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    Usergroup control?

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Usergroup control? - Page 2 Empty Re: Usergroup control?

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 9th November 2016, 11:18 am


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    Usergroup control? - Page 2 Empty Re: Usergroup control?

    Post by Guest 9th November 2016, 11:24 am

    To be honest. This whole argument looks good for neither side. It's just going in circles and unfortunately, GMs will not be getting that ability back anytime soon. Majority rule. Admins, and even mods, have come to a unanimous agreement over the issue.

    We staff can also balance our lives just fine. If we knew we couldn't handle GMship, we wouldn't take it.

    Hell, I'm the only staff member on the site who balances staff work, irl work, college, and four different characters on this site without any issues other than the occasional break because I'm too loaded down and don't have time for the site at all, like now with finals.

    If you want the truth behind it all: the toxicity of this site has forced many staff members to find alternative places to rp or "hide" rather than hang out with the members of this site. Because we, the staff, cannot handle just how corrupt this site has become from not just the members of the site, but former members of staff, etc.

    That's why you do not see us around much or very little of us.

    And the fact that this argument is still going is the one of the many reasons why.

    We do not make decisions to ruin roleplaying for you guys. We make decisions to better the site as well as better the rp experience. If you don't like something we do, you'll just have to get over it and give it a chance rather than complaining about it.

    Like the presidency.

    You have to think to yourself, "Is this truly harmful to the site as a whole or just to myself?"

    If it only hurts you, find an alternative to fixing it. Staff don't cater to individuals.

    If it hurts the site as a whole, bring it to the attention of staff as a collective whole and in a respectful, responsible manner. Nothing disrespectful.

    When you can do that. Staff will listen.

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    Usergroup control? - Page 2 Empty Re: Usergroup control?

    Post by Sanguine 9th November 2016, 11:33 am

    Yeah, I'm just gonna step in here now that I feel the personal need to. This is an old topic being brought up yet again, and the answer is not gonna change simply because you guys keep pushing the topic. It's rather stupid and immature of all of you to sit there and think bringing up complaints about things are going to change the outcome of something SIMPLY BECAUSE you feel it needs changing. That feeling of self entitlement is going to get you nowhere but lower on the list of respect of not just staff, but normal members whom dislike the way you treat other staff. Take no for an answer and shut the fuck up already.

    Now then, let me que in some commentary using points Heero mentioned. Not to single him out, but he brought in others perspectives which makes it easier to make my points without needing to quote a million things.

    Hera-senpai wrote:
    1. I was just messing around with Nadarr, and kicked him out 3 times. Sure at times it seemed like we were super serious, but we weren't. He just panicked when I first did it because he thought I was serious. We had countless adventures before AND after this occurrence.  :lol!:

    2. I shouldn't have repeatedly kicked him out, even though he was cracking up on Skype the entire time.

    3. Even though I had a bit of fun with the GM powers, I was an exceptional GM. I only added people when they specifically asked me too in the CBOX, or directly through PMs. I have on record, several staff members asking me to "stop adding people early" before they had an approved character. My natural response as you would guess is, well isn't that just saving time if they already want to be in the guild? The responses I got were "still wait". So the hammer was coming down back when I was bringing Fairy Tail back into power. Umm.. Point still stands that you had to be told several times. You literally just admitted to the fact you did to just to joke around, however I do respect the fact you were willing to admit it.

    4. Without beating around the bush, Staff Members should not be able to be Guild Masters in my opinion.  That's a stupid idea. to eliminate the idea of someone being a GM simply because they're on staff is like saying I can't have my first amendment right to free speech simply because I vote Democrat.

    5. The Magic Council needs to be revived and opened as a separate group like the Wizard Saints with the 5 Chairs of the Council available for PCs to apply for. This is a usergroup OUTSIDE of the Guilds that the staff can manage. "Wizard Saints, Sinners, Magic Council Positions" should be the only "membership" that the Staff themselves have any say in, and even THEN it should be the members IC who decide "who a sinner is and what a sinner is" or "who is a saint in our eyes", it should not be entirely up to the Staff even then. And if it is, the IC opinion of the person in question should be weighed more heavily than the Staffs personal opinion on THEM. Which happens far to often in my opinion. Yes, let's revive something that nobody would ever use because people prefer to kill in the name of justice then try to preserve this. In experience of being a justice preserver on literally every fairytail site I've been on since I started rp'ing, I can tell that it will die out again real quick. Like... Literally look at the GK, the RK, and the MC in the first place...

    6. We have a huge imbalance right now. The majority of the power to make anything happen rests solely in the hands of the Staff. As Marceline pointed out herself, most of the Guild Masters are Staff Members and vice versa. This creates a HUGE problem, as Guilds no longer do their own thing. Just merely "what the staff wants". At this point the Admins / Staff could literally plot an entire Guild War in the Staff Chat with only 3 Guilds being left out of the loop. Guilds can still do their own thing, you just have an easier way to get to admins in order to color the members and get guild plots approved or adjusted for approval. It's not a bad thing to have staff as gm, it's just easier.

    7. As Kira said, being able to add new members to Guilds on your own increases activity. Trust me, I know a thing or two about running a Guild. As do so many other people, but you don't see everyone on site jumping into this thread to defend the idea.

    8. Stop using me as a Scapegoat, I personally developed more than half of the systems and locations on this site. And I would never be malicious to anyone. As a matter of fact, I have either approved, helped, or ushered in quite a few people in this topic at one point or another. Whether that be IC or OOC. You guys have to take responsibility for the state of the site, I'm no longer a Staff Member, or a Guild Master, just another member along for the rodeo at this point. Even though I am one of the original developers of the site. And if I was a Staff Member, things would sure as hell be a lot different. Because I'd be opening up new PC positions like crazy. Everyone knows what you used to be, but trying to say that if you were to be a mod again you'd "Make ft-rp great again!" is a little meh. You aren't someone the site RELIES ON, you're one that people like and respect for the things you've done. Just be proud of that and keep your head outta your ass.

    9. There needs to be something done about the Staff's control of things. A new system that let's Guilds fight one another, the Magic Council re-opening. Something. We used to have all out battles, and grand happenings here, now---it feels honestly like you guys have a stranglehold on everything, creativity included. Having to check with you guys on everything from new members to a Guild, to Magic, to checking if something is "OK" to do IC; is time consuming and frankly not fun for anyone!

    10. Let's all start to have fun again without the angst. Restore the power to the GMs to add members @Aiyana. Even when I had the power, everything went smoothly except for the one situation with Nadarr, which was just me messing with him anyways.

    11. I was the Admin in charge once, and the site didn't explode by me letting GMs control who was and wasn't in their Guild. That's not really...the Staffs business anyways. Times have changed, get used to it.

    12. The Staff should not Control the Guilds. Every Staff Member who's a GM should at this moment consider passing the title along to another member who isn't on the Staff. Spin it IC however you want, but it would be a cool gesture to the members. Too much control is bad. Just because it happens that most of staff is a gm means nothing. The fact you think that's going to change is amusing.

    13. Love yal.

    P.S - Also, I am on pretty damn good terms with the Staff now, this was not a problem starter. Just consider keeping things separate like we used too. TacticalFallacy was one of the greatest Moderators ever, and helped me develop this place back in the day. Not after today you are.

    He was D-Ranked, and barely RPed. But he was smart, and could grade even H-Ranked apps.

    I'm asking for us to reconsider what qualifies someone to be a moderator and an Admin. Our current Staff is pretty friggin awesome, but mad overworked.

    The Guilds and Staff need to become separate, and the Magic Council needs to be it's own Usergroup with it's own plots and devices like it used to be. If these 2 things happen, everything will fix itself. Good luck getting that changed. And just because you THINK that will happen, means nothing.


    Usergroup control? - Page 2 JwEY1nx

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    Usergroup control? - Page 2 Empty Re: Usergroup control?

    Post by Haru-senpai 12th November 2016, 2:43 pm

    No you're responses are amusing. Way funnier to watch than my cliff notes LOL.

    As if your snarky comments are going to help anything? "Not anymore you aren't." / "The fact you think anything is going to change is amusing." You gotta grow up a bit. I won't even reply to everything you said because you're pretty cool, but the dumb snarkiness is just...blegh.

    We're trying to be serious about whether or not GMs have a right to control members. My advice is separate Guilds and Staff so they can operate and function individually. Also bring back the Magic Council. That's all.


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    Usergroup control? - Page 2 Empty Re: Usergroup control?

    Post by Guest 12th November 2016, 3:08 pm

    Hera-senpai wrote:No you're responses are amusing. Way funnier to watch than my cliff notes LOL.  

    As if your snarky comments are going to help anything? "Not anymore you aren't." / "The fact you think anything is going to change is amusing." You gotta grow up a bit. I won't even reply to everything you said because you're pretty cool, but the dumb snarkiness is just...blegh.

    We're trying to be serious about whether or not GMs have a right to control members. My advice is separate Guilds and Staff so they can operate and function individually. Also bring back the Magic Council. That's all.

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Usergroup control? - Page 2 Empty Re: Usergroup control?

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 12th November 2016, 4:39 pm

    And this is where I lock it to prevent it from becoming a flame war!!!
    Tyrant go!


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