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    Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)


    Lineage : Calorie Shave
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ahote
    Experience : 12,650

    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 6th November 2020, 2:46 am

    Post WC: 320
    Thread WC: 8911
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Icarus was pensive for a few moments more, hawk-like eyes measuring Ahote's features carefully before he accepted what he said. "Alright then," he relented, becoming amused that Ahote put himself back under his arm without prompting this time. He gave the brunette's shoulders a small squeeze. Once he had found the right signage that would lead them to the bed frames, they were on their way once more.

    If Ahote was looking for any sort of relief from his problems, this was the worst possible item to search for next. While it'd be deceitful to say he hadn't also been considering the table's sturdiness, he'd not come right out and said so. He'd only hinted. With the beds, it would be tenfold more obvious what his intentions and search criteria were. His own mind would be quite pervy. Distraction from his former, more secret and distressing thoughts was certainly still in order as well. Ahote was a brilliant source of distraction. "You're so cute when you're all flushed," he commented with a smirk, steering the two into the land of beds. So, so many beds.

    "Shall we test them all?" he asked, wicked to the core. He wasn't serious, though he did intend to test out a few at least. Nearest them was a lovely wooden canopy, stained a dark colour like roasted coffee beans. It was the privacy it offered that caught his keen eye, so he released Ahote from his comfortable grasp and motioned him toward the structure. He pulled back some of the fabric hanging from the simple wooden rods above, revealing a test mattress veiled in shadow. At first, he'd thought of just having his date sit or lay down, maybe move around a little to test the noise level and strength, but that would be no fun, so Icarus threw himself down across the mattress as well and waited for Ahote to do the same.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,246,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forbidden Flame Arts
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 6th November 2020, 6:34 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    "That's really the last thing I need to hear right now, Icarus..." Ahote spoke under his breath as he let the compliment sink in, making him more self-conscious than he already was. As if he wasn't already on the brink of whisking Icarus away to some corner of the store to get some relief, the little teases here and there was not helping him get his mind out of the gutter. At least his arousal wasn't showing in other, more obvious ways, last time he checked.

    The pair stopped at a wooden canopy frame, its color like a deep toffee, fabrics draped on all sides, swallowing the display mattress in a veil of privacy. It was relaxing and pleasant to just look at, so sleeping in it was probably even more therapeutic and soothing. Looking at it more carefully, it was clear that it was about the same size as the frame Icarus had at his home, as were many others in the surrounding vicinity.

    After yet another teasing comment, Icarus tossed himself onto the mattress with playful delight as he waited for Ahote to follow suit. Instead of throwing himself like Icarus, Ahote turned around and just let his body fall and plop down on the spot next to him, his dark, wavy hair shifting out of place as he did. His eyes fixed to the ceiling as a wave of calm washed over him. This happened last time, too. Every time he laid down in a bed, sat down, or was otherwise in a position of rest, it was like all of the pent-up physical stress he had been carrying throughout his workday suddenly weighed on his shoulders, spine, and eyelids. It was like being unaware of how drunk you were until you stood up.

    Quiet, he leaned back up alone to shove the fabrics back together, creating a thin barrier between them and the rest of the store, if only for a few minutes and laid back down next to him. He sighed through his nose and tilted his head to look at the blonde, his face still tinged with that peachy pinkness.

    "It didn't make a lot of noise. What do you think?" Ahote stared at him calmly, his hands clasped over his belly. He really was a stunning man. Was he sleeping with other people aside from him? Well, it's not like that was any of his business, but he fell deeper into thought the longer he laid there. He could feel his face begin to warm up, and the temptation to roll over on top of him and get something started was inching upon him. He wanted to touch him. He wanted to touch every last part of him. He loved that creaking noise his bed made whenever they moved, and he wanted to move. He craved it like nothing before. He wanted him to— "S-S--s-s-s-so..." Ahote's face had a distinctly pink strip of blush from ear to ear now, and he immediately rolled over onto his side once he caught himself mid-thought, his back facing Icarus, "are you a m-minimalist?" It was an honest question, but he wasn't really thinking about his answer right now. His mind was ransacked with panic.

    What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck? Is there something wrong with me? We're in an ICEA. Why am I... what the fuck is wrong with me? I couldn't do it even if I wanted to. We're literally in one of the most public spac—I'm going straight to Hell. I won't even be waiting in line. It's straight to the boiler room.

    He wasn't handling it well.

    || Word Count: 607 || Thread WC: 9518 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Calorie Shave
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ahote
    Experience : 12,650

    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 6th November 2020, 7:32 pm

    Post WC: 388
    Thread WC: 9906
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Innocent wasn't exactly a word ascribed to Icarus often, but if anything, he wasn't being intentionally charming or flirty. No more than he always was. In this case, however, what he was about to do wasn't aimed so much at tipping Ahote over the edge as it was a playful tease as a means to a practical end. Icarus was actually a bit unaware of just how much Ahote was struggling, since the blushing was easy enough to accomplish and he was otherwise often hard to read what was really going on in that mind of his. Still, this was a bed, so he simply couldn't resist.

    "It didn't make a lot of noise, but I think we should test it more fully," Icarus said, not moving at first. He simply watched his shopping partner, considering reaching out to ruffle those dark waves on his head. This form he was in was Icarus' favorite. He had a thing for brunettes, especially...this one. The extended stutter had been very adorable, though the blonde wondered what had brought it on. The question that followed brought on a short laugh. "I suppose you could say that. People need a lot less to get by than they realise. Material possessions don't always bring happiness, and can frankly get in the way of realising what little things are worth delighting in..." he said as he started to shift. Ahote turning away only challenged him. Icarus had a devilish idea to test the bed, and now seemed as good a time as ever. Nothing too racy, but at least they had some privacy with the curtains for playfulness.

    His hands and knees on the mattress, Icarus hovered over Ahote. The other man didn't need to turn. If he wanted to remain on his side, there was plenty of room beneath him to do so. He then started to rock back and forth, trying to get the frame to move as it would if they were shagging. It did shift a little, but there was only mild creaking and no metallic squeaking. "Hmmm, Ahote, I might need you to assist. Can you move with me? Only an accurate recreation will tell us the truth about its sturdiness." requested the bartender, peering down into what he could see of the pink face with a roguish grin.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,246,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forbidden Flame Arts
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 6th November 2020, 8:52 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    "Icarus, I... that's not..." Ahote struggled finishing his thought as he Icarus climbed over him, moving back in forth in a rhythm so familiar to him. His neck became warmer, and he began hearing his own heartbeat at the bottom of his throat. Ahote could feel his grin from here, even though his wide eyes were fixed to the hand planted into the mattress next to his face. It was that dumb, coquettish grin he always made—he just knew it. But Ahote also knew that he couldn't look at him in the eye, or else it'd all be over. For almost his entire life, he had trained his mind and body to withstand the worst of humanity.

    His entire track record was a compilation of doing awful things to other people without batting an eye. He had refined himself into a man of patience, composure, and a level-head to top it all off. Yet, here he was, his heart beating a million times a minute and his head rushing even faster, a touch away from being whisked into his overwhelming desire of his bartender. He almost couldn't even look at his hands—he wanted them to touch him all over, to devour him. And if Icarus didn't want to fulfill that role, Ahote wouldn't think twice about doing the same to him. He loved his hands, he loved his face, he loved the things he said to him and how he said it. He loved the occasional ache he got the morning after, and how he always had to take a shower and change clothes when he got home. He loved it, but maybe a little too much at this moment.

    The entire time, Ahote remained lying on his side, burying his face as deep into the mattress as he could as he felt the bed gently rock to and fro. There were moments where he forgot to breathe as his heartbeat distracted him, and he was growing more and more self-conscious of the area down below. Was Icarus doing this on purpose, knowing how hard Ahote was trying to keep his composure? The dirty blonde loved to tease him, but to what extent?

    "The bed's fine, really—" Ahote muttered, his eyes floating away from Icarus's hand and to his body that hovered over him. He couldn't get any pinker than he already was, so all this view did was blow out more of the remaining fuses he had left. He looked away immediately, his eyes widening fractionally as yet another rush of desire came over him. The only thing keeping him letting loose right now were the few sane brain cells that continued to function. How long until bystanders would get suspicious? "It's... It's perfectly sturdy... trust me."

    Ahote couldn't stop thinking about it anymore. It was getting to a point where his body was aching for Icarus, just his touch. He had never done it outside of the bedroom before, but he wanted to kiss him right now. In order to keep any sort of cool he had left, Ahote decided not to move, especially with the rhythm of the bed. And to think they still had televisions to look at, speakers, and couches?

    "W-We shouldn't do this for every bed we lay in... the staff might get annoyed, so..." Ahote suggested under his wavering breath, still refusing to look at Icarus. If he was going to be completely honest, he really just wanted to go back to Icarus's place and make as much noise as humanly possible, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could go before he'd had to excuse himself and give himself some temporary relief. "Please..."

    || Word Count: 612 || Thread WC: 10,518 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Calorie Shave
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ahote
    Experience : 12,650

    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 6th November 2020, 10:00 pm

    Post WC: 435
    Thread WC: 10,953
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A


    Icarus had been just about to smooch one of those glowing ears, but abruptly stopped and leaned back, perching himself at the end of the mattress for a healthy laugh. It was just so easy to turn this man red all over! But alas, if he wasn't going to play along with some innocent, fully-clothed PDA, he couldn't force him. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Calm down before you have a heart attack, Ahote." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. For just a second there, he'd worried himself. Icarus was so very tempted to kiss the man, kiss those ears and not even to start anything. Ahote was just so cute about things. These days, it wasn't like Icarus to crave a nice snog without it leading immediately to something else.

    The way he had his arm angled to rub his neck, it made a barrier between him and the flustered brunette and hid the small twinge of rose on his own cheeks. This outing, being together other than for work or for sex, it was...surprisingly complicated. It was hard to navigate. Oh, Omera...what am I doing? he thought to himself, followed by a sigh. "You're right. I didn't mean to embarrass you," Icarus added, not realising how much he was edging the other male, though he couldn't say he shared the sentiment. He couldn't care less about annoying the staff of the store, but that was part of his general devil may care attitude.

    Standing, he'd look back at the bed for comparison for the others. Walking to another canopy bed only a few feet away, he grabbed one of the tall metallic poles of the frame and gave it a shake. It did groan and squeak a little, though not like the frame back at his flat. The idea of a canopy was appealing, especially for keeping out the light while he slept during daylight hours. It muffled noise as well. He was such a light sleeper, both of those would probably help him get more rest. "I don't know. Which do you like of these? I don't mind if it's your style. Your flat is nice and I'm not very good with decisions." There it was, a small nugget of truth about himself. Icarus was a very indecisive person and easily stressed when it came to making up his mind on things. Obviously smaller matters like what to eat and furniture were doable with a little extra thinking time and wouldn't bring out his crankiness unless he was being pressured, but it still had a sobering effect on his mood.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 2244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,246,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forbidden Flame Arts
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 7th November 2020, 12:36 am

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    "Eh?" Ahote flinched when he heard that silvery laughter leave Icarus's mouth. He lifted himself off of the blushing brunette after a completely unapologetic apology, paused, and then walked off a few feet away to another canopy that caught his attention. Ahote was left... well, speechless. He was so shocked by what had just happened that he was left baffled, staring up at the ceiling as Icarus walked off. Did that really just happen? He just... got up, laughed, and continually assessing the next products. Granted, Icarus probably had no idea how aroused Ahote was right now, and it wasn't anything different from how he usually teased him, but he felt a little cheated.

    Slowly, like a computer processing information, Ahote rolled over onto his back and cupped both of his hands over his face. Even his knuckles were red. He took one large breath and sighed for what seemed like an eternity, trying to cope with what had just happened. When Icarus had casually asked for his input on the other canopy, Ahote peeked through a small gap in his fingers, silently shook his head, and began to pat the mattress he was currently on with one hand, gesturing his preference of the wooden frame. He did all of this without saying a word, laying there with every joint of his body flushed with pink. It was like his brain had finally shut off, and he was rebooting.

    At some point, Ahote had finally decided to get up, letting his hands slip away from his fatigued features before looking over at the tag by the pillows and pulling out his iLac again to type down the item number. Once he had finished that, he quietly heaved himself away from the canopy and over to Icarus, still trying to avoid looking him in the eyes. Even so, he still took it upon himself to grab his arm and drape it around his shoulders. It was probably the closest thing he was going to get to physical relief until they left the store.

    "Let's go get your television," Ahote mumbled, leading the way into the electronic section of the ICEA. For most of the way there, he was silent. He didn't say a word and didn't look at Icarus, but that was only because he was eager to finish their trip. He was close to suggesting they continue their search online instead, but even during his hormonal turmoil, he still preferred being here in person. His words were dismissive and short, and he communicated through physical gestures when he could, and together, they managed to find every item Icarus mentioned earlier. They were reaching the end of their 'date' now, Ahote looming over the checkout counter with his iLac out, reading off the item numbers he wanted to order. With the swipe of his card and a signature to confirm his purchase, they had officially seen their venture at ICEA through to its end. They would be able to leave with the speakers today, but all of the other items were to be shipped to Icarus's place by the end of the week. However, Ahote wasn't nearly done with everything he wanted to do today.

    The moment they stepped out of the building, it seemed like the tension that kept Ahote on the edge finally dismantled. Every salacious thought that cluttered his mind suddenly ran rampant again, and the image of them rocking on that display canopy... He knew that they never actually discussed the 'rules' of their relationship—they never really talked about what was and wasn't okay—but Ahote found himself at a point where only his body was talking. The moment his feet touched the concrete outside ICEA, he stopped and turned around so that he was facing Icarus, gingerly grabbing his chin and bringing his face close enough so that their noses were brushing up against one another.

    "Is this okay?" he asked under his wavering breath, eager to go ahead and kiss him. He wanted to kiss him but hesitated. Fuck buddies didn't usually do this, did they? The entire trip was a bit out of character, to begin with. But still, the little things that transpired between then and now, Ahote simply couldn't leave this place without attempting to kiss him. He was at the end of his composure, and he had to remain silent the rest of the way in order to keep himself from saying or doing anything that should've been done in private. Whether it was lust or a genuine captivation that enticed him so, he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if he really even wanted to know. "Is this... not allowed?"

    || Word Count: 778 || Thread WC: 11,731 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Calorie Shave
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ahote
    Experience : 12,650

    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 7th November 2020, 2:31 am

    Post WC: 561
    Thread WC: 12,292
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Oh thank Omera!

    Ahote may have had no idea, but Icarus thought he'd truly offended Ahote after a while. After the bed incident, Ahote had hardly spoken a word. He only gestured, avoided Icarus' eyes, and used short barks of noise for answers. Honestly, Icarus didn't know what to do. The signals were all mixed, what with the silence but his persistent return to being folded under his arm willingly. He was smart enough to know that flirting with someone angry would only get him told off. After a short while, the blonde was likewise much quieter, finishing up the activity in tense pensiveness, wondering what could be done to undo it. He wasn't good with this sort of thing. Perhaps once they got outside, he'd simply thank him for the things, take his speakers and leave. Give Ahote some space and time. Maybe this was the end of whatever the fuck it was. How would he know? They didn't talk about it. They hardly talked at all. Wasn't that how it was supposed to be?

    Then Icarus was thrown for a loop as soon as they stepped outside. Bracing himself for an awkward parting, he'd inhaled to offer his thanks when he felt slender fingers gripping his chin and lowering his face. "Eh?" he yelped the air back out in surprise. Completely taken aback, Icarus' wide, honeyed hues blinked into Ahote's dark ones. Then he snorted a silent laugh out of his nose. Really. So this was what it was about. How terrifying, yet funny...and loaded. Icarus wasn't sure he knew the answer or wanted to know. His brain told him to cut and run, as was his personal decision on these sorts of things. These sorts of questions were his cue to leave. Many men and women had reached this point, and Icarus would cut them loose on the spot and move on... but he didn't. He was more one to act on feeling, in impulse, not on wisdom or shoulds. His impulse was to wait and see.

    Carefully placing the bag down on the concrete, Icarus reached two smooth hands up to place on edges of the other man's jawline, thumbs caressing those glowing ears and his fingers slipping into the hair at the nape of his neck. "I don't know," he answered in a husky tone, letting that truth linger in the air as he started to connect the kiss, but instead fear held him back and he merely brushed his lips against Ahote's without fully completing it. It always did something to him when Ahote grabbed his chin that way, so of course, he'd nearly surrendered to carnality and firmly took what he wanted at the first opportunity. This was different. This was an uncertain step onto precarious sands and Icarus, as he stated previously, was indecisive. He wanted Ahote. Enjoyed Ahote. He'd wanted to kiss him several times today, which was its own clusterfuck of issues. The blonde was used to taking control and being in control in these situations, but if the brunette had been struggling with this all day, then it was his direct free-kick. Time to check the decisions and the desires that Ahote had, instead of just crashing down on him like a tidal wave every time he stepped foot on the beach. Icarus was afraid, but also incredibly curious.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


    Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,246,236

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forbidden Flame Arts
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 7th November 2020, 3:42 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    Icarus hesitated, never connecting the kiss, and that's when Ahote knew that he might've overstepped his ground. That he might've taken things too far by even suggesting it. When those three words left the blonde's mouth, the brunette paused, his hands abandoning Icarus's chin and slowly running along the smooth edges of his body. They ran down his shoulders, his chest, his waist, and stopped once he felt the tips of his fingers touch the top of his pockets, appreciating every part of his body that his hands could touch right now. He couldn't think of anything other than being devoured by him. Anywhere would do.

    "You don't know?" Ahote muttered back, feeling his lips brush against Icarus's as he moved his hand back up against the sides of his torso. His voice was low and wanting, but he could feel the words begin to clog his throat. What exactly did he want from Icarus? Today had only shown the disparity in their experience, and how amateurish Ahote really was to all of this. Controlling his carnal desire, reading others, and sifting through his emotions to figure out what was founded in lust and what wasn't. Was he starved for touch or just his touch? Why did he do all of this for his employee, anyway? It was one big, confusing mess of shit Ahote had never dealt with before, and that fact made him anxious. He knew that he wanted Icarus, but was it too much to want him to this extent?

    Ahote didn't say another word after that slight hesitation, his hands returning back to the pockets around his hips, sliding his fingers inside as he finally finished connecting their lips. It lasted only a few seconds, and he didn't breathe in between. They had slept together so many times, so a kiss like this didn't seem particularly loaded at face value, but Ahote wasn't sure how he'd be made to feel if he left it like that when he was this close to it. He didn't know. He didn't know how he should've responded or acted right now. He wasn't really thinking about the ramifications of it all, just about what he wanted to do at this very moment. The brunette craved a touch beyond what was inherently sexual, but the issue was the uncertainty of whether or not it was founded in carnal desire or not. He just didn't know, right now.

    A few seconds had passed, and Ahote pulled away with a small flinch like he was realizing what he just did, and quickly pulled his hands out of Icarus's pockets to cup one over his mouth. He didn't know what to say, and if he did, he wasn't sure how to say it. It was like a heavy feeling of guilt came over him when he detached his lips, along with anxiety. What the hell was wrong with him?  

    "That was... I..." Ahote's began to lift his hand away from his mouth and pinch the bridge of his nose between his eyes, looking down with a small sigh, ears glowing. "God..."

    || Word Count: 517 || Thread WC: 12,809 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Calorie Shave
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ahote
    Experience : 12,650

    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 7th November 2020, 6:01 pm

    Post WC: 548
    Thread WC: 13,357
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    He pulled away too quickly. The flinch that ended the kiss pulled Icarus' face along with it for just a split second, as he wasn't expecting it to end so quickly, so he was left there blinking down at Ahote and looking, frankly, disgruntled. The kiss had been nice, even if he already knew it complicated things. Despite himself, he'd been happy, but also devastated. He knew that shiver that started in his chest and shot straight to his toes, leaving all manner of nasty emotions in its wake. The thrill and joy of getting close to someone, but the agony of it reminding him of the last time. His hands began to tremble just as he let them fall away from the sides of the brunette's face.

    He meant what he said. He didn't know. This was not what he signed up for. This is what he avoided. When it got too real, he bailed. There was a part of Icarus, though, that craved it. It was a wounded part, but it still remained. Everyone else since her had been superficial, but this was ruining the streak. He didn't want to think about it. Ignoring it would make it go away, right? Who cared if it was okay to kiss outside the bedroom for fuck buddies. Why did it have to be a whole thing?

    So he'd bury it. It was easy. Ahote had done that chin thing and even if he was vaguely annoyed that the kiss had ended, those pink ears were some sort of weird turn on for him now too, so he'd go with it. If Ahote had been struggling with these thoughts and his lust all day, then Icarus would really give him something to chew on and derail every bit of it. Acting on what had tempted him the whole outing, Icarus leaned down and kissed the lobe of his left glowing ear, even nibbling it a little. "So cute.." he muttered, voice low in his throat as he again became the tidal wave. Pulling away just enough to look into Ahote's eyes, his own were sharp, almost predatory as all the mess of emotions inside of him raged. He grunted as the full force of his own desires settled in his gut. "Time to go. I have some thanking to do."

    Without further warning, he leaned back. Hurriedly he shrugged off his jacket and tied it around his waist. Huge, strong black wings appeared on his back through the holes in the back of his shirt, then he handed his bag to Ahote for him to hold. Next he scooped Ahote up into his arms and gave his wings and strong flap, rocketing them into the air. He had no time for public transportation back home. Flying was the better and faster way. Hopefully his boss wasn't afraid of heights.

    Landing at this ratty building within minutes, Icarus grabbed Ahote's hand and pulled him inside and to the door to his flat. It wasn't locked, as there was nothing inside worth stealing up until now, so he wrenched the door open and rather roughly pushed him inside before pinning him against the door. "Ahote..." he started, then thought better than to speak and instead pressed his mouth against the other's.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 7th November 2020, 7:43 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    Ahote felt his neck heat up after that eager kiss, or maybe it was just his hands? His head? It felt like his entire body was warm, and he could feel his heart pound against his chest and the breath choke in his throat. Was he the only one losing his cool? The only one flushed like this? He had wanted to kiss him for longer, but then his nerves had gotten the better of him.

    Suddenly, Ahote winced just slightly when he felt Icarus kiss his ear, nibbling it. For a moment, he had completely forgotten that they were only just outside of the ICEA, and his head swarmed with thoughts of the blonde's breath against his ears, and how smooth his lips were. Ahote began to ache for his touch again, reaching up to rub the spot he had been pecked and looking at Icarus with the same sort of 'look' in his eyes. He felt like he was being ogled, and he loved it. He wanted him.

    The rest of it felt like a blur. The wings, the flight back to his place, the drag into his rackety flat and that kiss against his lips that he had ached for. In just one moment, all of the pent-up lust he was containing just spilled out of him like a dam, and his mind melted with the rush. It almost felt like instinct at this point, eagerly beginning to undress as one kiss turned into another, and then another. He had forgotten to breathe at all earlier, but now his breaths were hot and labored, his cheeks, nose, and ears all glowing. Ahote couldn't even think straight anymore.

    . . .Later That Week. . .

    A few days had passed since what happened at ICEA, and Ahote had been stuck in a brooding mood. His mind felt clogged with things other than work now, and that was most unusual. He'd wake up fifteen minutes past his alarm, walk into walls amidst his daze, and caught himself almost messing some people's orders up. Although none of these things were perfectly normal and bound to happen according to the average person, Ahote was a workaholic and a perfectionist and noticed when things were beginning to fall out of their monotony. It was irritating—the sort of irritation you'd feel when you'd catch a cold on the day of a school field trip. Like it was an inconvenience despite how normal and common it was.

    Icarus didn't come to any of his shifts for the last few days since then, and he had forgotten whether or not they had discussed him taking days off beforehand. Well, regardless of the reason, every day he was absent, the more tense Ahote grew. He couldn't say what, but it felt like something had changed, even if it was small. He wasn't sure how exactly he should face Icarus, but he would have to decide soon, seeing as today was the day that the ICEA items they ordered the other day had been delivered to the blonde's flat.

    Standing outside of Icarus's door was none other than Ahote, wearing what he usually wore outside of work—a slim-fitting, white dress shirt, slacks, and shiny black loafers. Next to him were several large boxes, some stacked on top of one another to save space. Needless to say, they were the parts that would come together to make Icarus's canopy, his couch, and table, and Ahote had taken full responsibility for ordering all of this stuff by committing to putting it together when it arrived. Arriving was easy enough, of course, but all he ended up doing was staring at the doorknob, glaring at it.

    "..." Ahote stood there in silence. He knew that he wasn't in his right mind last time, but didn't Icarus open his door without unlocking it? Did he always leave it unlocked? He had never wondered about it before, since not only was Icarus always home when he came over, but he also knocked. But today, he wasn't actually sure if Icarus was back, and if he was home at all. Sighing, his brows scrunched together again as he placed a hand on the knob and twisted it. "This is so stupid..."

    If he had known that it was locked, he would have knocked, but curiosity got the better of him as he carefully opened the door. Surely enough, it was unlocked, and something about that was... incredibly annoying. Now that he knew that there wasn't an actual lock—or at least a working one—on the door, Ahote almost felt obligated to talk to Icarus about it when he could.

    "Hello?" Ahote didn't open the door all the way before calling in, waiting to see if he'd hear that familiar husky voice. He had more on his mind than usual, recently, but now he was just focused on putting all of this stuff together.

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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 7th November 2020, 9:25 pm

    Post WC: 458
    Thread WC: 14,634
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    A vocal answer didn't come immediately, though there was some sort of thunking noise, like someone running into a door. The apartment smelled of bleach and metal, though it didn't seem he had been cleaning the apartment, not in any way that made sense. There were a few very clean spots on the floor leading inside from the door as if he'd spilt something. Pink and red-stained rags were tossed into the sink. Hanging in the doorless closet was a torn-up up outfit covered in blood. More alarming were the bedsheets that were smeared in blood as well, as if someone had sat or laid there for a while. Icarus was nowhere to be found.

    It seemed the clunking noise had been from the occupant, though. He'd tripped into the bathroom door. Ahote's greeting had startled him as he was bandaging himself, fresh out of the shower. Icarus had just arrived home not more than two hours ago. The job he'd taken had been a bit out of his league, but the jewel reward had been worth the risk. Omera had urged him that he was running out of time to save up the money he needed, and taking care of a slavery and demon problem in Desierto was killing two birds with one stone for the goddess. The slavers had been strong and he couldn't save all the slaves, leading to the demons being summoned with their sacrifice. Icarus wasn't a particularly strong mage. He had always struggled with magic, so the ensuing battle had nearly cost him his life. It was a miracle he'd made it out with only a few deep but non-life-threatening gashes and bruises. The take over mage would just be hurt for a few days. All he had to do was watch for infection.

    Hopping into his sweatpants, he rushed out of the bathroom in a bit of a fog. What day was it? He hadn't thought of it until now, but he supposed it had been a few days and his furniture order was here. "Ahote?" he muttered as he hurried to the door. His towel was still laying over his dripping marigold locks as he opened the door the rest of the way to meet Ahote. Icarus offered a weak smile but was a little out of sorts by the look of it. There were cuts and bruises about his face and head, with one lump looking to be the cause of his daze. Bandages were haphazardly wrapped around his right arm and torso, turning pink from residual bleeding post-shower. "I forgot what day it was. Sorry about that. Come in. Ah, let me find a shirt..." he said, turning to wander around, looking for one that wasn't soiled.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 7th November 2020, 10:53 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    When Icarus came over to the door and opened it to him, Ahote felt like he interrupted him storing a body of something. The whole apartment smelled like bleach and metal, and it looked like someone had just died with how much blood there was between wet rags, clothes, and bedsheets. It reminded him of the scenes he was left to clean up as a support operative, and he wasn't sure whether to be impressed or concerned that the room was in this state. What was like the cherry on top of it all was Icarus himself—his right arm and torso wrapped in tight bandages.

    "You look like shit. Did the neighbors finally beat you up?" Ahote cracked a small smile, referencing the comment Icarus made about him being confronted by his neighbors about the noise they made every time they slept together. He wasn't sure if he should've acted with greater concern or panic in his voice, but he had grown so used to and accustomed to this sort of thing that even he could crack jokes about it.

    Still, as Ahote looked around at the state of his apartment, he too was also looking for a shirt to cover Icarus with, but only could spot bloody clothes. He had remembered what he said about being a minimalist when they were lying down in ICEA, and suddenly a lot of it was starting to make sense now. He didn't seem to own a lot of clothing, let alone replacements for everything else that was soiled. It seemed like everything was soiled, and that was even more annoying for someone who cleaned as often as Ahote.

    "Tell me what happened," Ahote walked into the room behind Icarus, leaving the door cracked as he took it upon himself to already start cleaning. He rolled his sleeves up past his elbow, and his first stop was the bed. It was probably a good thing that Icarus had known someone who cleaned up murder scenes for a living, and had followed his guild's mantra of never leaving his tracks. "You can't leave your door unlocked like that, either. And you need to wash your sheets as soon as blood soils them, or else it'll just be difficult to get it out later." Ahote continued to nag, stripping Icarus's mattress of the bedsheets and making a little pile on the floor. "Are you listening to me?"

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    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 7th November 2020, 11:51 pm

    Post WC: 544
    Thread WC: 15,580
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Icarus cracked a lazy grin at the joke, though he didn't look any less lost in his own apartment. Normally he'd have run with the joke, but instead, he just stood in the middle of the room, eyes tracking Ahote as he moved in and started cleaning straight away. It was like they were at work, except it was his crappy flat and it wasn't spilt liquor, it was his own blood. It was rare to see Ahote like this in this room, but this wasn't their normal rendezvous.

    A spark of remembrance crackled across his features, causing him to turn and hobble to a bag slung into his hammock. From it, he produced a clean white shirt. It seemed a little tight to be his, but he worked on putting it on anyway, but only got so far. His range of movement was limited by his injuries, so by the time he got it over his head and poked his good arm through one sleeve, it was stuck like that. Struggling only a few moments more trying to get it back off, he stopped messing with it completely when Ahote started, for lack of a better term, nagging.

    "Huh? Ah...yeah..." Icarus said slowly, taking a beat to process what Ahote had been saying. "Lock the door, wash the sheets." he repeated, fetching a laundry basket for the pile of sheets. "Aw, you care." he teased, some of the brain fog beginning to clear.

    Ahote wanted to know what happened, which was only natural. Icarus looked a bit uncomfortable, though, like he usually did when talking about things with any degree of seriousness. "I took a big job in Desierto. A slaver was planning on sacrificing some of his slaves to summon a demon. It was a high paying job to stop him, so I took it." Icarus began, leaving out his personal vendetta against the slave trade. Always light on the details. "He managed to summon the demon, so...I had to fight him and the demon to release the remaining slaves. As you can see, neither went down easy." His voice grew quiet. The explanation was simple, but the implications were heavy. He'd failed to save the sacrificial slaves. The earth mage had knocked him around like a ragdoll and the demon sank its claws into his flesh more than once. Through Omera's blessing alone, Icarus felled the demon only by disabling the slaver with venom. He'd almost killed the mage and he could still see the bodies of those innocent captives... for a moment he thought he'd be ill. "I just got home. It took a little haggling to get the jewel owed to me, but it was worth it." he again smiled, but it didn't feel worth it. If someone stronger had taken the job those slaves would have lived, but he'd taken one he had a feeling was too much for him because he wanted the paycheck. In a way, it felt like he sacrificed the Desierto slaves to free Bellan servants instead. It was disgusting.

    After falling into sombre silence for a moment, he turned and went for the door. "I'll start bringing in the boxes," Icarus murmured, grabbing the closest one, the canopy poles, and dragging them inside.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 8th November 2020, 10:55 am

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    "I see." Ahote replied calmly, glimpsing at Icarus to watch his reaction. Some people were more comfortable with those sorts of jobs than others, if they were bothered at all. It seemed like it went as poorly as he made it sound, and he'd probably have some scars as little trophies of near-misses and life-or-death encounters as a result.

    Unlike usual, Icarus didn't have that usual playfulness in his voice, and he carried himself like a dead man walking, his injured body here with Ahote but his mind somewhere else. He had a white, tight-fitting shirt only halfway on his torso and a look of aimlessness in his eyes as he started to bring in the boxes waiting outside of his apartment door.

    "You can't even put a shirt on," Ahote sighed, putting the soiled bedsheets into the laundry basket Icarus had fetched earlier. He wasn't even sure if he had a washing machine of his own, or if there was a shared machine somewhere in the building. If he was at home, he could've used some unique products that were good for cleaning blood stains. "I'm the one who had it delivered here, so I was planning and taking responsibility for the boxes anyway. We're going to clean your place first..."

    Crouching down to the ground, Ahote placed an open palm on the flooring, his fingertips glowing with a light blue color. Just in front of him, a magic circle of the same hue opened, and from it, a young man climbed out. It looked like a normal human being, with short, brown hair and eyes, and a typical Boomslang uniform to match. It was just a lich, nothing short of a zombie, and its ghoulish stare was telling of that. Still, as an accomplished necromancer, Ahote did put a little effort into making his liches "presentable", so to speak. Even more, the deceptively humanlike creature was incredibly powerful and would do all the heavy lifting for them since the occasion called for it. With the quick snap of his fingers, it passed Icarus on the way out of the room and began carrying the boxes inside.

    "Do you want it on or off?" Ahote looked at Icarus as he approached him, grabbing the hem of the shirt that wasn't completely on his body as he waited for a response.

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    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 8th November 2020, 8:12 pm

    Post WC: 316
    Thread WC: 16,287
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Icarus paused in confusion as Ahote began to use magic. He'd never seen it before, not that they'd had an opportunity for magic skills working at a bar. He'd seen none from Ahote, and Ahote had only seen him use his wings. It brought his brain a bit more into focus as he digested what was happening. A person was summoned? Hailing from Bellum, he was extensively familiar with magic and its diversity, even if his own was lacklustre. This person just looked like one of the average employees at the bar.

    Golden hues only followed him for a moment before turning to Ahote upon his approach. "What? Oh, on, I just couldn't...you know," he mumbled, moving the best he could to help the brunette help him get the shirt on the rest of the way. It hurt. That much was plain on his face. Once it was on, he just stood there looking at Ahote, then leaned down and placed his forehead gently on the other man's shoulder.

    The rustling of the summoned help continued behind him as boxes were brought in and placed. Icarus turned his head just a little to watch. It was then that it hit him. "Ahote..." he said slowly, observing the movements and eyes of the box carrier with his head still pressed into the crook of Ahote's neck. "Is he...dead?"

    The thought of necromancy roused something odd within the blonde. Icarus was a big fan of the natural order of things and not messing with nature. Life and death were both large parts of that. Since he discovered his faith in his goddess he found the idea of raising the dead uncomfortable. It fucked up the whole circle of things.

    Even worse, Omera forgive him, was his temptation. Could a necromancer bring anyone back to life? And thus the war between his faith and his selfishness started anew.



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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 8th November 2020, 8:41 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    Ahote only gave Icarus a look of disapproval when he finished helping him put his shirt on. It was so obvious that putting it was painful, or at least uncomfortable, and undressing was about as strenuous as dressing as well. He was only going to take it off in a few hours when his bandages needed to be changed, so what was the point? He was better off going shirtless. But maybe Ahote was thinking too hard about it.

    What happened after that caught him off guard for a moment, but he didn't do anything about it. Icarus had rested his forehead on his shoulder, just oozing with fatigue altogether. It was clear that he likely wasn't going to be in any shape to help him put together the furniture, even if he'd insist on doing so. He really did look like shit, and Ahote couldn't help but wonder what exactly happened in Desierto during that job. Carefully, he placed one of his hands on the back of Icarus's head, gently stroking his hair as he watched his lich at work and another on his back, rubbing it sympathetically. Now that he thought about it, Icarus had probably never seen (or noticed) Ahote's necromancy. It wasn't a very common practice.

    "Yes. Though, you know, saying something like that is one of the best compliments you can give a necromancer. I put a lot of effort into making them look alive for the purposes they serve," Ahote replied in a low, matter-of-fact voice, continuing to stroke Icarus's hair. "It's the reason I look different, sometimes. It takes a lot to maintain my appearance. Why? Does it gross you out?"

    Ahote wasn't really sure where Icarus stood on a lot of different things. For the crowd Ahote was in, magic of any kind was just a means to an end. A tool to get the job done and to get it done well. It wasn't any different for him. He wasn't very good at it at first, but now he was able to make his liches and other ghouls appear however he pleased. If he had summoned the lich without any sort of magical modifications, it would probably look quite horrific. On jobs as a support operative, appearances hardly made a difference. Outside of work, however, was a different story.  

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    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 8th November 2020, 9:13 pm

    Post WC: 309
    Thread WC: 16,984
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Icarus was silent for a long moment, which was typical for when he was thinking about something. Deciding. Weighing it with both himself and Omera. From Ahote's description alone, he considered that these people were still quite dead and it was just their remains that were being magically altered and given purpose. Macabre as that was, Icarus found little fault in that. However, if it was meant that the soul of the person was returned and released on a whim and they could one day exert their own free will on the land of the living, that was fare more suspect. All of that rolled around in his foggy brain, which was growing foggier the more Ahote caressed his hair and rubbed his back. For an instant it seemed as if he'd fall asleep standing up, leaning against his houseguest, but the last part of what the necromancer said finally kicked in.

    And boy did it kick in. Suddenly Icarus jerked upward, doing so violently enough that he almost fell backwards. Stumbling for a handful of steps, he regained his footing and stared at Ahote with widened eyes. "Hold on now!" he exclaimed, shocked eyes starting to narrow as they scanned over the body he thought he knew intimately. "Are you telling me that you're dead?!" he asked, voice a little louder and harsher than he anticipated, but the shock had hit him broadsided. A hand lifted to his mouth to attempt to cover the wildly shifting emotions he was going through, waiting for confirmation though he felt like he already had it. The white-haired version he usually saw was so much different from the brunette he preferred. He'd chalked it up to magic, but he'd never considered the why. The purpose of the change. And Ahote did seem tired and ill sometimes. Was he sleeping with a zombie?



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 8th November 2020, 11:16 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    Ahote stared at Icarus, dumbfounded. He was a little surprised to see him recoil like that, especially when he was enjoying stroking him like that, too. But when Ahote realized just what exactly had Icarus confused, his ears began to glow again, and a wide smile broken his serious, unreadable face.

    "What the hell?" Ahote held a hand over his mouth, instinctively covering his grin as he began to laugh quietly, "No, I'm not dead. I just raise the dead. You... pft." It was an understandable thought to have. The way he described it would lead anyone down that same line of thought. After his laughter subsided, Ahote nodded his head over to Icarus's bed, looking at him with soft eyes and a relaxed expression. He hadn't really laughed in a long time—he couldn't even remember how long. "You should probably sit down and rest. You're not really in any shape to put furniture together."

    After that little exchange, Ahote continued to go around his apartment, gathering fabrics that had blood on them. This guy really did leave a mess, which went against everything Ahote stood for. Which the lich doing the hauling, Ahote took the liberty of going through his closet to fetch the outfit, filling the sink with water so the rags could soak, and taking note of any splotches of blood that couldn't find its way onto clothing.

    "I can come back another day if you're too stressed to deal with the noise," Ahote looked back at Icarus, "So?"

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    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 9th November 2020, 2:18 am

    Post WC: 319
    Thread WC: 17,555
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Icarus released a breath he'd been holding and his legs went weak beneath him. He didn't fall, but he felt he could have had he been less aware. So he'd come to the wrong conclusion. "Oh." Ahote wasn't dead, that was a huge relief, but now he looked foolish and Ahote was laughing at him. It was unusual for the bar owner to laugh, but blushing was quite common. By contrast, Icarus laughed often but rarely blushed. As Ahote had a chuckle, Icarus grew quite embarrassed, enough for his cheeks to burn bright red.

    Ducking his head, a sheepish Icarus retreated to the bed as instructed, perching on the edge of the bare mattress. He had no spare linens, so there was nothing to put on the bed. He needed to do laundry. The blonde waited until he'd calmed down, watching Ahote clean with idle wonder. For some reason, he'd only thought of the neurotic cleansing as a habit he had for the business, but it appeared to extend everywhere. The more he watched, the weirder he felt about it. It reminded him of back home. Servants cleaning up his mess. This brought a frown. "I'm fine. I'd really like it if you stayed," Icarus finally spoke again, not wanting Ahote to leave, whether the furniture was put together or not. Icarus really didn't feel okay, not with his wounds and not with what happened in Desierto. Suddenly, being alone was not what he wanted. "I can still help with everything. It'll take a more than a couple scratches to keep me from my new bed," smiled the man, getting up to fetch the basket of sheets.

    Walking out his front door, he simply stepped across the hall to dump them into one of the washers there. It could be cleaning while they started assembling. Once he returned, he moved over to the boxes. "What should we start with?"



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 9th November 2020, 2:57 am

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    As soon as Icarus was laid down and ready to rest, he was up again and preparing to put some stuff together. He didn't know what it was, but there was something annoying about that. It was easily more unsatisfying for him to do something and then stop than to choose to just not do it altogether. Still, it wasn't so bad. Just before all of that, he got to see a profound blush on Icarus's face, which was a rare sight. It was sort of refreshing. Cute, too.

    Ahote stopped what he was doing to watch Icarus carry the sheets out of the apartment and across the hall to where the washing machine likely was, returning back all-smiles and all that. With his arms crossed over his chest, he stared at the blonde, looking at him from the head down like he was sizing him up. Ahote didn't believe for a second that he was as up for it as he made himself seem, considering how out of it he was acting just a few minutes earlier. His face was still soft, but there was a playful distrust in his gaze.

    "I normally start with the biggest items, like your canopy or the couch. But I don't know if I should let a guy who bleeds everywhere and can't dress himself do anything but lay down," Ahote stroked his chin, beginning walk into the hallway to drag one of the taller boxes inside. "But if you really want to, we can start with your canopy. Maybe then you'll act right. We don't have to do it all today, either, so..."

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    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 9th November 2020, 5:24 am

    Post WC: 311
    Thread WC: 18,131
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    Icarus offered a cheeky sneer to Ahote's jabs. "Well, I can't very well control where I bleed whilst I'm trying to stop it. I could have bled to death, you know. I was bitten by a demon," he whined, almost escalating to pouting. He was not used to this shift in dynamic. He wasn't sure if he liked it, but there was little he could do. Ahote was right that he was out of sorts. Still rather adamant about helping, though, Icarus nodded to Ahote's suggestion and terms. "Canopy it is. Just watch, I'll get it all done today."

    After pulling a small box of tools out of the back of the closet, Icarus set to unboxing the parts of the bed's base. He was a little slow in his movements and seemed to struggle with the instructional booklet, but he got most of the pieces of the base put together in the way as intended. Asking for help was hard for Icarus, so he did his best to show Ahote he was capable on his own. Since it was time for the poles to go up, he grabbed a knife to open the end of the appropriate box. The size and length of the box made it awkward to hold, especially with his injuries. It was no surprise when he pulled a dumbass move and ended up slicing himself. It would have been a nasty gash if not for the thick leather wristband he always wore twins of. The blade moved through the straps holding it on like butter. As he dropped the box, the band fell away and exposed the pale skin beneath... as well as the deep scar from where he'd slashed it years ago. Icarus clamped a hand over it as soon as he registered what had happened, not wanting Ahote, or anyone really, to see it.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 9th November 2020, 9:10 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    Icarus was... well, something. He didn't seem like the type to sit down and do nothing even when that was best for him, which was understandable. Ahote, too, was stubborn, but even he knew when he was at his limit. Despite everything Icarus had said, some sort of accident would probably happen. He was simply just too beat up to be particularly productive as far as Ahote was concerned.

    Icarus had decided to put his efforts at unboxing the parts of the canopy, specifically the base of the bed frame itself, and got some of it put together as he went on. Meanwhile, Ahote went in between putting parts of the canopy together himself and tidying up the apartment as boxes and filling kept showing up. He liked things being organized, so all of the empty boxes were stack and full of plastic film that cushioned the wooden parts before they were opened.

    ICEA instructions were simple for Ahote to follow, even if the item contained a lot of small parts and numerous steps, and at some point, he had stopped paying attention to Icarus altogether as he became engrossed with the process. He had grown so accustomed to doing everything himself or seeking assistance from sketchy figures that he ended up becoming his own handyman. He couldn't remember the last time he checked into a hospital or a clinic for his medical emergencies, and he was basically off the grid when it came to forms of government-issued identification. He wasn't a wanted criminal anymore, but it wasn't like his history had simply been forgotten by the state. Not only that, but he found great satisfaction in doing things with his hands.


    Ahote paused when he heard something fall to the ground, looking over at Icarus with calm look in his sharp eyes. He had his hand clamped over his wrist, and for a moment, Ahote had thought he had cut himself. If that was true, the wrist wasn't a very good place to have it happen.

    "Did you just cut yourself?" Ahote grumbled disapprovingly, almost expecting this to happen. Carefully, he set down what he was holding to amble over to Icarus. "Let me see."

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    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 10th November 2020, 12:58 am

    Post WC: 282
    Thread WC: 18,780
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    As Ahote noticed his little incident, the blonde looked for the leather bracelet frantically. It had fallen under some debris. Icarus was sensitive about the marks and what they revealed about him. Not once, no matter how many times they'd slept together and how much or little clothes they had on, the bracelets never came off. He wore them with every outfit, always, no exceptions.

    "Ah, no, it's fine," Icarus said sharply, turning his back to the brunette. Thinking on his feet was nearly impossible in his condition. He could only rustle through the debris a little more, still not seeing it. If Ahote saw it, he'd know what caused it. There was no way he wouldn't. It was a distinctive marking, one of someone who had lost all hope and saw only one way to find relief. A pearlescent silver film tinted the scar, evidence of Omera's healing touch. It was a painful reminder of a time so dark that it changed everything about him. It was only when he was blessed with a second chance that he gained his new purpose and started over in hopes of correcting the errors of his past.

    Since his single brain cell couldn't come up with a decent way to hide it or distract Ahote, Icarus just turned to face the other man, hiding his naked arm behind his back like a naughty child. He put on a big smile. "Don't worry! I didn't cut myself. Just all fingers and thumbs. But look, the base is all put together. Did I do a good job?" He tried to cast attention off himself to buy himself more time to figure out how to hide it.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs


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    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Ahote 10th November 2020, 8:53 pm

     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 FjgHi2W

    You're a weapon ; and weapons don't weep

    He cut himself, didn't he? It was no surprise. Icarus had been halfway in La-La Land this entire time, and it seemed like he needed to put effort into being his usual self. His quick responses were one thing, but his physical evasions were another, and once he had specifically hid his arm behind his back—a tactic Ahote believed only could work in cartoons—that's when he knew that the idiot hurt himself.

    "I said, let me see," he repeated with a disgruntled expression, reaching over to snatch Icarus's hand from the shadows of his backside, pulling it out in front of them to find something unusual on his wrist. It wasn't so much a cut as it was a scar, deep and tinged with a silvery film within it. He had never seen a scar quite like it and ended up firmly holding it within his grip, staring inquisitively. Not that it meant anything, but at least this was from the past. However, judging by the way Icarus was so keen on hiding it, he was probably sensitive about the mark nonetheless. Realizing that his staring has continued for maybe a second too long, Ahote perked up and released Icarus's wrist. "My apologies."

    He didn't mention it after that. Instead, he turned away and carefully stepped over the debris that had piled up throughout the building process, grabbing the box that Icarus had dropped and taking it with him to unpack. "You did a good job," he'd say, "you struggled on some easy steps, though."

    Scars weren't anything new. They weren't any different than the color of someone's eyes or the shape of their eyebrows. It was simply part of their physical characteristics. However, although Ahote had gone out of his way to heal scars, replace tissue, and even go as far as restoring a missing arm and eye, there were some things he was still sensitive about. He wasn't a big fan of fire, for example. It was the reason he lost his eye and arm, and even though they had been restored through magic and the scars had disappeared, the trauma still existed. He at least understood that much.

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    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    Mentor : Ahote
    Experience : 12,650

    In Progress Re: Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote)

    Post by Icarus 10th November 2020, 9:48 pm

    Post WC: 337
    Thread WC: 19,196
    Tagged: @Ahote
    Muse: Odd
    Notes: N/A

    At first, Icarus was thankful. He sighed, returning to his search for the band, which he now found. Unfortunately, the straps were completely severed so he couldn't put it back on. He'd have to replace it or repair it at a later time. It didn't matter much now, Ahote had already seen it and said nothing. He simply moved on. The relief he felt allowed him to get back to work on the bed, slowly but surely attaching the poles to the platform. He was still a bit head empty and uncharacteristically quiet, but the job got done.

    But as he'd worked on it, something ate at him. Uninjured Icarus would have been glad and remained glad that Ahote glossed over the whole reveal and respected his privacy, as a physical fling should be. That's precisely what he wanted, but perhaps the hit on his head knocked something loose. As he struggled to remove the mattress from the old frame to the new one, he very suddenly dropped it and turned to face the brunette with a peculiar look on his face. He was annoyed or hurt or... something. "Really?" he asked, voice sharp and disbelieving. "You really aren't going to ask?" Icarus, contradicting everything he was usually about, felt some sort of way about Ahote not caring.

    Icarus reached up and pulled the band off his other wrist, holding them both out to Ahote. They were identical. Fatal. The marks of someone who hit rock bottom and chose to end it. The blonde stood there, vulnerable, apparently ready to talk about himself. How long this window of opportunity would last was tenebrous. It was just the idea that Ahote didn't care infected him like a virus. This was a moment that fell into Icarus' former 'I don't know' range concerning the rules of whatever they were doing, but just as he had rested his head on Ahote's shoulder earlier for comfort, he searched for something he needed now, even if he didn't know he needed it.



     Box of Chocolates (C/Icaurs/Ahote) - Page 2 CalumSigs

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