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    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

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    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Gaia Fri 12 Feb - 17:05

    WC: 433
    TWC: 433/4000
    job link/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    notes too lol

    The Divine Mage

    It was tradition now. One that she was going to hold onto for quite a while now. The model needed to go to Rose Garden every February with her husband to see the sights and get some of her favorite chocolates, especially after clearing her schedule at Sabertooth to be able to come here. Her husband literally had no say in this date besides what else he got for her for Valentine's day. And like usual too, she had to stop by somewhere important first. The young model of a mother had stopped by her designers boutique before she headed out on the town. Anyone who was anyone knew that Gaia wore nothing but Olga Wilson's designs, so it was no surprise she was out again in another one of the designs. This time, she was wearing a pink spaghetti strapped dress that looked to be thin material, but was actually decently warm and it sported a nice pink sun hat with it as well. The straps and the trim of the top of the dress were a softer pink than the rest of the dress.

    After they left the shop, Gaia was hanging on her husband's arm with a happy smile on her face as she looked at a pamphlet that informed visitors of Rose Garden about the amusement park that was happening this year later on in the month. There was a need for some testers it seemed she heard as well. "Kyran? Do you like amusement parks?" She asks him curiously as she let her burnt sienna eyes look up to her husband lovingly. She showed him the advertisement pamphlet and batted her eyes to him. Of course they had gotten a babysitter for the five underaged children at home. And Gaia had a feeling something was going on that she wasn't too aware of yet.

    "Excuse me, you're a familiar face. Are you not?" A slightly chubby man says as he smiles to the couple. Gaia looked over to the man and smiled. He was the one from two years ago that got her hooked on the chocolates! "I see you're out for another date. Care to help us out once again?"

    "Testers for your amusement park?"

    "Wh- why yes! Ha, I suppose you got that pamphlet from one of the shop owners here, but we do. Care to help us out?" He held his clipboard to himself as he waited their answer. Gaia had looked up to Kyran and leaned her head on him. "Sweetheart? What do you say? Want to test some things at the amusement park?"



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Kyran Sat 13 Feb - 23:31

    Here they go again. Kyran couldn't believe they were about to try, yet again, to try and have a good date. He'd learned a long time ago, these things usually went wrong. The urge to apply Adalinda's excellent life lesson had been strong indeed. He almost drank a bottle too until Bel had bawled his eyes out. Kyran had turned to help his baby. When he looked back, the bottle was gone. The redhead hadn't been able to find it. Most likely one of Adalinda's brood had grabbed the bottle. That headache likely awaited their return home. Provided the babysitter didn't find drunk babies and call the Rune Knights. Kyran had no idea how to explain away that one. Technically, he hadn't given the bottle, it had been stolen.

    Still despite his misgivings, Kyran had done his best to dress up for this event. An ostentatious cloak was pinned over his right shoulder. The deep red fabric swept down around his back. A princely coat wrapped around his torso. Thigh high black boots sheathed his legs. Altogether, Kyran looked more put together than he had in a long time. A princely guise for a thug. When the prince in disguise saw his princess, his face was one of awe. Kyran hoped that they had no problems. That way he might have a few minutes with Gaia alone at the end of the date.

    The redhead regarded his wife after they exited the shop. Her question had thrown him for a loop. He knew what an amusement was in theory. However, Kyran knew he'd have to ask, "What is an amusement park?" A familiar face approached within seconds. The slayer almost chuckled at the absurd timing. Observing the ensuing conversation, Kyran pet Gaia's hair when she leaned against him. The mage got a serious look when the question was posed. He slowly raised his head looking deep into his wife's eyes. "Gaia, I would love to. Especially if its with you." This date was going to be fun. That would let him learn what an amusement park was actually like at the same time.

    The redhead wrapped his arms around Gaia. The wind wrapped around them, slowly lifting the couple into the air. "What is the point of an amusement park exactly?" He asked, flying toward the new park. "And what is the plan? I've never been to one. Would the kids like it?" The mage looked over his wife. Ideas started spreading through his grey matter. Ideas that would lead to more kids they did not need. He almost whimpered. Fun versus more snot nosed creatures of mayhem. "Are there water parks? It's been a while since I've seen you in swim wear." Smooth, Kyran, real smooth. No way that didn't reveal exactly where his head was at. He spotted the park. Gently he set them both down at the entrance. "Lead the way, milady." Kyran smiled, placing a kiss on her knuckles.




    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Gaia Tue 16 Feb - 23:15

    rolling for sweater together



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    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by NPC Tue 16 Feb - 23:15

    The member 'Gaia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) R2fEWNz

    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Gaia Tue 16 Feb - 23:27

    WC: 623
    TWC: 1549/4000
    job link/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    1/2 activities
    Sweater Together

    The Divine Mage

    Gaia wouldn’t deny that her husband had really stepped up his game this year by dressing rather princely for her for this Valentines month outing. It really made her heart flutter. She did warn him that Olga would go on a rant about the cape if they didn’t quickly tell her that they were only going on a walk around Rose Garden. After she had questioned his like of amusement parks, she pursed her lips a little bit. How to explain one? She was briefly distracted though, and had to beg Kyran to go regardless of not explaining yet. She lit up as he said he’d love to go with her, making her sway happily.

    “I guess I should also explain an amusement park now. You know the playground park I sometimes take the kids to? Its like that, but for bigger kids with rides for amusement. Some run by machines, while others, magic. There are also performances put on by people at some amusement parks though.” She holds a finger up as she explains all of that. She, of course, would answer any other questions he asked of her should he wish to know some more. “I honestly hadn’t been to an amusement park in a long time. I went when I was little before… everything.” She sighs before Kyran wrapped his arms around her and lifted them in the air with magic.

    She was giggling as he had done so, and smiled up to him. “The point of an amusement park is to be amused by the rides and games around you, particularly with friends or loved ones.” She explains simply. “I’m not sure the kids would like this amusement park, but they also might be too young for it. A little festival for a small holiday would probably be more age appropriate than a whole amusement park. Kids usually have to be a certain height to go on rides.”

    As he questioned about water parks though, Gaia raised an eyebrow. She snickered as she shrugged her shoulders. “I can look to see if there are any water parks around here. Or we can look into getting a pool at the house.” She muses. As they landed, she gave a partial curtsy to him while he kissed her knuckles. “It’ll be my pleasure to!” She teased as she hooked her arm around his and looked around the place.

    Pink, red, and white everywhere. She looked around in awe at all the rides and games and the vendors available. She spotted a game she felt she absolutely wanted to play. Her hand slipped down to his, and grabbed it before dragging him forward. “Come on, Kyran!” she smiled rather brightly as she looked back towards him and up to where there were some undecorated cakes and some packets of frosting. There was also a table of sweaters and blindfolds.

    The attendant of the game smiles as she clears her throat. “Two people will pair up together and will frost a cake. They will wear a sweater together, and the person in front will have their arms at their side, and give verbal directions to the person in the back. The person in the back will have their hands through the sweater sleeves while they are also blindfolded, and be the ones to decorate the cake from the directions given to them to move their hands.”

    She gasped as she looked to her husband, leaning on his chest with her hands under her chin. “It’s a trust exercise~! Would you like to test out how well we work together?” Her eyes were practically sparkling as she questioned him. “You want to be blindfolded and do the cake decorating? Or guide me in decorating?”



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Kyran Fri 19 Feb - 0:26

    Amusement parks sounded like right fun. Kyran felt a small vibration in his chest. A little thrill of discovering something new. By the stars, it had been quite a long time since he'd felt that thrill. It cut through the gloom that had hung about him of late. Annabelle couldn't be rescued this instant. His brothers couldn't reach out against him this instant. The world needed to fall away. He had to indulge in the hope of the future and cherish whatever time he had with his wife. If he did not, there was no telling the regrets he'd have if it was all ripped away. Dark thoughts. Too dark. He shook his head, attempting to focus on everything his wife was saying. Something about a pool.

    Kyran grinned rakishly. "If we were to put a pool in our house, you might end up pregnant again in no time. There is nothing that turns me on quite so much as one of your swimsuits. Or with our luck, we'd end up scandalizing one of the kids and having to explain just what Mommy and Daddy were doing." He laughed softly in her ear. The author could picture the scene in his head. The story started building itself around that scene. The harried parents, unused to having no time to themselves, snuck off for some alone time. One of the kids woke up and found them intimately embraced. The smile on his face widened. "Its doubly a bad idea should we ever get in contact with Masha again. The stars know what kind of company she would bring into the pool or what she might expose to the children." His smile faded a little as he thought about his sister. Time had flown by since she vanished. She'd missed so many moments with the twins. "I'm free of the company now. Perhaps I can finally make contact again."

    Gaia dragged him out of his thoughts while dragging him toward a game. He laughed under his breathe as the game was explained. Kyran wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. His mouth brushed against her ear. "You know I can cheat at this game, right? Super hearing or little nudges with wind..." A sweater was dropped over their heads. Kyran passed an irritated look at the attendant. "It looks like I'll be guiding you." He planted a kiss on her lips and helped her turn around. The brief struggle with the fabric had Kyran growling low in his throat. Of course the intimate press of his wife against him changed the tone of that growl very quickly. A blindfold was placed on Gaia.

    Kyran looked over the cake designs. He spotted a few he liked. His mind rearranged the whole thing, making a very special cake. As the redhead guided his wife through his design, the attendants looked like they wanted to protest. Kyran did his best to create a soundproof area around them. His hands itched to move up and guide Gaia's arms. Instead, he contented himself with gently scratching her stomach, kneading the flesh to distract his mind. When they finished, Kyran took off Gaia's blindfold with his teeth. Five dragons flew through a blue background. Clouds floated around the flight. "Do you remember the conversation I had with the kids the other day? The one about what kind of dragons they would be? I thought maybe we could make those dreams come true, in a way, and give them a treat." He let one of the attendants help them out of the sweater. Kyran took hold of the cake an rotated it. On the backside, a cave stood in a range of mountains. Inside the cave, two dragons lay intertwined. "And while it's not the most romantic cake, I did make room for us on it as well." The redhead felt a little like himself again. He hoped the five little ones at home would forgive him for be a little mentally absent the last few months. That being said there was something else he needed to do.

    Kyran gently took Gaia's hand and led her toward the Tunnel of Love. The flowing river and the heart shaped boats made him a little nauseous. However, it seemed like the best place for them to talk. Kyran helped Gaia into the first empty boat. Climbing in after her, the redhead tensed his shoulders. Where to start with his whole mess? Gaia had forgiven him in the past but she'd made it clear that he was on his last chance. His mouth thinned at the thought. Maybe it would be better to keep this all to himself. At least until he confirmed some of it. His hand twitched as if to pick up a bottle. Yesss, don't tell her anything. Just push her dress up and make a sensual plea with your tongue Malinda slithered through his mind. The other demons murmured their assent. Kyran's brows furrowed. The demons never wanted what was best. If they agreed with him, he doubted it was a good course of action. He swallowed hard. There was no need to reveal all of it, just an important bit. "Gaia. I... I have something I need to tell you. Um... Its the reason... well part of the reason, I've been so off lately. I learned that uh, my daughter, um Annabelle, the one Gruen turned into a zombie, it turns out she's not quite dead. He uh ripped her soul out and trapped it in a hellish dimension." The information was pouring out. Kyran didn't look at his wife. "I want to rescue her so I've been researching the dimension and my magic. Uh... I can open a portal but it requires a lot of blood. I'd have to massacre a small village to rescue Annabelle... I've been agonizing over it. Am I the kind of person that can murder innocents to save my family? I'm terrified the answer might be... yes... and at the same time, terrified it might be no..." He trailed off, looking at the happy scenes slowly floating by. Kyran couldn't bring himself to look at Gaia. This wasn't an answer she could hand to him. It was something he had to discover for himself. That was why he kept drinking as he searched for another solution. All the time trying to protect the five children he had nearby from Gruen and Michael. What a deadly puzzle life had thrown at him...

    1080/1573 of 2000



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    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Gaia Sun 21 Feb - 0:01

    WC: 1064
    TWC: 3693/4000
    job link/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    2/2 activities
    Sweater Together
    Tunnel of Love (started)

    The Divine Mage

    As her husband began teasing that she would become pregnant again if they had a pool, Gaia raised an eyebrow as she snorted at him. Then he mentioned the kids accidentally spying them in the pool. Her face began to redden at the thought, even more so when he mentions getting in contact with Masha! She was a force on her own to be reckoned with! “Okay! No pool at the house!” She laughed as she buried her head on Kyran’s shoulder for a moment. She looked up to him and smiled. “I’d love to see her again. I feel bad for being busy with the kids to go find her… I haven’t talked to her in a bit on lacbook.” She sighs before she gets a bit more interested in the park.

    As they got to the game and she leaned against him, she smiled at her husband hugging her around the waist. She simply shrugged her shoulders to him as she smiled sweetly. “You can cheat, but it won’t be as satisfying as playing it normally with me.” She batted her eyes to him. She gasped softly at the kiss, but smiled brightly once again before she was turned around. She leaned her head back slightly to giggle at him from his ‘growl’. She then leaned her head forward to receive the blindfold, and slipped her hands through the sweater carefully. She moved till her hands were out, and slowly brought them in front of them. She listened to his words and was starting slow till she got used to the instruments available. She wasn’t a master cook, but with instructions, she was able to make wondrous things, so her husband guiding her like so was easy for her.

    She didn’t seem to mind as Kyran was playing with her stomach, softly chuckling to herself as she remembered the few times before she got pregnant and she made simple dishes like scrambled eggs and he’d do the same to her. After the cake was finished, the tarot mage blinked down at the cake design, and smiled as she put a hand close to her mouth, some frosting on it, so she didn’t touch her face. She turned her head to look at her husband while he spoke to her, nodding to his question about the kids and them being dragons. “Aw… Kyran, honey, that’s so sweet!” She muses and reaches her hand up to touch his nose with the frosting before her hand was cleaned off before they slip out of the sweater and he turns the cake. “You had me frost that?!” She exclaimed in utter shock. She couldn’t believe her fingers did that! She then moved to hug him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck as she did so. “It’s so sweet! I love it.”

    Before they left the activity, Gaia requested that the cake be boxed up and sent to her home, really wanting to show the kids even though she took a few pictures with her iLac. She let Kyran take her hand and lead them somewhere else. She was happily swaying as she hugged her husband's arm with her other hand. As she saw the Tunnel of Love, Gaia smiled at her husband and leaned her head on his shoulder. She let him help her into a boat, sitting down gingerly as she looked around. She seemed to notice almost immediately when Kyran tensed up in the boat. She frowned at him as she grabbed his hand. “It’s a calm ride. Only sweet music is played and it’s a perfect cuddle ride.” She tried to calm him down. She didn’t know why he was tense, and only hoped she was right in what she was trying to do.

    Then he spoke. He was nervous. She slowly sat up to look at him. He was being serious, so she needed to listen to him. She raised an eyebrow and waited to hear if it was already done and over with like before, or if he was trying to say he was going to do something moronic. She listened all the same though, letting him say his peace. She paused at the mention of his first child being technically not dead. She blinked wide, honestly surprised about that. As he continued, she felt her blood boil for her brother-in-law. She wanted to murder this demon herself. When he posed his question and expressed his fears, Gaia gave him a moment to continue before she reached her hand up and bonked the back of his head.

    “Moron.” She had grumbled to him. “You could have asked me to help! We’re going to find a way to get her, and her soul, back unharmed. And I’m going to give your brother a nice piece of my mind.” Her face may look like it was sweet and innocent, but her eyes were showing that she was ready to murder a person. She, who wasn’t too keen on murdering people, would want to murder someone. “And we’re going to do it without massacring a village! I can help you. The books in Sabertooths Archives probably have some information on dimensional travel, without having to harm innocents. There’s probably also a way for the tree to get to other dimensions to be able to make contact with the realms… I need to also consult my cards… both sets… and probably my keys as well. Many of them are knowledgeable.” She tells more herself. She was practically preparing for a battle here and already making plans to figure out how to get this little angel that Kyran had home to them. There was no way she was letting him do this alone. Everything she’d do on this journey with him, would be justified.

    She then glanced over to Kyran, smirking as she raised an eyebrow, wondering what he’d say to his wife being on board to helping him out with this little ‘pickle’ he was in. “Also, you should come to me more often. This is honestly what I wish you’d do more when you’re having issues, rather than drowning yourself in alcohol and trying to break up with me…” She was recalling the last time he tried to break up with her because of the heavy weight of all his problems on him that could have easily been solved with her helping him.



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Kyran Mon 22 Feb - 22:31

    Kyran laughed with his wife about the pool. He was glad they were able to laugh - that he could still laugh - about something. Then Lacbook was brought up. The redhead nearly dismissed the crazy new fad until his mind put together the pieces. Gaia had said that Masha was on Lacbook. It sounded like they'd talked recently too. His hands came up to cup Gaia's shoulders. "Can you get her to agree to a meet? Using Lacbook I mean. Maybe she can come to us." He asked, his hands squeezing lightly. The mage trembled, though even he couldn't tell if it was from excitement or fear. Kyran had also been a little too busy to find his sister, something that weighed heavily on him. How hard was it to stop by Dies Irae HQ and ask to see Masha?

    The redhead laughed as Gaia adorned his nose with frosting. He tried to have a mock look of outrage but it never quite stuck. His smile kept breaking through. When Gaia hugged him, Kyran took the opportunity to wipe the frosting on his nose across her forehead. "You're more talented than you think, darling." He teased, dancing out of reach. "Besides, it was easy. The book had every one of those designs, I just followed the instructions and strung them together." Kyran wiped what remained off his nose and stuck his finger in his mouth. He made a face as something hyper sweet hit his tongue. Sweets were good but there was such a thing as too much of a good thing.

    Kyran had a sad smile on his face as he listened to Gaia. She scolded, gave a battle plan and then scolded again. He didn't know why he'd hidden it in the first place. It was a rut he kept falling back into, over and over. Trying to do things himself, ignoring all the people that could and would want to help, getting into a big mess that those people had to drag him out of. Would he ever change? Could he change? Perhaps. The redhead gently took Gaia's hand. "I love you" He murmured against her knuckles. He lowered her hand once more. "However, I think I have a plan." Kyran pulled out his iLac and pulled up a document. He showed the screen to Gaia. "Bellum and Pergrande have declared war on each other. Those battlefields will be soaked with blood. Blood I can use to create the portal and stabilize it. However, the only way I can access those battlefields in time is to sign up for the war." Kyran gathered a small ball of swirling wind in his free hand. He watched it for a time before dismissing it. "I only worry what I'll be asked to do... especially now that I wield such power." His voice trailed off with the last bit. The slayer had been mulling over this for a time.

    Gaia's second round of scolding had Kyran smiling broadly. He pulled her in for a kiss, kissing her cheek if she resisted. "I was just scolding myself on that actually. I'm still not used to having someone I can lean on. I want to do everything myself, no matter the cost, to protect those around me from what I went through." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His palm cupped her cheek. "I'm a fool. One naïve to many things that are common sense to others. Such as trusting my wife with my issues and not an unfeeling bottle. While the feeling of being drunk is nice in the moment, the hangovers are killer. I'd much rather wake up in your arms, knowing I'm safe in that moment and every moment I keep you with me." The redhead dipped to kiss his wife. The tunnel ended, depositing them for a picture. As the boat glided around a curve, Kyran exited the boat. He helped Gaia get off. "Shall we grab our picture and continue touring the park? Or would you like to go somewhere else?" Kyran asked, gesturing to the booth selling the photos. He might not have made this the best date ever but at least nothing had attacked them... yet.

    705/2278 of 2000



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    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran) Empty Re: This Date will be Great! (vday 2021 - Gaia, Kyran)

    Post by Gaia Thu 25 Feb - 14:44

    WC: 514
    TWC: 4912/4000
    job link/job approval
    Gaia #ff99ff
    notes 2/2 activites
    Sweater Together
    Tunnel of Love

    The Divine Mage

    As Kyran asked if she could reach out through lackbook to Masha to see if they'd like to meet up, Gaia quickly nodded. "I think I might have offered a time or two, but never really set up a date or anything." She confessed to him as she put her hands up to touch Kyran's, being careful with the frosting at this time. After she frosted her husband's nose, and he got her forehead with it, she began giggling to him. To his comments on her being more talented than she thought, she only shook her head. There was no way she did that still.

    After they got on the Tunnel of Love, and Kyran confessed what had been bothering him, she wasn’t going to hold back. He told her he loved her as he kissed her knuckles, and she smirked. “You better. I let you marry me after all.” She teased him as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. As he mentioned the plan to use the skirmishes of Bellum and Pergrande, she frowns. “I would rather you not go and do that… I could help you find another way. I have summons after all.” She sighs as she rubs her forehead. “If you must go, only use self defense. And don’t do something you feel you’ll regret.” She demands of him.

    Gaia was a little surprised she was dragged in for a kiss, but she kissed him back regardless. He confessed another thing to her, and she gave him a ‘really?’ smirk before she rolled her eyes. “If you were scolding yourself over being an alcoholic over coming to your wife, you’d come to me sooner. So next time you pick up an unfeeling bottle, my foolish husband, think of your wife and what she’d tell you. That, and about the hangovers you’ve been having that your wife could oh so lovingly heal with some hangover soup or a summon.” She muses as she let him know she had the ability to help him, but was being cruel slightly. Her lips ended up meeting his as the picture shot, and she knew her eyes were closed as she did so.

    She looked over as they made it to the end of the ride, and grabbed Kyran’s hand while she got off with him. “Yes, let's grab the picture, but I think we do need to do something else.” She smiled at him as she grabbed his hand and led him to the booth and bought their picture, honestly surprised at how it came out, smiling as she grabbed her husband near the collar and smirking. “I knew you dressing up like a prince would be too much for me to handle.” She winked at him before she looked around the park. There were bound to be eyes near everywhere as children would be here, she smirked as she started to drag Kyran out of the park. She knew there were some inns and such around Rose Garden. Why not make use of their time away from home on this loving day?


      Current date/time is Sat 27 Jul - 0:59