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    In Lack of Better Arcana


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Aura 14th September 2018, 3:41 am

    Job Title:
    Major Arcana Part 1/4


    Player Requirements:
    2 B Ranked Mages or the Equivalent

    Job Requirements: 1
    18,000 words minimum or 14,000 solo; Defeat all the listed rooms

    Job Location:
    Unknown Lands

    Job Description:
    One day, you and or a friend stumble upon a tarot card in the middle of the road. One it, are 2 words that make you want to read it out loud. These words, are "The Fool". However, things aren't that funny once a few laughs are heard, as though they are coming from nowhere. With these laughs, you feel a shift in your body as you are transferred to a new area. In front of you is 1 door, with a number in roman numerals above it. With a loud maniacal  laugh, you hear a voice coming from all around you. The voice says to you, "You are now trapped in my little fun house. Try to escape if you dare. Behind each of my little doors in a fun little arena that you can fight my brothers and sisters in. Hopefully you die, because that would be very fun for me! Now then, turn the knob or I will kill you here and now. Please, just make this fun for me!". You then turn the doorknob to see what awaits after each door.

    This job is an assembly of bosses that you have to go through to reach the next one. Every time you defeat the rooms within the certain job, something special will happen for you in the next job, whether it be a interaction with a new companion, a special buff, or even a grand weapon that can be used. Try to defeat each room to get your way out. Now, here is the first special event. Your character now gains a 50% speed boost throughout the job because of their need to escape, annoyance of the person that put them there, or whatever. Have fun!

    In Lack of Better Arcana 1215?cb=20180414203400
    The World, the tarot card mostly associated with Earthland itself. This behemoth is what you will find in the first room you open. You will see him doing what you wouldn't expect of a creature like this, frolicking around with the glorious area around you. The area looks like a mystical jungle, with the greenest of leaves and trees. The water, is as clear as glass. Everything about the area seems amazing. All of a sudden, the creature stops in its tracks with a huge rumble coming from the ground. He looks at you and charges.

    The World will try to do everything in its nature to destroy you. It thinks you're here to destroy the beauty it has created. By doing so, it will use everything in the room to try and crush you. His melee attacks are extremely powerful, especially if he puts his full weight into it. Also, he will use every single tree vine, or drop of water and try to attack you with it. How he does this however, is up to you. Defeat him, and don't try to destroy any part of the area, unless he attacks you with it. If anything is destroyed due to carelessness, or whatever else, he will go into a rage mode and will just attack you with his arms. At this moment, there is no way to get past him without destroying him. Just knocking him out will not pass at this point. Once you defeat him, a door will appear with the numerals XX

    In Lack of Better Arcana Kayle_0
    Judgement, the tarot card that represents the judgement you face after death. Its funny isn't it? The moment you find the embodiment of this tarot, you have to fight off in a battle of death with it. Once you enter the room, you see a graveyard beneath you, filled with the bodies of the recently fallen. Were these people the ones sent before you? Who knows, what you do know, is that the angel is now going to try and make you another one of the corpses around you.

    Judgement is up in the air, watching down upon you. She first sends 4 corpses to attack you, seeing if you're worthy to even clash with her blade. These corpses will stop at nothing to defeat you. They believe that this is their ticket to make it to the plane of happiness. Once you defeat them, Judgement will rain her flurry upon you. She glows with a beautiful light, that can make you bend to her will, if you aren't strong enough. Her blade glows with a fiery light that deals more damage to those taht are of an unholy nature(devils, demons, etc.) As well as this, she can revive herself the second she dies. After that, she will unleash her full power and will be faster and stronger than before. If you manage to kill her this time, a door will open with the numerals XIX.

    In Lack of Better Arcana Latest?cb=20180521000955
    The Sun, the tarot card that helps us know that we are going to have a good life. It is the thing that keeps us safe and warm, but also the thing we fear. It is a beautiful light that shines on us, but can show its rage on us. That is why in this room, it is filled with a bright white light, that is both warm and sheltering, but burning and evil. In the middle of the room, is the center of it all.

    The woman you look at is sort of blinding in his ways, as though she was the sun itself. She is able to use light magic to try and attack you. Getting too close to her, can blind you for the remainder of time in the room. However, mages of light don't get affected by her blinding effects  at all, because of them being attuned to it. She can bend the will of the room to his own will, allowing for a warm sheltering light that heals him majorly over time, or the scalding unforgiving light that deals damage to his enemies over time. The sun may help on Earthland, but here, he doesn't care for you at all. Once you defeat her, the light subsides and reveals a door with the numerals, XVIII

    In Lack of Better Arcana Diana_0
    The Moon, a beautiful woman that shines brightly in the sky. She has a calming nature to her that makes everyone else around her feel calm as well. As you enter the room, you fall into a a pool of water, and realize you are in a lake. On the other side of you is the moon. Looking at it, you feel calmed down, more than you had before. Sure, you are in a place of death, but for now you want to just look at the moon and find a nice place to sit. Looking closer at the moon and focusing on it, shows you that there is an outline in front of the moon. It seems to be a woman with her back turned at you.

    The Moon at first seems to make a monologue about the moon, talking about how beautiful and beautiful it is. All of a sudden, her smile turns into a smirk as she dashes towards you. Her blade glows with the power of the moon as she tries to make multiple attacks onto you. She is fast and agile. She is able to walk on the water with ease, and uses that skill to attack you. Along with this, she is able to control the water in the room, like how the moon can control the waves of the ocean. Once she is defeated, her body sort of falls into the water, combining with it. All that is left is her reflection. Not her body, no just her reflection. The area where the moon was, was a door with the numeral XVII.

    In Lack of Better Arcana Zoe_0
    The Star, so young, and so naive. She has not yet fully developed into a Sun, but she believes she can be one one day, and hopefully soon. As you enter the room, a galaxy like area surrounds you. Something is weird about this though, the galaxy is some sort of pinkish color that is way different that what it should be. Everything but the stars had been very dull in their appearance, clearly trying to put a spotlight on the thing the room holds...The Star.

    The Star pops out of one of the stars, with a bunch of glee. She doesn't seem like she wants to fight, but then she reveals her true purpose. She says to you, "In order for me to became a Sun, I must kill you" As she says this, a few of the stars from before come to life, and go to the side of The Star. She will use these stars to try and chase you, with each one creating an explosion on hit. While fighting, she will seem to be having fun with it, knowing that she will defeat you easily. The second she dies, her spirit explodes with a huge tantrum, unleashing a star shower that will hurt for every star that hits you. It is your job to find the door and escape. Once you find the door, it doesn't seem to be like the rest, it doesn't have a numeral at the top, at all. Once you turn the knob of the door, the scene fades to black. That is where your journey of part 1 ends.

    Reward: 75k jewels, or 50k jewels and an A rank spell slot

    -- credit to Musicalbunny

    Last edited by Aura on 25th November 2018, 4:11 pm; edited 2 times in total


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    In Lack of Better Arcana GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Aura 14th September 2018, 3:42 am

    Gætirhöll, the Hall of the Keeper. A giant hall within the inner circles of Yggdrasil, dressed in marble and crystals of unknown age, upon which the light of the realm in which Yggdrasil finds itself falls ever so gently upon the smooth surfaces of the large table that adorns its center. Even with the utmost turmoil carved within one's heart, entering this abundant room called for serenity and calmth to fall upon the restless. Such was the charm of Gætirhöll. Such was its virtue. It was within this hall that the aces and guild masters of Sabertooth discussed the paths their guild would walk, in which they invited those of high statute or, in time of peril, held council for their next move to be made. It was in this hall that a red-hooded figure stood near the windows of the Hall, gazing over the realm they were allowed to rule. The hood was wide and allowed the wearer ample sight to properly see what happened around her, unlike the regular hoods shielding one’s view. Long strands of silvery white hair ran from within the depths of the hood, reflecting the light within them, giving off the sight of a shining bright aura of silver. Long, almost grieve-like dark boots and gauntlets adorned with a row of spikes at their sides to compliment her arms and make the figure seem battle-ready, whereas the red robe hung loosely upon her shoulders, the slender bodysuit-like tunic was strapped tightly around her chest and waist. The tail of her attire going past the nape of her knees, while the sides of the robe acted like make-shift loose sleeves to cover her armored arms.

    The silver-haired maiden stood relaxed, arms gently crossed behind her back as she waited for the ruckus to settle down behind her. This would be the first time she’d be openly showing her true form to the rest of the guild… she couldn’t help but wonder who would think her a visitor at first sight, or would recognise her right off the bat once she revealed herself. For once there was no fear for their reaction. She’d gained confirmation from both Imai and Kite that this current form was more appealing than the ravenhaired mask she had been hiding behind for so long. More natural. All she had to do was learn to embrace it. She closed her eyes shortly, exhaling slowly. ”I guess the time is now…” Kenna thought to herself, and turned around slowly to look upon the two she had asked to meet her here; two new mages with strength on par to her own, two mages she was honored to call her allies; sisters-in-arms. Masha and Gaia, both with promising growth. Kenna smiled softly. ”I’m glad you two could make t here with such short notice, thank you.” The silverhaired maiden said, giving both a thankful nod before walking towards the marble table in the middle, upon which many documents, parchments holding requests for aid and a large, detailed map of Fiore laid. ”I won’t stall and get to the point as to why you’ve been summoned here. Lately we’ve been receiving reports of mysterious disappearances and concentrations of magic upon the roads leading into the vast uninhabited lands of Fiore. They’ve been closing in on Ace of Spades, around the intersections here, here and here,” Kenna pointed at the three intersections upon the map, leaving small marks to pinpoint the locations. ”But as of late have been gathering at this point and have become stalwart… which caused concern. Especially the eerieness of the magic gathering there. It doesn’t bode well.” She tapped an area far closer to Ace of Spades, with a more major road, but not one that was frequently traveled.

    ”I decided to send a team to investigate, but they’ve yet to return… and it has been way past their time to return. So I’m quite sure that whatever it is that’s causing these disappearances, it isn’t something simple we’re dealing with. Had it been a regular bandit group or slavers they could’ve taken it.” A look of worry crossed her face shortly as she crossed her arms and stared at the map for a brief moment, only to look back up at the two women. ”Forgive my bluntness, but it’s needless to say that I’m quite sure both of you have already figured out why I’ve called you here and what role you’ll be playing in this ordeal by now. We need to check out this area and try to locate the team that went missing. But I’d like your opinions on the matter as well, before we go any further… and in case of questions, I will gladly answer them.” The slayer ended.



    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    In Lack of Better Arcana GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Gaia 21st September 2018, 10:35 pm

    568 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Gaia looks around the hall with great interest, of course she had read up a bit on it, but being there was something entirely different. Experiencing something she read about was one of her favorite things that could send shivers down her spine. She observed the person in front of her, wondering whom they were exactly? The black haired mage adjusts her blue glasses on her face as she adjusted one of her sleeves on her outfit. She was sporting a red and blue high-low dress that had long flair sleeves with her usual black leggings and boots, her bag with her tarot cards in them, as well as her cloak clasped around her shoulders. Her staff was gripped in her hand. After the one time she didn't bring it with her somewhere, she never went without it unless she absolutely had to. It only took her a second to realize that it was Kenna. The tarot reader smiles as she runs a hand through her short hair and giggles slightly. "It's not a problem, I was wondering if there was anything I could do recently anyways."

    The tarot reader had recently unlocked her magic finally, and had been eager to use it to see the extent of her magic, but she didn't want to be a show off on accident. She wanted to wait for the right job to do allow herself to use the cards properly. As Kenna walked over to the table, Gaia had followed suit, holding her hands in front of her delicately as Noya was snoozing away on her usual spot on Gaia's shoulders. She looked at the map and seemed to pale a bit. "That's close to my house..." She mumbles. Gaia's home was on the outskirts of Ace of Spades, but the markers made it seem like the disappearances and concentrations of magic were much closer to her home. She glances up to the Ace as she frowns. The mention of her team she sent not coming back yet, made Gaia worry a little bit more along with her. She takes a deep breath and nods her head. "I'd rather people be blunt and get to the point when it comes to things like this, to be honest. I'm willing to help out... Are there... absolutely no clues whatsoever about the disappearances and the magic showing up there? And where were the team heading last you knew?" She puts a hand on her hip and shakes her head softly. This seemed like a mind scratcher to her.

    Her burnt sienna eyes glance over to the redhead, and she smiles slightly to her. It had been a while since she worked with Masha. The last time they worked together was in Minstrel. That was a fun ride to her, and the wine she got out of it at the end? Delightful. Gaia shook her head and smiles to Masha. Noya perked her head up and chirped a bit at her for her own greeting. Gaia then blinked and looked back to Kenna. "How many people were in your team you sent before us? Three? I'd like to know for head counts. And are they wizards as well, or do they not have magic?" She wanted to know exactly how dire the team being missing was. Regardless, she was on board with going out to search for them and finding out what happened.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 364
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 269,157

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Sound Slayer
    Second Skill: Foedus Pares
    Third Skill:

    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Masha 26th September 2018, 2:41 pm

    Masha perched on the edge of the marble table, waiting for their host to turn around. She was absentmindedly chewing gum. There was a strange calm that pressed down upon her in this strange place and it made her restless, squeamish. It rather felt similar to the scientists forcibly attempting to calm her down when she wasn't doing what they wanted. Masha hadn't been able to resist a rebellious act as a result. The skintight beige pants she had on when she entered laid upon the floor. Now she was clad in only an open vest, a black bandou bra, a white lace thong and a pair of cute brown boots she found. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail. It was a bit of a raunchy look that she usually tried to avoid but the forced calm of this place was too much to handle. The succubus might apologize to the host later. Maybe. Or she might start a new fashion trend where woman showed off their asses and tantalized the world with a glimpse of the front. Her sensuous mouth curved into a smile. Masha rather liked the second option. More for her to look at walking down the street.

    A thin eyebrow raised at the mysterious woman's greeting. That was only after Masha had given her a good look up and down. Attractive, in a word but then most people were to Masha. It was once someone opened their mouth that Masha dropped the adjective most of the time. Masha put her foot up on the table and rested her chin on her knee. "You're welcome, hot stuff but might I inquire your name?" She hadn't really seen the woman around the Ace of Spades. While the woman was acting as if she knew Masha, Masha definitely didn't know this woman. "I'm Masha by the way, Masha Dymonrel." A bemused smile graced her face upon hearing they'd be getting straight to the point. Well they hadn't been called here for tea now had they? Beating around the bush would only waste time. She turned to look at the map the woman was referencing. A few papers crinkled as a result. Masha's bored expression transformed as she assessed the map. She'd read quite a bit. Studying the map, the succubus turned to Gaia. Then she thought better of it and turned toward their host. Better to be polite for the moment.

    "Be blunt, babe. It's better for everyone. Gives more of a kick too when you thrust." She winked, a small smile on her face. Then she touched the map. "I spend quite a lot of time reading. There are ancient legends associated with these intersections. Legends that draw back to an ancient bewitched card deck. Perhaps it was tarot but I can't remember the details are rather fuzzy. However, those legends might hold some clue as to whats happening now or it could be unrelated." Masha shrugged a dainty shoulder. It was an opinion but not necessarily the truth of the matter. Strange magic made her think of the scientists that created her. There was no way she was bringing them up. This had to be a separate case from that. Noticing Gaia's smile, Masha smiled back. To take her mind off things, the succubus decided to ask an unrelated question. "How are you and your boyfriend doing, Gaia? And when do I get to meet him? Seriously, gurl, you shouldn't hide such a man from your teammate." The redhead pouted at Gaia. It wasn't a serious pout, more of a teasing one. Teasing for fun rather than flirting was something Masha was trying to work on. She wasn't sure how well she did or where the line was most of the time. How far was too far?

    The redhead had to shake herself and focus back on the mission. Gaia's question seemed to be a reasonable one. Were the people they were rescuing mages? How many were there? Those were important things to know if they were to be rescuing them. "Also has anyone tested these... anomalies? Can magic penetrate them? Does it swallow magic or does magic pass right through? Are we sure that these things aren't stationary teleportation spells that could send an opponent at us in the blink of an eye?" It was important to know how much study of the anomalies had been done, if any. While Masha hated thinking like the scientists, it was prudent in this case. If they wanted a chance of rescuing the missing team, they needed to know every detail they could.

    WC: 767


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    In Lack of Better Arcana Keymasha

    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Aura 25th November 2018, 4:06 pm

    “Certainly, Kenna Terrynhain’s the name, we've met briefly in the past, Miss Dymonre---” Kenna's eyes squinted to such small size that one could even wonder whether she could still see through them, while her voice had lowered into a nearly threatening, dark tone. “Get. Your. Ass. Off. My. Table, you butt-nugget.” she nearly hissed, similar to the way an Abuela would chase her grandchildren out of the living room when they try to interrupt her from watching her favorite show, yet without the slipper-throwing. A little voice in the back of her head warned her that her choice of swearing words however was a little underrated, but all the demoness could see was a pair of semi-naked buttcheeks, if not entirely naked ones, busy desecrating an ancient marble table oh so casually. Any other table, but not this one. Preferably no table at all, if she had a say in it. “And pleaaaase do me the favor of putting on some proper pants, or even a skirt… just not that bit of dental floss between your cheeks. You can wear whatever underneath for all I care, but just covering up a bit more would be nice, lest you want me to show you hot stuff.” The words had left her lips before she knew what was going on, and couldn't help but curse slightly upon realising she'd been steering this conversation into the wrong direction.

    The Sabertooth Ace muttered something underneath her breath before focusing back at the task at hand. “The middle one, closest to Ace of Spades” Kenna spoke, tapping the corresponding point on the map. “And to answer that question of yours, Miss Floss ‘n Cheeks, no. We’ve been trying to do so, however, but this knowledge has only recently fallen into our hands. There were other institutions investigating this phenomenon by themselves at first, but the repeated disappearances of their teams needed them to reach out to other, more magic-related institutions. Like ourselves. Thus I sent out a team of our own to check it out; a four-headed team consisting of three mages and a melee fighter. One of the mages has dedicated himself to space distortions, both magically and scientifically, so they would’ve known their way around things. The mages may have had the strength compatible to C-rank mages, safe for their non-magical teammate who was at the pinnacle of a B-rank warrior. But they knew their shit--- I mean, things. Thus you can say their disappearance is alarming at best.” The white-haired magus seemed frustrated being reminded of the happenings and sighed deeply as she stopped leaning over the map and pushed herself back up. “Seeing as this was the first team our guild's sent out to investigate, and the other guilds haven't gotten back on the matter, it's safe to assume we're the only ones on this case right now. Rather than sending another random team to investigate the matter, I'd rather go myself, and take a few capable members with me to do so. My eye has fallen on the two of you; we may not have dealt with many matters together, or none at all, but from what I've heard the both of you are more than capable enough to fend for yourself. And the questions you posed to inquire about things I purposely left out just now have proven you to be just as savvy to boot.”

    She took a few steps back to look at the two, then stared off as if almost in trance for a brief few seconds, letting a deafening silence fill the room before allowing it to be broken again. Be it by her own voice of that of the two other women, whomever needed to say something first. ”So in short, I know just as much as you do now about that anomaly as of this very moment.” she said, folding her arms behind her back and returning to her more serious demeanor, compared to the loose strings she’d shown earlier. ”If there are any more questions, ask them now. If not… it’ll be best we adjourn this meeting until further notice and start making preparations. I plan to set out in two hours time; if you’re not there I’ll leave without you, so you better find a way to catch up quickly if you are in fact late. You know the destination, and that time is running short. If anything I’d like to leave at this very moment, but I’d rather not rush where caution and preparation is advised. I’ll be waiting for the both of you at the edge of town, near the eastern main road of Ace of Spades. Meet me there when you’ve made the necessary arrangements.” And with that, unless either one of them had something else to say or ask, Kenna nodded and walked away, leaving the twosome be within the Hall of the Keeper. To herself the demoness wondered, lost in thoughts, as this very event would conclude so much more than just this one thing. She’d have to keep her eyes open, and her senses keen.

    [850] / [1643 of 6000]


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    In Lack of Better Arcana GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Gaia 3rd December 2018, 9:40 pm

    Notes \\ ( 912 ) 1480 / 6000 Words \\ Tag @Aura @Masha

    Gaia had been trying her hardest to ignore Masha's attire, figuring she'd get scolded for it anyways. She honestly couldn't understand how other women could dress like so, it made her even nervous to show any part of her torso that wasn't her shoulders half the time. As Kenna introduced herself to Masha, Gaia glanced over to her, especially after the threatening voice she started to get towards her fellow guild mate. "A lady should have a bit more class than this... especially when being confronted by a guild ace." She says. Of course she had to act like a lady, and after Kenna made it clear to the both of them, whom she was, she straightened up just a little bit more than she already had been. Noya was even perking her head up along with her.

    She perked an eyebrow to Masha though, as she mentioned that she had been reading. Honestly, she never struck Gaia as a reading type. "It's best to not assume that it is indeed one of those legends, not just yet at least." She paused a bit as she was questioned about her boyfriend, and flushed a bit. "We're fine... and I don't know when you'll meet him. He's a bit busy with other jobs on his own." She was easily able to let her focus go back to the job at hand, and nodded a little to Masha's own questions, wanting to know a little about them, but a chunk of them could be 'wait till we get there' type of questions to her. She went back to looking at Kenna as she went about talking more of the mission now, and trying to keep a straight face at the name calling she was doing towards Masha. She then pauses and stands up a little straighter. "If a relatively strong four manned team of three mages and a melee fighter suddenly disappear... what's saying we wouldn't as well?" She asks a bit worriedly. She hoped she didn't have to disappear... She was betting Kyran would get worried over her if she didn't send him another letter or text by then. She pouts softly to Kenna, she was still worried about her 'capability' of being on this job. The mage still doubted herself often, so being told that she was capable to fend for herself for simply asking questions like she had, didn't really make her feel like she really had been. Slowly, she nodded her head, coming to the conclusion with herself that it actually was since it meant she was ready to be on her toes.

    After being informed that she knew of all what their ace did about this matter, she twitches her lips and looks to the map again. "I'm already ready to go now." She grins as she lightly tapped the bottom of her staff on the floor, letting it echo a bit as Noya also chirped on her shoulders. In reality, Gaia seemed to always be prepared for jobs on the fly anymore. It was easier to actually do things then. As she was told where they'd be meeting, Gaia smiles and nods to her, prepared to leave after she at least grab a couple provisions from the kitchen. She looks over to Masha, and raised an eyebrow. "Can I even ask you what went through your head to suddenly strip like that? We're in an important hall..." She shakes her head to her. "Come on... lets get going. Keep your clothes on while we go to the kitchen and get some foods for this... I have a sinking feeling that we'll be running into trouble and may, or may not, need it for something, like ourselves..." She grumbles a bit. She took out her iLac and quickly messaged Kyran, letting him know that she may be silent for a while and that she couldn't tell him why... not yet at least.

    After she had gone to the kitchen, regardless if Masha actually went with her or not, she had went to the edge of town, the east main road that Kenna had said to meet at. She didn't care if there was probably an hour and a half or so left till she wanted to go. She said she was prepared now. When they were all at the meeting place, Noya was seeming a bit antsy, and wanting to run off again. Gaia was trying to keep her from running away, till the ferret squirmed out of her hands and ran down the road. Noya seemed to be pawing at something on the ground, and Gaia wasn't too sure what it was, till she was basically over it. She paled a bit as it was a creepy looking tarot card on the ground. The Fool, to be exact. She leaned down and picked it up slowly. "Spontaneous and new beginnings..." She mutters softly to herself. She felt her cards getting agitated suddenly, and looks back to her fellow guild members in case there was any sign of danger from them, till a laugh was suddenly heard, and she looked back at the card. This card was nothing like her own... and it terrified her. The sudden shift sent a shiver crawling up her back before she was suddenly elsewhere in front of a door... She didn't dare look if her guild members were with her or not, she was just trying to figure out what was going on!

    Last edited by Gaia on 21st January 2019, 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Masha 5th December 2018, 12:30 pm

    Masha couldn't help smirking at Gaia and Kenna. This was better than what she could have hoped for. "It's such a nice ass and such a nice table I thought they should meet. And meet they have. This is the best table I've ever sat on. I might have even left stains it feels so good." Her eyes hardened at Gaia's admonishment. There had been a time when she had been a lady. She remembered the experiments, the tweaking whenever she came back to the scientists. The hot breath on her neck, the groping hands, the stench of whatever person happened upon her during those experiments. An almost imperceptible shudder ran through the succubus' body. And what did it matter that Kenna was ace? Those with power usually only used it to harm others. Until she saw anything different from Kenna, there was no need to show deference to her. This ace would have to earn the succubus' respect first.

    The redhead was moving off the table when she heard Kenna speak again. "Oh baby, talk dirty to me. I'd love to see your hot stuff. And we're going to be teammates for now so why don't we get-" The succubus sidled up to Kenna, clutching the ace's arm between her breasts. "-personable? Besides doesn't the dental floss make my ass look absolutely fabulous?" She turned to show Kenna, a little smirk on her lips. While the overall demeanor of the succubus was relaxed and teasing, her eyes remained hard. The shadows of the past still darkened her irises but from past experiances, the succubus was sure no one would really notice. Nobody ever really saw her. They only saw her body, saw what they wanted to see. These two women wouldn't even know how much their words had hurt. Masha wouldn't let them know.

    The point had been made in her eyes. The succubus swiped up her pants from the floor and wiggled into them. The overall sense of silence and calm had been disrupted now. There wasn't a choking sense of the laboratory anymore. It made wearing the normalish clothes easier. She merely nodded at Gaia's answers to her questions. No need to blow those things out of proportion. Masha settled in to pay attention to what Kenna was saying. Something near the end of Kenna's speech made Masha uneasy. What had drawn the ace's attention to her? She wasn't a particularly outstanding member of the guild. In fact, the succubus struggled with being a legal mage in the first place. She wanted to be good sure but after a lifetime of being evil or seen and treated as evil, there were habits that were hard to break. Then there were the scientists. If an ace was noticing her, did the scientists know where to find her?

    "I'm ready to go as well" Masha informed them after Gaia. There wasn't much for her to grab in the first place. The one thing she might have grabbed was sitting in a tattoo on her chest. The succubus scowled at Gaia's second admonishment. "Maybe I have issues from being in a dark guild? Maybe I feel more comfortable, safer without clothes then with them? Don't judge me on things you don't know about me, Gaia. That's not what friends do." She was probably blowing it out of proportion. Gaia was supposed to be her friend. Friends supported one another even when they didn't understand. Right? Or was that only in fairy tales and books?

    While they were going to the kicthen, Masha peeked over Gaia's shoulder at the tarot mage's iLac. A small message from Kyran popped up on the screen expressing worry and to be careful. He'd be waiting for her when she returned. "Awww isn't that cute? Though I noticed he didn't say he loved you." The succubus cut Gaia a sidelong glance. "You've been dating for nearly three months now right? Haven't said the L word yet?" Not that the succubus could really say anything. The closest thing she had to a relationship was a hot dance that left a lingering impression and one night stands. How she longed for a prince charming. Those thoughts were pushed out of her head as she helped Gaia prepare the food for their journey. There was a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. This might not end well for them or the team they were going after.

    Masha left Gaia to go top up her mana reserves on the way to the rendezvous. She didn't quite regenerate them the way a normal mage did thanks to the tinkering from the scientists. Now with the foreboding feeling, the succubus wanted them as full as possible. After a quickie or four, Masha headed over to the meeting point to find her partners. It was time to see what this anomaly was. Hopefully, her bad feeling was only an upset stomach.

    WC: 821
    Total: 1,588


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    In Lack of Better Arcana Keymasha

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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Aura 11th January 2019, 6:56 am

    “Uh-hey! Gaia, wait up! It's no good to stray so far ahead of the-” Her voice died down into an inaudible whisper as she saw Gaia bend over to pick something up. All of her senses were pulling at the alarm bell when the card mage reached for whatever was on the ground; once she focused her slayer senses on the item Kenna could make a card out of it… a card that seemed familiar to her teammate. Instincts screamed at her. Told her to act. Now. Stepping forth with a large leap Kenna was planning to make a run for it; the energy suddenly seaping from the card triggered everything within her being to step in before it was too late. But she was in fact, too late. Before she could shout a warning Gaia vanished; yet the card remained floating for a few moments before falling back unto the road. Both Gaia and Noya were nowhere to be seen or sensed. Their magical presence gone.

    ”Gaia!” Kenna shouted as she wanted to press on, but her body declined her orders to do so. The deep, sinister laughter that had started when Gaia picked up the card echoed away, and just as instinctively Kenna extended her arm to stop Masha from pressing on towards the card if she were to do so. ”Don't.” The demoness’ voice sounded extremely demanding as she spoke the word. Her body tensed up, and the urge to clench her fingers surfaced. Kenna relented and clawed her fingers with the intent to clench her hand into a fist, but was stopped by something soft and… squishy. “Oh no…” she thought, slowly allowing her eyes to tear themselves away from the place Gaia had vanished from to look at what exactly she had grabbed, and jerked her hand right back once realizing who she had taken a hold off. Trying to keep a straight face Kenna filed the moment away under “I deny this ever happened” and just as quickly shifted her gaze back in front of her, trying to shoo the blush away with a well-placed cough. “A-anyway, we should thread carefully.” she ushered, being able to regain her composure quite easily again as the worry over Gaia's disappearance overtook her mind again. “I doubt you missed that eerie feeling… that strange magical energy imbued in that card… I'd honestly want to go after her right away, but we'll be of no use if we too disappear. There's no telling where it sent her, nor that we'll end up in the same place.” The dragon slayer inhaled deeply, starting to gather the fiery mana into her eyes as she kept on explaining her intentions. “I know she can handle herself, so for now, try to find anything special or out of the ordinary in the perimiter. If we can't find anything, we do the same as she did and pick the card up as well… until then Masha, don't come near it. Under no circumstance. I wouldn’t want to be seperated from you as well. We'll be screwed if all three of us were to vanish and never return. Together we’ll have more of a chance.” As the slayer opened her eyes, her eyes clouded in a fiery aura, as if blazing fire was sparking from her very eyesockets.

    Seikigaisen, an interesting spell to see several levels of heat in her environment. That of the living, but also of those magical in nature or in hiding within the reach of its sight. She scanned the area thoroughly, leaving Masha to her own devices in investigating the matter, and only returned after having made a lap or two to check everything in a wider perimiter. Aside from something radiating from the card, the vicinity seemed clear in her eyes. Though perhaps she might’ve missed something along the way. Admittingly she was extremely anxious, and had purposely chosen to search further away from the crime scene than first intended so she could get her heartbeat back under control. She had to have a clear mind when leading these two. They were her responsibility, and no matter how badly she wished to throw all caution to the wind and grab hold of the tarot card, she knew better than to give in to such rashness. Already having lost Gaia, she couldn't afford to lose Masha on top of that. So when she returned she searched for the succubus to meet up and see what she had found… or not found. ”Aside from the energy emitted by that card, I got nothing else that seems out of place.What about you?”

    [772] [2415 of 6000]


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    In Lack of Better Arcana GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Gaia 24th January 2019, 3:59 pm

    The Cards Aren't Always Right
    Gaia didn't know how to fully process with how she should feel or deal with Masha's outburts towards Kenna in the room before they begun to make plans about what was going on. She takes a deep breath and runs a hand through her hair. When Masha blew up on her a bit for questioning why she stripped in the room, she squinted in confusion. "What...? 'That's not what friends do'? I was just wanting to know why the hell...?" She was lost, but shook her head when she trailed off. She honestly didn't want to deal with that can of worms right then. They had things to focus on. While she had known her for a while, Gaia felt like she still hadn't gotten too close to Masha. In the kitchen, when Masha begun to read over her shoulder, she let up a gasp as Masha had read over her shoulder. She held her iLac to her chest as her cheeks flushes a bright pink. "Hey! It's not polite to snoop like that!" She cries out. "And so what if we haven't 'said the L word yet' not everyone says it immediately or has to in a relationship!" She puffs her cheeks as she felt rather defensive about her relationship, even more now with Masha making comments like so.

    Gaia hadn't heard Kenna say anything when she had gone into the card, but had a feeling she heard her name be called out. Inside the other realm, she heard laughter around her and gritted her teeth a bit. "Show yourself..." She calls out, hearing her voice echo quite a bit.

    "You are now trapped in my little fun house. Try to escape if you dare. Behind each of my little doors in a fun little arena that you can fight my brothers and sisters in. Hopefully you die, because that would be very fun for me! Now then, turn the knob or I will kill you here and now. Please, just make this fun for me!"

    A snarl was on her face. She gripped her hands together. Noya was curled on her neck. She wasn't pleased with this situation at all. She looks around her a bit, wondering if there was anything of importance around. It didn't seem so. She undid her bag on her hip and made sure her tarot bag in her messenger bag was opened. She looked to the door again, and saw the Roman numerals on it. XXI. The world. She felt her bag vibrating a bit, and put her hand on it gingerly. "Don't worry..." She mutters as she knew the cards were upset about this. Should she enter? Should she wait for Masha and Kenna? She grits her teeth and grabs hold of the doorknob. "Please... Protect me." She murmurs to her cards as she slowly turns the knob to go into the next room. She stays in the doorway, not entering to the next room, not leaving the previous one. She looks around and sees the jungle area, a small smile on her face. Her pentacle suit would love this room greatly. But this was nothing compared to what Harmony was herself. She heard a rumble going on in the room, and paused as she sees a large creature roaming a bit, going around happily. She grips the door, tempted to close it, but she was already ready to go in there.
    TAG: @Masha @Aura WORDS: (570)2050/4666.66~7 NOTES: HP: 400 MP: 400
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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Masha 30th January 2019, 11:16 am

    "Gaia!" Masha cried out stepping forward. Her friend had vanished. Where? What had the card done to her? The succubus almost didn't notice Aura throwing a hand out. However, she noticed where that hand landed. The squeezing made the succubus moan softly. "Easy there, Ms. Kenna. I like to be taken to dinner first but if you like me that much, we can find a place around here for a quickie." The note in Masha's voice was teasing. Her eyes however, were strained. They didn't have time for this. They couldn't wait while Gaia was forced to meet whatever danger, or entity, or organization might be waiting on the other side. The redhead waited for Kenna to move her attention away. The moment she lapsed in watching Masha, the succubus dove for the card. Her fingers scraped the edges. A strange pull came from somewhere in her stomach region before she was transported.

    Masha didn't like transportation that way. Before noticing anything, she bent over and unloaded the contents of her stomach. Not that there was much in her stomach. She wasn't eating much these days. When she straightened, she saw Gaia standing in an open door frame, looking out onto a beautiful jungle. The succubus didn't care about the scenery. She rushed to Gaia. Wrapping her arms around the Tarot mage, Masha buried her face in the woman's shoulder. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I got scared when you vanished. That the last thing I'd ever say to you would be nonsensical teasing about your relationship." Masha trembled, her grip on Gaia tightening. "I'm also sorry for yelling at you. We don't talk much, you don't know all my issues."

    Once the succubus felt calm enough, she propped her chin on Gaia's shoulder. "I'm going to hold you for a little while. I don't know how to deal with this achy feeling. Is this what people call fear? Or something else?" Whatever made her chest constrict when Gaia disappeared, Masha didn't have a name for it. She'd been scared before but this, this had blown way past that. There wasn't a word for what she'd felt. Yet, funnily enough, it wasn't the kind of fear you'd have for a lover in danger. That Masha might have had an easier time dealing with. This was something she couldn't put a finger on. A connection she'd felt only with Nyx and Daddy. "I'm not sure how to deal with this." Masha whispered, letting her uncertainty shine for a moment. "This feeling is scary." A lumbering creature played within the jungle ahead of them. It was a strange almost serene sight. The succubus felt it went a ways to calming her down. In a mysterious place, with a mysterious feeling, Masha was glad she had Gaia with her. It was nice to have someone to hold onto for once.

    WC: 477
    Total: 2,065


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    In Lack of Better Arcana Keymasha

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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Aura 4th February 2019, 4:51 pm

    The demoness rose her head to inspect the area when no answer came to her question. There was no-one present. A sensation of panic overtook the slayer at first glance, making her desperately look for any type of presence in the vicinity. Maybe Masha had gone of to search for clues in the nearby vicinity as well? Right? But her slayer senses picked up nothing of the sort; no man-made sounds or scents, as if she too had disappeared from the world… wait a minute. Kenna's fidgety panic ceased as she stopped in her tracks and turned to look at the tarot card still in the middle of the road. ”No… she wouldn't be that stupid to just jump in for it, right?” The white-haired demoness ushered to herself, but the skidding marks in the sand along with the strange position the card was laying in told her an entirely different story. A stream of not-so-polite vocabulary left the slayer's mouth almost naturally as she stared upon the tarot card, feeling how a little flame of anger sparked within her. Not that she couldn't understand why the redhead would've done what she did, but the least she could've done was say something. But she didn't, and instead the demoness was making a fool out of herself by standing here talking to the nothingness of an empty road.

    ”She just up and ditched me… Oh, this is not gonna end well when I get my hands on those two.” Kenna scowled, throwing a hissy fit for herself now nobody was watching. Although she now had little other choice than to follow her guildmates into wherever the card had transported them, she knew all too well that she couldn't let the card lay about in plain sight. But touching the card would send her away, so she had to find other means to move it about. After some thinking and fiddling Kenna had indeed found a way of chucking the card into the side of the road, where it was properly hidden from many an unknowing traveller’s sight. Still angry due to the repeated replay of the recent events in the back of her mind, finally reached out to take hold of the card, and heard the voice resonating once more as she was thrown into a cyclone of colors. Yet not once did the demoness close her eyes, dead set on finding and reuniting with her companions.

    Although it felt like she had been falling for an eternity only a few moments had passed, and the demoness found herself being spewed out of a wormhole several feet above the ground, giving her a somewhat proper view of the room. She had intended to land on both feet but found her legs refusing to follow suit with it, slightly affected by the transportation to another plane of existence, and dropped to one knee instead. It gave her enough time to look around the room as she did, while remaining kneeled as such for a few moments more, waiting for strength to return to her legs before getting up again. She'd eyed the twosome she'd lost earlier somewhat ahead of her, and her heart had been beating anxiously seeing both of them alive and well. Kenna honestly couldn't contain how relieved she was at this very moment, but as her happiness faded did the anger rise of the worry caused by their actions. And that was a feeling she truly couldn't contain, as the demoness made her way over to the twosome in a steady pace, her voice loud and clear. “Are you out of your fucking mind?! What if something went wrong when you so recklessly jumped after Gaia?! Huh?! I could've lost both of you, you idiots!” Kenna said angrily, first directing her words at the succubus before looking at both women with a stern expression. ”For now, think before you act. And tell the rest before you decide to do anything rash; at least we'll know what any of us will be up to that way.” The demoness was raging inside, more out of worry than anything else, but she wasn't planning on properly showing that. She was trying to contain the rush of emotions, but all it did was literally spark small flames around her as she did. A deep sigh followed as Kenna crossed her arms and looked at the two women the way a mother would after scolding her children. ”Just… stay together from now on, okay? There are people back home that need you to return in one piece, as do I, so please don't do anything irresponsible like that again.” The look on her face softened during this short moment, but soon again twisted back into a stern expression. Their first priority was getting out of here unharmed. Wherever “here” was.

    “Anyway, since listening to me isn't on the agenda, I'll let you two cook up a plan to get past that guy.” She gestured at the behemoth behind the door, casually making its way through the jungle spreading before them in the next room. ”Whatever the plan, I’ll follow your lead for this once, so just don't get me killed please.” From here on out, everything was going as per part of her plan. Aside from the “getting sucked into an alternate world through a tarot card” part. That hadn't quite been part of her plan, but having them take the lead during this mission was, regardless of the outcome. She'd only take action if things were really turning out for the worse.

    Wordcount: 930
    Total Wordcount: 3344 of 4700

    @Gaia @Masha


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    In Lack of Better Arcana GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Gaia 18th March 2019, 7:39 pm

    The Cards Aren't Always Right
    Gaia had been staring into the other room calmly when she heard Masha behind her. She had turned around to look at her, and trying to hold her own bile in. She had turned her head quickly so she wouldn't vomit out in here now. When Masha had wrapped her arms around her, and buried her head into her shoulder, she blushed a bit. It… kind of reminded her of Kyran a bit? She shakes her head lightly and patted Masha's arm softly. “It's okay. It takes more than a tarot card to mess with me and make me disappear. And no, I don't know all your issues, but that's the beauty of friendships, you learn about them and help one another.” She was slightly ignoring the teasing of the relationship bit. She lets Masha calm down on her, unsure how to fully deal with this, and takes a deep breath. Quietly, she listens to her. “It sounds like you were scared and worried about me, yeah. So, might of been fear of losing a friend.” She nods her head slightly. The tarot mage chuckles nervously as the redhead confessed that she didn't know how to deal with this, and that the feeling was scary. “It'll be okay. I'm well alive, you don't have to worry. Okay?”

    When she heard someone else falling on the ground kind of, Gaia's head swiveled around to see who it was. She actually wasn't surprised that it was Kenna, and she quickly grabbed Masha and dragged her halfway to their Ace, as she had come after them herself. “Kenna! Are you okay?” Gaia asks anxiously, and nervously smiles to her. She had watched her face go from relief, to anger. Nervously, she scratched the back of her head. “I'm sorry for jumping in…” She says nervously. She honestly hadn't expected the card to pull her in like so, and was at least relieved they all were in the same place. Gaia wasn't able to keep contact with Kenna because of how much she felt bad for picking up the card, even though Noya had been the one to show her the card. She was still kind of reckless and picked it up without another thought. She hadn't been scolded for anything since she had left her home, so she felt herself instantly shut down a bit there. She nods her head quietly, and glances to the door.

    A small smile curled on her lips as she made her way to the door. She glances to it, and feels her cards vibrating again. Noya went climbing down to her bag, searching for the cards that were resonating with her. “If you don't mind… I feel I might be able to lead this? It seems this is also themed around tarot.” She looks back to Masha, seeing if she'd be okay with her being the leader on this one, and then glances to Aura. She had lead a mission with Ryo once, but this felt like it was bigger than a deadly moss. She takes a deep breath, regardless of if there was any rejections for her taking full lead, and takes a step through the door of The World. A moment after she was fully through the door, the creature that was in the other room, stopped. Gaia stopped as well, simply holding up her arms as she felt a rumble below her feet. “I have a slightly bad feeling about this…” She mumbles to herself. The creature turns its head slowly before letting up a rather loud roar at her and starts going towards the door. “Nope!” She quickly shouts and darts to the right of the door. She wasn’t having it attack her at the door. “C’mon Noya! Pull out the card!” She calls to her ferret, who starts to shimmy up her body with a few cards in her mouth, rather than just one. Gaia didn’t look at them, simply taking them and holding them as she ran. Her cloak was flowing behind her, as her sleeves to her dress matched the cloak slightly while she pumped her arms. She had gotten her stamina better so she could run farther, and was only hoping to get more speed for when she was in battle.

    As she ran, she notices a vine trying to come out and get her. She takes her staff and quickly spins it as she cuts at the vine, shortening it. “I’m sorry, my sweet! But I’m not your enemy!” She then recalls the little voice from before she opened the door. “Shit, you actually are…” She mutters. “Fine then! I’ll get you.” “I won’t let you ruin my beautiful garden!” He cries out at her. It was then that Gaia had an idea. She turns her head to the door. “If either of you have fire, don't use it! Or be super careful with it!” She calls to them before she looks at her cards, all her water and earth cards she had. She looks up and sees a rush of water, from a stream, was coming after her, and she grits her teeth. “Earth King Dilong!” She cries out as the card of a two-toned, brown/green, male dragon holding a disk with a five-pointed star in the center of it begun to shimmer and that same dragon came out of the card. “King Dilong! Gimme a shield please?!” She cries out as he raised his disk above his head, before it transformed into a partial dome of earth and blocked the water from smacking her.

    It had smacked the shield dead on, and water sprayed out the sides as it was redirected off of it. Gaia felt a bit of a mist on her face, and looks towards the World. “I see... “ She murmurs. The cards wanted to pit themselves against the creature with magic similar to it. She grins to herself and holds out her hand. “King Apalala of the Deep!” The card that flew into her hand displayed a deep blue male dragon holding a cup and sitting on a throne while calmly looking off to the side of the card, and he shimmered out without the throne. He looked calmer than anything in the world, and Gaia smiled to him for a moment as she pointed to the creature coming towards them. “King Apalala, I need you to use your water on him. Try to knock him out, over hurting him, and see about not harming the plants and surrounding areas either…” She notices that the World was getting near some water, and grins to her summoned dragon. The dragon takes a deep breath, a small smile on his face, before he has a fierce expression and then throws his cup towards the stream, filling it up and making it rush back from whence it came. The water rushed towards the World creature rather fast. The water was like a mini rolling tsunami in the stream, but it was getting bigger by the second. As soon as the World stepped in the stream, the water smacked into his side and knocked him over. He slightly disappeared behind a tree from where she stood, so she couldn’t tell if she knocked out the creature, or simply knocked him off balance.
    TAG: @Masha @Aura WORDS: (1216)3266/4666 NOTES: HP: 400 MP: 340 bleh
    MEL @ WW

    Spells n Things:



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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Masha 21st March 2019, 7:01 pm

    Gaia's soothing words went a long way to easing the tightness in Masha's chest. Her arms loosened slowly. "I don't like it" She whispered again. Losing a friend was scary. The emotion, the terror it had filled her with even more so. Clearly the only intelligent response would be to avoid making more friends. Then she would only have to worry about this feeling with Gaia. It shouldn't take too much effort to convince the boyfriend to roll her up in soft things and lock her away somewhere. Problem solved. Not that she could do any of that. The succubus looked off to the side. "Okay. I reserve the right to go postal on your boyfriend if he hurts you though."

    Kenna's entrance made Masha smile mischievously. Listening to the mage's angry speech, Masha giggled. "Aw Kenna you do care. Mwah" She kissed the Ace's cheek. It almost felt as if she had burned her lips a little bit. "But who wants to worry about thinking? It is much more fun to simply run around without a plan or thinking or anything." The succubus giggled again skipping to and fro. She knew she was acting silly but something in Kenna's attitude made her want to be frivolous. Who could carry the weight of the world on their shoulders like that?

    There was a cock of the head in response to Gaia asking to lead. Did she have an idea of what was going on? "Tarot related huh? I guess that makes sense." Masha muttered, wondering what exactly tarot was. She hadn't gotten any good information on it in her years. When there had been a 'tarot' reader in Savage Skull, that mage had used the opportunity to grab money. Masha had always assumed tarot was hooey used by frauds to grab money. Maybe there was more to it then that? "What-" Gaia rushed out the door before Masha could finish her question. "Well screw you too." She huffed before following after.

    Gaia seemed to have the creature well in hand. She dealt excellent blows and executed perfect strategy. Sort of. There was no way to tell if the creature was really down. Masha gathered pink energy in her hands. A thrust of her arm, palm out, sent the energy barreling toward the monster. The moment it struck, the energy detonated. A great pink explosion went into the air. It was soon followed by another one. Masha popped her hands down onto her hips. That should do it. Probably. The giant monster moaned, a single black object spitting from its mouth. When it touched the ground, it burst into another door. This one had XX emblazoned across it.

    "X...X?" Masha said curious to see what was on the other side of the door. She wasn't used to working in a team where she couldn't do her own thing. Glancing at the other two, the succubus rushed toward the door. Her hands eagerly clutched the knob that had appeared. "Threetwoone, go!" She spouted before wrenching the door open. Masha darted through without another thought. There was no clear plan now. Only the desire to get through these 'door challenges' as quickly as possible. She was a strong capable mage that needed no man....or woman. The others would just have to trust her. And if they couldn't do that, they coud go pout in the corner. Masha didn't need doubters raining on her parade.

    The world beyond this door was dreary. A gray mist hung above what appeared to be a graveyard. Most of the graves appeared to be freshly dug. Others were only holes in the ground with the bodies laid inside. The monster of this door wasn't readily apparent. Masha pouted. How come Gaia's door had an easy to find monster? She wanted something like that. "Monster!" She called out. "Come here monster! There's a nice sweet virgin-" The succubus glanced behind her. One of the other two was probably a virgin. It was okay to offer them up. "-for you to eat!"

    "Uhhhhh" One of the bodies in the graveyard groaned. Masha couldn't help herself. She screamed. "No! No no no nononononono! This can't be the undead monster world thing! That's not fair! Gaia got such a cool monster!" The succubus blasted the rising corpse with her magic. The explosion sent dirt careening everywhere. The corpse didn't appear to have made it through the attack. However, other corpses were rising from their graves as well. Masha stomped her foot as they advanced. "Stay back! My supple body is not meant for undead! This is a no undead square!" She made sure to make a wide square that covered her entire body. "Got that? No undead! No! Otherwise I'll whistle! Really loudly!" The horde continued to advance despite her warnings.

    Masha squirmed trying to think of a good way out of this without touching the disgusting things. They kept advancing. Finally, she sucked in a deep breath. Magical energy began crackling about her mouth. "Fuck YOUUUUU" She screamed. A column of pink energy blasted through the ugly undead. Its destructive power blew those it touched into pieces. The graveyard beyond had a massive furrow dug all the way through it. Masha stopped her Rage only when she was satisfied there were no more undead. When a more powerful undead failed to appear, the succubus cleaned her hands of this mess.

    "That's that. No need to thank me, lets just find that door!" She said to her companions. The succubus had failed to notice the great winged shape that was dropping rapidly from the sky. Masha truly believed the weak undead she had defeated were all there was for this door.

    WC: 950
    Total: 3,015

    Masha's spells::


    Masha - Bank - Sound Satan Slayer (Primary) -Foedus Pares (Secondary)

    In Lack of Better Arcana Keymasha

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    In Lack of Better Arcana Empty Re: In Lack of Better Arcana

    Post by Aura 1st July 2021, 1:35 pm

    "Don't use fire? Sure, whatever, why not, it's not like it’s my only magic or anything..." Kenna muttered as she moved higher up the trees, hands casually tucked away into her pockets as she tried to stay away from the entire debacle. If she wasn't allowed to use it in fear of making things worse she'd be as good as helpless, but by the looks of it both Gaia and Masha were keeping themselves more than occupied. Despite keeping an eye out for things, Kenna kept herself out of most of the threatening situations, not bothering to draw any of her weapons just yet, and looked almost intrigued by the way Gaia was handling her summoned dragons. She hadn't quite seen them in action just yet, but now she could it was enthralling to see, the masteries and bonds between summoner and summons. It was one thing to read about it, but it was an entirely different thing to see it happening before your eyes. The demoness found herself nodding ever so softly, and smiled. Yes, they were getting stronger and stronger each passing day, and there was a sense of pride in seeing it happen.

    A hint of fear riddled through her the moment Masha opened the next door and moved through it, a wave of unease settling in her bones. For some reason her hands had started shaking, as if something instinctively scared her newly-awakened genes, and it made the young mage even more wary. Wary of what was beyond that door, and downright frightened when she realised Masha had gone through it, seeing the last of red hair in the world beyond the door. ”Gaia! We have to move, now!” she shouted, dashing forward to move through the door. It was odd to hear Masha trying to lure whatever lingered beyond with the talks of virgins, and the Ace had to try her hardest not to laugh as she could see and hear the succubus struggle and curse the few undeads she’d managed to lure in. Although she did took care of them splendidly, Kenna couldn’t help but poke fun at her for it. ”That’s what you get for calling out virgins.” she grinned widely, about to slap Masha on the back when that same chill ran up her spine, more threatening than ever. With a sharp tug the demoness’ gaze snapped upwards, her playful slap becoming a powerful push as she shoved the redhead out of the way. Fire collected in her other hand, manifesting into a gigantic sword that she brandished to clash with the oncoming blade of the brilliant angel above them. The moment both swords connected, radiant light flared up like sparks engulfing all of them in its rays, but leaving the demoness hissing dangerously as the light started burning her. Pain seared through her skin, but Kenna bit through it, managing to push the angel away from the trio in this world.

    She could hear the angel hiss back in an archaic tongue, her sword pointed at Kenna as the words became audible to the women present. “Ah demon?! In my domain?! Even for trespassers, you have guts… and a death wish!” The angel roared, gathering more light around her, as if she were charging for a new attack. With a pained grunt the demoness turned around, grabbing her companions by the waist and picking them up as she bolted for the door, nearly flinging them back through it. When she passed through, Kenna did something she probably shouldn’t have done, and poured all her strength into it as she grabbed the door’s frame, obliterating it completely. The world around them started fading, as if the entirety of their surroundings was being usurped by whatever the door should’ve been, and then, a blinding flash, fizzling. When they opened their eyes the world around them would’ve returned to normal; they’d be back in the place where they’d first found the card that’d transported them there. Only this time, the card would’ve vanished entirely.

    Wordcount: 670
    Total Personal Wordcount: 4014

    Total thread wordcount (Gaia & Aura only): 7280
    • B-rank freeform: 5000 of 5000
    • C-rank freeform: 2000 of 2000
    • Leftover wordcount: 280


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    In Lack of Better Arcana GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

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