as she watched the blood and pus drip from Marshal Langley’s wound. The older man was in so much blinding agony that he couldn’t even scream, his mind and body instantly in shock.

    Serilda moved so fast the ground exploded beneath her feet, leaving dozens of people that were fighting behind her rocking back and tossed on their asses from the shockwave. In a feat of brawn not usually characteristic of her, Serilda used her magic to tightly pack the atoms of her body together until her entire form was as rock hard as a diamond. The bulky man, not expecting anyone to step up to the plate so quickly after his display of might, was completely caught off guard as Serilda slammed into him. She hit him with such force that her on forward momentum stopped completely and her target was rocketed across the room and through several walls out of sight.

    “Marshal Langley..!” Frantic, Serilda dropped to her knees next to the leader of the Rune Knights, her sword clattering to the ground beside her leg as she put both her hands to trying to heal the man. She didn’t want to remove him from the rebar yet because she feared it was the only thing keeping most of his blood in his body. Desperately, she used her magic to cool and slow his blood, but at the end of the day Serilda wasn’t enough of a healer to deal with something like this. A stomach wound was almost impossible to recover from, even in a world of magic. She could already see the signs of the acid eating away at the inside of his body.

    He was dying before her eyes.

    “C… Cou…” Langley found the strength to reach a hand up and grasp Serilda by the shirt. His eyes were already glazing over with the throes of death such that she was sure he wasn’t even aware whom he was talking to. He was just trying to say something before shedding his mortal coil.

    “Don’t talk,” she tried to tell him, putting her arms under his head to try and give him some support. Or at this point, maybe it was just comfort.

    But like any dying person with important tasks on their mind, he continued to try and speak. “Council…” he whispered, his voice dry and cracking. “....watch… council…” Even with his dying breath, he just wanted to ensure that the council was protected. Even with the light actively leaving his eyes, he just wanted to do his job.

    Serilda was fighting back tears. She didn’t know Marshal Langley particularly well, though they were acquainted with one another. Furthermore, it was not the first time that Serilda had ever watched someone she knew die, not by a long shot. This was familiar territory. Then again, perhaps that was why it was affecting her so hard. “I will,” she promised, at this point just doing everything she could to comfort him in his last seconds so he could be at peace. “I will keep the council safe, I promise. I will not let these people harm them.”

    Langley’s mouth opened and closed as if to speak again, but no sound came. With a final gasping choke he drew his last breath and fell limp in her hands.

    Her senses had already picked up the enraged return of the dark mage that she’d rammed. He was storming so heavily back through the holes in the walls that the building was practically shaking with eat foot that slapped on the marble floor. With a furious bellow, he dove through the final wall and tore people out of his way in an effort to make a beeline right at Serilda. As he ducked down to charge her though, his aim to return her previous attack in kind and send her on a flight of her own, he would instead find his body passing right through hers without any resistance at all.

    He stumbled and rolled off the rubble, recovering quickly from his surprise to scramble around and fix a furious but intelligent eye on her. “You’re gonna regret putting a target on your back, bitch,” he told her.

    That was the moment when the room started to turn cold. Despite the number of bodies in the room actively warring and sweating, the temperature dropped so fast that it felt like they had been transported to the top of Mount Hakobe. Tiny icles of black frost began to stick to things, and the breath of those present became visible in an odd black fog. A thick sheet of dark ice shot out along the ground with Serilda marking its epicenter, the frozen element covering every surface in less than a second. While those with the Rune Knights and the fighting citizens allied to them would find their footing to be fine, anyone associated with this dark guild quickly slipped and fell on their asses, giving many people the opportunities they needed to take the criminals out of commission.

    At this point nearly the entire battle had come to a stand still as eyes were drawn toward the overly large dark wizard and the white haired woman that opposed him. The ground began to shake again, but this time it was much bigger than before. Rage was pouring through every fiber of her body, and it was taking every ounce of discipline she had not to accidentally bring the whole city down. Raw, chilly power was radiating off of her with such intensity that several of the remaining dark wizards fell to their knees and surrendered there and then.

    “No, I don’t think I will,” she told her enemy, slowly turning her icy blue gaze on him. Despite everything, her voice was remarkably calm and controlled -- a sign of just how incensed she truly was. She stood to her feet. “Are you the one in charge of this derelict excuse for a guild?”

    “You’ll watch that whore mouth if you know what’s good for you. Not that it matters. You’re going to die by my hands, but not before I’ve had a little fun with you. I am Krodar, we are the Crimson Fang, and today the entire country of Fiore is going to know our name..!”

    Her sword Moonlight snapped to her open hand, even as her free hand finally withdrew Malice from its scabbard. Free from its confines, the pure black scimitar ebbed with an aura that directly contradicted its silver counterpart. Where Moonlight shone with a bluish glow and filled the area with a sense of divinity, Malice seemed to suck light from existence and reeked of the demonic to those who could sense such things. Truthfully, so did Serilda herself. She was fully tapped into her god slaying magic at this point, as it was the source of the black ice and frost that currently coated the building.

    “The only thing they’ll know about your name is that you got yourself and the people in your care slaughtered in a failed attempt to overthrow the nation.” Serilda set herself in a well practiced stance with one sword ready at a low guard near her feet, the other hovering at middle guard before her. A high intensity wind snapped to life around her body, coating her in a black aura of such intense pressure that one could probably assume their flesh would pay the price of coming into contact with it. “Don’t bother to surrender. I’m only here to deliver your execution.”

    The man roared and charged her again, but this time he was not dumb enough to bull rush her. Krodar knew the likely result would just be for him to pass through her again, and if he wanted to get a better idea of what her magic was and how to fight it, he would have to use different tactics. He swung a meaty arm at her, ignoring the sharpness of the wind as it cut through his skin. Once more his arm merely phased through her body.

    Her swords lashed out in quick succession to slice across his body, leaving deep wounds that surely had done a fair bit of damage but not as much as they should have. His body was warped somehow from his magic, making it more durable and resistant to being damaged. Xiuhcoatl attacked him from behind, the large wolf leaping onto the man’s back and sinking her fangs into the back of his neck. The beast could sense Serilda’s murderous intent and knew that this was a fight to the death, taking the initiative to aid her mistress.

    Krodar growled and reached back, snatching Xiuh and ripped her off his body with no regard to the extra damage done to himself. As the wolf snarled and turned to snap her jaws on the man’s arms, he tossed the animal to the side. Prepared for this, Serilda didn’t waste a second on hurling one of her swords at him, using her Voidwalking to ensure that the weapon found its mark and buried itself in his shoulder. While he was preoccupied with that, Serilda used her free hand to slow Xiuh’s fall so the wolf wouldn’t get hurt when she landed.

    By the time Krodar had managed to pull the weapon from his body, Serilda pulled it back with her magic again, ripping it from his hands and leaving them bleeding. “Insufferable slut!” he screamed at her. With a furious bellow, his body began to morph and take on the form of a giant, four armed gorilla. He came at her once more and Serilda was forced to step up her game to keep from being pummeled by all the extra limbs. Her defenses, as strong as they were, had a limit to how much damage they could sustain before she would finally start to feel it. Better to not let the man eat through it all.

    Now controlling both her weapons with her magic, Serilda deftly began to dodge strikes while flicking her wrists to direct her own attacks. Her swords blocked and parried one of his arms each at the direction of her fingertips. His limbs still out maneuvered her more often than not however, and when Krodar finally managed to land a blow on her it sent the noble woman flying across the room where she had to roll to a stop. By the time she had regained her footing and looked up, he was almost upon her to deliver another strike...

    WORDS: 8202/8000 | @Gisen Ceostra @Beaux
    Serilda Sinclair


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 19th August 2019, 11:42 pm

    5138+3035= 8163/8000 words || @Serilda Sinclair @Beaux || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    It may have been to her benefit that once the marble soft surface of Gisen's skin turned into that of a course Obsidian rock that something was going to be a very different fight. If one thing was a show that Gisen had taken a fight much more seriously than before, it was that she was in this form. Some could class this as more of a "natural" form, which wouldn't entirely be wrong. Her insides are crafted in such a way that resembles the earth in how it's structured. This obsidian bit she has now would be considered her mantle, while her normal skin would be like the crust. Even despite that, the "core" that resides in Gisen is nothing that by any means could kill her like a normal person. It was a helping factor in her hunting monsters that she not have any worry over pain, death, or anything. Having gotten some of her memories back, these factors are much more in her mind so that her fighting can be much more brutal and up front than previously mentioned. Not having a fear to be gone should she be felled by something or someone in combat helps take away the hesitation of trying her hardest.

    From where she stood, Gisen couldn't see either of the two allies she broke off with. Though Raphy had been there a moment ago, she slipped away to go help with Beaux's fight. It wasn't any worry honestly. The angel was much more competent than she let on to believe. She and Gisen were a lot alike in that fashion where the first glance did not hold up to the fold of combat. If anything, Raphael was much more harsh in her fighting than Gisen was. An angels mercy was neigh in the way of something that was given to those that didn't deserve it. Monsters were something she struggled with at first until the rhythm caught on. Still, she couldn't shine to the former guild masters ability of tracking and hunting. She lived in it for years, so it was mere intuition and instinct that brought her to the highest of ranks for fighting and slaying creatures. Though that would be seen once the two fought alongside the pair of mages still inside the building.

    Something kicked up wrong in Gisen's mind. She had not heard much fighting, and that was both worrisome and thankful. In one part of her mind, she wondered if Serilda and Beaux had gotten things under control, but another had begun to think they were defeated... or worse. Not wanting to rush to any conclusions, she walked towards the hole in the wall that was made by her and her prior opponent when something had stopped her. The sound of a hard, loud footstep. Turning her head slightly, she could see enough over her shoulder and passed her hair that something large stood on the other side of the Knights hall from her. The creature was clearly looking much like a T-Rex, but it had some odd type of mutations. Namely, a large red colored greatsword like tail. The bunny girl looked in awe of this design. If she could, she'd try and keep this awesome looking monster for a pet and companion. However, this wasn't going to be something she could do.

    The creature let out a giant roar that caused nearby Knights to flinch and cover their ears. Gisen's lit up like a child on Christmas morning. Something about it gave her a great desire to fight it. It DID look like a lot of fun. The monster hunting junkie lifted the vorpal Katana from her shoulder and watched as the monster moved its tail to it's mouth. It began to spew flames from the mouth and then as it drug the bladed tail along it's mouth, the tail began to glow a molten heat that began to melt even the rock it hovered lightly over. "I can't tell if this is gonna end well or not... but here goes nothing." She muttered to herself before she blinked. The bunny girl appeared in mid air, her blade readying to swing down when the monster spun it's body in a speed by which she'd never seen before. The momentum had brought the tail of the monster to her own and upon impact shot the Huntress flying back and slamming into the ground.

    Gisen began to get back onto her feet in no time at all, laughing a little out loud. A challenge was ALWAYS something that she loved to find. It gave her a bit of a sadistic streak in her eyes and the grin that formed on her face to be in such an invigorating fight that the bunny girl had raised her sword up. Only, when she had did she discover the force of the blow shattered her weapons blade into pieces. Her eyes widened in surprise, not anticipating something could destroy a weapon like that with so little effort, but that was part of the fun. Letting out a small sigh, the weapon, pieces and all, had begun to glow and vanished. Another loud and proud roar left the dinosaur like monsters mouth before it had begun to charge at Gisen. Less then a moment to think of her options, she reacted with one more flash of light. The flame engulfed maw of the monster opened wide and then chomped down onto the top and bottom of a large tower shield. The shield had kept it's hold of survival, but unsure of how long as it kept forcing it's bite down harder. With one hand, she held onto the one half while the other wielded a lance that she aimed into the open mouth and began to charge up something at the end. After a moment, the charging energy began to grow until it fired a blast that sent the monster back. It screamed out before falling onto the ground, flailing on the ground for a moments time.

    The monster was far from over, however. It took it's moment to worm about, but finally managed to force it's way onto its feet. In a fit of a snarl, a small bit of flames was pushed out from its mouth before letting out an ear piercing roar. Much like it's original roar, it was enough to be heard from all over Era no doubt. Still, the bunny girl had not flinched, but instead the force of the roar was muffled out by the tower shield in front of her having soaked up the bit. Now, she was free to look over the top of the shield at her enemy whom took it upon itself to begin bringing something up from its throat into the mouth. As the monster raised its head, it brought it down and exhaled not fire, but some other kind of powder. It had a dim, red shimmer to it and it hung in the air along the path that it had expelled it from it's mouth from it's own body down to the hole in the wall behind her. The strange powder continued to hang in the air, seeming very harmless for the most part. Her attention turned away from the monster for a moment to examine the substance, realizing a little too late what it was. She had seen this only two other times. This powder... it was dangerous. A bite similar to the sound of a striking match had come from the dinosaur like monster and the fire plumed from it ignited the line of powder almost instantly. The blast was easily 20 meters wide and along the whole path had knocked Gisen airborne.

    Dazed from the attack, the elemental had failed to notice that the creature pounced up into the air, performing a bit of a front flip and creating the momentum to bring its tail down, slicing into her body and propelling her body down through the roof of the building. With the monster landing outside, it let out another roar and shaking off the earlier explosion to its face. Meanwhile, Gisen had plumetted down to the Rune Knights hall. The earth elemental crashed through the ceiling, landing into a self made crater right behind the man whom Serilda had been attacking. "Damn that thing is tough... haha!" She rose to her feet with little hesitation, shaking off the blow and then turning to see the position to which she found her friend in. The male had looked at the obsidian bunny in a bit of fear and shock. Without saying a word, Gisen walked over and snatched the weapon from his hand, grabbing the blade in her hand and then squeezing until it was nothing more then shards of metal in her hand. "I'd take care of you... but I need to go make something extinct again, so I'll leave you to this, Seri." Gisen began to walk past him, but not before turning back and grabbing him up by the front of his clothes and yanking him toward her. She met him half way with her rock hard head and he fell onto the floor, easily left with a split open skull and a concussion.

    After a moment, Gisen had realized something; Her right arm was gone. Having been the slice of the tail from the air, it had left a gash across her chest and completely removed her arm. She looked over, lifting the bit of stump from the half of a bicep and her shoulder left, she shook her head and looked around for a moment. "I guess I need a new one..." She concluded, speaking very calmly and non-chelauntly. Walking over to the wall, she lifted the stump and jabbed her arm into it. Slowly, the bunny girl pulled her arm out, leaving Serilda to watch as the arm was being reformed before her eyes. The bunny girl finished a few seconds later, practicing making a fist and the finally putting a fist through it. When she pulled it back, the girl chuckled holding a rock in her hand and then taking a bite from it as though she were eating an apple. "You be safe, Seri. I'll be back in a few once I take care of some business outside." The glowing yellow orbs shot to the woman laying prone on the ground at the moment. Taking another bite, she chewed the rock up and swallowed, tossing the rest aside and then rubbing where she felt her stomach to be, having it settle inside and rekindling her energy some. "Perks of an elemental, I guess. Anyway, best get back to work." A small smirk formed on her mouth before she got ready to head back.

    Opening her hand, a long, nearly 7 foot tall weapon appeared into her hand. This weapon would easily be identified by type of element, but the parts to which it were created would be something almost... otherworldly. In fact, from the moment she landed, the sensation would have been noticed. The bunny suit she wore bore the same element to which her weapon now did. Now, she was prepared in having this weapon act as the finisher. The other half to the pair of weapons she possessed, created of monsters of which she had slain in her time. Gargantua, the sword of the void as she called it. A counter opposite twin to the sword of Judgement, La Loi of which she'd also had in her possession, however not currently open to this world. Unlike her other weapons, the twin weapons were so powerful to her at one point that she was not allowed the ability to use them. Going against her fathers words, she had already used La Loi once and with it, she had taken out someone whom was going to not only hurt her friend, but countless others. It mattered not to her since he'd turned himself into some sort of fiendish creature before their fight, so she had no conscious over having killed a human. She killed exactly what he had become; a monster.

    In the blink of an eye, Gisen was gone. Teleporting herself as fast as possible toward the exit. One by one she got closer when the monsters head poked into the hole, as though it wondered about fitting into the hole. It was just in that moment she blinked again, appearing in front of the creature with a right fist into the face. The creature stumbled back, a bit staggered by her blow, but nothing too much to have been knocked off of it's feet. In retaliation, the aggressive creature reared in, headbutting her into and knocking her into a section of wall that used to be in tact until the several hundred pound elemental went through it. "Better now than never!" Rubble collapsed on top of her, which she used as a cover to push out from the back of. The creature began to rebuild the fire in its mouth once again and unleashed a large molten breath of fire, melting rock and anything caught in it's wake. Shaking its head from the action performed, a wave of void energy began to tear through the ground. The wave rose up and headed towards the monster before it swung its body around, its tail colliding with the attack of hers. The sound of a metallic clang rung in the air, but the bunny girls attack was halted by the parrying attack. Yet, something seemed off. After colliding, the monster almost flinched from some kind of pain and in that moment, the requip mage charged forward, swinging her weapon down on the tail with her full weight.


    The tail began to chip upon impact. A cry left the dinosaur monsters mouth as it felt it like a breaking bone. Carrying little momentum in it, the tail swung forward and threw Gisen back some, landing onto her feet and giving her the chance she saw. A blink of the eye and she was gone, now swinging the sword into the vulnernable leg, slicing into it as best she could, but it lifted up and reared her in the face, knocking her down and then a harsh stomp of the monsters foot on top of her. Twisting its body some, it wanted to get into a position to try and most likely attempt to eat her, but she had other plans for this monster. Her free hand reached for her weapon, but the rearing kick had made her lose her grip and leaving it far from her grasp. Now she had to think fast and make it count! Eyes narrowed for a moment and once again her hand reached around, but this time wasn't for her sword. No, she grabbed hold of the ground and began to mold it. Forming the bottom of a pole or hilt, she grabbed it and pulled up. Again, the maw of the monster unhinged as it came down at her and suddenly, the maul of a blunt weapon swung around and slammed into its face. The sound of cracking, chipping fangs rang just in front of her and few pieces of its fangs fell from its mouth and the monster staggered away.

    Taking no time, Gisen rolled in the opposite direction and then got onto her feet as she watched the monster reeling in pain from the hit. Pouncing into the air with the help of her armors ability, she let gravity give her next swing down extra power as the warhammer molded of the earth crashed down into the tail. A loud snap could be heard and the sword like tail had flown into the air. From the shock, the monster fell onto its side while the tail crashed onto the ground, the tip dug into the ground and leaving it standing tall on a slight angle. As it flailed on the ground, whining in what she assumed was either pain or aggrivation from being unable to stand, she noticed the tail was still moving around. "W-Wait.. didn't I..." Her head turned behind her, looking over the severed tail when she noticed that it wasn't an actual tail. The piece behind her was some kind of outer casing that was acting like a weapon for it. Still, she was impressed and thoroughly happy with having to fight such a creature.

    Now was the time to end it. Taking her warhammer in both hands, the elemental raised her weapon into the air and brought it down with a great ferocity. Unfortunately, she didn't in fact bring it down on the head of the monster. Instead, she slammed the weapon into the ground, where a small shake of the earth below her had begun to force black spikes to begin portruding from the earth, raising 10 meters high. Covering the whole area around half of the Rune Knight building and in the area around her, she watched the monster jump to its feet before several of the spike pierced through its body and then one into the neck, the skull right behind the jaw, and then each leg. Almost memorialized like a statue, it let out of exhaled breath of fire from its mouth while blood oozed down each spike that was connected to its body. "Oh man! That was so much fun! Though next time... let's not of had some homicidal bull person try and send me down the top of this mountain..." Letting out a sigh, Gisen just let off a shrug and walked around her spikes until she reached the opening of the hole where she collapsed onto her knees, huffing and panting in a moderate amount of exhaustion. Suddenly, the mages skin began to crack. The obsidian "skin" had begun to wear off, bringing back her prior marble smooth skin and the light color it brought. Her eyes reduced to their prior shade and lack of a glowing yellow hue. Now she was just exhausted and hoping that both Beaux and Serilda were alright. At the moment, moving wasn't something she could do...

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much



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    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Beaux 10th October 2019, 5:45 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Guild Scale
    Post Word Count: 1,087/5,819
    Job Word Count: 5,819/3,500
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Still Standing
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Beaux wasn’t sure how long he lay among the broken floor pieces. Ten minutes? Fifteen? Time was impossible to tell. The room had begun to spin a little, so he closed his eyes as he recovered. The only sounds he could hear was the faint breath of the clawed man, who remained knocked out, and the occasional clattering of settling rubble. His body ached from the impact. Luckily the golden skin took the majority of the damage, with the exception of the golden claws lodged in his chest. The last ditch effort of his enemy had made a bloody mess of Beaux’s torso. With each breath, the metal caused a faint stinging pain, but the angel was too dazed to remove them.

    Beaux had nearly fallen asleep when he was jolted awake by a sudden striking uneasiness. Baby blue eyes shot open wide and he sat up with a gasp. In the range of his magic sensory he felt an incredibly strong demonic power. This magic made his instinct to flee kick in and his heart began to race. For some reason, the urge to run was stronger than normal. An odd sensation spread across his chest. Lifting his head up, Beaux witnessed an unusual sight. The golden skin granted by his magic was bubbling and furiously glowing like molten rock. It slowly pushed the metal claws from his chest until they fell to the sides, clinking against the rock. Unbeknownst to Beaux, his angelic magic was responding to the presence of the demonic power close by. Holy beings wanted nothing to do with dark ones, and the essence of angels within him didn’t either. Praeclara’s Ethereal Skin was reacting in order to warn and protect him. It was a defensive measure to prepare for a potential demon attack.

    Beaux’s brow furrowed in a perplexed expression. Nothing like this had ever happened with his magic since he had fused with the angel a few years ago. Every piece of the angels that he was able to use had become familiar in its function and behavior. For it to act a certain way on its own was unusual, and frankly unnerving. Beaux pulled himself into a sitting position, exhaling heavily at the soreness in his muscles. Even though his body was screaming at him to escape while he could, there was still an inkling of curiosity. He wanted to explore the source, even at a distance, and check up on his allies.

    Large white wings shook, dislodging a few feathers. A downward stroke was given once to test the strength of the limbs, then Beaux launched himself into the air. One last glance was sent towards his defeated enemy, lying limp on the ground. The angel wasn’t worried about Claw Boy. He was long passed out and would eventually be found by whatever comrades remained. As Beaux gained altitude, heading towards the hole in the floor above, he spotted a set of long ears peeking above the rim. A closer look revealed Raphy, unaccompanied by Gisen, peering at him. “La fillette!” he cried joyously, breaching the edge of the chasm and landing beside her. “I’m glad to see you’re alive,” Beaux added with a warm smile. Glancing down, he realized how awful he looked. Dust covered every part of him, showing up in patches against golden skin. Blood drenched the front of his shirt in a reddish-brown stain. The angel’s cheeks turned slightly pink. His appearance was truly atrocious and he hoped Raphy didn’t mind.

    A deafening roar drowned out his thoughts, coming from nearby. The demonic magic pushed against his senses once more like a blast of icy wind. Chills went down the angel’s spine as he realized the direction from whence it came was where he had left Serilda earlier. “Merde!” he hissed out loud, beckoning to Raphy to follow as he bolted for the hallway as fast as he could. In reality, it was a hasty limp. Beaux’s crippled leg was starting to act up after being battered by the clawed man. The angel’s focus was elsewhere, though. His ally might be in trouble and no matter how sore he was, protecting friends was the highest priority.

    Beaux’s senses and flight instinct only pushed harder on his mind as he got closer. His heartbeat was pounding in his chest from worry, fear, and exertion. The angel gritted his teeth as he resisted the urge to run. His golden skin glowed angrily. Coming upon the entrance of the room, Beaux arrived just in time to see Gisen headbutt a massive man with four gorilla arms. Without hesitation she continued her own battle. She was certainly a formidable warrior and the angel considered himself lucky to not be her opponent.

    Turning towards Serilda, he was relieved to see her alive and standing. Though she appeared to be roughed up - as most battling mages had - there was still determination in her stance. It was then that Beaux noticed the two swords in her hands. One, glowing a whitish blue, radiated divinity that was almost comforting. The other, however, was a partial source of the dark essence he had been feeling. Black metal gleamed menacingly. Beaux could feel the magic pulling at the room and practically smelled the darkness. It made him a little nauseous. The power was coming from Serilda herself, as well as the black ice that coated the room. Whatever this magic was, it was deadly.

    All at once, the angel concluded that the ebony sword and the magic which Serilda used could kill him in an instant. It was unclear how exactly he came to this realization, but he knew it down to the core of his being. It was an undeniable truth. Perhaps this was why his golden skin was reacting: it was intended to reject anything deadly. Beaux decided to ask Serilda about it after they had finished off Crimson Fang - if they both lived, that was.

    The angel kept his distance from both the woman and the gorilla-armed man. He was prepared to lend assistance wherever needed but didn’t want to distract Serilda in any way. She was a much stronger mage than he and needed to focus to win this battle. As the enemy charged once more, he stuck his hooked staff out and caught the massive ankle in its grasp. Hairy arms flailed as the man lost his balance for a moment, allowing Serilda a chance to strike.


    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) 60654_s
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Rise From Ashes (Magic Council) Empty Re: Rise From Ashes (Magic Council)

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 14th October 2019, 12:38 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda braced herself for impact, but it never came. Or well, it did, just not on her. Right when she thought Krodar was going to finally land a solid blow, Gisen came out of seemingly nowhere and smashed her head right into him, knocking him off course. “Thanks!” she told the other woman as Gisen went back to fighting some other dinosaur like creature. That was too close. She was going to have to step up her game if she wanted to survive this. The man had no intention of letting her live, and he had already killed so many other innocent people. If she was going to do this, she needed to do it now.

    By the time she was on her feet and ready to move, Krodar was coming at her again. But once more, her allies had superb timing. Beaux slithered the hook of his cane out with enough precision to trip up the dark wizard’s footing, throwing the large ape man off. Serilda didn’t hesitate.

    As Krodar fell forward, Serilda stepped up to him with both of her swords raised. Both blades were crossed, their sharp edges honing in on his neck, and before the dark mage knew what was happening she pushed them forward and swept them apart. The guildmaster of Crimson Fang was beheaded to swiftly and neatly that he actually lived long enough to blink in shock before death had the chance to set in. His body faded back to its normal form before slumping to the ground, the head rolling across the ice where it came to a stop right in front of a group of warring knights and dark wizards.

    The members of Crimson Fang slowly stopped fighting when they realized their leader had been killed. One by one, they each had a moment of panic and confusion before dropping their weapons and falling to their knees in surrender. As the knights quickly began to arrest people, Serilda looked around trying to find any kind of leadership for them. Marshal Langley was dead, and she didn’t see any of his generals either. Closing her eyes to focus, she reached out with her Void senses and stretched them toward the city. There still seemed to be a few small groups of people moving in ways that spoke of battle, but for the most part the battles in the city and the headquarters seemed to be over.

    Serilda turned to a passing knight. “Lieutenant?”

    “Yes, my lady?”

    “Your marshal is dead. I’m sorry. Until such a time as one of your generals is found, I’m exercising my authority as a noble to temporarily take command of the Rune Knights. Round together two groups of your men that are in decent condition and have them rendezvous at the jail and in the city. I sense most of the fighting has stopped, but we need to be sure who was victorious. Have them also spread the news that the master of the attacking guild was slain. I want reports back on the status of these areas as soon as possible.”

    The lieutenant bowed to her. “Understood, ma’am. I’ll see to it at once.”

    As he hurried off to do as she’d bade him, Serilda stabbed the tips of both her swords into the ice. She needed to clean them before she returned them to her scabbard, but first she had other things to do. She would first check Xiuhcoatl, who trotted over to her and appeared to be unharmed. Then she took the time to check Beaux and Gisen to make sure they were okay. If Beaux showed any nervousness toward her, she didn’t seem to sense it, though once Krodar had died and the Fang were starting to surrender, she had all but turned off her god slaying magic so it wouldn’t be affecting him any longer.

    From there, she focused efforts on finding survivors and detaining suspects. Eventually the council members started to trickle back into the room, and not long after that Serilda received word that both the Knights and a number of capable civilians had worked together to successfully stamp down the uprising in the other locations where fighting had been the strongest. Unfortunately, it seemed the Knights had taken a massive blow. Over half their numbers had been killed in this attack, and that was just at a safe guesstimate before bodies could even actually be counted. She was left with a number of questions, not the least of which was wondering how a dark guild had been able to amass a force large enough to do something like this without anyone noticing?

    It would be a long road to recovery, and little did Serilda know how directly involved in that process she, Mythal, and a number of the civilians that had helped defend Era today would be.

    WORDS: 9021/8000 | @Gisen Ceostra @Beaux
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:30 am