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    Reversed Arcana

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 5:58 am

    Job Info:


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 6:41 am

    "This does not make sense," Samira noted to herself as she pulled up the first of many sheets of paper from the stack she hugged tightly to prevent the soft breeze in the air from taking off with the entire thing. Granted, separating that sheet from the rest did make it slightly harder to read and much easier for it to bend and crinkle with the wind. Though, she was still quite able to verify what she had originally read to be correct. Multi tasking by reading, walking, talking, and listening to the conversating spirits in her head did not cause her eyes to see something that was not there. At the same time, however, she wished it had been a hallucination or her eyesight playing a trick on her. "Are you sure these are the notes Easton sent me?" Her inquiry was one of suspicion, and she arched a curious brow as she continued to read while walking along the path. The notes were something special indeed. Perhaps she could ignore that the word flow and writing style did not match Easton's more... Intellectual and proper habits. But, the pages she held had more than one style from a child's extremely basic way of writing to one so complex she was sure such a way of writing had not been used in centuries.

    "Pretty sure it is."
    "Yep! Sure is."
    "It has his name on it. Obviously he wrote it."

    Emerald eyes scanned the next page, causing her brow to twitch at what she saw. "Is that written in crayon?" Yes, the page was neatly written in colorful wax with tiny doodles scattered all around like a weird sort of picture book. Easton's name was also at the top of the page. What kind of school assignment was going on here? "I am not convinced."

    "Maybe it was his assistant?"

    "An assistant that uses crayons as a writing utensil instead of the more professional and widely accepted options?"

    "Well, I don't know, Samira, maybe, JUST MAYBE, this theoretical assistant didn't have one of those and all that was around at the time was a box of crayons."

    "What would a box of crayons be doing in an office like that? This story was not thought out very well."

    "Maybe they have kids, did you think of that? Who's side are you on? Stop making the holes in this worse!"

    The urge to roll her eyes and shake her head like any normal person would have under the same circumstances of listening to such silly lies was resisted. Now they were starting to argue amongst each other regarding the validity and realism of the story that was so obviously a lie not even an inexperienced child new to being a delinquent was dumb enough to use. Only one word came out as a response, "Doubtful." There was little point in saying anything more. Such a simple two syllable word was enough to get her suspicions across, and her normal passive state did not care to argue more about it.

    "She's not buying it."

    "Shut it! Turn your mind link off if you're going to say stuff like that!"

    Sound advice that might have proven helpful moments before. Rather than state that fact, Samira preferred to just figure out what happened to the real research Easton had sent over. That was priority over giving herself a headache from the fakes. "What happened to the ones that I was expecting?"

    "Serqet did it."
    "Just saying. The real stuff that old guy sent kind of got destroyed."

    "Yeeeaaaaa." Susano's voice trailed off as he re-imagined the horror of what happened to the real set of documents near the moment they had arrived. Greatly exaggerated, of course, but nonetheless accurate. What a mess. "But not before we read them to see if it was something interesting. It wasn't. If it was we probably would have remembered way more than we did. I'm sure you didn't miss the skipped parts or the ones that just faded off into the sunset of the page and into the world of required imaginative thought."

    "I admit that had me concerned for his mental health at first. Thank you for trying to... make copies. While appreciated I am afraid these are less than adequate for the intended purpose of learning anything from it. Aside from now knowing all of your writing styles for future reference." Honestly she now worried for many of them after seeing that sort of mess. Their originals would likely be appalled if they knew. Although, the chances of them being serious about the matter were slim. The only one she truly believed to have been dropped on its spirit head as a youth was Serqet. The rest involved were probably just trying to be helpful while also seeing the opportunity to be annoying at the same time. "I will just have to burden him by requesting he send the notes again, I suppose. I am sure he has his own copies somewhere. No harm done aside from that fact." Really, Easton was the sort that probably wouldn't mind and would see humor in it. That didn't mean having to bother him with something so trivial that it could have been avoided pleased her as a solution, however. The last thing she wanted to be considered as was a problem or nuisance to him, and others.

    (Word Count: 903)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 6:47 am

    "Oh, come on! Those were good copies!" The spirit of scorpions exclaimed, the sound of mild offense mixing into her normally cheerful voice. A flurry of purple magic particles swirled about and materialized into the solid form of the celestial spirit. Without a word or hesitation, Serqet grabbed the stack of papers from Samira's arms and tightly held them to her bosom so they could not be taken back without some serious effort and most likely a game of tag. "I'll piece this all together and guess the rest! It'll be even better than the boring original! You'll see!"

    Samira shook her head in disapproval towards the grandiose idea the spirit had. "Serqet, I know what your idea of better is. Those notes will end up as a work of fiction that no one would take seriously. Or, if they do they end up lost in a cavern because the map of the area was replaced by a representation of what you wanted the cavern to be like."

    "Oh.... You still remember that?" The scorpion lady spirit asked with a sheepish grin on her face while shifting the papers so one arm held them while the other hand scratched the back of her head in an awkward manner. Serqet giggled upon seeing Samira nod, trying to suppress the embarrassment of that memory coming back to haunt her.

    "Quite." There was more to be said about that, but it would remain as a silent comment that never left the tip of her tongue. She turned around, eyeing the surroundings with mild uncertainty. Something did not feel right. Or at least, she did not feel that Serqet and herself were alone. Nor did it feel as if some normal individual were passing nearby or watching. The way mages and others were able to sense each other was an interesting thing and though Samira didn't excel at such a thing like some that had mastered it, there was still that off cold in the wind that allowed even herself to notice a presence that was unlike most. She didn't like it. It felt distorted and only partially there. Someone that knew how to hide their magic presence well wouldn't have had that effect, and yet it had not been picked up until then as if purposely revealed to a degree. They were not even trying to hide themselves fully, else she wouldn't have noticed at all without trying. Was it a means of distraction perhaps?

    Things had gone silent for her as she concentrated on the area around her. The mindspace that connected her thoughts to her spirits and them to her was tuned out, as was every other noise in the environment. The wind, the chirping birds, the leaves and branches of trees as they moved and groaned from the wind's force. Everything. Eventually, the sound of papers taking off and zipping through the air broke the forced silence of her focus and concentration. Her narrowed eyes widened slightly and blinked, noticing some of those colorful notes she had looked at before swirling around her and taking off into the distance as they were carried by the breeze. Her sense of hearing returned to reality, as much as she would have preferred it not to considering what it popped back into.

    The argumentative and teasing exchanges between the spirits had increased, echoing through her mind at a high volume that would have given any normal person a migraine. While she was used to it, as one would have to expect from someone that was connected with well over forty types of spirits, that didn't mean she enjoyed the sensation. The scolding she was given for ignoring them made it even less tolerable. The papers having taken off was nearing the last straw. When Samira turned to question the one that had been holding onto the stack, the spirit only gave an innocent and quirky smile. One had to wonder if Serqet even felt the sort of shame and embarrassment that should have come from... whatever happened to cause her to lose it all. The goddess did not want to ask. Even assuming Serqet threw the papers into the air for entertainment value could have been highly accurate. Samira grabbed onto a sheet of paper that was still near, and from there she started to collect some of the ones that had landed on the ground. Serqet had started to do the same... although her way of charging at the papers was far more lively and enthusiastic than Samira's slow and relaxed method.

    "And you're wasting time collecting that useless stack why?"

    "I suppose it could be labeled as useless trash, but such a thing should be taken care of properly. Allowing the 'copies' to scatter along the ground is classified as littering. There is no reason for me to be associated with such a crime."

    "Crime is exaggerating a bit, don't you think? Unless there's a dark mage or random monster that plans to cover the world in trash I don't know about."

    "Regardless, I do not want my possessions being a part of it. Are you so bored that you must argue this point?"

    "That's about right. There's nothing to do today. Or tomorrow. We should probably look into some part time jobs."


    The conversation went about the same as it had been as Samira followed along the paper route and collecting all of the ones that had gone astray. Eventually, she had collected most of them and once again held a neat stack of them close to her chest. Looking around she saw only a few more that had gotten away, and so she ventured forth to collect those as well to complete the little side objective that had been added to her day. Though, when she knelt down and collected one of the sheets, there was something under it that caught her attention.

    (Word Count: 986
    Total So Far: 1889)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 6:50 am

    "Hm?" It wasn't a rock, flower, or even a bug that was unfortunate enough to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a card. Not some silly playing cards for a round of Go Fish, or even a collectible trading card featuring someone famous. If Samira had to guess, the one lying on the ground resembled what was known as a tarot card. To say her experience and knowledge with that sort of thing was impeccable would be lying. That was not within the realm of her expertise. Tarot cards were something she knew the Saberooth Ace, Gaia Sabin, was known for. Before her Samira recalled Ryo Knetegawa also having a talent for reading them. Herself though? Only knowing what they looked like was what knowledge she had about them, and that was more of a general aesthetic rather than the pictures on the cards and what they stood for.

    Samira glanced up to see if there was anyone around that might have lost it just as easily as Serqet had lost the stack of papers, but she saw no one. The area was rather empty besides herself and wherever Serqet had gone off to. Well, maybe she could take it to Gaia or Ryo. Surely they would have something to say about what the card was and represented. Maybe. Honestly she was at a loss as to what to really do with a single card of a collection, but she couldn't very well leave it there. Perhaps she'd get into the whole tarot thing herself for collectible funsies and to just educate herself on the whole thing. It was something intriguing, and not something that surrounded her day to day life like most other things.

    The card was gently picked up off the ground, and Samira brought it closer to her face for a closer inspection of the details. "The Fool," Samira murmured quietly, reading the words inscribed in an intricate design that matched the rest of the artwork. The card featured a lone man that looked up towards the sky while standing at the edge of a cliff, as if he were about to walk right over the edge and into the chasm below. In his hand he carried a white rose as well as a knapsack on a stick over his shoulder. Below and beside him was a dog that followed him. "Hm, interesting." Some might have been offended to pick up a card that had the word "Fool" on it, as if it were a tease or left there purposely to mock the one who picked it up. That was possible, of course. But, it did not affect Samira in that way. She did not really care for that sort of coincidence or likely event. It was just a misplaced card on the road, and that's what she wanted to believe until proven otherwise. Else, she'd be giving that feeling of being watched more attention than she already had wanted to give it.

    Unfortunately, it didn't take long for her to realize things would once again end up in some cliche situation. The card was set there purposely as a lure, and of course, despite her knowing better, she fell right into it. Things could just never be normal, uneventful, and lack a predictable surprise, could they?

    Laughter filled the air as soon as Samira had spoken the words on the card. Mischievous yet sinister. Certainly not the sort of cheerful laughter one would enjoy listening to. In a way, it reminded Samira of the laughter her spirit Loki liked to use, though his was more done to act the part he enjoyed being, that of a joker and jester. He didn't quite have the same malicious tone the owner of this batch of laughter had. That was the difference between what one would consider an ally and another a foe, perhaps. Most of her spirits wouldn't harm her, Loki included, but the unknown being that kept with his laughter would enjoy trying. Or, at least, that was the vibe she was getting.

    Samira slowly stood up, card still in hand, and the stack of papers being held in place with one arm across her chest. Whoever was laughing, rather obnoxiously by that point, had yet to reveal themselves. Now she was fully alert to the situation, but remained calm and quiet. The spirits connected to her mind and magic were another story. They were as loud as ever, and many were irritated by the invisible spy. Her control and reassurance kept them in check. Things would be fine. She could let this play out to see what happened. A confident and egotistical thought process others may have thought she had if they had known, but it was just basic facts and experiences that led to her being rather nonchalant about the whole thing. She wouldn't underestimate anything, naturally. Nor would she let her guard down to a great extent. But, she could allow for her curious side to take over and let the plans of the invisible foe proceed further.

    "Are you going to reveal yourself at any point in the near future?" Samira inquired, hiding the sarcastic and smart ass tone many would have used in place of the calm yet seemingly uninterested tone of her own. As she stood there waiting for an answer, she felt and even saw a shift in the world around her. Her location was changing. An alternate dimension of sorts was taking over and her placement within it being chosen against her will. Swirls of darkness overcame the light, and the trees, grass, the road, and everything else begun to fade. All that was left in its place was an empty void of nothing. Nothing, except a lone door of delicate and complex designs to match the tarot card from before, but different. The tarot card was now missing from her hand in much the same way as the stack of papers were. No doubt with her locations being switched without them they were once again on the ground or being carried with the wind. How frustrating.

    (Word Count: 1024
    Total So Far: 2913)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 6:55 am

    Examining the door, there was a set of letters upon it. Samira concluded by their sequence that it was actually the lettering that was used to represent numbers instead. "Twenty one," she spoke softly as she read the short sequence. After that were the words "The World." Those two were kept silent in case it sparked the same reaction as saying "The Fool" from before. The image on the doorway was that of a woman at its center, wrapped with nothing but a purple cloth and looking behind her. She held two batons or wand looking objects for what purpose Samira did not know. Surrounding the woman on all sides was the laurel wreath, and at the corners of the door were more figures, one for each pointed end of the doorway. A lion, bull, cherub, and eagle. If she had, had any knowledge about the symbolism used she would have picked up on the fact those four beings represented the Zodiacs of Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. For now, it was missed entirely, but was kept noted as an interesting reference.

    "Another tarot card?" Well, door was more accurate now. Had she been teleported to some dimension that belonged to tarot card readers? The laughter from before had stopped, sort of. Instead, much like with the maniacal laughter, the voice that matched spoke, seemingly coming from all around her and yet no where at the same time for there was no visible source for it. Still. 'This one sure does enjoy taking his time,' The summoner thought to herself and the spirits connected. Thankfully the switch in dimensions had not broken the strong link between them. It was rare for it to happen, but still quite possible if the power was strong enough for that effect. That was not the case here.

    "Oh boy! You have picked up the Fool card. You did, you did! He will be so pleased with me! Yes, he will! It worked! It did, it did! I am so gleefully happy, I am! But not you. Noooooo, not you. You are trapped, you are!"

    "I had thought to be the case. There is, after all, only one door within this vast expanse of nothing." Going in a different direction and walking through the empty world was possible. She didn't feel that her movement would be impeded otherwise. The results wouldn't be very productive, however. More likely, as she would estimate, she would just keep walking until somehow she were forced back in front of the door. It wasn't her first trip in such a realm.

    "Clever, clever! Yes, one door for the Nassar girl! Only one way out, there is!"

    "'Nassar girl?'" Well, so it wasn't just a trap set for anyone that were unlucky enough. It was directly meant for her alone. She had been about to ask who the voice meant by "he" before he let out that clue. There was no longer any need to ask. Not many called her in such a way that they meant the bloodline in general. Only one came to mind. "I see. So you are his pawn then. I did not think that interaction with that thief would prove to result in multiple encounters." It had been a while since that masked thief had tried taking that relic she had left with Easton and Jacobs. Well, perhaps not tried. He was actually successful at it along with causing multiple issues along the way of her trying to reclaim it. Not much regarding who or what he was, was found out though. Not even so much as a name. He did seem to know much about her, her spirits, and the rest of her bloodline though. It was flattering in the most creepy sense. "Is there some grudge that I do not know about?"

    "Oooooh, that I do not know. I am just here to see that you are trapped for a very long time. Maybe even die. Oh, please do die. It would be entertaining and maybe I would get praise! I won't tell if you do it purposely."

    "I will pass on the idea of dying. Thank you for the suggestion nonetheless." Naturally, there was a groan of disappointment from the voice that echoed all around her. Did he really expect people caught in that little trap to just lie down and die like he so politely asked of them? Maybe some would be that desperate if they were trapped long enough, but surely not her. In fact, Samira wondered just how trapped she really was. The woman had her own connections to other realms, and Janus was a spirit incarnation of a god that excelled at portals. She could probably leave just fine if she tried. That would be quite rude though, wouldn't it? Here she was invited to whatever game was to be played here and she had the thought of leaving. How dare she! She would humor the mysterious voice for now just to sate her curiosity. If things became more problematic than she predicted then she had her escape plan saved for that moment. It was best to not speak of it or attempt to use it until she was ready. Although, if he was an acquaintance of the masked thief from before then there was the possibility the one behind the voice knew all she could do. But was he powerful enough to overcome her own? What an interesting dilemma. "Care to explain what is behind this door? Or am I left to see for myself upon opening it?"

    "Of course, of course! How silly of me. Behind this door is the first of many. Behind this door is another, and another. But to reach each door you must greet each of my siblings. They are lonely and bored. They want to have as much fun as me! This one here is the door that leads to my brother, who represents The World. He so enjoys making lovely things and frolicking here and there. Fight him, tame him, kill him. It matters not! So long as you reach the next door! Or be defeated to end the journey. It's up to you, but I so hope hope HOPE that you pick the more fun option. Tee hee hee! Now turn the knob and venture forth! Yes, yes, yes! Do it! Do it now! Or I will have to end this game before it starts!"

    "Very well." And so she had decided to meet these supposed siblings of the mysterious voice that most likely belonged to the one that represented The Fool card. At the same time of her vocal agreement though, her mind communicated telepathically to her spirits. 'Janus, do you know if your portals would work here?'

    'Hmmmm, I do not know this realm, but I can sense through you that making a portal there would not be any more difficult than normal. Should I be offended by that question or the assumption that no one thought this old spirit to be capable of still performing his duties? I am not in my prime anymore, but making portals is my specialty. If I can't connect to your world, I can always connect to the celestial and beyond. The link between us still existing should be proof enough of that, dear girl.'

    "Technically, and I mean technically! That only works in this... empty... dark... lonely... celestial's sake this place is depressing when described."

    'Your point?'

    "I always have one. The point is we don't know if it'll still work once we are through that door. Or any of the others. Are you really going to go through there and march on in with all the confidence and lack of knowledge of a really stupid person?"


    "Terrific. And we'll be brought along for the ride, and have to save your summoner ass. Can't wait."

    'You complain when there is nothing to do, and also complain when one quite literally spontaneously surrounds us. I am convinced you are of the sort that can never be happy.'

    "Damn, right. It would ruin my image and reputation if I were."

    "Can it, Windy. Did it ever cross your feeble mind that we can find out more about that masked guy this way? This is the second time he is causing trouble. Lets not make it to three because we ignored it."

    "If the connection is even true. This could all be a lie just to annoy us or make us stay. Do we really want to waste our time reaching the end of this charade for something that could be unrelated? We're only even making assumptions anyway. 'He' could be someone entirely different. I'm going to be pissed off if this turns out to be something pointless and stupid."

    The mental conversation was interrupted and put on hold. "Tick tock, tick tock! Hurry on up!"

    (Word Count: 1483
    Total So Far: 4396)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 6:58 am

    Samira nodded and reached for the knob of the door that should have actually led to no where for it was just a single door that looked as if it connected to nothing. Yet, as she pulled it open, a bright green light came through the door, and the magic between dimensions took over and transported her through. Her eyes closed to protect themselves from the blinding light, and it wasn't until she felt the shift pass, the teleportation magic fade away, and the sounds of running water similar to that of a river reaching her ears and replacing the silence that she chose to open those verdant orbs of hers.

    Where she stood now was not the dark world that had been void of everything but a single door. Now, she was in a jungle of great mystical quality. The plantlife was so green and in such perfect pure condition that no human or other being capable of destruction and corruption had to have set foot there at all since its creation. Even the river's waters was crystal clear, like untouched glass. The whole area was serene and peaceful, and if not for how she got there Samira would have been perfectly relaxed, content to remain there for some time for quiet contemplation. Even her spirits of nature she didn't think were capable of creating such a space. Though, the mystical aura radiating from each and every tree, bush, flower, and other sort of vegetation reminded her of the sort that came from that of Cernunnos' talents in that area. It wasn't the same, of course, but it did remind her that she couldn't be too careful while around such exquisite things. Cernunnos' created plants put things to sleep and more. The vast lush and green world of... well, The World, was much more ancient and powerful. There was no telling what all that dimension could do to her if she allowed it.

    With her first instinct to get a look around taken care of, Samira noticed that she was once again holding something in one of her hands. She lifted it and looked down, noticing that two cards were now there. Both were similar to the design of the doorway and even had the words "The World" printed upon them. The main difference was that one was right side up and the other upside down.

    "Onnneee second. We got our hands on some tarot card guides and books here. Written in the most basic of terms that even a dummy can understand."

    "I don't understand it! That one doesn't match exactly like this one!"

    "Maybe it's left to interpretation based on the one that does the dealing or something...."

    "Or something. I thought there was supposed to be a guardian waiting to strike? Why are you morons wasting time on card meanings?"

    "Because she entered a door with one right on its surface! And now she's holding two of them. It might be important. Maybe. We're more likely to become experts at this by the time it's all over. That wasn't something I wanted to put on my quality spirit resume, but hey, I'll take it."

    The meaning of the cards and their positions could be figured out later. They did have time in the comfort of their own realm to do so while she was dealing with the actual problem at hand, after all. For the time being she gently placed them in a pocket and proceeded forward slowly and cautiously. Her eyes scanned the area all around, looking for a sign of something that stood out more than the rest of the greenery as some symbol of significance. In time she finally saw it. A large behemoth creature of wood and leaves. A walking tree monster or guardian as the most basic of descriptions. The creature didn't take notice of her presence. Rather, in a rather awkward scenario that left Samira dumbfounded and speechless was the sight of such a large creature frolicking and skipping around merrily. The Fool wasn't over exaggerating when he had described The World doing such. It was a silly sight, but not one that made Samira want to laugh at. She had expected... more. One could only hope the first impressions of the others were better suited for their role.

    Samira remained patient and waited for the creature to stop amusing itself and take notice of her. That never came to pass. She felt at that point she would die of starvation and be a rotting corpse before the creature took notice. While she could be patient enough to a point, she just did not have that sort of time to spare. That present day might have been a slow uneventful day for the most part, but she did have plans for tomorrow.

    Samira cleared her throat, hoping the sudden noise would overpower the distractions of the mystical and peaceful chimes of the dimension. No dice. "Excuse me," she finally spoke up politely. The creature finally stopped his silly roam and turned to face the stranger that had entered his realm. "Are you the one that represents The World that I was told about?" Samira felt kind of silly asking. The tree guardian was the only being there so he had to have been it. Though, it was quite strange. The art on the doorway and even that on the cards depicted a woman. Giant tree creature with glowing blue eyes and other features that could have existed in a child's nightmare of being lost in the woods was not depicted anywhere. Strange, yes, but then again what about any of the current scenario was normal?

    Samira had been sure that she would receive some kind of answer, but there was only silence as the creature silently stared her way. Almost as if it were bewildered and confused. "You can talk, yes?" The thought of summoning one of her spirits that could talk... plant language came to mind as a solution if there really existed a language barrier. There never came an actual answer that she could understand vocally. The actions though she understood well. The ground started to rumble and the glowing eyes of the tree guardian lit up more as if in anger. He changed his posture to take the offensive and roared loudly. Then the tree guardian began to charge towards her, its stomps on the ground causing the ground to shake and making keeping one's balance difficult.

    (Word Count: 1081
    Total So Far: 5477)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 7:03 am

    Well, that was a very unintended reaction. She had hoped she could get by peacefully despite The Fool having told her there would be fighting. No such luck for the normally passive Goddess of Ishgar. Reactively, Samira held out her hands in front of herself and called on a celestial barrier to protect herself from the incoming impact. The tree guardian did not hesitate to use its full strength. As he charged in, his giant bark hands pounded at barrier, thinking it would break and destroy the one within it. Instead, no harm came to her. Her defenses were quite strong not because of her own power solely, but also because of the benefits her link with her spirits had granted her, as well as the powers they had given her themselves. The most that happened with that attack was Samira and the circular barrier around her being forced away like a sparkly toy ball. The trunk of a giant tree had been what slowed her down as she crashed into it. Still, she was quite all right physically. More so she now had a migraine and a trace of lightheadedness from the speedy trip with quite the aggressive landing. The tree was also fine. Unlike a normal tree it was stronger, though it groaned as if it were communicating to those around it. The Tree Guardian did not look any happier than it originally did before the attack met. In fact, she was a little concerned that it was even angrier.

    "All right, talking is out of the question," Samira stated plainly as she stood up. A second assault was coming and she needed to prepare herself, though if its reaction of her crashing into the tree was of any clue, then she needed to be sure not to harm anything, else she would have an even more enraged creature coming for her. That was completely unnecessary. The obvious choice was to use fire against such a creature, but it was needlessly destructive and destroying The World was not what she had in mind. Samira only wanted to stop it and pass on by. "Can any of you calm it?" She asked that of her more plant oriented and woodsy aligned spirits: Cernunnos, An Dagda, and Artio.

    "Couldn't hurt, lass. I am the expert at calming!"

    "This one worries about its creations. You have intruded and marked yourself as an enemy. Defeating him is the best choice. Calming does nothing here."

    Cernunnos just growled a response that no one could really understand.

    "We will try both then. Calm or incapacitate. Complete destruction is a last resort."

    "Aye, good plan then."

    And so there was at least that. The three she communicated to were quickly summoned as the Tree Guardian charged again. Vines from the surrounding trees and the water itself also started to come down on them as an artillery attack. An ineffective one. But, they all had to remember this was just the first door of many. It was meant to be easy. As the three main spirits were summoned, another portal had also been opened. One that released several minor spirits made of golden energy. The golden particles combined together and created a shockwave of bright and warm light that produced a barrier around Samira, Artio, An Dagda, and Cernunnos. The attacks were thawrted as they made impact with the new barrier, one that had showed no signs of breaking anytime soon.

    It was in that bought time that An Dagda called on Uaithne, a magical harp that had enchanting music strong enough to change the seasons and control emotions. In this case it was the latter. The peaceful music played over the natural chimes of the mystical jungle. The Tree Guardian paused, as did the attacks. Cernunnos also aided by using his powers to grow his own plantlife that took on their own personality and will as they wrapped around the The World to restrain him. Artio remained as she was, staff raised ready in case the actions of the other two did not work.

    The Tree Guardian seemed to relax a bit as it struggled against the restraints and the soothing music. "I think this might be working."

    Well, it was, until the leaves of the trees started to change color and die, like that of autumn leaves. They began to fall, slowly at first, until it was raining leaves. Samira's brow twitched, Cernunnos gruffed, Artio moved her staff to whack An Dagda on the head with its end. "Foolish druid!"

    "Dagda... did you just change the season?" Samira asked, holding in the part of her that wanted to shout angrily at the turn of events. "You were only supposed to use the emotional part of the harp."

    "Well, eh," The accused spirit scratched his head with uncertainty. "I might have forgotten to switch that setting off after I last used it for a joke. It doesn't really matter though. Look at him! He still looks like he's off to bed after a trip to a spa that plays peaceful chimes all day. What would a few brown leaves cause? It's only natural that the seasons change here, eh? Can't have spring and summer forever!" Dagda chuckled, though he was the only one that found the new problem humorous. Samira had already guessed that if she had damaged the plantlife in that dimension then the Tree Guardian would be most displeased. Now the eternal spring was becoming autumn, and if left in that state, winter. The green mystical beauty that had been created was going to now be a land full of bald trees and bushes. Lovely.

    (Word Count: 942
    Total So Far: 6419)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd May 2020, 7:06 am

    Everyone stared at the Tree Guardian to see its reaction, and as if on queue with An Dagda's words, the creature snapped out of it as the floating leaves descended upon it. The blue glowing eyes became red, and once again it roared, but much louder, angrily, and with so much force behind it that everyone was pushed back from the strong exhaled wind.

    "I do not suppose you could reverse this?" The summoner asked, shouting as loud as she could so she could be heard over the roar. It hit her then that she could have just asked that same question in her mind, but well, old habits die hard.

    "Aye, I could, but better to go for plan B. Uaithne's power is no longer working. This creature has gone mad!"

    "Finally. We fight."

    "We probably should have come up with a Plan C to compliment Plan B now that I think it," Dagda commented as he watched Artio charge straight on in towards the Tree Guardian that was charging towards them all. Yep. Not much thought process there. Artio transformed into a giant bear that made impact with the charging tree. There, the two were stalled as each were trying to overpower the other. The other two joined in as well, using their weapons and other abilities to hopefully weaken the guardian that they had now pissed off into a rage.

    "Am I really going to have to set it on fire?" Samira inquired to herself with a defeated sigh. She had wanted to avoid killing or severely injuring it to such a degree. That was the case for most violent confrontations. Yet, this was just another example of those that could not always end peacefully and without lethal conflict. Given her past experiences, one would have thought that she was quite used to it by now, but she wasn't. Even if she put up a front to make it seem like she was in the end having to resort to the final measure was never satisfactory. Less so if the final resort was preferred as the first. "Is Geb awake?" She asked of the spirits that were still in their own realm.

    "Is he ever awake? He rarely moves."

    "He moved a few months ago. Stiiiillll in that same corner of his space though. Should I poke him?"

    "No. I just thought I would ask." If he wasn't awake currently he might wake as soon as he was summoned. He was a spirit of similar status as the Tree Guardian, The World. Geb was the spirit incarnation of a god that was also of the world and earth. He would have been summoned with the rest if Samira were sure of how... awake he was. Geb was mostly an unmoving small mountain. Very passive unless provoked. A giant tree wishing to harm her and the others might be enough provocation. He'd be much gentler than setting a conflagration on the entire jungle as well. Same final result, less destruction. Unfortunately, when she tried to summon him mentally, the much quicker way, there was no response. It required an active mind of the spirit to hear the call, and if he were asleep... yeah he was asleep. "The old fashioned way then."

    It had been a very long time since the last time Samira actually used keys to summon any of the spirits connected to them. Mind summoning had been something she could do for what seemed like ages now, and it was just easier to do. Now, however, she was left with no choice if she were to bring the final earth-like spirit out. The Tree Guardian was being distracted by the other three, but it was doing a decent enough job of creating openings and over-powering them in its crazed state of mind. The world around her seemed to slow as she reached for Geb's key. To that very day she still knew what it felt like. Its texture, ridges, and shape were all unique to it specifically, and with Geb being one of her original spirits she was likely to never forget it. Not even as she stared at the incoming Tree Guardian while knowing her own defenses were not up. The earlier barriers had their power depleted absorbing the damage her spirits had taken while dealing with the large foe, leaving her with nothing at that present moment. Finding the correct key, she detached it from her keyring and raised it, slicing it through the air as one would a sword to open a rift between that dimension and that of Geb's. “Open, gate of the Avatar, God of Earth! Geb!"

    Spirit particles flew out of the cut rift between worlds, creating a bright light as the large spirit took shape. Rocks and boulders took the place of the rift, including the main one that made Geb's main body. Moss and other plantlife also covered the rocks, and on his back, between the two vine-covered pillars of his shoulders, was a crater that was filled with an actual running waterfall and lake. A few of the smaller minor rocks hovered in the air, taking shape of a hand that struck at The World. A low and deep groan came from the huge mass of rock as Geb built himself up. The rest of the rocks formed his legs and other arm and hand, and the features of his face were now more detailed as he awoke. Like many that were so rudely and suddenly woken from a sweet and deep slumber, he was grumpy and cranky.

    (Word Count: 933
    Total So Far: 7352)

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th May 2020, 6:32 am

    Not towards his summoner, of course. It wasn't in his nature to be angry with her summoning him. He had been with her since she was a child so he was accustomed to that sort of interruption to his nap. He could sleep right on through it if he didn't feel the need to be active. Even in his sleep though he could detect danger and threatening foes. The closer proximity between himself and Samira just made the threat become a loud wake up call that he could not ignore. A small earthquake shook the ground again, this time coming from Geb. Shards of earth rose up from the ground and pierced through the Tree Guardian. In the few seconds that the foe was distracted by that impact, Geb sent one of the large boulders that had come through the portal with him, aimed right at the The World's mid-section. The Guardian flew back from the force, and upon landing another earthquake was created. The others lost their balance from the constant quakes and fell over except for the satyr spirit, who took to the trees and clung to the branches. Any vines that snapped at him he cut down with ease using his glaive due to their weakened and near dead state.

    "When I pictured this plan, lass, I pictured myself standing, and un-crushed." An Dagda winced and flailed dramatically as he tried to remove the bear that had fallen on him after he had already tripped himself. Artio, still in bear form, growled in disapproval of the implication regarding her weight.

    "As you know, not all of the details, possibilities, and consequences were written down. If it is obvious, just expect it." Having two colossal creatures walking around, let alone fighting, was bound to cause an earth shake or two. Samira used a nearby tree to help herself to stand, and keep her balance if more quakes were to come. None ever did. The Tree Guardian remained where it was, glaring yet less violent than before. Its red eyes had even returned to the original soft blue. "Eaaarrrttthhhh god." The Tree Guardian finally spoke, slow and deep. Its branch arm rose and pointed at Geb. The World awaited confirmation.

    "Noooooo," Geb spoke in return in much the same way. "Eaarrttthhh spiiirrriiittt. Crreeeated frrooomm god." He was quick to deny the god claim for it was accurate. None of them were actual gods. They had the essence and power of many when combined, but it was a small amount when compared to the true gods that shared the same name. As powerful as many of them were, they were still very fake. To claim to be a true god would be disrespectful and a lie in his eyes, and that of many of the others. They knew their place well enough.

    "God spiiirrriiittt." The World spoke again. "Of Eaarrtthhh." The Tree exhaled a sigh. "Allllyyyy. Was not toooolllddd." The guardian saw Geb as a brother in regards to what their power could do and what they represented. The World represented Earthland itself, similar to Geb. They both could understand each other as they both wanted to protect it. Surely its brother in spirit would not seek to destroy the lush world it had created. Moreso, Geb had claimed to be a spirit. That meant he had a master.

    With the will to understand now, The World looked at those he had originally attacked for fear they were destroyers, corruptors. The over protection of his world had made him fail to see the error in his logic. The fighting should have ceased the moment the other spirits had been summoned. They too were similar to him, and he could feel the same godly essence as he could in Geb. From the woman, the master of these vastly superior spirits, he could sense many more connected to her. There was a strong power there that could rival many gods. Such destruction could have been done with the snap of her fingers. Yet, she did not destroy him as easily as she could have. The jungle though... unfortunately there was some work to be done to restore that, but it was not she who had done it per say. Even then it was not certain death that took place. Just a shift in seasons that caused a natural reaction. They would easily thrive again.

    "IIII seeeee." The Tree Guardian nodded slowly. He was satisfied and content. He could move on and allow passage to the next door. "Goooooo." A door appeared behind him, similar to the one that led to his dimension. The design was different, though, and a different number and word was etched on its surface.

    "Thank you," Samira said gratefully before walking over towards the door. As she passed by the Tree Guardian she glanced his way, keeping an eye on him until she was standing right in front of the door he had summoned forth. Geb remained where he was, Artio did the same but remained on guard. An Dagda followed but stopped near the Guardian so he could get a better look at the behemoth. From there he proceeded to poke the large tree creature, ask questions, and make comments. All of which went ignored for a bit until the Guardian had reached his limits. The spirit was picked up and placed gently in the direction of the door. A small shove was then made for An Dagda to take the hint. Cernunnos remained quiet as he always did, and obediently followed his summoner. Unlike Artio, he didn't expect any sort of back stabbing there and so his guard relaxed.

    (Word Count: 944
    Total So Far: 1296)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th May 2020, 6:36 am

    Samira examined the door more closely as she stood there, touching it and memorizing every detail so she could write about it later in her journals. "XX Judgement. That does not leave much room for me to guess on what will be behind this door. I assume those that enter here will be facing a being that represents Judgement in solid form. If we did not have fun here then I am certain there will be pleasant activities there." A small smile crept along the woman's face. Amusing. There was much to judge where she was concerned. It would not even have been the first time the same game had been played. "I think it would be wise if I dismissed you all for now. The more that enter then the more likely we will be stuck there much longer."

    "Eh, suits me fine. That one sounds too complex for my liking."

    Artio and Cernunnos gave their approvals for the idea. Whatever was to occur in the Judgement realm, there were bound to be other spirits better suited to deal with it than themselves. They had done their part already. Geb had already gone back to sleep. With everyone in agreement, sort of, Samira nodded and went for the knob of the door. She slowly and carefully turned it before pulling it open. A combination of a dark mist and bright light came from the door as it opened and Samira was transported to the next area. The four spirits dismissed themselves as the once green jungle was enveloped in the misty light.

    The next thing Samira saw was the complete opposite of the world that was so full of life and untouched purity. It was a land of death. Nothing grew there. Nothing was alive there, save for herself. She was right in the middle of a massive graveyard. Orbs of light gracefully soared through the air at various heights. One could probably call them souls of the afterlife. Whether they were lost and had yet to be judged, or if they were permanently stuck in a form of limbo Samira wasn't sure. Such knowledge was beyond her as her current self, despite having spirits that could tell right away.

    Bodies also covered the graveyard, all dead. Some recent, some having been there for so long they were nothing more than skeletal remains. The sounds of cries and wails echoed around her, making the scenery all the more uncomfortable than the cold air had already made her. There was the feeling of something in her hand, like in the realm of The World. Light, smooth, and thin. Her gaze went down to see her hand held onto another pair of cards. They were the same in design as the doorway that led to that dimension. On the surface was printed the image of men, women, and children rising from their graves and reaching for the sky above. There, was an angel blowing a trumpet. The only differences between the two cards was one was right side up and the other reversed. Well, the cards were not wrong about the graveyard. Now where was the angel? It was a passing thought in her mind as she pocketed those two cards.

    "So another has found a way to enter my realm," a female voice called out. Looking around and concentrating on finding the source through magic sensory, Samira was able to pinpoint the woman that had called out. Up above in the sky was an armored woman with the white wings of an angel. The armor of silver and gold glistened from the radiant aura the angel had. She was a beacon in an area so void of true light and covered in the darkness of death. There was no weapon that Samira could see, but with just one spoken sentence she could tell there was confidence and strength behind it. No weapon was necessary if the angel desired to remain where she was. Still, the Goddess of Ishgar could appreciate the fact that unlike the creature The World took, the one of Judgement did not charge in swinging without so much of a basic hello. "Or are you the one The Fool spoke of?"

    "Perhaps. I am uncertain as to what The Fool has told you specifically. I only know what he has told me. My name is-"

    "Samira Nassar. Yes, I see it now. Your soul has given me the answer I needed and more. One of the Osahar had arranged this, and I had wondered why. Things are clearer now."

    Samira blinked at first, not comprehending everything that had just been said. The Osahar? Who or what was that? Was that the name of masked man that they all were theorizing about earlier? Her eyes narrowed slightly for a moment before returning to normal. Why was everything so clear for everyone else but her? "Pardon my rudeness for not caring about how clear things are for you. For the moment, I would rather focus on the name you spoke. The 'Osahar.'"

    The angel didn't seem to mind the blunt way the human below had phrased her words. She just continued staring down and remained calm and passive. Her movements slow and unthreatening while using her wings to hover in the air above. "You are familiar with them. At least one for certain. Your soul tells me that story from the scar it has. That is all I care to say. You are not here to ask questions, or to find out more about The Osahar. If this goes my way none of that will be important and be rendered meaningless. Lets not waste time on it, human."

    Samira did not press further. There was little point she could see in trying when up against such an adversary. Maybe she could find out more information after she had passed the test of that dimension. "Fine. I suppose it will instead be wasting time on another battle of sorts, as is always the case and had been told to me prior to opening the first door."

    "Correct, human. I am the one called Judgement. Before we delve further into that I first require you to prove yourself worthy of being judged and of my time. The souls and corpses you see around you are those who had failed this first phase. To follow them in their error is to also become a permanent resident here. Do you accept?"

    "You make it sound as if I have the choice. I would be stuck here if I refused to do anything. Technically." The escape path she could very well take was kept to herself.

    "You are correct, but there is still that choice. Do nothing and remain here, alive for the time being but would eventually fall just like any other trapped in a cage. Accept my challenge and lose, where your body and soul would also remain to wander in an eternal limbo. Win, and you may leave in pease to encounter the next in line. The choice of which route to take is yours."

    (Word Count: 1184
    Total So Far: 2480)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th May 2020, 6:39 am

    Hmmm, so the angel was not a mind reader, and as such had not picked up on the fourth route. Unless the ignorance was all a ruse. "Let us get on with it then. I would prefer completing these battles before someone takes notice of the littering that resulted in my sudden disappearance." Yes, the stack of papers that scattered the moment she went poof would not be forgotten! It was vital that she get back to clean it up before the next century.

    The angel was amused, smirking beneath the silver plated helmet that covered her face. "I introduce you to your opponents then!" As the divine being shouted, swirls of black and purple mist appeared above a few of the corpses that were scattered around the graves. "These few were of those that had the same challenge and failed. I grant them a chance to redeem themselves. If they defeat and kill you, their souls will be able to pass through the gates of heaven and rest there for all of eternity. If not, they remain here."

    "They were given a great reason to try and accomplish that task then." Something felt off about what the angel said. For one, Samira doubted the tarot angel was any true guardian for whatever heaven there truly was for Earthland. For two, it seemed rather strange that the act of murder would allow one access to such a supposedly pure place. It was hard to believe defeating and killing her would wash away their past failures and sins. But, who was she to argue against the logic of a dimension she knew little about? She didn't intend on dying anyway. It was a difficult thing for anyone to accomplish even if she just stood there. Her spirits would not allow such a thing to occur. In the end, that was all that mattered.

    "It is as you say." Now the angel was sounding arrogant and pleased with herself for giving those lost souls that kind of deal.

    "Hmmm," Samira stood there and waited, watching. The souls had returned to their original bodies; vessels of rotting flesh and oozing orifices. It wasn't the first time the summoner had dealt with the dead as an enemy. The monster invasion that had spread across the world was one such instance. Dead bodies were walking around then. Though, the souls were not quite intact. However, the other case of the time she was trapped in the Haunted Mansion with Jiyu Kazehime was another encounter with the walking dead, haunting spirits, and spectres. The restless dead were not the sort of enemies she wished to have. It was creepy, and in many ways wrong and unnatural.

    The lifeless bodies slowly rose from their unmarked and shallow graves, groaning, moaning, and wailing the entire time. Samira could hear bone cracking with their movements, a further sign that they were going to go through with the plot and getting ever closer to where they could make the first move. Yet Samira remained standing there. Unmoving, and calmly staring at the event occurring before her. As slow as they were to rise the patience of the Goddess of Ishgar allowed them the time to fully stand and claim the weapons that had been left on the ground during their original demise. Finally, they started to walk towards and surround her on all sides. Still her stoic expression did not waver.

    Weapons raised, the slow moving corpses struck down, thinking it would connect easily and their passage out of whatever hell that place truly was would open. They would be disappointed. Their weapons collided with a barrier that reacted to their own attacks. When the weapons struck, a pale blue surge stopped the weapons in their place and lashed out in a wave of powerful, and quite harmful, celestial energy. The... zombies, for lack of a better word in Samira's mind, cried out as the energy struck them, slicing through them easily while pushing them away. The various parts fell to the ground, hitting the surface with the sound of sickening thuds. They moved still. Crawling and pushing towards her, desperate to complete their part of the deal so they may be granted peace instead of living with their eternal suffering and sorrow.

    The souls within the decaying vessels spoke out, pleading and begging for help, to be saved. Some were even desperate enough to have the audacity to request that she die, to allow them to complete their task of making her the replacement resident in that cold and dead world. It was a cruel sight, and Samira's expressionless face faltered for a moment once more. She was angry now. It was a horrible way to prove oneself "worthy" of another's time. Some could have considered it as a form of torture, not just for those seeking redemption for their soul, but also to the one facing them. Unfortunately for the angel, Samira was not the type to be swayed by that sort of thing. Not anymore at least. Maybe if the encounter had happened years earlier before the experiences that made her who she was that day transpired.

    (Word Count: 860
    Total So Far: 3340)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th May 2020, 6:42 am

    The eerie sounds of the dead rising and the wails of the souls accompanying them drew the Saint's attention from the original batch that still lied on the ground. Turning to gaze in all directions around her, it was clear now that the angel above was going to send many more her way. She was to be surrounded with an even greater number of enemies. A higher chance of success to be sure, and much more of a challenge. For someone else. Samira always held back her true power. The counter attack before was chosen to be just enough to deal with the threat and nothing more. The corpses could have easily been obliterated into nothing, their souls included. Even the army of the dead growing right before her eyes would not do much of anything, physically or emotionally. Aside from her low tolerance levels of such a method being used by a being that was supposed to be divine.

    The ground beneath Samira burst with a great energy where she stood, and the energy spread far and wide, covering the graveyard's grounds with a thick aura that sparkled with light and darkness, and rose into the air to affect all that stood upon the new Celestial Grounds. The dead slowed and cried out, somehow feeling pain despite their bodies losing the ability to feel such a thing long ago. As their souls were harmed, their vessels also weakened, turning to nothing more than the dust of bone in slow motion. A translucent and mystical aura that took the shape of a less than detailed humanoid also appeared and attached itself to Samira's form. Most would not know it for what it was, but it was an ancient spirit so old that it had no name, and no true form. It only thrived on the outside world as part of the one that called upon it. The unnamed spirit's energy lashed out at the army in the form of very thin segments that were attached to its main center that enveloped Samira. The segments worked like the tips of sharp spears, piercing into each of the corpses and moving upward to slice them apart vertically. The segments then descended slightly and spun in a circle rapidly to cut them down even more.

    Four more segments split from the center and went up towards the angel. They wrapped around the now surprised being that had let her guard down and then dragged her down towards the ground with such speed and force that the strength of her wings could not save her in time. She cratered into the ground and the gravestones that stood upon it, breaking them and disturbing the spirits that were contained there. The lights of the souls shone brightly as they swarmed and soared away. "I have decided that two waves will suffice for this test of worth. You can now waste time on me yourself."

    "You dare to mock me in my own realm?!"

    "That was not the intent, but I suppose it does come across that way. Even more so that I will be taking these souls from this prison."

    "You wouldn't dare! You do not even possess the power for that!"

    "Indeed. I do not. I have a spirit that can easily take the souls from here and direct them elsewhere, however. What happens to them after is not necessarily our call to make, I understand. Some could become spirits to be used by others, as I have seen done in the past. Or perhaps they will finally ascend or descend to where they really belong. This place is false, and it is not appropriate for them to remain here under your control."

    "Ahhh, you speak of that abomination. The spirit created from the stolen essence of the one called Hades. One of many of these creatures are attached to you. I thought I had sensed him in there. It's difficult to confirm when so many corrupted vermin are within the same nest."

    "I would not say stolen, but most of the facts on this topic elude me. Still, they were created by a god for a purpose. That much is true. I would prefer if you did not speak of them as a failed experiment."

    The angel laughed. "Hahaha. Yes, the one in charge of that nest would say that. But fine, enough with the petty insults. I am over the insolence of your previous actions. I now see more lurking in that soul of yours. The one called Hades is not the only one there. I see quite a few others that would take over my rights here. To judge souls here and beyond."

    The glowing orbs that made up the wandering souls around spoke. Each one saying a name of a spirit connected to Samira. All save for the one they could not sense. He was too deeply hidden, and also known to be imprisoned. To think that he was as active as he was, was ridiculous. The names of Anubis and Ma'at were called much louder than the others. The emphasis on their names was clear to her. The originals of those two in legend were known to be involved in what was called the weighing of the heart. A sort of test for those that had died and the result would determine if the heavenly afterlife would open for the dead soul, or if it would be devoured by the creature called Ammut. "Hades, Ah Puch, Anubis, Ma'at. These four and others you have yet to possess I see connected to your soul. Am I to be judged when it is I who was to judge you after death? My existence is starting to come into question. I do not like it."

    How interesting that the Judgement angel saw so very little. True those four were meant to be called by her, but in truth she only had control over Hades and Ah Puch. Anubis still belonged to her sister, and was fiercely loyal to her instead of the collection of keys he was once a part of. Ma'at technically belonged to every Nassar that not only was strong enough but had also passed her trial to be worthy of her power. Samira had yet to even complete Odin's trial, let alone Ma'at's, which was the last in line as far as Samira was aware. The fact the "angel" saw so little was further confirming that an angel she was not. Surely a being so divine and fueled with the powers of true heaven would know and see more.

    (Word Count: 1100
    Total So Far: 4440)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th May 2020, 6:44 am

    "We are not here to judge you or the souls that linger here. As I said previously, the ones that truly hold that responsibility will take over that. I am not sure why they have not to begin with. Perhaps something prevents them from meddling in the events that occur here. My spirits would have more right than you in either case. I have met angels, demons, and gods alike. You are below all of them. Do keep in mind that is not meant as an insult, but just a fact in regards to the divine hierarchy. I would say that you are no more than the creation of the deity that truly rules over the collected planes of you and your 'siblings.'"

    "Those pitiful souls of disgusting glittery particles are also the creation of a deity!"

    "Well, yes, but they at least have some of the powers and essence of their originals that make them a higher class. They are gods, but at the same time they are not. It is just enough to register them as more than a common spirit. You do not have this same categorization. You lack that significant ingredient. I can sense that much from you. Like you have made the habit of supposedly seeing much within me, I felt it only fair that I do the same for you. I hope that you do not mind."

    The eye openings of the angel's helmet glowed golden in her rising annoyance upon hearing such words spoken towards her. A magic and large blade made of some unknown metal appeared in the angel's hand in a brilliant light. "That is enough! I am the ruler of this realm you stand in! How dare you have the audacity to speak to me as if I am less than I am! I will end you and trap your soul in a world far worse than this one! You will wish that you had remained here!"

    The angel charged with the intent to cut Samira down as quickly as possible. The thin segments of the spirit that covered Samira rose to act like a bladed shield and block the attack. The sword and the segments clashed with a fierce ring as the metal collided against the spear-like parts of the spirit. The angel stood there, pushing and trying to overpower them but it was a futile effort. The segments kept combining to make the barrier much more powerful to the point it was pushing her back now. Two more separated from the center and lashed out like stabbing knives at the angel of judgement.

    During this, Samira also called forth a weapon of her own. A pair of circular chakrams were called forth and appeared in her hands. Like the angel's blade, they were made of a metal that was not of an origin that could be found in Earthland. They also had the bonus of being infused with a high amount of celestial energy. They were, after all, a gift from her spirits and reminiscent of her first pair that Kali had given her so long ago. In a quick movement that most would not have known that Samira was capable of, the woman spun around as the barrier the spirit segments made pulled apart to allow for an opening. The bladed ends of the chakrams made for the second assault after the spirit spears, and at the end of it she too made her own charge forward at the "divine" foe.

    The angel saw the attacks coming and parried them away with her blade while jumping back. The spears extended rapidly, and the angel moved swiftly to parry and gain more distance by taking to the air. Now that she was more on guard and ready, her mistake earlier would not come to pass again. Though, it would have been much easier if the spears could not extend to the length that they could. It was becoming a hassle to dodge them all. Eventually, Samira threw her chakrams into the air, and they continued to soar, leaving a bright blue energy trail within the distance they traveled. As they neared the proximity of the angel, they began to circle, and the coloring of the energy got brighter as it got stronger. Round and round they went, with the angel of judgement in the center of their large circular path. A tempest of energy was created, and though the charkrams were not close to the target, the energy of that storm could cut just as easily as they could. The angel may as well had been in the center of many, many, moving chakrams. Not even her armor could help her, for the storm went right through it to affect her very being. She cried out in pain, and in fury as even her wings were being cut to shreds. It rained feathers, and soon, it rained a great drop of hail in the shape of an angel. For the second time the so-called angel of judgement had fallen from the sky to crash down onto the graveyard below. Mostly effortlessly if Samira had to grade it.

    The chakrams soared back into her hands, where she held them tightly to prepare for the next phase. Too easy. Not that she was being over-confident with her own abilities. It was just a fact. There was a very slim chance that it would end there. And she was right. The landing spot of the angel burst with a great beam of light that went up towards the sky and beyond, and its radiance exploded to even spread along the ground, destroying the ground's effect of Samira's own spell, and sending a shockwave that was too strong for the Goddess of Ishgar to stop before she was roughly forced backwards some distance from her original point.

    (Word Count: 975
    Total So Far: 5415)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Celestial Avatar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th May 2020, 6:48 am

    "That is the second time today," Samira commented to herself, wincing slightly from the pain of having gone through that sort of thing yet again, just in a different dimension. That would need to be corrected later. Thankfully she had been through worse landings than that in the past, and it didn't take much of her healing magic to make the rather uncomfortable sensation go away. The chakrams had landed elsewhere, Samira having lost grip on them during her... flight. But, as her eyes opened fully and she looked up, the chakrams were summoned instantly to prevent the angel's sword from coming down on her. Judgement had recovered and had used that short time to try and get a move in while Samira was down. Though, thanks to sudden actions of her own, the circular blades blocked the sword. The spirit that was once around her was gone though, which left it difficult to get an opening to do more than lie there and try to prevent being cut apart. The power of her spirits fused with her own right then, and their strength allowed her to strike back with a lot more force than she could have done on her own. Samira kicked up at the angel, which released the collective energy of the spirits upon impact, sending the winged being far away enough so that Samira could stand and recover.

    Summoning had crossed her mind despite her earlier feelings that they would end up in the judging circle as well. With them she would overcome the angel's challenge with ease regardless of that worry. Hades spoke up to change her mind with a warning. The angel had yet to show all of her abilities, and if she could control the souls in that plane then she could possibly have a way to control them as well. It was too risky. Others agreed. They had also pointed out that it was best to save their power for as long as possible. Samira, at that point, still had the strength to take care of things herself. The amount of danger she was in was low thus far, and they would step in of their own accord if things took a drastic turn in the direction of poor favor and loss.

    The battle continued on for a short while longer in much the same way as it had been. Neither were using their full powers and it was just trade for trade in blows and tricks. But, there was one thing the angel had that Samira did not. The power to bend one's will was not a power that Samira had or wanted. The angel was another story. Both of those were checked on the list. Rings made of light appeared around Samira's wrists, ankles, neck, and torso. They shrunk in size until they fit tightly. Too tightly really as the rings somehow cut and burned into her skin even through her clothing. Samira felt the rings trying to make her move in ways she otherwise would not have. She fought and struggled against it, overpowering it with her own will to deny the occurrence of such an invasion. "It is useless to struggle, human. I am in control here, and I have played with you long enough." The angel of judgement approached, taking her time now that the summoner was unable to move, much less attack or use spells to free herself. The rings were a favorite tool of hers, and even the powers of the greatest mages could be stopped just long enough for her to gain the advantage. Such was the current one showed as an example. Or so it seemed on the surface.

    The angel dismissed her blade. She had no need of it with what she had planned to do now. Once she reached the summoner she instead raised her hand and shoved it through the chest of the woman. There would be no blood or gore or any of that silly nonsense, of course. It was a simple ability that allowed the angel to skip all of that disgusting flesh and make contact with other parts instead. She could have gone for the heart and crushed it. Weighing it in disfavor much like the gods her spirits represented have done in legend. But, the heart was not for her to look at. The soul was what she wanted, and it was the soul that she would damage and take.

    The experience was not painless. Samira gasped as the armored angel reached in and grabbed onto something that, realistically speaking, was not there in solid form. Or shouldn't have been. Yet there she was with the ability to access that hidden side. The pain continued as the angel linked herself with the soul, reading it, damaging it, and even beginning to slowly pull it out. "You have more corruption on your soul than I would have thought for someone of your status," the angel commented, ignoring the pained cries of Samira that managed to come out even though she had tried to keep it in. She was in a tough spot to be sure, but it couldn't have been the end of it. Her spirits had not said a thing or shown themselves. "I guess that is to be expected by having so many souls that have... questionable legends linked with your own. There is no such thing as a pure Nassar."

    There was truth in that. Many of her spirits could be aligned that way with words and the source of their power. They were not used for dark purposes, however, even if their personalities may be less favorable than others. Moreso those minor dark spots were likely made because of the past and the secrets she had kept. The bigger part of that corruption Samira could guess where that came from, and it wasn't necessarily hers. Her soul was combined with another, who had become an intruder in her mind and soul to break free from his prison prematurely and whenever he desired in small intervals of time. The angel of judgement was unknowingly waking him up and making him realize what was going on. Assuming what she was doing didn't count as an attack against him, for if Samira herself felt pain then he was also likely to feel it as well.

    (Word Count: 1059
    Total So Far: 6474)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 6th May 2020, 6:53 am

    "...St...op." Oh, that angel was going to get a butt kicking, but still Samira tried to warn her so it wasn't a complete butt obliteration. In truth, she didn't want that serpent awake and unleashed as well. She had zero control over him except for what he himself allowed. He was already going to be angry by the fact someone had the nerve to even attempt to damage Samira while he was inactive, but to injure him as well... he was going to be enraged.

    The angel paused and feigned contemplation of the plea. "No. I rather like doing this. Most just fall to the army of corpses. Rare is it that I have the pleasure of taking a soul myself." Tugging once again, the angel went back to work on slowly ripping the soul from Samira's body. What she thought was a single soul, that is. The spirits had not come out on their own because they could already sense it. The mind-space they were all in turned dark and red as another normally uninvited member decided to join the party. Teasing dialogue would have to wait for another time. More pressing matters required his attention, and his mood was more foul than Geb's when it came to being forcefully woken. At least Geb's wake up call had not been due to a ridiculous amount of pain jolting through his spiritual body. Samira too started to feel it. The dark presence connected with her was slithering around her mind and body. She could feel it even if technically he wasn't there physically.

    Finally, even the angel sensed something was amiss. Even her own senses of danger and alarms were starting to go off. "What is-" The start of the question turned into a scream as chains shot out of Samira's body at the space the angel's hand was through. They slithered and wrapped around the invader's arm like snakes and then continued to slither further to wrap around the angel's body. All of it done quickly before the angel could process and react to what was happening. They squeezed as they tightened, even while up against the strong plated armor covering the angel.

    "My, my, is this all? I expected something else..." A male voice spoke in such a way that could only be described as disturbingly serpent-like. At least, what sources of media had thought a snake would sound like if it spoke. In his case, it was true enough while he was in that form. At first he seemed calm, taking the form of a small cobra made entirely of distorted particles that slithered out of Samira and onto the ground. The dark energy chains were attached to him, as he was the source that controlled them. It took only a few seconds of glaring at the angel for him to turn. "RIDICULOUS!" The chains tightened even more, rose up, and then slammed the stupid thing against the ground repeatedly before tossing her away like trash. The small snake grew in size, reaching colossal levels but still not completely solid in his true form or at max power. Without being summoned officially he could not accomplish those. Yet. But he could do enough damage.

    From the maw of the particle cobra a black and purple colored orb of energy formed and grew, gathering strength as he fueled it with some of the power he had while in that form. He unleashed it then, sending it at a great speed towards where the angel landed. It exploded upon contact, devastating anything that was still... something in that dead world of nothing. Samira was fine, for he naturally made sure to cover her in a protective shroud-like aura that absorbed the harm that would have been done to her otherwise. All was quiet then. The supposed divine being of judgement could no longer be sensed. "A false angel?!" The large snake-like particles shouted, turning towards Samira as she recovered and held onto the place the angel had forced her way in. There was no wound since it had been a strange sort of magic that attacked her spiritual self more than her physical, but the pain still lingered. "That is what you allowed to harm not only yourself but also me?! How utterly foolish!"

    "Allowed is not the word I would pick. I would have come up with something, or the others would have intervened."

    The spirit shrunk considerably in size. The dark particles of black and purple slithered in the air, moving just as smoothly as it would on solid ground. Smaller and smaller he became as he moved closer to the one that would be called summoner. He circled her until he became the size of an everyday scarf, and just like the common accessory, he positioned himself around her neck and draped over her shoulder. A chuckle came from the spirit as he moved, amused by the previous words. "The others are useless, and you continue to show that you are no better. This could have been over within seconds."

    "Exaggeration," she replied while trying to ignore the disgusting feeling of the snake around her neck.

    "Oh? Exaggeration, is it?" As if on queue, the angel returned to the scene. Her armor was gone now, revealing that she was a beautiful woman with long ebony hair and eyes of purple. Her white wings had also been restored, though they now were as black as night. Her divine light had been replaced by the darker half of herself. It must had been the result of whatever magic caused her to revive. She had no wounds to speak of and showed no signs of weakness or fatigue. Though, it now made sense why she had a realm covered in graves and controlled the dead. The angel of judgement may as well had been one of them.

    (Word Count: 978
    Total So Far: 7452)

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:21 am

    With the revival and switch of attunement, the level of her power was greater than before. She was stronger, faster. The moment the pressure of her overwhelming power reached the two she was already there. One could have blinked and missed that moment of her charging straight for Apophis, and then coming to a sudden halt as the smaller form of the serpent stretched his tail outward to call on more chains that created a wall between himself and her. "I know you, scaled worm. How is this possible?"

    The spirit sighed in exasperation. "Scaled worm? I've been called better insults. It is barely above 'danger noodle.'" Was it even worth mentioning that he had shown no forms that had scales during his very short time in that realm? True enough his true form did, but the opportunity to be a smart ass was there and very tempting. Then there was that question too. A pointless one. The insect was about to be dead anyway for a second time, so why expend the effort to acknowledge it? Hm, whatever. He had a point to make. Even more so when the angel cast her gaze at Samira and started to speak. "You allow him to exist?! Why have you-" With a nonchalant flick of his tail, the angel exploded into dark particle dust that then faded into absolutely nothing. Her existence had ended and her scattered dusty remains erased. "Over. Within. Seconds. And at the highest point of her power. You could have done the same. My abilities are yours just as it is so for the rest of the glitter collective of useless apparitions."

    "You know that I do not like using any of the power that comes from you. As for the others, I use what is necessary if I am able. Destroying a target in one move is over excessive, and not what I wanted. I could hardly consider that fair, and it is counter productive towards humoring my curiosity with this entire ordeal. Only in extreme circumstances would I do as you did. I was neither angry, desperate, and no one else but myself was in danger. Of course, if I had known sooner that she would be capable of waking you up I might have done something a bit more."

    "There is something really wrong with you." His tone became serious with that statement, and the distorted particles that represented his eyes stared at the woman with mild concern. There was something a bit unsettling with that logic, and even while linked with her as he was, as the others were, he couldn't tell if she was serious or not. Even the fun of making a tease at things being fair in a life or death battle had been evaporated. It would no longer be as satisfying as he originally would have wanted it to be.

    "There is something wrong with all of us. Now, the fight is over. You can leave now. Your continued presence here sickens me and serves no purpose."

    "Oh? I am not deserving of a thank you? How rude and... prideful. You can't even bring yourself to try, can you? Well, you got what you wanted from here. The souls here can be free to meet their true fate in whatever world of death takes them in. The judgement has been passed in your favor. The second realm is cleared. I wonder what excitement is waiting in the next one. So many trials, so many barriers, challenges, obstacles. One after another. I wonder if you will even have the strength and will left to complete the final one. You know of what I speak."

    Samira didn't reply nor did she bother to force him off from his new comfy place around her neck and shoulders. Her concern with that had passed and her dealings with him over for now. Only the location of the new door and releasing the souls trapped within that realm had her focus. The spirit of the underworld was called to her location within that realm. In his true form and not of the doll sized form he had been stuck in for ages. He used his powers to bring all the scattered wandering souls to him and let them fly through a dark swirling portal that would lead them to the real world and from there whatever place in existence those souls were supposed to be. Now that realm was truly void of anything that resembled life besides Samira and the two spirits. Soon to be one spirit, as once his task had been completed Hades also disappeared into the portal. Nothing more needed to be said.

    Samira sighed with satisfaction. That was over now. Now, where was that door? With the representation of judgement having been defeated she had expected the door to appear immediately like with The World. Yet, it never appeared, and as she walked further and deeper into the realm of graves she saw nothing that pointed in the right direction.

    (Word Count: 839
    Total So Far: 1291)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:23 am

    Bored of the silence and being ignored, the distorted particles multiplied to lengthen his tail. The end curled around the goddess' figure until it reached her back pockets where the tarot cards were being kept. Gently they were pulled out and the particle tail that held them unwound itself and moved until he could see them with his own eyes. He snickered. "Do you know what these even mean, little summoner?" Samira didn't answer, and the frown on her face deepened. Both because she didn't want to talk to him and also because the answer was a stab at her lack of knowledge. The others had apparently stopped their research the moment the snake exited his prison. "That's a no. Lucky me, and lucky you. I will educate to the best of my ability. They have soooo many interpretations. I think a more general approach will suffice."

    The World card moved seemingly on its own to the front of the cards and then separated to float in front of Samira's face. "This one bores me, but it was first, and skipping something oh so important is so very rude." The sarcastic tone was not missed. Samira knew he was only going over it at all so he could have a reason to talk. "For the upright, you have a sense of wholeness, achievement, and have a completed a great goal in your life. Oh my! That speaks true to you, doesn't it, little summoner? Or should I say Goddess of Ishgar? The one that was once just a small average Wizard Saint, and before that... well nothing. Just another glowing speck of existence among all the rest. And such power you now wield. Limited due to your... morality, but even with the restraints you force upon yourself very few could match it. Oh, if it was power you wanted to own you have accomplished that much. None can say that the majority overshadow you now. You have far surpassed that 'friend' of yours long ago. Such achievements and accomplishments you now have under that pretty belt of yours! Now you are supposed to reflect on all of these, and remember the journey that got you here. Oh? Is that why that whole second trial existed in the first place, I wonder? Could be why Ra and the others wanted you to experience some of your past challenges again on a more... difficult level. This is fun! I didn't think that I could connect dots on something so ridiculous. Loose ends are also supposed to be completed to make way for new beginnings. There are so many of those, lets not go over them and move onto the more literal sense. Traveling. I'll pass on that explanation."

    "I did not get a sense of any of those meanings while in The World's realm. It was more in tune with nature itself. I would say its meaning was much more literal than even traveling. It represented Earthland, or perhaps even all worlds. The natural and pure side of it."

    "You were listening, were you? Fascinating. And here I was thinking that I was being ignored."

    "It gets harder to tune you out the longer you speak. The others were also interested, and it is even harder to tune them out."

    "Yes, well, this is only but a general interpretation, and not an overly complex one. The word of an expert is preferred."

    "And here I was thinking that you were one with how you went on about it." Even in her neutral tone the serpent was still slapped with the sarcasm hidden underneath it.

    "Being an expert would mean that I spend too much time on this rubbish. I am old, and with age comes the knowledge of how even the stupid and mundane things work. Would you like to know what this card means in reverse?"

    "Not by you. I can get someone else to tell me. That was my plan to begin with when this was all over."

    "I will take that as you are interested in the meaning, and so I will tell you myself. It brings us closer!" The urge to sigh and roll her eyes difficult to fight off as the snake chuckled, but she resisted and said no more about it. He seemed content to continue whatever that was without her consent and even full attention. She'd let him without argument. The battles between himself and her had to be picked. Even though in all technical sense he was a spirit linked to her he actually had the upper hand. That was something learned a long time ago. It was not the typical summoner and spirit contract. The rules were different for all of her spirits, and him even more so.

    "This one is pretty boring. It could mean a delay in the completion of goals and projects, or that there is something you would like to do but are taking the easiest routes to reach the end instead of experiencing it in full. But, that isn't what I think this card is trying to say. You see, it also suggests that there remains to be closure on a personal issue. Now that, I think, is what the card is trying to say. There are so many personal issues that require closure, don't they? Your grandfather's secrets, Amirah, those experiments, the fates of those that disappeared in Midi, the disappearance of so many others, even myself. How do you keep track of them all? Really the card suggests that to accept and... embrace where you are in life now that you need to let go of all of these to obtain true closure, but well, most of that list you do not have the luxury to ignore and forget. What a waste of a card."

    (Word Count: 969
    Total So Far: 2260)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:26 am

    The World cards returned to the deck of four and the Judgement cards replaced them, hovering in front of Samira's face so she could get a look before moving to the side slightly so she could see as she walked. "Now Judgement in this case compliments The World. Don't ask me why the foolish angel was the enemy that she was. It was taken far too literally. A point exists in regards to those like Hades, Ma'at, and Anubis, but still it is confusing if it is based on a tarot world. The creator here enjoyed twisting everything. A true tarot card reader would be experiencing all sorts of frustrations if they were in your place. I am getting away from my topic, though. Judgement is a card of reflection. You are close to an awakening, and as cliche as it is, it is telling you that you are destined for much more. Call it a rebirth. Destroy your old self and allow the newer, and more true, form of yourself to take over. Many of your decisions will also be significant, and you will have to rely on intuition instead of only logic. Your judgement, to put into the most general of terms that relates to this card, will have to be trusted by you. You have a habit of asking others for guidance, spirits included. Someone reaching such a stage in their journey should not always require that. But well, with what we learned about The World card there is still so much closure that needs to be done. It will be a while before this one can come to fruition in the upright position. You're more... reversed. So much self-doubt and negativity." If a smirk could be seen in that mess of particles no doubt the serpent would have one. If snakes could smile that is, but she was positive he'd find a way to show her one of the sinister category just as he seemingly had done so in the past. "But these are just one interpretation. There are many decks, symbols, colors, and other various and complications that make finding a true meaning difficult. I do not care enough to know them all. I do have a favorite though. Not so much a card but most often as a symbol. Care to take a guess?"

    "I suspect there is one that represents a serpent."

    "Heh heh, I am that obviously biased, aren't I? One thing to consider though, little summoner, is that the symbol isn't necessarily evil. Maybe I'm not as horrible as you make me out to be either, hmmmm?"

    There was no reply. There was no further conversation. The cards were put away, back into the pockets of the summoner to be left there until four became six. The next area would likely spawn two more as it was a growing trend thus far. Quietly Samira continued her journey with the only sounds being the howling ambiance of the surroundings and that of her boots colliding against the dirt with each step. The same activity seemed to span for hours. There was no real way to track how much time had passed unless she asked Chronos, which she opted not to do. Still, even her feet were starting to hurt from walking so much in those heeled boots of hers. Running and fighting in them she had somehow managed to practice doing, but walking for long periods of time in them? That still hurt. A lot. If she had known she would be doing that much traveling she would have worn something else. She still could technically if she raided the spirit vault for replacements, but eh, she decided to just keep going as is just to prove to herself that she could.

    Just as she was about to come to regret that decision, a door appeared. A bright circular orb like a mini sun exploded into existence and formed the shape of a door. Even brighter golden lights outlined the door, starting from the bottom until the two ends met at the top of the doorway. All the while a calming sound much like the mystical chimes of The World's realm sounded as the two lights traced the door and solidified it. The door was completed within some seconds, and glowed an inviting warmth of sunshine. The artistic details was just as intricate as the other two. A large sun was up above in the sky, looking down on a child upon a white horse. In the foreground was a grey brick wall with four tall sunflowers growing. The name of the card was also upon the door in large letters. "XIX: The Sun."

    "Ha! The door represents Sun. What are you going to do? Use the songbird and glowfly against it to see who is the best representation of the bright light and power of the sun? You are better off using me and my abilities to darken that spark of sunshine. We both know these doorways are twisted beyond their original meanings. This too will be taken much too literally."

    "Hmph, I would sooner try using simple water to quell the sun's fury if that were the case."

    "I would be lying if I said that I would not respect you more if you were able to accomplish such a humorous feat. That would be very impossible under normal circumstances. Or even your circumstances. You lack this simple water. I would be very surprised if there were lakes there with buckets lined up and waiting to be filled and thrown. He Bo's power will not be enough, neither will the rains of Chaac, Skadi's ice would melt, and you lack other spirit gods with such powers. A combined effort is meaningless without more. I would enjoy seeing that failure, but lets skip that episode and just jump straight to using my powers instead. It saves so much time."

    "No." And that was all Samira said. No explanations, no arguments, no after comments. Just a simple and definite no.

    "Hmmm, all right. Have it your way. Don't say I didn't try to give you the easy option."

    "That is funny. Did not one of those cards mention that taking the easy routes were denying me of experiences?"

    "Heh, you listened to even that. That meaning only makes sense if you had been taking the easy way for most of your life. Have you, dear summoner?" And with that said the particles that made up the snake spirit faded until there was nothing left. He was gone. For now. Hopefully for the rest of the day, week, month... year.

    (Word Count: 1107
    Total So Far: 3367)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:28 am

    No time was wasted to stand there and reflect upon everything that was said. Once he was gone, Samira reached out for the knob of the door and pulled, opening the doorway that would lead to the realm of The Sun card. Warm golden light escaped through the cracks of the door, and as the door fully opened that light touched the woman standing before it. So warm. So inviting. So alive. A much desired opposite when compared with the dead world behind her. But, if this were to be as Apophis said, a world that was representing the literal sun, then the doorway was nothing more than a lure. It only seemed to be a cheerful door of positive sunshine because she had not yet entered. Knowing that though was not going to get her anywhere. Not unless she just took the exit strategy Janus could provide to escape it entirely. Resulting to that was not what she wanted to do still. Not even after the first two worlds and their masters. And so, Samira allowed herself to be absorbed in that light as she stepped through the door, and was thus on her way to being transported just like the other two times before.

    Before the teleportation lights faded Samira could feel the temperature rise. It was hot. Hotter than any desert she had ever been in. Immediately she started to sweat under the long sleeve shirt she wore, and her bangs started to become disgustingly damp. Being transported to an area with such a scorching atmosphere made her realize that she chose her clothes for the day more poorly than she had first realized. The thick locks of her hair was also a misfortune to have at that moment. Tying it up would do little in the grand scheme of things.

    She endured the travel magic that seemed to last much longer than it should have. Or maybe it was just Samira wishing that it would end faster, even her patience reaching its limits, that made it seem as if it lasted longer. It was all a precursor to the environment that would be her final destination. The light faded, but Samira's open eyes could barely tell. It was ridiculously bright and to see anything even through squinting eyes proved difficult. It hurt and was nearly impossible. Samira had to end up covering her eyes partially with her hand to allow them time to adjust, assuming that were possible. Staring just in front of her was like staring into the sun. Some could do it without so much as flinching when it came to the sun of Earthland, but she was not the type to try that. Risking her sight didn't seem wise. Yet there she was, forced to struggle to look around, fighting off a brightness that was far more powerful than staring at the true sun from the grounds of a random park. So much for the sensory protection she normally had. Not all mages had such a resistance, but still it wasn't enough to overpower that world.

    "I... Cannot... See. Is anyone... There?" The heat was extreme. Breathing was difficult, and even hurt her lungs the moment the air was inhaled. If she didn't know any better she would have thought that the temperature was increasing further. Maybe it was.

    "I don't see anything. Literally. Pretty sure my eyes melted trying." Even the spirits looking in through her eyes and around her had trouble seeing.

    "It's so prreeetttyyyyy," within the mindspace the scorpion spirit stared right at the scenery that surrounded Samira, unphased and remaining still. Her eyes watered and then comically caught on fire. "I can feeeeellll it."

    "Oh, you're feeling it all right... I am going to pass ending up like... that."

    "I am concerned. Are we going to let her eyes continue to burn?"

    All other spirits replied their own forms of "yes" in unison. They also one by one began to pass on trying to see anything in that realm. The eyes on fire look didn't look fashionable, or painless. Despite Serqet still standing there, staring, commenting on the beautiful sights. They were not entirely sure if she felt anything at all, or if her eyes were even really on fire. It had to be a trick of sorts.

    "Oh you've got to be kidding me. Use your keys to look at it, you idiots!"

    Oh, right. They could use their keys, couldn't they? A few of the keys separated from the golden keyring that was attached to the hip of Samira's shorts. They flew effortlessly in the air, propelled by their power and will as if they were a tiny pilot within the keys. Through them, they could see the bright world through a protective lens. Nothing could blind or deafen them while they used them.

    (Word Count: 807
    Total So Far: 4174)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:30 am

    "Huh. Interesting." The key with the grey glow and circling mini cyclones around it said as it turned in every direction, taking in the sights. "But no signs of anyone. This place is either completely empty because no one's home or they're around here somewhere. Hard to tell from here." And that was true. The world of the sun consisted of the tallest structures surrounded by a golden sky that was illuminated by the great circle that plane of existence was named after. The pillars, towers, and grand bridges glistened under the sun, their gold lining and shiny surfaces reflecting the light and making the world that much brighter. Yet from where Samira was the structure went even higher. Perhaps it was there where she needed to go, towards the dome that was high above and in the center of it all. "All the way up there? The girl can't even see inches in front of her. There is no way she could make it there."

    "Ehhhh, true. She's not that skilled. Sightless training under an overpowered sun ray while standing on hot metal that is probably burning through her heels right now wasn't really covered before we got here."

    "When said that way we may as well forget taking out the ruler here."

    "Enough! Unless you can prove that you could do it."

    "Ehhhhh, not my territory. Not my problem. Maybe our local sun spirits can help. Hey, Ama! Stop filling out my crossword puzzles! Don't think I don't know that's what you're doing over there!"

    "Your reaction amuses me. I only wanted to see what you found so fun with these. I am close to completing this book!"

    "The entire book?! No, no. That's not the point. Put that down and... I don't know. Hold Samira's hand or something until you find whatever is in this depraved world of flaming blindness and heat. Be... sunny."

    "Are you implying having a sunny disposition will help?"

    "I mean, I guess that's possible. Not really what I was going for but possible."

    "Ah, then my dear brother, you suggest I be sunny by using my abilities to eliminate the sun here. Sun versus a sun, as the serpent had described."

    "You make it sound like a bad plan..."

    "It could be. Or it might work. Unfortunately, brother, only the goddess I was created from is a more clear representation of the sun. I may be able to survive in that world just fine, but my abilities are more purified light than anything. You should look to Ra for this 'be sunny' plan."

    "I am not talking to that guy for anything. He has a constant stick up his-"


    "Yeah, well, surprised he didn't show up when you know who decided to show up. Kind of surprised you know who didn't stick around to bother us too actually."

    "Don't jinx it, you moron."

    "Psh, that and 'idiot' must be the only insults you know."

    "Oh, I know more. But wordplay can get boring. How about I just make my insults more physical instead?"

    "Samira, dear, might I suggest using the Aspect of Ra? I'm sure it could help."

    "I was made fun of the last time..."

    "I am sure you won't explode this time. Maybe. Or set everything on fire. Perhaps. Or-"

    "I get it. There is no need to mention everything that went wrong."

    "Exactly! You won't know until you try! And there are no innocent buildings in the way this time either!"

    "It was one building, and not even the whole thing. Stop trying to make it sound so dramatic by exaggerating the details."

    Nu Wa laughed lightly. "My point still makes for a decent argument in my favor."

    "Ra is not here at the moment, but if you lose control again I am always here to be of some use to you. Whether I be there with you, or by using the ankh. I can gain control and take over his power if you lose control yourself."

    "Ahhhh, being a spirit of all magic does have its advantages! I want to be one!"

    "Weren't your eyes on fire?"


    "Thank you. I will keep that in mind. The help, I mean. Not the eyes turning into flaming liquid part of the conversation." Samira was grateful for the... well she couldn't really say the boost in confidence. Maybe a boost in the very concerned direction and thus making sure things wouldn't go as awry as they did back Era. Nu Wa at least tried in her own way though. It was helpful to an extent. Isis also brought some comfort so that there was a back up plan, but she would have preferred if Ra were there. It was technically his power and that of his original, after all. Disappearing or just not being around when he was needed, and even when he wasn't, was common for him. Reasons were unknown, naturally. Vague answers were all that she was given if she dared bother to inquire about his absence. Then again, the others acted like members of a strange and dysfunctional family. She would probably ditch most of the time as well if she was in the same position.

    (Word Count: 870
    Total So Far: 5044)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:34 am

    Samira straightened herself and closed her eyes. There she stood, concentrating so that she could access that part of her power, separating it from the other forms that she could take. The forms of Apophis and Sagittarius, while could mix with that of Ra, would only make things more complicated. This needed to be done just so she could survive the environment. That was the priority. Experimenting with fusions was not. In time the power could be felt. It was unlocked fully and allowed to take over completely. First was her hair and skin. Both had started to change to become bright and reflect the intense coloring of the sun itself. The teal locks and pale skin pigments burned away until fully replaced. Mini solar flares reacted and erupted around her body. The energy of a sun itself was now there inside her, fueling her energy and even making the hot environment much more bearable. The goddess could hardly tell the difference now between there and a nice day in Fiore. But, that was not all of the changes. It was to be the full form of the Take Over, as other mages would have called it. Large flaming falcon wings grew from her back, and her nails were changed to become golden talons. Lastly, when her eyes opened the verdant color was long gone. In its stead were orbs of what could best be described as miniature suns. The fire within them was intense as the hues of red, orange, and yellow swirled together. Funny enough that she had an actual way of having eyes on fire that was quite painless and didn't melt her natural eyeballs, unlike Serqet's case.

    "I can see easily now. That is one problem corrected." She looked down at her attire and examined it. Yep, still somehow magically fireproof even though she didn't recall that being a known detail during their purchase. "The air also proves to be less difficult to breathe in." That part of the plan worked. Still though, Samira could feel all of that energy wanting to be released in a destructive explosion like that of a supernova. It took a lot of focus to contain it, and already she was feeling the metaphorical grip she had on it weaken. "I hope this can be ended quickly." As she said that though Samira grimaced as it reminded her of how the angel of Judgement was dealt with by Apophis. Was it too much to hope for her exploding to somehow make way for her to pass through into the next realm? Most likely.

    "If not we do have the back up plan, Samira."

    "Indeed. But just you or Ama should come through if necessary. I do not want anyone else being here if things get complicated."

    "So no summoning magics this time either, huh? Fine by me."



    The other responses were more doses of agreement. A little uncertainty was also mixed in since they were a bit useless at that point but eh. There was always the next room that didn't want to burn their eyes off. The floating keys returned to their place on her keyring and their glow faded. With her survivability increased, all that was left to do was find the master of the realm of The Sun. Her surroundings were taken in and observed. Nothing stood out among the golden metal buildings. She did spot the platform way up top though. She agreed with the earlier assumptions made by her spirits. Something had to be there. It was the most logical place to start. It would take ages to find some sort of stairway that led all the way up there. It was possible multiple ones would need to be taken to reach it. One could say that she probably shouldn't take the more obvious and easier route, like using those new wings of hers, but time was of the essence. Besides, what experiences could she have by going the more tedious route through the buildings, bridges, and staircases? There was literally no one around. That was technically the same thing for the other two realms as well besides their masters. The wandering souls and corpses within the Judgement realm didn't count.

    The choice was made. The wings of sunfire lifted her up as she jumped, and from there she soared upwards towards the circular platform. What was on it she could not tell just yet. All she could see was the underside, which was not transparent. The Aspect of Ra was one of speed, and it was only a matter of time before she flew by the edge of the platform and then high above it. Why did she not just immediately land on it? Because she didn't know what was there. A higher viewpoint was required and so when she reached a satisfying height Samira turned and used the wings to hover in place as she looked down below.

    On the center of the platform stood a figure. Humanoid in shape, but lacked the wings Judgement had. Good. No more dealings with those sorts of creatures. Although, whether it was because of the distance or it was just really hard to tell completely, Samira couldn't determine if what she was dealing with was man or woman. It was almost as if the description in the creator's mind was off and ended up forgetting exactly what they were making (the job creator really messed up there). Well whether it was a woman, a really girly man, or someone that was both genders wasn't something that would concern her. It was a passing curious thought that even her spirits started to take bets on, and that was all.

    (Word Count: 946
    Total So Far: 5990)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:37 am

    Samira begun her descent to meet the being that stood still there, meditating. That had to be who she was looking for. "There appears to be a barrier here," Samira said aloud to her spirits after she could no longer proceed downward. She touched the surface of the barrier with her hand and felt a warmth, but otherwise no harm. Without her current form it probably would have done more, but still it presented a problem for her to solve; how to get through it. The sharp talons at the end of her hand scratched the surface, causing sparks to fly and create a very high pitched echo that could cause many to cringe upon hearing it. Yep. Completely solid. The being within the sealed dome did not seem to be overly interested in her presence, though it was possible that they didn't even know that she was there even with the noise she was making. She called out, but received no attention. Soundpoorf maybe?

    Flying to the other side to be within the being's vision didn't do much better. Samira was ignored by the being, who she now could see was meditating... or something similar. "Hmmmm." Was it possible for her to simply break through with a powerful spell? Could her newfound speed aid her in breaking it like a ball at a glass window? She would try the first to spare herself possible brain damage and broken bones if that glass window was actually a collision with an indestructible wall. Gracefully, Samira moved to gain some distance between herself and the domed barrier. Then, as if she were a character in the most cliched of stories written by a child, beams shot through her eyes. The searing heat of the beams hit the dome, and as she continued to aim her stare at that spot, so did the beams continue to burn through it. Not a whole lot of damage was done at the end of it. The barrier was just too much to completely over power with the exact same element. When getting closer to the dome and inspecting the damage, however, Samira could tell that it had been weakened at the very least. Well all right then! Now the second plan could work that much better since the first had not been one hundred percent successful. All that was required now was a flying start.

    Pushing her speed to its max while in that form, Samira flew like a bullet. How she would slow down or even land after she broke through was still up in the air. Instinct would just take over by that point, right? Or it would just be rough as hell. The energies of Ra would heal her if it came to that. Something else a bit unexpected transpired, however. Just as the goddess braced herself to make impact and, hopefully, break through the weakened spot of the dome, her body was engulfed in a small solar flare that erupted from her body and she disappeared, leaving only a bright burst of flames where she was. The same flame burst was created as she reappeared. It had happened so quickly that her mind had not even fully processed that it had happened until she was staring at the vast expanse of golden clouds and sky. "Um, there appears to be a minor complication." Seeing no signs of the dome barrier, the platform, or the ambiguous being in front of her, Samira turned and immediately her expression turned to one of disbelief mixed with mild annoyance. She was now on the other side of the platform. She had gone right through the barrier! It was perfect if she had found herself inside it, but she had gone much too far and wound up entering and exiting both at once. "I believe a certain false sun god neglected to inform me there were teleportation abilities in this form." That information could have been useful before she went through the trouble of making a weak spot and then planned to crash.

    "Looks that way. You'd think he would mention that sort of thing."

    "Him? Mentioning anything without leaving for vague interpretation? Seriously?"

    "I mean, it'd make sense here. He would probably call Samira's method of use of his powers as disgraceful."

    "Yea, yea, probably. The bird can't help but tweet a lecture. Kind of like you when you're not being an idiot." Kuku's insulting tone relaxed as she spoke to Samira. "Anyway though, can you even control that power enough so you don't end up outside the dome? Pretty useless reveal if you can't."


    "Oh, this is going to be fun to watch if that's the most confident answer you can say."

    "It is not the first teleportation spell I have used. The usage should not be all that different." How wrong Samira was. For several minutes she tried to stop the spell short and end up within the dome where she wanted to be. Each time she overshot. In some ways that she couldn't even fathom how it was possible. On the other side, up above, underneath, clear across the sky. If there had been anyone around to watch the spectacle they probably would have thought some strange and disorderly firework show was going on. The sun representation still didn't bother to acknowledge what was going on, on the outside.

    "Yep. I knew this would be fun. You suck at this."

    "I am trying, you know. There must be more force behind this particular ability. Accounting for it is difficult to calculate without practice. Just because it is in my arsenal of power does not mean I instantly know everything there is to know about how to use it. I am only human. Not an all knowing goddess."

    "Despite the titles and power levels that would tell most people otherwise."

    Samira used a finger to twirl around some strands of the flaming locks on her head. "Hmmm, just a bunch of misconceptions and assumptions, naturally." She shrugged and let the topic pass. Wizard Saints and even mages of the unnatural Z ranks all had room for growth. They certainly weren't all knowing either. "I think I have obtained enough practice to understand how to control it better. This attempt should be successful." The spirits reacted with a mix of groans, chuckles, facepalms, and more bets, this time whether or not she would actually make it inside the dome barrier.

    (Word Count: 1077
    Total So Far: 7067)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 9th May 2020, 2:40 am

    Samira didn't waste any time with taking some breath or trying to prepare her mental focus for a confidence boost. The woman just took off. She would make it, or she wouldn't, just like all the other times. The sunburst appeared as she disappeared. Upon reappearing, Samira crashed and tumbled on the surface of the gold platform. Stopping the teleport distance was still difficult but she managed. The consequence being that control still wasn't there and forcefully halting it prematurely causing her to lose balance and awareness of where in the dome she was. But! She was there. Finally! Success! Victory music could be played while an achievement pop up shot across the sky. In her head, of course. To see that in person would be just as strange as the fatality announcer back at the final phoenix shrine in Terasu back in the day.

    "You have arrived." A voice that was actually comprised of two voices spoke in unison. One male, one female. It came from the one that had been in the dome the entire time. They turned to face the summoner that had tumbled in and stared, the expression neutral and impossible to read. Samira started to get up from her fallen position and stand, the aches and pains from the crash having been removed and healed by the natural energies of the sun-colored skin. "Please, you may remain there. We have no intentions of harming you at this moment unlike our brother and sister." The way the being spoke there must have actually been two souls within one body. Or something along those lines. The physical body was that of a woman if the design of the armor was any indication. It covered everything, but had the feminine attributes that one would expect a woman warrior to wear if they wore plate. In some ways it was similar to that of Judgement's armor, but hers was one of divine design to be that of an angel's. That of Sun's did not reflect holy or divine, but of the natural radiance and intimidating power a sun had. This one also seemed to prefer a headdress rather than a full helmet, allowing the facial features to show, not that there was much expression even there. The eyes that were strangely just a plain brown were passive and lacked the sort of fire and passion one would expect from such a being. Samira could only assume they would reveal their true nature if provoked into the correct state. The hair matched the eyes in the brown color, and was long and smoothly flowing. The envy of any woman that had multiple bad hair days or just bad hair in general. Strangely not red, blonde, or even screaming that it would cause heavy burns when touched like her own hair currently was.

    "The World being subdued was expected, but few pass through the realm of Judgement to enter here." There was a brief silence as the two looked at each other. Samira expected there to be anger or even resentment for the defeat of Judgement, especially with such an end. But if the being before her now had those two traits or the intention of revenge she could not sense it. Nor did her spirits. Not even a weapon was being wielded. The only thing within the hands of the sun being was a shield. One that looked way too beautiful to be used as a true tool for battle and would have been better suited as a fancy decoration for some rich person of royalty's castle. "You are confused about my demeanor, yes? Do not misunderstand. The Judgement you defeated is only one of many. She can be replaced. That level of eradication is rare, but there are measures in place so these arenas continue to exist. You are not the only one to have made it this far, and if you reached the fifth realm and conquer it, not the first there either. To put it simply, we are not close. To fear retribution from us is unnecessary." The being paused for a second as a realization came over them. Not so significant as it was just proper manners for the course of a first conversation. "Forgive me, we have neglected to give ourselves a proper introduction. We are the representation of The Sun card. You may think of us as one that is much more positive than the others. We are designed to represent fun, warmth, success, vitality, and to be a reminder that an inner child exists within all, and to bring caution regarding too great of confidence and ego." As they spoke, the vessel of the two voices bowed respectfully.

    Well, the kindly introduction was a first. The last two either charged right for her or had the absolute worst way of introducing themselves. So rude! But this one now? Samira could get used to that. Without the bowing though. That was weird. "I see." Samira rose from the ground and stood fully, ignoring the request of the being to remain as she was. Kind as they may be, that didn't mean they could be trusted, and remaining in such a vulnerable position was one of the many definitions of unwise. "I cannot truthfully say that it is a pleasure to meet you, but I do appreciate your approach. It is a welcome change after the last two encounters with your kind." The sun being just nodded, understanding and acknowledging the words without adding further comment. "It is only right that I do the same, I suppose. I am Samira Nassar. You probably already know it. The one of Judgement did, and I would suspect The World would have too if he had not taken the initiative to attack at first sight."

    "That form does speaks for itself, and to who you are in the general sense. We do not need a name for this. Very few fit this trait. You are connected to Ra. Both spirit and god. He is not the only sun deity there either. I can feel the opposing powers as well. That was what destroyed Judgement, yes? If you lack the ability to control that form, you will lack the control for him as well. The energies are unbalanced, volatile, and chaotic. To mix them in one individual is dangerous. The will of the ancients do not seem to care now much like back then. I do not envy you." The being spoke matter-of-factly still, their voice neither rising or falling. Feeling nothing and empty. "I will be blunt, young one. I do not want to fight. You should not even be here. If not for the Osahar none of this would have taken place."

    "You know of that name as well."

    "One of them had come through these trials before. Possibly the same one that arranged this with The Fool. I did not ask. I just know that I am expected to fight with unreasonable fury. To purify with the searing power and unbiased nature that the actual sun in the sky represents. It would be a futile and unnecessary battle against one of your nature. The battle would continue for an age or longer. My energies would heal and be restored, and so would your own while in that form. I would rather respect those touched by the sun and its gods. I will grant you access to the next realm. The Moon will not be like me in opinion and action, so use this time to prepare yourself. Although, I do not really sense that it is needed. Your strength and vitality are far from depleted even without the aid of the sun. I do not think it is even possible for you to reach a limit within these planes of reality. Speak with me again when you are ready to go."

    "....you could not have just stood at the entrance and told me this from the start?"

    "We had thought that you would leave once you noticed getting inside was supremely difficult. Teleportation was not expected since it was not known to us as a characteristic of yours. Even then, most with such a talent would be incinerated once inside this place. You are lucky that form protects you."

    "So it would appear," Samira muttered with a twitching brow. She didn't expect that teleportation either. If only the one that could have told her that was there, but nope. He decided to take off elsewhere. As always she was grateful that the powers she had from her spirits and the gods they originated from came in handy when needed, but to say she was lucky was overstating things. Or so it felt like during the times when things didn't go as planned or went awry. Those with simpler magics or even simpler lives were to be envied. "I think you might end up being the only one that will give me the time to dawdle, so I will take advantage of it graciously. If you do not mind answering some questions, of course." The sun being agreed.

    The exchange of questions and answers lasted for a while, and Samira committed all she could to memory so she could write it down later. In her mind, it was a good amount of knowledge that was worth saving and looking into further. Though, The Sun only gave information that they could; not everything. Good enough, and better than nothing.

    (Word Count: 1581
    Total So Far: 8648)

    8000 used for S Rank Freeform - Starts Here
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    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 12th May 2020, 2:27 am

    Once the conversation had ended, The Sun presented two cards to Samira. They matched the artistic work of the door that had led there. The cards of The Sun. One upright, and the other reversed. A new pair to add to the collection. Samira took them and put them away with the others, thanking the being as well though she was not sure why they were giving her cards at all. Nodding, the sun being placed a hand on Samira's back and gently pushed her along, leading her towards the end of the circular platform they both stood on. "Come, this way," they instructed. "The doorway to the realm of The Moon opens." And it was so. A door did appear, a coloration of grey, blues, silvers, and a glowing white outline to mark the details.

    The realm of the sun seemed to move forward in time, its brightness and coloration turning to that of a sunset, until it faded completely into night. The sun being Samira realized had also disappeared during the transition. Or maybe it was her that had shifted to a different reality of the Sun realm. One where the connection of The Moon was stronger. Her Aspect powers remained unaffected by the change, burning still and shining light around her, but Samira was sensing that it would not be that power to get her through the fourth arena.

    Samira studied the new doorway like she had done the others, adding to the mental notes that were becoming more numerous each time she entered a new realm. The moon was, of course, on the door. Large, full, and bright, but with a frowning face upon it. On the left and right ends of the door were tall pillars, and between them were the images of a dog and a wolf, howling, each at the opposite side of a winding path between them. The bottom comprised of a pool of water with a crayfish crawling at its center. The moon and the canines made sense, but the woman was at a loss on what a crayfish had to do with the moon. Really she should have been wondering about the symbolism of all the artistic doorways, but it didn't dawn on her to be curious about that until she ran into something that didn't seem logical. Then again, her knowledge about even crayfish was lacking. "XVIII, eighteen, The Moon," Samira read aloud the wording on the door. The doorways were going in a consistent pattern of counting down, starting at twenty one. Oh, dear. The number one doorway was quite a while away then. "I really hope there are not seventeen more of these. I was not expecting so many."

    "This is why you shouldn't do things just out of curiosity. Unless you have a lot of time to spend. We should reach number one in about a decade or so. Good thing I got my crossword puzzles to pass the time while I sit back and binge watch this series of Samira's Pointless Adventures."

    "Am I supposed to laugh at that dose of sarcasm?"

    "You could, but I wasn't being sarcastic. I really do intend to spend my time doing that while you're busy seeking... knowledge or something. I really never understood the whole documentation thing."

    "I call it educational in its own way."

    "I'd like it more if I could do something for once. Can you just let me eat the next one?"

    "The past three did not look very edible. I would be amused if the next one was."

    "Everything is edible to me."

    "All right, there will be no eating of any kind. Just be quiet for now, and speak only when it is important. Though that may be asking too much..." Samira had quietly mumbled the last part, but of course the spirits connected with her mind were all too willing to remind her that they heard it just fine. She sighed. They were annoying but not at the point of blocking them out completely. That was offensive to them and saved only for significant circumstances. "Let us hope The Moon is similar to The Sun." The Sun had cautioned Samira that, that may not be the case, but the Goddess of Ishgar would still prefer believing there was a chance the opposite would occur. That The Moon would be as kind as The Sun instead of going into full lunatic mode the moment the hellos were given. Samira reached for the knob of the door, turned it, and pulled it open.

    (Word Count: 759
    Total So Far: 1407)


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Reversed Arcana Empty Re: Reversed Arcana

    Post by Samira Nassar 12th May 2020, 2:29 am

    The summoner's eyes doubled in size as they widened and she gasped in surprise to find that, instead of a teleportation light coming through the doorway, it was a tidal wave of water that burst through instead. The rushing water hit her, knocked her back and completely off balance, and before she could even process completely her situation the realm was completely full of the cold icy water. She couldn't see anything in the pitch darkness. Her light and fire from the Aspect of Ra had been extinguished as the ocean flooded that plane of existence. Not an easy feat to accomplish for sure. Simple water was not enough to put those flames out, yet that was exactly what happened. Regardless, Samira knew her time was running short. The pressure in her lungs was increasing the longer she held her breath. Stay that way for too long and she would most certainly drown. And so, the only way she knew to go was up. Up and up she swam until it was becoming clear that she wasn't making progress quickly enough. Mentally, she cried out for He Bo to aid her. The glowing celestial waters that made the spirit appeared and surrounded the summoner like a whirlpool, circling around and around. The glowing waters moved in and engulfed the woman before moving like a torpedo towards the surface.

    Thankfully Samira didn't not have to find a way to grow gills in seconds as a solution, or use Janus to escape from drowning. There did end up being an end to the deep and dark ocean. The surface of the ocean split from an explosive burst as the spirit waters broke through and carried the coughing summoner that was gasping for the oxygen she had been denied before quite suddenly. The spirit placed her lying down on the large circular platform that was in the center of it all, floating on the ocean that was within a world just as dead and lonely as the realm of Judgement. The platform itself was similar to the one located in the world of The Sun, but it was not a glistening gold metal. It was just hard, cold, and dark stone that was broken in several places. Yep, she was in a different realm all right. The ocean must have been some weird sort of magic that transported her there... and nearly drowned her. Who knew how many that ocean had claimed in the past and caused them to drown. Who even put oceans behind doorways?! Honestly! The Sun could have mentioned it at the very least!

    Samira rolled over and stared up. Up above was a thing that was very much expected; the moon. Large, full, and pretty much the only light in the entire realm, yet its white glow was powerful enough to bask everything underneath with its lunar radiance. It was funny really. The world was cold, colder than it really was given her wet clothes and hair now. But not even just the temperature made it that way. It was cold from just the fact the atmosphere was dark and depressing in away. Yet, it was also... quiet. Serene. Tranquil. Peaceful. The Judgement realm had none of that. A weaker mind would have wanted to stay there forever, staring at the wonder above and content to be in peaceful isolation forever. Samira was different though. Such illusions and mind tricks did not work on her. Her spirits' place in her mindspace acted as a filter to prevent it. Even if she was content to lie there now to recover she would never stay. It would never be a place she would want to remain forever in. There were too many things left to do before she could disappear from the real world forever like so many others had before her, and recently too.

    Samira's breathing calmed now. The effects of nearly drowning had passed. How long it took she didn't know. She didn't even know how long she had been lying there. Her clothes and hair were still damp, but no longer as soaked through as they were. He Bo's waters still circled around the platform, creating sounds of gently moving water that almost put Samira to sleep really. It was too relaxing to be there now to the point that she was starting to become anxious. "I guess I am supposed to find The Moon like I had to with The Sun," Samira concluded by the fact that no one had shown up to say some form of greeting or attack, once again. Was The Moon trying to get her to leave too? The lack of interaction seemed to make that the case. But, that theory would end up being wrong. Samira would not even have to locate The Moon herself. The Moon had already spotted her the moment she had entered that realm.

    The reference of there being a man in the moon was actually a woman in the moon in that case. The patches of the white moon formed into that of a smirking face that looked down on the summoner lying peacefully on the stone platform. That face then disappeared as particles left the moon and descended downward and onto the other side of the platform. They formed a woman in black, with white hair and bright glowing eyes that matched the symbol on her forehead. Nothing screams The Moon more than actually breaking away from the literal form of it and wearing the logo as a tattoo. Samira sat up and stared at the newcomer with curious eyes. "I suspect that you are The Moon?" For whatever reason she didn't stand fully. Whether by the effects of the serene atmosphere, her guard being down slightly due to the peaceful interactions with The Sun, or because she just did not sense anything threatening just yet, Samira remained as she was and waited for a response. Though, really just expected a yes or no answer, but with that nod of The Moon came much more than she asked for.

    A long monologue came from the strange woman along with it. About the literal moon. There was a lot of detail, descriptions, and thought put into the unnecessary speech, and in some ways it was almost poetic. But... it was a bit more than what was required for a yes or no question. It probably filled the cliched chatter time between fighting quota several times over by the time she was done listening to it. Even after The Moon fell silent Samira expected there to be more. They both stared at each other silently, one having finished speaking and waiting for a response, and the other waiting for a sign that the other's part of the conversation truly was done.

    (Word Count: 1133
    Total So Far: 2540)


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:44 pm