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    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 960,162

    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight Empty Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight

    Post by Zincarla 6th June 2023, 4:16 pm

    It hasn't surprised her that Sakuramori had more griffins like the one that she cared for. Zincarla had no idea where the griffin egg bestowed upon her by her prison-mate had actually come from but she doubted its legal beginnings. Now, all around the mage were beautiful and diverse griffins, a secret refuge that she had been allowed to visit, though in doing so she felt somewhat intrusive. Golden griffins like lions with powerful bodies and stunning roars, onyx raven griffins with sleek feathers and a higher order intelligence than she had expected, griffins with colors both natural and extravagant in shade made her feel like she was in a fairy story that combined all the traits of every habitat on Fiore. Waterfalls, palm trees, cacti, and such a variety of wildlife to behold! The truth was the beautiful and mysterious land of Sakuramori was a great place for the griffins of the world to join together, mate and raise their young. The temperature and weather was moderate enough for all griffins to reunite for at least a short time and this was the brilliant place Eirwen had brought her.

    Eirwen was both regal and logic defying in her own power: a large adult now crossing the features of a snow leopard and a snowy owl, she was a queen in her own right. Zincarla often left the creature to its own devices, despite their companionship. Zincarla understood the value of freedom and privacy and the two had a bond which allowed them to sense when the other needed help. Over certain distances, they could even send occasional mental messages to each other. Once becoming an adult, Eirwen and Zin's bond had changed to a sort of long distance friendship, split up by regular meetings and missions done together, and the witch had to admit that she had never had a closer friend. From the moment Eirwen burst from her shell, the two had been irrevocably bonded, imprinting on one another's very souls. Zincarla gently ruffled the feathers on Eirwen's head, leaning forward from her seat upon the griffin's back.

    It had been a month since she had last seen her other friends, a label which she had just started to use when the pirate raid and demon attack had brought the entire group to its knees. Zin still couldn't think about that night without recalling the death of the innocent to her own thoughtless fight in the bar or the much more impacting memory of the way her friend Sojiro had looked into her eyes, used her magic against her, and threatened to drain her power away. A threat that she could see was real. The honest part was that she had calmed herself down and taken a break from the fear and guilt being around her friends had made her feel. Zincarla had dealt with the pain as best as she could and could now admit that running away, though it helped her mentally, might have caused more damage to the relationships. Zincarla was uncertain if she should go back, or if she could go back. Would Sojiro assume abandonment? Would Takumi and Tad fear her hidden abilities? Would she honestly really be able to face Sojiro without apprehension?

    Instead of dealing with her social and mental problems, Zincarla found escape with Eirwen. They had fought together, flown together, and had reclaimed lost time just by living and enduring together in Sakuramori. People said the place was so mysterious that some never returned and for now, that was all right by Zincarla. Her magenta eyes took in the rolling griffin cubs and the parents that tried to corral them and found herself at peace. Being allowed to be present in this place was more than a gift, it was an intense sign of acceptance and compassion from the griffins at large. This sacred mating grounds was hidden from prying eyes and dangers and she was the only companion that she had seen being brought directly to this safe space. Zincarla checked that her staff was still in place hooked on the strap of her pack and they lay down on her stomach, nestling her face and hands into the fur of Eirwen's broad back. She relaxed and watched the customs of the magical creatures until dusk began to fall.

    As the last ribbons of pink and purple faded from the sky and the stars began to brightly glitter, Zincarla, Eirwen and the griffin colony huddled together for warmth. Zincarla and the griffins slept, excepting for some of the more nocturnal guardians of the extended family. Everything was at peace. Until it wasn't.

    Bright orange flames shot up from the trees around the colony, jolting Zincarla awake. The roaring and mewling of griffins filled the air and there was a moment of confusion. Every way she looked, there was fire. "The only way out is up!" Zincarla cried, though the griffins were already ahead of her. The winged beasts soared for the sky only to come crashing back down. Zincarla had leapt upon Eirwen's back and they too had put on a burst of speed, aiming for the one opening in the forest cliffs. She and Eirwen were prevented from leaving as well and the tang in the air noted an abundance of magical presences: spells being cast over and over, like layers of blankets stopping the colony from reaching freedom. As the seconds passed, more barriers appeared and the stars above looked misty and dim. Layers and layers of barriers were being erected over the opening, trapping dozens of griffins below. Zincarla set her jaw and patted Eirwen, "Straight ahead," she told the owl griffin.

    With a surge of her own great magical power rushing over her skin, Zincarla forced a hole into the barriers. She could smell singed feathers and fur and feel the burn of magic on her arms and face as they drove, spinning like a drill, to their escape. In the cool night sky, the mage looked down. She could still hear the cries of the creatures intermixed with the crackle of the flames. Layers of blue and red were already stitching the hole she had made back together. "No!" She screamed in defiance. Eirwen reared back and let out a wild cry of her own. Zincarla could see shadows below but their were too many to count from this height and with so many lives at risk she could feel her stomach drop. That detested feeling of helplessness wormed its way inside her mind and her heart thundered so loud she could hear a ringing in her ears. Her hands were shaking as she gripped Eirwen's feathery mane.

    It had been too long and whether or not she was welcome and without knowing what mess she might be getting back into socially, Zincarla made her decision: It was time to go home to her friends. "We need help, Eir," Zincarla said with a half sob, confidence and power evident though her heart was crushing her chest into knots. "Fly fast, I think I know just the right mages."

    It took several hours, putting Zincarla back on the roof of her home with a loud thud and the crunch of the roof beneath Eirwen's talons. Zincarla looked through the holes made, ignoring that it was likely just a few hours from dawn now, and shouted, "Wake up! There's an emergency!"

    WC: 1236


    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc
    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
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    Experience : 18,535

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    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight Empty Re: Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 6th June 2023, 8:16 pm

    There was the loud sound of something tearing a building into pieces, obliterating it from existence before sudden pain at erupted through his body. The feeling of flying was the only thing his mind could compare it to, soaring through the air as he looked at the destruction of the docks, his friend Takumi on his knees, and Zincarla nowhere to be seen. Was Thaddeus going to be okay? What had happened to him, was that his arm flying through the air? The weightless feeling soon left him as gravity sunk its claws into him, tearing him down towards the earth at a rapid pace. *I'm going to die, again.* Was the final thought creeping through his mind as the ground seemed to fly at him like a freight train, threatening to steal the last bit of his life and leave him dead on the beach, unable to help his friends.

    Sojiro shot up in his bed with a scream, deep layers of sweat covering his body as he threw the sheets off his body and threw himself across his room. The blue-haired male was barely able to make it to his desk before falling onto his knees, hands clasping the metal tin that was resting there and emptying what little was in his stomach into it. His retching continued for several moments as the rest of the night had played through his head. What happened that night was so much worse than death, the memories slowly returning to him as though fed to him by the Demon while he slept. As the remains of food left his body, the man fell to the ground with a few silent tears streaming down his face. The fear that was on Zincarla face as his own body was used as a weapon against her, drawing in her power and threatening to kill her. The ragged form of Thaddeus strewn across the top of the roof. And worst of all, the dead look inside of Takumi's eyes as he was forced to watch Sojiro become a monster. This thing had been inside of him since he came to this land, had been the reason he was sucked into this damned place to begin with.

    He had come to already accept that he was going to be stuck in this world, regardless of what magic he was able to come across. It didn't seem possible to leave in all his research, so he made his peace with that. Instead he was going to do some good in this world, take whatever magical powers he had and use them to protect those who weren't able to do it themselves. That idea had been destroyed the moment that the truth inside of Sojiro had been revealed, tearing him from the false life he believed he could have.

    It had been a month since the fateful night, Sojiro had taken nearly two weeks to even recover from the damage that the spirit caused to his physical form. When he had come to, the spirit had already caused him to relive most of the that night on repeat several times. The memories would come and go in waves after that, Sojiro Sakura taking to hiding in his room and avoiding anyone that was in the house. Very little food had been eaten in the following two weeks, along with almost no sleep gathered by the youth. What he had done torn a terribly hole in his psyche, night terrors plaguing him at every moment of rest and not allowing him to rest properly. The young made had forsaken any of his magic, instead becoming obsessed with finding other ways to try and protect himself or others from himself.

    Sleep had claimed him again after throwing up, simply passing out on the floor curled up in a ball. It was not even a full hour later before the sound of the building being torn into caused him to wake up, shooting up from his spot in an absolute panic. Lack of sustenance caused him to nearly fall over when he stood up, right hand reaching out to desperately find purchase to catch his balance. His left hand would grab the handle of the large gun, close to design to a shotgun, that had been resting on his desk. One of the purchases that he had made, lightning quickly coming to life within the machine as his thumb flicked over the hammer. Determined but weak steps carried the man to the door of his room, unlocking the door and stepping out into the hall.

    Sojiro's body would be revealed to the world, the man only wearing a pair of black pajama pants that were obviously dirty from being over worn. His usually muscular form was gaunt from the lack of food, pale in comparison to his normally tanned skin. Dark circles plagued the areas around his eyes, his cheeks stained from the countless tears that were shed over the last weeks. His steps carried him into the hall and towards the living room, where the noise had been heard from, where he would cautiously look around at the scattered pieces of ceiling that had found their way onto the ground. The barrel of his gun would swing up towards the ceiling as he stepped into view, even the dim light of night causing him to squint slightly as he looked past his glasses up at the form of the giant griffon. The lightning flared inside of the shotgun as he prepared a shot, before his deprived body recognized the familiar face of Zincarla atop the creature.

    Guilt was the first thing that hit him, deep in his stomach that it threatened to roll over again and cause him to hurl again. What little fire had returned to his gut was immediately extinguished at the sight of her, arm falling to his side as his thumb flicked over the safety, lightning slowly disappearing from inside the weapon. Sojiro's amethyst eyes would turn away from the ceiling as he'd take several steps back, pressing his back against the wall and keeping his gaze away from the woman. An emergency? Takumi and Thaddeus would be better to help her than he ever would be.

    WC: 1,041
    TWC: 2,277


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000
    Takumi Yoko
    Takumi Yoko

    Lineage : Truth
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    Posts : 43
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    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight Empty Re: Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight

    Post by Takumi Yoko 7th June 2023, 1:24 am

    Perhaps in better times Takumi would've had acted as the glue to the group but much like the others, he had been scarred during that faithful night. The night he watched as his best friend died before his very eyes then watched as he was controlled as a puppet with a demonic knight acting as the puppet master and he had been forced to defeat both puppet master and his friend to reclaim him. The broken knuckle was a reminder that clung to his body, he was sure someone had some magic potion to fix it, maybe even just magic in general to put it back to normal or even to a prime status. Yet he refused such treatment.

    He needed to remember. He needed to prepare, he needed to be ready, his allies and friends had fallen so quickly in the blink of an eye. Warm blood that wasn't there spilt from his face, words that were never heard echoed in his mind, tremors of a world bowing before a power that couldn't stand to the knight. These feelings and phantom sensations had plagued him throughout the month as he trained his body and magic intensely, forcing himself to train for the inevitable rematch against the creature. His anti-magic bubble had been the key in defeating him and would likely remain so but now the demon knew. It wouldn't dismiss him as it once did, no, it would seek to remove him quickly before taking it's vengeance against the others.

    So he trained and experimented, forcing himself to use his magic in ways he hadn't thought of to mold it into different shapes, sizes, densities, he would master the earth itself and force the demon to stand before him. Then he would fight. Even with a broken knuckle, he trained his body for hand to hand combat, much like before Takumi had an advantage he may not hold in their next encounter. The demon had been forced to use the broken body of Sojiro, the barely standing form of his friend couldn't move half as fast as Sojiro could normally, not to mention the shock from having it's magic stolen from it wouldn't cause such panic and desperation as before. It would be prepared, it would study and replay the memories, over and over, thinking up ways to counter his fighting style and he would be entering the fight without any idea how well it could physically fight.

    With his focus entirely on preparing for his fight, he knew he wasn't being a good friend. Zincarla, Sojiro, Thaddeus... Despite sharing a house with them, he barely seen them anymore as he left in the day and returned late in the night, taking all he'd need for the day in a simple supply bag to train far away from others. The only one he seemed to really notice was Sojiro's and his worsening state, another reminder, another reason to fight harder. Not because Takumi thought he would need to protect him or that he was somehow helping him, no, it because he could see it when he looked at his best friend. The raging red eyes that were the opposite of Sojiro's calming amethyst were often the first thing Takumi seen when he looked at his best friend. As if the demon was mocking him, reminding him that it had claimed Sojiro's body as it's vessel and could strike when he least expects it.

    Yet that didn't matter once he heard the roof cave in. Almost instantly he was up and moving, slamming his door open and allowing the dirt he had been subtly placing around the house to begin the process toward activating his latest magic yet before he could even begin considering what would work best against the demon, he seen him. The weak and fading body of his best friend, raising a gun up toward the destruction. The dirt that had been flowing toward Takumi stopped and the specs of dirt that had been close enough to begin floating up simply fell to the ground. This wasn't the demon.

    That was the only thought in his mind as he looked up toward the cause of the damaged roof and heard an old yet familiar voice. Zincarla. Distantly his mind noted he'd have to ask her to pay for the new roof. With only a pair of black knee length shorts, he wondered if he'd have time to grab anything before deciding that whatever it was Zincarla had decided to be important enough to crash through the roof for couldn't afford to wait. His friend however... An old but familiar magic would shift the dirt in the house to carry his bag of supplies slowly toward Sojiro, a smaller and simpler version of the same technique he had used to carry himself around had been reduced to simple item retrieval but the supplies should feed Sojiro for the upcoming emergency. "Eat. We shall deal with this together." He'd simply order Sojiro as he focused his eyes up at Zincarla, not capable of looking at his friend just yet but wanting to ensure Sojiro would be prepared.

    WC: 858
    TWC: 3,135


    Takumi Yoko

    He's here to help!

    Speech: #cc9900


    Lineage : Master of the Other World
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    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight Empty Re: Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight

    Post by Believer 14th June 2023, 12:19 pm

    Tad had always been a bit of a loner, likely because he never felt like he fit in with the rest of his family. When you feel like the odd-man out, you start to see yourself as one, leading to acting like an outsider. It hadn't bothered Tad for most of his young life, but then he met Sojiro who introduced him to Zincarla and Takumi. While Tad understood that the foursome's connection was likely a matter of convenience and thus a temporary relationship, he still felt oddly comfortable with all three of them despite the rather limited amount of time they'd known each other. It was a feeling that Tad had never experienced and one he wasn't willing to let go of easily. Instead, Tad had tried to keep everyone on good terms and together.

    Unfortunately, Zincarla was gone before he'd even had time to realize that these relationships were something worth fighting for. Takumi and Sojiro had proven a little easier as neither disappeared. Tad tried to stay on good terms with Takumi, but he often left before Tad was awake and returned late. The only thing Tad could do for the man was have food in the house. Despite their infrequent and very brief interactions, Tad could tell that Takumi wasn't wallowing elsewhere: Takumi was getting stronger. Food was also Tad's only real influence on Sojiro as well: the lanky mage would deliver food to Sojiro's room and retrieve the dishes from the previous meal. Often the amount of food Tad retrieved was identical to the food he'd delivered previously. But even a few bites will help Sojiro. It was tough for Tad to see Sojiro wasting away, but he also doubted there were any words he could say to pull the Hero from his gloom. That wasn't to say that Tad hadn't tried many words, just hadn't found any to be successful. Tad's only hope was that Sojiro would be able to pull himself out of it on his own some day and Tad would be there to help him when he was ready.

    Seeing Takumi grow stronger, Tad realized he also needed to grow. There may be a day when Sojiro was ready to take the world on again and Tad couldn't just be left behind. So while Sojiro spent his time in his room and Takumi spent his time training elsewhere, Tad trained in the backyard when he wasn't buying and preparing food for his housemates. He spent many days honing his lightning magic, even taking some inspiration from the new toys that Sojiro had purchased in his early days after the event that had created the schism between the group of friends. While Takumi focused on preparing himself to fight the demon within Sojiro, Tad focused on helping his friend battle the demon. In the end, both men were just trying to do what they could to help Sojiro.

    Tad was a heavy sleeper and the griffin's landing on the roof was surprisingly elegant for a creature that large and hadn't woken up the lightning mage. Even Zincarla's yell barely stirred Tad. However, Tad's magic sense had developed pretty well and Takumi's magically moving dirt was enough to stir the mage from his slumber. He leapt from his bed, no clothing covering his lanky form as he peered out from behind his door to see what was going on.

    "Eat. We shall deal with this together."

    Tad realized the band was getting back together, even if he hadn't seen Zincarla yet. And rushed back to his room to gather his belongings... and clothes. Once prepared, he rushed back into the main room. His face was covered in happiness which shifted to full on excitement when he noticed Zincarla was on the roof. "Yes yes! Together indeed."

    WC: 633
    Total: 3768



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 960,162

    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight Empty Re: Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight

    Post by Zincarla 14th June 2023, 1:19 pm

    Zincarla clung to Eriwen's feathery mane and leaned down, shouting again, "Thank the gods you're all here. Please, we need to hurry. I can explain on the way." Sojiro appeared first, gun raised up at the griffon. Eirwen clicked her beak at him defensively, in no mood for a fight with an ally and Soijro thankfully lowered his weapon. Zincarla looked him over in shock. The man looked terrible. He was thin, almost fragile, clearly weak on his feet, and his shifting eyes let her know that mentally he wasn't doing well either. He wore only what looked like a pair of dark dirty pants in the hall but before the mage could comment, Takumi made himself known.

    A roiling and stirring of dirt from around the house puzzled and intrigued the woman as Takumi seemed to draw it towards himself without any words of command or hand gestures that she could see. Takumi in contrast to Sojiro looked almost like an action figure; he had clearly been training and preparing himself for a fight. Without a look at Sojiro, there was a tacit understanding between Zincarla and Takumi. There was a reason for his training as much as there was a reason for her unannounced vacation. Takumi wasn't completely different from Sojiro however, in his apparel of choice in particular. When a door cracked open from Tad's room but nobody came out, Zincarla finally sighed in exasperation. "The second I leave you all stop wearing clothes!? Where's the dignity!?"

    It was mostly in jest but immediately seeing her friends faces after so long eased the tension in her body. Suddenly, Zincarla herself looked exhausted. She had flown nearly six hours straight without rest and the concern she had for the other griffons in their sacred place had taken a toll. "Lives are at stake," The mage said slowly, directing her gaze to Sojiro, "This will need all of us. I wouldn't have asked or burst in through the roof if it weren't so critical. There's no time to go through all the red tape at the guilds to get a bigger crew on the move. I need you." Although she spoke to all three of them, her words were most pointed towards Sojiro. He was too important to leave behind and they needed to put aside their personal problems. Sojiro had usually been so good at compartmentalizing to get his work done. If he didn't take the food Takumi gave him, she would add on, "Eat or I will make you eat."

    Thought the air was tense and urgent, Tad seemed upbeat and excited. Zincarla couldn't help but allow a small smile to crease her lips. "I've missed you all. Tad and Sojiro, you'll ride with me. Takumi, I trust you can keep up?" Her eyes slid up and down his new muscles and lifted an eyebrow. Eirwen shook her head and lowered a single taloned white furred paw through the hole that was made, giving the men a way to climb up to her back. It would be a tight fit and heavy for Eirwen and so Zincarla didn't stop there. She summoned a spirit as the men got themselves together and sorted: a tall elegant elf-like man with pale skin and shimmering long white hair. Aleksander the Virtuoso appeared and used his powers to imbue Eirwen with both strength and extra speed. Zincarla thanked and dismissed the spirit with a blessing of honor before turning to see if Tad and Sojiro were ready to depart and seated on Eirwen's back. She hadn't said anything, but she hoped it was obvious enough to Tad that Sojiro should sit in the middle as Zincarla wasn't sure if he was even capable of standing for long periods of time.

    WC: 629
    @Sojiro Sakura


    Fight or Flight: The Poachers' Plight Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:16 pm