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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2597
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Mura Kensho 5th January 2019, 2:34 am

    Job Info:
    So… the snow just began falling down. Mura was genuinely not ready for this weather - after having celebrated the Fairy Festival not too long ago, this was a sudden event. However, he had seen it before; last year, same merry spirit roaming around. He hadn’t forgotten just how excited people were for this event. It almost put the Fairy Festival in a bad light… but it was okay. Simply, around this time of the year, who would expect so many festivities to take place? He thought that he was quite a festive type (which was utter untrue and pure falsehood). If he recalled it correctly, this festivity was known among the citizens as…


    Merry Christmas! People used to greet him like that, wishing him the best holiday of the year. As he walked across the street, he took all the colors in and realized just how eager that the people of Magnolia had been for this event to take place - and for once, he was himself. No weird moon pollen was falling down, and at times, he would grab the hilt of his katana just in case. He really hated what happened back then… please, it mustn’t happen again. He would spawn a ton of gold from dust to prevent it from happening again.

    Funny enough, Mura also had another holiday in mind… or rather, it was a tradition that he was sadly late to commend, but he decided to make it up by doing it today. He wasn’t strolling across the street only to buy Christmas decoration; he was also deciding where to release his wishlist. You see, there was a special tradition in Midi where people wrote their deepest wishes onto pieces of paper - a so-called ‘Flying Wish Paper’ as they translated it here in Fiore. One had to write down what he desired the most… and just finding out what exactly Mura wanted to write down was a hazard on his own. He was only comfortable talking about it back at home earlier today with his spirit companions.

    “If it’s your deepest desires, then you shouldn’t hold back! A new year full of relieving your sexual desires is sufficient!!!”
    “Isn’t there anything out in this world more important for him than that?”
    “Y-You listen here, Zirconis! This is his wish! His! He can wish for whatever his heart desires, so he should listen to it! Besides, we both think alike; I can read his thoughts like a twin, and I can see what he wants deep inside…!”
    “*sigh*… He does have things other than perverted, sentient urges that he can relieve in other ways. What about… I don’t know, wish for a flourishing time in Fairy Tail? Hope for an even more successful festival next year? Bless your guildmates with good luck and strength? If this little trick actually works, then you should think about it before writing down on that piece of paper…”
    “Yes, he could also just wish for himself to get stronger. I bet you’d be more delighted by that, wouldn’t you?”
    “Listen, it’d at least help him more in the long run than any of your suggestions-“
    “Strength or fondling! What does your heart desire, Mura?!”

    … Remembering that conversation, it just made the shaman realize that he had no idea what to wish for at the moment. It wasn’t even a general thing to do in Christmas - there were many other traditions and plays that took a part of this merry holiday. The mistletoe, the risalamande, Santa Claus was everywhere - did he have to do this Midian thing all on his own?


    At least, he chose a good place - rather, the only place that hadn’t been covered in Christmas lights. He needed an open, calm area to release his wish paper… and uh, damn, he felt dumbfounded. “Why… I mean, dumb question, but does a graveyard suffice?” Mura asked Kyuken and Zirconis. “Well, yes. You could wish for the fallen ones to find peace,” Kyuken replied with an actual suggestion. Thank god. “Oh yeah, good idea-“ Mura was about to compliment him, but… as a shaman, he was able to see the fallen souls in the grounds already resting peacefully. This place was a graveyard for nice souls, and they patiently awaited angels and holy entities to take them to their final resting place.

    That also meant that such a wish would be insignificant.

    Sitting up on a rock sign, Mura eyed up in the dark atmosphere. It turned dark pretty quickly here in the late months of the year - nighttime felt like kicking in after 4 pm. He had to come up with some wish to send out, and then he would go back to Magnolia and celebrate this interesting Christmas holiday. “Hmpf…” Mura was in deep thought and slid down the boulder that he had sat on, leaning his back against it and looking up at the gloomy sky. Please don’t let it rain down with some black dust again. “… I do make myself clear, don’t I? My suggestion is the last resort, and you’ve run out-“ Kyuken blabbered proudly only to be stomped by an angry Zirconis. “No! No way in heaven or hell are we going to waste a granting wish on your fetishes!” he roared at the samurai ghost. It was never confirmed whether the Flying Wish Paper would come true or not… most likely not in this case, since Mura had missed the actual time of the event several months ago.

    Did that mean that he was unable to get his wish granted?! That thought quickly won more space in his head as he began sweating. “… Nah, I’m panicking over nothing… nothing at all…” he tried to ensure himself to lower his pulse. He had come this far for a flying wish paper, and no matter what the result of his little, childish ‘grant my wish’ thing, then he would see it to the end…

    About papers, another one suddenly spawned into the area above him. Mura’s eyes swiftly darted towards a small, blue magic circle with the Magic Council’s insignia as a rolled paper fell down. He graced it with his hand and sated his curiosity by opening the roll and take a look at what the Magic Council had sent to him. Were they keeping an eye on him? Did he gain extra duties as a Wizard Saint? Or was this just a ‘Merry Christmas’ message sent to everyone? Upon reading the content of this paper, Mura realized that it was a warning and a call for all mages in Fiore to respond. A new threat was near…

    Wasn’t it the third time this year? Mura could have sworn that invasions arrived and departed in the blink of an eye. The only differences were the seasons, the descriptions of these… uh, creatures, and the preferred resolve to be a diplomatic solution. Upon reading that specific key word ‘diplomatic’, a certain small, black-haired Guildmaster with a keen sense of word articulation popped up in his head. She would be the perfect partner! If successful, she could likely just talk the invaders to submission - he had seen that ability of hers firsthand.

    “I better go find her… and everyone else.”

    WC: 1216



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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by ivyleaf33 7th January 2019, 2:29 am

    What happened

    just now

    I closed my eyes
    the world

    1020 / 4000 words
    Magnolia, the city of festivities was all decked out in lights and color for the holidays. The signature banners and strings of light, and the typical jingling music meandered through the quaint streets, and a buzz of excitement seemed to be constantly present in the air around them. The guild hall was a part of the festive cheer as well, the office’s exterior covered in lights, and the interior smelling like peppermint and nutmeg. The bar had a special deal on hot chocolate and nutmeg for the holidays, extended to citizens of the town as well, which meant people were constantly coming in and out, filling the whole place with even more holiday spirit. For once, Sorano wondered if having emotions would actually be a good experience. Looking at the laughing, cheerful people and the visible change in the moods of all those around her, a tiny niggling feeling at the bottom of her chest yearned to be able to feel what caused them such joy and ecstasy.

    With a sigh, the letter mage touched the side of her windows, watching as the glass of the window faded away into solid wall. With the coming of the holidays, jobs that were requested had become more and more harmless, as well. Many involved clearing away snow, creating magical decorations, performances, etc. Not much that interested the letter mage, who by now was accomplished enough to be able to pick and choose with her jobs. Even her paperwork loads had decreased dramatically. During the holidays, it seemed that not as many incidents were happening that required her to have to communicate with the respective authorities or send and sign letters – everyone just wanted to relax, and take a break. That was fine for Sorano. It gave her a chance to relax, too, but unlike them, she didn’t really have anyone to spend the holidays with, no drive to join the festivities that held the rest of the country in celebration.

    Out of instinct, the letter mage looked towards Hoshi’s nook, only to find it empty. Right – the exceed had gone out with some of her friends for a Christmas event. Even the feline had more of a social life than she herself did – a fact that was almost slightly embarrassing. Falling back into her chair, Sorano flipped open a book she’d picked up at a bookseller’s yesterday. How long had it been since she last sat down and enjoyed a good read? But even reading wasn’t quite as enjoyable as it once had been. In the past, carefully drinking in each passage had been a great source of enjoyment for the younger Sorano, but with her enhanced abilities, her eyes devoured each page in just a moment, her fingers barely being able to keep up with the speed at which she read. To anyone watching, it would look as though the girl was merely flipping through the book instead of comprehending every sentence imprinted into the paper.

    Before long, the activity had leeched all interest from the letter mage, and she pushed herself away from the desk. Sorano flopped back onto the couch in her office, sprawling over the cushions while staring blankly at the ceiling. Emotionless as she was, all that was present in her mind was an acute sense of the inner emptiness. She didn’t care about anything – all that drove her forward was the rules and promises that she and her mentor had set in place. Breathing out heavily, she curled onto her side, and willed sleep to come over her. It would be a futile attempt. A mere few moments later, the letter mage shoved herself up, patting her hair down and opening the door.

    Walking down into the lobby, Sorano quickly requested a mug of hot chocolate from the bartender before sitting down at a window seat, watching snow fall down from a swiftly darkening sky. Night came so quickly during the winter… Enjoying the trickling warmth that seeped throughout her body from the sweet drink, the letter mage zoned out, thoughts retreating into a corner of her mind. There wasn’t anything important she had to take care of, after all.

    Or that was what she thought.

    Jerked abruptly out of her peaceful reverie by the sudden chatter of a fairy next to her ear, Sorano nearly knocked over her cup, quickly righting it in a panic before facing the fluttering creature again. The glowing creature dropped a sheet of paper down next to the guild master before flying off, leaving Sorano to squint in confusion at the paper that had been deposited before her. Stamped with the seal of the Magic Council, it appeared to be an official announcement of sorts. What sort of announcement, though, was the question. State of emergency throughout the entire continent? Well, it seemed that Sorano’s little depressive (emo) episode would be quickly interrupted as she skimmed the whole document, pushing up instantly and returning the mug to the counter. An invasion of Santa Claus’ servants? Portals appearing all throughout Fiore? It seemed that these invasions were happening more and more regularly – was something wrong with Fiore’s protections? No matter – it was not important now.

    Grabbing a warm jacket and the large bag she brought along for all her jobs, Sorano briskly walked out into the falling snow, already checking her surroundings for any sign of a portal or one of these dangerous elfs. Knowing the previous invasions, a portal was likely to spawn in Magnolia – the only issue was, where? Hopefully Mura and her other guildmates were in town – the number of monsters could be astronomically high, and it wasn’t easy to take them out on her own. At least this time it seemed there could be a potentially diplomatic solution – something the letter mage preferred to indiscriminately smashing monsters over the head with a wide variety of spells. While that was definitely something many of her guildmates preferred to do, a bookworm teenager with little prowess when it came to purely physical fights wasn’t exactly the type of person who would be attracted to the idea of nonstop killing.


    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
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    Mentor : Mura Kensho
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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Althea 9th January 2019, 1:14 pm

    althea eventide

    post word count: 1021
    total word count: 1021/4000
    tagged: @Mura Kensho @Sorano Granon @Mythica @Noheme
    music: ;;

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Althea gazed upwards at the pale blue sky, unblemished by nothing but the occasional willowy cloud.  It was an unmistakably frigid day and she was sitting right on the edge of the Fairy Tail building’s roof.  But, she simply lingered there, letting her legs loosely dangle over the side.  It was apparently the time for a holiday dubbed “Christmas”, something the young girl deduced on her own was about being at home and trying to have the best decorated house in your local area.  Of course, she had asked some locals what the point of the holiday was, but all she got was confused look and an answer along the lines of “being with family”.  But Althea’s heart sunk just thinking about it, there was no possible way for her to celebrate this Christmas thing-y if that was really the case.  She never really had a family, and the closest person to one was long dead.

    Maybe some people she had done jobs with in the past or guildmates would to do so with her, but she reckoned it was much too late to ask. The hall was practically empty, and she didn’t have the first clue on how to find anyone else.  Maybe it wouldn’t have been so large of a problem if Althea had some jobs to do, but nope.  Apparently holidays were the last times someone would want to conduct such business, so that just left Althea to loft around.  And the business that was available wasn’t to her tastes or apply to her skill set, but maybe she should go on one of them anyways.  Better than hanging about on a roof, or is it?  Anyways, she had once heard that apparently there were all sorts of sales after the holiday ends when people are trying to get rid of all their holiday stock, so why not just wait until then to purchase things?  Wait, wasn’t she the type to randomly buy something the moment she had even a fleeting urge to?  So, the slayer guess she was in no place to talk, although why she did such things was beyond her.

    Althea sighed, she could barely understand people at some times anyways, let alone herself.  Maybe they wanted to get a gift for the season?  Althea found that she was wearing enough layers, two jackets and a scarf to cover half her face, but maybe just one more thing was needed.  There wasn’t much else for her to do, and walking around nice and toasty was pretty darn useful, even though it did inhibit her movement a bit.  It wasn’t like she was meaning to do a lot of activity that day, so it wouldn’t matter in the foreseeable future.  But eventually Althea finally deduced that she still didn’t have anything for her legs, the things only protected from the cold by leggings.  You would think the young girl would have noticed this fact purely because she felt her legs being cold, but she was already using her magic to regulate her body temperature.  But then that brought up the question of why Althea was wearing so many layers at all, and that’s because… well she wouldn’t actually be able to tell you.  She just had a whim to get a scarf and ended up getting two jackets.  And it wouldn’t help to not wear every single piece of winter gear possible on a cold day you weren’t doing anything.

    But maybe it was just a reflex of hers to bundle up during the season whether she needed to or not.  Usually she wouldn’t be anywhere near a town that time of year, simply huddling out in a mountain or something trying not to die from the intense blizzards in the season, not like she ever was in the first place.  You’d think she would have enough for at least that, but things just come up at times.  Who ever knew she wanted a tie that could double as an umbrella?  Or maybe a dictionary that’s a pillow for you to rest while sitting at a desk?  She sure didn’t, although she had a habit of losing things just about the moment she purchased them.  But, she refused to ever regret any of her financial choices, the young girl would just go on more jobs anyways, it’d be fine!  But perhaps Althea should actually put her money into moving into an actual building instead of impossible carnival games and winter attire.

    But Althea’s train of thought was interrupted when she picked up a hint of magic, leading her to look upwards.  There a piece of paper had suddenly appeared, promptly dropping into her outstretched hand.  On the outside, the water mage found a pretty fancy seal, one she eventually identified as the Magic Council’s.  How did they know where she was?  Did they stalk people’s every moves?!  But, eventually the blonde chose to completely ignore this fact, magic could do basically anything it wanted to and searching for a single person inside a single town was far from impossible for the Council.  So, Althea cast her gaze over the document, more skimming through it it than actually reading it.  This was mostly because she simply couldn’t bother herself, but hey, maybe it was something super urgent that needed her immediate attention.

    Either way the only things she really got from it was “Santa Claus”, “portals across Fiore”, and “threat”, which were more than enough.  She wasn’t exactly sure what a Santa Claus was, but she was rearing to fight something so she reckoned she’d figure it out once she got there.  The blonde stood up at the edge of the roof, crumpling up the document for easier pocket storage.  It wouldn’t be the first time she headed into a job knowing literally nothing but the basics, but she wasn’t dead quit yet so she must be doing something right.  And dealing with the threat could be a really great way to handle her boredom over the holiday season!  So the water mage was off, travelling via rooftop while on the lookout for any portals.



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Mythica 9th January 2019, 9:53 pm

    Christmas. The most joyful time of the year. A time where people come together to celebrate unity and friendship and give each other gifts to show their appreciation. A time of festivity and colorful lights and noise and noise and noise. And notoriously known as the coldest time of the year as well. Why did people go through with such things in this dismal weather? What could motivate them so much to sacrifice the comfort of warmth in exchange for these useless traditions? Would Mythica ever figure it out? Doubtful. While others were celebrating during this time of year, Mythica was brooding. Standing in the middle of the forest, staring up at the sky as the snow fell upon her white skin. To any onlooker, this would certainly be a very odd site, but frankly, this kind of behavior was normal for the girl. She liked the stars. They reminded her of why she was doing what she was doing. And it baffled her that nobody else could see the messages of impending doom when they stared up at the black void. Was she really the only one left alive that could remember? Sure there had been a few more, but they were all dead. Only Mythica remained to relish in this peaceful calm before the storm. And none would be the wiser.

    Alas, it was getting quite cold, and even Mythica had her limits to how long she was willing to stand out in this dreadful weather. Luckily she had been near a town. A very specific town. Magnolia to be precise. This wasn’t an accident either. For a long time, Mythica could occasionally be seen skulking the borders of the city home to Fairy Tail. Was this because she was scouting an attack on the peaceful guild once hers was ready? Or simply because her favorite human lived among them? Honestly, nobody could really know for sure. Not even Mythica. It had been a while since she had seen Mura, so maybe now was a good as time as any to find him. Drop in for a little visit before vanishing back to the confines of her own darkened path. And that was something that had become more and more frequent over the last little while… For some reason whenever Mythica was with Mura she no longer felt like herself. She felt different. The kinder, more innocent side of Mythica felt less and less like a lie around him. It’s like she was acting genuine in her attempts to keep Mura’s opinion high of her. If only he knew what she truly was… What she had done. She could only imagine all of the friendship and trust she had built up would fall apart. And the worst part was that she knew it was inevitable that he’d find out one day. She had no other choice, and her actions would soon be known across the entire continent. All Mythica could do now was cherish these last few blissful moments with him before everything became a nightmare… And would she regret it?

    Soon Mythica found herself in the streets of Magnolia. As she expected, all the people around seemed as happy and cheerful as always. Gladly celebrating their beloved holiday of Christmas. She wondered what it felt like to love a day of the year as much as they did. For now, though, Mythica needed to find somewhere warm to chill out for a bit. Nothing really struck the wizard as she walked past the various cafes and shops. To be perfectly honest with herself, she wasn’t really that kind of person anyways. She didn’t care much for the crowded restaurants to like having to wait for her food to be served. Most of the time it wasn’t even how she liked it anyways, so it’d be just a waste of jewel. In fact, Mythica rarely ate at all now that she thought about it. She had noticed that the longer she went without eating the more desperate her body got to survive, and the stronger her abilities became as a result. Ironic to say the least. She didn’t know another soul that could produce a similar effect when they starved themselves. Of course, none of that really mattered right now anyways. She decided that finding a quiet inn to sleep for a bit would be the best fit for her time right now… Or at least that’s what she thought…

    Not far off she heard it. The faint sound of magic in the air. On instinct, Mythica turned her head curiously to find the source, and there it was. A person standing not too far from her in the street looked up and saw a small paper scroll manifest in the air above them and fall straight into their hands. Mythica raised an eyebrow, this was not at all normal behavior for regular citizens. However, her eyes soon widened when she saw the seal on the scroll… The seal of the magic council. She instantly stopped in her tracks and stared at the wizard holding it from a distance… What dealings did this mysterious mage have with the council? Whatever it was, it must’ve been important because they saw fit to contact directly. If she was able to get ahold of that scroll, all the answers would be hers. She just needed to be patient…

    It appeared as though the wizard was just as surprised as she was upon getting the scroll, and chose to read it in a more secluded place… Perfect. Mythica silently trailed the main through the dark streets as he swerved is way through the crowds. Mythica didn’t stray too far behind, keeping a steady pace. Finally, he cut left through a group of people into a small alley. Mythica saw this as her chance and quickly vanished from the street entirely…

    The man walked down a few different alleys until he was sure nobody was nearby then he quickly broke the seal and opened the scroll, reading it intently… Unfortunately for him, however, he did not notice the shadow of a girl standing on the rooftop directly above him until it was too late. Before he could even turn his head upwards, Mythica fell down upon him! Her impact caused him to quickly fall to the stone, the wind knocked out of him as the clock eyed wizard stood atop his back! She was now dressed in her traditional orange and black battle dress, her golden eye illuminating the entire alley. All of this with her insane grin taped across her expression. The mage grunted slightly, trying to reach for a broken bottle but before he could he heard the loud echo of a loaded gun and soon felt the press of cold steel against the back of his head. “Hehehe… I wouldn’t try that honey…" Mythica giggled. With her rifle at the back of his head, she was free to crouch down and pluck the paper straight from his shaking grasp. She quickly scanned its contents and found it very interesting! For some unknown reason, strange portals have appeared across Fiore and minions of this “Santa Claus” have begun to invade the kingdom, and the Magic Council was hiring able-bodied wizards to help assist in the defense… Now that just wasn’t right. This kingdom didn’t belong to them. It was hers for the taking! She couldn’t have this one bit. And soon an idea formulated in Mythica’s head. As far as anyone was concerned, Mythica was non-existant to the magic council or the Rune Knights! Nobody had ever really seen or heard of her before, so if she were to openly help in this defense, she’d be known as a hero to the people of Fiore and the Magic Council… Not the conquerer she was going to be. This would be perfect. The first stepping stone to gain the favor of the people and possibly gain their trust… Then when the time was right, her Empire could sweep the nation so much easier while the citizens and Magic Council lie wounded by her betrayal! A bold plan that she had probably thought of before at some point, but now was the perfect opportunity to enact it! Nobody in Fiore would know who she truly was until it was far too late.

    So Mythica left the alley, scroll in hand to act as proof she was requested to help. Leaving only a bloodied corpse in the alley, hanging from golden chains...

    1418/4000 Words.


    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Noheme 12th January 2019, 2:07 pm

    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] P9BwO4P

    Noheme Fairy Tail H-Rank

    After Noheme had returned from her… let’s call it a trip back to Joya, she was expecting what she got when she visited the nation for the very first time. Excitement, dangers, and possibly cute girls to take advantage of. But alas, it seemed like none of that was happening even though she was back for several days now. The missing presence of anything amusing to do throughout the coldest season of the year was so suffocating that the goddess incarnated almost felt like she was actually running out of oxygen. Or perhaps her body was actually growing so lazy that it didn’t even want to breathe anymore.

    In a rather frustrated manner, the Joyan huntress rolled over, suddenly falling from the bench she was half sitting, half lying on. The ground wasn’t exactly comfortable even though it was the main hall of the Fairy Tail guild, but that didn’t seem to matter much. In the past she had spent her time here inside the shadows, using the magic she had received from Vermillion in order to slay demons. Even that vessel got broken beyond repair, resulting in her current look. Her original form. It forced a sigh out of her as she stared blankly at the ceiling for few more seconds.

    Suddenly stretching all of her limbs almost like a cat - which seemed to result in a number of infatuated gazes being glued to her - she decided to get back onto the bench in an attempt to maybe look like a properly functioning humanoid. Only to have the upper part of her body collapse forward onto the wooden table and nearly knock over her pint of beer in the process. “What the hell is this cold anyway… and all the white stuff outside, never seen it before. Bloody Fiore and it’s unstable magic…

    The girl experienced most of her ‘mortal’ life in Joya, not venturing outside of the jungle’s borders until very recently. And seeing how her entire visit to Fiore when she actually joined the guild happened over the warmer seasons, it was a bit of a cultural shock for her to be in this much cold. It was even her first time seeing snow. So naturally, she attributed it to the numerous magical anomalies that seemed to be happening outside and all over the land. Not that she could really muster enough motivation to do anything about it. For crying out loud, it took one look at her clothing!

    Even with these low temperatures, she still wore the traditional tribal attire she arrived in. Her wardrobe didn’t exactly have much else besides that… but at the very least she was keeping it all clean at all times. As her curiously colored eyes wandered around the guild hall, she finally noticed something that was at least interesting to observe. Her guild master, Sorano who decided to leave the sanctity of her office and spent some time in the lobby among the other members of Fairy Tail. Though it appeared she had not noticed to Joyan girl yet.

    Such situation was a bit amusing to Noheme. She quickly recalled the first proper mage she had met after leaving Joya, before even arriving at Fiore. In one of the nations, she had come across a mansion cursed with powerful magic. And along with it, a young girl who seemed to be barely able to hold herself straight. And so she helped this girl at a whim. Of course, that was her soon-to-be guild master. A wonderous coincidence. Only, Sorano had never quite realized it. Not that she could be blamed for that at all.

    The huntress had switched her physical form completely to that of a golden nine-tailed fox, a vessel that could hold the power handed down by Vermillion. And using a fake name, it appeared as if she was a completely different person to Sorano. Now, however… while a bit different, especially in the way she dressed, this was the old form with green hair and regular kitsune features that she had when she first met the letter mage. And still, there has not been enough interaction between the two for the young one to realize. But by sensing alone, Noheme was sure that she grew stronger.

    This was good, of course. Only the strong ones deserved attention and recognition from the mightly goddess Noheme. And yet, it made her sigh. Finally able to narrow her form a bit at the table, she took the beverage at her side and started downing it rather rapidly, making some of the male members of the guild close to her actually cheer her on a bit. Yes, a drunken half-naked woman must have always been quite a spectacle. Though the goddess was unsure that she could actually get drunk by doing this, as her body seemed to purify itself quite fast from such toxins.

    As her eyes wandered back to the guild master sitting far, far away, she had noticed that something new arrived. A tiny little creature that handed a node to the younger girl, prompting her to get up and leave the hall. Surely just another assignment for the more powerful mages of the land. Noheme herself was not getting them, as she was not registered as an official mage of Fiore yet. She was back at the guild, but everything had frozen up during this time, not just the water. Even the darn offices.

    So even her subject to observe was now gone and nothing to do presented itself. And now that she could have some fun with the guys around her that seemed to be so much in love with her looks, as she only approved of those that rival her own power. Or, well… as long as they displayed some potential, anyway. Forcing out a groan, the huntress got up as the frustration finally boiled over, allowing her to overcome the procrastination and march toward the front door, swinging them open.

    The rather cold air pressed into her mostly bare skin right away, but that wouldn’t stop her. She was the goddess Noheme, cold weather was about the last thing that would defeat her. And thankfully for her, it took but one single sweet of the land to find Sorano who had not gotten quite far enough to disappear from the sight yet. Quickly moving into a full spring, the huntress would jump to the side and then right in front of Sorano to stop her where she was, a somewhat annoyed face on her as she leaned in uncomfortably close. The social rules and safe space were not applied when this one was around.

    Hey, little girl… where do you think you’re going by yourself?” Whathever tast was presented to her in that letter she received, Noheme planned to be part of it, whether she would be allowed to or not. And, of couse, she wanted to see exactly how the guild master would react to seeing her old body. If she would even remember it. She better remember it, she didn’t experience being a damned ghost for nothing! The resolution to that event still lingered somewhere in the back of her mind, making her  rather unsatisfied.

    Word Count: 1,204 / 4,000
    Tags: @Mura Kensho @ivyleaf33 @RainCalamity @Mythica
    OOC: ---


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Mura Kensho 15th January 2019, 8:22 am

    Mura slid down the large tombstone with the scroll in his hand and looked forward. From his position, the fiery, lit-up festivities in Magnolia opened up for him and sent thousands of light dots to his vision. Despite the black, clouded sky, one wouldn’t easily assume that it was late in the day due to entire streets being clear and bright by the decorations. It was such a beautiful town… maybe these invaders found it beautiful too? That could explain their continuous attempts at popping in from magical portals at a moment’s notice. “… I haven’t even eaten yet,” he complained to himself, “… Nothing’s happened yet. Good, we should go to downtown before any of these ‘elves’ arrive.” Kyuken and Zirconis nodded in response, and the three entities made their way down the hill towards the more crowded parts of Magnolia Town. The scroll was stashed down into the pocket of his pants for a later purpose.

    For now, no weird magic circles popped up in Magnolia, though… and people appeared to have just as much fun as they had been having the entire week. These threats would likely prove to be more… uh, somewhat more sentient than Mura was used to. It would make sense to negotiate with them if they proved to be capable of thinking rationally. According to the scroll, the descriptions of these were following; elves, polar bears, Christmas trees and one, huge, red-coated elder that resembled a fabled person known as Santa Claus. Whether if it was the real Santa Claus or not - it didn’t bother Mura too much, given that he knew nothing about this tradition or its myths and legends. He was probably going to treat this Santa Claus like any other if he meant harm to this town.

    “… No screams-“
    “That’s in our favor. Besides, if they show up now with evil intent, it would be catastrophic.”
    “But where are they?! If they want to do anything, at least show themselves! Such lack of honor is laughable…!”

    “… Oh, Kyuken, they might still have honor,” Mura suggested to him as the shaman pointed to the distance. It was near the Kardia Cathedral, a benevolent building and hotspot in Magnolia very close to their guild house. By the look of it, the magic circle was very discreet, but it soon lit up as colorful as the decorations across the streets in contrast to its previous, transparent fashion. Just like many other magic circles, it looked stylish with its edges and paintings of Christmas-themed objects such as bells, antlers, squares and bulbs. However, as festive as that looked, Mura was yet to even try to relate it to a merry Christmas spirit that he lacked so much of. Instead, he saw it as a threat and warning, in which he faded away from his previous position with only a faint, fading afterimage of himself in the start of his sprint.

    The giant, magic circle that could be seen from anywhere in Magnolia - as long as you were outside and free to watch the sky - brightened up even more as a signal that it was activating something. He dashed across the streets with his hair and coat bristling backwards by the speed, but he soon braked his movement and found himself stand a few meters from the entrance to Kardia Cathedral. Silhouettes of strange entities manifested on the surface under the magic circle, slowly revealing the presences of a group of elves. They were accompanied by polar bears and large, living trees… but that did leave one person’s presence out of the equation for now. Looking at them… they did look a little goofy. Those elves looked like they chose the wrong colors, since the magic circle and all decorations in town were nothing like the clothes that they wore.

    “G-Goblins? Onis? Onis… yes, I believe that they’re onis!”
    “Or dwarves - they’re so small!”
    “I’ve never seen those weapons before… what kind of metal are they made of?”

    Mura eyed the weird canes and spears that each elf possessed. Upon a single glance, his serious attitude descended further; those were of the same fashion as the candy canes that could be bought in the nearest jewel shop. Did they wield candy as weapons? He didn’t feel any pure, elemental affinities to them, so it must’ve been the case. Mixtures of water, metal, wood and earth in such delicate, planned-out, detailed formations to make up candy was sensed.

    The group turned left from him and began marching whilst readying their canes. In fright, Mura quickly waddled in front of the group. “Wait, hold up…!” he warned them to stop in their tracks - hopefully, they would be able to listen and understand what he was about to say, “I don’t know who you are or where you came from… but people are enjoying their holidays, and the last thing we want is another defense role.” As he spoke, two polar bears sniffed the air and walked about, and as Mura was about to stop the bears in their track with his Elemental Magic, one of the elves spoke up:

    “This is our duty as Santa’s elves; we’ll take over this town, and you will all die!”
    “*spitting face* That’s so dumb! Santa would never ask of any of that!”
    “Says you. Shut up, you know nothing.”

    And with that, Mura might have given up on the negotiating part. So much for trying to get on even terms with elves. It was good that so many arrived at once at the same place, but watching them approach him was intimidating. Those polar bears looked ferocious enough to tear down the gates and walls of Magnolia all by themselves. People around them saw the commotion, and upon eyeing the shaman, Mura spoke up: “Okay, okay, whatever reason you may have or not, it doesn’t matter… actually, your attempts don’t matter at all-“

    He was getting too confident by now due to the déjà vu that erupted from the word ‘invasion’. He needed to take advantage of the situation, somehow. “L-Let me speak with your boss, then! I’m sure I can talk some sense into him, unlike you weird candy warriors,” Mura suggested, in which some elves began to chuckle. They took him for a joke, really.

    … They won’t take me serious at all!
    To be fair, Mura, you’ve never done well with words. You’re good at receiving them, though…
    If you mean receiving lectures, seductions, trolls, traps, dry blabber and words of vengeance…
    Where’s Sorano? If she can get on even terms with Santa Man, then we can probably stop all of this and enjoy our holidays.
    Maybe she saw the magic circle earlier? Just wait it out…

    “… Wait, your name’s Mura, right?” one of the elves spoke up as it held a piece of paper, “You’re on our list! Here you go!” A gift was pushed over to the shaman, and he did know of these decorated boxes… but what kind of list did they mean? He worryingly stepped a few feet back from it, but the other elves choked under their chuckles. In a moment’s notice, the box was opened and revealed a dazzling light…

    WC: 1207
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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by NPC 15th January 2019, 8:22 am

    The member 'Mura Kensho' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] OdAaNwh I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] R2fEWNz I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] OdAaNwh I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] R2fEWNz I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] R2fEWNz I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] OdAaNwh I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] OdAaNwh I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] OdAaNwh I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] OdAaNwh I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] R2fEWNz


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Die_01_42158_sm

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by ivyleaf33 16th January 2019, 11:12 pm

    What happened

    just now

    I closed my eyes
    the world

    2044 / 4000 words
    “Hey little girl…where do you think you’re going by yourself?” Sorano stopped dead in her tracks as a scantily-clad woman catapulted in front of her. Out of instinct, the rocks around her instantly rose up into the air, her aura automatically raising them to attack at her command. However, a second later Sorano’s stance would relax, realizing that the aura here was one that she recognized. From where exactly though, she had no idea. “Ah, pardon me miss, but I am in a bit of a hurry. Would you mind letting me get past…!” A sudden ray of realization shone down on the girl a moment later, as the memory came back to her in full force. “Oh, your name is Eris, am I correct? We met at the mansion, taking care of the ghosts in there? It’s good to see you’ve recovered your physical body.” Her tone was uncertain, but the letter mage was fairly certain that it was indeed the extraordinarily powerful mage that had accompanied her on that particular job. It had been one of the more spectacular requests she’d taken on, and so she rather surprised herself that she hadn’t recognized the woman. “Did you receive the Magic Council request as well?”

    Sorano displayed the sheet of paper, indicating the request for help to eliminate this invasion of Christmas creatures. “If not, I hope you will forgive me for rushing by so quickly. I’m looking for someone, and will have to be on my way. We can talk another time, if you like?” Pushing past awkwardly, the letter mage rushed toward the Kardia Cathedral, where a magic circle could be seen rapidly extending itself across the sky. Beautiful spires of red, white, and green flashed through the air, and some people would start to applaud awkwardly, thinking it was some sort of Christmas lights display. Well, until elves manifested themselves under the circle, accompanied by polar bears and living trees. So these were the invading creatures, huh? Sensing Mura’s magic aura nearby, Sorano approached him, watching as the present that had been set before him opened up, revealing a dazzling light. And then suddenly a powerful force seemed to punch her in the stomach, the girl stumbling and gagging briefly before the feeling left her, leaving her feeling weak and tired. An attack??

    Rushing over to where Mura stood now, the letter mage glanced over at the cackling elves. From what she had seen, it appeared that these were the elves who had given the him the present, causing it to trigger the attack that had just hit her. There was a high chance it had affected Mura as well. But what exactly their abilities were, was still hard to tell. Perhaps they could be reasoned with?

    “Excuse me, good sirs, is there anything I can help you with?” Assuming a quiet, courteous stance, the letter mage stood there with her held bowed. It seemed that from the first impression, these were rather cocky elves, wanting to feed their ego and appear better than anyone else. It was quite sad, really, but what could one do about it but to play along? People like this could only be negotiated after defeat in a physical battle, or by making them think that they were getting everything they wanted. As shameful as bowing down to these idiots were, it was still preferable to having to blast them to bits right away.

    One would turn to her, smirking. “Well look at this, a little girl daring to approach us?” Strolling up towards her, the creature would point his candy cane sword at her, showing unnaturally sharp and pointed teeth in his smile. “You know what we want?” With every word, the tiny creature stepped ever closer to the unflinching letter mage, ending with his own gray-skinned face right up near Sorano’s. “We want all of you evil, evil humans to go and die!”

    With a triumphant yell, he plunged his candy cane sword up into her throat, only to blink in surprise as it stopped partway there, halted by a layer of energy protecting the girl from the deadly tip. “Please sir, I would rather not engage in violence.” It seemed that it would not be possible to go along with what the elf said, if what he desired was the death of them all. She’d be unable to use her abilities to forcefully sit him down and negotiate either – there were too many civilians around for that to be a safe tactic to follow, and the presence of so many other enemies surrounding him made the situation dangerous as well. Perhaps it would be best to just try to physically subdue them for now…after all, there were plenty of mages hanging around the city. Hopefully they would be arriving soon, and they’d have plenty firepower to face these enemies. After all, hadn’t she seen Eris just moments earlier?

    Directing a telepathic message at Mura, she informed him of her current stance on her situation and asked for his opinion. “I don’t think we can negotiate very well with them right now, considering what we want. It seems like these creatures are only minions too, so even if we do negotiate, nothing solid will probably come of it. Are you alright with fighting? It’ll be for the best if we don’t kill them in case their boss appears later.”

    Ending the telepathic message, Sorano shoved her aura outwards, throwing around her a burst of sudden energy. The invisible wave shoved the Christmas creatures back in one smooth attack, resulting in a mass of irritated squawking and the waving of candy canes and polar bear paws, though it curved smoothly around to avoid Mura. Straightening her spine and assuming her neutral standing position instead of the quite, obedient image before, the letter mage scribbled spells through the air, preparing to attack whoever came at her.

    The first to get up would be that rather rude elf from earlier, and Sorano carefully focused in on him, rifling through her inventory of spells to decide what exactly would compensate best for his lack of manner earlier.


    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by NPC 16th January 2019, 11:12 pm

    The member 'ivyleaf33' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Die_01_42158_sm

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Althea 17th January 2019, 8:14 pm

    althea eventide

    post word count: 1084
    total word count: 2105/4000
    tagged: @Mura Kensho @ivyleaf33 @Mythica @Noheme
    music: ;;

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Whenever searching a large area for something specific, Althea usually had to almost completely rely on chance.  With such a large area, especially one the size of Magnolia, her magic sense only just about covered everything.  And even if she did pick up on something, it may just be from some normal mage casting magic, and seeing as the town had a lot of those it was very likely that would be the case.  So, the young girl just kind of half expected some huge sign of some sorts to indicate the location of all the action at times like those, and hopefully that was exactly what she got.  Her eyes were immediately drawn to the absolutely massive magic circle that appeared right in the sky, may others on the streets below casting their gazes upwards as well.  It seemed to have the same color scheme and overall theme as many other houses in Magnolia, but Althea didn’t take to much of a note to this.  However, the blonde had stopped her traveling for a moment to stare up at it for a moment, finding that its center wasn’t all too far away from where she was currently.  What luck, she wouldn’t even have to miss any of the excitement!

    From above as she approached the site of suspicion, the blonde could sense a few familiar magical signatures already present in the area, but that was only to be expected.  If something suddenly comes up that could endanger the lives of many, it wouldn’t make sense for the Magic Council to just request one wizard for help.  But her train of thought was interrupted as some sort of force pushed her in literally the opposite direction of where she was headed, causing some roof damage some poor unknowing house owner would have to pay for.  From her spot on top the tiling she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of overly random attack that was, but it didn’t take her much time before she simply picked herself up and continued on her way.  Finally Althea had arrived, spotting those she assumed were the guys coming out of the portal in front a building she forgot the name of.  Vilia Seagle?  Modia Medieval?  She couldn’t remember and didn’t care enough to push herself to.

    Maybe she should know more about the surrounding area of a guild hall she spent plenty of time at for the past several months, but she was too busy with other pressing matters other than exploring Magnolia.  Buying things impulsively and drinking juice were way better pass times than walking around and looking at stuff!  “I guess this is where I’m meant to be...”  She remarked mostly to herself, noticing Mura and Sorano only after jumped off the roof and landed on the ground.  At first she was surprised, but that was less because she expected no one else to be there and more because Althea’s spacial awareness always suffered when interesting things were in her vicinity.  But, she still offered them both a grin accompanied by a small wave, “I hope you both are having a great time during the holidays!”  She chirped plainly, completely failing to completely acknowledge the presence of potentially very much hostile entities.

    But afterwards, she began to cast her gaze over her potential opponents.  Althea wasn’t actually sure if they were supposed to be fighting them yet or what, but seeing as no one had gotten injured thus far the water mage didn’t see any reason to begin duking it out.  That is unless you counted her sustained desire to try fighting at least one of them for only a second.  A millisecond during which no one would notice or mind her punching one of the weird short guys in the face or something.  Speaking of which, it was nice that Althea finally was fighting something shorter than she was.  She didn’t have a problem with her height… unless someone potentially pointed it out.  Then she wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else but thinking about how people can seem to get two growth spurts in their lives while the girl was still waiting for her first.  She wasn’t exactly sure how it would actually be advantageous to her, but hey, you can’t pass up being tall.

    “Another one, huh?  These people are coming like moths to a flame.”  One of the short people practically growled, taking a step forwards from the crowd to greet the slayer.  But her attention was on other things, mainly the polar bears and… trees?  The bears of the north (or was it the south?) she could understand, they were big and had some obvious strengths.  Actually, it the first time she had seen one in person and they seemed much larger than in pictures.  But pictures had that effect with everything, so Althea guess that was to be expected.  Something that did seem out of place however was how aggressive they looked.  It was as if they were just waiting for the perfect time to break from the group and wreak havoc.  But it was around then the water mage finally noticed the fir trees towering over her, recognizing them to be part of the short men and polar bears’ group.  She wasn’t exactly sure what they helped with by being there, but who knew, maybe they would prove to be more of a challenge compared to the others.   Sure they seemed to be better suited as a decorative piece rather than war machines of death, but that could just be a trick!  They were pretty big, and if they fell on you it could hurt a lot… or something like that.

    “Well?  You just going to stand there?”  The “guy” growled once more, raising his voice in some freak chance Althea hadn’t heard him in the first place.  “Oh, happy holidays to you too… person.”  She said, not quite sure what to actually call the short man.  But this just seemed to offend him, allowing the guy to go from slightly annoyed to very much agitated.  “Elf!  I’m an elf you blockhead!”  The thing that was apparently an elf replied rather rudely, their grip around their candy sword tightening.  The name rang a bell, and Althea eventually remembered that hose little men people used to decorate their houses bore the same name.  The only problem with that connection was that the group Althea was looking at seemed the opposite of “jolly”.



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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by NPC 17th January 2019, 8:14 pm

    The member 'RainCalamity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Die_03_42160_sm

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Mythica 20th January 2019, 6:53 pm

    It wouldn't be much longer until Mythica found the source of trouble that the note she had recently acquired supposedly spoke of. As she continued down her way on the cobblestone path, more and more people around her would start to stare with a mixture of confusion and fear into the distance. Raising an eyebrow at this odd reaction, Mythica soon turned her head to confront whatever it was they were looking at. And that's when she saw it. The cathedral in the distance had flashes of glowing lights atop its roof, and the sky above was filled with the odd portals of other dimensional beings. Mythica couldn't help but grin at the site. Whatever these things were, they'd be sorry for trying to conquer the world that was rightfully hers. Wasting no time, Mythica would quickly make her way towards the Cathedral with haste! In her hands, her two weapons manifested out of thin air and she got ready to unleash hell on any invaders in her path... Or really anyone at this point. She couldn't really explain why, but the threat of otherworldly invasions upon Earthland just got her more and more excited. It got her blood pumping beyond control... And she needed something... ANYTHING, to shoot at!

    "Minute Flow!" Were the first words to exit Mythica's mouth. In an instant, the guns in her hands would glow with an eerie yellow light. Suddenly, the woman's speed increased dramatically, and behind her a trail of the same yellow light! She'd dodge onlookers and pedestrians as she looked for a way to gain more height. Spotting a closed down market stand, Mythica altered her course immediately, running on top of it before leaping high into the air! Thanks to the magical enhancement, Mythica found no trouble landing on the roof of a nearby building. Rolling in the snow before getting back up and continued to sprint across the rooftops of Magnolia straight towards the glistening Cathedral. Mythica was also careful to keep her eyes out for any of these apparent invaders, but, for now, it seemed like most of them were focusing on the church. She wasn't entirely sure why, but there must've been some significance to it. She'd probably know more the closer she got.

    Finally, Mythica leaped one last time, right over the large gap between the closest house to the church and the building itself! Luckily, she was agile enough to grab hold of one of the gargoyles overlooking the courtyard below. Using that to propel herself upwards, Mythica leaped as high as she could, grabbing into another piece of stone, before repeating the process until she soon found herself atop one of the twin towers of the church, hanging off it and looking down onto the roof of the main hall. That's when she saw them. Sorano and Mura, and a host of weird creatures assaulting them. Mythica should've expected to see Mura here, he was always on the defensive whenever Magnolia seemed threatened. She didn't really know much about his partner Sorano though. All she knew about the letter mage was that she was the guild master of Fairy Tail... So that made her an enemy of Mythica's. In the future maybe, but right now she needed to keep the "good girl" act going so the nature of her position remained a secret. Of course, judging by the power she felt off of these wizards, it was entirely possible they could feel the sinister aura coming off Mythica, but she had the experience and the skill to make it feel like nothing more than an eerie feeling to any wizard capable of sensing her morality.

    Loading her rifle, Mythica extended it out while her other arm held the tip of the tower firmly. Closing one eye, she carefully aimed it at Sorano, before moving it downwards just a bit to focus in on the elf approaching the girl. With a sinister smile, the gun began to charge up immense magical energy. The yellow glow of the weapon could be rather distracting to anyone in its view. The elf would slowly turn to see the source of the light, and then Mythica pressed the trigger! With a loud bang, the magic bullet flashed through the sky! It hit the elf square in the chest, causing a massive explosion of yellow magic and sending the creature flying backward! He'd skid on the roof before rolling and eventually stopping. His clothes looked burned as a large smoke trail rose from his blackened torso. Mythica chuckled before letting go of the tower's tip and letting herself fall towards the roof. She did love to make an entrance. Despite the height and speed of her fall, Mythica was quickly able to roll as soon as she hit the snow-covered surface and stand straight again. She hoisted the rifle onto her shoulder and winked at the two wizards, who currently stood on the other side of the small army of monsters. "Sorry boys. Nobody gets to ruin Christmas except me!" She said triumphantly as some of the elves turned to face her with a surprised expression. "GRAH! More annoying humans! Kill them! Kill them all!" One of the elves yelled angrily upon Mythica's entrance. Of course, most were still facing Mura and Sorano, but Mythica was confident she could handle a few on her own.

    Mythica didn't feel like she needed to say anything more to the two wizards. Not until this lot was taken care of anyways. It was obvious she was here to help them, and she didn't hesitate to waste any of these monsters. Mythica quickly re-quipped her battle dress, revealing her golden eye for all to see as she summoned her pistol in her free hand... Preparing for a fight.

    2384/4000 Words.


    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Myth-Sig1-1

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by NPC 20th January 2019, 6:53 pm

    The member 'Mythica' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Die_06_42164_sm

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Noheme 25th January 2019, 5:00 pm

    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] P9BwO4P

    Noheme Fairy Tail H-Rank

    Instead of a proper greeting, all she got was a rather dismissive sentence as the young girl was prepared to walk right off. Though she suddenly seemed to have a bright moment and recalled that one time they had met on a job together. Not that it changed the situation in any way whatsoever. Not even noticing the mark of Fairy Tail that was quite literally pigmented into the right thigh of the Joyan huntress, Sorano had walked off, essentially completely ignoring the goddess who stood in one stop, her face darkened for few more moments.

    And after that short pause, the ground beneath her seemed to crack, stones as if being crushed into smooth powder beneath condensed magical energy. Suffice to say, the goddess was not quite pleased with others treating her in such a way, a number of veins visible on her face as visible anger flashed across it. “Such uneducated and rude children… if not for your position, I would have taught you…” At this point speaking to no one but herself, the huntress vented her frustration while managing to give a right scare to the few bystanders who were around as a result.

    Thankfully she managed to develop her self control skills a little bit on her trip to her tribe, which now allowed her to calm down instead of destroying the nearest block of buildings instead. Stretching instead to the melody of few of her bones cracking, she had decided to follow the commotion that seemed to be happening not too far away. Though this time she just kinda walked there, no hurry present. She could clearly sense some sort of threat, but it appeared so pathetically dwarfed in comparison to the magic of mages present that it wasn’t even amusing anymore.

    She didn’t have to walk far either before spotting the small gremlin-like creatures. Not exactly something she recognized. To be perfectly honest, their appearance was somewhat repulsive to the beautiful goddess who went to great lengths to obtain what could be seen as a nearly perfect mortal vessel. The small thing seemed to be chasing a few civilians with some colorful and pointy weapon. It didn’t exactly seem very effective to use. “Hey…” Calling out to it, she easily got the creature’s attention. “What the hell are you supposed to be..?

    Almost as if not even hearing her words, the Santa’s elven helper gazed at her while his grip on the comical weapon tightened. “More humans… eliminate!” Bursting into a sprint, the small being jumped up, trying to perform a vertical strike to cleave the woman in front of him clean in half. Though all it took was a magic-infused backhand making contact with the flat side of the weapon, easily disarming the enemy and sending the pointy stick into the nearest wall where it got impaled in the stone. “Wha-” Knocked back by the force at the same time, the elf now had a good chance to look at Eris’ express.

    It was… far from pleased. “Another uneducated one… unable to distinguish me from a mere human… despite this gorgeous fluffy tail and ears… it is time to learn, little one. And pain is the best motivation to memorize..!” Gripping the elves' face, Eris mercilessly used him as a baseball, tossing the poor creature into the nearest wall through which it crashed with ease and continued into another hard surface beyond it. It was… probably fine? Not that the goddess cared much.

    Sighing, she just decided to head over where Sorano seemed to be. That little girl was next on her personal naughty list, not even recognizing a member of her own guild. And what an entrance to the fray she was about to make. Deciding to take things up a notch, she had extended her hand to the side, opening a gate to a pocket dimension from which she pulled out her spear. It appeared to be a fairly standard one, its shaft made from a rather sturdy type of wood that could not be found in Fiore.

    The tip carved from black stone and the entire length adorned with many foreign ornaments, feathers and pieces of fur from beasts the huntress had personally tracked down and slaughtered. And in mere few seconds, that spear flew into the battlefield so fast that it cut through the air, causing a rather unpleasant sound to echo as the stone sharp tip went right through the attire of one of the elves, just above his shoulder and only barely not impaling his flesh. What it did though was pinning him to the nearest wall while also creating a crack one would not exactly consider small.

    Walking in right behind it was the goddess’ figure, slightly shrouded in shadows as she eyed everyone present. This seemed to be… a rather annoying event happening right now. “Such pitiful beings who dare to challenge the might of us… I should break your bodies, grind your bones to dust, leave nothing behind. But you might not even be worth the effort.” Glancy at the young guild master to the side, she also noticed one of the elves on the ground, looking like something small exploded on its chest. Not too long before another girl arrived.

    Not exactly recognizing her, Eris could only sigh again. The snow falling onto her mostly exposed physical form was starting to be a bit irritating as well. Whether this was truly better than staying holed up in the guild hall and drinking herself into oblivion was currently an unknown it seemed. “I’ll deal with any… leftovers. So why don’t you show me exactly how much you improved from that wimpy girl who needed my help to defeat the queen of ghosts.” A sentence very clearly aimed at Sorano. If she didn’t know that Eris was part of her guild for a good while now, then she should at the very least directly test and see the powers this young guild master actually possessed.

    Word Count: 2,204 / 4,000
    Tags: @Mura Kensho @ivyleaf33 @RainCalamity @Mythica
    OOC: ---


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Mura Kensho 26th January 2019, 11:07 am

    Ouch! That came out of nowhere, that bludgeoning pain from the so-called ‘gift’ of theirs. Mura was pushed back a few meters and kept his foothold, however, as the pain slowly faded away. Darn those annoying, little gremlin-looking onis slash elves, he wouldn’t let them play around with him like that! “W-What was that for?!” he asked them shockingly. “Oh no, they’re on the attack! Mura, let’s just push them out of Magnolia in this instant!” Kyuken suggested as the blue samurai ghost flew up to Mura’s face.

    Zirconis had eyed someone else when Kyuken convinced Mura to go on the offense. The person whom the shaman awaited had arrived at last, Sorano. Their Guildmaster was a master of communication in his conviction, a true wielder of speech leveled up to 100. She could probably convince Kyuken to become an eunuch, that was how effective her vocal powers had impressed him in the past. Therefore, it was more than relieving to see her by his side as this gimmick might have caught the attention of various wizards in the town. “About time, Sorano,” he spoke to her, “Negotiation doesn’t go along with me… even though I’d prefer sleeping rather than scaring.”

    In truth, many people just wanted a break right now. A fresh breath of air from all the invasions in the past, and Mura was included. To be fair, he considered going all out if it lessened the time that it would take to nullify the hostility of these elves, whether if it was through kicking them out to where they belonged or to convince them with fear or trickery or whatever. They didn’t even seem to be that smart… and he sure didn’t relate them to Christmas at all anymore. Just what kinds of elves would kill people for Christmas? Wouldn’t that mean that every naughty person in the world had to die at Christmas? Nah, that was surreal and ridiculous. They wouldn’t enjoy Christmas at all if that was the case.

    There must have been more to it than even he knew. That much, he hunched from his curious belly. Sorano began talking to them now in her distinct articulation with a confident, formal stance to ensure everyone that she was business. It would have convinced Mura to take things easy… but that was too subjective. Of course, he would be swayed; he was her guildmate. However, the elves were more stubborn than he thought, and they quickly casted away Sorano’s words with threats. They were thirsty for killing, and the one speaking wouldn’t wait to lunge his candy cane sword at Sorano’s neck…

    J-Just what did they expect? That she would be taken down so easily? They were clearly out of the Fairy Tail Wizards’ league.

    Gladly, the amount of Fairy Tail Wizards increased from two to three with Althea’s arrival from above. She must have been nearby and saw the spectacle herself. Mura needed not to turn around just to see her - she was as apparent in the field as she always was. “I hope the same for you, Althea,” Mura replied to her in relief. His gaze went back to the elves who were facing a powerful force.

    “… Mhm,” Mura hummed silently as he heard Sorano’s voice inside his head. She must have been talking to him telepathically… an ability that he didn’t recall her having in the first place. Delightful. Say no more, Sorano. My magic is incapable of killing living beings… unless if I decide so, he mentioned back to her in his own head, hoping that the telepathic link was still active. He hadn’t noticed Sorano ending the message right after sending that question, but his confident smile was enough of an answer for action. Surprisingly, Sorano went in with an attack before the two others did so. In the heat of her auric burst that curved around him and Althea, Mura called for the Dragon Slayer: “These are still elves of Christmas, Althea! Remember that, but you know what to do!” She was likely itching for a fight, so Mura would deliver the message to her and hope that she became aware of how much he had paid attention to her fierce nature. It was classy for a Dragon Slayer, but was it that stereotypical in the end? Had he misjudged her?

    She was still his mentee, that much was clear to him. That fact was fundamental to the loyal Fairy Tail Ace.

    One of the elves approached Sorano afterwards as the first one was pushed back. Mura equipped both Harusame and Futsu no Mitama, but before his magic manifested, a blast hit the lately aware elf on his torso and sent him flying back to his crew of Christmas crashers. That was when another entity revealed her presence, and Mura recognized her quickly. It was nice to see her aid the defense in Magnolia too, given that she usually fared in outer reaches of Fiore. However, her quote…

    “D-Don’t ruin Christmas, please…”

    Now the group was four. Mura wouldn’t let the others have all the action time, in which he manifested his newly improved spell, Battle Control. Harusame changed form due to Kyuken’s soul running through it, enlarging its size by a little compared to the monster-sized spirit swords that Mura were able to conjure in the past. However, plates of armor manifested around Mura’s back and left side too, while a purple case protected Futso no Mitama. It was like a weapon and a shield-armor-hybrid at the same time.

    A group of elves jumped out to grab Mura and stab him down with their candy swords. A Christmas Tree and a polar bear followed suit. Previously, Mura’s left side was busy holding the red dagger, but with Zirconis’ help, he manifested a green dragon head that functioned as a left hand. With its large jaw, he grabbed the entire gang of elves that targeted him, and thus he sent them back with a Jade Dragon’s Breath.

    … Fluffy! He heard ‘fluffy tail’ and knew that Eris had arrived too. It was just unfair for the elves, now. And her spear cut through the sound barrier, too, if you asked him; the sound was sharp and instantly severing. She didn’t seem to be in that much of a good spirit. Maybe the elves pissed her off just like they annoyed him and the others?

    The Christmas Tree that later began to crawl with its roots towards Eris got carved by Harusame on Mura’s right side as its auric slashes went right through and left no physical changes to the tree. However, it was just as spirited as the others, and it decided to fall to the ground and drop another gift. Mura’s eyes followed the gift as it approached Mythica, in which he warned her: “Mythica, watch out…!” He was too late, however, as another light emerged from the box. She was caught inside of it as well.

    Mura’s angered gaze returned to the elves when he suddenly had a very strong realization. When the light faded away, he turned around once more to convince himself that he hadn’t imagined it himself… and a moment after his eyes were laid on the gun wizard’s lack of clothes in the cold weather, seeing the snowflakes softly land on her exposed skin, his nose released a trail of blood along with Kyuken’s face appearing on one of the armor plates whose nose released a jet of ghost blood - ectoplasm - that pushed Mura forward like a small rocket. Why was she naked? This was the first time that he had seen a girl naked so close to him - magazines didn’t count, and it was actually true that Mura never peeped in women’s bathes or anything like that. That was Kyuken’s hobby.

    The elves laughed out loud, clearly more entertained in the comical sense than aroused by her nudity. It triggered Mura as he merely held up a hand, causing the snow beneath their feet to rise up in a huge wave that pushed the entire group of elves, polar bears and the remaining Christmas Trees away, burying most under the white layers. Zirconis laughed with the Jade Dragon Head on Mura’s left arm. “HAHAHAHAHA! And I never thought that anyone else in this world saw battles in the same light as me!” the dragon let out almost triumphantly, “To leech a person off their dignity and ensuring any opening! I’ll take my hat off for that!”

    WC: 1419
    TWC: 2423 + 1419 = 3842



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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by ivyleaf33 27th January 2019, 8:47 am

    What happened

    just now

    I closed my eyes
    the world

    3368 / 4000 words
    Carefully picking a spell out of her inventory, Sorano flicked the spell out in deft movements of her wrist, before releasing a shot of gravity magic at the rising elf. The moment the pulse of energy hit the miniscule creature, it would be flung high up into the air, his gravity suddenly reversed so the force pulled him up into the sky instead of down to the earth. Now, that would have been bad enough, but tilting her hand down sharply, Sorano directed his flight path to land right back down onto the ground. Being strong enough to even carve a dent into the pavement at their feet, the elf barely made a strangled sound before passing out, with Sorano having even prepared a healing spell to keep the elf alive if needed. She would remain cautious as always, as was her habit.

    Turning to find another opponent to deal with after decapacitating that one, the girl noticed a familiar blonde head of hair standing a distance away, talking to one of the elves with a slightly confused expression on her face. Well, it made sense. Anyone would be confused if a bunch of walking trees, polar bears, and elves appeared in the middle of their city wanting to kill everyone, right? She offered them a cheerful wave and greeting, something that seemed very much out of context. “I’m doing okay, thank you for asking.” Deciding to go with the flow, Sorano responded politely to the girl’s inquiry, before getting shoved aside with another one of those pesky bursts of energy. It was just like the first one, a wave of energy that caused the girl to rapidly lose energy, stumbling in her path as her power was drained temporarily. Whipping her head about, she could see an elf cackling, as though the whole situation was absolutely hilarious. Getting back up, only to feel a sudden building up of energy from somewhere above her.

    Without having time to prepare herself, a magical bullet blasted through the sky, blasting an elf backwards, who had happened to be on the roof. A pigtailed girl laughed, before swinging off a tower and landing on the snowy ground with an elegant roll. A wink would be aimed at Mura and Sorano, easily preparing to face more of the little gremlins. Who exactly was this girl? Sorano had the faintest memory that she might have met the mage before, but for some reason, her thoughts were murky and unclear. Why did she seem so familiar? While she would have loved to contemplate the issue further, another elf would fly by, impaled by a spear and followed by another familiar voice – this one being one the girl could actually name. “Ah, Eris, greetings again.”

    Her awkward greeting would be responded to with the woman’s slightly aggressive comment, asking her to show how much she had improved since their last job. “I certainly hope I have improved,” would be the letter mage’s cautious answer, unsure of how to deal with the goddess, who seemed to be in a rather negative mood at the moment. It was true, however, that Eris had done the hard-carrying on their last job. Having been much more powerful than her on that last occasion, the letter mage had unfortunately spent much of the time trying and failing to defeat the queen of the ghosts, while the highly inconvenienced Eris had easily taken on the creature, even in ghost form with limited abilities. However, as Sorano had risen in power, it seemed that they were slightly more balanced in power. Even so, the woman’s scrutinizing eyes were vaguely uncomfortable, causing Sorano’s mouth to twitch slightly, feeling as though backed into a corner despite the wide open space and myriad possibilities for how to progress.

    Mura had received her message loud and clear, a fact she was quite relieved with. Her telepathic abilities were a somewhat new addition to her arsenal of abilities, and she hadn’t had much practice with it yet. Not only had her words passed on easily, her teammate’s response boomeranged back easily, ringing through her head with the reassurance that has magic wouldn’t kill any of them. Flashing a thumbs-up at him, hoping he would see it, the letter mage responded to an approaching polar bear with raised eyebrows and fingers that sifted through spells, trembling faintly as she thought through what move would make the most sense with such a creature.

    Spelling letters through the air again, Sorano spawned a wide array of spears around her, hovering menacingly above her head before blasting forward at the hunk of white fur and sharp claws that stood before her. Directing the projectiles smoothly with her hand, the letter mage watched in satisfaction of several of them managed to pierce the fatty flesh, carving wounds into its fur, leaving streams of blood trickling down its formerly pristine coat. Enraged, the polar bear attempted to pull them out of its fur, breaking the shafts and eventually giving up to charge at the girl. Moving at unusually fast speeds, the bear lashed a giant claw out at the letter mage, batting her aside as she barely put up an energy shield in time to keep it from drawing blood. Even though the worst of the damage was avoided, the creature had managed to throw her into the snow, the girl hissing at the sensation of cold snow seeping in through her jacket.

    Pulling herself back up, Sorano gathered energy from the area surrounding her, pulling it together into an orb by shifting her vision to the energy plane, watching the threads of power come together to form an object she lobbed at the bear, hitting it in the eye and causing it to howl in pain as its vision disappeared with the great bruise forming on its face. The attack was quickly followed up with a blast from below, an energy circle being drawn below the bear by the auric mage before shooting up, throwing snow, dirt, and polar bear upwards. The wretched creature would be roughly slammed into the ground a distance away, and the letter mage moved forward quickly to ensure it was taken care of.

    Reaching out, the letter mage shifted her vision type, observing the passageways of energy that flowed through the creature’s body, Finding the proper vein that led to its brain, she reached a tendril of energy into its body, pinching the tube and slowing the flow until the creature passed out, blood still seeping from its flanks where Sorano’s spears had hit. Luckily, none of them seemed to have pierced any vital organs – the polar bear’s fat layers were far too thick for that, and no excess healing had to be done.

    Another enemy down, Sorano was now able to deal with everything else that was happening. And yet…the first thing she saw when going back to the others, was…

    Wasn’t that the pigtail girl from earlier? Why was she…naked?!?!  Blinking quickly and slowing her steps, the letter mage made sure she wasn’t seeing things. But that was just how it was – Mythica stood there, bare skin exposed to the elements without even a speck of thread in sight. Mura’s nose immediately exploded with blood, something the guild master instantly frowned at. Manipulating a burst of energy to shove the red liquid back up his nose, the letter mage pushed herself in front of her shamefully perverted guildmate and his even more perverted spirit, before pausing and wondering what to do next.

    “Would you like me to manifest spare clothes for you, ma’am?” she asked, keeping her voice calm and controlled. Funnily enough, this wasn’t the first time a mage had randomly gotten naked in her presence. Thinking back to Brennan and his unfortunate incident with burning all his clothes off at the Fairy Festival, Sorano barely managed to contain a sigh. Mages were a strange bunch, that was for sure.


    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Empty Re: I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica]

    Post by Mythica 27th January 2019, 6:15 pm

    The next few moments were a blur to Mythica. The fight had erupted in full force, and before she knew it, the combined magic power of all the wizards around her could be seen being used in full force against the otherworldly invaders. Mythica quickly confirmed that this lot could obviously hold their own against these monsters, but she wasn't about to get shown up that easily. It wasn't long until the new arrivals showed up as well. More members of Fairy Tail she could only assume. Mythica's own stomach began to churn as she saw them swarm the enemies together. She couldn't stand the sight of so many members of this guild all in the same place. Mura was fine, but the rest were utter fools! Slaves of the magic council for all she cared. This act was killing her inside, but she knew it would be needed in order for her plans to work later down the road. Too much time had been spent already on secrecy, Mythica couldn't afford to blow it now. Besides, Mythica doubted she'd be able to take on everyone here... Not without Inuki anyways. But that wasn't an option. Under no circumstances was she going to allow that dog demon take control of her body. Not again. She would just be forced to suffer their presence a little while longer. This was only a stepping stone after all. In reality, the more legal guild members that came, the better. She needed to convince those that didn't know her she was of good intent. Luckily Mura only knew one side of her, and that was enough. And of course, there was the fact that they were all currently involved in a battle for the fate of the world it seemed. Not like it was much of a challenge, but it provided Mythica with an excuse to show herself anyways, and work alongside these awful wizards who insisted on wasting their potential.

    Mythica couldn't claim to know many of the wizards here. Mura was about the only one she had ever talked too. Sorano she only knew through reputation, but the others were mysteries to the girl. Not that it mattered much to her anyway. They were preoccupied with the invaders to really stop and chat. Of course, that didn't stop one of the girls to shoot a remark towards Sorano about something Mythica could only assume was a reference to past experience. She could only chuckle at the quips made. However, her attention was cut short when she was suddenly assaulted by the enemy. An elf charged her with the candy cane sword. Mythica snorted and held up her gun, using its shaft to block the weapon effortlessly. With the elve's sword locked in place, Mythica made a quick leg movement and kicked the creature out of her way and off the side of the roof! The thing had friends it seemed, and they were hellbent on avenging their fallen comrade!

    Mythica soon turned into a flurry of yellow shots and bolts as she spun elegantly around the battlefield, dodging sword strikes, and returning blows with her weapons! Sometimes she'd use her rifle as a club, other times she'd just jam it straight through a poor elf with one bloody strike! It was clear by now Mythica was enjoying this. She hadn't fought these many people at once since her time at Crocus. Leaping over the large bodies of the polar bears, only to release a flurry of shots into their backs before rolling behind them and blasting another pair of elves... It was quite the rush. By this point she had entered her own world, not paying attention to anyone else around her! She was far too concerned with her kill count to give a damn about anything!

    That was until her fateful encounter with the Christmas tree...

    At first, Mythica hesitated, not exactly knowing how to handle this situation with the large tree looming over her. But her attention snapped quickly towards the large pink box that suddenly slid towards her. She looked down curiously, only to be blinded by a massive light! It lasted only a few seconds... But that was more than enough time to ruin her entire week. When the light faded, Mythica felt significantly colder. She blinked several times before realizing she no longer felt the familiar tightness of her dress wrapped around her waist. She carefully looked downwards and realized the cold hard truth. She was in her birthday suit! Her dress had completely vanished! All expression faded from her face as it slowly flushed with a deep rose hue. She was completely naked for the world to see... And to make matters worse, Mura was looking at her. THIS WAS NOT HOW SHE PICTURED THE FIRST TIME HE SAW HER WITHOUT ANY CLOTHES ON!

    Before long Sorano returned from her own fight and noticed Mythica as well. She said something to her... But Mythica couldn't hear it... Her head was too blurry to make out anything anyone was saying. All Mythica did do was turn to look at Mura straight in the eyes before vanishing in a yellow flash. She had teleported away.

    A few moments passed by, and Mythica reappeared in a dark street not too far away from the church, but just far enough that she was no longer in anyone's view. She clenched her fists angrily as the yellow magic around them flared with her emotion. This was not acceptable. To be humiliated like that in front of Mura... In front of everyone. All because of some stupid tree! Mythica slammed her hand against the wall of the house and heard some glass crack from a nearby window. Turning to look, she spotted something peculiar. In the window was a lone wooden mannequin. By the looks of it, she had teleported near an old clothing store. Mythica glared angrily at the outfit it was wearing. If these monsters wanted to spread their Christmas cheer across Earthland... Mythica was going to give it back in full force!

    Something was off though. As Mythica finished putting on the red outfit, she heard an odd sound coming from above... It sounded like slay bells. Her eye twitched silently as her mind put two and two together. The man in red himself was the one behind this attack. She looked upwards, and sure enough, it was him. A massive giant fell from the sky and landed directly in the middle of the courtyard, just in front of the church! The stone cracked and heaved beneath his massive feet as made impact. Laughing as he faced down Mythica. Sure enough, he sensed the darkness within the girl, so naturally, she was his first target. Mythica's glare turned into a slightly insane smile. She was going to kill Santa Clause for what he did to her...

    The entire building shook violently as Mythica slammed against the giant! With a yellow explosion of light, the man tumbled backward and backed straight into the front of the cathedral! All the while Mythica was high in the air, wearing a bright red dress with white cotton trim. "Ho ho ho Mother fucker!"

    Mythica's Alternative Outfit:

    3585/4000 Words


    I DON'T WANNA KILL SANTA! [Winter Wonderhell Event | Sorano, Althea, Noheme, Mythica] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

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