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    White Death

    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

    Lineage : Super Soldier
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 623,530

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    First Skill: Plus Ultra
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    White Death Empty White Death

    Post by Shane Stern 21st April 2020, 9:25 am

    Job sign up approval: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t39447p925-job-sign-up-thread#398893

    Shane stared hard at the images he was shown, placed haphazardly on the round wooden table. Sitting opposite him was Ethan Stone, an athletic man with short black hair, and also the leader of Alpha Squad. While it wasn’t an officially designated team in the Rune Knights, as the General of the Spec Ops division, Shane had personally formed three squads of elites. Despite the name of the team, ironically it was the last team that Shane had formed and also the one that saw the least action. Instead, they were the ones that had constantly fed Shane with intelligence and the other two strike teams under his direct command.

    “Are you sure you are showing me images from Desierto and not from Iceberg?” Shane looked at Ethan with doubt in his eyes. The latter looked at Shane and rolled his eyes at the question.

    “You aren’t the first to doubt your eyes, Cap. When Drake brought them to me, I had the same reaction. But yes, you are looking at Desierto,” Ethan replied before taking a swig of his beer. That swig took away the remaining half of his glass and the man raised his hand up into the air, pointing upwards with his index finger when one of the waitresses looked his way.

    “Slow down, Stone. My pay isn’t exactly that much higher than yours, man,” Shane clicked his tongue and gave the man in front of him a disdainful look before the two broke into grins.

    “I’m drinking a draught, Cap. It’s way cheaper than the whisky you have there,” Ethan replied with a cheery laugh when the waitress returned with a new glass of beer. “That’s some nasty, sweet shit you got.”

    “I’ll punt you out of here if you keep that up,” the General replied jestfully before returning his attention to the images on the table after he took a sip of his cinnamon whisky. For every picture that he stopped to study, he would place his fingertips on the corner of the photographs. The first image was a stretch of desert completely frozen over. The second, third and fourth images were the same type of scenery. And then the fifth image. An entire small town completely laid to waste. With ice everywhere.

    Shane could tell that this was no natural disaster. It was a slaughter. The shapes of the ice formations were that of weapons, long blades or spears of ice. And then the sixth was a photograph of the sky. Shane looked at it for a very long time before tapping twice on the photo with his fingers. While the action was insignificant, it instantly pulled Ethan’s attention which had been used to flirt with the waitress earlier. Ethan’s eyes zoomed to the photograph that Shane was tapping on and then looked at his superior.

    “We suspect that it’s a dragon. But a dragon that’s capable of changing the entire climate structure of half a country? I don’t think we’ve encountered one so powerful in this age,” Ethan spoke carefully, choosing his words. The playful expression from before had vanished, replaced by a very serious face. It was a mirror of Shane’s own.

    “Dragon, huh? I can already think of someone who will be very interested in this,” Shane chuckled, giving Ethan a sly grin. The leader of Alpha Squad smiled thinly in return.

    “Do you need me to drop her a message?” Ethan asked.

    “Nope. I will drop it myself,” Shane answered with a shake of his head. With his job done, Ethan emptied his glass of beer and then stood up from the table.

    “See you when I see you, Cap,” the Alpha Squad leader said dully before giving his former General a salute. Shane merely angled his head to the side slightly and gave a nod, a halfhearted grin on his face. And with that, Ethan Stone disappeared into the crowd, leaving Shane alone with the photographs on the table. The Rune Knight General took out his iLac from his pant pocket and began typing out messages to send to two recipients.

    To Gisen, “General Ceostra, I might be on the trail of an extremely powerful monster. One that’s capable of turning half of Desierto into ice. Potentially an ancient dragon. Interested? Let’s meet at your office.”

    To Doppo, “Suzy. Huge buffet in Desierto. Extremely exotic. Wanna come with? I’m bringing Gisen too, so let’s meet there.”

    [737 words]
    [Total WC: 737 / 25000]

    Last edited by Shane Stern on 22nd April 2020, 2:21 am; edited 1 time in total



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    White Death Empty Re: White Death

    Post by DOPPO 21st April 2020, 10:59 am

    Somewhere in the Rune Knight Headquarters, there was one of many interrogation rooms being used. It was a typical room, but much more well lit than one might see in movies, and instead of two people inside, there were three; Major General Chiyuki Suzuki, a young man, and a young woman. They both looked to be about the same age, but the woman was far more well-groomed and rigid than the young man, who smelled of pot and had a scratchy, fuzzy beard. The woman's name was Ms. Abraham, and she wore a floral blazer and a creamy white skirt and black pumps to bring it all together. The man, Mr. Kyrie, wore a blue beanie, a baggy black pullover hoodie, and ripped jeans. In many ways, they were polar opposites, and they sat side by side while the languid and weary Chiyuki, or Doppo, would watch them on the opposite side.

    "He and his scoundrel friends blew right past me on the sidewalks with those skateboards! I dropped my coffee because of him and ruined my skirt! I have an interview to go to!"

    "Naw, bro! Me and the homies ain't tryna cause no trouble, cuz! This chick had it in for us even before this shit! We live in the same neighborhood, yo!"

    "And the neighborhood all agree that you and your friends cause so much ruckus! Well, I've had it up to here, and today was the last straw!"

    Doppo watched them with overt disinterest, but that was his unique "resting bitchface." The redhead always had a perpetual look of fatigue on his face, and he spoke with a quiet and slow voice, and listening to these two bicker over a minor incident didn't help with his weariness. According to their reports, the two had quite literally run into each other on the streets, coffee was spilled, and the rest was history.

    With arms crossed over his chest, Doppo reclined back into his seat and sighed. "Okay, so... you guys know each other, right? Neighbors or somethin'..." he quietly asked them.

    "Yeah, dawg!"


    The Major General ruffled his hair a bit, his head low but his pretty baby blues darting between the man and woman. "Can you guys tell me a bit more about your history together...?"

    Both of them seemed eager to respond, but the woman was the seize the opportunity to vent. "Gladly! I live in a lovely suburban neighborhood just here in Era called Green Meadow Circle, and it was just delightful until this man and his hooligan friends moved in! Ever since it's smelled like weed and looked like garbage! We all hate them! We hear that they even have illegal drugs too!"

    The man sprung up from his slouched position and glared. "She lyin', yo! We ain't never had that illegal shit in our joint! She ain't like me or my homies cuz we ain't from Fiore! She got somethin' against our Desiertan blood, cuz! She got somethin' against that brown skin!"

    Ms. Abraham looked baffled and glared at him back. "That is not true! Are you saying that I'm—"

    "—Racist? Hell to the fuckin' yeah, dawg! Yo bitch-ass can't get some from no one, so you gotta go after me and the homies! You just mad cuz' your man want some of that Desiertan ass! They be like "Ooh! Ooh! Aah! Aah!" all night, yo! He can't get 'nuff that woman! He even smoked a few joints, cuz!" Mr. Kyrie smirked, making really suggestive gestures with his hands. After that, Ms. Abraham's face turned red, and before Doppo knew it, both of them sprung up from their chairs and were pointing fingers. Doppo, on the other hand, watched them indifferently, only a little bit visibly uncomfortable.

    "...Can we calm—"

    "That is a goddamn lie! You are a liar!"

    "That's kind of..."

    "Yo, shut yo stank-ass up! Bye. Bye."

    "I'm hungry..."

    "I will not shut up! You are a nuisance! You ruined my marriage!"

    "Alright, that's enough of this...

    "Bitch, I woulda left yo ass too if I ain't gettin none!"

    "Before you both—ehm—continue, you can either press charges and have both of you fined, or you guys can work this out like adults... and just avoid one another..." Doppo pinched his red hair in between his fingers, indifferent to their rage, "If I were you guys, I'd get a restraining order if I really had to... it's easier than pressing charges and going through due process... Ms. Abraham... Mr. Kyrie..."

    Apparently, the idea of both of them getting punished was enough to convince to seek alternatives beyond law enforcement, and while the bickering fizzled away, so did the two victims. They left the station after that, and Doppo was left to his sweet lonesome. He wasn't a people person in Sabertooth, and he sure as hell wasn't a people person in the Rune Knights as an officer. Unfortunately, it wasn't because he didn't like people, it's more that people didn't like him or his quirky social ineptitude.

    After that conversation, Doppo stepped outside of the interrogation room and took out his iLac, noticing it vibrate in his pocket during his work. It was a text from Sheldon with an extremely enticing offer, “Suzy. Huge buffet in Desierto. Extremely exotic. Wanna come with? I’m bringing Gisen too, so let’s meet there.” he wrote.

    Doppo's eyes lit up a bit even though his indifferent pokerface remained unchanged. Exotic... I like exotic buffets... wonder if they have chicken... the redhead thought to himself, letting his head drift away into slideshows of different cuisines. Being summoned to completely different countries wasn't unusual for Doppo, and making the arrangements to arrive there speedily became part of his routine. Unfortunately, he was something close to an open book when it came to what he was drooling over. Noticing this, one of his subordinates from Combat Corps stopped and smiled at him.

    "Hey there, Major General! 'Bout to head out?" he snickered.

    "Mm." Doppo looked at him and nodded, giving one of his usual affirmative grunts.

    "Oh yeah? Where to? I'm just taking these files over to Engineering. Busy ones, aren't they?"

    "Desierto... there's a buffet..." Doppo spoke quietly.

    The subordinate laughed. "Going out of the country for a buffet? You really are a joker, Major General! Just don't eat up the place like that time you went to Amber Island!"

    Doppo stared at him, bewildered. He wasn't sure what he was talking about. Amber Island? What, the visit with Dies Irae? "Did I do that...?"

    "Rumor says so, yeah. But don't worry about it, Major General. No harm was done! Enjoy your buffet!" said the subordinate, waving and then hauling his binders off.

    "Mm. Right." Doppo wasn't quite sure what that was all about, but he wasn't a stranger to... strangers. As time passed, he became rather known in branches other than Combat Corps, and people didn't have any qualms coming up to him and starting conversation.

    After that brief exchange, Doppo grabbed his car keys and began to make his way to Desierto, the passion for eating fueling him more than the magic fueled his car. Before he left, he gave Sheldon one of his usual short and quick responses in-text.


    Post Word Count: 1207 | Total Word Count: 1944 | Needed Word Count: 25000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Sleepiness: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    White Death Empty Re: White Death

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 23rd April 2020, 12:37 pm

    1,066 words || 3010 thread total || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    A small yawn left the bunny girl as she opened her office door. Not much for one with words as she looked inside the office and shut her door, she saw two of her companions curled up together asleep in their spirit forms. The long water snake spirit, Eliyares gently coiling her body about the angelic spirit Raphael. It was a rather adorable scene to see and for a moment it racked a smile onto her face to see it. As much as she normally would be inclined to want to join that small group in their antics of cute and unexpected activities, she had set her sight onto something else. Aside from the lack of major activity, it was becoming a little lack luster around the place. Both in the confines of work as well as it had been peaceful. Sure, the towns still suffered a lot of delinquency, however her right hand man was on top of that like Gisen on a pile of free carrots. Probably not with all the same enthusiasm as the elemental would have, but she admired his work ethic... well, what she knew of it anyway.

    Something had been bothering her recently... Something that had slowly eating away at the normal peppy and normal type of attitude that those around her were used to. What it was, she couldn’t find the faintest idea of what it could be, but she had no idea what she could do at all at that point about it. Things seemed too calm here and frankly, if not for her ties to the Rune Knights as they were, she would probably move off to other countries to begin seeing if their issues would be the same as Fiore had. No matter, if the issue were grand enough, she’d go there be it on her own time or in the name of the Knights. The brunette bunny girl wandered over to her seat and dropped herself in it, letting out a sigh. Hands stuffed into her coat pockets as she looked down at her nearly empty desk that she had. Paperwork was caught up, no assignments needed yet attention, nothing to do... how do humans possibly survive not having work to do? If only she could go back to the simpler times of having nothing to do and just going out to hang out with the animals in the jungles. Oh well.

    A moment of silence was interrupted by a solitary sound of paper. The page of a book to be precise. Her longest lived relation to a person she had, Silvia, had been relaxing with a rather thick looking book in her hands. The bunny girls eyes settled down to the Sylph as she read and the spirit never once taking her eyes off of the page. ”I can give you some writing assignments again if you want something to do. That way you don’t have to stare at me like a creepy stranger.” Again, she flipped a page and her eyes moved to the top of the page to begin the next page of her book. Then a ding rung out in the office, making Silvia set down her book to pick up an iLac, seeing a message on it. She raised a brow in confusion on the person whom sent the message, but when she saw its contents, she put on a small smile. ”You got a message from General Stern, Gisen. He’d like to meet you here to speak about going on a job. Says here a monster is capable of turning Desierto into an icy wasteland.” She said, beginning to type back a reply to him that meeting in the office wouldn’t be a problem at all. ”I still don’t get why I can’t use my own phone thingy...” The elemental commented, her eyes slightly glaring at the Sylph with a pouting face. ”Because of the last 6 you’ve had... you either had it destroyed in jobs or in your hands holding it too hard.” she replied, getting up to walk over to a drawer of her desk, opening it up to several crushed and smashed iLac’s laying inside. ”And these are the reminders of that. Now, when General Stern arrives, try not to be too overly excited please?” Shutting the drawer, the wind spirit would lock the screen of the iLac and set it into her dress pocket before taking her seat again.

    "Hold up!" A peppy voice chimed in, bouncing up from her nap. The animal like spirit form of the angel perked up from the coil of the third with her, looking over to the pair in their discussion. "You’re telling me Captain Hunky is coming here!? Eeeeeee!" Squealing like a happy, lovestruck teen, Raphael has alerted the horde of Knights walking to and from other areas around the office. The Sylph simply sighed, facepalming and shaking her head. "It’s General, you simpleton. And keep your voice down, you’re right next to someone whom is trying to sleep, you pea brained angel." She retorted, not holding back much in the way of insulting nicknames. Then again, she had called Gisen rodent for years without the elemental giving much care to it, really... but it also took her almost as long to learn what a rodent was, so there was that.

    A knock on her door caused the angel to pop right up into her normal appearance, ribbons and all and popped open the door with a fierce joy. A knight stood there that clearly wasn’t Shane and she began to look around him, even to pick the Knight up to look underneath him. "What the hell are you doing, you nitwit!?" The Sylph yelled out from inside the room while the angel threw a minor hissy fit walking away. "Sorry about that... did you have something for me?" Trying to excuse her companions behavior, the Knight entered and put down a recent report with a note on the front of the report folder Mx abruptly excusing himself in a hasty manner. "What the hell is wrong with you, Raphael? You can’t just do that to a person! And furthermore- No, I’m.. im gonna stop. Sorry if I woke you up, Eliyares." Lowering her head in a sigh, the combat general simply remained silent, rather neutral in her decision of whether to file that as amusement or ignorance...

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

    Lineage : Super Soldier
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 623,530

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plus Ultra
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    White Death Empty Re: White Death

    Post by Shane Stern 28th April 2020, 1:07 am

    Dressed in a simple outfit that consisted of a black long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled back, a pair of dark green pants and black combat boots, Shane left the bar and swung one leg over the seat and sat down on his dark blue motorcycle. A fingerprint sensor just below the display was easily taken care of by pressing his right thumb on it and he was granted access to the motorbike’s controls. With a loud roar, the Rune Knight rode down the wide streets of Era, the drive back to headquarters as smooth as butter. And it only took him ten minutes to reach it, allowing the vehicle to slow down as he eased on the accelerator.

    He rolled to a stop just a few inches shy of the stone steps leading up to the huge doors of the building. Row after row of blue lights of multiple shades raced horizontally from the left and right at random intervals the moment Shane stood up from the bike, allowing the vehicle to disappear and return to his Requip dimension. It was one of the perks of utilizing that particular branch of magic. Carrying and concealing as many weapons as he could on him during missions was a thing of the past. Carrying a shield on his back the whole way and having to manually equip it was too much of a hassle compared to immediately summoning it and having it right in your grip.

    While Shane was generally laidback about the rules regarding wearing the Rune Knight uniforms during jobs, he still had to keep a good example within the headquarters. As he stepped through the doors, the Rune Knight Requipped on the spot, swapping out his civilian outfit for his General uniform. The officers at the front desk were quick to stand up to greet him which he just nodded as he walked past them and through a door that said “Personnel Only”.

    Striding through the hallways towards the Combat Corps division and to Gisen’s office, it didn’t take a long time for the man to approach the office. Another Rune Knight was approaching from the other end of the hallway as well, holding a folder in his hands. When the Rune Knight saw Shane, he slowed down his steps. Knowing that the officer was planning to go to Gisen’s office for some official business, Shane smiled slightly and with his left hand beckoned for the young man to proceed first.

    Shane’s steps came to a stop next to the door, allowing the officer to do whatever it is he had to do first. He watched the officer knock on the door and immediately after knocking, the door was swung wide open, with someone screaming a question. The same bewildered expression that appeared on the officer was duplicated on Shane’s face as he wondered what was actually going on in Gisen’s room. When the officer finally came out of the room, somewhat nervous and hurried away, Shane stepped out from the side of the door into the open doorway. Shane stored back the iLac that he was looking at while waiting, having read Doppo’s message that only had two characters in it.

    “General Ceostra,” Shane called out as his eyes roamed the room, stopping mid-wander when he noticed the number of occupants in the room. “I hope it’s not a bad time.”

    With a sleight of hand, Shane summoned the same photos that Ethan had shone him earlier at the pub and walked towards the Combat Corps General’s desk. He laid down the photos across the desk in an orderly fashion and stood back.

    “These photos are what I got from my intelligence team. These images are all taken from Desierto, and as you can see, icy landscapes aren’t really Desierto’s thing. Granted, there are mages capable of using spells that can cause such widespread devastation, I believe that these are the doings of monsters. Monsters like dragons. Forces of nature condensed into a flying vessel, with powers to reverse even the weather,” Shane explained as he swept his hand across the images on the table.

    “I’ve already messaged Doppo to meet up with us in your office, so he should probably be here soon. He’s already texted me,” Shane exclaimed as he fished his iLac out from his pant pocket and held it out with the screen facing Gisen, showing her the two-character message from her Major General.

    [741 words]
    [Total WC: 3751 / 14000]



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    White Death Empty Re: White Death

    Post by DOPPO 5th May 2020, 10:08 pm

    The car drive felt long, although only a few minutes had passed. The truth was that Doppo had a lot on his mind right now, and he hadn't told a soul of the troubles he's been experiencing. Besides his constant lethargy and nearly incurable, insatiable hunger, he had bigger things to worry about, and it was something that concerned him far more than how he was going to bring leftovers back home from Desierto.

    It had been quite some time since Onida shared the news of her pregnancy with him, and between work, finding the right family home for what they anticipated to be several children, his relationships with his friends and coworkers, Doppo still didn't really even get the chance to even completely process what was happening to him. Could he even afford a family? Would his salary cover such expensive little things? Regardless, there were times when his pretty baby blue eyes floated over his good friend Sheldon or Hilda, he could feel it tickle the tip of his tongue—"I'm going to be a father!"—but the opportunities always seemed to slip away from him.

    Doppo didn't often let his emotions show, but as he coasted down the roads, he leaned on the door and sighed through his nostrils. looking at the empty passenger seat near him. Well, it was short of a person, but his iLac was there, buzzing with reminders and notifications. He wasn't going to look at them until later, but he did notice the time, and he sighed again.

    This is taking too long... but I can always use that place... he thought to himself, and he had just the place in mind to help solve his problems with travel.

    "HUH?! You've got to be kidding me, right?!" exclaimed one girl who didn't look older than eighteen, nineteen at most. With her was another scruffy looking boy with a head of hair so thick and messy that you couldn't see the top half of his face because of his long and unkempt it was. But judging by how he was able to eye people around him, his sight was deceptively clear. Completing the trifecta was Doppo, who was standing casually across a receptionist desk, although the rest of the building didn't look nearly as professional. It was dimly lit, and crates and boxes littered the space, nailed shut. The window shutters were sealed shut, and there was an otherwise sketchy sign advertising themselves on the outside.

    "Aren't you a cop or something? You aren't here to arrest us, are you? Do you have a warrant?!" the girl exclaimed again, sounding more confused than angry.

    Doppo looked... indifferent, as always, equally perplexed by her accusations. "I don't have a warrant... I was just wondering if I could use your services... is all. Why would I need a warrant, if you don't mind me asking?..."

    The girl looked speechless, and was, for a moment. It might have been strange, considering they were a business, but something about a Rune Knight, of all people, asking for them seemed to stun her. "Becauuuuse you guys have been on our case before? You know, the scamming and all?"

    "Oh... well, I'm not here for any of that... I just wanted to get somewhere..." Doppo explained lethargically.

    The girl suddenly looked less shocked and more curious when she realized the sincerity in the Major General request. "I mean, yeah, I guess. Guess those rumors don't really affect you, huh?"


    "My little brother here can teleport anyone anywhere within seconds with his Translocation Magic! But sometimes these whiney customers get upset when we aren't spot on with the coordinates! Crazy, right? Like, so what if we're a little off the mark. You're still where you need to be in a hundredth of the time it would take you any other way!"

    "Mm. I left my car in the lot... will it get towed...?"


    Doppo nodded, taking out his wallet from his back pocket. "Mm. How much to Desierto?"

    The girl smirked. "Fifty thousand jewels."

    "Okay..." the redhead quietly handed her the bills, to which she snatched while licking her lips.

    "Oh! And no refunds, Mr. Cop!" she winked, looking at her little brother who silently watched from a corner, "Get the portal ready, Rodney!"

    Post Word Count: 714 | Total Word Count: 4465 | Needed Word Count: 25000
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Sleepiness: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    White Death Empty Re: White Death

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 11th June 2020, 11:04 am

    773 words || 5238 thread total || job info/job sign-up || Appearance
    Things we’re beginning to settle down within the elementals office now that the situation between the angel and Sylph had digressed into nothing. At risk of making things worse, it was stopped before it could continue, however it didn’t mean it would last that long anyway. There was almost always a reason that some kind of argument would flare up, but normally it wouldn’t turn into something like what was happening before, however this was something different. Involving a clear breach in both ethics and personal space, it was seen that Raphael was a big mess for this case and having her step out of the room to get drinks was probably the optimal choice. Granted, it meant her getting distracted at other attractive Knights, but the angel had promised to behave. Either she meant it... or she was that excited to see Shane around the office. Who knew what that spirit thought at times... and for an Angel, she was NOT that pure in some cases either. But that was probably just something that came with the territory.

    While she was out, a knock came to the closed door. The two whom were awake at the time looked over before Silvia pounced up and opened the door to find the General standing there. ”Oh, hello General Stern. Please, come in.” She greeted, giving a light curtsy before she moved aside, allowing him to enter while motioning to the empty chairs of the office. Leaned back in her chair, Gisen silently smiled and waved in a more laxed manner. ”Hey there~ Is it ok to call you Shane? I know like, sometimes being called by title can be completely draining sometimes. But like, don’t get me wrong! I love it!” The bunny girl smiled his way, standing up as she would for any other general or even Serilda or Mythal. ”Take a seat, please.” Gisen offered, her hand gesturing towards a seat and taking her own right after. Meanwhile, the silent third still fast asleep, coiled up in her own spirit form while she continued to rest up.

    The General then placed down pictures onto the desk. A small sigh of relief came that these were pictures. Trying to read and imagine what was to be interpreted on paper was still a long ways away for the elemental, but her eyes peered immediately onto one landscape view. Her hands deftly snatched the picture up, to which had even surprised the Sylph. Usually she was ever that fast in combat or playing “snatch the carrot” with Raphael. In essence, the same as whomever can grab a crumpled up dollar bill while hands hovered it, except you replace the money with a carrot. It helped pass some time. It was also the last time Silvia ever left the angel in charge of teaching her anything...

    With an eerie silence, her eyes glanced over every pixel of that picture before she took the others one at a time. Then, it came to a village that was struck. Buildings hardened up and left coated in ice caused a flash of memory in the bunny girls head. Her eyes had even begun to show a look of realization. She had seen this before, and taking pictures after Gisen set them down, the look of fear settled into the Sylph. Even she began to recognize this type of damage. ”Gisen... is-” The Combat general immediately shot up from her seat and the gritting of her teeth bore. ”It is a Monster. It’s one even I couldn’t beat on my own... in fact, this.. whatever it was caused my amnesia.” She paused as a small grin formed on her face. ”But I’m up to thanking it.” With that, Gisen had grabbed her uniform coat off of a wall hook she had for her “excess layers”. Being something that doesn’t feel heat nor cold was a blessing sometimes when it came to looking cute!

    ”Silvia, message the major general and tell him we’re going now and we’ll meet him there. Hey Eli, up for some fun?” The water spirit picked her head up, one eye cracking open and then the other. Giving just a nod, the snake like spirit began uncoiling herself as she headed along with the two generals. ”And like, along the way, I’ll be sure to tell you just what I can remember from that fight and what it did to my last guild.” Once her coat was on, she would lead the charge out of the room, the two spirits looking toward one another in a mutual wonder of how mentally kept Gisen was in this moment.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Shane Stern
    Shane Stern

    Lineage : Super Soldier
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 623,530

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plus Ultra
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    White Death Empty Re: White Death

    Post by Shane Stern 11th June 2020, 11:58 pm

    “Ohh, I would prefer you call me just that,” Shane replied to Gisen’s question, casually shrugging as he observed the Combat Corps General study the photos he had strewn across her desk. However, the expression on Shane’s face, originally casual with a grin, hardened as a frown took over when he noticed just how much the photos were capturing Gisen’s and her pet’s attention. He had known of his counterpart’s fondness for hunting monsters and he was hoping that it would get her excited but this was the opposite.

    There was only silence as Shane watched her pick up photo by photo, scrutinizing them down to the last detail before moving on to the next photo. The change in her gaze, although Shane find it hard to place what emotion she was experiencing at the moment, was the first thing he noticed about the change just before she sprang up from her seat. Her pet, which looked like a fox but with the ends of her tails and ears endings in leave instead of flesh and fur, gave off the same vibe. Shane’s eyebrows shot up when Gisen spoke of a former encounter with the same monster that had caused the damage in the photographs but his concerns were dispelled when he saw her grin.

    A larger grin was mirrored in his expression when Shane got Gisen’s response to join the hunt.

    “I look forward to our teamup, Gisen,” Shane replied, grin turning into a smirk. And then she was off like a whirlwind. Shane chased after the other General, walking in huge strides, tugging on her elbow. “I’ve got the transportation prepared for the trip to Desierto. It’s just about right for us. Follow me.”

    Pointing in the other direction with a nudge of his head, Shane led the way towards the hangar where Boltreaver, his airship, was parked. When he arrived at the hangar, three Engineering Corps personnel were in the midst of inspecting the airship, making sure that everything was in place and nothing would cause an issue for the General’s flight. Shane had informed them way in advance about the mission, and they had made in just in time for the finishing touches of the inspection.

    “We will get to Desierto via airship,” Shane casually pointed out, turning his head around to look at Gisen and her pet before increasing his pace to approach the trio of engineers. The thud of his heavy boots on the hangar floor drew their attention towards him for a second, with two of them hurrying back to complete their inspection while the third one, a brilliant man called Bjorn walked towards Shane to meet him halfway.

    “We just need five more minutes, General Stern,” the Engineering Corps soldier said as he stood at attention, offering Shane a salute. However, the man was also a very curious person and he leaned slightly to the left to peek behind Shane. The arrival of a second General instantly got him standing straight again, back straighter than ever. Shane chuckled at the man’s reaction and then waved him off casually with a salute.

    “I’ll bring General Ceostra into the hold first. Let me know when we are ready to fly,” Shane said as he walked past Bjorn, clapping him on the shoulder with an encouraging squeeze before he turned around to look at Gisen and Eliyares. “We’ll be getting to Desierto on my airship, Boltreaver.”

    Shane led the two of them through the back of the plane, and entered the hold. It was spartan by design, featuring two rows of seats facing each other, bolted to each of the two walls. There were five seats on each side, the seats cushioned with some heavy duty foam and seatbelts that clasp together to form a protective cross of strong webbing to protect the soldiers seated in them in case some erratic, tactical piloting was required. The door to the cockpit sat between the two rows of seats, and from there, a man with messy, dark blue hair turned back to look at them.

    “Welcome to my airship, Boltreaver. It’s a spoil of war from a former mission,” Shane introduced with a bright grin. “Originally an assault plane, it’s been remodeled to remove some of the excess offensive capabilities and added some more room for my squads. Our pilot, as you can see peeking from the cockpit, is Saul Signalman.”

    Saul unbuckled himself from his seat far enough for him to offer a wave to his new passengers before sliding back into his seat, the sound of his seatbelt clicking into place. And then his voice transmitted through the speakers installed in the hold.

    “Cap, I’ve got permission from the Engineering trio to go ahead. Lift off in five minutes,” Saul’s voice spoke over the speakers before clicking off.

    “Are you sure we don’t have to call Doppo again?” Shane shot a concerned look at Gisen as he dropped into the second seat from the rear door, pulling the seatbelts into place in preparation for the flight.

    [841 words]
    [Total WC: 6079 / 22000]


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:44 pm